Congratulations. Congratulations on the anniversary of 25 years to a girl in prose

I congratulate you on your anniversary, and I wish you that life is beautiful for you, that there is no evil and grief in it, that only good people meet on your way, and simple female happiness to you - may your loved one always be with you.

We all move through life, towards some goal, even if sometimes we ourselves do not know where and why we are going. There will still be something at the end of the road! And in order not to be disappointed in the goal, it is necessary to successfully pass the road itself, which I sincerely and wholeheartedly wish you!

Who can tell us what life is? Probably no one will be able to say this, one thing is clear for sure, that it is much simpler than we think and much more difficult than we can imagine. Therefore, to make it simpler, I wish you more happiness and goodness in your life.

Congratulations on your wedding day! May always true friends warm you with smiles, like summer rays of the sun! So that a warm breeze always protects you from all adversity! Be always healthy and may everything be OK with you. I also wish you strong, strong love!

You have a holiday today - the first anniversary,
The smiles of your friends surrounded you at once!
You turn twenty-five today
We wish you that your dreams come true.
After all, the date is round, not the easiest,
I wish you health and luck
Attack so that you are not attacked,
And you could do everything!

It's time for congratulations
You have an anniversary - you are twenty-five,
Be beautiful, be happy
But that's not all I want.
Throw away all the sadness and hardships,
Be loved and dreams will come true
And there will be no bad weather in your house,
And forget your misfortunes!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. We wish you rapid career growth, understanding of the boss and financial satisfaction. Let only good people meet on your young path, who will always understand and support you. Happy 25th anniversary!

Congratulations on the joyful anniversary of youth, beauty and inspiration to an irresistible girl, happy 25th birthday to you! I wish that dreams always have the property to come true, and desires to come true, that everyone loves you, gives joy and warmth, that everything works out as it should, that not a single obstacle interferes with your goals.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 80 years to a man in prose

Congratulations Girls on the 25th anniversary in Prose

I hasten to congratulate you on your 25th birthday. You are so beautiful and tender, as if you are 18. I wish you to remain the same forever: beautiful, tender, sweet and dear.

Happy birthday and please accept our sincere wishes. We wish you great happiness, bright sun, huge sky. May only luck meet you, and defeats and resentments will never enter your life. And from fate we want to hear only a word, Yes.

You have an anniversary today! We sincerely congratulate you on such a date and wish you to achieve everything in life and in love! So that your achievements are satisfied, and love is preserved for life! Happy anniversary!

Dear birthday girl, at your young age you have achieved a lot, but you don’t have even more. But there are all the qualities to get it. So let's drink to the fact that you would quickly get everything that you planned, and spend less energy on it.

You are 25 years old today, happy birthday to you! You are now at such a wonderful age! May your youth not pass without a trace, may love be long and strong! May all your dreams come true!

Why do they say: “Again 25”? And now you are 25, but not again, and not even again, but for the first time and, of course, for the last. But when there are 50, it will be possible to say: “two for 25!”. Happy 25th anniversary!

You turn 25 today, I want to wish you love, good luck, happiness, joy and warm meetings! May this day be full of smiles, flowers and grateful warm words! May you always have money and health!

On anniversaries, especially if it is yours, you need to sit importantly, pouting and realizing your own importance! But if the anniversary is only the 25th anniversary, then it is quite possible to fool around a little! And if so, then do not miss this opportunity to fool around on your own anniversary, at the age of 30 it will not be so cool!

Happy 25th anniversary!
Your intuition and charm make you special. You have many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list is only replenished.

Congratulations on your 25th birthday! I wish you all the best, happy, most beautiful! Chocolate health, grape fun, strawberry smile and strawberry joy! Happy birthday!

Today is without a doubt the happiest birthday ever! You are 25, which means the peak of your flowering! So let your flower always be the most beautiful and in demand!

Congratulations on your 25th birthday! Be always so cheerful, charming, desirable! May love and happiness always live in your home!

