When is the day of the tanker in the year. Tankman's Day

Tankman's Day is a professional holiday for tank troops. The celebrations are attended by employees of tank units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under contract and conscription, officers, cadets, teachers of specialized educational institutions. The holiday is celebrated by everyone who has ever been in the ranks of this type of troops, designers, engineers, workers of factories and research institutes that develop armored vehicles. Their relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people join the events.

In Russia, Tankman Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of September. In 2020, the holiday falls on September 13th.

On this day are held festive events and concerts where employees receive congratulations. They are awarded insignia: medals, certificates, awards, they make gratitude titles in personal affairs. Promotions in positions and ranks coincide with the holiday.

What date is Tanker Day in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
12 September Sun11 September Sun10 September Sun

Every second Sunday in September, Russia celebrates Tanker Day. As you know, tank troops are one of the foundations of modern ground forces. In Russia and the Soviet Union, tank troops have always been very numerous, with millions of Soviet and Russian men of all ages serving in them. The contribution of tank troops to the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War is very significant - it was they who became one of the locomotives for the defeat of Nazi Germany. During the Cold War, huge tank armies served as one of the key deterrents to a potential enemy - NATO troops in Europe.

Tankman's Day as a professional holiday of the armed forces was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 11, 1946. Thus, the Soviet leadership wanted to note the particularly outstanding role of armored and mechanized troops in the defeat of Nazi Germany and its allies. Until 1980, the Day of the tanker was celebrated on September 11 - in memory of the colossal success of the Soviet tank forces during the East Carpathian operation. Then Tanker Day began to be celebrated every second Sunday in September. This year it fell on September 9th. The leadership of post-Soviet Russia did not change the date of the holiday.

Tank troops of Russia is inextricably linked with the Soviet period in the life of the country. It was at that time that not only the first tanks appeared in the country, but all the foundations were laid for the creation and full-fledged functioning of tank troops as a separate type of troops. Of course, the first armored forces appeared a little earlier - in the Russian Empire, before the start of the First World War. They consisted of armored vehicles armed with machine guns, then armored trains also appeared. By the time of the October Revolution, the old Russian army had about 300 armored vehicles. The tsarist government placed an order in France for the production of tanks, but due to the revolutionary events that had begun, the order was canceled.

But it was during the years of the Civil War that the command of the Red Army took care of the rapid growth in the number of armored trains and armored vehicles and the production of their first own armored vehicles. In January 1918, the Central Council of Armored Units (Tsentrobron) was created, whose competence included the management of all armored units of the RSFSR. On August 30, 1918, on the basis of Tsentrobron, the Central Armor Directorate (CBU) was formed. At that time, Tsentrobron and the Central Bank of Ukraine were subordinate to the Main Military Engineering Directorate of the Red Army. Already in May 1918 in Moscow, in a special school, they began to train commanders for the armored units of the Red Army - so, despite the political chaos in the country, the new government took care of increasing the combat effectiveness of its armed forces.

An epochal event in the history of the armored forces of the Soviet state took place in March 1919. In the battle with the French interventionists, units of the 2nd Ukrainian Soviet Division captured several French Renault FT-17 tanks. Of these, the first tank unit in Russia was created - an armored division under the Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Ukraine. In April 1919, the captured tank even arrived in Moscow to participate in the solemn parade, and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin personally initiated his arrival, who took the prospects for the development of a new kind of troops very seriously.

Then, on the basis of this unit, in 1922, the Red Army Tank Squadron was created, consisting of captured British Mark V tanks. These episodes, by the way, also testify to the high morale and victories of the Red Army, which managed to capture modern military equipment from much better armed invaders . It is noteworthy that then tank units were called squadrons.

In 1920-1921. at the famous Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod, the first Soviet tank KS-1 was put into mass production. In total, 15 cars were produced in these years. All of them were an almost complete copy of the French Renault FT-17 tanks (Renault FT-17), captured in Ukraine. What to do, I didn’t have my own experience in developing tanks then, and the time was difficult. In itself, the fact of the start of mass production of tanks in a country devastated by the Civil War is amazing. Each tank produced in the KS-1 series had its own name - like the ships of the fleet. So, there were tanks with revolutionary names - "Karl Marx", "Freedom Fighter Comrade Lenin", "Leo Trotsky", "Karl Liebknecht", etc., there were also Russian historical ones - "Ilya Muromets". It was with the KS-1 that the history of tank building in our country began, and the tanks assembled in Russia entered service with the Red Army.

