Conspiracy to sell things. A strong conspiracy to trade and the successful sale of things

Each person may be faced with the need to sell some thing. All sellers strive to do this as quickly as possible and get the expected benefits as soon as possible. You can speed up this process if you start reading a plot to sell things. We will give examples of effective rituals for the realization of something later in the article.

If you want to achieve the desired result of the conspiracy, which you will like, you must strictly follow all the instructions for its implementation.

  1. For example, the most important point is that the ceremony must be carried out in splendid isolation. It is also forbidden to share with someone about the things you do magical actions.
  2. Please note that even after a successful sale of things, it is unacceptable to talk about the ceremony. If you neglect this point, you may face unpleasant consequences.
  3. Magic must be taken seriously, otherwise you may suffer. It is important that the ritual be performed by people who sincerely believe in magical powers, who can concentrate on what they want and put their energy into the rite to the maximum.
  4. The phase of the moon should also be taken into account - ideally, when it is in its growth phase.
  5. Three days before the ritual, you need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages (many magicians also stop eating meat food).

Now that you know the rules for reading rites, you can move on to a detailed overview of the most effective options.

Examples of conspiracies for selling things


Many people take visualization lightly, treat it as some kind of entertainment, but in vain. Our brain is incapable of distinguishing real images from our imagination, so when we start to visualize, it automatically perceives the picture as real and over time it really comes to life (provided that you visualize often and imagine what you want in detail).

Visualization will also help speed up the sale of any thing, but only if it is presented in one copy.

You will need to take the item you want to sell with both hands (if this is not possible due to its large size, then just touch the item with both hands). Look at this subject, consider it from all angles, carefully study all the details. At the same time, imagine how it attracts the attention of a large number of people, how buyers are interested in it, they want to make a purchase.

If desired, you can even imagine the intended dialogues with buyers. Be sure to set a specific price on the item for which you agree to sell it.

An important point is that no one disturbs you during the ceremony and that you are in a positive mood.

When you have finished visualizing, you will need to cross the object three times and say:

“Whatever I think, I will get! Amen!"

To the waning moon

A conspiracy is being carried out on the waning moon. You will need to say the following text:

Note that this quick sell rite is only effective on non-living items. With it, you will not be able to sell the animal; for this purpose, you will have to use another conspiracy.

For a good profit

If you need to sell some item and you want to get a good profit for it, take a wax candle, knock on the item you are selling and say this hex:

The slander is read 7 times. At the end, you will need to wait for the candle to burn out completely. The ritual itself is performed for three days (in a row). Very soon there will be a buyer for your product.

A simple ritual with goods

If you have been trying to sell some product for a long time, but it doesn’t work out for you, you need to stand next to it, close your eyes and read the following conspiracy to sell things:

Ritual with the key

The key is traditionally a symbol of openness and quick sale. Therefore, there are various powerful conspiracies that help sell land and other real estate.

To perform an effective rite for the sale of property with a key, you will need to stock up on the following items:

  • Key. It is he who plays the main role in this rite. You can prepare a key of any size and design, it will not make any difference to the strength of the conspiracy.
  • Water. Do not take ordinary tap water for the ceremony. The ideal option would be purified water from a spring or melted ice, which is easy to make on your own.
  • Refractory cookware.
  • Container for water (glass or clay).

The time of the ritual is the waxing moon. Boil the water so that bubbles form on it, then put the key in it. Steam is formed, for which you will need to say a special text nine times:

After that, leave the water to cool, let the key remain in the saucepan. Then it will need to be taken out and hidden in a secluded place that only you have access to, and the water should be carefully poured into a pre-prepared glass or clay container.

When buyers begin to appear, sprinkle a thing with charmed water, and also wash your hands in it. These actions will help you quickly realize what you want at the cost that will fully satisfy you.

After a successful sale, you do not need to throw away the key, it will become your talisman and can be used for other magical rituals.

A conspiracy will help you speed up the process of selling some items or property. But we do not recommend that you abuse magic, refer to it only in cases where other methods do not work and there is an urgent need for this.

