Competition "Organization of holidays and events" Title of the work "Week of psychological health in preschool. Psychology Week in Kindergarten: Scenario Training session for teachers “I will give myself love”

lyudmila gridina
Plan for the week "Mental Health" in kindergarten

Motto weeks: "From what we have achieved to our origins".


Name of the day: forward and only forward!

Motto of the day: the root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

At the bottom of the front door is the announcement of the upcoming day and the motto (every day new information).

hanging in the morning "fences" (wallpaper with markers) to express wishes and opinions.

Exhibition at the entrance useful information for parents and teachers

(worth the whole week) .

"Mood tree" .

"Island" unloading (in gym). Works all week.

training "In the land of good mood" in groups.

Name of the day: our innermost.

Motto of the day: keep the secret word in your mouth.

keep hanging "fences".

Boxes - "Sheets of Joy" and boxes "Sheets of Wrath". Are standing under "fences".

courtesy day, "Secret Friend". All in garden show signs of attention, show courtesy. Transfer of notes with good wishes, postcards, small souvenirs, drawings from group to group or to any garden worker (children work - postmen).

Compilation of a dictionary of polite, kind words, compliments. In the morning - parents write in a notebook, during the day - the teacher according to the children.

Name of the day: kids: young - not green.

Motto of the day: rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.

Quotes are posted all over kindergarten

Theatrical performance for children of younger groups with the participation of parents.

Children of other groups, parents and educators - Family workshops at the choice of educators.

Children and parents (homework) Prepare a wall newspaper "Meet me - it's me" or create a collage of any shape (sun, berries, flowers, etc.) with affection towards the child.

Children of senior groups and educators Create a wall newspaper, collage My Wishes to Parents... or "Happiness is…"

Administration and parents Desk "Questions and Answers".

Name of the day: revelation day.

Motto of the day: not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth in the eye. Primary children, educators Game - activity "Friendship starts with a smile" in a group.

Senior children, caregivers Game "Educator's Enchanted Heart" in a group.

Administration, parents General Parent meeting. Summarizing weeks« mental health» . Discussion "fences", boxes "joy and anger", tables "Questions and Answers".

Name of the day: we are all creators!

Motto of the day: do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom.

"Fences" hang. Share experiences about weeks« mental health» .

Children and parents Mark their mood in the group in the morning on "Mood tree" (good, bad or average).

Teachers of the preschool educational institution Round table. Discussion by educators weeks« mental health» over tea at a meeting. A distraction is therapeutic training.

Children of all groups and educators Psychological games in a group.

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For the first time in our kindergarten from 5 to 9 October 2015, on the eve of Mental Health Day, Mental Health Week was held.

Within the framework of this week, events and actions were held, in which children, parents and employees of the kindergarten were involved.

The purpose of the events: to stimulate interest in psychological knowledge, mental health and the work of a psychologist among parents and kindergarten employees, to popularize various forms of work and opportunities for the psychological service of a kindergarten, to create a favorable psychological climate, to form a general mood of an optimistic tone.

1. Attracting the attention of parents to the mental health of children and the professional activities of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution.

2. Psychological education of teachers and parents.

3. Formation of adults' interest in the child's world, the desire to help him in his individual and personal development.

4. Increasing the psychological competence of teachers and parents.

5. Creating a positive emotional atmosphere in kindergarten.

On the first day of the Mental Health Week for parents, teachers, there was a "Psychological Relief Fence", where all interested parents and employees could leave their opinions and impressions about the work of the kindergarten. It was possible to find out the needs and desires of parents, their interests and opinions from the proposed questionnaire on the work of the kindergarten. Guys on this day preparatory group with Olga Ivanovna and the senior group "Bee" with Galina Ivanovna drew "My favorite kindergarten." Such a drawing test has become an informative and convenient express diagnostic for checking the psychological comfort of children in the kindergarten group. Children of all groups began to fill out the "Mood Calendar", where they paid attention to their emotional state at the beginning and at the end of the day. The calendar filled up within a week.

During the week, a psychologist with children of preparatory, senior, middle groups held classes to strengthen mental health "Understand me", "My mental health", "Joy-sadness" where children learned tolerant behavior, the development of the ability to distinguish feelings, adequate ways to openly express their emotions, feelings, state of mind.

In the middle group "Droplet", senior group"Malinka" by teachers Yulia Vladimirovna and Olga Andreevna, as well as in the preparatory group by Elena Ivanovna, were held role-playing games"The Enchanted Heart", where children, overcoming obstacles, melted the "ice hearts" of the enchanted teachers, learned to work in a group, developed emotional relationships in the group, thereby improving the relationship between children and teachers.

On Kindness Day, parents left good wishes to the kindergarten staff. In the preparatory group, Olga Ivanovna conducted a lesson on the topic “Kindness”.

On Wednesday, Compliment Day, everyone gave each other compliments, including at the gym class. Olga Andreevna with children middle group made flowers, which were then handed to mothers with words of compliments.

