Questionnaire “environmental education. Questionnaire for parents "Environmental education of children" methodological development on the topic Questionnaire for parents on an environmental theme

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 2 "Chamomile"

city ​​of Gubkin, Belgorod region

Working with parents

"Environmental education of children"

Gubkin, 2014
Questionnaire for parents "Environmental education of children"
FULL NAME___________________________________________
Age group________________________________
1. Do you know what ecology is, what it studies, what it does? ______________________________________________________
2. Do you know that a preschool institution is deeply involved in the issues of environmental education of children? __________________________
3. Are you personally interested in this problem?__________________________
4. Do you feel from the child that in preschool a lot of attention is paid to environmental education? _______________________________
How is it shown?
- The child tells a lot, asks to have an animal, a plant at home, pays attention to the nature around him, asks to take him to a park, forest, asks to read about nature, etc. (underline as necessary)
5. How do you feel about nature, do you like animals, birds? __________________________________________________________________
How can you help the DOE on ecology? _______________________________________________________________
6. Do you support the work carried out in the preschool educational institution on the environmental education of preschoolers? __________________________________________
How is it shown?
- Talked with the child about nature; equipped a corner of nature in the family; purchased animals; feed the birds, get out more often to nature; observe natural objects with children; plant trees, protect nature (underline as appropriate).
7. Do you introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature? _____________
Does it need to be done? ___________________________________________
8. In what way do you need help from the preschool educational institution on this issue? (How to observe the weather; how to keep animals, plants; what knowledge to give; how to introduce the rules of behavior in nature; what practical activities in nature can be done with children ...) _______________________________________________________________
9. How do you evaluate the work of the preschool educational institution on this issue? __________________
10. Your suggestions, wishes. _________________________________

Secrets of nature

(parent meeting-KVN)
Two teams participate: "Droplet", "Planet Earth".

Jury: head of preschool educational institution, parents.

Leading: senior educator or ecologist.

Proceedings of the meeting

Leading. Nature is our wealth, it is our task and duty to preserve this wealth for future generations. Man is part of this nature.

Think about the content of Mikhail Prishvin's appeal to us: “Fish needs clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, the beast - the forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

The motto of our meeting: "Touch nature with your heart."

The facilitator analyzes the exhibition of drawings and handicrafts from natural material made by parents and children, and analyzes the questionnaires.

1st competition. Performance.

Each team with the chosen name must present itself - 3 points.

2nd competition. Warm up.

Questions for the Kapelka team:

What tree sap is sweet? (Birch, maple.)

Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (Rowan, maple.)

- What kind of forest animal:

The beast is afraid of my branches,

Birds will not build nests in them.

In the branches - my beauty and power.

Tell me quickly, who am I? (Elk.)

I sing loudly

Returning from the south on time.

But I take songs

Even - even forty. (Starling.)

- What birds do not build nests, but hatch chicks in the sand, a hole? (Seagulls, waders.)

- What forest plants can replace meat? (Mushrooms are porcini and champignons are the most nutritious.)

What herbaceous plant blooms first? When? (The mother and stepmother, in April.)

Questions for the Planet Earth team:

What wood are matches made of? (Aspen.)

- What tree is said about: “Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, but without hair?” (Birch.)

- Guess what kind of bird:

Afraid of bright light.

Crochet beak, piglet eyes

Eared head. This is ... (owl).

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his gray paw,

And waking up, he began to roar,

This is a forest animal ... (bear).

- Who is cuckooing at the cuckoo? (Male.)

What mushrooms appear first? (Moles.)

Why bright ladybug birds don't peck? (Emits a caustic liquid.)

Musical break: dance "Rainbow".

3rd competition. Live pantomime.

Each team shows a live pantomime, the other team must guess (3 objects of nature).

4th competition. Captains competition.

Who will solve the crossword puzzle faster (“Phenomena of nature” and “Insects”) - 3 points.

Questions for fans:

What birds eat mushrooms? (Caercaillie.)

What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

– Which poisonous forest plants are named after the name of a bird or an animal? (Crow's eye, wolf's bast.)

Which plants have seeds with parachutes? (Dandelion, thistle, thistle, poplar, willow, coltsfoot.)

- What is the most voracious predator of the planet among insects? (Dragonfly - eats several times more food per day than it weighs itself.)

Musical break: the song "River".

5th competition. Homework.

Protecting a colorful poster or environmental newspaper about spring - 5 points.

Leading. There is no tree on the territory of our Russia that would be so lucky in folklore, music, and literature. With what love S. Yesenin spoke about birch:

I'm forever behind fogs and dews

I fell in love with a birch camp,

And her golden braids

And her canvas sundress.

Birches are a symbol of Russia.

Musical break: dance "Birch".

6th competition. Musical workout.

Who will sing whom - songs about nature (one verse each).

Leading. Take care and protect nature. Remember:

The paper you throw will lie on Earth for more than two years, a tin can for more than 30 years, a plastic bag for 200 years, glass for 1000 years.

Take care of these lands, these waters.

Even a small bylinochku loving.

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within you.

E. Evtushenko

The song "Forest March" - children and parents sing.


Enter nature with a friend

(Parent meeting)
Purpose: to create conditions for cooperation between children and parents, their emotional and psychological rapprochement; increase the interest of parents in the environmental education of their children and ecology in general.

Proceedings of the meeting

“I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a beetle

And he died in my palm.

And then I realized:

Touch nature

You can only do it with your heart."

Leading. A man became a man when he heard the rustle of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of waves and the solemn silence of the night. Heard, and held his breath, listening to hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life.

Two teams are participating: "Cornflower", "Chamomile".

Leading. The forest silence is full of its wonders.

You are standing in front of a fairy tale,

A fairy tale is a forest.

You save this fairy tale:

Do not tear, do not crumple and do not scare.

1st competition. "Question answer".

For the Chamomile team:

Why is the forest called the green pharmacy?

What flowers bloom in early spring?

- What diseases are linden used for?

Where are the grasshopper's ears?

Which bird has chicks in winter?

For the team "Vasilek":

Which bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?

What grass do cats like?

- Which birds do not build nests, but hatch chicks on the sand?

What berry replaces lemon?

What diseases is peppermint used for?

Musical pause: musical-rhythmic composition "Magic Flower".

2nd competition. Homework - dramatization of an ecological fairy tale - 10 points.

Musical break: song-joke "Grasshopper-grasshopper", music. D. Kadabekli, the words are folk.
Leading. A nest on a branch is a bird's house.

Yesterday a chick was born in it.

Don't ruin the house of the birds

And don't let anyone.

3rd competition. "Captains, captains ..." (verses about nature) - 5 points.

Musical break: etude "Dandelion", music. Arbelyan.

4th competition. Presentation of crafts made from natural material.

Musical break: song-dance "Eccentric-perch", music. Sirotkin, lyrics by B. Zakhoder.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Leading. We live in the same family

We live in the same circle

Swim in one flight.

Let's keep the chamomile in the meadow

Water lilies in the swamp

Sturgeon in the river and a bird in the sky!

What do we know about nature and its conservation?

(KVN for family teams - older preschoolers and their parents)
Equipment: three shields with typesetting or flannelgraph; three sets of cards with symbols; posters, drawings, newspapers on the topic "Protect nature"; puzzle poster; a poster-sample plan of the area; demonstration tables for demonstration of experiments.

The course of the competitive program

There are three teams of participants, fans, guests, teachers and kindergarten children in the hall.

1. Opening remarks.

Leading. Today we have gathered to test your knowledge about nature and its protection. Three teams will compete, which include children of the group preparatory to school and their parents in equal numbers.

Let's welcome our brave participants! We will make maps, compare the weather of the seasons, solve crosswords and puzzles, conduct experiments. The winning team will be rewarded.

2. Greeting teams.

Presentation of the team 1.

Child. We are parents and I

All. Nature's true friends!

Child. They came to play in KVN,

To know more about nature.

Team introduction 2.

Child. We love nature and protect

We don't give it to anyone to offend.

Child. So that nature would be glad to man,

All. We need to protect her!

Child. Hello! We tell our opponents

Don't be upset if we win.

Team introduction 3.

Child. Each of us will protect nature,

Parent. About every tree, our soul hurts.

Let's not let the living destroy everything,

Child. Prevent animals and plants from growing.

All. We are ready to play today

All together talk about nature.

Leading. Well done teams, good luck!

May luck meet you!

3. Competition of emblems.

Team performance 3.

Child. There are three “no” signs on our emblem:

Tear flowers, pollute ponds,

Destroy bird nests

All. It is forbidden!

Team performance 2.

Child. Every living being in the world

There must be a place on the planet.

All. Our emblem is a symbol of the life of all creatures of the Earth

Parent. And good hands - we will save nature with them!

Team performance 1.

Child. On our emblem the Red Book is a reminder,

Parent. An appeal to all living on the planet:

Child. Don't let animals and plants die,

All. Save nature from enemies and poachers!

4. Warm-up "What is it?".

Riddles for parents:

1) The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it.

I go and he goes. I stand and he freezes.

I went down lower - the edge became closer to me.


2) I'm sitting under glass,

I look north and south.

You will go with me

You will find your way back. (Compass.)

3) In what direction does the street pass, on which at noon there is no shadow from the houses?

Riddles for children:

1) Pisces live warmly in winter:

The roof is thick glass. (Ice.)

2) He is always busy with business,

He cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white

Everything he sees along the way. (Snow.)

3) He entered - no one saw,

He said no one heard

He blew on the windows and disappeared

And a forest grew on the windows. (Freezing.)

