Do-it-yourself symbol of the year from foam plastic. The brightest and most interesting crafts for the new year

Which great idea make a craft of a rooster, a symbol of 2017 with your own hands! By pleasing the Fire Rooster, you will receive his patronage for a whole year. Gifts in the form of a rooster with your own hands, especially if they are made from the bottom of your heart, will please anyone, and they can also be a great New Year's decoration in your home.

You have a chance to excel with your imagination and creativity. Please note that the rooster has a homely character, not tolerating disorder, but requiring comfort and everything natural, natural, but he will also leave no room for boredom and mediocrity. You do not need any special training, you can even involve your children in this to have fun together and develop their Creative skills, train fine motor skills. For crafts, you need to prepare a minimum of materials, and at the end get the maximum benefit in the form of a sea of ​​​​positive emotions. Being a creator is not at all difficult, but it is terribly fun and great!

Take a look at a wide variety of ideas, let them inspire you, or maybe thanks to them, you will come up with your own unique one. Just try!

funny chicken coop

A pillow with the image of a rooster or hens - hens, a very beautiful and also practical accessory for the home in 2017. It will decorate any room and add softness and comfort if you put it on yourself. How to do?

From a sheet of paper or cardboard, draw and cut out a stencil, each part of the cockerel separately: wings, crest, beak, eyes, etc. Having attached the patterns to the multi-colored pieces of fabric, cut out all the parts of the appliqué, sew them to the pillowcase of the pillow. It is better to choose a plain light fabric for the base. A do-it-yourself rooster on a pillow can be made with various ornaments: flowers, herbs or peas, use your imagination to vividly depict a poultry yard.

Let's fly!

Do-it-yourself voluminous toys in the form of chickens and a rooster, attached to the top by ropes, interesting option instead of a fixed panel. You can change the places of their deployment, decorating one room or another, because such a craft will delight people of all ages. Each toy has its own special charm, it gives the warmth of the hands of the master and inspires the atmosphere of the holiday for the new year 2017.


According to the template from two parts, we cut out and sew the future chicken. We attach the rest of the parts: eyes, beak, wings, etc. To your taste, you can add decorations from beads and rhinestones, bright flowers or feathers to the hens. From the thicker threads, you need to make legs for the chickens, buttons sewn together will serve as paws.

naughty cockerels

We sew a blank for an egg-shaped toy and attach the rest of the rooster to it: wings, comb, eyes, and so on. Glue the straw from below so that it looks like a nest in shape, and the rope on which we hang the cockerel can be decorated with beads. Attach ready-made cockerels to a branch that can be decorated with artificial leaves made of paper or scraps of fabric.

Cockerel with a heart

We sew a stuffed blank for a toy from two pieces of a heart shape. As a fabric, you can choose warm felt. Sew along the edges the rest of the rooster: beak, fluffy tail, scallop, beak, and so on. In the middle, attach a ribbon or rope on which the toy will hang.

This master class has a lot of options for execution, there is no limit to the author's imagination and courage, the number and size of do-it-yourself roosters is not limited.

Antistress cockerels

Such toys can be put on a shelf or on any horizontal plane. A funny performance will cheer everyone up in 2017 and will remind you of a fairy tale and holidays. The fabric should be bright plain, or with polka dots, stripes, checks. Sew a stuffed blank in the form of a square bag, along the edges there will be a beak, tail and other parts of the cockerel. We sew the toy from below so that we get a pyramid. To give an even more ridiculous look, you can make a cockerel from the red thread of the paw. To such mischievous cockerels, you can add a whole bird brood with hens and even chickens. The toy keeps its shape very well and will not leave anyone indifferent.

golden scallop

To create such a symbol of 2017 - a rooster, you will need fabric and cotton wool. From the patterns, sew the body, wings and scallop, stuff them with cotton wool. Sew them together and attach the rest of the details: eyes, beak, beard. You can attach a stylistic straw bow to your neck, it will look very authentic! Choose the material for crafts to your taste, for example, bright plain felt is well suited for a beak and a scallop with a beard, you can look at something contrasting for the body and wings. The rooster will definitely be pleased with your work!

