Temperature conspiracy. Prayer is strong from high temperature Conspiracy from temperature to remove quickly from the child

Complete collection and description: a strong prayer from high temperature for the spiritual life of a believer.

When a high temperature is understood, there is an urgent need to act. The body fights an infection, a virus, but it harms itself greatly by raising the temperature. If this condition lasts for a long time, it can greatly harm a person. It is especially important to remove the fever if the child is sick. Doctors prescribe pills, potions and other medicines. Do not rush to take them right away. There is a proven temperature plot that anyone can read. Words have special power. Say them and everything will be back to normal. This method is known to many, but they do not talk about it. Take note of this way of dealing with the disease.

Conspiracy is one of the effective means.

Conspiracy or magical ritual.

Why is temperature dangerous?

Our body itself is able to fight the disease. He does not need pills and artificial treatments. As soon as there is a threat, the temperature rises. Many viruses cannot exist in an environment where the temperature is more than 38 degrees. Slowly they die. If the virus is strong, does not give up immediately, then you have to maintain such “hot” conditions for a long time. It is also dangerous for us. The brain, heart, liver, kidneys suffer.

There are many good money folk medicine. There are herbal teas, cold towel wraps. They work, but not quickly. A conspiracy will help you. It works quickly and has no side effects like pills.

Help your child

A high temperature in a child is very dangerous. His defense system is still being formed. Don't let sickness hurt your baby. For young children, there are also a variety of medicines, candles, tablets. It is better to avoid their use - even the doctor will tell you that. Try to cure him with a folk method, uttering a simple conspiracy. It helps very well if the child is often sick with the same symptoms. The negative energy of the disease has found a loophole, now it is haunting a person. The conspiracy will protect him from this, remove the negative program. The baby will be healthy, and you will forget about illnesses.

The most effective conspiracies from fever

There are many conspiracies. Try it, they don't disappoint. Such whisper words were used by our great-grandmothers to quickly help kids and adults. They knew a lot about healing magic, because with the touch of a hand they could relieve pain in the ears, heal their throat or stomach.

Pillow Conspiracy

This conspiracy is pronounced only by a healthy person. It is necessary to speak the pillow on which the patient lies. You will need a new white pillowcase.

Take a pillowcase in your left hand, and a church candle in your right hand. Cross the pillowcase with a candle three times. Say:

"Dawn-dawn, red maiden,

Deliver the servant of God (name) from manuha,

From fever, from volatile, from jaundice,

Now put the pillowcase on the pillow and place it under the patient's head.

Now the person will feel better in the morning. The fever will subside, the headache will go away. You need to sleep on this pillow for another 3 days. During this time, the disease should completely leave the body. Be sure to make this plot on the child's pillow if he has a high fever. He acts very quickly. A person will have very pleasant dreams about flying, lightness, coolness.

Conspiracy for water

Warm up a glass of water. You can add honey or some jam to it. The text of the conspiracy is pronounced over the glass:

“Shaking Satan, shake gold, black, red-haired, white-haired, step back and pump out from the servant of God. If you don’t retreat and don’t pump out, then Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, will take you, shaking Satan, and Michael the Archangel, the formidable governor of the heavenly forces, under the arms and lead you, shaking Satan, to a fiery river and plunge you, shaking Satan, into fiery river and plunge you, shaking Satan, into the fiery river until the end of time; amen, forever amen and forever and ever amen.

This is very good way for home family practice

A sick person should drink it in small sips, cross himself three times. Only suitable for baptized! Repeat this plot the next day if the temperature has not yet subsided. Usually only two repetitions are enough for maximum healing effect. Please note that the disease will not return.

Healing magic knows how to heal any disease. To do this, you need to have real power, to practice healing. Not everyone will succeed. You can take advantage of them simple advice. In some cases, incantations and amulets are best used along with traditional medicines. In case of a real danger to life, when doctors insist on hospitalization of a person, do not neglect this advice. Even a common cold can lead to dire consequences.

Amulet against all diseases

Not only conspiracies, but also effective amulets will help protect yourself and your family from illness. They have been known since ancient times, there is no doubt in their strength. Try wearing them every day. Health can be spoken.

Since ancient times, it has been known that this stone takes away diseases and high temperatures. You can buy a round aquamarine. Gently roll it over the patient's forehead. You can hang it over the bed of a sick child. He very quickly takes away all the negativity, the severity of the disease. Be sure to rinse it afterwards with running water.

Fern flower

This is not a real flower, but a charm. Slavic traditional magic created an amazing item. This amulet helps against all diseases, including fever. Saves from high temperature quickly. The patient needs to put it on his neck and send him to sleep. When he wakes up, there will be no trace of the disease.

Conspiracies for colds

Dampness, slush and cold weather very often cause various infectious and colds. Perhaps each of us has ever experienced a fever and a runny nose. To get rid of such symptoms, as well as to prevent their possible occurrence, you just need to use a folk remedy - a conspiracy.

A cold spell will be a faithful assistant for any loving mother who wants her child to be always healthy. Such rituals are very effective and powerful. With their help, you can easily get rid of a cold, not only a small child, but also an adult.

How can you tell if you or your child is sick? The main symptoms of colds:

Why are rituals that save a person from colds more effective in relation to children? The answer is very simple. Little children are pure before God, they do not delve into the meanings of the words that make up the conspiracy. They believe in healing. And adults are often distrustful of such rituals. Remember, in a conspiracy, the main thing is faith.

