Conspiracy to sell a painting. How to read conspiracies for the sale of goods

In this article:

If you are thinking about selling a thing, but have never done it before, you need help. The language of the market is rather specific and reckless. You need to be able to praise your product, and tell that it is better not to find it anywhere, even if nearby, at a neighbor, is exactly the same.

We present several effective plots to sell things.

For a quick sale

Take the largest bills you have at home. Point it at the thing you want to sell, and waving like a fan over it, say three times:

“As there is a big bargaining on the market square,
Everything is for sale, whatever you want:
Silks, furs, jewelry and (your thing) and I am its seller.
The price of a thing (the price aloud) and whoever sees it will want to buy.

patchouli conspiracy

For a conspiracy, use a stick of patchouli incense. When fumigating a thing, say:

“Get the goods out quickly, turn around in a wallet of coins ringing.”

On the iron patch

Take a piglet and put it on the window in the light of the growing moon. Speak like this:

“Pyatak, Pyatak Pyatokovich Pyatakov, give me growing luck, so that it is without change.”

What to do if everyone in the mall has a conspiracy for a thing?

Do not worry and do not try to resort to black magic for sale to put spokes in the wheels of competitors. Remember that everything returns to us doubly, including good. If a thing is for sale, then there is a need for it, and you cannot prevent your competitor from achieving his goal. But no one should interfere with the achievement of your goal.

Before getting mad at a competitor's conspiracy. Look carefully:

  • Are your products similar at all? Maybe you shouldn't worry so much if you're selling a jacket and your competitor is selling tires?
  • What is the most important product you are selling? If you have a product of daily demand, it's even good. Think that all those in need will get this product and there will be no conflicts and dead-end solutions to problems around you;
  • Perhaps the competitor's product is different from yours (the same, but with mother-of-pearl buttons) There is a thing for each buyer.

If you follow the rules of a good seller and do not turn conspiracies against your "companions in the market", then everything in your life will bring you profit and positive emotions.

A sales plot can be a very good business assistant.

What to do if the thing is lying for a long time and is not for sale?

It happens that there is simply no demand for the thing you are selling: it is not the season, the crisis, or not everyone knows what to do with this product.

No problem! There is also a stale thing quick plot. The plot must be read on the full moon closer to descending.

“As the silvery moon shines in the dark sky, so my goods are visible in the light, my thing is so necessary to everyone.

I’ll go out tomorrow (the name of the thing), I’ll show you, I won’t keep it in the first hour. They want to buy it so much that they are ready to pay.”

While you are reading a plot to sell, you need to iron and touch the thing, or stroke the photo with the image of this thing.

Another conspiracy to sell a thing if it has not been able to find an owner for a long time

Take all the new things that you have and put in between them the old one that you have been trying to sell for a long time. Read this conspiracy:

“The house stood in an open field, the chopping block did not fall on the chopping block, And Maryana painted this house, adjusted it and sold it for a new one. The century served the house to the new owner, as my thing at (price) will serve its faith with truth and delight.

Do not despair in any situation and do not hesitate to resort to folk conspiracies. After all, there is nothing stronger than the Russian word in the world. The main thing is that this word for sale be uttered in the name of goodness and sweetness.

A conspiracy for successful trading must be read so that competitors do not have trade and lure their customers with the help of magic. Among experienced sellers, it is customary to read a strong old conspiracy in order to successfully sell goods. Daily if your business is related to wholesale or retail trade and you need to make sure that all goods sell well and the business flourishes, bringing more money and joy from work, perform the following ritual of a successful seller every day before starting work. This is a simple magical rite that does not require any magic items and manipulations, all that is needed to improve trade and increase sales is to read a conspiracy to sell your product at your place of business. Looking at the shelves with the goods, say a conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell all your goods :

I'm a good seller, a blacksmith to my happiness.

How people admire the stars for a month,

So my goods would be loved and all sold out.

Come to me good, gold and silver!

My chamber of goodness is forever full.
Everyone who passes by will come to me

Will not leave me without a purchase.

May it be so from now on and forever.


Having said conspiracy to sell well make a discount to the first buyer - this will be a ransom for a trade conspiracy made to sell goods with the best profit.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • In order for the trade to be good and the buyers to line up for you, you need to read an old and very strong conspiracy for good trade and good luck in business. The plot is read on sweet water prepared according to the old magical rite of noble and experienced merchants from natural honey and holy water. Holy water for the ceremony should be poured on any Thursday! The conspiracy to trade can be read on any day of the week. To do this, in a saucer without a picture, preferably a light color (blue, white, yellow ...), you need to pour a little holy water and dilute a spoonful of honey in this water. When the honey dissolves, you need to bend over the saucer and barely audibly say a strong conspiracy to trade daily attracting a buyer:

  • The strongest and most effective conspiracy for good trading should be read every day for coarse salt. Immediately after reading the conspiracy for salt, trading begins to go very briskly, and even regular customers of competitors, changing their habit, go to the one who performed the ritual for salt for good and successful trading. Rituals and conspiracies for trade and business help merchants quickly and profitably sell any product. In order for your trading to be successful and the luck that promotes you in trading to allow you to trade quickly and with the greatest profit, you need to read the conspiracy of a successful merchant every day at home. Pour coarse salt into a handful and read the most powerful trade conspiracy:

  • Conspiracies and magic for trade and business that improve trade helped the seller to quickly sell the goods and increase the turnover of money, bringing good revenue. Today, many people work in trade and selling goods is their job. The competition is great and the question of how to make sure that you get mac simum profit from your business every day forces you to use tricks of the trade and use magical means and magic. As a rule, these are conspiracies for trade that belong to white magic, therefore they do not have any negative consequences, and one of these methods is a conspiracy for successful trading on poppies. Conspiracies for successful trading with the help of poppy magic and a simple magical rite quickly attract buyers by luring them from competitors. Therefore, if your business and sales are going very badly, effective conspiracies for successful, successful trading can quickly fix this problem. Popular among experienced sellers, the ritual for trading with the use of poppy seeds is done at the workplace right on the counter.

