Economic and environmental assessment of the product being developed. The choice of manufacturing technology of the product


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  • Introduction

    1.1. Relevance. Substantiation of the problem and formulation of the project topic

    1.2. Goals and task

    1.3. Identification of key parameters and limitations

    1.4. Economic evaluation of the future product

    1.5. Environmental assessment of the future product

    Main part of the project

    2.1. Study of the design object

    2.2. Prototype Analysis

    2.3. Choosing the best option

    2.4. Workplace organization

    2.5. Selection of materials

    2.6. Manufacturing technology

    2.7. Instructional - technological map

    2.8. Description of the finished product

    2.9. Product environmental assessment

    2.10. Economic evaluation of the product

    2.11. Aesthetic evaluation of the product

    Introspection. Conclusion.


    Relevance. Substantiation of the problem and formulation of the project topic

    My dad's birthday is coming soon. On holidays it is necessary to give gifts. But what to give my dad? I really like to give handmade gifts, because you can put some meaning into your work, as well as such gifts are much more valuable.

    Sewing is one of the most widespread types of folk art.

    The natural human need for beauty, the desire for creativity turned sewing into a real art, which has not lost its significance to this day.

    Nowadays, sewing has become widespread. Why are more and more people devoting their leisure time to this occupation? Maybe because this is one of the ways of self-expression, since you can sew exactly what suits and pleases you, as well as be the sole owner of this or that thing.

    Sewing attracts me with its opportunities for the manifestation of creative imagination, a rich choice of colors.

    For many, the passion for sewing is not only an opportunity to create something new, to express oneself, but often with modern types of life and nervous stress, and the need for carefree rest, which is facilitated by a uniform sewing rhythm; the desire to receive joy and aesthetic pleasure, both from work and from the result.

    The topic chosen for this project is “Sewing a male butterfly”

    Goal and tasks

    The purpose of the work: to prove that it is possible to make a beautiful thing with your own hands, to form the skills of creative activity, to develop an aesthetic taste.

    Achieving this goal is possible by solving the following tasks:

    1. Analyze needlework magazines, Internet resources

    2. Study information about sewing techniques, tools, fixtures, materials

    3. Choose an option and develop a technology for its manufacture

    4. Conduct an economic calculation

    Identification of the main parameters and limitations.

    1. Butterfly must be beautiful

    2. The size must match the selected sample

    3. The butterfly must have a low cost and be of high quality

    Economic evaluation of the future product

    Total: 45 rubles

    Preliminary environmental assessment

    Sewing using satin fabric is an environmentally friendly production, because it is practically waste-free, no harmful substances are emitted, the atmosphere is not polluted, and there is no danger to human health.

    2. The main part of the project.
    2.1. Study of the design object

    No matter how surprising it sounds, but the history of male butterflies is already about 400 years old, and it all began during the Prussian wars of the 17th century. Croatian mercenaries tied a scarf around their necks to secure the open collars of their shirts. The French aristocrats drew attention to a pretty and useful detail of the toilet and began to call it “croat” (from the French “croat”, which means “Croat”). At first, such a tie began to be worn in the upper class of the country, and in the 18th-19th centuries it became the leader of fashion and spread throughout the world. When exactly the name "butterfly" originated is unknown, but it is mentioned in Italy as early as 1804. Meanwhile, it is generally accepted that the name of the tie was given by the same French, who dubbed it “a la papillon.” orchestral musicians wore just such a tie. Since then, it has firmly become fashionable, it has become customary to wear a plain bow tie with an evening dress - a tuxedo or a tailcoat, and a colored bow tie with a business card (a suit with cone-shaped floors rounded at the back). By the way, women also wore a bow tie. The popularity of the accessory peaked in the 1930s, when the unforgettable Marlene Dietrich appeared in such a tie in the movie Morocco. Toward the end of the 20th century, a dress code was formed that implied some rules. So, if in the invitation the form of the toilet was designated as ″Black tie″, then the guest was expected in a tuxedo, a black vest, a white shirt with a black bow tie. There was also a less official version of ″White tie″ - a tailcoat with a vest, a white shirt and a bow tie. Over the last century history of male butterflies had little effect on their appearance and wearing rules. Today, the following types of these ties are considered classics:

    classic bow;

    butterfly with curly ends;

    · "wing of a bat" with rectangular ends.