5. Homework.

Presentation of drawings, newspapers or posters under the motto "Protect nature", made by all teams.

6. Competition "You know the symbols,

Guess the cards with signs correctly.

Each team is given one identical set of cards with symbols. At a distance of five to seven meters from the location of the teams, shields with flannelgraph or type-setting canvas (magnetic board) are installed. At the signal of the leader, the team members, after conferring and choosing the given one from this set of cards with symbols, run one by one to their shield and attach a card to it, return, pass the baton on the shoulder to the next player.

At the signal of the host (for the agreed time), the teams stop the task of the competition. The presenter organizes a check with the audience for the correctness of the choice of cards (in unison, the fans count the points - one point for one correct answer).

The 1st team must choose cards with symbols indicating: meadow, swamp, vegetable garden, ravine, stream.

The 2nd team chooses cards with symbols indicating: city, village, kindergarten, highway, river.

The 3rd team must choose cards with symbols indicating: a dirt road, an orchard, a clearing, a mixed forest, a deciduous forest.

7. Competition of captains and their assistants.

Assignment to the captains (parents).

Draw a plan of the area so that from north to south there is a kindergarten surrounded by an orchard, from the south - a swamp, from the east - a river with a wooden bridge, and from the west - a dirt road.

At the end of the assignment, the captains' plans are compared with the master plan. For each correctly depicted symbol, the team receives one point.

Assignment to assistant captains (children).

Guess animal puzzles.

Answers: mole, squirrel, heron, swallow, camel.

8. Logic tasks.

Task 1. Divide the animals drawn on the cards into three groups: bear, stork, whale, shark, swan, hare, elk, dolphin, magpie, octopus, rooster, tiger, mole.

The team that completed the task first and named the principle by which the animals were divided into groups earns a point.

Task 2. Divide the animals drawn on the cards into groups according to the way they move: RUN, JUMP, FLY, Crawl, SWIM.

Team members take turns coming to the board, choose one animal at a time and determine which group it belongs to. The team that does it faster and correctly wins.

9. Game with the audience "Name the fairy tale about the animal."

Groups of fans of the three teams take turns naming fairy tales in which there is a mention of animals. The group that finds it difficult to name a fairy tale is out of the game. The game continues until a winner is revealed. Fans can add an extra point to their team by winning.
The game can be played while the captains and assistants are performing their tasks.

10. Quiz "Minerals".

Question for the 1st team. Tell us what minerals a person uses to heat a room.

Question for the 2nd team. Describe how a person uses sand and clay.

Question for the 3rd team. Describe how a person uses iron and aluminum ores.

11. Experiments "Water and its properties."

1st team - the shape of water;

2nd team - water - solvent;

3rd team - water purification.

The facilitator's assistants place the necessary items and materials on the tables for the demonstration of experiments by team members.

12. Visual competition "Water in nature".

For the whole team on a piece of paper, depict:

1st - the water cycle in nature; 2nd - the formation of a spring; 3rd - the scheme of the river.

13. Creative competition "We dedicate to nature."

Teams present musical, poetic, dance and other works and compositions dedicated to the love of nature.

14. Competition "The world of animals and plants is rich."

Each team needs to list animals and plants:

1st - forests; 2nd - fields; 3rd - reservoirs.

For this competition, teachers can draw various animals and the diversity of the plant world on whatman paper, and hang drawings on demonstration stands in the hall before the competition.

15. Crossword contest.

Crossword of the 2nd team.

1) A plant that lives on rocks in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. (Lichen.)

2) A stunted tree in the tundra. (Willow.)

3) Garden flower. (Aster.)

4) Arctic grass. (Saxifrage.)

5) Bulbous ornamental plant with white or yellow fragrant flowers. (Narcissus.)

Crossword of the 3rd team.

1) A flower growing in the mountains, making people happy. (Edelweiss.)

2) A tree with carved leaves. (Maple.)

3) The tree is a symbol of Russia. (Birch.)

Crossword of the 1st team.

1) The plant is a symbol of Mexico. (Cactus.)

2) The flower is the symbol of Holland. (Tulip.)

C r o s s w o r d f o l e l s ch i c o v.

Guess the animal from the description and get a vertical word naming the one who is responsible for nature.

1) The bird is a companion of sailors.

2) An animal that prefers to live in forests where there is fresh water nearby. It is easily recognizable by the black rings on its tail.

3) The king of beasts.

4) A close relative of squids, but unlike its counterparts, it has eight to ten tentacles.

5) Predator from the canine family.

6) A prickly animal.

7) The most famous excavator.

16. Competition "Make rules of behavior in nature."

For the whole team to draw up rules of conduct: 1st - in the forest; 2nd - in the meadow; 3rd - on the reservoirs.

17. Summing up the results of the competitive program.

The host asks the jury to announce the points earned by the teams, the results of the competition, and name the winning team. The head of the kindergarten and the chairman of the parent committee reward all participants in the competition, thank them for their participation and ask everyone present to protect and protect their native nature, to study it the way young players do with their parents, who have shown good knowledge about the world of animals, plants, about weather phenomena and properties of various objects of nature.

Leading. And you, our dear guests, what do you remember, what new things did you learn today at KVN? Who do you think was the most resourceful? Let's applaud the best player - a connoisseur of nature. (Gives the expert an owl - a symbol of wisdom.)

KVN is over, friends, goodbye!

I want to say goodbye to everyone:

There are so many of us on earth

And we can take care of nature - one - completely!

Children and adults sing the song "The world is like a colored meadow" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Child 1. Love your native nature -

Lakes, forests and fields.

After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

Child 2. You and I were born on it,

We live with you on it.

So let's go, people, all together

We treat her kindly.

Two children carry out a large ball, decorated in the form of a globe, with the inscription: "Take care of this Earth!". They solemnly walk through the hall past the children and guests, then stop in the middle of the hall, put the ball in front of them.

Child 1. I am running, but the globe is

Spins under me

Child 2. Hey, don't touch the planet!

Child 1. Take care of this Earth!

Child 2. I run, run, run,

I can't resist -

Together. I love beauty!

K. Oreshin

The song “Alone with everyone” sounds in the recording (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by A. Poperechny); “Live, Earth, live, Earth, and you understand, people, the second Earth, the second Earth, there will be no second such” performed by the group “Earthlings”. The children leave the room.

"Educating Kindness to Nature"

(round table with parents of preschoolers)

“Teach your child to feel, and

and then understand what is good

then good when from him

people do not cry,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Kindness makes a person educated.

The child is naturally kind. Childish cruelty, which we sometimes observe in children, is not a typical phenomenon, but most likely a pathology, or a child’s misunderstanding of what hurts. How often children break branches just like that, inflicting “pain” on a tree, and do not think at the same time that they are hurting it. How often children throw stones into a pond, river, and no one stops them. They pollute the water, and after all, many different living creatures live in the reservoir.

Yes, goodness must be taught.

The upbringing of kindness is connected with the awakening of compassion in a child, empathy in grief, trouble and the ability to rejoice and empathize with the success of another as if it were one's own. The child should come to this not through censure or fear of punishment, but through strengthening, as he grows up, self-esteem. An effective, sincere manifestation of an adult's love for a child encourages him to show good feelings in communication with others - this is an important condition for cultivating kindness. Communication with nature awakens in a child kindness, responsiveness, a sense of responsibility for another life, for example, for the life of animals and plants. Isn't that why sunrises and sunsets, pebbles on the seashore, beautiful birch trees delight and touch us, in all this we unconsciously feel something familiar? Beautiful in nature means beloved for man. My favorite means native. And beloved, dear must be protected and protected.

The ABC of kindness is comprehended by a child every day through his thoughts, feelings, deeds and deeds.

With the help of the natural environment, adults have the opportunity to comprehensively develop the child: expanding his horizons, showing the relationships in nature, involving children in joint activities, giving feasible assignments, encouraging the child to sympathy, empathy, cultivating a desire to help with deeds.

We learn from nature a sense of beauty, a sense of proportion, goodness, justice.
But how to attach the child to the native nature? How to develop in him a cognitive interest in her, to cultivate love and respect? What do you think, dear parents? How do you develop a cognitive interest in nature in your children, how do you instill in children a love for nature in your family? (Answers from parents..)

Bottom line: No matter how much we have conversations, conversations with children about nature, about caring for it, we will not achieve the desired result until we take the child out into nature, until we ourselves show an example of careful and caring attitude towards it.

Memo for parents and children on environmental education

Remember the rules!

Plant protection.

Being in nature, you can not pick plants for bouquets. Bouquets can be made from those plants that are grown by man.

A wonderful wealth of nature - medicinal plants. People often collect them and take them to pharmacies. This is important work, but it must be done in a way that does not harm nature.

Some types of medicinal plants have already become rare due to immoderate collection. These are primrose, valerian, club moss. They cannot be collected at all. It is best to harvest plantain. Shepherd's purse, tansy, yarrow, bird's buckwheat.

You can collect medicinal plants only in those places where there are a lot of them. Often plants must be left in nature.

It happens that people do not even pick plants, destroy them. The reason for this is trampling. A man walks through the forest and does not notice how fragile grasses break under his feet, trample into the ground. In addition, the soil is compacted under people's feet. In such soil there is little air, water, and plants cannot live on it, they die.

In nature, especially in the forest, you should try to walk along the paths so that the plants do not die from trampling.

In our country, a lot of work is being done to protect plants. Rare plants are forbidden to collect. Under special protection they are in reserves. Many rare plants from all over the world are grown in botanical gardens.