  • Good conspiracies to trade and quickly sell their goods that you can read on your own are very rare. If you read a strong conspiracy to sell, magic will help you quickly sell any stale goods at the highest price: things, a house, land, a car or an apartment. A simple rite of magic will begin to work on the day when you read a conspiracy for good luck in trading and attracting a buyer, and most likely on the same day you will sell everything you need to sell or make a successful deal. The rite of the seller is really so simple and does not require serious preparation that anyone can perform it. Pour holy water into a glass and cross yourself, read the Our Father. Next, taking a glass of water in your left hand, crossing the water three times, say a conspiracy for successful trading and a quick sale of goods:

  • Prayer for the work of the seller provides instant help to the seller and is read daily for good luck in trading. This is the strongest trading prayer of the seller for good trade, which was passed from mouth to mouth among merchants and merchants. It is this old prayer of the seller that is able to sell everything you need very quickly at the highest price. Conspiracy - a prayer for trade can be read as many times as needed (at least every day) and there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, after reading a prayer for sale, your business will only flourish and bring great profits. If you urgently need to sell something quickly and profitably, go to church, put a candle on any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray to him by reading the following prayer. The seller's prayer for good trading and good luck in business:

Anyone who has ever dealt with the sale of real estate knows perfectly well how much nerves and effort this process takes. People literally lose their peace and sleep, they can neither drink nor eat. After all, an extremely important issue is being resolved and it concerns money, sometimes a lot. Well, if you are lucky with a realtor, but what if the one who sells his corner does not have a real estate specialist at all? What to do then? Where to run for help?

Well, first of all, you need to calm down. Yes, this is the first, and perhaps the most important thing to do. You need to calm down and just let go. After all, you yourself understand that your property is for sale. People don't sell stuff like that! So why are you worse? Sell, don't hesitate. Everything has its time! And we will definitely help you!

Our collection of Conspiracies has absolutely everything. Only on Mogor you will find a consistent algorithm for cleaning your own home, as well as conspiracies for any requirement.

These are traditional Conspiracies for the sale of a house, and Conspiracies for the sale of an apartment, these are Rituals for the sale of a house, and rituals for the sale of an apartment. Moreover, here you can find conspiracies with which you can quickly exchange your apartment. And also conspiracies for the sale of a vehicle (conspiracies for the sale of a car or motorcycle). But that's not all! Conspiracies from car theft and conspiracies that should be read when you leave your home for a long time - they are also on Mogur.

Before resorting to the help of conspiracies

Sooner or later, but almost every person is faced with one very trivial need - the need to sell their house (or apartment). For some, this event turns out very quickly and profitably, while for others everything gets a stake, despite the attractiveness of the object. It seems to be an apartment in the center, and a quiet center, and three steps to the metro, and the repair is excellent, and the second floor, and the price tag is more than democratic, but still the apartment (or house) is not for sale, even if you kill yourself. What to do? How to be? how to solve this sore point?

There is a solution! Moreover, there are several solutions! And the first of them is the cleaning of the room. You can find out how to clean it by clicking on the link.

As soon as the cleaning of the premises is over, as soon as all the negativity is removed, now you can safely proceed to the ritual that will help you resolve the issue of selling your house or apartment. Which ritual to choose, decide for yourself.

Important conditions

Before you get started, there are a few important things to know:

  • 1. Do not do several (different) conspiracies or rituals in a row. It takes time for the ritual to work. Give the Universe the opportunity to fulfill your desire in those terms that are optimal for everyone. At the same time, the plot you have chosen can be repeated every day, if the plot itself does not say that it will be performed once.
  • 2. Any ritual, any appeal to the Higher Forces requires gratitude. Don't forget to thank those you contact. Gratitude can be symbolic. It doesn't matter how you thank, it is important that there be gratitude! It can be a coin, candy, or just a grain left to the birds with the message that it is for the Higher Forces.
  • 3. When performing rituals or conspiracies, you must be alone. All kinds of witnesses will only interfere and bring confusion. Nothing will come of it if someone even involuntarily interferes with you.
  • 4. When performing a ritual or reading a conspiracy, it is important not to doubt for a moment that you will succeed. This is perhaps the most important component of the whole work.
  • 5. Conspiracies for sale are best performed either on the full moon or on the new moon.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

In order to sell a house or any other property, you will need to perform a ritual. It needs spring water. If you have nowhere to take it, then river, lake, sea or even water taken from a well will do.

It is important that the water is not from the tap. Once you have been able to find such water, you need to go for it early in the morning. Pick up a bucket (or at least half a bucket) and bringing her home, slander her, and then wash the floor with this water. After that, the water must be taken out into the street and poured out there, but this must be done so that no one sees it. This conspiracy is considered very strong, there is not a single person whom he would not help.

The text of the spell is:

Mother, Key Voditsa! In all cases, my assistant!
As I wash the corners with you, I invite buyers to my house.
Let them come, let them bring me gold!
My goodness is worth it, they will forget to bargain,
They will be happy with what they see, they will want to buy in order to live in this house for a long time!
My corners will become their corners, their gold will become mine.
So be it! Now and until the end of the century!

