Textile interior doll with your own hands. Master Class

Each master has his own techniques, patterns and his own peculiarities of sewing an interior doll. In this master class, we will try to tell in great detail how this is usually done. The material is suitable even for beginners with no experience. So let's get started.

MK interior doll from A to Z

What we need:

Sewing machine.
Knitwear for the body, interlining, cotton, jersey for clothing.
Shoes for a doll, a hat for a doll, hair tresses.
Threads are white and beige, needles.
Filler - synthetic winterizer and synthetic winterizer. You can only sintepon, if you do not find sintepuh.
Large (long) needle for sewing on arms and legs.
Glue is transparent.
Invisibility needles or safety pins.

So, the first and most important thing is the pattern. Print on A4 and cut out.

For sewing the torso, you will need knitwear. You can purchase special doll knitwear, which almost does not stretch. It is most often found under the name "White Angel". You can get plain knitwear from a fabric store. In order for it not to stretch too much, glue it with interlining. We glue the fabric from the inside, except for the place where the head will be. We fold and cut off facing each other, outline the pattern, sew. Details are not completely stitched together. There are places for eversion and a place where the ball for the head is inserted.

We cut out the body parts with zigzag scissors. If you don’t have them, then we cut them out with ordinary ones and be sure to make small notches at the folds, for example, on the neck. We just take this cut edge and carefully, not reaching the seam of a couple of millimeters, we cut it.

After we have flashed all the details, we need to modify the legs. We take the leg, fold it around the foot, seam to seam and draw a rounded line.

We sew along this line. Cut out. Here's what we should get.

We turn out the details with a wooden stick.

Let's get to the head. We need a foam ball 8 cm in diameter. We cut out a circle from the padding polyester, such that it completely covers the ball, if it is wrapped.

We wrap the ball and put it in the head through the space that is not sewn on top.

If you do not want to make a nose for your doll, then you can skip the next step. For the spout, we need a safety pin with a bead at the end, a piece of padding polyester, thread and glue. So, let's take a pin. Apply glue to the tip of the plastic bead. Wrap with a strip of synthetic winterizer. Then we fold this roll on a bead in half. We tie a thread around the base of this ball.

Necessary strip of synthetic winterizer.

A roll wrapped around an invisibility.

We folded this roll in half and wrapped it at the base with a thread.

We outline on the face with an invisibility where we will have a nose.

Gently move the fabric aside and at the place where the needle enters the ball, insert our nose, and remove the invisibility.

Sew up the top of the head.

Now the most responsible and difficult moment is the neck. For the neck you will need a wooden stick. Cut off Chinese chopsticks and sharpen the end. You can use wooden skewers, but they are more brittle. You will also need a strip of synthetic winterizer and glue.

We cut a strip of synthetic winterizer in a width equal to the length of the stick before sharpening, and the length is such that when rolled up, the neck coverage is approximately. Lubricate the stick with glue and, starting from the end, roll up the padding polyester with a roll around the stick - like a carpet.

Carefully insert this roller into the body through the lower unsewn hole and prick the ball in the head on the tip of the stick. For a beginner, it can be difficult to immediately make a beautiful neck. With experience it gets better and better.

We stuff the torso with sintepuh. Gently, in small pieces. We help ourselves with a wooden stick. If you do not have synthetic down, then you can use a synthetic winterizer, tearing and fluffing it into small pieces. We stuff tightly.

Stuff the neck first with a stick. We try to align everything so that there are no bumps.

After the neck turned out to be even and neat, you can already stuff the body without a stick, with your hands. A very important point! The stuffing should be very dense, tight. This is necessary in order for our doll to stand later. This applies to the torso, and arms, and legs. Don't rush, use small pieces. Large pieces give the so-called cellulite - not a smooth surface of the doll.

We sew the bottom.

We fill the arms and legs in the same way. There is no way to do without a wand. Tip: put your feet in boots first, and then stuff them. You can do this again with a stick. We put it in the leg and put it in the boot. And then we stuff. This will help the foot not deform during stuffing and take the shape of the shoe. Sew up the openings of the arms and legs.

Let's get to the clothes. Cut out pantaloons. We take fabric. Lay facing each other. We draw our pattern on the fabric. Sew top and bottom. And then sew the top side seams.

