Conspiracies for successful trading. conspiracies for successful trading conspiracies for quick trading

Every day, everyone is faced with trading, whether in the role of a seller or a buyer.

Trade is an environment of activity that does not have weekends or holidays.

The main goal of everyone who works in business is to maximize sales and increase profits. Profit depends on the number of customers and the amount of competition.

The main goal in business is to maximize sales and increase profits

Magic in business

There may be a quality product, a great environment for the location of the business, but things may not work. Goods may go to waste, and full success depends on the quantity of goods sold. The profit does not justify the costs, some, in despair, go at a loss and quit the business they started, which took a lot of money to open.

Or you can use conspiracies and rituals designed for successful trading, which can take a flawed business to a new level.

The trader himself can ensure success in business if he uses a little special magic to attract good luck and money.

Ritual for good luck in trading

A magical effect on attracting customers will help make trading a profitable and enjoyable business. Such rituals increase the turnover and income from the trading business.

In the providence of the ceremony you will need:

  • white metal bowl;
  • water;
  • a spoon;

How to conduct a ceremony

The ceremony should be carried out in the place where the trade is carried out, it does not matter if it is a store with goods or an office where the sale takes place by phone.

  1. On any convenient day, regardless of the phase of the moon, the main thing is that you are completely alone, you need to pour white water into a metal vessel.
  2. Take a spoonful of honey and dissolve in water.
  3. Lean as close as possible to the water while saying a conspiracy:

    “Lord of hosts, help me in bargaining in buying, selling and exchanging. Protect from evil eyes, from envious eyes, from ruin, from spoilage, from all pretense evil. As fast bees flock to honey, let the money buyers run to me, praise my product, tell others and take it, and more than once or twice they will come to my doorstep. In my words, a castle for all eternity. Amen".

  4. Spray all corners of the room with water, if there are goods in it, then sprinkle them too.
  5. It is necessary to carry out this process, going in a circle, starting from the east side, in order to close the circle going clockwise.
  6. It is imperative that the providence of the rite be a secret, in this way the power of the ritual performed will be maximum.
  7. The result will be noticeable immediately.

You can repeat the rite as its effect decreases and as trade decreases.

Ritual for successful trading

The rite will help improve business in trade and prevent losses, the main thing is to carry it out on the waning moon.

To perform the ceremony, you must:

  • the padlock;
  • clean rag.

How to conduct a ritual

To conduct a ceremony for good trading, you need to buy a padlock in the morning, before the start of the working day. This condition is met regardless of whether you go to work in a market store, a yatka, an office, or just a trading house. This ritual for good luck in trading, to attract rich and generous customers, works both in street trading and at auctions, and even in online trading. Such rituals and conspiracies have an ancient history and work more than effectively. It is ideal if such rituals are performed on the full moon, but the new moon will also help to conduct such rituals to increase something. In this case, we are talking about customers.

To conduct a ceremony for a good trade, you need to buy a padlock in the morning

  1. After the end of the working day, you need to take a new clean rag to wipe the counter with it, wash the windowsill and the floor.
  2. Having done all the work, you need to close the lock, and wrap the key in a rag while reading the words of the conspiracy:

    “Lack of trade, poverty and wretchedness bypass me (name). You swim on the water and do not return to me (name). I will trade well and earn a lot of money. I close my strong word with a key, which I let through the water. Amen".

  3. The lock must be buried in an inaccessible place, and the key must be thrown into the pond.

Keep the performed ritual a secret.

Conspiracy to trade on poppy

A trading ritual that attracts customers and good luck in business.

What is needed for the ceremony

Before providing a magical ritual, you must buy in advance:

  • nasal molasses:

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual has great power, it is required to conduct it on the growing moon, on any convenient day.

  1. It is required to come to work and lay a new handkerchief on the counter.
  2. Sprinkle poppy seeds on top of a handkerchief.
  3. It is required to speak the following conspiracy nine times in a row on a poppy:

    “How unmeasured and countless poppies, So there will be so many buyers for my goods. All those who step on scattered poppy seeds will definitely buy my goods for themselves and their friends. I exchange goods for money with profit, I glorify God. Amen!"

  4. After that, a little poppy should be scattered near the counter.

So every morning, toss a little poppy.

Sometimes there are a lot of customers, but the goods remain lying. Products tend to disappear, things or shoes go out of fashion. This is not pleasant for both the buyer and the seller, in order to avoid this problem, you can use the rite of baptism of the goods.

Baptism of goods

A rite that attracts good luck, if the goods are not sold for a long time, then the situation will be corrected.

What is needed for the ceremony

To perform the ritual, it is enough to have a small mirror.

How to conduct a ritual

Realize magical action required even before the start of the working day, the ideal time is at dawn.

You need to go to each counter and cross it three times.

