Memorize large amounts of information quickly. How to learn to memorize a large amount of information? Problems of reproduction of information. How can you improve your memory

Each person periodically faces the need to learn material of various content and volume. This is easy for some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The work of the human brain has not yet been 100% studied, we only know that we use a small part of the brain's abilities. The psychological processes that take place in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will make it possible to achieve success in any area of ​​human life, it will be needed in "everyday" life, study, it will easily increase intellectual abilities.

To learn a text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It is the ability to memorize and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. It is easier for someone to memorize the text by saying it out loud, and for someone, on the contrary, it is better absorbed after visualizing what has been read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember the necessary material in a short time.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is fixed in the mind. With rational memorization, there is an awareness of the read text and information is easier to perceive. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemotechnical memorization;

This is the most interesting way out of three. It helps to remember non-semantic information, due to processing into images and associative links. Mnemotechnical memorization is based on the life experience gained, translating the text into images familiar to the mind. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. It can be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps fight everyday forgetfulness by increasing the possibility of rote remembering what is happening.

  • mechanical memory method.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, as it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. With age, the ability to rote memorization deteriorates.

memorization techniques

To quickly assimilate the text, different memorization methods are used. One of the most effective methods of thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors who, like no one else, need to know how to quickly memorize a text.

  • First, slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. Better to read it aloud. When reading, it is necessary to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the amount of material is large, we break it into semantic parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding in them the main words or phrases in meaning. This will help in the future, restore all the text in order.
  • After that, you need to rewrite the entire text, manually. This should be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, based on keywords. If you can’t remember some moment, it’s better not to peep into the records, but try to do it yourself. You can only watch in case of emergency.
  • Further, we rewrite for the second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully reread the text again and retell it. It's best to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning text verbatim. It will help students, pupils of the school and everyone who needs to a short time know how to learn a large amount of information. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for quick memorization

There are some more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of how our brain works. For this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by the extra part of the text. Actors thus highlight their phrases in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This is a non-standard memorization method. Having sung the material, he will better get into memory and it can be remembered faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel the feelings and emotions, if it is fiction, that the characters experience.

  • After reading, ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read aloud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This tricky way will make the brain spend more effort on analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

Actors rehearse in pairs, it helps in the work. You can also ask a friend to test you on the knowledge of all the material. In a company, learning by heart is more interesting and much easier.

  • Record the text on the voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it during the day, while doing ordinary activities or during a trip. This will help you memorize a voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Remembering information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If information is needed, it is easy to remember. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in a person, it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information, and if it is not used, then it disappears from memory over time.

In this article, you will learn how to better remember information using reliable methods that have already helped many people in studying, reading and learning in general.

Whether you are reading nonfiction to study a particular topic (say, investing or internet marketing) or to study for exams, there are a few rules that will help you continually increase your ability to remember and recall material.

Use these rules every day and increase your learning potential.

How to remember information better:

Rule #1: Fast Reading First, Detailed Reading Later

Usually people try to remember all the details from the material they read in one sitting, but the best way to learn complex information is to divide the reading process into two or three stages.

First run your eyes over the text you need to read (two or three pages will be just right), reading superficially. Don't force yourself to memorize anything during the first reading.

Now return to the same material, reading slowly this time. Say difficult words out loud. Underline difficult words or key concepts.

If you still feel puzzled, go through the material a third time. You will be amazed at how much information fits in your head!

Rule No.2: Take notes

When studying new material (at a lecture, webinar, just reading something), take notes.

After some time, rewrite your notes in a notebook, collecting and summarizing all the information. You will notice that you probably wrote down some of the information or materials that seemed very important to you during the lecture, but is no longer of interest.

Draw on concepts that you wrote down but didn't clearly explain when writing down your thoughts. Look up definitions of keywords and external resources. Write down the information you find in the form that suits you. This will fix the information in your memory.

Rule No.3: Teach others

We remember best when we teach others. This is why study groups can be very effective if used correctly. Instead of using your group just to complete some tasks, ask your partner to "run" you through the material covered, have you verbally repeat what you have learned.

Find a person in the class who does not study well, and become an informal mentor for him.

If you cannot find such a "student", tell your partner or roommate about what you have learned in class. Do not repeat material that you already know well.

Pick the information you're having trouble understanding and force yourself to explain it to someone over dinner or while walking the dog. This will allow you to really get the gist of the material you have been learning.

