Analysis of an open lesson on the development of speech. Responsibilities of a speech pathologist

Classes for the development of speech in the middle group are held in order to form the correct speech skills in the child in accordance with the age category. The success of the child's adaptation among peers, as well as further education in elementary school, depends on the correct pronunciation and the ability to express one's own thoughts. It is the level of development of language skills that shows what the level of mental and intellectual development of a particular child is.

Why do we need speech development classes for children?

A lesson on the development of speech with middle preschoolers is carried out only in a playful way. This is due to the psychological characteristics of children of this age, since they think objectively. They have not yet developed perseverance and attentiveness. Middle preschool children are too emotional, so they get tired easily. must be age appropriate. The success of training depends on how much the child penetrates the game process, how much this event becomes his own. During the game, the baby uses all the basic mental processes. He hears, acts, sees, interacts with the outside world through a variety of game techniques. In the classroom, the child listens to the explanations of the teacher, answers the questions posed, learns to listen to the answers of other children. During the game, the kids do not notice that they are also learning.

Problems of speech development of middle-aged preschoolers

1. Situational speech - the inability to build complex and complex sentences. In such children, speech turns are formed, as a rule, from sentences that consist of two or three words.

2. Small vocabulary.

3. Speech in which there is slang and non-literary expressions.

4. Bad diction.

5. Logopedic speech disorders.

6. Inability to build a dialogic speech, ask the right question, give a short or detailed answer, based on the situation.

7. Inability to build a monologue speech: retell the plot of the story close to the text or in your own words, compose a story-description on a specific topic.

8. Inability to use rationale in one's own conclusions.

9. The culture of speech has not been formed: the child cannot select intonation, speech rate, voice volume and other parameters in a specific speech situation.

How to develop coherent speech in preschoolers?

What do classes for the development of coherent speech include? Coherent speech means the ability to accurately, figuratively, logically and consistently present any information. Speech must be grammatically correct. Connected speech includes:

Dialog. Assumes knowledge of the language, provides live communication between children. The dialogue can be built in the form of separate remarks, conversations between participants, statements of the "question-answer" type. Classes for the development of speech in the middle group involve the formation of dialogue speech skills: the child learns to briefly and concisely answer the questions posed, to enter into a discussion with the teacher and peers. In the classroom, the formation of communication culture skills continues: children are taught to listen to the interlocutor, not to interrupt the speaker, not to be distracted, to include synonymous forms of etiquette in speech.

Monologue. It is a coherent speech of one person, the skill is formed by the age of five. The complexity of such speech lies in the fact that a child in the middle preschool age is not yet able to program his own statement, to express a thought logically, consistently and continuously. Classes for the development of speech in the middle group involve teaching three types of monologue speech: reasoning, narration and description. At the same time, kids learn to describe the subject and retell small texts.

Speech with movements in the middle group

Speech with movements (middle group) allows you to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs with spoken phrases. Many children of middle preschool age have inaccurate and uncoordinated movements. Hand exercises allow you to raise, gradually learn to coordinate movements with speech.

Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a special healing technique for influencing the hands. According to his teachings, there are a large number of receptors on the fingers that send impulses to the central nervous system. On the hands are located Massaging them, you can influence the state of the internal organs. It was this teaching that formed the basis for the development of speech using movements. Experts have found that the correctness and level of development of speech depends on the accuracy of the movements of the small muscles of the hands. M. Montessori in his book “Help me do it myself” emphasizes: “If the development of finger movements corresponds to the age norm, then the development of speech is also within the normal range. If the development of motor skills of the fingers lags behind, then speech also lags behind. Such classes for the development of speech in the middle group include:

Tasks like "finish the drawing";

Modeling with the use of natural material;

Graphic exercises;

Stencil drawing;

Work with water (transfusion of water with pipettes);

Construction of a well from matches;

Working with a hole punch;

Didactic games and exercises using natural, household material.

Speech correction classes

How is the development of speech carried out (middle group)? Classes are aimed at expanding vocabulary, diction, developing the ability to correctly use intonation and detailed answers, build evidence, and compose a dialogue. For the development and correction of speech in the middle group, a set of exercises is used:

Talking about a picture - it means a story based on the plot of the illustration. Such a task allows you to select words that are close in meaning (synonyms), memorize the meaning of words. Special printed publications are suitable for classes, in which there are tests and a variety of exercises aimed at developing these skills.

Tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings not only expand the vocabulary of middle preschool children, but also help to coordinate the speech apparatus. Such exercises allow you to correct when a child swallows the endings of words during a conversation or, conversely, stretches words during a conversation.

Games like "What does it mean?" or “Why do they say that?” allow you to select words that are close in meaning when explaining a particular concept. For this, it is recommended to use phraseological units, proverbs and sayings.

The game "Journalist" allows children to develop the skills of dialogue speech. The child learns to compose questions for the "interview", consistently and clearly express his thoughts.

How to analyze a speech development lesson?

An analysis of a speech development lesson is necessary not only for reporting, but also in order to understand which teaching methods are the most successful and suitable for increasing the level of speech development in this particular group. In the process of analysis, the teacher can control how long it took to master the new material, which of the children did not master the material or did it at a low level. During the analysis it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

To what extent it was possible to motivate each participant to learn;

How well did each follow the instructions of the teacher;

What moments did not go well;

What methods and techniques were involved, which of them turned out to be inappropriate;

Was the material presented in an accessible way?

What is the general emotional climate of the lesson;

What points should be paid attention to in the next lesson;

What skills and abilities need to be improved;

Which child needs more attention?

In what cases does the speech development of children of the middle group (4-5 years old) not correspond to the norm? When do I need to consult a speech therapist and a neurologist?

An urgent consultation with a speech therapist and neurologist is needed if:

The child has a small vocabulary or is completely absent by the age of 4;

Speech is incomprehensible, based on a large number of gestures;

The child stutters, stutters, or has other obvious speech disorders;

Have had a history of trauma to the head, nasopharynx, or mouth that resulted in impaired speech or silence.

A timely appeal to specialists will help correct speech disorders, otherwise the child will not be able to speak correctly, he will be doomed to study at a specialized school for children with speech defects. Such violations do not go away on their own.

Preschool age, Preschool education

Site for kindergarten, for kindergarten teachers and parents

Self-analysis of an open lesson on the development of speech and communication "Poultry"

Iskhakova Svetlana Minnullovna, teacher
MADOU №106 "ZABAVA", Naberezhnye Chelny

Self-analysis of the open lesson. Communication. The development of speech.

Topic: Domestic birds.

This open lesson was held with children of primary preschool age 3-4 years old in the amount of 15 people.

  1. Educational: introduce the concepts of a bird yard, with new names of birds.
  2. Developing: develop children's speech, communication skills, enrich vocabulary; develop children's ability to express their knowledge.
  3. Educational: to cultivate a respectful, caring attitude towards birds.

The children were told the topic of the lesson. The structure of the lesson corresponded to the tasks set. It is built in a logical sequence and the relationship of the parts of the lesson. Divided the time appropriately into all parts of the lesson. The pace of the lesson is optimal. The pace of speech is moderate. The material was presented emotionally.

When planning an open lesson, the age characteristics of children were taken into account. The material is selected at a level accessible to children. Taking into account the age characteristics, the children answered the questions of the educator, uttered a nursery rhyme on their own, kept up the conversation, observed with interest, considered, willingly answered questions, independently uttered counting rhymes in the game. The children were quite active, felt comfortable, willingly took part in the game, moved to the music.

All elements of the open lesson are united by a common theme. The content of the lesson corresponded to the set goals: to develop children's speech, communication skills, enrich vocabulary; develop children's skills to express their knowledge about poultry, about the appearance of poultry; develop vocabulary, auditory attention, horizons, thinking, memory; educate respect for birds.

During the open session, the following methods of work were used: verbal (questions, clarification, reminder, encouragement); visual demonstration material (pictures and illustrations, toys); game material.

In the water part: organization of children, switching attention to activity, stimulation to it. The open lesson was aimed at solving the cognitive-speech sensory situation.

Main part: mental and practical activities of children, included tasks for mental, speech development and perception of the world, systematization of existing knowledge, consolidation of speech skills. To relieve general fatigue, game actions and musical rhythmic movements were carried out.

Individual work was manifested in the conduct of vocabulary work, in helping those who find it difficult to answer, reminders, as well as in taking into account the peculiarities of thinking and the rate of perception of children.

I believe that the form of organizing classes for children that I chose was quite effective. Flaws: the work with ICT was not set correctly enough during the lesson, it was necessary to be distracted by the installation. But I tried to observe the norms of pedagogical ethics and tactics. I believe that the tasks set at the lesson were completed.

