Poems and nursery rhymes for kids for all occasions. Games and Rhymes for Toddlers Modern Nursery Rhymes

The nursery rhyme is a genre of oral folk art. The nursery rhyme helps to teach the little man to understand human speech, to perform various movements that are guided by the word. And the word in the nursery rhyme is directly related to the gesture. That is why even the smallest, newborns, can and should be taught to nursery rhymes. They can help them get to know their body, their activities during the day, mom, dad and the rest of the family through play and communication. Especially popular are nursery rhymes about food, eating with a nursery rhyme the baby will surely surprise you with his good mood and appetite! Names used in nursery rhymes should be replaced with the name of the child to whom you are addressing this nursery rhyme.

Rhymes for getting to know the body

Rhyme number 1

(Alternately bend fingers)

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family.

nursery rhyme number 2

This finger went to the forest,

This finger found a mushroom

This finger has taken its place

This finger will lie tightly,

This finger - ate a lot,

That's why he got pissed off.

nursery rhyme number 3

(Leading the child’s finger along the named parts of the body):

Nose, nose, forehead,

Cheeks, chin.

Ears, eyes,

Mishenka's tales (tickle at this moment).

nursery rhyme number 4

My mouth can eat

Nose to breathe, and ears to listen,

Eyes blink - blink,

Handles - grab everything.

nursery rhyme number 5

Where are our ears?

Listen to the pests!

Where are the eyes?

Watching fairy tales!

Where are the teeth?

Hiding lips!

Well, keep your mouth shut!

nursery rhyme number 6

Here they are in the bed

Pink heels.

Whose heels are these -

Soft and sweet?

Goslings will come running

Pinched at the heels.

Hide quickly, don't yawn

Cover with a blanket!

nursery rhyme number 7

Where are our pens?

Here are our pens!

Where are our legs?

Here are our legs!

And here is Lisa's nose

All overgrown with goats.

But these are the eyes, ears,

Cheeks thick pillows

But what is this? Tummy!

And here is Liza's mouth!

Show me your tongue

Let's tickle your barrel

Let's tickle your barrel.

nursery rhyme number 8

Spider, spider,

Anya grab the barrel.

Frog, frog,

Anya grab by the ear.

Deer, deer,

Grab Anya by the knees.

Doggie, doggie

Anya grab the nose.

Hippo, hippo,

Anya grab the stomach.

Anya grab by the hair.

Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,

Grab Anya by the shoulders.

Swimming with fun

nursery rhyme number 9


silver bottom,

golden shore,

Drive the chips along the waves!

light boat,

golden bottom,

silver fun,

mouse tree,

Green trails.

Swim away, little boat!

nursery rhyme number 10

Hey, alright, alright

We are not afraid of water

We wash clean

We smile at mom.

nursery rhyme number 11

Bunny began to wash

Apparently he was going to visit

Washed my mouth

Washed my nose

washed my ear

Here it is dry

nursery rhyme number 12

We'll go swimming

And splash in the water

splash, frolic,

Nastya will wash.

We wash our feet

Our sweet little one

Let's wash our little hands

Little Nastenka,

Back and tummy

Face and mouth -

What a clean

Dear daughter!

nursery rhyme number 13

Boule, boule, boule, carp.

We wash ourselves in a basin.

Near frogs, fish and ducklings.

nursery rhyme number 14

flowing water,

The child is growing.

Goose water

thinness with Dasha.

water down,

And Dashenka up!

nursery rhyme number 15

Who will be here kup-kup,

By water - squelch-slurp?

In the bath quickly - jump, jump,

In the bath with a leg - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam

And the dirt is going somewhere.

Fun with tears

nursery rhyme number 16

One tooth, two teeth -

Soon Dasha is a year old!

Daughter whimpers again

Let's console Dasha:

Grow your teeth

Little by little, little by little -

Don't let your daughter sleep!

Don't let her play!

Let's jump and jump

Hug Mom gently!

nursery rhyme number 17

Don't cry, don't cry

I will buy a roll.

Don't whine, don't whine

I will buy another.

Wipe your tears

I'll give you three.

nursery rhyme number 18

The pussy hurts

The dog hurts

And my baby


nursery rhyme number 19

The pussy will come slowly

And pet the baby

Meow-meow - the pussy will say

Our baby is fine.

nursery rhyme number 20

Ah, koklya-moklya,

The eyes got wet.

Who will hurt the baby

That goat will gore.

