If a guy likes you. How to know if a girl likes you in high school

Every young lady, having met a handsome young man, at least once thought about how to understand that a guy likes you. After all, if there is interest, I want to know if the potential chosen one experiences the same emotions or prefers friendly communication.

How to understand the true feelings of a man if he is silent and, it would seem, does not show his interest in any way? You will need to take an interest test, look for signs of male sympathy, and perhaps just talk to a young man.

It is somewhat easier to find out about the feelings of an adult man, since a self-sufficient person is unlikely to hide his sympathy. If he really cares about you, he will try to be the first to take a step towards you.

To make sure of male sympathy, look at the following points:

  1. Courtship is the main component of the love game. Gifts, bouquets, going to cafes and restaurants are unambiguous signs of certain feelings for a girl.
  2. Another characteristic "symptom" is an increased interest in various areas of the young lady's life. A man is interested in the girl’s studies or work, her family problems, and offers his help.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex try to look at the girls they like more often, touch them - for example, he gives his hand to his companion not only when leaving the transport, but also going down the stairs.

Adult, confident men usually don't spend much time on romantic courtship. If a girl is not indifferent to him, he is always the first.

It is much more difficult to determine the presence of sympathy when it comes to teenagers or guys. Many of them prefer to hide their emotions, continuing to dream of a girl. But there are signs that will help you know the true feelings of a young man.


A glance is the first to betray a human mood. The guy will always consider the girl he likes. Of course, he can do it openly, but most often he prefers to admire furtively.

The first gives tender emotions, a male look. You are attractive to a young man you know or don't know if he:

  • constantly glances in your direction, even when communicating with other interlocutors;
  • looks at you when he thinks you can't see it (but it's noticeable in peripheral vision).

Another clear sign of interest is dilated pupils when he looks at you. In some cases, such a “symptom” can speak not only of sympathy, but also of falling in love.


How do I know if a guy likes me if he is silent all the time? Words are not so important if it is possible to observe his gestures, which, with no less success, can tell about his sympathy. What movements are we talking about?

  1. The speaking gesture is a leg put forward. Firstly, it speaks of some insecurity experienced by a young man in the presence of a pretty girl (this is how he creates support). Secondly, the toe of the foot is a kind of arrow pointing to the object of sighing.
  2. Each guy strives to appear taller, slimmer and generally more solid next to a nice young lady. This can be expressed as follows: a young man straightens up, straightens his shoulders, draws in his stomach.
  3. Another reliable signal is the repetition of your movements. For example, you straightened your hair - he subconsciously touches his hair, you take out the phone - he also reaches for the mobile phone.
  4. General position body when talking with you will tell about sympathy. If, in the process of communication, a young man turns to you, does not cross his arms over his chest, this signals that he breaks away from you and is ready to listen to any information you say. Even better, if he constantly leans in your direction to say something.

Try to pay more attention to the way he communicates with you. The following signs will help determine how he feels about you.

  1. Do the next test. See if he holds your gaze. Is eye contact maintained during the conversation, or is he constantly looking around? But do not forget that modest guys can be embarrassed by a direct look, even if the interlocutor is attractive to him.
  2. See if he is easily distracted by others and interrupts the conversation he has begun. If he forgets about the conversation when he is approached with a question or immediately answers the call, interrupting you in mid-sentence, it is possible that communication with you is not his priority (the exception is a really important call or a significant interlocutor at the moment).
  3. To determine whether a guy likes you or not, pay attention to the content of the conversation. The meaning of phrases, the presence of compliments, personal questions are also an important indicator of sympathy and attitude towards a girl. The following points speak of interest:
    • teasing and cute banter;
    • mentioning in a conversation about family problems, their own troubles (personal information, which is usually not shared with unpleasant people);
    • compliments and nice words;
    • questions about your previous relationships.

You can also understand that a young person, including a stranger, likes you by correspondence. With a girl he likes, the guy tries to joke, be polite and funny.

In social networks, he evaluates your photos, leaves messages on the wall - that is, he monitors your activity on the Internet. But relying only on these signs is still not worth it, it is better to make sure of sympathy in person.

Sympathy Test

How to understand if you are attractive to a young man? A test or, rather, an experiment will help to understand the feelings and the situation. Carry out the following simple tasks that will slightly open the "veil of secrecy".

Of course, they cannot confirm or refute your assumption about the presence of sympathy with an absolute guarantee, but you will be able to think over a strategy of behavior.

Test #1

To get a sense of a guy's interest, try breaking a pencil, for example, and asking the guy to sharpen it (you might "accidentally" drop an earring, for example). If a guy agrees to help you without persuasion, you can talk about his sympathy.

