How to get rid of oil stains on clothes. How to remove oil from clothes - the fight against fresh and old stains Remove an oil stain

There are many types of oil that we encounter literally every day and sometimes we don’t even know how we could stain our favorite dress or jacket, where the stain came from, and how to get rid of it properly.

To understand how to properly get rid of an oil stain, you need to study the types of oils and where they are used.

Types of oils

There is a certain classification of oils. There are different types:

  • easily soluble and sparingly soluble;
  • non-drying, semi-drying and drying;
  • oils of animal, vegetable and industrial origin.

Consider the most common types of oils:

  • Sunflower vegetable oil obtained from sunflower seeds, semi-drying. The most used oil in cooking, it is used for dressing salads, frying, stewing. It is also used in everyday life, for example, for lubricating locks, handles, door hinges. It is also used in the manufacture of soap and other products.
  • Vaseline oil is a refined fraction of petroleum, which is obtained after the distillation of kerosene. Hardly soluble substance, non-drying. It is widely used in the medical, pharmaceutical and food industries for equipment lubrication. Included in creams, ointments, lipsticks.
  • Linen vegetable oil, drying. It is used both in medicine and in cooking, and also in cosmetology. In medicine, with its help, the level of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body is replenished. In cosmetology, it is used as a component of anti-aging creams, face and body masks. In cooking - as a salad dressing, and also give a spicy taste to the dish.

  • hydraulic oil is a technical, semi-drying, complex substance. This is an important component for any hydraulic system. It is used in foundry machines, presses, heavy manipulators, machine tools, robots, plastic molding machines and many other industries.
  • transformer oil is a refined fraction of petroleum, which is mineral oil. It is obtained after the distillation of oil, when the fraction is boiled at 300-400 degrees Celsius. The main property of this oil is electrical insulation.
  • Castor - This vegetable oil, extracted from the fruit of the Castor bean plant, is a mixture of glycerides of ricinic, linoleic and oleic acids. It is actively used in medicine against various ailments. There are also legends on the Internet about the magical properties of the oil, so they began to use it in cosmetology to enhance the growth of hair and eyelashes.

  • Lampadnoye oil. Everyone knows about its use in churches, since the Lord commanded to kindle oil in a lamp. In a different way, lamp oil was called wooden before. Currently, it is used in medical practice in the form of a mixture of refined oils.
  • Transmission oils are lubricating oils used to lubricate gearboxes, transfer cases, final drive axles, steering gears and more.
  • Lenten oil is a group of oils that are allowed to be consumed on some days of religious fasting. These are sunflower, corn, mustard and other oils of vegetable origin.


Greasy oil stains can be cleaned with food products, as well as improvised means that you have at home. Food products include:

  • Means for washing dishes. They contain fat-dissolving components that can remove an oil stain easily and simply.
  • Stain removers. As part of these funds, a certain amount of substances is mixed, which can clean up a source of pollution of any origin.
  • Soap. Everyone has soap at home. Currently, there is a huge variety of them - lumpy, liquid, toilet, antibacterial, intimate, household, whitening.
  • Washing powders. You can use high-quality washing powders that can dissolve any type of oil.
  • Bleachers. If a greasy stain has formed on a light or white fabric, do not be afraid to use bleach.

Time-tested products should be attributed to improvised means:

  • Regular kitchen salt. It is used as an absorbent.
  • Tooth powder, baby powder or talc, starch contain small particles that can absorb oils and fats.
  • Mustard is a “grandmother's” way, housewives used it many years ago, and to this day mustard is popular for greasy contamination.
  • Petrol. This liquid has an unpleasant odor, but a good fat-dissolving effect.

  • Alcohol. You can use both ammonia and ethyl alcohol when removing stains.
  • Acetone is great for getting rid of the drying oil pollution.
  • Vinegar. An affordable solvent that everyone has in their kitchen cabinet.
  • Baking soda. Perfectly copes with any and types of pollution.

How to quickly wash?

