DIY felt balloon mobile. Children's mobile from felt balloons Pattern of a balloon with a basket of felt

And the assortment will definitely tell you a lot of great ideas for decorating balloons and creating new toys.

To sew a mobile from felt, you will need:

  • felt in eight different colors (or less if you want to repeat colors through one);
  • needle and thread or sewing machine;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • bottle caps, buttons or sequins for decoration.

1. Print out the pattern. Select the desired size of the parts - the petals of the ball and transfer the pattern to sheets of felt of different colors. Cut out. Also cut out a circle from the felt.

2. Sew the petals of the future ball together using a machine or manually. On one side, leave the hole unsewn - you will need it to stuff the toy. Turn the ball out.

3. Fill the ball with padding polyester or cotton. Close the hole by sewing on a circle of felt.

4. Baskets of balls - a cork from a bottle of wine, cut in half and decorated with felt strips. They can be easily glued to supermoment glue.

5. Decorate the balloons with stars or sparkles, if desired.

6. Hang the balloon from the mobile disk with long strong strings stretched across the top of the balloon. Or maybe you will add snow-white clouds to the mobile, as we did, or multi-colored raindrops. Create your own unique toy that will delight your baby!

In our article you can find interesting crafts paper balloons for all occasions. For example, you have a celebration at home, and you need to decorate the apartment. DIY paper balls are a great and inexpensive option.

You can, of course, make a beautiful balloon using the origami technique, you can sew it from bright patches, but making a voluminous inflatable balloon that would depict a balloon model is perhaps easier and faster. You can download a ready-made stencil for cutting, or you can make it yourself to the required size.

All crafts of varying complexity from simple to unusual. Great job and good mood.

First option.

In our master class, we will analyze how to create a festive paper ball with your own hands. To do this, we need a piece of white and necessarily multi-colored paper, sharp scissors, glue.

  • First step. First you need to print the template in duplicate (on white and multi-colored paper) using a printer.
  • Second step. Then, of course, you need to cut templates and lay them out in the shape of a "sun".
  • Third step. We glue the cut out circle in the middle, connecting all the rays in one place. Fourth step.
  • Now let's move on to creating the ball. The color template is on white. Then we connect the white rays with the colored ones.
  • Fifth step. Thereafter, it should turn out so that the white rays will lie on top of the colored ones, now they must again be hidden under other rays.
  • Sixth step. Such a beautiful ornament will turn out if you intertwine different rays.

Seventh step. At the end, we will attach the rays and fix them together at one point.

How to create a paper ball with your own hands, a master class

The second option for creating a ball - a reduced layout - with your own hands.

  • Now we will analyze how to make a magnificent ball from different paper with your own hands. For this we need three sheets different shade, circle template, pencil, sharp scissors. Cut out four identical circles one color, and do the same with other colors. You should end up with twelve circles of the same size.
  • We add the circles in the order we need: two circles of the same color (for example, 2 blue), then we put two circles of a different color on them (for example, 2 pink), after that, for example, two blue, and repeat in the same order. Then we fold them in half. You can fold the thread in the middle if the ball should hang.
  • Fasten the middle with a stapler in different places. Let's divide one semicircle into three uniform parts. On the upper 1/3 of the circle, apply glue diagonally.
  • Then glue it with the next part. Then with a new semicircle, we will also divide it into three parts and apply glue already on the lower 1/3 part and connect it with another. And thus, with all the semicircles, alternating, gluing all sides. This is how easy it turned out to be a chic hand-made ball that you can hang on a Christmas tree or decorate your room with it.

Products in the form of a balloon, master class

Crafts in the form of balloons look very cute. They can be made from paper, felt and even light bulbs.

We often throw away unnecessary lamps, but we do it in vain, as beautiful crafts can be made from them.

Now we will figure out how to create balloons from different light bulbs.

For work, we will need the following materials:

  • Unnecessary light bulbs.
  • Paints for working with glass.
  • Improvised materials for creating a basket.
  • threads.

First, the light bulb must be degreased, so that the paint lays evenly. Let's cover the light bulb with the background.

While it is cooling, you can make a basket. From paper, from corks - what your imagination is capable of. We will attach ropes-threads of a certain size to the basket. When the background of our product dries, we need to finish the details. Let's connect the basket with the ball. You can make a loop on top of superglue or other glue to hang the ball.