Test number 2. Look

This test is associated with such a psychological feature as mirroring the movements of a pretty interlocutor. Catch a man's eye and immediately look at the clock, then look at the man again. If he also looked at your watch, and then began to examine you again, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test number 3. "Provocation"

The next test is a bit like a provocation, but what can you do to find out if a young man cares about you. Come up with a story that you and your friend were going to the cinema, but ended up without a companion. If a guy likes you, he will offer his company without further ado.

There should not be too many such experiments, otherwise the young man will understand that you are testing him. Who knows how he will react to such "testing".

Correct inference from male behavior

There are a lot of recommendations on how to understand that a guy likes you. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions that correspond to reality. This happens because young ladies take banal politeness for falling in love, and ordinary indifference for modesty.

Let's try to consider specific examples:

  1. Suppose a guy you know greets you when he meets you and finds out how your business is progressing at the institute or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of upbringing, but nothing more.
  2. Are you sure that the young man does not invite you to meet only because of natural modesty? What if it's simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again review the signs of sympathy, conduct a small test, make a few hints that are not too transparent. If he does not react in any way, he probably does not care about you.
  3. Yes, a man regularly compliments you, but you should not dream of a serious relationship and a wedding dress just yet. Perhaps this is a feature of his character - gallantry. In addition, many young people show admiration for the appearance of pretty girls.

Indeed, the more of the above signs in male behavior you find, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and is interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.

And yet, no test, horoscope or clever trick can replace the usual frank conversation from the heart. If your relationship is predetermined, then they will begin with this conversation, if not, you can no longer harbor vain illusions and switch to another guy.

Have you got your eye on the guy? Not sure if he feels the same? Finding out that you like someone of the same sex as you is not easy, confusing and a little scary...

But if you, on the contrary, wait for such signals - or check the situation - then you can find out everything!

Method 1. Bearing signals!

He mirrors your gestures
When people listen intently to each other, they subconsciously imitate the body language of the interlocutor. The next time you engage in some interesting discussion, cross your arms, rest your chin on your hand, bow your head slightly, take a sip from your glass, and so on. If he does the same, it means that his attention is focused on you.
Don't waste this experiment on mere chit-chat, unless his mind is engrossed in what the two of you are saying, the method may not work.

He smiles and maintains eye contact
Boy buddies platonically loving each other smile at each other. They also maintain eye contact. But if your guy looks at you for a long time while smiling widely, he behaves much more intimately than most straight people with each other.

He averts his eyes
Okay, let's say he doesn't stare into your eyes, but if you catch him turning away sharply as soon as you look in his direction, it means that he is looking at you until you see it. Of course, if there is no food sticking to your cheek, then his game of staring may mean that he is interested in you.

He wants to know everything about you
Guys do not have the ability (and desire) to unravel the threads of the personal lives of their buddies. If your boyfriend asks a lot of questions about your life, interests, hobbies, friends, and, most importantly, feelings, it means that he is not content with chatting and wants to get to know you on a deeper level. Or you are just his best friend.

He touches you unnecessarily
Straights may greet each other with a high-five clapping, squeezing each other, and may even slap their butts in a playful manner, but most of them will not feel comfortable with touching outside the "rules of the game".
If your guy allows himself to touch your arm, put his hands on your shoulders, stand behind you, hug you, or find an excuse to pull a speck out of your hair, he is probably trying to penetrate your intimate space - or even checking how you react to his advances.

He gets nervous when you are around
Does his palms sweat, does he laugh out of place, or does he stutter when you are around? This means that he is concerned about what you think of him - which means that he is trying to impress you.

He gives you a nickname
In a male company, it's common to give a nickname to someone who does something memorable, but if your boyfriend comes up with a nickname for you just because, especially if you haven't done anything outstanding to earn this nickname, then he shows how meaningful your relationship is.

He tries to cheer you up
Everyone has a buddy who is a perpetual prankster and a lover of crowd attention, but if a guy makes a special effort to make you laugh, then he is either trying to cheer you up (are you feeling sad lately?), or he flirts with all his might.

He treats you differently than other guys
Not all guys are open in the manifestation of feelings. Gays, in particular, may hold back until they are satisfied that it is safe to do so.
If he does not give you any hints at all, then you should go from the opposite. Avoids looking you in the eye? Does he talk to you quickly, briefly, or in monosyllables? Never-ever touches you? And so he behaves only and exclusively with you and no one else?
Well, then he either really doesn't like you (however, if he can't find an excuse not to be in the same room with you, then he probably isn't) or is struggling with his feelings for you.

