Outdoor games for children of the younger group. Card file of games for children of the first junior group Games with 1 junior group

Olga Burakova
Card file of outdoor games for the first junior group

Movable games and game exercises for children 2-3 years of age

"Legs walked along the path" (

tasks. Encourage children to walk independently. Learn to walk in one direction. Have fun interacting with an adult. Inspire confidence in your abilities.

“Our legs walked Come on, more fun top top,

Straight down the track, top top. These are our legs, top top,

Here we are as we can, top-top, Walking along the path.


Tasks. Enrich the motor experience of children. Make you want to play with an adult. Encourage the independence of children, the manifestation of initiative.

"Rain, rain, sun, sun,

Enough for you, rain, to pour, Shine a little,

The children are sitting at home, the children will go out for a walk,

Like birds in a cage. They will run and play."

Children get up and run around group, clap their hands, stomp their feet, jump or do "spring" imitating an adult and showing their independence. Under the words of the teacher "It's raining again" The kids run to the houses.

"Get in the hoop"

Tasks. Develop climbing skills and agility. To evoke a feeling of joy from communicating with an adult.


Tasks. Promote the development of back muscles. Have fun interacting with an adult.


Tasks. Encourage them to imitate birds. Improve brisk walking. To evoke the joy of communicating with an adult.

“A bird sat on the window, sit, don’t fly away,

Sit with us for a while, The bird has flown away - ah!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the bird children fly away, waving their wings-hands.

"Pass the ball"

Tasks. Learn to pass the ball with both hands and receive it. Develop attention. Maintain independence in action.

"Bear and Children"

Tasks. Learn to run in one direction, act in accordance with the words of an adult. Get pleasure from working together. Encourage children's independence.

“The bear walked through the forest, He searched for a long, long time,

The bear was looking for children, He sat down on the grass, dozed off.

The bear walks group and pretends that is looking for children. Then he sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and takes a nap. caregiver He speaks:

“The children began to dance, Mishka, Mishka, get up,

They started banging their feet. Catch up with our children."

Under these words, the children run around the room, stomp their feet, perform movements as they wish. The adult encourages them.


Tasks. Learn to move in a certain direction, coordinate actions with other children. Instill a sense of confidence in your abilities. Encourage independent action.

Game Options

1. The role of the locomotive is performed by the child.

1. Children are offered to get off at the bus stop where they play, pick flowers, etc.

3. The game can be played with the singing of the following songs:

“Here our train is going, He took the guys

Wheels are knocking, Far, far away.

And in this train But here is the stop,

The guys are sitting. Who wants to get down?

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo. Get up guys

A locomotive is running Let's go for a walk!

far, far away

After these words, the kids scatter around group or area. At the signal of an adult, they stand one after another, depicting wagons.

Come to me

Game progress. The adult moves away from the child a few steps and beckons him to him, affectionately sentencing: "Come to me, my good!" When the child comes, the teacher hugs: "What a good Kolya came to me!" The game is repeated.

Parsley came

Material. Parsley, rattles.

Game progress. The teacher brings Petrushka, examines it with the children.

Parsley rattles a rattle, then distributes rattles to children. Together with Petrushka, they shake their rattles and rejoice.

Blowing soap bubbles

Game progress. The teacher on a walk blows soap bubbles. Tries to get bubbles by shaking the straw rather than blowing into it. Counts how many bubbles can be held on the tube at a time. Tries to catch all the bubbles on the fly before they hit the ground. He steps on a soap bubble and asks the children in surprise where he disappeared. Then he teaches each child to blow soap bubbles.

(Tightening the muscles of the mouth is very helpful for developing speech.)

Game progress. The teacher holds the child's hands and walks in a circle, sentencing:

Around the rose bushes

Among the herbs and flowers,

We are circling, we are circling a round dance.

Before that we were spinning

that fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, both "fall" to the ground. Option games:

around the rose bushes.

Among the herbs and flowers,

We drive, we drive a round dance.

How do we end the circle?

We suddenly jump together

GAY! Adult and child jump together.

sun bunnies

Material. Small mirror.

Game progress. The educator lets out sunbeams with a mirror and speaks when this: Sunbeams Playing on the wall. Beckon them with your finger, Let them run to you!

At the signal "Catch the bunny!" the kids are trying to catch him.

The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

Let's spin

Material. Two teddy bears.

Game progress. The teacher takes the bear, hugs it tightly to him and spins around with him. He gives another bear to the baby and asks him to also spin around, clutching the toy to himself.

Then the adult reads the rhyme and acts in accordance with its content. The child follows him with the same movements.

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And then I'll stop.

I'll spin around quickly.

Quietly, I'll circle around

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And I'll fall to the ground!

Hide the bear

Game progress. The teacher hides a large toy familiar to the child (like a bear) so that it is slightly visible. talking: "Where is the bear?", looking for him with the child. When the baby finds the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find it. After playing with the bear, the teacher himself hides, loudly saying "ku-ku!" When the child finds him, he runs across and hides in another place. At the end of the game, the adult offers the child to hide.

Round dance with a doll

(performed with two or three children)

Material. Medium sized doll.

Game progress. The teacher brings a new doll. She greets the children, stroking each on the head. The adult asks the children to take turns holding the doll by the hand. The doll invites you to dance. The teacher puts the children in a circle, takes the doll by one hand, gives the other to the child, and together with the children moves in a circle to the right and left, singing a simple children's melody.

Gorobets Marina Valerievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "UNDS of a general developmental type No. 36 "Birch"
Locality: Yakutia, Oymyakonsky district, Ust-Nera settlement
Material name: methodical development
Topic:"Games for children of the 1st junior group"
Publication date: 03.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Hospital games.

Situation game. "Bunny got sick"
The educator-doctor plays a dialogue with a bunny-patient (toy). Doctor. The hospital opens. I am a doctor. Who came to see me? Bunny Patient (mournfully). I am doctor. Doctor. Sit down, patient. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? A patient. I have a cough, my ears hurt. Doctor. Let me listen to you. Breathe deeply. (Listens to the patient on the pipe.) You are coughing heavily. Show your ears. Ears are inflamed. And now we need to measure the temperature. Take a thermometer. High temperature. You need to take medicine. This. (gives a bottle.) Pour into a spoon and drink every day. Did you understand? A patient. Yes. I will take the medicine as you ordered. Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.
Hospital games.

Game-situation "The doctor came to us"
The teacher points to the toys sitting on the couch - a bunny, a bear, a doll, a hedgehog - and says: “What a queue in the hospital! Animals, are you all sick? But the doctor went to the sick, and there are no more doctors. What to do? We urgently need a doctor. Who will treat the sick? Lena, will you be a doctor, treat sick little animals? Put on a robe. Now you are a doctor. Call the patients to the office. "doctor" listens to the sick, looks at the throat, gives medicines. Educator. doctor, we have an office in the hospital where ears and nose are heated. I am a nurse, I give injections. Your patients will come to me. Patients are being admitted. The nurse helps the doctor: writes out a prescription, heats the ears and nose with appliances, and makes injections. The teacher says: “I must go home, my work is over. Who will be the nurse? Olya, go work for me. Bring dolls to Olya for treatment. She gives injections well, it doesn't hurt at all. The game continues.
Store Games

Game-situation "Make purchases"
The teacher takes the bag and says, without turning to the children: “I will go to the store, I need to buy flour. There is a line in the store. What are they selling? Flour sugar. Here's Rita's doll. Rita what are you
want to buy? flour? I'll line up behind you. Who is our seller? (Turns to the girl.) Lisa, are you a salesman today? Rita and I came to your store.” Buyer (teacher). Hello, I want to bake a cake, I need flour. give me one packet of flour. Seller (child) Here, take it. Buyer. I still need something for stuffing. I love cabbage pies. Is there cabbage? Salesman. There is. Buyer. Give me a head of cabbage. And now I need cottage cheese, I'll bake cheesecakes. I love cheesecakes with raisins. Do you have cottage cheese and raisins? Salesman. There is. Buyer. Are there any gingerbread? Are they mint or chocolate? Salesman. Mint. Buyer. I'll take gingerbread. Thank you. My daughter will be pleased. She loves pies and cookies. Goodbye!
Store Games

Game-situation "What to wear on the legs?
The teacher turns to the doll standing barefoot: Katya, why do you have bare feet? You can freeze! Someone to take pity on you. Where is your mother? Olya, isn't your daughter running around barefoot? Then you won’t get enough trouble with her: the neck will hurt, the temperature will rise, it will be impossible to walk. (Olya goes up to the doll and takes it in her arms.) Where are her shoes? Not? Then you have to go to the store. Let's go pick up your daughter's shoes. I work in a shoe store. There are a lot of goods. Take a bag. The teacher and the girl go to the store. Seller (teacher). In our store, you can pick up whatever you want. What shoes do you want to buy? Boots? Buyer (child) Yes. Salesman. Do you prefer red or white shoes? Buyer. Red. Salesman. Try on your daughter's shoes. Did they fit her? Buyer (trying on shoes for the doll). Come up. Salesman. Thank you for your purchase. You are happy? Buyer. Yes. Thank you.

Hair Salon Games

Game-situation "Fashionable hairstyle"
Option 1. The teacher asks the doll where she made such a beautiful hairstyle. The doll "responds" that she went to the hairdresser's. The teacher reports that he is opening a hairdressing salon and invites the children to visit it. Educator. Polina's doll came to me. Polina, what do you want to do with your hair? Haircut? Hairstyle. Then sit back. (Does her hair.) The hair is ready. Look in the mirror. Like? goodbye. Who's next for me? Hello Petya, can I cut your hair? Sit down. Here are the scissors, here is the comb. The haircut is ready. Do you like it? Come again. Option 2 The teacher says: “I am a hairdresser. The queue is long, it's hard for me to work alone. Who will work as a hairdresser with me? Lena, let's work together. Here the bear came to get a haircut. Lena works, imitating the teacher. children come with toys or act as customers themselves. Educator. All right, I've finished my work. I'm going to the hospital, my throat hurts. Who will replace me? Lisa, be a hairdresser instead of me. Will you work with Lena? A new hairdresser arrives - Lisa - and takes clients.
mail games

Game-situation "Postman brings a telegram"
The teacher plays the role of a postman. He knocks on the door and says, “Open the door for the postman! Lena, open the door for me, please. Hello children, I am a postman, do you recognize me? I have a cap, a shoulder bag. I bring mail. You received a letter: "Dear children, I congratulate you on the New Year, your Santa Claus." Do you know who Santa Claus is? He brings gifts to children. And here is another letter. It was written by Katya's grandmother. She invites Katya to the village, to visit. Katya, read the letter. Who wants to write a letter to grandma? Write, I will send a letter by mail.
Game-situation "A package has arrived."
The teacher brings the parcel and informs the children that it came from the mother of the Goat. He says: “The goat loves her kids, gives them milk, protects them from the wolf. Goat sent
fresh sour cream for children. What will we send to the goat? Let's send her apples in a parcel. Children take balloons and put them in a parcel. The goat will be delighted, treat her kids. The teacher gives the parcel to the children, and they play on their own: they put various gifts in it (for grandmother, for mother, for dolls).
Toy Animal Games

Game-situation "Games with a Bug" No. 1
The teacher approaches the toy dog ​​and turns to the playing children: “A dog is walking near our kindergarten. What her name is, I don't know. Who is her owner? Misha, are you? Why did you go so far, your dog got scared. Look, she pressed her ears, frightened looks around. (The child takes the dog.) Dog, do you love your master? Do you, Misha, love your dog? Come on guys, let's ask the dog's owner what his name is. (The child calls the name of the dog.) Her name is Bug. What can she do? Bug, can you jump? Jump over the stick (The boy holds the stick, and the teacher takes the dog - and the dog "jumps over the barrier.") Well done, Bug. One more time, one more time Do you want to eat, bug? Soon the owner will feed you. Where is your bowl? (The child gives “food” to the dog, she “eats.”) Look, Mishenka, your dog is wagging its tail, whining happily, cuddling. She ate and cheered up. And now, Bug, you can go to sleep. Where is your place? On the rug? Where's the rug? (The child shows.) Then the children play with the dog on their own.
Toy Animal Games

Game-situation "Circus of animals" No. 2
The teacher hangs a poster on the board on which animals are drawn and says: “Attention, attention! The circus came to us today. Trained animals will perform in the circus! Hurry, hurry! “There are funny animals in the circus: a monkey, a lion, tiger cubs. Dear viewers, Would you like to buy tickets? The teacher distributes “tickets to the circus” to the children and says: “The lion is the first to perform. He knows how to jump: ap! Once again: wow! (Demonstrates jumping of a toy lion over the crossbar) Well done! Let's clap. Now comes the tiger. He also knows how to jump high through the hoop. (Demonstrates the jump of a toy tiger.) He jumped beautifully, deftly! Let's slap him too. Agile monkey can swing on a swing:
up down! Up down! (Demonstrates the skills of a toy monkey.) And here is a parrot, he can sing couplets: I am a parrot, I sit on a branch, I sing songs in a cage. Take your ticket and come! The performance of the animal artists is over. Goodbye!" Animals go to bow, children applaud. Note. After 1-2 days, the game can be repeated, and then the equipment can be left in the group for children to play independently.
Doll games

Game-situation "Meet the dolls"
The dolls are sitting on the couch. The teacher brings another doll and tells the sitting dolls, arousing the curiosity of the children playing nearby: “Hello, dolls. You are resting? A friend came to you, a doll Vera. Do you want to get to know her?” Doll Vera gets to know all the dolls. The teacher invites the children who come closer to introduce their dolls to Vera. The teacher gives the children different instructions: to offer tea to the Olya doll, to transplant the Katya doll closer to the window, to treat the Nastya doll to a pie. Thus, children remember the names of the dolls and call them during the game, answering the teacher's questions: "Who is sitting closer to the window?" Who drinks tea? Who did they give the pie to? Game option (for children over 2.5 years old). Children themselves can come up with names for the dolls.
Doll games

Game-situation "The Doll of Faith has a new wardrobe"
The teacher is carrying a closet on a toy car. He stops the car next to the doll corner and announces: “A new cabinet was brought in by a truck from a furniture store. Where to unload? ”The children run up to the car, the teacher asks the boys to help with unloading, and the girls to choose a place for the closet. He praises the purchase, discusses with the children whether the dolls brought a good wardrobe. Children, together with the teacher, examine it, open the doors, discuss what can be put in the closet. Educator (puppets). Dolls, we bought a closet for your new girlfriend at the store. Now Vera can store her outfits there. Vera, you have many helpers, they will collect your clothes (Turns to the children.) Let's help Vera? Kolya, what shall we put on the shelf? hat? Here, Vera, Kolya has a hat on the shelf, and now you have it too. Lena, shoes where
put? Help us, please bring boots. Where's the jacket? We'll hang it on a hanger. Look, Vera, everything is in its place: both clothes and shoes are in the closet. You can go for a walk Variant of the game. The teacher turns to the children: “Moms, are your daughters’ clothes in order?” The children themselves lay out the clothes of their dolls.
Game-situation "We clean the room"
The teacher says to the children: Vera has finally recovered. We can all sort things out together. Who will take the vacuum cleaner? Take it, Galya. Who is the rag? Take it, Valya. Misha, bring us some water. Let's start, perhaps. Our faith is so clean. She likes the room to be clean and beautiful. Vera is sweeping, Valya is washing the floor, Galya is dusting. Misha, help move the chairs. You guys are good at it. The floor is shiny, there is no dust. Together it turns out quickly: one-two and - it's ready! Look around - cleanliness! Vera is a good hostess. And you guys, well done - tried. Now rest, workers."
Game - the situation "The new doll gets acquainted with the play corner."
The teacher brings a new doll to the group and says that her name is Christina. The children are looking at the doll. The teacher begins to show the doll a play area: a kitchen, a bedroom, etc. children help the doll get used to it: they show kitchen utensils, the contents of wardrobes, bathing accessories, etc. Game option (for children over 2.5 years old). Children are given greater independence: they can name and show objects on their own initiative. Game-situation New doll gets acquainted with the play corner
Games with cars and other vehicles

Game-situation The car is driving down the street»
The teacher approaches a child carrying a toy car, asks what he is doing, where his car is going. If the child finds it difficult, he tells him a game situation: the car drives around the city, then to the garage. The educator, with the help of showing, advice, helps the child to diversify the game actions: roll the car back and forth, drive it with turns, obstacles (driving around them). To a specific place, object. Helps the child feel like a driver who can plan his actions: “I will go to the garage”, “I need a dacha. Note: by the age of 3, the child gradually gets used to the role, calls himself a driver, that is, takes on this role.

Game-situation "The car wants to be clean"
The teacher approaches a row of toy cars and, unobtrusively attracting the attention of the children, says in a surprised tone: “There are a lot of cars! Sasha, do you know why there is a queue? Cars rush to the wash. All cars like to be clean. Who works at the car wash? Are you Alyosha? Then go quickly, the cars are waiting. Dirty cars should not drive around the city. Here is one car washed, now another one. We need car washers. Who else will be our washers? Zhenya, Seryozha are coming to us. Take hoses, rags, buckets. Wash cars. It turns out smart! One-two, the windows sparkled! Three or four, the doors are clean! Wheels need to be washed too. All cars were washed. Listen to what Alyosha's car says. Now I am clean. and the radiant sun Shines with sparks, Lighter forest and meadow. Through the dusty glass There was a dark lawn, Now both the forest and the street Have suddenly turned green. You can go further. Who is going where? Maybe we're on our way? I am in the garage. Sasha, where are you going? (To the city.) And you, Zhenya? (To the dacha.) Let's go!
Game-situation "Teddy bear repairs a car"
The teacher starts the game: he takes the teddy bear and puts it near the typewriter. Bear cub. Today I'm going to visit, I was invited to his bunny. I'll start the motor. Rrr... Oh, it won't start. What's the matter? I will try again. Rrr... Again stalled. What to do? Why won't my car start? It's broken? (Cries.) Educator (talks to himself). Teddy bear is unlucky today. The car does not obey him, does not start. (Turns to the guys.) Drivers, do you have the tools for repairs? Sasha, give me the wrench. Thank you. Here, teddy bear, is a wrench. I'll show you how to spin. Sasha, help him tighten the nut. It works out well. Also, you have to knock here. Zhenya, give me a hammer. Knock. And the bear cub will take machine oil and lubricate the parts for now. All is ready. Sasha, start the engine. Little bear, push the car. Rrr... Rrr... The engine growled, hummed, snorted: rrr... Rrr... Woo. Fyr-r-r... Teddy bear thanks you. Thanks guys. Bear cub. I went to visit! Goodbye! (Sings.) You buzz harder, motor. I am a skilled driver. It is necessary - I turn the steering wheel to the left, I turn the nut, I will give a signal to buzz - the driver must be able to do everything.

building material games

Game-situation "Let's build a tower for the princess"
The teacher brings a beautiful princess doll to the group, puts her on a chair and tells her: “Princess, your house will be built soon. We must choose a good place. I'll call the builders. Who will build a house for the princess? Lena and Lisa, do you know where the construction site will be? Then find us a suitable place where there will be a home for the princess. (The girls find a place for a house.) Now we need building materials. Gena and Sasha, help us, please, choose everything you need for the construction. What do we need? Children name materials: bricks, boards, stones, sand. Children, you will be builders. Build a good tower-like house. Children, together with the teacher, build a tower using a building kit and improvised materials. At the end of the game, the teacher shows the new house to the princess and says: “This is your new house - the tower. Are you satisfied, princess? Our builders did a great job! They can build other beautiful houses as well.
Game-situation "Building a fence"
The teacher says to the children playing with building material: “Is this a construction site? What are you building? Sasha, what do you have? house. What about you, Galya? Also a house? I see there is good building material at the construction site. Fences can be built for your houses. children, do you want the house to be with a fence? Sasha's house will have a fence and Galya's house will also have a fence. Then we start a new construction site. Let's see what the fences will be. We decided to build a house for our little animals. The house has been built, and now we need a fence. The boards were hewn, Strongly nailed. Knock-knock, knock, Boards hewn. Knock-knock, knock, Strongly nailed. Good fences are obtained. Here are the fences. A cat came up to Sasha's fence, purring. Let's let her into the house. A cockerel flew up on Galin’s fence: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” It turned out to be a real village.”

