Folding paper napkins in various ways. Serving napkins for the festive table and not only

Beautifully folded napkins increase the importance of a family celebration, emphasize the richness of the table and create a festive atmosphere. There are many ways to fold a napkin, we will look at the most original and unusual of them.

As you know, napkins have been used for quite a long time, millennia. They were first mentioned in ancient Egypt. At that time, napkins were fig tree leaves, with which slaves wiped their master's face. As for cloth napkins, they were first used in ancient Rome, and in Europe they became famous in the Middle Ages.

Nowadays, both paper and tissue napkins. They put the cloth ones on their knees, and wipe their lips with paper ones. The etiquette also allows the use of only one type - either paper or fabric.

The most original ways of folding napkins:

Fold the napkin in half horizontally, make a fold at the top. After that, take the top corners and fold diagonally in the middle. Connect the sides of the formed triangle so that their corners are at the bottom. Turn the napkin over, fold the ends over so that they are used as a support. Now fold the napkin into the inner part and place it vertically on the table.

Lay the napkin so that it is inside out. Now take the corners, bend them towards the center, turn them over and repeat the procedure again. Now you need to stretch each corner and smooth the napkin.

Cover for devices. The initial position is the same as in the previous case. Fold the left corner towards the center. We fold the napkin in half from left to right, and bend the bottom part under the top. We fold the upper corner to the center, and bend the side corners back.

Fold the napkin diagonally. Now connect the corners of the napkin with the top of the triangle, fold them along the horizontal axis. The top of the triangle needs to be bent.

Fold the napkin diagonally. Try to align the side corners with the top of the triangle. The figure that was formed must be folded horizontally. Fold the bottom corner down and the side corners forward. Here is the gate arch.

The first step is to fold the napkin right side up. Wrap the top corner so that a bag is formed. The third part of this bag needs to be turned out, the figure straightened, put in a vertical position, ready.

Bend the napkin vertically, fold in half. Wrap the layers of the upper left corner in the center, the same must be done with the right corners. You should have a triangle, fold it down along the line that runs below the middle. All corners need to be bent in the middle, and the triangle that turned out should be bent down to the first one.

Fold the napkin in half so that the front side is inside. Fold the third part of the top layer down. You should have a crease in the center. Turn the napkin over, fold all corners and sides so that they meet in the center, repeat the procedure.

Lay the napkin upside down. Fold it into an accordion shape. Fold in half in the middle. Such a napkin can be put in a glass or in a special stand for napkins.

As you can see, surprising guests is quite simple. You just need to show perseverance and originality. It looks very attractive if the color of the napkin is combined with a tablecloth or with something else.

Every woman, before receiving guests, carefully prepares for this event. She spends a huge amount of free time preparing the table. You need to cook delicious dishes, pick up a tablecloth on the table, and also choose napkins and be able to serve them beautifully. After all, they are considered an important attribute both in everyday life and during a solemn event. Next, consider the various ways of serving napkins.

Setting the table for a morning meal, evening dinner or holiday event need to take this issue seriously. Try to carefully read all the rules that we will describe to you:

  • On the table for the holiday should be both fabric and paper options. Just think, because the second is usually served with fish or a meat dish. A fabric napkin will very quickly become covered with greasy stains, therefore, it will lose its own appearance and aesthetics. Your guests will actively try to find a sink to wash their hands. Table setting for a holiday involves several napkin holders that will be available to each guest.
  • Cloth napkins can be made from linen or cotton. You can also use those options that have some synthetic additives in their composition. This will prevent the napkin from looking wrinkled after being folded. Never use silk, viscose or similar materials for napkins. Since they do not absorb moisture at all.
  • If there is a serving plate on the surface of the table, then lay the product on it or place it between the fork and knife. If there is no such plate, then the napkin is placed instead. A separate glass or wine glass is allowed, where you can put a napkin folded in the form of a figurine.
  • Folded holiday napkins should unfold without problems and should not look badly wrinkled from the side. Consequently, iron-on figurines are typically used for napkins that decorate the table.
  • It is forbidden to fold the canvas with dirty or wet hands. So you can spoil the whole appearance of the napkin itself, and hence the mood of the guests.
  • After washing, cloth napkins must be starched with ordinary starch. The aerosol type of starch does not give the products the proper density. It is better to iron the fabrics when damp. And well-dried wipes need to be moistened.
  • And most importantly, before you fold the napkin, you need to practice. Otherwise, it will have to be washed or look for other options.