In 1928, mass production of the first unique Soviet tank MS-1 (T-18) began. A total of 959 tanks of this design were produced, and in 1929 they were first used in real combat during the events on the CER. Then, in 1929, the Central Directorate of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army was created, which took command of the mechanized troops. In 1930, the 1st mechanized brigade included a tank regiment of 110 tanks, and already in 1932 two mechanized corps were formed - the 11th and 45th. In a fairly short time, the growth of mechanized troops was simply impressive. So, only in the 45th corps there were 500 tanks in 1932. In 1937, the Central Directorate of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army received a new name - the Armored Directorate (and later the Main Armored Directorate) of the Red Army. Thus, for the first time a branch of the armed forces appeared, called armored troops. By the end of 1937, the Red Army already included as many as 4 tank corps, 24 separate light and 4 heavy tank brigades. By this time commander Dmitry Pavlov headed the armored forces.

At the end of the 1930s, the first serious combat experience was also received by Soviet tankmen. Tank units took part in the battles near Lake Khasan in 1938, on the Khalkhin Gol River in 1939, in the Soviet-Finnish war in 1939-1940, and also in the civil war in Spain, where volunteers from among the Soviet military personnel were transferred . The leadership of the country at that time paid great attention to the development of tank troops, which were considered as a striking force in the offensive operations of the Red Army. It was the 1930s that became the first truly productive decade in the history of domestic tank building and tank forces.

In those years, being a tanker was no less prestigious than being a pilot or a sailor. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet boys dreamed of serving in a new branch of the military, which seemed so interesting and impressive compared to the "traditional" infantry. As the number of armored troops grew, so did the ability of Soviet conscripts to get into tankers. Although, given the design of the then tanks, their technical features, the service of a tanker was very difficult and dangerous. To train the command staff of the tank troops, the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army (VAMM RKKA) named after I.V. Stalin was created on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanization and Motorization of the Military Technical Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky and the Moscow Automotive and Tractor Institute named after M.V. Lomonosov, as well as the Leningrad armored courses for the improvement of the command staff of the Red Army named after comrade. Bubnov - on the basis of the former Military Armored School with advanced training courses for the command staff of the Red Army, Kazan armored advanced training courses for the technical staff of the KBTKUTS and a number of military schools - in Ulyanovsk, Orel, Kharkov, Minsk, Kazan, Kuibyshev, Saratov (two schools - 1st Saratov Red Banner Armored School and the 2nd Saratov Armored School), Borisov, Syzran, Chkalov, tank technical school in Kyiv. In addition, command personnel for the armored forces at that time were trained in a number of automobile schools, two military tractor schools in Poltava and Bobruisk, and in a special military communications school for armored forces in Ulyanovsk.

Thus, by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the armored forces became one of the mass branches of the ground forces, which received great attention from the command of the Red Army and the country's top leadership. At the same time, tank building was also developing at a rapid pace - by the time the war began, the Red Army surpassed Nazi Germany in the total number of tanks. However, the tank units also suffered huge losses - both in equipment and in personnel. Therefore, during the war years, domestic tank building worked at such a pace as never before.

The contribution of tankers to the Great Patriotic War is huge and invaluable. Many books have been written about the exploits of Soviet tankmen, and wonderful films have been made. Dmitry Lavrinenko, a senior lieutenant of the Red Army, was a real tank ace. For 2.5 months, he destroyed 52 enemy tanks. Unfortunately, Dmitry Lavrinenko died at the very beginning of the war - in December 1941. The greatest tank battle of the 20th century was the Battle of Kursk, in which thousands of tanks from both the Red Army and the Wehrmacht took part. During the war years, many Soviet tankers were awarded orders and medals, received the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Soviet tankers participated in the Victory Parade on Red Square. Right after the war a large number of tank units and subunits were deployed in Eastern Europe, since the Soviet command then considered tank troops as the main force in offensive operations and continued to build up the power of tank armies.