Analysis of an open lesson in the younger group

Conducting and analyzing an open lesson is one of the most effective ways to improve the competence of a teacher. The most valuable thing in this form of methodical work is a clear example of practical work. But no less important is the second part of the event, where all teachers become participants in the analysis of what they saw, its analysis.

I have extensive experience as a senior educator, but I think that it is not always possible to effectively and efficiently analyze the viewed lesson. Sometimes educators behave with restraint and do not want to make critical remarks about a colleague. Maybe they spare his feelings, do not want to spoil the relationship. In any case, the role of the senior educator in creating a situation of communication, where educators openly express their opinion, evaluate the methods of work they see, and give arguments in favor of the effectiveness of this work (or lack of results).

I would like to give an example of the analysis of a lesson in the younger group (conducted by Sk-ova N.G. on April 27, 2015. “Reading and retelling a fairy tale based on visual symbols (mnemonics)” (see appendix)
The purpose of the lesson is to teach children 3.5 years old to retell.
Tasks: to acquaint with the text, to teach to establish the sequence of events, to develop memory, to promote understanding of the events of a fairy tale.

1. The teacher made explanations: she chose this lesson for showing because she considers the technique of mnemonics (the events of a fairy tale are depicted by the teacher in the form of simple pentagrams) to be very effective. The application in practice for 2 months of this technique gave a visible result. Children began to answer questions on the text more actively, their attention is maintained throughout the lesson, the retellings became more accurate, often close to the text.

2. Evaluated the effectiveness of the lesson: very effective. Arguments: high speech density, each child spoke at least 2 times. If in the 1st part of the lesson (in the organizational moment) and in the second part (in response to the teacher's questions) the answers of the children were phrasal, then in the 3rd part (drawing a hint table) and in the 4th part (retelling) they consisted of complex sentences . The maximum number of sentences is 6, the minimum is 2. Children's interest remained until the end of the lesson.

3. Highlighted the techniques used.
Motivation of children's activity. The technique was used in every part of the lesson.
First, a dog (toy) appeared, and the children explained that it was a pet and why.
Then they were intrigued by the question of the dog that was looking for a friend, and agreed to listen to this story.
Before the physical minute, the teacher offered to play the familiar game of a sorceress and turned everyone into little puppies. After the warm-up, I did not forget to turn them back into children and checked if all the children returned. It gathered attention, returned to the case.
The teacher reminded the children that a sign could help them, “our helper, which we learned to create ourselves.” Together they got down to business, and began to make explanations (retelling of the text in successive episodes). Only 8 participants, statements of 1-3 sentences. If necessary, the help of the educator: hint, clarification, approval.
Asked who wants to tell a story. The children reacted actively, the teacher invited the boy, who began to show activity quite recently. Only 5 statements from 2 to 6 sentences, sometimes close to the text. The second and last child is with well-developed speech.

4. Evaluated the timeliness of appointments. The physical minute did not distract the children. Thought out transitions between parts of the lesson. While drawing pentagrams, the drawing sometimes served as an additional clue for children.

5. Evaluated the teacher's speech. How the speech of the educator contributed to the creation of an atmosphere of thinking, gave examples.

6. We evaluated the developing environment created by the teacher in the classroom.

I think that the main thing during the analysis of the lesson is the ability of teachers to argue their statements. Opinions may be opposite. In pedagogical communication, the ability to convince, to lead by example is valued.

Mordovian fairy tale
A long time ago there lived a dog in the forest. One alone. She was bored. I wanted to find a friend for my dog. A friend who would not be afraid of anyone.
The dog met a hare in the forest and said to him:
- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!
"Come on," the bunny agreed.
In the evening they found a place to sleep and went to bed. At night, a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustle and how it jumped up, how it barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears trembling with fear.
- Why are you barking? says to the dog. - When the wolf hears, he will come here and eat us.
“This is not a good friend,” thought the dog. - Afraid of the wolf. But the wolf, probably, is not afraid of anyone.

In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. Met him in a deaf ravine and says:
- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!
- Well! - answers the wolf. - The two of you will have more fun.
They went to bed at night. A frog jumped past, the dog heard how it jumped up, how it barked loudly. The wolf woke up in a fright and let's scold the dog:
- Oh, you are so-so-so! If the bear hears your barking, it will come here and tear us apart.
“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. “It’s better for me to make friends with a bear.”

