Scenario of the autumn matinee “Autumn came after summer. Scenario of the event "autumn joys" The rain pours in peas

"Autumn Journey" Scenario autumn matinee for middle group kindergarten.

Author: Voronova Irina Ivanovna, music director
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 196", the city of Kurgan

Purpose of the holiday: Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents, to cultivate a culture of behavior at mass events.
1. Deliver a joyful mood.
2. Consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in music lessons.
3. Develop social - communication skills of children.

The course of the matinee:

Children enter the hall to the music. become a semicircle.
Vedas. Look, guys, how beautiful it is today in our hall! How much is around
colorful leaves. This sorceress autumn tried. Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year. Everything around is bright, elegant, like in a fairy tale.
Reb. What a beautiful autumn
What a golden carpet!
And visit today guys
The autumn holiday has come to us.
Reb. How beautiful everything is around
Golden autumn day.
Yellow leaves are flying
They rustle under your feet!
Reb. All guests today together
We have not collected in vain,
Dances, songs, jokes
Will be in this room!
Reb. Let's have a bright day
Let's sing a song about Autumn!
"Autumn Song"
Vedas. And now guys, we all get into the autumn locomotive
To take us for a walk!
Adventures are ahead of us
Let's say together:
Together: "Good luck!"
The music "Steam locomotive - insect" sounds,
Children ride in a circle, then sit on chairs
Presenter: - Where is the golden autumn? Here is the riddle. Here is the secret.
We're singing songs here, But she's still gone and gone.
Where are you, autumn? Respond! Where are you, autumn? Appear!
CALL: Autumn, a-y!
Autumn comes to the music
Autumn: Hello my friends!
Know that Autumn is me.
How many guests do I see
How many children do I see?
I am very glad to meet you.
Make me happy with poetry.

Children read poetry
1. Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is pouring down,
Leaves fall rustling.
How good are you Autumn!
2. The leaves are embroidered with gold,
The trails are washed with gold.
Mushrooms in bright caps,
Everything to us, Autumn, you give!
3. The leaves are spinning across the sky,
Raindrops are falling.
We run through the puddles, along the forest path.
4. Autumn came out for a walk,
Paint the summer forest.
I took my brushes
Start painting the leaves.
5. In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...
Autumn: Brought in a basket - golden leaves,
And I want to dance with you!
Dance with leaves "Waltz with leaves"
Autumn: Guys! You danced very beautifully with the leaves. And now,
please take your seats. I have a very interesting game for you.
The game "Fold the leaves" (big puzzles of autumn leaves)
Autumn: Well done guys! You have completed this task. And Anton has prepared a riddle for you, listen.
Reb. You will take it in your hands -
And you're not afraid of the rain.
The rain will pass - you lay it down
And you can walk under the sun.
Children: Umbrella!

Autumn: (opening the umbrella) right!
Autumn signs are clear and simple.
Magic umbrellas walk the streets.
I'll circle the magic umbrella
I will invite you to dance.
"Dance of the Droplet"
Vedas: Tell me, dear Autumn, is your umbrella magical?
Autumn: Of course! Who will take the umbrella
He will immediately start playing with him.
Vedas: How interesting! Children, let's find out if the umbrella is really magical.
Umbrella game.
Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players with an umbrella in their hands run to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, pass the umbrella to the next player. So the whole team should run.
Autumn: We will continue the holiday,
Have fun, sing, play!
A boy runs to the music - rain - a child preparatory group.
Rain: Wait, wait, wait,
I won't tell you to start
Invitation not sent
You are the autumn rain!
I will be here crying
I will scout puddles and slush,
I will wash you all now
And, of course, upset!
The rain waves raindrops at the children - sultans.
Autumn: No, no place for gloomy faces.
Let this autumn day
dance and have fun
Nobody will be lazy.
What do we have to quarrel with the rain?
We will sing a song to him

