Beautiful high-quality crafts for March 8.

March 8 is a great occasion to remind our beloved and dear women about our feelings for them, and the preparation for this holiday is a real expanse for creativity and fantasy, because there is a reason to bring to life the brightest creative ideas to please those we love.

In this article, you will learn how to make amazing crafts for March 8 with your own hands, which will become an original and wonderful gift.

What materials will we need?

It all depends on what kind of crafts you want to do. Crafts for March 8 are most often made by children to mothers, so the materials are usually inexpensive and can be purchased at any stationery store.

The main materials for the crafts presented in this article will be colored paper and colored cardboard, beads, rhinestones and beads for decoration, as well as a glue gun or PVA glue.

Daisies made from cotton pads

Children's crafts made by March 8 as a gift to mothers usually do not require a large number materials, basic necessary materials- colored paper, colored cardboard and glue.

Daisies from cotton pads- an easy craft that any child can make as a gift to mom!

First, let's make the chamomile petals. Take a cotton pad, bend its edges so as to form a bag and wrap it with a thread at the bottom. We need about eight petals. Tie the petals you made with a thread to make a flower.

Now let's make the middle of the chamomile. Take a cotton pad and paint it with yellow paint on both sides, then dry it well.

Now let's form a flower. Glue the middle in the center of the flower with PVA glue.

From green paper and cut out the leaves for the flower, and from the green cardboard - the stems.

Now we need to prepare the base. Cut out an oval from colored cardstock. Glue the stems to the base and attach the heads of your daisies to them. Our wonderful gift is ready!

Felt sleep mask

Gifts for March 8 should be not only beautiful, but also unusual. If you want to give something original, then a sleep mask is exactly what you can do as a gift!

Take a piece of felt of the color you want and circle the sleep mask template (you can find the template on the Internet or circle the finished mask if you have one). Cut out the piece.

Now the most interesting, creative part of the work - decorating the mask. To do this, you will need rhinestones, beads, beads, ribbons - in a word, everything that is suitable for the implementation of your creative ideas. Show your imagination and create a truly original mask.

Rhinestones are best taken self-adhesive, beads and beads can be planted on instant glue or use a glue gun.

Sew on a rubber band. If possible, it is better to use a special decorative elastic band to match the mask, but if you only have a simple linen elastic band, you can also decorate it with pieces of ribbon or embroidery from small beads.

Volume application

Paper crafts made as a gift for March 8 are one of the best solutions for children, because they are easy to perform and do not require expensive materials. Volume application from colored paper will be a great gift for mom by March 8.

Photos of crafts in the style of an application for March 8 can be found on the Internet, and their subjects are very diverse. In this case, we will tell you how to make a vase of flowers appliqué.

First, prepare the base for the application. Take a sheet of cardboard, you can take both white and colored cardboard - it all depends on your imagination.

Now let's cut out the flowers themselves. To do this, you can take as usual colored paper, and velvet. The best solution is to make flower heads out of velvet paper and all other appliqué elements such as stems, leaves and vase out of regular colored paper.

On the back of the sheet, draw stencils of the flowers you want to cut out. Stencil samples can be found on the Internet or come up with your own. Dried flowers can also be circled.

Cut out stems and leaves from green paper.

Now cut out the vase. Take the paper of the color in which you want to see the vase and draw a stencil on the back side. Cut it out carefully.

Now we are building the application. First, place the appliqué elements on a sheet of cardboard and see how they will look.

When you are sure what the finished appliqué should look like, start gluing the elements one by one. Glue the stems first. On top of them, glue the stencil of the vase at the bottom and the flower heads at the top, at the other end. Glue the leaves to the stems last.

To make the application voluminous, do not cover the entire back surface of the leaf or flower with glue, but only its base or central parts. For example, it is better to glue the head of a flower, smearing only the middle with glue and not touching the petals.

The finished applique can be decorated with beads, ribbons, rhinestones or beads. Decorate or flower centers, vase or background.

Photo crafts for March 8

If you were puzzled by the need to prepare crafts for March 8 in kindergarten or school, you've come to the right place. Who, if not us, will provide you with a sea of ​​positive and interesting ideas? Or maybe you are just looking for options for joint creativity with the kids, which does not require special skills and materials?