Mobile game "Movement of animals"
A mobile game that develops imagination and coordination.  Cut out pictures of animals familiar to your child from magazines, old books. Or print the suggestions.  Paste each picture on a separate small piece of thick colored paper or card to make a set of animal postcards.  Show the cards to your child and discuss each one. Describe how the animal "talks" and how it moves.  Demonstrate this and ask the child to repeat after you. Exaggerate the movements so that the baby can better understand the nature and size of the steps. For example, your elephant takes very slow, clumsy and heavy steps, and the kitten takes quick and light steps.  Put the postcards on the table. Ask your child to choose one. Say the name of the animal you chose, and ask the baby to move like it is.
Russian folk game "Bunny"
For all the words of the game, imitate movements with your child. A gray bunny sits And moves its ears. Like this, like this, He moves his ears. It's cold for a bunny to sit, It's necessary to warm the paws. Like this, like this It's necessary to warm the bunny's paws It's cold to stand, It's necessary for the bunny to jump. Like this, like this, the bunny needs to jump. The wolf scared the bunny! Bunny immediately ran away!
Motor exercise "Sunny Bunnies"
Before this game, you can draw droplets and tell that when the sun warms up, droplets begin to drip from icicles. Before this game, you can draw droplets and tell that when the sun warms up, droplets begin to drip from icicles. The sun is cheerful in spring and it lets sunbeams on icicles. If the weather permits, then take a mirror and let the sunbeams around the room. And then play this game.
Sunny Bunnies - Jump, jump, jump, Jump like balls, Jump, jump, jump ...
To loud music, children jump high on both legs, to quiet music - easily, with low jumps. The sun looked, where does the dog live? (you can take a toy dog ​​and play along with the baby) And the dog, both in the cold and in the heat, Lies down in a kennel. The dog looked out of the kennel, began to count icicles. Spring has come, the streams have run, And the icicles are melting, ringing as a drop. In the morning, eight pieces hung over the porch, By lunchtime, I counted only two, friends!
Rhythm: the game "Sun"
That's how the sun rises (Slowly raise their hands up) Higher, higher, higher! By the night the sun will set (Slowly lower their hands) Lower, lower, lower. Good, good ("Lanterns") The sun laughs, And under the sun everyone (clap their hands) It's fun to sing. The sun rose early in the morning, Washed with cold water. The sun has trodden a hundred tracks! Why does the sun have so many legs?
Mobile simulation game
You can play with the baby in an imitation game. The child performs movements according to the text. All the kittens washed their paws: Like this, like this! They washed their ears, washed their bellies: Like this, like this! And then they got tired, Sweetly fell asleep: Like this, like this!

"Cloud and sun"
*** The cloud covered the sun, Wetted our children! Come on, everyone run here, I'll cover you with an umbrella! Mom pronounces the words of the game, while opening the umbrella. Invites the baby to hide under it. He removes the umbrella: *** The cloud hid behind the forest, The sun looks from heaven, And it is so clean, Warm, radiant. Jump and run with the baby by the handle around the room. Repeat this game 2-3 times.
Rhythm: the game "Where are our hands?"
Adults pronounce the text, children incite them and perform the appropriate movements. *** My hands are gone. Where are you, my hands? (hands behind back) One, two, three, four, five - Show me again, (show hands) My ears are gone. Where are you, my ears? (ears covered with palms) One, two, three, four, five - Show me again, (show ears) My eyes are gone. Where are you, my little eyes? (cover eyes with palms) One, two, three, four, five - Show yourself to me again, (remove palms from eyes).
All children are "bunnies". The teacher says: In the field on the hill, the bunnies are sitting, They warm their paws, they move them. (Children make movements (jump, move their arms). A minute later, the children and the teacher say) The frost has become stronger in no way, We will freeze standing like this.
To warm up as soon as possible, We will jump more cheerfully. (Children run down the hill and start running, patting their paws.)
The educator is a "locomotive". All children are "carriages". The "locomotive" is buzzing and the "train" is moving. Children move their hands and say: "Chu-choo-choo." Here our train rides, the wheels are knocking. And the guys are sitting on our train. Choo-choo-choo-choo. The locomotive puffs. Far, far away he took the guys. The teacher says: “Stop. Stop. Come on out, let's go for a walk." Children "walk" around the room.
Owl - owl
Children are shown a picture of an owl beforehand. One of the children is an "owl". The rest are "birds". "Owl" sits on a tree (chair). The rest of the children run around her, cautiously approaching her. The teacher reads: An owl-owl, a big head, Sits on a tree, turns its head, Looks in all directions, But suddenly how it flies. "Owl" begins to catch "birds". The caught "bird" becomes an "owl".
Chickens and rooster
Guys - “hens” are sitting at one of the walls. A "rooster" walks at a great distance. In one of the corners of the "Cat's House" room, a "cat" is sitting in it. The teacher sits with the "hens", pointing to the walking "rooster", sings: Petya in yellow boots Walks on the sand, And then how he screams Ku-ka-re-ku! Educator: Come out, chickens, collect the crumbs. There are a lot of flies here On my track. A "cat" runs out, all the children run into the house.
In the middle of the hall lies a thin cord in the shape of a circle. The children are standing in a circle. The teacher says: Here is a frog along the path
Jumping, stretching his legs, Kva-kva, kva-kva-kva, Jumping, stretching his legs. Children jump on two legs, moving forward in a circle. The teacher claps his hands - scares the "frogs"; kids squat down - "frogs" jump into the "swamp". Repeat 2-3 times.
We stomp our feet
We stomp our feet, we clap our hands, we nod our heads. We raise our hands, We lower our hands, We give hands. (Children join hands, forming a circle.) And we run around, And we run around. (Everyone is running, the teacher says: “Stop.” The kids stop.)
shaggy dog
The children sit on one side of the room. One child on the opposite side depicts a dog. The children in a crowd quietly approach him, and the teacher at this time says: Here lies a shaggy dog, With his nose buried in his paws, Quietly, quietly, he lies, Either he is dozing, or he is sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up And see: something will happen? "Dog" jumps out and barks loudly. Children run away, the dog catches up with them.
Children depict bees, run around the room, wave their arms - wings, buzz. The bear appears. The teacher says: The bear-bear is coming, The bees will take away the honey, The bees go home. "Bees" fly into a corner - a beehive. "Bear" goes there too. "Bees" say: This hive is our house Go away, bear, from us, F-f-f-f. They flap their wings, chase away the bear. They fly away from him, running around the room. "Bear" catches them.

Children hold hands and stand in a circle. At the first words of the song, the circle stretches and stretches. On the last word “burst” - the circle breaks, and the children run to the center of the circle. A bubble was inflated, A big one was inflated, A big one was inflated, Don't burst like that. Sh-sh-sh - burst. The game is repeated again.
Children portray moths. The teacher sings, the children run, waving their arms like wings. On the green in the meadow Moths fly. And from flower to flower they flutter cheerfully. Aunt went out to the meadow, And in her hands she had a net. Beware, moth, Fly away quickly, my friend! Children run away, and the teacher catches them with a net.
Children are birds. Each bird makes its own nest; it could be a circle drawn on the floor with chalk. Each bird sits in its own nest. The teacher reads: Birds sit in their nests And look out into the street. Everyone wanted to fly And everyone flew away at once. Birds fly out of their nests and fly around the room. On a signal (beep, call), they return to the nests.

Development creativity child implies the development of imagination and flexible, non-standard thinking. Creativity is largely determined by the ability to express one's feelings, ideas about the world in various ways. And for this you need to learn to see in each object its different sides, to be able, starting from a separate feature of the object, to build an image; not only to fantasize freely, but also to direct your imagination, creative possibilities to solve various problems. If you want to organize educational games, classes, remember 3 rules. Rule one Do not give your baby toys for permanent use with which you will play games so that he does not lose interest in them. Rule two During the game, the child should not be distracted by foreign objects. Everything superfluous must be removed from the field of view of the baby. Rule Three Let the games be fairly simple and very short. Even 5 minutes is enough! But always strive for the child to complete the work begun. And after that, replace the game with a new one - and you will see that the child's attention will come to life again.
What is rolling?
This game will introduce the child to the shape of objects. Organize a fun game - competition - who will quickly roll their figure to the toy gates lined up on the table or on the floor. And the figures that need to be rolled, let them be a ball and ... a cube. Probably, at first the child will not care which figure to take. But after several trials, he will understand that only the one who has the ball wins, and he will try to choose it. Here, ask the baby why he prefers the ball, and try to conclude with him: "The ball is rolling, but the cube is not." Pay attention to the sharp corners that prevent the cube from rolling, and the absence of such corners in the ball. Draw a ball and a cube. In the drawing, they will look simply like a circle and a square. Teach your kid how to draw them.
Pick up shapes: cube, cylinder (or ball), triangular prism, rectangular bar. There should be 2-3 figures of each type. Demonstration on Montessori cubes. We start the game. The child needs to lower the letters (figures) into the box, and each letter into its own hole. Do not tell the kid where to put the letter, let him try and make mistakes, the figure itself will help him find the right way out of each situation. You just have to make sure that the child does not push the figures into the holes with all his strength, but goes through the possible options, turning the figures of complex shape (prism, bar) so as to match the turn to the shape of the slot. When all letters are
sent, they can be transferred to the addressee - a doll or a bear or another favorite toy. Let's dress up the dolls A small child successfully gets acquainted with the size of objects by comparing the same type of objects of different sizes. Give him two dolls (big and small) and two sets of clothes. The kid should not know which of the dolls these or those things belong to; let him solve the problem on his own. Explain that the dolls are cold and want to get dressed but have mixed up their clothes. Invite the child to help the dolls. If at first the child distributes things incorrectly, it does not matter. Point out to him that the clothes are too small for a big doll or too big for a small one, and let him think again. When each doll gets her things, praise the child and emphasize: “A big dress for a big doll, a small one for a small one, big shoes for a big doll, small ones for a small one.” To complicate the task, you need to give three dolls.
Roll up the tape
You can arrange an interesting competition in folding multi-colored ribbons pasted on rods (which are easy to make, for example, from pencils). If the tapes are of different lengths, then folding a long one (winding on a rod) will take longer. Pay attention to the child that one of the ribbons can be rolled up faster than the other. Unfold to full length and lay side by side so that the difference in length is clearly visible. Let the child guess for himself the reason for the failure of the competitor whose ribbon is longer. You will see that after that he will immediately begin to pay attention to the length of the tape he takes!
Let's build a tower
The concept of "sustainable - unstable". If you have cubes of different sizes, play this game with your child. Let him see for himself that, in order for the tower to be sufficiently stable, the largest cube must be at the bottom, the smaller cube above, and even higher, very small ones. Teach them to select cubes sequentially, choosing the largest one each time. To compare in size, they must be applied one to the other. Having built a tower from real cubes, you can proceed to the construction of towers or ladders from cardboard figures, laying them out on the table so that the size decreases from bottom to top. The game will be much more interesting if you give the child a small doll and show how she can climb a tower or climb stairs. After playing with the doll, the child will better understand the meaning of the sequential arrangement of the figures.
In order for the baby to learn to pay attention to the color of objects and select the same colors, it is useful to offer him this game. But first you need to stick narrow strips of 6-7 different colors on paper or cardboard (it is best to use the pure colors of the rainbow) and cut out circles of the same colors from colored paper. These stripes will be threads, and the circles will be balls. Explain to the child that the balloons need to be “tied” to strings of suitable colors, and show how to do it. After that, he can be given
the ability to act independently, intervening only if he is wrong.
Compare items
Game for the development of attention. Two toys are placed in front of the child. He must first say how they are similar, and then - how they differ from each other. For example, a bear and a bunny are similar in that they are fluffy, they have paws, eyes, ears. And they differ in that the bear is large, and the bunny is small, the bear is brown, and the bunny is white, etc. You can name the signs in turn with the child. It is also recommended to compare any pairs of toys. And if you want to make the game more difficult, put more similar toys in front of the child (two different cars, two different balls).
Find the same
Game for the development of attention. Invite the child to choose from 4-6 balls the same (in color, size, pattern) as the one in your hands, or choose the same cube, house, etc. To make it more interesting for the child to play, you can think of objects with him in turn and, of course, make mistakes that the baby will definitely notice. Rejoice together in his ingenuity, the opportunity to cooperate with an adult on an equal footing. You can complicate the game by increasing the number of items whose differences are not so noticeable.
Find the mistakes
Attention game. Draw a picture in advance (your artistic ability is of no importance here), in which 5-6 errors are omitted. In a picture depicting children playing in the yard in winter, you can draw a tree with leaves, flowers, a boy in sandals, a girl with a basket of mushrooms, etc. Naturally, the content of the picture and the mistakes made on it should be clear to the baby. Again, it is more interesting to give answers in turn. By complicating the game, you can increase the number of errors and make them more invisible.
Attention game. This game will teach the child to closely follow the movements of an adult and imitate them. Invite him to be your mirror and repeat all your actions. You raise one hand - the child too; you stomp with both feet - the child too; you wave first with one brush, and then with two - and the child too. This game provides great opportunities for varying the actions offered to the child. Then, when the child learns to easily copy them, you can offer him a sequence of actions.
You can also develop the attention of the child in the morning exercises, when performing any motor exercises. In this case, the baby must perform all actions at the command of an adult, quickly moving from one type of movement to another: jump, stop, step.
Game for the development of memory. The memory of the baby can begin to develop with the help of this game beloved by all. You can send it to the "shop". Start with 1-2 items, gradually increasing their number to 4-5. In this game, it is useful to change roles: both you and the child can take turns being a daughter (or son), and a mother (or father), and a seller who first listens to the buyer's order, and then goes to pick up the goods. Yes, and the stores themselves can be different: "Bakery", "Milk", "Toys" - etc.
memorize the pattern
Game for the development of memory. You can draw a simple pattern. You give this pattern to the child for 1-2 minutes, and then ask him to draw exactly the same from memory. You can give a similar task to create a simple layer of building material. Give the child the opportunity to examine it for 1-2 minutes, and then offer from memory (your building is disassembled or covered with a sheet of paper) to reproduce it from your cubes. These tasks can be changed and offered to the child repeatedly, gradually complicating them.
Ball on the hill
Game for the development of thinking. Prepare a small hill. It can be any plank placed at an angle to the plane of the table. Draw a line at some distance from the slide (you can put a thread). Give the child a small ball and ask him to roll the ball down the hill so that it stops near the line. Naturally, at first the baby will make mistakes, but after a while he will learn to accurately find the ratio of the location of the ball on the hill and the range of its run. You can also play this game as a competition ("Whose ball will more accurately roll to the line?").
do as i do
Game for the development of thinking. This is the simplest constructive game with which you can begin to introduce the child into the world of volume and shape. You will need basic parts from a regular children's building
set: cube, cylinder, prism, cone, parallelepiped. At first, 2-3 forms are used simultaneously, and later 4 forms. This game is just for you and your child - just for two. Select yourself and him 2-3 identical parts. Then, on the table in front of the child, lay down a small building. Place the parts side by side or one on top of the other. For example, put a prism on a cube (like a house), and put a parallelepiped to the right or behind the house. You won't be short of form layout options. When everything is arranged, invite the child to put its details in the same way. If it doesn't work out right away, don't get angry, repeat all over again - the game is quite difficult for your baby. Ask him to build something himself and do the same. When you see that things have gone smoothly and the child is coping with the game, you can make a mistake yourself, and let him correct you.
Guess who they guessed!
A game for the development of orientation in space. In the game, along with the baby, his favorite toys can participate. For example, a doll with a bear and a bunny. It is important that they are large enough so that they can be planted or placed in front of the child, behind him and to the side of him. Place the child or seat in the center, and place the toys around. Say that you guessed one of them, and he needs to guess which one. The address of the hidden toy, for example, is as follows: it sits on the side of you (or in front of you, behind you). He must name the toy located in the indicated place. Then change places, seat the toys around you. Now the child will guess the address of the toy. In the future, if the baby does not experience difficulties, try to introduce an additional distinction: on the right and on the left. We hope your child will be fine with this.
What can you play with it?
This game is aimed at developing creative abilities. You will need to select and prepare in advance several items that do not have a clear purpose: a stick, a cube, a box, a pebble, a cardboard box, etc. The game is to figure out what they can be: instead of what real object to use. At the beginning of the game, you take any object, for example, a wand, show it to the child and offer to think of what it can be in the game. It will be great if the baby himself names the possible options, and if he finds it difficult, help him. You must not have forgotten: a stick can be a thermometer for a doll, a spoon, a key, a fishing rod. You can’t feed the doll with a cube, and measure the temperature with a box, because one of the prerequisites for the game, which must be strictly observed, is some resemblance to a real object. By following these simple rules, you can become a good partner in any children's game. When the child understands how to play, you will lay out each new item on the table and, in turn, come up with what you can play with it. Try to offer a fun competition - who can name more. Let the child be the winner. cribs, instead of a car, etc. This will also help him to easily substitute one object for another, making greater use of the possibilities of imagination.
Who am I?
Game for the development of creative abilities. You can play it anywhere: at home in the kitchen, on the way from kindergarten or in the dollhouse.
corner. It does not require a special table and other preparations, only parental fiction and imagination are needed. So: "Who am I?" - you ask the child and depict (with gestures, facial expressions, sounds, etc.) a train, a car, a kettle, an airplane, a seller, a doctor, a dog, a cat, etc. Naturally, the possibilities of such a show are almost limitless and depend only on the everyday experience of your child. Expand your everyday experience with the help of such a game. When the child learns to guess what you are depicting, guess with him in turn.