Fun massage

nursery rhyme number 21

Pull-ups, push-ups (stroke from head to toe)

Across the plump

And in the legs - walkers, (move legs)

And in the hands - grabbers, (clench and unclench fists)

And in the ears - I hear, (gently press on the ears)

And in the eyes - peepers, (gently press on the eyes)

And the nose - sopunyushki, (gently press on the nose)

And in the mouth - a talker, (gently press on the mouth)

And in the head - the mind! (gently press on forehead)

nursery rhyme number 22

Let's stroke the hand,

Rub your finger with your finger,

Let's get some rest,

And then we'll start again.

nursery rhyme number 23

Stroking the back.

There is a bay on the wall,

Carries bast shoes on his back,

To the children in the huts,

Gives bast shoes ...

nursery rhyme number 24

They beat flax, they beat (knocking fists on the back)

stoked, stoked (rubbing with palms)

They pounded, they pounded (clap)

Rumpled, rumpled (wiggle fingers)

They rattled, they ruffled (shaking shoulders)

White tablecloths were woven (draw with the edges of the palms)

The tables were set (stroking with palms)

nursery rhyme number 25

Like this week

Two grouse flew in:

Like - pinched,

Like - pecked.


And they flew back.

Arriving at the end of the week

Our lovely aunts.

We will wait for the grouse -

Let's give them crumbs to peck.

We accompany the words with stroking, tingling and shaking the back.

nursery rhyme number 26

Rails, rails (we draw one, then another line along the spine)

Sleepers, sleepers (we draw transverse lines)

The train was running late ("we go" palm on the back)

From the last wagon

Suddenly millet fell (knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)

Chickens came, pecked (tap with index fingers)

The geese came and nibbled (pinching back)

The fox came (stroking the back)

I waved my tail

The elephant passed (“we walk” along the back with the back of our fists)

The elephant passed ("we go" with our fists, but with less effort)

A little elephant passed by. ("Let's go" with three fingers folded into a pinch)

The store manager came (“walk” along the back with two fingers)

Cleaned everything up, cleaned everything up. (stroke the back with palms up and down)

Set up a table (depict - a table with a fist)

Chair, (stool - pinch)

Typewriter. (typewriter with finger)

Started typing: ("print" on the back with fingers)

Wife and daughter

Jing dot. (on these words, every time we tickle the barrel)

I send you stockings

Jing dot.

I read (we move our finger as if we are reading)

Wrinkled, smoothed, ( pinch and then stroke the back)

I read

Wrinkled, smoothed out

Sent. ("we put the letter" behind the collar)

Rhymes about food

nursery rhyme number 27

The soup is thin

But nutritious!

You will be skinny

But chubby!

nursery rhyme number 28

Mom cooked vegetables in a pot.

I put the tastiest thing in there.

Meat, eggs, potatoes, dill

They really want to get into Nastya's mouth.

Let's not hurt them

And we will eat everything that is on the plate.

nursery rhyme number 29

This is a spoon

This is a cup.

In a cup - buckwheat.

The spoon has been in the cup -

Buckwheat porridge is gone!

nursery rhyme number 30

Here the water is cold

Here is a warm

Here is hot

And here - boiling water, boiling water!

nursery rhyme number 31

Well, porridge! So in the mouth and asks!

Nose and cheeks were full.

The chin also got it.

And the little finger tried a little.

They ate a little forehead with the top of their head.

The rest was eaten by the ears!

nursery rhyme number 32

There is a horned goat

For the little guys

Legs top-top,

Clap-clap eyes

Who does not eat porridge

Who does not drink milk -




nursery rhyme number 33

Jacob's wife

Kalachi baked:

Kalachi are hot

Swords behind the window.

The rooks have arrived

They praised the rolls.

nursery rhyme number 34

Tasty porridge is smoking,

Lyosha sits down to eat porridge,

Very good porridge

Eat porridge slowly.

Spoon by spoon

Ate a little.

nursery rhyme number 35

duck duck,

kitten cat,

mouse mouse

Calling for lunch.

The ducks have eaten

The cats have eaten

The mice ate.

Are you not yet?

Where is your spoon?

Eat a little!

nursery rhyme number 36

Clever, Katenka,

Eat sweet porridge

Delicious, fluffy

Soft, fragrant

nursery rhyme number 37

almonds, almonds,

Where were you?

By Grandma.

What did they eat?

What did they drink?

