How to choose the right backpack for a first grader. School bags: how to choose a backpack to school for a first grader What should be a first grader's backpack

We all remember very well that touching moment when, at a very tiny age, we went with flowers to our first line. Our main treasure was, without a doubt, our portfolio. In those blessed and distant times, we did not have much choice - the shops did not have a special variety of assortment. Therefore, almost everyone had the same knapsacks. Another feature of our childhood was not so high loads in the form of books in our portfolio.

Today the situation is changing dramatically. First-graders are forced to carry a set of textbooks and sportswear with them every day. The weight of these educational accessories in most cases balances on the verge of the physical capabilities of a small student. That is why, in order to maintain the correct posture and reduce the load on the back of the child, it is very important to choose a quality backpack.

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Choosing a backpack for a first grader

What are the requirements for a backpack for young schoolchildren? These include:
  1. The presence of an orthopedic back. This allows you to keep the baby's posture in a normal state, protects his growing spine from excessive pressure.

  2. The dimensions of the backpack should not be excessively large. The child should move easily even with a loaded bag. Dangling below the waist, clapping on the legs with every step, the backpack will not add comfort to the child.

  3. When choosing backpack, the presence of the future proud backpack owner is mandatory so that you can coordinate the appearance of the acquisition with it, and also try it on right there.

  4. The backpack must have hard and flat bottom, which will not hang and put pressure on the weak lower back of a first-grader when walking.

  5. Strap width should be sufficient not to crash into the shoulders of the unfortunate child and not to injure his psyche, already exhausted by the school. The optimal width is about four centimeters. Also, the material from which the straps are made must be mesh in order to freely pass air without causing perspiration and diaper rash.

  6. Backpack material. It is important that the material is durable and hydrophobic (water-repellent). This is necessary to extend the life of the bag in extreme conditions. Children hit each other on the head with backpacks, throw them on cabinets, trees and other hard-to-reach objects. Therefore, if you do not have the desire to buy backpacks with a regularity of once every two weeks, purchase products made using a metal thread that reinforces (reinforces) the fabric of the backpack. In this case, he has a chance to hold out for a couple of months. The water-repellent fabric will keep the textbooks dry in case your little one gets caught in the rain. This can be facilitated by a rubberized layer of fabric. Most often, the most suitable material for sewing backpacks is polyester. It is durable, wear-resistant and waterproof. Backpacks made of this material are easy to clean and easy to wash, dry quickly.

  7. Lightning. This element is also important for the normal operation of the backpack. For the convenience of the child, the zipper should be wide with a “dog” that is easy to grip. Also, it must be strong enough to withstand the massive attacks of children's fingers, their impatient twitches and maintain functionality. It is better if there are two "dogs" on the zipper. This will save time on opening the backpack in conditions of lack of time (the child is late for the lesson or is in a hurry to go home).

  8. Top handle. Usually performed in the form of a handle with a leather or rubber patch for convenience, or in the form of a loop. In any case, it is strictly not recommended for children to carry a backpack holding this handle. Therefore, you should immediately inform the child about this.

  9. Availability nets on the surface of the backpack, adjacent to the back, provides reliable grip and no slip, causing discomfort to the child when walking.

  10. Also, when buying a backpack for a first grader, pay attention to the presence reflective elements sewn on it. These elements are extremely important even in a well-lit metropolis, as they significantly reduce the risk of being unnoticed by drivers of vehicles.

  11. Execution quality. Do not chase cheapness and buy inexpensive low-quality backpacks. They can be made with toxic materials and have a strong and repulsive odor that can cause health problems for the student. It is better to overpay, but buy a product produced in compliance with all norms and standards.

  12. Don't buy a backpack "for growth" or too small. This will adversely affect the health of the student.

  13. Backpack weight. In the "equipped" state, a satchel with an orthopedic base and comfortable wide straps should not weigh more than ten percent of the child's weight. If this condition is violated, pain in the lumbar region and back may occur. Therefore, the weight of the backpack should be minimal. According to hygiene standards, the weight of a first-grader backpack should not exceed one and a half kilograms. The backpack itself should not weigh more than eight hundred grams.