Method 2. Reconnaissance in force

Try light touch
Try to touch his hand as if "by the way", by chance. If he quickly pulls away, then he is not interested - watch his facial expression. But if he does not move away immediately, slowly, or does not remove your hand at all, then he may be interested.

Move over to him
When you're sitting on the couch, move closer to it, just like in the movies when a guy tries to put his arm around a girl's shoulders. Don't turn to him right away. If he moves away from you, it reduces his chances of being attracted to you. But if his reaction is subtle or non-existent, and even more so if he repeats your gesture, then this increases the chances that he is interested.

Ask directly
Well, not literally - don't ask him to marry you. But at this stage, if he responds to "accidental" touches and obvious interest on your part with the return of these gestures, you just need to make assumptions out loud. Say something like, "You know, I think you're sending me some hints, and I'm wondering if I understand everything correctly. Are we just friends, or is there something more?" Give him a chance to think about the answer - don't rush him. Maybe he is not sure about his feelings, or maybe this is his first experience. He may not have a clear idea of ​​how he feels. If you are still in doubt, then you must say that you find him attractive and do not hide it. If he smiles or nods, that's a good sign.

Give it time
After you have openly indicated your interest in him, wait. If he's interested in you, he'll show up very soon. If he doesn't show up, then he's probably starting to avoid you. If it's enough for you to stay just friends with him, give him some time, and then get in touch yourself. But don't flirt with him at all - show him that you wouldn't mind more, but "just friends" is OK too. If he's straight, there's nothing you can do about it. But if he's interested, give him some more time to think things through. Don't write him off if he doesn't immediately ask you out on a date. Keep in touch and be patient.


1. If you are at work, and he looks at you, constantly walks around, makes some sounds or starts talking with other people, but ignores you, this means that he wants to attract your attention, that is, he likes you, but he doesn't know how to show it.

2. If he often teases you, grabs your things and runs away, forcing you to chase him, then he probably likes you. If you are in a vehicle and he sits opposite you and shoots his eyes, then he probably likes you. But, the biggest mistake that you should not make is not showing any interest in him in return. You make him feel bad...

3. If he sits next to you and cuddles, then he likes you, but if he is a touchy boy, then he will tease you, so do not be upset.

4. Try to remember the first time you met him. If he behaved unusually (his pupils suddenly dilated, spoke strangely, etc.), and still behaves like that, then he still likes you, but he does not know how to tell you or does not want you to know for one reason or another (for example, because of internal homophobia).

5. If you are fooling around and he likes to look at you and smile and then walks away, this is a definite sign of interest.

6. Pay attention to whether he starts acting flirty when guys are around, or he flirts with girls. Most guys who love you will try to make you jealous of the other.

7. If you're sitting alone on the couch in the living room and your crush comes to take a seat, take note if he sits right next to you or touches you.

8. If you are at a pool party, pay attention to whether he looks in your direction all the time and looks away immediately, as soon as he notices that you burned him. Any guy who deeply cares about you will be nervous, wondering if you're gay or not. Look for signs - like when you're watching TV and he's staring at you all the time, but immediately turns away as soon as you notice his gaze.


1. Don't act like you don't like him! It's painful and confusing, and he may fall behind you altogether.
2. Keep in mind that he may actually be straight and you have misinterpreted his signals.
3. If you yourself are straight, and you became aware of his homosexuality, then respect this fact. Don't tease or bully him as this is homophobic behavior.

Sympathy is a delicate matter, it can be given out with one gesture, look and even a word. And at this moment you need to be ready to understand and interpret them correctly. How to do this, we will tell in this article. You can determine whether a man likes you by speech, behavior and gestures. You will also find out why a guy blushes when talking to a girl.

Here are some things to judge by:

  • Timidity. If a guy is carried away by you, then he will behave with restraint, not defiantly, considering his every word. You can watch him awkwardly look away and linger, asking questions. Of course, this is not always the case, for example, if a man is arrogant by nature, then this will not happen.
  • Concentration. He will not take advantage of any convenient pause to talk to someone - a waiter, a stranger passing by, on the phone, etc. This proves that the man is passionate about talking with you.
  • Desire to hook. Sneering in moderation is an obvious sign of sympathy. If the guy is a good friend, then he may try to say some kind of barbs and mock you a little, trying to evoke emotions.
  • Questions about personal life. Be prepared to be asked about your ex-boyfriend, marriage prospects, falling in love and sympathy. But if he bombards with questions about how to behave with other girls and how to please them, this is a bad sign. It means he wants to use you.
  • evaluating glance. Rest assured, he will study his candidate inside and out, from head to toe.
  • Solving household issues together. Does a young man do shopping with you, help with repairing the plumbing? This is definitely a sign of a serious relationship.
  • Getting to know the parents. Only those who really like are waiting for this moment.
  • Talk about the future. Are you making joint vacation plans, are you happy to talk about children and family? Get ready for a long term relationship!
  • Serious gifts. This is not about girls who are supported by young people. If you received something valuable, for example, some kind of family heirloom, this says a lot.
  • Permanent connection. A guy who likes a girl tries to always find time to call or text.