Sweet wonderful creature! I wish you on your twenty-fifth birthday, when rose-colored glasses have already fallen from the bridge of your nose, to perceive life situations meaningfully and draw the right conclusions, I wish you health, positive, bright moments, many trips to different countries and continents, fulfillment of desires!

25 years for a girl is the best age: at this time, her external beauty fully blooms, and life experience already allows her not to make stupid mistakes. On this anniversary, I want to wish you only worthy fans, sincere adoration and your own small victories - both in your personal life and in your career.

Congratulations on the anniversary! Do you want to know how? It's simple, you are 25 today, this is a quarter of a century and, at the same time, the age when you are old enough to be independent, and young enough not to be responsible for the whole world. Happy holiday and may your anniversary be happy.

My dear daughter, happy twenty-fifth birthday to you. I wish you always remain exactly the way you want. Let there be no dark stripes in life at all, but only bright and joyful ones. Congratulations and good luck in whatever you wish to achieve.

Today I congratulate my beloved sister on her 25th birthday. May everything that you wish for yourself come true. May every day of your life be happy, and misfortunes bypass you and everyone you love. Joy, love and light! Let your dreams come true, even the most daring and amazing.

My beloved ____ (name of a friend), I congratulate you on the end of the first quarter of your school year called life. I want to immediately notice that your academic performance is at the highest level. I wish that soon you can boast even better results and enter a university called Happy Family Life.

Such a wonderful anniversary - 25 years. You can make all your dreams come true. Let, as if by a wave of a magic wand, wishes come true, and a goldfish swims to you more than once.

You have everything you need to be happy! And today is a great day so that happiness itself becomes yours! Happy birthday!

You just broke up with childhood,
And in the corner abandoned to
Doll Masha stayed too long
In a twisted dress.

Lips with a bow of lipstick
You have made up
On your birthday, you yourself
She became a Masha doll!

You are our dear girl, congratulations,
Happy birthday and wish you happiness.
You have a lot of inspiration
So that you walk a happy path through life.

So that you finally find your love,
And to live your life happily.
So that every day you only rejoice,
And from all the bad always refused.

Let the festive mood be with you!
Make your family and friends happy with your smile!
Do not be discouraged and do not be sad, live happily!
I congratulate you on your birthday!

Happy birsday, my dear! I wish you a joyful life, without melancholy, the brightest stars to shine over your head. Let the sun and moon give you their light. May your star light up in the sky and good luck accompany you on all earthly paths.

Let this day be only a home holiday, and not a red day on the calendar, but it is the happiest and most beautiful, because on this day you appeared on Earth. We all, your whole family, heartily congratulate you on this bright day and sincerely want to wish you good health and joy in everything!

I wish you roads and long distances,
I wish you smiles, I wish you goodbye
I want friends, I don't want enemies
I wish you beautiful steep shores

I wish you to bloom openly, wonderfully,
I wish you beautiful and pure love,
I wish you health, I wish you good luck,
And it will be hard - then laugh, do not cry!

Dear girl, I congratulate you on the anniversary of beauty and charm. I wish you a great mood and the same well-being in your 25, I wish you patience in any business and great enthusiasm, I wish you high potential and incredible strength of your nature, I wish you cheerful and joyful melodies for the strings of your soul.

At twenty-five, I want to wish you that the color of your new shoes matches the color of another foreign car in the garage, there is one full wallet in each handbag, and the new swimsuit goes well with the backdrop of a tropical vacation!

You are celebrating your anniversary. You are 25 years old. Still youth is felt, but maturity is gradually approaching. It's time to sum up the first results of independent life. What have you achieved? What are you striving for? I know that everything can be realized only the best way in your destiny thanks to open roads and the possibility of achieving your goals. I sincerely believe that fate will allow you to realize all your dreams in reality and understand how unusual fate can be. May everything always develop as planned for you, and may life please you with numerous pleasant events. I wish you good luck and inspiration, dreams and hope. You can feel happiness and keep it forever. I respect you, I appreciate you. And, of course, I want to say that I rarely meet such strong and confident, positive and talented girls like you.

