Comprehensive thematic planning in. Comprehensive and thematic planning in English in the middle group for the academic year

Galina Ivanovna Andriyanova
Complex- thematic planning. Second junior group.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten №4 "Martin" general developmental type with priority implementation

artistic-aesthetic and social-personal directions of development of pupils

Integrated thematic planning

at 2 junior group MBDOU kindergarten No. 4 "Martin"

caregiver: Andriyanova Galina Ivanovna

Comprehensive thematic planning in the 2nd junior group MBDOU d \ s No. 4"Martin"

Date, topic of the week or project Purpose of educational work Directly educational activity Joint activity with children: games, conversations, reading Final event Work with parents to create a developing environment


"My family" Cultivate love and respect for your family Monitoring

Examination of children's speech

Examination of visual skills in children "My family"

Examining the illustrations

Reading poetry by A. Barto "Toys"

Drawing "My family"

finger game "A family" Lesson of family and family values ​​Album design "My family", design of the corner of the book, introduction of board and didactic games. Attributes for a role-playing game "A family"


"Weekend Album"

Develop verbal communication between children.

Foster parent-child bonding Monitoring

Examination of the cognitive abilities of children

Examination of playing skills Role-playing game "A family".

Plot. -role-playing game "Hospital"

Conversation with children "How I Spent My Day Off",

Looking at pictures and illustrations

Drawing "My house" Fairy tale evening for

kids learning corner equipment

Meeting with parents at a round table on the implementation of the project "Weekend Album"


"Our Kindergarten"

Toys. Cultivate love for your kindergarten. To acquaint with toys, to cultivate a careful attitude towards them. productive activity "My merry round ball", "We draw round items: balls, balls»

Toy stories. Horse. Conversation "Traveling through group»

finger games

Conversation "My favourite toy"

looking at toys (color, shape) Conversation "Every toy has its place"

Exhibition "My favourite toy" Replenishment of the developing environment with new toys

Replenishment of the corner of visual activity and the corner of creativity (seeds, cones, leaves, cereals)

Participation of parents in the competition of homemade toys.


"Our Kindergarten"

Get to know people from different professions kindergarten Excursions to the methodical office, to the medical office, to the kitchen

Our guests. Cook. mobile game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

Memorizing a poem

A. Barto "Our Tanya"

Dance with toys for the holiday

Conversations about kindergarten workers

Preschool Worker's Day Family Drawing Contest "My favorite teacher"

"Hello, autumn"

To form in children elementary ideas about autumn, seasonal changes in nature. Excursions in nature.

Drawing "Let's help the hedgehog hide under the autumn leaves"» Conversation about autumn. Examination of illustrations and plot pictures on the topic "Autumn".

Painting "Autumn in the Forest"

Proverbs, sayings about autumn.

Work with the calendar of nature.

Learning poetry "Rain, rain", "The sun shines through the window"

mobile game "Sun and Rain" Holiday "Colorful leaves" homemade books,

Books for the book corner.

Benefit "The world" - "Autumn".

Selection of pictures for the calendar of nature

Autumn gifts.

To give children knowledge about vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Excursion to the garden.

modeling "Carrot for a Bunny", "Berries", "Apples for the Hedgehog"

Drawing "Oranges" Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Board and didactic games "What grows where?", "Determine the taste", "Guess what it is?", "What's extra?", "Lotto".

Examination of illustrations, plot pictures.

Reading verse. "Orange" Zubkova

Role-playing game "A family" Exhibition of vegetables and fruits "Gifts of Autumn" Organizing an exhibition of fruits and vegetables.

Competition of handicrafts from natural materials "Merry Garden" Adding dummies of vegetables and fruits to the game "A family", "Score"

Expand children's ideas about children's clothing "Autumn Clothes"

Conversation "Take care of your clothes"

Working with the calendar of nature "We dress the doll according to the season". Glomerular drawing.

finger games "Fingers in the Forest", "Tom Thumb".

Poems L Saxony "Where is my finger?",

I. Tokmakova "Button".

Board and didactic games "Pick a Pair", "Children's Lotto".

S. r. the game "Daughters-Mothers"

A conversation about the sequence of dressing for a walk.

Role-playing game "Let's dress the doll for a walk" Replenishment of the doll corner with clothes for walks in the fall.

In the reception room, place a panel diagram of the sequence of dressing.

Preparing outfits for the holiday "Autumn".

Develop the ability to notice the beauty of autumn nature. Develop children's creativity

Introduce children to birds. Exhibition of drawings and crafts on the topic "Autumn"

modeling "Let's treat the birds with grains" Learning poems about autumn.

Song "Autumn"

Learning dances for the holiday.

Drawing cones, grass, clouds, clouds, vegetables and fruits

Conversation about behavior at the holiday.

Holiday "Autumn" Decor groups and halls for the holiday.

Preparing fall treats.

Joint drawings of children and parents


animals. To expand children's knowledge about pets and caring for them. "Pets in Autumn"

Compilation of stories about pets that live in the house. Conversations about pets.

Board and didactic game "Home Yard"

Reading and learning poems, nursery rhymes "A horned goat is coming", "Early, early, in the morning", "Pig Nenila".

A. Barto "Horse",

Story "Riaba Hen"

mobile game "Cat and Mice".

Song "Gray cat"

Entertainment "In Grandma's Yard" Books about pets in the book corner.

Baby books.

Set of animals for the game "Home Yard"

Wild Animals To introduce children to the wild animals of our region and the behavior of forest animals in the fall. "Wild Animals in Autumn" Reading M Druzhinina "About the Bear", V. Berestova "Hares"

nursery rhyme "Squirrel sits on a cart".

Viewing paintings from the series "Animals. Seasons".

Outdoor games "At the bear in the forest", "Hares and Fox", "A gray bunny is sitting", "Squirrels were collecting bumps".

Dramatization n. fairy tales "Teremok" Educational books about animals.

Examination of illustrations in the encyclopedia.

Acquisition of a constructor for the construction of a zoo.

health week

Encourage a healthy lifestyle

"The sun, air and water are our best friends",

"Vegetables and fruits - vitamin products"

Excursion to the medical office. Finger and outdoor games.

Role-playing game "My doll".

Reading "Vodichka-vodichka", "Masha has lunch", "Dirty Girl"

Picture conversations "Children Wash"

mobile game "Sun and Rain", mini-competition. Physical culture leisure "Funny balls" Purchase of mouthwash cups.