    There are also several simple rules how to wear this accessory. In width, it should not visually go beyond the edges of the collar (or eyes). This is fairly easy to follow, many butterflies have a length margin that can be adjusted. Another important rule is that the color should be combined with the overall range of the toilet. However, before purchasing a butterfly, it would be nice to measure it and make sure that the accessory will fit both in length and in color. For my long history, male butterfly managed to become a popular and recognizable symbol, which was facilitated by some global brands. The most striking example is the Playboy magazine logo, the most famous rabbit in a bow tie. Interesting fact: The magazine sells a license to use its logo. In 2002 alone, Playboy received $13.2 million from selling its logo, and third-party companies made $350 million with it, mostly from chains and women's t-shirts.

    Sinitsin Denis

    The most important place in the world for everyone is his home. As the English proverb says, "There's No Place Like Home" - there is no place like home. We love to return to our home, we feel safe there. And, of course, we want to make our home cozy, warm and beautiful. The desire to transform your typical housing into a real home has always existed in a person.



    Municipal educational institution

    Uvel secondary school №1



    Completed by: Chinkov Dinis

    MOU Uvelskaya secondary school No. 1

    Grade 9


    Kulkin Alexey Nikolaevich

    Technology teacher 2 categories

    settlement Uvelsky-2011

    No. p / p


    From the history

    Rationale for the choice of model


    Rationale for the choice of material

    Rationale for the choice of manufacturing technology

    Ecological - economic assessment of the future product

    Environmental and economic evaluation of the finished product




    The most important place in the world for everyone is his home. As the English proverb says, "There's No Place Like Home" - there is no place like home. We love to return to our home, we feel safe there. And, of course, we want to make our home cozy, warm and beautiful. The desire to transform your typical housing into a real home has always existed in a person.

    I would really like my grandmother's room to be decorated with items made by me. Such products have always been highly valued, especially in our time, when technology and artificial technologies have almost completely replaced manual labor. Therefore, I consider it very important for me to adopt the experience of many generations and learn how to make products using various techniques.

    I believe that every home should have a box, not only for storing valuables and jewelry, but also for creating the beauty of the interior. Caskets create additional comfort in your home. Therefore, I consider my topic of the project to be relevant today. Handmade products allow you to express your individuality through the selection of textures and colors of materials, as well as product design.

    Purpose: to design and manufacture a box.


    1. Learn about the history of the box.
    2. Make a work plan.
    3. Identify the main criteria for choosing a model.
    4. Analyze selected models.
    5. Analyze the choice of material, equipment and tools, manufacturing technology.
    6. Run a sketch.
    7. Perform an economic-environmental assessment of the model.
    8. Think over the manufacturing technology of the product.
    9. Develop advertising.

    Practical significance:The box made by me will transform and decorate the interior of my grandmother's room, being a decorative ornament, it will find application in everyday life.

    Novelty: the special use of materials in a product that gives it sophistication and appeal.

    Justification of the problem

    Caskets can be designed for a variety of purposes: it can be used to store jewelry, as an interior decoration. My grandmother. She loves these items. And I really want to make a box that would decorate not only the interior, but also create favorable comfort.

    Thinking scheme

    labor safety rules


    manufacturing technology

    from the history

    design and modeling


    model options

    environmental rationale

    tools and equipment


    economic justification

    From the history

    Casket - a small box for small, usually valuable things. Caskets are made of wood, metal, plastic, ornamental and valuable materials - bone, stone. To give a beautiful look, they are often covered with leather, expensive fabric, encrusted with precious stones, covered with carvings, embossing. Boxes are used for storage a large number small items, mostly jewelry.