Every time at baptism, you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy:

“I baptize goods, I baptize for sale! So that you can see your product as a reflection in a mirror, So prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one who comes - buys, the second - buys, the last one also buys! And no one left me without a purchase!”

When each showcase is crossed three times and the plot is read three times, a mirror is required to be placed in full view of everyone.

The magic ritual can be performed once a week.

To carry out the ritual of baptism of goods, it is enough to have a small mirror

Ritual for spelled salt

A ritual for successful trading, well suited for use from the very beginning of activity. The strongest ritual for salt for trade guarantees the prosperity of the business.

What is needed for the ceremony

To conduct a magical ritual, it is enough to take salt from home when you go to work.

How to conduct a ceremony

A very effective magical action if carried out within seven working days.

  1. It is required, going to work, to the market to the yatka or to your shop, to take salt with you.
  2. Stopping from a few meters before the entrance, you need to throw salt over your left shoulder while pronouncing the following plot:

    “I’m reading a conspiracy for trade, I’m talking salt! Where the salt falls, customers will come to me! No one will leave without a purchase, everyone will leave happy! Amen!"

  3. After that, go to work without looking back.

The results will be visible immediately, after the providence of the ritual.

Rite of Surrender

With each trade there is change, using this magical ritual to quickly attract generous customers, you can attract new money.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct the ceremony, you must prepare:

  • change from work, a few coins or banknotes;
  • three candles.

How to conduct a ritual

To conduct the ceremony, it is necessary to take a few coins or banknotes from work, but so that it is change from trade.

  1. It is required to come home, put three candles on the table and put the ones taken in front of them. Light the candles and say the following from their flame:

    “A full month, an average month and a young one! Folk me a treasure from a penny. As my mother gave birth to me, swaddled me in the first diaper, So you also bring a big treasure to me! Amen!"

  2. It is necessary to pronounce the conspiracy three times in a row.
  3. Then you need to put the money in your wallet and carry it there, you don’t need to spend it, it will be a talisman, not a means to buy something.

Money is not only a means of subsistence, but it is they that make it possible to create your own business. After conducting several rituals to attract money, you can forever forget about poverty.

Ritual for money

A conspiracy rite to attract profit. Conduct on Wednesday or Saturday to achieve maximum results. Profit in trading depends on the number of customers, this ritual is best suited to attract customers.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct this ceremony you need to prepare:

  • a coin of average value;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • a cup.

For a ritual for money, you need to have To perform a ritual, it is enough to have a coin of average value

How to conduct a ceremony

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony in the place where the goods are located.

  1. Take a medium value coin and dip it into a cup of eucalyptus oil.
  2. Read the following plot on a coin:

    “I give tribute to trade roads. As you accept my money, so send me good luck! So that trade goes uphill, customers go in crowds, Yes, they buy everything, they do not spare money, they do not leave without purchases. Amen!"

  3. Repeat reading the plot three times.
  4. It is required to throw a coin in the center of the room and say:

The magic ritual will begin to act immediately, the main thing is that the coin either remains lying, or that it is raised by the client.

red thread for trade

Red Thread Magic Ritual Can Help Attract Customers and make trading successful.

What is needed for the ceremony

To perform the ritual, you need to prepare:

  • a coil of woolen threads of red color;
  • paper bill.

How to conduct a ceremony

The ritual is simple and does not take much time. The main thing is not to hold it on the 13th, 22nd or 27th, otherwise any day is suitable.

  1. The phase of the moon does not matter what, but to achieve a strong result, it is better to choose a full moon.
  2. You need to stay in the room all alone, so that there are no strangers and sounds.
  3. It is required to take a bill and spread it on the table.
  4. Take a coil of red woolen thread and measure the length of the bill 49 times.
  5. It is necessary to cut the thread from the skein and wind it around the wrist of the left hand.
  6. While winding on your hand, you need to read the plot seven times in a row:

    “Money for me, trade for me. All for me. And you have the goods and change. I am a merchant, always well done. I will sell all my goods to you. Money sticks to money. Your money is your commodity to me. Amen".

It is advisable to wear the thread all the time, if this is not possible, then do not remove the first 7 days after the provision of the ceremony.

Conspiracy for money using honey

With the help of a ritual with honey, you can attract prosperity.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual, you must:

  • comb honey;
  • copper coins;
  • a spoon;
  • candle.

How to conduct a ceremony

  1. It is required to prepare honeycomb, cross it and read the following plot:

    “God the Creator of all, bless and multiply the seeds, and make them useful for our use: by the intercession of John the Baptist and the Forerunner, graciously heeding our prayers, bless these bees and sanctify with your goodness, please, let them bring their abundant fruits, to your temple and your holy altars for beauty, but our use can also be it, O Jesus Christ our Lord, honor and glory to you, forever and ever. Amen".