Butter bowl,

Brazhka sweetie,

good grandmother,

Drank, ate

Home, fly! (we wave our hands, and then put them on our heads)

Sat on the head!

The paws sang.

nursery rhyme #38

Here is a good girl.

This girl's name is Masha.

And this is her plate.

And in this bowl...

No, not porridge

No, not porridge

And they did not guess:

Sela Masha,

Ate porridge -

How much did they give!

nursery rhyme number 39

Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki,

The gulls have arrived

The ghouls began to say:

“What should we feed Mashenka with?”

One will say: "porridge",

The other - "yogurt",

The third will say - "milk,

And a ruddy pie.

nursery rhyme number 40

Vanechka, Vanyusha,

Eat all the porridge.

Hit with a spoon

Tap your foot.

Clap your hands

And pet your cat.

nursery rhyme number 41

Kitten in a cup

There was a lot of porridge.

Two grouse flew

Two black grouse ate porridge.

And they shout to the kitten:

Rotozey you, rotozey!

If they gave you porridge,

you need to eat it soon!

nursery rhyme number 42


cooked porridge,

Jumped on the threshold

Called guests.

The guests were not

Didn't eat porridge

All my porridge


I gave it to the kids. (bend fingers)

gave it

gave it

gave it

gave it

But she didn't give it:

Why didn't you cut wood?

Why didn't you carry water?

nursery rhyme number 43

Donut, flatbread

Sitting in the oven

looked at us,

I wanted it in my mouth.

nursery rhyme number 44

shirt, shirt,


Jumped on the threshold

Called guests.

Guests, in the yard -

Porridge, on the table,

Guests from the yard -

Porridge from the table.

nursery rhyme number 45

Our Seryozha fidget,

Doesn't eat lunch.

Sit down, get up, sit down again

And then they ate all the porridge.

nursery rhyme number 46

The cat went to the market,

I bought a cat pie

The cat went to the street

I bought a bun for a cat.

Do you have yourself

Or take down Mashenka?

I'll bite myself

Yes, I'll take Mashenka too.

nursery rhyme number 47

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

Ships sailed in the sea

They brought porridge to Nastya.

Kashenka milk

For my beloved daughter.

Nastya, open your mouth,

Swallow sweet porridge.

Who eats porridge

Listening to mom and dad

Grows up strong

Healthy and beautiful.

nursery rhyme number 48

Deep, not shallow

Ships in bowls.

Luke head -

red carrot,

parsley, potatoes,

A little bit of grits

Here the ship is sailing

Swims right into your mouth!

nursery rhyme number 49


Slava cooked porridge

Covered with a scarf.

And waiting, waiting

Glory will come first?

nursery rhyme number 50

In the kalachi oven,

Like fire is hot.

Who are the livers for?

For Mashenka kalachi,

They are hot for Mashenka.

nursery rhyme number 51

Tili hour, tili hour

now we have lunch

We eat a spoon for mom

We eat a spoon for dad,

For a dog and a cat

the sparrow knocks on the window,

give me a spoon...

Here is the end of lunch.

Nursery rhymes with instructions for children under 3 years old

Finger game for kids from one to two years old "Worms"

We raise our arms, bending at the elbow so that the palms are at shoulder level. To the rhythm of the music, we squeeze and unclench our fists

One, two, three, four, five,
The worms went for a walk.

We make rotational movements "flashlights" with our palms

One, two, three, four, five,
The worms went for a walk.

We make a “crow's head” out of the palms: we connect all the fingers together, pushing thumb portraying a croaking crow????

Suddenly a crow comes running
She nods her head
Croaks: "Here's dinner!"
Look - there are no more worms!

The worms are hiding! We hide the hands behind the back.


Oh, swing, swing, swing,
In the heads of something kalachi,
Gingerbread in the hands
Apples in the legs
Candies on the side
Golden branches.
(Alternately touch the head, arms, legs.)

wide river,
High coast.
(On the first line, hands to the sides, on the second line, stretch your hands up.)

little chin,
Cheeks, cheeks,
Nose, lips.
And behind the lips - the tongue
He is used to being friends with the pacifier.
Eyes, eyes,
Eyebrows, eyebrows,
Lobik, lobik-clever -
Mom doesn't like it.
(Sentence, showing where the eyes, nose, etc.
On the last line, you can kiss your miracle.)


Here we woke up, stretched,
Turned from side to side!
Snacks! Snacks!
Where are the toys, rattles?
You, toy, rattle, raise our baby!

woke up

We are awake, we are awake.
(Handles to the sides, then cross on the chest).
- Sweet, sweet stretched.
(pull handles up)
Mom and dad smiled.