Congratulations on your anniversary, you are 25 today! I want to wish sincere joy of life, active and fruitful everyday life, fun and relaxing weekends, tenderness and love, boundless happiness and good luck, reliable support from relatives and friends, well-being and prosperity.

What a wonderful date - 25 years. It is at this age that a person is at the peak of his youth. It is now that we can move mountains and conquer the oceans. I want to wish on this beautiful day inexhaustible energy, eternal optimism, new magnificent achievements. Congratulations on the anniversary.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 25 years to a girl in prose

Today I want to wish the most charming and attractive birthday girl good health. After all, having health and your data at 25, you need to understand that life is just beginning. Life is just opening its doors on a long and long journey. So let this path be as safe as possible and as beautiful as possible. May this path be so long that in the future, great-great-great-grandchildren will congratulate and be proud that there is this wonderful person. In the meantime, you are only 25 and the future is so far away and it is so beautiful. Have time to enjoy, have time to inhale and breathe deeply. After all, the past cannot be returned, the main thing is not to lose the present. Live and inspire, live and delight, live and delight! Happy anniversary!!!

Dear girlfriend, accept the most sincere congratulations on your 25th summer anniversary. May every day bring you only good news, may luck choose only you. I wish you long and happy years of life, beautiful, mutual love and all the best. May all your cherished dreams come true, may reliable friends always surround you. May you be lucky in all your endeavors, may the guiding star light the way. May a good angel always protect from everything bad.

Our dear hero of the day! At 25, everything blooms and pleases! This is no coincidence, because this anniversary is a holiday of youth and beauty, health and success. Your life is gaining momentum, which you can only rejoice at. You have everything, so you want to wish for everything many times more. Let your dreams come true, and the most daring plans do not hesitate to be realized. Accept these verses in honor of the anniversary.

Congratulations on the anniversary! Do you want to know how? It's simple, you are 25 today, this is a quarter of a century and, at the same time, the age when you are old enough to be independent, and young enough not to be responsible for the whole world. Happy holiday and may your anniversary be happy.

Our youth is a happy, impetuous moment, incomprehensible to us, but all reliably stored in the memory. Our new summers are wealth, a wise time that allows us not to make mistakes and enjoy life as we have it.
May all your days be filled with sparkling joy, positive peace, stormy impressions, new insights, exotic travels and convincing victories of wisdom. And we want to perceive all life changes as curious cruises that will surely end happily and bring only joy and successful resolution of difficulties.

Enchanting beauty and unprecedented tenderness. There you can be characterized. Today is your perfect birthday. You are 25 today. I wish you to remain a sweet and gentle rose. I wish you to be active and presentable. Let bright events fill your everyday life, and let every day of your life be festive and enchanting. Become more beautiful every day. Be an attractive girl. Get compliments, give your smile and become even brighter. Let gifts and pleasant surprises become familiar to you. May your beauty save the world. And men will throw millions of roses at your feet!

Let your dreams become a real inspiration for the beauty masters, beauty salons that you love to visit so much, and also become for you a real dream, love and inspiration, all your reflections in the mirrors and on the black surfaces of glossy expensive cars. May love give you a lot of affection and tenderness, a lot of happiness and beauty, may it become a real dream for you and the envy of all your girlfriends, who will become better by imitating you. The empty sun will become for you a real executor of all your desires, bright and beautiful love, which you see in your brightest dreams and wonderful life successes, beautiful things and glamorous jewelry. Happy birthday to you, dear lovely lady!