  2. You need to experience all the honeycombs.
  3. And at this time read the plot:

    “As honey is sweet, so is money sweet. As a bee collects a little honey, but a rich hive is gaining, so I will gain wealth. As honey sticks to a bee, so let money stick to me.

  4. Put the wax on a spoon and melt it on a candle flame.
  5. Take copper coins and download them into a honey ball.

Put coins in a honey ball under the threshold.

With the help of a ritual with honey, you can attract wealth

Money magnet for money

A ritual with a candle that will relieve poverty and provide prosperity for the whole year.

What is needed for the ritual and how it should be carried out

  1. To carry out this simple, but very strong ritual, you need to go to church on Christmas and buy any candle, do not take the change, but leave it for a common candle.
  2. It is required to approach the icon of the Virgin, put and light a candle, where the church candles are located and say a prayer:

    “Money to money, and I will give a prayer on Christmas, Grow money, shine money, wish me wealth money. May it be as I said, and the Mother of God prompted me. Money in my wallet to grow all year. And I bloom in wealth for a whole year. May it be so. Amen"

  3. Immediately reading the prayer, you need to leave the church and head to the house. It is not allowed to talk to anyone and it is not necessary to give to the poor on this day.
  4. After coming home, you need to take all the small money from your wallet and tie it in a knot in a scarf.
  5. Hide them behind an icon.

Do not get and do not tell anyone about the money amulet. Throughout the year there will be wealth and profit in the house.

New moon rituals for money

You can also attract profit yourself if you perform such a ceremony for money on the new moon.

What is needed for the ceremony and how to conduct it

  1. The rite is very simple in providence and does not require extra costs.
  2. It is necessary to take a little olive oil or nutmeg and grease the fingers of the right hand with it.
  3. Count all the money in the house with this hand.

Very often, instead of prosperity, a business goes at a loss. Since there may be the same field of activity nearby, the prices in which are cheaper and there are more customers because of this. Competition affects the development of the business, not less than the quality of the services provided, at the present time, some agree to receive a lower quality product, but the main thing is that it be cheaper, or that there be more of it.

Protection from competitors

To save yourself from unnecessary trouble and be sure that nothing interferes with the prosperity of your business, you can use a ritual to protect yourself from competitors.

What is needed for the ritual and how to conduct it

Work in trade is not only the presence of goods or work with people, it is also work with the signing of papers and contracts.

  1. For this ritual, you need to learn the following plot by heart and pronounce it before work every day.

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, the Archangel and Angelic forces, please protect, save from witchcraft damage. I take the holy cross, deny, dissuade from the sorcerer and the sorceress, from the red and black, from the fair-haired and white, from the simple-haired girl, from the self-twisted woman, from any sorcerer's villain. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, through the prayers of the saint of God, Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O reverend and blessed Diodorus, our Father! Help me, a servant of God (imerek), to go along the path of life without hindrance. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God-giving, your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Saint Diodorus, our Father; rejoice, strong adamant and a terrible demon, the banisher and winner; Rejoice, the arrival of bright goodness in my house. Vouchsafe me to all the joys and the Kingdom of Heaven to be a partaker of me, now and forever and forever and ever.

  3. Black magic has nothing to do with rites for trade and has no effect on the person conducting the rites.

Strong conspiracies and rituals do no harm to anyone, but only improve the well-being of a person. They all come to the rescue when it seems that there is no way out. After all, trade, no matter what it is connected with: real estate, products, chemistry, depends not only on the invested funds and the ability to build business, but also on good luck and luck. If there is a desire to create your own business, then a properly selected rite before trading will help to conduct business only upwards from the first day.


No matter how the numbers and percentages dominate the merchants, these pragmatic people sometimes resort to the help of magical rituals and, in particular, conspiracies. And the point here is not superstition or disbelief in one's own strength, just trading is, in many ways, luck, which is required even by the most talented entrepreneurs.

Therefore, many of the most influential people in the business world believe in the power of magic, especially in that part of it that relates to attracting good luck in work. Most often, they use a trade conspiracy that is effective in business, capable of both attracting customers and returning, if income is required. The ritual will help keep the price of goods and protect against the intrigues of competitors who want to interfere with the commercial success of a more successful neighbor with all their might.

It is about such conspiracies and will be discussed.

So that the buyer does not leave with money

The ritual has two parts. The first is said aloud, looking with a smile into the eyes of the buyer:

"Get cheap!"

The following words are said to themselves:

“You take what is mine, you give what is yours. Amen".

conspiracy to buy

The conspiracy is carried out on any days except Saturdays. It is also worth avoiding the 13th, 22nd and 27th of each month. You need to stay alone in the house, pick up a hundred-ruble or any other bill, then on the red thread you should exactly forty-nine times set aside the length of the bill and cut it off. The thread is wrapped around the wrist of the left hand, removing the ends under the resulting thread layer.

