Conspiracies from angina for children and adults. Healing conspiracy from sore throat for adults and children Speak sore throat forever

In the modern world, unlike the Middle Ages, magic has become something absolutely stupid, which is treated with disdain and ridicule, but despite this, people continue to believe in the power of the word, at all times, warning "do not throw words to the wind" . There are countless examples in history where people were saved directly by prayers. A conspiracy is the right, clear combination of words that can influence a person’s aura, soul and body.

A conspiracy for the treatment of angina, executed according to the rules, will not harm

Application of conspiracies from the disease

Conspiracies apply to everything. Adversity, mental anguish, a broken heart, help in creating a happy marriage, bad ones are one type of conspiracy. Other types of rituals will help restore fertility, solve problems of bodily health, improve sleep, memory, and so on. What are good conspiracies from angina? There are obvious advantages of conspiracies:


A conspiracy, executed according to the rules, does no harm. There are no chemicals in them, and you can safely treat children with this method. The best is handed down to us from the past.


You know exactly what you are doing, you are in control. All conspiracies and prayers have been tested by more than one generation.

Always at hand

If you feel uncomfortable, then you don’t have to run to the hospital or to the doctors, you can safely heal yourself at home with conspiracies.

As practice shows: drugs can not in all cases help solve a particular problem and sometimes can make the situation worse.

It is in difficult times that a person raises his hands to God and asks for his help. The easiest and surest way to do this is through a conspiracy, directly addressing the forces and clearly formulating the request, even pointing out the problem area.

Conspiracies from angina

Colds and sore throats come to the street. Oh, how you don’t want to go to school, work, and even more so with a hoarse voice, fever and a loud cough, and even more so to infect your loved ones with an ailment. We are overcome by angina, and this is always a high cost for antibiotics, inhalers, which may not cure, but simply spoil the same microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. So before you rush to the hospitals to the doctors and put hard-earned money on the cash register of pharmacies, try to talk about the problem. Maybe she will leave you? The main thing is to believe in the words themselves.

Conspiracies addressed to God

Try to turn to God, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Holy Spirit, since the Christian God is the most powerful. He listens and constantly helps those in need. Here are a couple of examples good plots turned to the Lord God.

The first conspiracy

A conspiracy from a sore throat, addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, blessed be the Lord in your wives, blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls. Amen. With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I start, heat, bitterness from the white throat - I drive it out. I drive out - I drive for thirty-three years. Thirty-three - winds, thirty-three - sides. We know four sides, we never visit the rest with our body. We meet messengers from there in a dream. As the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not sculpting, but strong. Till the end of time. Amen".

To carry out this ritual, a knife is useful, warm boiled eggs are spoiled. This ritual for the treatment of angina is read 12 times, “sawing” the sore throat with the unsharpened part of the knife, the butt, and freshly boiled eggs are applied to the ailing area.

The second conspiracy, addressed to the Mother of God

“Oak, oak, take from the servant of God (name) a toad with all roots, with all processes, with all five, with all children. Mother Solomonides of Jesus Christ was waving, asking the Lord God. I don’t drive, I don’t drive, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself drives. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading this prayer, it is important to lick the forehead of the patient and spit over the left shoulder. It is important to repeat this procedure as many times as needed until complete recovery.

“For the first time, the Lord's hour. The second time, God's hour. The third time, the hour of the Lord."

“You shouldn’t be here, don’t drink red blood, don’t break white bones, don’t give tumors to God’s servant (name). Go there, the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow."

As already mentioned above, it is necessary three times, in the process stroking and slightly pressing on the disturbing area. This prayer must be read several times until the sore throat leaves you alone.

Prayer for the treatment of angina, addressed to the Lord

Very effective slander from angina

This conspiracy from sore throat is strong in that the patient must be planted near an open fire (bonfire or stove), so this ritual should be performed outdoors.

The tonsils of the servant of God (name) are talking,

tonsils pronounce from the fire,

from evil spirits:

you should not be in a white body,

in red blood, in a zealous heart,

in a wild head.

Where the smoke flies - go there to that sore.

To perform the ritual, it is necessary to seat the sick person in front of the fire, set fire to a sheet of paper and “fumigate” the head of the sick person, that is, circle around the head with a lit sheet.

Conspiracies addressed to the forces of nature

Is there some more great plots, based on the appeal not to the Christian gods, but directly to Mother Nature herself.

When pronouncing a conspiracy from a sore throat, you need to choose the most effective and proven ones.

A couple of great prayers addressed to the pagan gods:

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, tear out the roots along with the roots! You won’t be here, don’t drink red blood, don’t break white bones, don’t crush the tumors of the servant of God (name). Go where the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow."

After performing the ritual against sore throat three times, it is important to spit over the shoulder, on the side where the throat is more worried. If it worries a lot and the pain is general, then it will be necessary to spit both there and there.