Rhymes for children up to a year

Above the city is a wattle fence.
The animals sat on the wattle fence.
Boasted all day.
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
Bunny boasted:
— Go, catch up!
Hedgehogs boasted:
We have good fur coats!
The bear boasted:
I can sing songs!

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Eat loudly
Do you let the kids sleep?

Like our cat
The coat is very good
Like a cat mustache
amazing beauty,
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

Owl Owl
Owl Owl,
Big head,
Sitting on a stump
turns his head,
Looking in all directions
Yes ka-a-ak
Will fly!
(Raise the child's hands up.)

Here they are in the bed
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
Goslings will come running
Pinched at the heels.
Hide quickly, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!

Silent Pied Piper

Where are our ears?
Listen to the pests!
Where are the eyes?
Watching fairy tales!
Where are the teeth?
Hiding lips!
Well, keep your mouth shut!

- patties, patties,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
Butter bowl,
Brazhka sweetie,
good grandmother,
Drank, ate
Home, fly! (We wave our arms, and then put them on our heads)
Sat on the head!
The paws sang.

Fun for all occasions

We wash with fun

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make the eyes sparkle
To make cheeks blush
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth.

Hey, alright, alright
We are not afraid of water
We wash clean
We smile at mom.

And the eyes?

Here we spread our hands
As if they were surprised.
And each other to the ground
They bowed to the belt!
Bent over, straighten up
Bent over, straightened up.
Down, down, don't be lazy
Bow and smile.
(Exercise with the child. Starting position
- Feet shoulder width apart. Recite the poem, performing the movements.)

Charging with Pinocchio

Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent over
Two - bent over
Three - bent over.
Raised hands to the side,
Apparently the key has not been found.
To get us the key
You need to get on your toes.
(Together with the child, recite a poem,
performing all the movements in the text.)

Getting to know your fingers

(Alternately bend fingers)
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.

This finger went to the forest,
This finger - a mushroom found,
This finger - took place,
This finger will lie tightly,
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got pissed off.

Getting to know the body

Spider, spider,
Anya grab the barrel.
Frog, frog,
Anya grab by the ear.
Deer, deer,
Grab Anya by the knees.
Doggie, doggie
Anya grab the nose.
Hippo, hippo,
Anya grab the stomach.
wasp, wasp,
Anya grab by the hair.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,
Grab Anya by the shoulders.

(substitute your child's name)


Who will be here kup-kup,
By water - squelch squelch?
In the bath quickly - jump, jump,
In the bath with a leg - jerk, jerk!
The soap will foam
And the dirt is going somewhere.

Fun with tears

Ah, koklya-moklya,
The eyes got wet.
Who will hurt the baby
That goat will gore.

Don't cry, don't cry
I will buy a roll.
Don't whine, don't whine
I will buy another.
Wipe your tears
I'll give you three.

We heal wounds

The pussy hurts
The dog hurts
And my baby

Doing a massage

Rails, rails (we draw one, then another line along the spine)
Sleepers, sleepers (we draw transverse lines)
A belated train was driving (we “ride” with a palm on the back)
From the last window
Peas suddenly fell down (we knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)
Chickens came, pecked (knocking with index fingers)
Geese came, pinched (we pinch the back)
The fox came, (stroking the back)
I waved my tail
An elephant passed, (“we go” along the back with the back of our fists)
The elephant has passed, ("we go" with our fists, but with less effort)
A little baby elephant passed. ("Let's go" with three fingers folded into a pinch)
The store manager came, ("we go" on the back with two fingers)
He smoothed everything, cleared everything. (stroke the back with palms up and down)
I put a table (depict - a table with a fist)
Chair, (chair - pinch)
Typewriter. (typewriter - finger)
I began to print: (we “print” on the back with our fingers)
Wife and daughter
Jin-dot. (On these words, every time we tickle the barrel)
I send you stockings
Jing dot.
I read, (we move our finger, as if we are reading)
Crumpled, smoothed, (pinching, and then stroking the back)
I read
Wrinkled, smoothed out
Sent. ("Put the letter" behind the collar) Cooked porridge,
Jumped on the threshold
Called guests.
The guests were not
Didn't eat porridge
All my porridge
I gave it to the kids. (we bend our fingers)
gave it
gave it
gave it
gave it
But she didn't give it:
Why didn't you cut wood?
Why didn't you carry water?

