How to wash crystal to shine. How to wash crystal to shine

Over time, the crystal tarnishes, and dust accumulates in the edges of its decor, which makes the products lose all their attractiveness. Often the cause of plaque and dullness is too hard water, sometimes time, sometimes improper care. How and how to wash the crystal, so that it would shine again and sparkle like new? A few practical recipes with the help of improvised, home remedies.

Three easy ways to wash and clean crystal glassware

We will not list the special glassware chemicals that are sold in stores. Information about them is more clearly and in detail can be obtained at the point of sale. It’s better to tell you how to use improvised means for washing and cleaning crystal, which every housewife has.

The first method for very dirty crystal dishes

This method is suitable for yellowed crystal with traces of old dirt. To do this, you will need one large soaking container and a second rinsing container. Plastic bowls are ideal. You also need to remember that it is recommended to always use warm water to wash crystal dishes. The optimum water temperature varies from +35 °C to +40 °C.

Any mild dish detergent is added to warm water. It can be Aos, Fairy, "Surprise for Cinderella" and others. Each product has its own degree of foaming, but the approximate calculation is as follows: 1 tablespoon of detergent is added to 1 liter of water. Crystal dishes are placed in the ready foam solution and left for 6-7 hours in a soaked state.

Next step: Using a soft sponge, each product is washed in the same container and transferred to another container for rinsing. The second container is filled with cool (NOT cold) water with 9% table vinegar. Approximate calculation: 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar is added to 1 liter of water. Vinegar can be replaced with citric acid.

Products are thoroughly rinsed in this solution and the final step is washed again under running water (under the tap). Objects are given a short time to drain excess water from them, then they are wiped dry.

For wiping crystal and glassware, it is better to use napkins that do not contain lint. Microfiber fabric is ideal, cotton is in second place. In order to avoid fingerprints on the transparent surface, it is better to carry out this work in thin, cloth gloves.

Short video about the correct washing of crystal

The second way to clean the crystal

This method is similar to the first, only it takes less time. In order to restore transparency and brilliance to clouded crystal, you need to place it for 10-15 minutes in a special solution. The composition of the solution: 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar is added to 1 liter of warm water. Before placing crystal products in the solution, they must be degreased. To do this, the dishes are simply washed in warm water with some mild detergent.

The third way to wash crystal

In this case, you will need a simple decoction in which jacket potatoes were cooked. The broth cools down to a state of "warm" and dirty crystal (glass) dishes are placed in it. Products in this broth are 10-15 minutes. If necessary, clean with a soft sponge. Then they are washed under running water and wiped dry.

In this case, the dishes should also be degreased, that is, lightly washed with any mild detergent.

How to clean crystal and glass vases inside?

Everyone knows the situation when, after a wilted bouquet inside a vase, a whitish and greenish coating from water and flowers remains on the walls and bottom, which, unfortunately, is not quickly washed off. Three proven ways with the help of natural scrubs effectively solve this problem. All three results will pleasantly surprise and not disappoint!

The first way: rice + soda

Depending on the size, two servings of rice and one serving of baking soda are poured into the vase (for example, two tablespoons of rice and one tablespoon of baking soda). Warm water is added, the contents in the vase are shaken several times (like a shaker). This is done so that the rice creates friction with the walls of the vase. After 5-10 minutes, the vase is freed from the contents and rinsed with clean water.

The second way: newspaper + soda solution

Small pieces of newspaper are placed in a vase. A thick soda solution is being prepared. To do this, use a "liquid slurry" of baking soda and water. The proportions are approximately one to one (one tablespoon of soda and one tablespoon of water). The prepared vase with newspaper pieces inside is poured with the resulting solution. In this state, the product is left for 30 minutes. Then the contents are shaken several times (like a shaker) and poured out. The vase is washed with clean water and wiped dry.

Method 3: Eggshell + Baking Soda

To clean the vase, you will need crushed eggshells and baking soda. Shells with soda are poured into the vase (the ratio is one to one - one spoonful of shells, one spoonful of soda) and warm water (NOT hot) is poured. The content needs to be shaken a few times. Then pour everything out, rinse the vase and wipe it dry.

Can you wash crystal in the dishwasher?

Theoretically possible, but not necessary. High temperatures adversely affect the appearance of the crystal - it fades and becomes cloudy. After the dishwasher, the products must be rinsed in a solution with 9% vinegar. This takes extra time, so it is more practical to wash crystal dishes by hand.

How to clean glassware to a shine

Glassware is different: transparent, colored, matte, with faceted drawings and patterns. Only transparent glass can not look aesthetically pleasing, since all divorces and stains are perfectly visible on it. As for colored and frosted glassware, there are no problems with it.

In order for transparent glasses and glasses to be perfectly clean and without streaks, it is necessary to periodically remove all deposits from their surface that remain from hard water or drinks.

The best helpers here are also baking soda and 9% vinegar. In a warm soda solution (2-3 tablespoons of soda per liter of water), the products are washed, then rinsed in a solution with vinegar (1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar per liter of water). Rinse again with running water (NOT ice cold) and wipe dry with lint-free napkins.

Preparing for a festive event always begins with the question of how to clean crystal at home to a shine. The most important thing is that this must be done very quickly and efficiently. One of the disadvantages of crystal is that it is rarely used and turns yellow over time. To cope with such a misfortune is quite simple, it is enough to study the proposed recommendations.

One of the disadvantages of crystal is that it is rarely used and turns yellow over time.

How to properly care for crystal products so that they retain their beautiful appearance for a long time

In order not to harm crystal objects, you must adhere to simple rules. To keep the dishes whole and beautiful:

  • Storage temperature must be maintained. Cracks may appear on the dishes from sudden changes;
  • Crystal should be washed only in warm water, but not higher than 35-38 ºС;
  • To prevent streaks from appearing on the surface, you need to dry the items yourself after cleaning. It is advisable to wipe with paper towels that do not leave lint on the walls of the dishes.

Crystal should be washed only in warm water, but not higher than 35-38 ºС.

In practice, crystal is washed in a dishwasher, but the procedure is not used if the products are fragile. Before use, you must take care of the correct temperature.

The most important thing is that during cleaning, the walls of crystal dishes do not come into contact with each other. It is advisable not to put pressure on the material when washing, as even a vase can burst. You need to work with the material with gloves, despite the fact that the hands of the hostess will still have clean spots on the dishes.

When it comes to cleaning your chandelier, it's a good idea to remove each element for a thorough rinse.

It is advisable to store glasses on a shelf at a distance from each other. Over time, they can easily stick, which will lead to cracks. If such a situation has occurred, you should not use force, one glass is filled with warm water, and the second with cold. Dishes should be stored in a protected place from direct sunlight and moisture. To do this, you can use cabinets with tinted glass or store in a special box with cells.

It is advisable to store glasses on a shelf at a distance from each other.

How to make a crystal surface shine

To achieve shine when washing crystal, you can use proven recommendations. Among them there are old folk methods, as well as modern ones using special detergents. The following methods are worth considering:

You can consider the option of how to clean the crystal with ammonia. This method is well suited if a greasy film has formed on the dishes. The solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of alcohol and 1 liter of water. The walls of the dishes are wiped with the composition, after which they are washed with water. The only disadvantage of this method is that not everyone can withstand the smell.