Also watch the following video for the rules successful trading and shopping

Agree that very often in life it happens that two sellers standing next to each other in the market have different success in trading. One of them is constantly lined up, and the other is bored without customers all day. And this is with the same range of goods. This is most likely due to the fact that a successful seller used magic to attract buyers.

There are a lot of conspiracies that attract buyers and drive away competitors. You can use such rituals for a one-time sale of a particular item. Rituals are also popular if trading is considered your main job.

To successfully sell things

Items for sale should be used if there is a need to sell a specific item. The rite is universal, so it can be used in a variety of situations. Reading a plot to sell things is necessary for spring water.

The magic words sound like this:

“In a big city, there is a lot of bargaining on the market square. There are many buyers and many sellers. Everything is for sale: furs, silks. Everything is bought and good money is offered for any product. Therefore, I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (proper name), will definitely sell my goods (called goods). I want the price for it (name the desired cost of the goods). I will not give in, because the one who sees my quality product will want to buy it. Amen".

The goods should be sprinkled with charmed water. An additional attribute in the rite can be any small object. For example, if you need to sell a car, then along with water you can speak a match, which you later put in the salon.

Conspiracy to sell stale things

If you are a professional trader, then if there are items that are not for sale, you can change the situation by performing a magical rite. It is necessary to put an unclaimed thing between things that are in demand among buyers.

“In the middle of an open field, a dilapidated house stood, he could not attract anyone to him. And, the Servant of God (proper name) painted that house, prettier and sold it like a new one. This house has served its owner for a century. Therefore, it will again serve the new owner faithfully. So my product will like it and will be sold very soon at the price (name the price). And this will be a joyful event for me. Amen".

After such a conspiracy, the goods will be sold soon.

Talisman making

If trading is your main activity, then in order to attract success, you should make a special talisman. It will need to be constantly kept with you, and it will attract buyers and increase the attractiveness of the product.

A five-ruble coin should become a talisman. The ceremony is held during the growing moon. Having retired to a separate room, the coin should be placed on the palm of the right hand, substituting it under the moonlight.

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s), by my word and action turn a simple penny into a magical talisman. Will you, pyatak-pyatakovich, from now on bring me good luck in trading. Amen".

Such words are pronounced at least twelve times. Moreover, after each pronunciation of a magic spell, you must pause and listen to your inner voice. You should have a subconscious feeling that the ceremony was successful.

For fast and profitable trading

When it becomes necessary to quickly and profitably sell things, you must first use magic. Such a rite is universal and is suitable both for a one-time sale and for people working in shops and markets. It will also help if you plan to sell things via the Internet.

Having retired to a separate room, you need to focus on the desire to make a quick and profitable trade. After that, you need to read several times the well-known prayer “Our Father”.

After that, you should say the following magic words:

“Lord, my God, help and bless the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name)! Just as dark clouds gather across the sky, but from Your gaze they instantly scatter in different directions, so let the people come to me to buy my goods, but they will not be afraid of anything and will not scatter from my gaze. Let rich buyers buy my goods and give a good price for it. I will come behind the counter and see people from all sides coming towards me and carrying their money. They are with good goods, and I am with a lot of profit. No one counts what they have eaten, no one drinks water in a fast-moving river. Nobody can undo my plot. Amen".

When conducting magical rites, it should be remembered that faith in magic and one's own strengths will make rituals aimed at the successful sale of things effective.

Today trade is one of the common activities of people. But many people often wonder why some people sell things easily, while buyers bypass other sellers.

Rite options

Feeling bad luck in the trading business, you need to use a conspiracy to sell things. With its help, luck is attracted to trade and business is being established. Moreover, it should be remembered that if it is necessary to organize a one-time trade transaction, you need to use a conspiracy to sell a thing. And in order to guarantee the successful development of a business, it is necessary to periodically conduct special rituals of directed action.

With holy water

To successfully sell a particular thing, you need to speak holy water with special magic words and sprinkle the thing with it. There are many such conspiracies in practical magic.

One of them sounds like this:

“Everything is sold at the bazaar and the bargaining goes on continuously. Silks and furs are in demand. My thing will also be successfully sold for (name the price). Whoever sees it first will want to buy it. My words are true. Amen!"