Fashionista Pugovkin

A do-it-yourself rooster made of buttons is an ideally simple and at the same time creative idea! After all, everything is ingeniously simple! You will definitely find at home old unnecessary buttons of all colors of the rainbow and sizes. It’s a pity to throw away such buttons, and at the same time they lay unnecessarily, but nothing happens by accident, and now, finally, the buttons will find their purpose in the form of a wonderful craft for the new 2017 Fire Rooster!

Collect the New Year's rooster on a piece of fabric or a piece of paper or cardboard. Rhinestone decoration will look good, it is better to choose buttons of different sizes and shapes. This will give the finished product a special zest. At the first stage, draw the base of the rooster so that the buttons do not go beyond its borders. The finished application can be framed in the most prominent place in the house.

This do-it-yourself rooster is a master class for anyone who wants to diversify their leisure time and please loved ones with unusual gizmos. You will certainly please the arrogant and arrogant cockerel, and he, in turn, patronized you throughout 2017. But the main thing is that you get real pleasure from the creative process itself and the surprise of your loved ones.

The upcoming 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Red Fire Rooster - this is a rather domestic and at the same time very bright bird. The rooster likes attention from the outside. To earn the favor of the patron of the year is quite simple, you can make a symbol of the New Year 2017 with your own hands, decorating your house with such an accessory, or presenting it as a gift for loved ones.

Polymer clay bird

Probably, almost every person in childhood was engaged in crafts from plasticine. Someone had to do this while doing school assignments, and someone just liked to sculpt various things from soft material. Sculpting from soft polymer clay is no more difficult. The technique is the same, only it is better to use gloves so as not to leave prints on the figure.

To begin with, you should stock up on bright self-hardening polymer clay, because the bird must turn out to be bright, attractive. You need to roll out balls of different sizes from clay, the largest will become the body of a bird. To make everything look harmonious, when all the parts are connected, the boundaries between them must be carefully smoothed out with your fingers. It is best that the details initially resemble ovals; a little later, you can form the desired shape with your hands. Feathers need to be made from small balls, first you should roll them well, forming a kind of sausage, after that you can make a feather, be sure to make small longitudinal cuts. Little things in such work need to be given a lot of attention, because it is on them that the whole final result. The beak is best sculpted from orange clay, but the eyes can be made black. The wings need to be made in a bright color, having previously formed droplets or triangles. All feathers will be best drawn with a thin knife. Wings should be carefully attached to the body. You can use simple matches as the basis of the paws, with them the craft will be stable. When the product dries and hardens, it can also be painted with acrylic paints, varnished.

You can make a rooster from polymer clay with the most different ways, birds may vary in size, plumage color. All the little things should be changed at your discretion, the main thing is to put warmth, love and best wishes into such a figure.

Original pendants for the apartment

The cockerel can be made in such a style that it looks harmonious in almost any corner of the apartment. It is best to make small figurines of birds, you can even make a collection of such cockerels, presenting them to loved ones. All detailed patterns for such figures can be drawn independently or printed from the Internet. It is best to use a fairly dense fabric for future bettas, so the shape will hold well. After the patterns are made, you can begin to sew them together, filling the entire internal space with cotton wool or padding polyester. Such a filler is best suited for such toys. Scallops and beaks should be cut separately. The scallop should traditionally be made red, the beak may be yellow. To make the bird more vivid, the figurine can be additionally decorated with various applications. The legs of a bird can be made of rope with small buttons at the end. Since such decorative elements must be hung, a long loop can be sewn in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back of the cockerel. Such a gift can become not only an interior decoration, but also an original addition to Christmas tree decorations. You can decorate such a chicken brood in a variety of ways, it all depends on your imagination.