Selection of an orthopedic backpack for a student

The solid-sounding word "orthopedic" implies that the backpack will meet certain standards that protect the child's body from excessive stress. In most cases, this is a banal backpack with an anatomically made back and a rigid frame. This type of backpack does not correct the posture of the child in its absence. But it helps to evenly distribute the load over the entire back, avoiding pressure on one section of the spine, overloads. To have the title of "anatomical", the backpack must have:
  • A rigid back that protects the child's back from the pressure of the books lying in the backpack, preventing the child from hunching over.

  • Wide straps measuring from four to eight centimeters, equipped with a mesh.

  • Hard bottom to protect the child's lower back from the pressure of books.

The disadvantages of this type of backpacks are:
  • High price.

  • Relatively large weight.

  • "Dimensional" appearance.

Manufacturers and models of the best quality backpacks

In order not to get confused with definitions, let's start with definitions. Bags for carrying textbooks and other school items are divided into three types:
  1. . This model bag is made in the form of a bag with soft walls and a closing valve on top. The neck of the backpack is tightened with a cord or has a zipper. The valve closes with carabiners. The backpack traditionally has two or three large compartments and many small ones. This type of bag has one or two straps that allow you to carry it on your back. Traditionally, manufacturers make them in "boy" and "girl" versions. The only difference is the color and decor. The boys are cars and "transformers", the girls are pink ponies and Barbie. The backpack is very light and comfortable to wear.

  2. knapsack. This is a modified version of the backpack. It has rigid ribs that give strength to the structure, two straps that allow you to carry it over your shoulders. The knapsack perfectly retains its shape and protects its contents from deformation. A significant disadvantage of this model is a significant weight due to the severity of the materials that give strength to the satchel. The minimum weight of an empty backpack is one kilogram. You can imagine the weight of this "accessory" in running order. The child simply bends from such a load.

  3. Briefcase. It is a bag with a single shoulder strap and a flat shape for easy carrying on the side. Its walls are quite soft, but at the same time allow you to keep the contents intact. This type of bag is not recommended for use due to the one-sided load on the student's shoulders when carrying a briefcase on a single strap.

As for backpack manufacturers, the most popular among first-graders are:
  • Erich Krause. The backpacks of this world famous German company are made of high quality material, have an orthopedic back and wide shoulder straps. Their weight complies with international health standards. For first-graders, the company offers a comfortable backpack with an optimal number of compartments and conveniently located small pockets. Backpacks are durable, made in moderate colors, fastened with a latch.

  • Hummingbird. The backpacks of this manufacturer have a zipper, have bright and emotional colors, and are covered with images of common cartoon and comic book characters. They are roomy, comfortable, orthopedic and light in weight.

  • Belmil. This brand is represented by high-quality products made of durable and lightweight material, unobtrusive colors. Comfortable to wear, with several optimally thought out compartments. And yet, they are relatively inexpensive.

  • Hama. This manufacturer offers, complete with a backpack, an additional bag for a "shift", a pencil case for a student's stationery, and a wallet. However, at the same time, he is overweight, burdensome for a first grader. These backpacks are the most expensive in their field.

  • Der Die Das. The products of this company are equipped with reflective elements, an ergonomic back, have a low weight and attractive colors.

  • Backpacks are also presented by McNeill, Sigikid, Lassig, Step by Step, and others.

When choosing a backpack for your child, the main factor is the dimension. Consider his opinion and preferences, do not let him get carried away with decorative elements to the detriment of health.

No matter how far the development of learning technologies has gone, while schoolchildren still carry heavy and often uncomfortable backpacks beyond their years.

A poor-quality backpack can seriously harm a child's posture, laying the foundation for numerous spinal problems in the future.

Therefore, the choice of a backpack for a schoolchild, especially if your child has just gone to elementary grades, should be given increased attention.

The time and money spent on buying an orthopedic backpack will pay off in the health of your child.

Per beautiful word"orthopedic" in this case is just a backpack with a rigid frame and an anatomically correct back.

He is not able to correct incorrect posture, but the task of such backpacks in another way is not to harm and evenly distribute the weight of textbooks and school supplies along the child's spine, protecting the fragile skeleton from inevitable overloads.