Board games "Lotto" with pictures.

Cultivate love for your mother, your home.

Familiarize yourself with household items, furniture, household appliances "I and my family"

Drawing on a theme "My family"

Application "Flowers for Mom", "Beautiful rug"

Role-playing game "A family", "Daughters-Mothers".

Reading stories about mother, grandmother.

finger game "My family", "This finger is a grandmother".

Holiday, dedicated to the day Mothers Participation in the competition "Portrait of my mother".

Reflect in "Weekend Album", a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day.

Invitation of parents to the concert.

Project work

"Weekend Album" Cultivate love for your family. Develop children's speech and cognitive interest. Children's stories through the pages of the album "My day off" Talk with children about what to do on the day off.

Reading poetry.

Telling tales "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox" looking at illustrations.

Stencil drawing. Album story "My day off" Conversation with parents about different options for album design.

Preparation of materials to help parents.

Collection of photographs in which the mother is engaged in some activity with the child.

"Winter has come"

To form children's ideas about winter as a season, seasonal changes in nature and people's clothes Reading L. Voronkova "Snowing"

"Frost and sun, wonderful day"

Application "Snowman" Reading fairy tales "Three Bears", "Zayushkina's hut", "Snow Maiden and the Fox".

Table theater based on fairy tales.

Drawing "Trees in the Snow" Joint productive activity on the topic "Winter" Bring books and illustrations about winter to the book corner.

Examination of paintings on a winter theme.

Didactic game "Let's dress the doll for a winter walk".

"Comes to us New Year»

Prepare children for the New Year holiday through the organization of various activities for children "Come to us a fairy tale"

Application "Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree", "Christmas Toys", "Beasts" "Fairytale houses" Making Christmas toys with children.

Examining the painting "Christmas tree", reading and compiling New Year's fairy tales.

dramatization "The Fox and the Mouse"

Drawing "Christmas tree" Installation and decoration in Christmas tree group. Review competition for parents and children "Christmas toy".

Making a New Year's collage "Hello New Year".


"Hello New Year!" Create a festive emotional mood in children, anticipation of the holiday Christmas tree, Christmas tree, came, brought us gifts.

modeling "Sweets for New Year's gifts" Learning poems, songs, listening to music. Viewing children's New Year's programs.

Christmas tree decoration in

group. Round dances around the Christmas tree. Christmas tree holiday. Preparation of costumes for children.

Collection of Christmas gifts.

Participation in the New Year's party.

Folk traditions Expand children's ideas about folk toys Acquaintance of children with folk crafts.

Acquaintance with oral folk art


"The history of toys" Conversation with children about folk toys. Looking at illustrations for books "Okay", "Kisonka", "To preschoolers about art" T. Doronova. Board and didactic game "Matryoshka", folk games. Reading r. n. fairy tales, jokes. The history of toys.

folklore holiday "Christmas" Replenish the dressing corner with costumes and attributes. Buy folk toys: nesting dolls, whistles. Excursion with children to the Museum of Folk and Applied Arts. Christmas party with parents

Folklore in productive activities Introduce children to oral folk art and folk crafts Productive activities "Matryoshka", "Dymkovo toy"

Such different strokes and points.

Let's decorate the dress. Examining the illustrations "Dymkovo toy", "Funny tumblers".

Working with the allowance "To preschoolers about art" Exhibition of children's creativity

Leisure "Wooden Toys" Invite parents to design an album page and reflect in it an acquaintance with a folk toy in drawings and applications.

Project work

"Weekend Album" Development of children's creative abilities, create a joyful atmosphere from meeting with loved ones Collective application on the topic "Winter".

Exhibition of children's works. reviewing albums,

children's stories about holidays "The most interesting weekend"

Telling children fairy tales, poems, guessing riddles.

Finger games Meeting with parents and children on the results of the project "Weekend Album" Preparing a dramatization n. fairy tales with children and parents, preparing costumes, attributes, learning roles. Preparation for a discussion with parents on the implementation of the project "Weekend Album".

Round table meeting on the project "Weekend Album"

"Winter fun"

Expand your understanding of winter.

Introduce winter activities and sports. Conversation on the topic "Frost and sun, wonderful day!"

Construction "Slide".

Reading r. n. fairy tales and stories Examining pictures "Winter", "Tanya is not afraid of frost", "Winter Fun".

Verses by V. Berestov "Hello Fairy Tale", verse. "Matryoshka".

Reading r. n. fairy tales "Snow Maiden and the Fox", "Forest Bear and the naughty mouse"., story by L. Voronkova "Snowing".

Outdoor fun "Winter fun" Reading books to children in kindergarten and at home "Hello, winter-winter" a series "Reading to children" looking at illustrations.

Participation of parents in the construction of snow structures.

"Winter fun"

Develop exploratory interest while experimenting with snow. Cultivate respect for nature. Drawing on a theme "Christmas Trees", "Trees in the Snow", "The sun is shining".

modeling "Little dolls play in a snowy meadow" Reading N. Pikulev "Snowman".

Handbook review "Winter".

Modeling snowmen and dolls (plasticine, clay). Making a snowman for a walk.

Cognitive fairy tale "Wood".

Application "Beautiful Trees".

Learning calls.

Exhibition of children's creativity Drawing at home with parents drawings on the topic "Winter fun".

Participation of parents in the exhibition of children's creativity.

Participation of parents in the photo exhibition "Winter fun".

"I will grow up healthy"

To form the habit of taking care of your health, to form ideas about safe behavior in winter. Conversations "Vegetables and fruits are the best vitamins", "Hardening of the body with younger age» .

Outdoor games. Reading thin. literature: R. n. fairy tales "Fear has big eyes", verse. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad".

Role-playing games "How did the bunny get sick", "Hospital".

Role-playing games "Score", "Vegetables and fruits for bunnies".

Modeling vegetables and fruits. Outdoor games. Entertainment

"Visiting Aibolit" Combining the efforts of teachers and parents to cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Fill up the corner "Score" models of fruits and vegetables.

"Defenders of the Fatherland Day" To acquaint children with military professions. To form primary gender representations (to instill in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to become a defender of the fatherland) Learning poems for the holiday. Reading stories about our Army. Drawing "Our Army is dear"

Application "Ship".

Mini competition "Courageous, strong, brave" Looking at family photos.

Examination of illustrations on the topic of defenders of the Fatherland, military equipment. Making gifts for dads and grandfathers.