A newly placed stain is not so difficult to remove, you just need to make some effort. For fresh stains, non-aggressive methods of cleaning the product can be used. An excellent and effective remedy for removing fresh stains is hot water, but this tool is not suitable for many products:

  • First of all, remove the thing and lay it on a horizontal surface, place either a cloth or a wooden board under the stain so that it is convenient for you to act on the place of contamination.
  • First, blot the stain with a dry cloth to absorb some of the oil. After that, you can use improvised bulk products in the form of salt, tooth powder, starch or talc to remove the stain. Sprinkle a small amount of the substance on the fabric, rub gently with your fingers and leave for a while. Then you need to shake, and if the stain is not removed, repeat the procedure, and then wash the item.

  • You can pour a little dish detergent into the area of ​​​​the oily stain, rub it into the thickness of the fabric and wait for the product to work. Next, you need to wash the thing using washing powder. You need to do the same with the stain remover, or simply add it to the washing powder and soak the product in warm water.
  • It is also advised to lather the dirty place with laundry soap, leave the thing in warm water for a couple of hours, and then wash it.
  • Sunflower oil can be removed with starch, which should be diluted with water. The mass should not be too liquid. It must be applied to the surface and wait. Don't let the starch take on a different color, as it can further stain light-colored fabrics.
  • The combination of alcohol, water and salt also has a positive effect. You need to mix one tablespoon of salt with one tablespoon of alcohol and water.
  • Toothpaste is suitable for light and white things. Apply to the affected area and leave to dry. Then you can put it in the washing machine and wash it.

Removing old stains

Dry mustard is considered the most harmless for fabric. It must be diluted with warm water to form a thick mixture similar in consistency to sour cream. You should distribute the solution over the dirty surface and leave it to dry completely, and then rub it with a brush and wash the thing as usual.

Dried stains can be scrubbed off with gasoline or some other solvent. Take the purified substance and apply to the area you need, you can additionally rub it with laundry soap. Leave for a while to work, then rinse and reapply. Wash your clothes afterwards.

Use a mixture of glycerin, ammonia and water. It is necessary that the fabric is soaked with this solution, and then you can wash the thing.

Another secret to removing an old dried oil stain is spray WD-40. The product must be applied to the stain, pour soda over it and rub it with a brush, then add detergent. Launder clothes.

If the stain is very old, and no methods help you, try to enhance the effect of the solvent by adding another type. If this does not help, make a mixture of three types of solvents. For example, you can make a mixture of turpentine, acetone and gasoline, and get rid of the old stain for sure.

Just do not forget that after removing the stain, you need to wash the jacket so that there are no streaks and a disgusting smell.

Features of cleaning clothes and fabrics

For example, to clean a bologna jacket, it is better to use an absorbent if the stain is small. Sprinkle baking soda, salt or starch, talc and leave the jacket overnight. In the morning, the greasy stain should disappear. If the stain is large and subsequent washing is unavoidable, try cleaning the bolognese fabric with a stain remover or detergent. We do not recommend using aggressive solvents such as gasoline, kerosene, as they can change the structure of the fabric and affect the dyes.

You can use less aggressive solvents - ethyl or ammonia. You just need to treat the place with a cotton swab and then wash the jacket or apply a lotion and leave for a while so that the fats dissolve.

For delicate fabrics that make up your bedding, underwear or curtains, it is best to use professional household chemicals and hand wash. If your soiled item is wool, use absorbent materials and mixtures only diluted in cold or lukewarm water, otherwise the item will stretch under the influence of hot water.

For example, sprinkle an oil stain on wool sweater cornstarch, leave for an hour, and then shake the thing. Then we prepare a mixture of water and alcohol, you can add a little gasoline. With a wet cloth, we process the pollution with a mixture and leave for half an hour, then we wash the thing.

Everyone will experience some difficulty when cleaning stains from jeans. If the stain has just formed, you need to get wet with a dry cloth or napkin, and then apply quality detergent or stain remover on the fabric of jeans, leave for the product to be absorbed, and then wash the item. From improvised means, you can use refined gasoline: it will perfectly relieve the product of a greasy stain, while preserving the color and structure of the fabric. Crushed chalk also works as an absorbent, and for denim, this is an excellent grease stain remover.

Collect as much oil as possible from the item. As soon as the oil spills, use paper towels to get as much oil out of your clothes as possible. Do not rub the fabric while doing this, as this may cause the stain to increase in size.