It is not necessary that such pendants completely resemble a cockerel in shape. The composition of birds made in the form of bags looks very beautiful and at the same time original. First you need to make a pattern that looks like an oval or a bag, fill it with filler. The top of such a bag should be elongated upwards, and the bottom may be more voluminous. The comb is best made from red fabric, this color is quite traditional and suitable for decoration. The comb is sewn to the very top, the beak can be made yellow by placing it on the bag. The eyes can be made from black beads or black fabric. Additionally, brown threads can be sewn at the bottom, which will resemble the hay on which the bird sits. Cockerels can be fixed on a wooden plank. All the details in such a craft need to be beaten. Funny roosters in the form of bags look original and at the same time very cute. Bright fabric, non-standard solutions will definitely appeal to all loved ones.

DIY craft symbol of the New Year 2017 can be made in the form of cute hearts. There is nothing difficult in such work. First you need to make patterns of hearts from the selected fabric, after that you need to carefully sew everything, filling the future cockerel with cotton wool. It is necessary to leave a little space in order to sew a comb and tail into the middle. The crest and wings are best made from red material, but tail feathers can be multi-colored. It is best that the tail consists of several different feathers, so the cockerel will look more elegant. The beak is better to make yellow. Such a craft can be hung on a Christmas tree; for convenience, you definitely need to make a large loop.

wooden cockerel

Wooden cockerels look very beautiful. To make such a craft, you need to stock up on suitable material and a jigsaw. First you need to very carefully and in detail draw all the contours of the future bird. After that, you can start cutting everything with a jigsaw. Such work is quite painstaking, but if everything is done correctly, then the figure will turn out to be just perfect. Everyone chooses the sizes for himself. Someone will want to make a few small figures, and someone will decide to make a big rooster. After everything is done, you need to start decorating the bird. For this, the simplest paints are suitable, so that the bird turns out to be bright, it is best to apply several layers of paint. You can also use various sparkles and other decorative elements. After the wooden layout has turned into a bright bird, everything needs to be covered with a fixative on top, it will give the cockerel shine, and the paint will not fade over time. You should also take care of a suitable stand for the symbol of the coming year. You can fix everything with a good superglue. Such a craft can be a wonderful gift, and a cheerful, bright rooster will certainly bring happiness, prosperity, and joy to the house.

Rooster made of colorful buttons

The handicraft of the symbol of the coming year, made of multi-colored buttons, looks beautiful, original. At the preparatory stage, you need to find material of a suitable color and size, buttons of various shapes, threads.

On the fabric, first, it is best to carefully and in great detail draw the outline of the future cockerel, as well as all its elements, with a simple pencil, after which you can start decorating. To make all the buttons, rhinestones, bouillons look harmonious, at first you can simply lay them out along the contour of the bird, when everything is in place, you can start sewing them on. Traditionally, the combs should be made from red buttons, the beak should be yellow, but the eyes can be depicted with small black buttons. The cockerel's body can be of any color, the most important thing is that the color transitions look smooth and harmonious. The tail must be made bright, attracting attention. You can select blue, green buttons, you should definitely dilute everything with orange, yellow, golden feathers. In order to make the rooster's paws look harmonious, you can use small beads or rhinestones to decorate them. When everything is in place, the buttons can be covered with one or more layers of varnish with glitter on top, this will make the cockerel literally sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

After finishing work, the fabric needs to be fixed on cardboard or plywood, make a beautiful frame and place such a work of art in it. A small picture with the symbol of the coming year will be a real decoration of any interior. Small rhinestones near the cockerel can be embroidered New Year's greetings or just kind words to the person to whom the gift is intended.

Do original crafts with multi-colored, bright cockerels is very easy, it will take a little time, concentration and desire to please relatives with such an original gift.

When you are lost in doubt, what kind of unique craft to create on New Year, we can offer you the most original version - they will help you make a stunning Cockerel using the quilling technique. Experienced needlewomen who love to sew can be offered to make handmade toys for the Christmas tree from felt or delicate textiles. By the way, you can also get a lot of ideas if you look at Easter creativity, because the cockerel figurine is often used to decorate holiday decor.

Do-it-yourself symbol of 2017: master classes

A lot of needleworkers are interested in how to make do-it-yourself symbol of 2017, master classes with a photo will tell you how to make a postcard or painting "Cockerel" using paper and quilling technique. This picture can be framed and presented for the New Year to your beloved grandmother. Children of preschool and school age simply love to fiddle with paper, so this craft will be done without difficulty, and mothers will always come to their aid.

