Raising love for the native city and homeland. Cultivating love for your hometown Respect for your hometown

Preschool age is a time of intensive development of the child's personality. It is at this age that the foundations of a person's worldview, his attitude to the world around him, are laid. Therefore, it is very important from early childhood to educate in children sensitivity, responsiveness, attentiveness, kind attitude towards their family, peers, city, Motherland.

Thinking about the origins of patriotic feelings, they always turn to childhood impressions: this is the tree under the window, this is the street along which he walked, and his native tunes, and the facts and events that struck once - this is an expression of deep affection and love for everything that early years entered the heart as the most precious.

Ancient wisdom says: "Who does not know his past, does not know anything." Without knowledge of one's roots, traditions of the people, city, country, it is impossible to bring up a full-fledged person who loves his parents, his home, city, and treats other peoples with respect. Therefore, in my opinion, the work to familiarize children with their small homeland is very important in terms of the fact that it has a cognitive, spiritual and moral function.

Acquaintance of preschoolers with their hometown is a long and complicated process. Every week I offer different forms of work, which can be roughly divided as follows:

  • Educational activities aimed at giving children specific ideas about their native land based on direct perception (observations, excursions, targeted walks) or indirectly (teacher's stories, reading works of art).
  • Educational activities that contribute to the deepening and systematization of children's knowledge (conversations, didactic games).
  • Educational activity, during which children use the acquired knowledge and express their attitude to the phenomena of social life (graphic activity, creative storytelling).

The work on patriotic education is carried out by me both individually and with a subgroup of children and “penetrates” all areas of educational areas.

In my work, I use various forms: conversations (individual and group), consultations for parents, classes, games, holidays, exhibitions of children's work, exhibitions of photographs.

The best way for children to accumulate knowledge about their native city, its streets are excursions, targeted walks, observations. Walking around the festive city, I draw the attention of children to how the city is decorated, to its cleanliness and order, trying to arouse interest in children, an emotional attitude to what they see. At the end of the walk in the group, together with the children, we make out the album “Our Travels”, which we then put out to the parents in the locker room.

Children like it very much and evoke in them strong feelings of excursions to the memorial monument near the Ataman forest. Children prepare for such walks in advance, learn poetry together with their parents, learn songs during educational activities in music, which are then performed at a solemn line at the monument. After the solemn part, the children and I go around the territory, I draw the attention of the children to how many different names it is written, that all these people defended our city during the war, that they are all heroes and the streets of our city are named after some of them.

What is seen and heard on excursions is reflected in educational activities. At the educational drawing activity on the topic: “My favorite city”, children drew their houses, monuments, streets, temples. By reading fiction, the children and I taught the poem by the Stary Oskol poet V. Mikhalev “It’s a good deed to plow the land ...”, according to communication, the children made up a story on the topic “My yard”, in my work I educate children in respect for public good, for the nature of the city .

Introducing children to the city, I also use the didactic game "Where we were - we will tell." Children in the image guessed and talked about the sights of the city, monuments, alleys.

Our group has accumulated extensive visual and didactic material (about the coat of arms, the flag of the city, material about the history of the city, its founders, fellow countrymen-heroes), we have a collection of photographs that tell about the past and present of the city, collected poems of poets - Starooskol residents.

By introducing children to the past and present of the city, I tell the children about its working life in the present. At the same time, I gave the task to parents to prepare the story “Where my parents work” together with the children. I organized a meeting for the children with Dima D.'s dad (an OEMK employee), who told the children about the history of the plant and its products. The children got acquainted with the work of a metallurgist, they had a sense of pride that our city is known throughout the country.

Success in the education of patriotic feelings among preschoolers can only be achieved if the teacher himself knows the history of his city. And before you teach children, you need to learn yourself, be able to present the material intelligibly, understandably. And it depends on how you do it, whether the child will perceive this knowledge, whether he will have a desire to learn something new.


the beauty native edges are the source love for the motherland. Understanding and feeling the greatness, the power of the Motherland come to a person gradually. Let the child feel the beauty and admire it, let the images in which the Motherland is embodied be forever preserved in his heart and memory.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

In recent years, attention has increased to the problems of patriotic education, fostering love for one's country, country, city, village. Familiarizing the child with hometown should be considered as an integral part of the formation of his patriotism. After all, the feeling of the Motherland for the baby is connected with the place where he was born and lives.