Reading poetry by B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur", V. Orlova "Timoshkin's accordion". Role-playing games "We are builders", "chauffeurs".

Outdoor games, sports competitions with crawling and jumping. Holiday dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland Contribute related albums to the development environment "Defenders of the Fatherland".

Looking at family albums "Grandfather and Dad - Defenders of the Fatherland".

Collaboration in "Weekend Album"

Children meeting with dad, who recently retired from the Army.

"March 8"

Raising love for family people: mother, grandmother.

Raising respect for teachers. poetry reading "Mother's day",

E. Blaginina "Spark"

Drawing flowers.

Exhibition of children's works. Excursion - congratulations. Reading poems, stories, fairy tales "Masha and the Bear", "Lazy Brucholina"

Application "Greeting card and gift for mom"

Board games "Bouquet", "Choose flower vases". Mom's holiday

Making attributes, costumes. Reading and memorizing poems about mother, grandmother.

Page layout in "Weekend Album" dedicated to the holiday.

"World of Professions"

Introduce children to the professions of close adults. Build a positive attitude towards work.

Acquaintance with the work of adults.

looking at pictures "Who to be"

"People's Activities" Stories about the work of adults, about the feasible participation of children in household chores (help mom sweep the floor, water the flowers, help in the kitchen).Stories about professions. Learning poetry

N. Tokmakova "Porridge", Aleksandrova "Delicious porridge",

To Berestov "Sick Doll". Target walk around the city Reading books to children, looking at illustrations. Excursions to the museum, library, around the city.

"World of Professions"

To form a positive attitude towards the work of adults Photo exhibition "Mom's profession".

Drawings, applications of children. Role-playing games "Hospital", "score", "chauffeurs" Board and didactic games "Professions", "Choose a picture".

modeling "Kolobok", "Baranki". Creating an album about the professions of parents Making an exhibition of photographs about the professions of parents, stories of parents about their professions

"Children's Book Week" To form interest in books, to educate a competent reader Exhibition of books "Favorite Tales".

Fairy tale drawing exhibition

Board games "Collect a fairy tale", "From what fairy tale illustration", "Collect a picture". Drawing "Kolobok", "Three Bears", "Egg simple and golden". Literary holiday. Exchange of books from the home library.

Table theater made of paper, made by the hands of parents.

Preparation for the holiday

health week

To form ideas that physical exercise improves the health of children Conversation "Take care of your body", "What it means to be healthy", "About soap suds and a comb",

10 commandments of health, the Feast of Soap Bubbles. reading nursery rhymes "Pure Water", excerpt from verse. V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad", A Barto "Dirty Girl"

Board game "Lotto".

Articulation gymnastics, finger and outdoor games. Sports holiday Reading fiction. Entering into group of new books.

Lightweight clothing for exercise.

A place to store individual combs of all children in group.

Expansion of ideas about spring. Conversation "What will spring give us",

"Spring Clothes"

"Visiting a fairy tale".


Animals and cubs "Learning invocations, sentences "Sun, bucket", "Rainbow-arc", Rain-rain.

Poems by G. Ladonshchikov "Galchata", I. Belousov "Spring Guest", Pleshcheev "Spring". Reading Bianchi "Rooks opened spring". Reading and acting out fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Riaba Hen".

Holiday "Vesnyanka" Design together with the parents of the weekend album (spring theme).

Reading literature about spring.

Replenishment of the home yard with new animals and their cubs. Games in this corner. Preparation for the holiday.

Education of respect for nature, the ability to notice the beauty of spring nature. Reflection of impressions of spring in various activities.

Spring excursion to the park.

Drawing on a theme "Leaves on the trees"


"Green guests"

Spring conversation "Bunny's Secret" looking at pictures "Spring came", "The Rooks Have Arrived".

Riddles about birds, animals, clothes, plants.

Drawing "Rain is coming", "Green Grass", "Beautiful flowers".

Board games "Collect a picture", "Guess".

Listening to L. Kvitko's poems "Bug" Exhibition of drawings "Spring came" Little books about animals and birds.

A selection of illustrations about spring.

Didactic game "What branch are these kids from"

Working with the calendar of nature in spring

Role-playing game "A family"

and the world of things

Expand children's ideas about things, clothes, shoes, hats. "Things that Surround Us"

Reading N. Pavlova "Whose shoes?"

Z. Alexandrova "Masha put on a mitten",

"In little mittens".

Conversation "What are things?", "Everything has its place".

Riddles about clothes, shoes.

Board and didactic games "Pick the right one", "Find a Pair". Classification exercises "Clothing", "Shoes"

Children's loto. Role-playing game

"For the birthday of the doll" Freckle Replenishment with the help of the parents of the doll corner with clothes for walking in the spring

(bright, elegant, beautiful)

Board games, books, manuals for expanding children's horizons.

Purchase of new dishes.

Victory Day

To form ideas about the holiday dedicated to Victory Day.

Raise respect for war veterans. Our defenders of the fatherland.


Album review "Defenders of the Fatherland".

Presentation "Victory Day" Reading poems and books about the war. Examination of illustrations in books about war, military equipment, conversations.

Role-playing games "chauffeurs", "Builders". Making cards for dads and grandfathers. Application "Rocket". Drawings of children about the world. mobile game "We are funny guys". Visiting the holiday dedicated to the Victory Day. Invite parents to take their children to the monument to the Defenders of the Fatherland, lay flowers.

Conversation with children.

Together with parents, make an album dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland. Fill the cognitive corner with cars.

Family day

Raise love and respect for your family.

To consolidate knowledge of the last name, first name and patronymic of parents and all family members “Mom, dad, I am a friendly family”

Product. active "Portrait of Mom, Dad", "We are walking with mom". "If I were a girl"

E. Uspensky Learning poems about the family, reading stories

Conversations "We are a friendly family", How do I help at home?. Examining illustrations from the series "A family".

Role-playing game "A family" Family day holiday. Weekend album work "My day off".

Drawing competition "Our family".

Reading fairy tales "Three Bears", "Petushka with family".

Man and the world around To improve children's ideas about nature and the world around them.

Expand the horizons of children Living and inanimate nature.


"Me and my world"

Leisure "Magic Jars" Looking at scene pictures. Didactic game "Insert a word", "Tell Mishka how good kids play". Reading poetry by A. Barto "Toys", P. Voronko "Birch", E Serova "Dandelion", Board and didactic games "Zoo", "Forest

Animals", "Home Yard". Exhibition of drawings "The world through the eyes of children" Examination of herbariums of flowers, leaves of trees of their region.

