Banana peel and its uses. Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants

It is simply amazing why ordinary yellow fruit skins are not used for - they brush their teeth, rub shoes, and also ... fertilize. It's simple: in the crust, it turns out, there is a lot of potassium, calcium and phosphorus - just what plants need! Also, if you are fighting aphids in a greenhouse, use this simple method: make an infusion and pour it over the plants. Aphids do not tolerate an excess of potassium at all, and quickly disappear from such places. So let's take a closer look at how to make banana peel fertilizer - we have a lot of recipes!

The fact that plants - both domestic, and greenhouse, and country - can be fed with a banana, is not new for Russia. After all, just a few years ago, the Banana Land project was still popular, where it was recommended to soak the skins in water until decomposition, and then water it all. The smell, of course, is not very pleasant, and the very appearance of the liquid is repulsive, but the soil microflora and structure are significantly improved from such a fertilizer. But many were repelled by the discomfort in the manufacture of such top dressing, and therefore most summer residents continued to fertilize their future harvest with store chemicals, throwing the valuable peel into the bin.

A fresh “fur coat” as a fertilizer is great for winter greenhouse plants, which suffer from a lack of light and heat during the cold season. And just magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus are vital necessary elements for nutrition and growth of greenhouse plants. Especially likes fertilizer from potassium cabbage and all cruciferous.

Tomatoes also respond well to such fertilizer - if they lay the skins when planting directly into the holes. Interestingly, even cucumbers fertilized with banana peels grow larger later.

How to make fertilizer from banana skins: 6 recipes

Method # 1 - bury in the ground

The easiest way is to cut with scissors and bury. Even the most frail plants from this begin to be densely covered with foliage, and, as they say, "bloom and smell." Interestingly, the top dressing itself in the ground disappears in 10 days - they are completely eaten by bacteria. But sometimes this method is not suitable - when you need a dosed ready-made fertilizer.

Method # 2 - fry

Here is the most proven way to make good fertilizer for plants:

  • Step 1. Lay the foil on the tray, and put the banana peel on it. Lay it on the top side - so that it does not stick later.
  • Step 2. Put the tray in the oven - better when you cook something in it in parallel, otherwise the fertilizer will come out a little expensive in terms of resource costs.
  • Step 3. Once the skin is fried, cool it.
  • Step 4. Grind the resulting and transfer to a sealed bag.
  • Step 5. Take a spoonful of this fertilizer for each plant.

This is how it looks like:

Method # 3 - insist in water

For a greenhouse, it is better to make such a fertilizer:

  • Step 1. Put three banana skins in a three-liter jar, fill up to the neck with water at room temperature and insist for two days.
  • Step 2. Strain, dilute with water 1:1.
  • Step 3. Water seedlings and “hungry” plants with this infusion.

You can also just bury the banana “clothes” under each bush - this way your plants will grow faster and better, and the soil will significantly improve its composition.

Method # 4 - drying

Here is another way to prepare valuable potash fertilizer from banana waste. Lay out the skins on the battery, and then in a paper bag. In cups with seedlings, put such fertilizer only in the lower layers, because. on the surface of the soil, the fruit quickly becomes moldy.

Method #5 - freezing

In order to pour fresh peels into the soil every time in the country house and in the greenhouse, just start a special tray in your refrigerator - put it in the freezer, and throw new fertilizers there each time. Remove and fertilize as needed.

Method #6 - make compost

Banana peels make wonderful compost. To do this, take ordinary earth, add more finely chopped skins and pour Baikal. Mix everything well. Repeat in a month. By spring, you will have excellent compost - fat and black, which is simply adored by all bulbous.

Handling - be careful!

And now the important point: tropical fruits must be washed well before skinning them. The fact is that in any case they are treated with special substances - so that they are stored longer. And, as many summer residents fear, these can be substances of the dust group - hexochlorocyclohexane, which in itself is a dangerous carcinogen. Those. an unscrupulous importer may well use this method, and these are not just rumors. But still, far from sending overseas fruit to our lands, the natives themselves soak the fruit after picking it in vats with ammonium sulfate and chlorine in order to wash off the milky juice from the brushes.