We unfold and sew the bottom seams so that we get panties.

We twist and put on the legs through the top.

Insert the body between the legs. We fix with safety pins, and better, if any, with long needles. And we sew by button fastening the legs to the body.

That is, you insert the needle into one leg and stitch it through the torso to the other leg. At the same time, sew on each side through the buttons.

We put on pants. We collect them from behind and sew them to the calf. If they turned out to be too wide on the leg, then they can be picked up on a thread and sewn to the legs.

We sew a dress. It will consist separately of the top, skirt and sleeves. We sew the upper part. To do this, we need to measure the girth of the torso in the waist area and the height of this upper part.

The girth turned out to be 21 cm, and the height is 7.5 cm. For the allowance, add 0.5 cm in width and 2 cm in height.

So, we need to cut out a rectangle 21.5x9.5 cm. And hem it on a typewriter on both sides in width.

Then we make grooves on both sides. To do this, we apply our cut to the body, wrap it around and outline for ourselves the fold of the fabric. You can first draw a line and sweep it by hand. Sew one side. We do not sew to the end, since along the bottom we have the length that we need. And it doesn't need to be reduced.

We apply again to the body and in the same way outline the excess on the second side, which must be removed into the tuck. We are sewing. We apply to the body, fasten with pins and carefully sew the two halves at the back. The top part looks like this:

We sew a skirt. Everything is simple here. From the waist, measure the length of the skirt you need. Please note that if the skirt is fluffy, then it will look shorter. We cut out a rectangle equal in width to your skirt length + 2 cm for allowances, and as long as you want. The more, the more magnificent. For this doll, I made a length of 45 cm. If one piece of fabric is missing, then two can be sewn. So, cut out, hemmed the edges, and then sewed it into one circle. Gathered with a thread along the length and tightened on the belt. Then they sewed it straight to the calf.

This is a petticoat. Skirt top, pleats. The technology is the same. Sewn on by hand.

Down you can put on a tulle skirt for pomp. On the belt in order to hide the seam, you can glue or sew on braid or lace.

Knitted jacket, but you can use both cotton and jeans. In this example, jersey and cotton as lining fabric. We cut the fabric facing each other. We draw a pattern. We do not stretch to the end. We turn it through the hole and sew it by hand.

We attach our jacket to the doll and fix it with pins. Sew it in the center. Decorate with a button or something else. You can not sew, then it will not be buttoned on the doll.

On a small rectangular piece of knitwear, we sew the bottom. We chip off the face and draw the sleeves. We attach the handles to the fabric and outline where the sleeve should go.

Sew, twist and put on hands.

We sew the arms in the same way as the legs, using a button mount.

The last step is hair. Hair can be made from artificial wefts or from natural sheep curls. You can also use yarn or wool for felting. How to make hair from tresses?

We need wefts, transparent glue, or a needle and thread, safety pins, a comb.

There are two options. The first is to glue the wefts with glue, the second is to sew with threads. For beginners, the second option is easier. It is easier. And here's how to glue the wefts.

Draw a line around the head with a simple pencil. Squeeze out a small layer of glue along this line.

We apply the base of the wefts to this layer and fix it with pins. The pins are only needed for a few seconds for the glue to set. When we glue the second row, then we already pull out the pins from the first.

In the same way, the third row, etc. Until the tress is over.

You can sew the wefts with threads to the head in the same way in a spiral. It's a little longer, but the hands will be clean from glue :) Or buy a wig, it is put on the head and easily sewn along the edge.

We draw eyes with acrylic paint and blush the cheeks with ordinary blush or pastel.

We put on a hat, decorate it to your taste (a bear, or a handbag, or something else), and voila! The doll is ready :)

2. Let's start with grandma. Both dolls are sewn according to the same pattern, only my grandmother is sewn from knitwear, so it turned out to be plump, and my grandfather is thinner, he is sewn from coarse calico.

3. We cut out the doll, I insert the wire into the arms and legs so that they bend. You can fill with anything, I have a holofiber filler.