Types of napkins:

  • Fabric. There are silk, cotton, satin.
  • Napkins Patchwork. These products are made independently at home. They are made from different materials. Professional seamstresses cut out all kinds of figures from fabrics, and then sew them together.
  • Bamboo. Often used to avoid staining the tablecloth.
  • Paper. The most popular type. There are products of various shades, sizes, and may differ in the thickness of the paper itself.

Now we list the most common types of serving napkins. Some of them you can do yourself.

  • Tiered corners
  • Princess Frog
  • Royal bun
  • Cap with lapel
  • Bishop's hat
  • marquee
  • twisted tent
  • Bunny

Paper napkins for table setting

Paper napkins, like fabric ones, are considered an integral element in table setting. Do you know that they are not so simple? Today you decided to buy a hot dog, you were given paper napkins, you had dinner at a restaurant - and here you will see similar napkins in front of you.

A huge selection sometimes does not allow you to concentrate on the basic qualities that you need to know. And not any implementer will tell you what the difference is between one or another type. In order not to make a mistake during the selection, use our tips:

  • Purpose of application. If you need paper napkins for home use, then buy colored options or ones that are interestingly designed. If you need them for a restaurant or cafe, then give preference to plain products, without ornaments and patterns.
  • Requirements. If you only need paper napkins for your own primary purpose, then more economical options are suitable for you: you are provided with low price and efficiency during use.
  • Personal preferences. Here you should rely on the selection of your favorite company, shade, quality of products and density of napkins.

Table napkins

People have been using napkins for a very long time. Our ancestors used cloth products during meals to wipe their hands and face. They observed some rules of etiquette at the table:

  • from the very beginning of the meal, the owner was allowed to take a napkin, after which the rest of the guests began to take
  • it was not allowed to make very sharp movements during meals, for example, shake napkins or wave a napkin
  • it was possible to use the product only after the food was served.
  • at the end of the meal, the napkin was left on the left side of the plate. Leaving it on a plate was considered bad manners.

Cloth napkins are considered an important attribute of the table today. According to etiquette, they straighten and spread on their knees so that clothes do not get dirty. Therefore, if you want to please your own guests, choose high-quality canvases for the festive table.

The advantage of fabric products is that they are durable. You can wash them after use, iron them, and then use them again.

When choosing fabric products, consider the strength of the wipes and their absorbency. Inexpensive options are usually thin, they lose their own appearance and are torn more often than others.

Another advantage is the naturalness of this raw material. Fabric models are quite pleasant to the touch. They do not electrify and do not cause allergies.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the shade and design. Napkins must match the entire composition. But this is not considered a problem today. You can buy almost any canvas: classic - white, plain - in various shades, with printed patterns, with embroidery or openwork inserts.

The only drawback of such napkins is whimsicality during care. If you wash these wipes in the wrong temperature water, they will shrink, stretch, or lose their shape. After that, you can no longer return them to a rectangular or square shape.

So, let's conclude: when choosing cloth napkins, pay attention not to their price, but to their quality. Products of the highest quality will serve you longer. They will be an excellent option during table setting.

How to fold napkins for serving

First, let's learn how to properly fold paper napkins for serving. Many connoisseurs argue that the serving of such products and fabric napkins has its own subtleties and certain rules. So, square-shaped products are considered the most suitable for a solemn event.

If you only have rectangular napkins, then you can easily form folds on them. An ordinary tea party or lunch does not need festive and fancy napkins. In this case, give preference to the simplest options. Before you fold paper napkins, be sure to wash your hands and try to touch them less.

Many housewives come up with real masterpieces from paper products, for example, you can quickly twist a flower using various methods.

Quite often, during twisting, the origami technique is used, allowing you to put a variety of figures on the table: flowers, boats, and so on.

Paper versions of napkins can be folded in half, or in the form of a tube. If you want to give the serving a more solemn appearance, come up with a complex combination: a cylinder, a cone, a candle. It is better to put a napkin on snack plates, folding it in half.

Ways to serve napkins

Serving napkins today is quite diverse. Everything will depend on how you are a good and hardworking hostess. There are several options that are very simple and, at the same time, they look festive.

  • "Plume". Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect to the top of the triangle, first the right corner, then the left. Draw a mentally horizontal line, fold the figure into two equal parts relative to this line. Fold the corners of the product towards the back. Pull the corners that are at the top in the opposite direction.

  • You can do beautiful flower lilies. Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect the corners with the top of the triangle: right, then left, as in the previous version. Fold the resulting figure into two equal parts relative to the horizontal. Unscrew the corner at the top.