For ripening (bananas are brought still green), ethylene is also often used, which can actively influence human hormones. That is why it is desirable to wash everything with hot water and remove white fibers from the pulp. If the skin is simply removed and thrown into the garden, no one can guarantee you that all the heavy chemical elements will not remain there after decomposition.

That is why many gardeners are afraid to make fertilizer from a banana peel - after all, according to unverified data, when growing this fruit on plantations, up to 70 treatments per year are carried out, and even small, so-called "expensive" fruits are grown by wrapping clusters in fabric, which impregnated with pesticides.

Of course, here you just need to weigh the pros and cons - and if you still decide to use the skin as a fertilizer for your plants, then find a good supplier (it's easy to find out about this), take this fruit only in such a store (which important also for the safety of your loved ones who eat the pulp), and wash the fruit thoroughly with hot water anyway. If you follow all these rules, you will be able to make a safe and practical free fertilizer!

Banana is a fruit! Recent study proves two bananas are quite capable provide a person with energy for an intense hour and a half workout. That is why the banana is so popular among athletes. Among other things, bananas contain endorphins, which are called - happiness hormones. But did you know that not only banana pulp is useful?

Rest assured, after reading this article, you will never again become just like that. throw away the banana peel. Because right now we will introduce you to its truly magical properties, which you should definitely take note of. So, here's what a banana peel can do.

It can use for water purification. Banana peel effectively absorbs lead and copper, which are not very beneficial for our body. So it's a great natural filter. Just hold it for a while in a container of water.

It's beautiful fertilizer for indoor plants. Let the peel brew in ordinary water for only a day and get a product that will provide your flowers with the necessary trace elements and energy. The resulting fertilizer can be diluted in a ratio of 1: 5, and the peel itself can be infused several times.

peel excellent cleans silverware! Grind it with a blender with a little water to make a kind of paste. Rub this paste on spoons and forks, and you will see how the silver brightens literally before your eyes! Now rinse off the residue and polish the appliances to a shine.

Banana peel contains natural oils and enzymes that will help to greatly relieve the suffering from burns, bites, scratches and abrasions, as well as promotes wound healing. It is enough to attach the peel to the damaged area with the inside and fix for a while. It is also recommended to remove warts. Apply peel to them until they completely disappear.

By the way, the peel will also be useful for alleviating the symptoms of a disease such as psoriasis. In this case, rub it on the affected areas. You will soon feel the pain recede, peeling will also decrease.. In the same way, you can fight acne. It should be noted that, in general, banana peel nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, so many women use it for rejuvenation.

Since we have touched on cosmetic aspects, it would be useful to say that with the help of a banana peel you can whiten teeth. It contains a lot of minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, which act on tooth enamel as a bleach. Rub it on your teeth for two minutes after brushing them with the paste. The result will not keep you waiting!

In banana peel, in addition to natural oils, there is also wax. So you can use her instead of shoe polish. Try sanding your favorite shoes and then buffing them as usual. We assure you - you will be pleasantly surprised!

Bananas have long been known to be rich in potassium. But did you know that banana peels are very high in potassium? It's beautiful weightloss remedy, because potassium speeds up metabolism, which means more fat is burned. Puree the skins with apples, cinnamon, or ice. It has been proven that after eating such a puree, the level of serotonin and dopamine in the body increases.

You should know that bananas can help in the fight against such a hopeless disease as cancer. In particular, banana peel contributes to the production of white blood cells, which increase the overall resistance of the body. You can use either puree or drink banana tea. Boil the peel for 10 minutes, then add honey. Either way, it's a healthy drink.

Have you ever thought about the question "How can I use a banana peel"? Most likely, after peeling and eating a banana, the yellow skins are sent to the trash can. So? Read this article and you will be surprised how much you can do with banana peels. It is also very profitable, because it will allow you to save on the purchase of some funds.

Banana peel contains beneficial macronutrients, minerals, antioxidants, natural oils, wax. Thanks to this useful variety, it is capable of performing many different functions. I will try to list some of them.

Uses of banana peel for skin

The minerals, antioxidants, and natural fruit acids found in banana peels will help keep your skin healthy.

