How to cut your own bangs. How to cut your own bangs oblique

A haircut is not an easy process, but even its simple version of execution can be organized at home with your own efforts. What can we say about the bangs, which you can cut yourself without any problems. Yes, it costs a penny to do this at a hairdresser, but what if there is no way to go there? Then it's worth doing everything carefully yourself.

How to cut straight bangs

If in the future you plan to continue to adjust the haircut yourself, then it makes sense to purchase special hairdressing scissors for this. Such a tool is not cheap, but it's worth it. The fact is that blunt scissors can damage the hair, and if such a one-time haircut may not affect them, then regular procedures will not lead to anything good. However, for the first time, any scissors will do, as long as they are sharp.

It is not difficult to cut a straight bang for yourself, the main thing is to follow the established recommendations. First, decide how thick it will be. The greater the density, the more hair from the back of the head you need to take. But its width should be limited to the lines of the cheekbones, not wider.

Now make a parting and separate about a centimeter of hair thickness. Trim one strand first and see if its length suits you. And then attention! Start cutting off a little, as you can then cut and shorten the bangs, but you can’t lengthen them. Take your time, and when you find the right length, start smoothing the rest of the hair selected for the bangs along it. If the hair is thick, then several visits will be required, and for sparse hair, everything can be done at once.

From the first time, cutting the bangs evenly, for sure, will not work, trimming will be required. Before embarking on such a manipulation, moisten the bangs from the spray bottle with plain water and comb through with a comb with rare teeth. And carefully, peering close to the mirror, level and cut off what goes beyond the desired border. Once trimming is complete, step back a few steps from the mirror and look at the result and re-correct if necessary.

If the bangs turned out to be too thick, they can be profiled, as they do in hairdressing salons. With the fingers of one hand, fix the bangs on weight, and with the other, place the scissors perpendicular to the bottom of the bangs. As soon as the bangs acquire the desired density, you can start styling.

How to cut oblique bangs

Unlike straight bangs, oblique cuts are somewhat more difficult. It is more difficult in the sense that the risk that the final result may not be satisfactory increases. And then either you have to cut a straight bang, or wait until this consequence of an unsuccessful experiment grows.

If you have obedient hair, then you need to slightly wet it with water, but naughty and bristling hair in all directions is better to cut dry. First, look at your reflection in the mirror and visualize how you want to get the slope, while keeping in mind that the angle of inclination must remain within the hairline and not go beyond it. As soon as you decide on this, pinch your hair and cut off the excess so that it does not interfere. Now start cutting carefully, adhering to the desired angle of inclination. Remember, it’s better to start cutting a little lower so as not to make the bangs too short. How to cut a slanting bang for yourself can be seen in the video below. There, the girl clearly shows the whole process, which allows you to make the bangs as even as possible.

However, cutting a slanting bang for yourself is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, so if you have even the slightest doubt in your abilities, it is better to contact a hairdresser.

If, despite all the efforts on your part, the bangs turned out to be too short, then you will have to get hooked on hair masks for some time,

We cut bangs ourselves: video


One of the easiest ways to quickly and drastically change the image is to cut the bangs in accordance with the features of the face and figure. Properly chosen bangs will favorably emphasize the dignity and character traits.

Any haircut requires regular adjustment and care, you must contact the hairdresser at least once a month. There is not always time and money for these mandatory trips, it would be nice to learn how to cut bangs yourself.

Which shape to choose

To choose the perfect hairstyle, you need special knowledge, in the absence of such, use the universal recommendations.

  • A round face with soft features will suit a romantic graduated bang. It is also allowed to be short, but in some cases it emphasizes a high forehead or wide cheekbones.
  • With a beautiful oval and regular features, a straight classic bang looks great, and on curly hair - a lush tousled one.
  • Too thick and symmetrical is difficult to stack.
  • With thin hair, a bang from the top is recommended, it gives volume. The bangs are made straight, and the haircut is short.
  • Dark and curly hair will add spice to a rare bang of medium length.
  • Lush and disheveled bangs are suitable for tall ones, while smooth and even ones are recommended for low ones.
  • With a square or round face, you can make an asymmetrical bang and lay it on its side.
  • Short bangs accentuate a round face, while long bangs emphasize a narrow and elongated face.
  • Fashionable triangular bangs go to an elongated rectangular face.

The most universal is considered to be an oblique bang on the side. She goes to everyone and very rarely spoils the appearance. Straight bangs to about the eyebrows belong to the same category.

Basic Rules

If there is no bangs or its length is almost equal to the rest of the hair, then it will be difficult to cut it yourself. Try to make things easier by using a special computer program for modeling hairstyles, or go to the hairdresser for the first haircut. Correction of growing hair is much easier.