Conspiracy at home (when you leave the house for a long time)

This plot, even if you are selling your house, is still very relevant. After all, it helps to keep it safe and sound. And this, you see, is important. So, in order to perform this ritual, you will need to buy a new padlock. It is on this castle that the slander itself will be done. To start the ritual, you need to open the lock. In the open well (not where the key is inserted, but where the spout of the lock is inserted), the plot itself is read.

Here is his text:

As soon as the plot is read, you need to leave the castle to spend the night either under the porch (if you live in your own house, then this is very easy to implement) or on the threshold (on the inside of the apartment. The castle should spend the night in this way. In the morning, leaving the house, You need to repeat this conspiracy again, after which you can lock the lock with a key.You can either hang this lock on the front door (door handle) from the inside, or simply leave the lock at the threshold, and be sure to take the key to it with you.

When you return, the lock must be opened and hidden somewhere far away so that it waits in the wings. The next time you leave home, you will need to go through this ritual again exactly as described above. This conspiracy will help you keep all your things in their places, take thieves and all kinds of villains away from your house at the moment when you are not at home.

Very strong conspiracy to sell an apartment

It is hardly possible to find a unique conspiracy that would suit everyone without exception, many people think. And this is a mistake! Such a conspiracy exists! And we are happy to offer it to you. This plot must be read on the water! Next, with this water you need to sprinkle all the corners in the house. Pour the rest of the water over the threshold. You can find the text of the conspiracy in our video.

Sometimes it happens that the property that a person is selling is located in one place, and he himself is in another. In the literal sense of the word, for example, in another locality. The situation is complex, to say the least. And if it’s perhaps a little simpler with an apartment, what’s with a house that can’t be left unattended in any way (so that it isn’t rolled over a log or dismantled on a pebble) it’s generally hard. The risks are great, and you need to sell, as they say, yesterday!

It is for such a case that this conspiracy is well suited. You need to do it as follows: you need to take a candle (any) and read the plot on it at least seven times a day, looking at the flame.

Conspiracy to sell a house

In order to sell a house or apartment, you need to do the following: take a bucket of clean water and slander him, here are his words:

“There are four corners in my house,
Each room has four corners.
There are locks in my house, but they are a hindrance to enemies and thieves.
I wait for buyers and they are always glad!
My brownie, come with me
We will have new mansions about four corners,
About four corners, yes in every room!
Whoever brings us money will take these corners for himself!
And with you, my Brownie, life will be different!
May it be so! May it be so! May it be so"!

As soon as the slander on the water is well-read, you need to wash the floor with this water, and pour the water out into the street, but this must be done carefully, without any witnesses. After returning to the house, you need to present to your Brownie the demand, i.e. a treat and once again ask him separately to help you. In no case should a brownie be left in an old apartment or house. When you move out, then turn to him and suggest that he go with you to a new house, if he so desires, if he wants to stay, then this will be exclusively his desire. You need to ask him three times! You can do it in your own words, the main thing is that the words come from the heart!

Anyone who has ever tried to sell a house or apartment knows how difficult it is! Potential buyers come (and it's good if they come), look, comment, saying that the house is somehow uncomfortable, unfriendly, and then they leave neither hearing nor spirit.

What to do? How to be? How to resolve your issue with the sale? After all, a house or apartment needs to be sold. If a similar story is about your house, then this ritual is best for you. To complete it, you need to go around three times on Friday evening own house. And not just bypass, but bypass counterclockwise. It is important! Look, do not confuse anything! When walking around the house, do not rush, move slowly, inhaling and exhaling deeply, as if trying to breathe through your ritual (it is very good and effective, believe me!).

When the house has been walked around three times, you need to stand at the front door (inside the house or apartment) and, looking up, to the far right corner, read this plot:

Conspiracy to sell a house

This plot is done on the key to the front door of the house or apartment that you need to sell. The people who made it speak of its extreme effectiveness. In order to sell a property, you need to take the key to the front door and, holding it in cash with a candle flame, make the following slander:

“Every person needs a home.
Every house has a door.
Each door has a lock.
Each lock has its own key.
And I am a buyer.
Come bring me money
And I'll give you the key!"

After the plot has been read, you need to close the front door with this key and put the key under the pillow. This ritual is repeated three times in a row. Thus, you will sleep on the key to the front door for three nights in a row, and before you close the door and hide the key under the pillow, you will read this plot, which will certainly help you.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

This conspiracy is carried out by applying a runic stave (several runes that will need to be applied to the wall in a house or apartment in a certain sequence). So, it is best to use a red pen or marker to apply the stave.

The runic becoming begins to "work" from the moment it is applied either on the wall, or on the photo of your house, or on the front door, or maybe even on the text of the ad that appeared in the newspaper. The duration of the work of the stav ends immediately after the positive resolution of your request. If you applied standing on paper, you, having thanked the Runes, will need to burn this paper. If you applied standing on the door, you will also need to dispose of it, not forgetting to thank the Runes for their help.

You need to remember one rule: the runic position must be hidden from prying eyes. It is important! You can “turn on” the work of the stav either with the help of your own breath (you need to breathe on the applied image), or with the help of your own blood (touch the stav).

Becoming a house for sale costs them four Runes, the first of which:

  1. Rune OTAL- the first in the runic stav. She is your gratitude for everything that was good for you when you lived in this house or apartment.
  2. Rune DAGAZ- this is the so-called Rune-driver, it is she who will start the process of the work of the entire stav. It is thanks to her that the sales process will start.
  3. Rune FEHU- is responsible for the financial component, thanks to Fech, you can count on the amount that is important to you.
  4. Rune VUNJO- Provides good luck in the upcoming transaction. She is responsible for ensuring that both parties benefit and are satisfied.