While the thread is being wound, they say seven times:

“Money for me, trade for me.
All to me.
And you - the goods and change. Amen".
Conspiracy for successful trading
Before you start trading, take the salt in your hand and throw it backwards over your left shoulder with your right hand, saying:
“On foot, on wheels, come all here:
Here you have a place, food and water.
Your money for me and my goods for you.

If there is a clear lull in business and there are not enough customers, then it's time to read a conspiracy to attract them.

Conspiracy for successful trading

On a holiday, going into the church, you should buy a prosphora, and going to trade, put it in your left hand and, crossing yourself, pronounce the words of the conspiracy exactly 12 times:

"Lord God, help me."
Then bow in the room to the front corner and say:
"King Herod had
12 daughters.
And how is it true that there were them
12 not 13
So it's true,
That I will sell my goods.

Now you can eat prosphora and calmly go to trade.

Sell ​​"stale" goods

Not the most popular goods can be successfully sold if you carry out an old folk ritual that has helped merchants more than once, long before the era of discounts and seasonal sales, during which today they try to get rid of unsold goods on time.

You need to go to the forest, find an even anthill, scoop up a handful of needles that make up the ant house, along with ants, and bring it all in a bag to where the goods are stored. Needles and small chips mixed with soil are sprinkled stale goods, saying:

“As many ants in that house, as many buyers went to me, God. Amen".

Conspiracy for wholesalers

The conspiracy is carried out on water, which is then sprinkled with a consignment of goods:

“Holy angel Michael, we trade under your protection. Save, save and protect us servants of God (names) with your holy prayers. Help to start and make successful and profitable trading. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

For a good deal

Before important negotiations or a responsible transaction, the following conspiracy is read over the documents accompanying the goods or the contract:

fall on me
Like peas in a bin
Like barley on the threshing floor
Like rye on the current!
Stick to my hands
Like flies to honey
butterflies to the light
Grass to the sun!
Get into my pockets
Without calculation and account.
Without end, without measure!
Be by my side
Like ice and water
Like a nightingale with spring.
I'm not a merchant
but a stately merchant.
I sell in parts
I receive in abundance
I measure when I sprinkle
I cut adding
Lew leaving.
Let it be in my barn
treasure and fret,
For everything to argue
Not broken, without ruin,
Without intoxication, burnout, on any day of my market.

Words are best pronounced next to the product, for example, in a warehouse or near the property being sold.

An important advantage of such a ritual is its versatility. A conspiracy can be read before a one-time deal, when, for example, an apartment or a car is being sold, or you can use it on a regular basis, in business.

A strong version of the rite

“Oh, Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker!
Helping everyone who asks you!
In the days of Your earthly life, no one left You skinny and inconsolable,
It is good to see Your face and hear Your voice.
May your gift of healing, insight, weak souls of healing appear.
When the Lord called you to heavenly rest from earthly labors,
Always honoring and loving You, we believe in Your miracles, multiplying like stars in the sky.
At all ends of the earth you appear to people and give them healing.
We ask you the same, O God-pleaser.
Ask the Lord God for us with Your prayer, which gives strength and blessings necessary in life, useful in spiritual salvation.
Protect us from sins and teach us to truly repent, believing in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where You now shine in glory, singing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen".

And then the plot for good trading is read:

"The works of the Lord, His clean lips
They will pray for me.
Lord my God, Lord God,
help my soul by faith,
Multiply all my deeds in trade:
In exchange and purchase,
In what the merchant lives.
In the name of Your Holy Name, my bargaining.
And your protection will be.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy from the envy of competitors

Of course, competition, when it is reasonable and healthy, only helps the development of any business. However, often competitors cannot stop at legal methods and do their best to harm rivals out of envy, then such behavior cannot be called constructive, and it is impossible to reason with presumptuous enemies.

In such cases, they turn to magical rituals and conspiracies.

You can start by making a charm. He, being at hand, will protect against the intrigues of competitors.

To do this, take a handkerchief, a pin and a hair comb. Things must be new, and after the ritual they should not be used either. This set is said to be:

"Oh my God,
I stand before you
Please keep me strong
defend with this amulet.
I ask the holy army
Protect me from evil spirits:
Ivan the Long-suffering
Ivan the Theologian
Ivan Postitel,
Ivan the Baptist
Ivan the Headless
Michael the Archangel
Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Archangel Gabriel,
Praskovya the Great Martyr.
Faith, Hope, Love
and their Mother Sophia.
I stand under your protection
For you to protect me.
In the Name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Let this amulet always be there, but you don’t need to talk about it or show it even to trusted people.