Rule #4: Talk to yourself

Believe it or not, listening to your own voice will make it easier for you to memorize new facts. Record how you read key words and definitions aloud, and listen later. This trick will make your self-learning more effective. You will have several senses involved at the same time - auditory, verbal and visual - plus you will be more attentive, since reading aloud requires concentration.

There is another fun trick. It consists of making a "telephone receiver" out of flexible PVC tubing that you can hold up to your mouth and hold against your ear while you read aloud. Believe it or not, the concentrated sound of your own voice passing through this “phone” will be easier to remember than your normal voice when reading material aloud.

Rule #5: Use visual cues

Many of us remember everything through the visual channel. You can actually imprint an image of a formula, definition or concept in your mind, and you can easily recall the information you need during a test or when needed.

Use this function of your memory by drawing pictures on cards or by using various colored markers when writing down information you need to remember.

For example, if you need to memorize the Latin or Greek root of a word, you can draw pictures that symbolize the meanings of those words. The Latin word "aqua" means water, so you can write "aqua" with a blue marker and draw a drop next to it. The Latin word "spec" means to look, so you can draw glasses next to it.

Flashcards are also a useful visual memory tool, especially if you use pictures and colors to make them. You can actually remember a word or formula simply because you remember how you struggled to decide whether to write this definition in orange or green. Color can trigger your visual memory to help you access information.

Watch an interesting video about visual notes that help you quickly remember information:

Rule #6: Use a shocking stimulus

Have you ever felt while studying that you were simply unable to remember important information?

Believe it or not, using some kind of shocking physical stimulus will help you understand and then remember difficult material.

According to a study conducted on the topic: "How to remember better," putting your hand in a bowl of ice water while studying will help you remember, and then recall the necessary information. This is because negative stimuli activate the part of your brain responsible for memory (presumably this is so that we remember negative experiences better so as not to repeat them, but this works just as effectively with ordinary memorization of information).

You can use ice water, something hot, or mild pain to help you remember difficult information. Try pinching your arm while holding an ice pack in your hand, or holding a hot cup of tea while studying to stimulate your memory. The main thing is not to hurt yourself for real!

Rule #7: Chew your gum

Teachers may ban chewing gum in their classes because they don't want to peel gum from under their desks later, but chewing gum itself can help you study better and do better on tests.

One study looked at the effect of chewing gum during a test (with graduates as an example). The study found that chewing gum helped students finish the test 20 minutes earlier.

Another study was conducted on eighth graders taking their annual math exam. The results showed that the students who chewed the gum scored 3 percent higher on the test than their peers who didn't chew the gum.

How chewing gum helps to remember information better?

The process of chewing gum stimulates blood flow to the brain and helps you stay awake.

What chewing gum works best?

It doesn't matter if you chew gum with or without sugar. What matters is her taste. Switch to mint flavored gum as mint acts as a mental stimulant and will help you feel calm and focused.

Rule #8: Participate in class even when you feel uncomfortable

Having trouble with a certain concept?

Most of us prefer to sit somewhere in the corner and remain unnoticed in the classroom until we have all the material put on the shelves. But this habit will always get in the way of you in the learning process. Raise your hand, ask a question, or volunteer to contribute to a discussion about a topic you're having trouble with.

Do you attend group classes? Find someone who understands the topic you need and seek advice or help. Let it bother you that you do not understand something.

The discomfort you feel while performing these activities will increase your ability to remember. You will receive answers to your questions and will easily be able to remember the material later, when you need it most.

Rule #9: Highlight and Paraphrase What You Read

When reading a text that is difficult to understand, it may seem to you that the letters are already floating before your eyes. Underline and underline key words and concepts as you read.

Say the words or concepts out loud as you highlight them, and then write (and paraphrase) the material in your notebook. This will help you digest all the information, and not just skim through it with your eyes.

Rule #10: Make up poems or songs

You won't need to do this trick with most of the material, of course, but you may find it useful to come up with poems, rhymes, or catchy songs to help you remember particularly complex formulas.

You may find it easier to remember the formula if you come up with musical accompaniment for it.

How do formulas help you remember information better?

Many formulas do not make any sense to us. They look like a list of random numbers and letters, or they seem like a set of random instructions that lack a linking element.

If you turn the formula into a song or a verse, you become aware of what once seemed irrational, and this comprehension of the material will allow your brain to better perceive the information and store it in such a way that it can be easily accessed later.

Rule No.11: Look for Associations

Similarly, the association method can help you find links between dates or specific facts that need to be remembered in a particular order.

