GCD on the application (landscape) “Spring is coming! Synopsis of directly educational activities on the application "Sorceress of Spring" in the preparatory group plan-outline of the lesson on application, modeling (preparatory group) on the topic Breaking application on vol.

Zhanna Motorina

(spring pictures in frames)

Tasks. Arouse interest in the design of their work as the final stage of creativity. Create conditions for the creative application of mastered skills; continue to teach children to plan work. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm and composition.

Preliminary work. Examining paintings by famous artists with children landscape painters and. I. Levitan "March" and "Big Water", A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", F. A. Vasiliev "Thaw".

Reading a poem by V. Nabokov " Spring":

The world is excited by the spring breeze,

The birds have returned and the streams are ringing

Moisture bells.


In the fields, and fun in the forest, where

No step, big lily of the valley. Like water

Trembling azure - both plaintively and greedily

Looks at the world. Birches by the river

There, in the clearing, not forgotten by the heart,

Crowded and so simply, businesslike

Unfold sticky sheets

Like it's not a miracle at all

And in the blue two thin cranes

Hesitant, and maybe from there

They think the earth is green

An unripe, wet apple.

For applications - landscape we need:

For drawing: sheets of tinted blue paper 15 x 21 cm, brushes of different sizes, foam sponge.

For applications: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue stick, napkins, oilcloth.

Progress. Children are looking at the paintings by I. I. Levitan "March" and "Big Water", A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", F. A. Vasiliev "Thaw". We talk about the content and mood of the paintings. Then the children are invited to read F. Tyutchev's poem "Spring Waters":

Snow is still whitening in the fields,

And the water noise in the spring

They run and there will be a sleepy shore,

They run and shine and speak.

They are talking all over:

"Spring is coming, Spring is coming!

We are young spring messengers,

She sent us ahead!"

Spring is coming, Spring is coming!

Children get to work and draw spring pictures as they wish, then decorate them with beautiful frames.

1. The frame is made from a sheet of A4 cardboard.

2. The finished picture is glued onto cardboard. Previously, the picture is circled with a pencil to outline the border for applying glue.

3. Then a frame is drawn up at the request of the children. The design of the frame retains the spring theme.

Children make frames on their own and decorate spring pictures with them.

See what we have happened:

Together with the children we make pictures for the exhibition " Spring is coming!" A tour of the exhibition. Two or three children act as guides and talk about the paintings they like.

Svetlana Vershel

Theme: "WITCH - SPRING".

Target: the development of children's creative activity and the manifestation of interest in creating applications using non-traditional methods.


Clarify and consolidate ideas about changes in nature in spring, its signs.

To form the grammatical structure of speech and activate the vocabulary of children.

Activate creative imagination, creative manifestations; to promote the formation of skills in the application (with colored paper, paper napkins); use symmetrical cutting in your work, work with stencils (circle, cut, use the technique of rolling a napkin between your palms, fix the method of folding paper ladybugs, like origami.

To form the ability to convey the beauty of nature in applications, to develop aesthetic perception.

Strengthen the ability to create a collective composition.

Develop the ability to bring the work started to the end, observing accuracy in work.

Region Integration: knowledge, communication, fiction.

GCD progress.

Children enter the group and see a letter, the teacher addresses:

Someone threw me at the window

Look, letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles my face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

Flying, dropped?

Maybe someone has a letter like a mouse,

Did you lure me to the window?

From whom did the letter come?

Do you want to know?

Then you have to try

You solve the riddle.


“If the snow melts everywhere, turns into a stream,

Grass creeps out timidly, the day gets longer,

If the sun shines brighter, if the birds are not up to sleep,

If the wind has become warmer, it means that (spring) has come to us.

That's right, well done, the letter came from the spring.

She comes with a caress

And with my own story.

Waving a magic wand

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest!

Let's read what she writes to us:

"Dear Guys! You are all welcome

spring sun, ringing

drops, running streams? (Yes).

