New Year's ball in the "artichoke" technique: a master class. Christmas ball from satin ribbons using the artichoke technique How to make Christmas balls using the artichoke technique

The traditional form of a Christmas tree toy is a ball, so we will learn how to make New Year's toys with our own hands in the form of a ball. An interesting Artichoke technique will help us in this, the essence of which is to collect petals from fabric or satin ribbons layers so that they look like the scales of a real artichoke.

We make a ball pattern from any fabric. I make from chintz and flannel.

The pattern consists of four petals.

AB=1/4 of the circumference of the ball, CD=1/2 of the circumference of the ball.
Arc length 1/2 ball = 3.142*R
Arc length 1/4 ball = 1.571*R
where R is the radius of the ball (half the diameter)
Example: for a 8 cm ball, AB=6.27 cm, CD=12.57 cm, plus seam allowance

We apply the details with the right side to each other and sew all the petals. When making the last seam, we leave 1/3 unsewn, we get a hole through which we will fill the ball with padding polyester.


We cut out 8 squares 5x5 for the central motif and 16 squares for the rays. I got the balls with a diameter of 7.5 cm, the size of the squares was determined empirically. Yes, you also need 2 squares for the substrate under the central motif.

All the squares need to be folded in half and ironed, so then it will be easier to sew, they fit more neatly.

We find the poles at the ball and pin the substrate to each, make sure that the corners look at each other.

We fold the smoothed blanks into a triangle and pin them with their noses to the center, I do it immediately on both sides, so that you can immediately align the lines.

We sew the corners all together, mask the stitching place with a bead (but not necessarily) Bring the needle under the base of the triangle

and sew over the edge of all corners. There were patches on both sides.

Again, on both sides. Ideally, you should get a straight line at the points of addition. In short, solid geometry. Well, not ideal, but close to it.

We grab the corners with a couple of stitches and hide them under the bead, and again we sew along the edge so that nothing sticks out and does not come out later during operation.

The third layer is already a matter of technology

We measure the circumference and cut out a strip of fabric to hide all our disgrace. Well, let's hide

I sew a strip so that it does not move out later.

We take a golden ribbon, just right for a Christmas ball, sew it along the middle of the camouflage strip along with beads, wind an eyelet on top for beauty, and another longer one so that there is something to hang on. Now you have more than one toy, but handmade Christmas decorations are much more interesting and soulful than the rest :)))

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to decorate a festive tree with garlands, tinsel, and, of course, balls. This New Year's toy can be made of anything - plastic, glass, but the most beautiful balls are made from multi-colored ribbons. Thanks to the combination of three colors of the satin, repeating the color of the Russian flag, the decoration can be created in a patriotic style. We get such a New Year's ball in the artichoke technique.

To create a ball, prepare:

1. A foam sphere with a diameter of 12-15 cm.
2. Ribbons 5 cm wide in three colors - red, blue and white. Each cut should be 2 meters.
3. 1 meter of ribbon of the same colors, but 2.5 cm wide.
4. A thin satin white ribbon with a red pattern, 1 cm wide, 50 cm long.
5. Hot glue or small nails.
6. Lighter, scissors and tweezers.

This ball is made in the artichoke technique, but using hot glue instead of small needles with hats. The result of the work is the same in both cases, so you can use any of the methods for attaching the flaps.
For the base you will need a foam ball. The center of the ball must be sealed with a white satin patch.

At the first stage, cut the tape into cuts of 8 cm.

For each side, you will need 12 patches of each color and plus one square of white tape to paste it in the center of the picture.
Next, fold each blank into a triangle, i.e. bring the edges of the cut to the middle.

Fix the satin element, for this you need to burn the bottom of the workpiece with a flame from a lighter. At the same time, it is more convenient to hold the atlas with metal tweezers.

Similar blue blanks are attached over the white triangles.

The distance between the upper corners of the white and blue elements is 2-3 mm.

In the same way, fasten the four red triangles on top of the blue ones.

Now proceed to pasting the ball again with white elements, but 8 pieces are already used. The first 4 elements are fixed in the same places, i.e. on top of the red ones, and the other 4 triangles close the gaps between the rows, because the size of the ball increases towards the middle, so more petals are required.

Subsequent rows of blue and red blanks are glued in exactly the same way - eight pieces each.

Side view of the product:

When one side of the ball is pasted over, start decorating the second side. To find the middle of the second side, you need to draw two lines that coincide in direction with the corners of the first drawing.

Glue the resulting intersection with a white patch and then stick the satin in the same sequence as on the other side.

