Beautiful farewell words to a girl. Farewell words to the beloved woman who left

Everyone has their own problems: someone cannot find their soul mate, and someone, on the contrary, does not know how to get rid of it. There is nothing worse than leaving a girl without telling her. She will not be able to guess herself if she does not talk to you or, at worst, does not receive SMS. Leaving without a word is not a man's thing: you will lose not only your girlfriend, but your dignity and respect. Parting with a soul mate with whom you have a lot of connection is always difficult. But how can you make it less painful for yourself? We have compiled instructions on how to break up with a girl based on the experience of those who have been dumped more than once.

  1. Try to change everything

Before making such a decision, you must determine for yourself the reason for leaving. Be honest with yourself, feelings just don’t go away: they either didn’t exist, or there is an unresolved problem. Maybe you have some kind of resentment or unresolved situation that prevents you from loving. Try to change everything.

Do not hold evil on your soul mate - everyone is not perfect. Perhaps a date or a surprise that evokes positive emotions will change the situation. You will remember what a kind and caring girl you have, and she, in turn, will mark in you the features of a loving man.

  1. Make up your mind

If you are convinced that you do not want to raise children together, glue wallpaper and choose a gift for her mother for the holiday, then you better solve the problem right away. The girl needs to be explained that the reason for your separation is not in her, but in you. It is better to say that you cannot be a worthy companion for her, even if in fact she has problems.

Anyway, it's best to be honest. Banal phrases "it's not about you, but about me" can not get off. It is necessary to explain the reason, to brighten up somewhere, not to focus attention on something. Remember, you will leave, and the girl will be left alone with your words. Her self-esteem will be lowered if she finds out that she cooks badly or behaves like a 40-year-old woman in her 20s.

  1. Make yourself quit

If you can't get over the fact that a friend starts to hate you, then try to make her leave first. A girl will be very upset if her boyfriend forgets about a significant event: when they started dating or met. Ignorance of such things, as it were, says that you do not love her.

The reaction can be ambiguous: someone will begin to ignore and answer all questions “nothing happened”, and someone will throw a tantrum. In the second case, use the female tactics of "throw the blame on another." With its help, you can go from the topic “why didn’t you congratulate me on the anniversary of our relationship” to “why didn’t you let me go on the tenth anniversary of my communication with friends.”

  1. Send SMS

If you do not have the courage to say personally about the breakup, send at least an SMS. Be an adult and send a text that says something like “I’m glad we talked, but I don’t feel a connection between us. Thanks for all". Or other standard, perhaps offensive or just uncomfortable phrases that are used when parting.

  1. Get ready for a surge of emotion

After a fiery speech about the intention to break up, a storm of indignation named Natasha (the name of the girl who has just been dumped) is moving right at you. Your friend can't understand how you dare to leave her. She's wasted her best years on you.

Meanwhile, hundreds of excuses and decisions are spinning in her head about why we need to be together. Be cool and patient. If you definitely decided to leave, then do not succumb to persuasion and tricks.

Remember how many times you heard “I will change”, “let's start from the beginning”, “you can’t do this to me”. In fact, you can if the relationship causes pain and suffering to both.

  1. Give thanks for everything

Admit it: for 1 year and 4 months you didn’t just suffer and dreamed of leaving as soon as possible, but enjoyed life with a loved one. You have many shared happy and sad memories. From some it even drives you into depression, while from others you are in seventh heaven with happiness.

These relationships taught me a lot: to understand people, to fight manipulations and provocations, to understand what “nothing happened” means. Remember all the good things that connect you. Thank the girl even for the fact that every day she cooked dinners and collected socks, which, like a real man, were scattered throughout the apartment.

  1. Ask for forgiveness

Asking for forgiveness is always hard, especially when there is something for it. Don't say you didn't have joints. In a relationship, it is important to admit your mistakes, even if it comes to parting. This will allow you to complete the connection without nervous breakdowns. Apologize only for what you feel guilty about. Don't fall victim to emotional blackmail.

  1. Hide

After a tearful parting, it is better to “disappear from the radar” for a while: do not go to your favorite cafes and bars, shops and parks. Moreover, try not to catch the eye with your new girlfriend. What could be more hurtful than finding out that your ex found himself a girlfriend so quickly. Yes, and this is a bad form: having barely completed the old relationship, start a new one.

  1. Don't come back

Don't even think of writing to her in two weeks. Girls are not toys. You can not quit, and then meet, as if nothing had happened. You will only make it worse if you do this. When you feel like going back to her because you know she's waiting for you, remember that no river can be entered twice.

This time will not forgive us
Will not forgive us the past years,
I bet it will take revenge
That love is out of fashion now.
It just drowns me
What a waste of time
Won't even have mercy on you
And you will be paid for everything.
You just let him go
How cool is it to hate now
But she always told me
That you can't offend anyone...
You gave love to someone
This someone did not accept those feelings
And let me go so easily
My heart is empty again...
This time will ever let go
Will it ever forgive us?
Take a minute to be sad
She only talks about me...

I know you and I are breaking up
And we won't go back to the past.
We haven't found a single way
We will go our own way.
I ask that you do not hold evil,
After all, everything happened in life.
I still wish you to be happy
Fate would have been fair to you.

Your love for me is a complete test
Painful, nervous suffering.
I seduced you, fell in love with myself, -
But I never loved you.
I'm sorry. I am a rascal.
I am a vile coward, a scoundrel, a deceiver.
Sorry. Don't hold me anymore. Let go.

Parting us
Joy destroys at the root.
She has a craving for dreams
To our souls and will.
Breaking up with you
With a beloved girl
I feed on the dream
That they will throw us a meeting.

Let's forget everything with you
We can't bring back the past
We will not wake up the sleeping
Our love has come a long way.
You are young and beautiful
But our paths fly apart
And our meetings are in vain
Love will not return, will not come.

Your love, treasure and happiness,
What I have never seen before in my life
Unexpected and painful for the heart
Forever for myself I lost.
She was pure, bright and so beautiful
Like an angel descended from heaven
It turned out to be so dangerous for me to love her,
It was like a demon possessed me.
I lost my peace and clarity of thought,
I forgot the last time I slept
It became harder to breathe while thinking,
That the happiness of life never knew.
Love, I will not forgive you in my life
The pain that gave my heart
I won't let you in now
I want to forget the way to me.

I don't eat or drink without you
I can't sleep at night without you.
Do not be silent, write one line,
But don't put a dot at the end.
The stars don't shine without you
And the moon does not sing with them in time.
Do not be silent, write one line,
But don't put a dot at the end.
Without you, all inspiration is gone,
I don't sing, I don't write unfortunately.
Do not be silent, write one line,
But don't put a dot at the end.
Wrote only one line
"Darling, don't miss me."
And put an end to the end
But, and below is the postscript "Farewell."
Without you my soul is torn apart
Without you there is no life and happiness for me.
I've been alone for a year
Without you, without you, without you.

I'm weak, my love, I'm sad.
Couldn't overcome barriers.
And he just said to you: "I'll forgive you!"
And let you fly.
But our souls are so close.
We flew off into infinity.
Now we are sad on the banks of anguish,
From now on, having lost carelessness.
Farewell forever, do not be sad.
I'm sorry, my love, I'm sorry!

You left, closing the door to the light for me.
You destroyed my temple in the trash
And left only those days
Without which there will be fear, darkness.
I have an evil beast in my soul
Behind the flags paw beats in the blood
Breaking the pain with a cry of will.
That soaked into his soul, flesh.
Today I will go to the steppe in the snow,
I'll leave myself, I'll leave all those
Who remained in the bright days of those
And to whom you give the eye light.
Just know that the way back is hidden
And you have no chance to return.
Let your enemy caress you now,
I won't die without you, no
I'll just be a coward in love,
My broken altar is empty
And on the heart all day long shadow
And the feelings are completely broken.

Breakup is so bad
We will meet him again.
My girl is cruel
So to separate loved ones.
Let the meeting come again.
We want to be close.
That will make it easier for us!
We're made to love.
And we will overcome separation
Let's just digress a little.
And sometimes we miss a lot.
And sadness will recede.

Let's break up, what's the point of talking?
Why are you writing lines again?
Let's close the door on constipation,
But why can't I live without you?
Why are these lines again about our
Huge love, but the one that passed?
Why am I trying to get older again
After all, you could not become wiser ...

The time has come to run.
It opened the door to parting.
Goodbye forever, goodbye is not sweet.
All in the past, all the past you believe.
The pain was carried away with a terrible formidable force.
Breaking the chest, breaking the very essence.
Goodbye forever my forgotten dream.
Farewell, it's time to forget and take a nap.

The usual dusk of the night.
Phone calls.
And you want to get up
And talk to her.
A pillow flies into the phone.
And he does not stop!
That chime is ringing in my ears.
Ringing, breaking everything!
Or maybe it's worth it?
And start all over again?
But the feeling of pain and longing.
You are so tired of them.
And those long calls
Breaking out in the middle of the night
They can't decide anything.
They will just become a dot.

She left and it became empty
In the heart, in the house and in the soul.
Sad, ugly, sad...
And I don't want anything!
I tried to forget her with others.
It didn't work, I can't!
She left and won't come back. From now on
No one can replace her!

How long later
You are in my heart.
We then parted in vain,
I acted carelessly.
I then appeared weak,
Once allowed to let go
The one with whom he was always happy -
I can't forgive myself!
But it's okay, I won't give up.
And yes, I promise:
to conquer you again
Back to happiness again!