For haircuts, get professional scissors. For one use, ordinary ones are also suitable, provided that they are large enough and sharp. On a regular basis, professional scissors are indispensable.

Most masters wet their hair before cutting, but it is not recommended to do this at home, especially for the first time. Cut your hair clean and dry, otherwise you risk being unpleasantly surprised by the resulting length. When you adapt to wet hair, you will leave the necessary margin in length. The same applies to curly ones: you need to make bangs on them a little lower than the expected length.


Even on dry hair, at the first attempt, leave a margin for length. This will provide an opportunity to correct errors and correct the form.

  1. 1. Start cutting in a calm state with good lighting, better during the day armed with a mirror and scissors.
  2. 2. Separate the hair for the bangs from the rest of the mass. Put the rest back so as not to accidentally cut off the excess. Gather long hair in a bun or ponytail, and secure short hair with a hoop or hairpins.
  3. 3. Lightly spray the hair selected for the bangs with water from a spray bottle so that they do not crumble.
  4. 4. Divide the hair into several equal parts and comb them well with a comb with rare teeth in different directions. This procedure will not miss a single hair.
  5. 5. Select a small strand and, pinching it between your index and middle fingers, pull it forward. Cut off part of the hair, leaving the desired length. At the same time, hold the scissors at an angle of about 45 degrees, slowly cutting the hair in small parts. If you hold it at a right angle to the strands, you get an arc: the hair slides along the blade, and it is impossible to achieve a perfectly even bang.
  6. 6. Do the same with the rest of the hair. This cuts off the excess length.
  7. 7. Carefully comb the bangs in different directions and shorten the knocked-out hairs. You can correct the shape by repeating the whole process, but cut only sloppy strands or strands of different lengths.
  8. 8. For the final adjustment of the hairline, cut the broken hairs, moving from right to left, holding the scissors at a right angle.
  9. 9. Wet the bangs and comb it well with a fine-tooth comb, then press your hand to your forehead and evaluate the result. When adjusting a haircut in a wet state, do not get too carried away, imperceptibly make it too short.
  10. 10. Style bangs with a hair dryer and a comb.
  11. 11. If you have special scissors, slightly profile. To do this, go through thinning scissors along the edge, this will give the hair lightness and simplify further styling.

On the long hair it is more difficult to work, but after cutting the main length, the bangs are almost ready. More experienced are invited to divide the cut strands into two horizontal parts, make the upper part a millimeter longer than the bottom. The effect will be almost the same as with thinning.

Other options

Having mastered the classic haircut and stuffed your hand, you can try other options.

For a straight long bang, the hair is separated from the crown, then divided into two parts, one of which starts at the crown. She is cut first, the length is slightly below the upper eyelid, the rest is leveled along it from one edge to the other.

Asymmetrical bangs are a little more difficult to cut. First, so much hair is cut so that the remaining length corresponds to the lower edge of the future bangs, usually to the tip of the nose, but can be longer or shorter. Then the hair is divided into 3 parts: two side narrow and the bulk in the middle. Next, the middle part is cut from the bottom up, leaving the lower edge unchanged, and the upper one is approximately at the level of the eyebrows. Asymmetrical bangs are recommended to be milled, otherwise it will look sloppy.

The semicircular is cut like a straight one, it needs to be made thick, otherwise it will be ugly. Divide the hair into two parts, one starts from the crown. Cut this part to the desired length and divide the entire bang in half. Then shorten the rest of the length in a semicircle, directing the scissors from the center to the edges, periodically checking for symmetry.

Repeated repetition will allow you to achieve the perfect result over time and refuse to go to the hairdresser.

A neat and fashionable hairstyle is an adornment of any woman. Its important element is the bangs. This little detail is necessary to create a whole image. But, there is one minus - it grows quickly. Trimming bangs on your own is a simple matter. The main thing is to follow the instructions step by step.


A well-groomed hairstyle will help refresh the look and hide problem areas of the face. If it is cut incorrectly, then you risk looking ridiculous.

This part of the hairstyle comes in different lengths and has a different edging. Thus, bangs can be:

  • smooth;
  • torn;
  • oblique (asymmetric);

  • oval and back oval;
  • triangular;
  • stepped;
  • mixed (straight with torn strands).

In addition, they differ in short, two-level, dense and rare. Conventionally, this element of hairstyle can be divided into two groups.

  • It is the most important addition to the haircut as a whole. As a rule, when creating a hairstyle, the hairdresser starts cutting this bang in the final stage of the whole process.
  • Acts as an independent element. The shape of such a hairstyle part does not depend on the length of the rest of the hair and is a separate part.

Dimensions and parting

In most cases, the size of the bangs is equal to the width of the forehead. According to generally accepted rules, its borders should not go beyond the temporal parts. The thickness of the bangs depends on the thickness of the entire hair. When choosing a bang model, pay attention to the shape of the parting and its depth. It is rectangular, triangular and parallel.

