Games by nature in the 2nd junior group. Game activity on ecology in kindergarten

Equipment: Arrange identical sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. Cover one for the teacher with a napkin.
Game progress: The teacher points to a short time one of the objects hidden under the napkin removes it again, then suggests to the child: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it is called.” The task is completed until all the fruits and vegetables under the napkin have been named.

"Guess what's in your hand"
Didactic task: Recognize the named object with the help of one of the analyzers.
Game action: Running to the teacher with an object recognized by touch.
Rule: You cannot look at what is in your hand. Need to know by touch.
Game progress: The child puts his hands behind his back. Then the teacher moves away and shows a vegetable or fruit. If the child has the same in his hands behind his back, the child must run to the teacher.

"Tops - roots"
Didactic task: To consolidate knowledge about the gifts of the garden.
Game progress: Children sit in a circle. The teacher names the vegetables, the children make hand movements: if the vegetable grows on the ground, in the garden, the children raise their hands up. If the vegetable grows underground, the hands are lowered down.

"Wonderful bag"
Didactic task: Learn the subject with the help of one of the analyzers.
Game action: Search by touch for a hidden object.
Rules: You can not look into the bag. First you need to determine what is in your hand, and then show it.
Equipment: For the first games, we select vegetables and fruits that differ sharply in shape, then more similar. Small opaque pouch.
Game progress: The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in a bag and asks to observe what he will do. Then he offers the child: “Find by touch, without looking into the bag, what you want. Now tell me what you got." Or you can ask: "Find what I say."
Second option.
Didactic task: To recognize the object by touch according to the listed signs.
Game progress: The teacher lists the signs that can be perceived by touch: shape, its details, surface, plane - and asks: “Find in the bag something that looks like a ball, but with a long tail, hard, not smooth.” The child, according to the description, searches for and finds beets. First, vegetables and fruits, which differ sharply in shape, are lowered into the bag. When repeating the game, objects can be selected that are similar in shape, but differ in other ways.

"Guess what you ate"
Didactic task: Learn the subject with the help of one of the analyzers, stimulate the development of the imagination.
Game action: Guessing the taste of vegetables and fruits.
Rules: You can not look at what is put in your mouth. You have to chew with your eyes closed, and then say what it is.
Equipment: Pick up vegetables and fruits, different to taste. Wash them, peel them, then cut them into small pieces. Lay out the same items on the table for control and comparison.
Game progress: Treat the child with one of the pieces, after asking him to close his eyes. “Chew well, now tell me what you ate. Find the same item on the table."

"Find something to talk about"
Didactic task: Find an object according to the listed signs.
Game progress: The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color, taste. Then the teacher suggests to one of the guys: “Show it on the table, and then name what I talked about.”
Second option.
Didactic task: Describe and name the signs of a plant in response to the teacher's questions.
Game progress: The teacher sits facing the children, with his back to the indoor plants standing on the table. The teacher asks one child to choose and show the children a plant, which he will then have to recognize from the description of the children. The teacher asks them questions about the presence of the stem, shape and color. For example: “What does it look like, a tree or grass? Is the trunk thick and straight? Are the leaves as big as a cucumber? Dark green, shiny? Having recognized the plant, the teacher names and shows it.

"Find something to talk about 2"
Didactic task: Training in quickly finding the named tree.
Course of the game: The game is organized as a mobile game. The teacher explains that the driver can catch those children who are not standing at the named tree. The teacher first names those trees that have bright distinctive features, then those that are similar in appearance. All children should listen carefully to which tree is named and, in accordance with this, run across at the signal “One, two, three - run!”.

"Describe, we will guess"
Didactic task: Identify and name the characteristic features of the subject in response to questions from an adult.
Game progress: The teacher tells the children: “From the vegetables that are on the table, choose one. I will ask what it is, and you answer. Just don't say its name. I will try to guess from your answers. Then the teacher begins to ask questions in a certain sequence: “What is the form? Everywhere, like a ball? Are there pits? What colour?". Children answer questions in detail. After the children talk about the characteristic features of the subject, the teacher guesses riddles.

"What's gone?"
Didactic task: Name the plants from memory.
Game progress: The teacher asks the children to take a good look at how the plants stand and close their eyes. At this time, he swaps the plants on the same table. And then he asks the children to rearrange the pots as they stood before, comparing their arrangement with the order of the plants on another table.

"Let's Treat the Dolls"
Didactic task: To continue to introduce auxiliary means that have a fixed purpose.
Equipment: Two dolls, children's furniture and dishes. "Wonderful Pouch", items for selection (toys and natural objects).
Game progress: 3-4 small items are put into the bag. The teacher comes with a doll and asks the children to help the doll prepare treats for the animals, they will also come to visit. One child, at the request of the doll, takes out a carrot for a bunny from a bag, another - an apple for a hedgehog, a third - a nut for a squirrel. Each time there should be 3-4 items in the bag, so that, in addition to the necessary ones, there are additional ones (for example, a small ball, a plastic ring, etc.). The children who took out the objects hold them in their hands. The teacher brings toys to the animals. Children take turns treating them, choosing at the same time who to give a carrot, a nut, an apple. Animals rejoice, thank the children.