Twenty-five years is the flowering of youth for a girl. She is young and beautiful, and at the same time she has already accumulated life experience, although not very big, but it helps her to go through life confidently, calmly, enjoy all the events and new meetings, not grieve for a long time if something does not work out, don't get upset over trifles. You are a real smart girl, you understand all this, therefore everything works out great for you. You are a kind and bright little man, you do not succumb to longing and always treat people kindly. That is why you are so appreciated and loved, and I am no exception here. I wish you great happiness, dazzling beautiful love, a strong and prosperous family. May all your dreams and wishes come true!

Your intuition and charm make you special. You have many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list is only replenished.

Congratulations on your 25th birthday. We wish you to please everyone with your success, choose your own path and follow it without retreating for the call of your heart! Let there be a lot of bright, full-color in your life! Never give up and believe in yourself! Let there always be your friends, relatives, ready to support, console and cheer up! Happiness to you!

Congratulate the girl on the anniversary of 25 years in prose

That's 25! Congratulations on the anniversary! Today is not in vain such a bright and bright day. After all, today was born such a wonderful and kind girl. So let the sun shine only for you, and the birds sing in your honor. And most importantly - may there always be peace and tranquility in your soul. And luck, success, love, respect and joy will surely come to you. After all, with such a person it cannot be otherwise.

Twenty five! Great age! On the one hand, youth On the other hand, it is an anniversary date. Let all your life these concepts coexist and do not come into conflict with each other. Congratulations!

At 25, there is nothing more beautiful than enjoying life. At 25, your path has become even steeper, like a ladder rising up. So let your ladder be reliable and not shaky, let the steps on it be comfortable. I wish you, step by step, become only wiser, stronger in spirit and body, and kinder. Bloom like a rose that opens its petals and gives everyone its wonderful color and aroma.

Twenty-five years of your life rang like a loud and cheerful coin. This coin will briskly spin and roll on its happy path, and over time it will be replaced by a new, more weighty and significant one. Let this coin bring health, luck, success, love and confidence into your life. Despite the fact that this lucky penny is sonorous and young, I wish you not to rely on chance. May you always be driven by self-confidence and the desire to become better, regardless of whether your life falls heads or tails. Happy 25th anniversary!

My good one! Happy birthday! On this day, I want to confess to you that you mean a lot to me. I like everything about you: the way you straighten your hair, laugh with your girlfriends, smile at me. I am very glad that you are in my life! Happiness to you and more bright days in your life!

Entries 1 - 14 from 14

Sweet wonderful creature! I wish you on your twenty-fifth birthday, when rose-colored glasses have already fallen from the bridge of your nose, to perceive life situations meaningfully and draw the right conclusions, I wish you health, positive, bright moments, many trips to different countries and continents, fulfillment of desires!

25 years for a girl is the best age: at this time, her external beauty fully blooms, and life experience already allows her not to make stupid mistakes. On this anniversary, I want to wish you only worthy fans, sincere adoration and your own small victories - both in your personal life and in your career.

Congratulations on the anniversary! Do you want to know how? It's simple, you are 25 today, this is a quarter of a century and, at the same time, the age when you are old enough to be independent, and young enough not to be responsible for the whole world. Happy holiday and may your anniversary be happy.

Congratulations on the anniversary! 25 is a wonderful age. You are full of strength, beautiful, healthy and energetic. I want to be successful in life. To be overwhelmed by true love. Feel free to rely on the devotion of true friends. Confidently climb the career ladder. Live at least three times for the same amount. Receiving all sorts of life blessings and joys. Happy birthday!

Twenty-five years is a quarter of a century. A little from the point of view of history, but for life - already significant. You managed to become a worthy person and an outstanding man, a friend and comrade to many people. May the future bring you only joy and success, and let disappointments bypass you. Happy holiday, happy birthday and happy anniversary.

Daughter, happy birthday! You are celebrating your 25th birthday today! We wish you, dear, a good and easy life. So that every dream come true leads to another beautiful dream. Strive for improvement. Never give up. Smile. Get what you want. Mutual love, health, success, kindness, good luck and many, many good things!

