Crafts from cereals, seeds or seeds with your own hands. sunflower, sunflower

From paper folded into an accordion, you can make a large number of all kinds of birds, insects, animals. But this time it's an accordion paper sunflower that kids can handle quickly and easily.

Materials for work:

  • Colored paper or cardboard in yellow, green and brown;
  • Glue stick, tape, scissors.

I used double-sided tape to glue the stem to the flower, you can also attach it with ordinary tape. I think that the glue will also cope with this, only it will be necessary to press it well and hold it for a while.

Paper accordion sunflower step by step

To work, you need two long strips of yellow paper. For example, a sheet of yellow paper cut in half lengthwise.

Fold one strip of paper into an accordion, starting with the narrow part. Make not very wide folds, fold the paper about 1 centimeter in one direction, and then in the other. And so on until all the paper is gone.

Do this work with the second yellow stripe and you will get two harmonicas.

Fold the accordions in half and glue each.

You will get two such similarities of fans.

They also need to be glued to form a circle with an accordion.

The main part is done, now we move on to the details that complement the sunflower. Cut out a small circle from brown cardboard.

Glue it with glue or double-sided tape in the middle of the round accordion.

Glue the leaves to the stem with glue, and then glue the flower to it with tape or glue. All the accordion paper sunflower is ready.

You can learn how to make an accordion.

From corrugated paper, beginners and experienced craftsmen make a lot of beautiful crafts: postcards, applications, bouquet compositions. With their help, you can please a loved one or give your home a unique look. Silent heat will give a sunflower made of paper, made with your own hands.

Symbolic meaning

The sunflower is a very bright flower with petals resembling the rays of the sun. When you admire such beauty, your heart becomes warm and joyful.

A sunflower can rightly be called a sunny flower. Its scientific name, helianthus, means "sunny flower" in Greek. In Russia, it is called a sunflower, because its hat follows the light source during the day. That is, he always strives to be under the sun. When a sunflower grows to its maximum, it remains facing east. It is because of this feature that this solar flower is credited with the meaning of devotion.

If you want to give a loved one a gift with a sunflower, then be sure to beat him. Say that it is a symbol of fidelity, happiness and joy. So, let's look at how to make a sunflower out of paper with your own hands in different ways.

Corrugated paper sunflower

Let's make the core first. To do this, we cut strips of black corrugated paper about 7 centimeters wide. The volume of the beam will depend on the length. We put the strips on top of each other, make small cuts on one side. Now we twist them into a roll and fix them with wire from the side where there is no “fringe”. We straighten the core with our hands.

Let's move on to the petals. From yellow corrugated paper we will cut rectangles (4 by 6 centimeters). Round off one end with scissors. Now we roll the slices a little.

Let's start assembling. Glue the petals to the core at a small distance. We fasten the second row at intervals. We do the third row in the same way. So we made a sunflower from corrugated paper with our own hands.

How to make a sunflower stem

If you want to make a bouquet and put it in a vase, then the flowers need to make stems.

From green corrugated paper we make sepals in the same way as petals. By the same principle we make leaves. But only in different sizes. Glue the sepals in several layers to the last row of flower petals.

We cut the wire into segments of about 7 centimeters. Wrap with narrow strips of green corrugated paper or teip tape. Glue the leaves to these segments.

We take a thick wire or skewer, wrap it with green teip tape or corrugated paper. This will be the stem. We plant a flower on it, fix it with wire. All this is covered with green corrugated paper.

We apply leaves to the stem and wrap it again with paper or tape. We do this with all the branches. Now a do-it-yourself paper sunflower can be put in a vase.

A meadow of sunflowers on the wall

We make flower petals in the same way as described above. From black cardboard cut out 2 identical circles. Glue the petals on one in 3 rows. We attach the second circle from above. Now, using glue or plasticine, we attach real seeds or coffee beans to the core.

We make a stalk according to the method described above. Only we do not plant a flower, but apply it. Attach a loop to the back of the flower. satin ribbon. For reliability, cover the top with a piece of fabric or cardboard.

Now the flower can be hung on the wall. We straighten our paper sunflower with our hands. The photo shows how interesting such a flower looks in the interior.

The core can be made not only from corrugated paper. For this, a pom-pom made of thread, fabric or a regular circle of black cardboard is suitable.