There are also excellent conspiracies based on the appeal to Mother Nature herself.

A conspiracy to treat a sore throat in a child

Parents are especially wary of the diseases of their child, since the child's body is sensitive to various chemicals and harmful drugs that can completely ruin the health of a young individual. But a good, proven "grandfather's" conspiracy from a sore throat can help your baby without causing her any damage. Sometimes getting magical elements for a ritual is sometimes not an easy task, but if necessary, you can go to a healer. But if you want to help yourself, then there is an effective conspiracy that will help not only children, but also adults.

How to perform the ritual:

  • an adult must read the prayer;
  • it is important to choose the right day;
  • you need to prepare in advance for the ritual;
  • you need to believe in your own strength.

During the reading of the plot, both the child and the adult must swallow saliva. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony three times at the bottom, with breaks of five hours, until the patient recovers. The given options for conspiracies from sore throats are far from the only ones, and if necessary, you can find a great many of them, but you must remember: you need to read the conspiracy clearly, distinctly, without changing words and without pausing.

Remember that in the human word there is a huge power, use it wisely.

Religious reading: strong prayer from a sore throat to a child to help our readers.

Treat angina not only with pills, but also with conspiracies

Moreover, practice shows that not only a correctly chosen medication, but also a special conspiracy from a sore throat can significantly alleviate the patient's condition, give him relief from pain, and also improve health. So let's talk about what such conspiracies are, and how to use them correctly, so that it would be easier for you to cope with your problem.

Magic rites for recovery: simple and complex

A conspiracy from sore throat will help warm tea with honey

It is important to note that sore throat conspiracies can be either very simple, accessible even to a child, or quite complex. Moreover, the first category of magical instruments can be resorted to fearlessly, regardless of the stage of the disease.

But conspiracies that belong to the second type and are difficult to perform are best left as a last resort - if no traditional means can help in the fight against the disease. Moreover, it is not the patient himself who should conduct complex magical rites, but some person from his environment.

The simplest conspiracy from a sore throat that a person can do on their own is as follows. It is necessary to prepare hot tea and, after waiting for the liquid to cool slightly, add natural honey to it. While stirring the drink, you must pronounce the words of the conspiracy, and then drink it in one gulp. And do not forget that it is strictly forbidden for people with tonsillitis to drink very hot tea, and therefore bring the drink to a comfortable temperature in advance so that it is ready to drink at the time of the spell.

Well, the words that you have to pronounce will sound like this:

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry chip! Let my throat stop hurting and peace will finally come for me! Mother nature, take your ailment to the red mountain ash, and to the domineering spruce, and let it leave me and never stick again! May it be so! Amen".

But if we consider a strong conspiracy from a sore throat, for the imposition of which you will need to use the maximum of your internal energy, then you can stop at the next option. Boil ordinary chicken eggs in advance and, without letting them cool, say the following words over a sick person:

“With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I start, fever, bitterness from my white throat - I drive it out. I expel - I drive for thirty-three years. Thirty-three - winds, thirty-three - sides. We know four sides, we never visit the rest with our body. We meet messengers from there in a dream. As the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not sculpting, but strong. Till the end of time. Amen".

It is necessary to read the spell twelve times, without taking a break between them. And at the same time, you should, holding an ordinary kitchen knife at the level of the throat of a sick person (blunt side to him) at a distance of about 20 cm, make such movements as if you were cutting something. Well, when you finish reading the conspiracy for a sore throat, attach boiled eggs to the affected throat of the patient so that they absorb all the negative energy.

How to help a child?

The plot is read three times a day

Often, special magical rites are used by parents of young children with tonsillitis. And it is not surprising, because not everyone will decide to give a child medications (especially antibiotics), but a well-chosen and executed conspiracy of a sore throat in a child will definitely not bring the slightest harm to the baby. However, it is not so easy to pick up special magical tools that will help save the baby from a serious illness. Let's talk de about what parents should do if their child has more than a sore throat.

There is a fairly simple and effective plot that is suitable for both adults and children. Only one of the parents should read it for the child, and each time, pronouncing the magic words, one should swallow saliva (this should also be done by mom or dad). And the words of the rite are:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Willow, willow, take your throat, and if you do not take it, then we will swallow it up by the roots. Amen, amen, amen."

Moreover, you must pronounce them three times a day with a break of 5 - 6 hours. If you do not go astray, and do everything right, then the patient will soon recover.

There are other conspiracies for sore throats in children and adults - there are a lot of them. However, whichever of the magical rites you prefer, it is important to ensure that everything is done correctly. You need to read the words of the conspiracy clearly and competently (if you can’t really remember them, write them down on a piece of paper in advance), without pausing and without changing anything. And besides, do not forget to strictly perform absolutely all the actions provided for by the ritual you are conducting. Only in this case, the disease will recede.