Find a way to link the date and the name so that it makes some sense, using a play on numbers or words. You've probably done something similar before when you needed to remember a password or phone number.

Find a way to associate the number with the name in a way that makes sense to you and the question of how best to remember the information will not be so acute for you.

Rule No.12: Take breaks while studying

If you study consistently over a long period of time, you may notice that your productivity drops the longer you stay in class. Research shows that you should take a 10-minute break every hour while studying to maximize productivity.

What should such a break be?

Be sure to get up, go to the toilet, have something to drink or have a snack. It is best to leave the room you are sitting in and move around a bit to improve blood flow. If you have the opportunity, jump or stretch to get an adrenaline rush and cheer you up. After that, you can get back to work.

Rule No.13: Find a Practical Application

Having trouble remembering a formula or theory?

The problem is that you probably haven't found a practical use for this concept in real life, so your brain still doesn't want to remember it.

Imagine how you can use this formula or concept in practice to solve a real problem. If possible, act out or mentally imagine the impact of this problem in a practical way. This will help you understand the formula or concept and, if necessary, easily remember.

Rule No.14: Get Physical

Some concepts are difficult to understand until you see a physical representation of them or an illustration of an idea.

For example, you can appreciate the importance of microscopic analysis by looking at a picture of a DNA chain or anatomy of a cell. If you can't create a physical image or picture, find an image online. This will help you visualize the problem clearly.

Rule No.15: Read important information before bed

Our brain continues to work even when we sleep. Reread your notes before bed one more time so that your brain can better absorb the material while you sleep.

Don't read anything that makes you anxious or upset (you risk disturbing your sleep). Instead, use this trick to reinforce the basic concepts and information you'll need later.

Rule No.16: Practice Breathing Exercises

Stress inhibits the ability to concentrate and makes it difficult to access the information you have already learned.

That's why you can easily understand a principle while in a class, but then get stuck while writing a test. You know that information is somewhere in the back of your mind, but you just can't access it. This is because stress cuts off your ability to focus on anything, leaving you with a "fight or flight" response.

To overcome stress, do for three to five minutes.

Find a quiet place, set a timer, close your eyes, and then focus solely on your breathing. Inhale as deeply as possible, hold your breath until you feel a little discomfort, and then exhale slowly until you feel complete relief.

Repeat like this, without worrying about anything and focusing all your attention on how nice it is to just breathe until the timer goes off.

Try the above methods of remembering information and find the most effective for you.

Good luck with learning new information!

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Hello my beloved readers.

Have you ever wondered how to quickly remember a large amount of information? How not to forget everything in the morning? How to put all the knowledge gained in such an intensive way into long-term memory?

All these questions concern every person who at least once had to memorize tons of materials for an exam, a presentation, or simply to improve their own knowledge.

More than once I have come across the fact that many, without looking up from textbooks, sit day and night in an attempt to remember as much as possible. Does it make sense? Maybe they are doing something wrong? Maybe there is another way out?

Today I want to discuss with you how you can quickly and efficiently memorize new material.

7 Tips on How to Quickly Learn Things You Can't Learn Quickly

  • Highlight the main ideas.

No matter how important and large in a short time, it will always contain at least 50% water. Introductory words and subordinate clauses, examples and rantings of the author - this is something superfluous that can be cut off from the text with peace of mind.

While reading mentally highlight the main ideas and remember them exactly. Form the so-called skeleton, on which in the future you will simply impose your thoughts. This method alone will help you reduce the time for studying the material several times.

  • Don't read the text multiple times.

Yes exactly. The more times you read the text, the more you begin to dwell on all sorts of unnecessary things and trifles. The more you start to get distracted from the most important thing. Our brain is designed in such a way that it’s better if you read it very carefully once, highlighting the main thoughts, and then retell it, than reading the same thing ten times in an attempt to remember. This will give a lot more effect in a short time.

  • Don't say words to yourself.

The brain is able to capture the meaning of what the eyes see without speaking. So try not to dwell on every word while reading, but rather skim through the text. Yes, it will be difficult, but it will greatly speed up the process.

If you regularly work with a large amount of information that you need to remember, or you just need to develop your memory to the maximum, use advice from Stanislav Matveev memory record holder. This man proved that everyone is capable of more than he thinks.

  • Don't sit still.

Walk around the house. Arrange things in the closet. Knit or cross stitch. Get up and go for a walk in the park. Do any physical activity while you are already trying to retell what you have read. Scholars have repeatedly noted that physical mobility increases the efficiency and productivity of the brain. So use what you already have.