In order to be called orthopedic (that is, meet safety standards for the child's spine), a backpack must meet several requirements:

  • tough back anatomically shaped, such a backpack will not be deformed due to textbooks and school supplies inside. The back, adjacent to the back of the child, will always be straight, it maintains the correct posture;
  • frame made of aluminum or composite material provides strength and stability. Thanks to him, the backpack does not wrinkle or deform. The frame also evenly distributes the weight of the backpack along the spine;
  • wide straps- from 4 to 8 cm. They help distribute the load and will not rub your shoulders even in the warm season.

Otherwise, an orthopedic backpack is no different from a regular high-quality school backpack. In a specialized store or on the market, you can buy an orthopedic backpack for a boy or girl with any drawings and characters from popular cartoons, the choice is practically unlimited.

As a rule, such backpacks have several additional advantages that are not related to their main purpose:

  1. convenient handle on the top of the backpack, strong fastenings of additional handles, high-quality materials. They will provide the backpack with a long life even in difficult operating conditions;
  2. straps, the length of which can be adjusted for clothes of different seasons and the height of the child;
  3. permeable to air and sweat back materials;
  4. notebooks and textbooks in a rigid orthopedic backpack will not wrinkle, no matter how carelessly the child handles the bag;
  5. washable hard bottom. Such a backpack can be placed on any surface and on any floor and not be afraid that it will become unusable after the first rainy day;
  6. reflective elements– If your child has to travel with a backpack in the dark, reflective stripes will make him visible to drivers.

Except for the last point, everything else makes the orthopedic backpack a practical and convenient bag for daily trips to school. If before the orthopedic backpack your child wore soft and has already earned himself an incorrect posture, the anatomical backrest may seem very uncomfortable at first.

This is an indicator that the child has problems with the spine, which need to be addressed urgently (of course, if we are not talking about cheap Chinese backpacks, they can really be uncomfortable).

Orthopedic backpacks have several significant disadvantages that should be considered when buying:

  • significant weight. An empty backpack can weigh a kilogram or more, and with textbooks and school supplies, its weight can reach 3-4 kg (recommended maximum up to 13 years is 2-3 kg);
  • high price- from 1,000 rubles;
  • appearance- it may be worth considerable effort to persuade a child who has switched to high school(and even more so in high school), wear a classic massive backpack with wide straps.

In some cases, you can do without an orthopedic backpack:

  • if you drive or drive a child to school, he does not carry his own backpack, except for short distances between classrooms;
  • if the backpack is not heavier than one and a half kilograms, the child leaves textbooks at school;
  • teenagers need the right backpacks to a lesser extent, their muscular corset and skeleton are already sufficiently formed.

But if a child of primary school age goes to school on his own, then an orthopedic backpack is required, at least for the first 3-4 school years (experts recommend wearing an orthopedic backpack and then).

Choosing a backpack is a responsible matter. By going to the store on your own and buying a backpack without taking into account the preferences of the child, you can ruin your mood for a long time. In choosing such an important school attribute, it is better to consult with the student himself.

The choice of pattern, configuration, number of pockets, compartments and other similar parameters of a backpack is a matter of taste and a compromise between the wishes of the child and the financial capabilities of the parents.

In stores, you can find orthopedic backpacks for girls and boys with a pattern of any popular theme, from cartoon characters and games to backpacks with a neutral pattern. The latter can cost an order of magnitude cheaper, since the manufacturer does not pay the copyright holder.

But there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing:

  • the backpack should not be too large: no higher than the shoulder line and just below the waist line. You should not buy a backpack for growth, too large a backpack is more likely to harm posture than to benefit;
  • the backpack should not be wider than the shoulders of the child, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wear;
  • the backpack should have a sufficient number of compartments so that all things can be laid out;
  • inexpensive backpacks have a significant disadvantage - unstable paint patterns, they can ruin clothes;
  • check the quality of locks, fasteners and seams, these elements will allow you to predict how long the backpack will last;
  • the backpack should not weigh much, for a first-grader a model weighing up to one kilogram is suitable;
  • the backpack must have a comfortable handle so that an adult can carry it. While the child is in the first grade, you will most likely see him off and meet him from school;
  • try on a backpack for a child, he should be comfortable in it. Adjust the backpack, let the child walk with it, only in this way can one conclude about the convenience of a particular model.

Having visited several stores, you are sure to choose the right option. With regard to backpacks, unfortunately, there is a direct relationship between quality and price.

