How to tie a tie: from simple to unusual ways. Tie knots: types

Don't know how to tie a tie? You don't have to worry too much if you don't wear it, though... such a skill is never superfluous. Read, watch and experiment.

The ability to properly tie a tie is the basis of modern business etiquette. And although not all gentlemen wear this accessory, they must wear it correctly. There are over 80 node types, but the most basic ones will suffice. Everything is much simpler than it might seem - experiment with different options and choose the one that seems most convenient to you.

A tie is the basis of a business wardrobe; it harmoniously complements ensembles in casual style. It is tied around the neck (more precisely, the collar of a shirt), it can be thick, thin, have different colors, lengths, go with or without a pattern, be strict, just beautiful or generally playful.

You need to choose a tie according to the style of clothing so that it harmoniously fits into the existing wardrobe. Pay special attention to the appropriateness of the design, color, texture of the shirt, jacket, trousers. There are simple ones, there are quite complex knots - the first ones are easy to make from the photo the first time, with the second ones you will have to practice. It is impossible to say unequivocally how best to tie an accessory, because everyone likes their own options.

A tie is an indispensable component of a business men's suit; it dilutes well everyday clothing ensembles. If you wear it wisely, you can emphasize the dignity of appearance and successfully hide flaws.

How to tie a tie correctly depends on its type and the desired result. The easiest way is to focus on the photo and video guides, and for someone it is more understandable to watch detailed instructions with pictures, and for someone - a visual video.

Thin tall men are best suited for accessories with horizontal patterns, stocky, low - with plain or vertical patterns.

If a man is tall and large, in no case should he wear a thin narrow tie, since such a model will further distort the proportions, but a wide strip with a vertical pattern or geometry will fit perfectly. Small patterns, variegation, bright colors distract attention from the tummy well.

If you like suits, striped shirts, plaid, you can safely buy a tie with a similar pattern. The main thing is that the sizes of cells or strips should not be the same, otherwise they will “merge”, and it will start to ripple in the eyes.

The shades of the shirt and tie are chosen the same, or a game is played on contrasts. By the way, narrow models do not suit not only full men, but also gentlemen of age.

Before we talk about how to tie a tie, we emphasize that knots are very different, some are universal, others are only suitable for certain accessories. Each node is individual, and it can acquire a special sound from you. We offer to compare different options - popular schemes are usually simple or fashionable, but not the fact that they will suit you.

The most commonly worn accessories are 8.25-9.5 cm wide, but this does not mean that you cannot choose another option. Young people are prone to experimentation and often rely on a mini-tie up to 6.35 cm wide.

Bright colors, unusual patterns set accents, attract attention, discreet solutions just harmoniously complement the overall ensemble.

How to tie a tie step by step, we will describe in the following detailed description. Some knots exist only in their pure form, others may have certain variations. Strictly follow the rules of tying, and if something does not work out, carefully look at the step-by-step instructions and start all over again.


The most popular type of knot, earlier the skills of tying it were passed from father to son from one generation to another. The technique is easy to perform, boring and uninteresting - with it you will not stand out from the crowd, although you can achieve balance due to unusual colors or bright patterns.

Throw on the product, the wide end on the left side, the narrow end on the right, and above, the wide part is placed on the narrow one. Now tuck the larger part under the smaller one to the left and below, wrap the narrow one, thread the larger one through the loop.

The knot is named after the Duke of Windsor himself, who probably liked to tie his tie in this way. It is comfortable to wear because it does not tighten the neck, ideal for celebrations. You can tie the "Windsor" each time anew or gently loosen it, remove it through the neck.

When thrown, the ends lie, as in the case of the four, and the seams look inward. Stretch the narrow end around the waist, the main work is done with most of it.

The knot is not very voluminous, asymmetrical and looks more elegant than the usual Windsor. It fits all shirts. Proceed as in the case of the Windsor, but when you do in front of the knot, shift the wide tip from left to right, pull it to the neck and thread it under the collar, pull the knot down, you don’t need to pull hard.

This knot is a more complex version of the "four". The end of the accessory is first wrapped around the knot four times, and then tucked in. The result is a wide asymmetrical knot - interesting, concise and versatile.

The knot is made in three steps, therefore it belongs to the simple ones. Products made of thin materials do not hold this shape well - consider this moment. Removing a tie is easy, but it can unravel just as quickly, so touch it up from time to time. The tie is thrown with the seams outward, then the wide part is turned “face”. There is only one cross step.

A very beautiful knot, which is formed by means of a back loop connection. Ideal for shorter men.

"Albert" refers to variations of "Victoria". The tie is thrown with seams inward, the wide tip should go to the right, the narrow one stretches over the navel. A crosshair is made, the narrow part turns wide to the right.

Double oblong knot looks beautiful on woolen and cotton ties, a festive option. On the neck, the product is thrown with seams outward. A crosshair is formed, the narrow part turns to the right, the front part of the knot is formed, the wide part is pulled up to the neck, threaded under the collar.

The most popular knot in the USA. It is done quickly, the seams look outward. Start working according to the standard scheme, then pass the wide part over the collar, wrap it, pull it out on the left side, pull the larger part again, pass the working side through the "front" loop, tighten.

A wide "free" knot, the history of which is about 100 years old. His car is the artist Balthazar Klossowski, who made the tie rather eccentrically, leaving the narrow part long and the wide part short.

Make a crosshair, then pull the narrow one to the neck, thread it over the collar, pull the wide part behind the collar to the right, pull the narrow one to the neck, tuck in the collar and pull to the left. Wrap the narrow tip from right to left so that you get the front of the knot.

A complex knot that is somewhat reminiscent of a braid, but it still looks quite formal. Tie take not colorful, standard length. When the front part of the tie is ready (standard scheme), pull the wide end through the collar, then the loop on the face of the knot, pull the tip to the left and tighten a little. It is the narrow end that is stretched, its remainder at the end fits into the collar.

It is done crosswise, it comes out wide, it works optimally with light fabrics. In terms of style, it is versatile. Cross the ends outward, make sure that the narrow one lies on the wide one and looks to the left, lay the wide one to the right, wrap the narrow end with the wide one. Pass the wide part through the loop at the neck and pull it into the eye.

The diagonal one is tied from the front of the tie, the narrow end is bypassed from below, the wide end is taken to the right, wrapped around the narrow one, pulled into the loop around the neck to the left. Through the eye you will need to stretch the wide part from top to bottom.

Visually, this type of knitting resembles a cross, it is tied around the neck with a “face”, the ends are crossed, the wide one is held under the narrow one to the left, then to the left down from the inside, to the right down from the outside. At the end, the wide part is pulled to the right under the narrow one, then to the left and put on top of it.

"Murell" - a large two-layer knot of a geometric shape. You cannot remove it - you can only untie it. When the crosshair is ready, place the narrow end over the wide one, stretch it to the neck, wrap the collar, and then wrap the narrow end around the wide one. The narrow end must be pulled up, thrown over the collar, and the narrow end must be led down to the right.

How to wear a tie

The basic rules for a successful shirt + tie tandem are as follows.

  1. The tie should be slightly darker than the shirt.
  2. If the pattern is polka dots, the shade of the polka dots should match the color of the shirt.
  3. Have you chosen a shirt and a suit of the same color? A tie will fit absolutely anyone.
  4. Stripes and checks look good together, but not very well. It is better to stay on a cell-cell or a strip-strip.
  5. A black tie and a black shirt are mourning, but not a business suit.
  6. The accessory is not worn with a short sleeve shirt.

