Abstract lesson in the first group of early age. Activities for early preschool children

Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

« Autumn came to visit, brought gifts to everyone»

Technologies: the formation of skills and abilities through game exercises and author's sensory games, the use non-traditional technique drawing, health-saving: finger, breathing exercises, outdoor games.

Z.I. Samoilov,

year 2013

  • Learn to analyze autumn according to the main features: the leaves turn yellow and fall, the wind blows, it is cloudy, it is raining;
  • Recognize and name in the autumn picture: cloud, sun, tree, leaves;
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about the main colors of autumn: yellow, green, red;
  • Make sure that speaking children speak expressively, slowly, clearly, loudly;
  • Introduce children to fruits: apple, pear, plum. Draw the attention of children to the variety of colors and shapes of fruits;
  • Fix the concept of "one" and "many" on cards with the image of fruits and fruits laid out on plates;
  • Learn to distinguish them by size, shape and color: green, red, blue;
  • Teach non-traditional drawing - with a finger of apples. Place them evenly over a limited area;
  • Show interest in work, joy for the result of work.

Materials for the lesson:

Bunny soft toy, big basket, didactic games, fruits: apple, pear, plums. Red paint, apple tree silhouette sheets, wet wipes.

Lesson progress:

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. Bunny comes to visit the group with a large basket.

Bunny: Hello children! I was in such a hurry to see you, I brought you gifts and hotels. And the gifts are not easy, autumn gave them to you.

Educator: Thank you, Bunny! And thanks for the autumn gifts and gifts. Guys, show us, please, in our group, where is autumn? (a teacher with children, moving around the group, finds autumn objects and signs).

Correctly. That's how many beautiful leaves autumn has. And on the magnetic board we also have an autumn landscape. (Children come to the magnetic board, and at the request of the teacher, they show the named images.).

We also observed autumn phenomena while walking: the leaves on the trees changed color, many leaves on the grass, many acorns. And now we will see what autumn has given us. (Children come to the table on which Bunny put the basket.). Oh, what beautiful leaves autumn gave us.

Bunny: Guys I want to play with yougame: small and big.This leaf is big, Yegorka, find me a small leaf. And here's a little leaf. Roma, find me another such small leaf. Etc. Well done boys!

Educator: Let's see what else we have in the cart. (Cocktail pipes) Guys, we'll show Bunny how the wind blows on autumn leaves.Breathing exercises "Blow on a leaf"

Bunny: You guys are great, and it’s true that in autumn the wind often blows and breaks the leaves from the trees and throws them under your feet. I really enjoyed playing with you, so I'll show you some more presents. What's this? (Red apples) That's right, guys, these are apples. They are red. And you have a lot of red toys in your group.

Task game: "Bring the named item."

Bunny invites children to find a red cube, a red ball. Thank you guys for completing all my tasks.

Educator: And now I want to introduce you to other fruits. Autumn is very rich in fruits.

The game "Find the same."Children come to a small sensory board, open the door, look at the fruits shown in the picture. They call them (talking children) and on a tray they find the same fruit (apples, pears and plums). Well done boys! And also, guys, I want to ask you how many apples are in a plate? How many plums? (One and many gameBunnies completed the task well, they found all the fruits correctly. Bunny brought us a lot of gifts, and let's give Bunny a gift too. We will draw a lot of fruits on the trees for him.

Children come to the tables, sit on the chairs.

On the tables are sheets with painted silhouettes of apple trees and red paint.

Educator: You guys and I will draw apples for our Bunny. What color apples did Bunny bring us? (Red!) And our paint is red. We will draw apples with our fingers. And now we will prepare our fingers for drawing so that it is easy for them to draw.

Finger game "Fists".

Here we will squeeze the fist

And put it on the side.

Let's open our hands

Let's put it on our feet.

Children draw apples on trees with their fingers.

Bunny really likes the drawings of children, and in gratitude he offers themmobile game "Bunny Coward".The children ran to catch up with the bunny and ran out of the group into the bedroom.


State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 41 of a general developmental type

Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Summary of joint activities with young children

« With a bear cub in the winter forest.

Technologies: the formation of skills and abilities through game exercises and author's sensory games, the use of brush painting techniques, health-saving: finger, breathing exercises, outdoor games.

Z.I. Samoilov,

teacher of the 1st qualification category

year 2013

To teach children to distinguish and name the primary colors: red, blue, green, yellow.