This method is well suited if a greasy film has formed on the dishes.

Salt, vinegar and water will help get rid of green plaque. The solution is prepared in proportion: 1 tbsp. tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt (preferably processed) and 1 liter of water. The crystal is soaked for literally a few minutes, after which it is washed with cool water. The main thing is to prevent a temperature drop, do not soak in warm and do not wash off too cold.

Clear the crystal old stains and severe pollution, folk remedies can help. A solution of soda and acetic acid relieves yellowness well. Cooking method:

  • In filtered water, mix 1 tbsp. a tablespoon of soda and 30 grams of acetic acid;
  • Soak the dishes for 5-10 minutes, rinse in cool water.

A solution of soda and acetic acid relieves yellowness well.

The most important thing is not to hold the stem of the glass with your bare hands. To not leave greasy spots secreted by the skin, it is advisable to keep a soft sponge or paper towel. Fabric products should not be used, they leave a pile.

How to wash crystal if a dense layer of fat has formed at the bottom:

  1. After a stormy feast, a greasy coating remains on the glasses and bowls. Not all housewives undertake to wash the dishes after the celebration, so the fat stagnates and begins to harden. A regular swab and ammonia will help get rid of it. The swab must be thoroughly soaked in alcohol and squeezed lightly along the walls of the dish;
  2. It is best to rinse after the procedure with mineral water;
  3. To save on paper towels, you can turn the glasses or bowls upside down for a few minutes so that excess water runs down the walls;
  4. If there was no ammonia at home, you can use ammonia in the same proportion.

The main thing is not to rub the dishes and not to put pressure on its walls. If the plaque is not washed off with a light touch, it is necessary to leave the solution for a few more minutes.

If the crystal looks clean and well-groomed, but has a slight yellowness from old age, you can wipe it with raw potatoes. In order not to press a piece on the wall, you can grind it on a grater and use a sponge to distribute the gruel over the entire surface. You can polish crystal glassware with an ordinary woolen rag or patch. After the dishes have been cleaned and dried, you can take a small piece and polish the outer walls of the glasses or bowls in a circular motion.

If the crystal looks clean and well-groomed, but has a slight yellowness from old age, you can wipe it with raw potatoes.

If all of the above methods did not help, pollution can be dealt with using a radical remedy - blue. How to clean crystal:

  1. Add a few drops of blue to clean water (1 liter);
  2. Place the dishes in the solution for 10 hours (you can overnight);
  3. Rinse the composition under running water and dry.

Blue degreases the surface well and at the same time gives shine, as after purchase (do not worry about color). This procedure can be carried out during general cleaning so that the dishes do not stagnate and do not collect a layer of dirt on themselves. Timely and constant care of the crystal will help to extend its life.

Blue degreases the surface well and at the same time gives shine, as after purchase.

How to wash crystal to make it shine

Modern tools will help the hostess save time, it is worth choosing from a different price category. How to wash crystal glassware to make it sparkle:

  1. Use simple detergents without adding alkali in the composition. They wash off dust well and every housewife has it in her arsenal, but they will not save from severe pollution and white plaque;
  2. Use special cleaning products for different categories. You can wash the chandelier using only an aerosol that blows dust from every slit. Most often, housewives choose a means for contactless washing of chandeliers - Unicum or PRO SEPT;
  3. Use more foam, it raises excess dust and dirt, washing them out even from the drawing;
  4. Do not leave the product on the walls for a long time;
  5. Do not put pressure on the walls of crystal dishes, even if they need to be wiped off;
  6. You can use paper towels or microfiber to dry.

You can wash the chandelier using only an aerosol that blows dust from every slit.

Additionally, during home cleaning, you can use the following tools:

When it comes to caring for a chandelier made of crystal, sometimes even experienced professionals do not know how to clean it. Moreover, few people undertake such work, knowing the features of crystal. The only way not to damage the chandelier and its components is to use a non-contact cleaning method. How to wash crystal so that it shines at home:

  1. It is advisable to use modern aerosols. They literally blow out pollution under air pressure;
  2. It is better to purchase initially funds that have a special antistatic effect;

Methods can be divided into two main categories: wet and dry. The first type is used during general cleaning, the second for weekly care. Moreover, for chandeliers made of high quality material, it is better to use a dry and non-contact method, which can protect the parts. Aerosols Eurosvet or Prosept can be used. Both tools differ in cost, after studying the reviews, you can understand that the effect of cleaning is identical. How to wash crystal to a shine using an aerosol:

  • The agent is sprayed onto the details of the chandelier. It is advisable not to miss hard-to-reach places, it is they who will attract insects in the future, leaving the result of life activity;
  • The product is applied until the first drops form on the parts;
  • Within 5-10 minutes, the product dissolves dirt;
  • The spraying procedure is repeated again (for polishing);
  • Next, you need to drain the agent on its own. So that drops of the product do not spoil the carpet or other coating, it is advisable to cover it with a film or an unnecessary rag.

It is necessary to work with aerosols in a respirator. Children should not be in the room at the time of spraying. If drops of the product get into the eyes, rinse them with warm water and consult your doctor.

If drops of the product get into the eyes, rinse them with warm water and consult your doctor.

Dry cleaning is carried out in rooms where windows are always closed and air conditioning is on. Otherwise, it will be meaningless, as soot from cars, fat and insect excrement settles on the walls. They are cleaned with an antistatic whisk, it is advisable to do this very carefully so that the structural parts do not come into contact with each other. You can use an empty enema, it can get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places. To prevent the material from yellowing, you need to periodically use an aerosol cleaning.

Dry cleaning is carried out in rooms where windows are always closed and air conditioning is on.

What not to do when cleaning crystal

One of the most common questions that can be found on the net concerns how to clean crystal without breaking it. It is quite difficult to buy their crystal products today; for many citizens, this is a memory that they inherited from their parents. In order for dishes and products to serve for a long time, you should follow the rules:

  1. Do not wash dishes with abrasive materials;
  2. Do not use boiled water for washing;
  3. Make sure that guests hold their glasses correctly;
  4. Do not hold on to the leg if it is thin;
  5. Try not to run the dishes. It is worth remembering that every wash is a big risk;
  6. Do not polish the walls with hard substances and metal sponges;
  7. Do not use products containing alkali;
  8. Do not allow the temperature to drop. You can not leave crystal in the country, which is not heated in winter;
  9. Do not store crystal outdoors. Fat, soot, moisture settle on the material, which are difficult to wash out of the product design;
  10. Avoid direct exposure to rays. Crystal can crumble under constant influence right during the celebration.

Crystal can crumble under the constant influence of sunlight right during the celebration.

Can you wash crystal in the dishwasher?

Experienced housewives do not recommend washing old crystal, because any shaking or low temperature can lead to cracks. It is desirable to wash products in modern machines, where you can set a special temperature regime. There is a lot of debate about whether to add detergent, so you can consider the following nuances:

  1. Dishwashers are pretty harsh. Crystal may not withstand the concentrate of chemistry;
  2. Due to uneven temperature, which often happens when there is a problem with heating, the crystal may become cloudy.