Song "Rain"
Rain: You made me laugh
The ringing song surprised me.
For such a gift to you
I'll give you my raindrops.
Music sounds, the rain gives Autumn sultans, runs away.
Presenter: Nicely we had fun, played, frolic!
But it's time to say goodbye and come back!
Autumn: You are wonderful guys, I look at anyone,
And for this, dear ones, I will generously reward you!
I ask everyone to close their eyes - miracles begin!
Autumn: (puts a basket of treats on the table) I will put it in my basket
Maple and aspen leaves.
And let's add there
We are magical raindrops.
Closes the basket with an umbrella.
My magical umbrella, circle,
Bring gifts for the kids!
(To the music under an umbrella, he removes leaves from the basket, there is a treat)
Presenter: Sweet autumn is generous and beautiful,
Let's say Autumn together ...
Autumn: The train is waiting for you all,
Come back in a year!
(Autumn waves his hand and goes behind the screen)
Presenter: So our journey ended.
And now I invite you to the group to taste the treat!
(f. - "Steam locomotive Bukashechka" - the children leave the hall).

Again, autumn is outside the window, the rain is falling like peas, the leaves are falling, rustling, how good autumn is! The children are celebrating the autumn holiday. Ivanushka appears and talks about his misfortune. He invited Autumn to visit, but she got lost. Baba Yaga undertakes to help the guys and Ivanushka in their search. She gives the guys various tests. But soon her cunning is revealed, the guys complete all the tasks of Baby Yaga. The beautiful Autumn appears and the guys with Ivanushka continue the holiday



autumn holiday

"How Ivanushka looked for autumn"

5-7 years

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a circle

caregiver : Again, autumn outside the window, the rain is pouring peas,

The leaves are falling, rustling, how good autumn is!

1 child : The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed with rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps,

Everything to us, Autumn, you give!

2 child: Everywhere walks - wanders autumn,

Here the foliage and poplar dropped.

Look - the cheeks of the mountain ash turned red,

Yellow leaves flew down the path.

Autumn is golden, who is not happy with you!

Having fun playing, we will meet leaf fall.

Let's go to the garden in a crowd, pick up leaves,

Let's decorate the house with golden foliage.

3 child : Beauty - Autumn splashed paint:

Heavenly blue, as if from a fairy tale.

Lilac linden and aspen flame,

Farewell cliques of the crane family.

October flips golden pages

And the white birches are already dreaming of winter.

4 children Autumn walks slowly outside the window.

Leaves fall on the paths rustling.

Thin aspens look into the puddles,

Rowan beads hang on the branches.

5 children Here comes autumn

Following the summer, just in time

And gilded the gardens

Every little leaf

6 children . Along the paths of gold

We walk slowly.

With colorful maple leaves

Silently falling, rustling.

New carpet underfoot

Yellow-pink, lilac!

1. Song

Ivanushka enters to the music.

Ivanushka: Oh, guys, I have such a misfortune: I’m waiting for Autumn to visit, but she still doesn’t exist. How long have I been looking for her, but I can not find.

And where is Autumn, I don’t understand,

Why doesn't it come to us?

Probably together with the rain

Does everything bring beauty?

(Rapid music of flight sounds, Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick with a number.)

Baba Yaga. Drin-melon-melon! Has stalled. So! Emergency landing. Again Leshy rode on my panicle without asking. Here I am to him! Hello good people!

Vedas: hello.

Baba Yaga. Well, let's get to know each other! I am Baba Yaga, bone leg. Wherever I want, I fly there! What do you have here?

Ivanushka: We, grandmother, got Autumn.

Baba Yaga: Autumn is gone .... What a grief. Why is she needed?

It will be winter for you!
Cold, ice and snow - darkness!

2. Scene

Belochka comes out.
Squirrel: How from summer to winter at once?
I didn't have time to stock
So collect yourself in the hollow!
What, you have to starve?
The squirrel leaves. Bunny comes out.
Bunny: Before winter I shed -
I change my gray coat
And now me Fox
Will catch fast! No good!
The bunny leaves. Bear comes out.
Bear: Time to sleep, but I can't sleep!
It just doesn't fit!
Not ready for bed Bear ...
At least lay down and snore!
The bear leaves. Magpie takes off.
Magpie: Although Santa Claus hurries to us,
He is saddened to tears:
Can't find presents
Although the gifts are not a pity,
But he did not collect the bag,
And hurry to the ball!
Magpie flies away. A boy and a girl come out.
Girl: Yes, and we're not ready,
We don't know new dances
We can't live without Autumn!
What do you suggest, friends?
Boy: Waiting for autumn, come back soon
In the warm circle of your friends!
Come on, song, sound!
Come on, Autumn, come!