Conspiracy from angina

To improve the result of drug therapy, you can read conspiracies and prayers from a sore throat. They help to improve the general condition of the patient, reduce the manifestation of pain and other unpleasant sensations, and also improve health. You can use magical rituals at various stages of the disease. It is important to have unshakable faith in a positive outcome.

Honey conspiracy from sore throat

To cope with unpleasant symptoms and disease, you can independently conduct a simple ceremony. To begin with, you should prepare tea and it is best if it is made from medicinal herbs. When the tea has cooled, put a spoonful of natural honey into it and mix well. After that, the following conspiracy should be said:

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry chip! Let my throat stop hurting and peace will finally come for me! Mother nature, take your ailment to the red mountain ash, and to the domineering spruce, and let it leave me and never stick again! May it be so! Amen".

Spelled tea should be drunk. The ritual should be repeated every day until complete recovery.

A conspiracy for a sore throat in an adult with an egg

This ritual can be used when the disease has already become severe. To carry it out, you need to hard-boil 12 chicken eggs and leave them in hot water. The person who will conduct the ritual must pick up a knife and, while reading the plot, drive it with the blunt side in the throat of the patient. The conspiracy sounds like this:

“With your prayer on my lips, Holy Mother of God, I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), proceed to treatment. With my word, I drive away the heat and bitterness from the throat of the Servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the patient) forever. I remove the burning pain, let it blow it away with a gust of wind on all sides and it will never gather back. As sleep comes, the disease will go away the next morning. My words are strong, but the deed is easy. From now on and forever. Amen".

It is important to pronounce the words clearly, without hesitation and, without being distracted, thinking about each word. After that, the throat of the patient must be overlaid with warm eggs. Improvement will be felt immediately after the eggs have cooled. By the way, they need to be thrown away.

A conspiracy for a sore throat in a child

Very often, for the treatment of angina in young children, the doctor recommends using folk remedies, since they are natural and safe. The ritual should be performed by a blood relative, and it is best if it is a mother or grandmother. The following conspiracy must be read over the child three times a day:

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! (repeated three times). Natural willow, I order you, the Servant of God (your name), on the rights of family ties, take the pain from my baby's throat. And if you don't take it, I'll swallow it whole and whole. Amen".

It is important to constantly swallow saliva during the pronunciation of the conspiracy, it is good if the child does the same. Repeat the plot should be at intervals of about five hours. In addition, it is recommended to repeat the prayer “Our Father” over the child throughout the day.

A simple conspiracy for angina

This conspiracy should be read by the patient himself three times in a row, and after each reading, it is necessary to spit over the left or right shoulder, depending on where the throat hurts. If the pain is felt on both sides, then you should spit both to the left and to the right. The plot goes like this:

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, tear out the roots along with the roots! You won’t be here, don’t drink red blood, don’t break white bones, don’t crush the tumors of the servant of God (name). Go where the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow."

There is also a conspiracy from a sore throat to flowing water. This ritual is performed in the bathroom, standing with your back to the sink or tub, as long as there is running water. The ceremony should be started before sunrise, but if the disease is more pronounced in the evening, then it is better to do everything after sunset. Open the faucet for water to flow and start reading the plot:

“Like the sun that fills the beautiful world with life,

So I will be filled with happiness and health.

Like the sun that goes beyond the horizon, my disease will go to distant lands,

But will never return. Amen".

It is necessary to repeat the plot three times, and after each reading, you should spit into the sink over your shoulder, depending on which side the throat hurts more.

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Conspiracies and rituals for the treatment of angina

Magic surrounds a person, it helps him and, with due perseverance, harms everyone who treats it without respect. With the help of various rituals, it will be possible to punish the enemy, improve your own life and get rid of health problems. Traditional medicine offers many ways to overcome infections or viruses, but it does not give any guarantee. Helping, medications can harm both the child and the adult patient, and a sore throat plot is always safe. For hundreds of years, problems in the throat, nose, or other organs of the respiratory system have been treated with prayer or spells.

Conspiracy from angina

Who is suitable for this treatment

Is it possible to apply such approaches to the treatment of babies? It is completely harmful for children to be treated with antibiotics, unlike folk methods and magic, medicines weaken the immune system of a small patient and make him defenseless against new threats. Prayers against angina are absolutely safe, and you can read them both in the hospital and at home (yourself without the help of healers or magicians).

induced sore throat

Diseases that strike an adult or a child quite suddenly have long been associated with the negative magical effects of ill-wishers. Angina is a disease that literally eats away the throat, as if it does not allow a person to speak or express his own opinion. Magicians argue that the symptoms of the disease on the tonsils in themselves are an alarm signal that must be responded to without delay.

It often happens that even compresses, antibiotics and potent drugs do not help and the child still suffers from a sore throat. What should be done and how to get rid of suspicious inflammation? A sore throat conspiracy is a time-tested way to eliminate a threat to the health of an adult or child.