You can create a thick bang by parting from the middle of the head.

How to choose?

Picking up a bang and cutting it correctly is not difficult. For example, owners of thick hair are better off making it torn or asymmetrical. On smooth hair, an even cut looks amazing (along the line of gracefully curved eyebrows). Layered bangs perfectly correct the imperfection of the face shape and hide its problem areas. An oblique shape (with an elongated end) will hide a sharp and massive chin. Women with oval faces can experiment with different cuts, both the classic shape and the asymmetric one will suit them.

Trimming your own bangs is a simple and quite interesting procedure. To do this, it is not necessary to go to a hairdresser and pay money for the service. Before proceeding directly to the process, it is advisable to wash your head and dry it a little, then comb it thoroughly.

Note that it will be quite problematic to shorten a long bang, which is on a level with the rest of the hair. It is easier to trim the bangs, which "turned" 1-2 months.

The result of self-adjustment will directly depend on the scissors. Choose a professional tool. But if this is not possible, ordinary large scissors with sharp blades (hairdressing or stationery) will suit you. When trimming wet strands, keep in mind that their length will be longer than when dried. If you make a mistake, your bangs will turn out to be too short.

It is necessary to start the correction in a calm state. Good lighting (preferably daylight) and a clean, well-placed mirror will help you.

For the most easy way trimming at home, we need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • a set of "invisibles";
  • mini rubber.

We separate clean, dry hair from the bangs and collect it in a ponytail at the back of the head. We fix naughty strands with “invisibles”. We take scissors and horizontally trim the bangs in front of the eyes (hold the scissors at an angle). Then we fillet the ends a little and comb.

If you are the owner of a thick, luxurious bang that “closes” the eyebrows, then proceed as follows:

  • we separate it from the rest of the hair and comb;
  • take a hair dryer and do styling (ends inward);
  • separate the top layer and fix it with a hairpin;
  • take scissors and trim the bottom layer of hair, following the shape of the bangs;
  • “return” the top layer and trim it by analogy with the previous one;
  • take scissors for thinning and slightly trim the ends of the top layer.

Bangs with a torn edging can also be adjusted at home. We separate it from other hair and twist it in the form of a flagellum. We take scissors and, holding them at an angle, cut off the ends. By the way, this method involves not only trimming, but also creating bangs.

In the modern beauty industry, a whole set of devices for this process is presented. For example, in specialized stores (or by ordering online), you can easily purchase a hair straightener and thinning tools.

When shortening yourself, please note that for the first time it is better to trim the hair by 1-2 mm. Otherwise, you risk ruining your entire hairstyle for a long time.

How to cut bangs yourself, see the following video.

Many of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in their youth had to do it more than once. And if the first mistake was not visible - especially on long hair, then with the second, a bad hand-made result caused panic horror - the situation should be corrected immediately. Now with detailed instructions to cope with the task much easier. Today we will take a master class in this burning issue - how to cut bangs with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself haircut

Choosing a shape according to the type of face

Any woman knows her face shape from the moment she begins to be interested in makeup and hairstyles.

The bangs will help make it visually thinner or, conversely, open if the features are small. Detail:

  1. Childishly accepts any options - from thick to milled oblique strands up to the chin. It is only important not to make the shape wider than the temporal regions, otherwise the face will give the impression of being full.
  2. The oval face is universal. Short and thick suit him. However, you should not make symmetrical long strands along the edges to the chin - they will stretch the shape even more.
  3. Square face. The task is to soften the hardness of the chin, hence the need for asymmetry. An oblique strand will fit, going into the total mass of hair.
  4. . The face accepts bangs thick to the eyebrows, laid in a perfectly even wave. If the hair density does not differ, then the strand is slightly twisted and combed, creating the necessary volume.
  5. Small facial features need open space. It is ideal to make torn strands of asymmetrical length.
  6. Wide or high cheekbones do not need to be hidden, but if their owner is unhappy with the shape, then the average profiled bang is what you need.

The hair itself also matters - the type of hair. will give the owner a direct effect, it is only once to pass in the humid air. Requires maximum fixing styling. Thin and sparse hair also cannot boast of any form of bangs.

In order to somehow acquire the effect of density, they must be collected in volume from the crown or even from the back of the head.

Tools for creating bangs at home

First of all, these are scissors. Better if they are professional. Otherwise, tailoring or paper cutting will not work to create a stylish look. Except them:

  1. Milling scissors. They will help to make thick bangs less frequent, create torn edges, play with different lengths on parts of the face.
  2. The comb is double-sided. One part with rare teeth, the other with frequent.
  3. Clamps, crabs.
  4. Means of fixation.

