The best conspiracies for money from Natalia Stepanova. Conspiracies of a Siberian healer for money Conspiracies for money Stepanova red

Probably every person at least once in his life wanted to get rich. Today, money can solve almost all problems, with the exception of love and health.

A conspiracy for wealth and good luck can help in the realization of this desire. Many have a negative attitude towards such rituals, but with their help you can realize the most cherished dream. As you know, wealth spreads its wings behind a person.

The conspiracies of the Siberian healer are very popular among the people. Natalya Stepanova created and recorded many different rituals that attract good luck and money. It is extremely difficult to earn sufficient funds in the usual way, especially when it comes to times of crisis. It's much harder to get rich.

Financial resources contribute to the realization of a person, untie his hands.

The conspiracies of Vanga and the Siberian healer effectively cope with this task and help families gain the necessary prosperity for life. The money issue is especially acute when there are or appear children in the family. Magic helps to completely change the situation in your favor.

How to raise money the right way?

Various rituals allow you to attract money to the family. The rituals of the Siberian healer Natalia and the clairvoyant Vanga are popular among the people. It is recommended to read financial conspiracies on the waning moon on Wednesday. However, there are rituals that should be performed on the full moon and new moon. Money loves a convenient storage place, which is why it is recommended to buy a beautiful expensive wallet for them. It is best if it is made of genuine leather, but other natural materials are also perfect.

In order to get rich and attract money, you need to have a special mental attitude. So, the performer of the ritual must take care of finances, protect them and never lend. From time to time it is desirable to donate funds to charity.

At the time of the ritual, it is necessary to concentrate on the intended goal, that is, to receive a large amount of money.

The performer should pursue only good goals, in no case should succumb to the evil inclination. No one should know about the ritual.

Magic can enrich

To date, many different strong conspiracies for wealth are known, but the rituals of the healer Natalya and Vanga are more popular. So, Natalya practices an effective ritual for the accumulation of wealth, where it is recommended to read a prayer on a coin. To do this, on a full moon, a coin is laid in a hole under the aspen, then it is required to read a plot on the coin, after which the hole with the contents is sprinkled with earth. This rite is allowed to be performed on any even day on the full moon.

Conspiracy "For wealth" on a coin

“God is with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. No matter how a mouse gnaws you, a worm does not exude, so that no one will cheat on my money - In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Vanga's ritual is known to raise funds with the help of rye bread. It is recommended to read the plot on an empty stomach in the morning. You need to put a piece of rye bread in front of you and, looking at it, start reading a prayer. At this point, the mind of the performer should be focused on making a big profit. After reading, the charmed bread is eaten.

Conspiracy "For wealth" on rye bread

“O Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves, so feed me and my family, make my life abundantly full, turn good luck to me, turn misfortune away from me. Let the road of satiety and joy to my house open, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely, for the good of all, but it is reasonable to increase wealth, to the glory of our Lord. To my words, the key and the lock. Amen."

On the new moon, a rite of Natalia is performed, attracting wealth to the house.

So, on the day of the new moon, according to Natalia's notes, the dough is kneaded. In the process of kneading, a conspiracy should be read on it.

Conspiracy "For wealth" on the dough

“As you will, dough, grow, rise and increase, so I will grow, rise in position, increase above people in my glory and in money. Amen."

Bread is baked from the resulting dough, which is then eaten by the family. You should not treat guests or strangers with pastries - the charmed bread is intended exclusively for a family in need of money.

What is the price of wealth?

When resorting to the help of magic in solving financial issues, you should be aware of the possible options for paying for such help. Higher powers will help to improve the financial condition of the family, but at some point the performer of the ceremony will have to pay for such a service. So, having received a large amount of money through magic, after a certain time a person can lose twice as much as received.

In addition, often performers or their loved ones develop health problems.

Not always the use of magic can cause consequences. So, the rites of white magic, performed according to all the rules, can bring wealth to a person free of charge. It is important that a person does not seek to enrich himself solely through conspiracies. Mercantile thoughts will bring the wrath of higher powers. People tend to work, so magic will tend to help those who get money from overwork.

Video: Conspiracy for wealth

Many people want changes in their lives for the better, to succeed. But it doesn't always work out. There are many reasons for failures: a black streak in life, the envy of people, or even induced damage or the evil eye. Magic conspiracies come to the rescue, which are able to change fate. Below we have described the most famous and proven rituals with good reviews.

The most popular among all books:

  • Conspiracies of the Siberian healer (Issue 41),
  • 7000 conspiracies.

A conspiracy is not a rhythmic verse on a given topic. Reading a text on healing from an illness changes the vibration frequency of a person's body, increasing its resistance to illness. In what way does the conspiracy word work, and why do miracles of healing and life changes occur? So far, this mechanism has not been studied.