Get to know brown.

Attach body parts to the bear.

To be able to correlate dissimilar objects in size (large, small) and shape.

Recognize and name acquaintances geometric figures: circle, oval,

Continue to learn correctly, hold the brush, drawing with paints.

Cultivate accuracy.

Materials for the lesson:

A teddy bear, a passenger car, cardboard cards with painted cars in 4 primary colors, wheel covers for the car. Geometric figures for laying out the silhouette of a bear cub: the head is a large circle, the ears are small circles, the body is a large oval, the paws are small ovals. Sheets of A4 paper with the image of Christmas trees. Brushes, white paint.

Lesson progress

Educator: - Children, look how many guests have come to us. Let's all say hello.

Children: - Hello!

(Thudding and thudding is heard)

Educator: Someone else is late to visit us. I'll go and see.

Who's stomping through the garden there?

Top-top-top steps sound.

This is our teddy bear

Come see the guys.

Guys, do you know who this is? That's right, this is our Bear. Let's say hello to him. (Children greet Mishka). Guys, why is our Bear so sad, what happened to him? Shall we ask?

Bear. My grandfather Bear invited me to visit the forest. But something bad happened, the car broke down. And I don't know what to do. And you need to get to your grandfather quickly, because we, bears, sleep in a den in winter. And grandfather will go to bed soon. Guys, help me to get to my grandfather. I invite you with me too.

Educator: Guys, you are kind and always ready to help. Let's help our Mishka repair the car. Bear, where is your car?

Bear: My car is at the traffic light at the entrance to the forest. Bear shows the path


Everyone for a fairy tale today

I invite you to go

More interesting adventure

You guys can't find it.

Become friend after friend

Hold hands tightly

Let's go, friends

You can't fall behind.

Children with a teacher go to the sensory board with the image of transport.

Didactic game "Machine"

Educator: Here we come. Guys, look what you see here? Correctly. This is a car. What kind of car is this - a car or a truck? (Passenger) What color is the car? (Red). Where are the wheels? Yes, here they are, much like. And all are colorful. The wheels for a red car must also be red. Watch me fix one wheel. Here is the wheel and repaired. And who will help me to repair other wheels?

Educator: Well done guys, Mishkin's car was repaired.

And what lies here? Also cars. What do these cars lack? (Also no wheels). And look, guys, what all the cars are multi-colored. Take your cars. What color is your car? (blue) and you? (green, yellow, etc.) But the wheels for these cars must be selected in the same color as the car. What wheels will you put on your car? (red) And you? (yellow, etc.) And you, Mishka, watch how the children cope with the task, and next time you can repair your car yourself.

The teacher examines the machines. Praises children who have coped with the task, and helps children who are having difficulty.

Educator: Grandfather Medved misses Mishutka very much. Guys, let's put a portrait of Mishkin's grandfather, and then give it to grandfather.

Didactic game "Collect a bear"

Children come to the magnetic board. On the table, in a box, there are blanks - brown parts. Let's get acquainted with the color - brown. We consider a bear cub toy, and fix the body parts. Mishka's head is round, large; ears - round small, torso - oval, large; paws - oval, small. Now look at what geometric shapes are in the box. We specify geometric shapes: a circle, an oval, and their sizes - large and small. The teacher shows the sequence of the task. Specifying the color, shape and size of the parts: a large circle is the head, small circles are the ears. The large oval is the body, the small ovals are the paws. Children lay out a portrait of Mishka on a magnetic board. In the course of work, the teacher clarifies body parts and shape by asking questions to the children. Who is it? Show me where the head is, what shape is it? Where is the torso? etc. While you guys were preparing a portrait of Mishutka on the board, I took a photo of it and we will give this portrait to Grandfather Medved. (A "portrait" of Mishutka is pasted on white cardboard).

Educator: Children, let's take Mishutka to the forest. Want to?

Try hard guys

Do not leave the path.

And here is the winter forest. How beautiful it is here. There are many trees. Where are the leaves on the trees? That's right, the leaves flew around in the fall. Trees also sleep in winter, covered with snow. What are those green trees? (Christmas trees). That's right, children, Christmas trees. Why are the trees green? Well done, guys, you know that both the Christmas tree and the pine are always green - both in summer and in winter. Why are all the trees in the snow, and the Christmas trees without snow? they will be cold in the cold. Let's help the Christmas trees, cover them with snow. Sit down at the tables. We will draw snow for our Christmas trees. What paint will we paint the snow with? That's right - white paint, because the snow is white. The children are doing the work.