Check the care label for the item. Read the label sewn into the item before you start removing the stain. If your item is dry clean only, take it to the dry cleaner as soon as possible. Otherwise, check if the item can be washed in washing machine or only by hand and whether it is allowed to dry it hanging or only horizontally unfolded. Pay attention to the washing temperature requirements and adjust your stain removal steps accordingly.

  • For example, if the label says that you can only wash in cold water, use cold water, not hot, in all subsequent steps.
  • Cover the stain with absorbent powder and leave for 30 minutes. You can use baby powder, baking soda, talcum powder, cornstarch, or anhydrous commercial soap to get as much oil out of the fabric stain as possible. Sprinkle the powder over the oil stain and let it sit for 30 minutes to absorb the oil as much as possible. Then take a spoon and scrape off the oil-soaked powder from the item.

    • As an alternative step, you can rub the stain with regular white chalk so that the chalk absorbs the oil.
  • Wash the stain in soapy water. First, rinse the item with hot water, and then put a few drops of dishwashing detergent on the stain. Rub the soap into the stain with your toothbrush, then rinse again with hot water.

    • Dishwashing liquid can be either colorless or colored, but it should not contain additional moisturizing ingredients.
    • An alternative to dishwashing detergent can be shampoo, laundry detergent, or aloe vera gel.
  • Wash the item. If your garment is machine washable, load it into the washing machine and launder normally. Follow the instructions on the garment label to determine the maximum allowable water temperature for washing. If the item requires delicate handling, wash it by hand.

    • For delicate fabrics, use special gentle detergents for delicate washing.
  • If the stain remains after washing, leave the item to dry on its own. Before transferring the item to the dryer, check to see if the stain is gone. You may need to leave the item to dry on your own to make sure the stain disappears on the dry fabric. If you dry the item in the dryer when the stain is not completely removed, heat will only fix it and make it stable.

    Grease stains can be found anywhere. For example, they unsuccessfully rode in a minibus or hooked parts in the garage. Especially often they appear during cooking or eating. Even if you are just reheating food, a shiny mark can settle on a T-shirt, and an oil stain from shawarma will not keep you waiting for fast food lovers. Home cosmetology with its love for olive, castor, sea buckthorn oil also does not spare clothes. In a word, there are many situations, but always a greasy spot is a continuous disorder. How to wash things from stains?

    If you get dirty on the bus

    Question about how to wash machine oil from clothes at home - a headache for housewives. A simple wash is indispensable here: engine oil is resistant to powders, so the soiled area must be pre-treated so that the oil “moves away”.

    Dish detergent

    Peculiarities . Choose special dish detergents that can dissolve grease. The Fairy tool has proven itself well. The method is universal: this way you can save both a raincoat jacket and a cotton blouse.


    1. Drop a little Fairy on the stain.
    2. Leave for 20 minutes.
    3. Wash the dirty area by hand and then run it through the washing machine.

    If you are afraid that the stain on the printed fabric will brighten from dish cleaners, you can use laundry soap. The principle is the same: lather - leave - erase.


    Peculiarities . The "chalky" method eliminates fresh stains. It allows you to save a cotton dress, linen clothes, chiffon or silk blouse. It is best used for natural fabrics in light shades. Light jeans can be saved using this method, but for dark ones it is better to look for another solution.


    1. Cover the grease stain with crushed chalk.
    2. Leave for two hours.
    3. Remove the remaining dry powder with a damp cloth.
    4. Wash the item according to the instructions on the label.

    Ammonium chloride and glycerin

    Peculiarities . How to remove machine oil from clothes if the fabric is delicate and the dirt is old? Water, ammonia and glycerin will help. The method is also suitable for silk.


    1. Dilute a tablespoon of glycerin with the same amount of water.
    2. Add ammonia: half a tablespoon.
    3. Apply the solution to the stain.
    4. Wait ten minutes, rinse the contaminated area with warm water.
    5. Wash the item.

    To avoid stains from glycerin, you need to use laundry soap during washing. Don't want to bother and wash by hand? Make a soap solution and soak the thing in it after glycerin treatment for ten minutes. Needs a machine wash afterwards.


