Haircuts for those who grow bangs. How beautiful to stab bangs (53 photos) - different ways for every taste

The main thing in the article

How long does it take to grow bangs?

Nature is so conceived that, on average, a healthy person hair grows 1–1.5 cm per month. After making simple calculations, we get that it will take about six months to grow bangs, and for female beauty it is an unaffordable luxury. Since all this time it will be necessary to pin up or hide the bangs, and this does not always look spectacular.

But there are ways and means allow you to grow bangs up to 5 cm per month. We will talk about them below. It turns out that it is realistic to make hair longer in a short period of time and it is possible to grow bangs in 1-2 months. And here's how, let's try to figure it out.

How to quickly grow bangs at home?

So, if we set the task grow bangs fast at home , it is necessary to resort to radical methods. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Method number 1. Cosmetics

The key to success is high-quality cosmetics made from natural products.

Therefore, it is best to turn to proven well-known brands that have proven themselves well and received positive reviews. Approach the problem in a complex way and use several aids for hair growth at once:

  • shampoo;
  • conditioner;
  • masks (mousses);
  • balms.

Remember: hair should not be overloaded, so periodically replace cosmetics with traditional medicine recipes that use 100% natural ingredients.

Method #2. Folk recipes

Masks based on mustard, red pepper, onion and garlic will stimulate the hair follicle and allow hair to grow faster. These products are affordable for everyone, unlike rather expensive cosmetics. In addition, making it with your own hands, you can be sure of naturalness. Here are recipes for hair growth:

  1. Mustard mask. Turn 2 tablespoons of mustard powder with water into a creamy mass. Add 1 tbsp of castor oil to it. Mix and apply to the area of ​​the bangs, after lubricating it, not reaching the roots by 1 cm, with clean oil. This is done so as not to dry out the hairs. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and wash your hair as usual.
  2. Honey mask. Mix egg yolk and honey in equal proportions. Apply to the scalp for 20 minutes twice a week.
  3. peppercorn. Pour vodka over pepper and leave for at least 14 days. Pepper infusion is also available in pharmacies, and is quite cheap. It is mixed with castor oil 1:1 and rubbed around the bangs.
  4. Tomato rub. Grind a fresh tomato with a blender and rub the resulting mass into the bangs area. If necessary, such rubbing can be done all over the head.
  5. onion juice. Chop the onion and squeeze out the juice. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it and apply. Such a tool is considered the most effective, although the smell remains. To remove it, you can use an acidic solution (vinegar or lemon).

Method number 3. Head massage.

Since hair growth directly depends on blood circulation in peripheral vessels, stimulation of these zones becomes a necessity. The easiest way to resort to massage. It is carried out with light massaging movements daily.

How to grow a bang so that it does not interfere?

The main disadvantages of growing a bang is the fact that in the process of its growth it climbs into the eyes, hangs with uneven hairs and terribly interferes with its owner. It is at this moment that many girls throw the idea of ​​growing back and cut short bangs again. But this method is quite radical.

You can remove the bangs so that they do not interfere with the help of hairpins, hoops, headbands, invisibility, or simply braid overgrown curls.

How to grow bangs and look beautiful?

It is also worth considering how the image will change after the bangs grow. It’s great if the hairdresser advises you, he will also advise which long bangs will suit you.

Knowing what the final will be, be patient, as no one has yet managed to grow a bang in a week. Do not forget to consider your hair type when choosing cosmetic products to accelerate growth.

How to cut a bang to grow it?

The condition for stable hair growth is their periodic trimming. All professional hairdressers say this.

By cutting off the lower split ends, you enable the hair to purposefully grow, without being "distracted" by restoring breaks.

For active growth, the bangs need to be cut every two months by 0.5 cm. The hairdresser will do this or you will cut the ends yourself, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to remove the damaged part of the hair.

How can you remove, hide bangs when you grow?

Growing bangs, want to look good? Then learn how to style it properly while it grows, as hanging long strands on the face cannot make a girl attractive. Having learned how to hide the bangs correctly, you will not notice how quickly it has grown. You can start hiding bangs in original hairstyles when it reaches 7-10 cm. But how to do it beautifully, look at the photo:

How to lay the bangs that you grow: photo examples

How to wear, stab bangs when you grow?