The clause is this:

"The runes are almighty! Runes are omnipotent! Runes are true!
I turn to you and ask you to help me sell (name what you need to sell),
within the shortest possible time, with the benefit of me and my buyer.
Let the wish come true in the most comfortable way for all participants in this case.

A conspiracy to profitably exchange an apartment

If selling an apartment or house is sometimes not easy, then exchanging it is even harder. What you just will not meet: and monetary fraud, and unequal exchange, and attempts to "scam". Any "good" enough. To protect yourself from this, read the plot. He has already helped a single person and continues to help!

Conspiracy to sell a garage and other real estate

This conspiracy is truly unique, due to its simplicity. However, this makes it no less effective, because it is suitable for selling not only an apartment, but also a house or even a garage. You need to read it in the morning, afternoon and evening, looking at a lit candle.

The text of the conspiracy in our video material:

Ritual for the sale of an apartment

Selling an apartment is easy when you know a cherished word or a secret ritual. No wonder they say that everything ingenious is simple. This ritual for selling an apartment is also incredibly simple. To complete it, you will need holy water, which you will need to sprinkle your home with. However, before doing this, you need to say the following words to the water:

Waiting for a real estate buyer

This conspiracy to sell an apartment is done immediately before the arrival of a potential buyer. Your task is to go around each of the rooms in the apartment (or house) counterclockwise three times, while saying a slander from our video material:

Whisper to sell an apartment

This conspiracy is short, as if a bullet hits the target clearly and accurately. And the goal is one - to sell real estate! You need to read it on the growing moon, in the mornings on women's days, which include: Saturday, Wednesday and Friday.

On other days, this plot is not read. As soon as any of women's days, You need to stand in a corner (and so you need to read this conspiracy in each of the corners of your house or apartment):

This conspiracy is read in the church, because you will have to ask the Saints for help in your business. It is very important that the property you are selling and the whole transaction in general are honest, without any hint of fraud. For if you want to deceive someone, then the Saints will not help you. Your prayer should be directed to St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky. It is generally accepted that it is this Saint who helps in matters of property (financial) and matters related to the sale of a house, and sometimes in the fulfillment of a wish.

Do not be too lazy to find information about the life of St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky. Read about it. After all, during his lifetime, he was a very kind person who never refused anyone his request, his need.

The text of the prayer in our video material:

You need to pray to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky as often as possible, and he will definitely help you!

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

As mentioned at the very beginning, in order to sell real estate, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the aura (or energy of the space) is blissful. Sometimes even the help of a priest invited to consecrate an apartment does not help. This video was prepared specifically for especially difficult cases, when it already seems that help is expected from no one and nowhere. Follow the algorithm given in it and your property will definitely be bought by someone!

Strong conspiracy to sell a house

This plot for the sale of a house must be done with honey. Honey must be fresh (the type of honey does not matter)! In addition to honey, you will need a red wool thread and a knife with a wooden handle.

So, start your ritual by tearing (do not cut, but tear!) Three long threads (about a meter in length) from the ball, on each of which you will subsequently need to make twelve knots (when making knots, you need to tie all three strands together!).

Torn threads must be tied to the door handle (one end, and the other end of the threads should be in your hands), on the inside of the apartment or house. On honey, which is best kept in a small cup, you need to make the following slander:

“Honey is sticky and strong!
And the sale is pleasant, but it’s profitable for me!
She brings joy to everyone, but to me most of all!
Honey is sweet, and my life is sweet and joyful!
A sale is on the way!

After the plot for honey is read, and the knots on the threads are tied (you tie them before the plot for honey itself), you need to smear each of the formed knots with honey.

As soon as the knots are missed, cut off the threads with a knife, and, holding them in your hands, go around your possessions, saying:

"So be it!"

Leave a drop of honey in each room. At least an hour this honey should be on the floor. As soon as the hour has passed, you need to remove the remnants of honey from the floor with threads. And then take them out into the street and (ideally) bury them under a tree or bush, but so that no one sees it.

The same threads that remained on the door handle (after all, you cut them off with a knife and you should have left the ends) must be burned immediately upon returning from the street, saying:

“Out of the barrier behind!
My buyer, come!

This conspiracy may seem complicated at first glance. In fact, it is very simple and effective. If something is not clear, then the execution algorithm must be read several times.

All about religion and faith - "conspiracy prayer for the sale of things" with a detailed description and photographs.

In the life of every person there comes a moment when it becomes necessary to get rid of some object. Often, throwing away the object of desire does not arise, since it can be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bselling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell a thing can help realize what was planned much more profitable and faster.

To conduct a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. So, without the help of magic, it can take quite a long time to realize what was conceived, while with the help of magic, the item being sold will be acquired very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to pronounce a conspiracy over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical rite, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sale of goods. Such talismans will perfectly help the owners of outlets, sellers whose salary depends on revenue, and ordinary people who occasionally sell personal belongings.

What determines the effectiveness of the ceremony?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and the result to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the instructions for its implementation. So, conspiracies for the sale of things should be read all alone, so that no one knows about the ceremony.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, it is impossible to tell even the closest people about the previously performed ceremony, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is absolutely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. The ceremony is allowed only for people who believe in magic, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy. In addition, most of these rituals are performed on the growing moon, while 3 days before the ritual, the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

The charmed item will bring profit to the seller

The people know a large number of conspiracies that can help you quickly sell this or that thing. So there is a rather strong rite for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced three times over it, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the charmed water.

Another no less powerful conspiracy is read to the key. To perform the ritual, you will need a glass or earthen vessel, spring water and a key. A container of water must be put on fire, then a key should be thrown into boiling water. The words of a prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

Chilled water together with the key must be drained into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of the sale comes, hands are rinsed with charmed water, and the things being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

In order for the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with your right hand.