    Peculiarities . To clean clothes from greasy stains, special gasoline is used - purified, and not the one that fuels the car. This solvent is able to remove even those old contaminants that you did not hope to get rid of. The method is not suitable for delicate fabrics. It is best to use the tool on a dense material, but first be sure to test it on the wrong seam.


    1. Apply the product with a cotton pad on the dirt. It is necessary to process from the edge of the stain, which will prevent "spreading".
    2. Leave for ten minutes.
    3. Wash.

    Instead of a gasoline solvent, you can take kerosene. However, then one more issue will have to be addressed - the smell. Fabric softener or dish detergent with a pronounced aroma will help fix the problem. And outdoor drying, of course.

    Removing traces of oils

    If there is a greasy trace on home sweatpants from soup or from butter or vegetable oil, or maybe olive oil has dripped onto a T-shirt while preparing a salad, you have to think about how to clean vegetable oil from clothes. Moreover, the faster you react to the trail of oil, the higher the likelihood that you won’t have to deal with the stain.

    Wash the dirt with laundry soap, use a stain remover right away and the thing will become clean. The main thing - do not put off soiled clothes, because then it will be much more difficult to deal with stains.

    Everyone knows the universal way to deal with greasy stains: pour salt on fresh pollution. It will absorb grease and leave no stain. This method will help regardless of the type of vegetable oil. But the "salt rescue" only works if you act quickly.


    Affordable folk methods will help to remove sunflower oil from clothes. You can get rid of the oil with the help of improvised means.

    • Talc. Blotting paper on the bottom, talcum powder on the stain, "blotter" on top - and iron (the iron should not be hot). The stain can be sprinkled with starch or chalk. When the oil is gone, soak the item for ten minutes in soapy water.
    • mustard powder. It must be diluted with water to the consistency of gruel and applied to the site of contamination. When the mustard paste dries, clean the fabric with a brush and send the item to the wash.
    • Dentifrice . The substance copes well with freshly placed stains, and is an alternative to salt "ambulance". The powder is rubbed into the fabric until it "absorbs" the oil.

    You can remove dried oil from clothes without completely washing them with dish detergent. It is dripped onto the stain, left for half an hour, and then the place of contamination is simply washed.


    How to remove olive oil from fabric? You can try the same methods as for sunflower oil. If the stain does not give in, call for more effective helpers.

    • Turpentine and ammonia. Substances are mixed two to one. The resulting product is applied to the stain for five minutes. You can add grated laundry soap to the solution.
    • Soda. The substance absorbs fat well. Soda is applied to a fresh oily stain and left for 20 minutes.
    • Acetone. The solvent is used if the trousers have been stained for a long time, and the stain has eaten in. The edges of the stain are “sealed” with water, a solvent is applied to the contamination itself and ironed through a napkin (the iron should be warm, but not hot).

    After the procedures for removing olive oil, clothes should be washed. You can do this manually using laundry soap, you can use a machine with a powder that does a good job of removing stains.

    sea ​​buckthorn

    Traces of sea buckthorn oil are the most “capricious” among oily contaminants. The substance not only eats into the fibers, but also leaves a yellow "blot". It is impossible to remove an oil stain from clothes without pre-treatment. What can be used?

    • Potato starch. It will only help to get rid of a fresh oil stain on clothes: the substance is simply applied for 20 minutes. To avoid yellow marks, after washing off the starch, you can drop dish detergent onto the place of contamination.
    • Vinegar . It is mixed in equal proportions with water, and the soiled item is soaked in the resulting solution. It takes 15 minutes for the oil to drain.
    • White Spirit . It will help to cope with old stains, but there is a “but” - it cannot be used on delicate fabrics. The solvent is used according to the classical principle: hold for about 15 minutes.

    If it was not possible to remove sea buckthorn oil from clothes after washing and a bright yellow “blot” flaunts on your favorite thing, use peroxide. It brightens the fabric, so the method is recommended only for light-colored clothes. Yellow traces are abundantly watered with peroxide, after 20 minutes they are washed with running water.