  • The third simple method is this. Fold the napkin in half 2 times. Fold down symmetrically both sides of the resulting rectangle. Unfold the figure so that the wrong side is visible. Make 2 rings at its ends. Connect them.

If you want to get an original and beautiful product, try to delve into the process. It is then that this lesson will become for you not an ordinary job, but an interesting hobby.

Making your own napkins

If you decide to make napkins with your own hands, then you must first choose the material for them. But the one that is dense will wash well and retain its original shape after use.

As a rule, such products are made from linen, cotton and satin. If you want to make napkins for daily use, then it is advisable to purchase cotton. This material is not so easily soiled and it retains its shape perfectly. Linen and satin napkins have a more festive look, but they are very whimsical during washing.


Conventionally, the color palette for napkins is divided into the following categories:

  • pastel shades
  • gold and silver
  • noble tones
  • classic tones like white

The choice of color will depend only on your preference. At the same time, you must know that napkins must be combined not only with a tablecloth, but also with other elements of the room.

It is not difficult to choose the color of napkins just for the tablecloth. When doing this, consider the density of the fabric. If the napkins will be inferior to the tablecloth in density, choose options 2 tones darker. If the fabric of the products and the tablecloths are the same in structure, then choose napkins of the same tone with a touch of the tablecloth.

Tools and cloth

You can easily find these items in a sewing store. For this process, you should have enough:

  • fabrics
  • dense threads
  • needles

Plus, you will need to bring scissors, a sewing machine, an iron and a pen.

Sewing napkins for serving

  • Before you start work, decide on the size of the products. The most optimal size is 50 * 50 cm.
  • After that, mark the desired dimensions on the material and you can cut it. Make each cut as straight as possible. Thus, you can fold the resulting napkins in different ways.
  • Take your pattern and lay it wrong side up. Bend each edge 1 cm, iron. Again, fold each edge 2 cm, iron.
  • Expand the resulting folds. From the point where the folds intersect, draw a thin strip diagonally.
  • Cut off the corners of the napkin along the resulting strip. From the place where you cut, step back about 1.5 cm, then sew on a typewriter
  • Iron each seam on both sides before turning the corners over to face. Turn the corners right side out, sew each edge.
  • Iron the resulting product and starch.

Ways to set the table with napkins

Beautiful table setting using napkins is the key to the attractiveness of your table and the whole design. The colors of the napkins play an important role here, so if you want to set the mood for the celebration, try hard and choose the right colors.

For example, a green tone always evokes associations with freshness, vegetation, flowers, leaves. In addition, the green tone is able to perfectly emphasize the richness of other tones and their beauty. Take advantage of this quality when you compose such compositions:

  • Put small multi-colored flowers on the festive table. Instead of leaves, use green napkins.
  • gray tone during serving and table decoration is considered practical and versatile. You can combine it with any colors: bright, dull, warm, cold.
  • If you take a gray tablecloth as a basis, then create unusual compositions. Complete them with napkins of the same color.
  • Serving with white napkins, combined with any completely tones. You will get an unusual and bright effect.
  • red tone- the most prominent. It simultaneously transmits heat and irritates, stands out, and in some cases is unobtrusive. Therefore, do not overdo it with red. Combine red tone with dull shades and more neutral ones. Think in advance how best to combine it with the rest of the shades that are on the table.

Remember, when choosing napkins, consider the tone of the tablecloth and the overall service. If you do everything right, your serving will turn out beautiful, and in return you will get a joyful mood of the people present at the table.

Napkin serving schemes

Now we offer you several options for serving napkins with patterns.

The first method "Fan":

  • Fold the napkin into 2 equal parts. You will get a rectangle. Collect 3/4 of the length of the product in the form of an accordion. Fold one fold down. Keep an eye on the distance between the folds: it should be approximately 2.5 cm.
  • Fold the figure in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left. The part you didn't fold should be on the right side.
  • Take a napkin. Its free tips should look up.
  • Adjust the part of the product that was not folded between the folds. Put the resulting product on the table.

The second method is "Lily":

  • fold the product diagonally
  • the corners located on the right and left sides, attach to the top of the triangle
  • fold the fabric in half horizontally
  • bend the top of the triangle located at the top

The third option is "Royal Lily":

  • lay the canvas face down
  • bend the corners in turn to the central part
  • turn over
  • bend the corners again to the central part
  • holding the corners in the center, carefully pull the corners from the bottom, you should get petals.