The cost of comfortable models made of quality materials starts from 2,000 rubles, and for products of serious foreign manufacturers with popular characters, the price can reach up to 6,000 rubles.

A backpack is one of the most essential items on your annual shopping list. school year but definitely not the cheapest.

In addition to having the right backpack to maintain posture, the child must wear it correctly. There are a few simple recommendations that a child should be taught to follow from the first grade:

  • the backpack is worn on two straps, otherwise all the benefits of a rigid frame and soft straps are lost;
  • The backpack should not be overloaded, make sure that there are no unnecessary things in it. To do this, teach your child that things should be collected for school in the evening, laying out everything unnecessary for tomorrow;
  • the weight of the backpack should not exceed 10% of the weight of the child. This can be achieved by buying light school supplies: instead of a tin pencil case - plastic or rag, no notebooks in thick cardboard covers, heavy book covers. Remove as much unnecessary mass from the backpack as possible.

For a first-grader, what factors need to be taken into account in order not to be mistaken, as well as how much a backpack a first-grader needs, read in our material.

For parents of first-graders, the question of which backpack is better to buy for a child for school is especially relevant. If parents with older children already know what is needed, then the mothers of those who go to school for the first time are usually at a loss. That is why we have collected helpful tips how to choose a backpack to school for a first grader.

After all, when choosing a school bag, you need to know what to look for.

How to choose a briefcase or satchel for a first grader

Initially, you need to forget about briefcase bags as a satchel for a first grader. Carrying heavy things (and school backpacks are not light) is very harmful not only for a fragile children's spine, but even for an adult back.

Based on this, an iron rule No. 1 is formed when choosing a briefcase or satchel for a first grader - it should be a backpack with an orthopedic back. So that the load on the back and shoulders is evenly distributed.

“For children, it is very important to evenly distribute the weight on the back and shoulders. Therefore, bags that are worn over the shoulder are completely unsuitable for younger students,” says orthopedist Mikhail Kozlov. - For children under 15 years old, it is better to buy orthopedic backpacks. And carrying heavy weights can cause early stunting."

Photo how to choose school bags or backpacks for a first grader

11 important rules for choosing a portfolio for a first grader

  1. Schoolbag should not be wider than the child's back, and its weight should not exceed 10-15% of the weight of your first grader or first grader. Without prejudice to health, children aged 6-9 can bring a backpack to school weighing no more than two kilograms. That is, an empty satchel should weigh 500-800 g.
  2. When choosing a portfolio for a first grader, make sure that the backpack reached the child's waist, maximum - 5 centimeters lower. Heavy textbooks are best placed close to the child's back. It is important to check with your student at the end of the working day if they have pain or weakness in their hands after wearing a backpack.
  3. The "proper school backpack" has orthopedic back wall with dense inserts, wide shoulder straps and an ergonomic back.
  4. Also, when choosing a backpack to school for a first grader, pay attention to the presence reflective strips which will ensure safety on the road at night or in bad weather.
  5. The weight of a school backpack for a primary school student should not exceed 1200 grams.
  6. Schoolbag straps and straps must be adjustable so that the child has the opportunity to adjust them to their height and clothing. The straps should be strong, wide and soft so as not to cut into the shoulders of the child. The width of the straps is not less than 4 centimeters.
  7. It is important to remember that a school backpack or satchel that you decide to buy for a first grader should keep its shape well and not be deformed when folding school supplies into it. Check that such a backpack should have a solid bottom so that the textbooks do not "sag" and do not put pressure on the lower back.
  8. It is very good if the portfolio you want to buy in the first class will have additional external and internal pockets. They will help the child to conveniently place, and then find a lot of necessary things. For example, a mobile phone, a pencil case with stationery, a bottle of water or sandwiches for lunch.
  9. The fabric of the school bag must be durable and waterproof., because children love to run through puddles, and if the backpack suddenly finds itself in the "center of events", it must remain dry and unharmed.
  10. The back of a first-grader's school backpack should ideally be lined with mesh so that the child does not sweat.
  11. Of course, the main connoisseur of a school bag or backpack should be a schoolboy. Trying on a briefcase is better filled so that the child can appreciate its convenience.