The easiest way to care for your skin is to simply wipe the skin of your face, neck and other parts of your body with the inside of a banana peel.

The second way is to massage the skin of the face with a piece of ripe banana peel, rubbing the contents of the inner side of the peel into the skin. This treatment, like a peeling, will nourish, soften and moisturize the skin, gently exfoliating it.

With regular use of banana peel for facial skin care, you can even achieve a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles.

Just keep in mind that any facial massage should be done along the main massage lines, and not against them, that is, from the chin and middle of the forehead to the temples, from the upper lip and nose to the ears.

Banana peel against burns, scratches, bites

Banana peel can help with any skin irritation:

  • sunburn
  • scratches and abrasions
  • bites of mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other insects
  • after shaving

You can simply wipe the irritated area of ​​the skin with the inside of the peel, or you can attach a piece of peel and fix it on the skin, for example, with a bandage or plaster. This procedure should be done at least 1 time per day until the irritation subsides.

I have already written about other folk remedies for sunburn.

And you can read about what other simple remedies can be used after a mosquito bite.

Banana peel treatment for psoriasis and acne

Banana peels can also help treat and relieve symptoms of more serious skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne. If the affected areas of the skin are rubbed with the fleshy side of the peel, then pain, dryness and peeling will decrease. The same actions should be done for acne. Improvement should come after a few applications.

Removing Warts with a Banana Peel

Removing warts with a banana peel is a traditional medicine recipe.

It is enough for someone to simply wipe the wart every day before going to bed with the inside of the peel, while someone needs to fix a piece of the peel at night.

The terms of getting rid of warts are also different for everyone - from several days to a month.

How to remove a splinter with a banana peel

If you have planted a splinter deep enough and it is not easy to get it out, try attaching a small piece of banana peel with the inside of the splinter to the place with the splinter, and leave it for a day. The enzymes in the peel should pull the splinter to the surface of the skin, from where you can remove it. In addition, the peel will help heal the wound, as I wrote above.

Banana peel - shoe cream

Just like for human skin, banana peel has a beneficial effect on the skin of shoes, giving it shine and radiance.

To do this, again rub the shoes with the inside of the peel, and then polish with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Has your silverware or jewelry faded over time? Banana peel will help restore their natural shine!

The easiest way is to wipe silver items with the inside of the peel.

The second way is to grind the peel in a blender, then add some water to get the consistency of toothpaste. Using a soft cloth and the prepared mass, rub silver items. The dark coating on the silver should disappear. Then you need to wash off the remnants of the mass and finally polish the surface with a soft cloth.

It turns out that a regular banana peel can also help whiten your teeth! And perhaps this is due to the high concentration of minerals in the peel, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.

Everything is very simple. After regular toothbrushing with toothpaste, you need to rub your teeth with the white soft side of the peel for about 2 minutes. After that, to remove the remnants of the banana, brush your teeth again, but without the paste. Do this every time you brush your teeth, ideally every day.

Are you choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste?

About how to properly brush your teeth, it is written in

Repairing a scratched CD or DVD

Surely many of you have encountered a problem when the disc is slightly scratched and the drive stops opening it. Try repairing the disk with a banana.

First rub the scratched surface of the disc with the peeled banana in a circular motion. And then wipe for 2 minutes with the inside of the banana peel.

Now we will clean the disk from the banana. Glass cleaner and a soft cloth will help with this.

Let the disc dry and you can try.

Banana peel contains macronutrients such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen, which contribute to the healthy growth of many plants. For example, tomatoes, peppers, roses, etc.

Banana peel can be used as plant fertilizer in several ways.

  1. Cut the peel into small pieces (to speed up the decay process), spread around the plant and sprinkle with earth on top. The crust will decompose, while nutrients will flow into the soil.
  2. Add banana peels to the compost pit. This will increase the content of potassium and phosphorus in the compost, which contribute to the development of the root system of plants.
  3. Dry the peel of bananas (you can just in the air, or you can in the oven for speed). When it becomes brittle, crumble it. Get fertilizer for indoor plants. It can be mixed with the ground and added to the pot.
  4. With the inside of a banana peel, you can wipe the leaves of plants such as monstera, ficus, croton, calathea, hoya, that is, plants with wax leaves.

