A conspiracy so that the child learns to read well. Prayers and conspiracies for a good study

A conspiracy to study is a magical means of achieving academic success. Students have been using such conspiracies for many centuries in a row when they feel insecure about successfully passing the upcoming exam, defending a diploma, or passing another difficult test. But even an excellent student cannot be one hundred percent sure that he will not be “cut off” or that some unfortunate and completely unexpected accident will not prevent him from getting an excellent mark. So magical help can come in handy not only for C students, but also for those who are quite confident in their knowledge.

Rite options

There is a great variety of rituals with which you can arouse interest in learning and remove all random obstacles before exams. For example, in order for a child to become interested in the school curriculum and receive the necessary knowledge that will help him get a good specialty in the future, you can use special prayers. But in order to successfully pass exams at a school or university, you need to conduct a stronger ceremony.

Ritual for study with a button

Quite simple and, at the same time, very effective is a conspiracy to study with a button. The button used in this rite should belong to the clothes in which you go to school quite often. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether it will be trousers, a jacket, a jacket or a skirt. Hold this button for a while over the flame of a white candle, then quickly drop it under the running water from the faucet.

Illuminated by bright fire,
Pure water hardened!
Gain mighty strength
Protect me from failure!
So that the exam is not difficult,
So that the necessary knowledge is always found.
So that the professors do not find fault,
So that unnecessary questions are not asked.
I will carry you with me.
All exams are easy to transfer.

Then sew the button back onto the garment you removed it from. Sew it on tightly, because if the button comes off - you will not see good luck!

Conspiracy to help a child study

If you don’t need help with your studies, but your child, who is having a hard time with the school curriculum, you can use the conspiracy to study through water. To do this, you will need a glass of pure spring water.

Bend over this water and say in a whisper:

“The water is clear, the water is clean!
Quick streams brought you!
Inside ... (child's name) penetrate,
Saturate him with good knowledge!
Will his mind be as fast as you
His mind will be like you - clear,
His mind will be like you - beautiful!
Everything will be easy for him.
It will be easy for him to cope with everything.

Give the child this water and make sure that he drinks to the bottom. After that, his progress should gradually improve.

Against inattention and distraction

Very often there is a situation when a child naturally has good learning abilities, but due to absent-mindedness, he brings home bad grades. In this case, you can conduct a special plot with three thick candles. It is important to carry out this rite during the period of the growing month or on the full moon.

In the afternoon, you need to retire in a separate room, sit down at the table and place three prepared candles in front of you. For some time, you should sit in silence and visualize the image of your child.

After that, the candles need to be lit and, looking at the flame, say the following words:

“Burn, magical flame, magical candles flare up! My breath, the Servants of God (proper name) will touch you and everything that you have planned will come true! Since the flame is blazing, so is my child, the Servant of God (proper name) will burn to study. From now on and forever. Amen".

The magic words must be repeated seven times, after which the candles can be extinguished and put away in a secret place. As long as they are stored there, your child will study well. It is allowed to repeat the ceremony after a while.

To relieve anxiety before an exam

It often happens that because of the excitement, it is not possible to show all your knowledge in the exam and, as a result, it is not possible to get a good mark. To avoid this, you can conduct a special ceremony.

Such a ceremony must be carried out independently. If the ritual is performed by another person, then its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

To do this, on the night immediately before the exam, you need to retire in a separate room. You must take the notes you used to prepare for the exam with you.

“Knowledge, all received firmly, firmly gain a foothold in the head of the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name). So that he successfully uses everything he knows in tomorrow's exam. And let the examiner be benevolent and help him in everything. He will understand everything, approve and give a good assessment. Let the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) draw a good ticket and understand good luck. It will be so and not otherwise. Amen".

Magic words must be pronounced three times. After that, the abstract should be put under the pillow and go to bed.

Attracting faculty favor

If you feel that the teacher is unfriendly towards you, then you can change his mind with the help of magic. You can only read such a conspiracy on yourself.

The magic words sound like this:

“The seasons on earth go in a circle one after another, and that and my academic success will follow me. But only the bright sun and the bright moon will never converge, and I will always find a common language with my teachers. Because they will understand that I absorb all knowledge like a sponge, and there is no limit to my diligence. Amen".

This conspiracy will be most effective if it is read during the new moon.

All study conspiracies belong to white magic, therefore they cannot harm and do not bear negative consequences. Parents can also conduct them, while modifying the text of the conspiracy. But in order for them to be successful, it is necessary to sincerely believe in magic. You also need to know that the rites for study are more effective if a person directs a magical effect on himself.