"Where did Sasha hide?"
Didactic task: Grouping plants according to their structure (trees, shrubs).
Course of the game: The game is played during excursions to the forest, park. The teacher says to the children: “Now let's play. You will be squirrels and bunnies, and one of you will be a fox. The squirrels are looking for a plant they can hide on.” During the game, the teacher helps the children clarify that the hares live and hide in the bushes. They choose a driver - a fox, give him a hat, a fox mask, and all other children hats of hares, squirrels. On a signal: "Danger fox!" squirrels run to the tree, hares - to the bushes.

"In the winter dining room"
Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds and their names. Develop the ability to imitate their habits.
Game progress: We look at pictures with birds, the teacher offers to name her and show how she screams, how she flies and jumps.

"What is this bird"
Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge of what sounds birds make, to learn how to pronounce the sound "P" easily.
Game progress: The teacher, imitating the cry of a bird, asks the children who is screaming like that. Children, guessing, choose the corresponding picture.

Didactic task: To exercise children in the ability to coordinate their words and actions, to activate the speech of children.
Game progress: The teacher reads a poem and the children show these movements.
Two birds were flying, they were small. How they flew
All the people were watching. How they sat down - all the people marveled.

"What is it for?"
Didactic task: Mark their appearance, specify the names of body parts; talk about where they live.
Game progress: The teacher has pictures depicting animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (burrow, lair, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, “settle” at home by showing the card to the teacher.

"Which flower was removed?"
Didactic task: Describe the subject and recognize it from the description.
Game progress: Plants stand in their usual places. The teacher invites one of the children to choose one of them and describe it so that all the children know and can say what kind of plant it is. A sequence of descriptions is required. Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.

"Guess the description"
Didactic task: To educate children in the ability to take into account the named signs of the subject, to develop observation.
Game progress: There are five on the table indoor plants showing clear signs of difference. After verbally describing the plant, the child finds it among the others.

"Guess whose tail"
Didactic task: To develop the ability to analyze, consolidate the ability to distinguish and name animals.
Game progress: The teacher distributes the painted muzzles of animals to the children, and then in turn shows the painted tails. Children should name “their” animal and choose a suitable tail for it.

"Through the stream"
Didactic task: To develop in children a sense of balance, attention.
Game progress: Children are offered to carefully walk along the bridge (geometric fabric figures) to the other side and find themselves on the lawn, where they frolic and pick flowers. At the signal "Home!" returning over the bridge.

Ecological games for preschoolers 2-3 years old: THE WORLD IN WHICH I LIVE "BABY IN THE WORLD OF NATURE"

This topic is devoted to the issues of environmental education of preschoolers. The task is to consider the effect of didactic games in environmental education in the 1st junior group. I reveal the tasks, stages and activities of environmental education. Particular attention is paid to the types of didactic games, the ways of their application are described in detail. I come to the conclusion that the didactic game is one of the main activities for environmental education in the 1st junior group.
From the practice of pedagogical work, I believe that didactic games ecological content help to clarify, consolidate, generalize and systematize knowledge. While playing, children better acquire knowledge about objects and natural phenomena, learn to establish relationships between them and the environment.
Such games help to see the integrity of an individual organism and the ecosystem as a whole, to realize the uniqueness and originality of each object of nature, to understand that unreasonable human intervention can lead to irreversible processes in nature.
In my work in the classroom, I use all the variety of means of environmental education (mobile, creative, role-playing, etc. games); I create search situations, conduct experimental experiments with them, research with elements of a problem situation; I solve entertaining and creative tasks, etc., all the necessary conditions have been created in the classroom, including a corner of nature - all this stimulates the activity of children, creates a positive, emotional mood and gives good results in the assimilation of program tasks for environmental education children, but the most effective means of shaping the ecological culture of children, I think, didactic games.
The specificity, originality and principles on which didactic games are built, the nature of the psychological (psycho-physiological) characteristics of the children with whom we work, the laconic combination of learning and game actions in the process of these games, teaching orientation - all this attracts our attention in this type of games.
In classes with children, I use the system of didactic games (as one of the means of environmental education) to form the ecological culture of children and develop their ecological ideas.
I believe that a didactic game can be included in any section of an additional educational program and its capabilities should be used both for the development of environmental consciousness, environmental activities, and for the formation of the child's personality as a whole.
In my work in the classroom, in joint activities, I use all the variety of means of environmental education: mobile, creative, role-playing, etc. games; I conduct targeted observations with children, heuristic conversations, create search situations, conduct experimental experiments with them, research with elements of a problem situation; we solve entertaining and creative tasks, etc., all the necessary conditions have been created in the group, including a corner of nature - all this stimulates the activity of children, creates a positive emotional mood and gives a good result in the assimilation of program tasks for the environmental education of children, but the most effective means formation of ecological culture of children, believe didactic games.
When using didactic games as a method of environmental education, the following tasks are solved:
1. Formation of ecological ideas about the animal world
2. Formation of ecological ideas about the marine world
3. Formation of ecological ideas about the food environment
4. Formation of ecological ideas about the environment

I will give examples of didactic games for each educational task: Formation of ecological ideas about the animal world

"Hide and seek" in kinetic sand
Target: 1) the development of the child's tactile sense when working with both hands, which has a beneficial effect on the development of his speech;
2) development of concentration, concentration of attention;
3) the formation of non-standard creative thinking.
Tasks: Educational:
1. stimulate the development of the sensory-perceptual sphere, especially tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity.
2. activate vocabulary.
3. form ideas about the world around.
1. develop memory, attention.

