How to style bangs: trendy options that you will definitely like. Hairstyles with long bangs - beautiful styling options How to style bangs in a wave

Blow-dry classic on the side. The most basic way to style bangs is to leave them loose, with a simple check that they are in order and look presentable. After washing your hair, use a round brush and blow dryer to dry your bangs to perfection. Twist the brush under the bangs, pulling it away from your face (toward the voluminous part of the bangs) to ensure it dries in the correct position.

  • If necessary, use a flat iron or a straight iron to get the bangs in place.

Try simple twisting and pinning. For those days when you're in a hurry and don't have time to wash or style your bangs, twisting and pinning them up is the perfect style. Gather the bangs in one hand and twist them away from the face along the hairline. Pin up the bangs at the top with two invisible pins, arranging them in an ‘X’ shape. To keep your hair from flying out of your bangs, treat it with hairspray. You are ready!

  • For an updo, you can continue to twist the hair beyond the bangs before tying it all up at the top with an elastic band or clip at the back.
  • Pin the bangs straight back. As an older version of the somewhat subtler version of the twist and pin up bangs, pinning straight back can be considered the easiest way to style bangs. Style your hair the way you normally would, then comb your bangs back or sideways. Use two invisible to fix the ends of the bangs, and hide the protruding tips under the rest of the hair.

    Use the pompadour style. A classic look that can add flair to any style is the pompadour style with bouffant and pinned bangs. Separate the bangs and stretch in front of you. Use a brush to comb your bangs until you get a lush roller. Pull the bangs back through the combed roller and lightly comb to hide the frizz. Twist the ends of the bangs once, and then pin with two invisibles in the form of the letter 'X' at the top of the head.

    • You can style the pompadour bangs slightly to the side if you wish, but this may require longer, thicker hair.
    • With bangs like this, you can leave your hair loose or lifted up, depending on what look you want to achieve.
  • Braid your bangs. Despite the fact that this style requires a little more time, it gives a beautiful result. Separate the bangs from the front of the hair, tie the rest of the hair with an elastic band. Start braiding the French dragon from the roots of the bangs on the side, finishing braiding when you have no hair left. You can fix the bangs with a small transparent rubber band, or let the ponytails hang down by pinning them with invisibility.

    • You can use different weave options to achieve different looks. French and Dutch dragons are easiest to use on bangs, but you can also try rope weaving or spikelet.
  • Try an ultra updo. If height doesn't scare you, try tilting your head down, pulling all of your hair (including bangs) into a ponytail at the top of your head. Since it's popular these days, you can tie the ponytail into a knot or bun it up to add volume and a playful look. If the tail is located high enough, the bangs should enter it without falling strands and the need to use stealth.

    Lovely ladies at all times strived to look their best. To do this, they dressed beautifully, applied makeup, devoted long hours to caring for their bodies, faces and hair. By the way, a fashionable hairstyle has always been far from the last weapon in the arsenal of beauties: remember how fashion trends for this or that styling or haircut have changed over time, and how sacredly the fair sex tried to follow these trends.

    Such a hairstyle detail as a bang, then came into fashion, then remained in the shadows. Now it is in trend, besides, there are many ways to wear and style it. How to properly lay it so that it emphasizes all the advantages of your appearance - read the article.

    What will be required?

    Bangs are a fairly noticeable part of the hairstyle, and if it is styled ugly, it immediately spoils the whole impression. Let's see if it is difficult to lay it yourself, and what is required for its design.

    • To get started, you should purchase a hair styling product. It can be spray, mousse or foam. Choose a product depending on your hair type: the owner of curls or hair prone to oiliness at the roots is best suited for water sprays or clay-based products, and for ladies with straight, dry or normal curls, foam or mousse. At the hairdresser, you may be offered to style your bangs with a special professional tool enriched with vitamins. It will make the hair more supple, moreover, it will protect against temperature exposure and UV radiation.

    Whatever styling product you end up choosing, remember that for bangs you need to take just a little bit: a drop, the size of a pea. It must be applied to washed, slightly damp curls.