When a schoolboy or student does not have a craving for knowledge, a conspiracy to study can help. If the child is capable, but very lazy, then it is worth reading the conspiracy to study well and things at school will go smoothly. It happens that there are not enough abilities for any subject, in such cases, auxiliary magic is also good.

In this thread:

In cases where a person knows the subject well, but is very nervous during examination tests, spells can also help him.

To defend a diploma or dissertation, you can also use the magic word. When an adept is about to go to an educational institution, you can cast a spell on a button from his clothes.

“Button-protector, illuminated by bright fire, tempered with pure water! Find mighty strength, protect me from failure! So that the exam does not have to be hard, so that the necessary knowledge is always found. So that the professors do not find fault, so that unnecessary questions are not asked. I will carry you with me. All exams are easy to transfer"

Such a conspiracy to study well will help you pass the exam or test successfully. Also, the ritual will help to discover in a person the ability to certain objects.

How to read

In order for the conspiracy to study to work, it is necessary to follow some rules of auxiliary magic. In order for knowledge to arrive, and confidence not to leave a person during exams, you need to read the conspiracy on the new moon. "The moon is growing - the mind is increasing," so it is considered in magic. Rites aimed at improving learning can be read independently for yourself, or you can read it for your child. For magic to work, you need to sincerely believe in it. The next conspiracy to study is worth reading in a glass of clean water.

“The water is clear, the water is clean! Quick streams brought you! Penetrate inside (name), saturate it with good knowledge! His mind will be fast like you, his mind will be clear like you, his mind will be beautiful like you! Everything will be easy for him. It will be easy for him to cope with everything.”

Heated water should be drunk by someone who needs help with their studies. While drinking water, it is advisable to imagine the subject that is most difficult or the upcoming exam. Another conspiracy to study well is done with a burning candle. The ritual is suitable for already adults, students for example. At night, you need to light a candle and read:

"Burn, flame, flare up! Squirm from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

After reading, the candle must be blown out.

Does it always help

For a good study, you can always read an effective conspiracy. It will work if you believe in the magic of the word. When you really need to help someone get an excellent grade or pass some important academic test, then reading a study plot is an effective and reliable tool. But you should not use the rite every time you need a good score.

You can resort to the power of the word when there is a high probability of getting a bad grade, which will spoil the whole educational picture. Or when failing an exam can have a very critical impact on the future. And of course, in the event that the child studies very poorly and does not want to improve in any way. In all these cases, the use of a conspiracy to study is justified, which means that it will definitely help. The following spell is suitable in all of the above situations.

“Thoughts are quick, deeds are quick, memory is strong! Mix wisdom and cunning in the water, Come together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, strikes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

How does it work

Probably everyone is wondering how magic can help make someone smarter or open up the ability to remember something. Everything is very simple: with the help of plexuses from words, a flow of energy is created that activates the mental processes of a person, improves memory, repels uncertainty and stress before the exam.

Also, with the help of a conspiracy, an attractive aura is created for a person, and teachers begin to better perceive a student or student. The teacher becomes more accommodating, he is indulgent to mistakes and more inclined to give a chance to a person. Here is another example of a conspiracy.

“Knowledge is all fixed in the head-head of the servant of God (name). Everything that he knows, he will be able to use at tomorrow's exam, And the examiner will help, understand and put a good mark. So that the ticket stretches out good, so that he catches luck by the tail. So be it, and not otherwise. Amen!"

Very good before an exam or a thesis defense. You can whisper a conspiracy on a coin worth 5 rubles or 50 kopecks. The talisman must be put in a pocket or in a shoe. It will help during the exam to draw out the right ticket and remember the correct answers to the questions.

How long does it work

Usually, study magic has a different exposure time. If the spell was cast for a certain exam, then it will act exactly until the end of the test. If a rite is read for a good study, then the action will continue for several months.

But a slander cannot last a lifetime. Usually this is not required, since a person, having tried to study well, gets a taste and everything works out for him on his own.

Every mother wants her son or daughter to study well at school or in another educational institution. High grades brought from school please, cheer up. Unfortunately, not every child succeeds in learning complex teaching material well. Some mothers complain that their children have no desire to learn at all. This situation leads to conflicts in the family, so qualified assistance in solving this problem will come in handy. In this situation, it is enough to make a conspiracy for a good study and the child himself will want to study diligently.

You achieve the greatest results from the conspiracy if you do the ritual on yourself

Rituals for study

All rituals are divided into 2 types:

  • rite for study - performed to increase the child's interest in learning, so that children want to do their homework;
  • prayer for success - after the ceremony, students begin to get good grades at school, prepare well for sessions and exams.