Of course, it is necessary to protect not only rare, but also other, even the most common plants. Everyone must follow the rules of behavior in nature, plant more plants in cities and villages.

We must not forget that everything in nature is interconnected. Therefore, the protection of plants helps to combat air and water pollution, the protection of pollinating insects, predatory insects, and the protection of birds.

Animal protection.

Don't go near bird nests. In your footsteps, nests can be found and destroyed by predators. If you accidentally find yourself near the nest, do not touch it, leave immediately. Otherwise, the parent birds may leave the nest altogether.

If you have a dog, do not take it with you to the forest in spring and early summer. She can easily catch flightless chicks and helpless cubs of animals.

Do not catch and do not take home healthy chicks of birds and cubs of animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.

Be sure to feed the birds in winter. And in the spring, with the help of the elders, make houses and birdhouses for them. Animals are linked together in a food chain. Therefore, protecting some animals, you often help others. If, for example, frogs are guarded, there will be more herons that feed on frogs.

Animals are also related to plants. If, for example, you collect bouquets in a forest or a meadow, there will be fewer bumblebees and butterflies that need the nectar of flowers for food.

DO NOT FORGET that plants give shelter to animals. Protect grasses, bushes, trees, you help animals, birds, insects that take refuge in their thickets.



Advice for parents

"Environmental education of children in the family"
Ecology is a science, and it came from the word oikas - house, dwelling, habitat. This is all living things that surrounds us, we breathe what we live. A new direction of education appeared in their preschool pedagogy - ecological education.

From the first years of life, the beginning of ecological culture is formulated in children. Children see at home how their mother takes care of flowers, a cat or a dog. They themselves are drawn to all living things, they want to stroke the animal and admire the beautiful flowers.

Growing up, children learn that each creature has its own "home", in which there is everything for his life. Ecological education is the knowledge of the living that surrounds the child, in its habitat, and our main task is to teach them to protect and protect what they see. It is necessary to explain to the child in an accessible way that it is impossible to break a tree branch, especially in winter. Pay attention to the beauty of the child, how beautiful they are in frost. In winter, they sleep and they only have us defenders.

We need to cover the roots with snow, explaining that we help them survive in the winter. When visiting the forest with children in winter, pay attention to the silence in the forest, its beauty and how well it breathes in the forest.

In spring, nature is changing, and we rejoice at every new blade of grass and a new leaf. Work begins in the country and the children help you, albeit very little, but they are drawn to this, seeing how you are doing it. There is a forest near the summer cottages, you go there with your children. We are all drawn to nature to relax, breathe fresh air, listen to the murmur of a stream. We adults collect flowers and medicinal herbs, pick only as many as you need and try not to uproot.

When picking mushrooms and berries in the forest, take only those that you know, and do not touch others. Animals need them, they feed on them and are treated. Like, for example, a fly agaric mushroom, it is so beautiful, admire it, but do not touch it, the elk will come and it will be useful to it for treatment. So that the mushrooms do not disappear near our forest, do not disturb the mycelium, explain to the children that the mushrooms need to be cut with a knife, a new mushroom will grow here.

Children often act cruelly with nature and we adults are to blame for all this. They could not teach to see the beautiful and make sure that everything that surrounds us only pleases.

Feed the birds, hang a feeder outside the window or on the balcony. The child himself will put food there. If you want to please a child, get him parrots or a carduelis, a turtle or a hamster. Explain and teach how to properly care for them and the child will be happy. Many children have a dream to have a friend next to them, it's a kitten or a puppy. And if you have got yourself an animal at home, do not throw them out into the street when they grow up, because they are animals and trust people. I wish you to instill a sense of compassion in children, teach them to see the beauty of the world around them and this will not be in vain. If the child takes care of everything and takes care of this “home”, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you adults.

Questionnaire for parents

"Environmental education of preschoolers"

Dear parents!

A preschool educational institution, as part of the implementation of environmental and educational projects, conducts a survey of parents on the environmental education of preschool children. We would like to know your opinion about the work of the kindergarten, educators, teacher of additional education with children in environmental education.

1. Do you consider the environmental education of preschool children an important component?

2. How do you understand what ecology is, what it studies, what it does?

3. In your opinion, does the state of a child's health depend on the state of the environment?

4. In what joint activity do you carry out ecological education of children in the family?

Conversations with children about nature

Bird feeding

Rest at nature

Observation of natural objects

Reading fiction of natural history content

Other forms___

5. How would you rate your child's level of environmental knowledge?


6. Do you introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature?

7. What information would you like to receive from a preschool institution on the environmental education of preschoolers___

8. How do you evaluate the work of a preschool institution in the environmental education of preschoolers? ___

Thank you for your participation!

Preschooler and ecology

In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is not by chance that teachers face the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

It is possible to start environmental education in a preschool institution from the moment children enter the nursery or the first junior group. The main factor ensuring the success of this work is the understanding by the educator of the psychophysiological characteristics of children of this age.

Two - three-year-old kids are trusting and spontaneous, they easily join in joint practical activities with an adult, they manipulate various objects with pleasure. They emotionally react to the kind, unhurried tone of the educator, willingly repeat the words and actions after him. Their involuntary and short-lived attention is easily focused by any novelty: an unexpected action, a new object or toy. It should be remembered that at this age children cannot do one thing for a long time, they cannot focus on one thing for a long time - they need a constant change of events, a frequent change of impressions. An adult must understand that words are an abstraction and behind them must be a visual image of an object and actions with them - only in this case, small children begin to react to the speech of the teacher. So, the success of the ecological education of young children can be ensured by the following ways of interaction between an adult and them:

soft, friendly communication, understanding of the state of children, their experiences, caused primarily by separation from the family;

slow expressive speech, repeated repetitions of the same thing;

reinforcement of the word by the image of the object, by the action depicting it;

frequent switching of children's attention from one subject to another, from one type of activity to another;

the use of techniques that evoke positive emotions in children;

conscious creation by the educator in his behavior (actions and words) of a role model;

frequent praise to the kids (friendly verbal assessment and stroking on the head).

The task of the teacher in working with children of primary preschool age is to lay the first landmarks in the world of nature - plants and animals as living beings and their dependence on living conditions.

At this stage of the formation of the personality, the leading in the intellectual development of the child are a specific image of the object, actions with it, accompanied by a word, so the educator, first of all, focuses on the sensory development of children.

The formation of the initial foundations of ecological culture is the accumulation of specific, sensual ideas about the objects and phenomena of nature that surround the kids, which are part of the circle of their life. At the age of two or three years, children must learn to distinguish and correctly name objects and objects of nature with which they constantly interact, they must learn their main sensory properties - shape, color, size, degree of hardness or softness, the nature of the surface, and also learn the visible components parts of objects and objects; in addition, get initial ideas about possible activities with them.

An important aspect of environmental education at this age stage is the formation of children's understanding of the specifics of a living object, its fundamental difference from an object (non-living object), the formation of elementary skills for the correct interaction with plants and animals, participation in activities to create the necessary conditions for them. Raising children will not become ecological if they do not understand already at this age: a plant on the window needs water, a parrot in a cage needs grains and water, a birch in the area needs water, and sparrows need bread crumbs in winter. Acquaintance with the objects of nature, their parts, basic properties, visual ways of functioning in very specific conditions - this is the formation of initial ecological ideas, which are the basis of the correct attitude towards living beings, the correct interaction with them. Knowledge is important not in itself, but for developing a differentiated vision of natural objects and the ability to act with them. The correct attitude towards living beings, which, in accordance with the Young Ecologist program, is the end result, an indicator of environmental education, is manifested at this age only in the voluntary and active participation of children in joint activities with adults aimed at maintaining the conditions necessary for the inhabitants of the green zone and to communicate with them. Such activity should be colored with positive emotions of the kids, active perception of everything that the teacher says and does.

An important place in technology is occupied by the game - a simple plot or moving game, with imitation of animal movements with onomatopoeia. In addition to fairy tales, we use other works of folklore, poems, the plots of which are played out with children.

Success in the environmental education of 3-4-year-olds is ensured primarily by the understanding of the educator of their psychophysiological characteristics. Children of this age are trusting and spontaneous, easily involved in joint practical activities with an adult, emotionally react to his kind unhurried tone, willingly repeat words and actions after him. The task of the younger preschool age is to lay the first landmarks in the natural world, in the world of plants and animals creatures, provide an understanding of the original relationships in nature, understanding the need for one or two conditions for their life.

The leading factor in the intellectual development of a child of this age is a specific image of an object, actions with it. Words should follow them - then the situation as a whole becomes clear to the baby, assimilated by him. It follows that the leading activities in the environmental education of younger preschoolers are repeatedly repeated sensory examination of objects, objects of nature and practical manipulation with them. Everything that can be put into the hands of children is offered to them for examination, in which the educator includes as many sense organs as possible. Children pick up natural vegetables, fruits, stroke and inspect them, squeeze, sniff, taste, listen to how they creak or rustle, that is, examine them in all sensory ways. The teacher designates each sensation with a word, asks the children to repeat after him. An important role in children's cognition of natural objects is played by practical modeling actions, when the teacher depicts the shape, size, height or length of natural objects with his hands: he “draws” a round tomato, an apple, a long carrot, a large round watermelon or a head of cabbage in the air. Asks children to do the same with their hands - movements and actions reinforce what the eyes see and what is indicated by the word. The educator carefully introduces the game as a method of environmental education. In this age story game is just beginning, it is not yet a leading activity, so the task for the teacher is to select simple and well-known images, game actions and words for IEE, through which the ecological content will be expressed. The images of the fairy tales "Ryaba the Hen", "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Zayushkina's Hut" are best suited for this purpose.