Backpacks from the Ukrainian brand meet all these rules "1 Veresnya". Durable material, orthopedic back, reinforced bottom and straps that allow you to evenly distribute the load on the back of a first-grader, as well as many different details (water pockets, silicone handle, legs at the bottom of the backpack, various patterns and styles) make these satchels the right choice. By the way, the brand has been cooperating with Disney for more than eight years, so it is from 1 Veresnya that you should look for licensed backpacks with your favorite Disney characters, for example, from the cartoons Cars or Frozen.

In the photo, school backpacks for first graders from the Ukrainian brand with a 15-year history "1 Veresnya"

How much backpack does a first grader need

Each school has its own rules. Therefore, the volume of the knapsack that a first-grader needs cannot be called with 100% accuracy.

It is much more important when choosing a backpack to school for a first grader to take into account its size and shape. Too large a briefcase will not correctly distribute the load on the child's spine. It is for this reason that you should not buy a backpack for growth.

To choose the right size backpack for a first grader, you need to try it on a child.

The upper edge of the briefcase should not rest against the back of the child's head, and the lower one should not be lower than his lower back.

After the abolition of homework in the first grade in Ukraine, children usually carry few things in their briefcases. This is mainly a pencil case, removable shoes, sportswear, materials for drawing and crafts.

Photo school bag for a first grader

Schoolbags for boys and girls: teaching a child to handle a satchel

After buying a briefcase for school, boys and girls should learn how to handle it. Explain to your child that you can not carry a backpack or satchel on one shoulder or drag it by the handle on the floor.

Books should be folded from the back of the backpack so that nothing presses or pricks the child's back.

If something doesn't fit in a backpack, it's better to take an extra bag (lunchbox or gym bag) rather than trying to fit everything into one briefcase.

Practice with your future first grader putting notebooks and books into his new school backpack, opening and closing zippers or compartments with buttons.

We hope that our tips on how to choose a school bag for a first grader will be useful for you and you will buy an excellent school bag or backpack for your child in the first grade.

If for a future first-grader the school year starts on September 1, then for parents it starts long before this day. A school backpack occupies a special place in a huge shopping list. Moms and dads are looking for a convenient, light and at the same time roomy suitcase. It is important for the kid that a satchel with a bright interesting design hangs behind his back.

What is the difference between a backpack and a briefcase?

A school backpack is also called a satchel or briefcase in another way. What is the actual difference and is there one?

Let's start with . It is a light bulk bag made of soft material. The backpack usually has several compartments, two shoulder straps, and is comfortable to carry on your back. For children going to grade 1, backpacks are produced the same in design, but differ in color and pattern shown on the outside: separately for boys and girls.

A knapsack is an improved model of a backpack with a rigid back and two shoulder straps. Unlike a backpack, a knapsack keeps its shape well, but usually has only one compartment. The reinforced construction makes it heavy in weight. This distinctive feature of the satchel is its main drawback, so do not rush to choose a heavy school backpack for a grade 1 boy, for example. It will be difficult for a 7-year-old child to carry it to school, but it must also contain all the educational supplies.

The briefcase has only one strap, so it has to be carried on one shoulder. Because of this feature, the child may develop curvature, so orthopedists do not advise future schoolchildren to purchase portfolios.

By the way, at the moment, the most popular among first-graders - both girls and boys - are satchels-boxes. However, the models of not all manufacturers meet the requirements and sanitary standards, so parents should take seriously the question of how to choose the best backpack for a first grader.

We choose a backpack for a first grader according to all the rules!

There are a lot of nuances that parents should take into account: the size of the backpack, its weight, ergonomics, fit, quality and strength of the materials used in tailoring, the absence of a strong chemical smell, external attractiveness, the presence of regulators and additional compartments.

When choosing a children's model at their discretion, parents must take into account the opinion of the child: after all, a backpack is a kind of business card first grader. To be completely sure of the correctness of your purchase, we suggest that parents use the advice of the website site:

  • Really good school backpacks can only be purchased in specialized stores, where you can be provided with the necessary quality certificates upon your request.
  • Having chosen the model you like, evaluate its weight by picking it up. Expensive models contain this data on the label according to the age of the child. For class 1, the ideal option is a backpack that weighs no more than 800-850 grams.
  • And which backpack is better for the health of a first grader? The back of a quality product should have such a degree of rigidity to protect the child's back from injury from the corners of textbooks and at the same time be comfortable enough to wear. It is great if the back has a special mesh lining that allows air to pass through.
  • The size of the satchel should be such that its bottom does not hang below the waist and does not fall off the shoulders. The optimal length of a backpack intended for a student of grade 1 is 30 cm. In no case do not purchase products for growth: a discrepancy between the dimensions of the child's physiological data can cause a violation of his posture.
  • Evaluate the reliability of the regulators: under the weight of training supplies, the backpack should not fall down, the straps should be soft and wide. Some models have an additional holding belt.
  • Depending on the needs of the child, it is worth looking at the number of internal and external compartments. As a rule, only one large compartment is not enough.