Effective conspiracies from temperature

This ritual is very helpful for little children who have a fever due to a cold. Put a sick child to bed and before going to bed, read the following slander on holy water:

“I dare enemies, I drive out illness, I drive away all troubles, I remove pains, I apply protection to the Lord Almighty.”

Cross the sleeping child three times with enchanted holy water. This conspiracy is effective for severe coughs, bronchitis, runny nose, and also reduces the temperature well.

To cure a child or an adult from a fever, you need to buy a candle in the church. The purchased candle is lit and placed on the table. A sick person sits on a chair so that he has a burning candle and a window in front of his face. The patient looks at a lit candle, at this moment you need to read a prayer:

“Fire, burn stabbing-shooting, fever-cough, so that the servant of God (name) has a clean inside. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The wax that dripped from the candle should be rolled up in paper and thrown away as far as possible from your home. The candle itself is wrapped in a white cloth and put away in a secluded place. Until the patient recovers, it is forbidden to use a candle. Next, you need to stand in front of the icon of "All Saints" and bow forty times. After that, you need to wash yourself with consecrated water, wipe yourself with a clean towel, put on unworn clothes and go to bed. In the morning you will definitely notice a positive result, you will feel much better, there will be no trace of a cold.

Conspiracy for colds

If you want to get rid of the temperature as soon as possible, you need to stand with your back to the waning moon and ask her in a whisper three times this question:

"Luna, are you leaving? Will you forget to take the disease from me? Are you waning? And let the sickness go away. Amen".

Conspiracy for the beginning of a cold

When you notice the first symptoms of an incipient cold, use the following rite. You need to scratch your name on a wax candle and set it on fire. Take a blank piece of paper on which write:

“I ask the health of the almighty sun! Send me healing energy, and it will fill me with new strength! May it be so!".

Set fire to the spell that you wrote on the piece of paper with a candle and say three times:

The ashes from the paper must be poured into a crystal glass, pour three years of aging Cahors into it and drink to the bottom. Immediately after the ceremony, go to bed, sleep.

In the morning you will feel much better, cold symptoms will go away from you.

Prayer on holy water

Hex read, looking at a glass of holy water. The rite is performed at sunset, reading a prayer:

“The Lord God came, brought health, the servant of God (his name) forgave all sins and healed his body! In the name of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, do not leave me! Holy angels Michael and Gabriel, guard me, a servant of God (your name). Frol and Lavr, Vasily and Harlapy! Remove, quench the ailment of the servant of God (your name) with my slander, your order from now on and forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Cross the spoken water three times and drink it in small sips.

Conspiracy from high temperature

For the treatment of a febrile patient, the following, very strong, conspiracy can be used. To do this, repeat the prayer 40 times:

"Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, servant of God (name)."

“Deliver, Lord, me, the servant of God (name), from the twelve kumikhs, from the daughters of Herod, thin, barefoot, naked. Terrible frost, severe frost, do not stand behind me, a servant of God (name), but walk through the forests and dales, through meadows and groves, along rivers and seas, go around trees and grasses, and not me, a servant of God (name ), get away from me into the open, into a wide field and stay there.

A conspiracy against temperature also helps very well to get rid of a strong annoying cough, both dry and wet.

Hexes on honey

You need to dilute May honey with holy water, and then speak this mixture:

“On the ocean, on the sea, on the island, on the bank, a cane grew from the ground to the sky. Who will pull out that cane? And Michael the Archangel, Peter and Paul will pull out that cane. And I do not help, I do not help, the Lord God Himself helps, Jesus Christ Himself. Amen".

Charmed honey water must be given to a sick person so that he drinks it. After this procedure, you must definitely go to bed. In the morning the patient will feel a significant improvement in his health, he will feel much better.

A conspiracy from a high temperature in a child on honey has the right to read either the mother, or the grandmother or godmother of the child. The ceremony is performed only if the child agrees to it. They say a prayer on a spoon with honey:

“A little baby, a dear baby, Mother of God, help me cure, So that the cough does not choke him, let him sleep and live in peace. I conjure, I persuade, I ask, Give the Kid (name) health, strength, Let everything bad go sideways, go sideways, And good, healthy will always be with him. Amen!"

Spelled honey is placed in a glass of holy water and stirred until completely dissolved. Honey water should be given to a sick child so that he drinks it. The procedure is carried out in the evening, before going to bed and repeated at least two or three times, several evenings in a row. After the second procedure, your child will feel much better. The temperature will no longer rise, and the symptoms of the disease will go away for a long time.

Hex from the common cold

Take a piece of red cloth, give it to the patient so that he blows his nose into it. Then wrap the nail with this cloth and stick it into the slot or other hole. Read the prayer:

“I don’t insert a nail, but I pin the disease. Just as this nail will not be useful anywhere else, So the snot from the nose will no longer flow. My words are strong and molded, Stronger than hard stone, Harder than strong iron. Key, lock, tongue. From now on and forever!”

An infusion on dry birch buds also helps very well. Take half a teaspoon of birch buds and pour a glass of boiling water over them. When the kidneys are infused, strain the resulting broth and cool it. Give the decoction to the patient to drink, reading this prayer:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash the nose, so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

If the rite did not save you from a runny nose the first time, repeat the same procedure the next day.

Conspiracies for colds are very effective if you really believe in a cure with traditional medicine. With the help of such rituals, you can not only cure a cold, but also use these conspiracies to prevent such diseases.

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Nothing can protect a child like a mother's prayer.

