How to make bad thoughts not materialize. Thoughts are realized

The materialization of thoughts and desires is quite real. It is enough to know a few simple rules, following which you can easily fulfill all your plans with minimal effort. Let's talk about how to enlist the help and support of the Universe and feel the full power of your own subconscious.

Wish Formulation

In order for your desires to be fulfilled easily and quickly, you need to stop just dreaming and start formulating your thoughts correctly.

  1. Always express your wish in the present tense. As if it had already been fulfilled. For example: “I have a car”, “I received a bouquet of white roses”, “I married the man of my dreams”.
  2. More specifics. Try to formulate your dreams as detailed as possible. Not “I have a high salary”, but “My income is one hundred thousand a month or more”, not “I travel”, but “I have been to Italy, Greece, Venice or other countries.”
  3. Visualize the process of achieving the goal. Draw pictures in your imagination in which you are moving step by step towards the fulfillment of your dream. For example, if you want to buy a car, imagine visiting a showroom, taking a test drive, talking to a consultant.
  4. Visualize the end result. Imagine that your dream car is already in front of your house. Feel the emotions of joy, happiness, euphoria. Your feelings fill the intention with powerful energy. It is the engine of the subconscious.
  5. Spend enough time repeating affirmations and visualizations. If you said a wish to yourself only once, it is unlikely to come true. Close your eyes and dream for at least 5 minutes a day.
  6. Downgrade. If you are fixated on the idea of ​​getting something, you will never reach your goal. You must believe that the Universe will provide all the necessary opportunities, you just need to wait a little. Be calm and confident - the wish will come true without fail.

To summarize: in order to materialize thoughts and desires, you need to formulate them correctly, visualize the process and the result, reduce their significance and believe in the enormous support of the Higher Forces. These are the basic principles of positive psychology for working with the subconscious.

Why don't wishes come true?

Sometimes a person does everything according to the rules, knows how to materialize thoughts, but he still fails. Why is that?

The reasons may be different. But the most important ones are:

  1. Subconscious negative attitudes and blocks interfere. For example, you were taught from childhood that money is earned only by hard work, and you are simply not able to believe that the Universe will send the required amount just like that.
  2. You don't have enough energy. You work hard, communicate with people - energy vampires, do not have a favorite business and hobby. All this draws out the energy that is necessary for the realization of desires.
  3. You tend to think negatively. Five minutes of visualization a day won't solve problems if you spend the rest of the day criticizing, judging, getting angry, and arguing with people. Get used to track your thoughts, control them, changing them to positive ones.
  4. You only think but do nothing. The power of the subconscious, of course, is great. But if you sit at home waiting for all the blessings to fall on you from the sky, nothing will happen. It will turn out like in a joke about a man who asked God for money, but did not even think of buying a lottery ticket.

What to do:

  1. Work out negative attitudes with the help of a psychotherapist or special meditations. There are many techniques for working with the subconscious, but sometimes you can’t do without the help of a specialist.
  2. If the reason is a lack of energy, you need to fill it. To begin with, eliminate negative factors as much as possible: avoid communication with toxic people, train yourself to think positively, do things that you enjoy. Watch your diet and exercise, stop harming the body with bad habits.
  3. Turn your wish into an intention: take action. If you think of a trip, look at sites with last-minute tours, choose a swimsuit or see which bank has the most favorable exchange rate. If you want to get married, register on a dating site or put yourself in order and go for a walk. You need to do at least something, and the Universe will find the appropriate resources of opportunity for you.

Watch a video about the materialization of thoughts and desires:

Ways to materialize desires

There are special techniques that will also help you quickly fulfill your cherished dreams.

Fireball Meditation:

  1. Relax, close your eyes and lie down. Start breathing as deeply and calmly as possible. Feel yourself sinking into your subconscious.
  2. Imagine that you have a fireball in your solar plexus area. Feel how it unwinds, gradually increasing in size, filling your entire body with warmth and energy.
  3. When the ball becomes huge, mentally move inside it.
  4. Make a wish, imagine that it is written on paper, and throw the bundle inside the ball.
  5. Mentally release the ball into space - let it fly away.

This technique works almost instantly. The speed of fulfillment of desire depends on your energy fullness. If you can’t release the ball, then you don’t believe enough in the ability of the Higher Forces to help you.