We invite you to plunge into the fascinating world of paper "gardening" and floristry. You will learn how to make fantastic flowers from ordinary paper napkins and assemble beautiful compositions from them that will conquer any heart, and not only a mother's. Let's start?!

If you still think that paper flower as a gift to your beloved mother - this is banal and uninteresting, then you simply have not seen the delicious hyacinths that will never wither and color even the most cloudy day in bright colors! And what else does a woman need on the holiday of spring?

So we stock up on colored paper and begin to “grow” holiday hyacinths.

For work you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • wooden skewer;
  • ruler and a simple pencil.

Cut A4 colored paper crosswise into strips 2.5 cm wide.

Now turn the strip into a fringe: cut it into transverse strips about 1 cm wide without reaching the edge of about 1 cm.

Using a skewer, twist each strip of fringe tightly to the cut line.

By carefully completing these manipulations, you will get a paper strip, on the edge of which there will be nice rolls - these are the buds of our hyacinth.

For the stem, cut out a 21 x 2.5 cm rectangle from green paper.

Start twisting the rectangle from the corner diagonally into a tight tube. Generously glue the surface of the paper with glue and twist the tube to the end.

Turn the blank with the buds back to you and gently coat it with glue. Wrap the stem with the bud blank, starting from the top and moving down in a spiral.

Coat the tip of the strip with additional glue for a more secure fixation.

The first hyacinth has already blossomed right in your hands, but to make it more spectacular, take care of the leaves. Cut out a rectangle 8*2.5 cm. Fold it into an accordion along the larger side in 1 cm increments.

From the resulting workpiece, cut an oblong leaflet. You should get the following.

Lubricate the lower part of the strip with leaves with glue. Step back about 5 cm from the bottom of the bud and wind the leaves at an angle in a spiral, as shown in the picture below.

Our first hyacinth turned out to be very pretty, and you will spend even less time on the rest, because you have already gained the skills to grow paper flowers.

As you can see, even preschoolers in kindergarten can cope with such simple work, and the result is gorgeous.

Hyacinths from napkins in the technique of facing

Consider another way to make crafts for mom on March 8. We continue our parade of festive and creative ideas. We offer you a simple master class on "growing" another type of paper hyacinths.

For work you will need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • 2 sheets of white office paper;
  • colored plain napkins;
  • double-sided green paper;
  • 1 liter plastic bottle;
  • PVA glue;
  • wooden skewer;
  • scissors.

First of all, prepare a pot in which we will “plant” a paper plant. To do this, cut off the bottom plastic bottle. Squeeze a sheet of white paper into a ball and place it in a plastic blank.

Cut the second sheet in half along the larger side. Twist the resulting rectangle into a tube, fix its ends with glue. From below, make cuts on it and glue it to a lump of paper in a pot.

We have a stem for hyacinth, paste over its lower part with green paper.

Tip: The stem can be glued with plasticine and stick napkins, planting not on glue, but sticking and sinking into the plasticine stem.

Cut the napkins into squares of different sizes. Each square is a future flower, so decide for yourself with accurate measurements. Someone will like the large-flowered hyacinth, and someone will want to grow it smaller and fluffier.

We put a skewer in the center of the square and raise its edges to it, crushing it a little. We glue the stem with such blanks, starting from the top.

Glue the flowers as tightly as possible to each other. Even without the leaves it looks beautiful.

Cut out oblong leaves from double-sided paper. Glue them to the stem as shown in the photo.

It remains to make a pot. Place it in the center of the crepe paper square. Lift the edges up and gather them around the stem, fix everything with a ribbon.

Beautiful hyacinths made from paper napkins can be taken to an exhibition of crafts in a school or kindergarten, given to mom or simply decorated with them in a room, creating a festive mood on International Women's Day.

Using the facing technique, you can decorate entire panels:

Plasticine bouquet

It's time to involve a child of 5-6 years old in making a present for grandmother by the day of spring. We offer together with him to collect a nice plasticine bouquet of roses. The complexity of this craft is designed for a preschool educational institution, so feel free to involve your preschooler in plasticine creativity.

By the way, based on this bouquet, you can easily make an original one. Just stick it on a cardboard base, and write warm wishes to the addressee inside.