    How to remove oil stains from clothes without ruining the thing

    Be prepared for the fact that greasy marks on a jacket or pants will not “give up” so easily. They will have to declare a real war: they will need to combine methods, use folk remedies and household chemicals in tandem, and repeat manipulations. You may have to look for new methods on how to remove oil from clothes, or even invent your own experimental one.

    An active fight against oily "blots" can end with the fact that the thing will be hopelessly damaged. To prevent this from happening, follow three tips.

    1. Do a test. Before applying the product to the stain, test it from the wrong side on the seam. Wait as long as indicated in the instructions: this way you will see if the product will damage the structure of the fabric, if the material will discolor.
    2. Consider the type of fabric. If this rule is ignored, instead of a stain, you will get a hole. So, aggressive solvents cannot be used on delicate material (chiffon, suede), acetic acid destroys acetate silk fibers.
    3. Follow the measure. This applies to everything: you need to adhere to the time indicated in the instructions, do not pour more solvent liquids than necessary, do not rub hard.

    It is not always possible to remove oil stains from clothes at home. If you have soiled a down jacket from a synthetic winterizer, it is better to take it to a dry cleaner. In the case of outerwear, it is important to know not only how to wipe off the stain, but also how to wash the jacket afterwards so that the filler does not go astray. It is also worth choosing dry cleaning when an oil stain or petroleum jelly is on an expensive designer item, as experiments can end in an unpleasant surprise.

    Oil stains on clothes can appear in the process of cooking or as a result of sloppy behavior at the table. A greasy trace cannot be removed by simply washing a thing with powder. It is necessary to further process the contaminated area, and it is desirable to do this as soon as possible. Consider how to remove an oil stain from clothes with improvised means.

    Before removing a stain from vegetable oil from clothes, you should properly prepare the product:

    1. Wipe off excess oil with a tissue.
    2. Use a brush to dry clean things from dust and dirt.
    3. Lay out the wardrobe item on a flat surface so that the stain is on top.
    4. Lay a white cotton cloth folded in several layers under the pollution.
    5. Before treating the stain, apply a little of the selected product to an inconspicuous part of the product (on the inside seam, hem, spare patch) to check the reaction of the material.

    During cleaning, you should move from the edges of the stain to the center so as not to expand its area. It is better to process from the wrong side.

    fresh spots

    Let's find out how to remove a stain from vegetable oil or other fat, if it was recently delivered. In this case, it will be possible to get by with non-aggressive means:

    • salt;
    • laundry soap;
    • tooth powder, chalk, talc;
    • dish gel;
    • iron.


    Fine table salt is a universal remedy that helps to cope with various stains, including oily ones. Applying it is very simple:

    1. Sprinkle liberally with salt.
    2. Using a piece of cloth or a soft brush, rub it into the fibers.
    3. When the salt absorbs the oil, shake out the item.
    4. Repeat manipulations several times.

    Another way to use salt from oil marks is soaking. In 3-4 liters of hot water, it is necessary to dissolve ½ cup of the substance and lower the clothes into the liquid for 30-40 minutes.

    Tip: After any method of treating greasy stains, it is necessary to wash the item by hand or in a washing machine with powder. It is advisable to dry the wardrobe item not on the battery, but in the open air in the shade.

    Laundry soap

    If the question arose of how and how to remove oil stains from clothes, ordinary laundry soap will come in handy (72%). Use cases:

    1. Soak the item in warm water. Rub the stain with soap. Leave for 12 hours.
    2. Wet dirt with warm water. Treat with soap. Sprinkle with sugar and rub with a toothbrush. Wash after 15 minutes.
    3. Apply a crumb of fresh bread to the greasy stain so that it absorbs the oil. Soak the item in hot soapy water for 30-60 minutes.

    Chalk, tooth powder, talc

    Tooth powder, crushed chalk, talc are powdered substances that have high absorbent properties. If you apply them to an oil stain, they will "pull" the fat out of the fibers. With their help, you can clean thin and delicate fabrics (chiffon, silk, viscose), dyed in light colors.

    Option #1:

    1. Pour one of the substances on the stain.
    2. After 2-3 hours, remove the powder with a brush.
    3. Wash item in warm water.