Educator: Well done, guys, and helped the Christmas trees, covered with snow from the frost. Tired, probably. Let's take a break and play.

Mobile game "Bear fun"

Bears roam the forestChildren walk like a bear.

restless neighbors,Imagined they found honey on a tree

Roam, roam, looking for honeyReached out, got it ,

Hunger won't let them sleep They eat honey.

By the stream bears roam,pretend to drink water

They catch fish with their paws.from the stream, leaning.

They will eat deliciouslyEat fish, rub

And feed the cubs. tummies.

Bears go to the denThey walk like cubs

And the neighbors are happy about it. leaning on hands.

The bears will sleep until springPalms are placed on the cheek

They will have "tasty" dreams.pretend to be asleep.

Did you like playing with Mishka? We traveled so much with him - helped him make a car; made a portrait of Mishkin to grandfather as a gift, visited the winter forest, helped the Christmas trees, played with Mishka. They took him to the forest. Let our Mishka now go to his grandfather Bear, and they will rest together all winter in the den.

We came to the forest in winter,

Found a new story.

And now it's time again

Back to kindergarten.

Hold hands tightly

Become one after another

Turned around and forward

A group of everyone is already waiting for us.

On another day, in continuation of the theme "Clumsy Bear", together with the children, they painted portraits of grandfather Medved and Mishutka.

On a walk, continuing the same theme, they "built a lair" for little Mishutka.

Program content .

Learning tasks:

to activate cognitive and speech activity of children.

consolidate children's knowledge about spring;

consolidate children's knowledge of color;

repeat with children geometric shapes (square)

clarify the concepts: one - many.

Development tasks:

develop speech,

develop interest in game improvisations,

develop thinking skills: compare, analyze, classify, generalize,

Educational tasks:

contribute to the formation careful attitude to the animal world and natural resources of our planet.

Communicative, game, perception of fiction and folklore, motor, cognitive.


Cubes, hoops, bear, flowers (yellow, red, green, blue), hedgehog, clothespins, basket.

Vocabulary work.

Spring, red, yellow, green, hedgehog, lair, mink.

Org. moment.

Guys, look, the sun woke up, and the guys woke up?

FROM Good morning eyes, are you awake? (look through binoculars)

Good morning ears, are you awake? (palms to ears)

Good morning pens, are you awake? (clap hands)

Good morning legs, are you awake? (stomp)

Good morning sunshine! (handles to the side)

We woke up! (tilt your head back and smile broadly)

Smile at each other

Carrying out algorithm.

The sun is visiting us. What color is it? (yellow) Look at the cheerful eyes of the sun. What does it do? (smiles) Let's smile at each other and the sun.

Children, remember what time of year it is? (Spring)

That's right, spring. Why is it warm in spring? (Because the sun is shining)

I heard that flowers have already grown in the forest. Can you help me find flowers? (Yes).

Well done. And now the Sun invites you to a flower meadow. We will go to the clearing by train, I will be a locomotive, and you will be wagons. (we go to the flower meadow to the music)

Oh, what is this blockage? What to do? (scattered cubes of different colors)

Sort the cubes by color: blue, yellow, red.

You guys did the job!

And then someone else hid from us. Yes, and growls at us. Who is this? (Bear)

Yes, it's a bear. In winter, what did the bear do? (Sleep) What is the name of the bear's house? (Lair) The bear slept for a long time, and now he really wants to eat. What does he like to eat? (berries, fish, honey)

Bear, bear, couch potato,

he slept long and deep.

Slept through the whole winter

and spring came, he woke up

and wants to play with us.

Shall we play with him? (Yes)

P.I. "Brown Bear"

Now let's say goodbye to the bear. Goodbye, bear. It's time for us to move on.

Hear, someone is puffing here for a stump. Look, it's a hedgehog.

He, like a bear, slept all winter, and woke up in the spring. Feel it. What is he? (Prickly) What is the name of the hedgehog's house? (mink) The hedgehog is also hungry. What does he like to eat? (mushrooms, apples, milk) Let's treat the hedgehog with milk. But is the hedgehog still sad?