You achieve the greatest results if you do the ritual for yourself. When the child is still small, one of the parents makes a conspiracy to study. The best option for performing the ceremony would be a female person. Any woman is able to carry out a number of important events.

The first results are not long in coming. After a month or two, success is visible: the child learns school material better, actively participates in the life of the school, independently performs homework, pleases his relatives only with good grades. As a rule, correctly conducted conspiracies for a good study act immediately. They are especially important before admission, exams, because they are aimed at obtaining the most important marks in life.

Ritual with candles

The conspiracy is effective if the children are scattered, inattentive, show a low level of learning. Teachers are dissatisfied with learning in general. Ritual takes place at night on a full moon. For the ceremony, you will need several thick candles bought in the church. After dinner, candles are lit and placed on the surface. We look at the burning candles and say:

“Blaze with clear fire, flame, blaze with great power! Tremble from my breath! So that my child burns to gain knowledge. Amen!".

Words are spoken more than five times. The remaining candles are hidden in a secret place. Repeat the ritual every week until you see quality improvements in your child's learning.

The ritual with candles must be repeated every week.

ritual for talent

In this case, conspiracies for good luck in studies are made on the water. In the near future, children quickly think, become smart. The ritual cannot be performed without:

  • salt;
  • ash;
  • knife
  • holy water.

If you can’t get holy water, replace it with spring water or water that has been settled in a dark place for about a week.

First, throw a few small particles of salt and a few embers of ash into a glass of water. In the air, make a cross with the handle of a knife, and say these words:

“My thought is lightning fast, my business is arguing, my memory is strong! Let cunning and resourcefulness merge in the water. Let everything mix, it will be passed on to my child. Let the child shine with his mind, surprise everyone with his mind. Till the end of time. Amen!".

The charmed water is stored in the dwelling for thirty days. If during this time you do not see results in your studies, repeat the procedure after forty days. You need to read often and with faith in action.

Conspiracy for good knowledge before the exam

Exams in everyone's life are always a crucial stage. Excitement is inherent in everyone, it escalates before passing the exam, especially if a person has not mastered the material well enough or simply does not believe in his own strength. This ritual is aimed at ensuring that the examiner pulls out happy ticket made it easier for me to pass the exam. For the surrender spell, you will need a textbook, a book that was used to prepare for the exam.

We take it in our hand, the night before the surrender, and begin to read these words:

“Let all the knowledge in my head be strong. At tomorrow's exam I will tell you everything that has accumulated in my head. The questioner will help me, put a good mark. In order for the ticket I needed to get, luck itself sailed into my hands. May all that I have said come to pass, nothing else. Amen!".

These words are spoken three times, once the night before the exam, the second before entering the classroom, and the third right before the exam. It is advisable to leave the spelled book near the one who will ask the exam questions. If a conspiracy is committed against another person, it is impossible to tell him about the perfect ritual, otherwise everything will go wrong during the exam. Magic is a sacrament into which as few people as possible are initiated.

The ritual before the exam is aimed at ensuring that the examiner pulls out a lucky ticket

Solomon's conspiracy for knowledge

The Solomon conspiracy for knowledge and study helps to discover talents for the child and makes it possible not to grumble before failures in learning:

“I also shine with wisdom, like Solomon. The Magi knew everything, and so did I. The heavenly bodies are at the top, because everyone knows, me too. I don’t refuse to study, I try my best, I admire my mentors.”

These words will be repeated three times a day before important events in life.

This ritual is often performed to improve the quality of knowledge in a son, daughter, for excellent studies, to instill a love of learning. Words are repeated at the moment when the child is learning lessons.

“Great Rodomysl, hear me. Listen for my child. May my child grow up intelligent, diligent, wise beyond his years. Let him feel how omnipotent you are, guide him on the true path, take him away from bad people, false roads".

To make studies argue

Before the ritual, a candle is placed in the church to Nikolai Ugodnik. Only after the procedure the words are pronounced:

“I am sitting on Mount Zion, all-knowing angels are beating me, a remarkable mind is in my head. Let the correct answers come to mind, the harbingers of the change of events will tell. I want to have knowledge and boast about it everywhere.”

As soon as you see shifts in your studies, put a candle in the church.

To the favor of the teacher

Magic words will resolve any conflict with the teacher, with his prejudiced attitude. So that the teacher does not find fault with your child, but becomes his patron and assistant, the child needs to read such a conspiracy:

“Let my progress in learning walk beside me, as the seasons walk beside me. The moon and the sun will not converge, but I will find a common language with the teacher.

