Analysis of the teacher's open lesson. Analysis of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "Sounds, letters and words

Acquaintance with a preschool educational institution, the system of organization of the educational process.

During a conversation with the teacher of the SCPD (short stay group), I found out the following information about the preschool institution: this institution is a budgetary preschool educational institution located on the basis of the Sarajevo Basic General Education School;

Tasks of preschool education for 2013-2014

1) To protect and strengthen the life and health of children.

2) Implementation of the Federal State General Educational Standards and the Main General Educational Program of the DOE into the work of the preschool educational institution.

The working hours of the preschool educational institution are from 8:30 to 14:30. (Sleep is excluded)


"From birth to school" M.A. Vasilyeva,

"Colored palms" I.A. Lykova.

Additional paid educational services are not carried out.

Teaching staff on staff.

Senior educator 1 (1 rate)

Educator 1 (0.5 rate)

The study of planning direct educational activities (GCD) in preschool educational institutions.

"Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" N.M. Patrakov

In the Vologda region in Veliky Ustyug

G.N. Okulovsky

Budgetary educational institution Sarajevo basic comprehensive school.

Vologda region, Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky district, with. Sarajevo

Plan of training sessions for 2013-2014

Multi-age group (senior, preparatory)

Type of occupation older preparatory
Number of lessons per week Number of lessons per year Number of lessons per week Number of lessons per year
Acquaintance with the environment and nature
Development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy
Acquaintance with fiction
Development of elementary mathematical concepts
Visual activity: drawing modeling applique In a week In a week
construction, manual labor
Physical education
Theatrical activity

Methods and techniques used in the development of children's speech:

· Consultations for parents on the speech development of preschool children.

Verbal didactic games for the development of all components of speech development

· Making the album “Finger gymnastics2” for various sounds.

The use of speech material (riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters)

GCD in the field of speech development. (The number of classes is indicated in the table)

Observation of classes on the development of speech in the middle, senior or preparatory groups. Summaries of observed classes and their analysis.

Program content:

1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities:

Fix the rules of behavior for children in the forest;-

Clarify children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in the forest;

2. Tasks for the development of coherent speech:

Improve dialogical and monologue speech, consistently tell, compose a short story based on the picture;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Determine the place of sound in a word;

Divide words into syllables;

Learn how to make sentences

Form single words.

3. Cultivate creativity in children, create goodwill when treating each other.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories and poems about birds, about wild animals;

Examining illustrations;

Compilation of crossword puzzles.

Course progress.

Guys, we will go on an excursion today, and where, you can guess for yourself, if you carefully listen to the music, you will understand. .

Right in the woods. We go to the forest clearing, sit on the stumps, close your eyes and listen to the birds singing, mosquitoes ringing and butterflies flying from flower to flower.

1. - Tell me, guys, how to behave in the forest?

(rules of conduct in the forest)

Quiet so as not to frighten away the birds and hear their singing.

And what can not be done in the forest? What is forbidden to do there?

A) - You can’t tear large bouquets of flowers, usually snowdrops and lilies of the valley, they are getting smaller.

B) - You can’t break tree branches, young trees, they will dry out.

C) - You can not destroy bird nests.

D) - You can not burn fires in the forest.

2. - That's right, guys, but today we came not just to the forest, but to the forest clearing, where the forest school for animals is located, here a smart hedgehog comes up with various tasks for animals, teaches them to read and write.

But today the animals have a break, they scattered to their minks to eat.

Let's see what task they performed, what they talked about, we will find out if we solve the crossword puzzle.

A) Crossword "Spring" - children read.

Well done! Birds sing about spring, animals talk about spring.

Tell me, what mood do you get in the spring forest?

(cheerful, joyful, festive)

B) Reading poems about spring "In the April Forest", "Spring Song".

3. The word "Spring".

Name the first and last sound in the word.

How many syllables are in the word "Spring"?

Didactic game "Add a word."

The game "Living word".