From the evil eye of income

Facing the east, they read the prayer “Our Father”, and after completing the reading, they move on to the plot itself:

"I'll go to the open field,
I will pray to the Lord God.
There are 3 roads on the way
On which the holy Apostle steps.
How evil does not touch him,
Does not touch the body or the face,
Not to the point, not to the word,
Not at holy feet
So that no one touches my money:
Neither people are evil, nor
envious eyes.
So that they don’t yell and gasp at them,
So that they were not asked, they did not judge me,
Like a holy apostle
Blessed by God.
Endowed with holy power
So to me, O God, grant three holy powers:
One next, one behind
And the third force ahead.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You probably had to notice that the same product from one seller is sold out instantly, while another can lie on the counter for an arbitrarily long time and no one will covet it like that. There is no other way to explain this than witchcraft.

When to read, the consequences of a love spell on trade

A love spell for trade is read directly at the place of sale. So that the love spells for the sale of goods remain without negative consequences, both for the buyer and the seller, when you come to the place of trade, read the prayer “Our Father” and ask your Guardian Angel to help you quickly and profitably sell all the goods.

Sometimes such actions help to attract buyers to yourself - stroke your product and mentally praise it.

Be friendly to customers and you will definitely succeed.

A conspiracy to trade on the Internet to read on the water

A conspiracy for successful online trading can be done many times, as many times as needed.

Fill a basin or bucket with water, take a white rag. Say a spell:

“Fascinating failure from me let it jump,
he will sail away on the water, he will take all the troubles with him.
So that I do not know poverty, the goods do not lie for a long time.
Water. Language. Strength. Amen!"

Dust off your desktop, computer, or laptop first, then rinse the rag and mop the floor throughout the room. Pour the used water down the toilet and flush it three times.

Good trade conspiracy from the book of vanga

They say that this conspiracy to trade was once given by Vanga to his acquaintances, and from them it became known to others.

The conspiracy must be pronounced on the full moon, standing so that the moonlight falls on you, and holding 7 coins on outstretched hands:

“The queen-moon is alone in the sky.
You are growing fuller, silvering good.
So give your light to my money.
Let them also be fruitful, silver with gold.

Money is put into the wallet, but not spent until the next full moon.

Love spell for the sale of land

The following rite will help to quickly sell the land. Walking around your site, whisper about how you landscaped, cared for and looked after every piece of his land. Then say that it will also be good to take care of him and the new owner.

The land plotted in this way will attract a profitable and decent buyer.

The most powerful conspiracy and rite for trading and fulfillment of desire

This conspiracy will work if you really really need what you ask for. Trifling desires will not come true - you can not even try. But if you read it while starting a new business, you will never lose money.

On Sunday before noon, you need to pick and bring into the house one branch of wild rose, raspberry and mountain ash. The following incantation is pronounced over them:

“How red is the blood of Christ, so red, so red is the mountain ash,
as the crown of thorns of our Savior is thorny, so is the briar.
Jesus Christ put on a crown, shed blood, gave for us.
I ask on the blood and on the crown, I pray the Lord -
May what I said, what I thought come true. Amen."

A conspiracy for successful trading with a red thread, for an Easter candle

A conspiracy for successful trading must be done directly on the same day when you are going to sell something. For him, you need to save one of the Easter candles. The wick is pulled out of the candle, set on fire on both sides and the spell is quickly whispered:

"Help me fire with gold and silver
And various good things. Amen."

After the conspiracy has been uttered, the wick should be extinguished, rewound with a red thread and taken with you to the place where the sale will be carried out. Success is guaranteed.

A conspiracy to trade a valid prayer to St. Michael, for sugar

A prayer addressed to St. Michael, uttered on sugar, will help to become a successful trade:

"Holy Angel Michael!
Save and bless with your miraculous prayers to safely start and finish trading. Amen".

Charmed sugar, 1-2 grains, crumbles into goods. Buyers will flock to him, “like bees to honey”.

A conspiracy for successful trading for honey, for money, for salt, for a scarf, on the full moon, for holy water

There are so many conspiracies for successful trading that you can get confused which one to choose. Try several options and choose the one that works best for you.
All conspiracies are pronounced on the full moon.

A conspiracy for salt and a handkerchief:
"On foot, visitors! Come here!
You will have bread and salt and water.
Choose, buy
and give me the money."
The charmed salt must be wrapped in a handkerchief and, having come to the place of trade, discreetly shake off over the left shoulder, the handkerchief is hidden in the pocket on the right.

Conspiracy for honey and holy water:
“Let the buyers gather, they will not get enough of my goods.
Flock like bees to honey, don’t leave without goods, pay your money.”
This conspiracy must be read over the water consecrated in the church, to which a drop of honey is added, and then, just before leaving the house, wash yourself with the charmed water and no longer dry yourself. It is believed that honey will delay the buyer, and holy water will scare away bad people.