The work can be divided into two stages: at the first, we will prepare all the elements for quilling, and at the second, we will arrange the composition with their help, gluing to the cardboard base along the contour. The style in which it will be executed will add a special charm to the picture - this is Petrikovskaya painting. The colors that we will use are typical for the Ukrainian applied art "Petrikovka". On the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region in Ukraine, huts were decorated in this style, painting their walls with bizarre patterns. Then the painting began to be used to decorate dishes and furniture, and now with the help of Petrikovskaya painting, together with the children, we will create an original New Year's picture.

To work, you will need a set of 5 mm quilling paper strips. Choose the set that contains all the brightest and most memorable colors: red, orange, yellow, gold, burgundy, brown. The beauty of the picture itself depends on the quality of the paper and its color, if you take high-quality paper, then the work will shimmer in the sun.

The main element of quilling in this craft is a “drop”, for which we will use a strip 42 cm long. They must be twisted with a special tool, and the tips fixed with glue. The picture that you can see in the picture is created in several layers: first, the elements of the first layer are glued to a dense cardboard base, and the second layer is placed on top of them. Now you don’t have to think about what to do, because you have the most unique idea in your arsenal.

In addition to the picture, there are other ideas how to make a symbol of 2017 with your own hands, master classes they will definitely tell you how to get a voluminous Christmas tree toy that can be hung on a festive tree.

This craft is done on an acetate sheet, which must be lined with blotting paper. On this basis, you can assemble a figure by connecting the elements together, and then, after drying, separate it from the base sheet.

For this craft, we will use strips 3 mm wide, which can be cut independently from colored paper, it must be painted on both sides.

We will make a scallop from three “drop” elements using a strip 7.5 cm long. For the head, a strip of this length will also be used: "almond" and "drop". The “almond nut” element is also useful for decorating the beard of our cockerel.

The beak will be in the shape of the letter "V", so we need a strip of only 2 cm long, which should be folded in half. The eye is a dense "spiral". We will still need 7.5 cm strips to fill the empty spaces on the body, so for the future we can prepare "almond nuts" and "drops", as shown in the picture.

To decorate the body, we need strips of paper 10 cm long, which must be twisted into an “almond nut”. Elements must fill the entire space of the drawn body.

It is impossible to imagine without the bright tail of Petya-Cockerel - do-it-yourself symbol of 2017, master classes You will be prompted by many options on how to make it truly beautiful. To do this, you can use strips of paper of different colors and different lengths, on the one hand they must be glued together, and on the other, they must remain voluminous.

How to make a symbol of 2017 with your own hands: master classes

Bright and original Do-it-yourself rooster symbol of 2017, master class if used for its implementation from felt or scraps of cotton fabric. Experienced needlewomen who love to sew a variety of felt toys will gladly bring these to life.

You can sew by hand if you use felt, or on a typewriter if we are talking about textile crafts. You will definitely need patterns that can be found on the net. This may be the outline of a finished cockerel, which must be circled on the fabric and cut out in duplicate. Felt toys are usually made up of many small pieces that can be sewn with hand stitches or glued on.

You can decorate cockerels on a wooden skewer and use it to decorate a festive table.

On the network you can find a huge number of workshops on how to make a cockerel with your own hands out of paper. The main ones will be discussed below.

Craft for a child in kindergarten

Despite the fact that there are many techniques for how to make a rooster out of paper, this article will consider the most primitive of them, which everyone can handle.

In addition, you should take care of the presence of a scallop and a beard in the bird. They are cut out separately from red colored paper and glued onto the drawing with PVA glue. The finished fake is most often decorated with sparkles. To do this, you must first treat it with glue, and then shake off all the extra sparkles.

Volumetric symbol of 2017

The symbol of 2017 with your own hands is easy to make in the form of a cone. This paper cockerel, made for the New Year, will be an interesting element in the design of the New Year's interior in the apartment. The basis of such a cockerel is a cone. To make a body, no additional templates are required. It is enough just to roll a piece of paper into a “bag” and voila - the cockerel is almost ready. So that the body does not crumble at the most inopportune moment, it must be glued together. To do this, use PVA glue. Next, a beard and comb are cut out of colored paper. They must be red.