3. Song

Baba Yaga. Well, well, so be it. I will help you find Autumn. Somewhere I had a spell here. A wonderful miracle, show yourself Autumn to the children,

(speaking in a whisper) Toad, woman, carabas. I hid Autumn from you.

Ivanushka: Oh, where did we get to? There is no autumn.

Baba Yaga: My dear, I forgot, mixed up a little. We have entered the field of mysteries.

Guess the vegetable riddles guys.


1. In a golden husk

I like him very much.

Worth peeling off the husk

I'll start shedding tears. (Onion).

2. Round, ruddy,

Juicy and sweet

very fragrant,

bulk, smooth,

heavy, big,

What it is? (Apple).

3. Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields.

You salt it a little,

After all, the truth is delicious ... (Potatoes).

4. As in our garden

Riddles have grown

Juicy and large

Those are round.

green in summer,

By autumn they turn red. (Tomato)

5. I appear from the garden,

I grow up smart.

Eat me guys

Red…. (carrot)

6. The hedgehog was surprised in the field:

"That's a vegetable, a hundred clothes!"

And the hare ate with a crunch

Appetizing ... (cabbage)

7.Im a pod, a favorite home

Good brothers in it!

Each brother is green and smooth,

Each ball is delicious, sweet.


8. In the garden fell on the barrel

Solid, round-headed ... (zucchini).

Baba Yaga: Well done guys. All riddles solved. I was advised here to dig up a garden, plant vegetables. And why are they needed, because sweets are tastier? Cakes and cookies!

Leading. Guys, let's tell you what you need to eat to be healthy? (Onion, garlic.) Which vegetable supports good eyesight? (Carrot)

What vegetable helps us grow? (Cabbage.)

What vegetable strengthens bones? (Radish)

What vegetable can you get sugar from? (Beet)

Ivanushka: Have you heard?

Baba Yaga: Uh-huh.

Ivanushka: Here you go!

Baba Yaga: I remembered another spell.

Storm - Baba Yaga,

Go from the sea to the meadows!

There are onions, garlic,

Kissel pot,

oil porridge,

Autumn stolen.

Vedas: Baba Yaga again you mixed up something.

Baba Yaga: What didn't get there again?

Ivanushka: Guys, it seems to me that Baba Yaga specifically does not want to return Autumn to us.

Leading. We sat up for something, and well, guys, come out! Start the game!

  1. 5. The game "Oh, get up, Antoshenka"

Baba Yaga can play too.

Ivanushka: Baba Yaga, did you know where Autumn is all this time? And she didn't tell us?

Baba Yaga. Yeah. Here I am what a prankster. So be it, I will return your Autumn, but only if you win three competitions. The first task for smart guys.


The game is played by two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. On a signal, you need to collect potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in a basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain amount of time wins.

Then the second task. Who flies faster on a broom.

7. Game "Flying on a broomstick"

Compete B-I and the child. Riding on a broomstick, they jump to the landmark and back.

Baba Yaga is very angry that the children are stronger than her.

She resentfully turns away from everyone.

Baba Yaga: The third task - I want you to sing to me!

8. Song

Baba Yaga. Okay, take Autumn. Oh, I think I forgot to turn off the porridge! I'll run quickly! You have to run on foot. Goodbye, guys!

reb: Autumn looked into the garden -

The birds have flown away.

Rustling outside the window in the morning

Yellow blizzards.

Reb: Raindrop, raindrop.

Stronger, quieter.

Don't knock, don't knock

Don't hit the roof!

Reb. Cranes fly south

Hello, hello autumn!

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please.

Autumn appears to the music

Autumn: you set me free
And returned to the place:
Between summer and winter
I returned home again
In a wonderful mood
From your lovely friends!
Let's live together
Let's have fun playing!

Let's play a game with you.

9. "Edible - inedible".

If it's edible, you say, "Yum, yum, yum," and if it's inedible, "Ugh, fu, fu."