My dear daughter, happy twenty-fifth birthday to you. I wish you always remain exactly the way you want. Let there be no dark stripes in life at all, but only bright and joyful ones. Congratulations and good luck in whatever you wish to achieve.

Son, happy holiday to you! A quarter of a century is an anniversary! You are our pride and joy. We love you very much and wish you to be: swift, dexterous, strong, healthy, fair and reasonable. Love to you, support and understanding. Let your life path be interesting, full of colorful events, easy and prosperous. You have great potential! Happy birthday!

Today I congratulate my beloved sister on her 25th birthday. May everything that you wish for yourself come true. May every day of your life be happy, and misfortunes bypass you and everyone you love. Joy, love and light! Let your dreams come true, even the most daring and amazing.

So that very special day has come, the day when I can boldly congratulate you on your quarter of a century! My dear brother, you got up uneasy more mature today, you have become wiser and more responsible for the year. I wish that with such a special date, your life will change dramatically, become brighter and even more interesting. You are the main thing, always be yourself, and everything will work out for you! With your small, but such an important anniversary!

Dear friend, Happy Anniversary! For 25 years you have delighted the world with your kindness and beauty. I wish you sincerity, fidelity, lightness, harmony, spirituality! Let the words be not just words, but dreams will come true! I want you to be happy and smile as much as possible, so that all your undertakings always lead to the desired result. There are many more interesting things ahead! Happiness to you!

My beloved ____ (name of a friend), I congratulate you on the end of the first quarter of your academic year called life. I want to immediately notice that your academic performance is at the highest level. I wish that soon you can boast even better results and enter a university called Happy Family Life.

Dear friend! Congratulations on your 21st birthday. We wish you to please everyone with your success, choose YOUR path and follow it without retreating for the call of your heart! Let there be a lot of bright, FULL-color in your life! Never give up and believe in yourself! Let there always be your friends, relatives, ready to support, console and cheer up! Happiness to you!

Such a wonderful anniversary - 25 years. You can make all your dreams come true. Let, as if by a wave of a magic wand, wishes come true, and a goldfish swims to you more than once.

The tenderness of the morning dawn after a hot and sunny summer will give you a gentle morning coolness, like the most delicate aroma of your beautiful perfume. Let it become for you a real inspiration for love and admiration, because you have already achieved a lot yourself and were able to realize yourself in life, get rid of your past and become the most beautiful thing for men. May one day love give you the most tender kiss and passion, may flowers bloom for you like decorations in the palm of your hand, and may your spring give you many flowers bright and beautiful, tender and romantic, like you yourself. In the meantime, accept for you a delicate orchid that is as beautiful as your reflection in the mirror. Happy birthday, sweet princess!

Turquoise summer has given you the open spaces of the sea and delicate shells, let them become the basis for you of magical and beautiful decorations and flowers, inspiration and tenderness, passionate love and great scope for the future. Because your road to life is wide, like the expanses of the sea and beautiful, like watercolors. Let it become for you a wide road that opens you access to a sea of ​​entertainment and opportunities, places where dreams turn into reality and become beautiful and tender, blooming like large magnolias on southern trees. May love give you a lot of affection and tenderness, and desires are always fulfilled, because for a wide creative nature, other gifts, other opportunities are needed than just for an ordinary material person.

A rare and beautiful flower has opened in the desert zone. He gave you radiance and purity, as well as a little tenderness and beauty. It was your beauty, your tenderness and sensuality, which no one else has in this sultry vital desert of a big city. For you, love has become a vivid reality, it has become a real light in the midst of darkness, so I wish you not to lose it and not dissolve yourself in the flame of love because men sometimes leave, but feelings remain for life. Let love become your inspiration and passion, let it become a bright white fragrant flower in the middle of the desert, a real find beauty and tenderness, a dizzying romance that you have dreamed of since childhood. And may its light and warm fragrant breath never end.