  • Divide into parts.

No matter how much you want in a day, you are unlikely to succeed. Our brain is simply not capable of mastering tons of material without preparation. Therefore, I advise you to divide everything into parts. Mastered one part - take a break, drink tea, go outside for 15 minutes. All in all, reboot your brain.

Even if you need to master as much material as possible in a day - plan your vacation. From the very morning, plan, for example, at what time you will teach, and at what relax. Plan your lunch and rest time. Then the probability of success will be much higher than if you just get up in the morning and study until night.

  • Develop your peripheral vision.

To significantly reduce reading time - develop the skill read entire line. So, you do not have to run your eyes over the line, you will see everything at once. Of course, you won’t learn this in a short time, but if you constantly have to work with large amounts of information, this skill becomes extremely necessary.

You can start exercising now to develop these abilities in yourself. This can be a good help online Brainapps service . There you can register and use good simulators.

Also can be purchased premium account and take advantage of even more opportunities (for example, take a professional speed reading course , receive regular workouts tailored to your level, access all the simulator games presented on the site, etc. ).

Give such activities 5-10 minutes a day, and in a couple of weeks you will significantly increase the speed of reading one page of text. I experienced it myself.

  • Repeat every 2-3 hours.

In order not to lose what you have recently learned from the shelves of your short-term memory, review the learned material every 2-3 hours. This will both refresh your knowledge and help move information into intermediate memory.

I hope that among these tips you will find something that will help you not only teach correctly, but also plan your learning correctly. If you have a lot of material to learn, try these methods. Both personally, and many of my students have tried them on themselves more than once.

And if you want to receive even more information about any aspects of English language- subscribe to my blog newsletter. You will find the most relevant and correct information, a lot of interesting and useful information.

Every day we have to memorize more and more information. Often at home and at work, we have to urgently memorize what we will forget the very next day. It turns out that learning foreign languages, memorizing artistic styles and exam tickets may not be cramming, but an interesting game called mnemonics. Anastasia Shatalova, a teacher of mnemonics and speed reading at the Unium Educational Center, told our readers about her main methods.

Anastasia Shatalova

Mnemonics is a set of methods for memorizing various types of information based on building associations. Its indisputable advantage is that mnemonics slows down the aging of the brain. Association is neural connections, so the more associations you make in your life, the more neural connections you create. The more neural connections your brain makes, the slower it ages.

All methods of mnemonics work through associations that we create according to the five golden rules. It is most convenient to compare them with the five fingers of the hand.

The five golden rules of association can be seen by hovering over the image.

Anastasia advised several tricky and interesting methods of memorizing a wide variety of information.

1. Method « chains »

One of the simplest mnemonic techniques. The essence consists in pairwise connection of images in a certain sequence.
Very handy when remembering a grocery list. First, we will associate soap with washing powder with a semantic association. Then we come up with a ridiculous picture of how we lather a tomato. We associate it with other vegetables from the list, for example, celery. Imagine another ridiculous association that a stalk of celery is a sword that fights with a stick of sausage. So we don't forget to go to the sausage department.

Food photographer Isabella Facci

In a bit, we'll explain why our expert insists on ditching written grocery lists and insisting on keeping everything in your head.

2. Memorizing art styles

With the chaining method, artistic styles can be memorized conveniently. For example, one of the famous trends in painting - pointillism.

Pointillism is a stylistic direction of neo-impressionism, which is based on the manner of writing with separate strokes of a regular, dotted or rectangular shape. One of the founders of this genre was the artist Georges-Pierre Seurat. Simply put, it is painting with bright dots of a certain shape.

Georges-Pierre Seurat, "Sunday on the Island of Grande Jatte" (1884)

For memorization, we will use the five golden rules of associations and the chain method. Imagine a ballerina who stained her pointe shoes with bright paint. The dancer brings out ornate steps and leaves behind a picture of bright dots on the stage. The ballerina moves a little further and knocks over a jar of yellow sulfur with her foot. The curtain of our association. Pointe shoes with bright dots - pointillism, a jar of sulfur - Georges-Pierre Seurat.

Pyotr Kozlov, "Ballet"

In the same way, you can remember other complex, at first glance, styles. We are very interested in what association you will come up with for mannerism or fauvism, so we will be happy to read them in the comments to the article on our page in Facebook.

3. Remembering names

Who among us has not been in a situation where at a party you are introduced to twenty different people at once. You will not remember all of them, but a conversation with each of them can become not only pleasant, but also useful. In order not to get into an awkward situation, we will use the method of phonetic associations.