If you need to quickly wash the crystal, you can use the method with a solution of ammonia or blue, and then place it in the machine itself for washing. The advantage of this method is that the machine will dry the crystal itself. For washing fragile products, the “delicate mode” is usually used.

It is desirable to wash products in modern machines, where you can set a special temperature regime.

Each housewife decides how to wash the crystal on her own. An effective option for dishes is folk and proven products that do not require large investments and are always at hand. Chandeliers, decor items, exhibits - it is advisable to wash using modern non-contact products.

Video: An easy way to wash crystal

Is there a general cleaning in the apartment? Vases, vases, jugs, wine glasses and glasses - everything is drawn from dusty shelves. How to clean crystal and wash it at home so that it shines again? Try several ways.

For a liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 0.5 tablespoon of salt. Thoroughly wash the crystal glassware in this solution, rinse and wipe dry. Also, with this substance, you can perfectly remove green plaque from flowers in a vase.

  • Before washing a vase or jug ​​that has become cloudy from long storage, first soak it in a dish detergent solution.

    Rinse with vinegar and water later, pat dry.

  • If the product has gold-plated elements, it is necessary to wash it with clean warm water and rinse in an vinegar solution.
  • If the pollution is strong, lower the dishes into the potato broth. Take it out after a while. Then you can wash with an ordinary means, after which rinse and wipe.
  • If you have ancient crystal, cut raw potatoes will save it from yellowness. Wipe the product with it, and then rinse in a weak blue solution.
  • How to clean the product if there are stains from wine or juice on it?

    Soak the decanter, glasses or glasses for a couple of hours in a solution of baking soda. After soaking, it remains only to rinse them in warm water with the addition of vinegar. Don't forget to wipe dry.

  • To add even more shine to unstained wine glasses, wipe them with alcohol and dry with a flannel.
  • Another method to clean the product: collect a little starch on a velvet napkin and wipe the dishes with it.
  • After washing, the crystal is not dried, but immediately wiped dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

To clean glasses, glasses, vases for jam and not destroy them, hold the product by the bottom during cleaning, and not by the fragile leg.

If you wash them in a basin, be sure to cover the bottom with a soft napkin.

Bringing back the shine of the crystal chandelier

What a dazzling crystal chandelier!

But over time, dust settles on it, and the former splendor evenly fades. You can clean it in 2 ways.

Dry cleaning is carried out using an antistatic duster brush (puff). Be extremely careful so that the pendants do not touch each other, because they are so fragile! A paint brush will help you clean the corrugated surface for you.

Option one

Remove the covers and all pendants, wash in a solution of mild dish detergent, rinse in water with vinegar.

Dry thoroughly and hang all parts back. To make the crystal sparkle, do not leave fingerprints, so wash the chandelier with lint-free gloves.

Option two

If you can not disassemble the chandelier, clean it directly on the weight. Use a lint-free cloth dampened with cleaning solution. Start at the top and work your way around. Be prepared to change the ladder frequently. To make the chandelier sparkle, dissolve one part of ammonia in 3 parts of water and dip each pendant in this solution.

But there is the most successful way: put a cotton glove on your hand, moisten it in the solution and wipe every detail with your fingers. With this method, you can wash the chandelier even in hard-to-reach places.

If the chandelier is extremely dirty, then wet cleaning will come in handy. Do not use soap for this. From it, a greasy coating remains on the surface, from which, with strong incandescence, the suspension will certainly crack!

Hi all!

In extreme times, I was drawn to experiments, now I wash cupronickel, then I make soap. Summer hibernation is slowly ending, I hope when the heat subsides completely, then I will wake up completely. I can’t stand the heat, as if boiled, I don’t want to do anything, I already spoke about this in an article about Wikium.

In general, coming out of hibernation, not so long ago I sorted out the so-called “ceremonial” dishes in the closet, washed everything.

I can't stand doing this! And in general, I consider it unnecessary, if some thing is used only two or three times a year, then I automatically classify it as rubbish and do my best to get rid of it.

Glasses, decanters, glasses, crystal vases that I hate fall into this definition ... Once upon a time I was given a whole bunch of all this, now I don’t know what to do with. I pack it in boxes and stuff it deeper into the closet, and they give me everything and give it. For some reason, the older generation often sins with this, apparently remembering the Russian deficit.

So, washing the crystal from dust, I decided to have some fun, be creative about the routine given to us and asked myself: how to wash the crystal so that it gleams beautifully like new?

Started to figure it out.

Crystal is extremely beautiful, unique and, it turns out, capricious, it is easy to care for it if you follow a few rules.
Under no circumstances should crystals be washed in hot water. At what temperature do you wash the crystal - the question is extremely important. Temperatures above 35°C deprive it of its shine and may even cause cracking.

Moreover, abrasive lips such as melamine and detergents that can leave scratches should not be used. How should stains be removed in this case?

Cut a raw potato in half and cut off the dirt, rinse the cleaned dishes and wipe dry.

What is the best way to clean crystal? Cold water with the addition of omnipresent salt and vinegar.

The proportions are as follows: one tablespoon of salt and vinegar per liter of water.

In this water, you need to wash the products, and then rinse them a couple of times in cool water and wipe them with a soft velvety cloth until dry, so that they sparkle. If left to dry in the air, ugly stains will remain. When wiping fragile items, be careful not to break them.

It is better to hold them by the base, but not by the leg.

Dishes with a pattern or gilding should be washed in water with the addition of ammonia: a spoonful of ammonia per liter of water. Additional shine will give the dishes water, to which blue is added in the proportion of one tablespoon per liter.

I don’t know if anyone still has crystal chandeliers at home that were popular 30 years ago, but just in case, here’s how to wash them correctly.

Can you wash them without removing them? The chemical industry will save you time and nerves, which you will certainly spend when dismantling the chandelier.

The process looks like this: oilcloth or absorbent rags are spread under the lamp, and a special liquid for cleaning crystal is sprayed on it.

Soap solution is prohibited. The film that soap or any other detergent creates covers the thin glass of the ceiling lamps and, when heated, can cause crackling.

Or - another "grandmother's" way. Pour half a glass of vinegar and alcohol into a plastic basin, pour the same amount of mustard powder into it. Disassemble the chandelier and wipe the parts with the resulting consistency. Finally, rinse in clean water with a few drops of vinegar and dry. By the way, this harmless method is also good for cleaning dishes.

To be honest, just thinking about such a perversion, which will obviously take more than 5 minutes, gives me the creeps.

Owners of crystal chandeliers, how are you doing?

If the crystal has turned yellow, you can try to wash it with dishwashing liquids. To do this, put a soft napkin or sponge in the basin, pour washing liquid and water into it, leave the products for a couple of hours, and then walk with a soft brush along the crystal patterns. Gryazyuka will lag behind them without difficulty. Finally, rinse the crystal with water and ammonia or vinegar and dry it.