Another way to materialize thoughts is to draw up a map of desires. We already wrote about how to do it right in. During the year, all your dreams will come true: from the smallest to the largest.

A clear goal, regular visualization, correct formulation and reinforcement of the energy of desire with emotions and actions - all this will lead to the rapid realization of any goals. Start practicing the little things. For example, when approaching a parking lot, mentally repeat: “I will drive up and park in the most convenient place.”

So, "Thoughts are material" is another fashionable idea, especially in the West.

The films "The Secret", "The Rabbit Hole, or what we generally know" were released into the world. The authors of the films, together with quantum physicists, prove the effectiveness of materialization in practice. We can say that this is a desktop guide for businessmen. The Internet is teeming with "teachers" teaching techniques for making wishes come true. We can say that another religion is being formed, where a person is the arbiter of his own destiny.

What does this even mean?

Are thoughts really material?

Thoughts materialize... Is it really so? So, you went into the kitchen, drank warm milk, sat down on a pretty chair, blew your hands loudly, and began to strain your brain hard to materialize black caviar, or another exotic product. These actions are funny in and of themselves, and bring an involuntary smile to your face. At the mere thought that a man is sitting in his underpants and trying to perform a miracle. And what is most interesting, he can bring it to life. Naturally, caviar will not appear from the air, but a friend or another person can bring it, at this very moment. When situations like this happen, you involuntarily think about magic. Maybe magic actually exists, and thoughts materialize?

The whole world is energy, and thoughts materialize

Let's start with the most important thing, with the understanding that everything around is energy. It is either collected in bodies, or scattered in space. So diverse and interesting that it is impossible to list all of her images. Yes, and it makes no sense. Imagine a tree, of any breed, such a small tree, it grows, turns green, blooms, smells, but what does it need for this? That's right, energy. Those. it absorbs energy, transforming it into forms. It also happens with a stone, which, under the influence of the environment, winds, rains, etc. absorbed energy and took a certain form.

Our thoughts are also energy. Their nature is little studied, but agree that they exist. And that's good.
Now the situation: you woke up in the morning, looked out the window, saw the sun, heard the birds, smelled the summer, and your mood improved, good thoughts arose. Good!
But if everything happened differently: they woke up in the morning, to the window, and there - rain, dampness, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, in a word, “yes”. Well, what thoughts then visited you?

It follows from this that if the world around you can influence your brain, then it, in turn, can influence in response (in any case, your mood for sure!), i.e. your thoughts materialize.

The more effort, the faster thoughts materialize

I think everyone knows the law "To get something, you have to give something in return" those. law of energy conservation. And, as you understand, you can give not only money or things, but also your work. It is also energy, by the way. Although we value it so low, sometimes without even noticing that we are investing our efforts in some event. For example, it is customary for a school to create a parent committee that organizes various holidays and other events. And no one thinks that these people invest their energy, which should be appreciated. Stop! Sorry. This is for you to think about. Appreciate yourself.

Accordingly, in order to get something, we must invest. Why not use thoughts for this, which are also energy, i.e. material. And the more we invest, the faster and more we will receive in return. Wonderful! Now it makes sense to control your thoughts and direct them to their intended purpose. Smile. It's so good.

All thoughts materialize, both good and bad.

No matter how upsetting it is, but really, thoughts materialize, both good and bad. Therefore, it always makes sense to think about what you really want. Basically, the Universe has no sense of evaluation. It's the same energy. What they gave is what they got. Everything is very simple. For example, you decided to build a small shed, a utility room in the country. What are you doing for this? Correctly. Start putting in the effort. In the end, you will still build a room. The question is, what will it be like? If you put in a lot of effort, tried hard, and were in a good mood, i.e. positive, the result will be the same. Fast, pleasing to the eye, bring joy and satisfaction. You can even tell your friends how great you are. In the opposite case, when the mood was terrible, the instruments fell out of hand, get the appropriate "mansions". The choice is yours, you are a free man. Remember that thoughts materialize.

Strengthen the materialization of thoughts by yourself

It would be foolish to miss such an effective, at the same time simple technique for achieving the desired results as the materialization of thoughts. It still works, whether you like it or not, but against you or for, it's up to you. The point is that in addition to the mystical component, there is absolutely real. It comes down to simple things. When you constantly think about the object of your desire, then all your organs, especially the brain, are activated to achieve your goal. And in the course of your daily activities, you begin to find new opportunities. For example, if you wished to earn more, you immediately automatically start reading job advertisements, trying to talk with your superiors, colleagues, about increasing salaries or positions, talking with your friends. Where does it all lead? Correctly. Wherever you want. Or wished to find the second half. Please. Previously, no one paid attention, but now?