For every day, the best option would be a model of a dark shade with a small pattern. Do not overload the image - wear a patterned tie with a plain shirt.

And one more thing - the clip, when the jacket is buttoned up, should not be visible, dark suits and ties are worn for a daytime event, and light ones for an evening event.


It is not difficult to tie a tie beautifully, some knots can not be untied, but loosened - in this case, tomorrow you will not have to do them again. It is important to follow the rules for matching accessories with shirts, choosing the right thickness, shade and width. To create a business image, use discreet options; for every day, you can choose something brighter.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

A tie is a stylish accessory and an essential attribute of a man's business, festive and casual suit. Having appeared in the era of the pharaohs, it has undergone many changes before it acquired its familiar form. The ability to tie a tie beautifully allows you to attract attention and look perfect in any situation.

Types of ties for men

A tie is an item of men's wardrobe, tied around the neck in a special way and worn as an ornament that complements a two-piece or three-piece suit, a shirt with a vest or a knitted jacket. It is a strip of fabric made of silk, jacquard, cashmere, wool, tide, linen, microfiber, polyester or other material. In appearance, ties are divided into types:

  • classic. This category includes standard models with a length of 132-147 cm and a width of 7-9 cm, narrow herring ties, as well as windsor and regatta ties. The Windsor differs from the standard model in size - it is wider and longer, when tied it forms a large voluminous knot.

The main difference between a regatta tie is that it does not require tying, because it has a fixed knot and simply fastens with an elastic band. It is this model that is part of the uniform of the military, firefighters, police officers and representatives of other services.

The width of a narrow tie is about 3 cm. Such models are usually worn by young men of a slim build with a casual suit;

  • for special occasions. These include ascot, sharpei and plastron. An ascot tie is an essential attribute of a men's wedding suit in the United States and Western Europe; it is a plain or small-patterned neckerchief in muted tones, tied with a voluminous knot and secured with a pin. Often worn with a vest made from the same fabric.

Plastron - a wide tie, worn mainly for a wedding. It is tied over a shirt and secured with a pin.

Sharpei - a tie worn for a celebration, is a model similar to a neckerchief;

"butterfly" - a ribbon tie, tied so that its ends form symmetrical ribbons. There are two types: the self-tie bow tie, that is, tied on its own, or the pre-tied bow tie - a tie with a bow tie already tied and fixed. A black bow tie made of velvet or silk is in harmony with any suit, white - with a tailcoat or silk, colored - with a shirt and jeans;

"Bolo" - a tie in the form of a cord with a movable brooch clip. This model is especially popular with Americans who wear it with a denim shirt, suede jacket or casual suit.

How to choose the right tie for a shirt

The tone and pattern of the tie must be selected taking into account the color and pattern of other elements of the suit - a shirt, a jacket.

  1. Any tie looks great with a white shirt. For weekdays, you can choose ties made of polyester in dark or pastel colors, for a special occasion - silk, for an informal meeting, models from knitwear are suitable.
  2. Ties in contrasting shades are harmoniously combined with colored shirts.
  3. A plain tie can be worn with a checkered shirt, as well as models with stripes, polka dots or large diamonds.
  4. Under a tie with polka dots or a cage, you should choose plain shirts of the same shade;
  5. Ties with floral or fantasy motifs look good in combination with plain shirts.
  6. A striped tie goes well with a striped shirt. At the same time, the stripes on the shirt and tie should differ in size and direction.
  7. Wearing a tie and shirt in the same color scheme, you should choose ties 1-2 tones darker than the shade of the shirt.

How to choose the right tie for a suit

When choosing a tie for a suit, it is necessary to take into account the color, size and texture of the accessory.

  1. It is recommended to choose silk ties with a smooth texture for a summer cotton suit, and from a dense material for a woolen suit.
  2. Pastel ties should be selected for light suits, saturated ties for dark ones.
  3. For a dark suit and the same shirt, you should choose a light-colored tie.
  4. To a dark suit and a light shirt - a tie of dark shades.
  5. A dark tie goes well with a light suit and a dark shirt.
  6. To a light suit and a light shirt - a tie to match the shirt.
  7. The width of the tie should match the width of the lapel of the jacket.
  8. Ties in brown, burgundy, pink, yellow, gray and navy are suitable for a blue suit.
  9. A gray suit is combined with ties in purple, mint, navy blue or dark gray, black and peach.
  10. A light suit is in harmony with blue, red, purple, white, gray ties.
  11. A fitted suit with cropped trousers goes well with a tight tie, and oversized suits with wide ties.
  12. Large men are recommended to wear wide ties, while thin men are more suitable for narrow models.
  13. A tie, matched to the tone of the suit, will allow you to look elegant and at the same time not stand out. To draw attention to yourself, you should wear a brighter tie - burgundy or red.

Correct tie length

A properly fitting tie should have an end in the middle of the belt buckle ± 2 cm. A tie that is too short, as well as too long, will make the image ridiculous, introducing an imbalance in proportion.

How to tie a tie step by step instructions, diagram

The pratt knot is an elegant tie knot that looks good with both casual and weekend suits. It was invented by one of the employees of the American Chamber of Commerce, who tied it for 30 years. Only in 1989, after the publication of several articles, this tie knot became popular in the United States, and then around the world. The pratt knot is tied on short, padded ties and is suitable for shirts with medium-sized collars, as well as collars with rounded ends.
To tie a pratt, you need to put on a tie so that the wide end is on the right and the narrow end is on the left. Further, following the scheme presented below, it is necessary to cross both ends. Then pull the wide end out from under the narrow end, pointing it up, wrap once around the crossing, forming the front side of the knot. Wrap the wide end around the first crossing again, then bring it to the side and stretch it from below, thread it into the loop formed, tighten the knot.

How to tie a thin tie, knot diagram

Thin ties are called ties, the width of which is 3.8-6.5 cm. Such models of ties look great on young, tall and thin men who wear them, combined with fitted suits and single-breasted jackets in casual style, knitted cardigans. Due to their lightness, these ties need to be fixed with a clip, which is attached between the 3rd and 4th buttons of the shirt.
The knots tied on such ties are often a little loose and sloppy. Thinner ties work best with small knots such as quarter and half-windsor knots, which can be combined with both narrow and wide collars, as well as shark collars and button-down collars. Slightly less versatile, but also quite compatible with skinny ties, are the Trinity, Winsor, Christensen and Vann Wake ties.
To tie a thin tie with a half-widzor knot, you must:

  • with the right, longer end of the tie, cover the left;
  • wrap the left end with the right end and bring it inward to the center of the knot;
  • bring the right end to the right and wrap it around the left end at the base of the knot;
  • bring in and pull out in the center, thread into the outer loop;
  • straighten the edges and tighten the knot.

The diagram below shows in detail the sequence of tying the half-windsor knot.