The same words can also be used to speak spring water. It is very important that the buyer touches the item sprinkled with the water, in which case he will no longer be able to refuse it and will agree to any reasonable price.

To the growing moon

In order for things to be sold successfully, you can use another conspiracy. It is pronounced during the growing moon before things are put up for sale.

Its text is:

“As I, the servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), I gently stroke the things (name) put up for sale, so I attract buyers to him. The first one will come up - he will look, the second one will come up - he will praise, the third one will definitely buy some thing. She will be a joy to him, and will bring me profit. My words are strong and effective. Amen!"

You can also speak a talisman for a successful trade. You should always have it with you when selling things. To do this, you need to take a coin of the highest denomination, put it on your palm so that it is illuminated by moonlight.

Next, you need to say the following magic words:

“The coin is shiny, absorbing moonlight! Bring me (proper) name good luck in selling goods without change! Not only for today, but forever! Amen".

Before bedtime

You can try to tune in to the successful sale of things before going to bed on the eve of the working day. To do this, you should speak a conspiracy while lying in bed before going to bed.

A conspiracy to sell things will help sell even a product that is not very popular among buyers. He also helps out in a situation where a thing needs to be sold urgently. Using ritual magic, you can increase the chance of a successful transaction and get the maximum profit.

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In what cases can sales conspiracies be used?

Conspiracies for the sale of things are used to sell clothes and various small things, or to sell summer cottages, apartments, and other large property.

With the help of conspiracies they sell:

  • trinkets;
  • car;
  • real estate;
  • business;
  • earth;
  • goods on the market.

Rules for conducting ceremonies and reading conspiracies

In order for the ritual performed at home to work successfully, there are a number of rules:

  • fast for three days before the ritual;
  • no one should distract the practitioner during the ceremony;
  • you can’t tell anyone about magical actions, even after receiving the result;
  • the moon during the ceremony should be in the waning phase;
  • the plot should be read with seriousness and complete confidence.

20 best trading rituals

Rituals for trading, which are time-tested, are held on:

  • good profit;
  • quick sale;
  • spring water;
  • key;
  • nickel;
  • patchouli;
  • waning moon;
  • a thread;
  • ring;
  • selling unwanted items.

Rites for sale have an effect:

  • houses or apartments;
  • cars;
  • pet.

For a good profit

For a ritual for a good profit, you will need a wax candle and a thing that needs to be sold profitably.

Execution sequence:

  1. Light the wax candle.
  2. Then, knocking on the item to be sold, read the magical plot exactly seven times.
  3. Let the candle burn out completely.

This ritual is carried out 3 days in a row - once a day.

You need to speak with the words:

Ride on horseback, go on foot, and come to my bargain, but look after my thing. Ride on horseback, go on foot, and come to my bargain, but look after my thing. To whom it rushes into the eyes, he will part with peace, at night he will reach for this thing, in the daytime he will declare on it. He will not count with money, he will become intoxicated with this thing, part with the money, only stare at the thing. The money was not counted in the account, but given for this thing. That is the spell of demons, the spell is black. To the merchant they are gold, but to the people they are trouble. The candle is a witness, if it burns with fire, then everything will be done, the word will be fulfilled, but my purse will be filled with money. Amen.

For a quick sale

To conduct a practical ceremony that helps sell the thing faster, you will need an item that needs to be sold and a banknote. A paper bill must necessarily be of a large denomination.

The product is placed directly in front of you and fanning it with money taken in your left hand, say:

I sell, I sell, I call everyone to the fair! Everything you want is here, come in soon, friend.

For spring water

For the ceremony with spring water you will need:

  • any clean cup;
  • spring water;
  • item to be sold.

Order of execution:

  1. Take spring water in a cup.
  2. Read a conspiracy to sell things quickly over it three times.
  3. Sprinkle the item being sold with charmed water.

Conspiracy words:

Bargaining is going on in the market square. They sell everything: both silks and furs. Your product (name the thing) and I will sell. Its price (name the price). Whoever sees it wants to buy it. Amen.

On the key

This ritual belongs to the strong, and they prepare for it:

  • key;
  • spring water;
  • vessel (glass or earthenware).


