Indigo who they are. Indigo children - who are they? Features, signs and interesting facts

They have phenomenal intelligence and many talents. They have amazing abilities for creativity and the humanities. They are closed, badly find a common language with people. Often characterized by hyperactivity, short temper and complex character. They do not tolerate orders and demand respect for themselves from an early age.

Rumor has it that they have a completely different DNA code - not the same as that of ordinary people. They are Indigo children. A phenomenon that still causes heated debate among parents, parapsychologists and scientists. How to identify an Indigo child, how to find a common language with him, how to educate? What do mystics, scientists and doctors think about this? What unforgivable mistakes can parents make? Let's figure it out.

Who are Indigo Children

According to a theory far from science, these are children with an aura of indigo color. For the first time this term was used by psychologist and part-time clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tapp. The woman believed that about 70% of people under the age of 10 have an aura of this color and are special. Nancy also noted that as they grow older, the aura can change color, and among young people aged 15-25 years, the share of Indigo is only 40%.

The psychic first used the created terminology in the publication Understanding Your Life Through Color in the early 1990s. However, the term leaked to the masses through another work by Lee Carroll and his wife Jan Tober. In their book about "carriers of special energy", about people with an unusual aura, they almost spoke of a new race.

In the future, the term began to be cultivated - it was widely used in their books by parapsychologists, psychics, hunters of supernatural phenomena and sensations. However, no general interpretation has been developed.

How to identify an indigo child

It is worth starting with the fact that the authors of numerous books differ in the definition of their inherent traits. Sometimes some qualities are ignored, sometimes they directly contradict each other. However, in the general mass, the most popular features can be distinguished. Let's note the key features that are described most often:

  1. Asociality. As a rule, this is a low ability to communicate. The kid withdraws into himself and hardly finds contact not only with his peers, but also with his parents.
  2. Individualism. Characterized by self-esteem, high self-esteem and categorical denial of authority. He does not want to obey, he defends his interests.
  3. Intelligence. High IQ, intellectual abilities bordering on genius. At the same time, at school age, they may not differ in school performance.
  4. Creative potential. The teenager is talented, manifests himself in creativity. Talents can show up from an early age.
  5. restlessness. Indigos are energetic, impulsive. They are prone to mood swings and depression. Often they are scattered, lose concentration for no reason.
  6. Empirical knowledge of the world. The world is known not so much rationally as sensually. Man strives to feel everything, to try everything.
  7. Strong sense of justice. The facts of injustice are hard to experience, they tend to stand up for the weak. They also have a high sense of responsibility.

Also, the young man demonstrates a developed intuition, can quickly master gadgets due to his developed intellect and natural “flair”.

These people are prone to creativity, but they can create not only in popular areas of art, but also in the same programming. They reject conservative methods of education, do not tolerate physical violence and demand respect. Otherwise, they may withdraw into themselves and lose interest in communicating with parents, teachers, and peers.

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Intellectual abilities of Indigo children

They are credited with a developed intellect, much above average. At the same time, Indigo is not always geeks. They don't have to be good students. On the contrary, due to absent-mindedness, mood swings and impulsiveness, they are more likely to have low or average academic performance. At the same time, the baby grows bright beyond his years, easily masters gadgets and any digital technologies. It may seem that if he wants to, he will understand anything.

However, the lack of desire makes it impossible to comprehend certain sciences and solve specific problems. If a person loses interest in something, then it will be incredibly difficult for him to force himself to do it. Indigo children are not characterized by perseverance and diligence. They will hardly be set as an example. Hyperactivity does not allow them to sit still, and they often switch to something new, drastically change interests and re-prioritize.

Parents may notice that a son or daughter does not reveal their intellectual potential even by 30% as part of the training. And at the same time, "favorite subjects" are studied at the highest level.

Indigos can be hard C's but excel at learning specific subjects that interest them.

They also demonstrate their intelligence in everyday life, in communication. When talking, it may seem that you are talking to an adult. Even if the interlocutor is 10-12 years old.

Behavior of Indigo Children

They do not recognize authorities. They can show respect and even obey their parents, but only if they consider it necessary. Or under the threat of punishment, but in this case it is better not to count on the sincerity of acts of obedience. Often these teenagers do not recognize traditional methods of education. In particular, they deny the need to listen to elders just because they are older and more experienced. Therefore, it will be extremely difficult for conservative and domineering parents to find a common language with their child.

Typical behavioral traits:

  • Impulsiveness.
  • Closure.
  • Heightened sense of justice.
  • Rejection of authority.
  • High self-esteem, self-respect.

They have mood swings. For no apparent reason, a baby or teenager can become sad and withdraw into himself, even if 2 minutes ago he laughed out loud. He is characterized by impulsiveness, a tendency to depressive states and to a severe experience of failure. These children are active, sometimes even too much. They cannot sit still, while rarely looking for contacts with their peers - they do not have a wide circle of friends, they prefer spending time at the computer or creative activities to games on the street.

How to Raise Indigo Children

Psychologists and pediatricians, far from mysticism, recommend raising them as ordinary babies and adolescents with specific developmental characteristics. The fact is that the theory does not find confirmation in medicine, doctors and teachers cannot develop a scientific concept for the upbringing of Indigo. Therefore, it is recommended to take into account the individual characteristics of the psyche. In most cases, this is not about uniqueness, but about the unpreparedness of parents for inconsistencies in expectations. Inaction in this case is simply dangerous. There is a high probability of missing the child and not establishing communication with him, strengthening his asociality by his own removal.

The worst thing you can do is to let everything take its course, to start "worshiping" the little man as a "representative of a new race", believing that he came from outer space and will be brought up by himself. Not brought up.

But such proposals are often found in the pseudoscientific works of psychics and parapsychologists. Many authors suggest stepping away from education and simply watching how the baby develops on its own. Naturally, this approach is a failure and nothing good can come of it.