A scene from the film The Great Gatsby, dir. B. Luhrmann

If we get acquainted with the girl Masha, who will surely be in your company, we imagine that she is waving her arms. Imagine that Olya is pouring water, and Lyuba is surrounded by love. Thus, if after the third glass of wine you forget the name of that pretty girl bored in the armchair, you will certainly remember that this is Masha.

4. Memorization of foreign words

Most often, when memorizing the vocabulary of a foreign language, they use atkinson method. A classic example on which this method is analyzed is memorizing the English word pillow (pillow).

We find a phonetic association that is similar in pronunciation to "pillow". The first thing that comes to mind for many is a saw. Then, in our head, we already use a semantic association and imagine a saw and a pillow as a pair. We use the five golden rules of association and paint a ridiculous picture of how we saw down a down pillow. Imagine how feathers fly in all directions, how one of them even hit your nose and you sneezed. Detailed visualization is very important because your emotions will only strengthen the memory process. At the same time, Anastasia advises us not to get carried away - after all, this is an association of one word, and not the whole book.

If, when communicating with a foreigner, you need to say the word “pillow” in English, you will remember that in our association we sawed a pillow. The desired word is instantly reproduced in memory - pillow. Atkinson's method is also applicable to longer and more complex words, such as entertainment. A compound word can be divided into parts and two associations can be combined with each other at once.

Why else do we need mnemonics?

Remember how you used to learn tickets at university? On the last night, rereading them hundreds of times in order to safely forget everything the next day. With the help of associations, you can not only remember information the first time, but also store it in long-term memory. Perhaps this is the most important of all the invaluable advantages of mnemonics.

Shot from the film "Operation Y" and other adventures of Shurik, dir. L. Gaidai

“Mnemonics is one of the most promising areas that really allows you to develop thinking. It is important that people who regularly use these methods in everyday life automatically expand their memory reserve. "Let's say if we remember a list of seven to ten purchases three times using chain associations, then the eleventh time we will not even build associative rows, and quickly remember what is written on the piece of paper the first time.

At first, using the association method will seem difficult, and it is true. Who knows, maybe soon the use of these methods will be your favorite pastime to take your mind off the routine of everyday work.


The modern world with a huge amount of constantly updated information places high demands on human memory. Before people striving to succeed, the question arises - how to remember a lot of information in a short time? The best minds of mankind, who have found a way out for such people, have been “fighting” over this problem for a single year. According to them, the use of special techniques can increase the amount of memory.

How much information can a person remember

Scientists have been trying for a long time to find the answer to the question of how much information an ordinary person can remember. However, so far no solution has been found that satisfies all physiologists. It was assumed that the human memory is capable of storing ten million bits of information. But soon scientists abandoned this theory due to the fact that this volume is very small and does not reflect the real state. The human brain contains not only the data that he is forced to remember, but also those that accompany his existence - the nicknames of pets, facial features of relatives, etc.

According to the American researcher Cooper, each neuron of the brain is capable of storing up to one hundred thousand units of information. Given their total number, a person's memory can hold information of 10 to the 17th power of bits. This figure, according to a number of physiologists, is reliable. However, some scientists argue that human memory is a more capacious concept, and it is capable of containing information of 10 to the 23rd bit. Based on these data, it is clear that people have not yet learned how to use the most complex mechanism given to him by nature.

Determining the type of memory

In everyday life, there are individual differences in the field of mental processes. One of these processes is the storage of information. The features of the memorization process characterize the personality, becoming its properties, leaving an imprint on the activity and behavior of a person. Depending on which analyzer prevails in the work of memory, it is customary to distinguish four types of memory:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • motor;
  • mixed.

Auditory (sound or auditory) type is characterized by a high degree of memorization and reproduction of all kinds of sounds: music, spoken words. It is important when remembering voiced information. It acquires special significance at certain periods of life. Auditory memory ensures good academic performance of schoolchildren and students. It is necessary for successful professional activity for composers, musicians, linguists.

Visual memory is the ability to perceive, store and reproduce visual images. According to psychologists, people with a developed visual type have a well-developed imagination. They are able to "see" images even after they have disappeared from view. This type of memory is of particular importance for designers, engineers, artists, and designers.

Motor (motor) memory is characterized by the ability to remember and reproduce movements. People who possess it are able to keep in memory not only motor representations, but also their characteristics: amplitude, speed, tempo, rhythm, sequence. The success of the formation of motor skills of labor, play, sports activities depends on the level of its development.