Serving napkins step by step


  • fold the napkin diagonally
  • assemble the product in the form of an accordion, start from the top of the triangle, make folds in turn: first up, then down
  • fold the resulting "accordion" into 2 parts
  • connect the corners, twist a little so that the shape of the figure is preserved, straighten the folds, give the napkin a leaf-like appearance

"Tulip with a glass":

  • fold the material into 2 parts
  • wrap the corners of the rectangle towards the center so that you have a triangle
  • fold the sharp corner of the base in half
  • twist a little side, carefully put the figurine into the glass with the side that is bent; spread the flower petals

  • starch the material well, spread the product on the table so that the front side of the napkin looks up
  • place the fork with its teeth in the central part of the product, twist the material, while moving each fold between the teeth of the fork
  • rotate the material in one direction so that you have a spiral
  • remove the plug, squeeze the product with your hand so that the spiral does not unwind
  • put the figurine in the dish where you planned to put it in advance, straighten the fabric - you will get a beautiful rose

Serving napkin size

If you have no idea which napkins to choose, do not know what size they should be, use the following rules:

  • If you decide to spend your free time in the circle of a small company, drink delicious tea, coffee with cakes and buns, then small napkins will suit you, the size of which should be 35 * 35 cm.
  • If you choose napkins for everyday use, then choose 40*40 cm napkins.
  • If you have a solemn event, then give preference to large napkins measuring 50 * 50 cm.

Serving napkins in a napkin holder

Folding napkins in a napkin holder is very easy. It all depends on the shape of the napkin holder itself.

  • "Candle". This method is ideal if the napkin holder has a round shape. Unfold the product of one color so that you get a large square. Fold the product diagonally to get a triangle. Bend the tube in half. Insert all the napkins that you fold in this way into the napkin holder.

  • "Corners". Place each napkin in a flat napkin holder. You can fold the products in the form of "corners", alternating in shades. Canvases of contrasting tones look unusual.

Creating a beautifully set table is an art. After all, it is precisely the properly and festively laid table that creates the basis of the atmosphere at the holiday. Make your evenings and holiday gatherings bright. And beautifully made figures from napkins will help you with this according to our advice.

Video: Beautiful folding napkins for table setting

Beautiful table setting is an integral part of any festive feast. In addition to mouth-watering dishes and beautiful tablecloths, original folded napkins are an important attribute.

A napkin can be the simplest, or it can be refined and elegant, large or miniature, bright or plain. It is this serving detail that sets the style for the entire table.

The most commonly used fabric and paper products. Fabric ones serve to protect clothing and are placed on your knees. Paper are designed for wiping the mouth and hands.

Folding napkins for serving is a responsible business. Light rag napkins will help to beautifully set the table - they need not only to be folded in an original way, but also to be put correctly. You can master the art of folding napkins quite easily - the Internet is full of master classes. If you don’t like ready-made schemes, it’s easy to fix the situation: using the knowledge gained, develop and draw your own scheme in stages, and it will become the hallmark of your serving.

paper napkins most popular in today's society. And no wonder, because they are inexpensive and practical. There are many options for the appearance of this product and choosing the right model is not difficult.

They add an element of luxury to the table setting. Mostly use products made from natural or mixed materials of various colors and styles.

There are a lot of ways to fold napkins for table setting. We present a selection of the most interesting and popular schemes.

Gallery: napkins for table setting (25 photos)

How to fold cloth napkins

Before learning how to fold various shapes and figures, you need to make sure that the size this accessory is suitable. Too small formats should not be bought. As a rule, the size of this product should be about 50x50 centimeters.

Lily flower:

The envelope for cutlery:

  1. At a square napkin, fold the upper left corner to the middle of the canvas.
  2. Fold the material in half along a vertical line.
  3. Fold the fabric horizontally so that the folded corner remains on the outside (visible) side. This resulted in a square.
  4. Rotate the shape slightly so that the vertices look exactly up and to the sides.
  5. Bend the top corner to the center and fill.
  6. Turn the side parts of the product under the bottom. It turned out a convenient pocket for a knife and fork.



  1. Take a rectangular napkin and fold it diagonally.
  2. Place the top of the triangle on top.
  3. Roll the base into a roll to the middle of the product.
  4. Connect the ends of the triangle.


  1. Fold the square napkin along a horizontal line.
  2. Fold the fabric in half along the center vertical line. Got a square.
  3. Take the bottom corner and move it to the left side. In this case, the product should partially straighten out.
  4. Take the next corner and also shift it to the left side.
  5. Do the same with the remaining 2 corners.
  6. Thus, you get a folded product with 4 folds, which can be beautifully placed on the table.
  7. You can stop at this stage, or you can give a curved shape. To do this, roll the napkin from left to right and carefully place it on the surface. Beautiful curves will give elegance to the appearance of the figure.