4. It turned out to be such a funny doll.

5. We start dressing grandma. Cut out the dress. I have it with a white collar.

6. We sew the bodice of the dress on the shoulders, smooth it, then sew on the sleeves, it should turn out like this.

7. We cut out the collar, sew two parts, turn it inside out, pin it to the bodice and attach it. Then we sew the sleeves going to the side seams. The bodice of the dress is ready.

8. I completely forgot about panties. We cut a strip of white fabric, sew lace to the edge.

9. Sew first to half, and then make a seam between the legs and cut. Panties are ready.

10. This is how it should turn out.

11. We measure a piece of rectangular fabric, make a side seam and sew it to the bodice. We bend the bottom, the dress is ready.

12. We sew an apron. It can be sewn however you like. I got one like this.

13. So they dressed up grandma.

14. We sew felt boots. We cut them out of gray felt, put them on legs.

15. Now the hardest part. We draw with a simple pencil a strip on the head, the edge of hair growth. We measure strips of yarn of the same length and begin to manually sew to the head in this way.

16. Then we turn the doll upside down and tie it with an elastic band, so that we get a "ghoul" or a bunch.

17. We cover the bundle with a hat made of lace or sewing.

18. Draw or embroider eyes. We make wire glasses.

19. We knit or sew a scarf. I crocheted.

20. My grandmother knits. I made the needles from toothpicks. painted them with silver nail polish.

21. Grandma is ready. At the last moment, I decided to make a brooch out of a mother-of-pearl button.


23. Grandfather is sewn according to the same pattern. I insert wire into the legs and handles so that they bend and keep their shape.

24. I stuff it with holofiber, then I insert the wire. It is impossible to shove it into the synthetic winterizer. Then I stick the ends of the wire into the body so that the doll can sit and bend the limbs. The photo shows how I made the handles.

25. Here is our grandfather.

26. We start to dress. We take a piece of fabric for pants, apply it to the doll and measure the width (slightly wider than the hips) and the length to the foot. You choose the width of the bloomers yourself, you want wider, you want narrower. Fold face inward and stitch.

27. We unfold and make a line, as in the photo. Until we make a cut on the back side.

28. Now cut in the middle.

29. We turn out, the pants are ready.

30. The pattern for the bodice of the grandmother's dress and the shirt is the same, so I did not make it especially for the grandfather. Note! Adjust the length of the shirt yourself, at your discretion.

31. Pattern of a vest, felt boots and hats with earflaps.

32. We cut out felt boots from black felt, sew and turn inside out, it turned out something like this.

33. We dress our grandfather with pants and felt boots. It turned out to be painfully thin, so I stuffed holofiber into my pants, a little for splendor and into felt boots too. Felt boots sewn to the legs, so as not to fall off. Pants sewn with a hidden seam to the body.

34. We cut out the shirt by analogy with the grandmother's dress, adjusting the length as you like. If you need help with tailoring, you can look at grandmother's MK on my page. I sewed a shirt with a collar, but as it turned out later, it was covered with a beard and a vest, so you can not do it.

35. We cut out the vest, I have it from fleece, it does not require seams.

36. Let's get to the beard. I took linen threads, cut them and attached them to a sheet of paper, first measured where the beard would be. Then I stitched it to the paper, then I separated the paper from the threads. The semi-finished beard is ready.

37. Attached to the lower part of the face, as shown in the photo. Sewn on by hand.

38. It should turn out like this. Hair pictured below. Instead of eyes, she stuck pins in. The face is already alive :)

39. I made the hair on my head by analogy with a beard, parting in the middle.

40. Now a hat with earflaps. I took a piece of artificial leather, it can be natural, whatever it is. Cut out according to the pattern. Attach a paper pattern to your head and measure the girth. Then open a circle of leather and sew from the inside. This is the bottom of the hat. I also added cardboard to hold the shape.

41. Here is such a dashing grandfather turned out. I embroidered the eyes, you can draw. My family wanted to have an accordion or a balalaika in the hands of my grandfather, so I had to make it too. I glued light felt on the sole, there is a pattern. But these are already details, you can do without them.

Hello Tild lovers. In my last MK Grandmother, I promised to tell how I sewed Grandfather, I keep my promise. Pictured is my sweet couple.

Grandfather is sewn according to the same pattern. Just in case, I duplicate, for those who have not seen the MK for my grandmother. I insert wire into the legs and handles so that they bend and keep their shape.

