Development of creative abilities of preschoolers with the help of applications. Theme "Non-traditional application as a means of developing creative abilities in preschool children" Younger preschool age

The work experience of the educator of the preschool educational institution "Non-traditional application as a means of development fine motor skills hands in preschool children

1. The formation of experience.
Working with children in kindergarten, I noticed what children experience:
- uncertainty and stiffness in actions and answers to questions;
- confusion when using methods of non-standard creativity and experimenting with materials;
- Difficulties in the manifestation of creativity;
- lack of self-confidence;
- poorly developed imagination;
- little independence;
- Poorly developed motor skills.
Some children do not learn the techniques and methods of working with paper and other materials. To solve this problem, I began to study methodological literature in depth. There was a desire to diversify the practical activities of children planned by the program with the help of non-traditional applications.
As the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. The thinnest threads come from the fingers - streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more skill in a child's hand, the more capable the child is."

2. Relevance of experience
A child cannot develop a comprehensive idea of ​​the surrounding objective world without tactile-motor perception, since it underlies sensory cognition. It is with the help of tactile-motor perception that the first impressions about the shape, size of objects, their location in space are formed.
Therefore, work on the development of fine motor skills should begin, long before entering school. Therefore, I believe that due attention should be paid to various tasks for the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. This solves two problems at once: firstly, it indirectly affects the overall intellectual development of children, and secondly, it prepares them to master the skill of writing.
Preschool childhood is an age stage that decisively determines the further development of a person. At preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives for vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, but to contribute to its further development. The fuller and more varied the children's activity, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the potential opportunities and the first creative manifestations are realized.
One of the closest and most natural activities for a child is artistic activity. In the artistic development of preschoolers, the ability to perceive a work of art and independently create a new image (in drawing, modeling, appliqué) is central, which is distinguished by originality, variability, flexibility, and mobility.
The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice in present stage. Its development begins more effectively from preschool age. The more diverse the conditions in which artistic activity takes place, the content, forms, methods and techniques of working with children, as well as the materials with which they act, the more intensively children's artistic abilities will develop.
Non-traditional application techniques are an impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality. By applying and combining different ways of depicting in one work, preschoolers learn to think, decide for themselves which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive.

3. Purpose and objectives of the experience
Dexterous children's and adult hands, as well as imagination, can lead children to an amazing country where you can learn and experience one of the most beautiful feelings - the joy of creation and creativity. Working with non-traditional materials contains great opportunities for the harmonious development of the child. These activities contribute to the development of his creativity, awaken the will, develop manual skills and labor skills, a sense of form, eye and color perception. Work on the composition contributes to the education of artistic taste. Children show interest in activities with non-traditional materials, which is the basis of a positive attitude towards work.
The purpose of my work is: to create conditions for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children through classes on non-traditional applications.
I have set myself the following tasks:
1. Development of skills to make precise movements with the fingers.
2. Development of the ability to coordinate the work of hands with visual perception.
3. Development of creative activity, fantasy.
4. Development of memory, attention, creative imagination, thinking, speech, eye, cognitive interest.
5. To teach dexterity in handling various materials, train children's hand muscles, develop tactile sensations.
6. To cultivate perseverance, accuracy, goodwill, the ability to work in a team and individually.

4. Forms of work
Non-traditional appliqué is an appliqué using non-traditional materials and working methods.
In my work, I use the following types:
- Breakaway application;
- Application of confetti;
- Application from napkins;
- Application of cereals and seeds;