From the very beginning of the year, the educator in both the first and second junior groups repeatedly talks and plays with puppets

bi-ba-bo fairy tales, starting with "Turnip". The grandfather, who grew a good turnip in his garden, “comes” to classes with a “fruit and vegetable” theme (not only turnips grow in his garden, but apples and various berries grow in the garden), introduces children to a variety of fruits, participates in their examination, gives a try and is generally friendly to children.

The theme of domestic animals is easy to imagine with the help of Baba and Grandfather from Ryaba the Hen, who, in addition to chickens, have a cow, a goat, a horse and other animals. Either Grandfather or Baba "comes" to classes, they talk about a cow with a calf, then about a goat with kids, show how they feed them with grass, hay, and water. The teacher gives the children the opportunity to take part in these operations as assistants - they feed toy (or depicted in the picture) cows and goats with hay, graze them, build barns for them, imitate their actions and sounds themselves.

Such a game allows kids to learn the rural reality, develops their playing skills, imagination, consolidates the knowledge of fairy tales.

The technology of ecological education of younger preschoolers includes the following components:

various cycles of observations in everyday life (for aquarium fish, ornamental birds, spruce on the site in winter, autumn flowering plants, spring primroses). Each of the cycles includes 3-5 observations and allows children to gain the first concrete knowledge about these objects of nature;

monthly (within one week) observations of weather phenomena, which are accompanied by daily calendar keeping (using pictograms) and dressing of a cardboard doll;

participation in the feeding of wintering birds and observing them, which are recorded in a special calendar with picture cards with their image daily for 1-2 weeks at the height of winter feeding;

germination of turnips in the winter and the creation of a calendar of its growth: observations of growing onions are carried out for 4-5 weeks (once a week) by the educator in the presence of children and sketches are made with their help;

joint activities of the educator with children in a corner of nature to care for indoor plants, an aquarium - children are attached to labor operations and an understanding of their significance for living beings;

telling and acting out folk tales, looking at illustrations in books;

conducting environmental classes once every two weeks;

carrying out ecological leisure activities.

CONSULTATION FOR EDUCATORS "Education of ecological culture in preschool children"

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for children. Children are constantly in one form or another in contact with nature. They are attracted by green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies fluttering over them, beetles, birds, animals, as well as falling snow flakes, streams and puddles. The endless and diverse world of nature awakens in children a keen interest in the environment, curiosity, encourages them to play, artistic and speech activity. Impressions received in childhood are remembered for a lifetime, and often affect a person's attitude to all living things. Watching a small bug crawling on a tree branch or a blade of grass, raindrops knocking on a window, you can teach a child to notice phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, to establish the simplest connections between them. Children form specific ideas about the life of plants and animals, about the need to create favorable conditions for their growth and development, they develop an interest in nature and the ability to admire it at different times of the year, in any weather. “It is necessary that a child, starting from an early age, get used to evaluating his actions not only by their immediate effect, but also by their consequences, i.e. evaluate the present in light of the future. Only with such upbringing of the younger generation… the future of humanity will be in serious hands,” Professor M. Kamshilov wrote. The perception of nature helps to develop the moral qualities of the child - cheerfulness, emotionality, a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals and plants. A kid who loves nature will not thoughtlessly pick flowers, ruin bird nests and anthills, or offend animals. In accordance with this, the main tasks of environmental education are: · Education of love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; Formation of knowledge about nature; · Development of empathy for the troubles of nature, the need to fight for its preservation. The process of development of ecological culture is not simple and lengthy. That is why environmental education starts from early childhood. The work is carried out in two directions: · Formation of the principles of ecological culture in children; · Development of the principles of ecological culture in adults. In her work, she used the following forms of child behavior, which can serve as a criterion for the level of his "ecological education": independent observations, viewing pictures, illustrations; setting up trials and experiments; · the desire to talk about impressions, discuss them, convey them in the game, art activities, in the work of caring for animals and plants. Children's observations of the objects of nature with which they are in constant contact, allow the formation of specific ideas of children about them. Observations of seasonal phenomena in nature teach preschoolers to notice them themselves. The joint activity of children and the teacher helps to form labor skills. Reading fiction, illustrations, reproductions of paintings by famous artists arouse a steady interest in nature. Weekly classes on ecology, the use of IOS (game learning situations), conversations, educational games develop a positive emotional attitude towards nature. Working as an educator in the junior and middle groups, she chose the direction: "Education of ecological culture in children." Initially, a diagnosis of children's knowledge and skills in ecology was carried out, on the basis of which a project called “Green Outfit of the Earth” was later developed, in which I included experimental research work, and creative work, and the active work of the parents of the pupils. The purpose of the project is to update children's knowledge about the diversity of the plant world. The implementation of the project began with introducing children to vegetables and fruits, their diversity, similarities and differences, and benefits for humans. At the “Wonderful Basket” lesson, children learned to name, distinguish, describe vegetables and fruits, and then draw and paste them into an impromptu basket at will. Conducted didactic and board games “Who will pick fruits (vegetables) faster”, “Edible, inedible”, “What is superfluous?”, “What is your name tree?” and others... Systematic and consistent work helped me teach children to classify vegetables and fruits, name them, and include them in their vocabulary. Together with my parents, I organized an exhibition called "Gifts of Nature" from vegetables, fruits, natural materials. At the next stage of the project, I introduced the children to the seasonal changes in nature. Daily observations helped the children to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. The children reflected their observations in drawings, in the calendar of nature. An important role is played by the joint activities of the teacher and children. Together with the children, we learned how to take care of the plants in the group, washed the leaves, watered and loosened the ground, fertilized the flowers, planted onions in dry and damp soil, watched where the feather would grow faster. Children watched with great interest the process of onion growth and enthusiastically told each new change they noticed. Experiments were carried out with water, snow, air, how they affect the development and growth of plants. The interest of the children was enormous, they enthusiastically shared their impressions with their parents. At the third stage, I introduced the children to the forest and its inhabitants. My children learned what a pantry of nature is, they drew trees, mushrooms, berries, learned to distinguish and name them. In each lesson, I used an artistic word, folklore(rhymes, riddles, songs, etc.), material from the children's encyclopedia and other educational literature. Children learned the works of writers - naturalists V. Bianchi, E. Charushin, M. Prishvin and others. They also used musical material. (P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", children's songs) Parents were also involved, with whom an environmental poster competition, a competition of clothing models made from waste and natural materials were held. In parallel with getting acquainted with nature, I conducted classes in art activities. Children drew, pasted, sculpted what they saw, what they remembered, what they themselves wanted to do with their own hands. These are “Mushroom meadow” and “Brush of mountain ash”, and “Vegetables for cabbage soup”, and “Bunny carrot”. The project was completed with a stand with photographs called "Ecology and I are best friends", as well as an album with children's works. The parents whom my children and I invited to classes were not forgotten either. Consultations were held for them on environmental topics, and KVN "Nature around us", which summed up the results of the competition of environmental posters, clothing models from waste material. From the results of my work, I concluded: Children learned to independently observe objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature, share their thoughts. · Began to show interest in indoor plants, take care of them. · There has been a positive change in the behavior of children in nature. Children began to show interest in cognitive literature. Thus, raising a certain level of environmental knowledge of children is the result of work on the project, the result of my pedagogical efforts, which helped me to improve my professional level and help me plan my work in the future.

Consultation for educators "Organization of ecological space to ensure the life of children"

Internet resources:

A preschool institution is a place where children spend a huge amount of time and should feel comfortable, safe, and joyful. Children spend a lot of time outdoors. The child's perception of the world is formed under the influence of the environment, including playgrounds located on the territory of the kindergarten.

General rules for landscaping preschool educational institutions.

Improvement and gardening of the territory of the kindergarten is a responsible and very important task. The importance of site improvement works cannot be overestimated. Particular attention should be paid to the organization of the ecological space on the territory of the kindergarten. Plants on the territory of the preschool educational institution are a kind of "green shield", they create a favorable environment, protect against dust, reduce the ingress of exhaust gases into the territory, increase the percentage of oxygen in the air, and make it moderately humid. In addition to the fact that a variety of plants are useful in health and aesthetic terms, they are also interesting in terms of cognitive. Children can get acquainted with the names of plants in the region, with the characteristics of their growth (seed collection, flowering, leaf shape), join the labor on the ground, put their knowledge into practice. Flower beds should be located throughout the kindergarten - an institution for young children should be a truly flowering garden. At each group site, children will be able to see how flowers grow, take care of them and collect seeds, and have the opportunity to observe the blooming landscape from the windows of the group.

Despite the relatively small territory of the kindergarten, every detail plays an important role in its improvement and landscaping. There are no trifles here! It is strictly forbidden to use materials, structures, plants, landscape solutions that raise even the slightest doubt about safety, strength, stability when exposed to various conditions and circumstances. When drawing up a site landscaping plan, we must consider the following requirements:

1. No more than 50% of the total area is allocated for planting (if a forest, park, or garden is located next to the site, then this area can be reduced to 30%).

2. Green spaces should not interfere with the access of sunlight to the building, therefore shrubs are planted no closer than 5, and trees no closer than 10 m from the walls of a building with windows on the sunny side (in hot climatic regions, these distances are reduced).

3. A single-row protective strip of trees or shrubs should be provided along the perimeter of the land plot.

4. Trees and shrubs with poisonous fruits, thorns, etc. cannot be used for landscaping.

5. When choosing plants, you need to take into account the height and nature of the kindergarten building. In some cases, it is advisable not to plant trees, but to confine yourself to tall shrubs.