Callas from cotton pads

We continue the selection, the culprits of which were easy crafts for mom. We offer to surprise her with callas from cotton pads. In addition to them, you will have to stock up on cotton swabs, yellow paint and green corrugated paper.

Even pupils of the senior group of the kindergarten will cope with this flower arrangement with minimal help from adults. And a child of 7-8 years old is quite capable of growing such callas on his own. The main thing is to share the idea with the children and monitor the accuracy of its implementation.

spring bouquet

We present you another step-by-step master class on the spring theme. The complexity of the implementation is low, even the kids can cope with this craft. middle group kindergarten.

For work you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Take a sheet of green paper, preferably double-sided, A4 size. Fold it in half along the larger side and glue along the very edge.

From the side of the fold, make parallel cuts, not reaching the bottom by a couple of centimeters.

Roll the workpiece into a cylinder and glue the edges. Arrange the leaves so that they are evenly spaced in the bouquet.

Cut out lots of colorful flowers. You can use a template to make them the same or rely on your eye.

Each paper flower needs to be glued onto a leaf.

A wonderful craft for the garden or for the spring holiday is ready. If such a cute bouquet is presented to a grandmother by a loving granddaughter or grandson, her joy will know no bounds.

Another idea in the form of a hand - palms:

beaded lavender

A luxurious bouquet of beaded lavender sprigs will be an excellent gift for mom on March 8 or a spectacular touch in the design of the room.

This video master class is perfect for beginner bead lovers, because the flowers in it are created using hot melt adhesive. And that means you'll need a glue gun. But the product itself is carried out very quickly, which cannot but rejoice. With a little effort, you can create beaded lavender at home, practically for free.

Your friends will decide that it was purchased for big money from a famous designer.

Flowers from paper napkins

An original do-it-yourself craft for March 8 does not always have to be difficult to manufacture, but it simply has to be spectacular. How to combine it, you ask? And instead of an answer, we found two video master classes for you that will undoubtedly inspire you to work together with your children.

1) Balloon flowers
You may not believe it, but to create a terry flower ball, you only need floral wire and large plain napkins.

For one flower, you need to make 4 identical blanks. For each of them you will need 4 rectangles from paper napkin size 32*8 cm.

The rectangles are stacked, assembled into an accordion and tied with wire. Then the paper needs to be unfolded, lifting the layers up. Already at this stage, a pretty carnation is obtained.

But how to turn these blanks into a terry ball, you will learn after watching the video tutorial.

Making such flowers will be feasible for a primary school student. You will need materials and control over the creative process.

2) Two-color terry peonies
Another idea for a simple craft for kindergarten by March 8 is to pay attention to paper flowers from napkins. They are made simply, even a child can “grow” his own peony to please his mother, sister or beloved teacher.

In addition to napkins in two shades, you will need colored paper, scissors and PVA glue.

And all the subtleties of "growing" a peony from improvised materials are disclosed in a detailed video of MK.

Planters with their own hands

You already have hand-made flowers for the holiday, but don't want to put them in a regular vase? Is the desire to be creative just over the top? We invite you to realize your creative potential in the manufacture of the cutest flower pots for a topiary or a bouquet. Making it out of wood or weaving it out of a vine is a painstaking task that requires a lot of free time and special tools.

We offer you a lightweight version that will not affect the appearance of the product. To work, you will need a paper cup and ice cream sticks.

Our step-by-step photo-instruction can become an idea for children's crafts for elementary school.

And you can make a flower in a pot with grass:

Bouquet with sweets

Your kid is only 4 years old, but he wants to make his own gift for the girl he likes? Or do you go to a children's birthday and think how beautiful it is to present sweets to the birthday boy?

Especially for you, we have prepared a photo instruction for creating a simple candy bouquet. You will need colored cardboard, wooden skewers and sweets, and the desire to create from the child.

Volumetric flower crafts using a plastic spoon

We present to your attention another simple master class on making paper crafts. The difficulty level is low, the work is suitable for the younger group of kindergarten.

For work you will need:

  • paper cup;
  • plastic spoon;
  • bright plain napkins;
  • scissors;
  • paints;
  • cotton wool;
  • a piece of foam;
  • glue.

