On drawing the senior group a New Year's tree. Christmas tree plan-outline of drawing classes (preparatory group) on the topic

Christmas trees. PVA glue and watercolor. Master class for educators in drawing (designed for two lessons)

Master class for educators in drawing (designed for two lessons)
Gift, exhibition, competitive work
Getting to know the different ways to draw a spruce
1 - development of compositional skills, fantasy and imagination
2- mastering the technique of working with glue and watercolor
3- education of love for native nature.
Paper A3 or A4, PVA glue, round pony brushes No. 3-4, salt and watercolors.
Preliminary work:
1. Viewing a presentation with photographs of snow-covered firs, examining their silhouettes and the color scheme of the work.

2. Poems about Christmas trees - listening, learning.
3. Drawing firs on sand, salt or glass.

There are several ways of the so-called "barrier" painting, when contours become barriers for spreading paint. The most commonly used color is black. It is perfectly visible and work using black or brown contours becomes bright, decorative. Stained glass contours are used not only for glass, porcelain, but also for working on paper.

Painting combined with volume gives an interesting visual effect. Artists, working with oil paints, impose textured, bold strokes that protrude above the plane of the canvas. In addition, to get more volume, they can use acrylic putty, applying it with a palette knife, syringe, or other devices.

And we'll take PVA.
PVA is a universal adhesive. use it different ways(and for drawing as well). Sprinkling PVA with salt, sand, various cereals, eggshells, crumbs from dried leaves, young artists can get original “fluffy” lines. Our lines will remain translucent, and from this the landscape will take on a slightly foggy, mysterious look.
PVA glue comes in different consistency. Too thick, as well as too liquid, it is difficult to draw. Shake well several times before use. Hold the tube vertically, without tilting, while slightly squeezing.


1. A horizon line is drawn, snowdrifts, a path.
2. The trunks of fir trees are outlined, the composition is specified.
3. The main branches are drawn to the left and right of the trunk, and then the branches hanging down.
4. Needles are drawn for each branch. Snowflakes (or stars and the moon) appear in the sky.

5. The drawing "rests" until the glue dries completely. PVA turns from white to transparent, but the volume remains. Drying time is overnight. You can continue the work the next day.
Now you need to decorate the drawing with watercolor. We choose the desired color, compose the colors on the palette and decorate. There are several options.
The easiest: blue sky, green firs, blue snow
Pink sky, blue firs, blue snow
Light purple skies, dark purple firs, pale purple snow,
And so on…
The most advantageous option is to mix several shades for each fragment of the picture. You can also sprinkle salt on the sky.

Other landscape options:

Children's work:
(5-6 years old)

Literary application:

Natalia Filimonova.
Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:
You touch a branch - it's prickly to your fingers,
The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,
A fly agaric is below.
That's when winter comes
The tree seems to come to life:
Will fluff up in the cold
Unfold under the winds
Not prickly at all
Like a fragrant flower.
It smells not of dew, not of honey,
The tree smells like New Year!

I. Tokmakova.

Ate on the edge -
To the top of the sky -
Listen, be silent
Look at grandchildren.
And grandchildren-Christmas trees -
Fine needles
At the forest gate
They lead a round dance.

O. Vysotskaya

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!
Our garden has become quiet.
And birches and aspens
Boring stand.
Only one Christmas tree
Cheerful and green.
It can be seen that she is not afraid of frost,
Apparently she is brave.

I. Tokmakova
"Quietly the spruce sways..."

Quietly the spruce sways.
The old year is ending.
Good in the forest in winter
The forest is fringed
Sound snow sparkles
Frost is silver.
Quietly the spruce sways.
The old year is ending.
Laughter, fun, games, jokes,
Songs, joy, dances!
We all live well
In a New Year's fairy tale!