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Water is the best medicine in any combination: either in medicine, or for drinking, or for wiping, etc. Truly a gift from the Lord! Given to us from above!

Water is an information carrier.

Thanks for the advice and prayer! I'll write it down for myself and my daughter just in case.

An excellent and useful article! Yes, in no case should mom panic, because. the child feels it and experiences it.

My great-grandmother knew how to speak heat. I remember when I was little, I always fell asleep to my grandmother's prayers. The temperature dropped without medication. Very often I remember my grandmother when I have to treat my children with syrups for fever. You have a good article - useful to young mothers!

Yes, it’s great when a person is endowed with the Power of God and heals, helps people and loved ones. I also give medicine to my children, but I don’t forget about prayer, it strengthens a lot, the child recovers faster.

Prayer (quick relief of pain, temperature)

This prayer is able to relieve any pain in minutes.

This prayer is able to reduce in a matter of minutes

temperature, relieve any pain.

"God! Good God!

May Your Name be hallowed in Heaven and on Earth.

From end to end of the Universe!

God! Strengthen your strength in resisting the forces of darkness,

not only to resist him, but also to purify

from this garbage. Learn to separate good from evil and

stay calm

and firmness of spirit, in order to worthily create between

people your will.

Strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - as close ones,

and unknown to me.

May they see Your true glory and be filled with

love in your heart.

And overcome the dark barriers in motion along

And let them stretch out their hands to one another and give

immense warmth of the soul.

God! May Your will be done! And will stay on

earth one people,

loving his mother - nature, reunited

with you love

his own and walking on the path of true spiritual

development, relying on your last covenant.

In the morning: “Bless, Lord, on the deeds of the day

to come, and may its difficulties be met

as it befits those who walk under Thy light"

In the evening: “Fill up, Lord, the lost strength

for the good, in order to prepare for the meeting of the day of the future.

After internal confession, when illnesses and

troubles will recede, try not to repeat the former

mistakes - otherwise misfortunes will return twice as much.

I.G. Podolskaya, Ryazan

Part 22 - Prayer (quick relief of pain, temperature)

This prayer is able to reduce the temperature in a matter of minutes, relieve any pain.

Prayer must be done in solitude, with a lit candle, kneeling.

This prayer is able to reduce the temperature in a matter of minutes, relieve any pain.

"God! Good God!

May Your Name be hallowed in Heaven and on Earth. From end to end of the Universe! Lord! Strengthen your strength in resisting the forces of darkness,

not only to resist him, but also to purify the mother earth

from this garbage. Teach me to separate good from evil and to remain in peace and firmness of spirit, in order to worthily do Thy will among people.

Strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - both close and unknown to me. May they see Your true glory and be filled with love in their hearts.

And overcome the dark barriers in the movement along the path to the Light.

And let them stretch out their hands to each other and give the immeasurable warmth of the soul.

God! May Your will be done! And there will be one people on earth,

loving his mother - nature, reunited with you by love

his own and following the path of true spiritual development, relying on

Your last testament."

In the morning:“Bless, Lord, on the deeds of the day to come, and let them be

... his difficulties were met as it befits those who walk under Your light ”

In the evening:“Fill up, Lord, the lost strength for good,

in order to prepare for the meeting of the day of the future. Amen".

After inner confession, when illnesses and troubles recede,

try not to repeat previous mistakes - otherwise misfortunes will return twice as much.


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Conspiracy from temperature

Conspiracy from temperature

High temperature accompanies the course of many diseases, the temperature itself is not a disease, it is a sign of illness. The body gives a signal "SOS!", Shows that he needs help. At the same time, temperature is also a protective reaction of the body, it shows that the body is fighting the disease, because many microbes, viruses die from high temperature, and thus the body tries to get rid of them.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the high temperature and, after that, to carry out complex treatment.

But, there are times when the temperature jumps sharply to a critical level, when urgent measures must be taken to reduce it so that the destructive processes caused by a very high temperature do not begin in the body.

Can be used various ways lowering the temperature and in the case when the disease lasts a long time, the treatment is long, and the patient is exhausted by the high temperature.

There are several old heat conspiracies that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used. Their effectiveness has been tested for centuries. Here is some of them:

"Dawn-dawn, red maiden, Deliver the servant of God (name) from manuha,

From fever, from volatile, from jaundice,

From Maria Irodovna and from all twelve shaking girls.

Need to read 5-7 times;

Do not twist ruddy blood.

Conspiracy at high temperature

If a person has a fever and the temperature does not subside, speak water and give it to the patient. The heat will take off like a hand.

In an open field, in a wide expanse,

And on this stone a big woman sits.

In her white hands is trouble, a hot frying pan.

Her white frying pan does not burn her hands.

She is not hot, not parko and does not take chills.

So that the servant of God (name)

There was no chill, no fever,

May she get better and get up soon.

Which word I will speak

Which word I will not agree,

The Lord God will prompt and order the ailment to leave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from high temperature and fever

It is spoken early in the morning, at dawn, with a yellow church candle, on the water, in which silver has been kept since night. The one who speaks should look intently at the water, hands resting on their knees, palms down, right palm on left.

Three day fever, four day fever.

Get out of the body of the servant of God (name of the spoken)

Don't come back, don't turn around

Not to the servant of God (the name of the spoken),

neither to his relatives nor to his relatives.

Can't stay in this body

You cannot torment the servant of God (the name of the spoken)

Yes, break his bones, yes, pull his veins.