Strong learning ritual

Stop at the crossroads under the gusts of wind and say the following words:

“Let the winds bring me reason, wisdom, knowledge. Let the study be argued, the material is assimilated in the lessons, what has been learned is stored in memory for a long time. The results will not be long in coming. Conspiracies for study are needed to instill love for the school process. Awareness in this matter is extremely important.

I wonder if there will be at least a thousand people on the planet who love the learning process? For most, tedious duties evoke boredom.

I want to throw everything into the far corner, no matter how the mind insists on new workouts. Reading books is boring when there are more interesting things to do. Magic comes to the rescue here too. And both the students themselves and their caring parents.

It turns out that there are spells for a good study. Most often, they are used by those who want to get a result. The formulas for close students are somewhat more complicated. After all, they contain a certain element of enslavement, turning off the will of the individual.

It is clear that this is almost black magic. Therefore, they are not recommended for use. If the parents of the students are so worried, then. Don't practice spells.

They will force them to study, but in life they will create many additional difficulties for the young man. Do parents want this?

Good study spell

Any textbook should be taken early on Monday morning. Lay it on the floor. Stand with bare feet on top. So say:

“What is under me, then carries up! Push off from him, I'll get to the stars! The mind perceives, the will confirms, laziness runs away! I remember, I understand everything, I can speak, I answer boldly! Every wise guy is dumber than me, and my mother's teacher is kinder. Amen!"

Leave the book on the floor until the next day. And then be sure to carry it with you to class every day. It happens that the first time the effect is difficult to achieve. This is the evil eye. It should be removed and the ritual repeated on another Monday.

A spell to do well in school

Students are encouraged to learn (albeit laziness), no, not lessons, but a short spell. It should be read on the way to school. If you do not forget, then in a month the situation will change dramatically. You yourself will feel that gaining knowledge is a joy, and not a cruel test for the mind and will.

Here are the words:

"Lord Jesus! I strive according to Your will. Running or walking, to the sciences and magicians. I develop talent, I sing of you. I go smoothly and smoothly, the results are in order. I understand everything, I answer notably. I will overcome difficulties, by Your will! As You saved people, so I will fulfill Your order. Amen"

Spell to study well

You know, the previous formula contributes to the creation of such conditions under which a person receives exactly what is due to him by the Higher powers.

That is, if talents do not allow winning Olympiads in subjects, “excellent” in every lesson, then there will be nothing like that. What is given from birth will develop. It's just that a person will have a different attitude to the process itself. Learn to enjoy it.

There is a different formula. It opens the way to the rapid development of talent. Under its influence, abilities are strengthened, memory is strengthened, working capacity is growing. But, there are some limitations here.

The spell, of course, will affect anyone, however, temporarily. It does not change the laws of the universe. If it is not by fate that a person becomes a scientist, his task is something else, then the sciences will “get out” of his head as quickly as they began to strengthen there. Don't defy the will of the universe.

It is supposed to study mediocrely, look for yourself in a different matter. For every nation it is written in bright, fiery signs.

But those who from birth should bring intellectual gifts to people, they will definitely become an excellent student and a medalist. Such a selective action has a spell. His words are:

“Three bridges, seven ways, the wise youths walked. Gold bags were not carried. Everyone had a knapsack, but they managed them deftly. Whatever happened on the road, everything about experience and mind was broken. Bring the boys to me knapsacks. Let them settle in a violent little head, and spread knowledge along the roads. In order for the tasks to be solved, the answers themselves fell from the lips. Let them set me as an example, and praise me for my success! Amen!"

These words should be read by the student himself. The ceremony is held only on the thirteenth day on the growing moon. Conjure something. For example, a talisman, decoration or. Then you should carry it with you at all times and make sure that it is not lost.

No one should give the charmed thing. Don't even let me touch it. Otherwise, luck will leave you forever.

Spell for good grades in school

Do you know that before negligent youths were flogged with rods? Do you think, as a punishment, that the thought of the upcoming pain, in which case, would add zeal to them?

And this, of course, cannot be denied either. But there is a magical meaning in that ritual. Do you want the grades in the diary to be only excellent and good? Check it yourself.

By the way, this ritual can be performed by one of the parents. This does not apply to black magic; it does not deprive the child of his will.

You need to go to the forest and cut rods from living willows and willows there. Just do not take dry branches in any case. Bring the rods home. Remove leaves and hang in a conspicuous place.