The upper part of the cone is the "face" of the bird. A beard and a comb are glued here. You should also take care that the cockerel has eyes. They can be made of black colored paper. To make the eyes look like real ones, you need to glue one more bead to each black part.

Wings are made from strips of paper. They should be of a contrasting color with respect to the body. The same goes for the tail. For its manufacture, the same technique is used as for the wings. You can attach a thread to the finished cockerel. So the bird is easy to hang somewhere. For example, on a festive tree.

I bring to your attention a master class on sewing a rooster. To be honest, I took the original pattern from the Internet, some details were redone to my taste.

The printed pattern must be A4 size.

In this product, gabardine was used, which was printed by sublimation printing (special technology, special equipment required).

You can use cotton.

We will also need: scissors, threads, beads, sintepuh filler, granulate (in paws).

In this master class, I tried to show the main points, I hope it will be clear.

1. Prepare the gabardine for sewing, glue it with interlining (then it will not crumble).

2. We prick the circled parts with pins and sew on a typewriter.

3. Set the stitch pitch to two (2).

4. In the corners we make cuts, as close as possible to the line.

5 Outline the detail of the head twice. One will be sewn from facial fabric. The second of the lining fabric.

6. We sew to the marks.

7. On the lining, leave about 2 cm unsewn (marked with marks). We will need this for further turning the finished part of the head.

8. We turn one of the parts of the head on the front side and put one into the other facing each other.

9. We sew in a circle.

10. We turn out the part of the leg.

Hint, you need to sew one end, then it will be easier to turn out.

11. Cut off the sewn tip and push the elastic through. Then we flash, in the place where the mark is.

12. Gather the fabric. We sew the second edge of the part.

13. Torso.

Details 1 and 2 are sewn together along the side lines.

14. We chop off part 3 with previously stitched body parts. Putting the details of the legs inside the body (marked with arrows in the photo). We make tucks on the marks (d).

15. Pintucks are shown here.

16. Turn inside out and stuff.

17. I missed the moment of the base of the head. We sew it from any fabric (I have cotton). We fill it with filler and sew it with a secret stitch to the body. It turns out such a blank, on which we will then put on a beautiful head and plumage.

18. We do the same with plumage as with the head.

Sew, cut in the corners, turn inside out. We go to the iron, iron the details of the head and plumage.

19. Fill the parts with filler a little.

20. We put on our blank, first the plumage, then the head.

21. We sew with hidden stitches, capturing the blank, plumage and head, thereby connecting the three parts.

22. Earrings were stitched, cut in the corners and turned inside out, ironed. Sew in the place where the arrow is, connecting in half.

23. Scallop, stitch, cut in the corners. We twist. We iron. We hit a little.

24. Sew the details of the beak. Leaving about 1 cm unsewn. We turn it out, fill it with a little filler. The hole is closed with a hidden seam.

25. We sew the beak inside with a hidden seam, as shown in the photo.

26. Sew on the scallop, eyes, outline the beak and earrings.

27. Sew on the beak. To do this, with a sweat stitch, we pass first along the upper part, then from the bottom of the beak. We do not break the thread.

29. We sew the wings. We make cuts. We look for the details to be in a mirror image.

30. The wings were turned inside out, ironed and lightly stuffed with filler. You don't need to sew up the holes. We make decorative stitches for relief.

31. The small and large part of the wing is ready. We sew them together (shown by arrows).

32. We outline the wings on the body of the rooster with needles and begin to sew with a hidden stitch.

33. Tail. We sew the details, turn them inside out and stuff them (tightly).

34. We sew one more detail of the tail, cut it in the corners and turn it inside out. We iron and stuff. Sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

35. We sew the tail in turn, starting with the longest feather, half overlapping each other. Last we sew the wide part of the tail, thereby closing the place for sewing feathers.

36. Paws. Sew, cut corners, turn inside out. We iron and stuff. We insert our legs into the holes and sew with a hidden seam.

The rooster is ready.