Do not break my word, do not burn it,

Take sharp scissors, wash them with charmed water. Cut them over the head of the sick person and say:

“I cut off the fever-fever-shaker, I throw it away, I relieve pain.”

Then burn the scissors over the fire of a red church candle, cross the sick man three times and read “Our Father” nine times over him.

Strong health conspiracies from fever, high temperature

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. I will pray to the Lord God, I will approach with the Lord God. It is not I myself who speak, I do not heal myself, it is St. Nicholas who speaks, heals, the great miracle worker and saint of God. On the sea ocean, on the island of Buyan there stands an oak, there are no leaves or acorns on it, peahens sit on that oak, those peahens have neither feathers nor tails. They sit, they don't fly, they only talk pronounce fever from body white slave God's baptized betrothed ( name) kicked out. Go you, fever, Chernobyl on the grass, burn this grass and fall, and leave (name) alone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are other conspiracies from temperature. But, be sure to remember that along with this you need to use other folk remedies to reduce the temperature, for example, wiping with vinegar or alcohol (vodka), a cold compress on the forehead. In addition, symptomatic treatment is necessary. And be sure to consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Treatment must be comprehensive. Surround the patient with care and attention, this will also play a positive role.

One thought on “Conspiracy from temperature”

Thank you, Elena, for the conspiracies! A very necessary thing in everyday life. Health to all of us and our loved ones!

Dampness, slush and cold weather very often cause various infectious and catarrhal diseases. Perhaps each of us has ever experienced a fever and a runny nose. To get rid of such symptoms, as well as to prevent their possible occurrence, you just need to use a folk remedy - a conspiracy.

A cold spell will be a faithful assistant for any loving mother who wants her child to be always healthy. Such rituals are very effective and powerful. With their help, you can easily get rid of a cold, not only a small child, but also an adult.

How can you tell if you or your child is sick? The main symptoms of colds:

  • sneezing
  • runny nose;
  • temperature;
  • cough.

Why are rituals that save a person from colds more effective in relation to children? The answer is very simple. Little children are pure before God, they do not delve into the meanings of the words that make up the conspiracy. They believe in healing. And adults are often distrustful of such rituals. Remember, in a conspiracy, the main thing is faith.

Effective conspiracies from temperature

This ritual is very helpful for little children who have a fever due to a cold. Put a sick child to bed and before going to bed, read the following slander on holy water:

“I dare enemies, I drive out illness, I drive away all troubles, I remove pains, I apply protection to the Lord Almighty.”

Cross the sleeping child three times with enchanted holy water. This conspiracy is effective for severe coughs, bronchitis, runny nose, and also reduces the temperature well.

To cure a child or an adult from a fever, you need to buy a candle in the church. The purchased candle is lit and placed on the table. A sick person sits on a chair so that he has a burning candle and a window in front of his face. The patient looks at a lit candle, at this moment you need to read a prayer:

“Fire, burn stabbing-shooting, fever-cough, so that the servant of God (name) has a clean inside. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The wax that dripped from the candle should be rolled up in paper and thrown away as far as possible from your home. The candle itself is wrapped in a white cloth and put away in a secluded place. Until the patient recovers, it is forbidden to use a candle. Next, you need to stand in front of the icon of "All Saints" and bow forty times. After that, you need to wash yourself with consecrated water, wipe yourself with a clean towel, put on unworn clothes and go to bed. In the morning you will definitely notice a positive result, you will feel much better, there will be no trace of a cold.

Conspiracy for colds

If you want to get rid of the temperature as soon as possible, you need to stand with your back to the waning moon and ask her in a whisper three times this question:

"Luna, are you leaving? Will you forget to take the disease from me? Are you waning? And let the sickness go away. Amen".

Conspiracy for the beginning of a cold

When you notice the first symptoms of an incipient cold, use the following rite. You need to scratch your name on a wax candle and set it on fire. Take a blank piece of paper on which write:

“I ask the health of the almighty sun! Send me healing energy, and it will fill me with new strength! May it be so!".

Set fire to the spell that you wrote on the piece of paper with a candle and say three times:

"May it be so!"

The ashes from the paper must be poured into a crystal glass, pour three years of aging Cahors into it and drink to the bottom. Immediately after the ceremony, go to bed, sleep.

In the morning you will feel much better, cold symptoms will go away from you.

Prayer on holy water

Hex read, looking at a glass of holy water. The rite is performed at sunset, reading a prayer:

“The Lord God came, brought health, the servant of God (his name) forgave all sins and healed his body! In the name of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, do not leave me! Holy angels Michael and Gabriel, guard me, a servant of God (your name). Frol and Lavr, Vasily and Harlapy! Remove, quench the ailment of the servant of God (your name) with my slander, your order from now on and forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Cross the spoken water three times and drink it in small sips.

Conspiracy from high temperature

For the treatment of a febrile patient, the following, very strong, conspiracy can be used. To do this, repeat the prayer 40 times:

"Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, servant of God (name)."

“Deliver, Lord, me, the servant of God (name), from the twelve kumikhs, from the daughters of Herod, thin, barefoot, naked. Terrible frost, severe frost, do not stand behind me, a servant of God (name), but walk through the forests and dales, through meadows and groves, along rivers and seas, go around trees and grasses, and not me, a servant of God (name ), get away from me into the open, into a wide field and stay there.

A conspiracy against temperature also helps very well to get rid of a strong annoying cough, both dry and wet.