On Saturday, before going to bed, the student should be whipped (symbolically, of course). In the process, you need to say the following words:

“I beat the slave (name) not out of boredom, but so that science climbs. I hit on the body to argue the case. I beat on the hands, I will teach science, I beat on the legs, so that the ignoramuses do not know the shame. So that everyone around is not praised in vain, so that the answers are always simple and clear. To have enough strength for learning. So that there were few bad marks! Amen!"

Symbolic execution is carried out for at least fifteen minutes. If the student himself becomes involved in the ritual, then it is imperative to touch every piece of skin, on the back too. And yet, many people forget about the heels. Then they complain about deuces. Sit down and pass the rods on the feet, beat on the heels. The whole body must be covered.

spell for good luck in studies

Sometimes a person knows a lot, and learns and does everything, but something prevents a good result from showing. Luck turned away from him, they say in such cases. The following spell will help fix the matter. It is read under the full moon, on the street. The words are:

“The face of the moon appeared above me. Give me back my luck! Give joy without crying. Let the strict teacher, the tormentor of the students, not praise me. Let the flow of fives fall into my report card! Amen"

The spell is cast seven times in a row. If the clouds do not close the moon during this time, then all the troubles will go away. Your studies will improve and the results will be excellent. And the moon will hide from sight, to know there are envious people in your team. Before from them, therefore read the spell for good luck.

This article contains: a prayer and a conspiracy so that the child studies well at school - the information is taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

The learning process is a very important foundation for success in life. And it does not matter how old you are, whether you are young or old, poor or rich, healthy or have health problems. Everyone needs to learn and gain knowledge, but not everyone succeeds. And that is why prayers for successful study are so necessary for us.

Conspiracies for studying at school

A conspiracy to study helps to achieve success in any direction. With the help of prayer, it will be easier for your child to study at school, he will strive for knowledge and get good grades. Such conspiracies are especially useful for children who do not want to learn, who do not have a craving for knowledge.

It happens that a child is drawn to new knowledge, but for some invisible reason it is given to him with great difficulty. There are invisible forces that hinder us, hold us back and prevent us from achieving good results. Conspiracies for good study allow you to achieve excellent results, they speed up the process of learning and mastering new materials. With them there will be more free time, exams and tests will be given with ease and there will be no problems with memory.

How the conspiracy works

  1. The digestibility of the material is improved many times over.
  2. Due to digestibility, there is much more free time.
  3. Improved performance in all subjects.
  4. There is an opportunity to study subjects and disciplines deeper and more thoroughly.
  5. Self-esteem rises.

Prayers can be used independently for your own needs. They can also be used by parents for their children - schoolchildren.

How can you help your child learn?

Prayer "First of September"

This is a very strong, effective and efficient conspiracy. It is recommended to perform it at the very beginning of training or the day before the first of September. In order for the action of the magical conspiracy to be more effective, you need to perform it on the growing moon. It will help enhance the effect and give energy to the entire learning process.

If at the time of the prayer, another lunar phase - the conspiracy is recommended to be read in advance or later. The main thing is that you read it to the growing moon.

  • Small plate or saucer.
  • Glass with clean drinking water.
  • The object on which the magic spell will be cast.

The choice of the spoken subject must be taken with all seriousness. This little thing should always be with the student. You will always need to carry it with you. It can be any stationery item, hairpin, cufflink or pendant. She can be anything. The main thing is that she could easily fit in a backpack or pocket of a student.

Pour all the water from the glass into the saucer. If the water does not fit in it completely, its remnants can be poured into the sink. When the first star appears in the sky, look in a saucer of water and say a magic spell three times:

“Let (name) know no problems in the matter of education. From beginning to end, success will be nearby, and every adversity will leave with someone else's eyes.

The spell must be pronounced clearly and without stammering. Then pour the water back into the glass. Hold your right hand over it, charge the water with your energy. In the morning, let your student wash with charmed water and drop a few drops on the charmed object.

Now you can not worry about your child. The conspiracy will affect him from the first days, and the charmed little thing will help him study well at school.

Prayer for excellent studies

This prayer is very well suited for use in the learning process, if you need to improve academic performance in a particular subject. It also helps to get rid of the evil eye or damage that was brought on the student.

Talisman for a young student

The ceremony is performed after midnight. Put the thing you are talking about on a clean piece of paper. Say the magic spell three times:

“My talisman is mine (product name). Save me from dark looks, bring success. If the talisman is on me, then the dark forces will be on the sidelines.

Speak it slowly, thoughtfully and clearly. Then wrap the charmed object in paper to preserve magical energy and leave it like that all night.