2. develop fine motor skills.
3. develop imagination.
1. cultivate friendly relationships between children.
2. create a positive psycho-emotional mood.
3. cultivate the ability to communicate with each other.
Equipment: wet wipes, animal figurines, farm and forest models, kinetic sand tray.
Game progress. Children love to look for hidden objects. For this game, the teacher hides animal figurines in kinetic sand. The child must find a toy.
For example, for the Animals theme, the task might be to find wild and domestic animals and place them in your habitat. The child plays with interest and finds animals. The game is over when the child finds all the animals. (Appendix No. 1)

Formation of ecological ideas about the marine world "Big and small".
Target: 1) Activation of mental activity.
2) Development of volitional qualities of a person (patience, perseverance).
Tasks: 1) development of visual perception, attention;
2) mastering the ability to analyze objects on two grounds (color and shape);
3) working out the speed of reaction.
Equipment: a set of fish, hydrogel balls, an aquarium, a towel.
Game progress. Fish of different sizes are placed in a large box with hydrogel balls. For the first game, we ask the children to find large fish by touch. The child must find a certain fish and place it in the aquarium. For the second game, place another fish in the aquarium. (Appendix No. 2). You can also imagine a variety of games with different animals with hydrogel balls. The child plays with interest with the hydrogel. Hydrogel games may be different, but they are all different and attractive for little explorers.

Formation of ecological ideas about the food environment "Feed your animal friends"
Target: develop thinking, attention, memory, cultivate a desire to take care of animals.
Tasks: Cognitive: to form children's ideas about wild and domestic animals.
Developing: develop attention, memory.
nurturing: educate careful attitude to animals.
Equipment: jars with the image of animals, various food.
Game progress. Option 1 Arrange the jars with the image of animals so that they are clearly visible. Under them lay out different, but so that the food depicted on them does not suit the animal. Acting as different animals, ask the children to feed them. Try to imitate the voices of animals with your children. Make the children think: “Why don’t animals, although they are hungry, eat?”. It turns out that they eat strictly certain food. Ask the children to help you feed the animals. If the picture is chosen correctly, one of the children, speaking on behalf of the animal, will express pleasure and vice versa. At the same time, children must imitate the sounds that certain animals make.
Option 2. Children are divided into groups. Each has a picture of an animal. Food is laid out in the middle of the table. Children take turns taking them and offering them to their animals. The one who chooses the right food wins. (Appendix No. 3)

Formation of ecological ideas about the habitat "Favorite habitat"
Target: to form the ability of children to correlate the image of animals with its habitat, correctly naming the animal.
Educational: To expand children's understanding of the appearance, lifestyle and dwellings of the inhabitants of nature. Expand vocabulary (dog kennel, swallow's nest, squirrel hollow, ant's anthill). Develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare, draw conclusions.
Educational: To form the ability to recognize the image of animals in the image. Development of visual attention, memory.
Educational: Formation of interest in nature, respect for nature, animals.
Equipment: domestic, wild and predatory animals, models of forests, farms, savannahs.
Game progress: Two or more children take part in the game. Before the children are different animals and models of their housing. Children take an animal and put it on a certain layout with an image. The winner is the one who first settled his animals in their homes. (Appendix No. 4).
Environmental education is a new direction in preschool pedagogy. Back in the middle of the last century, the question of the need for environmental education of the younger generation did not arise, and this direction in education did not act as part of general education, but as time shows, technological progress is not only the achievements and successes of mankind, but also death, decline for nature in in general. From active human activity in nature, the whole ecosystem suffers, the balance in which is disturbed by human activity; that is why there is a need to educate an ecologically developed and nature-conforming personality who would not harm nature, would not destroy it, but would know, love, protect it and live in harmony with it.
Preschool age is a sensitive period for the perception of information, the acquisition and appropriation of certain social, moral, intellectual, aesthetic, and other experiences.
In this paper, the didactic game is considered as an effective means of environmental education of children. preschool age, the potential of the game allows you to maximize the tasks of environmental education and use the didactic game in any of the areas of educational work with children.
I believe that the didactic games presented in the work can be put into practice and use its capabilities as an effective means of forming an ecological culture.


ecological game "Where is the bunny hiding?"

Target: describe, name, plants according to characteristic features and from connection with the environment. Make descriptive riddles and guess riddles about plants.

Rules of the game : a plant can be named only after a description of any feature in turn.

Game progress :

The game is played in the park, in the forest, in the square. Fromgroups of children choose a driver, the rest are divided into two subgroups. The driver hides the bunny under a plant (Tree, shrub) so that the rest of the children do not see where the toy is hidden. Then the leader describes the plant (if it is difficult, then the teacher helps). Which group will guess faster under which plant the bunny is going to look for it. For example, a toy is hidden under an oak tree. The facilitator asks the 1st subgroup a riddle: “This is a tree, it has a strong, mighty trunk” (Answers of the children of the 1st subgroup), 2nd subgroup: “The leaves of this tree turn brown in autumn” (Children of the 2nd subgroup answer) . Etc.