Teachers on this day solved a psychological crossword puzzle. The most psychologically savvy were Nadezhda Vitalievna, Yulia Vladimirovna and Maria Ivanovna. Kindergarten employees had the opportunity to take part in a lesson with elements of the training "Let's Preserve Our Mental Health".

On “Mood Day”, parents and employees thought about their emotional state, marking their mood in kindergarten on the “Mood Rainbow” and “Mood Kaleidoscope”. Children in groups drew blots of their mood, turned them into good ones. In the middle group, Tatyana Aleksandrovna read the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" with the children, where the children came up with her happy ending. Children of the younger group expressed their mood by drawing with legs on paper.

On Friday, the children of the preparatory group expressed their mood on paper, and then made butterflies from the same paper, which they presented to their parents.

From Monday to Friday, the Trust Mail was open, where parents and employees had the opportunity to express their opinions, suggestions, comments about the work of the kindergarten, and impressions about Mental Health Week.

A stand was organized for parents with information on how to maintain the mental health of children and adults.

This week's events involve more children and adults. Thanks to the teachers and parents who took part in this unusual marathon.

Elena Zolotareva

mental health day in kindergarten"Firefly"

outline plan in a speech therapy group.

(The main task of educators in this day - the creation of a psychological-pedagogical conditions providing psychological, emotional comfort).

group design: balloons, flowers, colored flags. Wall newspaper!

mood tree! children come to children's a garden in the corridor awaits them for a mood tree, what mood does a child of this color have, he attaches an apple to wood:

Mood Color Painting:

Red - delight

orange - joy

Green - calmness

Blue - sad mood

Black - a dull mood

White - a state of fear

In the morning:: ask the children what their mood is!

What a wonderful thing they saw on the way to Kindergarten.

"Let's let's say hello»

The goal is to develop the ability to interact with a partner, auditory attention and memory, and relieve muscle tension.

One cotton - shake hands;

Two cottons - greet shoulders;

Three claps - hello backs.

"Compliment". Children stand in a circle, hold hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, one must say a few kind words, praise for something. The receiver nods his head and He speaks: "Thanks!". Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor, etc., while you can give a flower.

On a walk: The game “Where we were - we won’t tell you what we did - we’ll show you!”

The adult starts the game. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, he depicts some kind of action. (combing hair, brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc.). Children try to guess what he showed.

on a walk:the game "The Dragon"

The goal is to develop communication skills, team building. Content: The players stand in a column, holding on to each other's shoulders. First member - "head", last - "tail". "Head" must reach "tail" and touch him. "Body" dragon is inseparable. Once "head" grabbed "tail", she becomes "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

After sleep: Cheerful exercise with music "Animal Carnival"- imitation of animal movements to music.

In the evening: Children take part in

game "I'm the Know-It-All!".

Target: rallying children's team, raising the general emotional tone, developing ideas about the world around us, teaching children the skills of collective self-organization.

Each group received a form in the morning with 20 questions about kindergarten, children and teachers. Answers must be found and memorized before 16.00. day.

Then comes psychologist to the group and ask questions to the children! The smartest know-it-all wins a prize!

Questions for the game "I'm Know-It-All"

1. What color are your caregiver's eyes?

2. How many days a week do you go to kindergarten?

3. Who in the group has the most long hair?

4. Who is the tallest in the group?

5. How many boys are in the group today?

6. What time of year Day birth with your caregiver?

7. What are your junior caregiver's favorite flowers?

8. How much flower pots in your group?

9. Which of the girls has brown eyes?

10. On which side of the entrance to the group is the teacher's table?

11. How many lamps are on the ceiling?

12. Who has the biggest family in the group?

13. Name the ambulance and police phone.

14. How many people know their home address?

15. What is the name of our nurse?

16. How many dolls are in your group?

17. What are the names of the teacher's children?

18. How many people can make the funniest face?

19. Who has green clothes today?

20. What drawings are drawn on the doors of the lockers (in the locker room)

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Motto of the week

“Each moment of our life is important and beautiful”

Project participants

Teacher-psychologist — M. S. Kharitonova, I. V. Ivannikova-Schegolyaeva

Educators of all age groups, pupils of the preschool educational institution, parents.

Implementation timeline

Project type

Collaborative, creative, short-term.


Many experts in preschool education state that the emotional modern kids poorly developed. Relying on your personal experience working with children of preschool age, I can say that in our time it is rare to meet a truly cheerful, emotionally prosperous child. As never before, negative manifestations of the emotional and personal sphere of the child have become more frequent. Modern children are less responsive to the feelings of others, they are not always able to realize not only other people's, but also their own emotions. Hence, there are problems of communication with peers and adults. In children who have a depleted emotional sphere, the process of socialization is quite difficult.

Today, the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children is obvious. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the future generation depend on the state of their health. An important prerequisite for physical health is mental health. In recent years, the number of children with impaired psycho-emotional development has been growing. Therefore, the tasks of preserving the psychological health of children and the formation of their emotional well-being are of particular importance.

Purpose of the event

Preservation and strengthening of psychological health, increasing the interest of parents and teachers in psychology.