Application of cotton wool and cotton pads;
- Application from threads;
- Application of dry leaves;
- Origami.
This topic is interesting not only to me, but also to children, because at this age they are very fond of making something with their own hands, especially from unusual material.
Application from twisted napkins is a simple and accessible kind of creativity for any age. Napkins are a very interesting material for children's creativity. Of these, you can make different crafts. This type of creativity has a number of advantages: - the ability to create masterpieces without scissors; - development of fine motor skills of small hands; - development of tactile perception, using paper of various textures; - ample opportunities for creativity. Napkins are cut into equal squares, then each square is twisted into a ball with the help of fingers. The resulting balls are glued according to the pattern on PVA glue.
Application of cereals and seeds. Preschool children simply need comprehensive development. Application from seeds develops fine motor skills and opens up new opportunities and abilities for the baby. A big plus is the availability and safety of the material, and, importantly, the ease of execution of the application itself.
Breakaway applique is one of the types of multifaceted appliqué technique. This method is good for conveying the texture of the image (fluffy chicken, curly cloud). In this case, we tear the paper into pieces and make an image out of them. Children 5-7 years old can complicate the technique: not just tear pieces of paper, as it turns out, but pluck or cut off the outline drawing. Breakaway applique is very useful for developing fine motor skills and creative thinking.
Application from cotton wool and cotton pads is a great way to make a voluminous greeting card or a soft embossed picture. For applications, you can use not only cotton, but also cotton pads, which sometimes greatly facilitates the work with the application. For example, the smallest ones will definitely like to make simple applications - a snowman, a caterpillar, flowers from circles. Vata allows you to develop motor skills and tactile sensations in a child. In addition, cotton wool can be dyed, and then the space for artistic experiments expands significantly.
Origami (jap. "folded paper") - a type of arts and crafts; the ancient art of paper folding. Classical origami is folded from a square sheet of paper and prescribes the use of one sheet of paper without the use of glue and scissors. From the resulting figures, you can make a variety of applications. This type of creativity develops fine motor skills, strengthens the muscles of the fingers, develops logical thinking.
Cereal application. The application of cereals is very popular with children. With cereals, you can create various crafts, create applications. To do this, semolina, rice, millet, horns are painted in various colors using gouache and water.
Application of dried plants. Currently, the application of flowers, grass, leaves, the so-called floristry, has gained wide popularity. Working with natural material is quite accessible to preschool children. Fascinating, interesting and useful communication with nature. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, diligence. Classes with natural material contribute to the education in children of love for their native nature, respect for it. They are also useful because the collection and preparation of natural material takes place in the air.
Confetti applique is another way of unconventional appliqué. Punch circles of colored paper with a hole punch. Draw a picture, spread it with glue, you can sprinkle it, or you can lay out one circle at a time. Applications are bright and interesting.
Thread application. This type of application develops imagination, perseverance, creativity, tactile sensations. Draw a picture, cut the threads into small pieces, apply glue, sprinkle the threads, remove the excess. You can also draw with threads, this method is called nitkography. Very bright, simple pictures are obtained.

5. Results of the work
Results of my work:
1) The creative potential of children develops.
2) Children will get joy from co-creation.
3) Children master non-traditional techniques in fine arts;
4) A steady interest is formed among children in applications in the classroom and in independent activities;
5) Parents show an increased interest in the creativity of their children.
6) Systematic work in this direction allows to achieve the following positive results: the brush acquires good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, pressure changes, which further helps children to easily master the skill of writing.
Comparing the results of my work, I saw that the children became more focused, independent, attentive. Their appliqué work acquired a conscious, meaningful and purposeful character. All tasks that were given to children in middle groups That is, by the end of the school year, they were carried out much faster and without any effort.

6. Problems and creative perspectives
- some children do not show interest in various types of visual activities;
- most children do not show perseverance and patience in completing tasks, do not finish the work they have begun;
- some children are afraid to touch various materials of labor, which demonstrate self-doubt;
- poorly developed motor skills of the hand;
- some children have a poorly developed fantasy, they do the work just like a teacher.
The main task of practicing non-traditional application is to create conditions, make accessible and easy to complete all tasks related to the need to use fine motor skills of the hands. This can be achieved only through the gradual development of manual skill, achieved as a result of the transition from simple to more complex tasks.
Perspective: To continue work on the development of new non-traditional application techniques that develop fine motor skills of the hand.