Hexes on honey

You need to dilute May honey with holy water, and then speak this mixture:

“On the ocean, on the sea, on the island, on the bank, a cane grew from the ground to the sky. Who will pull out that cane? And Michael the Archangel, Peter and Paul will pull out that cane. And I do not help, I do not help, the Lord God Himself helps, Jesus Christ Himself. Amen".

Charmed honey water must be given to a sick person so that he drinks it. After this procedure, you must definitely go to bed. In the morning the patient will feel a significant improvement in his health, he will feel much better.

A conspiracy from a high temperature in a child on honey has the right to read either the mother, or the grandmother or godmother of the child. The ceremony is performed only if the child agrees to it. They say a prayer on a spoon with honey:

“A little baby, a dear baby, Mother of God, help me cure, So that the cough does not choke him, let him sleep and live in peace. I conjure, I persuade, I ask, Give the Kid (name) health, strength, Let everything bad go sideways, go sideways, And good, healthy will always be with him. Amen!"

Spelled honey is placed in a glass of holy water and stirred until completely dissolved. Honey water should be given to a sick child so that he drinks it. The procedure is carried out in the evening, before going to bed and repeated at least two or three times, several evenings in a row. After the second procedure, your child will feel much better. The temperature will no longer rise, and the symptoms of the disease will go away for a long time.

Hex from the common cold

Take a piece of red cloth, give it to the patient so that he blows his nose into it. Then wrap the nail with this cloth and stick it into the slot or other hole. Read the prayer:

“I don’t insert a nail, but I pin the disease. Just as this nail will not be useful anywhere else, So the snot from the nose will no longer flow. My words are strong and molded, Stronger than hard stone, Harder than strong iron. Key, lock, tongue. From now on and forever!”

An infusion on dry birch buds also helps very well. Take half a teaspoon of birch buds and pour a glass of boiling water over them. When the kidneys are infused, strain the resulting broth and cool it. Give the decoction to the patient to drink, reading this prayer:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash the nose, so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp, doesn’t sneeze, doesn’t hurt. Amen".

If the rite did not save you from a runny nose the first time, repeat the same procedure the next day.

Conspiracies for colds are very effective if you really believe in a cure with traditional medicine. With the help of such rituals, you can not only cure a cold, but also use these conspiracies to prevent such diseases.

In this article:

When a high temperature is understood, there is an urgent need to act. The body fights an infection, a virus, but it harms itself greatly by raising the temperature. If this condition lasts for a long time, it can greatly harm a person. It is especially important to remove the fever if the child is sick. Doctors prescribe pills, potions and other medicines. Do not rush to take them right away. There is a proven temperature plot that anyone can read. Words have special power. Say them and everything will be back to normal. This method is known to many, but they do not talk about it. Take note of this way of dealing with the disease.

Why is temperature dangerous?

Our body itself is able to fight the disease. He does not need pills and artificial treatments. As soon as there is a threat, the temperature rises. Many viruses cannot exist in an environment where the temperature is more than 38 degrees. Slowly they die. If the virus is strong, does not give up immediately, then you have to maintain such “hot” conditions for a long time. It is also dangerous for us. The brain, heart, liver, kidneys suffer.

It is very important that the high temperature does not last long. It needs to be "knocked down".

There are many good traditional medicines. There are herbal teas, cold towel wraps. They work, but not quickly. A conspiracy will help you. It works quickly and has no side effects like pills.

Help your child

A high temperature in a child is very dangerous. His defense system is still being formed. Don't let sickness hurt your baby. For young children, there are also a variety of medicines, candles, tablets. It is better to avoid their use - even the doctor will tell you that. Try to cure him with a folk method, uttering a simple conspiracy. It helps very well if the child is often sick with the same symptoms. The negative energy of the disease has found a loophole, now it is haunting a person. The conspiracy will protect him from this, remove the negative program. The baby will be healthy, and you will forget about illnesses.

The most effective conspiracies from fever

There are many conspiracies. Try it, they don't disappoint. Such whisper words were used by our great-grandmothers to quickly help kids and adults. They knew a lot about healing magic, because with the touch of a hand they could relieve pain in the ears, heal their throat or stomach.

Pillow Conspiracy

This conspiracy is pronounced only by a healthy person. It is necessary to speak the pillow on which the patient lies. You will need a new white pillowcase.
Take a pillowcase in your left hand, and a church candle in your right hand. Cross the pillowcase with a candle three times. Say:

"Dawn-dawn, red maiden,
Deliver the servant of God (name) from manuha,
From fever, from volatile, from jaundice,
From Maria Irodovna and from all twelve shaking girls.

Now put the pillowcase on the pillow and place it under the patient's head.
Now the person will feel better in the morning. The fever will subside, the headache will go away. You need to sleep on this pillow for another 3 days. During this time, the disease should completely leave the body. Be sure to make this plot on the child's pillow if he has a high fever. He acts very quickly. A person will have very pleasant dreams about flying, lightness, coolness.

Conspiracy for water

Warm up a glass of water. You can add honey or some jam to it. The text of the conspiracy is pronounced over the glass:

“Shaking Satan, shake gold, black, red-haired, white-haired, step back and pump out from the servant of God. If you don’t retreat and don’t pump out, then Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, will take you, shaking Satan, and Michael the Archangel, the formidable governor of the heavenly forces, under the arms and lead you, shaking Satan, to a fiery river and plunge you, shaking Satan, into fiery river and plunge you, shaking Satan, into the fiery river until the end of time; amen, forever amen and forever and ever amen.

This is a very good way for home family practice.