Initially, it will save the bangs that have begun to grow invisible. With its help, the bangs can be hidden back or sideways. She will also save if, when combing, individual strands of a bang that has not yet grown out will be knocked out.

When the length of the curls reaches 10 cm, you can safely divide the bangs in the middle and put them in a common hairstyle.

Can be used as an accessory original hairpin , which will serve as an additional decoration and make the image interesting.

bezel perfectly masks the bangs and fits any type of hairstyle. Together with him, you can make both an interesting styling, and just dissolve your hair.

How to braid your bangs beautifully when you grow them out?

In addition to hoops, all kinds of hairpins and headbands, when growing, it will look original braided bangs. The fashionable trend of weaving braids is still preserved and women of fashion can take advantage of this when growing bangs.

It is worth giving preference to tight pigtails, as short hairs can fall out of lush ones.

Hairstyles for those who grow bangs: the best photo ideas

How to grow a long, oblique bang to the side?

If you are the owner of an oblique bang and decide to grow it, then the simplest solution for styling it will be, namely cascading haircut. The main "trick" of such a hairstyle is a smooth transition from less short hair to longer ones. In such a range, the bangs that have not yet grown out will be lost and will not attract attention.

If the option with a haircut is not yours, then the bangs that begin to grow should be hidden under the styling on the side. So you get rid of bangs climbing into your eyes and you will look attractive.

Bangs are a bright "highlight" of any woman's hairstyle, creating a certain mood and shaping the image. However, even she can get bored or be inappropriate in any situation. In order not to radically solve the situation every time with the help of scissors, you have to learn how to stab interfering hair.


To pacify growing bangs or temporarily hide them, it is enough to use a comb, styling and everyday accessories. It is important to mention that the styling method should be in harmony with the features of the face. For example, chubby young ladies are not recommended to place strands along their foreheads, the same applies to owners of a square face. Too high forehead will only increase if you comb the bangs up.

Most lucky girls with an oval face - any hairstyle will suit them.

With the help of invisible

Using invisibility, bangs can be easily removed in several ways. According to one of them, styling begins with hair treatment with a gel or foam, which will not allow the hair to collapse and individual hairs to crawl out of the total mass.

Then the bangs are either combed back, or simply lifted up. The most convenient way to do this is by collecting a small tail. To create a hairstyle with extra volume, you will need to additionally fix the bouffant with varnish. After that, the ends of the raised hair can be stabbed with stealth, crossed in pairs for greater fixation. If desired, the attachment point can be decorated with a decorative element.

Finished styling must be watered with varnish or fixed with a special tool.

This method is also suitable for those who want to completely free their forehead from regrown bangs. Also, this option is readily used by girls who want to visually reduce the amount of hanging hair.

In the second case, only the upper part of the hair is combed back, after which it is necessarily fixed. Loose curls can be either loose or gathered in a high tail.

The second method is suitable only for loose hair, which, however, can be either straight or curled. First of all, the hair is smeared with wax or gel. Then the bangs are divided along the parting, and each side is fixed with the help of invisibility. If the length of the bangs allows, pinning the strands is behind the ears. It is better to hide the ends of the lock under the hair. By the way, the parting can be not only straight, but also zigzag.

Finally, the bangs can be laid to the side. The formation of hairstyles begins with the traditional stage - moistened hair is smeared with foam or styling gel. A side parting is formed on the hair, and the bangs are neatly laid to the side, fixed with the tip above or below the hair. If the hairs are visible, then it is worth additionally decorating them with beautiful hairpins of any kind and shape, and in the second case, you can limit yourself to invisible ones folded crosswise or parallel. Experts recommend walking along the fixed bangs with your fingers, slightly lifting it up for more volume and a beautiful shape.

It will turn out beautifully if the bangs are divided by a straight parting into two equal parts, which can then be twisted into bundles.