She doesn't understand how much I love her
What is the closest person, and there is no dearer
That bit by bit I gather my family with her
But only stands at a distance, will not help
She doesn't love me, you can see it in my eyes
And curses without hesitation
And I read indifference on the lips
Returning to reality
But I want to hug, cling to the shoulder
And feel the warmth of her hand
And again, in love, do not dare to confess it
To see the tenderness of the lights.
I'm so offended, what's my fault?
I regret living
And in conversation, often wrong
It's probably better if I die
She won't cry, no heart
Will always find a replacement for me
I'll ask God for a ticket
To never return again.
I'll probably die today
No need for this miserable life to me
I can't live like this anymore
Alone with loneliness
No one can understand my pain
My tears and sadness in my eyes
I'm in life, without a wand zero,
Maybe it's better up there in the sky
People close, indifferent,
And they are my life for me
And now it's not customary to understand
Something that is nothing to cherish.

Let parting not give happiness
For us. Let us be lucky in that.
But the meeting disperses bad weather again.
You believe - she will come.
Let sadness bring parting.
Do not expect you from the separation of bright days.
Separation from a girl is a bad reason.

Parting is goodbye
And sometimes even to tears.
We need to part with you
Not for long, and not seriously.
I promise to call very often
SMS to write to you
I promise your passionate love
Don't forget in a new city.

Tell me why did you leave again?
Tell me why all those words
What are you confused yourself?
And the conversation is all about
That I am insignificant, like a thief!
Trust me, you're wrong again!
All this is your game again!
I loved so much, I was with you
And for you I am not a stranger!
But not a stranger from afar,
I will help you always!
What a pity that we
There will never be again!
I won't disappear, I won't die.
I'm just quiet, I'll leave again
I won't be able to forget you
I don't want to forget you
After all, still ... I love you!

What flour is hard to say -
We broke up yesterday.
I'm ready to take out my soul, but loving,
I feel like I wasted yesterday.
Let me go, forgive me, take me again
I love you, I feel bad without you.

Having parted with my beloved girl,
We understand how evil the world is
When you can't even go back
And believe that your moment has come.

How you want to be there sometimes.
Sometimes they are not related.
Separation cold leaf fall ...
Let them turn into shaky dust!

"Farewell to Eden" appeared as. As his girlfriend Rina Lazar worries about her marriage proposal in New York, Pete Decker of the Los Angeles Police Department discovers a two-year-old child by the side of the road. He is unharmed, but his pajamas are bloody and appear to be completely broken. Deker takes care of him and goes on a frantic search for his parents. When Rina returns from New York, he is already in the middle of a haircut. For now, events have come to fruition - Decker is confronted in his investigation of a brutal quadruple murder.

Believe, love and hope
Honey, not for us.
Not everything will change for us,
And our life is not for an hour.

You will meet your happiness
Maybe it's waiting for me
Understand that with one participation
Love will not come to us with you.

You are leaving me again
Which once a month.
I'm used to this
And I managed to notice:

What do you still love, and forgive,
When I come back to you.
In the meantime, walk, baby, -
Unwind in silence.

And everything seems to indicate that he is on the path of a deadly blood feud. During the course of the first book, For Your Soul Be Clean, the two learn to know and love each other while investigating at a Jewish college. The Song of Death group then shows problems of approach, especially due to Rinas' religiosity and Decker's approach to the Jewish faith.

The third volume, Farewell to Eden, is again structured in several layers. During a control pass through the new overnight settlement, Decker finds a small child who is unharmed but whose pajamas are completely smeared with human blood. No one in the village knows about the two-year-old girl. Because the child has many bee sting marks, the tracks lead to a nearby valley where many beekeepers live and which, although very close to Los Angeles, still looks like the deepest province, with all prejudice against colored people. people, Rumors and gossip and distrust of strangers.

I'll finish the job, I'll come back
With a bouquet of red roses
kiss, hug
That's the whole question!

You are leaving forever.
But is it fair
What fate separates us
After all, they used to live so happily.

I won't be able to forget
The time that we were together.
And I can't stop loving you
At least twenty years will pass, at least two hundred.

I will remember you
Only my memory remains.
And in the heart of the pain does not relieve -
So quickly happiness was lost.

There, Decker and his partner Marge find four bodies in the orphanage. In another plot, an old military comrade asks Deker for help because he was arrested for brutal rape. And Rina Lazar, who went to visit relatives at the end of Volume 2 in New York so that they can understand their feelings, comes to visit during all these events and wants to tell Dekker something important.

The investigations into the little girl and the corpses found in the episode have everything a good thriller needs: an unpredictable plot with some surprises, many possible suspects, and the appropriate momentum that leads to the completion of the reading can stop.

It hurts to admit
That now I live alone.
What separated us from you
The vice of Russia is alcohol!
I understand it's my fault
And I plead guilty
I drank, I smoked, I was wrong
When he wanted to start a family.
Now I understand what's ahead
You have to drop everything!
Your vices, and only then
Go ahead where you and me!
Now you're gone and I'm back
I remember my vice.
There is no family anymore, I'm talking about everything .. al,
And only now I realized.
That you're right, gone into the night
She said: change you!
Fix the blame and don't be sorry
That for so many years you were a nobody.
Now there is an incentive to start everything:
Eradicate sadness in the soul,
Pass the barriers, and then
Stay with you forever!

You are the most kind, beautiful and charming girl! I'm sorry

Embedded in this thriller story is the alleged rape of Decker's comrades, which, in the truest sense and in the nature of the investigation, is a crime story, but rather serves to bring Decker's past, in which it appears to be a mystery, into play. As with the previous two works, the second cornerstone of the book is the development of the relationship between Decker and Lazarus. And this is not just a "normal" love story, but because Rina Lazar is a jealous girl and an educated Decker Christian, but, as in the course of these books, by birth, in fact, a Jew also comes out.

Goodbye, love, goodbye, goodbye.
Do not be sad, my love, I will certainly return.
You are so beautiful on this cloudy evening.
Half-asleep lanterns pour habitual sadness.

Goodbye darling, goodbye darling
We will meet again, wait and remember me.
Don't be sad, my love, because I'm leaving.
I'm leaving, my love, keeping the memory in my heart.

The whole problematic of this approach to the Jewish religion, all its traditions and rules, and embedding in modern American life is, in my opinion, one of the great advantages that distinguishes this series of novels from other thrillers. But it still remains a crime thriller and does not mutate into the theory of religion.

This is especially noticeable in the drawing by Peter Decker. In Farewell to Eden, after a brooding, almost dubious stage in the predecessor book, a man experiences a critical engagement with his past. Although there are doubts, but this figure is still solidifying and confident. That this, of course, also leads to conflicts in the relationship is obvious.

I'm breaking up with you, my dear,
I don't even know when.
And I'll see you in a year, maybe
Or maybe even two.

I'm breaking up with you, my dear,
And how can I live without you?
I left my heart with you
When I return, you will return then!

It is not easy, sometimes, parting is given,
After all, once there was a first recognition,
The joy of meetings and bright follies,
The feelings were strong and sincere.

But all the people and their motives are presented in great detail and clearly. An important theme regarding the series of novels is the independence of the individual volumes from each other. It is not true that the book could not understand the book without the knowledge of its predecessors. For this, the relevant information has already been cleverly placed. All in all, for those who love this exciting and addictive, there's great reading pleasure to be had, and don't shy away from a little pinch of thought. If you start with these books, it will be difficult to get rid of them.

Your opinion of Faye Kellerman: Goodbye Eden

Help other readers by clicking on the thermometer to comment on this book and rate the thriller. And please don't take the pressure off other readers by betraying the plot or the resolution. Thank you! Your comment on parting with Eden. It is often difficult to know when and how to say goodbye, even in informal situations. By learning to say goodbye eloquently, tactfully, and appropriately, you will be able to maintain relationships with others and show others that you care about them.

But over time we got tired
The bitterness of disappointment was known.
Dear, I wish you strength and love,
And you will certainly find your happiness.

I break up with you
I don't want to at all.
And obey
A little forced.

If the meeting is close -
This is good.
Your gaze, softly clean,
I wear with soul.

Teddy bear is back in your hands -
This is my heartfelt gift from me.
You hug him, remember me,
Do not grieve, my love, I will return to you one of these days.

Goodbye in the short term

When you find yourself at any type of party or gathering, or even in a personal conversation, it can be hard to get away from it.

  • Know when to leave.
  • It will be easier to save time and see if the crowd will decrease.
  • If there are barely more than half of the people, this is probably the right time to go out.
Observe body language. It's bad to stay longer than you like, but it can be hard to tell. People don't like to tell others that they would like them to leave now, so you need to try to observe the signals they are sending you.

Poems to say goodbye to your girlfriend

You can talk about love every day, but not find important words at the time of parting. Before you tell a girl about the end of a relationship, you need to think through everything well. Do not ignore or blame the person who has been around for a while. A man always positions himself as a defender and a stronger sex, so at such a moment it is better to just tell the truth without leaving the conversation. Relationships need to end once, so that in the future the girl can build new ones, so all words must be sincere, but the last. Do not feel sorry for the girl or persuade. At such a moment, it is better to remember all the good and bright things that connected two people.

If the party organizer starts cleaning up or leaves the conversation, gather your friends or your belongings and leave. If someone starts to look at the clock or if he looks at it, it is also definitely the moment to leave. Agree to see you again. If you haven't made plans yet, take the opportunity to do so.

Even if you say you'll see soon, you're suggesting a desire to see that person again. Plan to see you again for lunch or coffee later in the week if he says goodbye easier, but don't promise to do something you don't want to do, you can just leave. Tell me the truth. Maybe it's tempting to find a good excuse when you're ready to leave. If you want to leave, just say, "I'm going now, we'll see you later." There is no need to make it more complicated than that. If you want to leave a conversation you're in, just say we'll talk later.