A sick person should drink it in small sips, cross himself three times. Only suitable for baptized! Repeat this plot the next day if the temperature has not yet subsided. Usually only two repetitions are enough for maximum healing effect. Please note that the disease will not return.

Healing magic knows how to heal any disease. To do this, you need to have real power, to practice healing. Not everyone will succeed. You can follow their simple tips. In some cases, incantations and amulets are best used along with traditional medicines. In case of a real danger to life, when doctors insist on hospitalization of a person, do not neglect this advice. Even a common cold can lead to dire consequences.

Amulet against all diseases

Not only conspiracies, but also effective amulets will help protect yourself and your family from illness. They have been known since ancient times, there is no doubt in their strength. Try wearing them every day. Health can be spoken.


Since ancient times, it has been known that this stone takes away diseases and high temperatures. You can buy a round aquamarine. Gently roll it over the patient's forehead. You can hang it over the bed of a sick child. He very quickly takes away all the negativity, the severity of the disease. Be sure to rinse it afterwards with running water.

Fern flower

This is not a real flower, but a charm. Slavic traditional magic created an amazing item. This amulet helps against all diseases, including fever. Saves from high temperature quickly. The patient needs to put it on his neck and send him to sleep. When he wakes up, there will be no trace of the disease.

Few people know, but fever is not a separate disease at all, but only a companion of most ailments, because an increase in body temperature is mainly due to the fact that the body begins to fight the virus that has struck it. Despite this, it is necessary and, of course, possible to fight the temperature, and even without unnecessary hassle with medicines and expensive drugs - just use a conspiracy against temperature. Our conspiracy will help bring down the temperature if pills and tablets, which have already spoiled the intestinal microflora to the brim, are ineffective.
Important for a conspiracy from temperature: Read this conspiracy in the early fresh morning shortly before the sun rises and preferably before you have time to wash. Do not think about any extraneous things when performing the ceremony, and it will definitely work.
Fix the text for pronunciation of the conspiracy on any handy piece of clean white paper - so you will not lose it.
Temperature conspiracy - how to read correctly:
Degree, degree, you must not be in my body, you must not stand against my flesh! From now on, you won’t turn red blood and don’t ruin my health! Go to the dark forest, to its northern end, but stay there and do not try to return! Go away, go away, go away! May it all come true for me! Amen."

Conspiracy from high temperature.
Sometimes a person has a high fever. And even drugs can not help quickly. In cases where the fever does not subside, read one plot.
The plot is carried out on the water. After you read the magical text, let the patient drink this water and the fever will be taken off by hand.
“I see an open field, and in the middle of it stands a huge hot stone. A grandmother sits on this stone. A frying pan boils in her hands, burning bubbles jump, but her hands do not burn. sick (name) the fever will stop and nothing hurts. So that the temperature does not rise, so that strength returns. My words will be picked up by the wind and carried to heaven. The Lord God sees everything, hears everything, will help remove the illness and protect from illness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

If the temperature is high and nothing helps, a conspiracy will help.
,There is a combustible stone in an open field. A sick woman was sitting on this stone. She held a hot frying pan in her white hands. And her hands did not burn, and the chills did not take. Also, the servant of God ... (name) did not burn her hands and there was no chill. Amen. "

If the disease is accompanied by a severe fever, then help yourself by plotting away. Take a white towel, pour water into a bowl. It’s good if one of your relatives brings water from a spring or a river, or you yourself keep a supply of such water at home - living water keeps the power of nature, and it helps many times better than tap water. You can drop holy water into ordinary water from the temple.
As you pour water, so cross it and read the conspiracy from the heat:
I will lie down blessed, I will get up crossing myself. I will leave the hut through the doors. From the courtyard - the gate under the western side. Four evangelists stand under the western side. The first is Mark, the second is Luke, the third is Ivan Pyatechiy, the fourth is Judas. I’ll go up to them and call: “All of you four evangelists, go to the servant of God (name). Take off, tear off from the servant of God (name) dashing fever, fever, fever, comu, lapukha, shaking, breaking, mournful. I'm shaking, I'm shaking, I'm shaking, I'm shaking. Fuck her and take her, and carry her, and throw her into fire and flame, into a brick oven into gray stone."
Soak a towel in this water and wipe the whole body with it three times.

Plot to bring down the temperature.
Take non-drinking water in a glass or glass or mug. But first, read the prayer "Our Father" three times, the prayer to the Mother of God, and to Nicholas the Pleasant, say the conspiracy three times. Wash and drink the sick. It is necessary to drink in small sips, as they drink boiling water. fever will subside.
This conspiracy has been verified by me more than once. I will only say that the action of the conspiracy is short-term, it lasts for several hours, then everything repeats itself.
The plot is also good in combination with medicines.
A stone snake crawls, her eyes are fiery, she bites the slave (the name of the rivers) body so that the body does not break, burn, or hurt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
When you use charmed water. It must be remembered that drinking water from a mug or glass should only be held by the handle, and if from a glass, then hold the bottom so that the water does not pour through thumb. Even when you give a person the water he has spoken, tell him to carry it home right away without going anywhere along the way, the more rapids he takes the water, the weaker it will be. Let him not show water to anyone, but let him carry it to the house in an opaque bag or bag. Let him pour the water from the wash into the yard in the wind and only the wind away from himself

Amulet in the treatment of a sick person.
When starting to treat a sick person, have a pigtail woven from three thick white ropes with you.
When you braid it, say:
Just as this scythe is strong, whole and unified, it will not let into its union either the sixth or the fifth, so I cannot take a stranger either the thirteenth or the ninth.
After a complex treatment, this pigtail must be buried without unwinding in the black earth or thrown into the middle of a fast river..