I invite you to my spring lawn.

I will be glad to see you at my place ... .. "Spring".

Let's go to Spring. How would we get there? (children's answers).

Let's fly there on the clouds. Do you agree?

(The song "Clouds" to the music of V. Shainsky sounds).

Children imitate flight on airy, light clouds.

Look, here is the spring meadow. And the magical Spring meets us.

Draws attention to the screen (spring landscape).

Name the spring months in order (March, April, May).

And what are they called by the people? Explain why they got such names? (protalnik, snow-driving, grass).

Let's look at Spring and name the changes in nature that have occurred with the onset of spring?

Slide show of spring signs….

In March, who is the main helper of spring? (sun). The sun shines brightly, warms, the snow melts, drops ring, buds bloom on the willow, the first thawed patches appear, the first flowers grow from the snow - snowdrops.

In April - the sun shines even brighter, snow turns into water, streams run, rivers rage, ice melts on lakes, rivers, animals change their fur to lighter, change color, animals have cubs, birds return from distant countries, build nests, hatch chicks.

In May - the first green leaves, green grass appear on the trees, trees and bushes bloom, various insects wake up, flowers bloom, the sun shines brightly, everything is green, beautiful.

Which spring do you like best? (early, middle, late).

Relaxation exercise:

And now let's play in the game "What you see, draw."

Children sit in a circle one after another and “draw” on the back in front of the person sitting: the sun, drops, flowers, etc.

Let's have some rest, let's play the game "Vesnyanka".

Physical education:(perform movements according to the text)

The wind is blowing in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Sunshine, sunshine

golden bottom

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

A stream ran in the forest

A hundred rooks have flown

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting.

And the flowers are growing!

Our first flowers

open the petals

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

Our first flowers

close the petals

shake their heads

They fall asleep quietly.

Shall we wake up the flowers?

Spring! What a sweet and gentle word. Spring is an amazing time of the year. From the spring warmth, everything becomes very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring is many-sided. This is beautiful nature, and the arrival of birds, and flowering, and delicate green foliage. Spring brings all the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling embraces all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings.

And today we, with you, will become wizards and depict an unusual, spring picture. We will convey in it all the beauty of late spring. You have rectangles of colored paper on the trays. Let's fold the rectangle in half, apply a stencil - a palm, circle it, cut it out and make a magical, spring picture out of the palms. Sun, grass, flowers, butterfly (symmetrical cutting according to the finished stencil, ladybugs(origami, stems (rolling paper napkins between palms). Children sit down at the tables in subgroups, select art materials, collect applique images, complement the sun - eyes, nose, mouth.

Calm music sounds, independent activity of children.

You guys are real wizards today, and the picture we got is really magical, unique.

What an enchantress Spring!

Why does she have so much power?

Barely waking up from a dream

She awakened nature.

Waving the magic wand

She melted the snowdrifts.

And without a moment's rest,

She paved the way for streams.

And the air is clean, and the distance is clear!

Nature sings alive.

Yes, you are a sorceress, Spring!

Now I know for sure!


Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Senior group. M. : "Color world", 2011.

Abstract directly educational activities by application in senior group No. 2 "Why"

Educator: Kumarova G.D.

Theme: Spring landscape

Target: to teach children to create a landscape composition, to show the possibilities of different means of artistic expression for transmission created image.


Clarify and consolidate ideas about changes in nature in spring, its signs;

To form the grammatical structure of speech and activate the vocabulary of children;

Improve the cutting technique with scissors;

To form the ability to convey the beauty of nature in applications, to develop aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work: walking, observing spring changes, reading fiction, memorizing poems, looking at pictures about spring.

Equipment: oilcloth, colored paper, scissors, glue stick, napkins, reproductions of paintings about spring, ready-made blanks - frames.

GCD progress:

    Organizing time.

Children enter the group and see the letter.


Someone threw me at the window

Look, letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles my face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

Flying, dropped?