How to make a love spell for clients

The easiest way to attract customers is to sprinkle with water consecrated in the church, all corners of the premises where the trade will be carried out.

Also, do not apply, upon waking up, read the prayer “Our Father”, and in the evening, before going to bed, thank the Lord for the day you have lived.

A "fixed coin" - the first banknote received for a product - can also attract customers. You need to constantly carry it with you and never spend it - the bill will attract wealth to you in the future.

Muslim love spell for trade

O Allah Most Merciful!
Thank you for giving me happiness
pouring down like rays of the sun
illuminating my path.
May everyone rejoice and prosper.

These words must be pronounced every morning at dawn 7 times.

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Village Magic Specialist. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

You are not interested in the question - why does one merchant always go uphill, while the other barely makes ends meet? The point is not always in his professional qualities or in a better price for the goods, perhaps he is just lucky. In trading affairs, as in other areas of life, it is very important to have good luck and luck, and you can attract them different ways. We will tell you how to become a successful merchant with the help of magical powers, what features of execution a conspiracy to trade has, and most importantly, how to properly conduct such rituals.

How do magic spells work on trade?

The sphere of trade at least indirectly concerns everyone. Some have their own shop or work as sellers, but even people of other professions sell property, things, real estate or cars from time to time. And whatever you sell - food or an apartment, you have one strong desire - to get money for the goods as soon as possible, and to sell it as profitably as possible.

No matter how pragmatic and prudent people may be successful entrepreneurs and simple merchants, they often ask for help from magic. And they do this not because they are passionate about rituals and conspiracies, but because the success of any trading business largely depends on luck. If you doubt that such conspiracies are effective, it is worth remembering that even the most influential businessmen believe in the power of such rituals and constantly use them.

How do various conspiracies for good trading work? Such rituals help to attract new customers and quickly turn them into regular ones. They are also effective in keeping prices at an optimal level, protecting against the intrigues of competitors who use a variety of methods to eliminate a successful trader. These spells are designed to attract success, they are able to increase the turnover of goods and profits.

Features of rituals for successful sales

Like any magical sacraments, a conspiracy to trade will only work if the following recommendations are followed:

  • A plot for successful trading can not be read at any time of the day, noon is better for this, a ritual is allowed at dawn, the main thing is that such rituals should not be performed after sunset.
  • All spells for trade, regardless of content, should only be cast during the waning moon. This is explained simply: when the moon is waning, spells for deliverance are applicable, in such a situation we want to get rid of what is being sold as soon as possible.
  • A conspiracy for good trading must be performed on Wednesday, Saturday is also suitable, these days are suitable for performing rituals for success in sales.
  • If you chose not a rite, but a spell, then you should read them immediately after the end of a successful transaction.
  • If you are going to implement a ritual for luck in trading only on the recommendation of a friend, but you yourself do not believe in magic, then such a ritual will not bring success. Magical powers are ready to help only people who really believe in them.

Repeat this speech three times, and then throw the money on the floor right in the middle of the room, saying just one word: "Paid." As merchants notice, this ritual is very powerful, it gives instant results. Please note that only Wednesday and Saturday are suitable for this ritual with a coin, these days are considered to be money days. When the rite is completed, do not raise the coin, this should be done by the customer of the store.

Ritual with salt

This ritual is designed for people who are just getting into trading or in the first few months of trading activity. It is during this period of time that the energy field of the trading business is created, you can strengthen it, attract success in business.

Salt has long been considered a good conductor of energy, which is why it is recommended to use it. The salt ritual requires repetition for seven days. When you get ready for work, you should take some salt with you. It is necessary to take out salt from the house not in a bag and not in dishes, but only in your hand, clenched into a fist. When only a few steps remain before entering the store, you need to throw a handful to the left over your shoulder, saying:

“I’m reading a conspiracy for trade, I’m talking salt! Where this salt falls, there will be crowds of clients coming to me! No one will leave without a purchase, they will all leave happy! Amen!"

Since ancient times, the process of buying and selling has been closely associated with many magical rituals. According to the monetary transaction, such traits of a person's character as honesty, decency and the ability to seek a compromise were evaluated. Many merchants still recite prayers, draw runes, and follow traditions to increase their personal profits. But all the same, it is the whisper and the conspiracy to trade that are especially popular.

Depending on the ultimate goal, there are many rites, rituals and divination associated with the market business. A conspiracy to trade is designed to bring luck to both the seller and the buyer, and damage to worsen the condition of the business of competitors. Most of the rituals associated with good luck in money matters can be done on your own, but for the best effect, you should contact a specialist.