A very strong rite for a quick sale is carried out with the help of a penny. On the growing Moon, a coin should be taken with the right hand, held for a while, and then said a prayer over it 12 times.

In order to quickly and profitably sell the goods, it is recommended to take the coin with you all the time.

Will the trade be successful?

In order to avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases, when no other ways to sell the goods fail. The use of black magic is not free - at some point, the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service rendered. Thus, a trader may lose some part of the goods or all, lose a round sum of money, or pay with health. The most severe consequences will manifest themselves in cases where the ritual was not performed according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked at it.

Useful conspiracies for sale:

A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will succeed in the new year.

Conspiracies for the sale of things: comments

Comments - 4,

I have two small tents in the market, I sell children's things. This year, sales have fallen so much that she worked at a loss, even the distributor had nothing to pay her salary with. There was no way out, how to turn to a conspiracy to sell things, I had to cling to any chance, otherwise my business would have ended. I performed the ceremony on a penny, did everything as written, read it 12 times. The conspiracy worked after 3 days, not immediately, but things began to be bought. I believed in magic!

What is the meaning of the rite, so to speak, received a certain amount of money, and not money that came from heaven, but for my sold thing, if after this rite it will be necessary to pay with the same money or health.

I have a lot of my debts at interest - I want to return it quickly - but how to make trading better - and there was a major theft in the store mink coats and I again owe money and what to do I am in despair and confusion

Hello. I am standing in the bazaar selling things. And there is no trading. I am tormented with debts. I have no strength. Help. I beg YOU.

What is the plot to read for the sale of things and successful trading?

What should a seller do when his product is not attractive to the buyer and there is no tangible profit from trading? Perhaps it makes sense to turn to magic, its rituals and spells?

Since the time when for the first time one person tried to exchange something with another for his own benefit, there have been rituals and conspiracies for the success of the transaction and successful trading. How to apply the magical experience of the ancients for the success of their trading business?

Help magic

From time immemorial, a variety of peoples have resorted to magical actions in trade and are turning to this day. Selling magic has many ways to bind a buyer to a product and a trading place:

  • rituals and ceremonies
  • incantations and spells
  • talismans to improve trade
  • prayers

Let's dwell on each option in more detail. In order to sell goods with the help of magic, you need to accurately imagine how to conduct a ritual and read conspiracies and spells with all your heart, believing in their power. So, if a store, boutique, or just a covered outlet does not bring any profit, then the following magical manipulations are carried out.

You will need a coin, not the smallest and not the largest, and eucalyptus oil. The ritual is carried out alone in an empty room where the trade itself is carried out, and there are buyers, and not in a warehouse or behind a counter. For magical actions Wednesdays or Saturdays (monetary days) are best at sunrise to attract desired buyers.

The coin is dipped in oil, taken out, taken in hand. The seller or owner stands in the central place of the room facing the front door. Three times, a conspiracy to open trade routes to your product is pronounced firmly and confidently:

I give tribute to trade roads! As you accept my money, so send me good luck! So that trade goes uphill, customers go in crowds, but they buy everything, they do not spare money, they do not leave without purchases. Yes there is!

In conclusion, with the word “paid”, the coin is thrown into the hall, if possible in its middle, where buyers go more often. One of them must pick it up and take it with them. Do not lift yourself! As soon as the coin does not become on the floor, profit will begin and the buyer will go. Counts. That these magical manipulations do not need to be repeated. The ritual is very effective if everything was done correctly.

Sale with the help of conspiracies

I love something from that one. What lies on the counter before the one that is no longer needed by its owner can be successfully sold. Not just to get rid of it cheaper, because it’s a pity to throw it away - it’s still good, but to get benefit from it in the form of monetary profit. For this, many conspiracies are successfully used.

If it is clothes and there is only one thing. It is enough to quietly pronounce the magic words over her. For success, it is important that no one knows that a conspiracy is being read or other similar manipulations with things are being carried out. The plot is read in complete solitude, without human eyes. Before the ceremony is scheduled, you can not take alcohol for three days.

One of the effective conspiracies for the sale of things is conspiracy with the help of water from a spring. Above it are the following words:

Bargaining is going on in the market square. They sell everything: both silks and furs. My product (called) and I will sell. The price of it (is called). Whoever sees will want to buy. Amen.

After speaking three times things are sprinkled with magical water.

Popular and time tested conspiracy on the key. You will need:

  • vessel, any, but not metal
  • real spring water
  • lock key

Boil water, and immerse the key in boiling water. Say magic words 9 times over the steam:

Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (the name of the thing). Just as people cannot live without water, so they cannot live without (name). My word is strong! Amen.

Turn off, cool the water. Then pour it into the prepared vessel. On the day of the sale, the seller's hands are wetted and what needs to be sold is lightly sprinkled. The key is not thrown away until the next trade case.

An easier way to quickly sell offers to impose a cross on the subject of implementation three times and, after reading the plot, stroke it on all sides with your right hand.

Prayers and trade

Often people turn to God for help in selling their goods. In Orthodoxy, there are prayers that contribute to a successful sale. In this case, they pray to certain saints and the Guardian Angel.

Of course, one must be a sincere believer, treat prayer without any doubt and with complete confidence. Prayer for success begins early in the morning, always before work begins. Saints to whom in Orthodoxy they turn for help in commercial enterprises:

You should pray regularly, try to make the words come from the heart. It is advisable to directly address the words of the prayer to the icon of the saint to whom you are praying.