To bring up a person has a sense of pride in his homeland, it is necessary from childhood to teach him to love the places where he was born and where he lives. Native city, dear to the child because he lives here, his relatives people: family, friends, acquaintances.

Raising love for your city begins directly with getting to know him, his natural features, sights, memorable places. The most complete understanding of hometown can give a specially organized tour.

A small resident can be introduced to many wonderful places cities: City Park, monuments to those who died in the Civil and Great Patriotic War, local history museum, school, city ​​palace of culture, library, art school, post office, savings bank - all these are living pages of history the city of Kirsanov.

To get to know city in our kindergarten, not only excursions and targeted walks are widely used, but also virtual excursions using presentations that will help to recreate the picture hometown, will replenish children's ideas about nature native region and its attractions.

It should be noted that the content of local history material is determined taking into account the combination of all types of children's activities when introducing children to historical and cultural features. the city of Kirsanov: cultural and leisure, motor, game, productive, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, musical, artistic and creative, reading fiction.

And, of course, the most complete development of knowledge about hometown possible with purposeful systematic participation in the educational process of parents pupils, while focusing on the highest universal concepts - love for the family, native land, Fatherland.

"To know is to love" says in a Russian proverb. Therefore, we begin to acquaint children with our small Motherland - city Kirsanov is already at preschool age. This knowledge, and hence the feeling of pride in one's city will help the child in the future to properly manage, own, preserve and increase the heritage received from previous generations.

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Cultivate love for the native land from childhood

Valimukhametova Feryuza Kabulzhanovna, teacher-speech therapist, MADOU No. 11 kindergarten "Fairy Tale", city of Kumertau, Republic of Bashkortostan
Target: education of love for the native land;
“A person is, first of all, a son of his country, a citizen of his fatherland, warmly taking his interests to heart” V.G. Belinsky
“It is a sacred duty to love the country that has nurtured and nurtured us like a mother” M.A. Sholokhov

To be a patriot of one's country means to take to heart its interests, worries, sorrows and joys, to feel responsible for everything that happens in it. Attitude to the motherland, its culture, history, language is transmitted from parents.
An older preschooler should know what benefits society brings to the work of his mother and father, what successes they have in production.
It is the parents who should show the child the sights of their native land, their native city. Tell about the exploits of their heroes, show the streets and squares of your city, named after them.
Children ask many questions concerning the phenomena of social life: about space, war, people's labor.
Taking into account the interests and curiosity of the child, an adult should lead this process. Parents expand the sphere of interests of their child, thinking in advance what knowledge to give him, what events to acquaint him with.
From the huge flow of information, it is important for the parent to highlight the knowledge on the basis of which it is possible to cultivate love for the native land, its traditions.
Visiting museums, exhibitions, monuments of the city, the capital with the child also helps to awaken patriotic feelings.
Because it is at preschool age that all the prerequisites for the emergence and development of patriotic feelings are laid, and this is very important in our difficult time.
Check if your child recognizes the cities of Kumertau, Ufa, Moscow from photographs or illustrations. Is he familiar with the sights of his native city and region.

For example, do you consider it necessary to show your child ancient monuments, visit art galleries, local history museums with him?
What sights of our city Kumertau does your child know?
Do you often take family walks, excursions to the museum, trips out of town?...
Can your child say in which republic he lives? name the capital?
Does he know the national hero of his republic?