The core of a satin ribbon using the kanzashi technique or original ones will look unusual. natural materials: real seeds, buckwheat, colored peas, coffee beans.

Application for a postcard: we use trimming

Cut out 16 rectangles (5 by 7 centimeters) from yellow corrugated paper. These will be the flower petals. You can add other shades. And a do-it-yourself sunflower made from colored paper can be safely called rainbow! The edges are rounded so that they resemble triangles. Bend the petals a little with scissors.

From black corrugated paper, cut out two circles with a diameter of 5 centimeters. On one lay out the petals in several rows. Glue the second circle on top.

Now we will make the seeds in From black corrugated paper we make about 30 squares (1 by 1 centimeter). We wrap each piece on a toothpick, and then remove it from it. We coat the core with glue and fill it with “seeds”. Now this sunflower made with love from corrugated paper (with your own hands) can be placed on a postcard and presented to a dear person.

Candy Sunflowers

For such flowers, sweets like truffles in a wrapper are best suited.

From black corrugated paper, cut out a square with sides of 12 centimeters. We wrap them around the candy and tie with a thread. We cut out the same square from the golden floral grid, wrap the candy and fix it again. You can wrap both materials at the same time.

Let's move on to the petals. Without them, the craft will not work. We begin to do a sunflower with our own hands from yellow corrugated paper by cutting out a strip, the width of which is equal to two or three turns around the candy, and the length can be taken about 7 centimeters. Of course, it all depends on the size of the candy itself, and the parameters can change up or down.

We fold the strip several times, find one third of the width and draw a barely noticeable line with a pencil. To this mark, cut out the petals. Straighten the strip. Should get a "fence".

Now we wrap the candy with a strip. We try to ensure that the next layer of petals lies in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the first row. In the process of winding, do not forget to apply glue. Now we take a dense thread, tightly tighten the base and tie.

So the sweet sunflower made of paper, made with your own hands, is ready. It remains only to twist the petals with scissors.

Composition with sweet sunflowers

As a basis, take a small flower pot or basket. We cut out the foam according to the size of the bottom and lay it inside.

We make sunflowers according to the method described above, attach toothpicks to them with a thread. We insert candy into the foam.

Now you need to fill the voids with leaves. We take green organza or corrugated paper. Cut into squares with sides about 11 centimeters. You need two for one leaf. We lay on top of each other so that their corners do not touch. You should get an octagonal star. We insert a toothpick in the middle, pick it up and fix it with a thread or tape. We do this with all the leaves. We close the foam with them. We decorate the composition to taste.

Make a sunflower out of paper with your own hands, and a piece of warm summer will always be in your home.

Julia Tatarinova

1. At first we collected a lot leaflets then dried them in sheets from old notebooks.

2. after the leaves have dried up, we cut out a circle from thick cardboard and began to glue it dry leaves in a circle, from edge to center.

3. Like this.

4. In the middle we are a thick layer (about 1 cm) laid out plasticine, which was at home.

5. In here now in our sunflower steel"keep up" seeds. We stuck them into plasticine from the center to the edge, tightly to each other.

6. And that's what we got!

Try it and you, the kids will like it) Thank you for your attention.

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Application from colored paper "Sunflower". Master class with step by step photo.

Travneva Olga Yurievna, primary school teacher, KSU " secondary school No. 21 p. Saryozek Osakarovskiy district Karaganda region Kazakhstan

Description: this master class can be used by educators in their work preparatory groups in kindergarten, primary school teachers and parents. Making applications from colored paper develops accuracy, perseverance, and imagination.
Purpose of the master class: gift, home decoration.
Target: production of applications from colored paper "Sunflower".
- to form practical skills in working with paper, scissors, glue;
- develop aesthetic taste, Creative skills, fantasy, imagination, fine motor skills hands, eye;
- educate independence, patience, perseverance, love and careful attitude to nature.
Materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of the application:
colored paper,
work sample.

Who is this huge
Uneven grows from the ground,
Long as a crane
Is there a giant in the garden?
When the time comes
He will give the children seeds .....