Donut, flatbread
Sitting in the oven
looked at us,
I wanted it in my mouth.

Rhyme entertains and develops the baby. She teaches a small child to understand human speech and perform various movements that are guided by the word. The word in the nursery rhyme is inextricably linked with the gesture. It is the main one and leads the gesture.

After sleep:

Who is already awake?

Who stretched so sweetly?


From toes to toes!

We will stretch - we will stretch, We will not remain small!

That's how, that's how we grow, grow!

Let's go with our feet, let's go!

We woke up,

We woke up.

Sweet, sweet stretched.

Mom and dad smiled.

For washing:


Wash our face

To make the eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth.

Give me your hands
Get up out of bed
Let's go wash
Where can we find water!

From the water, from the water
Everything sparkles with smiles!
From the water, from the water
Cheerful flowers and birds!
Tanya is washing
The sun is smiling!

Ay, alright, alright, alright
We are not afraid of water
We wash clean
We smile at mom.
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes
Where are you hiding, water!
Come out, vodka,
We've come to bathe!
Lean on the palm
In it, a leg.
Run, run, run
Dare -
Baby wash your face more fun!
And the eyes?

We know, we know - yes, yes, yes!
Water is hiding in the faucet!
Come out, vodka!
We've come to bathe!
Leak a little
Right on the palm!
The soap will foam
And the dirt is going somewhere!

My hands before and after a meal with a nursery rhyme:
almonds, almonds,
Wash my paws with soap.
clean palms,
Here's some bread and spoons for you.

Wash Nastya's face,
Nastya ate porridge,
She messed up her muzzle.
For the girl to be
Always the cleanest
Help, vodka
Wash Nastya's face.

For feeding:

This is a spoon

This is a cup

Buckwheat in a bowl

The spoon has been in the cup -

Buckwheat porridge is gone!

How so?

Well, porridge! So in the mouth and asks!

Nose and cheeks were full.

The chin also got it. And little finger

I tried a little. Ate a little

The forehead with the top of the head, the rest of the ears finished off!

When a baby cries



Where did you come from?

By tram or train

Did you get Masha?

No, nobody asked you to spoil the mood!

Maybe we didn't cry

Did it rain?

After the walk:

Why are they so good

Our kids have become:

Scarlet sponges

Teeth are white

Are the cheeks pink?

Yes, we are from the cold!


Enjoy sweet tea!

For massage:

Podyagunyushki, porastunyushki (stroke from head to heels)
Across the plump
And in the legs - walkers, (we move the legs)
And in the hands - grabbers, (squeeze and unclench fists)
And in the ears - I hear the ears, (gently press on the ears)
And in the eyes - peeks, (gently press on the eyes)
And the nose - sopunyushki, (gently press the nose)
And in the mouth - a talker, (gently press on the mouth)
And in the head - the mind! (gently press on forehead)

(stroke the baby from head to toe)
From toes to toes!
We'll stretch, we'll stretch
Let's not be small!
We are growing, growing, growing!
for tummy massage:
(stroke the tummy clockwise)
pink tummy
Purring like a cat
purred puppy
Bubbling a stream.
Oh, you belly, belly,
Who lives inside there?
Who interferes with the bainki
Little bunny?
We'll stroke the bellies
Thick watermelons.
Sleeping puppy, sleeping kitten.
The child is smiling.

* * *
In the meadow, in the meadow (stroking the tummy clockwise)
There is a bowl of cottage cheese (put your hand on your tummy),
Two black grouse arrived (we pinch the barrel from the bottom up)
Pecked (two fingers run over the tummy)
Flew away (stroking the baby)

Rails, rails. (we draw one, then another line along the spine)
Sleepers, sleepers. (we draw transverse lines)
The train was running late. ("we go" palm on the back)
From the last wagon
Suddenly there was wheat. (knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)
The chickens came and pecked. (tap with index fingers)
The geese came and nibbled. (pinching back)
The fox came, (stroking the back)
She waved her tail.
An elephant passed, (“we go” along the back with the back of our fists)
The elephant has passed, ("we go" with our fists, but with less effort)
A little elephant passed by. ("Let's go" with three fingers folded into a pinch)
The store manager came, (“we walk” along the back with two fingers)
Cleaned everything up, cleaned everything up. (stroke the back with palms up and down)
I put the table, (depict the table with a fist)
Chair, (chair - pinch)
Typewriter. (typewriter - finger)
Began to print: ("print" on the back with fingers)
Wife and daughter
Jing dot. (on these words, every time we tickle the barrel)
I send you stockings
Jing dot.
I read it (we move our finger as if we are reading)
Crumpled, smoothed, (pinching, and then stroking the back)
I read
Wrinkled, smoothed out
Sent. ("Put the letter" behind the collar)

Looking at the baby
Mom strokes the back:
A fish swims in the sea
The squirrel sweeps its tail,
Like a cloud in the sky
We stroked the barrel.
How snowflakes fly
So we stroke the back!