Oppressing Indigo children and trying to show them who is boss is also the wrong decision. It is best to begin to understand the child, sincerely love him and give him the opportunity to feel his love. In no case should you treat him as an alien - fear and disappointment are unacceptable. Do not talk about uniqueness, do not tell the baby that he is not like everyone else. Love him, consider the individual characteristics of the psyche. If you have problems, be sure to contact a psychologist.

The opinion of scientists, doctors and researchers

Scientists are categorical: representatives of the scientific and medical community who have recognized the possibility of the existence of the phenomenon can be counted on the fingers. Much more often they say that parents are trying to shift the responsibility for their own failure in education to the "cosmic essence" of babies and adolescents. In particular, Professor M. Bezrukikh noted that for many years of discussion about Indigo children, it was not possible to examine a single one. In his opinion, most of the "signs" are found in many ordinary children and those who suffer from a number of mental disorders.

Scientists insist that every "sign" has a scientific, medical explanation. In particular, asociality can talk about Asperger's syndrome, and most of the other attributed features about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatrists strongly recommend turning to doctors, and not recording babies as "unique representatives of a new race." Because the risk of missing a scientifically based syndrome that requires professional observation is great.

The opinion of psychologists

It is worth mentioning that we analyze the opinions of specialists who have a certain weight in the professional environment. We cannot classify parapsychologists as such.

From the point of view of specialists, the mere thought that your baby is an Indigo should be the motivation for contacting a psychologist.

The fact is that many parents perceive offspring as investment projects. Investments (strength, nerves, money) in their development should bring results. But the result does not always meet expectations. And then the idea of ​​uniqueness especially often arises.

According to psychologists, this is how parents try to absolve themselves of responsibility and place it on a “non-understanding society”. Experts also say that "unique" children are often allowed absolutely everything. After all, who is Indigo from the point of view of many psychics? A unique representative of a new race. A man whose originality knows no bounds. As a result, the baby develops not only a frankly inflated self-esteem, but also a complete absence of rules of conduct, a culture of relationships with people.

The task of parents is to raise a happy person. Will a teenager be able to become truly happy if the lack of proper education deprives him of elementary communication skills? Hardly.

Instead of a Conclusion: The Myths of Indigo Children

Myth #1. Special DNA

Allegedly, they have a unique DNA with a special set of codes, as a result of which a person becomes more perfect and developed already at the gene level. This is not so - no such study has been conducted and you will not find any scientific data that a unique structure of human DNA was discovered. They simply don't exist.

Myth #2. Unique Immunity

According to the person who first applied our term, Nancy Ann Tapp, up to 70% of children under the age of 10 are Indigo. But the percentage of chronic diseases and the data of doctors are disappointing - there are no such significant figures in relation to healthy babies. Moreover, no studies of the immune system in this regard have also been conducted. Accordingly, the myth is 100% unfounded.

Myth #3. Genius

They all seem to be brilliant. However, even those of them whose parents are 100% convinced that their baby meets all the “signs” are not geeks. Accordingly, children may be characterized by high intelligence, but not amazing genius. Naturally, one can argue and say that all geeks are Indigo. However, no research, in particular regarding the color of their aura, has been carried out. Therefore, genius cannot be associated with mystical uniqueness. At least from a scientific point of view.

Indigo is the color of energy that is new to our planet, and Indigo children are representatives of the next "mind" that is right for humanity, according to which it will someday begin to live. This is the energy of love, kindness, omnipotence, health.

Indigo children are not just children with an unusual aura color, they are first of all extraordinary children who literally differ in everything from the usual idea of ​​​​children. From a young age, they talk about the fate of the world, show unique phenomena and talents, differ from others in an unusual line of behavior, have unique leadership qualities, talk about their past lives, other universes and read other people's thoughts.

These children have a very well developed pineal gland (which is located in the region of the brow chakra). According to psychics, it is she who is responsible for a person's ability to telepathy and clairvoyance. Thanks to this feature, such children have absolutely no difficulties in communicating with people - the surrounding adults and children understand them perfectly. Problems arise only when one of the adults begins to doubt that this way of communication is normal.

It is very common for Indigo children to be called hyperactive. With true hyperactivity, the child cannot consciously control his motor activity and stop when necessary. He is constantly on the move, but this movement is often thoughtless. It is really very difficult for such a child to control his behavior. The "hyperactivity" attributed to the Indigo, on the contrary, explains the different structure of their brain structure. In these children, the energy channels function in such a way that they allow them to process information many times faster than everyone is used to.

Another characteristic feature of Indigo is a very imaginative holistic perception. It is capable, like lightning, of grasping large real relationships, as well as texts. Such thinking occurs 400-2000 times faster than ordinary thinking, which moves from thought to thought, from word to word. This circumstance explains why the Indigo has the highest, on the verge of genius, IQ. An interesting fact is that the percentage of brain resources actively used by these children is 10-14 percent, while people usually use 6-7 percent. That is why it often happens that adults, when talking with Indigo, begin to ask them a question, and they already give an answer and start another topic, about which the interlocutor has only just managed to think!

And this unusually high level of energy and intelligence of the New Children is constantly looking for an outlet in action. Their brain processes information at the speed of light. And if they, or the adults around them, find no use for this energy, the Indigo becomes unusually bored. Therefore, the possibility of constant self-expression through creativity, cognitive activity or physical activity is extremely important for them.

An analysis of the DNA of the Indigo child was carried out, and it turned out that his code is not typical for an ordinary person. . Normal human DNA contains 64 codons, of which only 20 are permanently on and the rest are inert. The boy had 24 codons activated. Soon another child with a modified DNA structure was discovered. Then hundreds and thousands of others. At times, up to 32 or more codons were included in Indigo! According to a special study, today 1 percent of the world's population (60 million small earthlings) has perfect immunity.