Finger gymnastics.
"Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. In the course of " finger games"The child, repeating the movements of adults, achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, but also prepares the child for drawing and writing.
Finger games:
*** We drew today, Our fingers are tired. Let's shake our fingers, Let's start drawing again. - Raise your hands in front of you, shake your hands and stomp. *** One, two, three, four, five, Let's count the fingers, All so necessary, Strong and friendly. - Count your fingers and clench them into a fist. Change hands. *** Take the child's hand and tickle: Here is the stump (wrist), Here is the deck (elbow), And here is the key water (armpits). *** This finger wants to sleep, This finger went to bed, This finger took a little nap, This finger is already asleep, This finger is fast asleep, No one makes noise anymore. - Take the child's hand in your hand and bend your fingers in turn, starting with the little finger. *** Ivan Bolshak - to chop wood. Vaska-Ukazka - to carry water. Mishka Middle - to heat the stove. Grishka Orphan - cook porridge. Little Timoshka - songs to sing, Songs to sing and dance. - With the right hand, massage each finger of the left hand, then vice versa.
*** Grandmother put on glasses And her granddaughter saw. - The thumb of the right and left hands, together with the rest, form a ring. Bring the rings to your eyes. *** There are five fingers on my hand, Five graspers, five holders. To plan and to saw, To take and to give. They are not difficult to count: One, two, three, four, five! Rhythmically clench and unclench fists. On the count - alternately bend the fingers on both hands. *** Checkbox. I hold a flag in my hand and wave to the guys. The index, middle, ring fingers and little finger are pressed against each other, the thumb is lowered down. The back of the hand is away from you. Wave the flag. *** - Mother Mother! - What, what, what? - The guests are coming. - So what. - Hello hello. Peck, peck, peck. - Put your palms together, fingers slightly apart, looking up. On the first line, the little fingers come off each other and reconnect twice. On the second line, the thumbs come off and join three times. On the third line, the ring fingers do the same, on the fourth - the index fingers. On the fifth, the middle fingers first “hug” and then “kiss”. *** At the oven, oven, oven We will bake pies. - Use your palms to imitate the movements of sculpting pies. *** This finger is small, Little finger is remote. Nameless - wears a ring, He will never leave him. Well, this one is medium, long. He's right in the middle. This index
The finger is wonderful. The thumb, although not long, is the strongest among the fingers. Fingers do not quarrel Together, the matter is argued. - For every two lines, the finger referred to is first pulled towards you, then stroked. At the end, squeeze your fingers into a fist, unclench and twist with brushes. *** Bunny found a book, And opened it, and read it, But closed it, forgot everything. And opened it again, And repeated everything, And closed it, forgot again. - The palms are pressed to each other, the fingers are located horizontally. On the word "opened" - open your palms, little fingers pressed to each other. On the word "closed" - the palms are pressed against each other. *** Leaves fall in the garden, I will sweep them away with a rake. - Palms on yourself, interlace your fingers, straighten and point towards yourself. *** The house stands with a chimney and a roof. I went out to the balcony for a walk. - On the first line, the palms are straight, touch each other with fingers, depicting the roof of the house. Bend the index finger up (pipe). On the second line, bend the little fingers, depicting a balcony. *** The dog has a sharp nose, there is a neck, there is also a tail. - Right palm on the rib, thumb up, index, middle and nameless - together. The little finger alternately goes down and up. Repeat with left hand. *** The Christmas tree turns out quickly, If the fingers interlock. Raise your elbows, spread your fingers. - Palms away from you at an angle to each other, interlace your fingers and put them forward. Elbows slightly apart. *** Here are my helpers, Turn them as you wish. On the white, smooth road Fingers jump like horses. Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok,
A frisky herd jumps. -Hands on the table, palms down. Alternate forward movement - then with the left, then with the right hand with simultaneous flexion and extension of the fingers.

Didactic game "Guess what sounds 1"
Purpose: To introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them. Stroke: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects belong to different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and all sound in their own way.
Didactic game "Guess what sounds 2"
Goal: Continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments. Stroke: The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and children recognize what different sounds belong to.
Didactic game "Clock"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Stroke: Educator: Listen to the clock ticking: "Tick-tock, tick-tock", how the clock strikes: "Bom-bom ...". In order for them to walk, you need to start them: “backgammon…”!. - Let's start a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); our clock goes and first it ticks, then it beats (sound combinations are repeated by children 5-6 times). - Now let's start a small clock, the clock goes and sings softly, the clock strikes very quietly (each time the children imitate the movement and ringing of the clock with their voice).
Didactic game "Cubs eat honey"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children. Stroke: The teacher tells the children that they will be cubs, and the cubs are very fond of honey. Offers to bring the palm closer to the mouth (with fingers to themselves) and “lick off” the honey - the children stick out their tongue and, without touching their palms, imitate that they eat honey. Then, raising the tip of the tongue, remove it. (mandatory display of all actions by the educator.) The game is repeated 3-4 times. Then the teacher says: “The cubs have eaten. They lick upper lip (show), lower lip (show). Stroking the tummies, saying: "Uuu" (2-3 times).
Didactic game "Frog and Frogs"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Stroke: The teacher divides the children into two groups: these are large and small frogs. He says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly: “Kwa-kva” (children imitate that they swim and croak loudly). Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, croak softly (children imitate actions and croak softly). All the frogs got tired and sat on the sand on the shore. Then the children switch roles and the game is repeated.
Didactic game "Let's feed the chicks"
Purpose: To develop the speech apparatus of children.
Stroke: (I am a mother bird, and you are my baby chicks. The chicks are funny, they squeak: “wee-wee,” and flap their wings. The mother bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly merrily and squeak Mom flew in and started feeding her babies (children squat, raise their heads up), the chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs.(The teacher makes the children open their mouths wider).The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Didactic game "At the doctor's appointment"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children. Move: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the children's teeth hurt. Educator: Show your teeth to the doctor (the teacher with the doll quickly go around the children and says that everyone has good teeth. Now the doctor will check if your throat hurts. Whoever she comes up to will open her mouth wide (children open their mouths wide). Doctor satisfied: no one has a sore throat.
Didactic game "Recognize by voice"
Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Stroke: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks to pronounce how it screams. Closes the screen and one subgroup of children takes toys and speaks for their animals in turn. The other group guesses who yelled.
Didactic game "Who lives in the house?"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing. Stroke: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is it? The dog barks loudly: "aw-aw". And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is it? The cat meows loudly: "Meow-meow." And who is this? (children's answers) the kitten meows quietly. Let the animals go home (pictures are removed by the cubes). Guess who lives in this house: “av-av” (pronounced loudly)? (Children's answers) That's right, a dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children's answers). Guess who lives in this house: “meow-meow” (says quietly)? How did the kitten meow? Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat sound combinations several times.
Didactic game "Who is screaming?"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Stroke: The mother of the bird had a small chick (puts up pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: "chirp - chirp" (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (rearranges the picture with the image of the chick away). The bird is calling son. What does she call him? (Children together with the teacher repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he chirp? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?

Didactic game "Call your mom"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation. Stroke: All children have subject pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who have you drawn, Kolya? (chicken) Who is the mother of the chicken? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Pee-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken and shows a picture. The same work is done with all children.
Didactic game "Respond"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation. Stroke: Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How does she scream? Who is her baby? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And how does her baby lamb scream? etc. Pictures are exposed on a flannelgraph. The teacher distributes pictures of animals and birds to the children. The cubs walk (children leave the tables), they nibble on grass, they nibble on crumbs. Whose mother or whose father will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put a picture next to them. The teacher pronounces the cry of an animal or bird. A child depicting a cub makes sounds and puts a picture on a flannelgraph.
Didactic game "Shop"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation. Stroke: The teacher offers to go to the store and buy toys. You can only buy if you talk like a toy. Children come up to the table and pronounce the characteristic sound combinations for this toy (doo-doo, me-me, bi-bi)
Didactic game "Be careful"
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation. Stroke: Educator: I have different pictures, if I show a picture where an animal is drawn, you must scream the way it screams and raise the blue circle. If I show you a toy, you hold up the red circle and name the toy.
Didactic game "Bells"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Move: B: Look, this is a big bell, and this is a small bell. The girls will be little bells. They call: "Ding, ding, ding." The boys will be big bells. They ring: "Melons-melons-melons." The teacher offers to “ring” and sing songs first to the girls, then to the boys. The exercise is repeated 2 times, then the children change roles, and the game is repeated.
Didactic game "Animals are coming"

Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Stroke: The teacher divides the children into four groups - these are elephants, bears, pigs and hedgehogs. Educator: Elephants are walking, they stomp their feet very loudly (children pronounce the sound combination “top-top-top” loudly, repeat it 3-4 times. - Bears are walking, they stomp more quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times a little quieter). - Piglets are walking, they stomp even more quietly ... - Hedgehogs are walking, they are stomping very quietly ... - Elephants have gone (children walk in a group, stomp and pronounce the sound combination loudly). The same work is done with other animals. Then the children change roles of their choice, and the game is repeated.
Didactic game "Cuckoo and pipe"
Purpose: To develop the phonemic hearing of children, speech attention. Stroke: Educator: A bird lives in the forest - a cuckoo (showing a picture). She cuckoos: "Ku-ku, ku-ku" (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). One day the children came to the forest to pick mushrooms. Got a lot of mushrooms. Tired, sat down in a clearing to rest and played pipes: “Doo-doo-doo” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The teacher divides the children into two groups - cuckoos and pipes. Without a system, he gives different commands 6-7 times (either to cuckoos or pipes). Then the children switch roles and the game is repeated.
Didactic game "Hammer a carnation with a hammer"
Purpose: To develop the phonemic hearing of children, speech attention. Stroke: Educator: When a big hammer knocks, you hear: “Knock-knock-knock” (children repeat the sound combination 5-6 times). When a small hammer knocks, you hear: “Tyuk-tyuk-tyuk” (children repeat the sound combination 5-6 times). Let's hammer a nail with a big hammer ... Now let's hammer a small nail with a small hammer ... Close your eyes and listen to which hammer is knocking (without a system, the teacher repeats sound combinations 4-5 times, and the children say which hammer is knocking).
Didactic game "Let's blow on the ball"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children. Move: Children take the ball by the thread, hold it in front of their mouth and say: “Pf-f-f” (blow on the ball). The exercise is repeated 3 times, then the children rest and repeat the exercise 3 more times.
Didactic game "Wind".
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children. Move: Children take a leaf by a thread, hold it in front of their mouth and say: “Pf-f-f” (blowing on an autumn leaf). The exercise is repeated 3 times, then the children rest and repeat the exercise 3 more times.
Didactic exercise

"Lick our lips"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children.
Move: Educator: Let's eat candy (children and teacher imitate eating candy and smack their lips). Sweets are delicious, lick your lips (demonstration: run your tongue along the upper lip from edge to edge, then along the lower lip - circular movements should be obtained).
Didactic game "Geese"
Purpose: to clarify and consolidate the pronunciation of the sound a, to prepare children for compiling a text - a description. Material: painting "Geese" Stroke: The teacher shows the children a picture, they examine it together. These are geese. Geese are white and grey. The goose has a long neck and red paws. The goose shouts: ha-ha-ha. What is the neck of a goose? What paws? How does a goose scream? (Children's answers.) Now we will be geese. We walk from foot to foot. (The teacher shows how the geese walk. The children repeat the movements after him.) Cackling: ha-ha-ha. Educator: Geese, geese! Children: Ga-ha-ha Educator: Do you want to eat? Children: Yes, yes, yes Educator: Show how geese open their beaks wide. Children: Ha-ha-ha. Teacher: Do you want to eat? Children: Yes, yes, yes, the geese flapped their wings, flew away. (The game is repeated 3-4 times)
Didactic game "Guess by voice"
Purpose: to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound y in isolation and in words; learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words. Material: basket with toys. Hod: Educator: Who came to us? (This is (takes out a cockerel, frog, duck) ... Children: Rooster Educator: And this, children (shows a picture), a cuckoo. How does a cuckoo crow? Cuckoo, cuckoo! And whose voice is this? -krya7 Children: Duck. Educator: Who croaks kwa-kva?.... Educator: Who crows: crow?... Educator: How does the cuckoo crow? How does he sing? When the cockerel sings "Crow!", What does he do? (crows) Educator: And this is a cuckoo (shows a picture). How does she give her voice? (cuckoo) Children: When the cuckoo says cuckoo, she what does it do? 9 cuckoo) Educator: Show how the cuckoo flies. (Children rise from the carpet and fly.) How does the cuckoo call? (children coo.) Show how the cockerel flaps its wings. (children show.) how does he shout to the crow? (Children crow) What were you doing now like a cockerel? (crowed.) Listen to the words: cuckoo, rooster, duck, frog. In these words, the sound y is heard. pull it: wow. Name the words with the sound y: cuckoo, rooster, frog, uuutka. (Says with children)
Toys remain for the free play of children.
Didactic game "Let's teach the bunny to speak correctly"
Purpose: To develop intonation expressiveness. Educator: The bunny brought a wonderful bag with him. It contains various pictures. Bunny will talk. What is drawn on them. If he speaks incorrectly, you will teach him to speak correctly. Ishka - children correct the "bear" Herringbone - squirrel Onik - elephant (After "training" the bunny begins to name all the objects correctly)
Didactic game "Riddles"
Educator: Our frog loves to guess riddles. The teacher, with the help of gestures, facial expressions, sounds, depicts an animal, the children guess the riddle. The teacher offers to read a poem about a guessed animal. (The hostess abandoned the bunny ... The bear is clubfoot ...) Further, the children make riddles.

(for self-knowledge)
Nose, mouth, head, Ears, cheeks, nose, eyes, Shoulders, shoulders, neck, chest, Do not forget something. Legs top-top-top. Hands clap-clap-clap. Step forward, step back, It's not, but it's yes.
Who is good with us, who is handsome with us? Vanechka is good, Vanechka is handsome! Oh, my little, Beloved, My pretty, My pretty.
Bye, bye, tales, Seagulls flew in, They began to flap their wings, To put our children to sleep. Here people sleep, here animals sleep. Birds sleep on twigs, Foxes sleep on hills, Hares sleep on grass, Ducks - on ant, Children are all in cradles ... Sleep - sleep, they tell the whole world to sleep. Bye, bye, bye, bye, Doggy, don't bark And don't honk in the horn Don't wake our children. Our children will sleep and grow big. They'll sleep longer, grow bigger.

Ay, frets, frets, frets, We are not afraid of water, We wash ourselves cleanly, We smile at the children. *** Silvery water Flowing from the tap. And the soap is fragrant, Just like in our bathroom. “Silver water, how did you get here?” "Through the dewy meadows I'm in Kindergarten fled." “Silver little water, Why did you run to us?” "So that all of you are clean, So that everything around sparkles." Roll up your sleeves, open the faucet - water. My eyes, my cheeks, my ears and palms! - Look, crumbs, At your palms. - Oh, what palms! Clean hands! *** Water flows in the stream Water splashes in the river. We will wash under the tap, Without water we are nowhere. We wash our hands, wash our faces with soap, brush and water. If you don't like to wash, Don't sing this song. We know, we know, yes-yes-yes, Where the water splashes here. Come out, Voditsa, We have come to wash! Pour on your palms, In it-knife-ku, No, not a little - dare, We will wash more cheerfully. Flow, pure water, you wash me clean personally,
Wash your neck, wash your hands, Don't forget anything! We have some water - a good friend, Children will say all around. We'll pour everything on our hands, - And then we'll go to play. We say to you - thank you, You give the guys strength.
Once upon a time there were a hundred children, All went to kindergarten. Everyone sat down for dinner, Everyone ate a hundred cutlets. Everyone then went to bed. Start counting again. Goyda, goyda, cradles, The gulenki flew in, The ghouls began to talk, How can we feed the children. One will say - porridge, Another - yogurt, The third will say - milk And a ruddy pie.

Don't cry, don't cry, baby, A squirrel will jump up to you, Bring nuts - For the car's amusement. If you cry, We'll give you a thin bast shoe. *** What is this roar? Isn't it a herd of cows? This is not a cow - This is Vova-revushka. Don't cry, don't cry, I'll buy a roll. ***
Hush, hush, hush, you can't talk. And who will speak, We will bring him out, Bring him out, punish him, Do not show tears. *** Why are you crying, "s" yes "s", Wipe your tears as soon as possible. We will play with you, sing songs and dance
Will this happen! I can't believe my eyes: Two bitter rivers are running and waking up our whole house! And yet, listen here: Once in the Bitter River, the Kid took a dip and became so salty! And he became so bitter that until now the kid, Who once bathed in the Bitter River, cannot be kissed.
Levushka? Not Levushka... Revushka? Not a roar ... So where does “Uu-uu !!” Distributed - I do not understand. We don't have roars, Who is crying here for an hour? Whose wet fist is here? Oh, the man is getting wet. Do not get wet, chiki-chok! Look into Leo's fist hides tears - He does not cry anymore *** The fox has pain, the bear has pain - And Petenkin's pain Go beyond the mountains.
Go-ro-shinki, Not-pro-shenki, Where did you come from? Did you get to Nastya by tram or train? No-o-o, Spoil the mood Nobody asked you!
Or maybe we did not cry, And the rain drizzled?
Abri-fini, abri-kos! Tears go without wheels! They're coming, they're coming, they're coming! Drip on the dress! Cheeks are crying, nose is crying: “We were not given Aa-bri-kooos! Well, just think - they didn’t give Abri-fini, abri-kos! But then - on-tse-lo-val In the wettest nose in the world! Smack!!!
Who's crying here, oh-she-she! They say my son? No, my son is not crying, You shouldn't be talking! Smiling already - Look! ABOUT YAN-NESMEYANA She frowned, frowned, Well, here it is! Not Jan at all! Or maybe Princess Nesmeyana came to visit us? Again he will start to act up, He will cry - the ocean! Well, and tearful rain is coming - We know Nesmeyan. Now I would dream of a boat, And get oars, And across this ocean To sail somewhere. There, where the sun lives, And where bananas grow, And where the Nesmeyana Princesses never cry!
And our Peter has no mood in the morning! I whimper-cry, whine-cry, Doctors won't help! But what if the doctor is Melon? Doctor Peach? Grape? Let them come, fly! Both at home and in kindergarten!

Chiki-chiki, chiki-chok, Where are you, grandfather Molchok? Come to us, we'll sit down, we'll be quiet... Do you hear, good old man? Silence! Molchok has arrived! Don't scare him, look, don't say anything.
Pantyhose went for a walk in the village Poteryaevo. Went and got lost there, Oh, poor orphans! They sit under a bush, Do not cry, but roar! Hostess, hostess, hostess is called. And the hostess remembered Where she was in the evening! I went to Poteryaevo, I found tights.
From the station Toptushkino, To the station Bed We need to get there as soon as possible! And get some sleep! At the station Vstavaikino Wake up - get out yourself! And you will run to Igraikino, To friends and miracles! In the meantime, we arrived at the Bed Station! At this sleepy station, it's so sweet to fall asleep...
Can you imagine?! Sunday was the cat's birthday! The cat played with its tail - had fun, laughed! I rolled the ball on the floor - I had fun, I laughed! And she jumped around the room - She had fun, she laughed! And then the Cat got tired, And she cried a little: meow!

Listen to what I tell you: Let's not cry! And then our neighbor will hear, Neighbor, who is a hundred years old, - And he will give us a bast shoe! Where are we going with you? Let's take a step and fall.

(on my knees) We'll ride, ride, ride, ride on a horse! We don't cry at all anymore, Everything is fine with us. or: We will ride, ride, ride, ride on a horse! We haven't cried for a long time, Everything is fine with us!
There was a Merry dog, Chicky-bricky-woof! And the Geese ran after her, Heads up, And behind them - Piglet, Chiki-briki-oink! Chicky bricks, repeat! What am I saying? And - together!
This is you, and this is me. You are good for me, My gift is dear, And I do not need another!
Grandpa is a pest, Don't come to us! Grandfather is a pest, Go around our house, We don’t have capricious children - No, no, no! See, we're going to bed? See - turn off the light?



