New Year's greetings: more often, longer, better! Happy New Year! Congratulate experts of the tourism industry Congratulations on the coming New Year from the travel agency.

Dear customers, our dear friends! In that New Year I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your attention to us, interest in what we do and, of course, for your endless trust! I congratulate you on this magical holiday and wish you prosperity in business, well-being in your personal life, more joint projects and successful completion of all the work you have begun!

Dear customers, we sincerely wish you all a Happy New Year! There is no better gift for us than to see you satisfied and happy. We wish you the realization of your goals, inspiration, warmth, joy and more memorable events! Let's not stop there, because in the new year only luck and success awaits us. Happy holiday!

May this coming year bring you good luck! Let his offensive be marked by the beginning of something new, important and successful. We wish you stability in all matters, a successful outcome in all endeavors and prosperity in any area of ​​life. Thank you for your attention, understanding and trust. We hope that in the New Year you will certainly stay with us. Happy holiday!

Happy New Year, our dear, best and wonderful clients! On this wonderful holiday, we want to wish you real miracles in life, as well as good health to you and your families, attention, care, warmth, love and happiness. May this year be luxurious, kind, joyful and rich in holidays, acquisitions, good luck and bright emotions for you!

Dear Clients! Happy New Year! May the coming year bring joy, good news, fruitful ideas, joyful moments to all of you. We want to wish you all the very best. We hope that the New Year will bring us even stronger business relations, and we will try to continue to please you with our work. During our cooperation with you, you have become more than customers for us. You have become our true friends. Happy holiday to you!

Dear friends, we are glad to enter the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, wish you health, success and prosperity to you and your families. So that in the new year there are new victories and achievements, the most cherished desires come true. And we will continue to help you reach your goals, giving the best that we have. Yours sincerely (company name).

Dear friends, Happy New Year! In the coming year we wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and the achievement of your goals. Let the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

Dear customers, Happy New Year! We wish you comfort in your home, joy in your soul, love in your heart and the highest quality in your choice. Be happy in the new year, healthy, cheerful and optimistic. Live in full prosperity and prosperity. And remember, in the new year we are always glad to see you and are always waiting for you!

Happy holidays, dear customers! Thank you for choosing us and allowing us to have a place in your hearts. Your trust and support has made us more confident, but there is still much to be improved to make you even happier. After all, each of our clients is a friend to whom we are always glad, we wish good and care about his happiness. Welcome to join us in the New Year!

Dear our clients! We express our appreciation, gratitude and warmest wishes to you. Let there be only luck, success and a wonderful mood in your life. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all travelers!

Dear friends! Dear our regular readers and community members!

A little more time - and midnight will announce to us that another year has passed and a new one has come.
New Year is the brightest, most beautiful and fun party. A green elegant Christmas tree with multi-colored toys, sparkling and shiny, splashes of champagne, general revival and joy.

We wish everyone the same life in the new year - colorful and sparkling, promising and generous, like the New Year holiday!

We wish everyone - the fulfillment of desires! Because when a person has what he dreamed of, he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy!

We wish you all bright, interesting trips in the new year. Let's hope that We will still have many impressions and discoveries ahead, thoughts about which we will all certainly share on the pages of our community. But so that our compass never goes astray, we asked the great travelers of the past for advice on where we should visit next year, what to see, where to go, swim, fly! They know exactly how not to get lost in this diverse world. So we were given brief advice, wishes and congratulations on the coming new year, addressed to future generations of wanderers.

Florentine Amerigo Vespucci wished you to visit South America in 2014, swim in the Amazon and play a few football matches with the Brazilians, leave your mark on history. May your travels always open up new lands named after you!

In the wishes of Vasco Da Gama, advice on finding new ways to achieve old designs. If you have not been to India yet, then be sure to visit it, as the great traveler did it three times in the last millennium. And we want you to discover fresh solutions to old problems in the new year and move forward with a smile on your face.

After talking with D. Cook, we put together a few lines:
From James Cook advice to you -
if boredom sets in
you travel around the world
look for a friend everywhere!
And even if there is no reason
you enjoy life
leave the old sadness
down with bad thoughts.
Don't forget about us too
we'll show you the route
we'll tell you where, how much,
tie a knot on the way!

Marco Polo wants all travelers to be the same restless wanderers and seekers of fresh impressions. Be sure to visit China, appreciate the exotic and peculiarities of their culture. Take a photo on the Great Wall of China to capture an unforgettable moment and feel the spirit of majestic beauty. Do not forget to take a camera and a camera with you so that later, like Marco, you can share interesting information from all over the world with everyone! Happy New 2014 Year!

Flickering on the windows of ice,
Snowflakes are flying from heaven,
And their such a round dance,
Happy New Year promises!
In which, we know, everything will come,
And failure time will sink,
The horse will bring us with him,
Good luck, happiness and peace,
So that everyone would be good in the New,
Warm, cozy and light! ©

Happy New Year of the Horse!

Happy New Year! I wish all those who love to travel and who can’t sit still in one place to celebrate the New Year in some beautiful and unusual place!