In conclusion, I’ll say that it certainly won’t get worse from this in order to set goals and direct thoughts in the right direction. To enhance the effect, thoughts must necessarily be with your participation, i.e. imagine how you have already met and are already standing next to each other, how you are talking, what you feel, or how you have achieved an increase in income, how you sit and count the money, how it smells like fresh banknotes, and this rustle soothing them is heard. Everything is very simple.

Conclusion: Let your thoughts be your friends, materialize them for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

Here is a materialchik found on

I hasten to reassure those readers who are now doomed to roll their eyes. The idea that The thought is material causes a lot of controversy. Most scientists are convinced materialists and completely reject the idea that thoughts are material as complete heresy.
By definition "matter is an objective reality that exists regardless of our consciousness"

Some scientists, of whom there are not so many, take into account only the facts proving that The thought is material. In their opinion, thought is material, and any incredible desires are feasible.

The easiest way to understand this is with the example of sleep. A fact proven by scientists and experience is that during a dream, you just need to realize that you are sleeping, and the huge beautiful boundless world becomes completely subject to your will. Flying through Niagara Falls, instantly moving through space and time, millions of dollars in one second, a date with Brad Pitt, a magic wand and world peace - the possibilities are endless. There is no matter in the world of dreams, therefore, there, as nowhere else, the work of thought is clearly visible, and the speed of realization of desires is equal to the speed of imagination. In a dream, you just have to think that it will rain - how it will immediately go. It is worth imagining that this man is a murderer, as he will immediately rush at you with an ax. It is worth thinking that time has gone back and the world has turned upside down, as this will immediately happen.

Being inside the events of a dream, a person most often unconsciously perceives what is happening, not realizing that he himself forms the reality of a dream. In fact, the plot is subject to the slightest movements of thought and does not directly depend on external factors.

To learn to fully control the events in a dream, it is enough to fulfill one small condition - wake up in a dream, realize that you are sleeping without waking up. It's actually not as difficult as it seems. For example, you can use one of the techniques offered by brain researchers.

To wake up without waking up, you need to ask yourself a question "do I sleep?". It is worth asking yourself about this, as soon as the realization of the dream comes. But in order to ask yourself this question, you need to remember that you need to ask it, and this is the most difficult thing. One option to remember is to accustom yourself to asking about it at regular intervals, for example, an hour during the day. You set an alarm and, hearing the signal, you remember and ask yourself the question "is this a dream or reality?". Having received confirmation and realizing that it is a reality, you continue to go about your business. An hour later - again a question and again a conscious answer. Thus, a habit is developed to be aware of reality every 60 minutes. Having developed a reflex, at night, during sleep, be sure to remember the magic question. And as soon as you remember this, you will wake up in a dream - and you will have at your disposal the whole wonderful world of limitless possibilities. According to scientists, using this technique, you can achieve a result in about two weeks.

But lucid dreaming is just entertainment, like going to the movies. It is much more interesting to learn to fulfill your desires in reality. The basis is the same - the thought determines the events. The difference is in the matter that is present in the real world and slows down the implementation. If in a dream the time from a thought to its realization is a fraction of a second, then in reality, according to scientists, it is about three months of directed work. You need to make allowances for matter, be patient and continue to think.

Reality is an infinite number of possibilities of everything, and each of us, by the power of his thought, chooses, creates a suitable option for himself.
It seems that the world is cruel and there are only maniacs around? Please, it is: you are constantly faced with cruelty and inadequacy.
Do you think that life is a fairy tale and likes to present incredible gifts? Please keep an invitation to work at a prestigious job and a black Mercedes convertible to boot.
Are you afraid of being betrayed? Of course they will!
Are you sure that everything will turn out for the best? So it will be!

Reality is a mirror that reflects our inner world and our thoughts.
In all its manifestations, real life is a copy of the inner life of man.
Everything is one and arranged according to the same principle.
Dream and reality, small and big, man and society, brain neuron and universe cluster.

Thought is really material - in the sense that our thoughts help us make the world around us and ourselves accessible for understanding and change, and therefore for sensible use and development.