Synopsis of organized artistic and creative activities with children in a group preparatory to school. Theme: "Christmas toys"

Program content:

Generate interest in the upcoming New Year holidays.
Develop communication skills, improve the lexical side of speech.
Review Christmas tree decoration safety rules.
To expand the horizons of children: acquaintance with the ancient custom of making toys for the Christmas tree.
Raise the desire to participate in the design of the holiday tree.
Improve the technique of relief modeling from salt dough.
Develop creative abilities.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction on winter theme. Examination of illustrations, postcards with the image of a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations.

Vocabulary work:

Homemade toys, old custom.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Flat cardboard balls on a string, salty colored dough (red, yellow, green, blue, brown, white), stacks, caps from felt-tip pens, a rag, a glass of water, brush No. 2, beads, beads, treats.

Introductory part:

Children enter under the New Year's melody, sit down at the tables. Knock on the door. The postman comes and delivers the letter.


Guys, I have a letter for you: “To the children of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 11 Geese-Swans.” From whom is it? Let's open it and find out what's in it (I print it out, take out a sheet of paper, read):

“Hello, dear guys!
The new year is coming soon. My faithful friend the snowman will bring a fluffy Christmas tree to your hall. I prepared toys for you for the Christmas tree, but an evil blizzard came and broke all the toys. How to decorate the Christmas tree now? Guys, help, make toys for the Christmas tree. Thank you in advance. Wait for me for the holiday.
Your Santa Claus.


Guys, do you think we can help Santa Claus?



What can you decorate a Christmas tree with?


Toys, crackers, garlands ...


Can you decorate a Christmas tree with lit candles? What can happen?



That's right, of course you can not decorate the Christmas tree with candles.


And this is how Korney Chukovsky dressed up the Christmas tree so beautifully, the poem is called “About the Christmas tree”:

Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock
Would spin on the Christmas tree
Toys -
colorful lanterns,
Would twirl on the Christmas tree
Of crimson and silver
Would laugh at the Christmas tree
And they would clap for joy
In the palms
Because tonight
At the gate
Cheerful knocked
New Year!
new, new,
With a golden beard!


Guys, do you know that there used to be such an old custom to make homemade toys: crackers, fish from eggshell, foil stars, houses, huts, garlands ...

Let's also decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys. To do this, we need: a flat ball on a string, colored dough, beads, beads, caps, stacks and your imagination. Look at these balls (showing cardboard balls) will they look beautiful on the Christmas tree?



And why?


They are not beautiful…


How can you decorate them?


Christmas trees, hearts, a snowman ...


Well done, indeed, our balls can be decorated in different ways, but in order for us to work well, let's stretch our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics "Herringbone"

Before us is a Christmas tree:
(fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the "Christmas tree")

Cones, needles.
(cams, index fingers exposed)

Balls, lanterns,
("balls" from the fingers - up, down)

Bunnies and candles
("ears" of the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded, fingers are clenched)

Stars, people.
(palms folded, fingers spread; middle and index fingers are on the table)


And now let each of you think about how he will decorate his ball, what he will need for this and can get to work (I distribute balls).

Main part of the lesson:

I turn on the New Year's melody. I go up to each child and ask what he will sculpt. I give advice to children who find it difficult to plan.

Final part:

Children bring their work to view (put on the table).

Lesson analysis:


Guys, who remembered what toys they used to decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?
Who likes to decorate Christmas balls today?
And who had a hard time at work?

Well done, you all got unusual New Year's toys. We still have a few days left before the holiday, so our toys will have time to dry, and then we will decorate the Christmas tree with them. I think your toys will look very nice on the Christmas tree.

A knock on the door - a crow flies in.


Kar-kar-kar. Hello, friends! And I flew from Santa Claus to find out if you fulfilled his request.



Well done, what wonderful toys you made for the Christmas tree, how beautiful ... kar-kar-kar. For the excellent work, Santa Claus sent you a treat.


Thank you very much crow and Santa Claus for the treat.


Goodbye, guys. Kar-kar-kar. (Crow flies away).