The ends of the hair should be fastened on the side under the hair of the main mass with the help of invisibility.

It should be mentioned that asymmetrical hairstyles have been very popular lately.

In this case, you should comb the bangs to one side, then sprinkle with varnish, and then fix them with invisibility at the crown. This option will meet fashion requirements.

Finally, combed bangs can be twisted together with the front strands into a wide bundle, and you can use not only its upper part, but the entire length of the hair.

Using the bezel

Stylish headbands, ribbons and kerchiefs will not only create a memorable image, but also help to pacify the naughty bangs. Hair can be combed either at the crown, or on the sides, dividing with a straight parting, or simply laid to one side. The rim in all these variations serves as a reliable retainer that replaces the invisibility. If you plan to perform a romantic look, then the bangs can be curled or twisted with a flagellum, and then secured with an elegant textile ribbon. By the way, it is advisable to comb the bangs to the side, remove them by the ear, and then use the rim.

Hair can be styled, tightly pressed to the head, or it can be formed from them into a voluminous roller.

When styling bangs of great length, it is recommended to clamp only its ends. By changing the sizes and designs of headbands and ribbons, it will be possible to significantly modify the same image. In summer, you should definitely recreate one of the hairstyles with a silky scarf.

Braiding a pigtail

A pigtail will add playfulness and softness, which, in addition, will allow you to remove the bangs. For braiding, you will need a comb with fine teeth, a transparent elastic band and a fixing varnish. The combed bangs are divided into three strands, which are immediately covered with styling products, such as foam or wax.

The braid is woven from three rows, and its thickening occurs by adding side curls from the total mass of hair.

As a result, the design is either left taut or loosened slightly for casual chic.

The braid, by the way, can be woven with both upper and lower weaves. The first variety is called the French braid, and the second - the Dutch. At the French braid, the strand is tucked inward, after which it goes down, and at the Dutch braid it rises. Weaving can be done either from the very edge of the forehead, or from its middle part, experimenting with the angles at which the braid is placed. The former bangs can even be woven diagonally, and then, together with the bulk of the hair, be removed in a low ponytail.

The flagellate variation is also popular. To implement it, the bangs are combed, and then a thin strand is taken from above, which is then divided into two parts. Intertwining them with each other, it is necessary to repeat this step several times, gradually adding hairs from an unused bang to the upper part. The tip of the structure is fixed either with an invisible or a beautiful hairpin.

It is believed that the tourniquet looks much better if the rest of the hair is separated by a side parting.

Skilled craftsmen can even create a weave of several braids that go from one ear to the other and gently “absorb” the bangs.

For fastening, it is enough to use ordinary invisibility, in harmony with the color of the hair.

If you combine the bangs with the front strands, then the source material for the Greek braid is formed, weaving in three parts. The forehead, therefore, will be completely open, and the braid itself will go either along the hairline or higher.

other methods

If there is simply not enough time for a well-thought-out hairstyle, then you can simply remove the bangs back and, together with the upper strands, collect them in a high tail. Additionally, twisting the ends of the hair outward, it will be possible to make the image not only comfortable, but also stylish. To make a half-tail, you will have to connect several side strands and the bangs on the top of your head.

There is also the option of dividing the entire bang into several strands, each of which is twisted with a tourniquet and fixed in any convenient way: with a clip or rubber band.

Such flagella can be placed on the top of the head in a neat sequence or randomly, forming an unusual pattern. An evening look is ideally complemented by an accessory, which is a fishing line with rhinestones, which is attached to the hair using a special loop.

An image with hairpins decorated with flowers or bows will not only become romantic, but also perfect for girls with medium-sized bangs. For going out, it is better to use laconic accessories decorated with sparkling stones. For example, you can comb the bangs to the side, secure it with a hairpin, and remove the end of the hair behind the ear. The hairpin is also indispensable when attaching a torn bang up.

In this case, the invisibility will always remain in sight, which means that they will additionally have to be hidden.

Owners of oval faces can afford a very unusual styling. The bangs in this situation are divided into two parts with the help of an even parting and fixed with clamps.