The nature of the magical rite for health

When is a conspiracy read and how effective are sore throat conspiracies for children? Rites and magical rituals for angina are as simple as possible and accessible even to a novice magician. A caring parent does not have to run for consultations with expensive sorcerers or healers. With a strong desire to read a conspiracy or prayer, it will be possible without their help. It is unreasonable and dangerous to approach powerful rites without preparation, both for the person who performs it, and for the one whose healing is asked from higher powers. A conspiracy from a sore throat and various prayers should help the first time, and not waste the beginner's time.

Impact on energy is a kind of control that another person has mastered. Diseases are often a reflection of induced damage or evil eye. To prevent the consequences of someone else's hatred or anger is very difficult, and sometimes not at all possible. What can be done by a person who wants to avoid pain in the throat, nose, or other organs of the respiratory system? Health Precautions:

  • cleaning the house and residential premises from negative energy;
  • protections and blocks that a professional magician puts;
  • prayers for water for any symptoms of illness of one of the family members;
  • amulets and charms from negative external influences;
  • strengthening your own energy;
  • special attention to the close environment (most often the ill-wisher disguises himself as a friend or comrade).

A physically strong person must also be spiritually strong. A visit to the temple and confession will allow you to cleanse your soul and open it only to good energy. Only people with weak inner strength, exhausted by daily problems and inner fears, are subject to negative influence. Nothing comes from outside, if inside, the vessel of the human soul is filled. Reading a conspiracy with angina without faith in the help of magic words is a waste of time and effort. But it is impossible to get rid of the disease forever only with medical treatment.

Treatment of a child from a sore throat with the use of conspiracies

Conspiracies for quick healing are completely different. Techniques, well-known spells and rituals with a long history - all these tools in the fight against angina are available to everyone. The conspiracy will work if you do not neglect the recommendations of healers and magicians. Popular and quick rituals that drive away illness in children:

Delicious ritual for sore throat

Before performing the ceremony, you should ensure a calm environment and stay alone with the little patient. You can perform rituals at night or early in the morning. A strong conspiracy does not need witnesses or helpers and lies in the fact that a person literally charges water or other liquid with the right energy. It is especially important to carry out such rituals if you suspect that a child has been damaged or evil eyed. The kid should sit comfortably in bed and completely trust his mother or father (the person reading the conspiracy). It is possible to treat a disease even in an advanced form with a simple ritual.

Make a conspiracy for angina on chicken eggs

Reading complex conspiracies is necessary only after careful preparation. Eggs should be pre-boiled and cooled. The principle of the conspiracy is quite simple - with the help of magic words and a rite, the patient gets rid of negative energy and damage. You need to speak eggs in the following words:

“With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I start, I drive out the heat and bitterness from the white throat. I drive out - I drive for thirty-three years. Thirty-three - winds, thirty-three - sides. As the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not sculpting, but strong. Amen".

Then you should draw a knife over the throat (gently and without frightening the child), as if cutting off invisible threads. Then the eggs are brought to the throat (they take in all the negativity and extraneous energy).

Prayers and tea with honey.

The simplest and most affordable recipe will help from a sore throat. In no case should you use hot tea for angina. Honey is added to the cooled liquid (preferably homemade or from a local apiary) and prayer words are spoken. It is necessary to perform the ritual in a whisper, without unnecessary noise and screams. The following words should be read:

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry chip! Let my throat stop hurting and peace will finally come for me! Mother nature, take your ailment to the red mountain ash, but domineering, and let him (or the name of the child) never bother me again! Amen".

Speak to strong conspiracies unnecessarily not worth it. Children will recover gradually, and even if not in a couple of days, but without harm to their energy. Strong rituals can end unpredictably and only harm the baby. A powerful conspiracy from sore throat (purulent) is allowed when the health and life of the child is in danger.

Stepanova's conspiracies

Conspiracies of the famous Siberian healer- Natalia Stepanova is so popular for a reason. The long-term practice of a folk healer has shown how strong the power of the strongest energy in the universe can be, the one that is hidden in every person (it should only be found in oneself). A conspiracy from a sore throat will only work when a person gives in return a sincere unshakable faith. Stepanova's spells and rituals help from many diseases related to the body and mind. For the treatment of children, such conspiracies are best suited, because any words spoken during the ceremony will not be able to harm the baby. The healer has repeatedly said that everything comes from God and everything returns to him. As if the eternal, inexplicable cycle of phenomena in nature for a person, not only harms, but also helps. Absolutely all Natalya's spells are based on the principle of balance and balance.