French way:

  1. Take a napkin and fold it diagonally.
  2. Rotate so that the right angle points to the right.
  3. Take the top corner and fold it down, leaving a few centimeters from the left end.
  4. Take the right side of the product and bend it in the same way.
  5. This design will look beautiful on a table or plate.



  1. Lay the tissue paper on a flat surface.
  2. Take the central part with your fingers and begin to carefully twist the fabric in a circle. You can use a regular fork for this action.
  3. Carefully turn the napkin over to the back. An original and beautiful presentation is guaranteed.

Asian fan:

How to fold paper napkins

You can show your imagination and decorate the table with napkins of several colors at once. This will not only add a “zest” to the design, but will also become a practical addition to the holiday.

The presented options for folding napkins do not require special skills. Even a child can handle table setting in this way.

Click on the items with the name of the scheme - in the table of contents. twenty best ideas with photos for a wonderful holiday!

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22 schemes for napkins at the plate - 3 main rules

Having decided to diversify the serving with beautiful folds, we will take into account 3 rules.

  1. For beautiful fabric folds, we need square napkins with a side of 35–50 cm depending on the complexity of the figure. In this collection, we limited ourselves to simple ones.
  2. Each seat at the table must have the same figure. Otherwise, the hospitable harmony of the feast is violated.
  3. Etiquette also dictates the choice of material. Buffet and home celebration in a close circle: these are the only events when we can limit ourselves to paper napkins.

Rose flower for a plate and in a glass

The figure is universal, like the flower itself. Works great with fabric and paper. Suitable for New Year, birthday, wedding. For a romantic dinner and just for a cozy Sunday breakfast.

They folded it, rolled it up, slightly loosened the top and slightly bent the “petals”. We put a handmade miracle in the intended place - we enjoy the original result.

A clear photo is the best instructor! Below are 3 options for roses - for every taste.

If you twist the sausage to the very end, the bud turns out to be dense and neat. Ideal to put in a glass and a glass.

Nice combination of two colors. Young pink bud and contrasting leaves.

How to make the same cute flower from a simple paper napkin. Pay attention to the size. A budget cutie will go crazy in a glass. By the way, even kids can fold out of paper. Call the kids for help.

It would seem that the idea is still the same, but let's put a lot of roses in a large vase ... And we will get an original work of decorating art. Note, from ordinary paper napkins.

Butterfly bow without ring

The seemingly obvious option with a ribbon is full of classic charm. Light patterned fabrics are ideal for such a bow. Choose them according to the theme of the holiday, and take a plain satin ribbon in the middle.

Leaf - a simple scheme for all occasions

The advantages of the fold are innumerable. Simple, fast and understandable to everyone - from small to large.

  • You don't need to fasten the paper napkin. It is enough to push the paper well.
  • We pick up a figurine made of fabric with a ribbon, thread or ring.
  • Putting a leaf in a low cup is also a curious find.

Bow in a ring

Rings are a win-win choice to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table. They open up a new horizon for ideas for us. Look at the step-by-step photo below how easily an ordinary soft fabric turns into a lush, exquisite bow.

Victorian flower in a ring

This delightful variation is the traditional pleat from Victorian England. It looks very nice on the table. And making it at home is not at all difficult. Repeat according to our step by step photo. Everything will work out!

Any of the napkin ring ideas will make friends with natural jewelry. A sprig of spruce for the New Year, small flowers for the Easter feast. curly parsley on summer day birth. The main thing is to hold the leaves in ice water in advance. This way they stay fresh for a long time.

Decorator tip!

Rings can be made by hand. For the base, cut a long sleeve from foil or cling film. Here we have strong rings of the right size simply and inexpensively.

For decoration, we rummage through the bins. A coarse textured thread or satin ribbon will do to tie the ring. Thin lace - on glue over cardboard. And all sorts of textured little things for the application. Coffee grains, buttons, stars and circles made of thick shiny paper.

Heart: when loved ones are near

Valentine's Day, March 8 and Mother's Day. Embrace all your loved ones with timeless symbolism. The heart turns out perfect and easily unfolds. To your beautiful feast step-by-step instruction with a photo - clearly and clearly, as in the palm of your hand!

Christmas tree for the New Year's feast

A wonderful idea is already becoming a classic. Easy to make and looks perfect. It can help out in the very last minutes before the guests arrive, if you forgot to think over a special serving for the New Year.

Lay symbolic Christmas trees on plates. Between dishes, put a few small compositions with spruce branches and tinsel. Fast, inexpensive, tasteful. Are you ready to meet the coveted midnight!