Parents should know that the child emotionally perceives the phenomena around him, therefore it is the preschool age that is fertile ground for the formation of the necessary human qualities in the child.
It is from these years that a person begins to know beauty, to distinguish between good and evil. He develops more complex moral feelings and qualities, such as humanism, kindness, sympathy.
“Be a son of your homeland, deeply feel your connection with your native soil, treat it like a son, return a hundredfold what you received from it,” wrote K.D. Ushinsky.
“Without a sense of one's country - special, very dear and sweet in every little thing - there is no real human character ...” - wrote K.G. Paustovsky.
And these were the great patriots of their country.
Children of senior preschool age are already able to understand complex and diverse knowledge.
It is necessary to teach the child not only to look, but also to see, not only to listen, but also to listen, to protect the surrounding beauty.
It is impossible to acquaint a child with social life only on the way to kindergarten or home, you cannot always “follow the child”, his interests. So you can teach formalities in everything. Aesthetic ignorance negatively affects the intellectual and aesthetic development of the child. All communication of the child with others, the knowledge of its laws, connections should be aimed at educating emotional responsiveness, the ability to notice and appreciate beauty.
Are there animals or plants in your house?

Does your child participate in their care? Does he know how to care?
Does your child work in the garden, in the garden? How does he do it: willingly, with joy, or indifferent to work?

If yes, then you are good parents, if not, it is not too late.
An important means of cultivating love for one's native land is children's literature. Books in a figurative form introduce the child to the life of society, help to comprehend the inner world of a person, his feelings, actions, attitude towards other people.
When reading both Russian and national literature, it is first of all necessary to draw the child's attention to the positive features in the character of certain nationalities.
Therefore, it is very important to select the stories of those authors who write interesting and meaningful. Stories that tell about the life of peoples arouse interest among older preschoolers and contribute to their mental development.
Are important drawings, illustrations. Children look at them with interest before reading and after reading. Therefore, it is important to teach the child to peer into the drawing, to note the originality in the image of each republic, to know its wealth; by comparison, note the similarities and differences in the image of national flags, coats of arms.
The power of the book is very great. Psychologists note that preschool children can experience the feelings that characters experience.
Television and video broadcasts are of great importance. It is good if at first the parents watch the program, fix their attention on the material that will be interesting and useful to the child, think over the available commentary and, when repeating the program, watch it together with the child.
It is necessary to instill in the child a sense of sympathy for representatives of different nationalities - adults, children. Remember that in the city where the child lives, people of different nationalities work.
Bashkortostan is a multinational republic, the work of people of any nation is important for all people living in our country.
Everything starts with the family.
Love your native land and instill this love in your children!

"Edge is mine"
lime forest,
cherry mountain,
And the grassy street...
And a blizzard dashing frosty time ...
Here I was born.
Here is my native land...
I have traveled all over the world,
But all my detours
I'm being led
Again on that threshold
Where did I come from to go far.
lime forest,
cherry mountain,
And the grassy street
And the blizzard dashing frosty time
I am called back to my home.
I'll be back - and younger at the same hour,
Fatigue removes everything as if by hand,
The dust of our native land is harmless for us,
This air is healing
He is native!
And if I run into trouble, friends,
My region will always help me in everything!
You can't even call him a man
Who will forget about the native side.
Angam Atnabaev

I. Type of project.

According to the dominant activity: creative, cognitive-playing, research.

By duration: long.

By the nature of contacts: within the framework of the preschool educational institution, work in society.

Project participants: older preschoolers, parents, teachers.

II. Relevance.

Children, starting from preschool age, experience a lack of knowledge about their hometown, country, features of Russian traditions.

The system of work with the families of pupils on the problem of moral and patriotic education has not been sufficiently formed.

III. Objective of the project.

To lay in each child the foundations of a spiritual and moral personality capable of self-improvement and harmonious interaction with other people.

IV. Tasks of project activity.

Contribute to the overall development of children based on love and interest in the present and past of their people.

To educate moral and patriotic qualities: humanism, pride, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's native land and country.

Introduce children to the traditions and customs of their people.

Orient the parents of pupils to the patriotic upbringing of children in the family.

V. Expected result.

The final result is diagnostics, during which the level of knowledge of children is determined and the personal component is established. This takes into account the active participation of children in various activities, competitions.

VI. Project methods.

Cognitive and gaming activities, targeted walks, excursions, observations, conversations, monitoring.

VII. Strategy for the implementation of project activities.

This project is carried out within the framework of the pedagogical system of MDOU No. 96 in Kostroma:

With children - in various activities, does not require specially organized classes (material on each topic is included in the weekly algorithm);

With teachers - in the conditions of methodical work;

With parents - in joint activities.