(leaves appear in spring).

Form related words from the word "spring".

(spring, stonefly, freckles)

Form related words from the word "forest".

(forest, forester, forester)

Chain of words.

The opposite game.

4. Wintering and migratory birds.

What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?

And who fly south? What do migratory birds eat?

(by insects)

Put wintering birds on the top shelf, and migratory birds on the bottom shelf and tell them how to take care of the birds.


With one magpie - one hassle,

And forty forty - forty troubles.

The wind blew, the trees swayed:

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Tell us how the birds behave after they return to their native places?

And now let's take a quiet walk through the forest: there are many flowers growing in the clearing, you can pick only one flower at a time, but so that they do not wither, you need to put them in vases, we will make bouquets of their flowers of different colors. In a vase on which a lily of the valley is painted, there should be flowers of a color that has the sound “l” in its name. In a vase on which a chamomile is painted, there should be flowers of such a color and shades, in the name of which there is a sound "r".

  • What do you guys think, who lives in this corner of the forest? (owner of the forest)
  • What do you know about the life of bears in the forest?
  • How do bears prepare for winter?
  • When will bear cubs be born?
  • How do bears and little cubs behave when they wake up and leave their lair?
  • What do bears eat in the forest?
  • How does a female bear teach her cubs to forage?

And now let's go back to the forest clearing, to the forest school.

Often funny little men come to visit the animals, they help the hedgehog make crosswords, read their favorite book to them. And what is it called, they will help us guess the pictures "AZBUKA".

(children name the first sound in the word and lay out the word.)

That's right - the alphabet. Animals are very fond of listening to stories from the book, but when it starts to rain, they scatter to their minks, and there is nowhere for the Merry Men to hide, let's build a house for them.

How can you call it differently so that the word has the sound "r".

(terem, palace)

The walls, windows are already ready, you just need to finish the parts of the house, in the name of which there is a sound "p".

What parts of the house have the "r" sound in their name?

(roof, threshold, chimney, door, doorknob, porch, attic, attic window)

What material will our house be built from?

(wood, brick)

What color will we paint the house?

(grey, red, pink, brown, orange)

What kind of furniture and other items necessary for the life of Cheerful People could be inside the house?

(sideboard, bed, armchair, TV, radio, picture, floor lamp)

What trees will we draw near the house?

(rowan, birch, hazel, currant, gooseberry)

What flowers will we plant near the house?

(roses, daisies, asters, nasturtium)

5. And now let's help the Merry Men settle in the house:

In the room on the first floor there will live Cheerful Little Men, whose names consist of 3 parts, in the room on the 2nd floor there will live those whose names have 4 syllables.

And now it's time for us to return home, let's say goodbye to the Merry Men and the spring forest.

Analysis of the observed lesson.

The goals and objectives of this lesson correspond to the program content. The content of the lesson corresponds to the age of the children and the individual characteristics of the group (mixed group). During the lesson, the teacher used various techniques: musical arrangement, conversation, tongue twisters, crossword, questions. Preliminary work has been done. The children in the lesson were active, answered questions with pleasure, supplemented the teacher at the beginning of the lesson on the topic “Rules of conduct in the forest”, previously learned material.

The teacher gave clear target settings, used a differentiated approach in the introduction of this GCD. Also, throughout the lesson, the teacher relied on the previously acquired knowledge of the children, on their experience. The theme of the lesson is chosen taking into account the time of year. The lesson was successful, the children were active and friendly during the GCD. The teacher fulfilled the goals and objectives.

Synopsis of a combined lesson in mathematics and speech development in senior and preparatory group"Journey through fairy tales"

Purpose: Counting within 10. Acquaintance with ordinal numbers "first", "last". To teach children to navigate in space according to the scheme. Find out how children remember fairy tales-names of heroes. Improve the expressiveness of children's speech: develop memory, creative imagination.

Course progress.