Scarf on a fork - 1 minute to work

Another cute fold in the form of a scarf just asks to decorate New Year's days. A playful idea with a naive charm. It is better to take a napkin with a textured fabric that holds its shape well. We need the scarf to look voluminous.

Butterfly - step by step in 5 minutes

The first butterfly holds perfectly without fastening. It is easily obtained, both from paper and with starched textiles a la linen, chintz, viscose. Folds out nicely. Liven up the buffet at a summer holiday, a homemade feast for Easter, a child's birthday.

Volumetric candle - 2 schemes for a plate and in a glass

Are only flat circuits simple? Of course not. Many volumetric options are completed in minutes.

For the first candle, neither special manual dexterity nor a flair for geometry is needed. Brilliant simplicity! Twist the napkin, set it in a glass and enjoy the praises of the guests. This version is very convenient: the twist is easy to unroll. And do not forget to arrange a master class for children. They will lightly finish serving themselves.

Any student will get a second original candle. Sustainability and romance: two pluses in one solution. The scheme is suitable for a gala family dinner, a romantic evening and a New Year's feast.

Fan with leg: stable and bright

A universal scheme for all occasions. It is done in two counts. Decorate dinner with family and friends, children's birthday and New Year's feast. We select a bright color - each time a new success. And if we want a special solemnity, we fold a starched white napkin with a fan.

Call the kids for fun work. With step-by-step photos, everything is elementary!

Pyramid - elegant and fast

Such laconic figurines adorned Soviet restaurants. You can easily complete them if you follow the photo steps. We recommend choosing a plain fabric. And make sure you teach your kids. They will gladly accept interesting work with napkins as their honorable duty for the holidays.

A new multi-tiered pyramid, a leaf and a lotus made of paper napkins is clearly explained by the video master class. Brief and accessible. Folded once - remembered for a lifetime! Buffets and intimate gatherings are suitable events for such an inexpensive table setting.

Crown and lily for any occasion

A comfortable and solid crown folds in a couple of minutes. It is organically combined with natural decor, because it resembles a lily. And how beautiful is this solid figure in the role of a stand - a feast for the eyes!

We confidently put a spring flower, fresh herbs or sprig of spruce into the pocket in front for the New Year.

The perfect paper and fabric spinner

The classic origami form comes to the rescue in many holiday details.

  • Weathercocks on a stick to decorate a buffet display
  • Accompanying prizes at competitions with a bouquet of balloons
  • Window decoration with hanging geometric elements
  • Wall compositions from photos

For the festive table, the perky contours of the turntable will also come in handy. The weather vane turns out beautifully from any material. Schoolchildren will be happy to help you fold this easy scheme.

Lotus - a flower of perfection and fertility

A flat origami flower conquers at first sight. This laconic form looks perfect! Your guests will need an effort to destroy it for the convenience of the table.

A meal is also a place for strong aesthetic impressions. Having trained on the simple schemes above, we dare and impress with the lotus!

Secret of success!

For such a flower, choose a non-thin cotton napkin and iron it well before folding.

Fan in a glass or glass

Even a diligent preschooler can handle a fan (or accordion).

  • We unfold a regular napkin 1 time - so as to get a long and wide strip.
  • We fold the strips with an accordion in increments of no more than 2 cm.
  • We bend the accordion in half and set it in a glass or glass, as shown in the photo.
  • We keep the same principle for cloth napkins.

Envelope with cutlery pocket

Decorator tip!

Choosing any “envelope” scheme, we can not only beautifully fold napkins on the festive table, but also put them in cutlery or a card with the name of the guest. When serving for the New Year, this can be a miniature postcard with a wish. For a children's birthday - a photo of an invited baby, a memorable present, sweetie.

The most popular envelope in European countries is with a beveled corner. It is wide, elegant and able to accommodate the main set of appliances. Detailed step-by-step photos show the progress of the work.

Envelope "Pouch" for a card and devices

Loose corners and a clear stripe in the middle help to accentuate the contents of the envelope.

An excellent choice for a name card and cutlery rubbed to a shine. Let's do it: it's easy!

The elegant fold is also well shown in a short video tutorial.

Simple classic envelope

Even the most uncomplicated version of a direct envelope with thematic content looks interesting. It could be:

  • colorful bouquet
  • Wish or prediction rolled into a tube
  • Bengal lights tied with a bright satin bow
  • Portion bun

Unusual serving is sure to delight guests. Napkins select the background shade. White, grey, milky, blue. The fold is elementary. Involve the kids in the holiday chores!