Learning poems, nursery rhymes.

Excursions to nature, to the river, to the museum, library with the invitation of parents.

We grow, knowing the world.

Conduct a survey of the knowledge, skills and abilities of children Monitoring the knowledge, skills and abilities of children at the end of the school year Reading poetry, telling fairy tales, staging fairy tales, guessing riddles.

modeling "Favorite toy",

Drawing "We are wizards".

Mobile, finger games. Journey into the world of knowledge with a seven-color flower. Preparation for the holiday of knowledge.

Acquaintance of parents with the results of diagnosing the development of children.

Topic: « We came to kindergarten »

Tasks: inspire children with the joy of being in kindergarten. To develop the idea of ​​children about the kindergarten as the nearest socio-cultural environment: about the employees of the kindergarten, the subject environment, about the rules of conduct in the preschool educational institution. To form friendly, benevolent relations between children, between children and employees of the kindergarten; to promote the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by involving children in joint activities.

Final event: Entertainment "It's good in our garden", Photo album "Our favorite kindergarten".

Morning exercises (complex No. 1)

Education of cultural and hygienic skills: Saying the nursery rhyme “Water, water, wash my face” - while washing.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: Game situation: "Let's show the bear where our things are."

Purpose: to form in children the ability to be careful with their things.

Walking on a hardening path (prevention of flat feet)

Situational talk about how I like being in the garden.

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to reason and express their thoughts about what they see.

Conversation on the topic "What I saw on the way to kindergarten"

Tasks: to continue work on the activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children, to clarify the names of familiar objects and phenomena.

Examination of the painting "New Girl" from the series "Kindergarten".

Purpose: to form interest in the regular examination of books, illustrations.

Didactic game: "Journey through the group"

Purpose: to introduce children to the group, objects and corners in the group, to teach to express their thoughts.

Didactic game: "What has changed?"

Purpose: to develop memory, observation, attention.

Situational conversation "How to behave at the table."

Purpose: to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Situational conversation about the rules of behavior in the group.

Purpose: to educate children in a benevolent attitude towards each other, to promote the establishment of emotional contact.

Situational conversation on the topic "What we love to do in kindergarten"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Kindergarten tour "Meeting wonderful people"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the people around them.

Mosaic - a game for the formation of fine motor skills

Construction from the details of a wooden constructor.

Purpose: to develop the constructive abilities of children.

Didactic game: "Pick by color"

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the four colors. Learn to highlight colors, distracting from other signs of the subject.

Creative workshop: Drawing with wax crayons.

Tasks: introduce children to wax crayons, show how to work with them. Provide children with the opportunity to draw on their own or using a printed base (coloring books, tasks for the game “Draw”, etc.)

Introduction of a printed board game, D / and: "Lotto"; "Pick by color"; "Spread the pictures."

Bring in stencils, coloring books, pencils, wax crayons, sketchbooks.

Selection of illustrations, books, pictures on the theme.

    Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.

    Bring photos from the children's summer vacation for the walls of the newspaper.

    Collection of information about the families of pupils. Signing contracts.

    Design of the "Corner for Parents": tips and tricks, a schedule of classes, daily routine.

    Daily conversations about nutrition, sleep, children's play, what parents should pay attention to, about success in the classroom.

Comprehensive thematic planning of the educational process in the second junior group for September

Topic: "Games and toys"

Tasks : to consolidate children's knowledge about "toys", to form knowledge about the properties, qualities and functional purpose of toys, to encourage kindness, care, respect for toys in children; promote the accumulation of experience friendly attitude of children and adults, the ability to play together.

Final event: The design of the exhibition is “Toys of our mothers and fathers, grandparents”.

Morning exercises with your toys.

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, to raise emotional and muscle tone.

Morning exercises with massage balls.

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.

CI "Where to put the item?" Doll games.

Goal: Remind children not to talk at the table.

"My cheerful sonorous ball."

Purpose: to encourage children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text.

Speech development (R / r, reading x / l)

Didactic game "Find a toy"

Purpose: to teach children to determine and name where it is in relation to other objects, to use appropriate prepositions in speech.

Russian folklore "The cat went to Torzhok", "Our Masha is small ...".

Purpose: to introduce children to Russian folklore.

Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem "Our Tanya".

Purpose: to help remember A. Barto's poems from the "Toys" cycle. Give the opportunity to tell poems in full, develop memory; work out the correct pronunciation; cultivate respect for toys.

Reading and playing out A. Barto's poem " Truck".

Purpose: to educate children in the ability to listen, memorize a short poem, read by heart, slowly, clearly pronouncing the words and, especially, the endings of the words; teach children to pronounce sounds clearly.

Reading and playing out Yu. Volodin's poem "Matryoshka".

Purpose: to develop memory; speech. Arouse the desire to play with the matryoshka.

Social and communicative development (game, work, safety, patriotic education)

Independent play activity with favorite toys.

Purpose: to enrich the play experience of children, show an example of plot actions with various toys.

Didactic game: "Find a toy according to the description."

Purpose: to encourage children to use the ability to find a toy according to the description in the game; develop the ability to navigate in space.

Show of puppet theater based on the fairy tale "Turnip"

Purpose: to create a positive emotional mood, to develop interest in theatrical activities, fairy-tale characters.

Creation of game situations: "Hospital for animals"; "Let's build a house for animals"; "Razhenie".

Purpose: to introduce children to different forms of role-playing interaction; to introduce elements of novelty into the game.

"New doll to get acquainted with the play area."

Purpose: to remind children of the names of objects located in the play areas.

Theatrical games: Visiting the dolls.

Purpose: to develop a sense of color, to evoke an emotional response to a game situation.


Purpose: to involve children in role-playing interaction, to develop game skills.

Cognitive development (sensorics, FEMP, design, FTsKM, nature)

Didactic game Domino "Toys"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to follow the rules of the game; develop visual perception, attention.

Theater talk.

Purpose: to clarify and enrich children's knowledge about the theater, types of theater, rules of conduct in the theater.

"Introduction to Matryoshka".

Purpose: to introduce children to the folk toy "matryoshka".

"Shelf for toys."

Purpose: to teach how to create simple structures, to develop gaming skills.

« Houses for toys ».