Maybe someone has a letter like a mouse,

Did you lure me to the window?

From whom did the letter come?

Do you want to know?

Then you have to try

You solve the riddle.


If the snow melts everywhere, turns into a stream,

Grass creeps out timidly, the day gets longer,

If the sun shines brighter, if the birds are not up to sleep,

If the wind has become warmer, it means that she has come to us ( Spring).

That's right, well done, the letter came from the spring.

She comes with affection

And with my own story.

Waving a magic wand

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest!

Let's read what she writes to us:

"Dear Guys! You are all welcome spring sun, ringing drops, running streams? (Yes). I invite you to my spring lawn.

I will be glad to see you at home! "Spring".

Let's go to Spring. How would we get there? (children's answers).

Let's fly there on the clouds. Do you agree?

Children imitate flight on airy, light clouds.

Look, here is the spring meadow. And the magical Spring meets us.

Draws attention to the screen (spring landscape).

Name the spring months in order (March, April, May).

Let's look at Spring and name the changes in nature that have occurred with the onset of spring?

Show pictures of spring signs.

- ATMarch who is spring's main assistant? (sun). The sun shines brightly, warms, the snow melts, drops ring, buds bloom on the willow, the first thawed patches appear, the first flowers grow from the snow - snowdrops.

In a prele - the sun shines even brighter, snow turns into water, streams run, rivers rage, ice melts on lakes, rivers, animals change their fur to lighter, change color, animals have cubs, birds return from distant countries, build nests, breed chicks .

- In May - the first green leaves, green grass appear on the trees, trees and bushes bloom, various insects wake up, flowers bloom, the sun shines brightly, everything is green, beautiful.

Which spring do you like best? (early, middle, late).

Let's have some rest, let's play the game "Vesnyanka".

    Physical education:(perform movements according to the text)

The wind is blowing in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Sunshine, sunshine

golden bottom

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

A stream ran in the forest

A hundred rooks have flown

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting.

And the flowers are growing!

Our first flowers

open the petals

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

Our first flowers

close the petals

shake their heads

They fall asleep quietly.

Shall we wake up the flowers?

Spring! What a sweet and gentle word. Spring is an amazing time of the year. From the spring warmth, everything becomes very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring is many-sided. This is beautiful nature, and the arrival of birds, and flowering, and delicate green foliage.

    Explanation of the work to be done.

And today we, with you, will become wizards and depict an unusual, spring picture. We will convey in it all the beauty of late spring.

Here we have blanks, in these pictures spring has not yet come.

How can we help spring? What can we do, do you think? ( glue a bright sun and white clouds, make green leaves on flowers, grass, etc.).

How do we depict a bright sunny day? we will paste the sun and white clouds).

You have yellow squares on the plates, we will cut out the sun and the flower from the squares. From a green rectangle - grass and leaves.

    Independent activity of children.

    Work analysis.

What kind of work did we get?

What do you like about your work?

What kind of work do you like the most? Why? (children's answers)

YI. Summing up the lesson.

You guys are real wizards today, and our pictures turned out really magical, unique.

What an enchantress Spring!

Why does she have so much power?

Barely waking up from a dream

She awakened nature.

Waving the magic wand

She melted the snowdrifts.

And without a moment's rest,

She paved the way for streams.

And the air is clean, and the distance is clear!

Nature sings alive.

Yes, you are a sorceress, Spring!

Now I know for sure!

Abstract open class on artistic creativity (application) in preparatory group.


Program content:

Expand children's ideas about early spring;

Activate children's vocabulary;

To develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestations of their imagination, courage in presenting their own ideas, helping the child to show their artistic abilities;

To create an emotionally positive attitude in children, to develop aesthetic feelings

Continue to acquaint children with the features of color, make up color shades;

Involve children in working with a variety of materials;

To improve the physical activity of children;

Cultivate love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

Materials: colored paper, pencil, glue, brush, Vesnyanka doll, scissors, napkins, oilcloth.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the poem by F. Tyutchev “Winter is not angry for nothing ...”, learning poems, riddles, signs about spring, conversations on the topic, observations of seasonal changes in nature.