    Caskets have been known since ancient times. Before the industrial revolution, any box was a piece and, therefore, a very expensive item. Because of this, the caskets were in demand mainly among rich people and were used to store valuable items. A custom-made box, covered with precious stones, lined with silk on the inside, could cost more than the jewels that were stored in it. In order to protect the contents from prying eyes or from theft, the boxes were equipped with locks and secrets. Secret compartments, double and triple bottoms, special locks that work only after a complex sequence of actions with the box - this is a short list of tricks that the craftsmen used in the manufacture of these items. With the start of mass production, boxes from an expensive item turn into a decorative container for storing small items.

    Rationale for the choice of model

    Before proceeding to the analysis of models of boxes, it is necessary to consider the requirements (criteria) for the product.

    Fig 1. Requirements for the product

    Before starting work, I looked through many books and electronic sources, thinking about the shape and design of the box.

    Therefore, I need to decide on the choice of a box that would be original and beautiful, incredibly attracting attention.

    I liked the following models of caskets:

    Model 1 model 2

    Model 3

    Table 1

    Model selection analysis

    No. p / p

    Product Requirements

    Model 1

    Model 2

    Model 3



    ease of manufacture

    having the necessary knowledge and skills

    material availability

    availability of necessary tools and equipment

    environmental friendliness


    Thus, I made my choice.


    Rationale for the choice of material

    Having decided on the type of box, I began to choose the material for its manufacture (Fig. 1.2).

    Main material for the box




    Rice. 1 Main material for the box

    I stopped my choice on the main material - wood.

    Wood is the oldest natural material, which has unique properties for any construction. This is both strength, and plasticity, and insulating properties and the natural "treatment" of wood with moisture.

    Pine is the most common coniferous tree. Pine wood sticks well. Furniture is made from it (for this, natural wood with a beautiful, pronounced texture is selected), frames of carpentry structures and structures for facing with sliced ​​veneer of valuable species. Pine is widely used for the manufacture of doors, windows, flooring, etc. Wood is well processed with dyes and varnishes after deresining. Pine is also used for mosaics and carvings.

    And as a decorative design, I will choose a stain for the lid of the product, and the bottom of the box.

    For processing the product, connecting parts, I will use: a transparent varnish to express the texture of wood, stain, PVA glue, wood glue.

    Rationale for the choice of manufacturing technology of the product

    I know more than one technique for making products in which you can make a box. Which one to choose? (Fig. 3)

    Types of wood processing





    Rice. 3 Types of wood processing

    To make the side walls of the box, I chose the technological operation - turning on a milling machine.

    For the base and cover, legs - sawing with a jigsaw. For rounding planer lids, sandpaper

    We cut the side walls at an angle of 45 degrees using a miter box

    Selection of equipment, tools and fixtures

    To make the box, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

    1. Milling machine, cutters
    2. jigsaw
    3. miter box
    4. Nails
    5. A hammer
    6. wood stain
    7. Sandpaper
    8. Ruler, pencil
    9. Brush
    10. Workbench
    11. Files
    12. Wood saw
    13. round nose pliers

    Labor safety rules when performing work

    1. Put on your uniform and put it in order.
    2. To be attentive.
    3. Work only on working equipment.
    4. Clamp workpieces securely.
    5. When cutting with a jigsaw, use a saw table.
    6. Remove dust, shavings, sawdust with a sweeping brush
    7. Work in a well ventilated area
    8. When working with electrical appliances, follow the rules of electrical safety:
    1. do not work with wet hands;
    2. do not touch live parts

    Ecological and economic assessment of the future product

    Compared with metal and plastic, wood products have a number of advantages: they are considered not harmful to health, because they are made of environmentally friendly material and do not cause any harm to both humans and the environment.

    Lacquer and adhesive works are considered the most harmful to health. But I will do this work in a well-ventilated area and give it to my grandmother for use when the smell of varnish and paint, glue disappears.

    The manufacturing technology, subject to safety precautions and sanitary and hygienic standards, is safe.