    • By the way, cleanliness is a must. If you are not a supporter of daily shampooing, wash your bangs separately. Lather a drop of shampoo, rinse hair thoroughly, blot excess moisture with a towel, and you can apply a styling product.
    • The next necessary attributes for styling bangs are a hairdryer and a comb in the form of a brush or a “massage”. Such a comb is needed in order to capture the hair along its entire length and straighten it by drying it with a hairdryer. In this case, we use the hair dryer as follows: we transfer it to the low airflow mode, we direct the air flow so that it goes in the direction of the bangs. As your hair dries, if you are happy with how you styled your bangs, set the hair dryer to a cold setting, then do the same manipulations again.

    The final touch will be combing the bangs and its “varnishing” (if desired).

    Just remember that the lacquer bottle should be kept at a distance of 20-30 cm from the face and cover the eyes with your hand when spraying. Do not abuse this tool, otherwise, instead of a beautifully styled bangs, you will get a stiff tuft of hair.

    How to lay?

    Times are changing, and the current fashion is very loyal to those who want to be at its peak. There are no more strict limits, for example, that the bangs should be on the eyebrow and must be straight, or the like. You can style your bangs exactly the way you like, emphasizing the dignity of your face.

    Here are the shapes that are in trend right now.

    • Straight. It can be almost any length. The short version is chosen by lovers of daring creativity, the middle (classic) is preferred by conservative stylish ladies, and the bangs that reach the eyelashes hint at a certain mystery and extravagance.

    • oblique. This variety does not get along with curls, since the main rule when cutting and styling oblique bangs is that it should be smooth, solid, without falling strands.

    • "Ragged". This option also does not cut on curly curls. For all the seeming “sloppiness”, the “torn” bangs have their own styling rules. So, it is always worth pulling it down with a hair dryer, while if you want, you can twist its tips or leave them straight. Such a bang implies a certain degree of negligence, so the main requirement is its cleanliness, and laying “hair to hair” is completely optional.

    Now let's talk about what, in general, experiments are possible with this detail of a women's haircut.

    • The bangs can be twisted. You can take large curlers or lay them with a “massage” and a hairdryer, twisting it inward during the drying process. After achieving the result, sprinkle hair with medium-hold hairspray.
    • If you are the owner of curly hair, you probably straighten your bangs. It is convenient to do this with a hair dryer and brushing with a large diameter. The sequence of actions is as follows: alternately catching the strands of the bangs for the “teeth” of brushing, “blow” with a hair dryer, first from the bottom up (to get volume), and then vice versa (to align the strands).
    • Hair straightening is also possible with the help of an iron. But there is one important nuance here: it is strictly forbidden to use it if the hair is wet.

    The iron dries the hair a lot, so when straightening the bangs, “walk” over it with the device 2-3 times, no more, otherwise you risk getting a “straw” effect.

    • If you want to change the image from time to time, remove the bangs from the face, pinning it with “invisibles” or beautiful hairpins. Thus, you can lay it on its side or remove it back.
    • Lovers of bright accents in the image can fix the bangs with a scarf, scarf, bandage, rim or ribbon. At the same time, it can also be combed to one side or hidden under an accessory, opening the forehead.
    • Girls who love romantic “flying” hairstyles can try to put bangs in the middle. It can be either a straight parting in the center of the head, or a side parting, in which a large part of the hair is on one side of the face, and a smaller part on the other. Section all the hair in the chosen way and blow-dry, smoothing the bangs with a brush in the chosen directions. Spray your hair with varnish.
    • Fashion, as you know, tends to return, and this applies to its various branches - it has not bypassed attention and hairstyles. The pin-up style, popular in the 30s of the last century, is reasserting itself. And what kind of styling was typical for a pin-up girl? Large curls and curled bangs. By the way, it could be laid both as a single “roller” and as separate “pretzels”, securing them with “invisibles”. It is easy to make such a hairstyle: just wind the bangs on medium-sized curlers or do it with a curling iron.
    • And now let's remember the disco style of the 80s. Hairstyles at that time were voluminous, with a strong fleece. If you like the style of those years, you can try to do this styling. To do this, wind the bangs on curlers or a curling iron, then comb it from below, and then smooth it from above and fix it with varnish.
    • A hairstyle with a bang braided into a braid looks very interesting. To perform this styling, you will have to master French weaving. While braiding the bangs, also use long strands from the bulk of the hair. You can "bring" weaving to the ear or even to the back of the head. Secure the braid with invisibility.

    Fashion trends

    The 21st century is very loyal to fashionistas and fashionistas. Now the emphasis is on the development of a person's personal style, and not strict adherence to the canons. Accordingly, the choice of hairstyle, and, consequently, the shape of the bangs, remains with you.