A narrow crystal vase can be difficult to get rid of plaque on the bottom.

It’s not easy if you don’t know one secret: to clean a vase, you just need to pour a little vinegar there for a couple of hours, then add peas or rice there and shake it thoroughly. Only and everything!

It remains only to rinse the product and wipe.

This advice helped me in cleaning this vase. Your hand doesn’t fit into it, you can’t mess around with a rag either, it remains to be done, as recommended by this folk method. There was enough vinegar, rice was not even useful - the mud went away and so on.

The green coating that remains from time to time when the flowers in the veil do not change the water for a long time will be removed by ordinary soda: pour a couple of spoons into a vase, pour half a glass of warm water, mix well, rinse and dry.

A trace of lime or a trace of wine on a glass disappears without a trace after the action of citric acid contained in sweet soda.

I found a few more tips for those who use a dishwasher.

I do not have it, so I'm talking purely theoretically.

It is advised to work with her very carefully in terms of washing crystal. In the technique given to us, which makes the life of ordinary housewives so much easier, there is a special "crystal" mode.

But if there are cracks that are barely noticeable to the eye on crystal glassware, machine cleaning will finish it off.

Well, Cinderella, how are your glass shoes after washing? Shine? To be honest, I would have thrown them away a long time ago, especially since walking in them is obviously unrealistic. I don’t understand how poor Cinderella walked in them, suffered, for sure. And all for what? For the sake of some completely unfamiliar prince, whom I had never seen in my life, but for some reason I sharply wanted to get it.

Here on the unromantic note given to us, I am finishing the article for now, I will go to pack the dried crystal in the next boxes. Throwing away the hand does not rise, as well as giving friends what they, like me, do not need - well, I have no friends who love crystal!

And finally, a small video from Astana, finally I got to the photo and my own “Producer Proshow”

Natalia Bryantseva

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I would be sincerely grateful if that article in social networks

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How to wash crystal to shine at home?

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Crystal is a special type of glass, which is made with the addition of barium oxide or lead. Additives make crystal more fragile and softer than ordinary glass, but at the same time give it special properties: crystal has indescribable transparency and refracts light rays like a diamond, sparkling with its facets and attracting the eye.

All this makes it an impeccable m for the production of dazzlingly beautiful dishes, vases, chandeliers.

Crystal dishes are in any house, and in some houses there is also a crystal chandelier - large, languid and beautiful. But such dishes are never used as daily dishes, they are cherished and taken out on huge holidays. Therefore, most of the time, crystal just stands on a shelf, decorating a transparent showcase of a cabinet. Crystal vases also stand empty from bouquet to bouquet, and we wash the chandelier only during general cleaning.

All this leads to the fact that the crystal loses its own radiance, can fade and start to look less amazing. To wash the crystal to a shine, the tips of this article will help.

Basic rules for the care of crystal products

Before looking at the most effective methods for cleaning crystal at home, let's talk about the main rules that must be followed when caring for this capricious m. There are a number of mistakes that can irreversibly damage fragile sparkling products.

Here are the rules:

  1. Crystal does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

    This is a capricious and fragile glass. Very hot water can cause crystal cracks, and very cool water can make it less transparent.

  2. Put a terry towel on the bottom of the container in which you will wash the crystal. A fragile one can simply break or crack if in the water you accidentally touch the walls of the container with it or drop a thing that is slippery from the detergent.
  3. Before immersion in water, you must first clean the crystal from dust: wipe the products with a dry cloth. If this is not done, at the end of washing, stains may remain on the dishes or the veil.
  4. The crystal surface does not have a high hardness, therefore, the use of cleaning products with abrasives, such as Pemolux, is unacceptable.

    This can lead to the appearance of micro-scratches on the surface, and it will not be possible to make it shine after that. Use only mild detergents without harsh particles in the composition. There are also special cleaning products for crystal - this is an impeccable option.

  5. Do not leave crystal products to dry naturally: they must be wiped dry with a lint-free cloth, such as microfiber. This ensures that there are no cloudy spots or streaks on the crystal surface.
  6. If you wash your crystal in the dishwasher, choose a savory setting that does not cause sudden temperature changes and a non-abrasive detergent.

    But, if you extremely value your own crystal tableware, it is better to wash it by hand, controlling the process completely.

However, the usual observance of these rules for the impeccable purity of crystal things is not enough. In order for the crystal to shine with all its facets, like fresh, you need to know special cleaning methods.

Home methods for cleaning crystal

Ways to clean crystal at home can be divided according to the type of pollution that products need to be rid of. Depending on this, different cleaning agents and their combinations are used for cleaning.

  1. limescale.

    This problem occurs in all regions with hard water. To cope with corrosive plaque will help acids available at home: acetic, citric. Crystal products should be poured with an acid substance and after a couple of hours you can start washing it in the classical way, with a sponge and detergent. Coca-Cola also copes well with such plaque: it should be used in the same way as acid solutions.

  2. Yellowness. Over time, the crystal may acquire a yellow tint.

    Traditionally this is coupled with the use of very hot water. Potato starch helps to cope with it. You can use raw potatoes: cut it into halves and grate the products. You can also apply potato starch to the crystal and leave for a few hours, and then proceed to wash.

  3. Dried food leftovers. If the crystal dishes were not washed in time, and food residues dried to the surface, a rather ordinary pre-soak in a container with warm water and dishwashing detergent. After the main wash, you can walk along the edges with a soft brush for conviction, and then rinse with vinegar.
  4. Stains from wine or juice.

    To rid glasses of traces of these colored drinks, use the consistency of soda and vinegar. To prepare a cleaning solution, take 2 tsp. soda and 3 tbsp. table vinegar in 3 liters of water. Soak glasses and glasses in the consistency given to us, and the stains will disappear without a trace. Such a solution is no less effective for removing the greenish coating that appears in crystal flower vases.

Secrets for unsurpassed shine

Adding shine is the final part of caring for crystal products. In many ways, it depends not only on the method of cleaning, but also on what is rinsed and how well it is wiped after washing.

To give shine after washing use:

  • table vinegar (10 ml per 1 liter of water);
  • ammonia (dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 3);
  • ordinary alcohol (soak a napkin, wipe the product).

All three agents are equally excellent in making the cleaned crystal surface glisten, sparkle and shimmer with all its facets. After rinsing, the crystal should be wiped dry. To do this, not at least some kind of wiping cloth is not required to leave lint on the surface.

It is most effective to wipe clean crystal with microfiber, and rub it to a shine with a woolen or flannel cloth.

Having set out to wash the crystal so that it gleams, do not forget about the fundamental details:

  • if the limescale or greenery from the flowers does not go away under the action of the solution, throw a handful of buckwheat or other cereals into the container and shake the crystal product in a circle: the cereal will gently clean the walls;
  • a special glass and mirror cleaner will help to rid the crystal of oily deposits, but use it before the main wash, as the product has a pungent odor;
  • do not use laundry soap to wash crystal, otherwise it will lose its luster;
  • do not use pure soda for crystal, it can irreversibly damage the product.

How to clean crystal to shine

Crystal is considered a sign of refined taste, luxury and celebration.