Tasks of the Week of Psychology

  • increase the interest of teachers and parents in psychology;
  • show the real forms of work, the possibilities of the psychological service of the kindergarten;
  • to form the interest of adults in the world of the child, the desire to help him in individual and personal development;
  • improve the psychological competence of teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions.

The week of psychology was aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate in the preschool educational institution, involving all participants in the educational process in joint activities, and increasing the social positive emotional mood.

preliminary work

  • approval of the plan of the week of psychology;
  • decoration of the preschool educational institution;
  • distribution of announcements about the week of psychology in groups, conversations with educators;
  • development of abstracts of classes and conversations;
  • manufacturing required material(“first aid kit for the soul”, wish tree);
  • preparation of handouts, information sheets, memos, wall newspapers on the stated topics.

The project activity will be carried out in three stages.

Preparatory stage:

  • definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;
  • selection of methodological material, study of literature;
  • development of abstracts of classes with children, memos for parents and teachers;
  • search for illustrative material;
  • preparation of questionnaires for parents;
  • development of a thematic plan for the project "Psychology Week";
  • consultation for educators "Psychological corners in groups";
  • transformation of the subject-spatial environment, creation of attributes.

Main stage:

  • project implementation: joint activities with children, teachers and parents;
  • psychological actions: “Together with mom”, “First aid kit for the soul”, “Wish and suggestion tree”;

The final stage:

  • summing up the results of the project and creating corners of solitude and mood;
  • exhibitions: children's drawings "My family", wall newspapers "Happy day of our family";
  • survey of parents and teachers on the results of the project.

Psychology Week Plan

Monday - Kindness Day

Tuesday - "Family Day"

Wednesday - "Day of Understanding"

Thursday - Friendship Day

Friday - Day of Dreams and Wishes

Day of the weekTheme and form of the eventResponsible

"Kindness Day"

The opening of the week of psychology, music in groups sounds.


(see Attachment)

Psychologists: M. S. Kharitonova,
I. V. Ivannikova-Schegolyaeva

Lesson "Let's talk about kindness"
Senior and preparatory groups
(see Attachment)

Training for teachers "Psycho-emotional unloading and self-regulation of teachers"

Psychologist M. S. Kharitonova

"Family day"

Conversation with children "My beloved mother"
(middle groups)

Yu. A. Stepanova, M. Sh. Bazeeva,
I. V. Konovalova

Wall newspaper "Happy day of our family"
(senior group)

N. A. Komkova,
N. A. Strelnikova,
L. E. Didenko,
M. S. Bekina,
V. V. Siletskaya

Exhibition of children's drawings "My family"
(preparatory group)

N. N. Perfilieva,
N. V. Maslovskaya,
E. A. Lisina,
N. V. Timoshina,
S. N. Tretyakova

Psychological action "Together with mom"
(junior group "Chamomile")

M. S. Kharitonova

"Day of Understanding"

Information sheets for parents "Is punishment effective?"

"Minutes" of relaxation and psycho-gymnastics
(Younger and middle groups)

Games with children on a walk with children
"Swap Places"
What do I like and dislike about myself?
(senior and preparatory groups)

M. S. Kharitonova,
I. V. Ivannikova-Schegolyaeva

Relaxation session for teachers in the sensory room

"Friendship Day"

Lesson "We are friends"
(younger group)

M. S. Kharitonova,
I. V. Ivannikova-Schegolyaeva

Training for children of older groups "How good it is to have friends"

Psychologist M. S. Kharitonova

Relaxation session in the sensory room for teachers

Mini-leisure in all age groups "Friendship"

Group tutors

"Day of Dreams and Wishes"

Psychological action "First aid kit for the soul"

Psychological games with children
(preparatory groups)
"I wish you…"
"Magic wand"

M. S. Kharitonova
I. V. Ivannikova-Schegolyaeva

Closing of the week of psychology
Questioning of teachers and parents "Results of the week of psychology"

Expected Result

The implementation of the project will ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process, increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers, increase the level of knowledge about the psycho-emotional development of the child by parents, form a conscious attitude towards parenthood, children and adults will receive a charge of positive emotions.

List of used literature

  1. Kuraev, G. A., Pozharskaya E. N. Developmental psychology [text] / G. A. Kuraev, E. N. Pozharskaya. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002. - 146 p.
  2. Kiseleva L. S., Danilina T. A. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution. M.: ARKTI, 2006.
  3. Ostrovskaya L.F. Are we raising a baby correctly? Manual for a kindergarten teacher, M., 1979.
  4. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D. Moral education in kindergarten. M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2008.
  5. Lyutova K.K. Training of effective interaction with children [text] /K. K. Lyutova, G. B. Monina. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2005. - 190s.
  6. Rogov E. I. Handbook of a practical psychologist: Proc. allowance [text] / E. I. Rogov. - M .: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2002. - 384 p.

Attachment 1

Psychological action "Wish tree"

Target: creation of a positive emotional mood among the project participants (parents, teachers, pupils).


  • Creating a favorable climate in the preschool educational institution
  • Development of cognitive interest
  • Raising the general emotional tone.