This is a necessary minimum for self-creation of the image. Before starting the experiment, you should carefully study your own bangs - perhaps a new styling will save you from having to change the image drastically, with the help of tools.

Home tricks - change correctly without scissors

Now, to create the beauty of hair with your own hands, a lot of tools have been proposed.

For example, irons or tongs will help to make straight bangs.

Bangs with flat iron

  • The comb selects the required amount of hair. To do this, I separate the strands with a parting.
  • The total mass is divided into dense. So, a small volume is easier to straighten.
  • Smoothing starts from the lower layers, gradually stretching all the strands, clamping them with an iron. If you slightly bevel the movement towards the edge, you get a slightly rounded shape. It lies more naturally than absolutely straight.

Making bangs without cutting hair

  • Parts are separated from the total mass on the sides. Their length should be up to the chin.
  • The middle is pinned back with a decorative clip.
  • The selected strands are smoothed with tongs, rounding under the chin.
The effect of an elongated face is guaranteed

Bouffant and perm

  • The cool coudel has disappeared from fashion since the time of Balzaminov. Therefore, we will postpone small curlers. Large or the same irons will come in handy.
  • The entire intended volume of the bangs is wound on the curlers. Before fixing, it is moistened with water. Then dry with a hair dryer. Having untwisted the curlers, the mass is lightly combed at the roots and smoothed from above - the bangs for the caret are ready.
  • With an iron, the mass is rounded from the very roots. It is important to follow the same movements in order to achieve an even position of each strand. Next, bouffant and styling.

Bangs are smooth, pointed, soft, waves. This is achieved with the help of styling products. Experimentation is required before deciding to cut hair.

How to make the most beautiful and correct bangs at home

So, if the decision to work with scissors is still ripe, then we will describe three ways to change the look of your own bangs. So:

Straight: short or long

First, the required mass of hair is separated from the main one. Then a control strand is chosen - it is usually the lowest. Next, determine its length. Now, pulling the hair strongly, they cut off the excess.

Strongly pulling the hair, cut off the excess

The rest of the strands are leveled according to the control. Smooth bangs ready, it remains to lay.

Oblique or on the side

Volume, like the direct version, is allocated forward.

Volume, like the direct version, is allocated forward

The lower control part is cut from the bottom of the chin or cheek to the forehead along an oblique line.


Torn strands or rounded

This effect is achieved with milling scissors. First, I model an oblique or straight shape. Then, holding the scissors strictly vertically, cut the ends.

Depth or height vary, resulting in different effects

It is worth remembering that independent work for the first time will not give the desired effect - there is no experience. If this scares the owner of the hair, then the right decision is the road to the salon to the master. Already there, they will create strands of dreams for you.

All women love to change their appearance. Sometimes it's from the mood or from situations. For such changes, bangs are ideal. At the same time, you can cut your bangs at home yourself. This does not require a lot of hairdressing skills.

In our article, we examined in detail how to cut bangs in several variations.

Now there are so many variations of bangs that it’s impossible to count. But we decided to consider a few of them in more detail. To cut your own bangs, the best options are straight, short oblique and long bangs on two sides.

Straight bangs

Straight bangs are one of the most common types of bangs.

First of all, when cutting from the parting, we select the strands for the future bangs with a diagonal parting. When distributing, curls for bangs should not go beyond the temporal part. And now we remove the unwanted part of the hair with hairpins on both sides.

Haircuts are done in several layers for a more accurate cut.

Having selected the lower part and combed it, we begin to cut it off in a straight line. In this case, do not move the strands. Now, in the same way, we cut the next rows, taking the first one as a sample.

Short bangs on the side

Such a bang is much easier to cut than a straight one. Here it is necessary to follow the algorithm.

To begin with, we separate the temporal zone of the hair on both sides. It is not necessary to capture loose hair from this zone in a bang, just separate it with a hairpin. Next, we lower the desired part of the hair exactly on the forehead and moisten it with water from a spray bottle. And carefully comb.

If you want thick bangs, then it is better to work with two layers in stages.

Now let's move on to the haircut. The bangs are pulled in the opposite direction, in which it will lie down. We fix the hair with our fingers and make an even cut. We do the same with the second layer. And now we distribute the bangs to the desired side.

Long bangs on two sides

Long bangs on two sides look very feminine. And if you want such a bang option, then it will not be difficult for you to cut it off even at home on your own.

For this type of bangs, we divide the hair into a middle parting or a little side parting. Next, separate the triangle part of the hair. We make a triangle of the size you want to make a bang. We fix excess hair with hairpins.

Now we comb the resulting strand and cut off the hair in a straight line to the level of the selection or a little higher (depending on your desire). Cut off edge, can be made more abrupt. To do this, cut your hair while holding the scissors vertically. Or just make a cut with thinning scissors. And now distribute the strands on the sides.