    You need to focus on what suits you and emphasizes your individuality. Of course, each season has bangs - "favorites". Here's what's trending right now.

    • Bang-strand. In fact, this is not even a bang in its traditional sense, but simply a shortened strand, trimmed near the face. Has the effect of growing bangs.

    • Oblique with thinning. Suitable for creating a casual daring look. It looks very nice with a haircut-ladder.

    • Bangs laid to the side, suitable for almost every type of appearance and style of clothing. It can be long, medium or short - it doesn’t matter at all, in any case you will be “in style” by making such a styling.

    • "Ragged". It looks very cool, especially in combination with creative coloring. It can be “worn” with hair of any length, but it is best to emphasize emo-style haircuts with it: “torn” bob, trash cascade and the like.

    • Asymmetrical. Most often it has a triangular or arched shape. On such bangs, lovers of short unusual haircuts, with many “feathers” and sharp corners, stop their choice.

    It is important to know that when laying such a bang, you should avoid “falling out” of the lock from the general row - that is, if it has the shape of a triangle, then it should lie in a triangle, and not its sloppy likeness.

    • Shortened. This is considered a bang to the middle of the forehead or even shorter. It is worn with both long and short hair, but you need to remember that it is not for everyone. Therefore, before deciding on such an experiment, study the features of your face and, if possible, make a preliminary computer simulation.

    Much has been said about what types of bangs are, what haircuts they are suitable for. Let's now figure out how to choose exactly the shape and length that is right for you.

    So, there are 2 ways to choose the right bangs: depending on the shape of the face and on the type of hair. Let's consider them.

    By face shape:

    • any bangs are suitable for an oval face;
    • triangular - oblique or straight, but not above the eyebrows;
    • round - oblique, asymmetric, with graduation;
    • square fit "torn" bangs in several layers;
    • a face in the shape of a rectangle - even thick to the eyebrows or beveled to one side;
    • a heart-shaped face will be decorated with bangs with graduation, with “torn” strands;
    • a rhombus-shaped face is suitable for a bang-strand or an oblique long bang;
    • the pear-shaped shape will be balanced by voluminous bangs with thinning.

    Fashionable bangs on the side are not inferior to leadership for a long time. It is versatile, wears comfortably and looks great with most hairstyles. This option is suitable for both long and short hair.

    According to stylists, a hairstyle with this element makes the face more feminine, delicate, proportional. In other cases, it complements the image, gives it zest and elegance.

    The convenience is that it does not require special styling efforts. Making such a hairstyle is simple, you just need to choose the specific option that you would like to receive.

    There are many varieties of bangs to the side:

    • long and short;
    • thick and thin;
    • oblique and straight;
    • torn.

    This option does not go only to women with a narrow and elongated face or with very curly hair. In the second case, you will have to constantly straighten it using an iron, which spoils the hair, from which the hair may suffer.

    Step by step installation guides

    Fitting is not difficult. You need to know how to dry it properly. To keep your hair healthy, dry it with warm air, not hot. At the same time, the hair dryer should be kept at some distance so as not to create a disheveled effect.


    This option is in perfect harmony with any haircut. Laying is carried out as simply as possible, it is simply combed to the side. But to give a certain shape, you should use a hair dryer after washing your hair, directing air from the hair roots to their ends.

    Any hairstyle is shaped only with hot air, then it is fixed with a cold jet. For obedient hair, this is enough. If they are naughty, you should use wax before creating the styling, then lay the bangs to the side with a hairdryer.

    To create the perfect styling so that it lasts for a long time, you can do it with an iron, while you should choose a device with a ceramic coating, it is most gentle on the hair. During the day, the form gets better with your fingers.


    This is a light creative option that adds originality and perfection to the image. Slanting bangs emphasize delicate facial features, suitable for almost any woman. Looks spectacular with long, medium and short hair.

    To style it, individual strands should be gracefully laid to one side, framing the face. You can curl the tip of the bangs a little to give the image grace and romance.


    An excellent option for long curls, it always looks at ease and easily. It fits like a regular straight line, but you can give the image some outrageousness if you comb it and install it like a mohawk. This option is suitable for girls who are not afraid to experiment with their appearance.


    It gives lightness and sophistication to the image, looks great with highlighting, coloring. For its design, a side parting is created, and the strands are stacked with a hair dryer on its side. She always looks somewhat disheveled, but makes the image cute and somewhat naive.