How to tie a wide tie, step by step diagram

A wide tie looks good on full as well as tall, athletic men. With caution, you should choose this model for owners of short stature and a slender figure. As with regular models, when choosing a wide tie for a jacket, you should focus on the width of the lapels. The difference between them should not be very noticeable.
The knot of a wide tie should be voluminous, so Windsor, Double Windsor, Grandchester, Balthus, Prince Albert knots look good on such models. The Prince Albert knot is an asymmetric knot that is ideal for wide silk ties and shirts with long, wide, medium collars and button-down collars. Being tightly tightened, it has a strict look and therefore is optimally suited to a business suit.

Another knot that looks good on wide ties is called "onassis". It is suitable for those who would like to hide a tie under the shirt collar. A similar knot, as a rule, is tied on heavy textured ties.
Having studied the sequence of tying the onassis knot, it will not be difficult to decorate your suit with an original tie knot.

In the video below, you can see what other knot you can tie on a wide tie.

How to tie a tie in pictures

The pictures below show the process of tying the Windsor knot. Following the prompts, tying it yourself is not difficult.

The appearance of the Windsor knot is associated with the name of the Duke of Vidzor, who preferred wide knots and thick fabric ties. The Windsor knot looks great when paired with a wide-set slant collar.

Beautiful knot for a tie, photo 5 options

The photo below shows several options for beautiful tie knots.

The video below demonstrates how to quickly and easily tie a beautiful knot on your tie yourself.

How beautifully to tie a tie with an Eldridge knot, step by step with a photo

The Eldridge knot is a complex and voluminous knot, larger than the Windsor knot, outwardly resembling a wheat ear. Being invented in 2007 by Jeffrey Eldridge, due to its attractiveness, it quickly became popular. It harmoniously looks with large and medium collars, collars with buttons and collars with soft ends, it will be appropriate to look both with a business suit and an informal ensemble. This knot looks good on smooth and plain ties, and when tied, decorates the suit without requiring the use of additional accessories.
The diagram below shows how to tie a tie with an Eldridge knot.

The process of tying the Eldridge knot is laborious and requires mastering the skill of tying.

  1. Throw on the tie so that the wide part is at the level of the belt. The whole knot is tied with a thin part of the tie.
  2. Cross the ends of the tie, covering the wide part with a thin part.
  3. Wrap it around the widest part and pull it up.
  4. Put a tie behind the collar and wrap it, pull it out.
  5. Form the front side of the knot, wrapping the thin part of the tie around the wide one and leading it from below into the collar.
  6. Having wrapped the knot with the thin end, pull it down and bring it under the knot.
  7. Pass the thin end into the loop on the front side, tighten, directing it down.
  8. Bring the thin end behind the neck of the tie and pull it down.
  9. Pass the thin end through the collar again, but now bring it out from the other side.
  10. Pass the thin end into the loop formed on the front side, pull it up.
  11. Hide the remaining tip under the collar of the shirt and straighten the knot.

You can take a closer look at the sequence of tying the Eldridge knot by watching this video.

The most beautiful knots for a tie, diagrams with photos 5 options

Appearing in the 30s of the last century, the Balthus knot is still one of the most spectacular tie knots. It goes well with wide collars and collars with soft ends. To tie a beautiful knot, it is recommended to choose long ties made of thin fabric.

  • Murrel knot

This non-standard way to tie a tie is an inverted version of the windsor knot. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the narrow part of the tie lies on top of the wide one. This knot is perfect for informal parties and festive events.

  • Trinity knot

The original tie knot - "trinity" is the best option for special occasions. Bulky, slightly larger than a Windsor, this knot looks good with almost any shirt collar. Trinity looks best on silk ties with wide and medium collars, as well as button-down collars.

  • Knot Van Wijk

The long, thin Van Wijk knot was created on the basis of another tie knot, the Prince Albert. This knot has a slightly asymmetrical, elongated spiral shape and is versatile enough to be paired with both a business suit and a casual ensemble, . The van wijk tie knot can be made on a narrow, standard or wide tie. and harmoniously looks with shirts that have a wide or medium collar, as well as a button-down collar.

  • Fishbone Knot

The elegant "fishbone" is a complex multi-layered tie knot that always looks spectacular and stylish. It is tied only on long silk ties and looks great with shirts that have wide collars. This knot is perfect for special occasions.
In the video below, you can see in more detail how complex tie knots are tied.

Modern tie, photo 5 options

The look that a modern tie has, this accessory acquired 150 years ago. High-quality ties are sewn from 3-4 separate parts, and exclusive pieces are made from a single piece of fabric. The denser the material from which the tie is sewn, the less it will wrinkle and last longer. Modern fashion does not limit the choice of color, color or shape of a tie, making it easy to choose a model to your liking.

Video how to tie a tie the easy way

For those who don't have time to learn complex tie knots, here's how to quickly and easily tie a beautiful tie knot.

The ability to tie a tie beautifully and in an original way is an important skill that will allow a man to always look great, whether he is dressed in a business suit or a casual set. Thanks to the variety of tie knots, choosing the right one for a particular ensemble is not difficult.

Women borrowed many elements of clothing from the men's wardrobe. They could not avoid such an elegant accessory like a tie.

Truth, several thousand ways to wear it, which men managed to come up with, it seemed to them not enough, and they invented their own.

What is a women's tie worn with?

A modern woman can afford to wear a tie to all the same events as a man:

To work. Combining a tie with office style is not difficult. It will perfectly complement a suit in a business style with trousers or a pencil skirt. The main thing, choose the right shirt, with a stiff collar in a masculine style.

To walk. Ladies are allowed to wear a tie even in combination with jeans, shorts and T-shirts. True, it is still worth choosing it correctly. To such a free style it is better to take an original "bow tie" or a fashionable narrow tie.

To the party. Evening suits in men's style are now at the peak of popularity. Women are happy to dress in tailcoats and tuxedos, always “seasoning” the image with ties. Sexuality can be added to the image if tie this accessory casually, making the knot as relaxed as possible. And unbutton 1-2 top buttons of the shirt.

Important! Women's tie does not tolerate rivals. Wearing this accessory, you should abandon other bright jewelry. The maximum that can be left is small earrings in the ears and thin rings on the fingers.

How to tie a french tie

The French tie least of all resembles an ordinary men's accessory. Actually is it a scarf or scarf, made from a lightweight fabric such as satin or silk. By tying it around your neck, you can show maximum fantasy, there are no strict rules here. However, there are several methods that are already firmly established in everyday life. The photo below shows step by step how to tie a French tie for women:

  1. Classical. Wrap a French tie tightly around the neck and tie in front with an ordinary single knot, beautifully placing the ends of the scarf one on top of the other.
  2. Bow. Wrap the tie around the neck 1 time, tie the usual single knot, and on top - a magnificent bow, leaving the small tips to descend freely.
  3. Backwards. It looks especially good in the version with a scarf. It is applied to the neck with the back forward, so that the corner is visible. The ends are wrapped 1-2 times around the neck and tied at the back with a regular knot.

How to tie a Wismar knot?

This knot has not lost popularity since the middle of the last century, since its description was published in a popular fashion catalog. This is not surprising, because it corresponds to one of the main female principles: take something from a man and do the opposite. Wismar knot- this is nothing more than a popular knot for men's ties, tied inside out. See how a girl ties a tie with a Wismar knot:

  1. Take your tie and drape it over your collar. The wide part should hang about 30 cm lower than the narrow part.
  2. Cross the ends of the tie so that the wide end covers the narrow end.
  3. Pass the wide end of the tie behind the narrow end and pull it up through the neck loop.
  4. Bring the wide end behind the narrow again. At the same time, a loop should form on one side of the narrow end, compressing the neck. We need to make the same element on the other side. To do this, lift the wide part of the tie up and slip its tip into the neck loop. Pull the tie down.
  5. The knot is ready, it remains to straighten it properly, giving symmetry.