Glue a small piece of Styrofoam inside the cup for greater stability. Turn the blank upside down and paint the bottom brown and the side green. Make a small incision on the bottom so that the handle of the spoon can fit into it.

Paint the spoon green, you can also use green nail polish.

Fold the napkin in several layers. Then cut petals out of it: they can be of any shape or use a spoon as a template.

Glue the petals overlap to the inside (concave) surface of the spoon. If you want volume, make several rows while you can combine colors.

It remains to make the middle of our flowers. In their role will be small balls of cotton wool.

Bright flowers made of felt and buttons

If you have felt and multi-colored buttons at home, and the child has a desire to make beauty for the holiday with his own hands, this step-by-step mk will definitely come in handy for you. We invite you to collect an elegant bouquet of felt flowers, which will look stylish and unusual.

A large bright mug with felt flowers will become an application for victory in the competition of children's holiday crafts or a cute souvenir for your beloved friend.

You can print our stencils for cutting various flowers (click on the picture, it will enlarge, after which the template can be downloaded):

Air flower from papyrus paper

A voluminous paper flower can become the basis of a beautiful composition or an addition to a festive gift wrapping. It will not be difficult even for a novice florist to make it, just follow our photo instructions.

pasta craft ideas

Did you know that pasta is not only a popular food product, but also a valuable raw material for children's creativity? If not, we invite you to urgently fill in the gaps in your education and familiarize yourself with a selection of photographs original ideas for mandatory implementation.

Pasta creativity is available to children of different ages, just select the level of difficulty that matches the child's abilities. It is logical that for grade 3 you can take more complex ideas than for the preparatory group.

Panel in the style of string art

If you feel grandiose creative ambitions in yourself and want to surprise your loved ones with your masterpieces, try your hand at a rather young direction of hand-made - string art.

For work, you will need small nails and threads, it is better to use plywood for the base of the panel. Additionally, get a hammer and first make a pattern of the outline of the image.

Such a craft by March 8 can become a real work of art if you put a little effort and show patience and accuracy. For inspiration, we invite you to familiarize yourself with panels of various levels of complexity.

The world of creativity knows no boundaries, so you should not set limits and patterns for yourself. Teach your children to think outside the box and bring something special from your heart into each craft.

Remember that the most expensive gifts for loved ones, made with your own hands and the hands of kids, do not have to be perfect at all. They must be made with heart.

© MirPozitiva

International Women's Day on March 8 is not only a wonderful holiday with the kindest and brightest traditions, but also an excellent occasion for the manifestation of a child's talents. It is not for nothing that in kindergartens and schools, on the eve of the main holiday of all women, there are always lessons on making themed crafts that are great as gifts for mothers and grandmothers. Most often, do-it-yourself children's crafts for March 8 are made from simple materials: colored paper, cotton pads, cardboard, napkins. Well, the most popular topic for children's DIY crafts on March 8 are, of course, flowers. In their beauty, such home-made bouquets are not inferior to real flowers, and in touching for female heart many times over. Find out more about how to make an original craft for March 8 from simple improvised materials from our today's article with step-by-step master classes for the younger and older groups of kindergarten.

DIY craft from cotton pads on March 8 in kindergarten for the younger group, step by step with a photo

First, we suggest mastering crafts from cotton pads with your own hands on March 8 for the younger group of kindergarten. The craft itself is a bouquet of beautiful flowers that you can give to your mother or grandmother. Learn how to make crafts from cotton pads with your own hands on March 8 in kindergarten in junior group from step by step master class with photo below.

Materials for crafts from cotton pads on March 8 for the younger group of the garden

  • cotton cosmetic pads
  • green drinking straws
  • ear sticks
  • yellow paint

Instructions for DIY crafts from cotton pads on March 8 for kindergarten

DIY crafts for March 8 in kindergarten for the senior group from paper, a master class with a photo

Another touching bouquet for March 8, but already in senior group kindergarten, you can do it yourself from colored paper, which is ideal for children's crafts. Such a bouquet will be made in the form of an application, with which you can make a commemorative postcard or present it as an independent gift. Step-by-step instructions on how to make crafts for March 8 with your own hands in kindergarten in the senior group from paper, learn from the next master class with a photo.