You can write a lot of treatises on the topic of what they are - Indigo children, what are the features of their behavior, give examples from their lives and suggest possible options for their upbringing. But without a deep understanding of who the Indigo children are and what their purpose on Earth is, there will be more questions than answers.

The main feature of Indigo children is their way of knowing the world around them: unlike the usual logical trial and error method, they use intuition, through which they receive information from Above about which decision will be the only true and most effective in a particular situation. It is this unique property that determines their categoricalness in statements, their willfulness and the denial of stereotypes, and these qualities are manifested from a young age. The denial of this property of Indigo children can cause a lot of contradictions and conflicts in the process of upbringing, as parents habitually try to raise a child in accordance with their views on life, they assume that the child is unreasonable and knows nothing about the world, therefore, has no right to vote. This discrepancy in the views and understanding of parents and the child causes a huge number of conflicts, rejection, nervous breakdowns, etc. In particularly acute cases of such conflicts, the child's resistance to parents can develop into some kind of disease that is difficult to cure.

But by and large, Indigo children do not need education as such in the generally accepted understanding, since the approach to their education should be based not on providing the child’s body with food and furnishings, but on the revival of their mind - the Divine essence, born not in the material world, but given by God and contained in the body. There is no greater misfortune for such a child than atheist parents. Due to the high giftedness of Indigo children and the high risk of their misunderstanding and rejection by parents and others, there is also the possibility of antisocial behavior in such children, since this is the only form of protest available to them in early and adolescence. In view of this, it is necessary to warn parents against trying to subjugate Indigo children, to impose their vision and worldview on them, as this is fraught with the fact that at an older age such children may become drug addicts, suffer from alcoholism or lead an antisocial lifestyle.

Indigo children are not just children with a “dark blue aura”, they are children who have many gifts and talents in their minds, the number and purpose of which are several times greater than the giftedness of children of the previous generation. The giftedness of Indigo children implies the presence of a large number of phenomena and gifts embedded in their minds from the birth from Above, which begin to manifest themselves in their early childhood.

Phenomena and gifts are the same talents, only not developed artificially or acquired in the process of upbringing and education, but given by God to realize the destiny of a person in being. Man, unlike animals, has a purpose not only to be fruitful and multiply. To realize this purpose, the capabilities of the body are not enough, it is also necessary to develop the capabilities of the mind, that is, a person of the future (already present) on Earth as a result of his improvement is a person who has true knowledge about everything on Earth and fully uses his gifts and talents.

Before birth, each individual receives a part of true knowledge into his mind, for the sake of the realization of which his soul and mind incarnate in the material world. This knowledge determines the individual destiny of a person - that sphere of activity about which he has perfect, true knowledge in his mind. That is, every child, and especially the Indigo child, is already a potential genius: a poet, politician, philosopher, economist, administrator, etc.

All people on Earth have a certain destiny, fulfilling which, a person goes the shortest path to the Truth. The difference between Indigo children and other people who also have a destiny is knowing this destiny from a very early age, feeling it and wanting to follow it. Hence such an irrepressible thirst for knowledge in Indigo children, their penchant for experimentation, the brightness of the manifestations of inner gifts. The task of parents and society is to help such a child discover and realize the knowledge inherent in him; not to teach the old, dead experience of past times and other people, but to help bring new knowledge to our world. If we exaggerate some facts, we can conclude that parents need to learn from Indigo children the perception of the world, and not impose their own vision.

When understanding all the features of Indigo children and what exactly these features are due to, a reasonable question arises - what caused their appearance on Earth? Moreover, their number has been steadily increasing over the past few decades.

The emergence of the generation of Indigo children is caused, first of all, by the urgent need to fundamentally change the public consciousness. In a global sense, the appearance of Indigo children is predetermined by one goal - by their example, the Lord teaches us to communicate with Him.

Indigo children are a new generation of people-reformers, called in the future to change our worldview and fulfill the Plan of the Lord in building a new society. It is for the realization of this goal that they have freedom-lovingness and the desire to obey only the Highest Divine laws, at the same time, knowledge of the Divine laws, on the fulfillment of which their well-being and creative realization depend. Hence the heightened sense of justice and the vivid manifestation of the leader's abilities, noted by teachers and parents. Any attempt to remake these qualities can cause harm, comparable to barbaric interference in the genetics of a living being, since the characteristics of Indigo children are “inscribed” in their minds and souls like a gene code in DNA.

Until recently, science believed that Homo Sapiens is the highest degree of evolutionary development of life on Earth.

However, it is likely that our own species is already evolving. It's about the so-called children Indigo.

The very concept of children indigo” was first used by American psychic and synesthetic Nancy Ann Tapp in 1982 in the book How to Understand Life with Color. When examining the aura * of unusual children, it was revealed that they have a dark blue color - the color of indigo.

Aura(lat. aura - breath, breeze, wind) - a manifestation of the soul and spirit of man; the luminous sheath that surrounds the human body, visible during supersensory perception.

Indigo children literally everything is different from the usual idea of ​​​​children. They are extraordinary, more independent, more acutely experiencing loneliness and misunderstanding. They show unique phenomena and talents, differ from others in an unusual line of behavior, do not like to obey and do not seek to subordinate. They evoke admiration, fear and curiosity. They are a mystery of nature. So who are the indigo children?

These unique people can be recognized by their eyes - they are bright, wise, soulful. If ordinary babies in the first months of life are not yet able to focus their eyes, Indigo children can not only focus on individual objects and look at them intently, but after some time they begin to talk about the fate of the world, to show their unique abilities in various areas. Suffice it to recall a boy who at the age of 5 mastered the entire world repertoire of works for the violin and at the same age performed with an orchestra of already adult musicians as the first violin.


The abilities they have Indigo children are truly phenomenal.