You're leaving, I'm very sad
And my heart was empty
Seems like the earth is spinning slower
Because you are not around.
Somehow it all went by so fast.
We did not have time to enjoy each other,
Our feelings failed the test
That's the end of it all - parting.

Goodbye in the long run

If someone you know is about to go abroad for a few years or is preparing to go to university, it can be a busy time when they are preparing the trip. Likewise, you should prioritize some goodbyes if you're leaving. Don't plan to see people you don't care about by forgetting to say goodbye to your sister. Choose a good place, like dinner, a walk in your favorite neighborhood, or a moment you've always enjoyed, like watching a game on TV. Take a moment of the right length to discuss before leaving. . Tell me about the good times you spent together.

That it all happened like this, I'm sorry
The heart covered sadness with a veil,
The sun does not give joy rays,
A big void in my soul.
Foolishly, we broke up with you,
Since then I have lost sleep, peace,
To you, my love, goodbye,
I send my most tender wishes.

It's all my fault, of course,
And nothing to do with fate
It just didn't work out, it happens
And now the heart is aching and suffering.
You, my love, forgive me
And don't hold a grudge against me
May good luck await you ahead
I wish you to find happiness.

Remember funny stories and happy times - take a step back in the past: everything you did, what happened when you were friends, moments together, maybe even how you met each other. If it's a trip he doesn't really appreciate, don't spend all your time asking him about the trip, if he's excited about the trip, don't spend all your time giving him a roar, reminding him how much he'll miss each one If your friend jealous of your new job in the Caribbean, don't spend all your time bragging about it.

  • Don't start saying goodbye as soon as you enter the room.
  • Assess the attitude of the other to his departure or yours.
Be open and friendly.

You, my love, do not be offended by me,
And please try to understand me
I don't deserve you, understand
Do not torment me, and calmly let go.
I understand that I hurt you.
I am very sad to part with you,
You will meet true love
And happiness will come to you again.

I did not think, did not guess, did not even expect
What lost you so quickly
Cooled our feelings with you
You say that you have become a complete stranger.
Everything happens in life
I don't hold a grudge against you
It's a pity, of course, but I let you go,
Even though I still love you dearly.

If you can't forgive me and make me happy

It is important to establish the state of your relationship. If you'd like to keep in touch, let him know. Exchange your email addresses, phone numbers and contact information. It can be reassuring to ask for an email address or phone number so you can chat again, but stay honest. If you do not intend to stay in touch, do not ask for contact information, your friend may ask questions about your sincerity and make sure your family members know where you are going What you are doing and what you know about them It is important not to give everyone the impression that you are leaving or disappearing. When it's time to leave, keep the moment short and sincere.

You were my love and desire,
I remember our meetings again and again,
For some reason, we parted strangely,
Has love died in our hearts?
I will have a sad evening without you
I without you and the day will be dreary,
I will remember your hair and shoulders
I will tell everyone: “Appreciate love, people!”

It's so hard for me to say goodbye to my beloved,
What am I going to do tonight?
Night Express. She will go far
I'll be alone without her now.
Although it will be a long return,
I keep your image and remember again
The same gentle, long-awaited look,
The look that is called "love".

Most people don't like goodbye, but you should make your goodbye personal. If you have difficult feelings to express, consider putting them in a letter so that the other person can read it later. When speaking face to face, keep the conversation light and funny. Take the other in your arms, say what you say and wish him a good trip, don't make this moment too long.

Know that I love you and will always love you! Forgive me if you can

If you are gone for a long time, and if you cannot take all your things with you, you can show your kindness by pooling your friendship by giving away what is yours. Give your old guitar to other members of your band, or give your brother a book that has some meaning for you to remember. Stay in touch. Let everything return to normal. A friend who moves to university will make new friends and it's unlikely that you will continue to call you every week. You should never put off visiting a loved one in the hospital, and you should not wait until the last day to visit a friend who is going abroad for good. Don't miss the opportunity to say goodbye and make it more pleasant at the last moment, it can be scary to die alone in the hospital. Stay with him and support him. Do what you think is right. We often get the impression that death or goodbye forever should be a dark or sad moment, follow in the footsteps of the person who is leaving, your role should be there for her and comfort her in moments when she needs it. If she seems to want to laugh or, if it seems natural, then laugh. Tell the truth, selectively. It's hard to know what level of honesty you should take with a dying person. If you visit your ex-spouse or distant family member, it can create a lot of tension and difficult emotions can arise. accumulate. The hospital doesn't seem like the perfect place to say what's on your mind and reproach your father for not being more real. If you feel that the truth is hurting a dying person, keep that in mind and change the subject, you can tell her that she doesn't need to worry about you today and change the subject. Maybe it's tempting to want to be overly optimistic, saying no, there's still hope, don't give up if, for example, he tells you he's going to die. spread over a subject none of you are sure about.

  • Keep realistic expectations for your future posts.
  • Say goodbye.
  • Be in the room and tell him what to say.
  • Spend as much time as you can with your loved ones.
Keep talking.

I met you, you opened the world of love to me,
Now I can't hug you
Fate separated us so suddenly
And I'm alone, I can only wait.
The wind is raging outside the window, and the city is sleeping,
And I write poems to you, I beg your pardon,
Near the bed is your portrait,
Come to me, let there be a return.

Living without love is so hard in the world
So please always be with me
They quarreled so stupidly, like children,
And day and night before the eyes of your image.
Check feelings so that we stay apart,
I don't see other girls around me
The day will come when we will close our hands again,
I love you so much, I just love you.

We broke up, I so want you to come back,
The last conversation was so hard
She entered our yard, smiled at me again,
To forget our strife forever.
I'm sorry, maybe I was sharp
I'm sorry, maybe I didn't love that much
To leave forever, you need a good reason,
I remember every look of yours, I have not forgotten the meeting.

Burned the last bridges
And we lost the key to feelings,
We were so good with you
We did not expect such an ending.
Well, well, I don't hold a grudge against you,
Apparently it was fate
To you, my love, I only wish you happiness,
And, therefore, without arguing, I let go.

I have a reason to be sad
Today I part with my beloved,
Not for a while, but forever
So fate decreed.
Something I didn't see
Failed to convince you
For two, you decided everything yourself,
Well, well, I wish you happiness and good.

I thought our happiness would be forever
'Cause it all started so well
You were just heartless
And here is the result - we broke up.

After all, you won’t be forced to be nice,
I will erase everything from my heart, I will forgive,
Maybe you'll be happy with someone else.

How well it all started with you,
It seemed that our happiness would have no end,
But, today we broke up with you,
So fate decreed.
I let you go without resentment
I always wish to be happy
Remember, at least sometimes me,
After all, nothing can be erased from memory.

Darling, I was wrong
That in our feelings gave you many rights,
Fulfilled all your desires
I thought that you were a gift of my destiny.
You leave, I don't hold you
I will let go without resentment and reproaches,
I just wish you goodbye,
Let bitterness not leave parting.

Drumming rain on the glass
That I lost my girlfriend
My soul is sad and crying
But nothing can be returned.
I don't want to but I let you go
How I will continue to live, I do not know
You were the light in the window for me,
I say goodbye to you, love.

I'm not having fun today
Absolutely no mood
From pain, the heart aches and screams,
The soul cries and hurts.
I'm not offended by you, my love,
I'll try to erase from memory
You decided to leave on your own
And, not at all, and fate.

I loved you so devotedly, so tenderly
I thought our happiness would be serene,
You gave me hope and dreams
I was ready to give my life for you.
I don't hold a grudge against you, my love,
I blame myself for everything that happened
I let you go, love
May everything be great for you.

We part with you, I'm sad,
And my heart is empty - empty
Cooled our feelings quickly
And love is gone.
I release you from me
And I only wish you happiness
I say goodbye to you, love
And I won't be offended, I promise.

It seems to me that all this is not happening to us,
Everything is like a bad dream
Love leaves us without looking back,
And return it, what is the reason?
Forgive me and I will forgive you
We part like ships in the sea,
I'm sad about the love that's gone
May happiness await you ahead.

Sad day, like a farewell waltz
In memories he circles us
After all, it was good with you,
Why did it all go by so fast.
We haven't loved you yet
We didn’t agree on tenderness for each other,
But the feelings are frozen, do not melt,
I wish you not to miss your happiness.

Disappeared, feelings evaporated. Where the fire burned - now the ashes.

Let's end our relationship. We learned a lot of happy moments in life,

But goodbye - the knocking of our hearts has become different ... 24

I'm telling you - goodbye, I'm ending the relationship. In my thoughts I send the last kiss. Accept this SMS, and remove me from life,

After all, our bridges have long been divorced. 32

The journey of our hearts is coming to an end. While dear. Goodbye. This is the end. Let's part, such is fate, This is the last time I write these words to you. Goodbye dear, if you can, forgive me.

We had different moments, But the time of parting has come. Farewell, dear, let separation not oppress,

Let the wave of happiness carry with someone else. 7

Everything was beautiful with us, tell me ... Farewell, dear, everything is behind ... In life there will be more lights and flowers.

There will be happiness, there will be passion. 16

Separation stings like an evil bee, Stings painfully, but such things. Time will pass, and everything will heal itself.

And the pain of parting between us will heal. fourteen

We will survive this separation. we will swim across the river of separation ... Goodbye dear, goodbye and forgive,

With another, let your happiness bloom. eighteen

That's all! We part with you! Time will pass, we will all survive. Wake up from numbness

And with others we will find our happiness. 17

I want to forget all our relationships, Our meetings, like tearing a leaf. And throw love into such dirt,

So that no one can get it! 13

What a pity that everything turned out like this, What a pity that all dreams were broken. Good luck in your new life

I hope you will be happy. fifteen

Let's part with you, Once feelings have subsided to the bottom. Start dating others

Once the feelings have cooled down and they are gone for a long time. 17

You are no longer with me. And it hurts a lot. I ask you to answer me:

Why, my love? So bitter... 30

We are no longer together, I will no longer suffer, I will no longer love, No longer I AND YOU.