Let your dreams become a real inspiration for the beauty masters, beauty salons that you love to visit so much, and also become for you a real dream, love and inspiration, all your reflections in the mirrors and on the black surfaces of glossy expensive cars. May love give you a lot of affection and tenderness, a lot of happiness and beauty, may it become a real dream for you and the envy of all your girlfriends, who will become better by imitating you. The empty sun will become for you a real fulfiller of all your desires, bright and beautiful love that you see in your brightest dreams and wonderful life successes, beautiful things and glamorous jewelry. Happy birthday to you, dear lovely lady!

Looking at the night summer sky, among the jasmine bushes and the delicate aroma of delicate lindens, your dreams will come true. Look how gently the moon in the sky smiles at you in order to give you its beautiful milky light. He promises to fulfill your most cherished dream and give you the fulfillment of your dearest desire. May the moon be your symbol of the love and joy that every young lady wants to have. Let the fragrance of jasmine become your fashionable aphrodisiac, which will attract the men of your dreams that you like, and the linden will give you material well-being, many warm words and beautiful gifts worthy of a real lady. And the stars will give you as many dizzying smiles as you would like to have friends in your life.

Childhood leaves, youth is forgiven, but dreams come true, leaving your beauty bright. Let the rivers of milk from your sweetest dreams turn into a flood of dizzying romantic dreams and events that no author of a dizzying female romance has ever dreamed of. Let the sea of ​​roses not haunt you in your dreams, but become your most vivid desire, which has turned into millions of bouquets from fans that even a famous actress and pop star of world cinema will envy. And let the honey rivers of your dreams become for you a real cash flow that will visit your home and give you a lot of interesting and beautiful things, turning your dreams into a source of real inspiration and a beautiful life.

Twenty-five years is a wonderful age when a young woman feels the beauty of life and can afford to be herself. She can understand not only the complexity of various life situations, but also the beauty of being. During this life period, many opportunities open up for the girl, the chance to fulfill her dream increases. So let the path to your dream lie under a clear sky and there will not be a single unpleasant pebble on it. On your birthday, I would like to wish good luck in all matters, success at work, comfort and tranquility in the house, many reliable friends, joy from every day. Let your relatives always be with you, who will never leave you in trouble. May prosperity, health, luck and love accompany you. Let everything turn out well, easily, pleasantly. Live with a smile and let our beautiful crazy world also smile back at you!

Expensive! Your birthday is coming soon, you will be twenty-five years old. These days, I think that you have long become an independent person. You know what you are striving for and what you want to achieve. You have a wonderful profession, so it is not surprising that it brings you joy. After work, you rush to your cozy house. The people who love you and the people you love live in it. You admire your friends with sincerity, cheerful character, ability to understand and help when others do not even notice that a person is worried about problems. Your eyes radiate kindness, and you are just very beautiful woman. Let this small anniversary be the time of the beginning of new interesting events that will bring you new success. May health and well-being be your normal state. And may your heart always remain the address of love.

Today your anniversary-young twenty-fifth birthday has knocked on your door. What a wonderful holiday for a modern, energetic, beautiful girl! Let this holiday become for you that wonderful and even magical time when new opportunities open up and very pleasant events take place. Let your loved one tell you the most important, long-awaited words that you so want to hear. May your old dream of a distant romantic journey come true. May you easily find the most fashionable and high-quality outfits. May you have enough money for everything. May your friends and colleagues never envy you. Let your boss understand that you are smart and his cool company will simply die without such a skilled worker. And may you, of course, always be healthy and happy. Well-being! Good luck!! Joy!!!

Your twenty-fifth birthday is a real holiday for family and friends. After all, you are the smile of the morning sun, the fresh breath of spring, the gentle touch of warm summer rain. You bring joy and give moments of inspiration. It’s easy and pleasant to be around you, and your voice calms and at the same time gives strength, attracts, reminds you of how wonderful it is to just live! May the Universe send you its Blessing on your birthday, give you Good Luck and Success, fulfill all your most daring and unexpected desires. I really want your life to be harmonious and filled to the brim with only pleasant events for you. And may you always be strong, healthy, smart and dynamic in order to be ready to accept these events during your happy days.