In order to understand how to do, Analysis of the lesson in the dow on the development of speech, for the solution we involved our experts with extensive experience and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

Approximate scheme for the analysis of GCD for the development of speech

NOD organization.

- the presence of a plan or outline of the GCD;

– availability of benefits and their effectiveness;

– compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements (cleanliness of the premises, lighting, etc.);

- the duration of the GCD and its stages;

- the rationality of placing children and the place of the educator.

2. Didactic and educational activities of the educator:

- Program content, its compliance with the program, age and developmental level of children; the number of tasks, their relationship and implementation;

- taking into account the principles of didactics (accessibility, consistency, visibility, awareness, individualization and differentiation of training and development)

- the optimality and expediency of the methods and techniques used, the presence of problematic elements; a variety of methodological techniques, ensuring the change of activities, the correspondence of techniques to the tasks set;

- the speech of the teacher (tempo, diction, emotionality and imagery, the ability to timely and tactfully correct children's speech errors);

– implementation of the educational orientation of GCD.

3. Activities of children in NOD:

- the degree of speech activity of children (in comparison with the speech activity of the teacher, the activation of all children);

- children's interest in GCD;

- manifestation of the skills of educational activities (the ability to listen and hear, follow the instructions of the educator, etc.);

- manifestation of children's achievements in speech development (sufficiency of the dictionary, mastering the correct sound pronunciation and grammatical forms, speech coherence, etc.);

- the presence of a culture of communication (the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades without interrupting, the culture of tone, the strength of the voice and the pace of speech).

GCD Analysis Form

Note . In the graph "grading levels" put a badge «+», if the analysis criterion corresponds to the evaluation level.

Conclusions on occupation ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Offers and recommendations_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name of observer __________________________________________________________

Date "____" ____________ 20___ Signature __________________

In order to understand how to do, Analysis of the lesson in the dow on the development of speech, for the solution we involved our experts with extensive experience and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

Educational and methodological material for the development of speech (senior group) on the topic:
Lesson Analysis

Self-analysis of the final lesson on Russian folk tales

The lesson "Journey through Russian folk tales" was held with a subgroup of children of senior preschool age.

The purpose of this lesson is aimed at consolidating children's knowledge of Russian folk tales and is interconnected with the goals of other classes. The lesson is one of the cycle of lessons to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of children in retelling fairy tales. The cycle is designed for a year, there is one lesson per month. A lesson of this type allows you to continue working on the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.

The selection of the content of directly educational activities is carried out taking into account federal state requirements. The lesson is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas: communication, cognition, socialization, reading fiction. The content of the work in the lesson is aimed at enriching children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.

The logic of the presentation of the content of education is based on the phased construction of the lesson, the relationship of the stages and the clarity of the transition from one stage to another. The plot of the lesson is built in the form of a game situation "Journey through Russian folk tales."

When planning a lesson, the principle of accessibility of the content of education for pupils is taken into account: games, game exercises, didactic tasks are selected taking into account the age characteristics of the group of children and their individual capabilities.

The scientific nature of the presentation of the content of education was realized in the classroom on the basis of the TRIZ technology adapted to preschool age by S.I. Gin and L.B. Fesyukova "Education with a fairy tale"

In the preliminary work, games were used - dramatizations based on Russian folk tales, viewing presentations, didactic games based on Russian folk tales, cognitive games that contributed to search activity, the development of speech, and creative imagination.

At the organizational stage, a positive attitude was created among the pupils for their inclusion in educational activities. Conducting the mimic study "Our Feelings" emotionally colored the lesson. The pupils were offered to go on a journey through Russian folk tales, the children accepted the game plot with interest, tuned in to joint activities.

The main task of the main stage of the lesson is to expand the knowledge of children about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of these tales, to teach them to retell fairy tales.

The structure of the lesson includes games, exercises, tasks for the development of speech and cognitive activity of children, creative abilities, for the expansion and activation of the vocabulary, coherent speech.

Didactic game "Help!" contributed to the formation of the ability to answer questions in full sentences, the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children.

The didactic game "Disenchant the heroes of fairy tales" is aimed at the development of mental activity, logic, coherent speech.

Conducting didactic games "Name the fairy tale", "Guess the riddle", contributed to the consolidation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of fairy tales.