Material: poster with the image of the tree of wishes,

colorful stickers, pens.

Preparatory work:

  • Production of posters with the image of trees;
  • Placement of posters, stickers and pens in the locker rooms of the groups.

Each parent, bringing the child to the group, has the opportunity to write a wish to the employees of the preschool educational institution, a leaflet with a positive statement, sticks it on the poster. The action helps raise the mood of parents, build positive relationships with their child, unite the family and the kindergarten.

It was nice to see the interest shown in the action. Comments: The “Wish Tree” can be hung in the foyer of the kindergarten so that parents and teachers who come to the kindergarten in the morning get a charge of vivacity and good mood. After 2-3 months, the action game can be repeated, it will be received with joy.

Annex 2

Conversation for older preschool children
"Let's talk about kindness"

Target: Introducing children to generally accepted norms of interaction between people.


  • develop a sense of satisfaction for good deeds;
  • direct children to do good deeds disinterestedly, the ability to come to the rescue;
  • cultivate a sense of compassion, understanding and mutual assistance to each other.

The course of the conversation

Teacher: Hello guys! Stand in the "Circle of Joy", listen to the poem:

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"

Good morning sun and birds!

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, trusting!

Let the good morning last until the evening!

What are we going to talk about today?

Children: Good.

Educator: What do you think is good? What does it mean to do good?

Children's reasoning.

Educator: Why do we need a good heart and a kind soul?

Children: To help those who are in trouble.

Educator: And what kind of heart does an evil person have?

Children's answers.

Educator: Evil helps people?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, today we will go to the tree of Kindness. This Tree fills the world with good, reminds you to do good. But trouble happened to him. It withered and ceased to bloom because of the bad, evil deeds of people. If we don't revive the Tree, what do you think will happen. What can win? (evil will win).

Educator: To get to the Tree, we need to overcome obstacles.

The first obstacle is the swamp.

The game "Cross the Swamp".

Explain the rule: you can cross the swamp over bumps. Here are the boards for you.

I distribute three boards (cardboards) to everyone, one is not enough.

Educator: What to do?

Educator: We shared bumps, what's the matter?

Children: Good.

Educator: A good deed brings joy.

We repeat the proverb with the children.

Educator: What words do they say to the one who shares with you?

Children: Polite, kind words.

Educator: Let's thank those who have now done a good deed - shared a bump.

The children thank each other.

Next hurdle:"What is good, what is bad?"

Educator: You need to explain "What is good, what is bad?" (slide pictures showing good and bad deeds).

Children's answers.

The next obstacle: "Heroes of fairy tales."

Educator: Now you need to remember fairy-tale heroes?

On the table are pictures of the heroes of fairy tales.

Educator: About what heroes can you say that they are kind?

Children: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Aibolit, "Zayushkina's hut" (the Rooster kicked out the Fox), "Fly-Tsokotuha" (mosquito).

Children explain what actions these heroes did.

Educator: But are fairy-tale heroes only good?

Children's answers

Educator: Name the evil fairy tale characters?

Children: Evil stepmother, Wolf, Barmaley, Fox, Spider. Explain what the characters did.

Educator: Arrange the characters according to their actions, and emoticons will help.

Children put them in boxes with emoticons with good and evil expressions.

Educator: Good conquers evil, people don’t say in vain: Kindness will save the world.

Together with the children we repeat the proverbs: Good conquers evil, Kindness will save the world.

Educator: So we got to the Kindness tree. (a drawing paper is hanging on a magnetic board - a dry sad tree is drawn on it). The tree is sad, sad, offended, ugly, dry. Your good deeds, good deeds can revive it. What good deeds can you do?

Children's answers: help mom, don't be naughty, don't fight, don't call names, feed birds, take care of babies, etc.

Educator: Let's talk about our good deeds. If you do good deeds, then you have a good heart. Tell about your good deed, and attach a heart to the tree.

I distribute hearts cut out of paper to children.

Children speak out, attach a heart to the Kindness tree with a magnet or double-sided tape.

Educator: You warmed the tree of Kindness with the warmth of your hearts. After all, this is a good deed! Now squat down, close your eyes.

I turn on the song of the Cat Leopold "If you are kind."

At this time, I change the tree with hearts to a flowering beautiful tree.

Educator: Open your eyes, look what happened to the tree. We revived the tree with our good deeds, it blossomed and reminds people that they need to do good deeds.

Conclusion: Is it good to do good?

Children's answers

Educator: A good person sows good.

Together with the children, we repeat all the proverbs about kindness.

Today we told you that you need to do only good and kind deeds. Let's build a pyramid of Kindness. I will stretch out my palm, and you all place your palms on mine. Look how high the pyramid of Kindness turned out. Let's remember the good deeds that we did today and throw them high, high, so that they scatter far away and the world becomes kinder.

Annex 3

Training session for teachers
"I will give myself love"

Target: prevention of the syndrome of emotional burnout of teachers in professional activities.