We are no longer together. fourteen

One piece of advice - take care of yourself... One dream - don't forget me... One lie - I don't love you...

And the only truth is - I MISS YOU! twenty

Love has passed - withered tomatoes, Shoes are tight and we are not on the way. There are millions of options in the world

And it makes no sense for us to go together. ten

Let us be good, But still there is something else. So let's part

Let me go without offense. 17


A beautiful farewell letter to a girl from a guy. Samples in prose

Decided to write a farewell letter to your girlfriend, but don't know where to start? Our site offers you universal samples that will help you compose a beautiful farewell message on behalf of a guy (man). Perhaps the piercing lines of these letters will inspire you to create your own masterpiece, the words of which will forever remain in the heart of your beloved woman.

Beautiful words for a girl goodbye

My sunshine, I know that we will never see each other again, but please read this letter. I'm sorry that I disappointed you, and I would do anything to take away your pain. I feel it every morning and every night. I dream of your tears, and the feeling of guilt does not leave me.

You are the best of the girls, and I will never forget your gentle voice, your touching tenderness and your ardent love. Honey, I want you to know that I was sincere with you and firmly believed that we would always be together.

Fate decreed otherwise, forgive me ... I can not express in words the state of my soul. Away from you, I remember every minute spent together. I will forever remember your sonorous laughter, your sweet kisses and care, which thousands of men dream of, and which I knew.

Before you, I did not believe in love, but now I know what happens to those who doubt it.

I have always been honest with you, so I did not deceive this time. Yes, we can no longer be together, but no - I will never forget you. I want you to be happy, because you deserve it like no other.

I reproach myself every day for not being able to give you this happiness.

More than anything, I want you to forgive me, my girl, I really didn’t want to break your heart ... Farewell and, closing this letter, look at it for the last time as you would look into my eyes.

Farewell letter to girlfriend at parting

My girl, I know that you love me selflessly, but I can't change anything. For this reason, I feel insignificant, miserable and helpless. I can’t imagine what will happen to us now, and how we can come to terms with the pain of parting. Life without you is meaningless - everything around reminds us of us: acquaintance, first dance, first date, first kiss ...

I was truly happy with you. I am grateful to fate for the opportunity to love you and for the happiness of being loved by you. Only you are in my thoughts, and this means that we are still together ... Don't cry, Baby, everything will be fine. The warmth of my heart is with you forever, hold this letter to your chest and feel it. Smile. I want you to be happy. Forgive me and goodbye.

Farewell letter to a woman

My dear woman! .. All that day, all that evening ... I was happy, I read in your eyes the best short story about my happiness.

It can be very simple, in some ways even banal, right? Although sometimes looking into women's eyes, full of indescribable depth, tenderness, understanding and empathy, women's eyes are very painful, almost unbearable. And yet I watched.

And I saw, besides this happiness filled with crystal, sunny ringing, also your unique world, full of hidden treasures and open heart through and through, I saw your soft, amazing, fabulous femininity and uncontrollable sexuality. Yes, I also remember kissing your toes. And shoulders, and breasts, and your whole body.

Without him, without you, there would be no my fire. Only... you know, I won't come to you anymore. Never. And not because there was something wrong, or I would not like a new meeting. On the contrary, precisely because everything was as it should be. Simply - that September day, and the sun in it, and you in that sun - it is impossible to repeat! I think you will understand me.

And if you suddenly don’t understand ... - you know my phone number.

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Farewell SMS to your girlfriend

Farewell SMS to your girlfriend on various topics (from temporary separation to parting forever).

… At the crossroads of parting, we are standing next to each other, Now we will take a step and stop everything. Goodbye. You were the bridge in the life of happy moments.

Goodbye. We will no longer hear the beat of our hearts ...

... I say quietly, goodbye ... I close my eyes ... In my thoughts I send a kiss. Receive SMS, and then delete.

Farewell, our bridges we have long been divorced.

… Farewell notes were sounded in fate, These chords speak about you for the last time. They complete the path of our hearts.

While dear. Goodbye. This is the end.

... In a glass of water, the taste is farewell, The look on the face is a little sad. Goodbye dear, if you can, forgive me.

I see no reason for us to go together.

... We had different moments, But the time of parting has come for us. Farewell darling, this time will soon pass

And again on the waves of happiness will carry us.

… The time of separation will pass imperceptibly, Though this move is sad for us. Farewell dear, the main thing is to wait.

The rains will not last long.

… The train of separation drove up to us, But this is not a reason to give up. Raise them higher, be patient, wait right ...

Farewell is not forever, the cold and rain will pass.

… Farewell, dear, everything is behind us… There will be more lights and flowers in life. There will be happiness, there will be passion.

Look under your feet more often so as not to fall.

... Everything was beautiful with us, tell me ... But ahead, parting, flowers are waiting for us. They smell of sadness

The train of separation drove up, honked a sound ...

... Beloved, the word "goodbye" is like an evil bee, It stings painfully, places swell up ... But time will pass, it will heal everything.

And the crack of parting between us will heal.

... Farewell SMS to my beloved girl We will survive this separation, my sun. And we will swim across the river of separation... Farewell, dear, farewell and forgive,

Soon our flowers of happiness will bloom.

... (The name is gentle) there are moments in life, When moments of separation come to visit. Survive them, you only need to wait,

And again to receive a sweet slice with the happiness of an orange ...

… My sun, farewell and endure, After all, who knows how to endure, the lights are brighter. He is strong with his will, he is just cool,

Remember, true love has been waiting for centuries.

... The sun has set, and the light does not give. So, separation in a relationship makes a move. She will close the way for us to each other, but the main thing is to wait,

Wait and remember, the lights of farewell will soon go out ...


Leave beautifully. Five phrases for breaking up with a girl

A phrase that strikes at the widespread, modern opinion that love is not eternal. In a sense, you can show the girl that feelings are fading. This is especially useful if she was naive and believed that you were sent to her from heaven.

Many books claim that feelings can go away. The revelations of people also tell that "there are no those feelings that were during the first date." Every girl knows this, but hides these fears deep inside.

It’s easier to live like this than to shake every day, crossing out a three-year calendar, at the end of which love will surely die. If we hit this place, we will provoke her personal growth, which we can then brag about to friends.

Yes, and her suffering will pass faster, because subconsciously she was ready for such an outcome.

See, right now you think I'm the one, but by dating me, you might miss true love.

Sweet honey for girl's ears. The natural reaction would be rejection, but the phrase itself is a classic Trojan horse.

Accepting her with a refusal, the girl will emotionally load your words, and later, having figured them out, she will understand that there is a prince who is waiting for her, and you were just his likeness.

The embedded meaning conveys the message to her - "you need to look for another, why waste time on suffering." This is a modernized and non-aggressive phrase due to its originality: “You will find yourself better.”

I'm sorry honey, I'm not a sadist. My love is gone, and if we do not part, I will torment you with this. I can't do that

With this phrase, you show that you still care about her, and make it clear that if she does not let you go, it will be worse for her. There will be no more Friday flowers, anniversary celebrations, gifts and attention. In general, everything that a girl needs. At the same time, you mean that you don’t want such a life for her. You remain for her a good friend who protects her. They love it.

If we stay together, we can break up and hate each other, and I don't want to lose a person like you, so it's better to break up now

Another upgrade, this time banal: "Let's remain friends." The difference is that you describe the prospect of friendship, which, by the way, may never come true, you both know that. But you give her warm words that will be her soft pillow.

The standard expression of care in the form of “I don’t want to lose a person like you” works very well for her social memory, laid down by many generations, as well as films about love, songs and poems. And again - you are a hero, you see the danger and prevent it.

In general, he deserves an applause!

I'm sorry, I've changed. I realized that relationships are not for me. I'm drawn to other girls, and I don't want to spoil your life with cheating

"Oh, you're so caring, stop!" - this is not what you will hear from her after this phrase, but still, you declare that you are frank and honest, which in itself is a manifestation of care and respect towards her. You are not to blame, you are a free man and live as you wish. If you want others, you have the right.

There is no universal magic phrase that makes you fall out of love painlessly. A girl is a living person with her emotions, we can only soften and shorten her suffering in time.


Farewell words. Beautiful quotes about ex-love and parting with a loved one

Breaking up with you caused me great pain. I finally realized how much I lost with you. I finally understood why I should have thanked God for all these years, but remained an ungrateful pig ...

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The last time I looked into your eyes, I saw something there that made me cry. You asked me why I cry, what is the reason? Then I could not answer your question, but now I will say - I read the words of farewell in your eyes, you were already going to part with me ...

Sometimes it's just necessary to say goodbye! to what it was to say "Hi!" to what will be. (Isn't it a very beautiful expression? It is very uplifting.)

Say one word "Goodbye!" - it’s not difficult enough, what remains with him behind the scenes is much more difficult ...

Saying "Goodbye" is very painful only when you know for sure that "Hello" will never be said again ...

Why can't the people of all the earth that we like gather in one place and live together? It seems to me that this is probably impossible for various reasons. Someone will have to leave. After all, someone always leaves when everyone else stays and is forced to say goodbye to those leaving. I hate to say goodbye I know what I need more - I want to say "Hi" more often.

You spent 12 years of your life trying to learn how to live, but every time you try for those long twelve years, you are told that you are doing everything wrong. Then with everyone you loved, you are forced to leave - all your past is crossed out in one fell swoop. That's what they adults should teach you. To how to say goodbye to those with whom I would never want to say goodbye.