Knowing for sure that thoughts are material, you can learn to lead them, directing them in the right direction. In order for a thought to take shape and meaning, it can be said aloud, or even better, written and re-read several times. Then you need to imagine the fulfillment of your cherished dream as realistically as possible. Think about it everywhere: at home and at work, in transport and in line, on vacation. If your desire is clear, your faith is great, and your thoughts are pure, it will surely come true. And try to think less about the bad, because, like the good, it can come true with the power of your thought.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Thought drives progress. The thought process makes a human being out of an animal. People think every second of their wakefulness, and this is the proof of life: “I think, therefore I am” - that's what Descartes said. But how to materialize what lives in the head in the form of desires and dreams? Turn to internal reserves.

Why is this possible?

Without going into mysticism and shamanic practices, let's try to figure out how a thought materializes. You can add supernatural forces to the chain of communication “desire - result”, and wait until a miracle happens: a house, a car materialize, a family, a job. But even mystical practices require action: rituals, prayers, sacrifices - higher powers do not help in vain. In some practices, to get what you want, you need to achieve spiritual enlightenment and purification, if material attachment is not considered a sin in this belief. Yes, only an enlightened Zen Buddhist, Taoist or Hindu no longer needs worldly values.

The method of materialization of thoughts proposed in the article was developed on the basis of the historical development of the human psyche. Its basis is self-programming, or rather, the activation of internal reserves to get what you want. Thought is the result of a chemical reaction that takes place in the human brain. It flickers in consciousness, blinds with a bright flash, or floats in the back of the preconscious, slowly, silently, almost imperceptibly. The noticed thought is processed by consciousness. Under its influence, decisions are made, plans are born. Sometimes it takes the form of a finished idea. An unnoticed thought disappears from sight. But where does she go? Into the subconscious.

Thought is an understandable form of presentation of subconscious arguments. If we compare the time intervals of the existence of the subconscious and consciousness, the first will win, ahead of the second by millions of years. Our ancient ancestors successfully survived without a thought process. Yes, the animal herd of people in the early stages of development cannot be compared with the Homo sapiens of the last millennia. But the ancient mechanism is alive to this day. The flow of thoughts largely reflects subconscious activity. Unexpected discoveries, brilliant ideas come from the depths of human nature.

How to materialize an idea? Put it in the subconscious. Remember the movie "Inception": the idea plunged deep into the unconscious depths. She programmed the behavior of a person, and he, without realizing it, did everything following the given installation. If the subconscious influences conscious activity, then the reverse process is also possible. What is the purpose of the materialization of thoughts? Get what you want and do it quickly, without unnecessary difficulties.

How does the subconscious scheme of action work?

Immersion ideas

For desire to reach its goal, it must be placed in the subconscious depths naturally and imperceptibly. If it contradicts previously received settings, it will be rejected.

Consciousness draws strength from internal reserves. If the goal is beneficial and fits into the unconscious idea of ​​​​a comfortable life, the source of energy is always open and full of action. But in a situation of conflict, the unconscious uses all resources to suppress the "dangerous" desire.

Living in

The idea is immersed and the subconscious mind starts processing. This process takes time. The unconscious has a huge library of personal and human experience. Based on it, it builds a plan of action to achieve the goal. Information received from the outside does not leave without a trace. It is believed that a person forgets 90% of what he saw, heard, felt, felt in life. This is not true. The acquired knowledge is processed and carefully kept in the depths of the unconscious.

Information is stored thanks to neural circuits in the human brain. The paths to them are laid by reflexes. By memorizing the poem, you have created a new set of neural connections in your head. Thanks to repetition, your brain reflexively finds the right neurons from billions in a split second. As soon as you stop repeating what you have learned, the road is forgotten and lost. But the neural connection remains. Unconscious information is recorded by the subconscious into neural groups and used throughout life. When you immerse yourself in the subconscious, it itself places it in the right place and connects it with those groups of neurons that are necessary for its implementation.


A brilliant solution comes unexpectedly: in the morning over a cup of coffee, at a business meeting, in the car on the way home. This means that the idea took root, and the subconscious mind sent a response-instruction. You have to act.

Subconscious mechanisms: what and how to desire?