Guys, enter the mysterious forest, it is full of fairy tales and miracles. (children sit on stumps, (pictures of stumps are attached to the chairs) in advance.)

Today your favorite fairy tales will come to visit us.

Children, how do they talk about the song? (The song is good.)

And how they say about a fairy tale (A folding fairy tale.)

And what do they say (called) about the one who tells fairy tales? (Storyteller.)

Today we will talk about fairy tales, and I will be your storyteller.

Children look at the picture (on the easel, who recognized this tale? (The tale "Turnip".)

Who pulls out the turnip? How many are there? (Children's answers.)

If the cat runs after the mouse, who will be left? How many? (Children's answers.)

If the Bug runs after the cat, who will pull the turnip? How many?

The grandfather is the first, the mouse is the last. If grandfather leaves, the mouse runs away, who will be the first (Grandma.) Who will be the last? (Cat.)

If the cat runs after the mouse, and the bug runs after the cat, who will be the last one? (Granddaughter.) How much is left? (Three.)

Who is the tallest? (Grandfather) Who is the lowest? (Mouse.)

What's in the yellow picture? (Turnip.)

Well done! Look who came to visit us? (There is a hare on the easel, composed of geometric shapes.) And what fairy tale is he from? (Children's answers.)

Tell me, what was the hare from the fairy tale "Boastful Hare." (Bouncer.) Let's remember how he boasted? (I don’t have a mustache, but mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth. I’m not afraid of anyone)

Look at the hare and say what geometric shapes the torso (Oval.) The head (circle.) The legs of the hare (triangles.)

A bunny is a domestic animal or a wild animal (Children's answers.)

Let's show how the bunny jumps (Easy, you can't hear it on your toes.)

Guys, while you were riding, our bunny hid in the forest. He drew paths, paths, only one of them will lead you to the bunny. (Give children pictures of the forest and tangled paths.)

Who found the bunny first?

Guys, look, do we have piglets here? How many of them (Three.) What fairy tale are they from? (Three little pigs.) What are their names? (Naf-naf, nuf-nuf, nif-nif.)

Where did the pigs live? (Children's answers.) And what did the piglets build their houses from? (Children's answers.)

The wolf heard that piglets live in this forest. And decided to eat them. - Sasha, take a pointer and show which path the gray wolf went along? What house did he go to? Who lives here (Nif-nif. He got scared and ran to his brother Nuf-nuf. The wolf broke Nif-nif's house, saw that there was no one there, but there were three sticks, got angry, took these sticks and went along the road to Nuf- nufu.)

Dasha, show me which road the wolf took? What house did he go to? Who lives here? (Children's answers.)

Meanwhile, Nif-nif and Nuf-nuf ran to Naf-naf and hid in a brick house. The wolf broke Nuf-nuf's house, saw that there was nothing there except two sticks, got even more angry, took these sticks and went to Naf-naf's house.

Kolya, show me which path the wolf took? What house did he go to? What is the house built from (Children's answers.)

When the wolf saw that Naf-naf's house could not be broken, the wolf cried out of resentment. I saw that one stick was lying near the house, took it and left the forest hungry.

How many sticks did the wolf take with him (Answers of the children.)

Well done, listen carefully.

And now let's play the fairy tale "Teremok". Who was the first to find the teremok? Who was the last to settle in the tower? Who was third? How many animals lived in the tower (Answers of children.)

And now let's show how the animals fled from the tower. (Put on animal hats for children. Each animal runs in its own way: the mouse minces its paws, the frog jumps, the bunny jumps, etc.)

Children, what do you think, who composes fairy tales for us? And what do you think, is it easy to compose a fairy tale or not (Answers of children.)

Tell me, how do all fairy tales begin? (Lived once.)

Let's try to make up stories. (Children tell their tales. Praise. The tales were written down by the teacher and posted on the board for parents.)

And now the stories are over. Let's say the ending of many fairy tales: "Here is the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done!

Lesson analysis.