    Let's determine the cost of the product. All details of the box are made of residual materials. Material resources will be spent on PVA glue, colorless wood varnish, wood stain, carpentry glue. In total, 200 rubles will be spent on the manufacture of the box.

    Technological sequence of manufacturing the box

    technical drawing


    Part name

    No. p / p



    Graphic image

    Tools and fixtures

    Side parts (walls)

    Select a workpiece, taking into account the machining allowance



    Process the workpiece on a milling machine



    milling machine

    Cut the workpiece into four pieces at an angle of 45 degrees, taking into account the processing allowance

    wood saw



    miter box

    Detail cleaning




    Casket cover



    Mark the workpiece, taking into account the allowance for processing.



    Process according to size




    wood saw

    Process according to size




    wood saw

    Stripping details



    Bonding parts



    Base for the box



    Mark the workpiece in length and width.



    Process according to size

    wood saw

    Stripping details



    Assembling the box

    Glue all sides (walls)

    glue brush

    Glue the walls to the base and pierce with nails


    glue hammer nails

    Glue the legs

    glue brush

    Prepare products for varnishing and staining

    varnish stain brush

    The final version of the product

    I have a wonderful box. Grandmother was delighted to see my surprise, and my parents became even more proud of their son.

    An interesting combination of the shape and texture of wood gives the box originality and attractiveness.

    Economic and environmental assessment of the finished product

    Making the box is an environmentally friendly production:

    1. no emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, soil, water bodies;
    2. when working with PVA glue, no harmful substances are emitted for the human body, since the glue is water-based;
    3. when working in varnish, wood stain, carpenter's glue, I worked in a well-ventilated room, with long breaks. Therefore, the execution of the box did not harm my health.

    When determining the price of my box, I added up the cost of materials. I did not add up the cost of electricity, as I worked in a school workshop.



    Cost for 1


    Consumption of materials



    PVA glue

    Wood glue

    Varnish on wood

    wood stain




    Thus, I spent 88.5 rubles on the manufacture of the box, which is much cheaper than the cost of boxes in retail outlets.


    So, the product is ready. It's time to draw conclusions whether I have achieved the expected result. I made the product that I originally planned with my own hands. Using the knowledge and skills gained in the technology lessons, I made a box.

    After doing the calculations, I realized how profitable it is to create on my own. The main thing is to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. The main thing is that neither a simple nor a complex thing can be done without love for one's work, without a creative approach to business. And creativity begins with the desire to do something with your own hands. To do is to create. Creation, creation is a way out of the ordinary course of life, climbing a step higher, discovering new opportunities in oneself. Those who embark on the path of creativity move to the heights of art. Maybe not everyone is destined to reach its heights, but the creative process elevates and improves a person.



    Done by a 7th grade student

    Dreval Anastasia

    Ruk. Project:


    S. Quay

    year 2014

    Table of contents

    I . Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. 3-6

      Heads of the main body

    1. Search Chapter………………………………………………………………… 7-8

    2. Product manufacturing technology………………………………… 9-12

    3. Economic part …………………………………………………... 13

    4. Environmental assessment of the product…………………………............. 14

    5. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..15

    III . Bibliographic list of used literature…..16

    IY .Appendix…………………………………………………………………………..17

    I .Introduction

    Beadwork sounded again and became relevant. Today, the traditions of beaded craftswomen are being revived and developed again. Modern fashion designers use beads, bugles, beads for both clothing and accessories. Miniature beadwork, embody beauty of the world around us, convey the perfection and charm of nature. In my project, I will introduce you to my work on making a miniature tree from beads.

    In carrying out my project, I set goals and objectives for myself.

    Project goals:

    Realize and convey to the masses that the era of beads and beadwork has not gone irrevocably into the past, that the time will come when this craft will be reborn again in all its splendor;

    to interest classmates in the art of beading; teach them to make simple beadwork;

    - to form the ability to navigate in the information space, to develop an aesthetic taste.


      To master the technical techniques in the process of creating a decorative product, allowing the most complete expression of the idea of ​​the work.