    To create a tousled hairstyle, gel or wax is used to form sloppy strands and style them. But you should use these products with caution, because with their excess it is easy to get the effect of dirty hair.

    Will have to re-install. The funds are applied not to the roots, but from the middle of the strands to the tips. If varnish is used, then on the contrary, it is applied to the root zone so that the styling lasts longer.

    Uneven bangs are easier to style, they are in perfect harmony with any length of hair, straight and wavy curls, and even with braids. Slanting bangs support evening looks and naughty hairstyles for every day, while it is perfect for both a young girl and a mature woman.

    Which one to choose for your face type?

    The bangs, like the hairstyle, are selected according to the type of face.

    The uniqueness of the sideways option is that it is universal:

    1. Women with an oval face oblique bangs will do, regardless of length. In general, this form allows you to carry out any experiments with your hair, as well as shapes and sizes. Relevant options to the side with a straight parting. The main thing is to take into account the density of the hair so that the bangs do not weigh down the face. Air strands look interesting, with uneven ends. The volumetric form will look harmonious if the hair is long and thick;
    2. Square face does not accept only a straight line, side options allow you to smooth out the corners, making the face softer. Ideal - the hair is styled in sparse strands, the optimal length is up to the line of the eye line. Too voluminous form will not work, which will give the expression of severity. Curls laid on the sides look good;
    3. Round face owners you should be careful with the choice of shape, length and density. Oblique options that smooth out the width of the face will be optimal here. It looks good uneven side parting on slightly elongated curls, which is fixed with water and a hair dryer. Long thick bangs smooth the line of the cheeks. A good option is uneven torn in several levels, laid on its side;
    4. Girls with a face shape in the form of a triangle or a heart do not go very short bangs. A great option in this case is to emphasize the line of the cheekbones, this allows you to make a straight smooth side, framing the forehead. The problem of a small forehead is solved by an asymmetrical bang to one side.

    Hairstyles with bangs on the side

    With bangs to the side, you can create a lot of beautiful hairstyles:

    1. Looks great with her ladder, cascade and square. The torn version is especially suitable.
    2. Look outrageous short hair with uneven bangs, coloring or toning. Such haircuts look spectacular and bold. It is not recommended to experiment with these hairstyles for owners of too thick hair.
    3. Thick smooth strands look great with medium length hair, stylish and elegant. Long bangs should be fixed if it is created for long curls.
    4. A fashionable bob hairstyle is combined with a torn version. But it is better to use it for young girls. You can try a combination of hairstyles with a scythe, asymmetrical and short bangs on the side.
    5. For older women, short hairstyles with short bangs to the side are suitable. This hairstyle is refreshing and gives a youthful look.
    6. Firmness, determination and confidence in the image can be added with a bang to the side in combination with medium-length hair, it should be laid deliberately casually.
    7. An elongated bob with wavy curls harmonizes with a smooth version laid on its side, but you can create elegant curls.
    8. On medium hair, you can make a festive hairstyle, which is perfectly complemented by long strands to the side, styled with curls, plaits, braids or naughty curls.
    9. FROM long hair both short and long individual strands are combined, giving the image of a woman tenderness.

    In general, sideways options are best in harmony with simple hairstyles of hair of the same length. Every day you can create an updated image.

    Bangs play an important role in the attractiveness of the hairstyle and appearance of fashionistas. You can beat this part of the hair with the most different ways. For some ladies, a strict straight line is more suitable, while for others, a slanting bang is the best option. In choosing a haircut, one must build on many factors: the type and structure of the face, the style of clothing. Today we will take a closer look at the features of the bangs laid to the side.

    Features, advantages and disadvantages

    Bangs are a very important part of the hairstyle, which has a great influence on the image and style of its owner. Many young ladies today are turning to trendy side bangs that look interesting and lively. Such a haircut is chosen not only by young, but also by older women of fashion. On ladies of all ages, side bangs look attractive if done correctly.

    Such a beautiful and feminine component of women's hairstyles can be found on the red carpet, in educational institutions, in stores, at various special occasions or in clubs - the list is endless. In addition, it can be designed in different ways. Many women of fashion color it in colors that are different from the rest of the hair.

    For example, young and courageous girls who love bright and non-standard solutions often paint their side bangs in blue, purple, burgundy, white or black.