At the time of the emergence of the subconscious, thoughts did not exist. Man lived like an animal with visual images, feelings, instincts. It is necessary to convey information to the unconscious with the help of visible and felt visualization. Words and incomprehensible images will not work. Use pictures to activate your subconscious mind. Use all the power of your imagination. Do you want a car? Imagine a brand new car in the smallest detail: you open the door, sit in the driver's seat, stroke the steering wheel, adjust the mirrors. Feel how you are driving around the city, the climate control in the cabin does not allow you to get tired in the heat while other people suffer in public transport.

For persuasiveness, draw a desire on paper. Remember that words are less effective than pictures, so pictures will work faster than notes. Do these practices before going to bed, when the subconscious mind is open and supple.

Accompany the presentation with positive experiences: delight, joy, feelings of warmth and coziness, convenience, comfort. If the desire causes or fears, the subconscious mind will reject it as dangerous and destructive.

Creating a happy picture for the subconscious, and controversial elements. Give them up.

Take breaks. If the impact on the unconscious is too active, your desire will cause rejection. Remember the softness of the implementation. The subconscious mind needs time to process a thought and give out an idea for its implementation. You may have to act gradually, adjusting the direction of thought, depending on the result.

Dreams, fantasies, desires

Three similar but very different concepts. Are their significance for the materialization of thought the same? Fantasy lives in an ephemeral aspiration, an imaginary reality that is not destined to come true. A dream is a real, but yet unattainable desire. It is far away, blurred and shrouded in a fabulous haze. , tangible, doable. It must be emphasized in the process of materialization.


Before placing an idea in the subconscious, evaluate the reality of its implementation.

indoor units

A desire that is contrary to internal attitudes will turn out to be unrealizable. It is not real on the scale of your subconscious universe. It is difficult to eliminate interfering blocks, you need to constantly work on yourself, struggling with complexes, prejudices, harmful attitudes and the consequences of painful experiences of the past. Unskillful intervention in the subconscious organization of the personality can lead to psychological problems.

External obstacles

You will not overtake time, you will not reshape space and you will not budge humanity. It is impossible to force another person to act by your desires. “I want love” is achievable, unlike “I want Maxim to love me.”

But remember the reachability rule. Unrealistic deadlines are stress and a harbinger of a titanic load, from which the subconscious craves to protect a person.


Tasks should be clear and understandable. Simplify, discard "if" and "when", wish it as if it happens here and now, regardless of other circumstances. Forget blur. Do you want a car? What? Blue seven or silver Lexus? The more precisely the desire is formulated, the more effective the action plan and the calculation of internal reserves will be.

Uncertainty and the wrong message become the main obstacles to the materialization of thought.

Thought in Eastern Practices

The popularization of Eastern teachings in the Western world began to spread actively in the last century. Asian culture in many ways contradicts the foundations of European man. Eastern practices, mysterious and incomprehensible to the Western world, promise enlightenment, fulfillment of desires, harmonization of life. Asians talk about energy management, the transmigration of souls, the wheel of samsara. Europeans rethought oriental knowledge and took note of the most useful. Religious beliefs live in the depths of the subconscious - this is a belief in mysticism. It comes in cases where the mind cannot cope with the events of reality. What to believe doesn't matter. The main thing is the result. What did the European man take note of?

Ritual hymns, mantras, came from the east. In Sanskrit, this name means "an instrument that carries out an act of mental influence." Mantra can be considered as a way of programming the subconscious. When reading it, consciousness concentrates on one point, it does not go beyond the ritual words and falls into the backyard of the subconscious.

Meditation is a way to achieve calmness and inner concentration of consciousness. Meditating, a person plunges into the depths of the subconscious. He becomes an observer of previously hidden processes. Self-programming is easy and imperceptible. The subconscious mind is so open that it is not difficult to place an idea there. And besides, this happens, relaxation and confidence.

Reverse materialization of negative thoughts

Today, the negative in human reality prevails over the positive. This is caused by an unnatural rhythm of life, a change in values, constant stress and forced adaptation to changing conditions. affect the subconscious in such a way that it turns on defense mechanisms. The defending person provokes the aggression of the surrounding people. Thinking badly about someone, you accumulate negativity, which materializes in unpleasant consequences for you: feeling unwell, irritability, breakdowns, fatigue.

Use the power of thought correctly and wishes will come true.