Learning to tie a "small" knot

This male knot, which has become popular with women primarily due to its size: it is very small, so looks good on fragile female necks.

  1. Take your tie and drape it over your shirt collar wrong side up.
  2. Cross both ends of the tie so that the narrow one is on top of the wide one. Bring it behind the wide part of the accessory, pull it up through the resulting neck loop and lower it down.
  3. Take the wide end of the tie and pull it across the narrow end along the outside. Then bring it over the narrow end and pull it up through the neck loop from the bottom up.
  4. Insert the wide end into the horizontal jumper that formed in front of the narrow part of the tie and pull down.
  5. Tie a tie knot at the collar.

"False" knot: step-by-step instructions for tying

Women have been using this knot for a long time, tying it scarves and scarves. But you can also use it for ties. It is very easy to do and in seconds.

  1. Take a tie and tie a simple knot from the wide end.
  2. Drape the tie over the collar of your shirt. You can wrap it around your neck 1-2 times.
  3. Then take the narrow end and simply insert it into the knot you tied earlier.
  4. Adjust the position of the knot and straighten it.

Reference. The modern men's tie familiar to us was the first to dare to try on Marlene Dietrich. Her image of a dandy at that time made a lot of noise and still remains the most recognizable of this actress.

Video instruction

You can more visually see how to tie a women's tie into a “false” knot in the video:

Another video shows how to tie a “small” knot.

This is useful to know not only for men, but also for their caring women.

The ability to properly tie a tie is one of the most important skills in the arsenal of a real man and a caring wife. Today, there are dozens of ways to create nodes, and each of them depends on personal preferences. All of them have one thing in common - they make men irresistible.

In this article Bright Side 7 easiest and most affordable options for tying a tie in the form of visual diagrams.

simple knot

The Simple Knot, also known as Oriental or Kent, is very easy to learn as it only contains a few steps. This knot looks good with thick ties and is suitable for tall men.

1. Unfold the wide end of the tie with the seam out.
2. We skip the wide end under the narrow one.
3. Then we put a wide end on it.
4. We put the active end of the tie into the neck loop from below.
5. We stretch the wide end into the eye formed after the 4th step.
6. Lower the wide end down to tighten the tie knot. We get a simple node.
To adjust the diameter of the neck loop, move the knot along the thin end.

quarter knot

Named after the 19th century gentlemen's club Four-in-Hand. In Russia, it is better known as a quarter. This is the reigning tie champion. Its popularity is due to its simplicity and versatility.

1. We tie the tie around the neck so that the wide end is on the right and the thin end is on the left, while the front side of the tie is on top. When tying, we use only the active (wide) end.
2. We cross the wide end with the narrow one, while the wide one is above the narrow one.
3. We start the wide end of the tie under the narrow one.
4. Do it again.
5. Pass the wide end of the tie into the neck loop from the bottom up from the inside.
6. We stretch the wide end into the loop formed from the wide end.
7. We lower the wide end down to tighten the tie knot - and the “four” is ready. Move the knot along the thin end to adjust the diameter of the neck loop.

double knot

This is a compact node. Great for shirts with long collars. The tie should be of soft fabric, not too short.

1. We tie a tie around the neck so that the wide end is on the left and the narrow end is on the right. Place the narrow end slightly above the navel (the distance may vary depending on the height of the person, the length and thickness of the tie). When tying, we use only the active (wide) end.
2. We cross the wide and narrow ends, the wide one should be located on top.
3. Skip the wide end under the narrow end.
4. Put the wide end on the narrow end.
5. The second time we skip the wide end under the narrow one.
6. We put the wide end on the loop formed around the narrow end.
7. We put the active end of the tie into the neck loop from below.
8. We stretch the wide end into both formed loops.
9. Pull the wide end down to tighten the tie knot. Move the knot along the thin end to adjust the diameter of the neck loop. In a double knot, the first (inner) loop should peek out a little from below.


1. The front side of the tie looks forward, the wide end is on the right, the small end is on the left. Only the active (wide) end moves.
2. We cross the wide and thin ends so that the wide one is located above the thin one.
3. We put the active end of the tie into the neck loop from the bottom up.
4. Wrap it down in the same direction as after the 2nd step.
5. We direct the wide end under the narrow one.
6. Raise the wide end of the tie up.
7. We wrap it down, through the neck loop, in the same direction as after the 5th step.
8. Wrap the wide end over the narrow end.
9. We put the active end of the tie into the neck loop from the bottom up.
10. Draw the wide end into the loop formed after the 9th step.
11. Gently tighten the tie knot, if necessary, correct the crease under the knot. Adjust the diameter of the neck loop by moving the knot along the thin end. The Windsor knot is ready!

The bow tie

1. Wrap the bow tie around the neck, right side up. Adjust the tie so that one end is longer than the other. Let's call one end "end A" (long), the other - "end B" (short).
2. We cross the ends so that the long one is on top.
3. Pass end A into the neck loop.
4. Fold end B in half to form a bow, and lay across end A.
5. Lower end A down to the middle of the bow that was made in the 4th step.
6. Holding end B, fold end A right side together as shown in the diagram and squeeze in a bend.
7. Pull folded end A through the loop behind end B.
8. We take the bow by the two ends and pull in different directions to tighten the knot.
9. We correct to achieve symmetry.
10. Your butterfly is ready!


The inventor of the knot, Jerry Pratt, worked for the US Chamber of Commerce. For 30 years, Pratt tied his own tie in a different knot before host Don Shelby "discovered" it and spoke about it on local television in 1989.

1. The reverse side of the tie looks forward, the wide end is on the right, the small end is on the left. Only the active (wide) end moves.
2. We cross the wide and narrow ends so that the wide one is located under the narrow one.
3. Raise the wide end of the tie up.
4. Pass it down through the neck loop.
5. We direct the wide end over the narrow one.
6. We put the active end of the tie into the neck loop from the bottom up.
7. Draw the wide end into the loop formed after the 6th step.
8. Gently tighten the tie knot. Adjust the diameter of the neck loop by moving the knot along the thin end.

Eldridge (difficult but effective)

"Eldridge" - non-standard, complex and spectacular tie knot, which is tied in 15 steps. It was invented by Jeffrey Eldridge in 2007 and quickly became popular. Unlike the vast majority of tie knots, the Eldredge is tied by moving the narrow end.

1. Place the tie around the neck with the right side out. The end of the wide end should rest over the belt buckle. When tying, move only the narrow end.
2. We cross the narrow and wide ends, while the narrow one should be located on top.
3. We wrap the narrow end on the other side, wrapping the wide one on the inside.
4. Raise the narrow end up over the neck loop.
5. We pass the narrow end through the neck loop from top to bottom and bring it to the side opposite to step No. 3.
6. We put the narrow end on the wide one and put it into the neck loop from the bottom up.
7. We lower the narrow end raised up after the 6th step down to the opposite side and wind it up behind the wide end on the reverse side. At this step, do not tighten the knot.
8. We wrap the narrow end on the other side and put it into the loop formed after the 7th step.
9. Tighten the knot by pulling the narrow end to the side.
10. Pass the active end through the neck loop from top to bottom on one side.
11. Once again through the neck loop from top to bottom, while the narrow end should be on the reverse side. We do not tighten the knot.
12. We wrap the narrow end to the other side and insert it into the loop formed after the 11th step.
13. Pull on the thin end to tighten the knot.
14. Hide the rest of the narrow end behind the neck loop.
15. The Eldridge assembly is ready. Let others envy!