      Try to combine individual elements into one artistic whole, uniform in form.

      Learn to apply the technology of making a bead product, which allows you to use the effect of optical spatial displacement, that is, to obtain a range of shades

      Show yourself as a creative person.


    A bit of history.

    Making jewelry from beads is a very ancient art. It originated before the adoption of Christianity in IV in. BC e. The first mention of beads was recorded in ancient Egyptian monuments. It was here, in ancient Egypt, that the first attempts were made to manufacture products from opaque glass. At that time, the beads looked like large matte beads, similar to pearls. They were called that - fake pearls in Arabic busra or buser. Ancient Egypt is considered the birthplace of beads (Fig. 1). At first, beads were made from bones, stones, seeds, shells. Then came metal, ceramic, glass and finally plastic beads.

    Fig.1 2

    In ancient Egypt, clothes were made from beaded mesh. Almost 6,000 years ago, glassmaking arose and glass beads of various shapes and sizes appeared. At first it was opaque, and then they learned to make it transparent. It was made as follows: a thin layer of molten glass was wound on a metal rod, waited for it to harden, then cut and processed by hand. Thanks to the improvement of manufacturing technology, over time, the beads became smaller and smaller.

    When the Romans conquered Egypt, they not only adopted the secrets of making glass from the Egyptians, but also mastered the art of beading, which was new to them. The apogee of the production and use of beads falls on X century when the famous Byzantine masters worked.


    The technique and features of creating glass beads were hidden in every possible way. To those who dared to pass on the secret of production

    beads, threatened death. Venice - beaded center production. For many years, the only producers of quality beads were the Venetians. .

    Peter I paid great attention to the development of glassmaking in Russia. He abolished duties on glass products, attracted foreign glassmakers to train Russian masters, sent Russian children abroad to study glassmaking and, in particular, the art of making beads. By his order, in 1705, a mirror glass factory was built on the Sparrow Hills near Moscow.

    For several centuries, beads were imported to Russia from Venice and Germany (Fig. 2). Imported, very elegant beads, were highly valued, along with precious stones, gold. With the development of beaded needlework, the demand for beads increased.

    Lomonosov managed to organize bead production in Russia. The great scientist asked for permission to build a factory, he wrote that beads “are still not made in Russia, but they bring a great many from over the sea at the cost of many thousands.” Not only with the help of figures and facts, Lomonosov tried to convince the authorities of the need to develop glass production in Russia. He even wrote a poetic Letter on the Benefits of Glass. Only in 1752, M.V. Lomonosov received permission to build a factory for the production of beads. Beads and glass beads were produced according to the original recipes of the great Russian scientist.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, a real bead boom happened in Russia. In the villages, costumes were always decorated with beads. For long evenings, peasant women weaved, knitted, beaded belts, hats, collars, sundresses, made beads and necklaces. In cities, even in Moscow, in every house they wove and embroidered with beads, decorated houses with works of beads, gave each other gifts for name days and holidays. Needlework even royalty did. They also decorated headdresses, church utensils, often of high quality. Products of Russian craftsmen were successfully demonstrated at exhibitions in France, England, America and were in great demand. Women who excelled in this art participated in domestic and foreign exhibitions and received awards.


    Beaded products can tell about how people lived in ancient times, what were their tastes and habits.

    The art of beading is very popular among the peoples of the Far North. Here, beads appeared with the advent of merchants - fur buyers. The local population mainly decorates outerwear with bead embroidery, weaves beaded jewelry - belts, bracelets, purses.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the way of life changed dramatically, beaded needlework lost its popularity. Now in Russia, after a long break, work with beads has resumed again, and these are not only youth baubles. Modern beaded jewelry perfectly matches and complements the clothes. Today, this half-forgotten art has found a new life. The love for beaded jewelry and the ability to create them have been preserved among many peoples to this day. Again, dresses, jeans, handbags, wallets are embroidered with beads and glass beads, and beadwork will decorate any girl.


    II Heads of the main body


    What things - a feast for the eyes! From them comes a miracle - light.