My children's work

"Butterfly" Application from leaves

"Winter forest"
Application by cutting out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half

"Frost Patterns on the Window"
Application made in the technique of broken appliqué

"Autumn Tree"
Breakaway appliqué, puzzles

Breakaway application

Application from napkins

Breakaway application

"Easter egg"

"Kitten with a ball"
thread appliqué

Origami technique

"Winter Tree"
Twisted napkin appliqué

7. Literature used
1. Bolshakova S.E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands, Sfera, 2008.
2. Gusakova M. A. Application: A guide for teachers preschool education- M.: Enlightenment, 2000.
3. Zhukova O. Preschool age: about manual skill. - Preschool education, 2008, No. 8.
4. Kvach N.V. Development of figurative thinking and graphic skills in children aged 5-7 years: A guide for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: Humanit ed. Center VLADOS, 2001.
5. Korchikova O. V. Decorative and applied art in preschool institutions (series "The world of your child"). – Rostov N/A: Phoenix, 2002.
6. Lykova I. A. “Visual activity in kindergarten”, 2007.
7. Lyubina G. The hand develops the brain. Magazine "Child in Kindergarten", No. 6, 2003, No. 1, 2004. Productive activities in the development of a child 5-6 years old

Good day, dear moms, dads and all visitors to our blog about creative development child!

A little earlier, I wrote about what an application is, and what applications are. Also, what are the benefits?

And today I will tell you how to start applique with your baby.

So that applique classes do not upset your baby, but bring a lot of joy, creative satisfaction and a desire to create applications more and more, you need to carefully prepare for the creative process.

1. Scissors. They should have blunt ends, but sharp blades so that the child can easily cut the paper, and not tear it. And yet he couldn't get hurt.

2. Glue. It is better to stop your choice on a glue stick, and when the baby grow a little, you can buy PVA glue and glue with a brush.

3. Colored paper of beautiful bright colors. For the background, you can take cardboard (colored or white). To begin with, use thicker paper, as when spreading Adhesive thin paper will wrinkle and tear easily.

4. In order to interest the child, so that the lessons will be remembered by him and bring a lot of positive emotions, turn the creation of the application into a fairy tale or a game.

To do this, think over the topic of the lesson in advance, come up with magical characters, a plot. Begin the lesson with a preface, a short story. And during the lesson, do not be silent - comment on what you are doing, talk about the shape of objects, their colors and size. Thus, along the way, you will contribute to the development of the baby and his speech.

5. The most important thing is the desire and well-being of the baby.

Start the lesson when the child is in a good mood and well-being, when he has a desire. If you see that baby tired or unwilling to exercise, stop. Let the child finish his work later.

6. With kids early age(1-3 years old) start creating appliqués with simple tricks. You can do the application of torn paper. Together with the baby, tear small pieces of paper and stick them on a pre-drawn drawing. If the kid can, let him grease the pieces of paper with a glue stick. If not, apply glue to the drawing, and then glue the torn pieces onto it.

Also, babies can crumple double-sided colored paper and stick it on a drawing smeared with glue, or dip it in PVA glue, and then stick it.

In this way, you can stick cotton wool, pieces of yarn, candy wrappers.

7. The next, more difficult stage in appliqué classes is the gluing by the kid of the parts previously cut out by the adult. Let it be simple plots, simple geometric applications. Let the kid himself try to grease the parts with a glue stick.

8. At the age of 3-4 years (the age is individual for each child), invite the child to cut out the details himself. Let them be simple, pre-drawn on paper. Teach him how to use scissors first.

9. Further, when the child masters gluing simple parts, you can add more complex ones, and instead of glue stick, use PVA glue with a brush.

Let the child first place the cut out details on the background in the right place, and only then smear it with glue and stick it, smoothing it with a soft cotton cloth or napkin.

10. Choose the time of classes with the baby individually. Start with 10 minutes, increasing as you age.

11. For a variety of appliqué activities, offer your child not only paper. Try to create with cotton wool, threads, cereals, dry leaves, branches, flowers and much more.

Well, following these simple rules, you can easily start doing appliqué with your child.

Elena Medvedeva.

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A popular type of needlework is colored paper crafts, which have remained relevant for many years and are constantly being improved.

More and more original approaches and variants gradually appear to them. Such an elementary and rather simple thing, like paper, can captivate both an adult and a child.

Favorably develops imagination, determination and at the same time forms the perception of colors, the development of motor skills of the child.