Animal Feed Additive

Dried banana peels can be fed to chickens, rabbits and pigs. It will enrich the food with useful substances.

Well, after everything you've read, would your hand rise to just throw a banana peel in the bin? I think you will find a more worthy use of this storehouse of useful substances.

I would be glad to hear your opinion and your comments on this matter.

Tips on how to use a banana peel were shared with you by Ksenia Druzhkova, the author of the blog "Note to the Family"

It turns out that banana peels have a lot of useful properties. Some people use it to brush their teeth, shoes, etc. In this article, we will look at the use of banana peel as a fertilizer for plants. The peel of this delicious yellow fruit is very rich in various useful elements: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, etc.

banana peel for plants

The fact that the peel of this fruit can be used for fertilizer, people have known for a long time. In Russia, this method of fertilization is very popular. It is also worth noting that the peel perfectly improves the growth and development of not only domestic, but also greenhouse plants. It is worth remembering the recent sensational project called "Banana Land". Its creators suggested soaking the skins in water until completely decomposed, and then watering the plants with the resulting mixture. Not everyone liked this method of fertilizer. The fact is that when decomposed, the peel of bananas smells very unpleasant. Despite this, many researchers confirm that such irrigation qualitatively improves the structure and microflora of the soil.

Still, not all summer residents accepted this useful advice. Many remain loyal to store-bought chemical fertilizers. But in vain. In addition to being ideal for fertilizing houseplants, banana skin is great for winter greenhouse plants that are in dire need of warmth and light. Magnesium present in the peel of the sweet berry (yes, banana is a berry) is very useful for weak houseplants that need a powerful feed. Also, potassium, which abounds in the peel, is very useful for "home" plants. It is worth noting that banana peel fertilizer is most useful for roses.

Precautionary measures

A banana without a peel is very useful for people, but the peel itself can be an indispensable fertilizer for indoor plants. And yet, if you prepare the fertilizer incorrectly and do not follow important rules, you can do more harm to plants than good. To avoid such a negative result, you need to know some features of the peel. First, it must be washed very thoroughly. If you neglect this, the plants will receive a portion of chemicals, not useful substances. The thing is that the peel of bananas has a waxy coating. Fruits are specially coated with wax so that they do not deteriorate externally during transportation. But it should be understood that some manufacturers use ordinary wax, and some use unsafe carcinogens. Also, many vendors use a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate to remove the milky juice from the banana. Of course, soaking in such a solution does not add useful properties to the skin. Particularly unscrupulous suppliers use ethylene to make the fruit ripen faster. This is a rather dangerous substance that has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the human hormonal system.

The usual rinsing of the skins in water will not give any result. The rind should only be washed with soap and hot water. In addition, it should be thoroughly cleaned of pulp.

Fertilizer for Rosaceae

Banana peel fertilizer for Rosaceae is very easy to prepare. First you need to thoroughly rinse the skins. After that, they must be dried. You can do this in any convenient way: using a dryer, oven, battery or sun. It is necessary to dry them until a dark brown, almost black color is obtained. Also, the peel should become quite fragile.

After the drying stage has been completed, you can start grinding the skins in a coffee grinder. If the drying process occurs naturally, in no case should you rush it. The powder obtained after processing the skins with a coffee grinder must be mixed with the soil. The most suitable proportion is 1:10. You can add ready-made fertilizer during plant transplantation. You can also just pour it on top of the pot and water generously. Do not add fertilizer more than once a month.

Banana peel fertilizer can be prepared in another way. To do this, wash and dry the peel. Then you need to break it manually. What happened is poured into the bottom of the pot as drainage.

Reviews about this method of preparing fertilizer are very positive. Many lovers of indoor plants note that banana “top dressing” is especially useful in autumn and winter. Flower growers noticed that after such fertilizer, the plants "grow" beautiful lush foliage.