V. I. Vernadsky predicted that in the 21st century a person will learn to communicate with the noosphere, and that intuition will be the only channel of communication. The main feature of Indigo children is that in the process of learning about the world around them, they use intuition (as opposed to the usual logical trial and error method), through which they receive information from Above about which decision will be the only true and most effective in a particular situation.

In addition, people with an indigo aura can telepathically communicate with each other both directly and at a distance. Indigo, like an x-ray, they can see the internal organs of a person, they are able to read a book with their palms or even feet. They can remember in detail their past life and even receive information from the noosphere - the information field of our planet, as well as from the Cosmos.

Some of the Indigos have special immunity. So, in the early nineties of the XX century in the United States, a boy was born to HIV-infected parents. According to the results of initial tests, the child was also infected. However, tests taken from him at the age of six showed that the virus had disappeared without a trace. Moreover, subsequent studies gave surprising results: the cells taken from the boy, despite the impact on them of various viruses, remained immune. Then the scientists decided to conduct a DNA analysis. Human DNA contains 64 codons - carriers of genetic information, and only 20 of them constantly "work". 4 more codons than the average person.


American psychologist Lee Carroll in his book Indigo children» described four types of children Indigo and their life programs:

1. Humanists. In the future they will become doctors, lawyers, teachers, sailors, businessmen, politicians, scientists. Children of this type are extremely sociable, they can have long and friendly conversations with any person on any topic. They are hyperactive and therefore clumsy. As children, they do not understand how they can play with only one toy. They shake out the contents of all the drawers, and then they can either play or not touch anything at all. Getting them to clean the room is almost impossible.

2. Conceptualists. The most common type. These are future engineers, architects, designers, astronauts, military, pilots, travelers. Children of this type have a good physique, dexterity, aspirations and the makings of leaders. In childhood, the object of control of boys is most often their own mothers, girls - fathers. If they lose their parent, it creates a problem for them later in their lives. Such Indigo in adolescence have a tendency to bad habits, especially drugs. Parents should watch their behavior very closely, and when they begin to hide things or say things like “don't come into my room”, it doesn't hurt to find out what they are hiding.

3. Artists. The smallest type to date. Indigo of this type is difficult to survive in modern conditions. They are very sensitive and vulnerable, have a graceful physique. Whatever sphere of human activity they turn to, they always retain a creative approach. If they go into medicine, they make good surgeons. In art, they become outstanding actors. At the age of 4-10 years, “artists” can try themselves in a dozen and a half types of creative activity, learn to play five or six different instruments at the same time, but when they reach adolescence, they will choose one of them and achieve high degrees of mastery.

4. Living in all dimensions. Indigo of this type can be bullies and bullies, because they are much larger than representatives of the other three types, and do not know how to adapt. These kids know everything and everything. Already in infancy they teach their own parents, they always try to do everything themselves. From such know-it-alls grow outstanding personalities. These are the people who bring new philosophies and new religions into the world.


The first Indigo Children began to be born in the late 70s of the twentieth century. Then they were few. In the 1980s they were 15%. Since then, there have been more and more of them. According to some estimates, there are now about 60 million Indigos on our planet. There are no official statistics on this. Psychologist Irina Gryaznova gives the following figures: today among 50-year-olds indigo - 1%, among 30-year-olds - 10, and among 12-year-olds - 25%.


To return the lost harmony to the world - this is the purpose of Indigo's stay on our planet. Even in ancient Greece, on the gates of the temple of Apollo at Delphi was the inscription "Know thyself". It seems that Indigos came to Earth in order to fulfill this covenant, to penetrate into the worlds of their own consciousness and master the possibilities of their psyche: to learn to control thoughts and feelings, to control the work of subtle bioenergetic structures - and to teach other people this. At least those who will be able to perceive new knowledge.


People with an indigo aura are internally contradictory personalities. They combine love for people and aggressiveness, naivety and resourcefulness, a passionate craving for some knowledge and complete disinterest in others. They do not recognize authority and do not want to follow the rules. They have a developed sense of self-worth, which often irritates those around them.

What attracts attention Indigo and is of particular interest, they understand and learn from a half-word. In addition, they are well versed in digital technologies.

Indigo has a different view of reality. Sometimes they offer completely unexpected and non-standard solutions to problems that others do not see.

The reverse side of non-standard Indigo is their helplessness in everyday life.


Despite its uniqueness, Indigo not without problems.

Indigos can withdraw into themselves, and the reason for this is a lack of understanding by others. Despite their enormous intellectual potential, they hardly master the school curriculum. Guided by their own internal criteria, Indigo they divide knowledge into what they need and what they don't need, and the latter completely refuse to accept it. It is difficult for them to take exams - they do not understand at all why they should report to someone.

They adapt worse in society, do not accept the norms of behavior, refuse to "correct" and "admit their mistakes."

The most important thing for Indigo is to be in the circle of his own kind.


By themselves, Indigos are not dangerous, they do not pursue destructive goals. However, if the world pushes them away, tries to impose uncharacteristic behavior or punishes them, then the Indigos will react aggressively. In the recent past, four similar cases occurred in the US and Europe: children shot their classmates and teachers. It is claimed that all these children were Indigo. Wednesday did not accept them - and they took revenge.

Trying to deceive Indigo can also cause an aggressive reaction in Indigo. Returning his trust after that is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Indigos are observant and intelligent, they know the weak points of parents and others and can use this for manipulation. However, they do not feel remorse. The Indigos are confident that they have been sent to Earth on a special mission, and if they are thwarted, they will stop at nothing.