How to understand by correspondence that you are attractive to a man

If a guy, especially an adult, is not indifferent to you, everything is very easy - he will constantly write, be the first to enter into a dialogue, try to keep the attention of the interlocutor and show his interest. A manifestation of sympathy can be various jokes, anecdotes, compliments addressed to you and a desire to communicate for hours on end. We wrote about this in more detail in another article. It will help determine. You can understand this by what he writes and how it is done.

Analyzing behavior - how to test it for sympathy

If a guy is interested in a girl, then, naturally, he tries to constantly be near her. If we are talking about colleagues, then he will not miss a single opportunity to help his chosen one, exchange a few words with her and exchange views. And this is not a friendly gesture at all!

As for the sympathy of the boss, against her background, he can from time to time ask the girl to linger, help sort out the papers and resolve various issues at work. Perhaps bonuses and off-schedule weekends will follow, and then harassment.

To confirm your suspicions, pay attention to whether he helps other girls in the office, whether he spends his time on them. Also, a man can give himself away if he is nervous. This is especially true if he is shy.

How to learn about feelings through body language and gestures

Even if a young man hides his intentions, his “body language” will definitely give him away. In order to check his attitude towards you, it is enough to look closely at his gestures.

Conventionally, gestures can be divided into open and closed. If a young man uses the first ones, then you don’t have to worry, he has his eye on you.

Closed gestures indicate an aggressive attitude against you or the isolation of the interlocutor.

After dating an indifferent man who failed to fall in love with himself, unconditional surrender will follow without a showdown.

open positions

People who like each other don't hide in conversation. Here's how it should be. You will find out where he will look and for how long, in what condition the pupils will be, etc. And here are examples of poses that give hope for continued acquaintance, with their help you will not be able to hide your true feelings:

  • head tilt towards the interlocutor;
  • one foot in front;
  • fixing a tie
  • unbuttoning a shirt (top button);
  • direct eye contact;
  • palm opening.

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Closed postures - how to recognize indifference

Closed postures include everything that requires crossing your arms and distracting attention from the interlocutor. It can be:

  • crossing hands in the castle (does not want to open);
  • interlacing of fingers (he does not want to continue the conversation);
  • propping up his head with his hand (he is bored);
  • twitching of the strap on the watch (indicates that the person is in a hurry);
  • sitting half-turned, especially towards the exit.

Of course, after you manage to recognize by the poses whether he likes you or not, you should not immediately turn around and leave. It may well be that you just got a distrustful person. Then you need to know how to understand what. Here are a few basic signs that will help you not to make a mistake. You will learn how lovers behave.

We judge whether he could like you by speech

People who are not indifferent to each other will never raise their tone, so as not to seem boorish and impolite. Also, in no case will they interrupt the interlocutor and make fun of him in public. An equally important point is the distribution of compliments.

The guy should praise his passion in every possible way, albeit not directly, but indirectly. He can say “You will adorn any company with yourself”, “You know how to surprise”, “A smile suits you” and other pleasant, albeit banal, words.

In no case will he hide his relationship. If your feelings have grown into something more than just sympathy, this is what it can be. What actions will he perform, what to say, how to get closer? There is a separate article about this on the site.

Why does a man blush when talking to the opposite sex?

This does not always happen, for example, a man may blush when a woman looks at him with an evaluating look: she tries to study his habits and demeanor, clothing style and other points. It is also worth considering that it is at the moment of blushing that the guy imagines how you are having fun with him at his house. At the same time, a modest person will not hint at intimacy on the same evening.

If you understand that you liked it, the time has come. Read here how to do it right.

Here is a guy giving out all their secrets of male behavior when communicating with a girl he likes:

Gestures, speech and behavior - of course, will help to know if he likes you or not, but you should not rely on them alone! Each case requires an individual approach, and male psychology is a very complex thing.

Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman, for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, seem ridiculous, do not want to become dependent on a woman, etc. How then, if a man does not show and does not directly speak about his feelings, how do you know if he likes you?