In the morning, unfold the paper and put the decoration on yourself. Burn the paper and scatter all the ashes in the wind. The best effect can be achieved only by constantly wearing the spoken thing. Taking it off is not recommended. Otherwise, the effect of magic weakens and it is necessary to repeat the spell again.

"The Spelled Button"

This magical ritual is quite simple, but at the same time very powerful and effective. For him, you need to cut a button from school clothes. The main thing is that this thing is worn to study constantly.

The button must be held over the flame from a white candle, and then lowered into the water and cast a spell:

“Button-protector, Illuminated by bright fire, Tempered by pure water! Find mighty strength, Protect me from failure! So that the exam does not have to be hard, So that the necessary knowledge is always found. So that the professors do not find fault, So that unnecessary questions are not asked. I will carry you with me. All exams are easy to transfer.

The next step is to sew the button in its original place. Try to make it as good as possible. Otherwise, the button may come off, and you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Prayer for the "unlucky" student

If your child refuses to learn lessons and is not drawn to new knowledge, this prayer is for him. It is also used for children who find new knowledge very difficult and it is difficult for him to study at school.

The child does not study well

The conspiracy to study is performed as follows. You need to pour pure spring water into a glass and speak it with this magic spell:

“The water is clear, the water is clean! Quick streams brought you! Inside ... (child's name) penetrate, Saturate him with good knowledge! Will his mind like you - fast Will his mind like you - clear, Will his mind like you - beautiful! Everything will be easy for him. It will be easy for him to cope with everything.

You need to give the charmed water to your child so that he drinks it. Make sure he drinks every drop. Very soon you will notice that your child has noticeably improved school performance, he will have a desire to learn and learn everything new.

A conspiracy for good luck in learning is necessary not only for children - schoolchildren and students. It can also be used by adults who have a craving for knowledge, receive additional education or undergo professional training. Conspiracies allow you to better understand the material being studied, better understand the meaning of the subject, learn foreign languages, culture, and achieve your goals.

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Can spring water be boiled? Some spring is not very reliable in our country house. Or can you get clean water from a well?

I don't know if it will work.

Oh I want to study for 5 . will it work?

Hello, tell me, but a conspiracy to water during which phase of the moon should I do?

The water conspiracy should be pronounced in what phase of the moon?

Hello, can you tell me if the conspiracy with water works?

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Effective conspiracies for a child to study well

Every parent wants their child to do well in school and bring home excellent grades. However, the truth of life is such that these wishes do not always come true, and not everyone has to hear the praise of teachers. In most cases, the reason for this is a simple reluctance to "nibble on the granite of science." But not everyone knows that magic can help in such situations. To push your child to knowledge, you can read a special conspiracy for a good study. As a result of this expedient intervention, everyone is happy - the child, the teachers, and the parents.

The magical effect that conspiracies have for study pushes people to learn new disciplines. Such spells are very effective and act, awakening in a person the desire to study both at school (or other educational institutions) and at home.

Classification of conspiracies

Magic conspiracies for a good study, which help the child find a "common language" with science, are of several types. Their classification is based on the result that can be achieved if one or another spell is used. Conventionally, all magical texts aimed at improving learning can be divided into two types:
  • Prayers for good luck. If such conspiracies are used, the child will be able to successfully pass all the exams and get good grades while studying;
  • Conspiracies for good study. The rituals during which these texts are read help to captivate the child to study. As a result, the child will be more attentive and concentrated in class, and at home will work hard on tasks.

Of course, a study conspiracy made by a person for himself will be considered the most effective. However, not always a child can cope with this kind of ceremony. And in some cases, he simply should not know about the ritual. In both the first and second cases, parents or relatives can help the baby. At the same time, it is desirable that a female person take up the rite to improve learning. Mom, godmother or grandmother will perfectly cope with this task.

Secondly, your child will be able to achieve significant results in school if you fulfill the main condition. And it lies in the fact that before the ceremony and after its implementation, you can not share with anyone about what you have done. As a rule, in order for conspiracies to operate for a long time, complete confidentiality must be observed.

Given the basic recommendations, you can begin to select the necessary prayer, based on what goal you are pursuing. Below we offer several options for rituals, the conduct of which will help your child master new horizons without any problems.

Ritual for concentration

In order for the child to study well and receive the highest marks, as well as praise from teachers, you should help him focus on learning. This will help a special conspiracy to study.

To conduct the ceremony, you will need candles purchased in the church (three pieces). The ritual is best done on a full moon, or on a growing moon. In the evening of the planned day, sit down at the table. Put candles in front of you, light them. Say the words of the prayer to the flame:

“Holy flame, burn, flare up. Reel from my words. So that the servant of God (the name of the child) would do well in his studies, so that he would burn for the sciences in the same way as these candles. Amen".