6. It is necessary to provide water for watering green spaces and the site.

The preliminary landscaping plan should indicate the range of plants and their special characteristics (time of appearance of foliage, flowering, fruiting, leaf color change). You should also have a layout drawing indicating the placement and distances between plantings of trees and shrubs of different species, as well as flower beds.

What plants are suitable for landscaping?

The landscaping plan of the land plot should include the following groups of vegetation:

1. large trees that give shade;

2. small trees and groups of shrubs;

3. hedges;

4. flower beds;

5. lawns.

For landscaping a sunny area, trees with a dense crown are recommended. You can plant small trees and shrubs on the site. For such plantings, the following species of trees and shrubs are recommended: rowan (lace foliage, decorative and edible fruits, fast growth), lilac (fragrant flowers, general decorative appearance), viburnum (beautiful flowering, decorative edible fruits). With careful selection, you can have flowering and decoratively colored shrubs on the site from spring to late autumn.

Playgrounds, a sports zone, a berry garden, a zoo area are bordered by a shrub approximately 0.5 m high, which serves as a natural border between these areas. Near outbuildings and along fences, you can arrange hedges of densely planted trees and shrubs, which are recommended to be trimmed in late autumn - thanks to this, dense branching of plants is obtained. For hedges, plants with beautiful foliage, flowering are convenient: honeysuckle, shadberry, viburnum, jasmine, yellow acacia, derain, lilac, spruce, thuja. Hedges are trimmed at a height slightly higher than the height of an adult - so they will not give a thick shadow. Trees are planted either in spring, before the start of sap flow in them, or in late autumn, after leaf fall.

The level of the ground around trees, bushes should be somewhat lower than on paths and playgrounds so that water does not flow onto them. A hedge is trees or shrubs planted in one or two lines running side by side along the perimeter of the territory of the kindergarten. The inclusion of a hedge in the design, as a rule, serves several purposes - giving a decorative effect to the site and its individual elements, protecting the garden from the effects of noise, dust and wind. In order for the green fence to fulfill its function of protection from prying eyes, its height must be at least one and a half meters. Evergreen hedges are spectacular all year round, which is especially valuable during the winter months, which are poor in colors. Most of them lend themselves well to regular haircuts. A sheared hedge will take up less space, but will require much more care. The usual height of hedges is 2-3 m. They are grown from small trees and shrubs and used as a border planting: to separate a recreation area, a playground or a vegetable garden. Plants in a hedge are planted in one row or several, respectively, a single-row or multi-row "forest belt" is obtained.

How and where is it better to plant a hedge?

Along the perimeter of the territory of the kindergarten, it is better to plant a hedge consisting of one row, since two-row hedges look less decorative and occupy a large area. The use of a multi-row hedge of tall shrubs is justified only where reliable wind protection is needed. A single-row hedge of deciduous or coniferous species is usually made 0.6-1 m wide. Plants that are easy to cut, as well as those bushes and trees that love free growth, are selected for hedges. The following options are possible. Rose hip. This shrub is undemanding to the soil. The following varieties are perfect for hedges: cinnamon, wrinkled, ordinary, small-leaved, rusty. Spruce. For hedges, you can use the following varieties of spruce - ordinary, white or Canadian, prickly. Spruce will make a beautiful high or medium hedge - dense and difficult to pass, if you do the right and timely trimming. Spruce needs loamy soil. Currant. This shrub perfectly tolerates shaded areas and is not picky about the soil. For hedges, you can use the following varieties of currants: alpine, golden, black, red. Hawthorn. Hawthorn makes excellent, dense hedges. The following varieties are usually used: dull, Siberian, single-stoned, etc. It is not demanding on the soil, but loves good lighting. Thus, a properly planned and well-landscaped area is one of the most important conditions for organizing work with children to familiarize them with nature. Of particular importance is a good site in a city kindergarten, since it is often the only place for children to communicate with nature for a long time. Landscaping of the site creates a favorable microclimate, reducing its dust content, gas pollution, noise level. Favorable air temperature, humidity, and sun exposure are created on the landscaped area.


1. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. for the teacher of children, garden. - 2nd ed., dorab. - M .: education, 1991.- 160s.

2. O. Gazina Playing, we study nature // Preschool Education No. 7 / 1995 - p.14

3. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. - M.: Ed. House "Karapuz", 2001.

Koltashkova Svetlana Yakovlevna,

deputy head

for educational work

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" Thumbelina "

city ​​of Khanty-Mansiysk

Target: develop the creative potential of teachers, their competence in the field of ecology; to improve the professional skills of teachers and the effectiveness of their procedural activities, to establish close cooperation between kindergarten teachers.

Preparation for the seminar - workshop:

    Choose questions for a business game, make a summary.

    Prepare manuals for the organization and conduct of the seminar.

    For teachers:

Prepare the section "Guide to the didactic game" in the Guidelines for the program of education and training in kindergarten, ed. V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.

To prepare a subject-didactic game of ecological content for children of middle and senior preschool age.

Event progress:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today we are holding a seminar - workshop for teachers on the topic: "Ecological bridge"

Let's get to know each other first so we can get to know each other better. (ball in a circle with a performance)

Nature is the most important means of education and development of preschool children. How many discoveries a child makes by communicating with her! Every living being seen by a child is unique. Diverse and natural materials (sand, clay, water, snow, etc.) with which children love to play. Preschoolers communicate with nature at different times of the year - both when fluffy white snow lies around and when gardens bloom. Not a single didactic material can be compared with nature in terms of the diversity and strength of the developmental impact on the child.

The influence of nature on the development of the child's personality is associated with the formation of certain knowledge about its objects and phenomena. Therefore, if we talk about the tasks facing the educator, introducing children to nature, then first among them will be the formation in children of an elementary system of knowledge about nature.

Second the task is to develop labor skills and abilities in children.

Third the task is to develop in children a love for nature.

All of the above tasks facing the educator are closely interconnected - it is necessary to consider and solve them as a whole.

So what is ECOLOGY? (answers of teachers)

Ecology is the science of the relationships between plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment.

In order to form in children the need to communicate with representatives of the animal and plant world, a cognitive interest in them, the ability to see and understand beauty, the need for self-expression in creative activity, conditions are created in the kindergarten where children can replenish their knowledge in conditions of daily free access, realize the need for communication with nature.

Name the elements of the subject-developing environment of the kindergarten used for the environmental education of preschoolers.

(Participants alternately name: a corner of nature: models and diagrams; visual material; calendar of nature; file cabinets of work, observations and experiments; laboratory; educational panels; methodical, encyclopedic and fiction; ecological trail; mini-gardens in group rooms and a garden-garden on the territory; ecological collections and mini-museums; winter Garden; plant passports, etc.).

You have cards with task number 1, try to emphasize and rank the following principles for creating an ecological room in kindergarten (put the most relevant, in your opinion, provision in the first place):

    Presence of as many plant and animal species as possible;

    The presence of inanimate objects (soil, stones, shells, etc.);

    Providing comfortable conditions for all representatives of wildlife, the habitat and care they need;

    Safety (lack of dangerous species of animals, insects);

    Providing opportunities for children to take care of plants and animals;

    Providing opportunities for children to observe wildlife;

    Providing opportunities for children to experiment with objects of inanimate nature;

The weather has always interested people. The closer a person was to nature, the more his life depended on rains and droughts, on frosts and thaws.

And although these long-term observations, reflected in signs and riddles, proverbs and sayings, are not all accurate, they can be fully used to familiarize children with nature, folk traditions, and to develop their creativity; observations provide an opportunity to experience the joy of discovery, to feel the taste of research work.

Weather forecasting based on folk signs brings up respect for traditions, provides a link between generations.

We offer you a small blitz competition "How plants and animals predict the weather."

We remind you of the beginning of signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line.

- The spider strenuously weaves a web - (to dry weather).

- It's getting warm on the road - (before the rain).

- Swifts, swallows fly low - (rain portends).

- Mice come out from under the litter to the snow - (a day before the thaw).

- The dog rolls on the ground, eats little and sleeps a lot - (to a blizzard).

- When bird cherry blooms - (to cold, frost).

- If the grass is dry in the morning - (expect rain in the evening).

- A lot of juice flows from a birch - (by a rainy summer).

- In the morning, the wood lice blossomed and remained open all day - (for good weather).

- Flowers before the rain - (they smell stronger).

Maybe one of you will remind other signs?