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Abstract of a lesson in fine arts for preschoolers on the topic "Green Beauty"

Cheremiskina Evgenia Gennadievna, teacher of additional education, MKUDOD Children's Center, Zuevka, Kirov Region
Purpose of work: this summary is intended for preschool teachers, primary school teachers, for teachers of additional education.
Target: teach children to work on the contour.
Lesson objectives:
educational: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree, conveying a festive mood, to teach children to draw along the contour, to mix paints.
developing: develop fine motor skills hands, imagination, sense of color, interest in the New Year holidays.
educational: to cultivate aesthetic feelings, independence, accuracy, the ability to evaluate their own work and the work of others, positive attitude to all living things.
Material for work: watercolor, palette, brushes "squirrel" No. 1,3, jar of non-spill, paper napkins, scissors, illustrations depicting Christmas trees

blanks of paper silhouettes of Christmas trees

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part.
There are illustrations of Christmas trees on the blackboard.
The teacher reads a poem.

The Christmas tree came to the children ...
The Christmas tree came to the children
Brought snow on the branches.
Need to warm the Christmas tree
Put on a new dress.
Stars shine brightly
Light bulbs are burning bright
Beads hang different -
Wonderful outfit!

Teacher: Children, look at these beautiful Christmas trees! What is the difference?
Children's answers: one tree is dancing, the other is in the snow, the third is decorated with toys ... ..
Teacher: Well done! One Christmas tree is dancing, the other is watching us from under the snowy branches. Do you think we can see such Christmas trees in the Winter Forest?
Children's answers: There are no such Christmas trees in the winter forest.
Teacher: Where can we meet them?
Children's answers: In cartoons, in fairy tales, in thoughts.
Teacher: Yes, such Christmas trees can be found in cartoons and fairy tales, or you can dream up.
Look at the third picture. On it is a Christmas tree, decorated with beautiful toys. Does she look real?
Children's answers: Yes, it does.
Teacher: Where can you find such a tree?
Children's answers: In the forest, in kindergarten, in the square, in the yard, at home.
Teacher: What Christmas tree do you decorate at home?
Children's answers: Artificial, real, live, green, we decorate only twigs.
Teacher: What color is the tree? Toys? Stars? Christmas tree beads?
Children's answers: Green, multi-colored, red, multi-colored ... ..
Teacher: Let's close our eyes now and imagine that you are in a fairy forest. All Christmas trees came to life. They have eyes, legs. They walk in the forest, smile at you and prepare gifts for you.

During the story, we lay out Christmas tree templates on the tables.

Teacher: Now open your eyes, what lies in front of you?
Children's answers: Christmas trees.
Teacher: Are the Christmas trees real or fabulous?
Children's answers: Fabulous!
Teacher: That's right, well done!

2.Practical part.
Teacher: Now we will color our Christmas trees. What brush will we use to paint large objects?
Children's answers: Thicker brush.
Teacher: So we paint small objects with a thinner brush.
Teacher: To make our Christmas trees beautiful, we paint the Christmas trees without going beyond the outline.
During the work, the teacher observes the performance of the task, prompts and praises the children. After completing the work, a physical education session is held.

Physical education "Snowflakes are falling from the sky"

Snowflakes are falling from the sky
Like a fairytale picture. ( Children raise their hands above their heads)
Let's catch them with our hands Grasping movements with the palms of the hands)
Admire like flowers Extend palms forward)
And there are snowdrifts all around, Arcuate hand movements)
Snow covered the roads Hands to the side)
Do not get stuck in the field so that
Raise your legs higher. ( Walking in place with knees high)
Fluffy snow keeps flying, ( Raise your hands up and slowly lower)
And the blizzard keeps howling. ( Spinning in place)
How much snow has accumulated, ( Show snowdrifts with wave-like movements)
All paths are covered!
We'll clear the paths Imitate actions)
And let's play snowballs. ( Walking)

3. The final part.
Teacher: Now we will cut out our decorated Christmas trees along the contour. Of these, we will create a fabulous round dance around Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, which you did in class " Manual labor". Let's remember how to use scissors correctly.
Children's answers: we pass the scissors in rings, you can’t swing the scissors, take it in your mouth, close it after work and put it in a case.
Teacher: Good girls! Let's start cutting out the trees.
What beautiful forest beauties turned out!