Strong prayer to John Sochavsky, the patron saint of merchants:

O Holy God-pleaser John! Having labored on earth with a good feat, you received the crown of truth in heaven, and the Lord prepared it for all those who love him. The same, looking at your holy image, we rejoice in the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. You stand before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, but get rid of sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present age and let us be honored by your intercession, if not worthy of Esma, to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in the saints, our glorious God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Even if a person does not know all the prayers verbatim, you can simply sincerely, in your own words, turn to heaven for help. The main thing is sincerity and purity of thoughts. It is good when an icon of one of the mentioned saints is located in a trading place.

Sale of large goods

There are special spells for the quick and profitable sale of large things, such as a car, land, house or apartment. They will help to realize what is really difficult and troublesome to sell. So. To make the deal successful, a glass of holy water is taken. Holding it in his left hand, he crosses himself three times and reads the Our Father. Then the words of the conspiracy are spoken:

I am a merchant - always well done.

We sell our goods to you.

Money to money.

Your money to us, our goods to you.

Even more efficient. To successfully sell a serious large product, a rite with a five-kopek coin is considered. They do it on a waxing moon. At the window or on the street they take the coveted nickel in their right hand and read the following:

Pyatak, Pyatakovich! Give me (your name is called) luck without surrender! For now, forever, forever! Amen! (And so 12 times in a row).

The penny should be saved, and when going to a meeting with the buyer, have it with you.

Any of these actions can bring good luck if performed exactly as recommended.

Strong conspiracies for the successful sale of things

Have you noticed that some sellers sell goods in a matter of hours, while others collect dust on the shelves for months? Perhaps the reason lies in the ability of the first seller to build relationships with potential buyers, or perhaps he uses a strong plot to sell things. In order to establish a quick sale of any type of goods on more favorable terms for you, you can use effective conspiracy to sell things.

Find out some effective conspiracies for a successful sale

Reading a plot for sale should always be on a waning moon. If you are interested in increasing the flow of funds, then such a conspiracy is best read on the growing moon. You need to independently determine priorities for yourself: sell the goods very quickly or get a lot of money.

Conspiracies covered in this article:

The choice of a conspiracy to sell a thing also depends directly on the type of thing. If you plan to quickly and expensively sell a house or vehicle, then, as a rule, special conspiracies are used to sell large and expensive things. And if you are interested in trading in inexpensive public goods, then they use conspiracies aimed generally at improving business and trade affairs.

We bring to your attention several options for conspiracies for the quick sale of things that have already gained recognition from many sellers of both rare and popular goods.

Strong conspiracies to sell any thing

Conspiracy for honey

Sell ​​easily and with pleasure: read the plot to sell things

This conspiracy is one of the most common. No wonder in everyday life we ​​often hear the phrase "as anointed with honey." Honey itself is the strongest healing substance that can not only attract everything positive, but also heal energy holes and repel negative events.

Take a small jar of liquid honey, speak it with the following words:

“Just as bees flock to honey, so will buyers flock to my product. As honey is sweet for bees, so my goods will be needed for buyers. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

After pronouncing the plot, smear a small amount of honey on your forehead, cheeks, chin and behind the ears. On this day, you will not end up with buyers - they will swarm like bees over your product.

Poppy Seed Conspiracy

We want to bring to your attention another interesting conspiracy for good trading. For this you need a poppy seed. On the growing moon, buy a pack of poppies. Pour it into a glass beaker and say the following words at least seven times:

“Whoever steps on my poppy will fall in love with my goods. Whoever steps on my poppy will buy my goods. Amine. Amen. Amen!".

Then, at the beginning of the trading day, you need to scatter poppy seeds all over the floor next to your market stall or counter. Try to scatter the seeds so that they occupy a large area, but are not noticeable. After three days and after cleaning, the ritual should be repeated.

Sales visualization

If there is a sale of something in the singular, then the simplest, but no less effective conspiracy is the ritual of visualizing a successful sale. To do this, you need to take the thing that you plan to sell in both hands (if the dimensions do not allow, then touch it with both hands). Take a close look at this thing, touch every detail, study it with an attentive look, while you must imagine how it has already interested a large number of people, how people are considering it with interest and wish to acquire it by all means.

You can detail your imagination down to the alleged dialogues with buyers and calculations. During the ritual, it is important that no one distracts you and your positive attitude. After you have done everything, actively cross the thing three times and say the following words:

“Whatever I think, I will get! Amen!"

Conspiracies for the sale of large or expensive things

Effective conspiracies for a successful deal

Before selling a large or expensive item, it is advisable to do the following:

  • fast for three days;
  • confess;
  • perform a ritual of purification of an object, including an energy one.

Since the thing is expensive, the circle of potential buyers is not large, and as soon as the first applicant turns to you, run to the church and light three candles for his health.

A conspiracy to sell a car is a must read if you need to sell a car.

New moon conspiracy

The most effective conspiracy for a quick profitable sale is a conspiracy on the night of the new moon. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a green candle. Write on a piece of paper and simultaneously say the following words three times:

“I conjure for good luck, I conjure for sale, I conjure for wealth. May it be so".

After you write these words, crumple the paper and burn the candles on a saucer with fire. Sweep the ashes from the window.

Coin lining conspiracy

Another simple conspiracy to attract buyers. Take any coin, even a penny, place it overnight in a glass of holy water and whisper the following words three times:

“As I charge a coin with good, so the sale will turn out good for me. Amen!"

The next day, put the charmed coin discreetly into the thing you are going to sell. This plot will help you attract more buyers, and at the same time you will not lose a penny in price.

We wish you fast and profitable sales.

And do not forget: the main thing is to remain confident, and you will definitely succeed!