1) Crispy buns (Yum, yum, yum)

2) Slippers overwhelm (Fu, fu, fu)

3) Puff pies (Yum, yum, yum)

4) Boiled boots (Fu, fu, fu)

5) Cheese balls (Yum, yum, yum)

6) Napkins are greasy (Fu, fu, fu)

7) Gingerbread delicious (Yum, yum, yum)

  1. 8) Crispy apples (Yum, yum, yum)

Child: How good it is to visit autumn

Among the golden birches!

They wouldn't throw more gold,

The forest would have been purple and quiet.

More often the sun is tired

Stayed in the golden garden

To protect from the wind

Elegant autumn beauty.

child: Sad oak drops acorns,

Empty our old garden.

Yellow parachutes

Leaves fly in the wind.

To a warm land, where there is no blizzard,

Hurry to fly away

Jambs in the sky creep

Flocks of gray cranes.

Child: Yellow leaves are flying

Falling, spinning

And under your feet just like that

How the carpet lay down!

What is yellow snow?

It's just leaf fall

10. Game-dance "Autumn walked through the garden"


No, no place for gloomy faces.

Let this autumn day

dance and have fun

Nobody will be lazy.

11. Dance

Ivanushka: Thank you guys for the fun

Sit down and have a meal.

They sit on chairs.

Autumn: Now it's time to say goodbye

My speech will be short.

I tell you: "Goodbye"

Until happy new meetings!

We'll look under the bush

Let's take a fungus.

And in the fungus are sweets,

This is your gift, kids!

Natalya Grishutkina

The hall is festively decorated autumn forest.



That's Autumn, again the birds are in a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again autumn holiday comes to us in kindergarten!

1.-Autumn, autumn golden, falling leaves everywhere

The leaves are spinning, flying in the wind.

2.-The sun will only look out, hide again,

We will remember the red summer for a long time.

3.-Red and yellow wind tears the leaves

Spinning, spinning in the air, a motley round dance.

4.-The wind sweeps the yellow leaves in the garden,

It's only once a year happens in autumn!

5. -Autumn, autumn outside the window, the rain is falling like peas,

Leaves are falling, rustling... How are you, Autumn, good!

6.-Leaves, flying around from the branches, circle in a motley crowd,

it autumn golden pleases us with beauty!

7.- In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly... fly... fly...

Song "_Golden Light" music A. Evtodieva

8.-The rain of mischievous leaves swirled over me.

How good is he! Where else can you find such

Without end and without beginning? I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.

Dance with leaves

Girls sit-leaves under the chairs

presenter: Guys, do you want to meet with autumn? Then we need to go to the forest.

And we will go there on a train, which is called "INSULT"

Children drive one circle (music. "Train" T. Suvorova)

presenter: Look, guys, how beautiful it is around!

At the edge of the dense forest will open the door for us,

In silence different trees meet us.

Do you hear? (listens) It seems that a cheerful Gnome, a forest man, is coming here. Let's play it! Take the leaves and hide behind them (squatting down) Shh.

A Dwarf enters the hall with a whisk, sees a lot of leaves, grabs his head.

Dwarf: Oh, there was a lot of work - how many leaves fell off!

I'm in a hurry to sweep, I'll put things in order!

I swept all the tracks, oh, I'm tired, I went to sleep! (sits down, "falls asleep")

Child Breeze: I - autumn breeze,

I'm flying, my way is far,

I'm flying around the world

I blow all the leaves.

(It blows on the children, they whirl, sit down with the end of the music.)

gnome: Disorder, in fact, all the leaves scattered.

I'll take a whisk, I'll collect the leaves again.

(Sings under his breath, "sweeps" leaf children in "bunch")

gnome: I swept all the tracks, oh, I'm tired, I went to sleep!

(sits down, "falls asleep")

Breeze: I - autumn breeze,

I'm flying, my way is far,

I'm flying around the world

I blow all the leaves.

It blows on the children, they whirl, with the end of the music they sit down in their seats.

Dwarf: (wakes up) But what is it, again all the leaves scattered, just like living ones! But these are not leaves, but guys (Children get up) Oh, mischief-makers! What are you doing in my forest?

presenter: We are looking for autumn She really, really needs us!