Abstract GCD for drawing in preparatory group.

"Secrets of the Winter Forest"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Types of children's activities: communicative, productive.

Target: teaching children non-traditional drawing techniques: drawing by poking (hard semi-dry brush) and crumpled paper.



Exercise children in the ability to draw a Christmas tree, using different visual drawing techniques in one drawing: the poke method (hard semi-dry brush), the crumpled paper drawing method.

To consolidate the ability to properly hold the brush, rinse it after using the paint.


Develop aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition;

Develop sensory skills - coordination and fine motor skills of hands, when drawing;

Develop accuracy when working with paints;

To develop imagination in children, the ability to convey the color of winter.


Cultivate confidence in yourself, in your creative abilities;

Cultivate responsiveness, a desire to help;

To instill in children a love for nature through the fine arts.

Characters: Fairy Guardian of the winter forest, children.

Equipment: 4 tables, chairs, easel, projector, tape recorder with audio recording, e-mail from the snow queen, gifts from residents.

Materials: Tinted album sheets, with pre-drawn stenciled Christmas trees. Album, gouache, hard brushes, napkins, jars of water, palette, paper for snowballs.

GCD progress:

Fairy - Hello guys! I am the Fairy Guardian of the magical winter forest, but everyone calls me Olga Igorevna. And I came to you because trouble happened in my winter forest. And the inhabitants of the forest, my animal helpers, sent me exactly to you. They are sure that you will help because you are strong, smart, brave. Look what happened...

(The Snow Queen appears on the projector)

Snow TO. I will wave my stick

I'll take the outfit from the Christmas trees!

Let them become colorless

cold, gray, pale.

So that your forest freezes forever

I took your colors!

Conversation after watching the video:

Fairy: Here you go! What are we to do now? How to be further? Can you tell me how we can revive the forest?

Children options.

Fairy: Good. Guys, let's go to my magic meadow together. There I have everything that will help revive the forest: return the color to the Christmas trees. Do you know what color we need?

Children: Green!

Everyone goes to the clearing: colorless Christmas trees are drawn on separate sheets on the table. And 2 open paints blue and yellow, a palette, a brush, a jar of water.

Fairy- And here the Snow Queen used her magic! But no matter how hard she tried, two colors remained. Which?

Children's answers : (blue and yellow left)

Fairy- Two colors, two colors

Guys, is this too much?

Where can we get green?

And if we mix the colors on the palette?

We mix blue and yellow

What color do we get?

Children: Green!

(only the Fairy mixes the paint and got the green color)

Fairy: We got the color we wanted. Let's each take a Christmas tree and color it to bring our forest to life. I invite you to the creative workshop of small artists. Come in and have a seat.

Children take jobs. The fairy reminds of a beautiful and correct posture at the table, as well as accuracy when drawing. (Sleeves)

Fairy: Here comes the green paint! Guys, but first we need to trace our Christmas tree along the contour with our finger, this will help you see the border of the color distribution. And now look how I will revive the Christmas tree using the poke method.

The teacher shows the drawing process and speaks.

Fairy: I take the brush near the skirt and hold it vertically. Then I pick up green paint with the tip of the brush on the palette. Then, with the tip of the brush, I begin to draw a Christmas tree, while the brush easily jumps over the sheet. After painting, wash the brushes and put them on a stand.

Now try it yourself.

Children draw to the accompaniment of music. The teacher observes and works individually with each child.

Fairy: Guys, you are real wizards, together we were able to disenchant our Christmas trees. Now they are green again. And the forest dwellers were delighted that they were inviting us to dance with them.

Phys. minute with the accompaniment of music and the inhabitants of the forest.

Fairy: Guys, while we were dancing, forest animals told me.