No matter how fashion changes, even the most unique designer works made of glass will not replace crystal products. But to shine, crystal must be kept clean and properly cared for. It should be noted that the care of glass is many times easier than that of crystal. But, if you know how to wash the crystal so that it gleams, then such a secret will become your home relic, passed down from mother to daughter, along with a collection of unique crystal products.

Read in this article:

Don't forget that crystal is easy to break

There are a few common but fundamental rules to follow.

In this section, you will learn how to clean crystal without harming it. Despite the external density, crystal is quite fragile and easy to scratch or break.

  1. The first rule concerns the temperature of the water - the water does not have to be either cool or hot. In hot or very cool water, crystal tends to fade and lose its strength, which can lead to cracks.
  2. Rule 2 - do not forget that crystal products are quite fragile and easy to break, therefore, a soft cloth should be placed on the bottom of the vessel in which you wash the crystal, a towel is best.
  3. The third rule applies to crystal glasses - while washing, try to hold the product by the bottom.

    In this way, you can protect the product from accidental dropping.

Clean crystal from old stains and powerful pollution

Even if there are crystal products on your shelf that are shameful to flaunt due to powerful pollution or old age, you should not write them off. The secret to cleaning crystal at home is quite simple.

Serious contamination associated with long-term storage can be easily removed if, before washing the crystal, soak it quickly in water with dish detergent. The same applies to old wine stains left on the glass. When the dirt is washed off, rinse the product in a solution of vinegar and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

To wipe the crystal, you should use a rag that does not have lint.

If for some reason you do not use a detergent, then you can use a potato decoction to clean the crystal from powerful contamination. Just soak the crystal in it for a while, and then wash it in warm water with vinegar and wipe it dry. Instead of decoction, you can eat raw potatoes.

Achieve crystal brilliance

Another secret of a good hostess is how to wash crystal so that it gleams. A good remedy is a solution of 1 tablespoon of vinegar and half a spoon of salt in one liter of water.

This solution can be used as a means for washing crystal products, and for rinsing. If at the bottom of the crystal vase there is a greenish coating after the flowers, then the vinegar solution will simply remove it.

To achieve a crystal brilliance, ordinary alcohol will do a good job. Take a napkin (preferably flannel), soak it in alcohol and wipe wine glasses, vases, glasses and any other crystal items. Then you should take a dry flannel napkin and wipe the product dry.

Ordinary starch can be an excellent cleaning agent for crystal. Before proceeding with the cleaning measures, you should take a velvet napkin and apply a little starch to it, and then wipe the crystal product.

What not to do when cleaning crystal

It is important to know not only how to correctly and simply wash the crystal, but also what absolutely cannot be allowed during cleanliness.

  1. The first thing to be extremely important to understand relates to how to wash the crystal. Or more precisely - that you can’t even pick it up when starting the cleansing process.
  2. Second - before you start washing, wipe off the dust from the crystal product. It is impossible to wash a product made of crystal, on which there is dust. In this way, you can avoid the appearance of stains on the product, and, accordingly, save time on additional rinsing.

Never use abrasive detergents when cleaning crystal, no products containing soda ash.

Such products will damage the crystal. But washing in soapy water will cause the crystal to become dull.

Nowadays, the question of how to wash crystal so that it sparkles has been replaced by an interest in caring for glass works of art. Now various products, fascinating dishes and even jewelry decorations are made from glass. But to this day, crystal looks more elegant and chic than glass figures. It reminds us of ancient luxury items.

Unfortunately, over time, crystal loses its original attractiveness, becomes covered with dust and tarnishes, loses its festive look.

At the same time, caring for crystal products is quite complicated, it is important to know the intricacies of caring for these fragile products so as not to harm the crystal beauty. How to clean crystal at home? There are many effective ways to clean crystal at home.

How to wash crystal correctly? Don't use soda. This may result in darkening. If the item is gold plated, just use warm water to wash and a weak vinegar solution to rinse, then wipe it dry.

If the dishes have darkened and become cloudy over time, you can use coarse salt, and then wash the product with soap and warm water. It is important to keep in mind that coarse salt should be used carefully, with the greatest care, because abrasive particles can destroy the product, scratch its fragile surface.

To achieve the brilliance of crystal, it is not enough just to wash it of dirt and remove all plaque. For shine, additional processing will be required.

Today, most families who are used to meeting guests often have dishwashers. As a rule, in such families there are a lot of solemn crystal dishes for various celebrations. And here the question arises, is it possible to wash crystal products in the dishwasher.

Almost all models of dishwashers have modes for washing various types of products, including crystal.

But even in special technology, such processing hides a number of dangers for itself.

  1. 2 Often, crystal tableware is made on the basis of lead. Only barium-based crystal can be washed in the dishwasher.

    You can find out this aspect by referring to the composition of your crystal product. Otherwise, if lead-based dishes get into the machine, you will have to say goodbye to it. Lead reacts with special detergents, which leads to damage to products.

Despite the latest fashion trends, almost everyone uses crystal chandeliers and sconces in the interior. But such luxury items require proper care. Otherwise, such a chandelier will not decorate your home, but, on the contrary, will spoil it, or rather its aesthetic appearance.

You can wash a crystal chandelier in several ways:

  1. 1 Special brush. There are special brushes for removing dust from crystal products. If there is a need to clean the relief surface, use a regular paint brush.
  2. 3 Cleaning a chandelier that is not removable. In this case, the product will have to be washed by weight. A lint-free cloth soaked in a special window and glass cleaner will come in handy for you, wipe each part of the chandelier, then wipe dry with a cardboard towel.
  1. 1 When cleaning a crystal chandelier, it is worth using soap.

    A film appears on the chandelier, which, when heated, can cause the product to crackle.

  2. 5 Remove plaque at the bottom of a crystal vase can help a jar of carbonated water "Coca-Cola". You just need to pour the liquid into a vase. Sparkling water is also effective in removing sediment from wine.

Nowadays, the question of how to wash crystal so that it sparkles has been replaced by an interest in caring for glass works of art.

Now various products, fascinating dishes and even jewelry decorations are made from glass. But to this day, crystal looks more elegant and chic than glass figures. It reminds us of ancient luxury items.

Unfortunately, over time, crystal loses its original attractiveness, becomes covered with dust and tarnishes, loses its festive look. At the same time, caring for crystal products is quite complicated, it is important to know the intricacies of caring for these fragile products so as not to harm the crystal beauty. How to clean crystal at home? There are many effective ways to clean crystal at home.

How to wash crystal correctly? Don't use soda.

This may result in darkening. If the item is gold plated, just use warm water to wash and a weak vinegar solution to rinse, then wipe it dry.

If the dishes have darkened and become cloudy over time, you can use coarse salt, and then wash the product with soap and warm water. It is important to keep in mind that coarse salt should be used carefully, with the greatest care, because abrasive particles can destroy the product, scratch its fragile surface.

With daily care or washing after everyday use, any dishwashing detergent in a gel-like release form will help you.