Thematic planning of the formative stage.

Senior group.

Forms of work with children

Forms of work with parents

1. Conversation: "Where I live."

2. Excursion along Mira Avenue, where the kindergarten is located.

Making a map-scheme "The road from home to kindergarten"

Raising in children attachment to their home, kindergarten, street, city.

Lesson: "Sights of our city".

Drawing competition: "The city that is dear to the heart"

To acquaint children with the sights of our city, its traditions.

Excursion to the museum of local lore "Meeting with the past".

"History of Old Things"

Acquaintance with the life of the Russian people, enrichment of vocabulary, children's knowledge about the life of their ancestors.

"He was famous for his masters."

Visit to the Museum of Flax and Birch Bark

To develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts, to attach to the origins of folk culture.

Teaching children to see beauty.

Lesson: "The nature of our region."

Drawing competition: "Favorite corner of nature"

The development of moral and patriotic qualities: pride, humanism, the desire to preserve and increase the natural wealth of their country.

Lesson: "The animal world of the native land."

Family reading stories about animals of our region

To acquaint with animals, birds, fish living in our forests, to show their diversity.

Education of respect for wildlife.

Conversation: "My family"

Children's stories about their moms and dads

Cultivate love and respect for your family members, for the closest people.

"Literary heritage of Kostroma"

Family reading of the works of Kostroma writers

Raising a love of poetry.

Excursion to the eternal flame.

Making holiday cards.

Meeting with a WWII veteran (great-grandfather of one of the children of the group)

To bring children to the understanding that we won because we love our country.

Systematization of knowledge about the native city.

Rice. Model of educational and educational work on the moral and patriotic education of children MDOU No. 96, Kostroma

"Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world. It is necessary that this discovery become, first of all, the knowledge of the person of the Fatherland. So that the beauty of a real person, the greatness and incomparable beauty of the Fatherland, enter into the children's mind and heart." V.A. Sukhomlinsky At preschool age, a sense of patriotism begins to form: love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth. The patriotic education of preschool children includes the transfer of knowledge to them, the formation of attitudes on their basis and the organization of activities accessible to the age. Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one's small homeland - the place where a person was born. In this regard, I believe, it is of great importance to familiarize preschoolers with the historical, cultural, geographical, natural and ecological originality of their native region, i.e. Balakovo municipality. The local history approach in the education of preschoolers makes it possible to humanize the educational process. Getting acquainted with his native city, its sights, the child learns to be aware of himself living in a certain time period. The central link of socialization - "the process of human development in interaction with the outside world" (A.V. Mudrik) - is the humanistic upbringing of a child based on universal human values, on love for parents, for the place where he grew up, and, undoubtedly, for the Motherland . This corresponds to one of the principles of personality-oriented didactics - the principle of synthesis of intellect, emotions and actions. In this regard, the success of the development of preschoolers when they get acquainted with their native city will become possible only if they actively interact with the outside world in an emotional and practical way, i.e. through the game, communication, work, various types of activities characteristic of preschool age. When building the pedagogical process to familiarize preschoolers with their hometown, I take into account the following principles: the principle of historicism (past - present); the principle of humanization (the ability to take the position of a child, take into account his point of view, his feelings and emotions, focus on the highest universal concepts - love for the family, native land, Fatherland); the principle of differentiation (creation of optimal conditions for the self-realization of each child in the process of obtaining knowledge about his native city, taking into account the age, gender of the child, and the experience he has accumulated); the principle of integrativity (acquaintance of children with their native city becomes the core around which all types of children's activities are integrated). Raising love for my native city, I solve educational tasks: 1. Formation of love for my native land, interest in the past and present. 2. Development of an emotional and valuable attitude to the family, home, region, country. 3. Raising a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen. 4. Development of respect for the city (culture, nature). The most important thing in the work of getting to know the native city, its history, and sights is the compilation of stories for preschoolers. The story should be accompanied by visual material: photographs, reproductions, diagrams, drawings. In order to activate the attention of children, it is necessary to ask them questions in the process of the story, to arouse the desire for independent activity. Available vocabulary must be used. Every moment of acquaintance of preschoolers with their native city should be permeated with the upbringing of respect for a person - a worker, a defender, a worthy citizen. The method of familiarizing children with their native city and cultivating love for it is varied. This is the direct perception of the environment by children, i.e. games, observations, walks, excursions, conversations during walks, stories of the educator about the history of the city and its people. It is very important to properly organize work with children, to be able to show the beauty of their native land, to expand the ideas that have developed in children. Adhering to the principle of a gradual transition from close and simple to far and complex, I had a conversation and found out that the children know the name of our city, the street on which they live. Many people know where their parents work. During the tour along the street where the kindergarten (Kommunisticheskaya) is located, the children noted that on this street there are many buildings that were built a very long time ago and are of great value, especially the local history museum and the Maltsev house. These are very beautiful buildings. Continuing her acquaintance with the city, she took the children on an excursion to the Obelisk of Glory. After this excursion, the children were given a task: to ask adults at home to tell about which of the relatives was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. In order to acquaint children with the labor achievements of fellow countrymen, they conducted excursions to the bakery, where they enjoyed eating finished products with pleasure. Then an excursion to the drama theater and the canal was organized. The children were told that all this was created by the hands of their grandparents. But especially the children liked the excursion to the plant named after the Mamin Brothers, where many parents work. Children saw with their own eyes and touched with their own hands the products that their mothers and fathers produce. To love your city means to love nature and take good care of it. Communication with nature ennobles a person, allows you to more fully feel the fullness of life. In order to instill in preschoolers a love for their native nature, to make them proud of the results of people's work, I conduct excursions and walks in parks, where I draw the children's attention to the beauty of nature; I tell you that parks and squares are our wealth that must be protected. It's nice and clean here. As a result of the work carried out, the children became more observant, inquisitive, their speech was enriched. Conversations, excursions, classes contributed to the expansion and deepening of the knowledge of preschoolers about their native city and its workers. We love the land where we were born and raised, the land where we live and work. We call all this in one word - Motherland. I chose the following topics for excursions and targeted walks: "Our street", "Our city is growing and being built", "Our city is part of a large country". Conducting excursions, observations, I help preschoolers understand what they see, I try to arouse interest, an emotional attitude, I strive to develop logical thinking and correct speech. In my work I use introductory and installation conversations, questions, comparisons. In accordance with the program, preschoolers are encouraged to talk about famous people who glorified their region. At one of the classes, I told the children about the hero of the Civil War, our countryman V.I. Chapaev, and then organized an excursion to the house-museum. With the participation of employees of the factory library, a story was organized about the Mamin brothers, the founders of the factory, which during the Second World War produced shells for the front. Our city is rich in talents and, in connection with this, I introduced the guys to the life and work of the Balakovo local historian Derevyanchenko, who did a tremendous job in creating the history of the Mamin Brothers factory. To expand the children of citizens who deeply and devotedly love their country is the most important task of every teacher. In order to cultivate in a person a sense of pride in his homeland, it is necessary from childhood to teach him to love what surrounds him. The whole complex of influences is aimed at evoking in the child a feeling of love and affection for this place where he was born. Balakovsky builder Mineev expressed in verse the attitude, in my opinion, of all citizens to their beloved city: My city And friendly, and bright, And forever glorified by work. I won’t find another in the world Wherever every house would be familiar to me: Take this topic of your circle so that children do not have concepts and knowledge about historical events that took place many years ago, as well as about what is happening now. In order to acquaint children with the sights of my native city, I have to read a lot about the city myself, go on excursions in order to choose the most optimal and understandable story for children. Carrying out work on the education of patriotic feelings in children, I believe that we will raise people who deeply and devotedly love their homeland, their people. Education of love for the Motherland is the basis for the education of patriotism, and love for the Motherland begins with love for one's city. The history of the city is a living history, it is reflected both in the biography of the family and in the fate of generations. So that dates cease to be chronology, facts - enumeration, so that real people stand up behind the names, we must arouse interest in the children, make the imagination work.