One of the modern indigo is Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom, who played the role of the elf Legolas in The Lord of the Rings and Will Turner in Pirates of the Caribbean. Bloom was born in the UK on January 13, 1977. His mother was an extraordinary and versatile woman: she tried her hand at prose, ran a language school for foreign students, and was engaged in business. Orlando lost his father at the age of four. Therefore, a family friend, Colin Stone, began to help his mother in raising little Orlando and his sister (later the mother admitted that it was he who was Orlando's biological father). Help was really needed, and serious - as a child, Orlando suffered from dyslexia: a lively and quick-witted boy read very poorly and did not speak very well, although he coped well with mathematical tasks. Fortunately, he had many other hobbies: photography, theater, horseback riding. Orlando began his acting career early, participating in school productions. At the age of twenty, he first appeared on the silver screen in the film Wilde, having played in several television series before that. And since 2002 ("The Lord of the Rings"), real glory awaited him. An amazing coincidence: Orlando Bloom is not only indigo in a psychological sense, it is also his astrological color.

Indigo also includes actress Oksana Akinshina, actor and TV presenter Ivan Urgant, pianist Polina Osetinskaya, composer Igor Vdovin, and journalist Yevgeny Kiselyov.

Welcome to the pages of my blog regular and casual readers! The topic for today's discussion will be the indigo people. About who they are: foundlings of aliens or ordinary people with super-powers, the article will tell.

I think that everyone who came across this exotic term had one reasonable question: “ Indigo, what kind of people ? Most of the sources are shrouded in mysterious sayings about passing through walls, migrants from other planets and other science fiction. But everyone forgets one simple truth: indigos do not appear suddenly, they are our blood children who grow up and become adults. Since our ordinary physical laws apply to them, we can stop considering them “other” simply in fact and understand what is their peculiarity.

Indigo can be you yourself or your neighbor, or the dearest and closest person.

Why did they appear?

First, I would like to talk about why they are called indigo and where this term came from. After all, my readers know that everything has a reason, right? Indigo is a blue-violet color of the spectrum. And what about the people here? The answer lies in the esoteric. The aura is the energy field of a person, painted in different colors depending on the warehouse of a person or his life situation at the moment. Believe it or not - you decide. However, scientists believe that there are about 4% of people on the planet who are able to see energy shells.

Most of these people are somehow connected with predictions. In 1982, the famous clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tapp made a fateful statement: some children do not golden aura and dark purple. Then began the study of children who have an energy field of such a strange color.

What is the uniqueness?

The peculiarity of such children is not at all in the presence webbing between fingers or antennas for communication with space, but in amazing sensitivity. Perhaps this is the most capacious word. For to everything: to feelings, changes, injustice, lies. What not all people can learn in a lifetime, they know and can do from birth.

Why am I now only speaking for indigo children? But what about adults - a logical question arises. Like the phenomenon itself, some aspects have not yet been studied. But unlike children, indigo adults are less common. Most likely, because they hide and live a normal life. But some put forward hypotheses about working in the special services or suicides due to excessive vulnerability.

Who are they ? Children of the New Age, as Lyudmila Protopovich calls them in her book "Where did the indigos come from?", have a range of special signs that persist regardless of age.

Of these, the following can be listed:

  1. High intelligence. Starting from the age of 2, such children surprise and sometimes frighten their parents with their knowledge. After all, how does an ordinary child get an in-depth knowledge of art or politics, if he has just learned to speak? Throughout life, the amount of knowledge only increases. The intelligence of indigo goes beyond the average, starting its countdown from 170. At the same time, this is not a guarantee of success in studies, and why, the article will answer .
  2. Wisdom. Dear readers, what qualities are attributed to the sages from all kinds of parables? Impartiality in judgment and behavior, but at the same time the desire to improve universe . There is low involvement in current events, as if a person is physically here, but not with thoughts.
  3. Truthfulness. To convince of the need for something if this path does not have justice or love is impossible. Indigos do not accept benefits or hiding information, so they never lie or allow others. They clearly know when the other person is sincere and when not.
  4. Mind reading. The rationale for this phenomenon is of interest to many scientists. The main one is the opinion that people of another world draw knowledge from the information shell of the Earth, where everything is contained. Therefore, they can read minds. Do not guess, but know a clear thought-form in the form it looks like in your (well, or not your head :) There is an excellent article on this topic.
  1. Individuality. Inconsistency with the norms, because they know their purpose and follow it from childhood, no matter what it is. These are bright personalities who are often lonely due to misunderstanding by others. An article would fit here. .
  2. Hypersensitivity. Both plus and minus. People of the new world are emotional, they live all their feelings to the maximum, whatever they may be. They give themselves without a trace and are acutely experiencing failure or resentment. For a long time they cannot let go of the situation, so they can become depressed. How to cope with these conditions, the article will help X.
  3. Specific work of the brain. Indigo both hemispheric . Due to the simultaneous activation of the cortex of both hemispheres, they quickly analyze information and have skills from different areas. Fluent in right and left hand.
  4. A piercing look. Gaze directly to a familiar or unfamiliar person at all times.
  5. Be that as it may, despite the huge store of knowledge and the ability to read minds, indigos are poorly socialized. It is difficult for them to comply with generally accepted norms and rules, because they do not see the point in them and are already living in a new century that has not yet come here. Therefore, children and adolescents often have conflicts with teachers and peers, it is difficult for them to adapt to life in society, even in adulthood, unusual character.
  6. Indifference to money. Money for them is just a means of life, nothing more.
  7. Mental connection with the like. Not being completely alone helps the connection of indigo with their own kind, regardless of geographic location. All of them are connected by a chain-link on an extra-material level, like the heroes of the series "The Eighth Sense". On this account, even carried out tests.

What's next?

How to identify a person indigo? - it will not be difficult, he will always stand out from the crowd. However, it should be noted that despite their superpowers, these people are not always happy. Excessive susceptibility makes them vulnerable to the pain and injustice of the world. In order to know how to protect yourself from aggressive people, you can read the article . Often there may be disease which they may refuse to treat. After all, hospitals are not a place of happiness.