  1. Boil water in a suitable container.
  2. Throw the key into the boiling water.
  3. Over the steam, say nine times a slander.
  4. Set the water aside to cool down.
  5. When the water becomes cool, pour it along with the key into a glass vessel.
  6. On the day of the sale, sprinkle the goods and hands with water.

Conspiracy words:

Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (product name). Just as people cannot live without water, so they cannot live without (product name). My word is strong. Amen.

On a nickel

The rite for a nickel is performed on the growing moon. The coin is held in the right hand for some time, and then read over it twelve times:

"Pyatak Pyatakovich! Give me (your name) luck without surrender! For now, forever, forever! Amen.

The coin should be carried with you and not spent.

On patchouli

The method of fumigating goods with a patchouli stick with certain words is considered effective:

Leave the goods quickly out, turn around in a wallet of coins ringing.

To the waning moon

To successfully complete the sale of an inanimate object, they use a quick prayer, the peculiarity of which is that they read it on the waning moon.

Prayer text:

Just as a person cannot exist without an iron lock, or live without an iron key, so he cannot do without (we call a thing). Just as you people cannot live long without food and water, you also cannot live without (thing). May it be so. Amen.

On a thread

You can make an effective amulet yourself by talking a red thread, for which you need a spool of red threads and a banknote of one hundred rubles.

How to make an amulet:

  1. Measure the size of the bill with a thread 49 times.
  2. Wind the thread around the wrist of the left hand.
  3. Do not cut the ends and do not tie them together, but run under the received bracelet.
  4. All this time repeat the plot.

Magic words:

Prosperity and trade for me, goods and change for you. Amen.

On the ring

This conspiracy to sell things is read on the ring and helps to attract buyers in a short time, increases sales.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • deep saucer;
  • spring water;
  • ring (not engagement ring).

The sequence of the ritual:

  1. On a full moon, pour spring water into a bowl.
  2. Lower the ring to the bottom of the saucer.
  3. Put your finger in the middle of the ring and start rotating it clockwise along the bottom.
  4. When the ring is rotated, a plot for successful trading is read.
  5. Water must be poured under a tree near your outlet.
  6. The ring is worn on the finger for a week.

Conspiracy words:

As water turns a mill, so my money circles the world. Goods are turned into goods, they return to themselves in gold. Like foliage in the forest, like stars in the sky, let my wealth become uncountable. People come to me, carry a coin, sort out the goods. There is food and drink here, here you have water, here you have goods. My word cannot be broken or dispelled. Amen.

Selling unwanted items

The words of a real prayer:

I, the servant of God (name), have that thing that I have not needed for a long time. But I am sure that many people need it. I want to sell it due to the fact that it just bothers me and falls dust. How sorry I am to throw it away. The bottom line is that it is very dear to me and I just can’t throw it in the trash. I want to complete the sale process and find a buyer as soon as possible. If he immediately buys this thing, then I will become the happiest woman on the planet. Once a person sees this thing, he will not be able to pass it by. Thoughts about buying will immediately arise in his head and I will be happy to show it to him. May the higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help me. Amen.

Rituals for selling a house or apartment

There are powerful magical rites that can help in the sale of real estate.

Reading on three branches

This ritual helps to successfully sell a house with a plot of land on which there are three or more types of fruit-bearing trees. It is held on the waning moon.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • green wax candle;
  • vase;
  • a small piece of clean cloth;
  • trees growing on their own plot.

Order of execution:

  1. First you should wander around the site and feel the warm memories that are associated with it.
  2. When there is little time left before midnight, you need to pick a branch from three trees of different types.
  3. Take a lit green candle in your right hand, twigs in your left.
  4. Circle the flame with branches counterclockwise three times, while reading the slander.
  5. Bring the branches home and put on the window in a vase of water.
  6. Wipe with a clean cloth every surface in the house that you can get to. In this case, you need to say certain words.

The words of a conspiracy uttered while the flame of a candle is surrounded by branches:

They were grown by me, the owner, and grow with another merchant. You for healthy roots, but a bountiful harvest, for me - for profit, for a big score. So be it. Amen.