Using fresh banana skins

Banana peel for flowers can also be used fresh. Many people like this recipe much more because of its ease and practicality. After the skins are thoroughly washed, it is necessary to cut them into small pieces. It is more convenient to do this with scissors. The resulting pieces of banana peel should be buried in the soil to the maximum depth so that the skins do not become moldy. The main disadvantage of this recipe is that the exact dosage is difficult to determine. Only an experienced gardener can tell how much fertilizer for which plant will be the most effective. Ordinary amateurs add as much peel as they consider necessary. In this case, it is worth remembering that it is better to put less than overdo it. The fact is that the plant can react negatively to an excess of fertilizer. In addition, the skins must decompose in the substrate, and this process is very slow. To speed it up as much as possible and bring additional benefits to plants, you can use nitrogen fertilizer. It must be mixed with the skins in equal quantities.

Liquid fertilizers

Banana peel for plants is very effective and in liquid form. Moreover, such fertilizer preparation recipes are very simple. It is necessary to wash and clean the banana skins, dry them thoroughly. After that, they are brewed like tea. After the “drink” has cooled down, it will be possible to water the plants with it. For 1 liter of water, 5-6 tsp will be required. banana peel. To maximize the effect, it is advisable to dry the peel for this recipe on a battery. Blanks are best stored in paper. If you don’t want to make “tea”, you can simply grind the peel and sprinkle the soil with it.

There is another recipe. We prepare banana skins for use, according to all the main stages (cleaning, drying, grinding). We fill the jar (1 l) with a peel to half and fill it with cold water. It is necessary to insist such water for one day. After that, it is necessary to remove the peel from the jar and add water. Ready infusion can be watered flowers.


It is worth bringing here one original recipe for making banana fertilizer. It is rather difficult to say anything about its effectiveness, since there are almost no reviews of real people. However, the recipe is there. To prepare a banana cocktail, you need to grind the peel of one banana in a blender and pour 200 g of water. It is not necessary to insist or filter the cocktail - it can be used immediately. In each pot, you need to put 2 tsp. cocktail. Repeat once a month.

Recipe from experienced gardeners

As we have already understood, banana peel for indoor plants is very useful. Above we have considered the most simple recipes, which are available to every housewife or gardener. They do not require additional costs and special methods of processing the peel. However, professionals can also tell you how to properly and most effectively cook banana fertilizer. It is believed that it is best to use a water extract.

First you need to peel and dry the peel. Drying should be natural. Approximately 3-4 skins should be placed in a 3-liter jar of water. After 5 days, it is necessary to filter the tincture. After filtering, you can water the plants with it. You can store liquid fertilizer for about a month, the main thing is that there are no signs of fermentation.

Step by step cooking guide

It is better to prepare such fertilizer only for professionals. They know how attractive banana peels are for various bacteria. To avoid many mistakes, consider the process of preparing this fertilizer step by step:

  1. It is best to use distilled water. If this is not possible, boil tap water for at least 10 minutes.
  2. At the same time, you can treat the jar with a jet of hot steam.
  3. Continue cooking only when the kettle has cooled down. Do not wait for complete cooling. The main thing is that the water does not burn your hands.
  4. As soon as the peel is filled with water, the jar is tightly closed and placed in a dark place. It is believed that if you put the jar in a cardboard box, you can guaranteed to protect the infusion from fermentation. In addition, this is useful advice from a practical point of view: if the jar suddenly bursts, nearby things will not be damaged.
  5. Before using the fertilizer, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. You can use tap water for this.

Side effects

Banana peel for indoor plants can bring some inconvenience. Despite the relative ease of preparation of fertilizers and their high efficiency, they can contribute to the occurrence of side effects. The smell of banana skins can attract various pests (fruit flies, ants). At the same time, fertilizer is an excellent weapon in the fight against aphids. If you rub the leaves of houseplants with tincture, it will quickly disappear.

In addition, if you approach the issue of preparing fertilizer superficially, you can only harm the plants. Without careful processing and cleaning of the peel, there can be no question of a useful infusion.

It is also worth remembering that banana peel is not a panacea for all diseases. Plants need care and feeding with various fertilizers.

banana pulp

Do not forget about the pulp of bananas. It is also very beneficial for plants. If you do not eat bananas because you know how many calories are in 1 banana without a peel (and this is from 70 to 130 kcal), and you do not want to add extra centimeters to yourself, then fruits can be used more rationally. Banana pulp is said to be a quick and easy remedy for a plant that is in a particularly deplorable state.