In 1953, the armored troops were renamed armored troops and bore this name for seven years - until 1960. Under this name, Soviet tankers participated in the pacification operation in Budapest. In 1960, the armored troops were renamed into tank troops. By the beginning of the 1960s. 8 tank armies were concentrated in the western direction, including 4 of them on the territory of the GDR, as part of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. The number of tanks in the SA by the mid-1980s. was 53, 3 thousand tanks. At the same time, the tank building industry continued to work at an accelerated pace, releasing more and more tanks. The main SA tanks at that time were T-64, T-72, T-80.

In July 1980, a large-scale reform of the tank forces was carried out. Since that time, the post of chief of the tank troops was abolished, which actually meant the cessation of the existence of the tank troops as an independent branch of the army as part of the ground forces. The Main Armored Directorate is engaged only in the supply of military equipment to the troops, supervision of its operation, and organization of repairs. As for tank formations, they report directly to the command of the military districts.

In the 1990s, in connection with the collapse of the USSR and the implementation of agreements on the reduction of armaments, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the countries of Eastern Europe, the number of tanks and tank units and formations was reduced at a very rapid pace. Tank troops have become one of those military branches that have been most noticeably reduced in numbers. Many tank officers were forced to move to other branches of the military, to the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, or to leave military service"for a citizen". The number of educational institutions graduating officers for tank troops has also been significantly reduced. By 2005, the number of tanks in the RF Armed Forces was reduced to 23 thousand, and in 2009 it was announced that it was necessary to reduce the number of tanks to 2 thousand units.

At the same time, today the tank troops continue to be the main striking force of the country's ground forces, although the number of tanks and the number of tank units and formations have decreased very seriously. As of 2017, Russia had 3,030 tanks in service and more than 10,000 in storage, which is more than the number of tanks in the American army.
As for tankers, many modern commanders, top-level leaders of the RF Armed Forces have come out of them. The tanker was, for example, Colonel-General Gennady Nikolaevich Troshev. After 1992, 4 out of 7 chiefs of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces left the tankers - Army General Viktor Petrovich Dubynin, Army General Mikhail Petrovich Kolesnikov, Army General Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov, Army General Anatoly Vasilyevich Kvashnin. The tanker was General of the Army Nikolai Evgenievich Rogozhkin, who for almost 10 years commanded the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The importance of tank troops is undeniable even today, and service in them is a serious test for both soldiers and officers. There are a lot of men in Russia who have served in tank units and formations of the SA and RF Armed Forces. "Military Review" congratulates all current and former tankers, veterans of the service, as well as workers in the tank-building industry on the Day of the tanker.

September 11 - that's what date in Russia and Ukraine they celebrate Tanker's Day 2016. Every year, on the occasion of a significant date, all employees of the tank troops receive from their wives, girlfriends, relatives, friends and relatives optimistic, beautiful congratulations with a professional holiday in verse and prose and the kindest, sincere and warm wishes. Pleasant words are said aloud to the valiant tankers or written on bright, colorful postcards with cool pictures and handed to the heroes of the occasion along with small souvenirs.

What date is the day of the tanker 2016 in Russia and Ukraine - the date and history of the holiday

The holiday of all tankers was officially established back in the days of the Soviet Union. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a historic decision on July 1, 1946. In this way, the highest authorities emphasized the importance of the armored forces and thanked each military man for his selfless, devoted service. However, they didn’t set a special date for the celebration, but decided to always honor the masters of powerful armored vehicles on the second Sunday of September.

The tradition has been preserved to this day and today, in order to find out what date the Day of the Tankman comes in Russia and Ukraine, you need to look at the calendar. According to him, in 2016 the solemn date falls on September 11, which means that on this day in a number of countries of the former USSR they will pompously and widely congratulate all tankers.

Congratulations on the Day of the tanker are cool and funny

Cool and funny congratulations on the Day of the tanker is appropriate to recite out loud or write on a bright, colorful postcard and send by mail to your young friends serving in the tank forces. They will be happy to listen or read joking lines that talk about the military in a frivolous and humorous way. However, in this case it is very important to comply with the measure and maintain tact. Try to choose congratulations that will make the military smile kindly, and will not make them the subject of sarcastic jokes or offensive ridicule.