Words to repeat while cleaning the house:

Profits - in my pocket, housing - to the merchant, for a long joy. I sell my housing, and I take my happiness with me, let mine remain with me, and with the merchant - his happiness settles. Amen.

In this video, Samir Ali will share the ritual for the sale of property.

Key cooking

This time-tested rite can be performed in two cases: when there is already a buyer, but he hesitates, and when he is not there yet.

For the ritual you will need:

  • pot;
  • salt;
  • keys to the property you want to sell;
  • small water container.

It is necessary to correctly carry out this rite as follows:

  1. At midnight, you need to put a pot of water on the fire and boil.
  2. Pour a handful of salt into the boiled water, wait until it completely dissolves.
  3. Throw the keys to the housing for sale into the pan. In this case, the keys should not be in a bunch.
  4. Wait for a strong boil and seething and read the plot (in case there is already a buyer, instead of the word "merchant" his name is pronounced).

Just as merchants cannot do without a damask lock, and without a pood-key to it, so they cannot do without this house. Just as you, merchant (or name), cannot live without food and water, so you cannot live without this house. My word is strong. Amen.

The keys are left in the pan until the water has cooled completely. Then this water is poured into any container and sprinkled on the door, threshold and doorknob in anticipation of customers.

Reading at a distance

For the ceremony of reading at a distance, you need to prepare in advance:

  • holy water brought from the church on the eve of the ritual;
  • a thick wax candle;
  • loose leaf tea (new pack);
  • white cotton or linen tablecloth (also new).

The order of the ceremony:

  1. Wait for the evening when the sun goes below the horizon. Lay a new tablecloth on the table.
  2. Pour holy water into a glass. Put it on the table, put a candle and a pack of tea next to it.
  3. Light the candle with matches so that its flame reflects the surface of the water in the glass. Say a conspiracy.
  4. Take a pinch of tea from the pack and, pouring a thin stream of tea leaves into the water, say certain words.
  5. The candle should burn daily for seven days in front of a glass of charmed water. Ignite it for 5-10 minutes.
  6. After a week, the cinder from the candle is carefully wrapped in cloth and stored until a successful transaction.
  7. Water should be poured under a tree in the yard.

A conspiracy pronounced immediately after lighting a candle:

The sun is clear, shine on a smooth path, spread light to the threshold, welcome merchants to my house.

Words to say when pouring tea leaves into a glass:

How many grains of tea in the water, so many merchants and sellers everywhere, but I don’t need a lot - let one be at my doorstep, but as soon as he steps beyond the threshold, he will buy everything.

Ceremonies for selling a car

To guarantee success, when performing rituals for the sale of a car, it is forbidden to replace the words used in with modern ones.

Prayer for water

For a prayer that ensures a successful sale of the car, you will need a large number of holy water. She irrigates the car interior, body and wheels.

They read the plot, moving around the car clockwise:

As a wagon flew and rushed through the heavens, so a white bird flew into the harness and harnessed. Anyone who sees that wagon wants it, knows neither sleep nor rest, so that no matter who I offer it to, every generous coin is laid out. A large coin for a fast bird, but for a chariot cart. Amen.

Prayer for honey speeches

For this ritual, which helps to achieve the location of the client, prepare:

  • white tablecloth;
  • natural wax candle
  • golden saucer;
  • golden bowl;
  • fresh honey;
  • clean jar for honey.

The process of performing the ceremony:

  1. On the eve of the meeting with the client, a new white tablecloth is laid on the table.
  2. A wax candle on a golden plate and a bowl of golden color are placed on the table. The bowl is filled with fresh honey to the very brim.
  3. Light a candle with matches. They put a plate with a candle on honey.
  4. Looking at the fire and holding a bowl of honey in front of you, covered with a saucer with a candle, they read two plots.
  5. The candle is left to burn out.
  6. They go to sleep without saying a word.
  7. In the morning, honey is carefully transferred to a clean jar and eaten by a spoon before meeting with potential buyers.