What is his future , an indigo child? Growing up indigo have to adapt to this world. It comes with great difficulty and sometimes very painful lessons. Therefore, 2 extremes are often found: aggression and depression. Aggression to everything that happens and that is difficult to change, depression for the same reason. Only indigos with great power can remain the same, change this world.

There are no answers as to where such unique children came from ordinary parents, with such phenomenal abilities, which were only dreamed of before. However, it is absolutely certain that the purpose of indigo is to recreate a pure, bright world, full of love and healthy progress. Whether you believe it or not, the choice is yours!

- Previously, there were 40-45 people in the classes, and it was easier to work with them. Now, even if there are no more than 25 children at the desk, it has become incredibly difficult to teach them.

“Children are off the chain,” the teachers say. - They have turned into completely uncontrollable, have ceased to reckon with the opinions of adults, have lost all authority and norms, behave as they themselves want or need. For example, they can easily stand up in the middle of the lesson from their place without asking to approach a classmate or even leave the class. They can, without embarrassment, say to the face of the teacher that she "teaches them incorrectly." At best, they do not react to comments, and at worst, they respond with aggression and abuse. More than one teacher has heard the words “fool” or even stronger from them. Previously, 10-20 years ago, such "instances" were rare - in the worst case, one in 40 people. Today, there are only 23 students in our class, of which at least six are classified as unruly.

Children have become noticeably freer in their will, in words and deeds. Probably as much as the society itself has changed. Previously, everything related to the school, not only was not criticized. Not even discussions were allowed. Like in politics. The decision taken from above was correct, period. Now, parents evaluate the policy of the state, and children, respectively, evaluate the school administration. Yes, teachers have changed. The school, of course, lags far behind society, but there are still shifts. The other day, for example, the guys and I consulted and decided to postpone the fourth test a few days later, because one of our students missed several lessons due to illness and had to learn the material. Previously, this would have been impossible.

30 years ago, the students were enslaved, intimidated, there was deathly silence in the lessons. The current ones respond more boldly, communicate more freely. But their freedom is more like unbridledness. That's why there are problems with discipline. They have no internal constraints. Although it is still useful for my lesson - it is easier to make music with liberated children.

When people express two identical opinions, it can be just a coincidence. Three is becoming a trend. Here, it seems, we are already dealing with a phenomenon: there are steady changes in the population, in pedagogical and educational issues, which, moreover, have already covered more than one country.

All of the above is indeed a phenomenon. Noticed by psychologists and educators in the United States in the early 80s. Actively discussed since then all over the world. Represented on the Internet by a huge list of sites, articles and links. But practically unknown to our pedagogical community, not to mention the parents. And this phenomenon is called - indigo children.

Indigo children

As you know, each person has an energy aura, which only supersensitive people - psychics are able to see. There are some devices and techniques that allow you to physically register a person's energy aura - its size, shape, color, glow intensity, and so on. Not so long ago, scientists and psychics began to notice that there are more and more people on Earth who are “glowing” with a deep blue color - the color of indigo. Since the early 80s in America, this phenomenon has become a mass phenomenon. There are claims that almost 90 percent of babies born in the US in recent years are indigo children.

The main distinguishing feature of the indigo child is his "royalty", self-confidence, his significance. He has a high ego. He seems to know something about himself that is not visible, not clear, not known to others. But this “something” makes him special in his own eyes, clothes him with a certain purpose. Irina Stukova shared a case from her experience:

- “What were you born for?”, the mother of her 4-year-old son once asked. "To love you!" – immediately joyfully responded child.

Indigos often reason and act more mature than adults, appearing more mature than their parents. So that the latter have a feeling that it is not them, but they are brought up and taught. For example, how to build family relationships.

Inwardly, naturally confident that they are perfect and impeccable, indigo children, faced with rejection, first get lost, and then withdraw. They suffer a lot from loneliness and misunderstanding. But they will never betray themselves, they will not behave as it is accepted or expected. And this is another characteristic feature of them - the non-recognition of authorities and rules if they run counter to their own worldview. They can't be forced to do something if they don't like it. For example, they can’t stand queues at all, they can’t stand waiting. The features of the behavior of indigo children in the image of the younger brother from the movie "Return" are very accurately conveyed.

If earlier adults believed that children are plasticine, from which, while the child is small, you can fashion whatever you like, then indigo seems to be born already fully formed. They cannot be changed. They do not respond to accusations, are deaf to remarks. If adults continue to put pressure on them, and this pressure begins to hurt their personality, threaten their integrity, indigos begin to defend themselves. Without understanding the means. Remember? There are no rules for them. They can easily call rudely or even hit a teacher who, for example, tries to grab him by the sleeve and force him out of the classroom or put him in a corner (unfortunately, this is not uncommon in our schools).

So, most adults are now experiencing hitherto unusual difficulties in communicating with today's young people. Teachers cannot cope with classes, parents cannot cope with their own children, sometimes even starting to be afraid of them. Not everyone has the opportunity to follow the latest issues of scientific journals and books on psychology and pedagogy in order to get acquainted with the latest theories in these areas of knowledge. Meanwhile, it is not easy to understand what is happening on your own. I hope this brief review of Indigo Children, a collection of articles by various American psychologists, by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober will help you with this.

Lee Carroll and Jan Tober "Indigo Children"

In my professional experience, I often come across questions from parents about how to raise children. Those methods of education that they know do not work. This is due to global changes in the world, with a change in society's demands for a maturing individual. In this regard, I will talk about the so-called Indigo children, children who come into this world with a special mission.

Indigo children come into this world with their own intentions and talents, which are clearly manifested from the moment of birth. They can soak up knowledge like a sponge, especially if they enjoy a subject that brings them to a higher level of development in their area of ​​interest. They respond best if you treat them like respectable adults. Indigo children carry heavenly messages that are not yet understood by us. They help us in our search for truth, the meaning of life, peace. Indigo children can be distinguished by their eyes. They contain deep wisdom and awareness.