If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

We all periodically become participants in the process of buying and selling. However, every now and then we find ourselves on opposite sides of the barricades, that is, we play the role of either a seller or a buyer. However, it often happens that the real demand for your product does not meet expectations, that is, the product simply does not sell. What to do in this case, if there is neither desire nor opportunity to wait for the sale? In this matter, magic will help to understand, namely a conspiracy to sell. We will find out who can read such conspiracies, how to correctly read such spells at home.

What is the essence of the ceremony

When talking about selling, a picture appears in your head - you put up a product for sale, a buyer immediately appears, you receive a certain amount of money, and he leaves with the product he needs. However, in practice, everything is not so simple. This is due to the fact that the offer on the market is quite wide. That is, if you are selling a bicycle, a stroller or a fur coat, you must understand that not only do you offer this product, you have many competitors. Magic can help speed up the process of finding a buyer and making a deal.

It is very important to decide on the key and purpose for which you want to resort to magic, this can be:

  • A guarantee of a fair deal, that is, you can protect yourself from deception and scams
  • Getting the maximum profit, increase revenue
  • The fastest sale of goods
  • Increasing competitiveness if you are selling a non-unique product

Also, magical sales techniques are used to secure a preliminary sale agreement. For example, if we are talking about the sale of an apartment, house or car, that is, an expensive product, the transaction is not completed in one day. There is a high probability that the buyer, before giving a deposit, may change his mind, which naturally plays against you. This factor is also taken into account in many quick sale plots.

Now let's move on to the most powerful and effective conspiracies for sale, which have been actively used for more than a decade and have only positive reviews.

Assistance in the sale of real estate

Despite the fact that real estate transactions are accompanied by experienced realtors, you should not rely only on their help, use simple magical rites that will accompany the success of selling and buying a home.

A simple spell to sell an apartment

This plot option for the sale of real estate is suitable for the sale of any product, however, it is most often used during real estate transactions. For a quick sale plot, you will need a few grains of wheat. They need to be put in all corners of the house or apartment for sale. After that, start reading the magic words:

“I scatter the grains, say goodbye to the goods. Let the buyer be found faster, let him be happy here. Merchant, merchant, I call you.

After the last word has been said, collect all the grains and bury them near the property for sale as seedlings for the garden. This will greatly speed up the sale process and help you find a responsible buyer.

How to sell an apartment faster

We all hate to wait, especially when it comes to getting money. There is a way to significantly speed up the desired transaction. To do this, you need to carry out the following activities:

  • When it comes to real estate, you need to carry out a general cleaning in the house or apartment. You can not miss a single corner, the quality of cleaning should be maximum.
  • When you start wet cleaning, you need to make sure that the water does not change when you move from room to room.
  • When the cleaning ritual is completed, say, looking at the used water, loudly these words:

"I'm talking to you, brownie. We lived side by side with you, I didn’t offend you, brownie, and you were nice to me. Help sell housing, brownie, attract a merchant here. And don’t be mean here, let him be the main one in the future.”

Now you need to pour the used dirty water into the street, as it has absorbed all the negativity that could arise in the process of processing the transaction.

If any other product is being sold, a similar ritual should be performed with washing the item. For example, if you need to sell furniture, wipe it with a damp cloth, then read the above plot for a quick sale.

How to make a sale successful

In order for a deal with a real estate buyer to go “without a hitch”, that is, successfully, you can apply an appropriate strong conspiracy to sell. It is read strictly at dawn, when the sun is just rising into the sky. First, let us turn to God by reading the Our Father prayer three times. After that, you need to pronounce directly to the words of a strong conspiracy to sell.

“Silk thresholds, silver windows, smooth walls, malachite things - I offer you everything, merchant. I expect money from you to sell everything to you.”

It is very important to choose the right time for the ritual. Good Friday and the growing moon are considered ideal if the ritual is performed at home. Remember, no one should interfere with you.

How to speed up the sale of land

Land is a commodity that will always be valuable. The fact is that when buying land, you yourself will decide what will be built on the acquired land. Since this is an expensive purchase, both the buyer and the seller want to secure the sale process as much as possible.

For this, magic has a separate conspiracy for a profitable sale, which is outlined below:

“I sell the land, black and noble. Let the buyer come and begin to dispose of it. Let him bring money and don't deceive me. I'm looking forward to you, don't go to another seller.

Now you can sleep peacefully, the buyer will not look for another seller and will not refuse to complete the transaction at the last moment.

Conspiracy to sell any product

Of course, sales assistance is needed not only during real estate transactions, but also during the sale of any other product. It can be a painting, clothes, shoes, flowers, vegetables, meat, milk, food, and so on, it doesn't matter. How to make sure that the buyer turns his attention to you and buys what you offer? In such cases, special sales conspiracies are used that play into the hands of the seller.

Ritual with a coin

This ritual must be carried out strictly on the growing moon, this will positively affect the outcome of the ritual. You need to take a silver-colored coin, generously dip it in tea tree essential oil. In this case, you need to sentence such words:

“I give the goods, I expect a coin in return. I accept your gift, I give my goods. I look forward to getting here. Amen".

After that, you need to go to the nearest store and spend the coin on the purchase of any product. At the moment when you give the coin to the seller, quietly say the word "Pay".

Whisper on the item being sold

In this case, you need to stand next to the product being sold, if possible, take it in your hands. Now start reading the words of the conspiracy for a quick sale:

“I, (your name), am ashamed to sell goods, I expect the same from you who come to my doorstep. The first, second, third will come and take the purchase.

In a few days, the conspiracy to sell will work, a real buyer will respond to the announcement of the sale, all that remains is to wait for a call or message.