Riddles-descriptions go until one of the subgroups guesses.

Environmental game "Where does it grow?"

Target: to teach children to group vegetables and fruits, to bring up the speed of reaction to the word of the educator, endurance, discipline.

Rules of the game: take apart vegetables and fruits, and arrange some in the garden and others in the garden (imitation - pictures of the garden and the garden). The team that quickly sorts out wins.all items in place.

Game progress :

Among the children are divided into two teams-teams: vegetable growers and gardeners. Vegetables and fruits (you can dummies) are laid out on the table. At the signal of the teacher, the children sort vegetables and fruits to the corresponding pictures. The team that finishes the job first wins. Children not participating in the teams check the correctness of the selection.

After that, the winning team is announced. The game continues with other teams.

ecological game "Our friends"

Target: To expand children's ideas about the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (fish, birds, animals), about caring for them, about their homes, to cultivate a caring attitude, interest and love for them.

Material: animal lotto cards: parrot, aquarium fish, parrots, hamster, turtle, etc. Small cards depicting their dwellings (cage, terrarium, aquarium, box, etc.), food.

Game progress:

Lotto cards are distributed to the participants of the game, the leader has small cards turned upside down with an image. The facilitator takes any card and shows it to the participants. The participant who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal.

To complicate it, you can add squats that are not related to these animals.

ecological game "Flower shop"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about plants (meadows, indoor, garden), to consolidate the ability to find the right flower according to the description. Learn to group plants by type.

Material: you can use cards from the botanical lotto, indoor plants can be taken real, but not very large.

Game progress:

The leader is chosen, he is the seller (at first the leader is an adult. And then you can use the counting rhyme), the rest of the children are buyers. The buyer must describe the plant in such a way that the seller immediately guesses which plant it is.

ecological game "The postman brought the package"

Target: To form and expand children's ideas about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc., to learn to describe and recognize objects by description.

Material: objects (models). Each is individually packaged in a paper bag. You can use riddles.

Game progress:

The parcel is brought to the group. The host (teacher) distributes parcels to each child. Children look at them and take turns telling what they received in the mail.Children are invited to describe what is in their bag according to the description or using a riddle.

ecological game "Edible - not edible"

Target: to form and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory, coordination.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

The host calls a vegetable, fruit, berry or any object,throws the ball to one of the participants if the object belongs togiven, then he catches.

You can play with the whole group at once with the help of claps (clap if the item does not belong to the given ones)

ecological game "Wonderful bag"

Target: To form, consolidate children's knowledge about various natural objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech of children.

Material : A beautifully designed pouch, various toys that imitate animals, real or fake vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

The facilitator holds a bag with objects, invites the children to come up one by one and identify the object by touch without pulling it out, and name the characteristic features. The rest of the children must guess from his description what kind of object they have not yet seen. After that, the child pulls the item out of the bag and shows everyone guys.

ecological game "What first, what next?"

Target: To form and consolidate children's knowledge about the degree of maturity of vegetables, fruits, about the order of growth of various plants, living beings (fish, birds, amphibians).

Material: Cards with a different order of maturity 3 - 4 - 5 cards for each item (for example: green, small tomato, brown and red), growth order (seed, sprout, taller sprout, adult plant).

Game progress:

Children are given cards with different orders. At the signal of the leader, they must quickly find and line up in order with the desired pictures in order.

ecological game Shop "Seeds"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about the seeds of different plants. Learn to group plants by type, by place of growth.

Material : Sign "Seeds". On the counter, in different boxes with models: tree, flower, vegetable, fruit, intransparent bags, there are different seeds with a picture of this plant.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to open a store selling seeds. The store has four departments. Sellers are selected for each seed department. As the game progresses, children-buyers approach the sellers and name their profession: florist, gardener, vegetable grower, forester. Then they are asked to sell the seeds of the plant they described and the method of growing them (one per hole, one per groove, “pinch”, seedlings).

ecological game "Collect mushrooms in a basket"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms, about their place of growth; about the collection rules in the forest.

Material:Planar baskets, a model denoting a forest, a flannelograph, cards withmushrooms (edible, not edible).

Game progress:

Children are given cards with mushrooms. The task of the children is to name their mushroom, describe it, where it can be found (under a birch, in a spruce forest, in a clearing, on a stump, etc.), what it is: put edible in a “bast basket”, leave inedible in the forest (explain why).

ecological game "What branch are the kids from"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about trees, their seeds and leaves. To fix the rules of behavior in the forest, in the park.

Material: Dried leaves of different trees (seeds, fruits).

Game progress:

Before a walk with children, they fix the rules of behavior in the forest (park). The game is playedpreferably in the fall (when there are already seeds and fruits), it is possible in the summer (only in the form of leaves). Children walk through the forest (park), at the signal of the teacher “All the children to the branches!”, The children run to their trees or bushes. Children compare their leaves, etc. with those that grow on a tree or bush to which they ran.

ecological game "Vegetable store"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about the external signs and characteristics of vegetables and fruits, their external signs for storage and preparation, methods for their preparation.