That the forest woke up, started up, but it did not turn into winter!

That the forest woke up, woke up, but it did not turn into winter!

Let's go back to our seats, look at our drawings and think about what else we forgot to draw!

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him

Become a little clean

How to catch in the palm of your hand. Guys guess what I mean?

Children: Oh snow!

Fairy: What color is the snow?

Children: White.

Fairy: Well, we broke the witchcraft snow queen... Yes, white paint has appeared. In order to draw snow, please take the leaves that are near you and turn them into snowballs.

Children crumple paper with the fairy.

One two three four ,

We quickly made snowballs.

Fairy: And now we have snowballs that will help us draw snow. And then our forest will become winter. Look how I use my snowball, using the method of priming, to pick up white paint on the palette, and by pressing down I will draw snow. This drawing technique is called crumpled paper drawing. You can distribute snow all over the sheet and be sure to draw a lot of snow on the ground to make snowdrifts.

Now try it too!

Children draw snow with the help of lumps to the music. escort

F: Well done! Now put your snowballs in a basket and be sure to wipe the paint off your fingers with napkins. And now let's take our Christmas trees, take them to my magic clearing and see what happened.

Fairy: Guys, look, our forest came to life and sparkled with colors. You are real wizards ... Thank you for helping to unravel the mysteries of the winter forest and

defeat the sorcery of the Snow Queen. After all, good always triumphs over evil!

Fairy: And what helped to defeat witchcraft?


Fairy: What have we done to help the winter forest?

Children: We drew.

Fairy: What did we draw?

Children: Tassels and paper.

Fairy: That's right, guys, we painted with a hard brush using the poke technique and crumpled paper.

The projector turns on with a screensaver of a lively winter forest and its inhabitants.

Fairy: And because you helped me, the forest dwellers and I want to thank you and give gifts that will help you develop your creative abilities.

In the process of distributing gifts to children, note each for his initiative and active participation.

Fairy: Well, now it's time for us to say goodbye. We will definitely meet with you again. Goodbye! (Children go to the group to the music).

Municipal budgetary educational institution Kindergarten No. 3 "Alyonushka"

"The Christmas tree is a prickly needle!"
Artistic and aesthetic development
for older preschool children

preparatory group
senior group

(This material will be useful for teachers of senior and preparatory groups, the summary of activities is aimed at familiarizing children with a new technique for drawing mirror-symmetrical images - monotype and how to perform it).



  • To introduce children to a new technique for drawing mirror-symmetrical images - monotype and how to perform it.
  • To improve the components of visual activity, technical and visual-expressive skills.
  • To improve the skills of depicting the objective world, conveying similarities with real objects.


  • Develop interest in unconventional techniques drawing.
  • Develop the ability to analyze an object (Christmas tree); the desire to convey in his own image a variety of forms, textures, proportional relations of the object (Christmas tree).
  • Develop emotional-aesthetic, creative, sensory and cognitive abilities.


  • Cultivate a sense of beauty, love for nature.
  • Cultivate diligence, perseverance, accuracy.
  • Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Integration of educational areas:"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical culture".

Equipment and materials: Masha's costume from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"; artificial Christmas tree, live Christmas tree, cones; drawing sheets, paints, brushes according to the number of children; sweets to treat children.

Preliminary work: examination of reproductions by Yu. Klever "Winter sunset in a spruce forest", I. Shishkin "Winter" and others; reading fairy tales about the Christmas tree: "Spruce" by G.Kh. Andersen, "New Year's fairy tale about the Christmas tree" by G. Akimov and others; application "Herringbone".


Educator: Guys, yesterday a little girl called the kindergarten. She was so excited that she couldn't explain to me what happened. I asked her to come, now we will find out what happened to this girl and what kind of help she needs. (The teacher dresses up as Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear").