At least once in a lifetime, every man is faced with such an accessory as a tie. The rules of etiquette oblige to accompany the business style of clothing with this element of the wardrobe. You can easily find information on how to tie a tie on the Internet. Step-by-step instructions give all the necessary knowledge about tying patterns. The difficulty will lie in only one thing - to choose the appropriate knot for the selected tie. At the moment, more than 80 possible ways of tying a knot are known.

For each version of the tie knot, an optimal tying scheme has been developed. All instructions are different. But there are rules for selecting an accessory and the basics of the creation technique, which should be followed regardless of the option chosen.

  • The process of creating a knot should not take place in the hands, but directly on the collar of the shirt. This is the only way to achieve a beautiful even shape.
  • There is an official style rule that regulates the length of a classic tie. The end of the accessory should be 2 cm longer than the buckle of the trouser belt.
  • The length of the narrow end of the tie should be twice as short as the wide end.
  • When choosing a complex tying method, you should use an accessory made of thin fabrics.
  • A large knot should be used on a shirt with widely spaced corners.
  • The accessory should sit comfortably on the neck, not block the breath.
  • The knot should look natural, not be overly stretched.

The most common and simple knots

The tie knot can have a simple and complex shape, depending on the tying pattern. For business meetings, official events, it is better to choose a less interesting option with light technology. This way of tying will not distract the attention of the interlocutors and will succinctly fit into the business image.

Kent knot (Simple knot)

The Kent knot has the simplest knitting pattern, which even a beginner can easily handle. Another name for this technique is the "small knot" due to the smallest number of turns performed by the end of the tie. The shape goes well with accessories made of thick materials (silk, wool, tweed). This way of tying a tie is suitable for tall, large men. Depending on your height, you can ignore the norms of etiquette regarding the correct length of the accessory and lower it a few centimeters below the prescribed distance. Kent is characterized by its clear fixation, it does not have to be constantly corrected during ongoing events. An ideal shirt for such a technique would be an option with a narrow collar.

Knitting pattern:

Note! Before you begin to tie a knot, you should turn the wide end of the tie 180 °. This position will fix the fabric at the time of the following steps and help to complete the scheme clearly and beautifully.

  1. We throw the fabric around the neck. We place the narrow edge on the left side, and the wide one on the right. (For left-handers, the scheme is mirrored).
  2. Throw a wide fabric under the lower part crosswise.
  3. With the working part, wrap the stationary edge to the right side.
  4. After completing the turn around the narrow part, wrap the wide edge up, passing under the knot to the chin.
  5. We lower the working end, passing it through the turn made earlier.
  6. We adjust the degree of tightening of the loop to a comfortable level.

Knot Quarter

The quarter bears the name of the gentlemen's club of the late 19th century. Four-in-Hand is considered a universal tie knitting technique. It is suitable for all types of shirts and a variety of models of suits, it is perfect for ties of different lengths and fabrics.

The knitting pattern, as in the case of the Kent form, is understandable and requires a minimum of effort from beginners. To tie a tie in this classic way, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Throw the accessory around the neck with the seam inward. Place the narrow part on the right;
  2. we overlap a wide strip over a narrow edge;
  3. we wrap the larger edge around the smaller part from the bottom;
  4. we make another entanglement from above so that the working edge is again on the right side;
  5. we bend the large end up to the chin, without tightening the resulting loop to the end;
  6. we lower the working end through a small loop from the turnover;
  7. adjust the degree of tightness of the loop.

The tie is very easy to dissolve, just one movement is enough. The quarter knot is suitable for any event. Its only drawback is its prevalence. Standing out with the help of this from the crowd, just will not work.

Knot Prince Albert

The knot got its name in honor of the representative of the royal family, although no one knows for sure the history of its origin. The knot is great for short men. A shirt for this knitting technique should be chosen with a medium and wide collar. Tie fabric should be thin and long, without lining. The knot dissolves on its own, does not require additional efforts, has a slight asymmetry and looks very neat.

In order to tie a tie with a double knot, you need to follow 8 consecutive steps:

  1. throw the fabric over the neck, narrow part to the right side;
  2. wrap the working end down under the stationary end;
  3. wrap the working end from above over the narrow edge;
  4. repeat the turn from below;
  5. complete the turn from above;
  6. bring the working end up through the collar, do not tighten it to the end to make a small loop;
  7. pass the working part through the loop down;
  8. gently pull the loop and straighten the fabric.

Kelvin knot

The technique of tying a tie got its name from the inventor of the thermometer scale, a famous lord, physicist and mathematician from Great Britain. Kelvin has a very elegant shape, so every year it becomes more and more popular. Tie begin to knit from the wrong side, the seams out. At the end of knitting, you can pass a wide edge through the front (classic) or back wall (diagonal), to choose from. Kelvin is suitable for shirts with a classic or small collar.

In order to learn how to tie a tie, you need to follow 8 simple steps:

  1. throw the fabric over the neck, narrow end to the right, seam out. The thin part should be placed just above the navel;
  2. throw the narrow edge crosswise over the wide part to the left;
  3. wrap the working edge over the narrow part to the left;
  4. wrap the narrow end with the wide edge to the right;
  5. repeat the turn with the same end from the bottom to the left, do not tighten it too much to form a small loop;
  6. bring the wide end up through the loop wrapped around the neck;
  7. lower the wide part through the previously formed loop down;
  8. gently pull and straighten the tie.

Pratt Knot (aka Shelby Knot)

The Pratt knot has two well-known names. The inventor of this technique was the representative of the US Chamber of Commerce Jerry Pratt, but he gained popularity after the public speeches of the presenter Don Shelby. Pratt is reminiscent of the classic Windsor, and looks great with wide, short, lined ties. Looks good with shirts that have a medium collar and rounded corners.

Step by step how to tie a tie:

  1. throw the fabric over the neck, with the wide part to the left side up with a seam. Place the other end slightly above the navel;
  2. cross the larger edge with the narrow part;
  3. wrap the working part up behind the collar;
  4. pull the working part to the right side;
  5. drag the working edge in front over the narrow part to the left side;
  6. bring the working half up through the collar, without tightening it strongly to form a loop;
  7. lower the working part through the previously formed loop;
  8. gently smooth and stretch the fabric.

Half windsor knot

The origin of the Half Windsor tie knot is unknown. Information about him appeared at the end of the 19th century. Learning how to tie a tie with this technique is easy and fast. The knot looks great with a lot of different kinds of shirts. A feature at the end of the knitting pattern is a small dimple, which gives it a special elegance. The fabric for such knots should be chosen wide.

Instructions for knitting a tie consists of 8 steps:

  1. straighten the fabric around the neck, with the wide end to the left;
  2. place most of it over a narrow strip to the right;
  3. wrap the working edge around the narrow part from the bottom to the left;
  4. wrap the wide part up;
  5. throw the end wrapped up over the collar, lowering it to the right side;
  6. move the working edge over the stationary part to the left side, forming a small loop;
  7. lower the working part through the resulting space;
  8. pull and smooth the fabric.