The lesson corresponds to the age of the children, the individual characteristics of the group (mixed group). The teacher used a combined type of lesson for children, this showed the activation of mathematical knowledge in the preparatory group, as well as the formation and activation of the vocabulary in children of both ages. The teacher used various methods and techniques: during the lesson she relied on the already acquired knowledge of children, their experience, visual material was present (pictures from fairy tales), geometric figures. During the lesson, the children were all involved in the process. A differentiated approach was used. The children were active throughout the session. The goals and objectives were fulfilled by the teacher. The session went efficiently.

Planning, organizing and conducting classes on the development of speech in the middle, senior and preparatory groups. Carrying out diagnostics of speech development in all groups. Self-analysis of the lesson in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the group.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in senior group

on the topic: "Food"

Software content. To give knowledge about food: about salads, about first courses, second courses, drinks, cutlery.

Activate vocabulary with words: cabbage soup, borsch, fish soup, garnish, vegetable stew, cocktail, chop, chop.

Exercise in the formation of possessive nouns, adjectives. Learn to form the genitive plural. Activate verb vocabulary. Exercise in the selection of synonyms for the word: chop (cut).

Learn how to plot a story. Develop logical thinking, aesthetic feelings.

educational task. Ability to work in a team, arouse interest in cooking. Strengthen the skills to properly set the table.

Methods and techniques. Explanation, questions, encouragement, instructions, additions, joint actions, didactic games, consideration.

Material. Vegetables, “Vegetables” cards, cutlery and crockery, painted tureens, fruit replicas, waffle cakes, condensed milk.

Lesson progress.

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

Today we will be in the role of a cook. And for this we need to put ourselves in order. You need to roll up your sleeves. Why are we doing this? (so as not to stain clothes, so that the sleeves do not interfere with work). Now we put on aprons. Who's to say what for? (so as not to stain clothes) And you also need to put on a scarf or cap on your head. Why do you think we wear hats? (so that the hair does not interfere, so that the hair does not get into the food).

We are dressed, let's go and sit in our seats.

Once the hostess came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets! Oh!

What do you think she was going to cook from these vegetables? And we'll make a salad.

What kind of salad is made from cabbage? (cabbage), from carrots? From beets?

What is Sasha's favorite salad? (ask a few children). What other salads do you know?

We will prepare a cabbage salad (we prepare a salad of pre-chopped vegetables: cabbage, carrots, onions, herbs, season with oil, salt).

We take cabbage, what should be done with it? (chopped, chopped), carrots .... (grated), onions ... (chopped, chopped), cut greens, take salt and ... (salt), pour sunflower oil, mix.

We will definitely try it for lunch.

What about first courses? (soup)

What soups do you know?

What is Dasha's favorite soup? (ask 2-3 children).

Guess the riddles:

Red nose stuck to the ground

And the green tail outside

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose. (carrot)

How I put on a hundred shirts,

Crunched on the teeth. (cabbage)

Before we ate it

Everyone had time to cry. (onion)

And green and thick

A bush has grown in the garden.

Dig a little

Under a bush... (potatoes)

Green above, red below.

It has grown into the ground. (beet)

We will cook borscht with you (pictures are put in a pan or laid out on a table).

Pour water into the pan, wash and chop the meat, cabbage - (chopped), beets, carrots - three on a grater, potatoes - clean and cut. Salt, taste, stir and cook for a long time (accompanied by hand movements).

Now let's get down to dinner table setting. Ulyana, put the plate on a napkin (there are many different cutlery and dishes on the other table. The child must choose the right one). What plate did Ulyana put in? (deep).

What is the soup poured into? (ladle). What do you eat soup? (big spoon). (answer with a full sentence).

Kostya put the spoon on the table. Why did you put right?

Valya, tell me what kind of dishes they pour and how they eat soup? (soup is eaten with a large spoon from a deep plate).

Let's talk about second courses. Second courses are meat and fish, served with a side dish. Garnish is an addition to meat dishes, prepared from cereals, pasta, vegetables.