Necessary materials for crafts on March 8 from paper for the older group of the garden

  • colored paper
  • simple pencil
  • cardboard
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make crafts for March 8 with your own hands from paper for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself children's crafts for March 8 for mom - a master class with step-by-step instructions for a child

You will find another version of the original bouquet - do-it-yourself children's crafts for March 8 for mom in the next master class with step-by-step instructions for the child. This craft is more suitable for pupils of older and preparatory groups kindergarten, as well as for children of primary school age. The peculiarity of this do-it-yourself children's craft for March 8 for mom (a master class with step-by-step instructions for the child below) is that the flowers for the bouquet are made from the most ordinary cardboard egg packaging.

Necessary materials for children's crafts on March 8 do-it-yourself for mom

  • egg carton
  • wire
  • green tape or paper tape
  • paints and bones
  • scissors
  • yellow paper

Step-by-step instructions for a child on how to make DIY crafts for March 8 for mom

How to make a craft with a photo for a grandmother on March 8 with your own hands, a step-by-step master class

But probably the most memorable and touching do-it-yourself crafts on March 8 for both mom and grandmother are souvenirs with a photo of a child. It can be homemade photo frames, pendants, cups or just memorable souvenirs. From our next step-by-step master class, you will learn how to make a craft with a photo for your grandmother on March 8 with your own hands from salt dough.

Necessary materials for crafts with a photo on March 8 do-it-yourself for grandmother

  • salt - 1 cup
  • flour - 1 cup
  • water - 1/2 cup
  • red paint with brush
  • photo
  • heart-shaped, e.g.

Instructions on how to make a craft with a photo for a grandmother with your own hands on March 8

3. Using the same form, we cut out a suitable template from the photo and insert it into our dough blank. Gently press down with your fingers so that the photo stays well in place and does not fall out in the future. We send the workpiece to dry in the sun or a battery.

Another simple and popular material for original DIY children's crafts on March 8 is ordinary napkins from which you can make beautiful flowers. Despite the fact that outwardly such flowers cannot be immediately distinguished from real ones, it is easy and quick to make such a craft with your own hands, even for a small child. Read more about how to make a DIY children's craft "Flowers" on March 8 from napkins in the next video tutorial with step-by-step instructions.

DIY crafts for March 8 are original children's gifts that have long become traditional in kindergartens and schools. Our article contains quite simple master classes with photos and step by step instructions, which the child can master both in the younger and in the older group of the kindergarten. Thanks to the use of simple materials, such as colored paper, cotton pads or napkins, the baby will be able to make an absolutely unique and inimitable craft. So, each of the presented options for crafts on March 8 can be a worthy gift for mom or grandmother. We are sure that our master classes will be able to inspire creativity and adults, whose help will never interfere with children.

The most beautiful, blooming spring holiday - March 8 - is very close! He is a harbinger of spring, beauty and sunny days. On this day, everything blooms and smells. The first spring flowers are blooming - snowdrops, birds are flying in, everything in the area comes to life. On this holiday, all women, girls and girls are waiting for something special. So how to congratulate your beloved mom, granny, nephew, girlfriend, sister?

Of course, the best gift made with your own hands. In this article you will see a lot of craft ideas for March 8th.

DIY materials

So from what you can make crafts for the eighth of March:

  • Colored paper or thick cardboard.
  • Pasta.
  • Plastic spoons (bottles).
  • Beads.
  • Candies.
  • Plasticine.
  • Salty dough.

  • "Blossoming Lily"
  • "Flower for Mom"
  • Spoon snowdrops.
  • Paper rose.
  • Unusual chamomile.
  • Flower of cotton buds.
  • Magnet - a heart made of salt dough.

Check out the modern home decor on this site

"Blossoming Lily"

You will need:

  • Colored cardboard (green).
  • The paper is white.
  • Scissors.
  • Heart templates (you can draw by hand).

Manufacturing progress:

Take a heart template, cut it out on green paper. Cut out lily flower template. From yellow colored paper, cut out the middle of the lily. Glue the flower to the heart. Attach the yellow center to the flower. Blooming lily is ready!

"Flower for Mom"

We will take:

  • Black pencil.
  • Thick cardboard.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Large flower stencil.