Material: Flat image jars for salting and compotes, sourdough barrels, storage boxes, freezer. Sets of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries.

Game progress:

Each child has a set of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries. Divide children into teams (depending on the number of children). Each team makes its own "preparations" from its own vegetables, fruits and berries.

Or from the total number of small team cards (salt, sour, folded for storage) they choose for which preparations certain vegetables, fruits and berries are needed.

ecological game "Let's Harvest"

Target: To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries. Their place of growth (garden, kitchen garden, garden bed, tree, bush, in the ground, on the ground).

Material : Baskets with models: vegetables, fruits and berries (one basket). Models of vegetables, fruits and berries, or lotto cards with vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

In certain places of the group, pictures are placed with a garden and a garden, where dummies or cards are located. Children can be divided into two teams of gardeners and gardeners. At the signal of the facilitator, the teams harvest in their basket with the model. Condition: You can only transfer one item at a time.

ecological game "The Fourth Extra"

Target:Clarify and reinforce children's knowledge ofclassifications of various natural objects. Develop logical thinking, speech.

Material:cards with various objects.

Game progress:

Cards are exposed: three - of one type, and the fourth of another. The task of the children is to identify the extra card, and explain their choice.

Material: Large lotto cards with a picture of a body of water. Small cards with fish, aquatic animals, plants, etc.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to go on a water trip to different reservoirs. You can divide the children into teams. Each team goes on a journey to a specific body of water. Next, the children select living objects for their reservoirs from the total number of small cards. The team that knows the inhabitants and plants of its reservoir better wins. Material: Flannelgraph, different natural zones of the earth (illustration). Small cards with various animals, birds, etc.

Game progress:

On the flannelograph, different natural zones of the earth are located. Children have small cards with various animals, birds, etc. The task of the children is to name their animal, where it lives, and put it near the desired natural area on the flannelgraph.

ecological game "Guess the description"

Target:Develop and consolidate knowledge about the appearance of natural objects (animals, plants, fish, insects, etc.). Develop memory, speech.

Material:Cards with a variety of species of animals, fish, birds, insects, by the number of participants or more.Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and animal life in different seasons of the year.

Material: Large lotto cards with a picture of any season. Small cards with models of signs of different seasons.

Game progress:

The game is played like a lotto. The leader has small cards turned face down. The host shows a card with a model, the players name what it is and when it happens. The child explains why this card is needed specifically for him. The first person to cover their card wins. But the game continues until all participants close their cards. cards of different animals, birds, insects, food, vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

Children are encouraged to feed the animals at the zoo. The game is played like a lotto. The host shows cards with food, insects. The player who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal or bird.

Preschool age is a valuable stage in the development of the ecological culture of the individual. Ecological games contribute not only to gaining knowledge about objects and natural phenomena, but also form the skills of careful and non-destructive handling of the surrounding nature.

While playing, children learn: to love, to know, to cherish and multiply.

Suggested games include Interesting Facts about the life of animals and plants, puzzles and intricate questions about nature and contribute to the development of curiosity.

Ball game "I know..."

Target: To form the ability to name several objects of an object of the same type.

Develop the ability to combine objects on a common basis.

Game actions:

Children stand in a circle, in the center - the leader with the ball. The host throws the ball and names a class of natural objects (birds, trees, flowers, animals, plants, insects, fish). The child who caught the ball says: “I know 5 names of flowers” ​​and lists (for example, chamomile, cornflower, dandelion, clover, porridge) and returns the ball to the leader. The leader throws the ball to the second child and says: "Birds" and so on.

"Birds, fish, animals"

Target: Exercise children in the ability to name an object of a certain group of objects.

Game actions:

The leader throws the ball to the child and says the word "birds". The child who caught the ball must pick up a specific concept, for example, "sparrow", and throw the ball back. The next child should name the bird, but not repeat. Similarly, a game is played with the words "animals" and "fish".

"Guess what's in your hand"

Target: Distinguish vegetables, fruits and berries by touch.

Game actions:

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The teacher lays out dummies of vegetables, berries and fruits in the hands of the children. Children must guess. The teacher shows, for example, a pear and asks to determine who has the same item of the object (fruit, vegetable, berry).

"Guess which bird is singing?"

Target: The ability to identify the voices of birds from sound recordings.

Determine which bird sings and how it sings (subtle, sonorous, melodious, noisy, quiet, drawn out, and so on).

Raise interest and caring attitude towards birds.

Game actions:

The teacher offers to listen to the recording of bird voices. It is necessary to determine which bird sings. How can you determine which bird sings by voice and how. Invite the children to practice pronouncing the sounds of bird songs. The game uses a disc with a recording of bird voices.

"Plants of the forest, garden, orchard"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the plants of the forest, garden and garden.

Game actions: similar to the game "I know ..."

"Garden Garden"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about what grows in the garden or in the garden.

Develop memory and attention in children.

Game actions:

The teacher brings a basket of vegetables and fruits.

Children, I accidentally confused vegetables and fruits. Help me please. During the game, children summarize objects in one word, determine the place where vegetables and fruits grow.

"What it is?"

Target: Exercise children in the ability to guess objects living or inanimate nature.

Describe the characteristics of objects.

Game actions:

The educator or leader guesses living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs, and the children must guess the given object.