Try to formulate for children the rules of behavior in the forest:

Appendix No. 2 (teachers perform the task)

And now your attention is invited to guess the crossword on the topic "Happy birthday, earth"

1. Someone slowly inflates a red balloon in the morning, and when he releases it from his hands, everything will become light around. (sun)

2. I am transparent, I am solid, they walk, they ride on me. I do not drown in water, I do not burn in fire. (ice)

3. walked through the sky at night, dimly illuminated the earth. “I’m bored, I’m bored alone, but my name is ...” (moon)

4. runs through the snow, but there is no trace. (driving snow)

5. floor - cakes over the houses, do not get it with your hands. (month)

6. In the morning, the beads sparkled, they sent all the grass with them, and went to look for them in the afternoon - we are looking - we are looking, we will not find. (dew)

7. He will answer a call with a call, a word with the same word. To laughter - will answer with laughter, it is called ... (echo)

8. clean, sunny, mushroom, warm, sonorous. Mischievous. Pulls grass, rye to the sky. Hard worker - summer ... (rain)

9. we all love her when she makes noise, murmurs, splashes, and the cat does not love her - he washes himself with his paw. (water)

10. no matter how much you go along it - everything will run ahead. (shadow)

11. Everyone who passes by will come up, get drunk and gain strength again on the road. (spring)

12. all summer I sit on a branch, and in the fall I circle a yellow butterfly (leaf)

13. The field has become black and white, then rain falls, then snow. And it became cooler, ice bound the waters of the rivers. Fading in the field of winter rye, what a month, tell me. (november)

14. when everything is covered with gray snow and the sun says goodbye to us early? (winter)

15. I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees, but I do not touch the fir trees and pines. I ... (autumn)

16. white, like milk, everything was clouded around. (fog)

17. the ear is golden, the river is silver. Nature blossomed! What time of year? (summer)

18. our chocolate garden is empty, cobwebs fly into the distance. And cranes stretched to the southern edge of the Earth. The doors of schools were flung open, what came to us in a month? (September)

I propose the following task "Poetry and music in nature"

Poems to music…………

Attention! Musical riddle. Listen to the music and say what bird the music is talking about? (swan)

I suggest you make a swan in the origami way (teachers complete the task)

FULL NAME____________________________________________________________________________________

Age group________________________________

1. Do you know what ecology is, what it studies, what it does? _________________________________________________________________________________________

2 Are you interested in raising an environmental culture in your child? _________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Do you know how to introduce a child to nature?________________________________________________________________________________

4. Do you have indoor plants, and which ones? _________________________________________________________________________________

5. Is there a dog, cat or other animals in the family?_________________________________________________________________________________

6. How do you feel about nature, do you like animals, birds? _________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Do you have books about nature at home and do you read them to your children?

8. Do you know poems, riddles, sayings, proverbs about nature?

9. Do you watch filmstrips, slides, TV shows about nature with your child?

10. Do you often go to the forest with your child? __________________________________________________

11. Do you tell your child about the benefits of trees, medicinal herbs, berries, insects, birds?

12. Do you introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature? _________________________________________________________________________________________

13. Should I do it? _________________________________________________________________________________________

14. Does your child know how to behave properly in the natural environment (do not make noise, do not leave garbage, do not harm natural objects ...) ___________________________________________________________________________

15. Who should teach your child respect in nature?_________________________________________________________________________________

How can you help DOE


17. In what way do you need help from the preschool educational institution on this issue? (How to observe the weather; how to keep animals, plants; what knowledge to give; how to introduce the rules of behavior in nature; what practical activities in nature can be done with children ...) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

18. Your suggestions, wishes for the environmental education of children. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix 2

Approximate topics of conversations and consultations with parents on environmental education

1. Without harming nature. (Discuss the rules of behavior in nature.)

2. Let the herbs bloom! (Introduce herbaceous plants, talk about their benefits, how to protect them.)

3. Bow to the berry. (Talk about berries, tell what knowledge can be given to children, the rules for picking berries, their protection.)

4. Winged doctors. (Introduce birds that can be observed; what to look for, what help we can give them in winter; what kind of food you can feed.)

5. Treasures of the forest. (The role of the forest in human life; what a person receives from the forest, how to behave in the forest; a person's help to the forest.)

6. Poisonous plants. (Introduce them, what are the rules for handling them, the protection of poisonous plants.)

Appendix 3

Approximate topics of screens for parents on environmental education

1. ABC of behavior in nature.

2. Walks in nature.

3. Enter nature as a friend!

4. Eyes of charm!

5. Green pharmacy (about indoor plants).

6. In the forest for mushrooms.

7. Let's help the winged doctors (about birds).

8. Our friends are insects.

9. Let's protect the friends of the forest!

10. Fire is the misfortune of the forest!

11. Let's save our Christmas tree.

12. Flowers - the beginning of earthly beauty.

13. Primroses - messengers of spring.

14. Let's save water!

Appendix 4

Save our native nature

Round table material for parents

1. Invite parents to discuss the following questions.

Does the natural environment influence the development of society?

Does society have an impact on the natural environment?

Can morality (morality) be the regulator of man's relationship to nature?

2. Analyze the following situations.

While walking in the forest, five-year-old Pavlik saw a beautiful butterfly with orange wings. Mom did not know what it was called, but suggested that her son carefully consider it and remember its appearance. “At home we will look in the book and find out its name.”


Was the mother right?

Should children always answer all questions at once?

What did the mother contribute to by setting such a task?

Do you think it is possible to catch butterflies and other insects? What is brought up in children at the same time?

What character traits can be brought up in children by watching insects?

Sasha, helping his grandmother take care of strawberries in the garden, became interested in how berries are obtained from flowers. Grandmother invited the boy to observe the formation of strawberries. She drew her grandson's attention to how the ovary appeared, how it began to grow, change in shape and color.

The observational data sent by the grandmother enriched the child's knowledge about the growth and development of strawberries. Based on this knowledge, Sasha was able to explain the process of formation of currant berries, cucumber fruits from flowers. He developed an elementary understanding of the growth and development of a plant, which later helped him in the study of botany at school.


Should young children be offered supervision and care for the plants in the garden? What does it give?

In your opinion, if a child takes part in labor activities together with adults in the garden and flower garden, will he be able to show cruelty towards plants and animals, people?

Do your children take part in caring for the plants in the garden?

Is it possible to treat nature as a means of educating beauty in a person?

“The most beautiful thing is nature itself. Look into it as closely as you can. To begin with, take a flower, or a leaf, or a cobweb, or patterns of frost on glass ... All these are works of art by the greatest artist of nature. Try to put into words what you like about them. This will force the attention to delve deeper into the observed object, to be more conscious of it when evaluating, to delve deeper into its essence ... Turn ... to the study of everything that catches your eye and that helps develop good taste and love for the beautiful. (K. Stanislavsky)

5. Invite parents to think about what they can do with their children to protect nature (specific cases in nature in the country, near the house, in kindergarten).

Annex 5

Intellectual and creative game "In harmony with nature"

Leading. Today we have an intellectual and creative game "In Harmony with Nature". Kindergarten teachers and parents are involved.
On the table are the cut pieces of two postcards. I suggest that everyone take parts of the postcard and make whole postcards from parts. We have formed two teams. Please, consult, come up with a team name and choose a captain.

Competition 1. "Warm-up".

The teams are asked questions in turn, the correctness and speed of the answers are evaluated.

1. The science of proper environmental management and protection of living organisms. (Ecology)

2. A document containing brief information on the distribution and protection measures for rare plant species around the world. (Red Book)

3. What is the name of the plant world? (Flora)

4. Which vegetable contains the highest amount of carotene, the so-called “growth vitamin”? (Carrot)

5. The flowers of this tree are used as a tea for colds? (Linden)

6. A useful indoor flower, the smell of the leaves of which repels flies and mosquitoes. (Geranium)

7. Vitamin dish made from chopped vegetables with salt and vegetable oil. (Salad)

8. The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov greatly appreciated this cereal crop. He called the porridge made from it heroic, because it is not only tasty, but also very nutritious. What is this cereal? (Buckwheat)

9. Before the appearance of potatoes in Russia, this vegetable crop occupied the second place in the diet of peasants after bread. As is known from the folk tale, it can grow to incredible sizes. (Turnip)

10. The dried flowers of this mountain plant, about which Sofia Rotaru sang in a popular song, will rid your house of moths. (Lavender)

Competition 2. "Harvest of fruits."

Now we will grow crops on the trees of knowledge. Team members during the relay list the methods and techniques for familiarizing preschoolers with nature. The jury evaluates which tree will be more productive.

Musical pause.

Competition 3. "Riddlers".

Leading. I have images of animals, birds, insects in my hands. Each team takes one card without showing it to the opponents. It is necessary to make a story about the animal in the picture, without naming it, and the opposing team must guess who it is. The jury evaluates the best story and the correct answer.

Information note for viewers "Known about the famous"

1. The largest:

From mammals - blue whale 150 tons, 30 meters

From birds - ostrich 90 kg, height 270 cm

Of the snakes - anaconda length 5-10 meters

2. The tallest plants are eucalyptus up to 162 m

The thickest - baobab up to 50 meters in circumference

The longest is the rattan palm, the stems stretch up to 400 meters in length.

3. Fastest of all:

cheetah running

swimming swordfish

flying swift

4. Bamboo stems can grow up to 90 cm per day. Its maximum height is 36 meters.

5. Birds on earth - 8500 different species. Of these, 770 live with us.

It is estimated that there are approximately 100 billion of all birds.

6. One dandelion flower yields 200 seeds. There are up to 6 flowers per plant. 1200 new dandelions appear.

7. Squirrel prepares up to 600 grams of dry mushrooms for the winter.

8. Boletus grows faster than all tubular mushrooms, 4-5 cm per day.

9. Ordinary bees make 200 wing beats per second.

10. With a life expectancy of 70 years, a person spends 23 years sleeping, 13 years talking, 6 years eating, and 1.5 years washing.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type "Rainbow"


Questionnaire for parents

“How competent are you in environmental matters?”

Do you think that there are environmental problems in our city? Which?

In your opinion, do you have enough information about the nature of our city to answer the questions that a child has?

How often do you go on field trips with your child?

Do you think your child is familiar with the rules of behavior in nature? And you?

What activities would you suggest to hold on environmental topics in a group or for the city?

Do you think there are problems with household waste in our city? Which?

Questionnaires for parents

"Environmental Education in the Family".

The purpose of the survey. to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of preschoolers in kindergarten and its real implementation in the family.