Your twenty-five years is an occasion to say what a cool girl you are. On your anniversary birthday and on all other days, you always look just amazing. Your kindness, cordiality, attentiveness, ability to understand and feel that a person needs help serve as support for loved ones. Your professionalism, ability to qualitatively and creatively perform the assigned work are highly valued by colleagues. And from an incomparably graceful gait, beautiful well-groomed hands, sparkling laughter, men lose the ability to speak and perceive the words of other people. You are as beautiful as life itself. May you always be accompanied good forces let everything succeed, everything goes well with you; May everything bring joy and satisfaction.

You are celebrating 25 years today. This age is truly amazing and beautiful, so I want to wish you happiness and inner harmony, great success and good luck. May everything always work out for you in the best way, and the world pleases with good. I sincerely believe that fate will sparkle with various facets, delight and inspire new feats. I wish you happiness and inner harmony, good luck and success. Let any obstacles turn out to be just a fleeting joke of fate.

25 - the heyday of life! Our youth is a happy, impetuous moment, incomprehensible to us, but all reliably stored in the memory. Our new summers are wealth, a wise time that allows us not to make mistakes and enjoy life as we have it.
May all your days be filled with sparkling joy, positive peace, stormy impressions, new insights, exotic travels and convincing victories of wisdom. And we want to perceive all life changes as curious cruises that will surely end happily and bring only joy and successful resolution of difficulties.

I wish the hero of the day to go through this path in one breath, easily and without loss. Quite unexpectedly, you rolled up to the next anniversary. And 25 is no longer a joke.

25 years old is the age when you have already reached some heights in life, but you are still young, hot and full of plans. Happy anniversary to you, our dear man!
Happiness, health, money! It is very good that 25, not 60. 60 is when you are already overboard.

What a wonderful date - 25 years. It is at this age that a person is at the peak of his youth. It is now that we can move mountains and conquer the oceans. I want to wish on this beautiful day inexhaustible energy, eternal optimism, new magnificent achievements. Congratulations on the anniversary.

I want to congratulate you on the round date! You are already 25 years old. I wish to be healthy. Be strong, strong, don't get sick. I want to live without grief.

Twenty-five years means that your calendar has moved from tens and dozens to quarters. I wish that in general there were as many of these quarters as possible.

Happy birthday 25 years in your own words

You are 25 today and you are now like a real power engineer! Let your starting career not be like an ordinary staircase, but like a high-speed elevator that will take you to the very top to your dreams!

You are 25 years old today, happy birthday to you! You are now at such a wonderful age!
May your youth not pass without a trace, may love be long and strong!
May all your dreams come true!

Ah, what a date! 25 years! So let the birthday boy meet only joy, happiness, love and good luck on his life path. After all, it is from our dear and beloved little man that there always comes a positive, and most importantly, contagious energy of warmth and care. So remain so sweet, kind and vital to all those people who are present today for this festive table. I propose to raise these glasses not just for the birthday man, but for a person with a capital letter.

A quarter of a century behind, and you can sum up some results!
This is a good and happy time - 25 years!
I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you another three quarters of a century of good, excellent, labor and happy life ahead!
Joy to you from life, happiness and warmth from loved ones, great and happy love, loyalty and help from friends, understanding and support from colleagues!

Today is your first major birthday. 25 is a great date! This is the brilliance of youth and the look of an adult. These are dreams, bold plans and first results. It's a quarter of a century and there are many roads ahead. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you happiness. As much as you can bear. Wings to fly towards their destination like migratory birds that never lose their bearings. Fire, so that it always burns in your heart, warming you and those around you. I wish to always wake up with the thought that the most beautiful day is ahead, and that the day lives up to expectations. And may peace, harmony, prosperity and cheerful laughter reign in your house!