    Option #2:

    1. Sprinkle tooth powder, chalk, or talcum powder over the stain.
    2. Cover with hygroscopic paper (“blotter”, napkin) on top.
    3. Iron with a warm iron.
    4. Leaving the paper in place, put a load (a stack of books) on top for the whole night.
    5. Shake off the powder. Carry out laundry.

    Dish detergent

    When looking for a solution to how to remove a large oil stain from clothes, it makes sense to use dish gel, which effectively breaks down fat. It is great for removing dirt on outerwear - jackets, down jackets, raincoats. It is desirable that the product has a thick consistency, and is not painted in a bright color.

    1. Dampen the cloth with warm water.
    2. Pour concentrated detergent onto the stain.
    3. Leave the item for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Scrub the dirt with a toothbrush or sponge. Wash.

    Faced with the problem of how to remove an oil stain from jeans, dish detergent should be combined with boiling water. It is necessary to carry out the processing according to the scheme described above, and then pour the greasy trail with hot water from.


    An iron will help remove an oil stain from any fabric. You should put paper towels on the "blot" and under it. Then iron the product with a warm iron. As soon as the fat "passes" to the paper, it needs to be replaced and processed until the stain disappears.

    Note: Another easy way to remove fresh grease stains is to apply shaving cream on them for 5 minutes, then wash them off.

    old stains

    Let's figure out how to remove an oil stain from clothes that were delivered a long time ago. Getting rid of old pollution is not easy, but there are several effective recipes:

    • mustard;
    • refined gasoline;
    • ammonia in its pure form and with various additives;
    • starch.


    Mustard can be used to clean clothes from oil in several ways:

    1. Mix mustard powder with water until a slurry is obtained. Apply to oily marks for 30 minutes. Wash.
    2. Pour the dry powder onto the dirt for 5 minutes. Shake off mustard. Wet the mark and rub it with laundry soap. Treat with a brush. Wash.

    Mustard should not be applied to white and very light products, otherwise the fibers may stain.


    Refined gasoline is sold in hardware stores, which is not intended for refueling cars, but for diluting varnishes / paints and surface treatment. You can also use gasoline to refuel lighters. It can be used if there is a problem how to remove an oil stain from clothes. It is important to remember that the product can discolor the fabric, as well as damage synthetic fibers.

    Soak cotton wool in gasoline and rub the oil stain. Turpentine can be used similarly. After processing, it is necessary to rinse the item thoroughly, wash it by hand, and then in the machine separately from other wardrobe items.

    ammonium chloride

    Ammonium chloride is suitable for processing synthetic and delicate fabrics. To remove old oil stains, there are several recipes using it.

    Recipe #1:

    1. Dissolve 1 small spoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water.
    2. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the dirt.
    3. Put a cotton cloth on the dirt and iron it with a hot iron.

    Similarly, you can use a solution prepared from 100 ml of warm water, 1 small spoon of ammonia and the same amount of washing powder.

    Recipe #2:

    1. Combine turpentine and ammonia in equal proportions.
    2. Apply the liquid to the stain with cotton wool.
    3. Wash after 2-3 hours.

    Recipe #3:

    1. Mix equal amounts of glycerin, ammonia and water.
    2. Saturate the trace of oil with liquid.
    3. Wash after 30-50 minutes.

    Glycerin can be used in its pure form: apply to a greasy stain for 30 minutes, then wash the product.


    Another option on how to remove sunflower oil from clothes is with the help of potato starch. Action algorithm:

    1. Sprinkle starch on dirt.
    2. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
    3. Shake off the powder.
    4. Rinse the item in cold water, then wash as usual.

    If starch particles remain in the fibers, the fabric may become coarse. In a separate article, we told.

    Other means

    There are other ways to remove oil stains from clothes:

    1. Wipe the mark with a disc dipped in alcohol. Wash in an hour.
    2. Wet the fabric. Rub the dirt with Antipyatin soap. Wash after 2 hours.
    3. Combine alcohol (1 large spoon), water (3 large spoons), salt (1 small spoon). Pour the liquid over the stain. Wash after 15 minutes.
    4. An unusual way to remove oil stains from clothes is to sprinkle plumbing cleaning powder on the stain. Rub with a brush. Shake off the remnants. Wash. The method is only suitable for light dense fabrics, since chlorine is usually present in such preparations.
    5. Use a stain remover suitable for the type of fabric. Pour the product on the stain. Keep the time specified in the instructions. Wash by adding a small amount of stain remover to water or washing machine.