Ritual for good learning

It happens that a child cannot cope with his own excitement and therefore he does not succeed in getting good grades. Especially often this happens before exams or other similar knowledge tests. To help your child become more confident, get rid of excitement, you can apply the following conspiracy for good luck in your studies.

If the ritual is used to attract success in an exam, it is best done the night before the event. In other situations, the text of the prayer can be read on the full moon or on the growing moon. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a textbook (compendium), according to which the child was preparing.

Taking the necessary item in hand, you need to read the words of the conspiracy over it. They sound like this:

“Let all the knowledge be fixed in the head-head of the servant of God (say the name of the offspring), so that he studies well and successfully. For teachers to help and give high marks. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

After saying the text of this prayer three times, place the charmed object near the head of your child. Most importantly, do not tell anyone about the ceremony in order to call for good luck.

Rite for easy learning

There is another popular conspiracy to study, which helps the baby grasp almost all knowledge on the fly. This spell is especially relevant for kids who have recently crossed the threshold of the school. To conduct such a ceremony, you will need:

In order for your child to master disciplines without problems and easily perceive new knowledge, carefully prepare for the ritual. First you need to pour into a glass of water. Then alternately you need to mix salt into it (three grains, which should be taken with the little finger and thumb), three coals (also taken with 2 fingers). After that, take a knife and draw a cross over the glass with its handle. Say the magic words at the same time:

“Thoughts are bright and fast, deeds are quick, mind is strong! Wisdom, luck and cunning, mix like salt with ashes and water. Get together and go to the servant of God (the name of the child), so that he shines in his studies, surprises teachers, and pleases his relatives. My word is firm, so be it! Amen"

After reading this conspiracy for a good study, the glass must be covered and put away in a secret place. A container with charmed water should stand there for exactly 40 days. After this period, water can be poured under a young tree. As a rule, all study conspiracies begin to "work" in a couple of weeks.

Prayers for the child to study well and with pleasure

Under the study as a whole is understood not only getting grades at school, but also the acquisition of some skills and knowledge. In addition, in general, study is the development of the world as a whole. In the early years, every child learns, for residents of the metropolis, the most characteristic option is to study at school.

If you want to help your own child study, you can use the following options for prayers and conspiracies, which are offered below.

What saints help in your studies?

There are a number of saints who can help with your studies. For example, miraculous images of the Holy Mother of God:

Before these icons of the Mother of God they pray in order to obtain positive results in educational activities and in order for the child to gain interest in learning, become more active.

These images are lists from the sculpture of Our Lady of Loreta and have miraculous properties.. They appeared in Russia in the 16th century and many people testified to the positive effect of praying in front of them. There is also a considerable amount of modern evidence of the miraculous power of these icons.

Another characteristic example is the appeal to Saints Cyril and Methodius, who are the creators of the alphabet and, in fact, the language through which you can read this text. Therefore, these saints are directly related to learning and can give a certain blessing.

There are many other saints in front of the images who are prayed for so that the child learns better, in particular:

Each of these saints has special qualities. For example, Ksenia Peterburgskaya, among other things, is considered an assistant to all students. She has her own church on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg, where a huge number of students come before the session in order to “pass a note”: they write on a piece of paper what they have guessed (most often good grades at the session) and stick the piece of paper into the wall of the church.

As many students say, such an appeal really helps and the session ends in a positive way. Some additionally pray before the image or take the icon with them to the exam.

How to pray?

In order to pray for the child to study perfectly, you should visit the temple and light a candle to the chosen saint or saints. After that, you may well pray in your own words, sincerely tell your problem or request, ask that the children study well.

In addition, if you have icons of the necessary saints in the house, you can pray without going to the temple. The best option is when you have an altar. At a minimum, it is useful to use church candles when you read a prayer.

If you cannot formulate your own thought in the way you see fit, use the canonical formulas - prayers. The following are variants of several sacred texts.

What prayers to read?

Lord God

To begin with, a couple of prayers to the Lord, which you can read in the church, for example, in front of the icon of the Savior. And also this prayer is read before the start of studies.

Good Lord, send down to us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, attentively taught to us, we may grow to You, our Creator, to the glory, to our parents for the consolation, the Church and the fatherland for the benefit.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for teaching (or for an exam), send Your holy help, until I can achieve what I want: what is pleasing to You, Lord, and useful to me. Amen.