  1. develop the skills of self-regulation, self-management psycho-emotional state;
  2. develop a positive self-image;
  3. promote the disclosure of the personal potential of teachers.

training consists of three parts.

First (introductory) is aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust, goodwill and acceptance by the training participants of each other.

Second (main) is aimed at mastering the skills of emotional self-regulation, positive self-perception.

Third (final)— on creative interaction and reflection.

1 part. Introductory.

Target: inclusion in work, stress relief, creation of a positive emotional mood for further work.

An exercise " Name"

Target: development of positive relationships, acquaintance with the characteristics of the character of the participants in the training, emphasizing the individuality of each.

Each participant is invited to give his name and describe himself with his first letter. For example, Lena is affectionate, etc.

An exercise "

Target: highlighting similarities between participants, increasing group cohesion, mobilizing attention.

Participants stand or sit in a circle. The host gives command: « Swap places for those who…” and consistently names any signs of some participants. It can be both details of appearance, and psychological qualities, any skills, life events, etc. After the name of the attribute, the participants who possess it change places with each other.

2 part. Main.

Target: awareness and acceptance of one's feelings, development of a sense of self-worth.

diagnostic exercise "Wash"

Target: to identify the level of stress and the ability to withstand stress.

Imagine that you live in a time when everyone washed clothes by hand and hung them outside to dry. You have a mountain of dirty laundry in your basket, and you need to wash it today. However, looking out the window, you see that the sky is covered with heavy lead clouds. What thoughts come to your mind?

1. “That's the way things are! Maybe I should put off doing laundry until tomorrow? But then what to wear?

2. " I'll wait a bit, maybe the weather will get better".

3. " Today, according to the forecast, the weather should not be like this.”.

four. " It doesn't matter if it rains or not, I'll still do the laundry.".

Interpretation of answers

When bad weather is added to boring household chores, a person involuntarily finds himself in a stressful situation. Your reaction to failure on the day of the scheduled laundry is a measure of the level of stress you experience in life.

1. If you chose the first option, then on a scale from 0 to 100, your stress level reaches 80. You allow all the small annoyances that can happen to you to influence your life. You are so exposed to stress that the slightest obstacles and setbacks can spoil your mood for a long time. It's time for you to take a vacation and have a good rest before this stressful condition has a negative impact on your health.

2. If you hope the weather can improve, then your stress level is 50. Adverse circumstances do not confuse you, and you continue to maintain a positive outlook on life even when unforeseen unpleasant conditions arise. You still try to cope with the problems that arise, and as a result, everything turns out well. Keep in mind that not all stress is negative. Treat the obstacles and setbacks in your life as a stimulus to overcome them.

3. If you chose this option, then your stress level is close to 0. You don't let small annoyances and problems ruin your day and see no reason to worry about them. Perhaps you have discovered a very good, wise worldly philosophy: your anxiety and excitement will not become an obstacle to the rain, it will still go.

4. If you answered that you will start doing laundry whether it rains or not, then your stress level is 100. You feel oppressed by so many adverse circumstances in your life that you do not pay attention to existing real conditions and try to do the impossible to change them. When you succeed, you are faced with an even bigger problem and therefore even more stressed than before. If you take the time and allow yourself to rest and think deeply, then you will see that all your efforts have been in vain. Calm down and take things more calmly, because after a thunderstorm, a beautiful sunny day usually comes.

An exercise " Flowers"

Target: group cohesion, the formation of mutual understanding.

Participants randomly move around the room. At the command of the leader, they form " flowers" with as many petals as the leading one.

An exercise " Bouquet"

Target: relieve stiffness and tension.

Props: flowers cut out of colored paper.

The facilitator invites each of the participants to take as many flowers as they would like to receive in their bouquet.

When everyone made up bouquet", the facilitator announces that now everyone should name their qualities, one for each flower.

Drawing on the theme " Love »

Target: to promote awareness of one's attitude to questions of love.

Props: paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Instruction: "Draw a picture on the topic" Love » . Let everyone work individually.

Drawings are created within 5-10 minutes. Then the drawings are turned over and shuffled.

Each participant chooses any drawing. The discussion of each drawing is carried out in a circle, including the author, who does not claim authorship. The thoughts and feelings that arose in the process of drawing and about this drawing are discussed. Everyone expresses their associations, starting with the words “When I look at this drawing, I feel, I think, I want to do ...”

Issues for discussion:

How did you feel when you heard feedback about your drawing?

An exercise " Applause in a circle"

Target: experiencing a sense of joy, excitement, expectation, creating an atmosphere of acceptance.

Everyone stands in a circle. The leader approaches one of the participants, looks into his eyes, gives his applause, clapping his hands with all his might. They both then choose the next contestant, who gets their round of applause. Then the trio chooses the next partner. So the game goes on and the applause gets louder and louder.

3 part. Final.

Target: development of positive self-perception, awareness of the features of self-perception and self-perception by others.

Collage exercise " This is my world"

Target: building an individual image of the world and oneself among the group members, increasing the ability to see the common in different ways.

The participant is invited to present to the group the ideal world in which he would like to live. Come up with a name for this world.