Such balloons can also be created using knitting, stained glass windows and various improvised means.

Felt balloon.

It is quite simple to sew an air balloon out of felt, but it looks very beautiful and impressive.

To do this, we need pieces of felt, a pattern, cardboard to create a template, thread and cardboard for a basket, and, of course, sewing parts.

First, we will cut out 8 wedges according to the template, taking into account the allowance and one circle.

Then everything is simple: we will make wedges and a circle, turn the product inside out, stuff the ball with cotton wool, decorate with a basket and slings (threads).

The balloon is made of felt.

Decor with balloons.

Balloons have long been part of our lives. They decorate weddings and other celebrations, they are given. Even with the help of balloons, many make marriage proposals.

An unusual way to congratulate a person is quite simple. We will need a large box, wrapping paper, balloons, which are inflated with helium. It is desirable that there is a present at the bottom of the box. Such a surprise is created before the presentation. The required number of balloons is inflated and closed in a box. When the box is opened, the balloons take off!

Air paper balloons can be made by hand, both for launching and for decorating rooms in everyday life or for holidays. Conclusion. I hope, after our detailed article, you finally understood how to make balloons from different materials.

Balloons from the most distant childhood seem to us something mysterious, magical and alluring. In this article, we invite you to immerse yourself in the very atmosphere of childhood, build balloons with your own hands, dream about beautiful things and just have fun.

Balloons come in different types: flying, rubber, with helium, various crafts. In many adventure films we have seen people travel in hot air balloons. Nowadays, it has become an amazing attraction for the whole family. It is impossible to make such transport for flights on your own, but it is a great idea for a children's launch into the sky.

Mastery Fundamentals

First of all, you need to know the components. It consists of a dome made of durable material, a basket and a burner.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a launch ball with a diameter of 2 meters. So let's get started:

  • First, prepare a template according to the diagram. Make a pattern on it on cardboard;
  • the segments themselves are made of paper, preferably cigarette paper, if it does not fit the given size, it can be glued together, this will not affect the quality of the idea;
  • after gluing the segments, cut out the cardboard blanks, the template is ready;
  • attach the sample to tissue paper and cut out 16 parts from it. Do not forget to leave one centimeter, taking into account further gluing;
  • glue the finished segments in two, then connect all the pairs together, but leave one seam;
  • turn the shell inside out and seal the last seam;
  • cut two rectangular strips from cardboard and use it to fasten the base. Then, attach two strong thick threads to them, which will allow you to hold the ball when it is heated;
  • cut the circle to the size of the dome and glue on top to fill in the gaps that were left during gluing;
  • heat the blowtorch and use it to spread the ball;
  • take the finished dome by the strings and make a fire under it.

When the air warms up in the balloon, it is ready to launch.

Air Smeshariki

Such cute balls are suitable for decorating children's parties, birthday celebrations.

And we'll be happy to show you how to create them.

To do this, we need multi-colored balls (round), balls of the smallest diameter, modeling balls, double-sided tape and markers, depending on the intended character.

Take a big round balloon and inflate it. With the help of small ones, make legs and arms, attach with double-sided tape. Model ears or a headdress with the help of modeled balls and draw with a marker: eyes, nose, mouth. In order for our Smesharik to look like a cartoon exhibit, it would be better if you keep a photo of the selected hero in front of you.

lamp ball

Surely everyone in the house burns out light bulbs very often, after which we mercilessly throw them away. What if we try to give them a second life? Let's make our ball of light bulbs.

So, let's begin.

Prepare an old light bulb, glass outline, twine (or thick thread), gouache. Degrease the light bulb in advance with alcohol.

Draw the picture you like on the bulb with a contour, and fill the empty spaces with gouache. Gently wrap the base of the light bulb with twine (this will be a craft with a basket in the form of a balloon). On the narrow shape of the light bulb, draw lines imitating the ropes that connect the basket to the ball. The advantage of this craft is that you can decorate it in a variety of ways: make a strapping, glue it with a cloth, and even cover the light bulb with stained glass paints.

Cheerful Luntik

It's no secret how kids love to watch a cartoon about Luntik.