Pow - a spider web sewed!
(move finger around)
Suddenly it started to rain
(tap fingers)
Washed away the web!
(stroke from top to bottom)
The sun came out
It began to bake
(stroke from bottom to top)
Pow - the spider is working again!
(move finger around)

for foot massage:
(sentence, stroking the foot)
Little foot
I ran along the path
little heel,
Patch on the heel
(pinch heel)

Sleeping Bear on the bed.
Hanging from the crib
Two bare heels.
Two barefoot, two funny,
Oh funny heels!
The mouse saw
The mouse is a naughty
Climbed into bed
Grab him by the heel!

to get to know the body:

Where are our pens?
Here are our pens!
Where are our legs?
Here are our legs!
And here is Mishin's nose
All overgrown with goats.
And here are the eyes
And here are the ears
But these cheeks are thick pillows,
Well, what is this? Stomach!
And here is Mishin's mouth!
Show me your tongue
I'll tickle your barrel.
My mouth can eat
Nose to breathe, and ears to listen,
Eyes blink - blink,
Handles - grab everything.
Wall, wall (touch the cheeks in turn)
Ceiling (forehead)
Two windows (eyes)
Door (mouth)
ZZZZvonok (click on the nose)

Sitting two bears
On a thin bitch
One whipped sour cream (whisk),
Another grinded flour (we pray)
One poo, two poo
Both sank into agony.
Mouth in flour (show mouth), nose in flour (show nose)
Ear in sour milk. (show ears)

For swimming:

The water is cold here...

Here the water is cold, here it is warm,

Here - hot, and here - boiling water, boiling water!

Who will be here kup-kup, (touched the water with your hand, patted the water with your hand)

By water - squelch-slurp? In the bath quickly - jump, jump,

In the bath with a leg - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam, and the dirt will go somewhere.

That's when I become an adult
And I want to swim
I'll get in myself
To the big bath
I open both taps.
I rub my stomach and back
And freckles on the nose.
Wrap myself in a sheet
And I'll take you to bed!

We'll go swimming
And splash in the water
splash, frolic,
Nastya will wash.
We wash our feet
Our sweet little one
Let's wash our little hands
Little Nastenka,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
What a clean
Dear daughter!

(drying the baby after bathing)
Did we wash our hands? Washed!
Did we wash our feet? Washed!
Did we wash our back? Washed!
And now we are pure fluffy hares!

Before bedtime:

Lyuli, lyuli, cradles, gray gulenki fly.

The ghouls are flying out, out. They bring the baby a dream, a dream.

The ghouls will coo, the baby will sleep soundly.

Ghouls will say what to feed the baby.

They will fly into the woods and find a spikelet there,

They will cook porridge, they will feed the baby,

White porridge with milk and ruddy pie.

The fairy tale goes home,

On high towers,

Wait for her, close your eyes.

Sleep, peephole, Sleep, other

A good fairy tale will come

A good heart will find

Wait for her, close your eyes

Sleep, eye

Sleep, other.

Trim nails with fun:
Who is this with us? little finger!
Ran with a friend to the store!
I bought toys
Sweet cheesecakes!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clap, clap!
Hello, ring finger!
Like a tin soldier
Always on post
And it looks menacing!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clap, clap!
Who is it here? Middle finger!
Played with a puppy in the front
Hiding, laughing
Tumbling on the floor!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clap, clap!
index finger -
Very inquisitive!
Who is this? How is that?
When asked, he is a master!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clap, clap!
This is our big toe!
Get a haircut with all your heart!
He's in a good mood
Ate strawberry jam!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clap, clap!

Rhymes - consolations:

The pussy is in pain
The dog is in pain
And my baby

Recovery complex:

Oh my little darling

My pretty, my pretty.

Oh, my girl, golden squirrel,

Sweet candy, lilac twig!

Here comes the mouse to visit,

She put on a bow on her ponytail.