How much joy in the future will bring the baby to play with crafts that he made himself.

Postcards, applications, toys and a lot of interesting things can be created from simple multi-colored paper.

paper goldfish

Before starting work, you need to stock up the necessary materials:

  • ruler;
  • a piece of paper thick one sheet;
  • plate, round shape;
  • small scissors;
  • colored sheets;
  • glue for paper;
  • simple accessories (sequins, rhinestones, beads);
  • mechanical pencil.

Turning the plate over onto a thick paper sheet, outline its edges with a pencil, then cut out the resulting outline with scissors.

From the center of the circle, draw a triangle with a ruler (with an angle inside the circle), cut it - this is the mouth of the fish. Glue it as a tail on the parallel side of the mouth.

Then make an eye, paint it with a felt-tip pen, or cut it out of black paper and stick it in the right place. To decorate a goldfish, you need to overlay it with scales made of paper or other improvised means, sprinkle with beads, before coating the base with glue.

paper flower

Interesting flowers will come out of paper of different colors. A simple set of things will come in handy:

  • scissors;
  • PVA glue (you can use a pencil);
  • thick cardboard, it will serve as the basis for the toy;

Cut elongated strips from light paper, first drawing them with a ruler, then cut out circles from a yellow sheet (middle of a camomile). Chopped green strips will serve as leaves for it.

Flower petals are glued from white paper strips on both sides, in the form of a loop. You can decorate a cardboard postcard with a finished chamomile.

funny butterfly

Enough interesting option crafts are obtained using the contour of the child's hands, which are circled on colored paper. This is a great opportunity to please and captivate the child with a useful activity.

The following set of improvised materials will come in handy:

  • several sheets of colored paper;
  • White paper;
  • small scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • accessories for decorating toys (colored pencils, sparkles, paints).

Having attached both palms of the child to a sheet of colored paper, carefully trace the outline with an ordinary pencil.

The result is a drawing of four palms of different colors, they will serve as the wings of the future butterfly. Glue the resulting palms (brought together) onto a sheet of white paper.

Next, you should cut out an oval from paper of any other color, which will be the body of the butterfly, glue it between the palms. It will turn out a body with wings, with the help of pencils or felt-tip pens, apply a drawing of eyes, smiles and antennae to it.

It is reasonable to smear the finished butterfly with glue, apply various decorations, rhinestones on it and sprinkle with multi-colored sequins. Such an exciting activity will appeal to the baby and will help in the development of perseverance and considerations.

Colored curtains or Christmas garlands

This craft is the most popular and easy to make product. First you need to prepare:

  • small scissors;
  • paper glue;
  • regular pencil;
  • small ruler.

Cut a large number of strips of multi-colored paper, which should be the same size.

Glue the ring, thread the next one through it, also gluing its ends together. Perform such actions until the desired length is obtained. According to this principle, make a certain number of “strings” from colored rings.

To diversify the craft, the garland rings can be replaced with small butterflies, hearts or flowers.

It is possible to come up with a lot of various handmade crafts that provide a fun pastime and contribute to the development of the baby.

It is also always nice to receive a surprise for any holiday made by yourself, especially with children's hands!

Photo of paper applications

The influence of visual activity on the development of the child is not limited to the aesthetic side. Visual activity, as you know, is multifaceted, and each of its types is able to have a certain impact. In this article, we will consider the application, which also plays a significant role in the process of educating and educating preschoolers, contributing to the formation of many personal qualities, aesthetic and mental capabilities of children.

The role of the application in the education of preschoolers

The importance of applique classes for the harmonious and comprehensive development of children has been proven both scientifically and historically. Summarizing many years of pedagogical experience, we can identify the following parameters on which the application has a positive effect:

  • development of artistic taste
  • formation of artistic and graphic skills
  • formation of aesthetic perception of the world around
  • development of imagination, creativity, spatial perception and fantasy
  • cultivating the culture of the viewer
  • formation of knowledge about world artistic culture
  • development of fine motor skills