March 28, 2014, 12:23

All our thoughts materialize, whether we believe in it or not. Many have heard that you just have to want and everything will turn out, you just have to truly believe and go towards your dream. But most will say that this is not true. That nothing ever worked out for them, that everything was as bad as it was, so bad and left. However, the most interesting thing is that this is precisely the essence of the problem. If certain difficulties arise in a person’s life, then he most often begins to go with the flow and indulge in “self-digging” and self-abasement.

And of course, all the thoughts in his head will carry the negative. It is pointless to strive for the materialization of thoughts and desires in such a state. After all, everything we think about, all our mental messages, evoke responses in the subtle matter of the universe, they are also very often called vibrations.

Is thought material?

It is these vibrations of the ethereal world that influence our life, attracting like to like. And if the bulk of thoughts carries negatively charged vibrations, then your desire is unlikely to be able to change the background around you at least a little.

The materiality of thought is an irrefutable axiom in many philosophical teachings. And in any spiritual practice, the materialization of mental expressions is considered the pinnacle of achievements.

Depending on the teaching, various methods (manipulations) with consciousness are practiced, these can be auto-trainings, meditations and much more, all these methods can be found by reading the relevant books. However, there is no absolute method.

We are all deeply individual, each person, and therefore each mind, is a separate cosmos. Therefore, only by trial and error can you adjust your life in the right way.

Presentation: "Getting rid of inefficient thoughts"

Only through constant work on oneself can one get out of the “black stripe” and begin to move forward.

Positive attitude in everything

What should be done in order for the materialization of thoughts to occur?

  1. Try to set yourself up for positive emotions. If during this period of your life there were very sad and difficult events for you, then you may need outside help. Such help can be a spiritual mentor or just a close person who is able to become a guide for you;
  2. If you managed to get out of the abyss of denial, start dreaming a little. Yes, just dream. After all, a thought is a real embodiment of our desires, it is a thought-dream that can make your goal more material. And in this case, you will be one step closer to achieving it;
  3. Gradually, step by step, add more details to your dream. Try to present it as clearly as possible. The more clearly you imagine it, the more positive vibrations you radiate, the greater the chance to get what you want;
  4. And most importantly, strive to achieve your goal, nothing happens to yourself. By attracting the method of materialization, you increase your chances of success in this or that business, however, "water does not flow under a lying stone." Dreaming about your house or apartment and at the same time sitting on the couch, not even trying to find a job, you can endlessly, and then say that all this materialization of thoughts is nonsense.

Presentation: "Getting rid of gloomy thoughts and depression"

The main thing to remember is that “charges of the same name attract”, which means that the more positive attitude there is, the more good things will happen in your life.

Universe and thought

And yet we should not forget that our universe does not work on the principle of a magic wand. The ancient books on meditative philosophy never describe wealth as a value. Everything in this world is built on harmony and balance, all components coexist in a certain relationship and are able to influence each other. However, all this belongs to the spiritual world and has nothing to do with material objects.

If you look at this problem deeper, you can see that the material world will turn out to be less real and durable. After all, matter is always conditional, and thought (energy fields, space) exists at any point in time at any point.

This means that each of our thoughts, each vibration of the surrounding energy field created by our brain, is nothing but a message to the universe or the materiality of thoughts. And each of us is able to influence the general structure of the world and its condition.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, the number of negative vibrations is so great that the universe responds to us in the same way. Hatred, fear, envy, disappointment, anger, all these feelings are possessed by millions of people every second. Our society is so arranged that there is very little space left for love, peace and tranquility.

Living in conditions of constant lack of time, stress and thoughts about how to make our life better makes us lean lower and lower, and we stop noticing the world around us.

But one has only to raise one's head, and then it will become obvious that we create all the negativity, all the problems for ourselves.

Thoughts materialize and it doesn't matter if they are good or bad. That is why you should not convince the universe of what you would not like. Tune in a positive way, and then all problems will become less noticeable and it will seem that it happened as if by the wave of a magic wand.

5 practical tips from psychologists who will teach you how to materialize your thoughts correctly. We take note!

Everyone is talking about the materiality of our thoughts: parents, psychologists, doctors, leaders, priests - yes, anyone.

Topic " How to materialize thoughts”is in the top 10 on various sites, often having nothing to do with psychology and self-development.

It is really difficult for a non-professional to understand the topic and fish out useful information among a billion extra letters.

I tried to do it for you.

How else, damn it, to materialize these thoughts?!

About a month ago, in public transport, I became an involuntary listener of a conversation between two friends.