Purpose: to teach how to create buildings that are different in size and beat buildings.

Artistic and aesthetic development (music, artistic/creative)

"Rattles" (dance with rattles)

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements in dance, to learn to dance in accordance with the text of the song.

Listening to your favorite songs.

Purpose: to encourage the performance of dance movements.

Submit Books:A. Barto, Y. Volodina.

Insert pictures of matryoshkas.

DiDomino "Toys", "Find the toy according to the description,"Where to put the item?", "Introduction to Matryoshka", "We will disassemble and collect",

Enter attributes for a role-playing game.

Replenish the theatrical corner

Phys. fill the corner with different balls.

    Talk to parents about their children's favorite toys.

    Participation of parents in enriching the playing environment in the group.

    Consultations, poster information on the theme of the week.

    Questionnaire for parents "My child's games"

    Participation in the competition "Homemade toy"

Comprehensive thematic planning of the educational process in the second junior group for September

Topic : "We are friendly guys"

Tasks: create conditions for the formation of friendly relations of children to each other and mutual understanding based on the principles of communication with each other, using an integrated approach.

Final event: « Exhibition of children's works»

Finger games: "Visiting a big finger", "Friendly fingers", "They are friends in our group."

Purpose: to learn finger play, develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Exercise "Neat hairstyle".

Purpose: to form cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills in children. Encourage the use of an individual comb, control their appearance.

Speech development (R / r, reading x / l)

Looking at the photo "My friends"

Purpose: to cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults; expand the idea of ​​friendship; develop emotional responsiveness

Reading fiction: M. Plyatskovsky "Lesson of friendship", E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends",

V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower", L. Voronkova "What would mom say?", Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane".

Purpose: to encourage emotional response to the content of the fairy tale, to help children understand what “friendship” is

Proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Memorizing poems about friendship.

Social and communicative development (game, work, safety, patriotic education)

Conversation "We always play together"

Tasks: to cultivate friendly relations in the group, to develop a sense of empathy, to form elementary skills for resolving disputes.

Conversation with children: "Hello!"

Goal: encourage children to greet each other, call peers by name. Encourage children to be friendly, when communicating in kindergarten and at home, use “polite words” in their speech. Cultivate a culture of behavior.

Cognitive development (sensorics, FEMP, design, FTsKM, nature)

Watching the cartoon "Baby Raccoon" and listening to the song "Smile" from the cartoon

Didactic game: "Say the name"

Purpose: to form the ability to call peers by name; act in concert in the game; help bring children together.

Artistic and aesthetic development (music, artistic/creative)

"The bear with the doll smartly stomped"

Purpose: to learn dance, to perform movements in a coordinated manner.

Freehand pencil drawing.

Purpose: to develop imagination, creativity, hand motor skills.

Submit Books: M. Plyatskovsky “Lesson of friendship”, E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, V. Kataev “Flower - seven-flower”, L. Voronkova “What would mom say?”, Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”.

Add to the creative corner: coloring books, paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens.

    Conversation with parents on the topic: "Learning to be friends"

    Counseling: "Friendship at a young age - candy friendship"

    "Helpful tips for parents for every day"

    "Rules of Friendship"

Comprehensive thematic planning of the educational process in the first junior group for October

Topic : "Vegetables"

Tasks: expand and generalize children's knowledge about vegetables through different activities. Explain that vegetables contain vitamins necessary for our health. Introduce children to vitamins. Learn to distinguish vegetables by color, shape, size. Consolidate acquired knowledge. To develop in children the desire to reflect their ideas in productive activities (drawing, modeling, riddles). To cultivate a culture of nutrition, to understand that a certain benefit is hidden behind each vegetable.

Final event: exhibition of autumn crafts "Gifts of Autumn"

« Let's help the bear collect vegetables"

Target: develop physical qualities:agility, speed, endurance

motor game "We chop cabbage"

Target: correlate words with movements, develop speech activity in children.

"Garden dance"

Target: arouse interest in round dance games, the desire to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Speech development (R / r, reading x / l)

View presentation on the fairy tale "Turnip"

Purpose: to encourage children to follow the development of the plot, "sound"; pronounce individual lines of characters, imitate the voices of animals. To maintain interest in oral folk art, to help increase the expressiveness of speech.

Reading a poem by T. Side "Harvest Festival"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with autumn natural phenomena, with the "gifts" of autumn. Encourage attentively, listen, in the course of reading, choose the objects mentioned in the poem. Enrich vocabulary, develop the ability to concentrate.

F. Gurinovich "Garden"

Target: Introduce children to a new poem. Develop attention, memory, the ability to speak loudly enough. Cultivate interest in poetrym.

"Let's feed the Katya doll with vegetable soup"

Tasks: development of gaming activities, teaching roles

Social and communicative development (game, work, safety, patriotic education)

Word game "What vegetables grow in the garden?"

Conversation: "Why can't you eat unwashed vegetables, fruits?"

Story game "Supermarket"

Purpose: to teach to establish contacts in the game, to reckon with the interest of comrades.

Plot - role-playing game "Vegetable shop"

Target:to encourage to play next to peers, without interfering with them, to accept the game task, together with the educator.

Role-playing game "In the shop"

Purpose: to lay out on the table (on the counter) vegetables, fruits, substitute items. An adult or child to take on the role of a salesperson. Ask the seller what products are in the store. Select the necessary products and put them in a basket using substitute items.

D / and "Guess the vegetables by touch"

Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish vegetables by touch.

Cognitive development (sensorics, FEMP, design, FTsKM, nature)

Work in the corner of sensory development: the didactic yoke "Divide into groups"

Purpose: to encourage children to understand the essence of the task, to divide objects into groups by color.

Artistic and aesthetic development (music, artistic/creative)

Creative workshop: modeling from plasticine "Tomatoes, cucumbers"

Purpose: to encourage children to roll balls and sausages from plasticine, to choose the right color for the material. Develop fine motor skills, creativity fantasy.

Examining the illustrations "Vegetables"

subject pictures on the topic "Vegetables"

Russian folk tales: "Turnip", "Man and Bear"; poems: Tuwim Yu. "Vegetables", Barto A. "Carrot juice", Korkin V. "What grows in our garden?"

Advice for parents: "Vitamin Kaleidoscope"

Invite parents to talk with their children about the benefits of vegetables (beetroot salad, carrot casserole ...)

Comprehensive thematic planning is compiled by all teachers working in state preschool educational institutions. Let's analyze its main features, as well as give examples.