And this one after school:

“We thank Thee, Creator, as if Thou hast vouchsafed us Thy grace, in a hedgehog heed to teaching. Bless our bosses, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of the good, and give us strength and strength to continue this teaching.

Mother of God

Now the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which is best read in front of the previously noted icons of the Virgin. If you do not have an icon at home or cannot visit the temple, use the computer screen where you can install the desired icon.

O Blessed Virgin! You are the Bride of God the Father and the Mother of His Divine Son Jesus Christ! You are the Queen of Angels and the salvation of people, the accuser of sinners and the punisher of apostates. Have mercy on us too, who have seriously sinned and not fulfilled the commandments of God, who have violated the vows of baptism and vows of monasticism, and many others that we promised to fulfill. When the Holy Spirit departed from King Saul, then fear and despondency attacked him, and the darkness of despair and a joyless state of soul tormented him. Now, for our sins, we have all lost the grace of the Holy Spirit. The mind has become bustled with the vanity of thoughts, forgetfulness of God has darkened our souls, and now the heart is oppressed by all kinds of sorrows, sorrows, illnesses, hatred, evil, enmity, vindictiveness, malevolence and other sins. And, not having joy and consolation, we call to You, Mother of our God Jesus Christ, and beg Your Son to forgive us all our sins and send us the Spirit of the Comforter, as He sent Him to the apostles, so that comforted and enlightened by him, we will sing to You a song of thanksgiving : Rejoice, Most Holy Theotokos, who has added to our minds for salvation. Amen.

Nikolay Ugodnik

Here is a universal prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik, which helps in studies too.

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

These are the most strong prayers. For the rest of the saints listed earlier, you can find prayers in the prayer book.

If you want to try any additional methods, you can use conspiracies to improve your studies. The following conspiracies can only be read by parents or close relatives.. In this way, you can help your own child learn better.

For a good study

You will need to purchase three red candles on which the full name of the child is written. After that, you make a spiral and carefully twist the candles to be lit so that they immediately light up and burn as evenly as possible. Candles are installed where the child studies, most often on the table, and when they burn, it is pronounced three times:

"Burn, flame, flare up! Squirm from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

After that, just wait until the candles burn out. Hide the remaining cinders in the room in the child's objects, but in such a way that your child does not find these ritual objects. Such a ritual is performed every six months and can help schoolchildren and students.

With church candles

This option is used in the presence of a child, but if the child does not like participating in such a ritual, then you may well use other options that are taken in photographs or objects. So in you sit the student quietly on a chair and take three lit church candles. Then read (by heart) the following conspiracy three times:

“Thoughts are quick, deeds are quick, memory is strong! Mix wisdom and cunning in the water, Come together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, strikes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

After that, illuminate the child with the sign of the cross. Then cross yourself.


Used as a kind of maternal farewell, which must be said when you see your child to school and he crosses the threshold of the house. If you take to school, you can read after the child says goodbye to you and crosses the threshold of the school.

“I let you go from my eyes, but I leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect, save, and prevent troubles. Blood from my blood, flesh from my flesh, you are not related to me. Amen."

Such a text must be remembered and used every day. Over time, this positive parting word will become a habit. In addition, you imagine (when reading) your child who is doing well in school.

For concentration

Sometimes children generally have a normal attitude towards learning and may learn normally but have poor concentration. In order for the child to study better and pass various tests well, this conspiracy will help. To fulfill it, several conditions will be required: firstly, the conspiracy is read on Thursdays, and secondly, only in the evening after moonrise.

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, descended in the form of fiery tongues, and opened their mouths, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Holy Spirit of Yours on this child (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Your pure hand inscribed on the tablets of the legislator Moses, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

After that, you need to cross.

To add intelligence

As a rule, this conspiracy is read by a close male relative., but it is quite possible for women to do it, although in this version the conspiracy is considered a little less strong, but still effective. One way or another, a lit church candle is taken in the left hand, and the right one is placed on the child's head or (if the child does not like to participate in such rituals) on the pillow on which the child sleeps. After that it reads:

“O Lord God and our Creator, in His image we, the people, who adorned, Your chosen ones, taught Your Law, so that those who listen to him marvel, revealed to the children the secrets of wisdom, gave Solomon and all who seek her - open the hearts, minds and mouths of Your servants these (names disciples) in order to comprehend the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful doctrine taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and organization of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from all the wiles of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity throughout their lives, - may they be strong in mind and in the fulfillment of Your commandments and so taught, glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom - for You, God, are strong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever and forever and ever, is due to mercy and blessings in strength and to You. Amen."