Hedgehog, why are you so sad?

Hedgehog - I lost my thorns.

Can you guys help the hedgehog find the thorns? (Yes)

The game

(standing at the table)

Children look at the hedgehog, what he does not have (thorns)

Hedgehog, where are the thorns?

I forgot at home, we’ll help, guys, I’ll return the thorns on my back children perform.

Well done guys, now stroke the hedgehog, what has he become? (prickly)

Phys. minute.

Let's turn into hedgehogs and curl up into balls:

Here the hedgehog curled up in a ball,

because he is cold

The ray of the hedgehog touched

The hedgehog just stretched

Smiled, smiled

and stretched again.

Here are some wonderful hedgehogs we were with you!

Have you forgotten where we are going? (For flowers).

Where are they?

Here is a clearing, and there are flowers on it. There are so many. And how they smell, let's smell them. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth / 3-4 times)

Now let's pick flowers. First we collect red, and then yellow, green, blue. Let's put them in a basket.

How many flowers do we have in the basket? (A lot of)

And now it's time to return to the group, take your seats on the train. (Return to the music in the group)

Summary of the lesson.

Did you enjoy your spring walk?

What did you like the most?



Final lesson in the early age group

"Journey to the Spring Glade"

Program content.

Learning tasks:

to activate cognitive and speech activity of children.

consolidate children's knowledge about spring;

consolidate children's knowledge of color;

repeat with children geometric shapes (square)

clarify the concepts: one - many.

Development tasks:

develop speech,

develop interest in game improvisations,

develop thinking skills: compare, analyze, classify, generalize,

develop fine motor skills hands

Educational tasks:

promote the formation of a careful attitude to the animal world and the natural resources of our planet.

Integration of activities:

Communicative, game, perception of fiction and folklore, motor, cognitive.

Material .

Cubes, hoops, bear, flowers (yellow, red, green, blue), hedgehog, clothespins, basket.

Vocabulary work.

Spring, red, yellow, green, hedgehog, lair, mink.

Org. moment.

Guys, look, the sun woke up, and the guys woke up?

Good morning eyes, are you awake? (look through binoculars)

Good morning ears, are you awake? (palms to ears)

Good morning pens, are you awake? (clap hands)

Good morning legs, are you awake? (stomp)

Good morning sunshine! (handles to the side)

We woke up! (tilt your head back and smile broadly)

Smile at each other

Carrying out algorithm.

The sun is visiting us. What color is it? (yellow) Look at the cheerful eyes of the sun. What does it do? (smiles) Let's smile at each other and the sun.

Children, remember what time of year it is? (Spring)

That's right, spring. Why is it warm in spring? (Because the sun is shining)

I heard that flowers have already grown in the forest. Can you help me find flowers? (Yes).

Well done. And now the Sun invites you to a flower meadow. We will go to the clearing by train, I will be a locomotive, and you will be wagons. (we go to the flower meadow to the music)

Oh, what is this blockage? What to do? (scattered cubes of different colors)

The game "sort the cubes by color"

Sort the cubes by color: blue, yellow, red.

You guys did the job!

And then someone else hid from us. Yes, and growls at us. Who is this? (Bear)

Yes, it's a bear. In winter, what did the bear do? (Sleep) What is the name of the bear's house? (Lair) The bear slept for a long time, and now he really wants to eat. What does he like to eat? (berries, fish, honey)

Bear, bear, couch potato,

he slept long and deep.

Slept through the whole winter

and spring came, he woke up

And he wants to play with us.

Shall we play with him? (Yes)

P.I. "Brown Bear"

Now let's say goodbye to the bear. Goodbye, bear. It's time for us to move on.

Hear, someone is puffing here for a stump. Look, it's a hedgehog.

He, like a bear, slept all winter, and woke up in the spring. Feel it. What is he? (Prickly) What is the name of the hedgehog's house? (mink) The hedgehog is also hungry. What does he like to eat? (mushrooms, apples, milk) Let's treat the hedgehog with milk. But is the hedgehog still sad?

Hedgehog, why are you so sad?

Hedgehog - I lost my thorns.

Will the guys help the hedgehog find the thorns? (Yes)

The game "Help the hedgehog put on the thorns"

(standing at the table)

Children look at the hedgehog, what he does not have(thorns)

Hedgehog, where are the thorns?