Universal health conspiracies can help in cases where the cause of the child's ailment is not fully understood. Reading magic words is allowed only on the waning moon. For a conspiracy, water, milk or tea is suitable. Left alone, you need to say:

“I speak to the servant of God (name) All twelve pains, All twelve ailments. From day and night shaking, From midday flames, From twitching and shooting, From blinking and blindness, From lakes and yawns, From overthrow and from stabbing, From dokuki and hunks, From damage and black sickness, From the deeds of a nimble sorceress. You, evil shaking, calm down, You, blindness and deafness, pump out, You, pain and overthrow, stop, You, sharp stabbing, get rid of, You, damage and evil, shrink. It's enough for you to mock, It's time to obey, Otherwise I'll drown you in holy water And I'll pitch you in a barrel, I'll let you go across the sea-ocean. Key to my words, Lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen."

Stepanova suggests treating a child's illness as an occasion to pay attention to the lifestyle of the whole family. Are all friends sincere, do all relatives give love and leave envy beyond the threshold of the house? Illness is a reflection, collected together thoughts and intentions of everyone who enters the house. Children are the most sensitive and receptive in the family, so their illnesses cannot be ignored. After treating the child, a complete cleaning of the living quarters should be carried out, and then a few more conspiracies should be made for the good health of children and adult family members. The book of the healer presents a variety of spells and rituals that will help improve life and restore health to every household.

Sore throat conspiracies

If you cannot read the prayer words yourself, you should consult with a specialist. For a child, help from a familiar person will be less stressful, so magicians or healers should be called only in extreme cases. It is important to create all conditions for the future ceremony. The position of the Moon and celestial bodies can also play a trick on a beginner mastering a magical craft.

What should parents know if their children suffer from angina? A baby may need drug treatment, especially if the general condition of a small patient worsens. It is also not worth neglecting any help, because traditional medicine shows good results in the treatment of childhood diseases. After the baby recovers, you should begin to find out the reasons that contributed to the development of the disease.

Magic will help you heal

With sore throat, sore throat or tonsillitis, it is necessary to take all possible measures to quickly rid the child of the problem that has arisen. Children suffer from such diseases with pronounced symptoms, and helping them is a paramount task for any parent. Along with conventional medicine treatments, there are options that few people know about. There are a lot of rumors and misconceptions among the people about conspiracies and rituals that relieve acute symptoms and reduce inflammation.

Angina, a disease that gives complications to other organs. BUT

Can words in prayer or conspiracy help with an infection or disease in the throat? The surrounding world around consists of riddles that a person has only to solve, whether to believe in them or not is the choice of everyone. Daily conspiracies help to overcome unpleasant and dangerous ailments without consequences and complications.

There are many effective traditional methods that will help cure a sore throat and get rid of seasonal viruses. But at the same time, each of us at least once in his life has encountered side effects from the use of modern drugs, which, by the way, can fundamentally undermine the health of both an adult and a child. But a conspiracy for a sore throat is always safe. The main advantage of magical rituals, rituals and prayers aimed at solving health problems is that they are very easy to perform. Anyone can handle them. At the same time, a conspiracy from a sore throat can be read regardless of where you are and are being treated - at home or in a hospital.

Basic Rules

Since sore throat conspiracies have existed for a long time, they are constantly being improved. But one rule always remains the same - they must be pronounced clearly, in no case deviating from the proposed text. Only in this case there will be a positive effect. Before using magic words, remember that a conspiracy is a verbal formula that has a very strong influence on a person's energy field. Equally important is the observance of certain points.

  1. Firstly, in order not to confuse the words of the prayer, it is best to write them down on paper and read them. However, the fastest and most positive effect of the ceremony will be if you memorize and pronounce the text by heart.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to accurately and strictly perform all the magical actions that are indicated in the description of the ritual.
  3. Thirdly, if you use a conspiracy from a sore throat in order for the child to be cured, then the magic words must be pronounced directly in the presence of the baby or with his photo in his hands.

For tea with honey

With a sore throat, hot tea is the best helper. Therefore, you can use this drink for a very simple but effective ritual. It is necessary to brew fresh tea in a large mug and wait until it cools down.

Add three teaspoons of homemade honey, preferably from a local belt, and say the following words:

“Acute pain dries up, my throat clears! My throat stops hurting and peace comes in my house! Amen!".

For a chicken egg

This conspiracy is considered strong and quite complex. But with the right preparation, you can easily cope with it. It is necessary to boil the eggs in advance, and also wait until they have completely cooled. The purpose of this rite is to get rid of the negative energy that torments the patient, contributing to the development and progression of the disease. To slander eggs should be done with the following prayer:

“Virgin Mary, help! You quickly expel the disease from the throat! The pain goes away, and the sore throat goes away! May it be so! Amen!".

After that, it is necessary to pick up a knife and cut off, cut off the threads that, as it were, entangle a sore throat. After that, roll the eggs over the sore spot for about two minutes, during which time they will just have time to pick up all the negative energy.