I stuff it with holofiber, then I insert the wire. It is impossible to shove it into the synthetic winterizer. Then I stick the ends of the wire into the body so that the doll can sit and bend the limbs. The photo shows how I made the handles.

Here is our grandfather.

We start to dress. We take a piece of fabric for pants, apply it to the doll and measure the width (slightly wider than the hips) and the length to the foot. You choose the width of the bloomers yourself, you want wider, you want narrower. Fold face inward and stitch.

We unfold and make a line, as in the photo. Until we make a cut on the back side.

Now cut in the middle.

We turn out, the pants are ready.

The pattern for the bodice of the grandmother's dress and the shirt is the same, so I did not make it especially for the grandfather. Note! Adjust the length of the shirt yourself, at your discretion.

Pattern of a vest, felt boots and hats with earflaps.

We cut out felt boots from black felt, sew and turn inside out, it turned out something like this.

We dress our grandfather with pants and felt boots. It turned out to be painfully thin, so I stuffed holofiber into my pants, a little for splendor and into felt boots too. Felt boots sewn to the legs, so as not to fall off. Pants sewn with a hidden seam to the body.

We cut out the shirt by analogy with the grandmother's dress, adjusting the length as you like. If you need help with tailoring, you can look at grandmother's MK on my page. I sewed a shirt with a collar, but as it turned out later, it was covered with a beard and a vest, so you can not do it.

We cut out the vest, I have it from fleece, it does not require seams.

Let's get to the beard. I took linen threads, cut them and attached them to a sheet of paper, first measured where the beard would be. Then I stitched it to the paper, then I separated the paper from the threads. The semi-finished beard is ready.

Attached to the lower part of the face, as shown in the photo. Sewn on by hand.

It should turn out like this. Hair pictured below. Instead of eyes, she stuck pins in. The face is already alive :)

I will just describe the whole process without any instructions :-) paying attention directly to the principle of sewing glove dolls, as I understand it. Due to the fact that this MK is quite voluminous, the design of muzzles and faces (sewing on hair, embroidering noses, attaching eyes) will be said in a few words. There are many tutorials and tutorials on the Internet about all this.

Patterns should be printed so that the part of the torso is placed on an A4 sheet in the “Book Page” position from the top edge to the bottom - end-to-end. In the case of Kolobok, from edge to edge in the “Album Sheet” position should be a part of the puppeteer’s sleeve;

It is best to sew animals for the puppet theater from fleece, velor or short-haired fur on a knitted basis, so that the hand inside the doll is comfortable. If sewing from cotton or other non-stretching fabrics, then you need to make the torso (glove) wider so that nothing hampers the movement of the fingers;

No need to hurry. First, you should sew one of the heroes (in my opinion, the easiest hare) to make sure that the size is correct for your hand. And, if necessary, lengthen or expand where necessary;

When using loose fabrics (lining, granny's dress or grandfather's shirt), after cutting, you need to overlay or process the details with a “zigzag”;

In places of roundings and corners, on allowances, after stitching, it is necessary to make notches so that after turning and stuffing the part looks neat;

If fuzzy fabric is used for toys, like fur, velvet, velor, and even fleece, then after turning and stuffing the parts, you need to straighten the villi from the seams with a needle, then the seams will be less noticeable and the toy will wrinkle more accurately.

Before you start sewing, prepare everything you need in advance: select the necessary fabrics, threads, yarn and additional materials for decorating and decorating faces (muzzles), scissors, glue, synthetic winterizer, etc. Then the process will go faster.

It seems to be everything. You can start about the main thing :-), in the same order as the characters appear in the fairy tale.

So, there lived Grandfather and Baba ....

1. I cut out the details of Grandfather and Grandmother. And lining, as shown in the pattern, i.e. without palms, but with a “neck” into which the index finger will subsequently be placed.

2. Then she stitched her palms to the sleeves, grandfather had “trousers” to his shirt. Sewed both halves of the torso together. She sewed the heads and stuffed them. I gathered the detail of my grandfather’s nose in a circle on a thread, put a padding polyester ball in, pulled the thread and fastened it.