"Intricate Questions"

Target: Develop ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Game actions:

The teacher reads the riddle-task:

Four birches grew.

On every birch

Four large branches

On every big branch -

Four small branches

On every little branch

Four apples.

How many apples are there?

"Flies, swims, runs"

Target: Depict the way an object moves.

Game actions:

The facilitator calls or shows the children an object of wildlife and invites the children to depict the way this object moves. For example, at the word "bear" children begin to imitate walking like a bear; "forty" children begin to wave their hands and so on.

"Bird Flight"

Target: Recognize and name wintering and migratory birds.

To fix the concept of "wintering", "migratory".

Game actions:

Object pictures of birds are laid out on the table. Each participant in the game takes a picture and "turns" into a certain bird. The child says: “I am a crow!”, “I am a sparrow!”, “I am a crane!”, “I am a cuckoo!” and so on. At the signal of the host: “One, two, three, fly to your place!”, Children who have pictures of wintering birds run to a conditional image (winter landscape), other children who have pictures of migratory birds run to another conditional sign (spring landscape). You can play several times, children must take different pictures.

"Similar - not similar"

Target: To develop in children the ability to abstract, generalize, highlight objects,

Similar in some properties and different in others, to compare, compare objects or images.

Game actions:

The game uses a game screen with three "windows - slits" into which ribbons with legends of properties are inserted; ribbons - stripes with designations of the properties of objects. Strips with the image of objects are inserted into the first and third "windows", and a strip with the designation of properties is inserted into the second.

Options may be different:

1 option: The child is invited to set the “screen” so that the first and third windows contain objects that have the property indicated in the second “window”.

At the initial stage of mastering the game of mastering the game, the property is set by adults, then the children can independently set the feature they like. For example, the first "window" is an apple, the second "window" is a circle, the third "window" is a ball.

Option 2: One child sets the first "window", the second - selects and sets the property that the data has, the third - must select an object that fits the first and second "windows". For each correct choice, children receive a token. After the first round, the children change places.

3 option: used in the final stages of development. You can play with a large group of children. The child makes a "riddle" - builds in the first and third "window" images that have a common property, while the second "window" is hidden. The rest of the children guess how the objects depicted are similar. A child who correctly named a common property gets the right to open a second “window” or make a new “riddle”.

"Who lives where?"

Target: Determine the place of the animal's habitat, correctly determine the place of the "home" of the object.

Game actions:

The teacher has pictures with images of animals, and for children - with images of habitats of various animals (burrow, hollow, lair, river, nest, and so on).


Target: To form in children the concepts of the seasons and the dependence of the life of wildlife on seasonal changes occurring in inanimate nature.

Game actions:

The teacher tells the children that the seasons are constantly changing. Children name sequentially the seasons and characteristic features.

The teacher shows pictures depicting the seasons and pictures of objects that undergo various changes, for example, a white hare - winter; blossoming snowdrop - spring, ripe strawberries - summer and so on. Children must explain the content of the picture.

"Question answer"

Target: Develop the ability to answer questions.

Show resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Game actions:

The teacher asks questions and the children answer


1. Why does a person look back? (because he has no eyes on the back of his head).

2. Why does the cat run? (can't fly).

3. What kind of comb will not comb your head? (rooster).

4. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one thing: after the first one will no longer be on an empty stomach).

5. Why does the goose swim? (from the shore).

6. How can you reach the sky? (with a look).

7. Why does the dog run? (on the ground).

8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream).

9. What can you not bake bread without? (no crust).

10. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (behind teeth)

11. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at the mushroom).

"Flowers" (mobile game)

Target: Name and identify flowers.

Cultivate love and the ability to admire their beauty.

Game actions:

Children remember garden and forest flowers, compare them.

Each participant in the game chooses a flower emblem for himself. Each child has their own picture. The same name cannot be given to more than one child.

By lot, the chosen flower, for example, cornflower, starts the game.

He names a flower, such as a poppy or a rose. Poppy runs, and the cornflower catches up with him. When the poppy is in danger of being caught, he names some other flower involved in the game. The named flower runs away.

The caught flower changes its name and is included in the game again. The one who has never been caught wins.


Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the animal and plant world.

Encourage the ability to think and draw conclusions.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals and plants.

Game actions:

A teacher or a trained child makes puzzles - puzzles:

1. Six sparrows are sitting in the garden, five more have flown to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left?

2. A pair of horses ran 40 km. How many kilometers did each horse run?

3. Garden flowers grew in the clearing: chamomile, cornflowers, roses, clover, violet. Tanya picked all 1 rose, 2 clovers, 3 daisies. How many flowers does Tanya have in her bouquet? (identify garden and forest flowers, count only forest flowers).

4. There are fruits in the vase: bananas, orange, apples, tomato, cucumber, lemons. How many fruits are in the vase?

5. Juicy, tasty apples and tangerines, ripe cherries and eggplant grew in the garden. How many vegetables have grown in the garden?

"Learn by Ads"

Target: Continue to acquaint with the features of animals and birds (appearance, behavior, habitat)

Develop logical thinking.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the children to play. Explains the rules of the game, you need to carefully listen to the announcement and guess who it is (animal or bird) is said in the announcement. The one who guessed correctly receives a chip and at the end of the game the result is summed up.