We outline the stencil on cardboard. We roll balls from corrugated paper. Dip the resulting balls in glue and glue them on the flower. The flower is ready!

Snowdrops from spoons

To craft these beautiful spring flowers, we need:

  • Plasticine mass (green and yellow shades).
  • Plastic spoons.
  • Already old, unnecessary plasticine.
  • Cocktail pipes (green).
  • Green bottle.
  • Napkins (green).
  • Flower pot.

Instructions for making crafts:

We twist the ball from unsuitable plasticine, and lay it on the bottom of the pot. Roll 7 carrots from green plasticine and do the same with yellow plasticine. Attach a yellow carrot tightly to the tube. We carry out such actions with all seven cocktail tubes.

Cut off the handles of the plastic spoons. We insert three petals into each tube. From the green bottle we cut out the leaves of our snowdrops. We alternately attach the snowdrops to the plasticine located in our pot. We also attach the leaves.

AT flower pot put green napkins to simulate grass. Here are the wonderful snowdrops ready, it remains to give them to your mother or grandmother.


To form a flower you will need:

  • Double-sided paper in different colors.
  • Corrugated green paper.
  • Wire (preferably aluminum).
  • Scissors.


  • From multi-colored paper of red shades of color, cut out a circle. Draw a spiral in the resulting circle.
  • We cut carefully in a spiral, we try as evenly as possible. We twist the spiral.
  • We glue the resulting structure. Let's dry. From green colored paper, cut out leaves for a rose.
  • Glue the flower bud to the leaves. We wrap the wire with green paper. We fix the bud to its base with glue.

Chamomile from cotton pads

You need:

  • Cotton discs.
  • Threads for sewing white.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • plastic mass.
  • Durable multi-colored cardboard.
  • Multi-colored paper (any color).

Manufacturing process:

First we make the petals of our chamomile, for this we twist the cotton pads with the edges up. So we make 8-9 petals. We connect the petals with a thread.

For the core of the flower, take a disk and dip it in yellow paint. Let's dry. We smear the middle with glue and form a flower. Let's make a stalk from green paper and 3-4 sheets per stalk. We form a flower. Chamomile is ready.


For a fake, we will take:

  • Cotton sticks.
  • Plasticine mass for modeling (yellow).
  • Felt pens or markers.
  • Scissors.
  • Colored cardboard.


We take a leaf of colorful cardboard, absolutely any color that your soul desires, this will be our basis. Now you need to cut the sticks into two parts, scissors will help us with this.

From plasticine we make the middle of our inflorescence. We roll a plasticine ball. In the resulting ball we insert cotton swabs in a circle.

We stick the resulting flower to thick cardboard. Draw the stem and leaves with markers. If you wish, you can add pleasant words of congratulations.

Salt dough heart magnet

We will need:

  • Corn flour.
  • Salty dough.
  • PVA glue.
  • Magnet.

Manufacturing process:

First, prepare the salt dough. To do this, we take 300 g of ordinary wheat flour and 150 g of salt, so that the dough smells, you can take sea salt with some kind of smell. Add water and any food coloring. Mix well.

Roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter to shape it into a heart shape. Let's dry our heart.

The dried heart from the heart must be smeared with glue and decorated with cornmeal on top. Spread glue on the other side of the heart and attach a magnet. You can add beads if you like.


Every girl, girl, woman, grandmother will be pleased to receive a gift on this gentle spring holiday. And it's even nicer if this gift is made with your own hands. Therefore, do not be lazy and take some time to make a gift and give it to your beloved women. By the way, you can show off the photos of crafts you donated on March 8 to your friends.

Photo crafts for March 8

Crafts for March 8 are a great gift and a sign of attention for kids to their mothers. After all, they put into their work all the love and tenderness that they experience for their mother.

Crafts can be made from the most different materials. For example, from those that we will consider in our article.

The most beautiful DIY crafts for March 8 (photo)

Of course, you can just draw some drawing and give it to your mother, because she will be happy with any gift from her beloved child. But it is much more interesting to come up with something new and original, then mom will be doubly surprised and delighted with an interesting gift.

For crafts, you can use a wide variety of materials: from cardboard to items that we use daily in everyday life, such as napkins and cotton pads. With a little imagination, absolutely amazing things can turn out.