Hello guys! Let's all say hello to each other. . Now hold hands and smile and share your good mood with each other. (Children convey the Heart with affectionate words.)

Oh, guys, when I walked to us in Kindergarten, I met, and who, you yourself guess:

She opens her buds into green leaves,

Clothes the trees, waters the crops,

The movement is full, but her name is ... (spring) (riddles)

That's right folks, it's spring. What an affectionate and tender word - spring!). Spring is an amazing time of the year. From the spring warmth, everything becomes very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring is many-sided. This is beautiful nature, and the arrival of birds, and flowering, and delicate green foliage. Spring brings all the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling embraces all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Now we will listen to a poem by the Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Waters". Listen carefully, there may be unfamiliar words.

Snow is still whitening in the fields,

And the waters are already rustling in the spring -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and say ...

They speak to all ends;

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead. (F. Tyutchev)


Guys, how do you understand the expression “they say to all ends” (They turn to someone with words; they say, report, proclaim), and “Sleepy beach” (sleepy coast)

How did you see spring? What mood did the poets convey? (Cheerful, joyful, beautiful, young.)

Look how bright she is, today we will make her sisters, and please tell me what the three months of spring are called (children answer correctly)

The game "Vesnyanka"

Sun, sun, golden bottom, (children walk in a circle).

Burn, burn, clear, so that it does not go out!

A stream ran in the garden (children run in a circle).

A hundred rooks flew in (children wave their hands, standing still).

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, (children squat in place).

And the flowers are growing. (Children get up slowly)

And now we have an interesting task to depict the image of spring. So let's depict with me such a many-sided image of Spring.

Creative work of children:

(children get to work using pre-prepared material)

Guys, look what a beautiful spring we have. And now let's give our beauties names (children name names)

Well done boys!



Synopsis of an open lesson on artistic creativity (application) in the preparatory group.


Program content:

  • - expand children's ideas about early spring;
  • -activate children's vocabulary;
  • - develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestations of their imagination, courage in presenting their own ideas, helping the child to show their artistic abilities;
  • -create an emotionally positive mood in children, develop aesthetic feelings
  • -continue to acquaint children with the features of color, make up color shades;
  • - involve children in working with a variety of materials;
  • - to improve motor activity of children;
  • - to cultivate love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

Materials : colored paper, pencil, glue, brush, Vesnyanka doll, scissors, napkins, oilcloth.

Preliminary work:acquaintance with the poem by F. Tyutchev “Winter is angry for good reason ...”, learning poems, riddles, signs about spring, conversations on the topic, observations of seasonal changes in nature.

Hello guys! Let's all say hello to each other. . Now hold hands and smile and share your good mood with each other. (Children convey the Heart with affectionate words.)

Oh, guys, when I went to our kindergarten, I met, and who, you can guess for yourself:

She opens her buds into green leaves,

Clothes the trees, waters the crops,

The movement is full, but her name is ... (spring) (riddles)

That's right folks, it's spring. What an affectionate and gentle word - spring!). Spring is an amazing time of the year. From the spring warmth, everything becomes very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring is many-sided. This is beautiful nature, and the arrival of birds, and flowering, and delicate green foliage. Spring brings all the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling embraces all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Now we will listen to a poem by the Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Waters". Listen carefully, there may be unfamiliar words.

Snow is still whitening in the fields,

And the waters are already rustling in the spring -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and say ...

They speak to all ends;

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are messengers of young spring,

She sent us ahead. (F. Tyutchev)


Guys, how do you understand the expression “they say to all ends” (They turn to someone with words; they say, report, proclaim), and “Sleepy beach” (sleepy coast)

How did you see spring? What mood did the poets convey? (Cheerful, joyful, beautiful, young.)