First conspiracy:

Behind high mountains, behind dense forests, behind wide seas, a mighty oak tree grows, props up the vault of heaven, turns the earth upside down by its roots. Its trunk is hollow, full of wild honey. Whoever discovers honey, puts it in his mouth and eats it, that is a great honor. Whoever begins to listen to him - will listen, be clouded by thought, become frustrated, and agree in everything. I rowed that honey in handfuls, ate it with a big spoon, my mind is clear, my tongue is bold. As I say, so, in my opinion, it will happen that I want - I will buy, whoever wants - will part with the money. Amen.

Second conspiracy:

Behind the seven mountains, behind the seven valleys, behind the seven seas, the magic oak grows. There is a hollow in that oak, in the hollow there are bees, the bees have honey. Whoever finds honey, puts it in his mouth, swallows it and eats it, he will be honored. Every word is in the ear, every deed is splendid, every thought is strong, and my honey is like that, and I myself can. As I say, he will do what I command, it will come true. Amen.

Conspiracy to sell a pet

The conspiracy is suitable both for selling your own pet, and for finding shelter for abandoned or lost animals.

You need to take a red woolen thread, tie it around the animal's neck and say three times:

She cut off the thread, tore off the puppy / kitten (nickname). I tied it to the new owners so that the puppy / kitten (nickname) would find good and affectionate owners for itself, but it would bring benefits to me. Amen.

Let the thread remain on the animal until a profitable buyer is found.

Simoron rituals for a quick sale

Effective for quick sales and easy to execute.

Attracting customers with poems and exercises

It is necessary to scatter large, bright beads on the floor of the room. Stand in the midst of them and, raising your hands up, read this verse:

I briskly raise my hands up, and I attract customers to me, I replace the minus with a plus, I will collect beads from customers.

Then collect the beads, stringing the balls on a thread, and put them on the workplace. The jewelry must be delivered to him with honor, always by car. It is advisable to inflate balloons and buy flowers in honor of this.

Customers Surround

This ritual is performed as follows:

  1. Anywhere in the room, free from foreign objects, draw a large circle on the floor.
  2. Along the circle write the word "customers" many times.
  3. Then they jump into the middle, saying the magic phrase.

Words for the ceremony:

Clients surround!

Prayers for good trading

A real prayer that helps in the trading business is offered to Spiridon of Trimifuntsky and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Before praying:

  1. Clean up the apartment.
  2. For two weeks they go to the temple, light a candle in front of the image of the saint.
  3. After attending church, they try to keep the fast.
  4. They clear their thoughts, ask for forgiveness from those who have been offended, reconcile with relatives if they are in a quarrel.
  5. Two weeks later, they announce the sale of the apartment - they submit an ad.
  6. Two days before the announcement, they take communion in the church and bring candles and holy water from there.
  7. Before serving, thoroughly clean the entire apartment. The rooms are sprinkled with holy water, and then they pass clockwise with a lit candle through all the rooms and cross its corners.

After cleansing, you need to pray like this:

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! I ask you, the Servant of God (proper name), beg the Lover of the Lord God, not to condemn us according to our iniquities and sins, but to do with us according to his mercy and mercy. Ask for me, Saint Spyridon, from God a peaceful serene life, health of mind and body. Protect and deliver me from all spiritual and bodily troubles, from devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Lord and beg the Almighty to grant us forgiveness. Help me, Saint Spyridon, solve everyday problems and sell the apartment as soon as possible. Do not refuse my request, but grant hope for life in the kingdom of heaven after death. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

If there are great difficulties in order to sell the car, they turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Read the prayer with great faith:

I, the Servant of God (proper name), turn to you, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, the Pleasant of God for help and support. Do not reject my request, for in need with prayer I fall to your image, I ask you to hear me and do me a favor. Forgive me for this worldly request, which is very important to me. I'm looking to sell my car. Soon a client will come to me, but help me so that the negotiations are successful. Let him buy a car from me, and be satisfied with his purchase. And the car will serve him long years for the benefit of. Let nothing stand in the way of a successful deal. May it be so. I ask you, Nikolai Ugodnik, Savior and Helper of all those who suffer and turn to you, to beg forgiveness from the Lord for my known and unknown sins, of which I sincerely repent. Protect me, Saint Nicholas, from the temptations of demons in the future. Let the bargaining be done in my favor. I'm not bargaining for money, but I really want to give my car into good hands. You are the Wonderworker known to the whole world, so protect the one who buys a car from me from all the hardships of life. Amen.