Main features

According to the new federal state standards, complex thematic planning must meet certain requirements. To begin with, it is prescribed which indicates the features of the plan, its goals, objectives, expected results. Next, the plan itself is developed for a certain time period. The table indicates not only the name of the topic, the period of its implementation, but also the main parameters that must be learned by preschoolers. In addition, complex thematic planning also contains a set of methodological literature that the teacher will use to implement the planned activities. A separate place is given to the indication of methods of work with those kids who miss classes due to illness.

Cyclograms according to GEF

If complex-thematic planning is designed for a month, then the first column may contain the type of activity, the second indicates the time of the lesson, and the third indicates the main tasks set by the teacher.

Preschool planning example

We offer an exemplary complex-thematic planning in the 2nd junior group, related to the development of children's speech.

Explanatory note

It is on how developed the child's speech depends on the subsequent development of his personality, the success of his subsequent socialization. In the age of computer technology and innovative achievements, new communication options are emerging. Despite the rapid growth of science, more and more children preschool age have speech problems. If the situation does not change, the society is threatened with a real linguistic catastrophe. Parents spend less and less time with their children, instead of full-fledged communication, they acquire modern gadgets for them. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to develop speech skills in children. Of course, not only teachers, but also parents, psychologists, should create favorable conditions for the harmonious formation of the child's personality. Statistics confirm a direct relationship between the formed speech skills and the success of the child in school, family life, in a professional environment.

Program features

The proposed approximate complex-thematic planning in the 2nd junior group involves the use of a variety of didactic games, conversations that contribute to the development of communication. To improve dialogic speech, it is supposed to use a special technique related to musical accompaniment. Comprehensive thematic planning under the program "From Birth to School" has practical material that contributes to the development of the speech of preschoolers. The game technique used in this program is complemented by various activities.


Comprehensive thematic planning under the program "From Birth to School" is aimed at developing interactive communication among preschool children using a variety of activities.


Thanks to the method under consideration, it is possible to successfully correct the following tasks:

  • enrich the vocabulary of children;
  • to cultivate an aesthetic and creative attitude to the word;
  • increase the number of synonyms and antonyms in the child's speech.

Classes are organized in the afternoon, their frequency is once every two weeks. The duration of one lesson does not exceed 20 minutes.

Comprehensive thematic planning in the 1st junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard Veraksa N. E. corresponds to an exemplary program of preschool education. It is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Approximate complex-thematic planning in the 2nd junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard is based on a humane-personal attitude towards a preschooler, aimed at full development, the formation of universal and spiritual values, competencies and abilities. It presents all the basic content lines of education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Distinctive characteristics

Comprehensive thematic planning in middle group fully complies with the principle of developing education. It combines scientific validity and practical significance. In addition, complex thematic planning in the middle group guarantees the unity of the developing, educational, teaching tasks of the educational process with the skills and abilities necessary in the preschool period. All this helps the educator to fully realize the goals and objectives.

Comprehensive thematic planning in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for a year is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of children, the principle of integration, and also taking into account the specifics of different educational areas. It is based on the principle of the combined construction of the educational process.

Comprehensive thematic planning in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for a year involves the solution of all educational tasks in the process of joint activities of children and adults, not only during training sessions, but also during gaming activities.

The educational process is built on the basis of the game, which is the main activity at this age.

What does an exemplary integrated thematic planning include? Senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it involves the assimilation of educational areas by kids: "cognitive development", "artistic and aesthetic direction", "communicative formation", "physical development".

Process division

Approximate complex-thematic planning in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard involves the division of the educational process into educational activities, which is carried out with the help of labor, communicative, gaming, cognitive, productive, research, musical activities. Particular attention is paid to the independent activities of preschoolers, as well as work with families.

In order to fully reveal the individual potential of each preschooler, complex thematic planning in the 1st junior group is built taking into account all the requirements and standards established by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Accounting for the individual characteristics of preschoolers

At the age of three or four years, the baby tries to go beyond the family circle of friends. In the eyes of a child, an adult looks not only as a member of the family, but also as a representative of society. The kid tries to imitate his parents, as a result of which there is a contradiction between his desires and real possibilities. In order to eliminate this problem, it is actively used at preschool age. It involves the transfer of actions to toys, which are substitute objects. Younger preschoolers perform no more than two roles in such a game; its plot should be understandable and non-expanded. At this age, the formation of playing skills is just beginning, so it is so important to acquaint kids with its rules and features.

Practical activities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Kids do not have a base of ideas about the subject itself, graphic images are not filled in, motor skills are not developed. How does exemplary integrated thematic planning solve this problem? The senior GEF group is no longer conceivable without modeling classes, organizing exhibitions of children's work for parents. But at the age of 3-4, kids are able to make only irregularly shaped mugs from plasticine. Under the strict guidance of an adult mentor, kids can work with simple applications. The horizons are gradually expanding, there is an idea of ​​​​the simplest geometric shapes, colors, a desire to create complex and interesting compositions from paper, plasticine. during such a period it is limited to the creation of simple buildings according to a finished model. Gradually, working according to the standards, the kids begin to develop their own options for building, decomposing the elements of the application, that is, their imagination develops.

Special attention is paid to the development of attention and memory. The teacher pronounces several names of objects that the child must remember. By the age of 4-5, preschoolers should memorize small passages and children's poems. Children learn to establish hidden connections between objects, look for similarities and differences. Imagination is manifested during the game, here the rules and norms of behavior in various situations are formed. The main conflicts that appear at this age are related to toys.

Areas of work

Considering the requirements of the new federal educational standards, special attention is paid to the following areas in planning:

  • physical development;
  • health of preschoolers;
  • socialization through gaming activities;
  • security;
  • communication skills;
  • knowledge;
  • reading;
  • artistic creativity.

In the direction of strengthening the health of preschoolers, the emphasis is on the ability to dress independently for a walk. In social and personal development, special attention is paid to dialogue communication between the teacher and the child.

Example of thematic planning activities


The holiday "Hello, Kindergarten" involves the acquaintance of kids with the professions of employees of remote control, the rules of conduct in a preschool institution, and building relationships with other children. In the process of collective gaming activities, ideas about the seasons, vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits are also expanding. It is also assumed that a certain upbringing of a careful attitude to wildlife, broadening one's horizons when observing natural phenomena.