Time is working against us. Tomorrow night I will tell you "Goodbye, my love!" while you sleep sweetly. I will kiss you very gently and say "Bye... Forgive me..."

We felt good with you - we felt better with you than all the people in the world put together. We laughed at night and cried during the day, smiled at flowers and threw stones into the sea ... But it's time to say farewell words to each other ... But I want you to always keep a little bit of me in your heart ... / Petrash Tatyana

"Bye!" or "Goodbye!" - a simple word. But try telling it to your best friend.

If I had never known you, I would still be in full confidence that it can always be easily pronounced. But real life is completely different, and now I feel what I have never experienced - pain, sadness, longing. It's like someone borrowed your heart, but never returned it to its place. / Pocahontas

Today is the day when we leave our past behind, today we say goodbye to everything that happened to us, but my memory, my memories of the past will close their eyes only with mine - on the day of my death.

You know you love it when the hardest thing in the world is having to say goodbye.

Never say Goodbye". Why? Because it means parting forever. It’s better to say: “It was good to know you better” - after all, it was!

Never give up, even if you feel like it won't work for you.

Never tell a loved one that you have already stopped loving him, if you are still not ready to let him go ...

The most sincere goodbyes are never spoken aloud.

I'm leaving, I'm giving up, because nothing good seems to come from my attempts to continue our relationship with you. When I'm alone, I'm best at being myself. When I'm alone at home, no one interrupts me from business with the simple word "Goodbye!" In any case, everything is temporary. So forgive me and don't forget...

When my face is covered with wrinkles from the many smiles I have smiled in my whole life, we can laugh together at how quickly time flies.

We do not want to say goodbye to you even on the edge of the gravestone - because true love never dies. And, believe me, even in old age you will remain the most beautiful creature in my eyes.

If you wish, read more statuses with farewell words.


Saying goodbye after a first date with a girl

Hello dear readers of the lost romance blog, today I want to talk to you about such a topic as: farewell after the first date with a girl. Or rather, about such a somewhat awkward moment when, after a good time together, you need to leave, and how best to do this in order to leave a chance for the future, many do not know.

I wanted to first title this article as: Should I kiss on the first date, but then I decided to consider the issue more broadly. Many young people often get lost at this moment, especially if they liked everything and want to meet again, but there is always the possibility of doing something wrong, thereby ruining a great moment in your life.

Before describing various situations, I would like to say: personally, I do not fully approve of kissing on a first date, because I think that a girl who so easily goes for it can thereby show herself from not the best side, to put it mildly. Of course, it is difficult to judge a person and draw far-reaching conclusions from one single episode, but still. You may get the impression that you are far from the first with whom she so easily makes contact.

Now, judging by purely personal experience, I want to tell you about three main situations, on the basis of which you can decide how best to proceed.

So, the first: when you say goodbye, the girl herself takes the first step, that is, she shakes hands or hugs you. At the same time, of course, you don’t need to do anything, but unfortunately, this situation means that either she didn’t like you or simply doesn’t fit for some reason, or she doesn’t see you more than a friend.

Further, the most pleasant and best option, in my opinion, is when the girl seems to have already said goodbye, but does not immediately leave and looks into your eyes. As if waiting for action on your part, then, accordingly, everything turned out great, you can, if you want to kiss her, with a high probability close to one hundred percent, she will reciprocate.

And finally, the third, most difficult, but also the most common situation is when a girl, parting, does not leave immediately, but at the same time she looks anywhere but at you.

There may be several options here: starting from the fact that she was pleased to spend time with you, and she believes that she should somehow thank you, but she is not sure of her sympathies to the end. It may also be that she is too strictly brought up, or simply shy.

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Here you yourself will have to show ingenuity and intuition in order to understand how to do the right thing.

In general, do not be afraid to take the initiative, many girls love it when guys are active and are not afraid to get into an awkward, ridiculous or funny situation. Believe me, it's better to try to make a move and get rejected than not even make an attempt. And then parting after the first date will not cause you any difficulties.

And, of course, a new song, today for all lovers of factor-2: Ilya Podstrelov and Dima Project - SHE.


How to break up with a girl without problems

Ending a relationship with a girl is a complicated procedure. The outcome of this process will determine whether you become “the bad guy who dumped her” or just turn into a “former” without moral flaws. Those who are especially diligent can complete the relationship in an environmentally friendly and beautiful way, calmly becoming a reliable friend and comrade.

During the conversation, experimenting with softness of tone and pouring a lot of compliments, there is a risk of not conveying to the girl the essence of your desire to leave. So, a girl may think that if she is so good, and you are too soft and tactful, then there is a chance to revive the relationship and you can be convinced.

At the same time, an overly rigid approach will backfire. A friend will be offended, and you will not look beautiful even in your eyes. So, how is it better to break off relations so that the process goes quickly, painlessly and peacefully, but at the same time finally and irrevocably? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, you need to draw final conclusions for yourself, understand that you need to leave and not think about options for reconciliation or continuation of relationships.

So, having decided on such a responsible step as parting with a person after a long relationship, one should be prepared for tears and misunderstandings, insults and even tantrums.

After all, women are creatures from almost another planet, it is absolutely impossible to understand their logic, what is there to play up.

Realizing that it's time to say goodbye, seriously prepare for the conversation, show tact and stress resistance. Remember, in the eyes of a girl, you will be the culprit of the gap in any situation.

Even if the lady of the heart for half a year "broke your brain", ruffled your nerves and made scandals, you yourself are to blame: you paid little attention, did not like or did not hug.

And even if it seems to you that the situation is diametrically opposite, you cannot convince the girl of this.

There may be several cases when the only solution to the problem is separation:

  • cooling of feelings;
  • betrayal;
  • treason;
  • discovery of new sides of personality;
  • new feelings.

The main thing to remember is that you should not cut in the heat of the moment. Scandals and quarrels are natural for all couples. It is not worth parting under strong emotions after a scandal.

You will cool down, reconsider your views and understand that not everything is so critical and you need to continue the relationship with your loved one. Having parted under the influence of emotions, it will not work to revive the former understanding and trust.

Therefore, think carefully and weigh everything.

If the scandal has nothing to do with it, and your decision is balanced, then you should proceed immediately to the implementation of plans for parting. The sooner the conversation takes place, the better. Don't over tighten.

In general, there are several variations of breaking up with a girl:

  • personal conversation;
  • letters or messages;
  • care in English.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the abyss or leaving without explanation is a stupid and short-sighted option. Firstly, the girl will begin to worry, secondly, she will be offended, and thirdly, she will consider you a real coward, incapable of an open showdown.

Feature of modernity - SMS parting

Parting by SMS, the text of which is thought out and delicate, is generally possible. Tactful phrases and well-written text will help the girl understand and accept the situation. However, no matter how beautifully you parted via SMS, a feeling of bitterness will remain. Neglect of a person and relationships, especially if they were long-term - these are the main negative aspects of parting through SMS messages.

Experts who tell you how to break up with a girl, advice from psychologists, and simple recommendations from guys come down to the fact that parting through messages and letters is the most extreme option.

How to tell a girl that we are breaking up?

Having decided on the most correct way of parting - in a personal meeting, you should carefully prepare for the conversation.

First of all, identify the key reason that pushes you to such a decision. Keep in mind, there can be many possible reasons for breaking up, up to the blouse constantly left on your favorite chair. Decide on one clearly articulated and main reason, then it will be easier to build a conversation.

Next - decide on a place where you will not be distracted. To put it bluntly, parting in a cafe or restaurant is not the best choice. A farewell dinner, just like farewell sex, is absolutely inappropriate. Emotional contrast can unsettle even the most stress-resistant girl.

Finally, honestly share the reasons that prompted you to make such a decision, thank the person for the donated emotions, experience and time. You will obviously have something to remember: there are no couples in whose relationship there was not a single positive moment.

And the last step is to gently but surely move on to goodbye.

How to break up with a girl who loves you?

Leave loving girl- the most difficult task. If you feel that a friend cannot let you go, seeks to find any reasons and pretexts in order to correct the situation, blackmails or, worse, threatens, quickly change tactics and the course of the conversation.

A great solution would be to slightly adjust the speech. So, you can start not with a cardinal breakup, but with a pause in the relationship. The girl will take this approach less sharply. Ask for time to rethink the situation and make it clear that after a certain time period you will be able to meet again in order to discuss the prospect of a relationship based on new findings.

After such a conversation, gradually and confidently move away from the person. The lack of constant contacts and attachments will lead to the fact that the girl herself will not want to renew the relationship. By the way, this option is perfect for those who want to part with the girl you love very much.

Cases when parting with a girlfriend is required are not uncommon. The situations may be different. Many believe that they are not worthy of attention or notice coolness in relationships.

Asking the question of parting correctly with the one I love, there are different methods. However, an honest conversation with a person in all cases comes to the fore.

Therefore, it is also necessary to be able to part beautifully with the one you love, saving face.

How to break up with a girl with whom you live?

Parting with a partner after a long relationship, and especially in the case of living together, is an even more difficult task. It is caused not only by the severity of the conversation, but also by the fact that after a long relationship, partners form joint preferences, common habits and goals. It's hard to get rid of them or change them.

However, habit is not love, so if you decide that you should leave and remain friends, you should act. By the way, parting in such a way as to remain friends is available only to virtuosos. Subtle-feeling guys are rather an exception to the rule.

After a while, any guy will be able to calmly look into the eyes of the one that he has deprived of virginity. The main thing is tact and calmness. Do not bring the situation to a scandal. Remember that you are the initiator, and therefore the responsibility is on you. Breaking up if she threatens is difficult.