Junior preschool age

You can introduce kids to applique classes starting from 2-3 years of age.. During these years, toddlers show an incredible willingness to do everything that adults attract them to, children like to take part and act. It is important to encourage such activity of the child, giving it the character of creation. This period is very fertile for the formation of independence of children. In terms of applique, a 2-3 year old baby can do the following:

  • be aware of the qualities and properties of paper - it can be smooth or rough, dense or soft, shiny or matte, multi-colored, it can be cut or wrinkled, rolled up and torn
  • get the first knowledge about the tools that are necessary for practicing appliqué (scissors, glue, brush, etc.)
  • respond emotionally to the offer of an adult to take part in the creation of crafts
  • be interested in elementary actions with paper
  • strive to carry out these actions independently
  • recognize the images resulting from the work, rejoice with an adult

At the age of 2-3 years, kids can perform semi-volumetric and "mosaic" subject applications, depicting with their help the simplest phenomena of the world around them. It can be fruits, vegetables, twigs with berries or flowers. Made on colored paper and placed in a frame, such a bright application will please the child's eye. It can be used to decorate the interior of a children's room!

Of course, at this stage of the child's development, he performs the application with the help of an adult, performing only individual actions. But this helps the child to get an idea about this type of visual activity as the ability to create a drawing with paper and scissors. Only an adult can convey to the child knowledge about the functions of tools, show how one or another material can be used, help to master the specifics of working with it.

Separate actions of the child are included in the full process of creating the application. For example, a baby can be instructed to crumple paper into a ball, roll it into a ball, etc., gradually complicating the task. Thus, the child is prepared for a more meaningful participation in the process of working on crafts. At first, the baby does not clearly perceive the color or shape, does not conceive the final image. But it is quite possible for a three-year-old child to set tasks more difficult.

  • Make patterns on square, rectangular or triangular paper by folding them from geometric shapes
  • Make simple objects from ready-made shapes (for example, a snowman, a house or a Christmas tree)
  • Learn how to use scissors, cut paper along the fold (first narrow, then wider strips that require several strokes)
  • Learn how to lubricate paper parts with glue using a brush
  • Consciously relate to the order of the application (first of all, you need to lay out a pattern or object, then glue each detail sequentially)

Middle preschool

Children aged 4-5 years are able to perform the following actions that they need to be taught:

  • Cut out details for appliqué from different materials (paper or fabric), including along the contour
  • Create applications using dry leaves
  • Arrange details on round shapes (rosette, circle or oval)

The content of crafts is enriched, children become more familiar with the outside world, nature, folk art, as well as the details used for appliqué. The baby's hand acts more confidently, so other cutting methods become subject to the child. A preschooler can round the corners of a rectangle, getting a circle or an oval, cut at right angles, getting a trapezoid, or cut a square diagonally, getting triangles. You can already use ready-made stencils (in the form of flowers, mushrooms, etc.)

A child who has learned to use scissors can cut out details not only from paper, but also from fabric (cotton, drape). Such crafts are more diverse in use. Children 4-5 years old also learn to create applications from plant leaves, alternating them in size, shape, color, symmetrically placing them on cardboard of one or another geometric shape. It should be remembered that a leaf of a plant cannot be smeared with glue in the same way that paper or fabric (along the contour with a brush) will crumble. The brush here moves from the index finger on the left hand to the edges of the sheet. New materials are provided to the child - seeds or twigs. For example, depicting a butterfly, the abdomen can be drawn or made from a leaf, eyes can be drawn or seeds can be glued.

senior preschool

At this age (5-6 years), preschoolers master symmetrical, multilayer and silhouette cutting, as well as weaving and trimming, learn to sew fabric details, creating not only planar, but also semi-volumetric crafts (putting cotton wool between the detail and the base).

The craft content continues to expand. Complex patterns are created from floral and geometric shapes, more details are used. Thematic multi-layer crafts are performed from fabric, paper, dry leaves (they are considered the most difficult type of application). Here, the sequence of arrangement of forms is strictly defined. First, the general background is drawn up (sea, earth, sky), then objects of the background, middle, foreground are added (all in sequence). Preschoolers 5-6 years old can already try to sketch with a pencil before starting work directly on the application.