    Washing vegetable oil stains is a task that can be done at home. The easiest way to get rid of fresh pollution. Salt, chalk, dish detergent can help with this. Old stains are harder to clean. The use of more aggressive means is required - ammonia, gasoline, turpentine. It is important to wear gloves and keep windows open indoors.


    When cooking, being in public places, interacting with other people and other life situations, there is a threat to get various kinds of pollution on your favorite thing from the wardrobe.

    Contamination from sunflower and corn oil, greasy stains on clothes and shoes give housewives a lot of trouble and additional trouble. How to remove a stain from vegetable oil? Very simple!

    How to get oil out of clothes

    Old greasy stains, especially after washing, are almost impossible to clean. Therefore, things should be checked for the presence of this type of pollution every time. For all this you need:

    • Inspect items for grease stains.
    • If they are, then such clothes need to be cleaned and washed separately.
    • Clean off dirt and dust with a sponge and brush.
    • Select a cleaning and stain remover.
    • Prepare the solution and tools for the contamination removal process.
    • The choice of blends should be according to the type of fabric and the level of soiling.
    • Choose a small concentration at first and increase very carefully.
    • Wipe from the edge to the center of the stain.
    • Rinse the item from the product.
    • Machine wash using the manufacturer's instructions on the label. If possible, then you should choose a more gentle way of washing - by hand.
    • Dry.

    Universal cleaners

    You can remove stains from vegetable oil on fabrics with universal means. This group of funds includes:

    • Cleaning agent that dissolves grease very well.
    • Kerosene, petrol.
    • Salt.
    • Remedies for diaper rash, such as powder, powder.
    • Tooth powder and many other products used to remove greasy contaminants in home cleaning at minimal cost.

    These products can help remove stains from almost any type of fabric. At the same time, the color and structure will be preserved. And if everything is done carefully, it will help to avoid tissue tears.

    How to remove grease stains from vegetable oil on fabric

    There are many folk remedies and ways to remove vegetable oil stains from fabrics. No product will be able to completely remove greasy pollution after one use. The procedures must be repeated several times until the desired result is obtained. If necessary, increase the concentration, but only in extreme cases, and test the effect of the new composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.

    These methods can be suitable if the spot is placed near the house or at a party and there is a kitchen nearby.

    Step-by-step rules and recipes for common folk remedies

    Consider how to remove a stain from vegetable oil with folk remedies:

    1. In the role of the active substance, a cleaning gel should be used, which perfectly dissolves grease and removes fresh dirt. Put a small amount on the stain and rub in vigorously. Wait.
    2. Salt is also an equally effective remedy for greasy stains: you need to sprinkle it on a contaminated place, rub it with a paper towel, and the stain should disappear on the spot. Suitable for fresh stains only.
    3. Tooth powder can also help remove stains from vegetable oil: you need to sprinkle it, rub it and leave it for a day. Then clean with a brush.
    4. Gasoline and kerosene allow you to quickly and efficiently remove even old and complex grease stains: wet the stain with it with a cotton swab, gently spread it and then wash it.

    How to get old stains out

    Old stains from vegetable oil are more difficult to remove, but with the help of modern cleaning products or well-known folk recipes, this is greatly simplified. For withdrawal, you need to prepare:

    1. Grated laundry soap.
    2. Ammonia.
    3. Turpentine.

    Open windows before use. You should mix these three ingredients, soak the stain with the resulting solution and wash. Instead of ammonia and turpentine, you can use gasoline. Ventilate when finished.

    Another good tool is an iron. With it, you need to iron the stain, after putting toilet paper or paper napkins under it and on it.