There are certain personalities in the care of crystal products:

  1. 1 The surface to be treated should be wiped with a dry cloth to avoid dust marks.
  2. 2 Crystal dishes can only be washed in water at room temperature, as the product may crack from hot water, and fade from cool water.

    Temperature fluctuations can also lead to consequences in the form of a crack.

  3. 3 In order not to break fragile crystal products, you should cover the bottom of the container that you use to clean the crystal with a soft towel.
  4. 4 Wash crystal holiday dishes with thin legs (glasses, wine glasses, goblets) should be held by the bottom.
  5. 5 To avoid scratching products, do not use abrasive cleaners.
  6. 6 It is best to clean the crystal with a lint-free cloth and cotton gloves.
  7. 7 After cleaning, wipe the product dry.

How to wash crystal to make it shine?

You can wash crystal at home with improvised means: a woolen rag, a cardboard towel, linen gloves, a microfiber cloth. Different products are also suitable: dishwashing gel, window and glassware cleaner, vinegar, ammonia.

If you follow certain rules and find the right method, then preserving the beauty of crystal glassware is quite simple. There are various methods that are effective for different degrees of pollution:

To achieve the brilliance of crystal, it is not enough just to wash it of dirt and remove all plaque.

For shine, additional processing will be required.

  1. 1 A well-known treatment agent is alcohol. We wash the product with any comfortable method, then wipe the crystal with an alcoholized napkin. Then wipe dry with a flannel cloth.
  2. 2 Acetic solution can help to achieve shine. To prepare it, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. in 1 liter of water. l. vinegar. Rinse and wipe dry with a soft wool cloth.
  3. 3 You can use ammonia. To prepare the solution, add 1 part of ammonia to 3 parts of water. Soak the product for a few minutes, then wipe it dry.

Today, most families who are used to meeting guests often have dishwashers.

As a rule, in such families there are a lot of solemn crystal dishes for various celebrations. And here the question arises, is it possible to wash crystal products in the dishwasher.

Almost all models of dishwashers have modes for washing various types of products, including crystal. But even in special technology, such processing hides a number of dangers for itself.

In the dishwasher, your product will be subjected to a number of unsafe actions, therefore it is important to know some features:

  1. 1 Temperature drop. This action is negative for the crystal and may lead to tarnishing of your product. In the dishwasher, the temperature changes several times during the session.
  2. 2 Often, crystal tableware is made on the basis of lead.

    Only barium-based crystal can be washed in the dishwasher. You can find out this aspect by referring to the composition of your crystal product. Otherwise, if lead-based dishes get into the machine, you will have to say goodbye to it. Lead reacts with special detergents, which leads to damage to products.

  3. 3 If the detergent that you use for your own dishwasher is abrasive, then, most likely, the crystal dishes will be damaged and scratched. If you really want to resort to the help of a dishwasher, then pay attention to the choice of means - choose a delicate one.

Crystal products can be washed in the dishwasher if:

  1. 1 Use a machine with a special mode that does not imply temperature changes.
  2. 2 Use a non-abrasive detergent.
  3. 3 Crystal products are barium-based, not lead-based.

Crystal Care Secrets:

  1. 1 Store items made of crystal glass separately, not stacked on top of each other.
  2. 2 Crystal tableware does not take temperature changes well.

    Do not serve extremely hot or cold food in it.

  3. 3 Crystalware is not intended for use in microwave ovens or ovens.
  4. 4 Do not use powder and strong detergents.

Despite the latest fashion trends, almost everyone uses crystal chandeliers and sconces in the interior. But such luxury items require proper care. Otherwise, such a chandelier will not decorate your home, but, on the contrary, will spoil it, or rather its aesthetic appearance. You can wash a crystal chandelier in several ways:

  1. 1 Special brush.

    There are special brushes for removing dust from crystal products. If there is a need to clean the relief surface, use a regular paint brush.

  2. 2 Cleaning the chandelier with removable pendants. In this case, the process will be fairly normal. Disassemble the chandelier, soak individual parts in soapy water, rinse in water with vinegar, wipe dry, hang parts of the product in place.
  3. 3 Cleaning a chandelier that is not removable. In this case, the product will have to be washed by weight.

    A lint-free cloth soaked in a special window and glass cleaner will come in handy for you, wipe each part of the chandelier, then wipe dry with a cardboard towel.

  1. 1 When cleaning a crystal chandelier, it is worth using soap. A film appears on the chandelier, which, when heated, can cause the product to crackle.
  2. 2 Use products specially designed for the care of crystal products.
  3. 3 If the chandelier has alloy elements, do not soak the product and its parts forever in cleaning solutions. This can lead to corrosion.
  4. 4 Dust adhesion can be avoided by using special antistatic agents for glass products.
  5. 5 Remove plaque at the bottom of a crystal vase can help a jar of carbonated water "Coca-Cola".

    You just need to pour the liquid into a vase. Sparkling water is also effective in removing sediment from wine.

Knowing the individuality of caring for crystal products, you can forever preserve the beauty and attractiveness of your interior and ceremonial table.

Crystal care rules

Crystal products require careful care from the hostess. We hope that our advice will not be redundant.

So, how to properly wash the crystal.

We clean the crystal with folk remedies

Over time, a grayish and green coating, clouding, stains may appear on the crystal. Plaque occurs on crystal glasses due to contact with alcohol, and due to hard water. As a result, the question arises: how to clean the crystal?

Naturally, the easiest way is to purchase a special tool and use it. But from time to time there are moments when there is no such chemistry at hand, and you don’t know how to wash the crystal. There are several common, time-tested recipes.

Water from boiled potatoes

This option is always comfortable, since it only needs warm water from under cooking potatoes “in uniform”. Dip the crystal in warm potato water, and leave it in it for 5-10 minutes.

Then we wipe the crystal with a sponge, rinse with cool water, and wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth.

Vinegar or citric acid

A simple folk remedy for cleaning crystal is vinegar. For 1 liter of water you need to take 1 table. a spoonful of ordinary vinegar. You can replace vinegar with citric acid in the same proportion. It is not necessary to soak anything - you can simply wipe the glasses or other dishes with a sponge moistened with this substance. After the crystal has become clean, wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

We wash the yellowed crystal with hydrogen peroxide - the crystal dishes simply sparkle from it.

We take a basin with 5 liters of water at 30 degrees, add 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the water, and 1 table. a spoonful of ammonia. We mix the solution, lower the dishes there for 30 minutes. After this time, we take out the dishes, and wipe it with a sponge dipped in the water given to us. Wipe dry with a cloth.


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How to wash crystal at home so that it shines?

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Crystal tableware at all times symbolized luxury, prosperity, sophistication. But unfortunately, it is used infrequently, which cannot but affect its appearance. Therefore, the question of how to wash and care for crystal so that it shines and sparkles is very relevant.


Features of crystal products

A kind of brilliance, refraction of light in crystal products look very solemn and beautiful. In order for crystal dishes to serve for a long time and please the owners, they should be stored separately from each other, at a short distance. If it so happens that two glasses stick to each other as a result of storage, do not try to separate them immediately. They can simply burst. In such cases, one glass should be filled with warm water, and the second with cool (but not hot and cold). Glasses easily peel off from each other.