Dwarf: So, yes, my friends,

I will tell you a secret.

Autumn loves only those,

Who has a funny laugh.

The one who dances and sings

Those who have fun!

presenter: We know how to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

Dwarf: Come on, come on, show me

Yes, dance with me.

Dance "Heel-toe"

Dwarf: Well you all danced

And now it's time

work hard kids

Time cannot be wasted.

You need to collect all the mushrooms.

But take a closer look

Do not take fly agarics!

There is a team game "Who is faster"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team player takes turns running to the clearing. On which "grow" edible mushrooms and fly agaric. The player's task is to take an edible mushroom, put it in the basket and, returning back, pass the basket to the next player.

Dwarf: You are funny, friends!

I made sure of this.

And now I'll call my friends (folds hands, screams)

-"Ant, ant!"

Dance "Ants"

VED .: Work hard, play,

danced with music.

Everything is ready, just

something Autumn is not coming.

Maybe in the rain caught a cold?

Or got lost somewhere?

Let's call her.

NAMED AUTUMN(Autumn is not included)

Dwarf: Let's help Autumn to find us, lay out the path from autumn leaves

(children lay out the path to the music

At the end of the music comes Autumn)

AUTUMN - Hello everyone my friends, here I am.

Waiting to see you see me?

I come to you at harvest time

And I'm called Autumn is golden

AUTUMN- I brought with me sonorous raindrops

They wash the streets and paths in the forest.

So that there is not a single speck of dust around,

Wash all the streets good rain.

Song "Prickly Rain"

Autumn: Hey Cloud autumn run here quickly.

Bring us to the holiday autumn rains.

A cloud comes running - I am a cloud autumn, blue-blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I only want

I'll wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and "splashes"

their rain-sultan.

AUTUMN - Cloud, Cloud, wait,

do not rush to pour rain

Get better with us, smile and pull yourself up.

we will spin with you, dance and have fun

8. The cloud has darkened, frowns and gets angry,

Our Group don't be afraid of the rain!

9. Cold rain pours in the evening and in the afternoon,

Wet trees under my window.

10. The first raindrops drip on the roofs,

The rain began to fall harder and then calmer.

11. Early in the morning the birds no longer sing,

Raindrops run down the glass.

12. Wet all the streets and paths in the garden ...

We are not afraid of rain, because we have boots.

13. And there is also an umbrella, the raincoat does not get wet,

A man is not sugar, he does not melt in the rain!

14 Reb: We are not at all afraid to run in the rain,

If the rain is heavy, take umbrellas

Dance "Guilty Cloud" _

presenter: A cloud shed tears, scattered puddles everywhere!

(spread the puddles)

The game "Jump over puddles"

15 Reb: Rain, rain, you are long,

You are from heaven to earth.

Rain, rain, more and more,

So that mushrooms grow in the forest

Song "How Mushrooms Grow"

16 Reb: A warm beam caresses the cheeks,

Invites us to the woods

There, under the tree, in the shade

A little fungus has grown!

Vedas: Hey, funny honey mushrooms -

Hats on sideways!

Sit under the stumps

Look in all directions.

Don't be afraid, everyone get up

Start the dance together!

"Mushroom Dance"- (We went to the forest with baskets for a walk.)

Autumn. - I see you, the children notice me,

You meet with a bright, cheerful holiday,

For this I thank you all

And I will give you all my surprise.

Now close your eyes, and I'll count.

(At this time, adults bring "magic" umbrella

Autumn: All of you, children, I love and thank you from the bottom of my heart ...

And the umbrella is mine ... it's magical, guys,

He autumn can work wonders!

gifts look forward to autumn

Close your eyes honestly and firmly! (preparing a surprise moment)

Now help, open your eyes,

gifts from Autumn you receive!

Opens an umbrella - there are sweets suspended or a basket of fruit.

Autumn distributes treats.


Well, now it's time to say goodbye, because I have a lot to do!

I wish you all health, goodbye, friends!

Photo for memory, everyone leaves.

Children enter the hall to the music and sit on the chairs. Behind them enter the children of the preparatory group and stand in a semicircle.

1 child
Again autumn outside the window,
The rain is pouring down,
Leaves are falling, rustling,
How beautiful is autumn!