If the strands are short, then it is enough to use invisibility, but long options can be twisted into bundles, removed by the ears or transformed into braids.

Finally, you can tame unruly hair even without any additional tools - quite strong styling products. For example, it can be a voluminous bouffant, a bold mohawk, or a fantasy shape fixed with wax.

How to remove bangs? This question is relevant for girls who once made their choice in favor of hairstyles decorated with strands of hair that partially or completely cover the forehead.

In contact with

In some cases, this choice can be defined:

  • the presence of any forehead defects;
  • emotional outburst or desire to renew your appearance;
  • fashion trends;
  • the influence of youth subcultures (for example, a torn bang that completely covers one eye is an indispensable element of a hairstyle in the emo subculture);
  • an oppressed emotional state and a desire to isolate oneself from the outside world (a bang-screen covering most of the face).

Someone is completely satisfied with this choice, and they remain adherents of this type of hairstyle for life, but for someone, a rapidly growing bang begins to become a problem and a source of serious irritation. They can be understood, because regrown hair often spoils the appearance of the hairstyle and constantly climbs into the eyes.

As a consolation for irritated beauties, we can safely say that the problem has many enough simple solutions that do not require a trip to the hairdresser.

Classification of bangs

Hairstyles with bangs appeared simultaneously with the invention of scissors and with the advent of hairdressing and have undergone many changes over the centuries. What are bangs?

  • Different length subdivides them into short, medium and long.
  • Depending on the volume - thick (dense) and thinned (liquid).
  • The type of styling divides them into natural or curled, raised or lowered.

The largest number of species is determined by the shape of the bangs. In form they are:

  1. straight;
  2. lateral (or beveled);
  3. milled ("torn");
  4. simple;
  5. curly;
  6. triangular ("Egyptian" or classical);
  7. single-tier;
  8. multi-tiered;
  9. symmetrical;
  10. asymmetrical.

Having dealt with the variety of bangs, let's move on to ways to deal with the problems associated with quickly regrown or too short strands of hair on the forehead.

Accessories for "taming" bangs

Every girl who wants to frequently change her daily look should have the following hair styling accessories:

What to do with short bangs?

How to remove a bang if it is short?

On the shelves of stores selling hair accessories, you can find very beautiful headbands decorated with stones, natural fur, artificial flowers and bright feathers. The headbands allow you to either completely smooth the boring bangs, or create a kind of tuft out of it by moving the accessory along with the strands captured by it towards the very base of the forehead.

How to deal with long straight bangs?

Overgrown straight strands are much easier to style than the hair that makes up “torn” short bangs.

How to remove bangs if it is long?

  • Can comb overgrown hair on the side, having previously prepared them for such styling. After washing the hair thoroughly, they are rinsed with conditioner to make the curls more manageable. Having made a side parting and combing the overgrown strands, they are dried with a hair dryer in the right direction. After drying, the bangs are additionally fixed with invisibility.

A proven method of laying overgrown curls is winding curls. The whole mass of hair is curled using a curling iron or curlers (the bangs are wound in the “away from you” direction). After that, they make a chaotic styling, stabbing a part long hair and thereby draw attention to them.

  • Can be set up "retro wave" perfect for long hair.
  1. After washing the head, the hair of the bangs is smoothly combed to the side and a small amount of high fixation gel is applied to them.
  2. Armed with three stealths, one of them is fixed a centimeter from the forehead.
  3. Twice retreating to the same distance, alternately strengthen the remaining hairpins.
  4. Gently shifting and slightly lifting the hair under the invisibility, with the help of the fingers they create some semblance of a wave.
  5. After that, the whole mass of hair is thoroughly dried with a hairdryer.

How to make a cold wave (retrostyle) on a bang - video:

7 ways to remove long bangs - video with a master class:

Braided hairstyles

Such hairstyles are always relevant and never cease to be fashionable. With their help, you can easily get rid of the annoying bangs, since weaving is able to absorb the shortest strands. Here are a few options to remove long bangs from the face.

Variations of French and Dutch weaving

You can get rid of strands that fall into your eyes by weaving all kinds of braids: spikelets, Dutch and French.