Crystal cleaning from various contaminants

For quick cleaning of dishes from dust, you need to use a solution of 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 0.5 tbsp. l. salt. Wash the crystal with this solution, then rinse in warm water and wipe dry.


If the crystal things have been idle for a long time and have darkened over time, they should be soaked in a solution of any dishwashing detergent. Then rinse with vinegar water and dry.

If the crystal is very dirty, traces of juice or wine have not been washed off, place it in a decoction of potatoes for a while.


Antique items may turn yellow. This is where half a raw potato comes in handy. It is necessary to rub the surface with it, then rinse in a light blue solution.

What means and how to wash crystal dishes so that it shines

Let's start with the fact that first of all the crystal dishes must be washed. Place a towel in the wash basin to avoid breaking dishes. The washing solution can be prepared either with the addition of crushed soap or with any other detergent. The washing process itself takes place in almost the same way as in cases with any other dishes, only more carefully.


Glasses and glasses when washing should be held by the bottom to avoid damage. After that, all glassware should be rinsed of soap in clean water and dried with a cotton towel. The temperature of the water is of great importance: crystal should only be washed in water at room temperature. Hot water can cause it to burst, while cold water will cause it to tarnish.

And only after a thorough washing, you can proceed to procedures that can restore the shine to the crystal. There are quite a few such ways:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed chalk, 1/4 tsp. blues, 2 tbsp. l. mix water, apply to the product, wipe thoroughly with a flannel or woolen cloth until completely dry and the blue color is eliminated;
  • apply ordinary potato starch with a napkin to products and wipe until the stains disappear;
  • 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 0.5 tbsp. l. salt: crystal can be additionally soaked in such a mixture if it has more significant contamination, for example, a green dried coating on flower vases;
  • sea ​​salt and vinegar are mixed in water, dishes are also soaked in this solution. This is done to remove green or brown sediment;
  • vinegar solution is used to clean crystal glassware with gilded fragments. After soaking and washing, the product is wiped with a woolen cloth. For products with gilding, it is not recommended to use detergents with aggressive components, they contribute to the erasure of gilding;
  • the liquid in which the potatoes were boiled. In order to soak the dishes in it, it must first be cooled to room temperature. It is recommended to leave the dishes in the broth for a few minutes, and then rinse in clean water and rub with a towel. This decoction perfectly eliminates severe dirt and greasy stains;
  • soda solution will do an excellent job of removing traces of vinegar;
  • raw potatoes can be grated, clean the crystal with this mass. Then rinse the product in a weak solution of blue, rub with a woolen cloth until the blue stains are eliminated;
  • to give the crystal tableware a noble shine, you can rub it with medical alcohol. Just apply it to the fabric and rub it into the crystal.

Cleaning a crystal vase from white plaque


    In order to remove an old white coating from hard water from a vase, first you need to fill it with water with a dissolved aspirin tablet and leave it for 10 hours. When time passes, you need to pour out this water and pour a solution of water with vinegar into a vase (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). After that, the product is cleaned with a clean cloth to a shine. If the vase has a narrow neck and you need to use a brush, you need to do this very carefully so as not to scratch the surface.

    Another good remedy to wash off yellowness and white plaque is tooth powder. Soak the vase in a solution of tooth powder so that it is completely covered with liquid. A few hours of soaking is enough, then you need to thoroughly dry the vase and clean it to a shine.

    With a swab dipped in medical alcohol, white plaque stains inside the vase are very well and easily removed.

    An aqueous solution of sea salt with the addition of vinegar perfectly fights white spots of plaque. To do this, you just need to pour this mixture inside the vase and leave for a few minutes, then rinse the vase with warm water and dry with a towel, bringing to a shine.

How to wash a crystal chandelier from yellowness to a shine

Crystal chandelier is a great interior decoration. To look expensive and delight the eye with the play of light, it must be perfectly clean. When dirty, ceiling lamps and hanging elements let in less light and look very unpresentable.


If the chandelier has removable pendants, it will be better to remove them. To clean them, you can prepare any of the following solutions:

  • water with ammonia. Such a tool will help restore the former shine and radiance;
  • water, vinegar and salt in equal proportions;
  • water, soda and soap;
  • water and dishwashing liquid. This solution is indispensable for eliminating fat and soot.

For effective cleaning, the crystal elements must be held in a solution, then washed thoroughly and gently in it. After that, rinse in clean water and polish to a shine with a fiber cloth.

The part of the chandelier that cannot be removed from the ceiling will have to be washed directly on the ceiling.

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to de-energize it. All fixed elements of the chandelier should be wiped with a soft cloth moistened with a solution of water (1 l) with ammonia (1 tsp) or ammonia (1 tsp).

Also, pollution can be eliminated with vodka. To do this, apply vodka to a cotton pad and wipe the dirt. After cleaning the chandelier, you must wait for it to dry completely, only then you can turn on the light.

Can you wash crystal in the dishwasher?

Today, there are many options for dishwashers with different functions and modes. But with crystal products you need to be extremely careful. Manufacturers generally do not recommend using a dishwasher for washing crystal. But some models still allow you to use this function, although the risk of damage remains. The first thing that negatively affects the appearance of such dishes is changes in water temperature. Usually, crystal is washed with warm water, but due to a sharp temperature drop, the glass may lose its luster.

Another important point is the choice of detergent. Here, delicate mixtures should be preferred, since the powders contain abrasive particles that can scratch the crystal.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that crystal products can be washed in a dishwasher. You just need to follow three main rules:

  1. Choose a dishwasher with a delicate setting.
  2. Use only non-abrasive detergents.
  3. Wash crystal without lead in the composition.

Rules for the care of crystal products

In order for the dishes to have a brilliant shine, they must be wiped with a soft cloth previously moistened with alcohol. The alcohol will evaporate very quickly, and only a shine will remain on the surface.

It is strictly forbidden to use soda to clean crystal - it darkens.

Since crystal itself is a very fragile material, it is contraindicated to wash it in hot or cold water. The same applies to food - it is better to put food that has already cooled down a little in such dishes.

Modern dishwashers will be able to clean the crystal to a shine with a simple rinse. After washing, the crystal should be wiped dry with a cotton towel. It is undesirable to use terry cloth in this case, as it will leave villi on the surface.

Never put the crystal in the microwave or oven.

Using these simple tips and rules for the care of crystal products, your dishes will sparkle on the festive table and delight everyone with their magnificence.

Crystal products are very beautiful and elegant. Such dishes are often used not only for their intended purpose, but also for interior decoration.

Sooner or later, a delicate, difficult task arises - to clean the crystal tableware from plaque and yellowness, to give it shine. After all, in order for glasses and vases to please the eye, they must be carefully looked after and kept clean. Yellowness, dust deposits can spoil the look of exquisite things.

Learn how to clean crystal at home to a shine.