    An important advantage of this type of bangs is that it can be added to an already formed hairstyle at any time convenient for the lady. Moreover, the goals can be very different. For example, many young ladies bring in such a detail in order to update and refresh their image.

    It is impossible not to note other positive qualities of a bang of this type:

    • with the help of a beautiful side bangs, it is possible to hide many flaws;
    • thanks to this part of the haircut, laid on the side, it is possible to create a more accurate and aesthetic oval of the face;
    • with her, the eyes and look of a fashionista attract special attention to themselves, becoming more expressive and bright;
    • age-related changes that appear on the forehead can be productively hidden with such a bang;
    • a strand laid on its side fits almost any face shape;
    • ladies with such a hairstyle look more elegant and elegant;
    • side bangs, like its other types, can noticeably rejuvenate a lady's face or even hide wrinkles and pimples;
    • side bangs can advantageously change the geometry of the face.

    These guys also have their weaknesses. Their main disadvantage is that they have to be constantly laid, and this often takes a lot of free time. We'll have to stock up on small hairpins and stealth.

    How to lay?

    Laying the bangs to the side is quite simple. Any lady can cope with such a task. You only need to stock up on the following necessary devices:

    • hair dryer;
    • rectifier (ironing);
    • curling iron.

    It is advisable to purchase high-quality styling products. Fortunately, their range today is greater than ever. You can choose the optimal compositions for hair of any type. The strand structure can also be absolutely any. You will need to prepare:

    • high-quality powder with volume effect;
    • fixing gel;
    • cream or special milk;
    • special fluids for styling.

    There are many options for laying bangs to the side. Let's get acquainted with the most popular and easy-to-perform methods that many fashionistas choose. So, for the styling method described below, you will need to stock up on a sufficient amount of varnish or a good mousse. The result is always very beautiful and fashionable hairstyles, if done correctly.

    • First you need to wash your hair. Then you have to wait until they dry. For drying, you can use a hair dryer or wait for natural drying. Please note that the strands should not be dried completely. They should be slightly damp.
    • Now spread mousse or a special hair foam on the bangs. So you will be able to fix the strands in the desired state.

    • Take a round comb and a hair dryer. It is advisable to put a special cone-like nozzle on the equipment - it will be able to direct hot air to a specific point at the desired angle.
    • Grab the bangs with a comb. Lay it down while holding the hair dryer underneath. Move the strands to the side, following from the roots and moving along the line of their growth. Direct the hair dryer in the same way.

    • Repeat the above step multiple times until the strands are completely dry.
    • For a better result, it is better to postpone the bangs to the last stage. If you're planning on blow-drying your entire head of hair, it's best to tackle the bulk first.
    • Gently shake the hair at the roots with your fingers. Spray it with fixative varnish.

    Many girls prefer to lay their bangs on their side in the "dude" style. With such a hairstyle, you can emphasize the bright individuality of a fashionista and her self-confidence. Consider how to properly form such a bang.

    • It is necessary to prepare curls, as in the first option. First, they should be thoroughly washed, dried and smeared with mousse or foam.
    • Now take the whole bang in your hand. Raise it up.
    • Next, you should comb the strands at the very roots. It is necessary to comb as much as you wish.

    • Having achieved the desired result, fix the rest of the bangs by twisting it into a small tourniquet. Hide it by tucking it under the curls on the side, secure it using a few invisible ones.
    • If you want, it is permissible to wear a bezel. It will make it possible to keep the hairstyle aesthetic and neat for quite a long time.

    Lovers of charming braids and zigzag partings will love the following original way of styling fashionable side bangs.

    • After washing, it is recommended to dry the hair using a special thermal protection.
    • Next, the bangs should be gently straightened, using a hot iron. Even if your strands are straight and not twisted, it is advisable to straighten them further before proceeding to the next steps.
    • Raise the strands and fix them on their side with the help of an invisible hairpin at an angle of 45 degrees.
    • Break the strand at the same angle, but in the other direction.
    • Having reached the desired length, hide the remaining curls under the others.

    With this method, it is desirable to take hairpins and invisible, the color of which is similar to the color of the hair.

    If you like delicate and romantic images, then you will definitely like the following side bangs styling method.

    • First you need to start weaving a neat braid from bangs. In the process of strands, it is worth taking from the bulk of the hair.
    • Continue with this procedure. Approaching the end of the cut half, pick up more and more strands.
    • As soon as the bangs are over, continue weaving the main curls (about 2-4 more cm). Don't forget to fix them using invisibility.