I forgot at home, we’ll help, guys, I’ll return the thorns on my back(invites children to put clothespins on the back of hedgehogs) children perform.

Well done guys, now stroke the hedgehog, what has he become?(prickly)

Phys. minute .

Let's turn into hedgehogs and curl up into balls:

Here the hedgehog curled up in a ball,

because he is cold

The ray of the hedgehog touched

The hedgehog just stretched

Smiled, smiled

And stretched again.

Here are some wonderful hedgehogs we were with you!

Have you forgotten where we are going? (For flowers).

Where are they?

Here is a clearing, and there are flowers on it. There are so many. And how they smell, let's smell them. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth / 3-4 times)

Now let's pick flowers. First we collect red, and then yellow, green, blue. Let's put them in a basket.

How many flowers do we have in the basket? (A lot of)

And now it's time to return to the group, take your seats on the train. (Return to the music in the group)

Summary of the lesson.

Did you enjoy your spring walk?

What did you like the most?

This section of our site contains materials on working with children of early childhood. preschool age(classes for the nursery group of the kindergarten). The materials in this section are differentiated by the age of the children - part of the classes should be conducted with children in the second year of life (from one to two years old), the other part - with children in the third year of life (from two to three years old). In the menu, you can select the subsection you need and find a suitable lesson.

Abstracts of GCD in the early age group

Note that there are several types of materials in this section. Part of the section is made up of abstracts of GCD in early age groups. They are designed as separate lessons, where the outline of the lesson may deviate from its main topic in places. The second type of materials is thematic collections of games and exercises on certain topics. They can also be used as ready-made activities, but you can also use them as a kind of reference book and as a source of material for your own studies related to the same topic.

In preschool pedagogy, the concept of "early age" includes the period of development of the child from one to three years. This is a very important period, it is at this age that the foundations of the emotional, social and cognitive development of children are laid, and many components of thinking are formed.

At the beginning of this period, already in the second year of life, children begin to interact very actively with the objects around them and begin to solve a certain range of practical problems. Children learn to use simple objects in everyday life - simple cutlery, dishes, spatulas, scoops, combs, etc. and begin to trace simple connections between an object and an instrument of influence on it.

The development of visual-figurative thinking at an early age, as well as the formation of various objective actions, occurs with the active participation of adults, through joint actions, which eventually transform into independent ones.

Mental processes at this stage of child development are very closely related to the development of speech. First, children begin to learn speech in terms of understanding, and then, gradually, in terms of its active use. There is a rather significant leap in the development of the vocabulary and mastery of the syntactic norms of the native language. Again, these things happen in the process of active objective activity of children, thanks to their communication with adults and under their control and attention.

A child at the beginning of the early preschool age and a child at the end of this period are two different children. If at the beginning the baby is "inseparable" from adults and in many ways goes with the flow, then by the end of an early age he has the famous "I myself!" and he comes close to the crisis of three years, when his own "I" and the increased demands for independence come into conflict with the world of adults.

Classes for the nursery group

Classes with children in a nursery have their own specifics. They are usually held in a playful way and should take into account the degree of adaptation of the child to kindergarten. The classes themselves should not be too long, the prepared material of some kind of voluminous thematic lesson it makes sense to divide into 2-3 parts and spend them on different days (taking into account the age of the children, their degree of preparation and individual characteristics).

Classes for early development groups

It is also worth noting that the presented materials can be used not only in kindergartens, but also in preschool educational institutions close in profile, in early childhood development groups. In the abstracts of game lessons, a large number of didactic games and exercises for children of two or three years old, and games are given in abundance, since the level of groups at these ages, as a rule, varies greatly. An experienced teacher can himself adjust the set of didactic material, games, physical minutes based on the level of the group and his tasks.

Parents of toddlers participate in some of our classes, which, in general, is not typical for state kindergartens. We conducted most of these classes quite successfully with two-year-olds in the early development group at a private child development center.

Game - an activity in an early age group

"Visiting the Hostess"

Topic:"Creating an expressive image in the joint activities of the educator and children."

Preliminary work:

1. Examination of subject, plot pictures;

2. Didactic games:

· "Poultry";

· "Guess whose kids are these?";

· "Who is screaming?";

"Bird yard";

“Whose mother is this?”;

· "We feed the chicken and chickens";

· "Small and big".