Crystal tableware should sparkle with cleanliness. Whatever method the hostess chooses, there are basic rules for caring for this fragile glass:

  1. Place a towel on the bottom of a basin or large pot to help prevent chips and scratches.
  2. Put crystal products in a container. A glass or a plate will not slip out of your hands and will not break. Do not place items too tightly.
  3. Before washing the service, put on rubber gloves so as not to leave fingerprints on the crystal. First you need to remove all rings and bracelets.
  4. Crystal glass should be washed in warm, but not hot water - 30-40 degrees is enough.
  5. Use the soft side of a foam sponge and liquid dish soap.
  6. Glasses and dishes with carved patterns can be cleaned with an old toothbrush.
  7. Wipe the utensils dry: if you leave the glass wet, then ugly stains will remain on it. It is better to use a microfiber paper towel.
  8. Soak dishes and salad bowls immediately after lunch or dinner. Appliances with dried food residues are much more difficult to clean.

What can't be used?

How to clean crystal to a shine?

Sometimes it happens that the crystal turned yellow. This is due to the fact that he stood in the locker for a long time and was not used. There are methods to solve this problem. The necessary ingredients can be found in every home.


To wash the crystal, you can use potatoes. Root vegetables contain starch, which in itself is a good cleaning agent. Both a decoction of potatoes and the tubers themselves can serve as a good service:

  1. Gently place the crystal in the water after the potatoes have boiled. Leave for 15 minutes. If the broth does not completely cover the dishes, it should be turned from time to time. Then you need to clean the surfaces with a soft foam sponge or cloth.
  2. Boil potatoes and grate it on a fine grater. Apply the resulting slurry to the glasses. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with running water.

Attention! All components must be cooled to room temperature.


Powdered starch will help clean crystal dishes from yellowness. Apply it to a dry, clean cloth and wipe off the dirt. Rinse off the remaining substance.

An indisputable advantage of starch is that it does not damage delicate glass. But still, do not get carried away, do not rub it intensively - the fragile material does not tolerate physical impact.

Vinegar + salt

A good crystal cleaner is a mixture of salt and vinegar:

  1. Prepare a solution in the ratio of 1 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of water. Be careful - excess white powder can scratch the surface.
  2. Lay a bedding on the bottom of the basin. Put the crystal items. Pour in the prepared remedy. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. At this time, make an acetic solution in the same proportions - 1 tbsp. l. acid per liter of water. Move the dishes to another container. Wait 10 minutes again.
  4. Then you need to wash and dry the products.

The second option is to add a spoonful of salt and vinegar to 1 liter of water and leave the crystal in the solution. This method will help wash it to a shine.

Vinegar is used alone to make crystal dishes shine. Rinse washed items with vinegar solution. The glass will sparkle and will not tarnish even with long storage. In addition, this polish prevents dust from accumulating.

Peroxide will help remove yellowness from crystal. Effective, gentle bleach removes dirt and does not damage the glass:

Coca Cola

Favorite soda contains phosphoric acid. Therefore, "Coca-Cola" will help to effectively wash the crystal vase from lime deposits. Just pour the soda into the container and leave for half an hour, and then shake vigorously. Just be careful not to spill the drink. Then it is worth washing the thing, and the cloudy coating will easily lag behind the walls.


In order for the crystal glassware to shine, it must be washed with a solution of ammonia and water, both ingredients should be taken in equal proportions.

First you need to clean the product from dust. Then soak a cosmetic disk in the prepared solution and wipe the crystal well.

Attention! Be careful - ammonia vapors smell very unpleasant. Remove children and animals from the premises. Wear gloves when working.

Crystal tends to turn yellow over time. In this case, you can get rid of yellowness with a mixture of blue and chalk:

Salt from turbidity

After prolonged storage, crystal gizmos may become less transparent. If the crystal is cloudy, a salt bath will come to the rescue. Sea salt enriched with minerals is especially effective. But you can take the usual cookbook.

Pour a pack of soda into a basin of water and place the dishes there. Leave for two hours, pull out and dry. The method is suitable for cases where it is not possible to clean and polish clouded crystal.

Can you wash crystal in the dishwasher?

Nowadays, there are a lot of devices that make life easier. If our grandmothers could wash utensils exclusively with folk methods, now housewives are worried about the question, is it allowed to wash crystal in a dishwasher?

In general, real crystal is very fragile and can only be washed by hand. Cheaper varieties can be loaded into the dishwasher, while:

  1. Set the delicate wash mode.
  2. The water temperature should be at room temperature - 35-40 ° C.
  3. Use regenerating salt for hard water in the region.
  4. Do not mix crystal with dishes made of other materials - delicate glass may become cloudy from such a neighborhood.
  5. Instead of a powder, use a liquid product or an soluble tablet.
  6. The best solution is to purchase a special crystal cleaner from a hardware store.

How to clean a crystal vase from plaque?

When flowers stand in a vase for a long time, limescale deposits settle on the walls and bottom of the vessel. In such a narrow and deep container, it is difficult to get to the bottom and wash it, but there are ways to do this.

To clean a vase from white deposits, pour water into it and add vinegar (3 tablespoons per 1 liter). Leave overnight, rinse well in the morning and clean the vase to a shine.

In the same way, you can wash the vessel with saline: 2-3 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of water. After a few hours, the plaque on the bottom and walls of the vase will dissolve.

To clean the bottom, pour rice into the container, add a drop of vinegar. The cereal will swell and absorb impurities. Then rinse the product.

How to clean a crystal chandelier?

A separate question is how to clean a crystal chandelier? Light bulbs constantly attract pollution, and numerous pendants quickly become covered with dust, losing their elegant look. Cleaning an electrical appliance is a rather time-consuming process.

The procedure for cleaning it is as follows:

  1. Brush the dust off the chandelier with an anti-static brush.
  2. If the parts are partially removed, remove them from the chandelier, put them in a bowl of water and add 3 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  3. After half an hour, you need to clean the removed jewelry with a microfiber cloth or paper napkin. Make sure that the metal parts do not rust.
  4. To wash a chandelier with pendants, wipe the parts of the lamp without removing it with a special detergent.
  5. If there is no suitable household chemicals, dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply with a cotton pad.
  6. After all the parts have been washed and returned to their place, treat the chandelier with a solution of vinegar or citric acid - this will reduce the buildup of dust.

Attention! Take precautions. Do not forget to disconnect the electrical appliance before washing! Be careful not to get water on the bulbs. Make sure that chemicals do not drip onto the floor and become accessible to children and animals.

In order for the crystal to serve for a long time, simple recommendations should be followed:

  1. Do not put wine glasses and vases in the cabinet too tightly - there should be a distance between objects.
  2. Do not hold glasses when washing by the leg - a thin stand breaks easily. Finish cleaning the glass by wiping it with a cotton towel.
  3. After each wash, items should be polished. A good solution would be to apply an antistatic agent to the wine glasses: this way they will not get dusty in the sideboard, and will delight the hostess with cleanliness.

Crystal tends to darken with time. In addition, it collects dust on itself. So the dishes should be washed and polished periodically for prevention, even if they are on the shelf and not used.

Crystal care is a delicate matter. Careful attitude to elegant objects - a guarantee of their long service life. Keep and care for your favorite sets properly, and then they will delight you with their brilliance.