One girl quite loudly and emotionally told another that she was so tired of life's failures, lack of money and love, that she decided to enroll in a two-week psychological training.

The theme “Materialize your thoughts and then they will definitely come true” was a red line through all 10 lessons.

“I,” says the course student, “wrote everything down. For six months now I have been doing all the exercises every day, and things are still there. ”

A friend, of course, tried to console her, assuring her that everything would be fine, and I thought about the fact that I had heard and read this more than once from people who seemed to be ready, but something didn’t work out for them.

I don’t know exactly what the problem of the girl from the minibus is (there was a bad coach or she just uses his advice incorrectly), but I think it’s more likely that everything is in the complex.

Bottom line: The Universe simply cannot understand what you want from it!

What prevents us from materializing our thoughts?

In our world there is an interesting category of people, very numerous, by the way.

These men and women are not stupid, not lazy, ready to learn and even try something new. But for success, they always lack something: perseverance, courage, riskiness.

It is only thoughts that make a person unhappy or happy, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

They rarely get to the bottom of the problem and are likely to prefer "a bird in the hand than a crane in the sky." It is this category of people who complains more often than others: “Your psychological methods don’t work! There I tried with my friend Vasya and - no success for you!

Especially for them, I give 3 mistakes that they make in their desire to materialize their thoughts.

3 mistakes, why it is not possible to materialize thoughts?

    Wrong message.

    Here, for example, your personal life does not add up.

    And you, instead of signaling to the Universe: “I want to meet a good guy,” you complain daily: “. This is so bad".

    The universe catches the word “lonely” from your whining and voila - your personal life continues to limp on both legs.

    Wrong attitude.

    Even doctors who do not recognize anything but science confirm that those who sincerely believe that they will get rid of the disease have a much greater chance of recovering than pessimists.

    If you really want something, then convince yourself, first of all, that everything will come true.

    And then: “Oh, I'm such a skeptic. I only believe in what I can feel.

    Why don't my thoughts materialize?

    Wrong wording.

    For some reason, in a store, you first look at the assortment of goods, and only then go up to the saleswoman and say: “Give me a pound of shortbread cookies with condensed milk.”

    You do this because you know for sure that if you approach the seller with a babble: “I want something sweet, and maybe not very sweet, in general, I don’t know what I want”, then spend half an hour in the store and find certain death at the hands of other customers standing in line behind you.

    And the Universe should deal with your incomprehensible babble and instantly give what you need?

We figured out the main mistakes that prevent people from achieving what they want, and now I want to teach you what to do in order to accurately materialize your thoughts:

    Nobody has come up with anything more effective than this technique.

    If you have a good imagination, then you can draw pictures of the future right in your head.

    For example, do you dream of a trip to Italy?

    Imagine this very journey every day to the smallest detail. You will not have time to look back, as you will buy the desired tour.

    The technique of transferring your thoughts to paper works great: draw your dream, describe it with words in a diary, do at least something before you start whining that the Universe does not hear you!

    Materialize your thoughts with the right phrases.

    It is better to avoid the “not” particle altogether, since it is poorly perceived by the Universe.

    Instead of the message: “I don’t want to get sick anymore,” higher powers will hear that you really enjoyed lying in bed with a sore throat.

    It is correct to say: “I want to always be healthy!”

    Away from the negative.

    If you want your evil boss to break her leg and leave you alone, at least for the period of her sick leave, then the Universe may hear you.

    But the consequences will be sad not only for your leader, but also for yourself.

    Negativity and evil attract their own kind, there is such a boomerang law!

    Do not control the fate of others.

    You can only materialize your own thoughts.

    The universe will remain deaf to calls: "I want my husband to find a well-paid job", "I want my mother to win the lottery."

    Instead of for others, it is better to teach people close to you how to materialize your thoughts correctly.

    Dream real.

    Fairy tales about Cinderellas who became princesses are, of course, charming and more than one generation of girls will grow up on them.

    They just become princesses
    units, and to become rich and successful - any representative of the fair sex who has made every effort can.

    You can meditate on a three-story villa in Spain, but start fulfilling your dream by buying a one-room apartment in your city.

about how to properly materialize your thoughts,

so that they are fulfilled, and not harmed!

Let's learn and act!

I sincerely hope that after today's text, you will never again join the category of people whining endlessly: " How to materialize thoughts?!».

This technique really works.

You will succeed too, you just need to do everything right.

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