    How to remove vegetable oil stains from jeans

    In denim, vegetable oil penetrates deeply and is difficult to remove. You can not rub, so the stains will only take root. It is necessary to remove dirt from denim immediately, before they have eaten in. Salt and other products that are rubbed into stains will not help here, they will only harm. How do you get oil stains out of jeans? As soon as pollution has formed, it must be immediately blotted with a paper towel or a towel made of natural fabric.

    Stain removal methods

    1. Methods with laundry soap and dishwashing detergent will work very well in this case: lather, apply foam to the dirt, wait and wash as usual in the washing machine.
    2. There is another method using washing powder or stain remover, but these products must be used correctly. Washing powder should be poured onto the stain, cover it with paper and iron it with a hot iron. Stain removers must be used according to the instructions. Only then will the remedy work. After that, you need to wash the thing in the usual way.

    Removing stains from a down jacket

    Consider how to remove a stain from vegetable oil from a down jacket. In public places, especially in transport, there is a big threat to get greasy stains on outerwear.

    To combat oily stains, "Fairy" is very suitable:

    • Must be applied to greasy dirt.
    • Wait about half an hour.
    • Wash by hand or hand wash.
    • Wring out well and dry.

    The procedure may have to be repeated until the traces of the greasy stain are completely removed.

    Mel too good remedy control of pollution from vegetable oil:

    • Sprinkle the stain with chalk.
    • Wait a couple of hours.
    • Remove excess with a dry cloth or paper towel.
    • Wash in normal mode.

    Gasoline, kerosene, ammonia remove even old stains.

    Removing stains on suede

    Consider how to remove a stain from vegetable oil on suede. Suede is a very whimsical and delicate material. It is very difficult to remove oil stains from it, but if you follow the instructions correctly, it becomes possible. This fabric must be handled very carefully when cleaning.

    Before cleaning, preparatory procedures are necessary:

    • It is good to dry shoes or clothes from moisture away from the radiator and sunlight.
    • Remove dust and dirt with a special rubber brush, clean and comb the pile.

    As with any material, the stain should be blotted with paper or a napkin. Test on an inconspicuous area first.

    Classic tool:

    • Sprinkle with talcum powder, baby powder, corn starch or similar. Wait, repeat the procedure. Comb the material.
    • Can be treated with natural dishwashing detergent foam. Remove with a dry foam sponge.

    You can also clean it with tooth powder:

    • Heat the toothpaste in a frying pan.
    • Apply it with a special brush on the material.
    • put on top paper napkin.
    • Press down, compress with something very heavy.
    • Clean with the hard side of the brush.

    To remove a stain from vegetable oil from clothes, in particular from suede, you can use ordinary table salt:

    • It needs to be warmed up.
    • Pour fine salt into a cotton cloth.
    • Attach the resulting bag to the oil stain and rub a little.
    • The procedure must be repeated several times until the contamination is completely removed.

    You can remove complex contaminants, including stains from vegetable oil, with ammonia and liquid soap:

    • Mix funds in equal proportions.
    • Stir until foam appears.
    • Apply the foam to the stain with a soft sponge in a circular motion without rubbing.
    • Leave for about half an hour.
    • Then rinse and comb the material with a special brush for cleaning suede fabric.

    Even complex stubborn stains are removed with gasoline and similar substances, the only drawback is the smell, which is washed off over time. How to cook:

    • Moisten the swab with purified high-quality gasoline.
    • Wipe the stain, only carefully so as not to damage the pile and material.
    • Remove residues with a tissue paper, toilet paper, blot.
    • Comb with a specialized brush for suede pile and dry.
    • Wash with detergent and a special conditioner to eliminate unpleasant odors and restore the structure of the material.

    Alcohol is also a great stain remover and is safer than gasoline. How to remove a stain from vegetable oil?

    • Dilute with water in a ratio of one to ten.
    • Wipe the dirt with the resulting solution.
    • Dry the item in the fresh air, but with minimal exposure to the sun.
    • Comb the pile with a special brush.
    • If necessary, repeat the procedure.


    There are many homemade grease stain removers that do the job, and you don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive cleaning gels and powders to dissolve oil stains. Folk recipes will be more gentle and safe in relation to the material than modern well-known brands, but some of them have an unpleasant odor, which means that you will not be able to wear things right away.