Five kittens want to sleep, And the sixth does not sleep. Five kittens want to sleep, And the sixth is naughty! Tail wags, barks loudly! He would bark until the morning, Yes, I thought: it's time to sleep! He wagged his tail peacefully, And fell asleep faster than anyone. And he, by the way, wished you: "Good night!" *** Sleep, sleep, baby Andryushenka. All the swallows are sleeping, All the killer whales are sleeping, Our Andryushenka is ordered to sleep. *** Marinochka, sweetie, Sleep, little daughter. Bye, bye, tales, Seagulls flew in, They began to flap their wings, To put our children to sleep. Here people sleep, here animals sleep. Birds sleep on twigs, Foxes sleep on hills, Hares sleep on grass, Ducks - on ant, Children are all in cradles ... Sleep - sleep, they tell the whole world to sleep. *** Bayu, bayu, bayushok, There is a cockerel in the garden. He sings songs loudly, does not let Vanya sleep And you, Vanechka, fall asleep, Come to you sound sleep. You sleep - do not walk, Just close your eyes.
*** Bye, bye, bye, bye, Doggy, don't bark And don't honk in the horn - Don't wake our children. Our children will sleep and grow big. They'll sleep longer, grow bigger. *** Silence at the pond, Water does not pump. The reeds do not make noise, The little ones fall asleep Ai, swing, swing, swing, The rooks have flown into the forest. Ghouls do not fly - All have long fallen asleep. Spiders do not scratch - Climbed into the mink by the stove. Only our Olenka goes to bed late. A dream walks around the hut In a gray robe, And the sleepyhead under the window - In a blue sundress. They walk together, And you, daughter, fall asleep. Baju, bayu, lullaby, I put Masha on the fluff - On the downy bed, Masha will sleep soundly. *** A dream walks on a bench In a red shirt, And Sonya - on the other - a blue Sarafan. They walk together, they carry Dream Katenka. *** Tales and tales, Bunnies galloped, They began to rock the cradle, Invoke a sweet dream. They began to play pipes, Misha began to fall asleep
Walks Sleep Near Windows. Sandman wanders near the house. And they look: Is everyone sleeping. *** Like our grandmother has seven grandchildren. Seven-seven have not slept since the evening. Grandma come to everyone in the evening. Start a song for everyone: About a duckling, about a kitten, About a fox, about a caterpillar, Baku about a swan, Baku about a hare. The grandmother of seven grandchildren cradles. *** Bye, bye, boy, In the clearing of a plowman, At a party, a dancer, At a conversation, a nozzle. *** Sleep, Masha - the sun, Sleep, a grain of wheat, Sleep, my dear, Golden fish. Bye, bye, it's time for bed. Guests ride from the yard, From the yard they go home On a black horse. *** Bye-bye, bye-bye. Sleep soon. Bye-bye, sleep-sleep, Ugomon take you. *** Bye-bye, bye-bye, Go beech under the barn, Go beech under the barn, Bricks under the barn, Buke has nowhere to go.
*** Liu-li, lu-li, cradles, The gulenki flew in. They sat down to coo, Where to put the baby. *** Bye-bye-bye-bye, Let's buy felt boots for the baby. Let's put it on the legs, Let's go along the path. Will detonka walk, Will wear felt boots. *** Oh, you're a gray cat, You have a white tail, Hurry, cat, don't go! Don't wake my baby. A dream walks on the mountain. He wears sleep in his sleeve, He sells to all the kids, he gives it to our Tanya. *** Lyuli, lyuli, baenki, In the garden of hares. Bunnies eat grass, Nastya is told to sleep. *** Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, bye Hurry up and fall asleep. I'll go for the water, Zaek will drink tea. *** Walks a dream at the windows, Walks to the Dream to bow. You come in, Sandman, into the house, let us calm down. *** Tales and tales, Bunnies galloped, They began to rock the cradle, Invoke a sweet dream, They began to play the tune, Misha began to fall asleep. ***
Bye-bye, bye-bye, Doggy, don't bark, Cockerel, don't shout And don't wake Vanyusha. My Vanyusha will sleep, Yes, grow big. Oh, cradles, cradles, gulenki flew towards us. They flew to us, We looked at them. They flew, they flew, they sat on a birch. And the birch creak, creak, And my Vasya sleeps, sleeps. ***
Eyelashes fall, eyes close. We calmly rest, We fall asleep with a magical dream. Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.. Our arms rest... Our legs also rest... They rest, fall asleep... The neck is not tense And it is relaxed. Lips slightly open, Everything wonderfully relaxes. Breathe easily, evenly, deeply. The tension has flown away AND THE WHOLE BODY IS RELAXED...
The distant forest stands as a wall, And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest, An owl sits on a bough, sleep-grass grows there. Knows sleepy words. As he whispers his words, his head immediately droops. Today I will ask the owl for such grass: Let you sleep-grass will say sleepy words.
On a cat, on a baby, on a baby, And on the handles of a grip, And on the legs of a walker, And on a mouth, a talker,
And once wet in the head! *** The cockerel woke up, the hen got up. Get up, my friend, get up, my Yurochka. *** Podyagushechki, polyagushechki Across the plump, And in the handles of the grip, And in the legs of the walker, And in the mouth of the talker, And in the head of the mind. Bears and elephants are sleeping, the Hare is sleeping and the hedgehog. Everyone should have been sleeping for a long time, Our children too. The night passed, The darkness was taken away, The cricket fell silent, The cockerel sang. Mother got up, opened the shutter. "Hello, little sun!"
Ay, frets, frets, frets, We are not afraid of water, We wash ourselves cleanly, we smile at Mom. *** Silvery water Flowing from the tap. And the soap is fragrant, Just like in our bathroom. *** “Silver water, how did you get here?” “Through the dewy meadows I ran to the kindergarten” “Silver water, Why did you run to us?” “So that all of you are clean, So that everything around sparkles” *** Roll up your sleeves,
Open the faucet - water. My eyes, my cheeks, my ears and palms! Look, crumbs, At your palms. Ah, what palms! Clean hands! *** Water flows in the stream Water splashes in the river. We will wash under the tap, Without water we are nowhere. We wash our hands, wash our faces with soap, brush and water. If you don't like to wash, Don't sing this song. *** Pure water Will wash Sasha's face, Anechka's hands, And Antoshka's fingers. *** Do not wash, do not get drunk without water, The leaf does not blossom without water, And therefore, everyone, everywhere always needs water. *** We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, Where the water is splashing. Come out, Voditsa, We have come to wash! Pour on your palms, In it-knife-ku, No, not a little - dare, We will wash more cheerfully. *** Hen brought some water from the well. And the whole flock of chickens Ran to wash. *** Faucet, open,
Nose, wash up! Wash both eyes at once! Wash your ears, wash your neck! Sheika, wash yourself well! Wash, wash, pour on, Mud, wash off! Dirty, wash off! *** Leisya, clean water, You wash my face clean, Neck, wash your hands, Don't forget anything! Soap, wash cleanly with soap, Don't worry about anything. The soap doesn't bite, it just rinses off. *** Who does not wash their hands with soap From Wednesday to Wednesday. On a shaggy towel Traces are printed. *** We have some water - a good friend, People will say all around. We'll pour everything on our hands, And then we'll go to play. My dear children! I ask you to wash your hands and face more often. It doesn't matter what kind of water: Boiled, key. From the river or from the well, Or just rain. It is necessary to wash without fail In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon, Before each meal, After sleep and before going to bed. *** Every day I wash my soap Under hot water. Wash, soap, don't be lazy, don't slip out, don't get angry. So it didn't fall, We don't wash it first. Ah, it fell again, Let's wash it first. We wash ourselves quickly, We dry ourselves cleanly, So neat, tidy, Everyone is pleased to look at us. *** Cleaner wash, do not spare water.
There will be palms of snow whiter. I washed my face from the tap early this morning. I myself now know how to wash my face and neck.
Once upon a time there were a hundred children, All went to kindergarten. Everyone sat down for dinner, Everyone ate a hundred cutlets. Everyone then went to bed. Start counting again. *** Goyda, goyda, cradles, The gulenki flew in, The ghouls began to talk, How to feed Vanyusha. One will say - porridge, Another - yogurt, The third will say - milk And a ruddy pie. *** Grass-ant rose from sleep, Bird-tit took on grains, Bunny - on cabbage, Mouse - on crust, Children - on milk. *** Clever, Katenka, Eat sweet porridge, Delicious, fluffy, Soft, fragrant. Oaks, oaks, I bake pancakes, Pancakes are hot, They don't want to sit in the oven. Pancakes ruddy With butter, sour cream. *** And we have spoons
A little magical. Here is the plate, here is the food. There was no trace left. *** On my plate Red-haired squirrel, To make it visible, I eat everything to the bottom. Drink, my friend, tomato juice, You will be slim and tall. *** Deep and shallow, Ships in a plate, Here the boat is sailing, Swimming directly into the mouth. *** "I don't want to eat semolina!" The girl Masha screamed. "That's right" - thought porridge, Good girl Masha. *** Take a spoon, take bread, And soon for dinner. *** Let's plant Cabbage, potatoes on a spoon - and hide! Try it, find it! Not visible on the spoon Cabbage, potatoes. And not on the plate - look! *** The hour of dinner came, The children sat down at the table. *** So the afternoon snack came up, The children all sat down at the table. To avoid trouble, Let's remember the rules of food: Our feet do not knock, Our tongues are silent. Do not litter at dinner, litter - so clean it up. *** And we have spoons
A little magical. Here is the plate, here is the food. There was no trace left. *** On my plate Red-haired squirrel, To make it visible, I eat everything to the bottom. Drink, my friend, tomato juice, You will be slim and tall. *** Deep and shallow, Ships in a plate, Here the boat is sailing, Swimming directly into the mouth.

Get up, baby, one more time, Take a little step, Top-top! Our boy walks with difficulty, For the first time he goes around the house. Top top! *** Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat! Don't sit on the path. Our baby will go, Fall through the pussy. Get out of the way, cat, Our Tanechka is coming. Top-top, top-top-top! Our Tanechka is coming! It won't fall for anything. Top-top, top-top-top!

Here they are, boots: This one is from the left leg, This one is from the right leg. If it rains, Let's put on boots: This one is from the right foot, This one is from the left foot. That's so good!
*** Boots, boots, Small, small, Beaver edge, Masha black-browed. *** Tie a scarf tighter, I'll make a snow globe. I will shake the ball, I want to walk. *** Big feet walked along the road: Top, top, top, top, top, top. Little feet Run along the path: Top, top, top, top, top, Top, top, top, top, top. Top-top on the ground, After all, the land is ours. And for us, pies and porridge grow on it!
Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window. The little ones are waiting for you, the little ones are waiting for you! *** Rain, rain, full of pouring, Small children wet! *** Butterfly - a box, Wind or rain! You fly - so the wind, you fall - so the rain! *** Light-firefly, Shine in the fist! Shine a little, I'll give you peas, A jug of cottage cheese And a piece of cake! *** Moth - branch,
Bring us a breeze: Turn from the gate Drive the boat into the stream. *** Oh, bor-borok, Give me boxes of berries, Mushroom box, Bag of nuts! ***
Together with the sun we rise, We smile to the sky, To the whole Earth - a big hello! After all, she is not more beautiful! ***
Hello, mischievous wind, In summer, autumn, spring You give us coolness And trees and flowers. ***
You love everyone, you warm everyone, You caress and pity everyone, Our Sun, our light, We send greetings to you all! ***
We will not pick flowers, Let them grow for the joy of people! Red and blue, they are all so beautiful! ***
We send smiles to all little animals, birds, fishes And bugs. All my friends, we love you very much. We will not offend you!


Give milk, Burenushka, At least a drop - on the bottom! Kittens are waiting for me, Little guys! Give them a spoonful of cream, a little cottage cheese. Everyone gives health Cow's milk. *** Hen-talker, Walks around the yard, Leads chickens, Inflates the crest, Amuses small children. *** Like our cat The coat is very good, Like a cat's mustache Amazing beauty, Bold eyes, White teeth. *** Pig Nenila Son praised: That's pretty, That's pretty: Walks sideways, ears up! Crochet tail, Piglet nose. *** I'll tie a goat To a white birch. Stop, my goat, stop, don't butt. White birch, stop, don't sway. Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Why do you get up so early, Don't you let the kids sleep?

Tarara, tarara, The horses left the yard. (Children walk, raising their legs high) And the guys caught them, They drove them into the collective farm yard. (moving in a straight gallop) *** I'm going, going to a woman, grandfather (perform a straight gallop) On a horse in a red hat. On a flat path On one leg (change the leg), In an old shoe On potholes, over bumps. Everything is straight and straight, And then suddenly into the hole - bang! (squat) *** Over the bumps, over the bumps, Along the small paths, Into the hole-bang! - The rooster fell off. *** Get on the track, Clap your hands, Stomp your heels, Dance with us! To everyone, Nadyusha, tell me, Yes, show me more quickly, How the girls dance. *** Our ducks in the morning - Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack! Our geese by the pond - Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! And the turkey in the middle of the yard - Ball-ball-ball! Balds-balds! Our gulenki at the top - Gru-gru-gru! Our chickens in the window - Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! And how Petya is a cockerel Early early in the morning He will sing to us - ku-ka-re-ku! imitate the voices of pets)

"Sparrows and a car" (I junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running in different directions and jumping.

Description: The boundaries of the site are marked with flags. At one end of the site on the benches are sparrows. At the other end, a place for a car is indicated - a garage. Car - educator. "Sparrows are flying out of the nest!" - the teacher says, and the children begin to run in different directions, raising their hands to the sides. A car appears. Sparrows are frightened and fly away to their nests. The car is returned to the garage.


  1. Can't run out of bounds
  2. Fly out of the nest only at the signal of the educator.
  3. Return to the nests when the car appears.

Options : For children depicting cars in the game, give the steering wheel or flags in their hands. Sparrows can be placed in nests - circles drawn on the ground. Sparrows can stand on benches and jump off them.

"MY Merry, Ringing Ball" (Ijunior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to jump rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the poem, to perform movements on a signal. Exercise in running, in bouncing on 2 legs.

Description: Children sit on chairs placed in different places in the room. The teacher is in the center. He takes a big ball and begins to beat it with his hand on the ground, saying: "My cheerful, sonorous ball ...". The teacher calls the children to him and invites them to jump like balls. Children jump at the same pace. The teacher puts the ball down and repeats the poem, making a movement with his hand, as if hitting the ball, and the children are jumping. Having finished the poem, the teacher says: "I'll catch up!". The children run away.


  1. You can run away only after the words: "I'll catch up!"

Options : The teacher imitates the beating movement of the ball, showing on the children (they are balls, then they roll, run in different directions). You can put several children next to you, who will hit their balls with him, then catch those who run away.

"GUESS WHO'S SCREAMING" (Ijunior group)

Tasks: To develop in children observation, attention, activity.

Description: Children sit in a semicircle on chairs, a screen is placed in front of them at a distance of several steps. The teacher calls someone by name, and he goes behind the screen, agree on what animal or bird the child will portray. Behind the screen one hears the lowing of a cow, the barking of a dog, and so on. The teacher invites one of the children to guess who is screaming.


  1. Guessing animals or a bird can only be the child pointed out by the teacher.

Artistic word:

What a beautiful house this is.

Who lives in the house?

Knock knock, who lives in the house?

Options : Enable animal voice recording.

FIND THE FLAG" (Ijunior group)

Tasks: To develop in children observation, endurance (do not open your eyes until the signal "it's time").

Description: Children sit on chairs, at the word of the teacher, the children stand up and turn to face the wall, the teacher hides the flags according to the number of children. "It's time!" - says the teacher. Children turn to face him and go to look for flags. The one who found the flag sits down in his place. When all checkboxes are found. Children walk along the playground. Holding a flag in hand. Ahead of the column is the one who first found the flag. At the signal "In place!" the children sit on the chairs and the game starts again.


  1. You can turn to face the teacher only after the word "it's time!".

Options : Instead of verbal instructions, use a bell. Whoever finds the flag first, hides it. In the summer they hide the flag in the bushes, behind the trees.

"RUN TO ME" (Ijunior group)

Tasks: Teach children to act on a signal. Practice walking and running in a straight line.

Description: Children sit on chairs placed against one of the walls of the room. The teacher goes to the opposite wall and says "run to me!". Children run to the teacher. The teacher greets them warmly. Then he crosses to the other side of the court and says "run to me!" To the words of the teacher “Run home!” children sit on chairs and rest.


  1. Run to the teacher only after the words "Run to me!"
  2. Children run to the chairs and sit down only after the words “Run home!”

Options : At first, children can take any chair, and then find their own place. Bring in the bell. Call, the signal "Run!".

"WHITE BUNNY IS SITTING" (Ijunior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movement with words. Practice running. In bouncing on two legs, finding your place. Contribute to the development of speech.

Description: On one side of the site, places for hares are marked. Everyone takes their place. At the signal of the teacher "Run in a circle!" all the children gather in a circle, and one of the hares, which the teacher appoints, becomes in the middle. Children with a teacher recite verses and perform movements to the text:

A little white bunny sits and moves its ears,- children stand in a circle,

That's it, that's how he moves his ears! -move their hands, raising them to the head.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws,

Clap-clap, clap-clap, you need to warm up your paws -clap their hands.

It's cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump, the bunny needs to jump- jump on 2 legs in place.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and galloped away! -the teacher claps his hands, the children scatter to their homes.


  1. Children run away only after the words “And rode away!”, And they gather in a circle after the words “Run in a circle!”

Options : Lay out a cord with tied ends on the floor. On a signal, they jump over the cord. You can put several hares in the middle.

"SUN AND RAIN" (Ijunior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the signal of the teacher, to find their place on the site. Practice walking and running.

Description: Children sit on chairs along the room, this is their "home". The teacher looks out the window and says "What a nice weather, go for a walk!". Children get up and go in any direction. "It's raining, run home!" - says the teacher. Children run to the chairs and take their places. The teacher says "Drip - drop - drop!". Gradually, the rain subsides and the teacher says, “Go for a walk. Rain stopped!".


  1. Children leave the house at the signal "Go for a walk!".
  2. They run home at the signal "it's raining!".

Options : Children first take any chair, then only their own. Instead of a house, arrange a portable canopy - hide from the rain. During the walk, they can pick "mushrooms and berries." Walking can be replaced by dancing.

"TRAIN" (I junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Exercise in walking, running after each other.

Description: Children are built in a column on one side of the playground. The first is a steam locomotive, the rest are wagons. The teacher gives a beep, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). At first slowly, then faster, gradually moving to a run, they say “Chu-choo-choo!”. “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher again gives a whistle, the movement of the train resumes.


  1. You can move only after the beep, i.e. at the direction of the teacher.

Options : Enter a stop. The children run out into the field. Gather "mushrooms and berries", dance

"CATCH ME!" (I junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the signal of the teacher, to move in a team without pushing. Exercise children in running in a straight line.

Description: Children sit on chairs on one side of the playground. "Catch me!" - the teacher offers and runs to the opposite side of the site. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. Then the teacher says “catch up with me!”, And runs in the opposite direction. The kids are chasing him again. After two times, the children sit on chairs and rest, then continue the game.


  • Run after the teacher only after the signal "Catch up with me!".

Options : Deposit soft toy and chase her down. Run away from toys.

"THROUGH THE STREAK" (I junior group)

Tasks: To develop dexterity in children, exercise in jumping on both legs, in balance.

Description: All the players sit on chairs, 2 cords are placed 6 steps from them, the distance between them is 2 meters - this is a stream. Children must cross the pebbles - planks to the other side without getting their feet wet. The planks are placed in such a way that children can jump with both feet from one pebble to another. By the word "Let's go!" 5 children climb over a stream. The one who stumbled steps aside - "dry shoes." All children must cross the stream.


The loser is the one who stepped foot into the stream.

You can only move on a signal.

Options : Increase the distance between the cords, bypass objects, moving to the other side. Jump on one leg.

"WHERE IT RINGS" (I junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children hearing, attention and endurance.

Description: Children sit in a circle or along a wall. One of the educators playing as directed becomes in the center of the circle or in front of those sitting. At the signal of the teacher, he closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the children a bell and offers to call. The child in the center of the circle should, without opening his eyes, indicate with his hand the direction from which the sound comes. If he points correctly, the teacher says “It's time!”, The player opens his eyes. And the one who called - picks up and shows the call. If the driver made a mistake, he closes his eyes again and guesses again. Then the teacher appoints another driver.

Rules: The driver opens his eyes only after the word of the educator "It's time!"

Options : Unwind the driver; instead of a bell, enter a pipe or other musical instrument.

"BIRDS IN NESTS" (I junior group)


  • teach children to walk and run in all directions,
  • without bumping into each other;
  • teach them to act quickly on the signal of the educator,
  • to help each other.

Description. On one side of the playground, hoops (“nests”) are freely laid out according to the number of children. Each child (“bird”) stands in its own “nest”. At the signal of the teacher, the children - "birds" run out of the hoops - "nests" - and scatter all over the site. The teacher imitates the feeding of "birds" either at one or the other end of the playground: the children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips - they "peck" the food. "The birds flew into the nests!" - the teacher says, the children run to the hoops and stand in any free hoop. The game is repeated.