What meat dishes do you know? (goulash, meatballs, chicken, sausages)

Fish meals? (stewed and fried fish, fish soufflé and cutlets)

You have cereals on the tables. What kind of porridge will Darina cook? (pea)

What do you have, Artem? (rice) How did you know? (white, oval). Raise the rice grain. What kind of porridge is made from it? (rice, and you can also cook pilaf from rice).

What's with Vasya? How did you know? Show. What kind of porridge is made from it? etc.

It remains to talk about drinks. What drinks do you know? What do they give you in kindergarten?

What is compote or jelly made from? (fruits, berries).

Occupation Journey through Russian folk tales » held with a subgroup of older preschool children.

Target this lesson is aimed at consolidating children's knowledge of Russian folk tales and interconnected with the aims of other activities. Occupation is one from the cycle classes to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of children in retelling fairy tales. The cycle is designed for a year, there is one lesson per month. A lesson of this type allows you to continue working on the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.

Selection of the content of directly educational activities carried out in accordance with federal state requirements. The lesson is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas: communication, cognition, socialization, reading fiction. The content of the work in the lesson is aimed at enriching children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.

Logical presentation of content education is based on a phased building a lesson interrelationships of stages and definition n transition from one stage to another. The plot of the lesson is built in the form of a game situation "Journey through Russian folk tales."

When planning a lesson, the principle is taken into accountaccessibility educational content for pupils: games, game exercises, didactic tasks are selected taking into account age characteristics groups of children and their individual abilities .

Scientific presentation of content education was implemented in the classroom on the basis of adapted to preschool age TRIZ technologies S.I. Gin and L.B. Fesyukova "Education with a fairy tale"

In preliminary work games were used - dramatizations based on Russian folk tales, viewing presentations, didactic games based on Russian folk tales, cognitive games that contributed to search activity, the development of speech, and creative imagination.

At the organizational stage a positive attitude was created among the pupils for their inclusion in educational activities. Conducting the mimic study "Our Feelings" emotionally colored the lesson. The pupils were invited to go on a journey through Russian folk tales, the children accepted the game plot with interest, tuned in to joint activities.

The main task of the main stage classes - to expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of these tales, to teach them to retell fairy tales.

The structure of the lesson includes games, exercises, tasks for the development of speech and cognitive activity of children, creativity, to expand and activate the dictionary, coherent speech.

Didactic game "Help!" contributed to the formation of the ability to answer questions in full sentences, the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children.

The didactic game "Disenchant the heroes of fairy tales" is aimed at the development of mental activity, logic, coherent speech.

Holding didactic games“Name the fairy tale”, “Guess the riddle”, contributed to the consolidation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of fairy tales.

The physical minute "Fairy tales" was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with movement and at developing intonation expressiveness of speech.

Children actively and with interest collected the pages of the Book of Fairy Tales: they named Russian folk tales and their main characters, modeled fairy tales, guessed riddles from fairy tales and collected fairy tales from pictures.

At the final stage The children were asked to remember what games they played while traveling through fairy tales, what tasks they performed, what they were interested in and remembered the most. The participation of each child was marked by praise, a positive assessment. At the end of the lesson, the children received a book of fairy tales, coloring books with the heroes of Russian folk tales as a gift.

The children were offered homework: to color the characters themselves and tell their parents a fairy tale about these heroes or compose their own fairy tale.

Apparatus for evaluation pupils' activities // became positive individually - a differentiated assessment of the participation of each child, summing up the entire lesson.

The actual course of the lesson / / matched the scheduled time. Throughout the lesson / / the children were active, enjoyed the proposed games and exercises.

The aim of the lesson has been achieved children fixed the names of Russian folk tales, their main characters, learned to recognize a fairy tale from illustrations, riddles and models. The use of gaming techniques contributed to the lesson in a comfortable emotionally colored environment.