Ding, ding, donna, donna,

Is (child's name) at home today?

Run your fingers up the child's arm to the earlobe.

and pull on it ("call")

The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room.

We clap our hands -

Very happy with the sun.

sun, sun,

Look out the window

Shine a little

I'll give you peas!

Rain, rain, more fun!

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window in vain -

Spray in the field is better:

Like the Sun's name day
Bake a clay cake
That's the width!
Here is such a height!

Sipping on the handles in a sitting position:
That's how to grow
Come visit me
That's how to grow
We are happy.

The child sits on your lap, and you imitate various types of movement:

On flat paths
Over the bumps, over the bumps
By bumps
Yes, in the hole - boom!
Killed forty flies

Two firefighters ran
(point to one, then the other cheek of the baby)
And they pressed the button - beep!
(finger press on the child's nose).

While reading, you imitate the actions of the characters, reinforce the answers “yes” and “no” with head movements, and also encourage the baby to do so.

Who lives under the ceiling? Dwarf.
What did he build for himself? House.
Well, how long does he live? Year.
Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?
Cat, cat, cat.
Who runs with him on the roof?
Mice, mice, mice.
Well, what's his name?
Skrut, Skrut.
Does he have a beard? Yes Yes.
And the shirt-front, and the vest?
No no no.
He's naughty, right?

Who lives there little
He gets up early in the morning
Drinking milk from a saucer
Likes to lick chiffchaffs,
Likes to wag its tail
Washes with a paw.
What is it called?

Rhyme - exercises for fingers

My little finger, where have you been?
I cooked cabbage soup with the Nameless One,
And with the Middle I ate porridge,
With the index sang.
And the Big One met me
And treated me to candy.

They sort out the fingers of the child in turn, saying:
- Boy-finger,
Where have you been?
-I went to the forest with this brother,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother.

The finger is thick and big
I went to the garden for plums,
Pointer from the threshold
Showed him the way
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks plums off the branch
The nameless collects, and the little finger is the gentleman
Plants bones in the ground.

One, two, three, four, five!
Let's count fingers
Strong, friendly
All so necessary.
On the other hand five:
One, two, three, four, five!
Fingers are fast, though not very clean!
A lot of trouble for fingers:
They play patty
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Grandma's torn books...
Having redone all things,
They pull the tablecloth from the table.
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Friendly fingers, all so necessary!
This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jump into bed,
This finger has already taken a nap,
This finger is already asleep.
This one is fast asleep
And he tells you to sleep.

This finger went to the forest.
This finger mushroom found
This finger began to clean
This finger began to fry
This finger got up and ate
That's why he got fat!

What legs, what legs
You, our baby!
Neither dog nor cat
We will not give your legs.
These legs, these legs
They will run along the track.

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess. (in general, there is the last word in each line - 3 times)
Let's jump with you
And kicking our legs
And clap our hands
And let's stomp our feet.
(“run” up the handle, saying)

It's no secret that a baby is extremely important. Scientists have long established that in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the brain areas responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, by stimulating the movements of the fingers and hands of the baby, we greatly contribute. That is why finger games are so valued by teachers and are widely used in classes with children.

In addition to a huge impact on the development of speech, finger games help develop coordination, attention, memory of the child, the ability to concentrate, and also help develop imagination (try to immediately understand that arms folded in a corner above your head are a roof, and if you wave your arms, then you immediately turn into a butterfly). And, of course, finger games give the child and mother a whole storm of positive emotions, enrich their communication with bright colors.

In this article, I want to present you my selection of finger games that are best for babies from 6 months to 1 year old. In addition, in the article you will find rhymes that will help your baby learn the main parts of the face and body in a fun and quick way. My daughter and I always enjoyed playing to these funny rhymes. And these games helped me a lot to entertain my daughter during car trips.

At first, you can make the necessary movements with your baby’s hands, but soon he will cope without your help. I also want to note that you should not practice for a long time finger games, you need to finish before the child gets tired of the game (usually no more than 5-8 minutes).