Faith to you and health.
Information taken from various internet sources.

A detailed description from several sources: "a strong prayer for a high temperature in a child" - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

When a high temperature is understood, there is an urgent need to act. The body fights an infection, a virus, but it harms itself greatly by raising the temperature. If this condition lasts for a long time, it can greatly harm a person. It is especially important to remove the fever if the child is sick. Doctors prescribe pills, potions and other medicines. Do not rush to take them right away. There is a proven temperature plot that anyone can read. Words have special power. Say them and everything will be back to normal. This method is known to many, but they do not talk about it. Take note of this way of dealing with the disease.

Conspiracy is one of the effective means.

Conspiracy or magical ritual.

Why is temperature dangerous?

Our body itself is able to fight the disease. He does not need pills and artificial treatments. As soon as there is a threat, the temperature rises. Many viruses cannot exist in an environment where the temperature is more than 38 degrees. Slowly they die. If the virus is strong, does not give up immediately, then you have to maintain such “hot” conditions for a long time. It is also dangerous for us. The brain, heart, liver, kidneys suffer.

There are many good traditional medicines. There are herbal teas, cold towel wraps. They work, but not quickly. A conspiracy will help you. It works quickly and has no side effects like pills.

Help your child

A high temperature in a child is very dangerous. His defense system is still being formed. Don't let sickness hurt your baby. For young children, there are also a variety of medicines, candles, tablets. It is better to avoid their use - even the doctor will tell you that. Try to cure him with a folk method, uttering a simple conspiracy. It helps very well if the child is often sick with the same symptoms. The negative energy of the disease has found a loophole, now it is haunting a person. The conspiracy will protect him from this, remove the negative program. The baby will be healthy, and you will forget about illnesses.

The most effective conspiracies from fever

There are many conspiracies. Try it, they don't disappoint. Such whisper words were used by our great-grandmothers to quickly help kids and adults. They knew a lot about healing magic, because with the touch of a hand they could relieve pain in the ears, heal their throat or stomach.

Pillow Conspiracy

This conspiracy is pronounced only by a healthy person. It is necessary to speak the pillow on which the patient lies. You will need a new white pillowcase.

Take a pillowcase in your left hand, and a church candle in your right hand. Cross the pillowcase with a candle three times. Say:

"Dawn-dawn, red maiden,

Deliver the servant of God (name) from manuha,

From fever, from volatile, from jaundice,

Now put the pillowcase on the pillow and place it under the patient's head.

Now the person will feel better in the morning. The fever will subside, the headache will go away. You need to sleep on this pillow for another 3 days. During this time, the disease should completely leave the body. Be sure to make this plot on the child's pillow if he has a high fever. He acts very quickly. A person will have very pleasant dreams about flying, lightness, coolness.

Conspiracy for water

Warm up a glass of water. You can add honey or some jam to it. The text of the conspiracy is pronounced over the glass:

“Shaking Satan, shake gold, black, red-haired, white-haired, step back and pump out from the servant of God. If you don’t retreat and don’t pump out, then Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, will take you, shaking Satan, and Michael the Archangel, the formidable governor of the heavenly forces, under the arms and lead you, shaking Satan, to a fiery river and plunge you, shaking Satan, into fiery river and plunge you, shaking Satan, into the fiery river until the end of time; amen, forever amen and forever and ever amen.

This is a very good way for home family practice.

A sick person should drink it in small sips, cross himself three times. Only suitable for baptized! Repeat this plot the next day if the temperature has not yet subsided. Usually only two repetitions are enough for maximum healing effect. Please note that the disease will not return.

Healing magic knows how to heal any disease. To do this, you need to have real power, to practice healing. Not everyone will succeed. You can follow their simple tips. In some cases, incantations and amulets are best used along with traditional medicines. In case of a real danger to life, when doctors insist on hospitalization of a person, do not neglect this advice. Even a common cold can lead to dire consequences.

Amulet against all diseases

Not only conspiracies, but also effective amulets will help protect yourself and your family from illness. They have been known since ancient times, there is no doubt in their strength. Try wearing them every day. Health can be spoken.

Since ancient times, it has been known that this stone takes away diseases and high temperatures. You can buy a round aquamarine. Gently roll it over the patient's forehead. You can hang it over the bed of a sick child. He very quickly takes away all the negativity, the severity of the disease. Be sure to rinse it afterwards with running water.

Fern flower

This is not a real flower, but a charm. Slavic traditional magic created an amazing item. This amulet helps against all diseases, including fever. Saves from high temperature quickly. The patient needs to put it on his neck and send him to sleep. When he wakes up, there will be no trace of the disease.

Prayers for temperature

With these prayers, you can turn to the saints with a request to deliver the child or yourself from heat and temperature.

Prayer to the Lord God from the temperature

Vladyka, Lord, our God, who was born of Our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and who lay down like a baby in a manger, and who was accepted as a child:

Bless this baby (name) yourself, save him and keep him from every poison, from every ferocity, from every opposite storm, from evil spirits,

day and night and grant the baby (name) health and well-being of the soul and body, and protect the angels bright and shining from any attack of invisible spirits.

Lord, keep this baby (name) from ailment and weakness, from jealousy and envy, and from the eyes of a vigilante and have mercy on him, and bless, grow, sanctify, enlighten, be wise, good-wise.