However, in most cases, cut veins and jumping from rooftops remain only in words. But be careful. After all, who better than you knows the person with whom you lived side by side. Evaluate the girl's words for veracity and do not forget to control her emotional state.

Of course, a friend will be depressed, but you can certainly feel the line between an upset girl and a person ready for suicide.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that parting is a difficult task for both. Terminate relations with the one who cheated, end meetings with a married woman, or simply leave someone who has lost her liking. Be prepared for the fact that you will also be unpleasant. However, if the decision is correct, then parting will be better for both you and the girl.

Make your farewell to the girl as romantic as possible. If you are leaving by plane, arrange a romantic evening with candles in the airport cafe, if by train - in the station restaurant. Let the girl’s place of farewell be associated with something pleasant, not sad. During dinner, try not to talk about your separation. Tell her more about how much you love her, ask her to dance.

Develop a conversation about what you will do when you are together again. Don't forget the flowers. Before leaving, you can discreetly put a piece of paper with a love message in the girl's bag. For example, it can be such words: “Beloved, (name of the girl). As soon as I was away from you, I realized even more how much I love you. I will not be sad, on the contrary, I want to smile with happiness, because I have you, I am very lucky. You are the most beautiful, faithful, kind, desirable, sympathetic, beloved, sweet, tender (choose one of these words). I love you!" The main thing is that the lines come from the heart. If you do not have enough imagination to write a love letter to your soul mate, you can simply quote the poems of poets, she will undoubtedly like this option. After all, the main thing is your attention to it. She will appreciate it above all else.

What to say to a girl when breaking up

I say goodbye because the night has passed.

You gave the dark time of the day to one beauty, but you do not plan to stay with her. I don't care why - there can be many reasons. It may not be known at all whether the girl herself plans to continue communicating with you, but in the morning there is little time to find out all this, and there is no need. Say that this morning was unforgettable, this dawn is the best end to the night. And you shouldn’t say goodbye words, don’t spoil the atmosphere.

Goodbye. I do not want to say a lot of unnecessary words, they will not make it easier for anyone anyway. Just know that you will forever remain that special person who managed to touch the most intimate - my soul. Do I love you? I will answer, without hesitation for a minute, that yes, and even very much so. But the problem is that my love is not enough to save our relationship. It always seemed to me that two people should fight for the fortress of the union, but, apparently, the opinion turned out to be erroneous. Remember, all the best is connected exclusively with you, and if you suddenly find yourself in trouble, I will undoubtedly come to the rescue. Only as a good friend, just an acquaintance, but no more. You are in my heart forever, and this is perhaps the saddest thing. After all, I can’t love anyone like you. I sincerely believe that everything will be fine with you, that you will find your happiness. I'm sorry that everything turned out so that mutual dreams remained the sweet dreams of those who were once a single whole.

It is sad to realize that we have to part. But, I hope that this will not lead us to negativity and resentment. May each of us find our own happiness, may we be lucky on the path of life. All the best to you.

I don’t know how I can survive without you all these days, because today I release part of my soul with you. Take care of her, I won't be able to exist without her in this dull and uninteresting world. I enjoy you, inspire and admire you. Come soon, because without you everything fades and loses its colors.

I vaguely imagine all this time that I will have to spend without you, because you are my long-awaited half, which I have been looking for for so long. My joy, idolized, beloved, come back quickly. Without you, all life will fade away, and all days will become completely uninteresting and faded. You are the reason for my smile, which, unfortunately, I have to let go, at least for a short while. I look forward to our next meeting with great impatience.

I don't want to... I'm leaving... I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore... I'll leave, close the door behind me and call another one now... forget me and I'll definitely remember you forever... I can't understand you what you need from me... and just recently I realized you didn't need me, you really need me... I'm sorry for not giving... because I didn't love you... we just suffered loving.. keeping love not for yourself... I'm sorry, I'm no longer yours...

The time of parting has come, my heart is somehow sad and empty. But, we will cope with all the troubles, with all the problems, thoughts and time barriers. The main thing is to believe in the best, and everything will be fine with us.

From today, it's time for me to stop, because you won't be around. I understand, work, circumstances, affairs, but with your departure, it’s as if a part of me is also leaving. I know it won't be long. Time will pass, and you will return to me, but until that moment, I will count the minutes, dreaming about the upcoming meeting. I will think about you constantly, returning to you in my thoughts and dreams. I will ask heaven and all kinds of saints to take care of you and return you to me safe and sound. You are my happiness, and as you know, it is impossible for a person to live without happiness. Come back to me as soon as possible, I'm waiting with great impatience!

Today will be extremely sad, and all because today I say goodbye to you. Let not for long, just for a couple of days, but this time for me will seem like an eternity. Please come back as soon as possible, because without you all life is messed up. My day starts with your smile and ends with your kiss. Don't deprive me of this for too long. I will unthinkably miss you the love of my life.

My beloved person, I am very sorry, but it so happened that we have to part. May your heart not cry, may your soul not be sad, may everything in your life turn out wonderfully, may warm and good relations remain between us.

"I'll be on your ex" list

Don't talk to the future
About who you had in the past.
Don't call me, be quiet
Even though I know it will be difficult.

It's hard for me to think now
I'll be on your ex list
And you are on my to-do list
For those who love, but for those who have cooled down.

"Don't Forget About Each Other"

What a pity to see each other, perhaps
Fate will never let us
But let's forget about each other
She will never be forced...

"Don't Judge Our Past Strictly"

Reluctantly, but nevertheless we admit:
Our relationship is stagnant.
So come on, do not scold fate,
Let's break up with you forever!

Do not judge our past strictly,
Try to find happiness!
It's good that the wrong way
Didn't get far!


Goodbye! How sad is that word.
Who just invented it?!
For the language it is simple,
Well, what about the heart?

"The soul is torn to shreds by separation"

Separation tears the soul to shreds,
The heart cries alone.
Honey, I miss you very much -
It could not have been otherwise.

Very hard separation
I want to hug you.
Trust in your own hands
Stay together forever.

"I want to hurt you"

I want to hurt you.
I want to be empty and cruel
So that your icy blood
It looked like strawberry juice to me.

I want to hurt you.
I want merciless revenge.
Shut up about your love.
We will never be together.

"Can I force myself?"

I don't know if I can make myself
To live the same as I lived, but already without you.
Don't wait, don't think, don't call,
Don't talk about your feelings.

Can I get used to, can I forget
Will I be able to love other women.
Let time heal all this sadness.
Feelings melted, and I'm very sorry.

"Farewell, my beloved!"

The wind blows the fallen leaves
And raindrops will fall on the palm!
Our meeting was still superfluous,
This sets the heart on fire!

No one will understand what happened suddenly to us,
We can no longer be with you!
In separation from you, we are not merged with hearts,
Farewell, my beloved, like an echo of the word!

"I loved you very much"

With you, my love
It's hard for me to part
I loved you so much
Even though it's hard for me to admit

But remember, don't forget
Words and promises
Wait for me and don't miss me
Accept my confession!

"I do not forgive betrayal!"

I call you my love
For the last, unpleasant time.
I do not forgive betrayal -
Change is tearing us apart.

Free like the wind in the field
Run where you wanted to run.
Not a very big grief -
Send you to hell.

"It could be such a fairy tale"

It could be a story like this:
I am a fairy, you are a handsome prince.
But the dream-coloring sheet is fading,
Now I don't know the boundaries

Sorrows, sadness of expectation:
And suddenly you still come ...
Only memories remain
About what a lie is.

"My eyes are now open"

My eyes are now open
And the love is gone.
How stupid to fall in love with you
That I was next to you.

I won't regret the past
I'm glad to break up with you.
Farewell, my dear, good,
Don't stand in the way of life.

"Once a close person"

With you, my beloved once,
Once a loved one
With whom I spent sunsets
And with whom I met the dawn,

It's very hard for me to leave
But love cannot be returned
And I wish you happiness
I wish you not to be sad.

"I can't forgive you for cheating"

I can't forgive you for cheating
From now on you belong to someone else!
You showed all our feelings the price,
Farewell, beloved, but already a stranger!

I will not find a place for offensive phrases,
It is busy with bitter annoyance!
Love will not converge with treason - closely,
Confusion lay on top of her!

"Our feelings have exhausted themselves"

Our feelings are exhausted
Or maybe they didn't exist at all?
And broken, what we dreamed of
And in the soul of sadness eternal gray.

No more will we hold hands
Everything, my love, we are at the end ...
We'll take over the void
For others, let us become a miracle of the heart!

"You left my planet"

You left my planet
Full of happiness and dreams!
Scorned by Juliet's hero
A feeling of gentle warmth!

Well, let, but now I
Absolutely nothing to lose!
Away with boredom and doubt
It's time to start life from scratch!

"A sad confession"

You read a sad confession
And now you will understand everything.
The time has come for parting -
So it is necessary, albeit sadly all the same.

Feelings warmed us hot,
But no more warmth to be found.
I'm really, dear, I'm sorry
That love is completely gone.

"I'm glad that I'm free"

I'm glad that I'm free
That the shackles of love are broken
It was hard for me to breathe with you, as if
I am a prisoner. But I'm reborn.

And if something's wrong, I'm sorry
But I think you're happy to part.
Remember only good moments
And let the spring garden bloom in your soul!

"You cheated on me"

You changed me. What did you hope for?
What would be better all on the side?
Oh, how easy it is for you to trust another!
But I don't care about that anymore.

Do you think you're so unique?
But I don't need a used girlfriend.
You do not ask for forgiveness, crazy,
After all, a wall has grown between us!

"Forgive me, I don't love anymore..."

Forgive me, I don't love anymore
I'm even happy and not at all sad ...
I'm leaving, I'm leaving forever
Forgive me, but the feelings are all gone!