2 child
Leaves embroidered with gold
The paths are washed with rain,
Mushrooms in bright caps,
Everything to us, Autumn, you give!

3 child
Each leaf is golden
Small sunny -
I'll put it in a basket
I'll put it on the bottom.

4 child
I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues!
Long, long time for me
The holiday doesn't end!

The leader reads to music

Everywhere walks - wanders autumn,
Here the foliage and poplar dropped.
Look - the cheeks of the mountain ash turned red,
Yellow leaves flew down the path.

"Dance of autumn leaves" Music. A. Filippenko (junior group)

(Children take their seats to the music)
Oh, guys, hush, hush!
I hear something strange.
Someone is rushing to us here
And it seems to rustle.

Music sounds and Scarecrow appears in the hall.

I dress out of fashion
All the century I stand, as if on a clock,
Whether in the garden, in the field-garden,
I instill fear in the flocks.

That's who it turns out all summer, guarded our garden.

Scarecrow: Yes, it's me, Scarecrow! Hello guys! Where are my vegetables?

Green pea:
Everyone knows how good
I am a green pea.
I decorate all dishes
And they respect it.

I'm fresh and crispy.
I am a real cucumber.
I was green in the garden,
I will become salty in a jar.

I am a very important signor,
Ripe, sweet tomato.
Red, juicy and smooth.

I treat everyone, guys,
Who drinks my tomato juice
Not sick for a whole year.

And I, juicy cabbage,
Proud of vitamins.
In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads
I'll be nice, of course.
And how delicious
Shchi my cabbage soup!

I am the ray of all diseases.
I'm the best guys.
Even though I'm bitter, it doesn't matter.
Need to eat me always

No dinner without potatoes
No hot, no okroshka.
Everyone respects potatoes
Who among you does not know me?

We are all from the garden bed,
Remember us guys.

Rich in vitamins
And we need all the guys!

(Children sit down).

Scarecrow: Here is the harvest! Well, I worked hard, dispersed all the birds. It's time to harvest. So, can you help harvest?

The game "Harvest" (groups play in turn).

(Children come out - vegetables)
And what are these vegetables - babies?

I'm a zucchini, fat man,
golden barrel,
I'm in your area
Still newbie.

I am a carrot to everyone's wonder
And blush and beautiful.

Leading:(turns to vegetables) If you want, my friend, we will sing about the zucchini and carrots about the girlfriend.

The song "Harvest" is performed

Scarecrow: Guys, I completely forgot, today is a holiday. Today is autumn's birthday. Let's call her to us and celebrate her birthday together.
Autumn, Autumn, we are waiting for you
Celebrate birthday.
Come to us soon.
The holiday will be more fun.
(Autumn comes to the music)

I hear, I hear and I hasten,
I want to please you.
Because today I have
Birthday friends!

We know about the birthday
And congratulations are ready.
Let's celebrate the holiday
Let's sing and dance!

To cheerful music, autumn dances with children

(The scarecrow leaves the hall during the dance)

Scarecrow: Autumn, autumn, look what I found! This is for you! Happy birthday!

(holds out a ladybug to Autumn)

Autumn: Oh, how beautiful! Thank you! Let's just let her go, it's time for her to sleep, because winter is coming.

Scarecrow: I tried so hard. I wanted you to have something bright, beautiful.

Presenter: Don't be upset, Scarecrow! Our children will sing a song. We will give her to Autumn for her birthday.

The song "Garden - round dance" is performed

They danced, they sang from the heart,
Ah, good guys!

I have a basket in my hands
It contains autumn gifts
Everything I'm rich with
Brought for the kids.
I will feed you
Celebrate a birthday!

(Autumn distributes gifts).

That's it, it's time to go
Goodbye, kids!

(Autumn and the Scarecrow leave to the music)

"Autumn Pictures" script for the middle group

Target: Creation of conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in various activities.
- The development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech in preschoolers, the formation of the experience of self-knowledge of the child.
- Help the child to believe in himself, teach him to be successful in his activities, to find his place in the system of social relations, the world around him, to contribute to the accumulation of experience in friendly relations with peers and adults.
- Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

Event progress.