Christina Vershinina
Analysis of the lesson in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard up to. A sample self-analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution according to GEF up to

Analysis of the lesson in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

General information

1. Theme lessons.

2. Date and place of its holding. Who is conducting?

3. Group.

4. Purpose:

For the solution of what problems and the formation of what qualities of the personality of the pupils is this occupation;


How is the specificity and realism of the goal realized (in terms of sufficient time for its implementation, compliance with the readiness of children to solve it, on previous classes, opportunities and abilities of children);

How integration is implemented educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils on lesson.

5. Psychological substantiation of the choice of the form of holding and content activities:

Conformity lessons general educational and correctional developmental goals and objectives, the level of development of pupils, their age characteristics;

Implementation of a complex - thematic principle (the topic of a specific lessons selected in the context of the general topic being studied);

During lessons the joint activity of an adult and children is realized, the main component is interaction.

6. Observation of progress lessons

How convincingly, clearly, emotionally were the goals and objectives of the forthcoming activity disclosed to the pupils?

What knowledge did students acquire during lessons:

what social attitudes were formed among pupils, to what socially useful

activities encouraged them occupation;

what vital values ​​were formed.

Controllability lessons:

How is the opportunity to evaluate intermediate and final results implemented;

What conclusions did the pupils make in the course and at the end of the work;

What results have been achieved.

How did the occupation on the formation of public opinion of the group and individual pupils on their relationship.

what could be the consequence of this lessons for the development of the team, for the formation of its social orientation.

What is its effect on individual pupils:

Emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to beauty in art;

work ethics, artistic activity.

aesthetics of behavior

The methodology of work, the nature of relations, their compliance with educational tasks, age and individual characteristics, the level of development of relationships in the team of the group.

7. Overall assessment of the educational event

To what extent did you manage to achieve educational goals and objectives?

Reasons for successes, failures, mistakes?

General assessment of the educational value of the work performed.

Psychological and pedagogical conclusions and proposals addressed to educators and pupils:

Efficiency lessons for each child;

analysis of children's activities(teacher) and children's self-analysis of their work;

Reflective moment (the teacher encourages the child to express his attitude to the situation, to his activity).

8. Analysis activities of the educator

What character traits of the educator contributed to effective work with pupils, which, on the contrary, interfered

The teacher encourages children to take initiative and independence, encourages the manifestation of subjectivity;

The teacher stimulates and encourages the individual achievements of children;

What pedagogical abilities were shown during effective work with pupils?

The teacher takes into account the characteristics of each child (tempo of activity, emotional state, level of development of mental processes, temperament)

teacher "sees" every child nka: helps, stimulates, encourages.

Sample self-analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution according to GEF DO

Target: To form children's interest in knowledge about vegetables through the integration educational areas Keywords: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, health.


Formation of children's ideas about vegetables, about the place of germination and harvesting them for the winter;

To consolidate the ability of children to describe vegetables according to characteristic features, according to the scheme;

Improving the ability to grammatically correct, consistently build their statements;

Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in the speech of children.

Continue to form in children the ability to distinguish and name colors, exercise in comparing objects by color;

Encourage children to answer questions by speaking the words clearly.

Formation of the ability of children to coordinate movements with the text, understand and follow verbal instructions;

Development of visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;

Development of small-scale general and fine motor skills hands;

Education of a friendly attitude towards peers;

Creation of a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active play activities of children.

Organizational activities, preparation for occupation

Occupation carried out in accordance with the outline. Abstract compiled on one's own, in accordance with the tasks educational program appropriate for the age of the children. For the implementation of each task, selected tricks, in an interesting and entertaining way.

For every moment lessons there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children for mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in lesson.

On the lesson music was used to enhance the emotional experience. Organizational reception "Greetings" in poetic form" was aimed at developing communicative qualities, establishing friendly relations both within the children's team and between guests and children.