Envelope "Kulek" for a fork and knife

Again, the wagon is easy to work with. Step by step photos to help you.

Both paper and fabric will readily take the form of a bag. We will additionally wipe the knife, fork and spoon. This should be done when choosing any envelope. Such figures draw double attention to cutlery.

How to beautifully fold napkins into a napkin holder - 4 ways

The fastest option for serving is to make corners from ordinary paper napkins. Look at the photo below: what do you see? Single and double fan, which are laid out with such corner figures.

Simple and convenient! Any napkin is easy to pull out without destroying the ensemble. And the most ordinary napkin holder looks like a solid holder for a solemn composition.

Bird with colorful tail

Another option is to fold the napkins like elongated trapeziums that will become the bird's tail. For the details of the tail, we bend parallel corners and fold the napkin in half. A bright and unusual tail will provide blanks from napkins in contrasting colors. The head and neck of a bird is a napkin folded into a flat tube with a bent tip. The creative solution is described by step-by-step photos below:

Such a bird fits perfectly into the New Year's table setting, if the Rooster rules the year, or for any spring holiday - as a symbol of the return of warmth and migratory birds.

Both ways - corners and a bird - are shown step by step in a short video:

Bilateral waterfall in a cup

The fifth option is from non-standard: instead of a napkin holder, we use dishes.

  • We need a stable low height ceramic cup.
  • We unfold each napkin 1 time and fold it in half (or 2 times in half - depending on the original size).
  • We lay the formed strips on top of each other and bend in the middle.
  • We deepen the middle of the stack into a cup. Voila! Easy to work, home-style creative and very attractive.

Napkin colors by symbolic meaning

White - purity, beginning and trust. A good choice for lunch and dinner with business partners, large weddings and anniversaries up to 40 years.

Green - energy, joy and hope. Use it at children's parties, New Year's feasts and informal meetings with family and close friends.

Red - love, passion and devotion. Anniversary family life and a romantic dinner in honor of the first kiss: find a worthy use for red!

Yellow: no, not a symbol of separation, as we have got accustomed to thanks to popular songs. The Chinese tradition attributes the most pleasant emotions to the optimistic color. Friendship, reliability and an enthusiastic compliment: "Your smile is like the sun!". An excellent choice for a children's birthday, a buffet table and a friendly party.

Violet - nobility, royal blood, riddles and magic. Dinner for two at the beginning of a relationship. Status meeting, anniversaries and the most serious events. Here are the best occasions to accent your meal with purple.

Secrets of the choice of materials and videos TOP 10 beautiful schemes

Of course, folding napkins is not conquering space. But this pleasant needlework has its own secrets. We have explained all the details for your success.

  • The color of napkins and tablecloths. Don't be afraid to experiment! You are not required to observe the contrast of colors or a complete match with the tablecloth. It only makes sense to support exactly the path with napkins. A solid tablecloth, on the contrary, often becomes the backdrop for bright solutions at the plates. Do not exclude the option of white on white for special solemnity.
  • Napkin material. Paper napkins are a smart choice for elementary origami and wraps to decorate a buffet table. According to table etiquette, they can be dispensed with for feasts in a close circle and a buffet table. At other meetings and celebrations, cloth napkins should be available. Choose dense textures that hold their shape well - cotton, linen, chintz, viscose.
  • Don't chase complicated circuits on your first try. Better bookmark our article. It contains only those solutions that even a novice hostess can repeat. And we advise young mothers to involve even kindergarten kids in the process. Cooking a holiday is one of the best educational games.
  • Take time to fold your napkins at the table. Ideally, practice beforehand. This is a creative process: it is designed to please not only guests, but also you.
  • Choose color schemes for a specific holiday. The new year is always organic in green, red, gold and white. Autumn celebrations - all the colors of leaf fall. Spring feasts are pastel shades of blue, pink and fresh greens. And in the summer, any associations are open to us - from colorful patterns to juicy blue-yellow colors.

Today we talked about 22 ways to fold napkins on a festive table. The above schemes are the best collection of simple ideas for a festive serving. With step by step photo it is easy to make each figure. With minimal effort and time, you will decorate the holiday in a non-standard way. Rely on our instructions: everything will work out on the first try!

Napkins in their utilitarian meaning have a long history. In ancient Greece, fig tree leaves served as napkins, with which slaves wiped their master's lips. Cloth napkins are first mentioned in ancient Rome. During the Middle Ages, napkins appeared in Europe.