Recently, our fashionistas have learned about the existence of a boho braid. Its difference from French weaving is that it runs along the very edge of the hair, playing the role of a fringing.

  • How to braid boho braid from strands of bangs?
  1. After carefully combing the hair, a wide strand is separated, formed from bangs and hairs located just above it.
  2. Having singled out, it is immediately divided into three parts. The last part will consist entirely of hairs taken from the bangs, the middle one will combine the strands of the bangs and the zone bordering it, the last part will include only long strands.
  3. After that, they begin to weave a boho braid. Small tufts of hair are alternately added to the middle (composite) strand, either on the right or on the left side. After completing the edging, the finished pigtail is fixed with an elastic band and made it part of the overall hairstyle.

How to braid a boho braid from bangs - video:

Have you been wearing short bangs for a long time, but still do not know how to successfully hide them? You want to try a new haircut, but you are afraid that you will have to wait a long time until the hair grows back. What if you want a hairstyle without bangs? How to be? It's time to learn how to beautifully remove short bangs in different ways! You won't have to work long, because everything is really quite simple. The main thing is to consider several relevant options using specific examples, study photographs, remember simple tips. With good recommendations, you can easily solve the problem of disguising your bangs. Of course, when you master different methods of working with hair, you will be able to calmly make a new haircut. After all, you will no longer have to worry that such a model will somehow limit your capabilities! Today you will appear with a hairstyle with a short bang, and tomorrow you will surprise everyone with a new model without any problems, as if your bangs were not cut off!

We remove short bangs beautifully

If you still have not decided to cut off a short bang due to the fact that then you have to wait a long time until it grows back, it's time for you to read our tips. You will not narrow down your possibilities at all by cutting off a short bang! It can be removed in many different ways. Some of them are more complex, and some are quite simple. In any case, you need to know how to remove short bangs quickly, without problems.

We briefly list the main methods.

  • The bangs are removed with the help of diadems and headbands. It is enough to comb your hair up and fasten the accessory so that it “disappears”.
  • Laces help a lot. If you tie your hair with your forehead, it will not be difficult to hide the bangs.
  • A common option is the folding of the flagellum. You can begin to turn his hair to hair from one temple to another, and fix the end of the flagellum with an invisible hairpin, decorating the whole composition with a beautiful hairpin on the outside.
  • You can weave a "spikelet". This will require patience, precision movements. In addition, only bangs of a certain length can be removed into the spikelet, and if it is excessively short, the pigtail will crumble.
  • A good solution is to tie a scarf around your head, making something like a wide rim out of it. hide with him short hair ahead you can elementary, spending just a few seconds on it.
  • An interesting option is to curl a short bang a little, process it with mousse and put it on one side, and then fix everything with varnish.

Let's take a closer look at the most interesting, simple ways.