On flowing water

To perform this ritual, you need to have running water at hand, so it is best to perform it in the bathroom or in the kitchen. The best time for the ritual is sunrise. But, if the patient suddenly felt worse at night, then you should hurry up and carry out the necessary magical actions after the sun sets.

First, turn on the faucet and turn on the water. Then start reading a very powerful plot against such a very common disease as tonsillitis, which, as a rule, is usually accompanied by terrible pain, itching and a feeling of a lump in the throat. In addition, patients break bones, and there is a high temperature.

The text of the conspiracy should be repeated three times, after which it is necessary to spit over the shoulder from which the throat hurts:

“Water flows - take away the trouble! As the sun has set over the edge of the earth, so go away my illness! I am strong and healthy! May my will be strong!"

Of course, the effect of the ritual will increase significantly if you spend it on the banks of a real river or near a small stream.

Other magical rites

There are many other conspiracies with which you can heal yourself or help your child recover.

  1. With the use of fire. it The best way get rid of acute unbearable pain. To make everything work out for you, prepare in advance a church candle and a glass of hot milk with honey. This ritual can be performed at any time, without focusing on the state of the moon. First, light a candle with matches. Take a glass with a drink and say this prayer three times in a row in a loud voice: “I stand before the Lord and ask for myself (and for my child)! God grant me (or the name of the baby) good health and a strong voice! The pain goes away and never comes back! Amen!". Then wait until the milk has cooled down a bit, and drink it in one gulp, or give a sick child a drink. The result will come very quickly, in just a few hours the state of health will improve significantly.
  2. Delicious ritual for sore throats. The ritual is intended to help sick little children. The best time to do it is early evening or morning. You need to make sure that no one interferes with you and your baby. The rite consists in the fact that during it the water is charged with healthy energy. The baby should be comfortably arranged on your lap. Take a cup of holy water in one hand, and honey in the other. Above the water it is necessary to say these words three times: “Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Come to the aid of your servant, the innocent boy (name)! Holy Mother of God, hear my prayer, help my child get well! Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, hear my prayer coming from the depths of a mother's heart! Amen!".
  3. Campfire. During this ritual, the patient should be seated by the fire. Then take a piece of paper, write on it what disease you want to get rid of. Set it on fire and fumigate the person you are speaking several times, while reading the words: “The throat (name) is talking! The smoke flies away - the disease takes with it! I'm busy - I'll cure the disease! Amen!".

At all times, a conspiracy from a sore throat was popular. In traditional medicine, this diagnosis is called tonsillitis. Pain, perspiration and fever accompany the course of the disease, to which children and adults are prone. A very effective means of getting rid of the disease are conspiracies and prayers.

To get rid of a sore throat forever, you can try a sore throat conspiracy

A disease such as angina, it is impossible to get sick once. Often this ailment, if at least once in a person, will again and again occur with inflammation in the throat. To get rid of such trouble forever, you can try to speak a sore throat. It is important to follow the rules for reading conspiracies:

  • perform rituals strictly according to the instructions provided;
  • only their mother can read conspiracies from a sore throat for children;
  • know the magic text by heart;
  • understand the meaning of each word from the slander;
  • to be silent about the applied prayers, conspiracies from a sore throat.

If a sore throat needs to be spoken in children of a younger age group, it is recommended to wait until the baby falls asleep. This advice is due to the fact that it is difficult for babies to hatch all the time of the ritual, especially in a painful state. If tonsillitis and cough of adults are being treated, they should be present in a clear and sober form during the treatment of angina, appeal to the Lord.

Spell for tea with honey

Spelled tea with honey sore throat can be cured in the shortest possible time. First, you should brew herbal tea, leave it to cool to a temperature at which a person can drink the liquid in one gulp. After that, add a spoonful of natural honey to the drink, sentencing an appeal to the Lord:

“Let there be no sharp pain in my flesh.

May there be no bad pain in my throat.

Let this ailment leave its way,

Let it disappear for centuries and there will be no more pain.

Oh Heavenly Powers, grant deliverance

Servant of God (name) from a hostile disease,

Yes, fill with the power of your healing. Amen".

After the ceremony, you should drink tea in one gulp. With this ritual, a quick relief from tonsillitis can be expected. Do it magical action allowed every day until you can get rid of the disease.

The ritual is performed only on homemade, fresh eggs.

A well-known healer from Siberia, who has helped many people, offers her own method of treatment. In Natalia Stepanova, a conspiracy for a sore throat is read over twelve chicken eggs. The ritual is performed only on homemade, fresh eggs. The merchant should give money for them without change, go home without talking to anyone.