By teaching preschoolers a variety of appliqué techniques from a variety of materials, you create the foundation for your child's creative expression. The preschooler himself chooses the plot for the application, the material or combination of materials, uses one or another technique that is suitable for the most expressive image.

Application materials

Paper in bright colors is the most affordable and popular material for preschoolers. To work with it, you need to stock up in advance with special simple equipment - this is the paper itself for the background and elements, a brush, glue, scissors, clean napkins. The paper that will be used as a background should have a high density, and its color should be selected depending on the idea of ​​​​the future image. For example, if you want to paint flowers, it is better to do it on green paper, a boat on blue paper, birds on blue paper, etc. For individual elements of the application, elastic, elastic paper of rich colors is suitable.

The scissors with which the child works should have rounded tips. Scissors are stored in special stands with the handles up. Teach your child to be careful when working with scissors - this is not a toy, you can not wave them, you must always carefully put them back in place.

Brushes are selected in different sizes, since the elements of the application are also different - small and large. If large and small details are combined in one craft, it is obvious that two brushes are needed. For large surfaces, flat wide brushes are used. Explain to the child and show him that after work, the brush must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water, dried, and then put into a special stand, placing the brush with the pile up. In the process of work, the brush can be placed on a horizontal surface.

Craft details can be glued using self-made glue - flour or potato. Accordingly, you will need wheat or potato flour. Pour it with a glass of water and heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, without bringing to a boil. Wait for the thickness and transparency of the paste, then remove from heat, cool and pour into a ceramic or porcelain container.

To work, you will also need a clean bedding on which the child will smear the parts with glue - it can be just white paper, which you will periodically change.

Working on paper applications using the listed tools helps the child acquire useful skills and abilities, develop manual, instrumental actions. Kids learn how to bend paper, fold it in half, cut, glue, get acquainted with different types of paper (wrapping, drawing, drawing, corrugated), its qualities, color and texture (smooth, matte, dense, thin, soft, etc.)

When choosing paper for work, pay attention to its elasticity. Details should not break. Cracks in the folds will significantly reduce the aesthetic effect, cause the baby to feel dissatisfied with the craft. Choose paper that is resilient and flexible, which lends itself well to processing, does not require additional effort when folding.

Fabric applications

A common type of arts and crafts is embroidery, the varieties of which include, in particular, appliqué made of fabric. Fabric applications involve the reinforcement of elements from another fabric on one piece of fabric, either with glue or by sewing. Such crafts are plot, subject, both single-color and multi-color. Fabric crafts require certain skills, because the fabric is more difficult to cut than paper, its edges crumble, which makes it difficult to work.

From natural material

Craftsmen from Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus have long used straw as an ornamental material, making toys, rugs and even bags from it, decorating frames and caskets with it. Straw applications look incredibly attractive, pleasing to the eye with a golden sheen due to the glossy surface of the straw and its longitudinally arranged fibers, capable of reflecting light in a certain position. By placing the straw at different angles, you can achieve a unique golden sheen. Straw crafts will serve as a wonderful element of the interior, and souvenirs from it will be a nice gift. A subject application made of straw is quite within the power of children of older preschool age. Choose rectangular elements to simplify work - a square (a house), a triangle (a roof or a Christmas tree, a sail on a boat), a half circle (a mushroom cap), etc.

Preschool children may well work with natural materials - it is interesting, exciting, allows you to join nature, develop thinking, creativity, artistic taste, observation, imagination. Nature is an amazing and richest storehouse of ready-made forms and colors. Working with natural material brings up love and careful attitude to the surrounding world. And since the material for applications and crafts is collected by children in the fresh air, it is also good for health.

Poplar fluff applications can look absolutely amazing - they are elegant, airy and delicate. They are also subject and plot, like other types of applications. It should be remembered that it is easier to work in this case with a smaller number of parts, the dimensions of which, in turn, are quite large. You can depict animals with fluffy fur (kittens, hares), chicks (ducklings, chickens) or plants with the appropriate texture (dandelions). Birch groves or winter landscapes are suitable for plot applications. Decorative applications made of poplar fluff look original and unusual - patterns and ornaments.