Finger games for babies from 6 months

Sweeties, sweeties! (clap hands)
Where were you? By Grandma!
What did they eat? Porridge!
What did they drink? Brazhka.
Sweet porridge,
Brasha is young.
Drank, ate
Kshi-kshi, fly! (we wave our hands)
Sat on the head! (put hands on head)
Sit down, sit down
And they flew away again! (we wave our hands again)
I knock with a hammer (knock fist on fist)
I want to build a house. (we put our hands over our heads, depicting a "roof")
I'm building a tall house! (raise handles up)
I will live in that house! (again we fold our hands above our heads, depicting a "roof")
There was a lock on the door (we interlock our fingers in the lock (if it doesn’t work out, just put the fist to the fist) and wave up and down)
Who could open it?
We broke, we twisted (we turn the handles linked into the lock)
Beat, beat (we shake our hands without disengaging our fingers)
And they opened it! (open hands)
Dariki-dariki, (clap hands)
Mosquitoes flew. (Pinch fingers together)
Curled, twisted, (show how they fly)
They grabbed the nose! (mother touches the baby's nose, option - in the handle, in the leg ...)
Building, building, building a house (we put alternately our hand and the baby’s hand, then again ours and the baby’s)
We put the cube on the cube.
Here is the road, here is the garage , (we run our fingers over the child’s body, laying some kind of “route”)
Here is our house built. (we connect the palms above the head, depicting a roof)
palms up, (hands up)
palms down, (hands down)
And now them on the barrel
And clenched into a fist. (clench hands into fists)

Poems for Studying Parts of the Body and Face

When pronouncing lines of poems, touch the corresponding parts of the baby's body, or show on your body. It is better to do this and that so that the associations in the baby’s head are not limited to any one experience.

What is the daughter's legs for?
To run on the track!
Why do daughter ears?
To listen to rattles!
What is the daughter's mouth for?
To drink milk from mom!
Why do daughter eyes?
To look at the world of paint!
What is the daughter's back for?
To wallow on the sheet!
Why does the daughter have a priest?
To clap her hand!
Why was the daughter born?
To make mom happy! (kiss, hug the baby)
My mouth can eat
nose to breathe,
And ears to listen
Eyes - blink, blink
Handles - grab everything, grab it.
There lived a bunny
long ears,
Frostbitten bunny
Nose on the edge.
Frostbitten nose,
Frozen tail!
And went to warm up
Visit the kids!
Big feet
We walked along the road:
Top top top
small feet
Run along the path:
Top top top
Where are you running, legs?
Where are you running, legs?
On the summer path
From hillock to hillock
For a berry in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll dial you
black blueberry,
Scarlet strawberry.
Here they are in the bed
pink heels
Whose heels are these
Soft and sweet?
Goslings will come running
Pinched at the heels.
Hide quickly, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!
These are eyes to see.
This is a nose to breathe.
These are ears to hear.
These are legs for running.
These are the handles to mom
Hug very tight.
The cat washes his paw
Looks like he's going to visit
Washed out the nose.
Washed out the mouth.
Washed my ear.
Wiped dry.

A few more rhymes for fun and bright communication with the baby

Play massage

The dog is baking pies in the kitchen. (deep kneading of the back with palms)
The cat in the corner is crushing crackers. (tapping on the back)
The cat in the window is sewing a dress. ( pinching)
A hen in boots sweeps a hut. (stroking)
The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby.
“Meow-meow,” the pussy will say, “
Our baby is good!
Let's go on a horse
The path is smooth and smooth.
We were invited by a neighbor
Eat sweet pudding.
We arrived for dinner
There is no neighbor at home.
Two dogs on the doorstep
We were told very strictly:
Woof woof woof.
food food
To the grandmother, to the grandfather
On a horse
In a red hat
On a flat path
On one leg
In an old shoe
On potholes, on bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly ... into the hole
Grow, Taya, higher,
To the chorus, to the roof.
Grow up, don't pamper
Mum and dad please.
Grow with timber thickness
Yes, from the heights of the house!
A lot of trouble for fingers:
They play patty
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Grandma's torn books...
Having redone all things,
They pull the tablecloth from the table.
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Friendly fingers
All so necessary!
Knocked legs
On a flat path
Knocked many times -
We'll have fun.
Hit harder with your fist,
Just don't feel sorry for the hands
We will knock with a fist
And we'll spin around.
A goat walked along the bridge
And wagged her tail
Caught on the railing -
It landed right in the river!
Mice lead a round dance,
A cat is napping on a couch.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake the cat Vaska.
Here Vaska the cat wakes up,
Will break the whole dance!
Daisies on the lawn
The beetle flew in a colored shirt.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I am friends with daisies.
Quietly swinging in the wind
I bow down low.

Also take a look at the following articles. In them you will also find many wonderful rhymes that will help you communicate interestingly with a baby up to a year old and a little older.