  • The quality should not arouse suspicion: the zippers should not stick, the seams should be made with high quality without protruding threads, the fasteners should be fastened tightly. The child should not experience difficulties when using the satchel, because he will have to do this regularly several times a day. Therefore, let him check the convenience of the product on his own.
  • Do not choose a backpack if inside it gives off a pungent chemical smell. This is a sure sign that the manufacturer used low-quality raw materials in the manufacture. For some children, it can cause allergies.
  • The best backpacks for first graders are made from durable, water-resistant and well-dyed materials. This is important: the satchel should not stain the first grader's clothes and fade prematurely. If you run a damp cotton pad or napkin over its surface, they should ideally remain clean.
  • An additional handle at the top of the product and footrests at its bottom will only be a plus.
  • Choose a backpack made from a material that is easy to care for and can be machine washed without worrying about its appearance.

If you take into account all these features when choosing a children's backpack for grade 1, you can find a really high-quality and useful product. Sometimes a suitable model can not be found the first time. For example, what a child likes is not always suitable for his age and does not always meet sanitary standards. Therefore, before you find the perfect option for going to 1st class, sometimes you have to visit more than one store.

What is the best backpack for a first grader?

And now let's try to determine the best backpacks for first graders, starting from a specific brand. Today we will analyze products manufactured by Hummingbird, Herlitz, Belmil, Hama, Grizzly and Mc Neill. Naturally, in stores the choice is not limited to these brands.

We note right away that school backpacks of these brands for first-graders are made of high-quality materials, have an orthopedic back and comfortable shoulder straps.

  1. Hummingbird children's transformer backpacks are made of dense moisture-resistant fabric. The sliders are rubberized with zippers, the hard bottom has legs for stability. The kit comes with a bag for shoes, and the choice of colors and patterns is so large that any girl or boy will definitely find a suitable option for themselves. A decent and affordable option for a 1st grade student.
  2. The German manufacturer Herlitz presents school backpacks for boys and girls from grades 1 to 4: durable, comfortable, weighing up to 850 grams. and at an attractive price. The fabric is dense with impregnation for protection against moisture and from UV rays. The backpack has comfortable shoulder straps, a front zip pocket and reflectors. The only downside is the small size.
  3. A solid, wearable and waterproof product of the Serbian company Belmil differs from the rest in the presence of an additional chest strap, a cross handle on the top of the satchel, accessibility and an interesting 3D application. A boy will like the image of a spider-man, cars or balls, and a girl will like a pony or kittens.
  4. The manufacturer Hama offers parents the Step by Step Light series, especially for first graders: high orthopedic properties, environmentally friendly and super-strong materials, magnetic lock, wide wear-resistant bottom. The front pocket has thermal foil for breakfast storage. Fashionable and stylish backpack with a large selection of colors, but not the cheapest and a little heavy for a fragile first grader.
  5. Children's backpacks for class 1 from the Russian brand Grizzly, unlike their foreign counterparts, have an attractive price, although they are in no way inferior in quality, ergonomics and spaciousness. Models have special regulators on the back, allowing you to change the volume of the backpack.
  6. If the financial capabilities of parents allow, then you can pay attention to premium models from Mc Neill. Quality, orthopedic properties, ergonomics, functionality, safety, wearing comfort, design and additional equipment are all at the highest level.

At the end of the selection, I would like to note that children's backpacks for girls and boys do not have a difference in design or orthopedic properties. The differences are in size, design and colors. Therefore, the choice of which backpack is better for a first-grader is best left to him initially, and only then evaluate the quality of the chosen model.

And last advice. It is important not only to purchase a beautiful and high-quality backpack, but to ensure that your child is happy to wear it to school without sagging under its weight.