    No wonder beading has been so popular for hundreds of years.

    Beads were valued among the people, they adorned the outfit and everyday life.

    Tastes, style and fashion have changed, but beads are still not forgotten.

    It can embroidery become smooth, flower beautiful and tourniquet.

    And it remains a mystery - magical, fabulous, moreover ...

    Toropchina Z.M. "Ode to beads"

    During the project, a lot of literature on needlework was read.

    When searching for ideas, I settled on three ideas that I liked

      Knitting napkins "Charm"

      Weaving from beads of a tree "Sakura"

    3. Cross-stitch of the picture "Eagle"

    I settled on a tree, as there are beads of different colors in the product, and it will be in harmony in my room with all objects.

    I chose the tree bead theme for my project because I have been into beading for 3 years now. I became interested in the history of this needlework. I love to work with beads, make crafts with my own hands, give them, decorate the house with them.

    The relevance of this project lies in the fact that gifts made by hand are currently losing their significance.


    Many do not know how to make them or prefer to buy ready-made

    product. But financial opportunities do not always allow this. And beaded products are always fashionable and relevant.


    2 . Manufacturing technology


      Beads (pink - 45 g, white - 20 g, green - 20 g)

      Copper wire

      steel wire

      Floral tape - 1 meter

      Gypsum powder -100 g

      PVA glue

      Acrylic paint (brown)

      iron cover




    Rules for working with beads.

    Before starting work, I properly organized my workplace so that everything was at hand. It is necessary to remember safety precautions when working with scissors and a needle.

    Working with small beads is tiring for the eyes, so the workplace should be well lit. Light on the workplace should fall on the left. It is best to work in daylight by the window, and in the evening, equip with local lighting. The eyes should be regularly allowed to rest for about 10-15 minutes after every hour of work with beads.

    To prevent visual impairment, it is necessary to perform a set of gymnastic exercises for the eyes, and vision will not only not worsen, but, possibly, will become better (appendix).

    For beads, I made a box - a chest of drawers from empty matchboxes, it is convenient to carry it for work at home and at school. While working, I sprinkled the beads in small portions, and so that the beads did not roll, I made napkins from a plain fabric with a rough surface.



    1. Take a piece of wire, twist one end to hold the beads. We string beads, we get low

    2. Separate 5-7 beads, leaving 5-10 cm from the end of the wire, and make a ring out of them - a small leaf, twisting the wire at its base two or three times

      We leave 5-10 cm of free wire. Cut off the wire blank with leaves.


      We divide the resulting branch in half, leave one (middle) leaf at the top and carefully twist the halves.

    5. We make 75 such branches.

    6. You can connect these branches to each other in threes, fours, etc. And you can attach immediately to the stem. For the stem, you can use a wire with a large diameter or thin branches of trees.

    7. We make a composition, we get a tree. We wrap the stem with sticky paper tape for artificial flowers to mask the places of wire connections.

    8. The bottom edge - the roots of the tree - we twist so that they can easily fit into the stand. You can immediately adjust the height of the tree.

    9. Dilute gypsum with water and pour it into the prepared container.
    10. Install the tree. Holding it, we wait until the gypsum hardens.
    11. Pour a little PVA glue on top and fill it with beads.


    Safety precautions when working with beads

    To make it convenient to work, it is necessary that the workplace is lit, long hair(if any) were moved to the back, everything needed was at hand, and unnecessary was removed from the workplace.

    1. When working with wire, you need to be careful, as it can be pricked or cut by the scissors that we use for cutting.

    2. When working with plaster, do not inhale dust or powder

    3. Do not take beads in your mouth

    4. Wash hands after work


    3. Economic part Economic calculation includes material costs:

    I bought a set for beading the tree "Sakura" It took 320 rubles in total. For the stand, a cover worth 7 rubles was used.

    Work during the daytime, so the cost of electricity is not included in the cost of work.

    Labor costs and profits are also not included because the item was made for myself.