The Indigo Child is a child who has new unusual psychological characteristics and behavior patterns. This suggests that people interacting with such children (especially parents), in order to achieve success, must change their approach to them, their methods of education. 90% of children under 10 belong to the Indigo group.

The most common qualities of Indigo children are:

  1. They come into this world with a sense of royalty (and often behave accordingly);
  2. They feel that they "deserve to be here" and are quite surprised that others do not always share their opinion;
  3. They do not doubt their importance. Often they tell their parents "who they are";
  4. They do not have absolute authorities, they do not consider it necessary to explain their actions and recognize freedom of choice;
  5. They get lost when they come into contact with conservative systems, where instead of the manifestation of creative thought, traditions are strictly observed;
  6. They often see a more rational way to do things at school or at home, but others perceive this as "breaking the rules" and their unwillingness to adapt to the existing system;
  7. They seem uncommunicative unless they are in the company of their own kind. If there is no one around with a similar mentality, they often withdraw into themselves, feeling that no one in this world understands them. Therefore, the establishment of social ties during the period of study for them is of considerable difficulty;
  8. They do not respond to accusations of violation of discipline. To statements like “just wait, your father will come, find out what you have done, then you will see ...” they remain deaf;
  9. They are not shy about letting you know what they need.

How to Raise an Indigo Child:

  1. Treat Indigo children with respect. Welcome them into your family;
  2. Help them make independent decisions regarding their discipline;
  3. Always give them freedom of choice, no matter what!
  4. Never humiliate them - never!
  5. Always explain to them why you are giving them any instructions. And listen to your own explanations. Don't they sound stupid - like "because I said so"? If yes, then go back to your instructions and change them. The kids will respect you for it and wait. But if you order them in a dictatorial, authoritarian spirit without good reason, then the children will move away from you. They won't listen, and what's more, they'll give you a whole list of reasons why it's not good! Sometimes your explanations can be the simplest - like "because by doing this you will help me, and I'm terribly tired today." Win their hearts with honesty. First they will think about what you said, and then they will start and carry out;
  6. Make them your partners in their own education;
  7. While they are still small, explain to them everything you do. They will not always understand you, but they will feel the way you think and your respect for them;
  8. Your support for their actions should be expressed primarily in the formation of a sense of security in them. Avoid blaming and criticizing them. Always let them know that you support their endeavors. They will become more receptive to your words - and surprise you. Don't force them to achieve anything, but let them act with enthusiasm;
  9. Don't tell them who they are now or who they will become in the future. They know it better than you. Let them decide for themselves what interests them. Do not force them to continue your dynasty and do not introduce them to the family business only on the basis that several generations in your family have done so. Such a child will remain absolutely deaf to these arguments;
  10. While defining the limits of acceptable behavior for Indigo children, keep the creative approach to their upbringing;
  11. Let's release their immense physical energy;
  12. Let the child set the boundaries himself, and not vice versa, they will be happy to set the rules of the game themselves with the support of adults;
  13. Treat them as adults and equals, but do not place adult responsibilities on them;
  14. Give these children detailed explanations, and also give them the right to express their opinion when making decisions on various issues. Don't talk down to them;
  15. Hear them! They are truly wise and know things that you do not know;
  16. Show them as much respect as you would your parents or a close, dearly loved friend;
  17. If you say you love them but treat them with disrespect, they won't believe you. No words in the world can replace the manifestation of sincere love;
  18. Your lifestyle and your behavior in the family will help to clearly answer the question of whether you love him or not to the indigo child!
  19. Communicating with an indigo child is both hard work and a privilege. They will notice any trick. Don't even try to cheat with them!


Your child openly disobeys rules and adult authority or manipulates you. At school, he lies or cheats, dodging his duties.

Negative feedback:"You vile liar! You deliberately get on everyone's nerves by constantly deceiving me and the teacher. Wait for it! You are punished for four weeks! And I won't listen to your lies anymore! March, out of my sight!

Positive feedback:“I was very upset when I found out that you lied. Are you afraid of something? Why didn't you tell the truth? Let's talk about what happened. We need to think together how to get out of this situation. I want to believe that in the future in similar circumstances you will behave correctly and honestly.

The child refuses to eat or eats too slowly.

Negative feedback:"Hurry! You make me wait again. Eat everything quickly, otherwise you will be left sitting here alone. If you don’t eat everything, you will get sick.”

Positive feedback:“I want you to do what I do. Now I will try a spoonful of cottage cheese, and then a rice casserole” (Adult, slowly, tastes the food.) “Now try a spoonful. Do you think a teddy bear would want to try this?"

The child refuses to eat some food because of dislike for it.

Negative feedback:“I won’t wait for you anymore if you pick your plate. Everyone is already looking at us."

Positive feedback:“Let’s buy whatever food we want together. There are two menus here. I liked them".
The world is constantly changing. To thrive, you need to change with them. And this requires new knowledge and experience.

Your child goes to you at the most inopportune moment: you are very busy with something.

Negative feedback: The child is approaching you, and you are indignantly thinking: “Well, there are problems again. Something happened to him again." You take a defensive posture: raise your shoulders and purse your lips.

Positive feedback: You gently place your hand on your heart and think of the love your child needs and can give. Look at him gently, with love, relax yourself and let him know that you love him and are always happy to help him.

Your children are constantly asking questions, and you have to answer them all the time. In addition, you must endlessly repeat the rules of behavior to them, what is possible and what is not.

Negative feedback: The harsh, repulsive, and irritated tone of your response makes the child understand: “You annoy me! Go somewhere far away from here" or "You weren't expected here." Hearing such words constantly, the child will decide that he is not loved.

Positive feedback: Your voice is your child's learning tool, so pay close attention to its tone and timbre. When you are irritated or angry, take two deep breaths, draw more air into your lungs, and then speak as softly, slowly and clearly as possible.