The strongest conspiracy

This is one of the most strong conspiracies for a successful sale on the item being sold, it is also called a conspiracy for water for sale. To carry it out, you need to find a black piece of cloth and take a wide container with table salt. Lightly soak a rag in plain water, then generously roll in salt so that it is completely covered with salt. Now say the following words:

“Black is the color of sadness and longing. However, I will not yearn, as I sell the goods from the heart. I'm waiting for you, my buyer, I'll just open the door for you.

In this option, you must follow the rules of the ceremony. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on the eve of the ritual, and you also need to make every effort not to quarrel with anyone the day before and after the ceremony. If all conditions are met, the sale will be completed as soon as possible.

Conspiracies to speed up the sale

Regardless of what exactly you plan to sell, you want to do it as quickly as possible. In order for the desired to come true, there are several spells and whispers in magic that will bring the deal as close as possible and make it urgent.

Popular conspiracy for a quick sale

Here is a variant of a conspiracy for a quick sale, which can be found in the spell book of Natalia Stepanova. To carry it out, you will need an item for sale and a paper banknote of a large denomination. Put or place the goods in front of you, take the money in your left hand and fan the item being sold with it. In this case, money should play the role of a kind of financial magic fan that will attract good luck to your home.

In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:

“I sell, I sell, I call everyone to the fair! Everything you want is here, come in soon, friend.

Conspiracy for aroma

Aromas and smells are powerful conductors of magical energy. For this reason, often one of the ingredients of love spells and conspiracies for successful sale aromas become. To increase sales success and attract a buyer, you need to use the smell of lavender. You need to purchase incense sticks with the appropriate smell, then fumigate the item being sold with this smoke. At this time, say these words:

“I hear the coppers are ringing, the smoke is leaving, the buyer is coming.”

The conspiracy to sell should take effect soon.

We increase trade in the market

That's where the sale really boils, it's in the market and the bazaar. Thousands of money transactions are made here in just one day. The same thing happens in hairdressing, cosmetology, services of the same type, for example, in the food environment, and so on. How do sellers manage to withstand competition, because, for example, only about 20 people sell milk in one row? We learn about the features of bazaar magic, what conspiracies are used by sellers.



Ritual for the sale of property.

How to deal with bad trading

Magic is public, everyone can use it. For this reason, there is a strong possibility that the seller to your left or right is making such a profit, not because his cottage cheese is tastier and his strawberries are fresher, but because he has cast a spell to sell well and attract customers.

You should not worry only if:

  • Your products do not compete with each other
  • If you are selling a product that people need on a daily basis. That is, you can sell it sooner or later during the day
  • If the neighbor's product is still different from yours, preferably for the worse

In all other cases, you are very likely to fail and go home without earning. To prevent this from happening, you need to find an effective sales plot that will be stronger than what the competitor imposed. This can only be done by trial and error, there is no other way.

We increase the demand for a stale thing

All goods can be conditionally divided into those that sell best, and those that lie idle for a long time. This can happen for many reasons, for example, the sale is influenced by the time of year, the exchange rate, and so on. Do not despair, there is always the opportunity to bypass all obstacles and still sell the stale goods. To do this, choose the right time, namely the full moon, and read these words, looking at the moon:

“The moon shines in the sky, full as an orange. Light up my product, attract people. Holy, holy will be the place where I trade. It's better here, let them come here."

It is good if, while reading the plot, the thing that needs to be sold is nearby.

We sell an unpopular product

Another way that will increase your chances of selling a stale unpopular product. To carry it out, you need to put or deliver goods that need to be sold between those that are in regular demand. Then say the words:

“There was a cow, she gave milk, they didn’t take the milk, it turned sour. Let this not happen to this product, let there be someone who needs it. Amen".

Help with car sales

Selling a car is a fairly common type of financial relationship between people. People, and especially men, change cars quite often. After buying a new car, the old one, of course, needs to be sold in order to justify at least part of the money spent. For the ceremony, you need to meet with a potential buyer, you need to behave good-naturedly and affably. During the trip, you should say the following words several times:

“I’m going to meet you to sell. Will you roll a new person. Headlights flash, steering wheel, turn, let my deal go well.

A very important detail is that the car must be turned in such a way that the hood faces east.

Other conspiracies to sell cars

A person selling a personal vehicle can apply any of the plots he likes to sell a car. The main thing is that it pleases you and does not go against your inner feelings. As additional magical items, you can use consecrated water, salt, sugar, candles, keys (spells for selling keys), coins, paper bills, and so on.

However, men tend to choose those rituals in which nothing extra is required, that is, the so-called "dry conspiracies." One of these ceremonies is the rite for the sale of a car with a mandatory bypass of the car.

You need to arrive at the meeting point with a potential buyer, then get out of the car. Walk around your vehicle in a counterclockwise direction, making one circle. At the same time, say the following words to yourself:

“I make a circle, I turn things around. Get a new owner. Let him bring the money."

How to profitably sell a business

Owning a business or a business in which so much money and effort has been invested is probably one of the most valuable goods that money can buy. Of course, the buyer is interested in the transaction being profitable for you, and there were no pitfalls.

Such transactions are usually made in the most comfortable conditions - over a cup of coffee, in a cozy cafe or restaurant. However, despite this, this is a risky operation, so you need to be on the alert, and, if possible, increase the degree of success with a magic spell.

On the eve of the transaction, you should stand in front of the mirror, pick up your wallet and say these words:

“My flesh and blood, my work, I sell you to other hands. You were mine, you will become a stranger. Let the payment for this be worthy and the new owner not deceive me. Work for the good of another person, bring him good, as you once brought me.

You have become acquainted with many conspiracies that are often used in one case or another when you need to sell something. A special combination of words can become your assistant and guarantee that the transaction will be successful. Be honest with yourself and the buyer, practice magic wisely and then the sale will be 100% successful and easy.