In this article, we will show a master class on how to make crafts from balloons.

To do this, we need: 4 balls of 25 cm, two large balls of 45 cm, 6 balls for modeling and 2 simple smallest ones, double-sided tape, markers.

  • take 4 balls of 25, inflate and tie together into a four (the base of Luntik);

  • next, take a large ball and attach it to the base with tape;
  • then, we need to make a neck out of balloons for modeling. Fold as shown in the picture and attach to the torso;

  • inflate a 45 cm balloon, slightly smaller than the body, draw a muzzle on it with a marker and glue it to the neck;
  • use the smallest balls to make handles;
  • it remains to make only the ears, they are made very simply. From the modeling balls, make eights in pairs and attach to the head.

Our Luntik is ready!

Felt balls

Felt balls can be used as Christmas decorations.

To make it, stock up on paper, felt, thread, needle, filler (for example, cotton wool), scissors, cardboard.

Using the paper template, cut out 8 pieces of felt. Sew them together, filling with cotton. Make a small box out of cardboard to serve as a basket for the balloon. Our felt ball in the box is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

Thematic video selection for the whole family:

And the assortment will definitely tell you a lot of great ideas for decorating balloons and creating new toys.

To sew a mobile from felt, you will need:

  • felt in eight different colors (or less if you want to repeat colors through one);
  • needle and thread or sewing machine;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • bottle caps, buttons or sequins for decoration.

1. Print out the pattern. Select the desired size of the parts - the petals of the ball and transfer the pattern to sheets of felt of different colors. Cut out. Also cut out a circle from the felt.

2. Sew the petals of the future ball together using a machine or manually. On one side, leave the hole unsewn - you will need it to stuff the toy. Turn the ball out.

3. Fill the ball with padding polyester or cotton. Close the hole by sewing on a circle of felt.

4. Baskets of balls - a cork from a bottle of wine, cut in half and decorated with felt strips. They can be easily glued to supermoment glue.

5. Decorate the balloons with stars or sparkles, if desired.

6. Hang the balloon from the mobile disk with long strong strings stretched across the top of the balloon. Or maybe you will add snow-white clouds to the mobile, as we did, or multi-colored raindrops. Create your own unique toy that will delight your baby!

On the second day theme week dedicated to felt products for the smallest children, we will sew a mobile over a crib. And the elements of the mobile will be… felt balloons!

You will need:

multicolor felt;

filler, for example, sintepukh.

And you can buy felt on the site "". Presented here a large number of various types of felt. Choose according to your taste: here is semi-woolen felt, and Korean felt, and with a pattern. In general, there is something to look at and be inspired to create new products from felt. And the most convenient, orders are sent to any city or country!

It's simple enough. If you want a one-color ball or a multi-color one, then simply cut out the pieces from the selected felt according to the template and sew them together. Below are two options for sewing more interesting design balls.

Consider Option I

Cut out 8 pieces of blue felt. Then, in free form, arrows and triangles made of yellow. If you are not sure, then create a template on paper first. Carefully sew the yellow parts onto the future front side of the ball.

Sew together 8 pieces. Manually, neatly, with a blue thread in the color of felt. Leave one side open for turning and filling the ball.

Fill the balloon with sintepuh. Tight enough.

Close the bottom of the balloon carefully.

Option II

Cut out 4 pieces of details (red and white felt in this case) according to the largest size of the template. Sewing will be easier. Let's cut the parts so as to compose and coordinate the colors with each other. The parts can be fixed with adhesive tape and then sewn with yellow thread.

Sew on a typewriter or manually 8 pieces together. Leave the edge open. It is possible not to sew up the segments to the end to facilitate the eversion and filling of the ball.

Fill the ball with sintepuh and sew up the bottom of the ball.

The final step of any option is to attach the cork on three threads. The cork can be taken from wine by cutting it into three parts. From champagne - for the largest size of the ball. You can remove the inscriptions that often appear on traffic jams with sandpaper.

Use the fishing line to attach the resulting balls to the hoop or any other suitable part for the mobile. Thus, there will be a feeling that the balloons are floating. Additionally, you can sew a couple of clouds from white felt.

And the children's mobile made of felt balloons is ready!