Children are outside of your control.

Negative feedback:“Don’t step on this slippery path! You'll break your neck like that girl on TV. Calm down before you get to the hospital." Or “Don't talk to strangers. Various crooks roam around. As soon as you get to the place, call me immediately." The constant expectation that something bad can happen to children gives rise to fear, lack of communication or readiness to repel the threat by force. Negative emotions contribute to the production of excess hormones of fear and aggression, which can undermine the immune system and even lead to various kinds of diseases.

Positive feedback:“You and I have already talked about the importance of caution and how to behave with strangers. I'm sure everything will be fine because you're being discreet and you know how to stay safe. I know that you are guided by both mind and heart in your actions. Remember, you can call home if you need help." It is the pronunciation of the actions that you expect from the child that will instill in him the necessary skills.

You broke your promise to your child.

Negative feedback:“Stop whining about not going to the fair with your sisters. You will survive. When I was your age, they didn’t take me anywhere at all.” You refused to discuss the reasons - no matter if they were valid or not - because of which you broke your promise. This gives the child the right to think that adults do not care about him or that they cannot be trusted.

Positive feedback:“I was very busy and completely forgot that we had agreed to go to the fair. Sorry buddy. Do not be offended by me".

Your helpless tiny baby got his pants wet.

Negative feedback:“Bad, bad, bad girl! You know where to pee, but you do it in your pants (or on your grandmother's new couch). You did it on purpose. Well, now clean up this stinking muck yourself. And never do that again. And don't bother me!"

Positive feedback:"Oh oh! Looks like your pants are wet! Nothing! I'll help you put on clean ones and you'll be fine."

The child is obsessed with an irrational and exaggerated fear of some situation, person or animal.

Negative feedback:“And you can’t read just seven lines at a school party! Other children have much longer roles than you. You are acting like a baby. Go to your room and learn the part so that I'm proud of you."

Positive feedback:“Show me the poem you need to read at the school party. I wonder why the teacher chose you? He probably knew that you would do an excellent job with this task. Will you learn everything yourself or will I help you?”.

At times, your child may unwittingly remind you of your own least favorite traits.

Negative feedback:“She is so disorganized. Her room is a real pigsty. I almost force her to put things in order with a whip. She hates cleaning, but she has no choice but to obey when I push.

Positive feedback:“You and I have a creative streak, and we are always working on several projects at the same time. Therefore, we do not have enough time to clean up. Yes, and it is a pity to throw away this rubbish, because it can still come in handy. We need to learn to be more tolerant of each other's messiness."

Parents of Indigo Children often face great challenges in their upbringing. The reason for the difficulty is that they are Indigo, not amenable to the usual tricks by which their parents were once indoctrinated with certain goals. In addition, these children are not always affected by feelings of shame and guilt, restrictions and punishment. As you know, they show "willfulness" not for the sake of their own ego. Children simply prove that their knowledge is their own truth of life. However, these are children who need to be guided. The task of parents is to direct, not to manage. Receiving recognition, support and encouragement, these children can bring true happiness to their families. Otherwise, they are able to behave with unparalleled persistence and constantly fight with the authority of adults. If parents find that there is an Indigo growing in the family, they better show the child the same love and respect as if he were the Christ Child. Become the intelligent helper of this strong and beloved Indigo child. The ability to understand Indigos as they are, especially during periods of disruption in the educational process, requires sincere conviction from adults. Parents must believe with their minds and hearts that their most important task is to direct the energy of Indigo in a good direction, and this responsibility should be taken on with joy. Try not to pay attention to unpleasant circumstances, focus on the truth of what you have already seen: how joyful it is to contribute to the evolution of the human race, raising a wonderful and amazingly strong person with your love, compassion and tolerance.

Aphorisms of the Indigo Children

  • "Never let a dog guard your food" (Patrick, age 10)
  • “When dad gets angry and asks: “Do I look like a fool?” – don’t answer anything” (Khana, 9 years old)
  • “When mom gets mad at dad, don’t let her comb your hair” (Thalia, age 11)
  • "Don't sneeze in your mother's direction when you're chewing crackers" (Mitchell, age 12)
  • "Puppies have stinky breath even if you feed them Tic-Tacs" (Andrew, 9)
  • “Don’t even try to hold the vacuum cleaner and the cat at the same time.” (Kye, 9 years old)
  • “You can’t hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk” (Admir, 9 years old)
  • “To get a kitten, start asking from the horse.” (Lauren, age 9)
  • "Don't hit on your sister when she has a baseball bat" (John, age 10)
  • “If you get a bad grade at school, show your diary to your mom when she talks on the phone” (Alyosha, 13 years old)
  • "Don't try to baptize a cat with water" (Eileen, age 8)

Sayings of the Indigo Children

  • It's darkest just before ... the transition to "daylight saving time"
  • Do not cut the branch on which ... leaves
  • No time to bite your elbows... they are dirty
  • Don't spit in the well... if there is an urn nearby
  • Don't dig another hole... you'll get all dirty
  • Two boots... shoes
  • What a question, such... and you
  • The one who ... knew the answer is not mistaken
  • Do you like to ride, love and ... ride
  • An old friend is better than new... commercials
  • Live with wolves - ... you will stink
  • What is written with a pen ... you can’t erase with an elastic band
  • Lazy mind... use a calculator

All children who come to us are our teachers. We, too, had this wisdom when we were children. But, growing up, we adults lose something valuable: to be here and now, to enjoy life like a child, to listen to our inner voice, to love ourselves, to love the whole world...

The Indigo Children come to teach us this. And those methods of positive upbringing that recommend applying the principles of harmonious upbringing for any child in dealing with them.

The material was prepared according to the book Lee Carroll, Jan Tober"Indigo children". Sofia 2003