Why are quick sale plots not always effective?

The ritual will not be effective if:

  • the moon was in the wrong phase during the ceremony;
  • the person during the pronunciation of the conspiracy was not sufficiently concentrated on the result;
  • mistakes were made during the performance of the ritual, its features were not taken into account;
  • the one who performed the ceremony was skeptical or was in the company of people who did not believe in the power of magic;
  • before the ritual, the practitioner did not fast.


A video from user Martin demonstrates an effective ritual for selling an apartment.

Quite often, help is required in a business, when selling or buying. Simple conspiracies that are easy to carry out at home will come to the rescue. To conduct a ritual for profit, you should carefully prepare for it in order to avoid negative consequences.

Simple conspiracies will help increase sales

Ensuring the Effectiveness of the Ritual

For advertising and selling, you can advertise on the relevant sites, but it will take quite a long time to get rid of the unnecessary item and make a profit. It is much faster to conduct a ceremony to sell things. To find a suitable spell, you can contact the magician or study the available information yourself. A book with rituals and spells will be a good helper in learning the rules for casting spells and establishing protection before casting them.

There are basic rules that should be observed by everyone who performs magical actions:

  • read in a secluded place;
  • do not tell anyone about the ritual;
  • do not do the ceremony as a joke;
  • know by heart the words of the conspiracy;
  • follow the sequence of actions.

In order to successfully sell the goods, one should not tell anyone that the ceremony will be or has already been carried out, even to the closest ones.

Higher powers will not tolerate ridicule, so conspiracies and spells cannot be done for the sake of a joke. You will definitely be punished for this.

The words of the spell should be pronounced in a confident voice in a clear rhythm, without straying or rearranging the words.

The book of spells will tell you how to properly conduct the ceremony

Conspiracies for sale

In order for the item to find its buyer faster, you can use conspiracies for the sale and profit from Stepanova. These methods are simple and do not require special training.

spell for profit

To sell things quickly and profitably, a short conspiracy is done with the help of church candles. For a successful trade, you need to take three candles, set them on fire, put them on the table in front of you and read the words:

“I ask people to pay attention to the things that I want to sell. If they see this or that thing, let them immediately buy it. If they do not want to, then let their eyes begin to burn, and they will not be able to sleep. May my desires be fulfilled and things find their place with other people.

After reading, extinguish the candles and hide them next to the thing that needs to be sold. After a while, the goods will be successfully sold.

The next version of the conspiracy for a quick, profitable and successful sale of any thing should be performed only on the growing moon. Put an item for sale on the table next to you, place 3 church candles next to it and read the words:

“A moon is growing in the sky. The number of stars in the sky is constantly increasing. The number of droplets in the water increases. Near the ground rise beneficial features. So let me increase the profit from sales. I want to be able to sell things and increase my financial position. I ask for help from higher forces that are always present in our lives.

You need to read the spell until the candles burn out to the end. Their heat and light should fall on the item being sold. At the end, put the remnants of the candle in a bag with a thing, and after a while there will be the right buyer who will bring profit to the seller.

Magic with water and key

strong and effective conspiracy carried out with a key and water.

To carry it out you will need:

  • vessel made of clay or glass;
  • open fire (bonfire or stove);
  • key;
  • water.

A strong ritual should be done on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday). It is necessary to pour water into the dishes and put it on fire. At the moment of boiling, throw the key into boiling water. Looking at how steam is coming from the vessel, pronounce the plot:

“Human life is directly connected with water. She gives life. The key protects a person and gives him protection. this is how humanity is directly dependent on water, so let the buyer feel thirsty for my thing. I ask very strongly, and I wish you help in my affairs.

The spell is recited 9 times. Then you should cool the water, leaving the key in it. After complete cooling, so that you can touch the water with your hand, you should pour it together with the key into a glass container and, before proceeding with the sale, rinse your hands with it and spray the goods.