You are my ex-lover
I loved you sincerely,
But all the words have already rang out,
We won't be with you anymore!

“The fire went out, feelings subsided ...”

The fire went out, feelings subsided,
Love has passed, and it's a pity.
There was some sadness in my heart
And sadness crept into my soul.

A spark of love no matter how hard you try
Now no longer resurrect.
Forever, my dear, say goodbye -
I can't love anymore.

"Love is gone and won't come back"

Love is gone and will never return
Believe me, I'm very sorry that this happened!
We were together, our hearts were happy
But our feelings, dear, did not work out in a fairy tale!

The soul will mysteriously pour out hope,
And I don't even seem to notice!
We will no longer make a double flight of souls,
I don't love you, I'm sorry, there will be no meeting!

"Love is gone, but I'm not sad"

Love is gone, but I'm not sad
Not a bit, not a bit sorry.
The two of us are lonely, empty,
And sadness crept into my soul.

Feelings do not bring me consolation,
And they suffer day by day.
Dear, goodbye. So it is necessary:
You are no longer my dream.

"It's so hard to say goodbye"

It's so hard to say goodbye.
Even harder to forgive.
Don't think, don't cry, don't get angry
And don't blame anyone.

Cover yourself with a blanket
Or just water the flowers.
It's so hard to forget.
Even harder to forget...
Finding no reciprocal warmth.
There is no love, there is a reason for sadness,
After all, you are no longer with me.

"You and I parted so hard"

You and I parted so hard
Both have sadness in their hearts.
And they seemed to be friends.
I say: as you wish, but it's a pity ...

It's a shame we didn't get to know each other well.
They didn't try to understand their feelings.
It is a pity that the evil worldly blizzard
Didn't let us start all over again.

"I say goodbye to you - flour"

I say goodbye to you - unspeakable torment,
It is not easy for me to endure your parting glance.
And where does separation come from in the world,
That they torment and hurt so deeply!

Call, write, quench the thirst of the heart,
With a kind and quiet word, drink like water.
To warm your soul from your warmth,
So that these long days are not tormented like that.

Farewell, let go! I love love
But you, alas, trampled it all!
This fairy tale will not be repeated again,
Another is waiting for you at the pier of love!

“It happens so, love passes ...”

It happens that love passes,
And together we can no longer be
Memories year after year
They won't turn their heads

There will be no "us" and common plans,
shared life paths,
And we'll be there again
On photos of friends!

"I won't see you soon"

I'm ready to howl like a seasoned wolf,
From the sadness that reigns in the soul.
I won't see you soon
And my heart aches from longing.

I miss you so much,
Separation every day I swear.
Darling, I dream about it
As I look into your eyes again.

"I don't want to be with you anymore"

Your love seemed tempting
I was ready to give everything for her.
But it turned out to be endless stress
Everything you could ever dream of.

What is this relationship called?
In which only quarrels, only pain?
No, not love, all this is humiliation.
I don't want to be with you anymore.

"I have to say goodbye"

I have to say goodbye
But I'm waiting for our meeting
My beloved, my happiness
Without you, I'm delirious!

Separation will fly by quickly
We will be together again
I see your clean look
How much we need each other!

"You recently cheated on me"

You recently cheated on me.
Don't save. Didn't appreciate it.
Didn't understand, couldn't understand
But my heart is trampled

Managed easily. Well, not me
And the Lord himself is your judge. We are not together now.
Is there any point in worrying?
Not the fate of your bride
It can be seen, my beloved, to become.

The old feelings are gone
You just killed them.
I wish myself happiness!
The world is full of other men.

"Love you forever killed"

Everything that was between us
She betrayed her by betrayal.
Love you forever killed
I cherished so much.

Farewell, and do not weep in vain,
Tears will not help grief.
Love started so well
It ended in terrible pain.

"Don't say I'm a scoundrel"

I can breathe easily again
'Cause I'm finally free
Love is gone. Everything is far.
Don't say that I'm a scoundrel

Let's understand each other, you and I
Be free and happy!
Yes, everything is gone, love has passed -
And with her scandals and sadness!
And secretly, but wildly jealous
To the one with whom you taste love!

"Minute of parting"

Minute of parting
Not always happy
And sad confession -
My love has gone

Don't cry and don't be sad
The paths diverge
And again the feeling of happiness
Waiting for you ahead!

Here comes the day of parting
Separation awaits us ahead
Here is my platform and the train is pulling up,
Landing is announced into the microphone ...
And I'm standing and I can't take a step,
I look into your loving eyes
In the arms of farewell I burn
You want to stay forever...
It happens, the result is sad
We live in different cities
I'm in Petersburg, you're in Smolensk,
And life will not change, we do not like.
I went into the car, the doors closed
And the train moved a little,
Couldn't hold on anymore
And sobbed like a child
Here is your image in the distance melted,
I can no longer see the station
I got up and whispered
Farewell beloved forever!!!

Well, we decided to say goodbye.
Our happy paradise has become a hell...
It's hard for me to communicate with you.
Forgive me for everything. Goodbye.
Farewell, be happy with another
For a long time everything is empty between us.
We swim separately and are silent
Like ice in the ocean.

What can I say to you when I say goodbye?
What was happy.
Behind the back did not fit
Two open wings.
What flew in the sky
And she didn't hide her face.
What is my high song
Didn't foresee the end.
Everything just goes somewhere...
And the crown of everything is longing.
It flew off and fell off.
Haven't cried yet.

The night comes and extinguishes the wind
Candle in chilled crystal
On an old desk
All I'm left with is ashes
Letters from the burnt one... in the mist

Dreams look through the gaps in the windows,
Pouring music a little audible,
Rain on warm gray roofs
Weave into the beads of silence.
And in the dark you can barely breathe...

And you're alone again in the night
In the stream of days you disappear
And again you are silent ... Tell me, you know
When it resounds in the fog
Beautiful voice... slip away

To dissolve into silence
Empty roads... forget the alarm
And a bird up, touch God,
And melt into the depths
Clear waters...your way

Leads you somewhere far away
Where in the grapes
Dreams are ripe... it's not too late
Hear the songs of birds
And fly away, rise to the stars...
And forget your sorrow...

Goodbye. I won't forget you

And all that is left behind.

And I wanted to love you alone ...

I want to say sorry to you
I just want to leave
You let me go, I'm sorry
I don't want to live like this anymore.
I loved you again
But you broke the thread of love
Now live without loving
And never remember.
Forget my number
And of course I will forget yours,
And let my dreams die
With a stupid word: I WILL NOT FORGET!
Those stars that shone for us
They'll all go out for sure.
And you, my dear, remember
About our happiness.
Why did you betray me like that
You hurt, you hurt my heart
But I will forgive you too
Find your happiness again!

What to do?
How to be?
I can not believe it,
I can't forgive.
Remember how we spent the night
I can't live without love anymore.
I can't understand
These stupid words
I can not love not my love.
I just don't know
How can I continue to live
Help me people to forget him.

Goodbye. I won't forget you
Although I don't know what lies ahead.
I loved you - I will remember it,
And all that is left behind.
I'm sorry, I did a vile act,
I just can't go on living like this.
But in this world you must be bold
And I wanted to love you alone ...
I didn't dare to confess
And tell me what I feel for you.
I'm tired of being so afraid of everything
It was so hard on my heart.
Please don't take me back.
How I loved - I will remember it.
Maybe I won't say a lot
Farewell, I won't forget you...

You who left me alone
You who gave me so much pain
Now I give thanks
For honoring this share.
Thank you for the birth of love
Big as the world and as beautiful as dawn.
Thank you, my dear, for those days
When love seemed not in vain.
When dreams are like children's eyes
Between our hovered skies.
When we knew for sure - never,
There will be no estrangement between us.
And let the whole world rear up between us
Will rise. We were sure -
We will never be strangers
That you and I are already inseparable ...
But, our dawn has changed to sunset,
Fate scattered the cards otherwise,
And there is no turning back for us
And there is no common mooring to the shore.
And only love is immortal, like a soul
And the look will soften, and everything will take away resentment.
And this miracle in the heart forever
Thank you that, once, warming up,
The fire burned inside me left.
For having taught to love, in love
You didn't disappoint.
Thank you for the open new world
Thank you for the gift of weakness
For the woman that you discovered in me
And for the joy experienced in tears.
For all. For the memory of wonderful days.
They are now inseparable from me
Because I know how I can love
Because I know how I was loved ...

Farewell letter
My favorite,
Forgive me for not meeting
And now I'm not talking about feelings in my eyes,
Alone with you there is not enough strength for speech
And the courage to say I'm leaving.

Oh no you don't have to apologize
I should rather ask for forgiveness
Because I can't stay with you
For learning to love.

Yes, I lived with you as if in a fairy tale,
I saw love in your eyes
I remember sunsets, night and caresses,
Weaving bodies in satin sheets.

A leaf in tears, I'm sorry, the words are blurry,
I keep taking them off my eyelashes
Believe me, it's hard for me, my soul is broken,
At least put your hand under the infernal syringe.

You are the best thing in my life
You taught the heart to fly in a dream,
You believed that we had love until the feast,
But I can't give you the same.

Fate does not want simple happiness,
Love always gives with separation,
How hard it is to say goodbye to a loved one,
In whom the real feeling lives.

E. Asadov.
Love letter

We are far apart. Now between us
Constellation patterns and whistling winds
Roads with trains running into the distance
Yes, a boring chain of telegraph poles.

As if feeling our separation,
Spreading poplar, sighing hotly,
Stretching to the window, a green hand
He put it on my shoulder in a friendly way.

The soul asks for some news,
We wait, light up with every line.
But they bring news not only in envelopes,
They sometimes pass through the walls to us.