First, the speaker boils hard-boiled eggs, whispering over them: "Lord, come to the rescue." Allow the eggs to cool slightly after boiling. The next stage of the ritual is a conspiracy that is read over the patient:

“With your prayer on my lips, Holy Mother of God, I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (proper name), proceed to treatment. With my word, I drive away the heat and bitterness from the throat of the Servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the patient) forever. I remove the burning pain, let it blow it away with a gust of wind on all sides and it will never gather back. As sleep comes, the disease will go away the next morning. My words are strong, but the deed is stucco. From now on and forever. Amen".

Magic words are pronounced from the heart, with faith in a speedy recovery. It is strictly forbidden to be distracted by extraneous noises and other irritants. Put warm eggs on the person's throat and leave to cool. Once they are completely cool, they can be removed. It is absolutely impossible to break, as well as use in food. The product is lowered into the river or buried in the ground.

Conspiracy for children on chicken eggs

The best way to speak a sore throat in a small child is a ritual with an egg. The speaker must boil two fresh, purchased from private traders, chicken eggs, wait for them to cool completely. It is best to leave them to cool near the patient, next to his bed. After cooling, say a conspiracy to sore throat:

“I pray, Holy Virgin Mary, take this sickness away and forever.

I take away this ailment, pain and heat from the flesh of the servant of God (name).

Let the sore throat go away as the dawn touches the morning sky. Amen".

Over the children, the spell is read 12 times without a break. In this case, you should take a knife and hold it with the blunt side of the blade near the throat in the side that hurts more. After reading the prayer, attach the eggs to the inflamed area and hold for a few seconds. Upon completion of the ritual, the eggs will absorb negative energy along with diseases - it is recommended to bury them away from their place of residence.

A water conspiracy will relieve a sore throat

A conspiracy with water to get rid of a sore throat can be carried out on oneself. It is important to find running water - the ideal source in modern conditions is a bathtub or sink. Before sunrise, the patient stands with his back to open water and reads the words three times:

“Like water that fills the beautiful world with life,

So I will be filled with happiness and health.

Like the sun that goes beyond the horizon, my disease will go to distant lands,

But will never return. May it be so".

Ritual with water against sore throat

A powerful, but requiring preparation, ritual for a sore throat can soothe a sore throat within a few hours. It is carried out only on the waning moon. For the ceremony, take:

  • a new round mirror of small size;
  • holy water (best if it was collected in Orthodox holiday or Sunday)
  • three church candles.

The words of the conspiracy must be learned. It is read calmly, measuredly. After sunset, a window opens in the patient's house. The window is chosen one that is well lit by moonlight. Church candles are installed on the windowsill. The patient looks at the reflection on the mirror surface, and the conspirator says, holding a container of holy water in his hands:

“Oak, oak, take from the servant of God (name) sickness with all roots, with all processes. I don’t drive, I don’t swear, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself drives. Amen".

Add the charmed water to the drink and food of the patient until complete recovery.

To conspire on fire, the patient should sit down near the fire, and the speaker should set fire to a stick or paper

Healers offer to make a conspiracy for healing from a sore throat, which is read over a fire or over other sources of fire. To do this, the patient sits down near the fire, and the speaker sets fire to a stick or paper. A burning object should be fumigated on the head of a person suffering from an ailment, while reading:

“I speak the throat of the servant (s) of God (her) (name),

I pronounce my throat from pain, from evil spirits:

Don't be in a healthy body

In the blood, in the heart and in the head.

Wherever the smoke goes, the sore will go there.

May it be so".

Send the splint into the fire and let it burn, put out the fire and scatter the ashes in the wind. A charmed neck, even with purulent sore throat, will begin to pass in a day.

Three Day Ritual

For this conspiracy, you need to allocate three days. Every evening, read special words over a thing that belongs to the patient. While reading, visualize the result - how a person will improve and the pain will recede:

“Dawn-maiden, tear out the evil illness to the ground! Here in this body she should not be, do not drink red blood, do not grow, do not multiply in the servant of God (name). Go where the sun is. There's a place for you."

After praying three times, the conspirator should spit over the left, and then over the right shoulder. The next morning, after three days, the item should be returned to the patient so that he can use it. Thus, it is possible not only to drive away the disease, but also to create a kind of amulet that protects from the negative energy of the one who uses the charmed thing.

Applying the advice of practicing magicians, you can quickly cure the patient - a day after each of the rituals, the sore throat will leave the body.

Sore throats often appear at the wrong time. In addition to the cough that attacks first, strong and sharp pains overcome the throat. It becomes difficult for a person to swallow and it is difficult to speak. This paralyzes normal life and does not allow to lead a free lifestyle. Even the opportunity to eat is lost, due to acute pain in the throat and the complicated process of swallowing. Official medicine knows ways to solve this problem, but they are not always right for you. Often, and much safer for the body, it is better to perform a ritual or conspiracy for sore throats from sore throats.

The simplest and easiest conspiracy to perform from a sore throat is a honey ritual. For the ritual, you need to take May honey. It is he who is rich in useful substances that are activated when reading a whisper. It enhances their actions and stimulates the human immune system, directing it to recovery.