The holiday "My Family" is aimed at the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the skills of caring for one's body and face. Speaking about himself in the first person, the baby develops ideas about the appearance, the distinctive features of his appearance.

The sports festival "Together we are a team" allows you to unite children with their parents. In the process of competition, the kids not only stimulate the spirit of competition, but also give the impression of the importance of physical exercise.

The holiday "My Home" is aimed at introducing kids to the house, home furniture, household appliances. Getting acquainted with the streets of their native city (village), historical sights, preschoolers form their own idea of ​​professions, traffic rules.

The New Year's holiday, organized together with educators and parents, will be the culmination of the first half of the year. Preparing for the New Year's performance, the kids are involved in musical and artistic, productive, research, cognitive, communicative activities. It is here that the independence of children is manifested, they have a real opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities to adults and their peers.


In order for the development of preschoolers to be harmonious and integrated, it is important for the kindergarten teacher to draw up a full-fledged thematic planning, indicate all the goals and objectives. A special role in kindergartens is given to patriotic education so that after graduating from a preschool institution, the child will form the correct ideas about their small homeland, family values, and love for the Motherland. To this end, in the thematic planning, all the details of patriotic development are indicated, the periods for holding events are determined. For example, in order to develop in future schoolchildren ideas about their native land, thematic excursions, creative games are held for kids, meetings with interesting people of their native city are organized. Planning is done in such a way that the guys have a real opportunity to demonstrate to the people around them their creative abilities and capabilities.

Presentation "Complex-thematic planning in preschool educational institutions"

Description: This presentation presents the experience of the teachers of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 18 "Ladushki" in creating thematic and complex-thematic planning, which takes into account all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
1 slide
Dear colleagues, the topic of my speech is as follows:

Comprehensive thematic planning in preschool educational institutions as a factor in the effectiveness of the modern educational process

2 slide
I would like to start my presentation with the words of the German publicist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: “The future must be embedded in the present.
It's called a plan.
Without it, nothing in the world can be good"

3 slide
On this slide, I propose to brush up on the definitions of what is a plan? And what is planning?
Plan- a working document, the purpose of which is to help achieve the goals. Without this document, the teacher has no right to start work.
Planning- this is an early determination of the order, sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, the means used, forms and methods. The effectiveness of upbringing and educational work as a whole depends on how well thought out and competently implemented planning is.
Planning allows not only to significantly reduce the share of uncertainty in the development of the pedagogical situation, but also to ensure the continuity of today's and tomorrow's actions.
Planning educational work is based on the cooperation of the teacher, the children's team and parents, on their understanding of the goals and their tasks in joint activities, on the desire to make life in kindergarten interesting, useful, creative.
4 slide
Next, I want to draw your attention to the planning structure in our kindergarten.
1. Regulation "On the conduct of thematic, complex - thematic, and calendar planning of the educational process with children in groups of preschool education".
2. Thematic plan of the preschool educational institution for the year, adopted at the teachers' council and approved by the head.
3. Cyclograms of the activities of educators.
4.Complex - thematic plan.
5.Calendar plan.

5 slide
On this slide, you can see the creative team hard at work creating the planning:
1. Head of MADOU No. 18 - Borodina L.Yu.
2. Educator of the I qualification category - Volynkina V.V.
3. Educator of the I qualification category - Kichigina N.A.
4. Senior educator of the highest qualification category - Machulina T.N.
6 slide
Starting work on the compilation of different types of planning, the creative team studied the principles of planning very carefully. No matter how the plan of educational and educational work with children is designed, it must meet certain requirements:
- be based on the principle of developing education, the purpose of which is the development of each child;
- the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;

The principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils of the group;
- to ensure the unity of the educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives of the education of pupils, in the process of implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;
- the planned content and forms of organization of children should correspond to the age and psychological and pedagogical foundations of preschool pedagogy.
When planning and organizing the pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is the game.

7 slide
What is a complex - thematic principle of building the educational process?
Complex - thematic model - the connection of educational areas into a single whole based on the principle of thematic planning of the educational process.
But in a complex - thematic model of the organization of the educational process is described in detail in the Scientific Concept, edited by Viktor Ivanovich Slobodchikov. It is supposed to highlight the leading theme of the day, week, month. The developed model must comply with the principle of cyclicity.
8 slide
So, what is the purpose of integrated thematic planning:
Creation of complex thematic planning based on the theme-forming factors and the principle of age targeting, to make the life of children interesting and connect it with the surrounding reality.
9 slide
On the next slide, we will consider the theme-forming factors proposed by Nadezhda Alexandrovna Korotkova, candidate of psychological sciences, junior researcher at the Research Institute of Preschool Education.
the first factor is real events taking place in the environment and arousing the interest of children (bright natural phenomena and social events, holidays);
the second factor is imaginary events described in a work of art that the educator reads to children. This is the same strong theme-forming factor as real events;
the third factor is events specially "modeled" by the educator based on developmental tasks (introducing into the group of objects previously unknown to children with an unusual effect or purpose, causing genuine interest and research activity: "What is this?", "What to do with it?" , "How does it work?");
the fourth factor is the events taking place in the life of the age group, "infecting" children and leading to the preservation of interests for some time, the source of which, as a rule, is the mass media and the toy industry.

10 slide
Thus, the thematic planning of the educational process in our preschool institution for all age groups is built according to the "event" principle, namely on the basis of seasonality, holidays, anniversaries, traditions, thematic meetings and the principle of age targeting.

11 slide
When using complex-thematic planning, it is taken into account
Number of topics (developed by the creative group of the preschool institution);
Forms of training are integrative;
One topic is given no more than 1 week in the younger groups (there must be a specific case), at least 1 week in the older groups (no more than 2 weeks);
The principle of age targeting;
The theme is reflected in the selection of material located in the centers of the group.
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13 slide
Scheme of complex-thematic planning
season, month, week
Theme-forming factor
Program content of the work
Options for the final event
Information and resource support

14 slide
The essence of thematic planning is that:
the theme of the week is chosen, which is named and initially considered in the lesson on familiarization with the outside world (ecology or familiarization with the natural world, familiarity with social reality), which is held on the first day of the week;
all other activities (speech development,

Elementary mathematical representations, modeling, application, designing and others) continue the proposed topic, are somehow connected with it;
in each of the subsequent sessions, a short repetition of the theme of the week is given;
brief recommendations are offered for parents, tips on organizing homework, observations in nature, home reading to children.
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16 slide
Expected results of planning
1. Planning for organized educational activities.
2. Increasing the competence of teachers.
3. Interrelation of theoretical training with practice.
4. Uniform thematic plans in the main areas of child development, in all educational areas.
5. Implementation of the integration of educational areas.
6. Increasing the level of development of preschoolers.
7. Use of various forms and methods of teaching.
8. Rational use of technical teaching aids

17 slide
And I want to end my presentation with the words of Booker Washington:
“To the extent that a person spends himself for the sake of writing a plan, to the same extent he finds the highest satisfaction in his work”

Yulia Sergeevna Ivleva
Complex-thematic planning in the second junior group “Forest. Inhabitants of the Forest»


Morning : Morning exercises.