1.Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house with me.

2. Friends! Who needs needles, contact me.

3. Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings?

4. Will I help everyone whose alarm clock is broken?

5. Please wake me up in the spring. Come with honey.

6. I want to make a nest. Lend, donate fluff and feathers.

7. It became very boring to howl at the moon alone. Who will keep me company?

8.To the one who finds my tail! Leave it as a memento. I am successfully growing a new one!

9. I have been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness.

10. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has a need for horns. Contact me once a year.

11. I teach all sciences! From chicks in a short time I make birds. Please note that classes are held at night.

12. I can help kind, but lonely birds to find family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life. Ku-ku!

13. I am the most charming and attractive! Whoever you want to deceive, I will circle around your finger. Given all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Do not call Patrikeevna any more!

"Where does it ripen?"

Target: Exercise in the ability to use knowledge about plants, to compare the fruit of a tree with its leaves.

Game actions:

Two branches are laid out on the flannelograph: on one - the fruit and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of plants. (For example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits). The facilitator asks the question: “Which fruits ripen and which do not?”. Children correct the mistakes made in drawing up the drawing.

The postman brought a letter

Target: Develop the ability to describe objects and recognize them by description.

Game actions:

The teacher brings a box to the group and says that the postman brought the parcel. The parcel contains various fruits and vegetables. Children take packages out of the box, look into them and describe what the postman brought them. The rest of the children guess.


Target: Distinguish trees by their leaves.

To educate to behave correctly in the game: do not prompt each other, do not interrupt peers.

Game actions:

Before starting the game, children remember different trees, compare them in terms of the shape and size of the leaves.

Before the game, children should pick up a phantom for themselves - any small thing, a toy. The players sit down and choose a forfeit collector. He sits in the middle of the circle and gives the rest of the players the names of the trees (oak, maple, linden, and so on) and the children take and put on a wreath of leaves. Everyone must remember their name. The forfeit collector says: “A bird flew in and sat on an oak tree.” The oak must answer: “I wasn’t on the oak, I flew to the Christmas tree.” The Christmas tree names another tree, and so on. Who misses - gives a phantom. At the end of the game, forfeits are redeemed.


Target: To expand children's knowledge of migratory birds.

Develop attention and observation.

Game actions:

The facilitator shows a picture of a migratory bird.

Children look at the picture and talk about it in turn: the first child - the first sentence, the second child - the previous sentence and his own, the third child - repeats the previous two and adds his own. For example: "Rook is a migratory bird." - The rook is a migratory bird. He's big and black." - The rook is a migratory bird. He is big and black. Their habitat is called a rookery, and so on.

"Who are we going to feed?"

Target: Know what animals and birds eat.

Game actions:

The leader throws the ball to the children and names the object (animal, bird), and the children answer and return the ball to the leader. For example, a sparrow - crumbs and seeds; tit - fat; cow - hay; rabbit - carrot; cat - mouse, milk; squirrel - cone, berries and so on.

Good-bad game

Target: To improve the knowledge of children about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, animals and plants.

Game actions:

The teacher or teacher offers the children different situations, and the children make conclusions, for example: “A clear sunny day in the fall - is it good or bad?”, “All the wolves have disappeared in the forest - is it good or bad?”, “Every day it rains - is it bad or good?”, “Snowy winter - is it good or bad?”, “All the trees are green - is it good or bad?”, “A lot of flowers in our garden - is it bad or good?”, “Grandma in the village has a cow - is it good or bad?", "All the birds on earth have disappeared - is it bad or good?" and so on.

"Who is behind whom?"

Target: Show children that everything in nature is interconnected.

Continue to educate children about caring for all animals.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the called child to connect with a ribbon all the animals that hunt each other. Other children also help to find the correct animal pictures. You can suggest starting the game with a plant, a frog or a mosquito.

"To each his own place"

Target: To form in children the ability to use schematic representations of generalizing concepts.

Cultivate independence, the ability to think logically.

Game actions:

The teacher distributes one card to each child (of the same type). Then he distributes one picture to each child in turn. Children, having received a picture, must place it under a schematic representation of the concept to which the image in this picture fits. When all the pictures are sorted out, the children check the correctness of their actions and the actions of their peers.

Children must independently check the correctness of the task and explain why they did it that way.

"Falcon and Fox" (mobile game)

Target: Expand children's knowledge about wild animal and bird of prey.

Ability to act quickly on the leader's signal.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the children to play the game "Falcon and Fox". Shows a picture of a falcon and talks about where this bird lives, how it behaves.

Remember the habits of the fox.

Choose "falcons" and foxes at the request of the children or use counting rhymes.

The rest of the children are "falcons". The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes flying movements with his hands. A flock of falcons runs after the falcon and exactly repeats its movements. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole.

The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

The appearance of the fox is determined by the leader's signal. The fox catches those who did not have time to sit down.

"What if …?"

Target: Know what needs to be done in order to protect, preserve and increase nature.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and reasoning.