Imagine that you hear the news about
That I was deceived along the way by a scoundrel,
That he extended his hand, as a friend, to an enemy,
And he pushed me in the back from the slope ...

The whole body is bruised, the lip is broken ...
What to do? False fate!
And let you be offended, anxious,
But you can believe. Is it possible!

And if suddenly the news, like a blizzard haze,
Will break in and say, in deaf words,
That death interrupted the unsung song
And circled my name with a black border.

Cheerful lips closed forever ...
Loss, it can not be understood, not measured!
Ridiculous! And yet you can believe
Only rocks are immortal, and I am a man!

But if you hear that spring time
For a new, for a ghostly happiness in pursuit
I have my heart not for you, but for another
Excitedly suddenly held out in the palm of your hand,

Let tears not splash, eyelashes do not tremble,
Trouble will not squeeze the prickly cold!
Do not believe! This cannot happen!
Do you hear? This will never be!

Poems about parting with a loved one
I'm sending you a farewell love letter
Catch my farewell message
It summed up all my former love,
Like a full breath, like a full breath!
I tell you these lines of love - goodbye!

When I look at couples in love, my heart shrinks and there is such longing in my soul that it seems that I will never survive it ... after all, we were once also happy ...
it hurts me so much ... it hurts to understand that this will never return ... my happiness, my love ... forgive me, and I forgive you ... thank you for everything that was, for what is, for what you live somewhere and smile at someone, kiss someone, and think about someone .. forgive me my love and I forgive you .... I wish you happiness ... Goodbye ...

Everything that was between us, what we lived and breathed,
Everything melted like a dream, and a spiritual groan is heard ...
In the heart - empty, in the head - thoughts only about you ...
You have become so dear to me, as I need air!
How to live without you now, I can't imagine, as if
There was no life before without you...
Do you remember our walks in the dark evenings?
What was this real happiness, we did not understand ...
Do you remember touches, kisses, hugs,
Phrases about love and tenderness in the eyes?
And from these memories the soul cries in pain,
A tear runs down my cheek again
Walls break from the beating of the heart
And at the speed of light the blood runs through the veins...
And washing with tears, and choking with pain,
I understand that I want to be only with you!
But this will not be, we failed to save
The love that gave us the strength to live...
We destroyed everything with our own hands
What happiness and joy brought us,
Played with love ... and played out -
With broken hearts with you, we remained ...
All that was hard to forget
It may even be impossible...
But it's better to forget.
Let's try to be strong!
Forget the love that was between us
The one that completely captured the hearts,
Let's try to continue as before to live
And maybe even love...
Let's try to throw off the past mask of love,
All that was between us come on
We will keep in our hearts as a memory ...
Like a fairy tale....!

I'm writing a farewell letter
I write in verse, not prose.
Words merge into one
And burst into tears...
Forgot about me? Didn't write to me...
You must have found another...
Well, I won't be jealous
So it looks like it was fate.
Now I don't sleep at night
I whisper the name in the dark..
And tears are pouring on the bed
I can't forget you...
So I want to scream sometimes
I love you, I won't forget you
I capture moments of life
As I read your letters...
And the end of parting will not come,
And wishes won't come true
And happiness passed us by
I have memories...

Let go!
Let go! Open my fingers on my fingers,
You're already squeezing them white.
Let go! I love you, but you understand me
Suddenly, I'm already in flight, and not in a fall.
Get away! Despite the last minutes
How love prepares for self-immolation.
Get away! If your eyes look without love
Let go! Don't prolong the torment.
Does not burn! And she, you know, the bastard, does not burn,
I dug into my heart, only her sobs are heard.
To hell with her, let me fly through the sky
An eternal sentence for edification ...

Everything is gone, I already forgot the pain
Everything is gone, but I have not forgiven
Those words, that love, promises
But I said goodbye to you.
Goodbye warmth and hope
I will look at parting as before
I will stretch my hand to you with pain,
And I'll pull back, saying goodbye to love!

You promised me happiness forever
That you are my closest person
That nothing will separate us from you,
No one will stand in the way of you and me.
What about in the final? Everything in general, as always,
Love dissipated, you left me
Breaking my heart into many pieces,
Leaving your mark on a wounded soul.
Now I'm left on my own
But why is it that I only breathe you,
And I can't get you out of my head
Everything is somewhere in the past with you I live ...

Your love, treasure and happiness,
What I have never seen before in my life
Unexpected and painful for the heart
Forever for myself I lost.
She was pure, bright and so beautiful
Like an angel descended from heaven
It turned out to be so dangerous for me to love her,
It was like a demon possessed me.
I lost my peace and clarity of thought,
I forgot the last time I slept
It became harder to breathe while thinking,
That the happiness of life never knew.
Love, I will not forgive you in my life
The pain that gave my heart
I won't let you in now
I want to forget the way to me.

That's it, the Rubicon has been crossed
And there is no turning back for us.
Out of sight and out of mind...
From love only on the heart trace

In the form of a wound, sick and deep,
Nothing, it will heal and pass.
I will not stay, believe me, lonely -
And my happiness will find me!

I'm not sorry that it happened -
I am a fatalist and believe in fate.
Nothing, nothing happened...
Our past is taboo.

Don't blame and don't scream
Don't throw a tantrum
And don't trample me anymore -
That's enough, all feelings are gone.

We disperse - and put an end to it.
Your insults, tears, insults
No one else needs.

If you can, I'm sorry
No, take revenge.

And please, let me go!
Don't watch me anymore and don't call me!!!

Goodbye poems to your girlfriend, woman, beloved boyfriend, man, farewell letter
You said: "Let's say goodbye?"
And I said, "Go away!
We have nothing more to meet
Others will be on the way."
You said: "For what? For what?"
I was silent for a little breath.
And you asked: "Will it be easier?"
And I just said "yes"
You begged: "Let's forget?
What happened before is just nonsense!
And I said "We won't
To meet with you more. No!"
You came up, hugged my shoulders,
Last said: "I'm sorry"
And suddenly it somehow became easier for me,
But I said: "Go away!"
And he left, slamming the door.
I quickly rushed to the window.
He hid behind a tall spruce,
I whispered, "I can't!"
And quickly ran after
I wanted to fall at his feet
But I didn't win that race
I let go of my dreams.
And I came home crying
And knowing that he won't come.
I thought, "I'm sick!
Now it pisses me off."
I loved so much, I dreamed so much
Just spend your life with him.
And endlessly repeated
Last words: "I'm sorry"

The heart is now so light and calm,
I remember you without tears
And having met you, I don’t have a gram, it doesn’t hurt
I'm not sorry for my dreams that you broke

With you, we had both bitter and sweet
Fate divorced, so it is destined
Now I will live without looking back
For what we can't live

Now I'm ready, forgetting the pain of separation
Start from scratch, look for your happiness
And when I meet you, I stretch out my hands to you,
As a faithful friend shake them tightly

Well, I wish you goodbye
Be happy, go through life with luck
Mind and patience, rewards for deeds
Find the love that you wanted to find.

Him from Her
This is my last letter to You, Sunshine! My last words... Let them be full of our Love, which burned everything around with its fire, including ourselves.
We stayed to live, each on the edge of his own world: lonely, yearning for sunny emotions, for our cozy seaside hotel and sleepy palm trees.
We will never forget these short and sweet moments. And Praise the Lord for giving us memory and giving us a couple of flashes of the Miracle called Love.
I will always love only You, my dear.

On various topics (from temporary separation to parting forever).

At the crossroads of parting, we stand side by side,
Now let's take a step and stop everything.
Goodbye. You were the bridge in the life of happy moments.
Goodbye. We will no longer hear the beat of our hearts ...

I say quietly, goodbye ... I close my eyes ...
In my thoughts I send a kiss.
Receive SMS, and then delete.
Farewell, our bridges we have long been divorced.

Farewell notes sounded in fate,
These chords speak of you for the last time.
They complete the path of our hearts.
While dear. Goodbye. This is the end.

In a glass of water, the taste is farewell,
The look on his face is a little sad.
Goodbye dear, if you can, forgive me.
I see no reason for us to go together.

We had different moments
But the time has come for us to part.
Farewell darling, this time will soon pass
And again on the waves of happiness will carry us.

The time of parting will pass imperceptibly,
Though this move is sad for us.
Farewell dear, the main thing is to wait.
The rains will not last long.

The train of separation drove up to us,
But this is no reason to give up.
Raise them higher, be patient, wait right ...
Farewell is not forever, the cold and rain will pass.

Goodbye dear, it's over...
There will be more lights and flowers in life.
There will be happiness, there will be passion.
Look under your feet more often so as not to fall.

Everything was beautiful with us, tell me ...
But ahead, parting, flowers are waiting for us.
They smell of sadness
The train of separation drove up, honked a sound ...

Beloved, the word "goodbye" is like an evil bee,
It stings painfully, places swell ...
But time will pass, it will heal everything.
And the crack of parting between us will heal.

Farewell SMS to your girlfriend
We will survive this separation, my sun.
And we will cross the river of separation ...
Goodbye dear, goodbye and sorry
Soon our flowers of happiness will bloom.

(Lovely name) there are moments in life,
When moments of separation come to visit.
Survive them, you only need to wait,
And again to receive a sweet slice with the happiness of an orange ...

My sun, goodbye and endure
After all, who knows how to endure, the lights are brighter.
He is strong with his will, he is just cool,
Remember, true love has been waiting for centuries.

The sun has set and there is no light.
So, separation in a relationship makes a move.
She will close the way for us to each other, but the main thing is to wait,
Wait and remember, the lights of farewell will soon go out ...

Let a warm ray of sunshine into your life...