In addition to the usual language, each person uses in communication a second, more ancient language - non-verbal - body language. In the animal world, there are vivid examples of the courtship language of males - they spread their tails, change plumage, arrange demonstration fights ... People also use non-verbal language, but often do not pay attention to it and do not know how to understand it correctly. It is generally accepted that women, unlike men, have a developed intuition, and therefore they always feel if they like it. In fact, this “feeling” is the ability to capture and recognize the signals that a man’s body gives. If you don’t have such an ability yet, don’t be discouraged, understanding body language can be learned, and regardless of what exactly a man says (or is silent at all), you can learn from non-verbal manifestations about what he feels. So, what poses and gestures of a man will show you that he likes you?

Gestures of a man in love

It may not necessarily be love, but only its inception. So, what manifestations of the body indicate sympathy and interest in you? If a man is turned towards you, his feet and knees are directed towards you, this is a sure sign of his interest. The body itself can also be used as a barrier between you, if the man does not want to communicate (this needs to be checked, maybe he wants to - but so far he is afraid). The easiest way to use the body as a barrier is to turn your back to you, or turn half a turn. Often, a man can use foreign objects as an obstacle between you and his body - a folder, laptop, backpack, etc.

Gestures of a man in the hips

More sexual in nature are body poses that highlight the hip area. So, men can sit or stand with their legs wide apart - demonstrating their masculine strength, or occupying a dominant, overhanging pose "above you", resting their hands on their hips, sticking their fingers behind the belt, again, emphasizing the genital area. Despite the fact that these poses carry information of a more sexual nature, they can also serve as a compensation for the feeling of a man's inner insecurity, and speak of his desire to look more masculine, strong, occupying a "leading position".


Our boundaries do not end with the boundaries of the body, but also include the space around us. The distance between you speaks about the nature of communication, and is divided into so-called. zones. Social zone (1.2 - 3 m) - for strangers, personal (46-120 cm) - for business, official acquaintances, and an intimate zone. In our culture, the zone of "intimate" contact, intended only for very personal communication, is 15-45 cm. A man who likes you will try to penetrate your intimate zone. He will either come too close to you, or he will begin to lean on the back of a chair or the railing behind you - imitate the so far forbidden hug movement. He can give you a hand, thereby violating your boundaries, trying to touch you by chance. (Depending on which side he holds out his palm to you, you will see whether he seeks to take a commanding position in relations with you, or is completely open and trusts you (a sign of trust is open palms)).

Facial expressions of a man who likes you

The maximum of emotions gives out the language of the man's face, and especially the look, eyes. The more time he looks at you, the more he likes you. At the same time, his pupils dilate (constriction of the pupils, on the contrary, speaks of hostility, aggression), the head can be tilted to the side. His gaze is directed into your eyes and slides down, below the chin, to chest level - this is the so-called. intimate look (look at the forehead and to the level of the eyes - business, from the eyes to the level of the lips - social, friendly). There is also a “flirting”, enticing look sideways, while the eyebrows slightly rise up and there is always a smile.

A smile on the face, by the way, can express different emotions, and not always positive ones. Symmetrical (the same on both sides), a smile that slowly arises and remains on the face for a long time is considered sincere, it speaks of openness and sympathy. If there is no smile on his face, then his lips are usually just relaxed. Any asymmetrical quick movements of the lips, nervous smiles, pursing of the lips indicate that the man is experiencing discomfort. If he is busy with some of his thoughts, he can drive his tongue over his teeth, suck or curl his lips.

Gestures of a man who is embarrassed by you

But in the presence of you, a man experiences not only sympathy, interest or sexual attraction. Along with the desire to get closer to you, there is a fear of rejection. The situation changes and many different emotions can take over alternately - insecurity, excitement, fear, tension, awkwardness, embarrassment, desire to control, boasting, the desire to attract attention and even aggression. All these feelings are reflected in body language, even if a man tries to hide them from you (even if he himself is not fully aware of them).

In any case, if you are attractive to a man, in addition to sympathy, he will show uncertainty and excitement or tension in communicating with you. Usually, in order to relieve tension, people begin to touch various objects (rosaries, for example), fiddling with their clothes, buttons, etc. Touching his body and face also calms, to relieve excitement and calm a man can use body shaking, he can stroke himself, rub his face, his mouth can dry out from excitement, and he will lick his lips, spin in a chair, etc. Often men begin to preen, straighten their tie, smooth their hair - these gestures carry information about his desire to look more attractive, and at the same time help him relieve tension. Tension and excitement can look like increased energy, activity (waving arms, active gestures, increased tone of voice, verbosity), and in a different way - a man will become “inhibited”, it will be difficult for him to squeeze words out of himself, he will be very awkward, awkward in motion.