Educator: Hello dear guys! Did you recognize me? (Answers of children). Yes. It's me, Masha.

caregiver: Yesterday in the forest, Mishka and I met Santa Claus and were so happy! We thought he would give us gifts. After all, the holiday is coming soon. What is it called, do you remember? (Answers of children).

Educator: So no! Santa Claus did not give us gifts. He said, here you will draw me the most important object of this holiday, then we will talk about gifts. I guessed some riddle. Listen:

She looks like a hedgehog

Like a hedgehog, she's in needles too

There are fruits on it - cones.

The girls are waiting for her, the boys,

When she is on New Year's Eve

He will come to them for the holiday.

What's this? (Answers of children).

Also an interesting lesson in fine arts:

Educator: So, it’s true, Mishka and I solved the riddle. And Santa Claus ordered us to draw a Christmas tree. Only then did he promise to give us gifts and arrange a small fireworks display. What do you think: Spruce is alive or not? Prove that the tree is alive. How does spruce breathe? Why does she need bumps? (Answers and statements of children).


Educator: You think we didn't try to draw a Christmas tree! Even as they tried. We even went to the forest to look at it. And then Mishka brought her home when we were completely cold. I left her at the door. (The teacher brings in a live Christmas tree, the children describe the Christmas tree, highlight the features of the structure, color). What can be said about her?

  • What is the structure of a spruce? Root, trunk, leaves (needles), fruits (cones).
  • What is the structure of the trunk and branches of a tree?
  • What do needles look like?

Educator: Here, here ... and we all saw it. At first, Mishka painted the Christmas tree himself. Then we tried together. When I realized that Mishka was bothering me, I set to work myself. But for some reason the animals did not like it! Then Mishka sent me to call you. By the way, what animals do you know? (Answers of children).

Educator: Well, I called! And then she came! After all, you will draw a Christmas tree, right?! We are asking you for this. Rescue us! Do not stay without gifts and fireworks on New Year's Eve! I completely forgot ... Santa Claus asked not just to draw a Christmas tree, but to use the Monotype technique. To do this, you need to draw half of the Christmas tree on the right side of the sheet, and then cover it with the left side of the sheet and press down slightly.

The image will be printed, and the Christmas tree will turn out whole. Now I will show you. Just be careful to make sure everything works out! (The teacher demonstrates the Monotype technique, comments on the sequence of work).

  1. We bend a sheet of paper in half strictly in the center to outline the middle of the picture.
  2. We unfold the folded sheet and smooth it a little so that it does not close along the fold line.
  3. On the right side of the sheet, draw half of the spruce trunk - the entire surface of the brush.
  4. We draw spruce branches - the end of the brush. We arrange them not symmetrically, so that some branches block others, as is observed in nature.
  5. We draw spruce needles - by sticking a brush. We place them not symmetrically, in different directions, as this is observed in nature.
  6. We cover the right side of the sheet, where the first half of the spruce is drawn, with the left side of the sheet. With light movements of the hand, we smooth it so that the pattern is imprinted.
  7. We unfold the sheet with gentle movements.
  8. Let the drawing dry.
  9. Draw small details with the tip of the brush.
  10. You can decorate it if you wish. New Year's toys- draw christmas balls and garlands.

Educator: Here it is - the Monotype technique. And the Russian artist Ekaterina Kruglikova came up with it in Russia. A hundred years ago, this artist was making paintings on a special machine and in a hurry dropped the "blot" on the printing board. She liked the effect of the printed "blot" and began to use it in her works. Tired, I'm something. Let's recharge!



Educator: Well, that's it guys! Time to get to work! Be diligent and careful! Good luck with your work! (Children independently draw a Christmas tree using the "Monotype" technique, the teacher directs the activities of the children, assists children who have difficulty in drawing).


caregiver: Guys, please remind me in what technique did you draw your Christmas trees today? How did you do your work? Did you like it? (Answers of children).

Educator: Thank you guys! Now Mishka and I will have a lot of gifts and a real salute! Happy New Year to you! Until we meet again, friends! (The teacher treats the children with sweets from Masha and the Bear).