Let the tank sleep in the hangar today.
Now is not the time to fight.
Today in holiday spirit
Tankers will rest.

After all, there is a reason to relax -
Dinner chic covered quickly
And a hundred grams for the mood
Let's raise a toast to Tankman's Day.

And let the sudden anxiety
More than once will raise into battle.
Where the tank goes, there is the road
When we ride in it, you and I.

Hides strong armor and forged metal
Guys have hot hearts and their thoughts are incandescent.
Let the teachings go on, but there will be peace in the world,
And in the heavens, fireworks will ignite the radiance of love.
Let them wait at home, and send letters,
Let life be yours.
And the joy of earthly victories
Will give happiness drive.

They say that the tank is deaf,
I just don't believe the rumors
I know - there are no better tankers,
All such pure souls,
Brave, brave and courageous,
They have an important day today.
Who serves, or in civilian life -
Congratulations to everyone in the tank!

Congratulations on the Tankman's Day - short SMS in verse

With short SMS in verse, you can congratulate friends, relatives and acquaintances on Tanker Day who are far away and on the eve of their celebration continue to serve, protecting the borders of our country from enemies. Write a few warm holiday words to loved ones and tell them how grateful they are for providing a peaceful life in the state. Do not forget to supplement the congratulatory phrases with warm, good wishes for peace, prosperity and every success. On the day of their professional holiday, the military will be extremely pleased to see your news with a sincere, optimistic and joyful text on the phone screen. This will give the celebration a touch of sincerity, and will bring additional cordiality and trust into your relationship.

I congratulate the tanker
On a personal holiday, I wish
Nothing to be afraid
Progress towards your goals!

In an iron war machine
You, friend, have come a long way,
Under the shots on the plain
You fought a lot.

Tankman. How much in this word ...
You are a brave warrior, you are a hero!
May there be more light in life
Your mood will be cheerful.

Bombings are not afraid of the sound,
You are a war machine friend!
We congratulate on the Day of the Tanker
With warmth in the soul and a pure heart,
We wish peace and victories,
Love, kindness and long life!

Congratulations on Tankman's Day to your beloved man

The most tender, inspirational and reverent congratulations on Tankman's Day should be dedicated to your beloved man. Do not skimp on this holiday for kind words, good wishes and beautiful compliments. Tell your dear person how much you love him, how proud you are of his military specialty, and how secure, comfortable and calm you feel next to such a strong, courageous and self-confident man. From such pleasant words spoken on the eve of a significant celebration, even the most severe hearts will melt. The masters of powerful iron machines will be immensely grateful for the understanding, support and respect for their profession, and the festive day will be held in an atmosphere of joy, optimism and will bring only the kindest, sincere and brightest emotions to everyone.

I want you my love
I congratulate you on the day of the tanker
And a lot of happiness with all my heart,
And a lot of joy to wish.

May you always be lucky
Good health will come
Luck will be near
And sadness and sadness will go away!

I'll kiss you hard
Dear tanker.
So I love you
My hero is broad-shouldered.

And a bottle of beer
I'm allowed to drink.
Rest my dear
I won't interfere.

I want for my beloved today
In honor of Tankman's Day, donate poems!
Let only with the permission of the Lord
All your days will always be easy!

Let there be more feats in fate
Let you desperately lucky!
May the strength of the spirit be with you forever,
May joy await on the way through life!

And let my love keep you warm
When you will serve far away!
Let the heart of mutual love thrill,
Let life be easy for you!

Congratulations on Tankman's Day - pictures and postcards

Knowing what date Tanker Day 2016 is coming in Russia and Ukraine, you can have time to prepare well for the holiday and find warm, sincere and sincere congratulations in verse and prose for relatives and friends who are directly related to the tank troops. Friends and good friends on the occasion of a significant date, you can send cool greeting cards with funny pictures by mail or via the Internet. Tankers of all ages and ranks will be incredibly pleased to hear or read inspirational, beautiful congratulatory words and pleasant wishes, spoken or written from the heart.

The profession of a tanker in Russia among military specialties is especially revered by the people, and the songs “Three Tankmen” and “Tanks Rumbled on the Field” are very popular in our peacetime. The tanker is a courageous, brave and strong warrior, a defender, so it was impossible to do without a special day here.