    Of course, in this case, the braid can be formed with a different length.

    If all of the above methods seemed too complicated or did not suit your taste, then you should pay attention to another option for laying the side bangs. It is one of the lightest and most commonly used. It consists of such stages.

    • First you need to carefully take the strands and fix them on the side using hairpins.
    • After that, you can turn to a variety of experiments. For example, from a long bang, organize a beautiful semicircle, use bright colored hairpins, weave a delicate braid, or simply disguise the strands, hiding them under the rest.

    What hairstyles are suitable?

    Side swept bangs look amazing in tandem with many hairstyles, short and long. Here are the most attractive and popular combinations that many young ladies choose.

    • Such a bang looks great with neat smooth and loose curls. Against the background of such a hairstyle, the bangs will seem especially expressive.

    • You can make the image fresh and become a little younger by combining the side bangs with hair gathered in a high ponytail.

    When creating any hairstyle, special attention should be paid to bangs, if, of course, there is one. Bangs, laid on its side, look very stylish with many variations of styling and hairstyles. Its advantage is that it can look equally good with any length of hair and with almost any external type.

    What you need for styling

    Most often, laying bangs on the side is not complete without appliances with thermal action:

    • hair dryer;
    • rectifier;
    • curling iron.

    Concerning styling products, for such styling suitable:

    • powder with volume effect;
    • gel for fixation;
    • special milk or cream;
    • styling fluids.

    Fixing the result is best entrusted to a good hairspray. Especially, soft varnish-spray, which does not stick together and does not stain the hair.

    We lay different types of bangs

    It will be easiest to put oblique bangs. We can say that in most cases it requires that it be laid on its side. To make it lay beautifully, you just need to lay it down after washing your hair and, if the hair is naughty, apply a little of any light styling product. For example, fluid.

    Straight bangs medium length does not always lend itself well to styling, therefore, we advise you to use styling products in the form of a special cream.

    If the bangs are very short gels for fixation are suitable.

    For styling long or regrown bangs you will need invisible ones with which you can discreetly pin its ends to the strands on one side of the hair.

    How beautiful to lay bangs on the side

    The main condition for achieving this goal is hair cleanliness. If you prefer blow-drying your bangs, dry your bangs in the direction of the side they will be styled on. If you are a supporter of natural drying, lay your bangs on one side with a comb.

    For a shiny and smooth effect, use skeletal comb, round is suitable for splendor and volume. With a round comb, you need to lift the hair, twisting it. When the bangs curl too much, it needs to be straightened at least a little so that it can lie down well and the strands do not break out of it. If you would like to add extra volume to the bangs, hair powder is perfect. We comb the bangs on one side, comb it and fix the pile with powder.

    Those who like smooth bangs will need styling smoothing creams and gels. After the bangs are laid, you need to apply any of the products in a very thin layer. It is necessary to fix with styling products not only the ends of the bangs, but also its base, otherwise the strands will be knocked out, not looking too neat, especially if the bangs are even. For those who want to beautifully style their regrown long bangs, we advise you to hide its ends under layers of hair after styling, securing it with an invisibility.

    Bangs can be laid on its side and flat iron. To do this, pull the strands with the device in the direction on which you want to lay the bangs. With this styling, the bangs look shiny and natural. But remember that the straightener should not be left on the hair for too long.

    What hairstyles are bangs on the side

    • Bangs on the side will look great in alliance with smooth flowing hair. Against their background, it will stand out noticeably.
    • A stylish option that can visually make the owner a little younger is a bang on one side with a high tail.
    • Such bangs are not bad "friends" with various variations of braids. The only exception may be two braids, braided from two strands near the face and connected at the back of the head.
    • Another interesting option is bangs on the side with the effect of wet hair.
    • Both perky curls and elegant curls, this bangs styling can be suitable. A prerequisite in this case is that the bangs should not be torn.
    • Bangs laid to one side will look very attractive with a high hairstyle. Especially if it means bouffant.

    Girls experience

    I'm growing straight bangs. I really like to imperceptibly stab it on one side because straight edges are not visible, and the hairstyle looks unusual. I have fairly thick and coarse hair, and so that the strands do not break out, before pinning them, I straighten them a little and lubricate them with an air fluid for smoothness. Julia, 18 years old