To a modern person, a magical text may seem like gibberish, however, these words that are not always clear to the mind have a huge impact on the subtle bodies of a person, on his subconscious. Healers-whisperers mumble words under their breath, spit over their left shoulder - such actions are also not always clear to an ordinary person. But healing occurs, and then the power of the conspiracy word appears in a completely different light.

Money conspiracies and rituals

How to improve your financial well-being? Almost every person asks this question: there is never a lot of money. Natalya Stepanova offers a whole arsenal of rituals to attract finance. Money rituals are read on the growing moon or on the full moon. It is impossible to attract money for a waning month: they will disappear altogether.

Money rites are read on:

All the rituals of Natalia Stepanova are directly related to the name of the Lord, written in the Orthodox tradition. The healer recommends observing Christian commandments, honoring God and saints, not wishing evil to people and never causing damage. Retribution for communication with demonic forces may come already in this life, so you should take care of your soul and not cause harm to living beings.

Ritual for money on the thirteenth

A simple ceremony held on the 13th of any month is especially popular. Go to church before mass and buy 13 wax candles (can be thin), and exchange the change from the purchase for a trifle. Candles are placed on the icons of the thirteen apostles.

Arriving home, throw a trifle on the floor and leave it until the next morning. It is recommended not to receive or invite guests on this day, so that there is no question: “Why is money lying on the floor?”. Also warn your family not to ask questions.

Waking up in the morning, you need to collect a trifle in a handkerchief and put it under your bed. Just do it before washing, combing and drinking tea. You will notice that your cash income will increase dramatically. The ceremony can be repeated annually.

money talisman

On the growing moon, they pull out the wick from the wax candle, set it on fire with a match from both ends and quickly read:

"Fire is eternal,
And my spirit is marked
Gold, silver and all good things.

You have to say it once. Then extinguish the wick and put it in your wallet. This talisman will attract money. It is advisable to do the ceremony on one of the church holidays.

Good luck is needed by everyone, in any business and under any circumstances. How to attract her into your life? Our ancestors compared luck to the Firebird, which must be caught by the tail. Luck is capricious and wayward, but magical conspiracies will help to cope with it. The main thing is to observe the time of the ritual and the sequence of actions.

lure luck

Good luck can be lured, which is bought on the days of the new moon. A special secret of magical actions is that you should buy items for the ritual without surrender. At home, light a wax candle, hold a pin in your hands and say:

"The moon is born,
His power awakens
It's heading towards me.
As the moon will not part with the stars,
So my luck won't run out.


Put the pin under moonlight for a few hours. Carry the talisman always with you, and do not show it to anyone.

drive away bad luck

Sometimes, before attracting good luck, it is necessary to drive away bad luck. For this ceremony, you will need ordinary millet, which you need to feed to chickens. When you feed, say:

“How will this millet disappear,
So my failures will disappear.
Today, forever, forever.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It is difficult to find chickens in the city, so you can feed pigeons or sparrows. The main thing is that the birds peck all the grains.

love magic

Love magic can be dangerous if you use the power of demons and devils in the ritual. Natalya has many good safe rituals for the love of a loved one, one of them is a slander for a gift.

Wait for the birthday of your loved one or another special occasion and perform the ceremony. To do this, you need to defend the service with a candle in the church, and bring the cinder home. At home, pour water into a glass, hold a lit cinder over the camp and say:

“Holy stump, forge my gift!
Whoever takes this gift, he gives me his heart.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Make the sign of the cross and read the "Our Father" so that the evil spirits do not spoil your work. Wash your face with water, give a gift to your dear one.

The existence of conspiracies for money helps to get the necessary amount of money as soon as possible for absolutely any person. People, not, especially in, can read conspiracies for money and expect money to be raised quickly from simple reading.

The cash flow really begins to increase after reading such conspiracies, of which there are a fairly large number. The "talking" of money, as a rule, takes place on, water, bread and various. Razgadamus will not stop at all the spells, he will only offer, as always, for you only simple, but powerful and effective in attracting money.

Simple spells: what to say and do

Horoscope for every day

1 hour ago

So, if you can’t make money on your own, then you can make money, both with the help of various meditations to increase wealth, and by reading simple conspiracies.

Razgadamus advises. You need to speak the full text of the conspiracy. It is impossible to pronounce the spell in your own words - there will be no sense.

Despite their simplicity, white magic spells give positive results and work flawlessly, directing a large cash flow into your wallet.

It is better to do a ceremony to raise money when no one is at home, so that the performer can concentrate and raise money so that the whole family has money and forgets about the lack of money forever.

Natalia Stepanova. Conspiracy to attract money: read for yourself

Magic money conspiracies, slander is a ritual that has been popular since ancient times. One of the most powerful spells, at least among us Slavs, are the conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova.