Participants are invited to unite in groups according to the principle of similarity of their worlds. From children's hands cut out of colored paper, you need to create a collage of your world. Unite all the worlds, creating something common, sticking everything on paper.

Preparation time 5-7 minutes.

At the end of creative interaction, all worlds are united into " Universe".

An exercise " Hearts»

Target: to exchange recognition and support with each other.

Props: postcards in the form of a heart according to the number of participants.

Instruction: Take a postcard each and write your name on it. Pass the postcard to the neighbor on the left. In the received postcard you need to write down your wishes to its owner. Pass the card again - and so on until your card with wishes from all members of the group returns to you.

discussion of the training. Reflection " Me today…"

Each group member completes phrase: « Me today…"

Thank you for participating!

Appendix 4

Minutes of relaxation and psycho-gymnastics (Younger and middle groups)
"Air balloons"

Purpose: Relieve stress, calm children.

All players stand or sit in a circle. The host gives instructions: “Imagine that now we will inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips and, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Follow with your eyes how your ball is getting bigger and bigger, how the patterns on it increase, grow. Represented? I also introduced your huge balls. Blow carefully so that the balloon does not burst. Now show them to each other."

The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"Dancing Hands"

Target: If children are restless or upset, this game will give children (especially upset, restless) the opportunity to clarify their feelings and relax internally.

“Lay out large sheets of wrapping paper (or old wallpaper) on the floor. Take 2 crayons each. Choose a crayon of the color you like for each hand. Now lie back on the spread paper so that your hands, from the wrist to the elbow, are above the paper. (In other words, so that the children have room to draw.) Close your eyes, and when the music starts, you can draw on the paper with both hands. Move your hands to the beat of the music. Then you can see what happened” (2-3 minutes). The game is played to music.

"Hares and Elephants"

Purpose: To enable children to feel strong and courageous, to promote self-esteem.

“Guys, I want to offer you a game called Bunnies and Elephants. First, we will be cowardly bunnies. Tell me, when a hare feels danger, what does he do? That's right, it shakes. Show how he trembles. He presses his ears, shrinks all over, tries to become small and inconspicuous, his tail and paws are shaking, ”etc. The children show. “Show me what bunnies do if they hear human steps?” Children scatter around the group, class, hide, etc. “What do bunnies do if they see a wolf? ..” The teacher plays With children within minutes.

“And now we will be elephants, big, strong, brave. Show how calmly, measuredly, majestically and fearlessly elephants walk. What do elephants do when they see a person? Are they afraid of him? No. They are friends with him and, when they see him, calmly continue on their way. Show me how. Show what elephants do when they see a tiger...” The children pretend to be a fearless elephant for several minutes.

After the exercise, the guys sit in a circle and discuss who they liked to be and why.

"Magic Chair"

Goal: To help increase the self-esteem of the child, improve relationships between children.

This game can be played with a group of children for a long time. Previously, an adult must find out the "history" of the name of each child - its origin, what it means. In addition, you need to make a crown and a "Magic Chair" - it must be high. The adult conducts a short introductory conversation about the origin of the names, and then says that he will talk about the names of all the children in the group (the group should not be more than 5-6 people), and the names of anxious children are best called in the middle of the game. The one whose name is told becomes the king. Throughout the story of his name, he sits on a throne wearing a crown.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children to come up with different versions of his name (gentle, affectionate). You can also take turns saying something nice about the king.

Appendix 5

Conversation with children of the middle group "My beloved mother"

Program tasks: To develop in children a good attitude and love for their mother. Teach children to answer the teacher's questions. To evoke a sense of pride and joy for the deeds and actions of a loved one, a feeling of gratitude for caring.

preliminary work: reading stories, poetry, using finger games; looking at a photo album with photos of mothers; listening to a song about mom on an audio cassette.

Conversation flow:

- Guys, who brought you to kindergarten today? And yet, most of the children were brought by their mothers.

- Guys, let's talk with you about the closest person. Can you name it?

Of course it's mom! Do all children know the names of their mothers? (Children call). What beautiful names your mothers have.

- Guys, your mothers not only have different names, but also different looks. How do you recognize your mother? (My mother is tall, short, she has kind, blue eyes, her hair is black, dark, blond).

- Of course, your mothers are different. They have different names, appearances and clothes, but there are some things they are very similar in.

- When mom hugs you, kisses you. What is she?

- When does mom dress fashionably? What is she?

- When mom does not scold, when you are naughty. What is she?

When mom laughs and smiles. What is she?

- And if you are a mother love, then what is she?

What are your mothers like?

- And also your mothers are very industrious. In this they are all very similar to each other. What can your mothers do? (children's answers).

- Guys, who has already learned how to help mom? (children's answers).

- Well done! Mothers are happy that they have such wonderful children.

- And what gentle and affectionate words do mothers call you?

- Moms love to compare their children with anyone. Who do your moms compare you to? (children's answers).

- That's how many words your mothers come up with.

What games do your moms play with you? (children's answers).

- It's good, guys, that you have such kind, loving mothers.