Rules: do not push, help each other get into the hoop, use the entire area allocated for the game .

Options: lay out 3-4 large hoops - "several birds live in the nest." At the signal: “The birds flew into the nests” - the children run, 2-3 children stand in each hoop.

"Crawl to the Rattle" (I junior group)

(game exercise)

A task: teach children to crawl under the cord without touching it; exercise in crawling over a limited area; develop climbing skills, cultivate courage and dexterity.

Description: First, the teacher invites one child to show how to crawl under the cord, and at the same time explains: “Lena approaches the cord, gets on all fours (supported by her hands and knees) and crawls like a “bug”, tilts her head so as not to hit the cord. She crawled to the rattle, got up, took the rattle and rattled it. After showing and explaining, the teacher invites the children to take their starting position and, on a signal, begin to complete the task. The exercise is repeated 3 times.

Rules: do not push, do the task at the signal of the teacher

Options: crawling under the arc.

"ZAYINKA" (I junior group)

Tasks: teach children to bounce on two legs, landing softly, listen carefully to signals, perform movements in accordance with the text.

game with singing, words and folk music

Description: The children, along with the teacher, stand in a circle. The teacher sings a song and shows the children the movements.

Zainka, stamp your foot,

Gray, stamp your foot,

Like this, stomp your foot!

Like this, stomp your foot!

Children stomp their feet, hands on their belts.

Zainka, clap your hands,

Gray, clap your hands,

Like this, like that, clap your hands! (2 times)

Children clap their hands.

Bunny, turn around

Gray, turn around

That's it, that's it, turn around! (2 times)

Children turn 1-2 times. Hands on the belt.

Zainka, dance

Gray, dance,

Like this, dance like that! (2 times)

Children bounce on two legs as best they can.

Zainka, bow,

Gray, bow

Like this, bow like that!(2 times)

Children bend over with their arms out to the sides.

Rules : the number of verses of the song can be reduced, especially at first. At first, you can take only the first, second, fourth verses. When repeated, you can perform all the verses. In addition, when the kids know the content of the song well, you can choose a bunny child who stands in the middle of the circle and performs all the movements in the text of the song. A bolder and more active kid is chosen for the role of a hare, who will not be embarrassed when performing movements. With the next leader, you can add one more verse: The teacher should sing the song so that the singing matches the pace of the movements of young children

Zainka, choose

Gray, choose

So, so choose! (2 times)

The child chooses another bunny and the game is repeated.

"ROCK THE BALL" (I junior group)

(game exercise)

A task: teach children to roll the ball with both hands to each other.

Description: children approach chairs (a bench on which large-diameter balls are laid out in advance, take them and stand on the starting line indicated by a cord. At the teacher’s command: “ Let’s roll!”, Pushing the ball away with both hands, roll it in a straight direction and catch up. To the starting line the line, the kids return step by step.The exercise is repeated.

Rules: perform the task at the command of the educator “Let's go! »

Options: rolling the ball under the arc with one hand.

"WHO IS QUIET?" (I junior group)

(game exercise)

A task: to teach children to walk in a subgroup (the whole group) on their toes.

Description: The child walks with you from one end of the room (platform) to the other. You invite him to walk quietly, on tiptoes, so that you can't hear him. “We carefully walk along the bridge so as not to stumble and not to wet our feet.” Instructions for carrying out.

Rules: the teacher monitors the correct posture of the child and ensures that he does not get tired.

Options: walking in circles on toes.

"ON THE PATH" (I junior group)

(game exercise)

A task : learn to walk one after another without bumping

Description: Two boards (width 20 cm) lie parallel to each other on the floor at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Children in two columns walk along the “path” boards, freely balancing with their hands.

Rules: the teacher reminds them to keep their back and head straight

"STEP OVER THE STICK" (I junior group)

(game exercise)

A task: learn to walk in a straight path with stepping over objects.

Description : 2-3 sticks are placed on the floor in the middle of the room at a distance of 1 m from one another. The kid becomes 2-3 steps from the sticks facing them. On the opposite side of the room is a chair with a flag or rattle on it. On instructions, the child walks, stepping over the sticks, to the chair, raises the flag and waves it, then puts the flag on the chair and comes back.

Rules: you need to reach the chair, raise the flag (rattle) and wave.

Options: increase the number of sticks to 5. You can use hoops to step over.

"BIRDS ARE FLYING"(I junior group)
A task: to teach children to jump from low objects, to run in all directions, to act on the signal of the teacher, to teach children to help each other.
Description: to the signal "The birds are flying!" children run around the playground, depicting birds. To the signal "Cat!" "birds" "fly away" to their houses.

Rules : listen carefully and act on the teacher's signal

"CATCH THE BALL" (I junior group)

(game exercise)

A task: learn to run in different directions.

Description: invite the child to run after the ball, play with it. Throw the ball in different directions, and let the child run after the ball, catch it and bring it to you. The ball should be thrown in different directions.

SCREEN INTO THE GATE" (I junior group)

(game exercise)

Tasks: improve the baby's crawling skills, encourage him to this movement, teach him to crawl under an arc without touching; exercise in crawling over a limited area.

Description: The baby is sitting on a chair. Ahead at a distance of 2.5 m is an arc - gates. Further, at a distance of another 2 m, there is a rack with a net, a ball lies on the floor at the rack. Invite the child to crawl on all fours to the arc, crawl under it, crawl towards the ball, then stand up, pick up the ball with both hands and lower it into the net.

Options: pass under an obstacle, crouching, but not touching the ground with your hands ("Pass under an arc").

« AIM MORE ACCURATE» (I junior group)

(game exercise)

Tasks: learn to throw the ball forward with two hands from below (from behind the head, from the chest); develop elementary skills of hitting the target, develop eye, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Description: the child holds a small ball or a bag of sand in his hand. Place a box or a large basket (the distance from the target to the children is no more than 1.5-2 m). Invite the child to throw the ball, which is in his hands, into the box (basket, net).

"Cucumber, Cucumber ..." (I junior group)

Tasks : learn to jump on two legs moving forward; to cultivate the ability to play an outdoor game with simple content and simple movements.

Description: On one side of the hall - a teacher - a trap, on the other side - children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

Children run beyond the conditional line, and the teacher catches up with them. The teacher pronounces the text in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word.

« GET IN THE GATE" (Ijunior group)

(game exercise)

Tasks: to teach a child to roll balls (balls, hoops) in the right direction, to improve the skill of repelling the ball when skating.

Description: The kid sits on a chair, at your request gets up and goes to the place indicated by the teacher, in front of which there are gates - arcs at a distance of 2-3 steps. The child bends down, takes one of the balls lying on the floor and rolls it, trying to get into the gate. Having rolled 3-4 balls, the child goes and collects them.

Options: knocking down pins.

"ON A LEVEL PATH" (Ijunior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to move rhythmically, to coordinate movements with words, to find their place. Exercise in walking, jumping, squatting, running.

Description: Children sit on chairs, the teacher invites them to go for a walk. They get up from their place, freely grouped or built in a column. The teacher says "on a flat path, our legs are walking, one-two, one-two, over pebbles, over pebbles, into the pit - bang." At the words “On a flat path ..” the children walk in steps. "On the pebbles" jump on two legs slightly moving forward. "In the pit boo" - squat down. We got out of the pit - the children rise. After 2-3 repetitions, the teacher says "our legs are tired along the flat path, here is our house - we live there."


  1. The movements must match the text.
  2. Get up from your haunches after the words "We got out of the pit."
  3. Run away home only after the words "we live there."

Options : Walk along the benches along the wall. Jumping into the depths on a soft path.


with walking and running:

  • "Catch the ball!"
  • "On the path"
  • "Through the stream"
  • "Who is quieter?"
  • "Step over the stick"
  • "Catch me!"
  • "Sparrows and the Car"
  • "Sun and Rain"
  • "The Birds Are Flying"
  • "Run to me

With crawling:

  • "Crawl to the rattle"
  • "Crawl through the gate.

bouncing :

  • "My cheerful sonorous ball"
  • "White Bunny sits"
  • "Birds in nests"
  • "Through the stream
  • "Cucumber, cucumber ..."
  • "On a flat path"

Throwing and catching the ball:

  • "Roll the ball"
  • "Get in the gate"
  • "Aim More Accurately"

For orientation in space:

  1. "Where it rings"
  2. "Find the flag"
  3. "Guess,
  4. who is screaming?

Movement to music and singing

  • "Train"
  • Zainka
  • "Checkbox"


Material. In a more complex version of the game: two flags - red and green; board 15-20 cm wide.

Game progress. Children become one after another. Each child depicts a wagon, and the teacher standing in front is a locomotive. The locomotive hums and the train starts to move - slowly at first, then faster. Approaching the station (pre-marked place), the train slows down
move stops. Then the locomotive gives a whistle, and the movement resumes.

Instructions for the game. At first, the role of the locomotive is played by the educator, later - by one of the guys. It is better to arrange a train without a clutch, so as not to impede the movement of children.

Depicting a train, each child can freely rotate his arms, buzz, say “choo, choo, choo ...”: After a while, a number of additions can be introduced into this game.
For example, someone can be a semaphore, he is given two flags - red and green: when the red flag is raised, the train stops, when the green flag is raised, it continues to move. (Children perform this role in turn.)

The train can go along the "bridge" - a firmly reinforced board (toddlers can only be driven along the board in summer, in winter they can slip and fall) or between two lines clearly marked on the ground or in the snow. If the car “goes off the rails” (someone steps over the line), the train stops, the car is uncoupled for “repair”, then a steam locomotive is attached to it and allowed to cross the bridge again. Thus, the child repeats the movement that he failed.

The game can be ended as follows: the train arrived with passengers in the city, everyone goes to visit the "kindergarten" (conditional place), where you can sit and take a break from the movements.

In the future, the following options can be added to the game: by train, you can go to the forest, to the city for toys, to the country house, etc. Here is one of the possible options for such a game. Children go by train to the forest for berries or flowers (they walk or run one after another). After a while the train stops and all the passengers pick berries or flowers, i.e. bend over, squat, pretend to be looking, etc. The children then return home. With this option, you can not introduce complications into the movement of the train, so as not to tire the kids with a large number of rules.

Moving to the cottage

Material. Cords for coupling "cars", devices for machines or
acting as reins (cars can represent chairs placed one behind the other). The movement of the train (walking) can be accompanied by the singing of the song "Train" by N. Metlov.

Game progress. Children are divided into two groups: one group depicts
children moving to the dacha by train, the second depicts a bus,
truck or coachmen with horses.

You can depict a train in various ways:

a) move around the site, stepping one after another (if the game is played in the middle of the year, you can give cords for traction);

b) sit on chairs placed one behind the other, or benches.

While the train is moving, the cars are waiting in the garage (a rectangle outlined on the ground), the horses are in the stable.

As soon as the signal is given that the train is approaching the station
(a call, a horn or a word from a teacher or a child pretending to be a stationmaster), cars or horses go out to meet

When the train stops, all children are placed in cars
or on horseback (they crawl under the cord with which cars are arranged, or “reins”).

When the game is repeated, the roles change.

Instructions for the game. This game is more difficult than the one described above. In her
requires a lot of independence and the ability to wait. For young children just admitted to kindergarten, this game would be too

If the game is played in a mixed group, older children
can depict coachmen with horses and cars that arrived for
children, and the smallest will go with a teacher by train.

In the process of getting into cars, the educator must take the most
active participation, avoiding the crowding and inconvenience that will
hinder the movement of children. To make the game easier, you can transport
all children from the station in two or three steps in one car.

On a flat path

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to go for a walk. All
follow each other saying:

On a flat path
On a flat path.
by stones,

On pebbles, (Jump on two legs.)
by stones,

In the pit - bang ... (They squat down.)
Uh-uh! (They straighten up.)

This text and corresponding movements are repeated 2 times. Then
children say the following words:

On a flat path

On a flat path, (They go one by one,

slightly relaxing the body, as if tired.)

Our legs are tired.

Our legs are tired.

Here is our house - (Run to the chairs

at the opposite end and sit down.)

We live there!

Instructions for the game. At first, the teacher can perform the movements himself
with children, being an example for them. When the kids get the hang of the rules
and movements, the teacher may not perform movements, but only pronounce the text, observing the children and giving them the necessary instructions.

Sun and rain

Material. Chairs turned back up and depicting
houses (circles marked on the ground). While playing, the children sing a song
"The Sun" (words by A. Barto, music by M. Rauchverger).

Game progress. The houses are located in a semicircle, at some distance from one another. Children, together with the teacher, are in the houses (squatting in front of the seat). Everyone looks out the window (in the hole
chair backs). Looking out the window, the teacher says:

What a nice weather! Now I'll go out and call the guys to play.

He goes to the middle of the room and calls all the players. kids
run out, holding hands, form a round dance and sing a song:

The sun looks out the window

Lights up in our room. (They sing and walk in a circle.)

We clap our hands

Very happy with the sun.

Top top, top top

Top-top-top, (Stomp, standing still
(The melody is repeated, but without words.)
Top top top

Clap, clap, clap, clap. (Slap to the beat of the melody.)
Clap, clap, clap.
Clap, clap, clap.

Unexpectedly for the children, the teacher says:

Look, it's raining, hurry home!

Everyone rushes to their places.

Listen to the rain pounding on the rooftops.

The teacher, tapping with bent fingers on the seat of the chair, depicts the sound of rain. At first the rain is heavy, then it subsides and gradually stops altogether.

Now I'll see how it is there, on the street, and I'll call you.

The teacher leaves his house, pretends to look at the sky, and calls everyone:

The sun is shining, there is no rain. Come out for a walk!

Now you can play round dance again or run freely before
chairs, dance, etc. Unexpectedly for the children (but after waiting some time), the signal “it's raining!” is given again, and everyone runs away to their places.

The game is repeated several times.

Rules of the game. On the signal "it's raining!" need to run to the place
signal "the sun is shining!" - go to the middle of the site. Perform movements according to the song.

Instructions for the game. The game can be played both indoors and outdoors.
air. Instead of chairs, you can make circles-houses on the ground
(lay out from cones or draw).

It is desirable that all houses are at an equal distance from each other.
from each other and were located in a semicircle or around a small space for a round dance and free movements.

In the future, you can enter a rule: remember your place and return only to your home. The teacher plays along with the children,
especially at the beginning when the game is new and new to the children.

From time to time, the teacher, accustoming children to greater independence, gives only signals without performing movements. You can sing another song, suitable for the content of the game, instead of the song "Sun".


Material. Chairs, mugs from serso (small hoops, plywood circles).

When the game becomes more difficult: red and green flags.

Game progress. On one side of the site where the game is played, a garage is arranged (high chairs are placed and mugs from serso are placed on them, or
small hoops, or plywood circles, that could serve
as a steering wheel). On the other hand, a small
space is the house where "chauffeurs" (children) live.

The game starts with getting ready for work. "Drivers" wash, drink
tea (free movements) and go to the garage (bypass the site 1-2 times).
Each "driver" stands in front of the car (near the circle). The "manager of the garage" (educator) checks if everything is in order and gives a signal: "Start the engine!" Slightly tilting the body and leaning on the bench, the children make rotational movements with their hands, pronouncing "tr-tr-r". "Go!" the teacher announces. Children pick up the steering wheels and scatter around the site (the area where cars can drive is outlined in advance or marked with a cord, flags, etc.). Drivers can drive in a different direction and order without leaving the street (marked area). The "manager" remains in place and monitors the ride. If there is an “accident” or some kind of disorder, the “manager” can go out himself and sort everything out or send an assistant - one of the guys. "Cars, garage!" - the manager calls, believing that the children have already run enough. All drivers must immediately return and put the car in its place, that is, sit on a chair. Then the “manager” walks around the machines, checks that everything is in order, and indicates what repairs are needed. (This is done to rest after running.) It is desirable to make repairs using various movements. For example, you can pump air into the tires (sitting in place, the children connect their fists, raise them slightly and lower them, saying “psh ... psh ...” or “s ... s ... s ...”) ; you can check the reverse (children twirl, sitting in place, their steering wheel, saying “tr ... tr ...”); you can wash the car (shake off dresses, stroke hands, feet, etc. in turn); you can fix the wheels (tie an untied shoelace, tighten up your socks, etc.) When the children have a little rest after running, the teacher announces that "the garage is closing." The drivers go home. The game may start again.

Rules of the game. On time, on command, leave the garage and return to it. Perform movements in unison. With complication, a third rule is introduced: follow the change of flags and stop
when raising red (introduced when the children have mastered enough
in Game).

Instructions for the game. A variety of movements during the rest help to interest children and attract them to a timely return to the place.

Later, the role of policemen can be introduced into the game - they are placed along the edges of the site. Having received red and green flags, the "policemen" raise them following the example of the educator, who has the same

checkboxes. When the red flag is raised, the cars stop
when you raise the green - go. The driver, who violated the traffic rules, pays a fine - claps his hand on the palm of a policeman.


Material. Garland with flags; green and red flags.

Game progress. On one side of the site (room) there are benches or chairs. A garland with flags is stretched ahead and an arch is arranged. This is an airfield. Babies are pilots. They are sitting on chairs, waiting for the signal to start the flight. "Pilots, to fly
ready?" - asks the "head of the airfield" (educator). Children
get up and answer: “Ready!” "Start the engine!" - orders the "boss". The children twist their right hand, as if starting the engine, saying “tr-tr-r” “Chief” raises a green flag - you can fly. "Pilots" on planes fly all over the site in different directions until the "boss" shows a red flag. "Pilots, fly back!" - the teacher calls, reminding what red means
checkbox. Everyone returns to the airfield and sits on chairs.

The chief walks around the planes, inspects them and indicates which
needs repair (see the game "Cars"),

Then the signal to fly is given again, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Remember signals: when raising the green flag
take off, when red is raised - return to the airfield.

Instructions for the game. To facilitate the game, you can immediately give a signal
to the flight, without depicting how the engines are started. Or replace the signals
flag with the message “on the radio” (“Listen, listen! Pilots
come back!").

After a while, the teacher chooses one of the children for himself
as assistants, he also receives flags and, together with the teacher
gives signals. This is an occasion for the manifestation of independence of children,
so that in the future they can play without the participation of a teacher.

If the game is played outdoors, it is necessary to limit the area where flying is allowed, otherwise it will be difficult for the kids to follow the signals.

Sparrows and car

Game progress. During the walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children
how sparrows fly, how they jump, how they scatter into different
side when a vehicle passes or when people approach.

Reminding the children of their observations, the teacher offers to play
into sparrows. It outlines the area where sparrows can fly
and jump, - puts benches or chairs along the edges of the platform, saying:

Sparrows will fly here when the car arrives. On the tree
and on the roof, the sparrows are not afraid that their car will be crushed. They sit and watch. As the car leaves, the sparrows will fly again to look for
grains and crumbs.

Immediately, the teacher agrees with the children that he will be a car, shows the children how the car will pass and buzz.

It's quiet outside, no one is there. Fly, sparrows!

Children run out to the middle and pretend to fly and jump
sparrows. Suddenly, a “beep” is heard, and a “car” passes through the site. "Sparrows" quickly run and sit down on the benches. To
give the children a little break, the teacher "passes" a little
from end to end or around the site and moves away. Children
again run to the middle. This is repeated several times.

Rules of the game. Run to the benches when the car appears
return to the middle of the site when he disappears.

Instructions for the game. So that the children do not get tired, you can add a row to the game
calm actions - for example, sparrows sit, clean feathers
(shake themselves off), chirp while sitting on branches (on benches), etc.


Material. When introducing an addition: a bench or a board.

Game progress. The teacher reads a poem, the children perform
corresponding movements.