In the early stages of dating, the signals of fear and tension may be stronger than the signals of desire and sympathy. Therefore, if you are in doubt, you can experiment with “speak with your body” yourself. Try to get closer to the man, and see what he will do - respond to your movement, or vice versa, start to move away. Demonstrate your sympathy for him - smile, look at him with an "intimate look", extend your hand for a greeting, etc. Even if he doesn't understand non-verbal language, his body will respond to you. But do not forget that all signals should not be considered separately, but as a whole, as a single picture - taking into account all his non-verbal signals, and his words, and his behavior towards you. If, despite all his and your non-verbal signals, he does nothing to express his sympathy with you in words or actions, then there is a serious reason why he does not want to get close to you. Whether he wants to, whether he can overcome this reason is unknown. You can choose for yourself whether you want to wait for him to continue the relationship, at the risk of being left with nothing, or you just need to satisfy your pride now that he likes you and look for a more suitable partner who is not only emotionally passionate about you, but is ready and consciously wants to win your love.

We have tried to describe the most common postures and gestures of men in the presence of an attractive woman. In fact, there are more of them, but you just need to start with the basic ones in order to answer yourself the question “Does a guy / man like me” without any verbal clarifications. This is already very, very much!

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How to understand that a man likes you? These questions are asked by women at any age. In fact, it is enough just to closely observe the behavior of the stronger sex to understand whether they have sympathy for you or not.

General signs of sympathy

  • Sympathy often grows out of friendship. Men who are passionate about a girl try to learn as much as possible about her and become faithful and reliable friends with her.
  • Constant random meetings are a sign of obvious attention. For example, a male colleague who feels sympathy for a lady may come across a girl not only at work, but also on the street, in a cafe or with mutual friends. When there are more than three such meetings in a short time period, we can talk about feelings.
  • If a young man sees in a girl those character traits and spiritual qualities that are invisible to others, then the rest of the advice is superfluous, because sympathy is obvious.
  • When a woman is not indifferent to the stronger sex, common interests are always needed to establish contact. If a man suddenly fell in love with books and films that are similar in taste to ladies, this speaks of hope for a relationship;
  • Signs of attention may not always be public and romantic. Some men, on the contrary, turn on the mode of aggression and ignoring, avoiding the girl they like.


Sometimes just one look at the appearance of a guy is enough to determine that he has a strong sympathy for the girl with whom he communicates.

  • When meeting with a lady of the heart, a man will always be well-groomed and perfectly dressed. He will constantly smooth and correct something to look even more beautiful.
  • When a face turns pale or reddens sharply when a woman appears, we can talk about the indifferent attitude towards her on the part of a man.
  • If a girl praised some item of clothing or a guy's perfume, he will definitely use these things more often, especially when meeting with his beloved.
  • A man's style and appearance can change after meeting a girl he likes. Romantic feelings push for something new.

Gestures and postures (nlp)

Non-verbal sources of information, according to psychologists, can tell much more truth than words. Watch how a man meets you or escorts you home.

  • If a guy constantly adjusts his clothes, then he definitely wants to look prettier in the eyes of his companion.
  • When sympathy is really sincere, then you want to touch a person. Therefore, multiple touches of the girl’s hand or hair speak of real interest.
  • The facial expressions of a young man in love often repeat the habits of the object of sympathy. Men unconsciously adopt the gestures and movements of those women who are not indifferent to them.
  • To show self-confidence and strength, men can often put their hands on their belts.
  • The object of sympathy always causes embarrassment and timidity, so the stronger sex in a conversation with women often scratches the back of the head.
  • To appear more solid and taller next to a beautiful lady, men straighten and slightly raise their shoulders, and also pull in their stomachs.
  • If a guy looks at a girl with his mouth open, he is definitely delighted with her appearance.
  • To their sympathy, men try to position themselves as openly as possible, so their chest, shoulders, toes will always unconsciously turn towards an interesting woman.
  • The palms of the hands, like the whole body, expresses sympathy for the indifferent lady. Therefore, as a rule, even if the hands are on the knees, the palms are always open.
  • In romantic excitement, men feel insecure, and are constantly looking for support. A sign of this condition is a leg put forward when meeting a girl.
  • In addition, men always want to subconsciously be closer to the object of their sympathy. Therefore, they will reduce the distance between themselves and the lady of the heart during the conversation.
  • Not knowing how to behave and what to say leads to constant unconscious button twirling.
  • To appear more attractive, men often smooth their hair and casually rub their chin or cheeks.
  • A sign of sympathy for the interlocutor in the dialogue is slightly raised eyebrows.