Good trade conspiracy

Witchcraft on a coin

To quickly sell or get rid of unnecessary things, you can use a conspiracy for coins. It is carried out only on the growing moon.

Take a 5 kopeck coin in your left hand and say 10 times:

“May this nickel bring me good luck in bidding. I want to sell my item as soon as possible. And I want to get pretty good money for it. I cherished and cherished her, so she costs decent money. I ask for help from the Almighty so that the transaction goes through and brings me the best result. I endlessly want to receive good news from sales.

To enhance the effect and sell the thing faster, carry the coin with you all the time until the transaction occurs.

Hexes on a pin

The pin is a classic subject for conspiracies, a variety of rituals and rituals. Its shape contributes to the excellent absorption of energy and information that affects.

Professional magicians use a pin to induce damage, the evil eye, dry love, or attract wealth. Such a small but strong charmed object is easy to take with you to a business meeting or pinned to a rival’s clothes.

Magic for selling a house

The most effective method for selling property, real estate, is a conspiracy on a pin. In this version, it acts as a talisman that will ward off dishonest buyers.

For the ritual, on a moonlit night during the growth of the luminary, take a pin in your hands and say:

“I have a profit, they have a home, I have a good profit, they have a good home, I attract the most reliable and most accommodating. I distract the most capricious and the most picky. I will come and sell, I get money, I get joy for myself.

During the ceremony, you need to be positive, think about the good and bright. Put the made amulet in your pocket or attach it to your clothes in an inconspicuous place and carry it with you until the transaction is completed successfully.

Order for the sale of a house

Magic on a red thread with a pin

This is a quick plot for money, sale and good luck. After it is held, the flow of finance will increase, it will be possible to trade faster and with greater profit.

To conduct the ceremony, you should take a safety pin and a red woolen or plain thread. Get out under the moon. Hold a pin in your left hand and a thread in your right hand. Looking up at the moon, say the following:

“With a red thread I will draw to myself what I want, with a red thread I will find out for myself everything that I need. Just as this red thread wraps itself around a safety pin and won't let it go, so what I need will come to me and hug me once and for all. In a short time everything will happen that I need. Money was now with me. Itself will come, it will become mine. You don't have to beg. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

Standing in the same place, quickly wind the thread around the pin. Go into the house and pin it to your nightgown. Without talking to anyone, go to bed. The next day, while trading, you should quietly touch the pin, stroke it. The deal will be successful.

Prayer for sale

There are several prayers for a successful sale.

One of them is addressed to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. Before prayer, you need to go to church and buy an icon with the face of a saint, put it on the table at home, ask for petitions and help, light candles.

“Begged for the mercy of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by his grace. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he give forgiveness to many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life and grant us, but the death of the belly is shameless and peaceful and eternal bliss in the future, let us unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen"

God helps Spiridon in his affairs, and after this prayer will assist you. Prayer should be read daily, without fear, following all church rules. The transaction will be fast and successful.

Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the sale of real estate

If you need to quickly sell a house or apartment, you should ask for help from Nicholas the Wonderworker. The prayer “For the sale of an apartment” acts very quickly.

First of all, they say a preparatory, “initial” prayer:

“Pleaser Nikolai, bless me for the successful sale of an apartment (house) and send generous, honest and not poor buyers. May your will be done. Amen".

After that, they read the final:

“Wonderworker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer. Send me an appropriate bargain, honest and generous buyers. Let the client like the apartment (house), and the sale will be successful. May your will be done. Amen".

In Orthodoxy, Nikolai the Pleasant is considered God's helper, his right hand, so prayers addressed to him will always be heard.

Before and after the ceremony, you need to go to church and light candles to all the saints. Putting a light to the Pleasant, they read the initial prayer.

Returning home, you should put a candle near the face of Nicholas the Pleasant and read the final prayer.

If you know when the buyer will come, walk around the house, reading the words of the prayer to the Miracle Worker. The deal is bound to be successful.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker will help you successfully sell an apartment


Prayers, conspiracies and spells are very effective and will be beneficial if they are carried out without experiencing evil and without keeping black thoughts in your head. Any product will find its buyer and bring undoubted benefits to the seller, if the rite is performed correctly.