From paper and cardboard

Paper and cardboard are the most common materials for children's creativity. Primary school children can easily cope with them, but of course, under the supervision of adults.

With the help of corrugated paper and trimming, you can make a very beautiful craft in the form of a flower. First, cut small squares two by two centimeters, then use a brush to glue them onto cardboard so that you get a flower.

Do-it-yourself voluminous postcards for March 8 are another common and interesting idea. You can make them with the help of the application. To begin with, you should cut out individual elements of the card from paper, for example, flowers, leaves, hearts, the number 8.

Photo: paper elephants

And then stick with glue on a blank of cardboard. Flowers can be made voluminous out of paper by cutting several identical parts and gluing them on top of each other.

There is also such an interesting and new technique for crafts as quilling. This is the name of the art of twisting and gluing paper so that three-dimensional objects are obtained. The technique requires great perseverance and accuracy, and therefore not many in the 1st grade will be able to master it.

Photo: paper pumpkin

From beads

Beads are a very beautiful material, which also helps to develop fine motor skills. Incredible and festive decorations, souvenirs and even flowers are obtained from beads. With the help of beads and thin wire, you can make a bouquet that looks like a mimosa.

Photo: beaded key chains

With the help of beads and threads, it is easy to make bracelets, baubles, chains and rings. If you apply imagination, perseverance and spend more time, you can make jewelry so beautiful that it will not be a shame to give them even to adult colleagues.

Beads will also make original trees and topiaries, which are popular among needlewomen in our time.

From satin ribbons

Satin ribbon is a wonderful material for children's creativity. From such ribbons, flowers are especially beautiful. Ribbons of red, yellow and white will make realistic buds, and green ribbon can be used to make leaves.

Photo: satin flower

Then sew it all together to get a whole composition. With special skill, you can make anything. Butterflies, jewelry, hair bands are just a small part of it.

From plasticine

From plasticine, you can create a variety of products. In order to make crafts more interesting and original, they often use various natural materials- acorns, flowers, leaves, chestnuts and much more.

Photo: cool plasticine snail

Most of all, children love to sculpt animals, plants and fairy-tale characters from plasticine. On March 8, you can create a bouquet of flowers, the number 8 and a heart from plasticine. You can create crafts using various schemes, or relying only on your own imagination.

From napkins

Few people realize that ordinary napkins can turn out very beautiful and original crafts. With the help of them you can create a festive atmosphere at any time.

It doesn’t take much time to make crafts from napkins, and even young children can create them.

From napkins, you can make the same applications as from paper. Only the material is much simpler and more pliable. Crafts from him are lighter and more delicate.

Flowers are very beautiful from napkins. For a three-dimensional flower, you must first cut a lot of petals, and then glue them together.

Photo: napkin flower

The more petals, the more voluminous and natural the plant will turn out. The craft turns out to be very colorful, so with it you can even decorate the room.

From foamiran (from felt)

Felt is a very soft, warm and cozy material. And its dense structure allows you to make a wide variety of products.

You can make jewelry, brooches, gift bags and much more from felt. And also something that is useful in the household, for example, potholders and needle cases that you can give to your mother or grandmother.

Photo: foamiran poppy

For simple crafts only scissors may come in handy, but for more complex ones you will need:

  • threads of different colors. Threads should be chosen so that they are most suitable in shade to the felt fabric;
  • felt or other material for filling crafts;
  • needles of different thickness;
  • cutting pencil;
  • awl for making holes;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • decoration materials as desired.

It is necessary to make crafts with the child and make sure that he does not get hurt during manufacture.

Photo: felt crafts

From cotton pads

Surely not many have heard that original flowers can be obtained from cotton pads. This is not at all difficult to do and a lot of improvised materials are not needed. Only the discs themselves, glue and scissors. You just need to fold the discs in the form of petals and glue them together.

Photo: applications from cotton pads

You can stick them on cardboard or on a cocktail tube, and then tie them with a ribbon. Cotton swabs can also come in handy to make the core for the buds.

From salt dough

Salt dough makes excellent souvenirs and crafts, including those for March 8th. It will take a little time to prepare the dough and the following materials:

  1. Flour - 2 cups.
  2. Salt - 1 cup.
  3. Water - 0.5 cups.
  4. Colorless varnish.
  5. Gouache.
  6. Decoration materials.