The mixed type is characterized by the absence of the predominance of any one memory. Its peculiarity is that mixed memory provides equally good memorization of the material when using different analyzers. People who have it use several types of memory at once: visual-motor, visual-auditory, motor-auditory.

There are other types of memory, based on the activities of individual analyzers, which are not essential in human life. Their capabilities are limited and come down to meeting the biological needs of the body. These types of memory include: olfactory, tactile and gustatory. To find out which way of remembering prevails for you, use the psychological technique "Determining the type of memory."

To conduct it, you will need an assistant who must read out a few rows of words. Each of these corresponds to a specific type of memory. After reading aloud a group of words by the leader, the subject in the allotted time must write them down from memory. The data obtained must be compared with the rows of words and identify how many are named correctly. At the end of the calculation of the coefficient according to a special formula, a conclusion is made about the predominant type of memory.

Cheat sheets will help you quickly remember a lot of information in a short time

What is the best way to remember information? Cramming takes a lot of time and is not always effective. The favorite method of student "smuggling" - cheat sheets, helps in solving this issue. According to physiologists, the use of cheat sheets activates the activity of several analyzers, as a result, several types of memory take part in the memorization process - visual and motor. This approach ensures fast memorization. The peculiarity of cheat sheets lies in the way information is stored.

A large amount of data cannot fit on a small piece of paper, so the answer to the ticket question is written briefly in the form of diagrams. They reflect key points or individual phrases that reflect the essence, from which logical chains are created by conscious processing of information, which ensures consistent memorization of the text. This method is successfully used not only by students, but also by people who operate with large amounts of data - managers, teachers.

Connection of auditory, auditory memory

According to physiologists, the auditory type of memory is powerful tool memorization. Psychologists believe that auditory memory develops more easily than visual and motor memory. The use of this tool increases the possibilities of memorization. To use auditory memory, it is recommended not only to write, but also to read the same cheat sheets. Repetition of information aloud before the exam increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the case.

The main method of using auditory memory is to record information on a voice recorder and listen to it. For example, you can record lectures given by a teacher, or read material on your own with a recording on a voice recorder. Regular listening to information provides a strong memorization. At one time there was a theory that if you listen to information in a dream, then it is well remembered, but scientists have questioned the application of this method.

visual memory techniques

Visual memory accounts for most of the information we perceive. In educational institutions, the main emphasis in the presentation of educational material is on visual perception, so most of the data is located on the blackboard. To increase the capabilities of this type of memory, several methods of visual memorization are used:

  • visual material. When studying a theoretical issue, the material is supported by vivid illustrations.
  • Reading. This type of activity also connects the visual analyzer to the memorization process, which allows you to capture the necessary information in the brain.
  • Note-taking. The material intended for memorization is outlined using multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
  • Schulte tables. This "simulator" is used to train speed reading skills. In the process of training, peripheral vision is connected, which ensures the memorization of more information.

Techniques for memorizing large amounts of data using motor memory

Less often, motor memory is used for memorization. However, connecting your own body to the processes responsible for storing information provides a strong memorization. Methods that activate motor memory are: writing cheat sheets, practical implementation of an action that should be remembered (for example, playing a dance element). Such techniques are actively used in childhood and in people whose activities are associated with the formation of practical skills - pilots, surgeons, builders, cooks, athletes, dancers.

How to learn a foreign language in a short time: the secrets of abilities

The question of how to learn to memorize information excites people and, if necessary, to master a foreign language in a short time. The book in this case carries only background information. Physiologists recommend increasing the amount of audiovisual information. Watch films in your chosen language with Russian subtitles, listen to songs, find someone who speaks the language and communicate with them regularly. A computer and social networks will be great helpers. If there is a club in your city where foreigners gather, visit it and practice your pronunciation.

There are a lot of computer techniques that involve practicing pronunciation, listening to words accompanied by translation. One of the popular techniques used in the study of languages ​​is the method of "Mental repetitions". Its essence lies in the periodic mental repetition of information. It is important to follow the exercise schedule:

  • The first repetition after the study is carried out 60 minutes after the initial perception of the data.
  • The second - 3 hours after the first.
  • Third - the next day at any time.

The number of repetitions, the time intervals between them are regulated at their own discretion, taking into account individual abilities. It is allowed to increase the number of repetitions and lengthen the intervals between them. Be sure to make sure that the breaks are not long, otherwise the information not fixed on time may not be saved in the end.

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How to remember a lot of information in a short time. How to memorize information quickly