    The cost of the work is 327 rubles. If you buy such a product in a store, its cost is 1000 rubles (according to Internet sources). The economic difference will be 673 rubles.

    Conclusion : handmade product, much cheaper,

    than store bought


    4.Environmental assessment

    The product is environmentally friendly, since materials that do not contain toxic substances were used, it will not emit harmful radiation or smell.



    The goals and objectives set during the work were achieved. I received a quality product and a worthy decoration for my room. The product turned out to be environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

    I was very interested in making a beaded tree. Looking at this tree, you feel how the warmth spreads through the body, which these delicate flowers radiate. During the execution of this product, there was no problems and difficulties.

    I learned about various ways weaving and I want to master them. Beading techniques are unchanged, the technique is simple and accessible, easy to digest. The development of knots, schemes, color combinations is an ongoing creative process. This process captures anyone, but only the patient and diligent enjoys the whole course of the embodiment of his idea. I myself make gifts to my family and friends. They are very happy and that makes me happy. In addition to this, beading develops imagination, fantasy, attention and fine motor skills fingers.

    The material of this work can be used in technology lessons. .


    III .Bibliography

    1.Nikolaenko A.S. "ABC of beading" M-2007

    2. Rasshchupkina P.R. "Lessons of creativity" M-2005


    I.Y. Application


    First you need to draw a plan of the apartment with all the sockets, switches and junction boxes. The diagram will give a visual representation of the wiring layout and help you count the number of wires, cables and sockets.

    You can either draw the plan of the apartment yourself, or take it from the passport for the apartment. In any case, you need to measure all the walls to be sure. After sketching the plan, you need to display all the wires, junction boxes, sockets and a shield on it. The end result should be something like this.

    Schematic diagram of the wiring in the room:

    Then we take 10 mm plywood and mark up according to predetermined overall dimensions. We cut with an electric jigsaw under the guidance of a teacher. We also cut out a place under the door and window. We mark the places for the sockets and drill 3 holes D = 55 mm with a core drill for wood. We mark out the places for installing the piano hinges and install them, with the help of which our “room” layout will easily fold into a position convenient for carrying. We paste over with wallpaper, install socket boxes, mark the cable channel for installation, glue it on the walls from the back so as not to spoil the aesthetics of the interior decoration. We lay electrical wires (of different sections for the lighting circuit 1.5 and for sockets 2.5). We install sockets, a two-pole switch, circuit breakers for 16 amperes and 10 amperes for different electrical circuits, respectively. We mount the "ceiling" in the form of two perpendicular rails with installed el. cartridges imitating a two-arm chandelier.

    The layout is ready.

    Description of the final product

    The description of the product was carried out above, and in this paragraph a photo of the final version of the product is presented:

    Preparation time

    We made our layout after the end of the lessons, for 2-3 hours every day. Also, a lot of time was spent shopping in search of the right electrical parts at reasonable prices. I was familiar with plumbing and carpentry operations, but it was the first time I came across the electrical installation of apartment wiring, so a lot of time was spent on studying electrical installation operations. In total, in total, the time for the manufacture of the product was about 30 hours.

    Economic and environmental assessment of the finished product

    All wood materials (plywood, piano hinges, slats) are environmentally friendly and safe. Wiring elements purchased in the store are certified and therefore environmentally friendly.

    economic calculation

    Items purchased from the store:

    Email socket 2 pcs. \u003d 70 x 2 \u003d 140 p.

    Email switch = 80 p.

    Circuit breaker 16 A = 130 r.

    Circuit breaker 10 A = 120 r.

    Email cartridge 2 pcs. = 15r. x 2 \u003d 30 p.

    Bulb 2 pcs. = 20r. x 2 \u003d 40 p.

    Box for circuit breakers = 50 r.

    Email wire 2.5 1m = 25 p.

    Email wire 1.5 1m = 18 p.

    Cable channel 1m = 20 rubles.

    Socket box 3 pcs. = 5r. x 3 \u003d 15 p.

    Total: 668 rubles spent on the purchase of electrical components.

    All other parts we did not buy and made from used material.