  1. You can successfully use the tape. For example, if the hair is dark, like the girl in the photo, a silver braid with glitter would be an excellent option. Blondes and redheads are ideal for golden braid. The hair needs to be combed, while trying to “comb” the bangs into the total mass of curls. A good solution is to treat the strands a little with hair gel. To facilitate the task, the hair is divided into parting. Then the braid is fixed, which should fix the short bangs well. All is ready! This hairstyle looks very impressive, however, the hair here is loose and this option is not suitable for the office.
  2. Do you want a spectacular hairstyle? There is a great model! And no one will even guess that you have a short bang cut off. All hair is combed up, and fixed directly above the forehead. Please note that in this case it is advisable to use gel and hairspray, and the main hairpin should be strong enough and reliable. This hairstyle will be a great option for a celebration, party, social reception. You can choose a more catchy hairpin to emphasize the style, make the image memorable, feminine.
  3. For lovers of extravagant models, outrageous hairstyles, there is also an option. Here we will talk about a short haircut with torn strands. The woman decided to remove the bangs, but she does not mask them in the mass of hair and does not lubricate them with gel so that the strands do not stand out from the rest. On the contrary, the bangs here become the central element of the hairstyle. Only it turns into a spectacular exquisite spikelet. It is not easy to weave such a pigtail from a short bang, but the task is somewhat simplified by the fact that the spikelet does not have to be neat, have a perfect shape. The hairstyle as a whole is characterized by asymmetry, the strands are torn, this is emphasized by styling.
  4. Some girls really want to decorate their heads with a spikelet, making something like a diadem out of their hair. However, their bangs are so short that it is impossible to weave a pigtail out of them. Another problem that most women face is lack of time. Still, to neatly braid the spikelet, you need to work hard. But there is another solution, a very rational one. You just need to pick up a braid or headband in the form of a pigtail of hair. The main thing is that the shade harmonizes as best as possible with the color of the hair. Do you already have such a bezel in your hands? So, it remains only to comb the hair up and secure it with an accessory. Everything is done in an instant!
  5. The hairstyle looks original, in which a short bang becomes the main detail, but it already ceases to be a bang as such. You need to use hair gel, varnish, tongs. The bangs are curled and removed to one side. It should be a perky curl, which should be fixed with a gel, hairspray. Of course, such a hairstyle will not leave anyone indifferent. She instantly grabs attention. The look becomes feminine and gentle, acquires unique notes of softness and restrained sexuality.
  6. Headbands and handkerchiefs remain key accessories when it comes to trimming bangs. Even the shortest locks will not be difficult to hide under a scarf, tying it instead of a wide rim. It is worth choosing scarves carefully, taking into account the shades, pattern and texture of the material. Headbands must also be chosen carefully. They can be wide and thin, catchy and classic. With a headband on your head, you can go to a business meeting, to the office. The main thing is to choose the right model. Hairstyles with such accessories always look very impressive.

Look for your options, try to make different hairstyles! Bangs will definitely not hurt you!

It is impossible to find a girl who has not cut her bangs at least once! It seems that just about, after leaving the hairdresser you will be a kind of Xena, the Warrior Princess, but the result often turns out to be not so cool at all and long months of growing begin ... Everything is about how to grow a bang so that it does not interfere, how to hide it competently and about creative styling.

Not a step back, or How to quickly grow bangs

Get ready to attack on all fronts! Here is your plan:

  • First: lean on vitamin benefits. It is well known that hair grows from bulbs that receive their nutrition from within the body. The more onions receive useful, the more actively each hair grows. Eat more protein, on which the strength and elasticity of hair depend. And in oily fish there is a breakthrough of Omega-3 fatty acids, very useful for your curls. Also lean on carrots, liver, cabbage, citrus fruits. The diet should be dominated by copper, calcium and zinc. An option for the lazy is a special vitamin complex to strengthen hair.
  • Second: protect from damage. Hot drying, straightening, curling make the strands dry and brittle. Use them only as a last resort and only with thermal protection. Also refrain from staining for a while, remove the metal comb and do not get carried away with mousses and foams. Let the bangs grow calmly, not knowing metal and chemistry ...
  • Moisturize . Conditioners, masks with proteins, keratin and provitamins will not allow the ends to break and protect them from an aggressive external environment (for example, wind, frost).
    Use stimulants. Don't worry, it's not about doping. You are not an Olympic champion, you do not need it. We are talking about banal growth stimulants that are sold in pharmacies. The same nicotinic acid costs mere pennies, but it accelerates blood circulation so much that hair grows much faster. And you can still buy professional growth activators.
  • Trim the ends. No need to cut frantic centimeters, no! In such a delicate matter, the countdown goes to millimeters. The ends will inevitably break as you grow your bangs, pin them up, braid them, and so on. Therefore, ask the master to cut off only the split ends.

And the most obvious advice is, oddly enough, to be patient. It is difficult for many to take themselves into a tight rein and not run to a beauty salon to get a haircut. After all, at first the hair will climb into the eyes, and they will look, to put it mildly, not very presentable. Therefore, in order to feel attractive during the period of image change, read the recommendations on how to remove bangs when you grow them, and look at photo examples.

Finito problem! Proven ways to style bangs

If you get a little confused, then growing a bang will not cause you any inconvenience, but will be a great impetus to experiment with your own image! Here are the most beautiful and creative ways.