1. Do you have pets at home? Cat, fish, dog, hamster, etc.

2. Are there indoor plants? Which?

3. Who takes care of the animals or plants?

4. What does the child do while feeding, walking with him, playing, watering or doing nothing? Underline or add.

5. Do you and your child go out in nature? If yes, where?

6. For what purpose?

7. Where does the child usually spend the summer?

8. How do you feel about introducing a child to nature in kindergarten?

9. Your suggestions on the organization of environmental education in kindergarten.

Approximate topics of conversations and consultations

with parents on environmental education.

1. Without harming nature. Discuss the rules of behavior in nature.

2. Let the herbs bloom! To acquaint with herbaceous plants, talk about their benefits, about how to protect them.

3. Bow to the berry. Talk about berries, tell what knowledge can be given to children, the rules for picking berries, their protection.

4. Winged doctors. Introduce birds that you can follow

observations, what to pay attention to, what help we can give them in winter, what kind of food can be fed.

5. Treasures of the forest. The role of the forest in a person's life, what a person receives from the forest, how to behave in the forest helping a person to the forest.

6. Poisonous plants. Introduce them, what are the rules for handling them, the protection of poisonous plants.

Approximate subject of screens

for parents on environmental education

1. ABC of behavior in nature.

2. Walks in nature.

3. Enter nature as a friend!

4. Eyes of charm!

5. Green pharmacy about indoor plants.

6. In the forest for mushrooms.

7. Let's help winged doctors about birds.

8. Our friends are insects.

9. Let's protect the friends of the forest!

10. Fire is the trouble of the forest!

11. Let's save our Christmas tree.

12. Flowers of earthly beauty beginning.

13. Primrose heralds of spring.

14. Let's save water!

Synopsis of the parent meeting “We are not enemies of nature, you take care of nature!”

Conduct form: round table .

Members: parents, teacher.


Increasing the level of environmental competence of parents; formation of rules for environmentally correct interaction with the environment; increasing the role of the family in educating children to love nature .


Discuss with parents the problem of the formation of the ecological culture of the child; to teach parents the skills of organizing various forms of activities with children on environmental education at home; involve parents in the work of the group on the formation of ecological culture among preschoolers .

Preparing for the parent meeting.

Prepare a questionnaire and conduct a survey of parents. Design of an exhibition of works from waste material “Even garbage can be beautiful!” Design an exhibition of books, magazines, didactic games on the theme "In friendship with nature." Invite parents to look in the encyclopedia about nature. Make sure you wear comfortable clothing and footwear.

Assembly progress.

What do you mean, without herbs and birds,

And without love for the buzzing bee,

Without cranes over the coniferous thicket,

Without pretty fox faces?

When you finally go

O man, crown of nature, what is your end without nature?

A fairy tale and beautiful nature are an inexhaustible source of aesthetic feelings and experiences. You cannot love nature without knowing it. The more you know, the more you understand and love. In a few years, our children will become adults. And on their shoulders will fall the responsibility for the life of our society, for the fate of our land. And it depends on us adults whether they will love and protect our nature, whether they will be able to foresee the consequences of their activities in the ecological environment.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, the “man-made world”, towards oneself and the people around is laid.

“Without environmental knowledge, life is impossible today. We, people, need them, like air, as a cure for a disease, the diagnosis of which is indifference to our common Home, to Nature ”(V.A. Alekseev).

Spring is an amazing time, I want to walk, travel, a time of exciting hikes. And today we will go on a "journey". We will talk about how beautiful and amazing our nature is, that it needs our protection, about how to teach our children to protect and take care of it.

First, a small “Camping warm-up” is announced, any rhythmic music sounds:

1. “We put on backpacks” - circular movements of the hands at the shoulder back and forth.

2. "Let's determine the weather" - bring your hands to your forehead and turn either to the left or to the right.

3. "Collect branches for a fire" - tilts to the left and right.

4. "Tie shoelaces on sneakers" - tilts to the right, then to the left leg.

5. "Jump over the bump" - jumping forward, backward, left, right.

6. "Let's go hiking" - walking in place and moving to the first stop.

Stop one: "Connoisseurs of nature" (tables with cards depicting animals and birds).

"A day spent by a child among the groves and fields replaces many weeks on the training bench." Sukhomlinsky said: “Know how to open in front of the child in the world around him, one thing, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the child with all the colors of the rainbow, always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return again and again to what he found out".

Parents are invited to take a card, name an animal or bird and briefly tell everything they know about it. For the best story - the title of "Connoisseur of Nature".

Stop Two: "Spicy Dish"

Bernard Shaw said: “I have an apple, you have an apple, let's exchange them, each one will still have one apple. I have a thought, you have a thought, let's exchange them, there will be two thoughts. Under the musical accompaniment of "Crane", parents are given "leaves" with short questions on the topic of the meeting. Time is given for the answer (1-3 minutes).


“A child breaks a branch of a tree. Your actions?";

“A beetle is crawling, the child wants to crush it. What will you tell him?

“The child threw garbage on the street. Your actions?";

“The child saw many beautiful flowers and runs to pick them. How to stop him so that he does not do this

“The child sees a spider and says: “He is evil and harmful. You have to crush him." How to explain to a child that this cannot be done, and others.

Stop three: "They treat us."

Educator: The forest is like a fairy-tale kingdom, Medicines grow around it. In every herb, in every branch - Both medicine and pills. You just need not be lazy, you just need to learn. Find plants in the forest that are suitable for treatment! For you, dear parents, riddles about medicinal plants. Guess them and name why these plants are taken for medicinal purposes.

You do not touch the plant - it burns painfully, like fire (Nettle, they wash their hair with a decoction, and it also stops the blood).

The traveler often hurts his legs - that's the doctor on the road. (Plantain, heals wounds, cuts; used for gastric diseases).

White basket, golden bottom. (Chamomile, used to gargle with sore throat; rinse hair).

A drop of juicy nectar is both fragrant and sweet. It will help you to recover from a cold ... (Lungwort)

Somewhere in the thicket dense there is a magical pharmacy. There are red pills hung on a branch. (Rosehip, strengthens the immune system).

Name herbaceous plants or shrubs that can cure a cold (Cowberry and cranberry - at high temperature, sore throat; blackcurrant and chamomile - with a sore throat; cloudberries - a cough remedy).

Medicinal plants are of great benefit to people, so treat them with care: do not uproot plants, do not collect plants in one place, leave some in nature.

Tea break.Parents are offered herbal tea from herbs of our region. Musical background "Spring" from the cycle "Seasons" by A. Vivaldi.

Fourth stop: "Game". Musical accompaniment - "Waltz of the Flowers" by P. Tchaikovsky.

Often you are worried about the appearance in children of lack of assembly, isolation, excessive activity, and often aggressiveness, tearfulness. All these are signs of internal psychological and emotional tension, a consequence of some kind of “childish” problem that adults have not yet figured out. How to help a child in such moments? The main thing is to teach him to help himself, i.e. introduce self-regulation methods. Parents are offered games that can be played with children at home for self-regulation and relieving psychological and emotional stress in children:

Game "Grow into the ground": Try to strongly, strongly press your heels on the ground, clench your hands into fists, firmly clench your teeth. You are a mighty, strong tree, you have strong roots, and you are not afraid of any winds. This is the pose of a confident person.

The game "You are a lion": Close your eyes, imagine Leo - the king of animals, strong, powerful, self-confident, calm and wise. He is handsome and mature, proud and free. This lion is named after you, it has your name, your eyes, arms, legs, body. You are a lion!

The game "Breathe and think beautifully": When you are worried, try to breathe beautifully and calmly. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and mentally say: I am a lion - exhale, inhale, I am a bird - exhale, inhale, I am a stone - exhale, inhale, I am a flower - exhale, inhale, I am calm - exhale. You will really calm down.

Games are played with parents.

WINDOW - very short news:

SOS news:

The fireplace does not overgrow for 5-7 years;

Lily of the valley blooms in the 6th year, bathing suit - in the 8th year;

One birch damaged by an ax is 20 liters of juice.

Interesting news:

to make a kilogram of honey, a bee must fly around 2 million flowers;

snakes can sleep 3 years in a row without eating;

rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than humans;

a snail has about 25,000 teeth;

the animal with the largest brain in relation to the body is the ant.

Stop Five: "Help Nature"

Educator: “What have we done with nature?

How can we look into her eyes now?

In dark poisoned waters

In the heavens smelling of death. (A. Dementiev)

People lived on the planet, mothers, fathers and their children. Throw people on a piece of paper, the planet will become a mess. A conversation with parents about how they relax in the forest, on the river and how they clean up the territory where they rested; What can you teach children during the holidays.

The game is offered.

The word is relay. Parents should continue the statement begun by the presenter:

“My child will take care of nature and take care of the world around him if I……”). At the same time, parents pass each other a chamomile flower made of paper.



“You can't borrow forever.

And nature's debt must be paid,

If only we knew the language of nature,

Probably, our life was richer ... ”(L. Sorokin.)

Plan of work with parents on the formation of environmental

culture of participants in educational relations.


Conduct form


Estimated result


Diagnosis of children, questioning of parents.

Parent meeting “We are not enemies of nature, you take care of nature!”

Photo exhibition "We rest without harm."

To identify the level of knowledge of children and parents on environmental issues.

Show the importance of environmental education in preschool age.

To intensify the interaction of parents and preschool educational institutions in matters of environmental education.

Diagnostics, questionnaires.

Exhibition of works made from waste material "Even garbage can be beautiful."

Photographic materials about summer vacation.

The interest of parents in the formation of ecological culture in children.