3. The mobile game "The chicken went out for a walk."

Program tasks:

1. Arouse children's interest and desire to play;

2. To give children pleasure, the joy of the game;

3. To consolidate the knowledge of children about poultry - chicken;

4. Develop the ability to imitate, cause a good attitude towards game characters.

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Guys, we will now go to visit the hostess. She lives near here. She must have been waiting for us. Follow me.

Children with a teacher go to the house. At the house they are met by the hostess - a girl of the older group. Children greet.

Children: - Hello, hostess.

Hostess: - Hello children, thank you for coming to visit me, I am very glad to have guests.

Educator: - Look at the hostess... (children look at her outfit)- Guys, the Hostess smiles at us, she is very happy with our arrival, Look at what an elegant dress she has, what kind of apron she put on,

so as not to stain his dress when he works. She knows how to cook soup and bake pies and manage the housework and plant a garden. That's how clever she is, our Hostess.

Hostess: - Guys! And you know, a chicken lives in my poultry yard. Now it's spring, it's warm outside, and my hen has hatched little chicks. Do you want to see them? Come with me, I'll show them to you. (children follow the hostess to the poultry yard, the hen with chickens sit in the nest, the hostess draws the attention of the children to the hen with chickens)

Hostess: - Guys, here is my chicken, and with her little children - chickens.

Educator: - Look at the wonderful chickens the hostess has. They are small, fluffy, well, like lumps. Hostess, can our children hold the chickens in their hands, stroke them.

Hostess: - You can, but hold them carefully so as not to crush them, because they are still so small.

Educator: (gives chickens to children) - Children, you like chickens. What are they?(small, obedient) . And you know, chickens are very obedient children, they only walk near their mother and do not go far from her, because they can be offended, because they are so small. Who do you think might offend them? (cat, dog and big bird). Chickens, when they feel danger, run to the hen, their mother. The chicken loves her children very much, look at her kind, affectionate eyes, she protects them and will not let anyone offend them. Kids, how does a hen call her chicks? (ko-ko). How do chickens scream? (wee-wee-wee). Let's feed them grains. How does the hostess call the chickens when she wants to feed them? (type-type-type). The teacher pours grains, the children repeat.

Guys, how do chickens and chickens peck grains? (children squat, tap their fingers on the floor, key-key-key). How do they drink water?

(children show) . How does a hen protect her babies? (spreads his wings, leaning forward a little, and shouts "where-where").

Children, let's play with you, I will be a chicken, and you are my chicken children.

(The teacher puts on chicken hats, and the hostess goes into the house).

The chicken came out.

With her yellow chicks,

The hen "Ko-ko" cackles!

Don't go far!

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes,

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing!

Cat:opens her eyes and meows, and runs after the chickens, who run to the mother hen and hide behind her. The hen protects the chicks by spreading her arms out to the sides.

Chicken:“Ko-ko-ko, Ko-ko-ko. Go away cat! I won't give you chickens!

Cat: (runs away and closes eyes)

Come out chickens

Collect the crumbs

bugs, worms,

Grains on the track!

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

Chickens flapped their wings

Pee-pee-pee! Pee-pee-pee!

Give us crumbs

Don't be sorry little ones

Give me a little more

It will be more fun! Pee-pee-pee! Pee-pee-pee!

Cat: (coming out, sneaking up on the chickens)

I'll go out, I'll go out on the path, meow-meow-meow?

Where chickens look for crumbs, meow meow meow!

I'll go closer to them and take them with me!

Meow meow meow!

(the chicks run away and hide behind the mother hen who protects them) .

Hen:- Go away, cat! I won't give you my chickens! Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

(cat runs away)

Here the sun sets

It's time for the chickens to go to bed

(chickens sit down near the mother chicken and close their eyes)

Hen: -

The chickens are fast asleep

Everyone is under the hood.

And wake up at dawn

They will run in the yard!

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

Wake up chickens

The sun has already risen.

Let's go for a walk in the yard

Pinch the grass, peck the grains.

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her guys

Yellow chickens.

Co-co-co, co-co-co,

Don't go far

Row with your paws,

Looking for grains!

(The hostess comes out of the house, in her hands a pie, calls the children).

Hostess: - Children! Let's go have some tea, I've already baked a cake.

(Children run up to her, look at the pie, praise the hostess).

(And the hostess calls them to the house):

Help yourself, dear guests!

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