Types of conspiracies and general rules for reading

There are many rituals associated with the market business. Some provide a brisk sale, others eliminate competitors. Among a large number spells that can be found on the Internet and special literature distinguish such conspiracies for trade:

  • to the water;
  • for salt;
  • for honey;
  • on poppy;
  • on the mirror;
  • for change.

Rules for the ritual

Such readings have different accompanying rituals, but there are basic rules for conducting rituals. For a good trade conspiracy to work, you should:

  1. Take responsibility for your business. People who deceive buyers and give bribes should not read conspiracies for successful trading. Dishonest behavior can be detrimental to business.
  2. Compliance with all the rules of the rite.
  3. The words of the spell should be pronounced in a low voice, without using the original source. It is also better to read a conspiracy to trade in the workplace.
  4. It is not recommended to cast a spell while experiencing such negative emotions as anger or irritation. The ceremony should be performed in a calm mood.
  5. Before you start talking about a good trade, it is important to choose the right day. You should not talk about money on Good Friday, at Easter or around Christmas - this can ruin the energy of the reader. A conspiracy for successful trading is optimally read on Wednesday or Saturday. Auspicious times are the days when the moon is rising.

Ritual for water

This ritual is suitable for those who want to increase the sale of goods and attract customers in the shortest possible time. Most often, a quick plot for a good trade is read by sellers of perishable products - meat, eggs or milk. This allows you to ensure stable sales of goods and protect the business from losses. The ceremony is carried out using the following items:

  • water container;
  • ring;
  • water.

The ring doesn't have to be an engagement ring. Also, rings with heavy stones are not suitable for the ritual. Water for the ritual should be used unboiled, preferably spring. As a container, you can use a deep saucer.

The execution of the rite has the following sequence of actions:

  • spring water is poured in a saucer, while it is impossible to touch the liquid with your hands;
  • throw a ring at the bottom of the container, the water should cover the decoration completely;
  • a finger is lowered into the ring, after which the jewelry must be rotated clockwise along the bottom of the dish. In parallel with this, a conspiracy for good luck in trading is read.

After the end of the ritual, the ring must be worn for a week. Water should be poured on the ground near the store, preferably under a tree, and the improvement will be immediately visible.

The text of the slander reads as follows:

“As water turns a mill, so my money circles the world. Goods are turned into goods, they return to themselves in gold. Like foliage in the forest, like stars in the sky, let my wealth become uncountable. People come to me, carry a coin, sort out the goods. There is food and drink here, here you have water, here you have goods. My word cannot be broken or dispelled. Amen"

poppy conspiracy

This proven rite is used if needed. strong conspiracy for trade. A poppy spell has long been considered a great way to quickly improve money matters. The main advantage of this rite is its versatility, since the conspiracy not only increases luck and improves the situation in the foreign market, but also attracts investments from investors. The poppy conspiracy for good trade refers to the rites from Vanga's book and is considered the strongest of all spells. For the ritual you will need:

  • plot text;
  • new scarf.

Such an old rite is best performed on Saturday. At home, the ritual should be read alone. The plot has the following sequence of actions:

  • dry poppy should be purchased on the market;
  • a handkerchief is spread on the table, in the center of which a handful of grains are placed;
  • a plot is read, and the poppy is baptized with the index finger.

After reading, the scarf should be tied with a red thread and stored in a dark and dry place. Care should be taken that the poppy is not discovered by strangers. In addition to attracting customers and increasing profits, such a talisman will be a powerful tool against the evil eye.

The text of the spell is:

“Lord, have mercy and help in the affairs of merchants, in exchange with good people. By your will, we conduct business, and in your holy name we change goods. Send your archangel Michael to keep people who trade from poverty and deceit, help to do good trade for the glory of your name, Lord. Amen".

Salt Conspiracy

Salt is often used to spoil a competitor's product. Such actions are called backfilling. However, wishing bad trades on colleagues is considered bad manners and backfires. A merchant who wants a loss for a neighbor loses products or customers himself.

There is a strong conspiracy for successful trading, which is carried out with the help of salt. This ritual is focused on attracting customers and ensuring that people always leave the store with a purchase. To do this, take a pinch of coarse salt and speak 9 times to the new moon with these words:

“Walkers, riders, go here, here the stavas are open for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you. Evil people will not find the path, the good will be at the gate. Amen".

After the spell has been cast, salt must be thrown over the left shoulder in the bazaar or in the store. A conspiracy for coarse salt for good trade can be pronounced once a month. Usually the reason for such a rite is a decrease in clientele.

Castle Ritual

  • the padlock;
  • spell text;
  • rag.