Interest adults, cause an emotional response.

Demonstration of interest in the life of the preschool educational institution.


Advice for parents "DO NOT harm nature."

Exhibition of works "Gifts of Autumn".

Familiarization of parents with the rules of behavior in nature.

Involve parents in activities with children.


Exhibition of children's crafts.

Arouse interest in the work of a teacher in environmental education of children. Increasing the competence of parents.

Increasing the activity of parents, interest in completing the task.


Campaign "Help the birds!" Making feeders.

Action "Snow blanket for trees".

Facilitate communication between parents through discussion of the topic. Clarify and expand the ideas of children and adults about the birds of their native land.

To acquaint parents with the environmental activities of children for a walk.

Information about the birds of native land. Making feeders.

Encourage parents to make bird feeders with their children. Cultivating a compassionate attitude towards birds in winter.

Get parents interested. Involve parents to work on the kindergarten site together with their children.


Creation of the photo album "City in winter".

Environmental campaign "Let's save the beautiful Christmas tree!"

Involve parents in conservation activities.

Photos of favorite places in hometown.

Carrying out the contest "Unusual Christmas tree!"

Arouse interest in the formation of environmental culture in children and adults.

Active participation of parents in the action.


Decoration of the screen "Celebration of the New Year".

Consultation "Winter injuries".

To acquaint children and parents with the traditions of celebrating the New Year.

Remind parents that winter holidays do not always bring joy. Remind children to keep healthy.

Introduction to precautions. Consultation. Making a poster.

Increasing the activity of parents. Encourage parents to do homework.

Raise the level of knowledge of adults and children on how to behave in an emergency.


Seminar - workshop in the realm of medicinal herbs. "Phytotherapy".

Experience exchange.

Consultation "Parental misconceptions about frosty weather."

Expansion of parents' ideas about the system of children's health improvement. Introduce some of the properties of medicinal plants.

To acquaint parents with the delusions of adults, dressing children in the winter.

The system of health improvement of children in the preschool educational institution.

Medicinal plants - a means of healing. (Phytotherapy.)

Increasing the knowledge of parents about the benefits of medicinal plants through the exchange of parental experience.

Raise the level of competence of parents.


Parent meeting.

Consultation "Education in children of love for nature."

Introduce parents to the rules of behavior in nature.

Design of the photo exhibition "Nature Prays for Help!"

Tell about the nature of the native land, about the need for careful attitude to nature.

Acquaintance with reminder signs.

Teach parents to take care of nature. Raise parental awareness.


Exhibition of works "Spring - Red".

How to spend a day off with children?

Continue to expand the ideas of parents about primroses, medicinal herbs. Teach parents and children not to tear plants listed in the Red Book.

To help parents make a family vacation with children truly exciting for the child.

To acquaint children and parents with plants listed in the Red Book. Joint work of children and parents on the topic "Do not tear the plants!" Involve parents in planting plants on the site of the preschool educational institution.

Parent survey. Offer parents simple games with natural material.

Involve parents in making posters. Active participation of adults in the action. Acquisition of planting material, planting plants on the site.

Encourage parents to spend as much time as possible with their child.


Meeting of the club "Friends of Nature".

Creation of the magazine "Ecomir of my family".

To identify the level of formation of the ecological culture of the participants in educational relations.

Summarize your work for the year.


Photo materials, articles from newspapers and magazines, parenting experience.

Increasing the level of interest of parents and the coordination of actions between parents and educators.

Raise the level of consciousness of parents, activate their activities together with children.

Synopsis of the meeting of the interest club "Friends of Nature".

Creation of the magazine "Ecomir of my family".

Remember the toy with mirror plates and colored glass? Turn a little - a new pattern . And how you want to unravel the secrets of magical colors!

So we made our own kaleidoscope, scattered on the pages of "colored glass" projects joint with parents and children. Today we will consider them in order to then collect our “pattern”, which will result in the creation of the journal “Ecomir of my family”, which, in turn, is the final stage, summing up the painstaking work on the topic “Formation of the ecological culture of participants in the educational process”.

Each mini-project, each environmental campaign that has taken place over the past year is a small step on the long road to the formation of an environmental culture, a drop in the sea of ​​life experience that shapes a person.

The goal of all our work was to begin the formation of an ecological culture of all participants in educational relations, both children and you, dear parents. And our work was based on the design method, which implies joint activities with children and the inclusion of parents in the process of environmental education of preschoolers and the formation of a unified environmental education environment "OU - the child's family".

The main task of our joint work was the task of forming an ecological culture of all participants in the educational process through design activities.

For a long time, we, together with you and the children, have been collecting various materials not on the topic of ecology, which can be viewed on the decorated stands.

Let's remember what materials, messages, photos you collected, what topics formed the basis of your messages. (Answers of children and parents).

- about nature, about nutrition, about plants, about animals, about sports, about hiking and walking with parents.

Right. And there is such a thing - ECOLOGY. What do you think it means? (Answers from parents.)

You're right! So here it is ecology is a science that appeared back in the 19th century and should help people survive, make their habitat suitable for existence, for life.

The main directions of this science are:

1. The study of the relationship of living organisms with the environment and with each other, that is, EVERYTHING is connected with EVERYTHING.

2. Considers the relationship between people and nature.

3. Studies and develops ways to protect nature.

What do you guys think, how can we help nature? (Children's answers.)

Correctly! Translated from Greek, "ECOLOGY" is the science of the house. That is why the materials you collected are devoted to the home, the attitude of adults and children, their activities.

The magazine that we will create today is called Ecoworld of My Family. This name includes the following concepts: (See appendix.)

  • Delicious, healthy, beautiful. 1. How the child eats
  • Nature in your home. 1. What is the place of nature in your home?
  • Ecological trail ii.1. Ecological local history.
  • Ecology of the soul. 1. How does it respond to contacts with nature?

2. What does an environmentally friendly product mean?

3. What is harmful, what is useful?

2. How often does the family go to nature?

3. Nature in the spiritual life of society, communication

with nature.

2. Tourist skills and abilities.

3. Each path is ecological.

2. « Pure soul - what is it?

3. Can we help nature?

* Ecology starts with a smile.

1. How to avoid quarrels and conflicts?

2. Does the family have their own traditions?

3. Do you know your roots?

Now I suggest that you divide into "editor" groups, each of which will work on its own page. Each page has its own title.

1. Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.

2. Stitches - tracks.

3. Ears, paws and tails.

4. Helpful Hints.

Very well! We now know what materials will be included in our magazine. But, tell me, please, why are the pages called that way? (Answers from parents.)

Practical part.

Dear friends, and now we are starting work directly on the magazine. The participants of each of the groups, after conferring, will select the necessary materials and, together with the children, will begin to make up the magazine.

(Children take an active part in the work of their parents.)

Dear friends, the work of the editorial groups has ended and the responsible editors will now present their pages to us, tell us what photos and notes they posted and why.

(Speech by executive editors and all members of the group.)

After all the pages are presented, the entire magazine is typeset.

And now I would like to summarize our work with you. In your opinion, does the name of our journal reveal the theme of all our great work on the formation of an ecological culture of participants in educational relations?

Prove it to us.

(Adults draw conclusions. Children help their parents, tell them that the topic has been revealed, that the Ecoworld of the family is well-being, cleanliness, health, friendship, mutual assistance and much more. Further, the children tell how they, together with their parents, collected materials about healthy and wholesome food, about the benefits of walking, about hiking in nature, about the benefits of playing sports since childhood, about animals and plants in our house.)

Well done guys and, of course, our dear parents! I think that together we have coped with the common task. And in conclusion, I want to say the following:

Ecology starts with smiles, and I wish

When meeting people - smile!

Going out into nature - smile!

When you meet beauty, smile!

Play with your four-legged friends - smile!

And go through life with a smile!

This concludes our club meeting. I express my deep gratitude to you for your cooperation, for your active participation in the life of the group, for your help in shaping the ecological culture of our kids, and I look forward to our further close cooperation.

Questionnaire for parents on environmental education

"Environmental education in the family"

The purpose of the survey:
To identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of preschoolers in kindergarten and its real implementation in the family.

1. Do you have pets at home? (Cat, fish, dog, hamster, etc.)
2. Are there indoor plants? Which?
3. Who takes care of the animals or plants?
4. What does the child do at the same time (feeds, walks with him, plays, waters or does nothing)? - Underline or add.
5. Do you and your child go out in nature? If yes, where?
6. For what purpose?
7. Where does the child usually spend the summer?
8. How do you feel about introducing a child to nature in kindergarten?
9. Your suggestions on the organization of environmental education in kindergarten.
10. Do you listen to environmental songs?

"Ecology and smoking"
1. How many members of your family smoke?
2. Does it happen that your child is in a smoky room?
3. If you don't smoke, do you consider it dangerous for you to be around someone who smokes?
4. If you are a non-smoker, do you prefer to leave a room with smokers?
5. Do I think that smoking exacerbates the impact of adverse environmental conditions on people's health?

"The air in our apartment"
1. Determine the condition of the air in your apartment:
a) clean b) dirty c) don't know
2. Are you satisfied with the air quality in your apartment?
3. Name possible sources of air pollution in your home.
4. How many indoor plants do you have?
5. How often do you ventilate the room:
a) regularly, b) occasionally, c) don't pay attention to it
6. How often do you do wet cleaning:
a) every day, b) once a week on weekends, c) other options...
7. Did you take into account the environmental safety of materials when purchasing:
a) furniture b) wallpaper c) carpets
8. What household chemicals do you use?
9. How do you clean the air in the apartment?