3. Turned the torso, smoothed it, bent the necks. I put a little synthetic winterizer in my palms and highlighted my fingers with a thread to match the fabric.

4. I processed the details of the linings with a “zigzag” and sewed them. I don't turn out.

5. Then, having folded the bases of the torso and lined them facing each other, she stitched them.

6. Turned out through the neck opening of the shirt (dress).

8. The eyes of my old people are applications (can be made from leatherette, leather, felt, fleece). The contours of the eyes and eyebrows are embroidered, as well as the mouth and nose of the grandmother. With a thread to match the “skin”, I highlighted the wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes. Glare on the pupils made with nail polish. The blush was applied with an ordinary drawing pencil.

9. Hair, mustache and beard made of yarn. I sewed pieces of yarn into cods and glued them in place with Moment-Crystal glue, but then I also sewed them on for reliability. She cut her hair. At the base of the top row of grandfather's hair (from the side of the bald head), I walked with yarn, closing the edge of the tres, laying horizontal stitches. Then a cap will be attached to them.

10. Next, I sewed the head to the “neck” of the lining in a circle, without sewing, of course, the “neck” itself, having previously made a hole in the stuffing of the head for the finger. Before that, you need to try on the head, i.e. put the torso-glove on the hand, and the head on the index finger and mark the place of sewing.

11. Then I sewed the neck of the dress (shirt) to the head in the neck area. At this stage, you should also try on the toy on your hand.

12. Then I decorated the sleeves and neck with decorative braid, i.e. I glued it, then stitched it, grabbing the lining fabric on the sleeves, thereby fixing it inside in the area of ​​​​the arms. Granny sewed a couple of white buttons on the dress (in the last photo about the grandfather and grandmother).

13. I sewed a cap for my grandfather. Why I measured the circumference of the head, this is the sidewall, the top of the cap is a circle (I circled it from a small bowl, I picked the size by eye), well, I cut out the visor-semi-oval approximately ...

14. I transferred all the details to the fabric (fleece) + another sidewall and a visor made of lining fabric.

15. Next, I sewed a visor, turned it inside out. I stitched the sidewall details on one side, putting a visor between the fleece and lining parts. I gathered the top of the cap on a thread in a circle, pulled it off to the size of the circumference of the head.

16. I sewed the ends of the sidewall, and sewed the top of the cap into the resulting hoop, aligning the fleece sides face to face. Then, gently bending the lining part of the sidewall, hemmed it inside, closing the seam. I sewed 2 hooks on the sides from the inside, with which the cap can be fixed on the head, hooking on the very stitches of yarn. From a strip of thin fleece, I twisted a rose and sewed it to a cap.

17. So, the headdress can be removed and put on if necessary. If this is not important, then you can simply sew a cap to your head.

18. I tied a handkerchief for my grandmother, for which you can use a real women's (children's) handkerchief in some kind of flower, folding it in half diagonally. Or cut a square (or triangle) out of the fabric and finish the edges. And here's your grandfather and grandmother :-)

Our heroes are ready, and soon I will continue and tell you how to sew other heroes.

If you decide to sew yourself a similar homemade puppet show and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. I will try to explain and help as much as I can.

Svetlana Zhilina

Allow me to present to your attention my dolls Grandfather and Baba. Recently in our kindergarten there was a competition « Doll in folk costumes» . I took part in the nomination "Favorite heroes of Russian folk tales".

Benefit business card"Grandfather and Woman» (handmade dolls) .

List and forms of work with children:

Data dolls can be used in classes to familiarize with the Russian costume, familiarize children with clothes.

Visual allowance for creative pursuits.

As a surprise moment in the classroom for literacy and speech development, to create a psychologically comfortable environment. Together with our heroes, the guys solve riddles, rebuses, memorize nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings, pronounce tongue twisters and tongue twisters, learn counting rhymes.

And, of course, stories are told. Remember how some fairy tales begin?

Lived - were Grandfather and Woman. And they had a chicken Ryaba ....

Lived - were Grandfather and Woman. Grandpa says Babe: "Bake Woman bun ... and many others.

grandfather and Woman invite not only children, but also parents to play their favorite fairy tales.

And also congratulate everyone on the upcoming Easter holiday.

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