Take chamomile, St. John's wort, mint and lemon balm. Brew all the herbs in equal proportions to make a healing tea. Add a spoonful of honey to it. And say healing words:

“As I drink tea, I heal from a sore throat. As honey is sweet, so health is smooth. I drink - I'm being treated, I'll be cured of a sore throat! As the cup is empty - so my illness is gone! May it be so! Amen!"

Whisper words repeat 3 times. Then drink your tea to the end. For the effectiveness of the conspiracy, nothing can be left at the bottom. The very next day you can feel the relief in your throat!

Ritual with an egg for a sore throat for adults

To get rid of severe pain in the throat, you can perform a ritual with an egg. Since you still need a knife to perform it, the ceremony can only be performed by adults. This will make it effective, but for safety reasons, you should refrain from doing it on young children.

Take a homemade egg. Weld it to a state of complete readiness. Then, putting the testicle to the throat, say the words of the spell. Whisper text:

“I drive out the egg, I remove all the pain. Let my sore go far and forever. As the protein was boiled, so I was healed! Amen!"

Roll your testicle down your throat and say the words three times. Then he takes a knife, at the level of the throat, turn it with the blade towards him and say the words:

“Get the sickness away from me. Take her knife into the night!"

After completing this ritual, take the egg to the crossroads and throw it away so that no one sees. Then walk away and never look back. The knife should be washed under running water for 10 minutes. Water will purify the energy, and this item can be used as usual. The ritual is very strong and its action will manifest itself in a day.

How to speak a sore throat in a child

Parents endure the illness of their children much harder than their own. Treatment of children requires a cautious approach: drugs should be given in the prescribed amount. And it is better, for the safety of the body, to conduct a ceremony to get rid of the sore.

For the effectiveness of the ritual, one of the parents must read it. In rare exceptional cases - a person who loves a child. A whisper to heal a child is read three times with breaks of 5 hours. For the ritual it is worth preparing. Get up in the morning and, having washed your face, read the prayer “Our Father” three times. Then he crosses himself and you can perform the ritual. The rite itself consists in pronouncing the words of a whisper over a sick child.

Light a candle. Stand above the child's head and read the following words:

“Forces Almighty, Powerful Forces, help the child heal. Take the pain away. Remove the evil eye and bad energy. Protect the baby from slander, bad influence, other people's enviable words, bad thoughts. Ease his suffering and give him strong and heroic health in return. For this I am very grateful to you! Amen!"

Cross yourself and put out the candle. After 5 hours, repeat the ceremony again. Already in the near future it will be possible to notice the effectiveness of the ceremony. The kid is on the mend.

To relieve sore throat

With strong and sharp pains, when it is difficult to speak and swallow, and the cough does not go away, you can do an emergency ritual with honey and milk. To do this, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a glass of warm milk. Dilute honey in water. Light the candle with matches. Use only matches for this purpose. Sit down and calmly read the words:

“I stand before you and ask for health. Higher Powers, help! Reward me with health! I thank you for this! I will never forget! Amen!"

After reading the whisper, drink the milk to the end. After a couple of hours, you will feel relief in your throat. If necessary and severe neglect of the disease, the ritual should be repeated. This conspiracy is good because it can be carried out at any time of the lunar phase, during the day and even at night. After all, pain does not ask when it comes and, accordingly, the body should be treated when necessary.

Prayer for diseases in the throat

When you are in severe pain, you can perform a ritual for a quick cure for a sore throat. But this ritual is suitable for those who are adherents of the Christian church. The words of a whisper are addressed to the egregor-patron of this faith. They activate the Forces, which will help to get rid of the disease. Prayer for sore throat is read in 2 stages. During the pronunciation of magic words, you should all the time stroke yourself in a sore spot. First say:

“For the first time, the Lord's hour. The second time, God's hour. Third time, Lord's hour"
Then read the words of the prayer "Our Father". Then proceed to pronounce the second part of the prayer.
“You shouldn’t be here, don’t drink red blood, don’t break white bones, don’t give tumors to God’s servant (name). Go there, the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

As it became clear from the first part of the prayer, it should be read three times. Throughout the time, stroke and press a little on your sore spot. You can perform this ceremony, both on yourself, and on another person or on a child. The main thing is that all participants should be adherents of the Christian church and firmly believe in the effectiveness of prayer. After reading the prayer, you can be calm for your health - the sore throat will begin to recede in the next few hours.

All rituals are very effective and effective. But it is always worth remembering that the disease is much easier to treat in the early stages of manifestation. The more neglected the sore, the more often rituals should be performed, and the longer the sore will recede. In such cases, do not forget about faith in rituals and the power of self-hypnosis! A positive attitude towards life and faith in a wonderful future will help to cope with any diseases and troubles!