Looks (eye play)

Since the eyes are the mirror of the soul, sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at the direction of your acquaintance's gaze.

  • A brave young man will always give you interested looks for a long time.
  • A stranger can also like you. Usually, guys cast meek, timid glances at pretty strangers, and immediately avert their eyes when their eyes meet.
  • Dilated pupils when looking at a girl are a sure sign of sincere sympathy from a guy.
  • If a man's gaze is focused on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe female forehead or bridge of the nose, then most likely we are talking just about business relationships.
  • But the wandering gaze, sliding from the eyes to the lips and back, speaks of an offer of friendship.
  • When a man looks askance, his eyes are filled with tenderness, and he smiles, we can talk about great sympathy.
  • Even in the company of friends or in the crowd, the guy will not lose sight of the girl he likes.


The behavior of a man in love always changes, regardless of his age. He pays a woman maximum of his attention and will always be there in difficult times.

If you listen to a dialogue between two people, you can always determine by the intonation and content of the conversation who likes whom more.

  • A man will never allow rudeness and disrespect on his part to a girl who is attractive to him.
  • Guys try to avoid controversial situations and demonstrate compliance in a conversation with their sympathy.
  • There will always be jokes in the conversation to maintain a positive and good mood.
  • Compliments constantly sound from the lips of a guy in the direction of his sympathy.
  • When the topic of conversation concerns the future, a man in love will talk not only about himself, but also about his companion.
  • The guys listen to the stories of their beloved girl very carefully and remember all the little things.
  • Men themselves are also frank in dialogue with the object of adoration. They share stories from the past and are not afraid to look sentimental or worried.
  • Guys calmly discuss family and children issues with a pretty girl.
  • Being separated from their beloved, young people always say that they are bored.
  • Not a single man will discuss other girls in the presence of his sympathy.

Sympathy of an unfree man

How to determine what you like married man? Some hints will help you in watching him:

  • at first, the attitude of a married guy may be completely indifferent or uncertain, because he will try to suppress these feelings in himself;
  • he will spend all his free time with you, trying to come up with reasons for his absence from home;
  • he will not talk in your presence about his wife and children, if any;
  • he will hint or decisively declare to you that he is ready for a divorce for the sake of a new relationship.

Adult male sympathy

It is easy for an adult man to like you if you are young and beautiful, but it is much more difficult to understand the seriousness of his intentions:

  • older guys tend to be decisive. Therefore, they will take the first step and invite you on a date;
  • they will not disappear after the start of a relationship, they will definitely get in touch by phone or on the Internet;
  • adult men always remember the need to buy flowers for a meeting and the importance of unexpected gifts;
  • if for your sake an adult and serious guy goes to reckless acts, he is definitely not indifferent to you;
  • also know that career and work are important for any adult man. If he's willing to put you above that, he's most likely truly in love.

Sympathies of the zodiac signs

How to understand that a girl likes a man? If you know who the young man you are interested in is according to the horoscope, then you can easily identify signs of his increased interest in you.


  • Capricorn men are equally polite and gallant with all the ladies.
  • True sympathy, however, they always keep in their field of vision, keep up a conversation with her, comment on jokes and take her position in any dispute.
  • Unusual dates from Capricorn can not wait. Conservatives in love, representatives of this zodiac sign express their interest in ordinary everyday actions.
  • First, Capricorns try to get to know the girl better, and then call on dates and give gifts.
  • If a lady is not indifferent, such men will always prepare to introduce her to their family.
  • For Capricorns, a career is very important, so if a man shares all the news from work with just one girl, sympathy is on his face.


  • The creative nature of this zodiac quickly loses interest in everything. Therefore, if after a couple of dates a man has not disappeared, he definitely has sympathy for a woman. Also, Aquarians in love often call and send SMS to the girl of interest.
  • With sympathy, Aquarius men are very shy. They often look away and smile in bewilderment. When this zodiac is in love, he ceases to be the center of attention when the object of his adoration appears.
  • Representatives of this sign are not very punctual, so they come on time only to meetings with those people who are really dear to them.
  • Aquarians are ready to make any surprises and do the most unexpected things for people they like.
  • The love of such men resembles the behavior of a child. They are constantly in a cheerful mood, humming something and smiling for no reason.
  • Aquarians suffering from absent-mindedness always remember the stories of a person they are interested in to the smallest detail.