Here are the frogs along the path

They jump with their legs outstretched. (They jump across the platform.)
"Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva"

They jump with their legs outstretched. (stop,
rest, then jump, heading to the board
or a climbing log 10-15 cm high.)
Here from a puddle to a bump,

Yes, behind the fly jump. (Climb onto the board,
rest, imitating flies buzzing.)
They are more reluctant
jump back into your swamp. (Jump off
from the board, as if catching flies.)

The game starts again.

Instructions for the game. As a rest, you can enter the following addition: frogs sit down on a "bump" (on a bench, board or on
grass) and bask in the sun. This game is best played small.
groups. For example, you can divide children into two groups: one
frogs rest in their swamp (a circle in which you can sit on the grass or on a bench), others jump and catch flies.
Then the roles change.

Gradually, children should develop greater independence
while playing this game. For example, the teacher chooses one
of the children - he will lead the “frogs” to hunt for flies, while he himself watches
behind their movements and says the text. The teacher can play the role
a crane or a heron, at the appearance of which the frogs hide in the swamp (run into a circle). Catching in such a game is not required to be introduced so as not to tire the children, since the game is already rich in movements.
In this case, the appearance of a heron that walks around the frogs, but
does not catch them, it is necessary to prolong the rest from movements (frogs do not
crawl out of the swamp until the heron leaves) and to encourage the children
to independent actions: they themselves must figure out what to do, where to hide, when they can get out of the swamp.

Hens and chickens

Game progress. The teacher tells the children:

The hen went out with the chickens to walk. The chickens are small, yellowish, run around the hen, pecking at the grains. "Drink,
drink, drink water! Drink, drink, drink water!" - chickens squeak and scatter in different directions. And the hen is afraid that the chicks will get lost. As they move away a little, she calls them: “Kle, kle - everyone to me!
Kle, kle - all to me!

The teacher depicts a chicken, and the kids - chickens. The hen sits on a chair or on a carpet, the chickens around her are in a dense group.
The hen is dozing, and the chickens are slowly running away in different directions,
walk, peck and say: “Drink, drink, drink water!” Gotta give
kids walk around, run a little around the room or playground.

The hen woke up, but there were no chickens. She convenes them: “Cle, cle -
all to me!" Chickens run to the call.

Then the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Chickens walk or run all over the room or
site. At the call of the hen, all the chickens must come running.

Instructions for the game. This game is suitable for the smallest children. If a
it is carried out in the yard, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the site where the chickens can walk and run. The drawn lines will represent
fence. If the kids crowd around the teacher, they need to be explained that chickens love to look for worms and midges most of all
under the fence - this will encourage children to move around the area.

When repeating the game to develop greater independence, the role
chicken is entrusted to one of the children. However, the educator must
find a convenient way to tell the hen when to call the chicks. For example, he can take on the role of a cat that wakes up a chicken
with his meow, or a puppy that comes running and barks, etc.

Chickens in the garden

Materia l. 4 sticks; cord; stands-blocks.

If the game is played indoors, building material is used instead of sticks, cord and coasters.

Game progress. From sticks and a cord tied to them, they arrange a
genus. “Chickens” (children) want to crawl into it. Sticks should be fixed on
log stands so that they do not tip over when the "chickens" are
crawl under the fence (under the rope). Leave space on one side
without a fence, so that it is convenient to run away from the garden.

The teacher pretends to be a watchman. He sits in a hut on the edge
garden (on a chair or bench), eyes closed, as if sleeping. "Chickens" crawl under the fence (under the rope) and begin to peck, run
in the garden, cluck. The watchman wakes up (after waiting a little) and drives
them from the garden: “Shoo, shoo,” and claps his hands.

The "hens" run away, and the "watchman" goes around the garden: is there somewhere else
chicken, - and returns to his house.

The game is repeated.

Rules of the game. When the watchman clap his hands and say "shoo, shoo"
gotta get out of the garden. You need to crawl under the rope without touching it.

Instructions for the game. At first, the garden can be drawn on the ground with lines, then only the first rule will need to be followed. Then you can complicate the game - introduce the second rule. If the game is played indoors, the fence can be made of building material (in one row) so that the kids jump over it (height 8-10 cm). On the one hand, it is necessary to arrange an exit from where the chickens will run away.

The role of the watchman is gradually transferred to the children: at first, you can involve them as helpers of the watchman (chasing away the chickens together), then transfer this role completely.

shaggy dog

Game progress. The teacher portrays a shaggy dog. Children "live"
in the same house (outlined rectangle or enclosed area with benches) or in different houses (sitting on chairs).

"Shaggy dog" gnaws a bone, then sits in his kennel (on
chair) or lies down on the carpet and falls asleep (closes his eyes).

Then the children, holding hands and forming one chain, creep up to him, uttering the following words:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

Burying your nose in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.
Let's go to him and wake him up.
And let's see what happens?

The "dog" at this time should not move, even when it is lightly
touch, you can stroke him only when you have finished talking

Unexpectedly for the children, the “dog” opens its eyes and barks, and the kids run away and hide in their house. The dog runs, barks and lays down again.
The kids go out of their house again, and the game starts all over again.

Rules of the game. Children do not touch the dog until they cum
speak text. The dog does not move until it is touched.

Instructions for the game. It is important to calculate the distance between the "house"
children and a "kennel" so that the children do not approach her before the end of the text. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to resist and not touch the dog ahead of time. Then there will be no order in the game.

You should gradually teach the kids not to run away ahead of time,
that is, to cultivate courage and endurance. When playing this game with older children, you can reduce the distance to the kennel, enter
I catch (the dog catches children), the rest of the rules remain the same.

The role of the dog is gradually transferred to children.

Bear and bees

Material. Hexagon fence.

Game progress. The fence standing on the site depicts a beehive in which "bees" (children) live. The teacher in the role of a bear hides behind
tree or bush.

"Bees" fly out of the hive to collect honey. They fly around the area
and buzz. Suddenly a bear appears. He walks waddling his feet
on the leg, sniffing the honey. "Bees" fly when he appears
into the hive (into a hexagon), and the “bear” approaches the hive and tries to scoop up honey with its paw. "Bees" buzz, sting a bear (they try to touch the teacher's hand when he puts it between the crossbars).
The teacher pretends that the bees stung him, shakes his "paw" and runs away. The bees fly out again for honey, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. When a bear appears, fly to the hive (run to the hexagon fence), and when he leaves, fly out for honey. Fly
throughout the site and not crowd near the fence.

Instructions for the game. The "bear" should hide away from the hive so that the kids are not afraid to run all over the site. To teach them to be bolder and run away from the hive, you can draw a garden (rectangle) on the ground opposite to the hexagon (approximately 25-30 steps), where the "bees" fly for honey.

The bear must give the bees the opportunity to hide in the hive - his
the movements are unhurried, calm, vividly depicting the image of a clubfoot gourmet bear.

Grey Wolf

Game progress. One of the players is appointed a wolf and taken to the den (for this, a part of the site is outlined), the rest of the children depict goats that graze in the meadow, pinch the grass and say:

We pinch, we pinch the grass,
We are not afraid of the wolf
Let's eat all the ants
Let's run away quickly.

After the last word is said, the "wolf" jumps out of
dens and catches goats. When the wolf catches two goats, they appoint
new wolf and start playing again.

Rules of the game. You should run and catch only after
tell the verse to the end.

Instructions for the game. This game should be played in spring or summer when
babies are not constrained by excess clothing, and when they can already calmly
jump and run in a team. The game requires more endurance and independence than the previous ones, since catching is introduced here. Except
In addition, the children themselves must remember the rules of the game and the sequence of actions, while in previous games the teacher reminded them of the upcoming actions.

When children get acquainted with the game, it is important that the educator
together with them was a goat and said the text. By his example, he
help kids understand the rules of the game. In the future, the participation of the educator in this role is optional - he can be a wolf or a grandmother who drives out the goats to graze. The latter role makes it possible to participate in the game only for the pleasure of children, who basically independently perform all the movements, follow the rules of the game. They need help mainly in choosing who will be the wolf. They can be the one who is called by the previous wolf or all the children, or the one who is chosen with the help of a counting rhyme.


Game progress. Children stand in a tight circle and “inflate a bubble”: tilting
head, blow into the fists, made up one under the other - a tube.
At the same time, they straighten up and take in air, and then, bending over again, pronounce “ffff”, blowing air into their tube (action
repeat only 2-3 times). With each inflate, children take a step

back, as if the bubble had inflated a little. Then everyone joins hands and gradually widens the circle, moving backwards and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble
Blow up big...
Stay like this
Don't burst

While the children are saying the text, a large stretched circle is formed.
The teacher says that the bubble turned out to be beautiful, large, and goes to check whether the bubble is well inflated, whether it is strong (it
joins the hands of his nearest neighbors and enters the circle).
The teacher touches each pair of joined hands and stops in some place and says: “Air, come out.” All
children, without letting go of their hands, run to the center, saying "ts ... ts ...". Then
the bubble is inflated again, and the game is repeated from the beginning.

If you repeat, you can end the game differently. You can say:
"The bubble burst." Then the children break their clasped hands and squat down, say "clap!" and make cotton with their hands.
The teacher goes to fix the bubble: he goes around the children and touches everyone, the child who was touched by the teacher,
gets up and walks to the center. Gradually, a small
circle, and you can start the game again.

Instructions for the game. This game goes particularly well in mixed
group where there are older children, or in cases where
children of the older group come to visit the kids and play together.

You can play with some kids, but this is not the game with which you should start the first collective games with the rules.

It is better to introduce the kids to the game, starting it with a small
group during a walk and then, gradually embracing the rest
children (moving backwards in a circle of babies usually makes it difficult - they
break the circle, and the harmony of the game is broken).

catch up with the bear

Material. Big teddy bear.

Game progress. The teacher has a bear in his hands. He goes to the kids
sitting on chairs, and says:

Now the bear will show who will catch him.

Bypasses the kids and touches 2-3 children with a bear's paw.
The command “catch the bear!” Follows, and the teacher runs with the bear to
hands, and the chosen children catch up with him.

After running a little, the teacher allows himself to be caught. Caught
the bear is taken by its paws and led to the children. The bear again shows who to catch up with. So all the children take turns catching the bear. Gradually

the number of catchers increases so that it does not take long
wait your turn.

In the end, all the children catch the bear. The teacher says:

Now the bear will rest, he is tired of running.

The game ends.

Rules of the game. You can catch up only with those who have touched
bear. Those whom the bear did not choose should sit quietly on the bench, waiting in line.

Instructions for the game. This game can be played indoors and warm
day - and in the yard. The teacher should run not very fast and not
especially far. New children should catch up every time.

Run to me

Game progress. Children sit in a row on chairs against one of the walls.
room or on the edge of the site. The teacher moves away from
children and says:

Run to me!

At the same time, he beckons them with his hands:

Run, run, run!

Children run, and the teacher embraces them with outstretched arms
and says:

Have you come running?! Well, now run back.

Children run to chairs and sit on them.

When everyone calms down and rests, the teacher calls again:

Have a rest? Well, run back to me!

The game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Run only when the teacher calls. When she says to run back, you have to run to the chairs
and sit down.

Instructions for the game. This game is very primitive in its movements
and rules. At the same time, she organizes the kids well and gives them pleasure. Such a game can be played with the most
young children entering kindergarten for the first time.

In the future, various additions can be made to it, which
will serve as a rest after running and will add variety to it. For example,
when the children sit on the chairs, the teacher goes to visit them.
Offers children:

Show me your pens.

Children hold out their hands, and the teacher “puts candy” to each
(lightly claps his hand). Another time, he asks to show the legs and, touching their knees with his fist, says “knock, knock!”.
The rest of the game is played as described above.

Game variant. Children sit on chairs. The teacher moves away and calls:

Run to me, horses!

Children run to the teacher, raising their legs higher. Second time
the teacher calls the bunnies, and the children jump on two legs
to her (you need to get closer to them). The third time the teacher calls
kittens, and children on all fours come running to him.

This option is more complex in terms of movements and is carried out with more
older children. When playing with younger children, some movements can be changed if they seem difficult. For example, instead of horses
birds can fly in, instead of bunnies - chickens come running, etc.


Game progress. The game is played outside in winter with separate children,
who want to keep warm.

The child, depicting a ball, jumps in place on two legs, and the teacher, making movements over his head with her palm up and down, says:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue...

Don't chase you...

After these words, the ball runs away, and the teacher or whoever he calls catches it. If several children are playing, they become around
ball and jump with it. When the ball runs away, the children catch it.
Whoever catches it first becomes the ball and goes to the middle of the circle.

Instructions for the game. You can play without catching, then the teacher uses other words:

Gray rubber ball
Jumping, jumping without hesitation.
Low, low, low, low
Very close to the ground

Fifteen with ribbons

Material. Multi-colored ribbons according to the number of players.

Game progress. A ribbon is attached to the back of each of the playing children (to the collar). The teacher becomes a tag. Children scatter in all directions, and the tag catches them. The teacher gives the children
run a little, then pulls a ribbon from behind the collar of one of the children. The one who loses the ribbon becomes a tag,
and the teacher attaches his ribbon to his belt. Fifteen

pulls out someone else's ribbon and attaches it to his collar,
and a new tag catches children, etc.

Rules of the game. Children run away from the tag, not allowing him to
pulled out the ribbon. The one who loses the ribbon becomes a tag.

Instructions for the game. This game teaches kids to run away from the catcher, while usually they, on the contrary, spin around him, so that they
caught. In addition, children love to run around with their multi-colored “tails” waving, which make the game colorful and especially fun.

Who will run faster

Material. A flag as a guide (you can use a tree or a bush for a walk).

Game progress. All kids stand in one row. The teacher shows them a tree or a flag visible to everyone and says:

Who is more likely to run to the Christmas tree (birch, flag, etc.)?

Children (together with the teacher) clap their hands 3 times and run. Then
they return and the game is repeated, but the place to run to is
changes (the flag is moved to another place, instead of one tree, another is planned, etc.).

Rules of the game. You need to run to the indicated place. Clap your hands 3 times before running.

Instructions for the game. The game can be played outdoors at different times of the goal. In summer, you can run to the flowers collected by children in bouquets
and laid out in a row (at intervals) on the grass or on a bench.

You can associate the game with distinguishing trees (once run to the Christmas tree, another time to the birch). Children should be placed more freely so that
they did not interfere with each other while running. Ensuring that children follow the second rule of the game and do not run until they clap 3 times should be gradual.

If there are many players, they can be divided into two groups: some run,
others at this time rest and watch. When the first group reaches
the right place, they can sit there and rest after running. Wherein
they will keep track of who runs first from the children of the second group.

The distance should be small, approximately 25-30 steps,
so the kids don't get tired.

The playground where children run should be flat, without stumps and pits.
Toddlers must be warned to look under their feet,
when they run. If the children are very young, a change is made to the game:
it is necessary to say not “who will run before”, but “let’s run to the flag” (or
flowers, etc.), focusing not on speed, but on where to run.

If the game is being played for the first time, the teacher must first reach
with children to the place where you need to run, so that everyone understands

what is required of him. You can ask 1-2 children to run to this
places and see where they run.

ball game

Material. Bright big ball.

Game Options

1. Children sit on the floor in a circle and roll the ball towards each other.
The teacher shows the children how to push the ball with both hands,
to keep it moving in the right direction.

2. Children stand in a semicircle, and the teacher throws the ball to them in turn. If the child catches the ball, he squats down and rolls
the ball back to the caregiver. If not caught, he runs after the ball
and bring it to the teacher.

3. The teacher takes the ball and invites 2-3 children to play with it.
Children stand against the teacher at a distance of 80-100 cm. Teacher
alternately throws the ball, commanding "catch!". Children catch the ball and throw
back to his teacher.

Instructions for the game. The game runs more lively with a group of 8-10 people.

It is desirable that the balls are different. If this is not possible, a rule is introduced - to catch up with any ball, without making out who threw it.

Visit the dolls

Material. Dolls (according to the number of players).

Game progress. Dolls are sitting on chairs on the carpet (8-10, according to the number
playing). Having invited the children to play, the teacher says that now
they will go to visit the dolls and show where the dolls are sitting. Children
together with the teacher calmly approach the dolls, greet
with them. The teacher offers to take dolls and dance with them. After jumping a little with the dolls, the children put them in their place and return

When repeating the game, children can go to visit bears, hares
(the teacher previously places them in another part of the room). With these toys, children return "home" and play with them as they want.

Where does it ring?

Material. Bell.

Game progress. The children are facing the wall. The teacher's assistant hides at the other end of the room and rings the bell. caregiver
tells the children: "Listen to where it rings and find the bell." When the children find the bell, the teacher praises them and then offers

turn back to the wall. The teacher's assistant rings the bell again, hiding in another place.

Along the path (path)

Material. When playing indoors: multiple checkboxes
or toys.

Game progress. The teacher calls the children to him and shows what
a straight path is drawn (two parallel lines at a distance
20-30 cm). Then the children are invited to walk along this path, but not
go over the edge. Children walk one after another in the same direction
and return in the same order.

This game is great to play outside. It is better to involve 5-6 people in the game at the same time so that the children do not run into each other.

In autumn, on the site, you can direct the path to the tree by offering
children to go through it and bring 2-3 leaves. This will revive the game.
Indoors, you can place flags at the end of the track or
any toys for the children to bring.

Rules. Moving along the path, do not go beyond the line. Move
back and forth in the same order, do not push.

On the bridge over the stream

Material. Board 2-3 m long, 25-60 cm wide.

Game progress. The teacher draws two lines (in the room you can use
use cords) and tells the children that this is a river, then lays across
her board, bridge, and offers:

Let's learn to walk on the bridge!

Observing that the children only walk along the board without bumping into each other.
friend, the teacher reminds you to walk carefully so as not to fall
into the river. Children walk along the board in one direction and the other 2-3 times.

Rules. Walk on the bridge carefully, trying not to fall "into the river",
don't push.

Bring the flag (Step over the stick)

Material. Flags (according to the number of players).

Game progress. Having gathered a group of children (4-6 people), the teacher shows them the flags and invites them to play with them. Children stand near the line drawn at some distance from the wall. On the opposite side of the site (room), the teacher puts a chair
and put flags on it. Between the line and the chair are laid out
sticks (2-3) at a distance of 1 m from each other. The teacher in turn

but names those who will follow the flag, and makes sure that everyone
carefully stepped over obstacles. Taking one from the chair
flag, the child returns in the same way.

When all the children return with flags, the teacher offers to raise them and march (the teacher can rhythmically hit the tambourine or say “one-two, one-two”).

Then the game is played with another group of children.

Rules. Only the one named should follow the flag. Take
there is only one flag from the chair.

catch up with the ball

Material. Basket with balls (the number of balls corresponds to the number of participants).

In a variant of the game, multi-colored wooden or plastic balls are used instead of balls.

Game progress. The teacher shows the children a basket of balls and offers to stand next to it along one of the sides of the playground. Then with
with the words "catch up with the balls!" throws them out of the basket, trying to
they rolled in different directions, away from the children. Children run for
balls, take them and put them in the basket.

The game is repeated.

Game variant. Balls of different colors are selected for the game. Having folded
put them in the basket, the teacher invites the children to see how beautiful he has balls, calls what color they are. Then he pours them out with the words:

That's how the balls rolled ... Catch up with them and put them back
Add to cart.

Children run after the balls and take them to the basket.

When repeating the game, the teacher calls who brought which ball:
red, yellow, etc.

With plastic balls, the game can be played both on the site and on
clearing; with wooden polished balls, it is better to play indoors on a carpet so as not to spoil them.

The teacher makes sure that the children do not huddle together, but run around
the entire playground (each child runs at his own pace).

Instructions for the game. At first, the game is played with a small group of children, gradually the number of players increases.

sun bunnies

Material. Mirror.

Game progress. Having gathered a group of children around him, the teacher, with the help of a mirror, lets a sunbeam on the wall and says:

sun bunnies
Playing on the wall
Beckon them with your finger
They will run to you.