The fertilizer recipe is very simple. It is necessary to crush the pulp of one banana with a fork and pour it with a small glass of water. The resulting slurry should be poured under the root.


Banana peel for seedlings is very useful. The most common recipe is freezing the peel. Peel the skins and cut them into small pieces. Fertilizer should be stored in the freezer. The advantage of this recipe is that it is available at any time of the year. From frozen skins, it is best to prepare banana "tea" for plants.

What other benefits can banana peels bring to houseplants? You can make compost, as it is great for bulbous plants. To do this, you need to pour a banana peel into a bucket of earth. The quantity is not strictly specified, it is advisable to use more skins. All this must be poured with Baikal fertilizer and mixed. After 30 days, you need to add fresh skins again and a little "Baikal". After about 2 months, when the compost becomes greasy and black, it can be used.

If we knew about all the properties contained in the skins of fruits and vegetables that we eat, we would never throw them away!

Some of them are edible, others can simply be thrown away. In this article, we will explain some amazing uses for banana peels. You will think twice before throwing it away.

Nutritional value of banana peel

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They can be prepared in a hundred various ways and the kids love them.

You may not know that their skin is just as nutritious as the inside. It provides the body with plenty of iron, potassium, B vitamins, vitamins C and K. In addition, it also contains a lot of magnesium, fiber, antioxidants and copper.

For best results, try to choose only organic fruits to avoid exposing your body to harmful substances such as pesticides and fertilizers used in the growing process.

Banana peel: properties and uses

Yes, you have been losing the benefits of banana peels all along. But once you learn about its many properties, you will never throw it in the trash again.

Improving Gut Health

If you suffer from constipation or other bowel problems, banana peels will provide you with all the fiber you need. You will get it if you just eat the skins. It's not poison, you won't get sick.

Start with a small amount. This will help improve digestion, and you can say goodbye to a slow metabolism.

Headache treatment

Take the inside of the peel and place it directly on your forehead or temples. Leave for a few minutes. Use gauze or tape to hold it in place.

Just sit back and let her do her thing.

Eye protection

To take advantage of this property, you need to eat the peel. The high content of beta-carotene (which gives it its characteristic color) improves eye health. Vitamin A is really useful for protecting the retina of the eye.

Cholesterol Reduction

If your last blood test showed high cholesterol levels, start eating bananas with the skin on!

The rind has properties that eliminate fat from the arteries. Due to its high potassium content, it is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Treatment of skin problems

Have you ever had horrendous bruises due to injuries? You can take advantage of banana peel properties to treat bruises. Simply place the inside of the peel over the affected area and wrap with a bandage. Leave on all day.

Banana peel is also helpful if you have acne. If your skin is irritated and inflamed through acne, rub the peel on the affected area and wash off with warm water before bed every night.

Wrinkle and wart reduction

Banana peel is one of the best home remedies for wrinkles. However, you need to be consistent.

Rub the inside of a banana peel on the affected area every night before bed. Let dry without rinsing. The skin will become soft and smooth.

If you want to remove a wart, take the skin of a green or light yellow banana. The enzymes will safely destroy the unsightly bump without harming you.

Just gently rub the affected areas with the inside of a banana peel. Repeat as many times as needed.

Banana peel contains a large number of tryptophan. This amino acid promotes the secretion of serotonin, also known as the "happiness hormone".

It helps regulate mood. If its level is low enough, symptoms such as depression and irritability may appear.

Consuming two banana skins a day for three days in a row can increase serotonin levels in the body by 16%.

Other uses

In addition to the uses already mentioned, here are a few more uses for banana peels:

  • Soothes discomfort from insect bites (such as mosquitoes and ants).
  • Whitens teeth.
  • Reduces scars.
  • Removes dark spots from the skin.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Helps the body absorb more calcium.
  • Shines shoes.
  • Polishes silverware.
  • Improves compost.
  • Fertilizes plants.
  • Repels pests, in particular pink aphids.
  • Reduces breakouts.
  • Attracts butterflies.
  • Removes scales from the skin.
  • Polishes the leaves of indoor plants.
  • Traps moths.