Occupation is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while searching for a way out of a problem situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with dough development of fine motor skills of hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, working with cereals "Find a Vegetable", logarithmic exercise - "walking in the garden". Quick change of techniques and change of postures during lessons avoided the fatigue of the children.

Didactic activity of the educator

All moments lessons logical and consistent, subject to one theme. AT occupation moments were integrated from educational areas Cognition: Strengthened the ability to describe a vegetable by characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and name color;

Communication: children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated the children's vocabulary at the expense of words - the name of vegetables, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives; "Socialization" on one's own express benevolence, sympathize. artistic creation: Improved the ability of children to roll plasticine between their palms with direct movements, consolidated the indentation techniques, developing fine motor skills of the hands. Physical Culture; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements.

Health: formed children's ideas about vitamins and their significance. Admissions to lesson were of a game nature, were based on game learning situations.

Using the Model "Garden", helped in an interesting game form to realize the main educational task - the formation of children's ideas about vegetables and their place of growth. My role was to learn to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

In every moment lessons I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped to gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive attitude.

The creation of search, problem situations activated the mental and speech activity of children,

The specifics of working with children lesson reflected in a person-centered approach. She encouraged and praised timid children in order to consolidate their situation of success.

During lessons tried to communicate with children on the same level, tried to keep children interested in occupation throughout the entire time.

Outcome lessons was organized in the form of a game problem situation "Guess the treat?" so that in the course of it to check the quality of assimilation of the material.

Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve a clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, replenish the active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I have set within lessons have been decided.

Analysis of continuous educational activities in the preschool group of MBOU "Veshchevskaya OOSh"

1. General information

Children's age: 6-7 years old

Educator: *******

Educational area: "Speech development"

Topic: Retelling of the story by E. Charushin "Foxes"

Purpose of the lesson: to form in children the ability to coherently, consistently, expressively convey a literary text without the help of questions from the teacher.

The purpose of the lesson is aimed at solving the following problems:


    To consolidate the ability of children to listen carefully to a literary text, to answer questions about the content of the text.

    Strengthen the ability to invent riddles; select the names of qualities (adjectives) and actions (verbs) according to the meaning;

    Exercise in the ability to pronounce words loudly and clearly, answer questions with a full sentence.


    Develop an interest in speaking.

    Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Educational tasks:

    Cultivate a culture of behavior, friendliness, respect for each other.

The goal was realized within a sufficient amount of time (35 minutes), the children were prepared to solve this goal in previous lessons, the goal corresponds to the abilities and abilities of the children.

The integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils in the classroom is realized through an appeal to the experience of children in other educational areas (cognitive development, social and communicative development).

The lesson corresponds to:

    general educational and developmental goals and objectives, the level of development of pupils, their age characteristics;

    complex - thematic principle (the topic of this lesson was chosen in the context of the general theme "Autumn").

During the lesson, the joint activity of an adult and children is realized, the main component is interaction.

2. Observation of the course of the lesson

The goals and objectives of the upcoming activities were disclosed to the pupils quite convincingly, clearly and emotionally.

The work was informative, interesting and organized. All children were interested in mastering the ability to fully and close to the text to retell the listened work.

During the lesson, the pupils acquired the basic knowledge of breaking the text into parts (this skill was formed with the help of successive thematic pictures), the ability to distinguish between the singular and the plural, the ability to change words with the help of endings and the selection of endings in accordance with the gender and number of words were consolidated.

During the lesson, the pupils showed the ability to control their answers and the answers of other children, to help each other in case of difficulties with answers. The children demonstrated concentration of attention when listening to the story and a retelling quite close to the text.

3. Used methods and techniques

During the lesson, the following methods and techniques were used:

    focusing and attracting attention;

    activation of speech and cognitive activity;

    activation of independent thinking.

    Using children's experience;

    development of creative abilities;

    self-control and mutual control.

During the lesson, the change of types of activity was used, the logic and validity of the transition from one type of activity to another was observed.