After a pause, he gives a signal: “Catch the bunny!” Children run to the wall
and try to catch the bunny that is slipping from under their hands.

Catch me

Game progress. Children sit on chairs placed against one of the walls
rooms or on the side of the site. "Catch me!" - the command of the teacher sounds, he runs to the opposite side of the site.
Children run after him, trying to catch him. Again the command sounds: “Catch up with me!” - and the teacher runs in the opposite direction, children
are chasing him again. After two runs, the children sit on chairs and rest. Then the game restarts.

Instructions for the game. This game is best played with small groups of children: while one group is playing, the other is watching, then the children
change roles.

cat and mice

Material. Gymnastic ladder or cord; big chair or

Game progress. The game is played with a small group of children in a room
(on a carpet) or on a lawn covered with soft grass.

With the help of a gymnastic ladder placed on its edge, or
cord fenced off a place for "mice" (children). One of the children is assigned as a cat. She sits on a large chair or stump. "Mice"
sit in minks (behind a ladder or cord).

The teacher says:

The cat guards the mice
She pretended to be asleep.

"Mice" crawl out of minks (crawl between the slats of the stairs
or crawl under the cord) and start running. Over time
teacher says:

Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the cat...

This is a signal to the cat: she gets off the chair, gets on all fours,
arches his back, says “meow” loudly and starts catching mice,
who run into their burrows.

Rules. Act according to the words of the poem. run away from
"Cats" for a gymnastic ladder or a stretched cord.

Game instructions. The game can be repeated 3-4 times, each time choosing
new cat. For the role of a cat, you must first choose the most developed,
mobile children, and then more timid ones, encouraging them in every possible way.

Corydalis hen

Game progress. The teacher depicts a chicken, the children - chickens. One
child (older) - a cat. She sits down on a chair to the side. Hen and chickens walk around the room. The teacher says:

The chicken came out
With her yellow chicks,
The chicken cackles: “Ko-ko,
Don't go far."

Approaching the “cat”, the teacher continues:

On a bench by the path
The cat lay down and dozes...
The cat opens its eyes
And the chickens are chasing.

The "cat" opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, which
they run away to a certain corner of the room - "home", to the mother chicken.

The educator (chicken) protects the chickens by spreading his arms to the sides,
and says at the same time:

Go away, cat, I won't give you chickens!

When the game is repeated, the role of the cat is assigned to another child.

Rules. Act according to the words of the poem. run away from
"cats" to "chicken" (caregiver).

A white bunny is sitting...

Game progress. On one side of the site, places for "hares" (children) are marked. Each child takes his place. On signal
teacher "run in a circle!" all the children gather in a circle, and one of the "hares"
becomes in the middle.

Children stand in a circle and, together with the teacher, recite verses, making movements that illustrate the text.

A white bunny is sitting

He moves his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears. (From the words

"like this" and until the end of the quatrain

children move their hands

lifting them to the head.)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws. (From the word

"clap" and until the end of the quatrain

children clap their hands.)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump. (From the word

"jump" and until the end of the quatrain

children jump on two

feet in place.)

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped... and ran away. (Educator

clapping his hands, and the children scatter

to their "homes".)

The game then restarts with a new hare.

Rules. Act according to the teacher's signals and words
verse. Children standing in a circle make the necessary movements, "hare"
repeats after them in a circle.

Instructions for the game. Before the start of the game, the teacher, together with the children, prepares
vit places for hares. In winter, it’s good to draw circles on the site
paint on the snow; in the room, chairs can be houses for hares.

Gray bunny washes...

Game progress. One of the players is designated as a bunny. Other
become in a circle.

"Bunny" takes a place in the middle of the circle. Children forming a circle
talking with the teacher:

The gray bunny washes.
Apparently, he is going to visit,
Washed out the nose
Washed the tail
Washed my ear
Wipe dry!

"Bunny" makes all the movements corresponding to the text: washes
nose, tail, ear and wipes everything.

Then he bounces on two legs, advancing towards someone
from those standing in a circle (goes to visit). He takes the place of a bunny,
and the game is repeated.

The game ends when 5-6 hares change.

rule. Children read the verse, the "bunny" performs the appropriate

ball rolling

Material. A set of colored balloons; box or basket.

Game progress. The teacher shows the children a set of colored balls,
gives children the opportunity not only to see, but also to touch the balls,
asks to name their colors. After that, the teacher shows how
roll up the balls, and then calls the children one by one and invites them
roll 1-2 balls. The child who has rolled the balls runs after them himself and puts them in a box or basket.

Instructions for the game. When repeating the game, the teacher can fix the children's attention on the color of the balls. For example, he rolls
red ball and invites the child to roll the same one. Or he gives the task to roll 2-3 balls in a certain sequence (red, yellow, green), each time naming the colors.

Tasks can be varied.

Roll into the gate

Material. Balls (colorful balls); gate made from
large building material (children's chair - its legs
will serve as gates).

Game progress. The teacher offers to play with balls (or multi-colored balls) and draws a line beyond which the children who want or are attracted to the game gather. Gates are installed at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the line. Having handed out one ball to the children, the teacher
invites everyone to ride it through the gate. The child who rolled the ball runs after him and returns over the line.

5-6 children take part in the game. Groups of players can
change: for those who have already rolled the ball 2-3 times, the teacher offers to relax, see how others will roll.

Rules. You can roll the ball standing behind the line. Must pick up the ball
the one who drove it.

Throw the ball in the basket (Aim better)

Material. Small balls (according to the number of players); box (large)

Game progress. Children become in a circle. Each child holds a small ball in his hand. In the center of the circle is a box or a large basket.
(the distance from the target to the children is no more than 1.5-2m). At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the balls into the box, then take them out and return
into place. If the child does not hit the target, he picks up the ball
from the ground (from the floor) and also stands in a circle.

The game is repeated from the beginning.

8-10 people can participate in the game at the same time.

Crawl to the rattle

Material. Rattle (one or more).

Game progress. Children sit on chairs, at a distance of 2.5-3 m from them
lies a rattle.

The teacher calls the children in turn and offers to play with the rattle. To do this, you need to crawl to the rattle, take it, stand on
feet, rattle, put it back and return to its place.

rule. You must follow the steps indicated by the teacher.
in strict order.

Instructions for the game. When children learn to crawl dexterously, it is recommended to put 3-4 rattles: then at the same time it can act
corresponding number of children.


Material. Gymnastic wall (trihedral fence).

Game progress. The teacher says:

Today you will learn how to climb like monkeys.

And he invites 2-3 kids to stand facing the ladder and climb onto
a few steps.

When the children climb 5-6 steps, the teacher says:

That's how high the monkeys climbed the tree! Now get down

Instructions for the game. It is necessary to make sure that when entering
and climbing down, the children stepped on every step. While only monkeys
climb, others watch.

Get the ring

Material. Stick 0.5 m long, cord, bright rings (according to the number

Game progress. The teacher draws the attention of children to a bright ring,
suspended by a cord at the end of a stick.

When a group of 4-6 people gather around, the teacher lifts the ring and passes it in a circle over the heads of the children, saying
"Get it, get it!" Children reach for the ring. In front of those children who are not very eager to get the ring, the teacher lowers the wand
lower, allows you to touch the ring and quickly raises it up again to cause active movement in children.

Having thus passed the ring over the children 2-3 times, the teacher
notes who got to him, and immediately gives them the same (spare).
Gradually, all children receive a ring. The teacher suggests taking
rings as steering wheels and play chauffeurs - run around the room.

Small and big feet

Game progress. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher sits opposite and asks the children to show what kind of legs they have. Children put their legs forward a little, raise them. The teacher cheerfully says:

Little feet ran along the path. See how they run. Top, top, top!

At the same time, he stamps his feet several times at a fast pace.
Children do the same. Then, slowing down the movement, the educator of medical
lazily says:

Big feet walked along the road. Top, top!

The teacher says the text several times, first about small
legs, then about big legs. Children repeat after him, alternating
fast and slow movements.

Zainka, come out...

Game progress. A group of children, together with the teacher, stands in a circle.
The teacher says who will be the hare. Everyone walks in a circle and sings:

Zainka, come out,
Gray, get out!
That's it, get out!
That's it, get out!

The child, named hare, goes into the circle. Singing next
verse, all players perform the appropriate movements, as if
showing the bunny what to do, and he repeats after the children each

Zainka, stamp your foot,
Gray, stamp your foot!
Like this, stomp your foot!
Like this, stomp your foot!

Zainka, dance,
Gray, dance!
That's it, that's it, dance.
Just like that, dance like that!

Zainka, jump,
Gray, jump!
Like this, jump like this
Like this, jump like this

Zainka, choose
Gray, choose!
Like this, choose like this
This is how you choose!

After these words, the hare comes up to one of the children. The rest, standing still, sing:

Zainka, bow,
Gray, take a bow!
Like this, bow down
That's it, take a bow!

The one to whom he bowed becomes a hare, and the game begins

Instructions for the game. After each verse, you should change the direction of movement.

Sunshine, sunshine...

Game progress. Children stand around the teacher who reads poetry
and shows movement. Children repeat after him:

Sunshine, sunshine, (Rhythmically clap your hands,

spring semi-squat on the stress.)

Look out the window! (Continuing to clap your hands,

bouncing in place.)

Your children are crying

They jump over the pebbles.

1st week


Program tasks: to form the ability to interact with an adult, fulfill his requests, join in joint activities; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material and equipment: magnets, cards with images of characters from N. Kalinina's story "In the car", a basket, medium-sized inflatable balls, steering wheels of different colors - according to the number of children, a magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the story and attaches cards with images of characters to the board using magnets.

Reading the story of N. Kalinina "By car".


- What did the mouse, the bunny and the dog ride on?

What happened while they were driving?

Why was everyone crying?

Why couldn't the mouse pick up the stone?

- Who raised it?

Why didn't the car start?

Who pushed the stone aside?

- Why were the mouse, the bunny and the dog able to push the stone?

Mobile game "Driver"

Target: expanding the range of motor skills with objects.

Children pick up multi-colored steering wheels, "get into cars" and "drive" one after another, stop, "press the pedal" and go in the other direction. The teacher reminds that it is necessary to drive slowly, without interfering with each other.

I myself am a driver

And he is a motor.

Kachu, I'm flying at full speed.

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance!

B. Zakhoder

The teacher discreetly scatters inflatable balls so that the children cannot pass, and offers to drive cars into the garage.

Exercise "Collect the balls"

Children collect all the balls in the basket.


Program tasks: to form the ability to interact with an adult, fulfill his requests, join in joint activities; develop the ability to distinguish objects by color; cultivate the desire to be independent.

Material: dolls Masha and Misha, a basket with cubes.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located on the carpet. The teacher introduces the story to the children with the help of dolls Masha, Misha and cubes.

Reading the story of Y. Thais "Cube to cube".


What did Masha build?

How did Masha build the tower?

- Who ran to Masha?

What did Misha ask for?

Why did the tower collapse?

What cube should you take? Why?

The teacher shows the children a basket with cubes of different colors. Names what color the cube needs to be taken, the children take the cubes one by one and name their colors.

Exercise "Let's build a tower"

The teacher invites children to build towers of cubes. Children build, and then take turns answering questions.


- What did you build?

What did you build the tower from?

What color is the tower?

The teacher sums up the lesson.

2nd week


Program tasks: form ideas about the process of washing; develop the ability to independently wash your face and wash your hands, use a towel correctly, tell a nursery rhyme, join in a joint game; educate the need for cleanliness and tidiness.

Material: paper boats according to the number of children, the “Washing Sequence” poster, Katya doll, towel, basin of water.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and the children are sitting on the carpet. There is a doll next to it. She has dirty hands and face.

Educator (V.). Katya doll came to visit us. She does not know how to wash and asks to teach her.

Exercise "Let's teach the doll Katya to wash"

The teacher shows the poster "Washing Sequence". Children, leaning on the poster, tell the doll what to do when washing: roll up your sleeves, lather your hands, thoroughly rinse off the soap suds with water, wash your face, dry your hands and face dry with a towel. Everyone goes to the washroom and shows the doll how to wash.

In the process of washing, the teacher introduces the children to the nursery rhyme “Vodichka-vodichka” several times. Children repeat the words of the nursery rhyme after the teacher, wash, dry themselves.

Reading and memorizing the nursery rhyme "Vodichka-vodichka".

AT. Doll Katya learned to wash herself. She has a clean face and hands. She thanks the children. Now Katya doll offers to play with boats.

Each child takes a boat.

Game-entertainment "Swim, boat"

Target: removal of emotional stress.

Children let boats into a basin of water. Everyone blows on his own boat.

On the waves, like in the ocean,

A boat floats in the bath.

The water is churning up ahead

Watch out, it's a whale!

T. Koval

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: form ideas about elementary ways of communication; develop the ability to fulfill the requests of an adult, join in a joint game; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material and equipment: magnets, cards with images of characters from L. Tolstoy's story "Aunt gave Varya honey", a ball, an audio recording of cheerful music, 2 flags for each child, a magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Aunt gave Varya honey."


What did aunt give Varya?

- Who did Varya treat?

Why were Masha, Vasya and Katya happy?

- What should I say for the treat, for what was shared with you?

Exercise "Share with a friend"

The teacher and children stand in a circle. The teacher invites the children to pass the ball to each other, saying: “Take the ball, please!”, “Thank you!”.

Flag dance game

Target: development of coordination of movements.

Children take 2 flags and dance to cheerful music, repeating the movements of the teacher.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

3rd week


Program tasks: to form the ability to distinguish and name the fruits of the immediate environment; develop the ability to distinguish between a part or a whole, fulfill the requests of an adult, join in a joint game; nurture the desire to play alongside and together with peers.

Material: doll Katya, cards with the image of fruits, split cards with the image of fruits.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children sit on the carpet. Katya is sitting next to her. Near it are cards with images of fruits.

Looking at fruits.


- What is it? (Apple.)

Is the apple red or green? (Green.)

Is the apple round or square? (Round.)

Is the apple big or small? (Big.)

Exercise "I will name, and you show"

The teacher asks the child to show the fruit. The child shows and calls.

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Part-whole"

Target: development of sensory processes.

In front of each child is a card on which a part of the fruit is depicted. Half cards are laid out in the center of the table. It is necessary to pick up such a card to get a whole fruit and name it.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: to form ideas about the importance of hygiene procedures for health, about elementary ways of communication; develop the ability to brush your teeth; develop the ability to fulfill the requests of an adult, distinguish objects by color, join in a joint game; cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Material: poster “Teeth brushing sequence”, Katya doll, brush and cup for the doll, 2 jars with yellow and red lids, according to the number of children: brushes and cups, silhouettes of red and yellow apples.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children sit on the carpet. There is a doll next to it.

AT. Katya doll came to visit us, she is crying because her teeth hurt. Let's take pity on the Katya doll.

An exercise"Let's take pity on the doll"

Children take turns taking the doll in their arms and pitying it: they shake it, stroke it, saying: “Don’t cry, Katya.”

AT. What should be done to avoid toothache? (Children's answers.) Remember, Katya: every day you need to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating, eat more vegetables and fruits, you can’t eat a lot of sweets. Come on, children, teach the doll Katya to brush her teeth.

Exercise "Let's teach the doll to brush her teeth"

Children take their brushes and cups, go to the washroom. The teacher draws attention to the poster "Teeth brushing sequence", tells how to brush your teeth properly, and the children show how to do it.

AT. Doll Katya learned how to brush her teeth, she thanks us and asks to help her lay out the apples.

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Red and yellow apples"


In front of each child are the silhouettes of two jars: one with a red lid, the other with a yellow one. Near the silhouettes of red and yellow apples. It is necessary to put red apples in a jar with a red lid, and yellow ones with a yellow one.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

4th week


Program tasks: form ideas about parents, close adults; develop the ability to fulfill the requests of an adult, engage in joint activities, distinguish objects by color; educate awareness of their involvement in the family.

Material and equipment: magnets, cards with images of characters from the Russian folk tale "Turnip" (arr. K. Ushinsky), 1 large and 3 small yellow circles - according to the number of children, a magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the fairy tale and, using magnets, attaches cards with images of characters to the board.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Turnip" (arr. K. Ushinsky).


What did grandfather plant?

Why couldn't grandfather pull out the turnip?

- Who did the grandfather (grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse) call for help?

- Why did grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat and mouse manage to pull out a turnip?

Exercise "My family"

The teacher invites everyone to remember their family, talk about it, naming its members.

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Turnip"

The teacher offers to lay out a turnip: a large yellow circle is a turnip, 3 small ones attached on top are its leaves.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: to form the ability to distinguish and name the vegetables of the immediate environment; develop the need for gaming activity, the ability to fulfill the requests of an adult, to be included in a joint game; cultivate interest in the environment.

Material: models of vegetables according to the number of children, Katya doll, basket.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children sit on the carpet. Katya doll is sitting next to her with a basket of vegetables.

AT. The doll Katya came to visit us, she brought us a basket of vegetables from the garden.

Examining vegetables.

Children take turns taking vegetables out of the basket, examining and naming them.


- What is it? (Tomato.)

What color is the tomato, green or red? (Red.)

Does the tomato feel smooth or spiky to the touch? (Smooth.)

What shape is the tomato, square or round? (Round.)

- Is the tomato big or small? (Big.)

- Where did the Katya doll bring the vegetables from? (From the garden.)

The teacher lays out models of vegetables on the table.

An exercise"I will call, and you show"

The teacher asks the child to show a vegetable. The child finds it among other vegetables, shows and calls.

Exercise "Orders"

The teacher puts a basket on the table, invites the children to pick up one vegetable each, then put the vegetable in the basket, near the basket, under the table, near the table.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

5th week


Program tasks: to form ideas about the work of adults, about the tools of labor; develop the ability to fulfill the requests of an adult, engage in joint activities, distinguish objects by size; nurture the desire to provide all possible assistance.

Material and equipment: silhouettes of large and small baskets according to the number of children, magnets, cards with images of characters from the Polish nursery rhyme "Grandfather Roch" (arr. B. Zakhoder), bibabo grandfather toy, basket, 8 plastic rakes, 8 spatulas, 2 carts, 3 large and 3 small green circles, magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher shows a bibabo doll.

AT. A guest has come to us. His name is Grandpa Roh. Let's say hello to him: "Hello, grandfather Rokh."

Children greet in unison. The teacher introduces the children to the nursery rhyme song and, using magnets, attaches cards with images of characters to the board.

Reading the Polish nursery rhyme "Grandfather Roch" (arr. B. Zakhoder).


— What did Grandpa Roch do?

- Why did Grandpa Roch sigh heavily (wipe his sweat)?

- When grandfather ate peas, did he enjoy it?

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Spread the peas"

Target: development of the ability to distinguish objects by size.

In front of each child, large and small circles are “peas”, and silhouettes of large and small baskets. The teacher invites the children to help grandfather Roch arrange the peas in size: put the big peas in a large basket, the small ones in a small one.

AT. Grandpa thanks you for your help. And he asks for more help: spread out the rake and shovels.

Exercise "Rake and shoulder blades"

There is a basket with rakes and shovels in front of the children, and two carts stand nearby. It is necessary to put all the rakes in one cart, and all the shovels in another.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: form ideas about elementary ways of communication; develop the ability to thank, fulfill the requests of an adult, join in a joint game; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material and equipment: tambourines according to the number of children, a bibabo cat toy, an artificial flower, an audio recording of cheerful music, a tape recorder.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and the children are sitting on the carpet. The teacher reads a nursery rhyme using a bibabo toy.

Reading the Russian folk rhyme "The cat went to the market."


What did the cat buy?

Who did the cat share with?

- How should you thank if you were treated?

Exercise "Thank you!"

The teacher and the children stand in a circle, pass each other an artificial flower, using the expressions: “Please take a flower” and “Thank you”.