Conversation: "How did I spend my weekend?"

goal: to develop dialogical speech.

D/N: "Whose house"

goal: to teach children to recognize animals and name them.

NOD: "Wild Animals" (environment)

goal: to give elementary ideas about the animals of the middle lane, to encourage expressive reading of the nursery rhyme using gestures.

Examination of illustrations on the topic: "Inhabitants of the forest"

Walk : Watching the dog.

purpose: to fix the characteristic features of the animal, that it has paws, tail, ears, wool.

P / N: "On a flat path"

goal: to teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

D / I: "Find the same sheet"

purpose: to teach children to distinguish leaves by shape; develop coherent speech.

Labor: Cleaning up after the games

Purpose: to cultivate the desire to participate in joint cleaning.

Evening : Children's games with favorite toys, big builder

goal: develop imagination, creativity

S/R game: "Zoo"

purpose: to arrange a corner for the game, to teach children to take on a certain role.

Ind. work: Repeat the names of animals based on illustrations.


Morning : Morning exercises.

Observation from the window of the gradual onset of daylight. Reading a poem by E. Blaginina "Good morning".

goal: to teach children to name the parts of the day, to recognize their image in the pictures.

D/I: "Who lives where?"

goal: to clarify children's knowledge about the habitats of wild animals.

NOD: "Who lives in the forest?" (maths)

goal: to exercise in comparing two groups of objects by applying an overlay; introduce the concepts of so much-how much, more-less; Introduce a geometric figure - a triangle.

Walk : Watching a kitten

purpose: to expand children's ideas about animals, to teach to distinguish between the characteristic signs of a cat, to cultivate the desire to take care of animals.

P / N: "At the bear in the forest"

goal: to continue to teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text, to maintain a joyful mood.

Work on the site: we remove dry grass.

goal: to teach to act collectively.

Evening :C/R game "We are going to the zoo"

goal: to organize play activities with children in line with several topics, combining them into a single plot (we ride the bus, buy tickets, etc., continue to form the ability to take on a certain role.

Y/N: "Whose tail?"

goal: to teach children to connect pictures correctly (tail and body of an animal)


Morning : Morning exercises.

Continue to acquaint children with the changes that occur in animals in the fall (birds fly south, bunnies and squirrels change coats)

D/I: "Zooloto"

goal: to learn to name animals, find them on cards.

NOD: "Carrots for bunnies" (application)

goal: to consolidate the use of the application reception, to teach how to stick objects.

Independent play with your favorite toy

goal: to teach how to use toys for their intended purpose, to implement various game plots with their help.

Walk : Watching the cat

goal: to expand ideas about pets, to activate vocabulary.

P/N: "Monkeys"

purpose: to exercise children in crawling under the rope sideways, to increase motor activity.

Labor: collecting colorful leaves for crafts.

goal: vocabulary activation, the formation of the ability to explain your choice.

Evening :Reading the fairy tale "Teremok" accompanied by a table theater

purpose: to teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale, to follow the plot, to evoke positive emotions.

Work. instructions: put the toys in their places

Purpose: to instill in children the desire to work.

Individual. work on FEMP: learn to compare objects by size, indicate the results of the comparison with the words: long ears, short ears, long tail, short tail)


Morning : Morning exercises.

Examination of illustrations "Wild animals"

goal: to supplement the knowledge of children about wild animals (hare, bear, fox) and their cubs.

Raising KGN: game exercise "Mother hare teaches hare to eat properly and beautifully"

goal: to teach children the rules at the table during meals.

S / R game: "Hospital": the plot "At Dr. Aibolit"

goal: to contribute to the formation of the game based on the work of K. Chukovsky, to take on the role of a doctor.

GCD: "Description of favorite animal toys" (speech development)

goal: to teach how to make a story about a toy, to consolidate knowledge of the names of baby animals, to learn to pronounce sounds quickly and slowly, quietly and loudly.

NOD: "Bears love sweet cookies" (modeling)

goal: to consolidate the ability to roll plasticine between the palms, flatten the ball. Show how to work with the stack.

Walk : Watching the dog:

purpose: to acquaint with the structure of her body, the features of her appearance.

P/N: "Birds in nests"

goal: to continue to teach children to act on a signal, to find their place.

D/I: "Autumn Leaves"

Purpose: to learn to find leaves of the same color and shape.

Labor: sweeping benches on the site.

Evening : Reading a poem by T. Sobakin "Snail"

D / I: "Pick up a picture"

goal: to teach how to classify objects correctly (wild and domestic animals)

Ind. work: to teach children to roll out plasticine, connect the ends of the resulting stick.

Friday :

Morning : Morning exercises.

Conversation about the life of animals in the forest "Who lives next to us?"

Looking at pictures "Animals"

Y/N: "Guess who it is?"

goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest.

NOD: "Bear clubfoot" (drawing)

purpose: to teach to depict an animal in a vertical position, to make a figure from an oval and a circle, to convey the structure of the coat.

C / R game: "Family" (game situation "Let's feed the bear")

purpose: to teach children to take on the role of mother, to beat various actions.

Walk: Observation of the sky, the sun

goal: to develop interest in natural phenomena, to learn to express their observations and conclusions in speech.

P/N: "Shaggy Dog"

goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to perform actions in accordance with the text.

Work. charge: cleaning dry leaves on the site.

goal: to teach children to perform simple labor assignments, to teach them to keep cleanliness and order on the site.

Evening : Reading and staging the fairy tale "Three Bears"

goal: to arouse children's interest in theatrical activities; to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in a group, the rules of communication with adults.

Freehand pencil drawing pictures about the forest

goal: to systematize children's ideas about the forest, the inhabitants of the forest, about what grows in the forest.