From the history of the Russian tank

The British were the first to invent tanks, but already during the First World War, Russian designers tried to come up with something similar for our army. They made the Tsar Tank and another one, the Porokhovshchikov tank, but they did not participate in the battles.

The very first Russian battle tank was assembled at the famous Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod on August 31, 1920. And even though it looked very much like French, the assembly and all the details were domestic.

In 1929, tank troops were called motorized units; in 1936 - they were renamed armored vehicles, later they were renamed several times, until in 1960 the troops became armored, as they are today.

The most famous Russian tank is the T-34, legendary, which brilliantly showed itself in the heavy battles of the Great Patriotic War and on the Kursk Bulge, and in Stalingrad and beyond, during the liberation of Russia and Europe.

Today in the Russian army tanks T-72, T-80, T-90. But this is far from the last option, designers are developing new machines.

From the history of the tankmen's holiday

In 1946, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by its Decree, established the Day of the Tanker in honor of tank victories on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and for the excellent quality of vehicles made by our designers. Shortly before the publication of the Decree, on September 8, 1946, a parade of the equipment of the Kantemirovskaya division, which to this day is considered the main one in the tank troops, was held in Moscow on Red Square.

For many years, the holiday of tankers was celebrated on September 11 - the day when in 1944 the difficult Military Carpathian operation was completed and the enemy was expelled from the territory of Moldova and Western Ukraine.

In 1980, when Tankman's Day becomes official holiday, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it began to be celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

In 2006, the Decree of the President of Russia "On the Establishment of Professional Holidays ... in the Armed Forces" was issued, and the Tanker's Day was finally legalized, although it was celebrated without official documents.

How the Day of the tanker is celebrated in Russia

Immediately after the war, when the front-line victories of the tankers were still well remembered, and the roads had not yet been repaired, tank parades were held in many cities of the Soviet Union that day, and fireworks from all guns were arranged in the evening. Later, such a demonstration of military power was abandoned, keeping parades only in large cities and on the main holidays of the country. But the role of tankers in our army did not become less honorable from this.

On the Day of the tanker, celebrations are held in the tank troops, and demobilized tankmen look for their old but beloved helmets and celebrate the date with family and friends.

When tank troops drove the enemy across the entire territory of a large country, not a single tanker thought that he was born on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus or Ukraine. All were a single tank crew. Remembering those heroic days, in Belarus and Ukraine Tanker Day is also celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

Tankman's Day is an annual professional holiday for all members of the tank crew, as well as specialists who work in the field of tank building.

The establishment of this day of remembrance aims to increase the level of respect for military specialists, increase the prestige of the tank service, and recognize the merits of professionals to the state.


The emergence of tank troops in Russia falls on the beginning of the 20th century. The first tanks appeared during World War I as part of the British army. Already in 1920, the first tank of domestic production was produced, and 26 years later, the first parade was held on Red Square with the participation of a tank division.

Due to the fact that during the years of the Great Patriotic War the divisions showed considerable heroism, the USSR Presidium in 1946 decided to honor the mechanized troops, as well as specialists in armored vehicles for services to the Motherland, with a holiday. July 11 - became the official holiday of tank crews and tank builders.

In 1980, the date of the celebration was changed to the second Sunday in September. And since 2006 memorable date was awarded the name - Day of the tanker, as evidenced by the decree of the head of government of May 31.

The date was not determined randomly, it identifies the powerful firepower with which the tank divisions in 1944 prevented the breakthrough of the German troops.


On the occasion of Tankman's Day, congratulations are received from the entire population of the country:

  1. Veterans of the tank troops.
  2. Active military armored and mechanized troops.
  3. sp socialists of tank-building factories, including designers, engineers and technicians.

In the first years after the war, in honor of front-line victories in all cities of the USSR, it was customary to organize parades of tank troops, to fire festive volleys from existing guns. Today, parades are held mainly in megacities, but the importance of tankers for the history of the country has remained just as honorable.

On this day, special attention is paid to the achievements of tank builders. Honoring is manifested through the presentation of awards, holding gala concerts, exhibitions and other events.

Tanker Day is designed to honor the memory of the fallen heroes and attract the younger generation to serve for the good of their homeland.