The teacher's questions were developmental in nature.

The lesson usedTCO is like a projector with a screen. During the lesson, a presentation was used, with the help of which you visualized the main stages of the lesson.

4. Analysis of the activities of the educator

In the course of monitoring the activities of the educator during the lesson, the following was revealed:

    from the very beginning, the educator drew the attention of the children to the topic of the lesson and kept the attention of the children throughout the entire time of the educational activity;

    the teacher's speech was clear and emotionally colored;

    the teacher encouraged children to show initiative and independence;

    the teacher, if possible, took into account the characteristics of each child (tempo of activity, emotional state, level of development, temperament);

    the educator helped the children to control their behavior during the lesson, reminded them of the basic rules of behavior;

    the teacher complied with sanitary norms and rules, the safety of children (ventilated room, physical education, safety of materials, equipment, etc., prevention of posture disorders).

    stimulate and encourage the individual achievements of children;

    try to "see" each child, listen and hear his answers, suggestions, statements.

Ludmila Kovalevskaya
Analysis of the lesson on the development of speech in middle group"My family"

Topic: My a family

Target: clarification of ideas about family and family relationships.


1. Raise in children the desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in one's family.

2. Develop dialogue through prepared conversation

3. Expand your understanding of family how about people who live together, love each other, take care of each other

4. Activate vocabulary by topic « A family»

5. Consolidate the ability to form nouns with diminutive suffixes

6. Enrich and activate the vocabulary of adjectives

7. Improve development general and finger motor skills

Reception - speech games, didactic games

Method - conversation, game element

Funds training - split pictures, a table on mnemonics « A family» , How we help at home, handout (sun and cloud, microphone, heart, pictures for coloring, colored pencils, audio recording of a children's song "My a family»

Synopsis of this lessons was made in accordance with the stated goals.

On this lesson a surprise moment was used - the arrival of Dunno. The goal was set for the children - to help Dunno, to talk about family and family relationships. This goal was achieved in the process of children performing speech exercises, didactic games, guessing riddles, imitating games, expressing their emotional state in a drawing.

Techniques for activating the independent thinking of children were such: children's reflections on the topic of what is a family, tell good words about relatives, evaluated actions, fairly distributed responsibilities in family, affectionately called members families, solve riddles.

The mental activity of the children was at a high level. The task of activating the child's vocabulary on the topic « A family» , development of dialogical speech was solved successfully by all children during the performance of speech games, conversations and didactic games. The ability to form nouns with diminutive suffixes was consolidated during the game with a heart "Call it sweetly".

While playing with the box "Say the nicest words about dad and mom" the children's vocabulary of adjectives became more active.

Cut-out picture game "Collect a portrait" and exercise "Paint a smile" made it possible to improve development general and finger motor skills, to integrate the areas of the artistic and aesthetic direction (art and music).

On the lesson handout material used (cut pictures, cloud and sun, pencils and coloring books). As a demonstration material, materials of project activities were used, in particular the project "My dad is the best" and others, as well as a table on mnemonics on the topic "My a family» and How we help at home.

The selection of game situations was carried out based on preliminary work with children (organization of observations, conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, organizing "homework" with the involvement of parents, the life experience of children.

Motor activity of children was provided by changing the postures of children during lessons, a rational selection of dynamic postures of children, a physical education session, finger gymnastics was held.

Duration lessons complied with sanitary and hygienic standards. Before occupation the room was ventilated.

During lessons used various forms of organization children: collective, individual and in pairs. Such forms of organizing the work of children are justified by the fact that each child must be active, participate in a dialogue, develop ability to interact, increase self-confidence.

During lessons was carried out individual work with each child, all the children were involved in conversation, games, everyone was given the opportunity to speak.

The work was evaluated on lesson- the children explained Dunno what a family how close people behave in family. In the process lessons children retained interest, activity and attention, in group a comfortable environment arose, the children had a positive attitude towards all participants groups. Goals occupations achieved.

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