Windsor Knot or Double Windsor (also known as Full Windsor or Full Windsor Knot)

Windsor was named after Duke Edward of Windsor, who was very fond of wearing thick-textured ties, but he didn't actually invent it. The name is based on the theory that the knotting scheme originated in the 19th century when King Edward VII was the trendsetter. In the future, after abdicating the throne, he became the Duke of Windsor. Such a knot turns out to be quite large, so lovers of the classics should choose a shirt with spaced corners. It does not tighten the neck and allows you to very easily adjust the tension of the buttonhole, has a smooth, symmetrical shape and looks great on thin unlined fabrics.

Note! The length of the fabric should be 4-5 centimeters longer than the standard tie in order to match the accepted size of the accessory after the tying procedure.

How to tie a tie step by step can be seen from the instructions:

  1. put a tie around your neck
  2. cross the wide end with the narrow part, pointing it to the right;
  3. bring the working edge up through the collar;
  4. lower the edge extended upwards to the left side;
  5. hold the working end under the stationary part;
  6. repeat throwing up to the collar;
  7. lower the working edge down to the left;
  8. wrap it around to the right over the narrow edge;
  9. throw the working part over the collar again, without tightening the tape tightly, leave a small space for the next step;
  10. lower the tip of the tie down through a small free space of fabric;
  11. tighten the tie.

Knot Bow Tie

The easiest way to tie a tie is to use the bow tie technique. The knot appeared in the middle of the 19th century and quickly gained general recognition due to its compactness and ease of use. It is more appropriate to wear this accessory for formal evenings with a tuxedo or tailcoat. A bow tie may be sold ready-made with a special clasp, but a bow tie requires tying skills. The best shirt option for such a knot would be a shirt with a short, medium or turn-down collar.

How to quickly tie a tie with this technique can be seen in the diagram:

  1. a strip of cloth should be placed around the neck. We place the seam inside. The left side should be slightly shorter than the right;
  2. the right side must be crossed over the left;
  3. throw the upper long end up, passing it under the loop formed around the neck;
  4. the tip of the left side must be folded into 3 additions with an accordion;
  5. we lower the right long part from the loop from above perpendicularly in the center of the accordion;
  6. fold the long end in the same way as the short left end in 3 additions;
  7. we stretch the right edge into the formed loop;
  8. we pull the finished butterfly by both wings;
  9. straighten the finished tie.

Advice! At the final stage of knitting a tie, you should not leave extra ends. At the last stage, it is necessary to tighten the butterfly tightly, otherwise it will hang, and not stand exactly on the collar.

Knot St. Andrew

St. Andrew is made in the shape of a cross, so it is believed that he received his name in honor of the crucified St. Apostle Andrew. A tie with this tying technique is very easy to style, making characteristic folds or dimples at the final stage of knitting. The shape of the knot is elegant, has a large volume, but at the same time narrow. It is suitable for thin ties made of dense fabric, wool. Looks great on it texture with a small pattern. An accessory with this knitting technique fits very well over the shirt due to the protruding bottom edge. Tie knots in the Saint Andrew technique are suitable for shirts with spaced corners.

The tying scheme consists of 9 stages:

  1. place the fabric on the neck with the seam up, leave the narrow end on the right side, slightly higher than the second edge;
  2. connect the two ends, draw a wide strip under the bottom;
  3. wrap the working end around the stationary edge to the right;
  4. flip the same edge from bottom to left;
  5. continue to wind the end down to the left side;
  6. throw the working edge around the stationary part to the right;
  7. raise through the gate and lower through the knot;

nikki knot

The Nikki knot was made popular by the tie industrialist Ernesto Kurami. The shape of the ligament is similar to an inverted triangle or pyramid. This knitting technique looks spectacular with medium-weight materials that have an intricate pattern. The tie knot, due to its simplicity, maintains the length of the fabric. A suitable shirt for such a technique would be an option with a narrow collar.

Step-by-step instructions for the Nikki knot:

  1. place the fabric on the neck with the seam up. The narrow end should be higher than the wide end and located on the right side;
  2. cross the ends, lower the wide edge under a narrow strip;
  3. lift the working edge and pass it through the loop around the neck;
  4. continue to lead the end, lowering it to the left side;
  5. we throw it under the stationary edge to the right side;
  6. we raise the working part through the gate;
  7. we pass the leading edge through the loop in the knot;
  8. check the tension of the gate.

Knot Oriental

The second name of this node is "Eastern". The Oriental scheme appeared in Asian countries, where it became widespread. This technique of tying a tie is considered the easiest of the simple knots. The difficulty lies in being careful. If you make a mistake in the process of creating a bundle, it can dissolve at any time. In European countries, the knot has not gained popularity due to the difficulty of untying. This knitting method is suitable for tall men and looks great with wide ties and heavy fabrics.

6 steps will tell you how to tie a tie using the Oriental technique:

  1. put the fabric on the neck with the seam up. Make the narrow edge shorter and point to the right side;
  2. cross the wide half from the bottom with a narrow strip, pointing the first edge to the right side;
  3. wrap the working part around the stationary half towards the left hand;
  4. raise the working edge through the collar;
  5. lower the same edge through a small eyelet in the knot;
  6. pull the tie and straighten the fabric.

More interesting knots:

A knot on a tie can serve not only as a means of fixation, but also as an original decoration. There are several interesting options tying, capable of making the owner of the tie the center of attention. Such knots are more complex in technique, have more steps and require several preliminary trainings.

Knot Eldridge

A beautiful, unusual knot got its name in honor of the inventor Jeffrey Eldridge. The main difference between the technique of tying in the edge by which the process is performed. Usually the working part is wide, in the case of the Eldridge knot, the knitting process takes place with a narrow edge. The main disadvantage of such a bundle is its fragility. The fabric can lose its proper shape at any time.

The tie knot consists of 15 steps:

  1. place the fabric on the neck, the wide end should be on the right, less in length than the other;
  2. wrap the narrow edge through the wide end from above to the right side;
  3. wrap the stationary edge around the worker from below to the left;
  4. raise the working end to the chin;
  5. pass it through the collar and point it down to the right side;
  6. wrap the working edge around the stationary part, bringing the end of the first under the collar;
  7. throw the working end through the loop and bring it down under the wide edge to the left side;
  8. drag the working strip into the small hole in the right direction;
  9. pull the knot;
  10. lead the working part through the gate to the right side;
  11. draw the collar around the fabric, lift it up and throw it down again, passing the neck loop;
  12. pass the working edge into the resulting eyelet in the right direction;
  13. pull the tie;
  14. hide the remaining end behind the collar of the shirt;
  15. straighten the fabric.

Trinity knot

Such a knot only has an unusual appearance; in fact, it is quite simple to knit and fit. The finished version of the Trinity knot resembles a hexagon. The knitting technique is stylish, elegant, but only suitable for informal receptions. Men who prefer the Trinity knot should use it on peaked shirts.