How and where to celebrate the New Year

Where can you relax on such a holiday as? For those who can not sit at home this article. You can go on holidays of your choice: ski resorts, exotic countries with beaches, unique excursions to unforgettable places,. Everyone can choose according to their abilities and desires.

Ski resorts are very popular. On holidays, holidays there are inexpensive: Romania, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria. But there are also expensive places where customers with money tend to spend the New Year. These are European countries: Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Austria.

There is an opportunity to relax cheaply and excellently. We will talk about the sea, where almost everyone wants to find themselves in the middle of winter,)))). Israel, Goa (Indian resort), Canary Islands are good not only in summer. You can also view the program of excursions with shopping and choose the one that suits you.

If possible, choose exotic tours. They will give an unforgettable experience of visiting new places, such as Costa Rica. And besides the impressions, you will be given a lot of pleasure to soak up the winter on the beach.

You can simultaneously relax on the beach and see the sights in countries such as Egypt, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Chile.

Russia, like other countries, has places that not everyone knows about. Thrill-seekers are offered a ride on a dog sled. You can drive to volcanoes or hot springs and swim among the high snowdrifts.

The eighth wonder of the world is considered the islands in the Northern Kuriles Onekotan and Alaid, the volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is constantly covered with fog, like a hat.

You can visit caves and unique coniferous-bamboo forests on the islands of Iturup and Kunashir.

In general, you can have a good rest during the New Year holidays anywhere in our small planet. You just need to choose the right country and type of holiday.

In the New Year, everyone believes a little in miracles and celebrate the holiday with good wishes and hope for better times. The editors of "TURPROM" congratulate all employees of the tourism industry on the holiday, wish them success in the New Year and present their pages for congratulations to representatives of tour operators, public organizations and foreign tour offices.

# Ambotis Holidays

Dear colleagues and friends!
In these fabulous holidays we want to offer you a New Year's menu from Ambotis Holidays Russia.
We sincerely wish you bright travels in the New Year,
Thrills, Stormy, just boiling activity and Sweet life!
Let the coming 2019 be full of the Aroma of Success and the Taste of Victory!

#PAC Group

"Dear friends!
Meet the New Year with a smile and a festive mood! Take in it reliable partners and true friends, your successes and joys.
May 2019 bring more travel and experiences. And we will always be with you: on cruises, in the mountains, on any routes around the globe. Thank you for your many years of cooperation and trust.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
PAC GROUP tour operator team»

Dear friends, we sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas.
At the end of the year, we traditionally sum up the results and make plans, and we wish you that in 2019 all your plans come true and your most cherished dreams come true!
Let these holidays be filled with only pleasant chores, and at home - with love, warmth and pleasant gifts!
Appreciate your loved ones and every moment that makes you happier!
Taras Demura and TUI team

# Biblio Globus

Dear colleagues!
Biblio-Globus tour operator team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Let the bright New Year's holiday come into your life, bringing prosperity, warmth of the family hearth, health and pleasant surprises! We wish you creative and financial growth, stability and responsible partners, the implementation of projects and the conquest of new heights.
Taking this opportunity, we would like to express our gratitude to you for the fruitful and reliable cooperation. And we hope that in 2019 our interaction will be even more productive and successful.

# Vand

Tour operator WAND wholeheartedly congratulates its colleagues, partners and clients on the coming New Year and Christmas!
I wish you success, financial well-being, new discoveries, inspiration, achievement of your goals and quality rest with a reliable operator next year! May all your most cherished dreams come true!

# Dolphin

Dear friends and partners!
Congratulations on the upcoming 2019!
New Year is a time of discovery. Always be the first!
Let all the most daring ideas and undertakings come true.
Dream, dare, create: if you believe in yourself and the people who are nearby, you can conquer the highest peaks!
With love,
Always yours, Dolphin Tour Operator

# Alean

Dear friends and colleagues!
The friendly team of the National Tour Operator ALEAN wishes ALL a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Each passing year leaves behind many completed projects, new collaborations and pleasant moments.
We sincerely wish you incredible and thrilling sensations in the form of new travels in the New Year! May the coming year 2019 be full of victories!
Thank you for participating with us in the development and popularization of Russian tourism.

# AmigoS

Dear friends, colleagues, partners, travel agents! Congratulations on the upcoming 2019!
Looking back at 2018, we understand that the year was eventful and difficult, but we always look only forward!
We thank you for your work, for your support, for the fact that together with you we are doing one noble thing - we give people impressions!
In the New Year, we want to wish you stability, may the year be fruitful and successful.
New aspirations, successful starts and great victories!
Your Amigo-S and CEO Sergey Velikadanov

# Pantheon

Tour operator "Pantheon" congratulates colleagues on the upcoming New Year!
I would like the New Year to justify the traditional holiday hopes to be better than its predecessor. So that for Russian tourism 2019 becomes a year without shocks - calm, stable, successful, multiplying both reliable partners and good tourists! And, most importantly, that dreams - big and small - come true!

#Travel company Solveks

Dear friends!
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the coming 2019 become even more successful and filled with positive events for you, may all your plans come true and new horizons open!

# Alliance of Travel Agencies (ATA)