“Do you know that not only people have mothers, but also animals and birds. They are as caring, gentle and affectionate as yours. mommies. All mothers take care of their children, even birds (bird show).

- Who's got the chicken? At the duck? At the turkey? Etc.

Look at the pictures and guess where, whose children (display of wild animals).

Who has the wolf? Who is the bear? Who has the bunny? Etc.

Wild animals live in the forest. And their mothers are taught to get their own food.

- Belka teaches whom? What?

- The hare teaches whom? What?

And they are all very similar to their mothers.

The game " What our mothers have taught us...

- Guys, show me how your mother taught you a little bit of everything. Children show movements (wash, eat with a spoon, clap their hands, stomp their feet, walk, put their legs up, jump, comb their hair).

Guys, what should we say? mothers for that what have we been taught? ( « Mommy, Thanks"). Well done boys!

Appendix 6

Training "How good it is to have friends"

Purpose: development of communicative and personal spheres, formation of cooperation skills between children.

  • positively set up children to work together in a group;
  • to promote the development in children of the ability to understand their own and others' emotional state, while expressing sympathy, empathy;
  • to form self-confidence in children, to increase the social status of each child;
  • help relieve muscle tension.

1. Greeting with a balloon.

Acquaintance with group members, establishing contact with a psychologist and other children.

When you pass it on to someone, your warmth, your kindness is transferred with it. Now we will pass the ball around in a circle and everyone who has it in his hands will say his name and talk about what he likes to do the most. Let's start with me. (Children take turns speaking.) That's where we met.

2. Exercise "Wish to another"

Children sit in a circle. The teacher-psychologist has a ball in his hands.

Teacher-psychologist: Let's start our work by saying wishes to each other for today. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to whoever you want and at the same time say this wish. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next one, expressing his wish for today. We will be careful to ensure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

3. Exercise "I'm the same as you"

Teacher-psychologist: I have a ball in my hands. The one who gets this ball throws it to any child and, addressing by name, explains why he is the same: “I am the same as you, because.” The one to whom the ball is thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and throws the ball to the next one.

4. Exercise "How many of us?"

Please stand in one big circle. Have one go to the center of the circle. We'll blindfold him. Everyone else should be very quiet. Now I will raise my hand, and at this sign, one by one, you will have to carefully approach the leader and stand behind his back. The participant begins to approach only after the previous one takes his place behind the leader. As soon as I lower my hand, everyone stops where they are at that moment. After that, the host must determine how many people are standing behind him. If he guesses right, then everyone should applaud him loudly.

And now we will turn into one kind animal.

5. Exercise "Kind animal".

You and I are one kind animal (we will stand in a circle and hold hands). Let's listen to his breath. Inhale (we inhale through the nose, inflate the stomach - a ball, exhale through the mouth. Inhale - exhale! Inhale - exhale! Now listen to how his heart beats. Knock - step forward, knock - step back! Knock. Knock, knock! How nice to feel all together!

6. The game "Bees and snakes"

Purpose: to promote positive relationships, develop in children the ability to adequately use and understand different languages ​​of communication: facial expressions, movements, touch, voice, etc.

For this game, you need to break into two approximately equal groups. Those who want to become bees, go to the windows, those who want to play in the team of snakes, go to the opposite wall. Each group must choose their own king. And now I will tell you the rules of the game. Both kings leave the hall and wait until they are called. I will hide two items for the kings to look for in the hall. The king bee must find "honey" - this sponge. And the snake king must find the "lizard" - this pencil. Bees and snakes must help their kings. Each group can do this by making a specific sound. All bees must buzz. The closer their king comes to the "honey", the louder the buzz should be. And the snakes must help their king with hissing. The closer the snake king approaches the "lizard", the louder the hiss should be. Now let the kings come out so I can hide the honey and the lizard. Bees and snakes can take their positions. Pay close attention to how far your king is from the target. Then you can easily help him: buzz or hiss loudly when he approaches the target and quietly when he is removed. During the game, you are not allowed to speak.

7. The game "Touch to ..."

Purpose: removal of bodily barriers, to develop the ability to achieve goals in acceptable ways of communication.

All players disperse around the room. The facilitator says the command: “Touch the one who has the longest hair” or “Touch the one who is the smallest”, etc. All participants must quickly orient themselves, find out who has the named sign and gently touch.

8. Visual activity. Drawing "Friendship is great!"

Reflective stage

Children admire the finished drawings.

Farewell ritual.

"The sun from the hands" the children put their hand on the psychologist's hand and say in chorus: "Goodbye."

Annex 7

Campaign "First aid kit for the soul"

Action goals: creating a positive emotional mood among parents, attracting the attention of parents to the issues of raising children.

Forms and methods of conducting: a basket with sayings and a sign "First aid kit for the soul."

Preparatory work:

  • basket making;
  • preparation of leaflets with positive statements, attitudes, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, which are put into the "First Aid Kits" basket.

Each parent, bringing a child to the group, has the opportunity to draw out a leaflet with a positive statement, attitude, proverb, as well as statements by famous teachers regarding the upbringing of children who invested in the First Aid Kit. The action helps raise the mood of parents, build positive relationships with their child, unite the family and the kindergarten.