Autumn, autumn outside the window,
The rain is pouring down,
Leaves fall rustling
How beautiful you are autumn!
To the music of “Leaf, leaf-falling leaves”, children with leaves in their hands enter the hall and dance.
1. Autumn is crying outside the window,
Leaves leads a round dance,
Forgotten favorite ball
On the bench at the gate!
2. He was offended a little,
Red-sided my friend,
And dreaming on the track
Do the jump again.
3. And I look at the raindrops,
Pressing your nose against the glass.
Autumn - crybaby sheds tears
By the gone warmth!
Song: "Rain"
(Children sit in their seats)
Sounds of music enters Autumn
Hearing the song of the rain
I hurry to the holiday to you, friends.
Hello guys. I am golden autumn.
I came to you for a holiday, to sing and have fun,
And I want to make friends with everyone here!
Do you know poems about me?
1. Holiday in the autumn in the forest,
And light and fun!
Here are some decorations
Autumn is here!

2. Each leaf is golden
Small sunny
I'll put it in a basket
I'll put it on the bottom!

3. I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues!
I've been at home for a long time
The holiday doesn't end!

- It's very nice to meet you.
I brought you a musical postcard about me as a gift so that you remember me in cold winters, green springs and hot summers.
Children watch and listen to a musical card on the screen.
Did you guys like it? (children's answers)
Now let's go to the forest!
It's full of wonders!
The sun is shining in the sky
The sun warms the earth.
Both on the hill and on the bump.
Mushrooms grew everywhere.
You mushrooms come out
Tell us about yourself!
The music plays, the mushroom boys come out to the middle of the hall
1. Where birches and oaks grew mushrooms.
There is a wave and honey mushrooms,
There are chanterelles and butterflies,
Under the pine - mushrooms,
Mushroom pickers are happy there!
2. I know this clearing
I grow under the aspen
Mushroom pickers are looking for me
I'm a Podosinovich!
3. I am a white mushroom, I am the King of mushrooms,
Priceless gift of mushroom forests
I grow in the oak forest and in the forest.
Glorified widely in the world,
And if you find me
You will know how good I am!
Performing the "Dance of the Mushrooms"
Guys, what kind of mushrooms do you know? (children's answers)
Do you know how to collect mushrooms? (Children's answers.)
Song for mushrooms
Music and lyrics by E. Ponomareva.
Autumn addresses parents:
- We sang, danced and read poems for you!
And now you guess everything for us now!
Now we will check how you, dear parents, know how to guess riddles!
1. I bring the harvest,
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I do not touch the fir trees and pines.
I am a beautiful yellow...

2. Following August comes,
Dances with leaf fall
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him!

3. Autumn came to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say random!
Well, of course...

4. He walks and we run,
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry to hide in the house,
Will knock on our window,
And on the roof thump thump!
No, we won't let you in, dear friend!
- Well done, parents! Well done boys!! You know how to do everything: sing, dance, and read poetry!
- It will rain quietly dripping
Leaves will fall from above.
Only sadness can not be seen
It's time for us to play!
Game: Pick mushrooms.
(children divide the mushrooms that are on the floor into edible and inedible. 2 teams participate in the game)
Where are my beloved sons? (claps hands 3 times)
September, October, November come out to Russian folk music
(masks on their heads, and a basket with autumn gifts in their hands).
- I am the first month of autumn
September is a good fellow.
I came with paints, I touch the leaves affectionately
And a simple tree suddenly becomes golden.
- I am the second month of autumn
October - good fellow
I will fulfill the will of autumn
I will paint the field, meadow and forest
And fill the world with beauty
And I will invite you to wonderland.
- I am the third month of autumn
November - good fellow
I see off gold autumn,
And I meet the white winter.
- Here are my glorious sons and they did not come empty-handed ... after all, you guys deserve our generous gifts! (October hands the presenter a gift basket)
Thanks, Autumn! Thank you brothers-months!
It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye!
You guys come out, dance with Autumn!
Performed "Dance with Autumn"
Autumn is leaving
Our holiday has come to an end. It's time for us to return to the group, where we will arrange a tea party with gifts from Autumn. We also invite our parents.
Children and parents leave the room.