The middle of the first petals should lie on the drawn lines, the remaining tiers are glued on top of the white layer with a gap of 2-3 mm.
When the second drawing is ready, tape the "path" between the last red elements with white tape.

Next, start creating a large bow, also in white-blue-red.
First, create a base from a white ribbon, bend it into curls like this:

Next, create blue swirls. And then red from a thinner ribbon.

Now we start decorating the ball with a white ribbon with a red pattern. To do this, stick the ribbon in the middle of the white ribbon, which is located along the equator of the ball.

At the last stage, glue the pendant to the ball from the same thin braid.
The New Year's ball, symbolizing the Russian tricolor, is ready! Let's cook holiday table. where to put

Use scissors to cut white and blue ribbons 25 mm wide into rectangles 4 cm long. To prevent the edges of the ribbons from crumbling, you need to singe them over the candle.

Using nails, pin a white satin rectangle onto the ball (you need to pin strictly in the corners).

Now triangles will be made from the remaining rectangles: we bend both edges into the middle and hold so as not to fall apart.

We lay out 4 triangles in the first row (we also pin them in the lower corners with nails) - 2 white and 2 blue, and they should be located so that their tops are in the center of the previously pinned white rectangle.

We pin the next row with a color shift, that is, the upper corners of the triangles of the new row are at the junction of the sides of the triangles of the previous row. In this case, the white triangle of the new row goes on the blue of the previous one, and the blue of the new one goes on the white of the previous one. So we begin to make serpentine.

The next row is laid out in the same way.

We close the entire ball in this way with triangles, and as a result we get a ball with smoothly twisting blue and white stripes in the artichoke sieve.

From the remaining blue rectangles we make a bow, fix it with threads.

Sweep a white strip of satin ribbon (25 mm wide) 15 cm long along one edge with white thread and lightly gather. Sew a blue bow over it. We sew such a skirt to the base of the New Year's artichoke ball.

From a white ribbon 10 mm wide, we make a loop with a bow and sew it to the skirt of the ball.

The artichoke ball is ready, it remains to decorate the Christmas tree with it and enjoy the New Year! Do-it-yourself Christmas balls in artichoke strength need to be made in the required quantity for your Christmas tree.

In this master class, we will show you how to create artichoke crafts. We will make a Christmas ball - a wonderful Christmas tree decoration that can also be wonderful New Year's gift made by hand.

I just fell in love with these balls when I saw them on the Christmas tree. Making them is very simple, the main thing is to try, it completely addicts.

To make such New Year's toy, first you need to prepare everything for work. We take:

  • styrofoam ball (my ball is 8 cm in diameter),
  • two colors of fabric to match,
  • metallic gold ribbon 2.5 cm wide,
  • scissors,
  • ruler,
  • golden cord for hanging
  • and needles with a flat head.

We cut the fabric 5x5 cm in size and iron it, bending it in half to make a rectangle.

We find the center in the ball and pin a golden-green square to it.

We take another square of the same color, stick a needle in the middle and fasten it to the center of the ball. Then we bend the edges inward - we get a triangle.

In the same way, we fasten the next triangle opposite this one and then two more to make a square.

Now we take a fabric of light yellow color with a pattern and fasten the triangle, stepping back from the upper corner of the golden triangle about 1 cm.

We make 4 triangles opposite each other in the same way as the previous row.

And now we fasten the next 4 triangles between and overlapping on those already attached.

This is how the second row turns out.

For the third row, use the tape. We cut it into rectangles 5 cm long. There is no need to fold and iron it. We stick a needle from the top in the middle and fasten it, also retreating about 1 cm.

This is such a beautiful golden row.

Again we take the golden-greenish triangles and make the 4th row. Here we have reached the middle of the ball.

Similarly, we start work on the other side of the ball. The main thing is to try to make the triangles exactly opposite each other (you can draw with a pencil).

As a result, the triangles meet in the middle of the ball, resulting in a joint that needs to be hidden behind a ribbon of the same fabric.

Cut out the ribbon, smooth and pin to the ball.

Now we take the same golden ribbon that we have already used, and we string it on a needle like this:

And we attach it to the top of the ball, it turns out a bow.

For the pendant, we take a golden cord and fasten it with a needle to the center.

And for the final decoration, you can take a narrow nylon ribbon, also string it on a needle with a ball in color and prick it.

All! The ball is ready. I think it turned out to be a pretty festive ball. Try it, do it yourself. You definitely won't be able to stop at one ball!

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You can make a Christmas .