Since You, Omnipotent Lord, brought him and showed him the light of the senses, so you were honored with the light of the mind, during which you determined for him,

will be counted among Your holy flock by Your Only Begotten Son and will worship and glorify Your All-Holy and Magnificent name in this life:

in the house and on the way, and in the earthly temple;

and in the heavenly home, make him worthy to glorify Thee, our All-Gifted God:

Father and Son and Holy Spirit now and forever.

The first prayer to the Matrona of Moscow from the temperature

I beg you, I conjure with the heart of the mother, go to the Lord's throne, ask God to give health to the servant of God (name).

I beg you, holy mother Matrona, do not be angry with me, but be my intercessor.

Ask the Lord to grant my child (name) good health.

Deliver him from physical and spiritual ailments.

Remove all sickness from his body.

Forgive me for my sins, voluntary and involuntary.

Pray for the health of my child (name).

Only you, Saint Matrona, my great intercessor and adviser.

The second prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for healing from temperature

Oh, holy matron.

I appeal to you with a request of the soul.

Give strength and health to my child (name), fading from nightmare damage.

I ask not for myself, but for an innocent child.

Remove from him confusion in the soul, take away suffering, deliver from bodily ailment.

Pray for him before the Lord God and ask him to forgive me for my mother's sins.


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Conspiracy from temperature

Conspiracy from temperature

High temperature accompanies the course of many diseases, the temperature itself is not a disease, it is a sign of illness. The body gives a signal "SOS!", Shows that he needs help. At the same time, temperature is also a protective reaction of the body, it shows that the body is fighting the disease, because many microbes, viruses die from high temperature, and thus the body tries to get rid of them.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the high temperature and, after that, to carry out complex treatment.

But, there are times when the temperature jumps sharply to a critical level, when urgent measures must be taken to reduce it so that the destructive processes caused by a very high temperature do not begin in the body.

You can use various methods to reduce the temperature and in the case when the disease lasts a long time, the treatment is long, and the patient is exhausted by high fever.

There are several old heat conspiracies that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used. Their effectiveness has been tested for centuries. Here is some of them:

"Dawn-dawn, red maiden, Deliver the servant of God (name) from manuha,

From fever, from volatile, from jaundice,

From Maria Irodovna and from all twelve shaking girls.

Need to read 5-7 times;

Do not twist ruddy blood.

Conspiracy at high temperature

If a person has a fever and the temperature does not subside, speak water and give it to the patient. The heat will take off like a hand.

In an open field, in a wide expanse,

And on this stone a big woman sits.

In her white hands is trouble, a hot frying pan.

Her white frying pan does not burn her hands.

She is not hot, not parko and does not take chills.

So that the servant of God (name)

There was no chill, no fever,

May she get better and get up soon.

Which word I will speak

Which word I will not agree,

The Lord God will prompt and order the ailment to leave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from high temperature and fever

It is spoken early in the morning, at dawn, with a yellow church candle, on the water, in which silver has been kept since night. The one who speaks should look intently at the water, hands resting on their knees, palms down, right palm on left.

Three day fever, four day fever.

Get out of the body of the servant of God (name of the spoken)

Don't come back, don't turn around

Not to the servant of God (the name of the spoken),

neither to his relatives nor to his relatives.

Can't stay in this body

You cannot torment the servant of God (the name of the spoken)

Yes, break his bones, yes, pull his veins.

Do not break my word, do not burn it,

Take sharp scissors, wash them with charmed water. Cut them over the head of the sick person and say:

“I cut off the fever-fever-shaker, I throw it away, I relieve pain.”

Then burn the scissors over the fire of a red church candle, cross the sick man three times and read “Our Father” nine times over him.

Strong health conspiracies from fever, high temperature

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. I will pray to the Lord God, I will approach with the Lord God. It is not I myself who speak, I do not heal myself, it is St. Nicholas who speaks, heals, the great miracle worker and saint of God. On the sea ocean, on the island of Buyan there stands an oak, there are no leaves or acorns on it, peahens sit on that oak, those peahens have neither feathers nor tails. They sit, they don't fly, they only talk pronounce fever from body white slave God's baptized betrothed ( name) kicked out. Go you, fever, Chernobyl on the grass, burn this grass and fall, and leave (name) alone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

There are other conspiracies from temperature. But, be sure to remember that along with this you need to use other folk remedies to reduce the temperature, for example, wiping with vinegar or alcohol (vodka), a cold compress on the forehead. In addition, symptomatic treatment is necessary. And be sure to consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Treatment must be comprehensive. Surround the patient with care and attention, this will also play a positive role.

One thought on “Conspiracy from temperature”

Thank you, Elena, for the conspiracies! A very necessary thing in everyday life. Health to all of us and our loved ones!

Conspiracy from high temperature

Sometimes a person has a high fever. And even drugs can not help quickly. In cases where the fever does not subside, read one plot.

So, the conspiracy is carried out on the water. After you read the magical text, let the patient drink this water and the fever will be taken off by hand.

“I see an open field, and in the middle of it stands a huge hot stone. Grandma is sitting on this stone. In her hands, the frying pan boils, burning bubbles jump, but her hands do not burn. It’s not hot for the grandmother, it’s not chilly and it doesn’t throw it into the cold. So let the patient (name) stop the fever and nothing hurts. So that the temperature does not rise, so that forces return. My words will be picked up by the wind and carried to the sky. The Lord God sees everything, hears everything, will help to remove the ailment and save from illness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".