The physical minute "Fairy tales" was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with movement and at developing intonation expressiveness of speech.

Children actively and with interest collected the pages of the Book of Fairy Tales: they named Russian folk tales and their main characters, modeled fairy tales, guessed riddles from fairy tales and collected fairy tales from pictures.

At the final stage, the children were asked to remember what games they played while traveling through fairy tales, what tasks they completed, what they were interested in and remembered the most. The participation of each child was marked by praise, a positive assessment. At the end of the lesson, the children received a book of fairy tales, coloring books with the heroes of Russian folk tales as a gift.

The children were offered homework: to color the characters themselves and tell their parents a fairy tale about these heroes or compose their own fairy tale.

Apparatus for evaluating the activities of pupils // has become a positive individually - differentiated assessment of the participation of each child, summing up the entire lesson.

The actual course of the lesson / / corresponded to the planned time. Throughout the lesson / / the children were active, with pleasure they performed the proposed games and exercises.

The purpose of the lesson was achieved, the children fixed the names of Russian folk tales, their main characters, learned to recognize a fairy tale from illustrations, riddles and models. The use of gaming techniques contributed to the lesson in a comfortable emotionally colored environment.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This material will help to analyze the lesson with kindergarten teachers. Attached are diagrams to help carry out this work.


Form a brief analysis of a series of lessons on the topic. Setting goals, conducting classes (3-5), conclusions about achieving goals.

In order to understand how to do, Analysis of the lesson in the dow on the development of speech, for the solution we involved our experts with extensive experience and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

Ailana Budegechi
Analysis of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "Sounds, letters and words"

Age Group: preparatory group for school - a subgroup of children (8 people)

Target: Improve the ability to distinguish by ear and pronunciation of everything native language sounds.

Educational: To form phonemic hearing, the ability to identify sound in a word

and correlate it with letter; exercise in finding the pattern of nouns with suffixes.

general developmental: Develop speech and imagination; development of speech hearing.

Educational: Cultivate friendly relationships between children, fostering a culture of speech communication

Material and equipment: Dry pool with red, blue balls, cubes with letters, subject pictures, a medium-sized ball, a truck, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper for each child, a TCO projector, a music center.

preliminary work: The game "Divide Right", the game "Think up word on "ik".

I spent occupation in the form of an occupation- travel to the country of games, The lesson is built on the sound culture of speech in the integration of educational areas “Communication”, “Socialization”.- in the correct pronunciation and separation of vowels and consonants sounds where children played games with sounds and letters, were the words and divided into syllables, picked up words on "OK", applied on psycho-gymnastic class, relaxation exercises.

Occupation appropriate for this age occupation hygiene requirements have been met. Conduct form classes - games. Before the beginning lessons I set the children on a journey to the land of games, and supported him to the end lessons. During lessons focused the attention of children on different games and exercises. When conducting lessons

applied the following methods and techniques.

Visual - showing subject pictures on slides, cubes with letters.

Verbal - conversation, questions, answers.

Game-game exercises "Guess and Show","Morning", "Chain words» ,

Practical - relaxation "Good", physical minute. "I'm angry or happy."

I applied the technique of presenting a new one, based on the knowledge that children have - this is a game "Kuzovok"-children found words on "OK"-children coped with the task ___

(well, we struggled, we managed, we didn’t manage)

On the tasks were solved: educational, general developmental, educational.

On the lesson also used TCO-projector-slide show-pictures, music center, Activity and behavior of children on class___

(good, active, discipline is good, bad, children's attention was focused on games). During activities the children were mobile: standing in a semicircle doing exercises, sitting in a dry pool doing tasks, sitting at tables drawing letters.

The program material was mastered by the children, because the children completed the task, enjoyed playing games and exercises. I tried to find a friendly tone of communication with the children. I spent a physical minute "Angry or Happy".

My goal and objectives classes reached. I believe class was held on ___

(high, medium, low).Duration class was ___ minutes.

Own development lessons. (used lessons from the magazine "DV", "Child in kindergarten".)

The analysis was: Educator MBDOU

d\s "Sun" Budegechi A. O.

Annual work plan. Educational area "Speech development" (literacy) September 1. Journey into the world of sounds. Etc. sod. Introduce the concept of “sound”, learn to distinguish between sounds (speech, musical, everyday); develop.