Look how bright she is, today we will make her sisters, and please tell me what the three months of spring are called (children answer correctly)

The game "Vesnyanka"

Sun, sun, golden bottom, (children walk in a circle).

Burn, burn, clear, so that it does not go out!

A stream ran in the garden (children run in a circle).

A hundred rooks flew in (children wave their hands, standing still).

Natalya Shemyakova

Open lesson on the application

in preparatory group on the topic

« First flowers»

Target: teach children to pass in applications characteristics colors and snowdrop leaves.

Tasks: to fix eye-cutting techniques from paper folded in half.

Lesson progress:

Children enter, greet, stand in a circle with the teacher.

We have on class guests let's say hello to them! Today on the street... (sunshine, warm, light or overcast). BUT (AND) we have in group(too) warm, light, fun. And we have fun from our smiles, because every smile is a little sun, from which it becomes warm and good. Therefore, we will smile to each other more often and give joy to others.

I invite you to go to a wonderful country.

More interesting adventure we guys can not find.

There is no snow there, no cold,

There everything woke up from a dream,

We will leave the kindergarten

In a wonderful country - Spring!

Are you willing to travel? (Yes).

In this country, the sun gently laughs, the snowdrifts melt, the stream murmurs loudly...

What other signs of spring do you know? (The sun shines brighter, warms more, birds chirp, sing, buds swell, appears first herb)

And in this country there is a wonderful meadow, strewn with various flowers.

Do you want to know which ones?

Then sit down on the chairs, we'll see. (Children sit down in advance prepared chairs or benches).

(Show presentation "Spring flowers» )

After the presentation, turn on the spring melody.

Look at this snowy field. Trouble has struck in the magical land.

And the sun doesn't smile at all. Everything is white-white. And all because an evil Blizzard flew into the magic meadow, covered it with snow, froze everything flowers. Snowdrifts are so deep that the rays of the sun can not break through.

Guys, let's help spring melt the snow. (application - warm-up game "spring").

Look what the evil Blizzard has done, not a single one left no flower did not regret. Let's plant the most first flowers who wake up in the spring. Guess what it is flowers? (Snowdrops).

And today we will learn how to make paper snowdrops using applications.

Now sit down at the tables and we will try to decorate the meadow with snowdrops.

(Children sit at the tables where the material for applications).

On the board is a picture of a snowdrop.

What parts does it consist of flower? (stem, leaves, sepals and petals).

From what details, how and what colors will cut out the parts flower? A snowdrop grows right out of the snow and you carefully draw a line of snow with a pencil. What will you paste first, and then what? How do you depict snow and with what? (From the stripes napkins: chop them finely).

let's prepare fingers for work:

(an exercise « Flowers» )

Our tender flowers open their petals

(slowly open fingers)

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

(wave their hands in front of them)

Our tender flowers cover their petals

(close fingers tightly)

Shake their head, quietly fall asleep

(slowly lower them to the table)

And now we start work. (individual assistance)

During work, the sad sun changes to a cheerful one.

I'm glad you did so much colors for the magical meadow. Guys, look, the sun began to smile! It gives us warmth again.

Bring your work here to the clearing. What a beauty she turned out to be! What good fellows you are! And now it's time to say goodbye to the wonderful meadow.

One, two, three, all turned around

AT kindergarten We have returned.

Did you enjoy the trip? What is your mood?

Let's pass on our good mood, our warmth to each other.

Warm your palms with your warmth. And then spread the warmth to everyone, everyone, and guests too! (imitation of the game "palms")

Thanks to all!


The game "Vesnyanka"

Sun, sun, golden bottom,

(children walk in a circle)

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out!

A stream ran in the forest,

(running in circles)

A hundred rooks flew in

(wave hands while standing still)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

(squat slowly)

BUT flowers grow up.

(getting up slowly)

Photo of children's works from the exhibition "Snowdrops".