Dancing game with tambourines


The teacher reports that the cat brought tambourines with him, distributes them to the children. Each child takes one tambourine and says: “Thank you, cat!” Children dance with tambourines to cheerful music.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


1st week


Program tasks: form ideas about the process of dressing; develop the ability to engage in joint activities, notice the disorder in clothes, correct it, turn clothes inside out, correctly name the dressing process, objects and actions associated with it, distinguish objects by color; cultivate respect for personal belongings.

Material and equipment: magnetic board, magnets, cards with the image of a girl, mother, doll, skirt, sweater, scarf, stocking, comb, brushes, beads, dressing sequence poster, doll, doll clothes, according to the number of children: 2 silhouettes of dresses in red and yellow colors and 3 circles - "buttons" of the same colors.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher with the children sit on the carpet at the magnetic board. There is a doll next to it. There are clothes next to the doll. The teacher introduces the children to the story, staging it with the help of cards.

Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Nastya had a doll."


- What happened to the girl Nastya?

- What did Nastya call her doll?

- What did mom give Nastya for the doll?

The teacher invites the children to remember in what order they need to dress using the poster.

Exercise "Dress the doll"

Before the children - a doll and doll clothes. You need to check if it is in order, if necessary, turn it on the front side. Then the children, together with the teacher, dress the doll in the desired sequence.

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Pick up a button"

Target: development of the ability to group objects by color.

In front of each child there are 2 silhouettes of red and yellow dresses and 3 circles-“buttons” of the same colors. It is necessary to choose buttons for the dress of the corresponding color.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: form ideas about the process of dressing; develop the ability to unfasten and fasten, take off and put on shoes, fulfill the requests of an adult, join in joint activities; cultivate respect for personal belongings.

Material and equipment: magnets, silhouette of a girl in one shoe, silhouettes of shoes of different colors, 5 pins, 4 hoops, magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

Reading the English nursery rhyme "At Little Mary" (arr. S. Marshak).


- What happened to Mary?

What has Mary lost?

Why is Mary crying?

How can you feel sorry for Mary?

Why should you take care of your shoes?

Didactic game "Pick a couple"

Target: development of the ability to group objects by color.

On the board is the silhouette of the girl Mary in one shoe, on the table there are shoes of different colors. The children together name the color of Mary's shoe, choose a shoe of the same color for her and attach it to the board with a magnet.

The teacher places skittles on the carpet, lays out hoops, asks the children to take off their shoes.

Exercise "Walk along the path"

Children take off their shoes and put them aside. Then they walk along the path between the pins, step over from hoop to hoop. After that, they find their shoes, try to put on their own shoes and correctly.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

2nd week


Program tasks: form ideas about parents (mother); develop the ability to exercise independence; educate awareness of their involvement in the family, love and care in relation to the mother.

Material and equipment: magnets, photos of mothers of the children of the group, by the number of children: 1 circle, 5 ovals, magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the story.

Reading D. Gabe's story "Mom" (from the book "My Family", translated from Bulgarian by R. Sefa).


What is the best word in the world?

Why can't you do without your mother?

- What are you doing with your mom?

Exercise "My mom"

On the table are photographs of mothers. Each child in turn finds a photo of his mother and, together with the teacher, attach it to the board. Children take turns talking about the name of their mother, what she is, what they do with their mother.

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Flower for Mom"

Target: development of the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

Each child has 1 circle and 5 ovals. It is necessary to lay out a flower: a circle is the middle of a flower, ovals are its petals.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: to form the ability to interact with an adult, to fulfill his requests; develop the ability to feel sorry for another if he is upset; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: doll room, doll, doll bed, pillow, mug, shoes, chair, cube.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children sit on the carpet. A doll is sitting nearby, there is a doll room, there is a doll bed, a mug, shoes, a pillow in it. The teacher introduces the children to the poem, scattering objects according to the content of the poem.

Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova "What you took, put it in its place."


What happened to Olya?

- Where does Olya put the mug?

Where does Olya put her pillow?

Where does Olya hide her boots?

Exercise "Let's put everything in its place"

The teacher invites the children to help the Olya doll put the objects in her room in their places. At the request of the teacher, the children arrange the objects one by one and tell where they were placed.

AT. Our Olya is very happy, you helped her, she says: "Thank you." Now she will always put things in their place. Olya has a chair and a cube. Let's show Olya how to play with them.

Exercise "Where is the cube?"

Children alternately, at the request of the teacher, place the cube on a chair, under a chair, near a chair.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

3rd week


Program tasks: form ideas about the objects of the immediate environment, that things and objects are made by people; develop the ability to fulfill the requests of an adult, engage in joint activities, distinguish objects by color; cultivate respect for personal belongings.

Material and equipment: silhouettes of a kitten with a bow and gloves according to the number of children, magnets, 2 hoops, 4 balls, cat cards, 2 kittens, 2 pairs of gloves, 2 pieces of cake, a magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the nursery rhyme song and, using magnets, attaches cards with images of characters to the board.

Reading the English nursery rhyme "Gloves" (arr. S. Marshak).


What have the kittens lost?

What did they say to mom?

What did mom say to them?

What did the kittens do when their mother scolded them?

What did the kittens find?

What did the kittens say to their mother?

What did mom say to the kittens?

- Is it possible to lose things? Why?

- If something is lost, what should be done?

The teacher invites the children to help the kittens find gloves. Children sit at the table and do the task.

Didactic game "Gloves for Kittens"

Target: development of the ability to group objects by color.

In front of each child - cards with the image of a kitten with a bow and gloves of different colors. It is necessary to pick up gloves of the same color as the bow for the kitten.


What color is your kitten's bow?

What color gloves does he need?

AT. Now the kittens will no longer lose their gloves, they will thank you.

Mobile game "Kittens"

Target: development of physical activity.

Children-"kittens" go out on the carpet. The teacher holds two hoops, the children crawl into them one after another, roll the balls.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball:

That creeps up to him secretly,

Then he will start throwing himself at the ball,

Pushes him, jumps to the side ...

Can't guess at all

That this is not a mouse, but a ball.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: to form ideas about cooperation with an adult in action with objects, the desire to listen and hear an adult; develop the ability to engage in joint activities; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: cat toy, 4 wooden plates, 4 skittles.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and the children are sitting on the carpet. A toy cat sits next to it. The teacher introduces the children to the nursery rhyme using a toy.

Reading the nursery rhyme "Pussy-pussy, scat."


- Why is the pussy being asked not to sit on the path?

Why can the baby fall?

- What should you do when you walk along the path?

Exercise "Pass the cat"

Children stand in a circle, pass each other a cat toy, saying: “Please take it”, “Thank you!”, Pity the cat.

The teacher lays out the plates on the carpet and sets the skittles. Children take off their shoes and put them near the carpet.

mobile game "On a flat path"

Target: expanding the range of motor skills.

The players go in a column one by one behind the teacher, stepping over the plates, bypassing the skittles, and say:

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

On pebbles, on pebbles.

(They walk with a wide step.)

In the pit - boom!

(They sit down.)

The teacher sums up the lesson.

4th week

"Katya went in the morning"

Program tasks: to form an idea of ​​cooperation with an adult in action with objects; develop the ability to use generally accepted methods of providing and accepting assistance, to distinguish objects by size; cultivate the desire to be independent.

Material and equipment: magnets, a bridge-boom 15 cm high, a cord, cards with images of characters from L. Tolstoy's story "Katya went in the morning", a board, according to the number of children: 4 silhouettes of mushrooms, 2 baskets of different sizes, a magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the story and, using magnets, attaches cards with images of characters to the board.

Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Katya went in the morning."


Where did Katya go in the morning?

Why did Katya go to the forest?

Who did Katya go with?

How did the girls cross the river?

Mobile game "Chickens and a mother hen"

Target: strengthening the ability to crawl under objects.

On one side of the carpet there is a “chicken coop” with a “perch” (bridge-boom), on the other side there is a “field”, they are separated by a cord stretched at a height of 40 cm. The children and the teacher (“chickens” and “hen”) stand on "on the perch". The “hen” says: “Chickens, take a walk in the field, peck at the grains.” Children jump off the perch, crawl under the cord, run around the field, “peck grains”. After the words “Chick-chick-chick,” the chickens again crawl under the cord and run into the “coop”.

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Pick mushrooms"


On the table in front of each child are silhouettes of mushrooms and two baskets of different sizes. It is necessary to arrange the mushrooms in baskets: large mushrooms in a large basket, small ones in a small one.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: form ideas about clothes and the process of dressing; develop the ability to notice a disorder in clothes, correct it, turn clothes inside out, correctly name the dressing process, objects and actions associated with it, distinguish objects by color; cultivate respect for personal belongings.

Material: dressing sequence poster, doll and doll clothes, according to the number of children: 2 silhouettes of dolls in red and blue raincoats, silhouettes of multi-colored umbrellas.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and the children are sitting on the carpet. There is a doll next to it. There are clothes next to her.

Exercise "I will name, and you show"

The teacher, together with the children, examine the clothes, then asks the children to show any item of clothing. The children take turns following the teacher's instructions.

An exercise "Let's dress the doll for a walk"

The teacher reports that the doll is going for a walk, but does not know what to wear. Children help the doll to choose the right clothes according to the weather. Check if it is in order, if necessary, turn it on the front side. Then the children, together with the teacher, dress the doll in the desired sequence, focusing on the poster.

AT. Doll Katya thanks us, but in parting asks to help her doll friends.

The teacher takes the doll away. The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Pick up umbrellas"

Target: development of the ability to group objects by color.

The teacher reports that the dolls like to walk in the rain, they have a lot of umbrellas, but they mixed them up. the doll in the red cloak needs to pick up a red umbrella, and the doll in blue needs a blue one.

Clouds look from above -

Umbrellas unfurl.

For umbrellas to bloom

Clouds of rain were brought.

Y. Simbirskaya

The teacher sums up the lesson.


1st week


Program tasks: form ideas about food, utensils; develop the ability to use dishes in accordance with its purpose (for feeding a doll), to act in a game with imaginary objects; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material and equipment: magnets, cards with images of characters from Z. Alexandrova's poem "Delicious porridge", 1 for two: a doll, a toy table, a chair, a saucepan, a plate, a spoon, according to the number of children: large and small silhouettes of pots and lids, a magnetic board.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the poem and, using magnets, attaches cards with images of characters to the board.

Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Delicious porridge."


What was the porridge made of?

- Where did she cook?

- Whom did Olya treat with porridge?

- How many spoons did the geese (chickens, tits, dog, cat) get?

- How much did Olya herself eat?

Why do you need to eat porridge?

The children sit at the table.

Didactic game "Pick the lid to the pan"

Target: development of the ability to group objects by size.

For a large pot, you need to pick up a large lid, for a small one - a small one.

Good aunt pan

He says: “How I love you all!”

I'll make fragrant porridge

And Antosha, and Lisa, and Masha!

T. Vishnyakova

game situation "Let's feed the doll with porridge"

Target: development of the ability to display the impressions received in everyday life in gaming activities.

The teacher reports that porridge is cooked in the pans, it is necessary to feed the dolls. Children are divided into pairs, each pair has a doll, toy furniture and dishes. In turn, each child puts “porridge” from the pan onto a plate with a spoon and “feeds” the doll.

And we have spoons

a little magical,

On a plate of porridge.

Eat, our doll.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: form ideas about what can be done and what cannot be done; develop the ability to use dishes in accordance with its purpose (to feed the doll), fulfill the requests of an adult, engage in joint activities, act in a game with imaginary objects; cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Material: doll, doll dishes, chair, table, bed.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and the children are sitting on the carpet. There is a doll next to it. The teacher introduces the children to the poem using a doll.

Reading a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Bad Girl".


What happened to Olya?

What did Olya do?

Is it possible to offend others? Why?

- Is it possible to scatter food? Why?

- What does Olya need to do to become good again?

Exercise "Let's feed the doll with porridge"

The teacher offers to feed the doll Olya. Puts a table with dishes and a chair. Children seat the doll at the table and take turns “feeding porridge”. The teacher says:

buckwheat porridge,

Where did you cook? - In the oven.

Welded, got ahead,

So that Olenka eats.

Exercise "Doll Olya wants to sleep"

The teacher puts a crib and says that Olya's doll is tired, wants to sleep, she needs to be put to bed. Children alternately rock the doll, say: “Bye-bye, fall asleep,” and then they all put them to bed together.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

2nd week


Program tasks: to form ideas about cooperation with an adult in action with objects; develop the ability to fulfill the requests of an adult, engage in joint activities, distinguish objects by size and shape; nurture the desire to play with peers.

Material and equipment: magnetic board, tape recorder, audio recording of cheerful music, magnets, cards with images of characters from E. Charushin's story "The Hen", an umbrella, according to the number of children: 2 yellow circles, 2 red triangles of different sizes.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the story and, using magnets, attaches cards with images of characters to the board.

Reading the story of E. Charushin "The Hen".


- Who walked around the yard?

Why did the hen call the chicks?

What did the chicken do?

What did the chickens do?

Are all the chickens hiding?

What did those who did not hide do?

mobile game "Sun and Rain"

Target: development of physical activity.

The “chicken” teacher with the “chickens” children go out onto the carpet, the teacher holds an umbrella. To the music, children walk in all directions, dance - "the sun is shining." The music is over - “it started to rain”, the children are hiding under an umbrella.

The children sit at the table. The teacher invites them to make a chicken.

Didactic game "Chicken"

Target: development of the ability to make a whole out of parts.

Each child has 2 yellow circles and 2 red triangles of different sizes. First you need to find a large yellow circle - this is the body of the chicken, then a small circle is the head of the chicken, put them together, then find a large triangle - these are the legs of the chicken, attach it to the big circle, find a small triangle - this is the beak, attach to the small circle. After the chick is composed, the children imitate how it moves and squeaks.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: to form the ability to interact with adults; to develop the desire to show independence, the ability to engage in a joint game, to distinguish objects by color; cultivate the desire to be independent.

Material and equipment: magnetic board, magnets, cards depicting the characters of V. Suteev's story "Chicken and Duckling", 4 ropes, jump rope, according to the number of children: a mosaic with large details in two colors, silhouettes of a chicken and a duckling.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the story and uses magnets to attach illustrations to the board.

Reading the story of V. Suteev "Chicken and Duckling".


Who hatched from the egg?

What did the chicken and duckling do?

- Why did the chicken repeat everything after the duckling?

Who saved the chicken?

Why didn't the chicken go swimming again?

Exercise "Like a duck and a chicken"

The teacher lays out the ropes and the rope on the carpet - this is a “path” along which one must go one after another, stepping over the rope, first, like a chicken, then, like a duckling, making the appropriate sounds.

Children help the teacher to collect ropes and a jump rope.

The teacher shows the children a mosaic and offers to make a path.

Didactic game "Two tracks"

Target: development of the ability to group objects by color.

Each child has silhouettes of a chicken and a duckling, a mosaic with large details in two different colors. It is necessary to make a path for a duckling of the same color (for example, green) and a path for a chicken (red) out of it and lead the characters along them.

The teacher sums up the lesson.

3rd week


Program tasks: form ideas about furniture; develop the ability to notice and distinguish the essential details of objects (legs, seat, back of a chair); educate emotional responsiveness, a desire to help.

Material: small models of fruit, a doll, a truck, a toy chair, according to the number of children: a small doll, a cube, a brick.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children sit on the carpet. Next to the doll and a chair.

AT. Katya doll came to visit us. Look, she's crying. What need to do? (To regret.) How should one feel sorry for a doll?

Children take turns coming up, pitying the doll.

AT. Doll Katya does not know how to sit on a chair correctly. We must teach her.

Chair exercise

Each child takes a chair. Children sit on chairs, show the doll how to sit correctly, and then seat the doll on a small chair.

AT. Now the doll knows how to sit on the chair correctly. She asks to tell what parts the chair consists of.

Exercise "I will name, and you show"

The teacher names the parts of the chair, and the children show them on their chair.

The children put the chairs back. The teacher takes out a truck with dolls.

AT. Katya's doll was visited by her girlfriends. She asks us to make chairs for them.

Exercise "Chair for a doll"

The teacher invites the children to each take one cube and one brick, shows how to build a chair for the doll. Children build chairs, seat dolls on them and treat them with fruit.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: form ideas about the purpose of objects and actions with them; develop the ability to greet, consistently perform self-service actions; cultivate the desire to be independent.

Material: doll, toy bed, pillow, sheet, blanket.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children sit on the carpet. Nearby is Katya doll.

AT. Katya doll came to visit us. She says to us: "Hello!". Let's say hello to Katya. What should be said? (Hello, Katya.)

Exercise "Hello!"

The teacher invites each child to say hello to the doll. Children take turns picking up the doll and greet her.

An exercise "Bed for a doll"

The teacher puts a doll bed nearby. The teacher and children examine the pillow, sheet and blanket. The teacher asks the children to take turns showing an object, the children show, call it, tell what it is for.

AT. Doll Katya says that she is tired and wants to sleep. Let's put her to bed.

An exercise "Let's put the doll to bed"

The children alternately rock the doll, say: “Bye-bye, fall asleep,” and then they all put it to bed together: they straighten the pillow, cover it with a blanket, pronouncing and naming objects and their actions.

You go to bed soon

Go to sleep, doll, sweet.

I'll put you on your back

And soft feathers.

Bye-bye, bye-bye, fall asleep.

L. Korchagina

The teacher sums up the lesson.

4th week


Program tasks: form ideas about toys; develop the ability to perform simple tasks for an adult, engage in joint activities, put or put toys in place after games; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material and equipment: magnetic board, magnets, cards with images of the characters of A. Fet's poem "The cat sings, squinting his eyes", according to the number of children: designer, small balls, dolls, cars, balls of medium diameter.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children are located near the magnetic board. The teacher introduces the children to the story and, using magnets, attaches cards with images of characters to the board.

Reading A. Fet's poem "The cat sings, squinting his eyes."


- What is the cat doing?

What is the boy doing?

- What's the weather outside?

What is the cat singing about?

Why collect toys?

The teacher and children approach the carpet.

Exercise "Gather toys"

A designer, balls, dolls, cars are scattered on the carpet. Children put everything in their place, following the instructions of the teacher.

Mobile game "Friendly family"

Target: development of speed of reaction to a signal.

The players are on the carpet, in the center of which are the balls. On command: "Run!" - children run around them, on command: "Friendly family!" - run to the balls, stop and lift any ball up.

The teacher sums up the lesson.


Program tasks: to form the ability to interact with an adult, fulfill his requests, recite a short poem; develop the ability to feel sorry for another, if he is upset, to join in joint activities; cultivate interest in the environment.

Material: doll, ball, basin of water, hoop, according to the number of children: small balls, pebbles.

Brief lesson plan.

The teacher and children sit on the carpet. A doll Tanya is sitting nearby, a ball is lying. The teacher introduces children to the poem using toys.

Reading and learning A. Barto's poem "The Ball".


Why is Tanya crying?

How can you feel sorry for her?

The teacher invites the children to take pity on the doll Tanya, repeating the last lines of the poem. Read the poem several times. Children pronounce the words for the teacher.

Observation "Sinking-does not sink"

The teacher puts a basin of water on the floor, distributes balls and pebbles to the children.

Children alternately lower objects into the water and see if they sink, conclude: the pebbles are heavy, they sink, the balls are light, they do not sink, but float.

The teacher offers to play with balls.

Mobile game "My cheerful, sonorous ball"

Target: development of physical activity.

Children stand in a line on one side of the carpet with balls in their hands. The teacher pronounces the text, the children slightly bend their knees to the beat of the words:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, blue, cyan,

Don't chase you!

S. Marshak

With the last words, the children throw the ball forward and run after it. Having caught up with the ball, lift it up.

The teacher sums up the lesson.