Game actions:

The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, from which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to observe a sense of proportion and protect nature. For example: what will happen if one boy throws a can of cola into the river? And two? And three? How many boys? What will happen if on the day off from the forest one family brings an armful of snowdrops? Two families? Five? What happens if one driver's car emits a lot of exhaust gases? Three cars? Half the city's drivers? What happens if one person in the forest turns on the tape recorder at full power? Group of tourists? All vacationers in the forest? (Similarly - about a fire, about a broken branch, about a caught butterfly, about a ruined nest, and so on).


1. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press", 2003.

2. Gorkova L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. Scenarios of classes on environmental education of preschoolers. M.: "Wako", 2007.

3. Kondratieva N.N. "We". Environmental Education Program for Children, 2004.

4. Makhaneva M.D. Ecological development of children of preschool and primary school age. M.: Arkti, 2004.

Game activity on ecology for children of primary preschool age

Korobkina Alevtina Germanovna, teacher at MDOU Kindergarten "Smile", Perm Territory, urban-type settlement Suksun.

Description: These games can be used by educators, counselors and primary school teachers, as well as parents.

Target: Create a joyful mood, positive emotions in children through environmental games
Educational Promote:
to consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals and wild berries, mushroom - fly agaric.
strengthening the ability to draw flowers on asphalt with crayons
Educational Promote:
development of attention, memory, imagination, fantasy
developing an interest in outdoor play
Educational Promote:
cultivating a friendly attitude towards adults and peers

Organization in the kindergarten area. The character in the Forest Fairy costume, she is also the host, comes to the children.

"Fairy of the Forest"

Presenter: hello, the kids call me "Fairy of the Forest", and what's your name, let's get to know each other, and the butterfly will help us. To whom the butterfly flies up, he calls his name
Children call their names
Presenter: Well, we met, now you can play.
Children's answers
Presenter: My butterfly loves berries very much, do you?
Children's answers
Presenter: then we will play the game "NAME THE BERRY", to whom the butterfly flies up, he calls the berry.

Presenter: well done, you know a lot of berries. You can go to the forest then. Shall we go to the forest for raspberries?
Children: Yes

round dance game "Let's go to the forest for raspberries"

1. Let's go to the forest for raspberries, let's go to the forest, let's go to the forest (children walk in a circle).
We’ll start the dance, we’ll start, we’ll start (they put their legs in turn)
The sun is in the yard, (hands are raised up, fingers are open "sunshine")
And in the forest there is a path (palms folded together perform wave-like movements in front of them)
You are my sweet, berry - raspberry (sliding movements of the palms - the “Skeet” movement)

2. You, raspberry, are not in the mouth, not in the mouth, not in the mouth (pinch grip of the three fingers of the leading hand, move towards the mouth)
Pour into a boxer, boxer, boxer.
(pinched grip of the three fingers of the leading hand imitates picking berries in a basket, in front of the chest

3. As we collect raspberries, we collect, we collect. (pinched grip of the three fingers of the leading hand imitates picking berries from the ground - with the body tilted)
We will bake pies, bake, bake (motion "pies")..

4. We will bake pies, bake, bake. (movement "pies").

We will call all our friends, we will call, we will call (movement of the hand, palms facing the face “invitation”).

Presenter: And who else loves raspberries in the forest
Children: bear.
Presenter: the bear in the forest has both berries and mushrooms. Let's go collect, take baskets.

The game "At the bear in the forest"
At the bear in the forest
I pick mushrooms and berries.
The bear doesn't sleep
Everyone is looking at us
And then how it roars
And he will run after us!
Presenter: we ran away from the bear. How many mushrooms did you find?
Children's answers
presenter: is there such a mushroom (shows a fly agaric), what is it called?

Children: fly agaric
Presenter: can people collect it?
Children: No
Presenter: And what animals still live in the forest, they will help us find out puzzles:

1. In the middle of a dense forest
Wandering clubfoot and mighty.
Likes fish, honey and raspberries,
Sleeps in a den in the long winter.

Children: bear

2. His house is a hole under the tree.
Needles stick out on the back.
He only sees the enemy
It will become like a prickly lump:
Can't see eyes or legs.
Who is this?

Children: hedgehog
3. He is tall, horned, he is strong
Eats bark and twigs in winter

Children: elk

4. Red little animal
jump off the branch! Jump on the branch!
Here is a nut, and here is a fungus -
prepares for the future!
What's his name?

Children: squirrel

5. And cunning and careful.
The tail is fluffy. Ginger colour.
loves chicken,
To catch a mouse, a bunny.
Guess what her name is?

Children: Fox

6. Gray and toothy predator
prowling through dense forests.

Children: wolf

7. Long-eared, short-tailed,
Oblique eye, not easy to catch.
Who is running across the field?

Children: bunny
Presenter: let's play with the bunny

The game "A gray bunny is sitting"

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears,
Like this, like this, and it moves its ears!
(Children squat down and depict with their hands how the bunny moves its ears)
It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws,
Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws!
(Children clap their hands together.)
It’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump!
Skok - hop - hop - hop, the bunny needs to jump!
(Children jump on two legs, pressing their hands to their chest)
Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and ran away.

Presenter: the bunny ran away, but left us crayons so that we could draw flowers "Chamomile field"

Children take crayons and draw flowers on the pavement

presenter- FOREST FAIRY gives butterflies to children and says goodbye to children