Sunflower blossomed in the garden
And the sun stretches all day
Follows the sun with his head,
So that she does not fall into the shadow.
When the sun goes down
He waits until morning
Sighing in the dark garden:
- Get up, sunshine! It's time!
V. Pakhomov
The name of this amazing plant comes from the Greek words that mean "sun" and "flower".
According to one of the ancient legends, the gods gave people a sunflower so that the sun would never leave them. After all, sunflower flowers are always facing the sun, in any weather, even on the most foggy and rainy day. It is no coincidence that the sunflower has become a symbol of the sun, joy and optimism, as well as fidelity and dignity...
I want to propose to make an application from colored paper "Sunflower".
We will be working with scissors, so we need to remember how to handle scissors while working.
When working with scissors, observe the following rules:
1. Keep order in your workplace.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not work with loose scissors. Use scissors with rounded ends.
4. Work only with serviceable tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only at your workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades as you work.
7. Put the scissors with the rings towards you.
8. Feed the scissors with the rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store your scissors in their sheath with the blades down.
11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors for their intended purpose.

Application "Sunflower".

Let's prepare the templates. You have templates on your tables, with the help of them we will cut out all the details of our sunflower. For a leaf with a stem, we need to take green paper. For the flower, choose yellow. We will weave the middle of the flower. We need two colors: yellow, black (you can dark brown). We choose cardboard of any color, the main thing is that the sunflower is clearly visible.

1. Prepare the part of the stem with a leaf and stick it on cardboard.

2. Prepare the detail of the yellow flower and stick it slightly overlaying it on the green detail.

3. Let's prepare the parts needed to make the center of the sunflower.
We need a circle, it can be cut out of white or yellow paper. Then we need to cut out a square with a side of 11 centimeters from yellow paper. Let's draw a square into vertical stripes 1 centimeter wide. Let's cut the stripes. In order to make it more convenient to weave, we will not cut 1 centimeter to the top edge.
And now from black paper we will cut 9 strips 11 centimeters long, 1 centimeter wide.

4. Let's start weaving. Weave one black strip into the cut yellow square.

5. Now we weave the second strip in a checkerboard pattern.

6. Then we continue weaving the remaining strips in a checkerboard pattern, which would turn out as in the photo.

7. For the middle we have a circle and a wicker square.
We need to glue them. Glue the circle and glue it onto the square.

8. Cut off the edges of the wicker square, leaving about 1 centimeter.

9. Fold the remaining edge of the square and glue it on the circle from the wrong side.

This is what our center looks like.

10. Glue the finished wicker center onto the yellow flower.

Our application "Sunflower" is ready.
If you choose a slightly different color of paper, you can get such an application.

Thank you for your attention!

Julia Pyatenko

Dear colleagues! I present to you a very simple and beautiful option on sunflower production to decorate the hall for the autumn and summer holidays, which can also be used as attributes for dancing.

mater ial: - yellow garbage bags for 50 liters - 1 roll;

Round filters for flower pots black (can be replaced with a dense black material, felt);

sewing machine;

Black and yellow threads;

Scissors ruler, pen, chalk.

Unrolling the bag roll (as shown in the photo) and draw stripes 4.5 cm wide for sunflowers with centers with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm 26-28 pcs. for two rows (13 - 14 pieces for each row) and 5.5 cm for sunflowers with centers with a diameter of 20 to 25 cm 32-34 pcs. for two rows (16 - 17 pieces for each row).

Bottom of the stripes (with blue stripe) cut to about 5 cm (this part will not be useful to us). Here's what we should get.

We unfold the blanks and fold them in half.

Tie the middle of the strip with a knot.

Add up "bow" twice, hiding the knot under the petal as in the photo.

The front side of the petals will look like this So:

We sew the finished petals of the first row to the middle - the filter (felt, slightly shirring the middle of the petal for volume (use black thread).

Then we sew the second row of petals, placing them between the petals of the first row.

We draw with chalk the middle of the flower.

We sew "zig-zag" yellow threads.

On the reverse side, the flower looks aesthetically pleasing.

Advice: if on the reverse side is the middle sunflower still thick and hard to sew on (this happens with flowers with a small center, you can cut the ends of the petals in the middle, and cover the ugly cut-out parts with the extreme petals.

We straighten the petals and admire our sunflowers!

Folded flowers are convenient for storage: compact, take up minimal space, and if necessary, they can even be washed. To create these five sunflowers It only took me two evenings!

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