You can speak not only luck in money matters, but also in work, for and cast love spells. In order to get away from lack of money, debt obligations, you can perform a magic money ceremony yourself.

It is necessary to wait for the first Thursday of the month, go to a pedestrian intersection where there is no transport, throw a small one on the ground and read the plot to raise money three times

I didn't call you, poverty,

You came to me uninvited.

Sit down, poverty, on the red thread,

From now on, you will not be with me.

Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to raise money from Vanga: read at home

Many conspiracies to attract money remained in the legacy of the great Bulgarian clairvoyant. Razgadamus invites you to use one of the most simple and effective money rituals.

The night before, you need to collect all the money that you have in the house and put it under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, first of all take out paper bills and count them, and then repeat the plot clearly and confidently three times

Everything goes into my hands, my hand takes everything:

Seven times a thousand, and even more,

Yes, five times five hundred, yes seven times seven hundred,

Yes, a hundred more times,

And half as much, and a quarter as many,

All the good can not be counted, money is not lime,

Wealth is multiplied, goodness is added.

May it be so forever and ever.

After reading the plot, put the money in the usual place for storage. It is desirable to read such a spell on banknotes as a keepsake. You can repeat the ritual once every two weeks.

Natalia Stepanova- a famous healer from Siberia, whose books the whole world is reading. The reader is captivated by the simplicity and unpretentiousness of the author's views on the topic of understanding the world order.

Stepanova has an unusually rich supply of good verbal magic (conspiracies) and prayers for all occasions.

But at all times, humanity has been most worried about two things - money and love. We are already on our website about love spells, and today we will provide you with conspiracies of a Siberian healer for money.

Full moon money spells

Such a rite has been known for a long time, even before the writing of popular books.

A special time for reading prayers for improving well-being is the time of the growing or full moon. The fact is that on such days (especially on the 14th and 16th days), our internal energy, like the natural energy of the heavenly body, reaches the peak of its activity, which means that all prayers will act with double strength.

It is advisable to purchase new wallet, especially if the old one did not please you with the presence of a large number of banknotes in it. Also buy green candle and aromatic oil (sandalwood oil can be used).

It is necessary to put a variety of banknotes (of different denominations) in the wallet, you can use the monetary units of other countries. It is very good if the weather is clear this night and the moon will illuminate your window.

Necessary stand at the window so that the moonlight falls on you. Pick up your new wheel and start shifting bills from one compartment to another. Closer to you should be larger banknotes, and put small money in other pockets.

At the end of this action, say the words of a prayer to attract money to the house:

Then you light a green candle, having previously lubricated it, with which we also coat all the bills from the wallet in the same way. At the same time, you need to think and imagine your money dream. If you always wanted to have a house - imagine it - all the details, along with the porch, windows, furnishings.

If you dreamed of going on a trip, imagine the country where you will soon go - national food, nature, sights ...

You need to sit for a few minutes and look at the candle, at its fire, imagining yourself absolutely rich man whose dream has already come true. The candle must burn out on its own. This is how you can develop paranormal abilities (read in detail how to do this).

At the end of this rite of conspiracy for the day, you need to thank the Moon in your thoughts, carefully put all the money in your wallet.

Prayer conspiracy to attract money

Healer Natalya Stepanova considers money conspiracies to be quite strong. And all because it is powerful manifestation of our desires. It is enough just to direct this powerful energy in the right direction. It is necessary, according to the author, to activate the energy that is dormant in us or in the symbols surrounding our life. It helps and, but this is a topic for another article.

The impact of words is very strong, Stepanova believes, especially if they are backed up by faith and strength that helps us. The magic of money is not so difficult for a mere mortal, and improving your financial condition will directly affect the improvement of the quality of your life in all areas.

Conspiracy to make money flow

To begin, consider simple money ritual, which is within the power of a novice "magician" to perform. And what is especially good is that actions can be performed quite often, several times a day. If you do them, concentrating on the money egregore (a bunch of energy and your desire), then pretty soon you will feel an improvement in your financial condition.

So, the main operating place of the monetary rite-conspiracy will be place of purchase, what do you do several times a day, right?

Agree, trade has existed since time immemorial. But few people would think that such a "scene" is a good place to perform a ritual to attract money to the house and family.

Here's what to do when you buy something. When you receive change in the market or shop, you say:

Money magic: ritual

Siberian healer prayer and conspiracy for money offers a difficult, complex in order and sequence of actions. But according to the reviews of those who performed such a ceremony, it is very strong.

It is important to remember: any conspiracies are especially strong at the beginning of a certain period, for example, at the beginning of a year or month, on the first day of the week, and the first day after the new moon. Stepanova especially recommended performing such actions on the Old New Year, because on this day all the energy that can “shoot” throughout the whole future year is concentrated.