  • The sympathy of this sign is expressed in timidity and tenderness. Confident and courageous Pisces men become affectionate and soft.
  • Pisces always share their emotional experiences with those who care about them. Sincerity in conversations is very important to them.
  • Men actively gesticulate and move sharply in the presence of an interesting lady.
  • Pisces are very jealous of their object of adoration.
  • This zodiac sign loves grooming. Compliments and gifts will be very romantic.


  • Aries men are very straightforward. They begin to conquer the girl and express their feelings immediately.
  • This sign loves classic courtship with flowers and dates in a secluded setting.
  • In love, this zodiac will not be recognized. But he will prove his sympathy with loyalty and decency.
  • Aries are very understanding and gallant. They will not behave aggressively if they see that circumstances require a woman to be alone.


  • Taurus men do not show their sympathy immediately. They need time to sort out their feelings.
  • This sign has few emotions. However, he gives gifts with attention and flowers. But if the coldness disappears, we are talking about great sympathy and trust.
  • Taurus like to impress, so they are prone to unusual behavior and surprises. In addition, they surround the object of their adoration with great care.
  • Representatives of this zodiac take all the initiative in the relationship and are positioned immediately as leaders.
  • Confessions of love and talking about your own feelings are also not a characteristic feature of closed Taurus. But they are ready to discuss the family future and exchange interests with pleasure with those who are not indifferent to them.


  • Gemini men are not too constant, so if they have been showing interest in a woman for a long time, it is worth talking about serious intentions.
  • Geminis sincerely love to give compliments and surprises.
  • Also, representatives of this sign are ready to show themselves at their best, therefore they amaze women with gallantry and unpredictability.
  • Young people with the Gemini zodiac are changeable in their mood. However, if, despite the gloomy mood, a man goes on a date, the woman is very dear to him.


  • Cancer men hide feelings because of their strong emotionality and subtle mental organization.
  • Being in love, this zodiac closes, begins to be embarrassed and embarrassed in the presence of his sympathy.
  • Cancers are terrible jealous people. They can express it openly or they can wind themselves up with no visible signs.
  • This sign loves maximalism. Therefore, he is ready to fulfill any whims of the chosen one.
  • Such men will never show their weaknesses. They try to stay strong and courageous in dealing with a lady.
  • For the sake of the object of sympathy, Cancers are ready to change, abandon old habits and open up to new ones.


  • Leo men completely dissolve in their feelings. When they see their beloved, their eyes burn and shine, although their gaze may be running or lowered to the floor.
  • Representatives of this zodiac are ready to express their sympathy through creativity. They will write poems and songs to their beloved with complete sincerity.
  • Lions will definitely try to share all the interests of a girl they like. Men will imitate the object of their admiration in behavior, hobbies and points of view on various issues.
  • This sign will definitely impress a woman. Lions sometimes compliment themselves more often than their companion. They love surprises and unpredictability in behavior.
  • An integral sign of Leo's sympathy is very strong jealousy.


  • Virgo men will not show signs of attention and invite you on a date right away. Romance is not their forte.
  • The main indicator of Virgo's sympathy is frequent heart-to-heart talk.
  • Representatives of this zodiac show their interest quite extraordinary. They may begin to criticize, point out, and give advice.
  • When Virgos are determined with their feelings, they do not skimp on gifts. But they will always be very useful and practical.
  • Men of this sign are also distinguished by extraordinary fidelity and devotion to their beloved.


  • The desire to be perfect for a pretty companion leads to the fact that Libra men carefully monitor their appearance and are very fussy if they notice some kind of flaw in themselves.
  • Libra loves to talk beautiful words and compliments to those who really deserve them, in their opinion.
  • In the presence of the object of his sympathy, this zodiac often hides his eyes and tries not to cross his eyes.
  • Among the gifts, this sign will always choose the most unusual. Such men always try to be original.


  • Scorpio men hide their feelings. But if they want, they can very quickly open up to an interesting person.
  • Scorpios are ready to take the most unexpected and risky actions in order to win a girl.
  • This zodiac sign will change for the sake of love. He will be happy to adapt to the object of his sympathy.
  • Complex in nature, such men immediately become gentle and caring.
  • Scorpios also do not skimp on gifts, and they do not pay attention to money.


  • Sagittarius men do not immediately reveal their feelings, they need time to appreciate the chosen one.
  • Sagittarians always try to be close to their sympathy and be understanding themselves.
  • The candy-bouquet period of this zodiac is unpredictable. They arrange unusual dates and give many gifts.
  • In everyday matters, the attitude of Sagittarius is almost not manifested. They are not very practical, but they are ready to cancel any important meeting for the sake of a date.
  • Sagittarians are very jealous. They will never forgive betrayal and will not agree to attention being paid to someone else but them.