Nowadays, when serving a festive table, the hostess will never forget to put a napkin near the plate of each guest. Currently, two types of napkins are used: fabric and paper. Cloth ones are usually laid on their knees, and lips and fingers are wiped with paper ones.

Sometimes paper napkins are not served on the table, but only fabric ones are present. In this case, one napkin is used both to protect clothes and to wipe.

Today, napkins are a table decoration!

Here are some ways how to fold cloth napkins when setting the table beautifully:

  • Lily

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Align the left and right corners with the top of the triangle. 3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. 4. Bend the top of the upper triangle.

  • royal lily

1. Initial form - the napkin lies face down. 2. Bend in turn all its corners to the center. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend its corners to the center again. 5. Holding the corners in the center, pull the corners from the bottom so that they form “petals”.

  • Artichoke

1. Initial form - the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Bend all four corners to the center. 2. Bend all corners to the center again. 3. Turn the napkin over. 4. Bend all corners to the center again. 5. Pull out the tip of the napkin that is inside the rectangle. 6. Pull out the rest of the tips. 7. Pull the remaining four corners from under the folded figure.

  • Handbag

1. Initial form - fold the napkin vertically in half (fold on the right). 2. And fold in half again from bottom to top. 3. Bend the two layers of the upper left corner to the center. 4. Bend the upper right corner to the center. 5. Bend the resulting triangle down along the line just below the middle. 6. Bend the upper right and left corners to the middle. 7. Bend the resulting triangle down to the first triangle.

  • Horizontal sachet

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half with the front side inward (fold at the bottom). 2. Bend a third of the top layer down to form a central crease. 3. Turn the opposite side towards you. Bend the sides so that they touch in the center. Fold the same again.

  • Diagonal sachet

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold back the corner of the first layer of fabric 2 inches (5 cm), repeat the operation. 3. Fold over the second layer of tissue paper, tucking a corner under the diagonal bolster to form a second 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide roll. 4. Fold the top and bottom of the napkin and lay it on the table, orienting it vertically so that the folds remain diagonal.

  • Tiered corners

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded four times. 2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the left point. Bend the second layer so that the second corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from the first. 3. Repeat the above with the third and fourth layers of fabric so that all corners are 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. 4. Fold the sides down and place the napkin on the table.

  • Everest

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half horizontally (fold from above). 2. Fold the top corners diagonally towards the middle. 3. Align the sides of the triangle so that their sharp corners are at the bottom. 4a. Turn the figure over and bend the ends, which will become a support for it. 4b. Bend along the vertical axis with folds inward. 5. Stand the napkin upright.

  • Calla

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally with the front side out (fold at the bottom). 2. Finish the upper corner, forming a "bag" 3. Turn out about 1/3 of the "bag". 4. Straighten the resulting figure and give the napkin a vertical position.

  • Column

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Bend the base up, then back about 2-3 cm. 3. Starting from the left, roll the napkin into a tube. Lay the remaining edge in the lower folded edge of the napkin.

  • Hat with lapel

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded with the wrong side inward (left fold). 2. Fold the napkin in half again to make a square (fold at the bottom). 3. Wrap the lower left corner, leaving 2-3 cm to the top. 4. Bend the side corners inward and fasten in each other. 5. Place the napkin vertically to make a “hat” with a folding collar, bend one of the upper peaks down.

  • Fan in the ring

1. Initial form - a napkin in a straightened form lies face down. 2. Fold the napkin "accordion" (2a). 3. Bend it in half in the middle. 4. Fill the napkin in the ring (or put it in a glass) and straighten the “fan”.

  • table fan

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded in half with the right side out (fold from above). Collect three-quarters of its length into an "accordion", bending the first fold down. 2. Fold the resulting figure in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left side, and not the folded part on the right. 3. Take the napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds look up. 4. Fold the unfolded part of the napkin diagonally to make a “stand”, as shown in the photo. After that, tuck the “stand” between the folds and place the napkin on the table.

  • Rybka

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the top). 2. Bend the bottom corner up. 3. Bend the left protruding corner down. 4. Fold the right corner in the same way. 5. Bend the left side to the middle vertical line of the figure. Fold the right side in the same way. 6. Turn the figure over and decorate it with a small shell.

  • Shirt

1. Initial form - the napkin is folded diagonally. 2. Fold up a small strip of fabric at the base of the triangle and turn the napkin right side out. 3. Bend the right corner to the left down, the left corner to the right down. 4. Straighten the corners strictly symmetrically and fold the bottom edge back. "Shirt" can be decorated with a bow or candy.

Have a nice holiday!