How to tie a tie correctly with such a knot, a step-by-step diagram will tell you:

  1. place the fabric on the neck, the smaller wide edge should be on the right;
  2. cross the narrow end with the wide part;
  3. raise the working edge to the chin;
  4. throw it over the gate and direct it down to the right side;
  5. the stationary edge must be turned to the right;
  6. raise the working end;
  7. throw it over the gate and lower it to the right side;
  8. wrap the stationary part around the working end, lifting it to the collar;
  9. lower the working part, threading it into the resulting space in the knot;
  10. turn the working end to the right;
  11. through the upper loop created at stage 8, thread the working part, wrapping it under the stationary end to the right;
  12. pull the knot, hide the remaining working end under the collar;
  13. straighten the fabric.

Knot Van Wijk

The knot was invented by actress Lisa Van Wijk. It has a non-classical, elongated shape, similar to a spiral. The tying scheme is slightly different from the simple Prince Albert knot, with the addition of an additional turn at the final stage. The tie knot is versatile. For it, you can use fabrics of any width and texture, in addition, it goes well with different shirt collars.

The tying scheme consists of 11 steps:

  1. throw the fabric over the neck, with the narrow end to the right, with the seam inward;
  2. throw the wide edge crosswise with the narrow part to the right;
  3. wrap the wide edge down to the left side under the narrow part;
  4. wrap the wide edge on top over the narrow edge to the right;
  5. repeat the turn from below;
  6. complete the turn from above to the right side around the short part;
  7. once again repeat the turn from the bottom with a wide edge;
  8. throw it from top to right;
  9. bring the wide end up through the neck loop, do not tighten to the end to make a small eyelet;
  10. lower the wide part through the resulting space down;
  11. tighten the knot with the wide end down, gently straighten.

Knot Balthus

The Balthus knot is a great option for short men. It was invented by the artist Balthazar Klossowski (Balthus) at the beginning of the 20th century. A distinctive feature of the technology of such a node in a large number of revolutions. Due to this, the tie acquires a short length and an impressive size, the largest among all knitting methods. Thick, stiff fabrics will look rough and untidy with this tying pattern. The best choice will be thin, elastic tissue. Due to the large size of the beam, for beauty and harmony it is better to use a small width of fabric and wide shirt collars.

Step by step, you can deal with a similar node in 12 stages:

Note! At the beginning of tying, you need to throw the fabric of the tie over the neck so that the narrow end hangs down a shorter distance than usual.

  1. Place the tie around your neck with the seam facing out. The narrow edge should be on the right side;
  2. cross the ends, placing the wide part under the narrow edge;
  3. raise the wide end;
  4. lead him by the collar, lower through the right side;
  5. throw the working part over the gate again;
  6. lower the edge down to the left;
  7. raise the end again and tuck it behind the collar;
  8. lower the working part through the right side;
  9. throw the working end to the left over the stationary part;
  10. tuck the edge behind the collar, lifting it up;
  11. lower through the loop in the knot;
  12. pull the working part of the tie, gently tightening the collar.

Knot Hannover

The name of the knot was given by the Hanover dynasty, which ruled England from the beginning of the 18th century. The shape of the node is completely symmetrical and looks like a regular triangle. The knot is large, so shirts should be chosen exclusively with a wide collar, otherwise it will look ridiculous. A tie tied using a similar technique will look good on men of short stature. The material is better to choose light, with it the shape of the accessory will look more elegant.

Knot execution technique:

  1. place the accessory on the neck with the seam outward, the narrow edge should be located on the right;
  2. cross both ends, placing the wide part under the narrow edge;
  3. throw the wide end over the narrow part to the right;
  4. lift the working edge up through the neck loop,
  5. lower down through the right side;
  6. wrap the end around the narrow part;
  7. throw the wide part over the collar again;
  8. lower the working edge to the right side, do not tighten it strongly;
  9. wrap the wide end around the narrow part to the left;
  10. raise the working edge through the gate and lower it back through the loop formed;
  11. gently tighten and straighten the tie.

Knot Plattsburgh

The Plattsburgh technique appeared as a derivative of its simpler brother, the Pratt knot. The bundle has a wide shape, so it is suitable for shirt collars with far-spaced corners. The material for fabrics of such a tie is better to use light or medium weight. Thick products will look rough.

To tie a tie in this technique, you need to perform 9 consecutive steps:

  1. cross both parts, placing the wide edge under the narrow end;
  2. throw the wide end up through the collar;
  3. lower the working part of the fabric through the left side;
  4. once again raise the wide end to the neck loop;
  5. lower it down through the right side;
  6. wrap the working edge around the narrow part to the left, creating a small loop;
  7. raise the wide end through the collar and lower it back through the loop formed;
  8. gently tighten and straighten the tie.

Grantchester knot

The knot got its name from the famous collectors of tie knitting techniques, the physicists Fink and Mao from their favorite place (a village in England on the River Cam). For this technique, you will need a long, lightweight fabric. The tie knot is large and looks advantageous only with wide collar shirts on short men.

Note! Before starting knitting, it is necessary to calculate the length of the narrow end well, otherwise the knot will turn out out of place.

The knot is tied in 11 steps:

  1. wrap the fabric around the neck with the seam outward, the narrow end should be located on the right;
  2. arrange the two parts crosswise, the wide edge under the narrow end;
  3. throw the wide end over the short edge to the left;
  4. wrap the narrow part again to the right side;
  5. once again wrap the working end around the stationary edge;
  6. lift the working end and put it through the collar;
  7. lower the working edge through the right side;
  8. wrap around the stationary part on the left side;
  9. throw the wide end to the right, without tightening the loop too much;
  10. raise the working edge through the gate and lower it through the knot;
  11. straighten the tie.

Knot Cross (Christensen)

Christensen was invented in Sweden at the beginning of the 19th century. The method of tying became known after designer Amanda Christensen published it in her catalog. The first name of the cross knot was due to the knot knitting technique. The peculiarity was the same length of the ends, which is why the finished accessory had the shape of a cross. The knitting technique is perfect for those who are wondering how to tie voluminous ties from insulated fabrics. It is quite complicated, but the elongated knot looks very elegant. A shirt for this form of a beam should be selected with a high collar.

Knot execution technique:

  1. place the tie on the neck, the narrow edge should be located on the right;
  2. cross two parts, place the wide end over the narrow part;
  3. wrap the wide end around the narrow end to the left;
  4. lift the working end up and tuck it into the neck loop;
  5. lower the wide edge through the right side down;
  6. wrap around the stationary part to the left side;
  7. once again throw the wide end to the right,
  8. repeat the turn around the stationary end to the left, without tightening the loop too much;
  9. lower the wide end through the knot;
  10. tighten and straighten the tie.

Knot Diagonal

The inventor of the knot is David Mosconi, who described it in the work "Bowties and Ties" together with Villarosa. This method of knitting is not used in a business image, it is appropriate only for special occasions. The knot is considered one of the most interesting and difficult tie tying options. For him, you should not use colorful fabrics with a bright pattern. An ideal choice is a solid color option, or an accessory with a muted print. The texture does not have to be a completely smooth texture, the ideal option is a mixture of silk and cashmere. A shirt should be chosen with a standard collar.

The Diagonal Knot technique is considered one of the most difficult, but with good practice, following the instructions, it can be mastered. 7 steps to success:

  1. we place the fabric around the neck, the narrow edge should hang down to the right, fold the two parts crosswise, put the wide edge on the narrow part;
  2. wrap the wide end around the narrow end to the left;
  3. wrap around the stationary part to the right side;
  4. once again throw the wide end to the left;
  5. raise the working edge through the collar;
  6. lower the wide end down to the right, and pass through the resulting knot;
  7. tighten and straighten the fabric.