Educational and educational tasks of the days of psychology in the preschool educational institution

The main goal of such activities is to create a positive microclimate in the preschool educational institution. A week of psychology in kindergarten can be held in different forms. The scenario is compiled individually, taking into account the characteristics of the team, the orientation of the institution, material equipment and other factors.

The following tasks of holding days of psychology can be distinguished:

  • popularization of the psychological service in the preschool educational institution, clarification of the significance and content of its work in kindergarten;
  • rallying the teaching staff, strengthening the team;
  • psychological assistance to parents in strengthening mutual understanding between adults and children;
  • the formation of the psychological comfort of children during their stay in a preschool educational institution, adaptation in a team, development of creative potential.

Preparatory work

How to get started? Thematic week of psychology in kindergarten should be indicated in advance in the activity plan of the educational institution and the documentation of the psychological service. The task of the specialist is to develop measures. In order to fulfill such a task, it is required to carry out diagnostics of the teaching staff and pupils in advance to determine the level of psychological comfort, to identify current topics of work, problematic issues. Based on the data obtained, it is necessary to plan the topics of events, determine the goals and objectives of the work.

Then it will be necessary to carry out preparatory work with teachers, parents, children. A few days before the event, care should be taken to disseminate information about the implementation of such activities, invite guests, clarify the availability of the necessary equipment and materials.

Week of psychology in kindergarten is a set of events that are united by a common theme. Therefore, it is important to correctly formulate the name of the thematic week, for example, “Rainbow mood week” or “To kindergarten with a smile”, etc.

Then the planning of each day is carried out, determined within the framework of a common theme. We offer such an approximate plan for a week of psychology in kindergarten:

  1. "Day of Good Mood" (action "Mood Rainbow").
  2. “Friendship begins with a smile” (photo exhibition “Best Friend”, action “Friendly Postcard”).
  3. "Warmth of the family hearth" (exhibition of drawings "Friendly family", relay competition "Together - we are strong").
  4. "Our friendly kindergarten" (mass event in the music hall "Let's get acquainted!").
  5. "Communication Day" (psychological training "Peace and fight no more", action "Basket of smiles").

What is a "psychological action"?

The week of psychology in kindergarten developed above includes activities such as “Mood Rainbow”, “Friendly Card”, “Wish Basket”. They are held in the format of a psychological action. What is it? This is an educational game in which both children and their parents and teachers take part. Such activities are aimed at diagnosing the internal state of the participants, determining the internal problems of the DOE team.

More about some of these activities:

  1. Action "Rainbow of Mood". The week of psychology in kindergarten has the main task - to assess the level of comfort of all participants in the preschool educational institution. This event is aimed at solving such problems. The form of implementation of activities can be very different. For example, you can put two large vases at the entrance to the kindergarten in the morning (one is pink, the other is gray), and next to it is a basket of flowers (can be made by children). Everyone who enters the garden is invited to place a flower in one of the vases. So, pink symbolizes a good mood, and gray - a bad one.
  2. "Friendly postcard" is carried out in this way: a large postcard is made and installed in the lobby of the kindergarten. Everyone who wants to leave their wishes to each other on it.
  3. The action "Basket of smiles" is aimed at summing up the results of the entire thematic week, its evaluation. Participants are invited to write wishes, recommendations, reviews on a postcard and put it in the basket.

Psychology Week in Kindergarten: Group Lesson Plan

In addition to the above general garden events, each group holds internal thematic classes according to the schedule. We offer the following activity plan with pupils of different age groups of preschool educational institutions.

Exhibition organization

Holding exhibitions of photographs, drawings or crafts requires a lot of preparatory work. After all, both children and adults participate in such activities. And this means that the purpose of carrying out this work is to form mutual understanding between the participants, and not just to complete the task. For example, when organizing a photo exhibition “Best Friend”, parents and educators should first have a conversation with the child about who “ best friend”, who the baby sees in this role and why. It will take time to create and design the work.

Working with parents

A week of psychology in kindergarten helps parents realize the importance and necessity of joint activities with their child. In the process, adults learn to understand their role in the process of personality development, determining the character traits and behavior of the baby. Therefore, most of the work of a preschool educational institution specialist is aimed at the joint activities of the parent and the child. So, collective entertainment, sports competitions, making crafts and designing exhibition works involve the joint efforts of adults and kids, where each participant has a specific role.

Working with teachers and junior staff

A week of psychology in kindergarten is held not only with pupils and their parents. Thematic activities are also organized with teachers. The purpose of such work is to solve problem situations, increase the level of self-realization of each specialist, and identify abilities. During the thematic week, psychological trainings, games, seminars for teachers and junior staff of preschool educational institutions can be held.

We told how to spend a week of psychology in kindergarten. But it is important to take into account not only general methodological recommendations, but also to understand the relevance of a particular problem in a particular preschool educational institution, to take into account the individual characteristics of the group of participants, the equipment of the institution, and many other factors.