You can fashion the number 8, decorate it with flowers from the same test. Decorate them with different colors of gouache, and then varnish them after drying.

If you stick a magnet on the back surface, you will get a great gift that will always delight in the kitchen.

Photo: salt dough owl

From salt dough, as well as from plasticine, you can make any items. Only such material has one advantage, that it dries up and can bring joy for many years.

For example, make a heart on which to write how much you love your mother. Or a cardboard photo frame on which to glue the dough flowers.

From sweets

With the help of sweets, you will get a double gift that will please not only the eye, but also allow you to enjoy the taste of sweets. You can use a variety of sweets, as well as mix them. Candies can become the center of flowers, or the flowers themselves.

You can make some object out of cardboard or felt, for example, a postcard or a heart, and stick sweets on it.

Candies are a versatile material for crafts, the only limit to which will be fantasy. From sweets, you can create a whole castle, fruit, or any thing that will be a symbol for mom. For example, a piano or Balloon.

Photo: candy gift

What to make a gift to mom on March 8 with your own hands in kindergarten

March 8 is a wonderful holiday with which every child seeks to congratulate his mother. But in kindergarten, children still do not know how much. Therefore, educators choose the simplest materials so that children do not harm themselves, but can express their love with the help of creativity and congratulate their beloved mothers on the holiday.

Junior group

In the younger group, children can already master the application, so you can use paper, napkins, cardboard and glue to make crafts. But some of the more complex elements should be prepared in advance.

Children can be offered to crumple lumps from chopped squares of napkins that will become flowers. When the child has made enough lumps or gets tired, you can offer to stick them on a cardboard blank. It will turn out a great voluminous postcard with flowers.

middle group

In the middle group, you can offer more difficult options. But also use blanks of more difficult elements. In advance, you can prepare a figure-eight silhouette from cardboard, which will be used as a base.

Then the children cut out flowers from colored paper and stick them on the base along the edges of the figure eight. Then they take strips of corrugated paper, fold them in half horizontally and roll them into a tube. Get fluffy flowers.

With these flowers, children fill the remaining space in the figure eight. The result is a voluminous postcard of multi-colored flowers.

preparatory group

Children preschool age already capable of more complex tasks. You can invite them to create a panel using a frame and scrap materials, such as twigs, cones or acorns.

At this age, children are able to cut and hold smaller elements in their pens, as well as paint more accurately. You can use more diverse materials: sweets, ribbons, threads.

Children aged 5-7 can already embroider, so an embroidery that can be framed or glued to cardboard can be a great gift. An excellent tool in this matter will be the hoop. It will be much easier for the child to guide the needle and thread.

Do-it-yourself original postcard ideas for March 8 for children

To surprise parents, educators are using more and more new techniques and methods to create cards.

Here are some new ideas that you may not have seen yet that will inspire you to come up with something of your own:

  • the new quilling technique is a great way for an original postcard. Even children can handle this technique. It is necessary to twist colored paper and stick it on cardboard in the form of a pre-designed pattern;
  • postcards with dresses from napkins. The napkin can be folded like an accordion, tied at the base and straightened from the opposite side, and then glued onto a postcard. If you use an openwork napkin, the card will turn out to be more tender and touching;
  • cards with birds, owls and hearts. Everyone is used to receiving only cards with eights and flowers on March 8, but there are many other elements that symbolize love, tenderness and all the most reverent feelings towards mom;
  • a postcard that becomes voluminous when opened can look very interesting. It is not at all difficult to make it. To do this, you need to fold the A4 sheet in half, make cuts of different lengths from the side of the fold. Bend the resulting strips and glue the sheet to the cardboard. Glue different elements of colored paper onto the curved strips, and the postcard is ready;
  • postcard using origami. Flowers and stems are folded from small squares of colored paper. They make a bouquet out of them and glue a ribbon of colored paper to keep the bouquet.

As you can see, there are many options for non-trivial congratulations to mothers and grandmothers on March 8. It just takes a little imagination and original gift ready.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to follow the given instructions, because the more you invent from yourself, the more interesting the craft will be.

Video: do-it-yourself paper flowers