GCD “Consolidating knowledge about the sounds [R], [R '], [L], [L '] and the corresponding letters. Differentiation of sounds R-L. Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the sounds [P], [Pb] [L], [L] and the corresponding letters. Differentiation of sounds R-L. Strengthen the ability to pronounce correctly.

Ready-made design for abstracts, slide folders

In order to understand how to do, Analysis of the lesson in the dow on the development of speech, for the solution we involved our experts with extensive experience and here are some other options for solving this issue we managed to find, we hope it will be useful to you.

Scheme for analyzing a lesson on the development of speech (examination and conversation on the picture)

1. Correspondence of the program content with the program of educating children in kindergarten (how educational questions are formulated to familiarize children with the environment and develop speech).

2. Compliance of the content of the pictures with the program content of the lesson.

3. Preparedness of children for the perception, understanding of the picture.

4. The structure of the lesson:

a) the beginning of the lesson - the message of the goal;

b) questions, their number, types (compliance with the requirements, the presence of questions that expand the horizons of the child, deepening the understanding of the content of the picture). Are there any questions that reveal the mood of the characters (senior and preparatory group).

c) children's answers (clarity, depth, culture of speech, grammatical correctness of speech).

d) the result of the lesson (depending on the age of the children).

5. What are the main and auxiliary techniques used in the lesson?

6. Fulfillment of program content while looking at a picture or during a conversation about it.

7. Speech of the educator, his professional skills.

Scheme for analyzing a lesson on the sound culture of speech

1. Determination of the program content of the lesson. Compliance with his education program, the age of children.

2. The methodology of the lesson, its compliance with the program content, the age of the children.

3. Holding an organizational moment. What instructions were given to the children, in what form? Appropriate indication for the age of the children.

4. Beginning of the lesson. Techniques that were used, visibility, equipment.

5. The course of the lesson, analysis of questions, answers of children. The methodology of conducting, its compliance with the age of children (stories with onomatopoeia, didactic games and exercises, memorizing tongue twisters), etc.

6. The final part of the lesson. Outcome, analysis of children's responses, assessment of children's behavior. Participation of children in debriefing.

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Ailana Budegechi
Analysis of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "Sounds, letters and words"

Age Group: preparatory group for school - a subgroup of children(8 people)

Target: Improve the ability to distinguish by ear and pronunciation of everything native language sounds.


Educational: To form phonemic hearing, the ability to identify sound in a word

and correlate it with letter; exercise in finding the pattern of nouns with suffixes.

general developmental: Develop speech and imagination; development of speech hearing.

Educational: Cultivate friendly relationships between children, fostering a culture of speech communication

Material and equipment: Dry pool with red, blue balls, cubes with letters, subject pictures, a medium-sized ball, a truck, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper for each child, a TCO projector, a music center.

preliminary work: The game "Divide Right", the game "Think up word on"ik".

I spent occupation in the form of an occupation- travel to the country of games, The lesson is built on the sound culture of speech in the integration of educational areas "Communication", "Socialization" - in the correct pronunciation and separation of vowels and consonants sounds where children played games with sounds and letters, were the words and divided into syllables, picked up words on"OK", applied on psycho-gymnastic class, relaxation exercises.

Occupation appropriate for this age occupation hygiene requirements have been met. Conduct form classes - games. Before the beginning lessons I set the children on a journey to the land of games, and supported him to the end lessons. During lessons focused the attention of children on different games and exercises. When conducting lessons

applied the following methods and techniques.

Visual - showing subject pictures on slides, cubes with letters.

Verbal - conversation, questions, answers.

Game-game exercises "Guess and Show","Morning", "Chain words» ,

Practical - relaxation "Good", physical minute. "I'm angry or happy."

I applied the technique of presenting a new one, based on the knowledge that children have - this is a game "Kuzovok"-children found words on"OK"-children coped with the task ___

(well, we struggled, we managed, we didn’t manage)

On the tasks were solved: educational, general developmental, educational.

On the lesson also used TCO-projector-slide show-pictures, music center, Activity and behavior of children on class___

(good, active, discipline is good, bad, children's attention was focused on games). During activities the children were mobile: standing in a semicircle doing exercises, sitting in a dry pool doing tasks, sitting at tables drawing letters.

The program material was mastered by the children, because the children completed the task, enjoyed playing games and exercises. I tried to find a friendly tone of communication with the children. I spent a physical minute "Angry or Happy".