Before you make a conspiracy Siberian healer for trade, you need to wash the floor and furniture in the workplace with a rag in the evening. After that, the lock must be closed, and the key placed in a rag. The following spell is recited:

“A bad word and envy, poverty and poverty bypass me, swim away on the water. I have a good product, it will attract a light hand. Mine was and becomes human, it will turn into gold for me. Every people will leave with a purchase, every merchant will find goods for himself. Amen".

After slander, the key in a rag must be thrown into a flowing reservoir. At the same time, it is advisable not to meet people along the way and to conduct the ceremony all alone.

Ritual for honey

There are two effective conspiracies for good trading associated with the use of honey. Depending on the materials at hand, there are:

  • conspiracy for honey and water;
  • plot on honey and grass.

The ritual, which is based on water, is easy to perform independently both at home and at the workplace. The main purpose of the ceremony is to increase profits. A teaspoon of honey should be diluted in a glass of water, accompanied by such a slander:

“With water and sweetness, kindness and joy, I invite honest people to pure goods. So that every merchant leaves with a purchase, God is seen, God has given, bless and save. Amen".

After half of the liquid should be drunk, and the second sprinkled with a fresh broom from wormwood on the counter or store. Such manipulations will attract consumers to the product, and arouse in people the desire to make a purchase. Popular Muslim signs recommend treating the rug at the entrance to the shop in this way. In this case, customers will "stick like flies to honey."

The ceremony for honey and grass should be carried out on a banknote. The blade of grass for the ritual must be fresh. It is dipped in honey, after which it is attached to money. Along with this, a spell is read:

“Do not grow into the sky, but grow into profit, do not become millet, but turn into wealth, bread was born, turned into gold, for you, honest people, for good. Amen".

A banknote with grass should be folded in half and hidden in a wallet. You can also put a similar amulet near the cash register. In this case, the conspiracy to trade is imposed on both the seller and the buyer, linking the success of transactions and the number of customers. In addition to a positive effect on money matters, good rituals for honey and sugar will help neutralize the evil eye or bedding. Such conspiracies also help to establish trade if the entrepreneur is just starting his own business.

Ritual on the mirror

An effective money ritual is considered a ritual on a mirror. It is carried out if the business suffers losses, regardless of your intervention. A small mirror is used for this purpose.

The ceremony should be performed in the morning at work. Saturday will be a good day. The mirror should be taken in the right hand, then go around the goods and cross with a mirror. In this case, you need to say the following words:

“I baptize goods with my hands, I baptize goods with a mirror! Let the product like the reflection and the merchant like it! What kind of people didn’t come, bad or honest, everyone bought and was happy”

After the end of the ceremony, the mirror should be placed near the money. In order for such actions to help attract customers, the ceremony should be performed all alone. The ritual has an easy form of conduct, which is valid in the first hours after the reading, so even beginners in magic can handle it. In addition, a conspiracy on a mirror for successful trading can be done every week.

Ritual for surrender

People who sell goods often face a situation where buyers leave small coins for change. With the help of this money, you can make very strong amulets for luck and protection. For the ritual, it is best to use a penny, since in magic the number five is often associated with the leadership qualities of a person. As a result, such an amulet also works as a protection against those who want to damage the goods.

With the help of coins for change, you can also curse colleagues - for this, you should speak a coin in the cemetery and leave it for change by a competitor. If you were jinxed in this way, then only a specialist in the field of magic can reprimand the damage.

A conspiracy to trade for change is best done at work, but alone. For the ceremony you will need:

  • candle;
  • coins;
  • the text of the conspiracy.

A candle is better to take from beeswax. The product should be in light shades, since the conspiracy is part of white magic. Do not use black candles - this can lead to the opposite effect. Coins for the ritual cannot be placed in the general cash register.

On the growing moon, you should light a candle and read these words three times:

“A month in the sky, how golden it shines! Wrap a small coin with great wealth! There was a penny, but a treasure will be born, to my happiness and joy. Amen".

After that, the charmed money must be put in a wallet, in a separate compartment. Some experts advise making a hole in a coin, threading a braided black thread and wearing it around the neck. Such an amulet will attract wealth to the house, and there will be no end to buyers at work. Also, a conspiracy to surrender is considered an instant ritual, so luck will visit your counter very quickly.

Prayers for Better Welfare

In the modern world, there are not only conspiracies, but also prayers for successful trading. In the Orthodox faith, it is customary to read them on the days before or after the holiday. It is not recommended to ask the saints for wealth at Christmas or Easter - these days birth and resurrection are celebrated, so such prayers will remain unanswered. For requests related to the material condition, the following days are suitable:


Conspiracies to attract good luck in the trading business are very popular today. In addition to the most famous rituals, there are entire collections from Vanga and Natalya Stepanova that are dedicated to this topic. Depending on the end result, everyone can choose a ritual suitable for his case. Simple rites will help improve things a little, and good spells performed by specialists can completely change the course of money in the market.