Villarosa knot

Like the Diagonal Knot, the authors of the collection "Butterflies and Ties" are considered its creators. As a result of unsuccessful attempts to tie the Wismar knot, an interesting Villarosa technique appeared. This technique uses a fabric with equal ends in width. For a business lunch or daily wear, a tie with a similar bun is not suitable. Villarosa is an option for special occasions. The knot fits a shirt with a stand-up collar and turn-down. The solemnity of technology is emphasized by smooth shiny fabrics (silk, satin).

The tie is tied in just 7 steps:

  1. we place the fabric around the neck, the narrow edge should be on the right;
  2. we overlap two parts crosswise;
  3. the wide edge is above the narrow part, looking to the left;
  4. raise the wide end up, start by the collar;
  5. lower the working edge to the right through the loop;
  6. tighten and transfer the working end to the left side;
  7. throw the wide end over the collar again;
  8. lower the edge down through the loop formed;
  9. tighten and straighten the fabric.

Knot Onassis

The knot was invented by the famous tycoon, husband of Jacqueline Kennedy, Aristotle Onassis. The tying technique is similar to the quarter pattern, it looks like its free interpretation. Onassis is suitable for original women or special solemn moments. The material of the tie should be of medium weight, without excess volume. The fabric is better to choose a plain or inconspicuous print. The shirt in combination with this knot should have widely spaced corners.

Knot execution technique:

  1. throw the accessory around the neck, with the seam inward. We place the narrow part on the right, we overlap the wide end over the narrow part;
  2. wrap the larger edge around the smaller part at the bottom,
  3. make another turn from above so that the working edge is again on the right;
  4. we bend the working end up to the chin under the loop located around the neck, without tightening the resulting space to the end;
  5. we lower the wide end through the formed small loop from the turnover, tighten and straighten the fabric;
  6. we turn the working edge to the right side and direct it up through the neck loop;
  7. we lower the working part on top of the already tied tie.

Wismar knot

The Wismar knot appeared in the middle of the last century. For the first time, the creators of the collection "Butterflies and Ties" mentioned it in their book. Wismar is great for evening wear. The fabric of the tie should be chosen soft, plain and shiny. In this combination, the knot will best take shape and stand out. The shirt should have a wide collar. This tying technique is suitable for men with a large neck or a sharp chin. In some cases, the knot can be decorated with a decorative pin.

Note! The edges of the tie should be the same.

Step by step instructions on how to tie a tie:

  1. throw an accessory around your neck;
  2. we overlap the right end over the stationary left part;
  3. we bend the working end up to the chin under the loop located around the neck;
  4. we lower it to the left;
  5. we start the working end up through the collar again;
  6. lower the edge through the formed loop down;
  7. tighten and straighten the tie.

Cavendish knot

The exact origin of the knot is unknown, but physicists Finn and Mao from the University of Cambridge are believed to have invented it. The knot got its name in honor of an outstanding scientist. The knot is suitable for both a business image and a social event. Its slight asymmetry, combined with a triangular shape and similarity to the Quadruple, attracts many new users. The Cavendish knitting technique is applied to shirts with a wide and classic collar. The fabric for a tie is chosen smooth and light, in this combination the knot looks especially elegant.

To tie a tie in this way, you need to follow the proposed scheme:

  1. throw the accessory around the neck, placing the narrow part on the right, throw the wide end over the narrow edge to the right;
  2. wrap the working edge around the stationary part from below,
  3. make another turn from above so that the wide edge is again on the right;
  4. we bend the wide end up to the chin under the loop located around the neck;
  5. we lower the working edge on the left side and throw it to the right side under the narrow part;
  6. we lift the wide end through the gate
  7. we lower it through the upper loop in the knot and adjust the degree of tightness of the loop around the neck.

Knot Manhattan

Presumably, the knot appeared in America, where it got its bright name. The uniqueness of the technique lies in the compactness and, at the same time, the volume of the resulting form. The knot is great for men with a round face shape. The stripe print will further soften the impression and make the necessary accents. Thin, elastic fabrics are suitable for the knot. Shirts should be selected with a classic or wide collar.

The Manhattan tie pattern is similar to a mixture of the St. Andrew and the Fourth knot, consisting of the following steps:

  1. Place the tie around your neck with the seam facing out. The narrow edge should be located on the right and be slightly higher than the second end, cross both ends, placing the wide part under the bottom;
  2. wrap the working edge around the stationary end to the right;
  3. lift the working end, put it behind the neck loop;
  4. lower the edge down to the left;
  5. wrap the working end around the stationary part to the right;
  6. lead up through the neck loop;
  7. pass the working edge through the knot, tighten and gently straighten the tie.

Murrell knot

Created by Brent Murrell in 1995, the Murrell knot is a reimagining of the classic Windsor knot. When completed, the narrow end lies in front of the wide end, creating a playful layered look. The knot created by Murrell is triangular, small, wide enough. Spice up your life with this frivolous and unique knot.

Only 11 steps are required to tie the Murrell knot:

  1. Start with the narrow end of the tie on the right and the wide end on the left. The tip of the wide end should rest slightly below your button (this will of course depend on your height and the length and width of your tie). Move only the narrow (active) end.
  2. Narrow end left over wide end.
  3. From below, rise into the neck loop.
  4. Drop down to the left.
  5. Right around the back of the wide end.
  6. To the center, towards the neck loop.
  7. Through the neck loop and down to the right.
  8. Left through front.
  9. From below, rise to the neck loop.
  10. Down through the loop you just created in front.
  11. Tighten the knot by pulling on the narrow end. Move and adjust the knot.

Node Plastron

It got its name due to the wide shape that covers part of the chest. In French, the name of the knot is translated as a bib for a swordsman. Plastron is intended only for solemn occasions, most often it is a wedding celebration. In addition to a tie, the knot can be tied on scarves, scarves and scarves. For reliability, the Plastron is fixed with a special pin.

Instructions for tying a tie:

  1. cross both parts;
  2. bring the upper part behind the collar and wrap;
  3. straighten both ends;
  4. bring the right side under the other end to the left;
  5. pass the working edge through the knot;
  6. tighten and straighten the ends;
  7. stick a pin on them.

Ediety Node

Another name for such a knot is Merovingian or "Forgotten Knot". For a long time, information about it was lost, the creators of the film "The Matrix" remembered this technique. After that, the knot gained a second life. The uniqueness of the knot lies in the two additional loops at the top of the knot.

Knot tying technique:

  1. place the tie on the neck, the narrow end should be on the right, shorter in length than the wide edge; arrange the ends crosswise with a narrow part from above to the left side;
  2. lift the wide end up to the chin;
  3. throw it through the neck loop and point down to the right;
  4. wrap the long edge around the narrow part to the left;
  5. lift the working edge up through the collar;
  6. throw the wide end through the neck loop and lower it to the left;
  7. wrap the narrow part with the wide end to the right;
  8. raise the working edge up to the collar;
  9. tighten the knot;
  10. raise the narrow edge;
  11. skip the wide part through the knot up and down;
  12. straighten the knot carefully.

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