My goal and objectives classes reached. I believe class was held on ___

(high, medium, low).Duration class was ___ minutes.

Own development lessons. (used lessons from the magazine"DV", "Child in kindergarten".)

The analysis was: Educator MBDOU

d\s "Sun" Budegechi A. O.

sveta volchenko
Analysis of an open lesson on cognitive development in the middle group "Our helpers are the senses"

I, ---, educator MBDOU D / s No. was present at lesson at Volchenko Svetlana Viktorovna, educator MBDOU D / s No. 31, 03/18/2014.

View lessons: cognitive development(FTsKM)

Age Group: middle group

On the lesson used visual, verbal, gaming and practical methods and techniques of working with children: gymnastics for the eyes, game "Recognize by voice", "Inflate the balloon", gymnastics for the tongue "Watch", a riddle aimed at the use of speech, cognitive, motor, practical skills and abilities and their improvement. Visual and verbal methods were used throughout lessons. The methods used corresponded to the studied material and methods organizations activities of children in accordance with the level groups.

AT occupation the teacher brought in a game motivation: magic screen.

The session began with a conversation. it helped outline the theme of the upcoming lessons.

For the most effective assimilation of new information in the process lessons, computer technology was used - a presentation with slides on topic: « Our helpers are the sense organs» .

On the lesson Svetlana Viktorovna built training as an exciting game activity. The children did various tasks. Such activities created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased the children's speech activity and retained interest throughout lessons. Throughout lessons the children were friendly, responsive, helped each other

All stages lessons were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to a given topic and goals lessons. Changing the type of activity at each stage lessons helped prevent fatigue. Children dynamically switched from one game to another. At all stages lessons activated speech, cognitive, motor activity of children.

Throughout the entire educational activity, children had a high cognitive interest.

Educator MBDOU No. ___

Head of MBDOU No. ___

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Learn to make a pattern on a circle, filling in the edges and the middle, using sticking techniques, drawing with the end of a brush. Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.

The teacher was ready for the lesson. The structure, logical sequence and interrelation of stages is well thought out. Class time is appropriately distributed. The form of education is rationally chosen. Class equipment: visual and demonstration material that was effectively used. The content of the lesson complies with the requirements of the program, is complete, reliable and was transferred to the children in an accessible form. Methods, techniques and teaching aids were correctly chosen, which corresponded to the content of the educational material, the goals set, and the educational opportunities of this age of children. The material is presented emotionally. With the help of a surprise moment and visual material, children's interest in the lesson and discipline are maintained.

Negative points: the teacher forgot to hold a dynamic pause (physical education minute).

Viewing an Explore Activity

Tasks set by the teacher:

To give children knowledge about kindergarten, its purpose. Learn to make a sentence to demonstrate actions, agree nouns with pronouns. Expansion of the dictionary on the topic.

The teacher acted competently and professionally: all methods were identified and used to solve the tasks; without exception, all techniques corresponded to the age of the children and the requirements of the methodology of this program. All the techniques used by the teacher in the classroom were correct and accurate. All the tasks of the program content were fully mastered by the children, in the lesson the children were active, were attentive when the teacher explained the new material, and performed new tasks with interest. The children demonstrated high learning skills.

The teacher's approach to the presentation of new material is interesting. The scope of the program content is respected and sustained. In the classroom, the children showed activity, mastered the tasks of the program content, but not all of them. Negative moment: in the lesson, individual work with children was not very successful.

Conducting design classes. Theme: "Tulip"

Program content:

To teach children how to make paper crafts by folding, without using glue.

Continue to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, determining the middle, corners.

Accustom to accuracy, consolidate the ability to bring the work to the end.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards others.

The activities of the educator

Children activities


1. Game motivation.

I suggest that children give gifts to employees of the kindergarten. At the same time, I clarify that all women love flowers.

What flowers do you know?

I show a sample of a tulip, I propose to make such flowers with my own hands.

2. Showing how to get the job done. Together with the children, we consider the sample, specify what parts it consists of (flower and stem). Then I offer the children a demonstration and explanation of the stages of work.

physical education minute:

3. Independent work of children. I do the craft at the same time with the children.

4. After the end of the lesson, the children give their tulips to the teachers, the nanny.

List the names of the flowers.

Monitor the progress of the work.

Do the craft on their own.


individual help. Many don't make it.