When the bangs are just starting to grow and obsessively climb into the face, it is easiest to tame it with invisible people. Moreover, in the box of every girl they lie from time immemorial and are waiting in the wings. Invisibles can lay the bangs to the side or back. If the “fluff” is knocked out, then wax your hair and they will lie down as you like. Try to beautifully stab the bangs so that they do not interfere, and hide the invisibility under long strands.


More festive way- original pins. Here is where to turn around! With pebbles, pearls, bows - they are all lovely. Just apply a little fixative and style your hair to the side or up, fastening it with a bobby pin.


The master of disguise is, of course, the bezel. If you take an accessory with small frequent teeth, then it will most reliably remove the bangs back, open your face and give you a cuteness that you never dreamed of! Don't believe? Look at the photo!

The headband will decorate any hairstyle when you grow bangs. It is magnificent both on loose curls and on those laid in an ingenious design.

And again: if the hairs are knocked out from under the rim (and this is likely to happen when short bangs), rub a little wax in your fingers and smooth them.


Weaving is now at the peak of popularity, and growing bangs can be woven into a tight pigtail. Not only is it very practical, but also stylish! A cute pigtail with bangs and with loose or collected hair was worn by many celebrities on the red carpet.

Try to weave tighter, because hairs can get out of the lush braid.


About how to lay the bangs that you grow will be your first thoughts. The rule here is simple - laying on one side so that the bangs do not get into the eyes and do not interfere with the view.

The process itself is simple: you need to apply a little fixative and dry it with a hair dryer in the right direction. If you have a straight parting, then divide the bangs in two and dry, twisting the tips. When the parting is oblique, you can beautifully lay the bangs in the direction where part of the hair is larger so that there is no asymmetry.

For a special occasion, it can be twisted with a curling iron or ironing.

New haircut

If desired, you can change the image a little. For example, layered haircuts, such as a cascade or Italian, just mean changes in the length of the hair from the bangs. Make a new haircut, and then the difference between the length of the growing bangs and the rest of the strands will be completely invisible!

Is a bang worth the candle?

Of course, if she suits a girl, bangs can perform a lot of useful functions.

  • If you have a very high forehead or pimples on your forehead are not at all pleasing, you can hide your flaws under a stylish bang.
  • A straight and even cut will visually lengthen a round face.
  • If bald patches appear on the temples (and women also suffer from this, alas, ah), then a thick bang will hide them.
  • The look from under the bangs will be downright magically sensual! Remember the incomparable Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra with bangs.
  • And finally, bangs are the easiest way to try on different looks without cardinal and irreparable hair loss. After all, it can be made straight, and beveled, and torn, and milled. Choose I don't!

But, of course, not all the cat Maslenitsa ... Many decide to get rid of the bangs, not only because she is tired, but also because of her shortcomings. It:

  • Frequent visits to the hairdresser. To keep the bangs in an attractive condition, you will have to cut them often. Especially if a straight cut is your choice. Spoil your haircut schedule for a week - and lo and behold, she climbs into the eyes, does not fit and generally infuriates.
  • Laying is her middle name. You can’t oversleep for school or work, collect your hair in a bun and rush to your destination. The bangs after sleep will at least look untidy, and the maximum will stick out in front of you, like a bowsprit on a ship. That is why it needs to be laid every day at least with a hairdryer. By the way, often carefully arranged bangs under the hat take unimaginable forms and, having removed the headdress, you can hear laughter at yourself.

Here is the whole story of bangs without cuts. Having decided to grow, do not wait for a super-recipe that will allow you to grow 10 centimeters in a week. It's physically impossible. But to grow a bang at least to the chin in a couple of months is quite realistic.

Now you know how to grow bangs so that they do not interfere and at the same time look very organic with your style and attitude. Hairstyle plays a significant role in the whole female appearance and growing bangs will become an incentive to diversify your image! The proposed styling options are suitable for both a business woman and a punk rocker. The main thing is to take good care of your hair and you will be the most beautiful!