Congratulations man 55 years old with jokes.

Anniversary 55 years…
You are not yet an ancient grandfather,
A respectable secular lion,
You have become successful!
We wish you happiness
For everything to be perfect
Never lose heart
Never believe in rumors
For comfort in the house
Any work paid off
Never to get sick
And the soul is only younger!

Suddenly and quickly
The holiday made a lot of noise,
Birthday hung
Like a question in the air!
We won't accept excuses
Not about the crisis, not about anything!
There are already two fives on the nose -
It's time to celebrate!
We wish you light
You glow like a moth!
Receive bouquets from us
And a funny poem! I want to congratulate you on your birthday -
After all, today you are 55 years old!
You experience the pleasure of life
So that the green light always burns for you!
I wish you happiness and luck
Forget about problems, difficulties!
Two "fives" in the date of birth, -
So everything should be great.

Fifty-five is not a century.
Only a mature person
And old age is still alien to you,
May it never come.
After a year - a year, years run,
They run tirelessly
Years always rush in spite
But let them pass for you.
Fight zealously with them,
Live longer, don't age.
And against all enemies
Drink medicines as little as possible.

55 years! Anniversary! This special date:
There are only fives in it, whatever one may say.
Every day let him meet
You are a ray of dawn
And the crimson of the dawn accompanies you to sleep.
May health be for you
Be a devoted friend
All your dreams will come true soon
There will be less doubt and confusion in the soul,
And you will be cheerful and young. Night, in a dream, to the tunes of a snowstorm,
Anniversary comes to you secretly.
Suddenly he sings, as if the sounds of a flute,
And already whispers: pour glasses.
55 is a little and a lot.
Few sorrows, but many good.
And congratulations rush along the road,
And the look sparkles like the sparks of a fire.
The light of the moon grants wishes,
We wish to have desires!
There will be a young soul, young -
There will be golden days ringing! Believe me, 55 is youth

And you have fewer enemies
To have fun in the Canaries,

So that all dreams come true
And all the beautiful words addressed to you! Two fives is awesome!
Age seems to be difficult.
I don't want to wish someone
Be at hand...
And congratulations on your anniversary
And announce the anniversary:
Or warm with a broom
Or something harder!
So just congratulations!
Couldn't think of a better one.
I wish you happiness, joy.
Here's my tricky rhyme! Dear (Name) - 55 years old,

And gold metal shone on the neck! Drunk guests at the table
Let them sing like nightingales!
Let crazy toasts sound
Everyone is here today!
Two fives on the cake
Chocolate flowers.
Don't you dare spoil
A fork of this beauty!
So that the owner is businesslike
I could guess by eye
How much does it cost from biscuit
Anniversary verse! Fifty dollars - respectful age!
And then five more came.
The aging process is fast
Didn't scare you at all!
I wish you blue skies.
What else is desired?
The granddaughter of the smart, handsome,
His mind to teach!
I wish you a carefree sleep
To have good blood flow.
Love, health, eternal happiness -
My poetry! I would like to apologize...
Ugh, God forgive me!
Today you are twice thirty,
Only just without five?
You - multiply five by ten,
And five more?
Don't kick or hit!
I'm starting to understand!
I am normal, adequate.
I drank as much as I could!
And I want to be nice
My beautiful poem! What's that noise? Hey birthday boy
Let me lift my ears!
And five more years?
Somehow, you know, imperceptibly ...
Who is this? Your youngest son?
No, you won't fool me...
You have been known as a joker for a long time!
Can you show your passport?
Hmm, really... Well, then I
You know, I want to say:
Look flush with you!
Let our hero be proud! To a young good man
We want you to have fun.
And let that be the reason
There will be joyful singing of the heart.
55 - more than half a century,
Only this is not a problem at all.
After all, it is not the years of a person that create,
Age is nonsense.
We wish this evening
Feel the warmth, love.
And let the meetings be pleasant,
To joyfully seethe blood. Five flowering days give joy
Wonderful mood!
Appear even from smallness
Pleasure and experience!
Let the support of friends be felt
And in the family waiting for love, respect!
Let good people meet
It will be only pleasant communication!
On the day of the 55th anniversary
I really want to wish something different:
Prosperity and longevity,
Happiness in the house, health and holiday! With all my heart I wish now
I wish you all the best,
May all your dreams come true at once
There will be no trouble.
May the one you love
And color blue
The sky will meet you in the morning!
And a wish for fifty
and a half years
Let the addressee receive
Who is this verse about? Two fives - you are an excellent student of life,

You yourself did not expect this.

And a little drunk with happiness! Today we are celebrating a birthday
Fifty-five is your anniversary.
He's strong, there's no doubt about that.
So many guests came to congratulate.
It means not only a round date,
He, rather, orders to think:
How much has already been done, however!
How much more to do!
It's a pity we don't remember whose words these are:
“If only youth knew more,
If only old age could still!” -
Your date has risen in the center of life.
There is experience, and there is still plenty of strength,
Everything is available, there is no barrier to the goal
To do everything that I dreamed of for a long time,
So that the years fly by beautifully.
You will be at least a hundred, you are young
Stay in business forever.
We want to wish you a bright life
Strength of mind and ... strength in the body!
Happy birthday to you
On your fifty-fifth anniversary!
And we wish that the fire does not go out
In friendship, faith and love of friends! Believe me, fifty-five is youth
We want youth to last
So that you are happy and successful
And you have fewer enemies
To have fun in the Canaries,
Mulatto glued to the bars,
Nothing to be needed
So that all dreams come true
So that every day was like a holiday,
And all the beautiful words addressed to you! What's the hum? Hey birthday boy
Let me lift my ears!
What-what-what? Are you a fifty?
And five more years?
Somehow, you know, imperceptibly ...
Who is this? Your youngest son?
No, you won't fool me...
You have been known as a joker for a long time!
Looks like your big brother...
Can you show your passport?
Hmm, really... Well, then I
You know, I want to say:
Let the kids be all their lives
Look flush with you!
And all my life in perfect shape
Let our hero be proud! Today only: five plus five,
You are in "excellent students" again.
And let the hair be gray
We know muscles are made of steel.
Big things to do,
Only God would give health.
A sharp eye, a strong hand,
And victory is near.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Appreciate, love, respect
And we want to celebrate
We are a hundred years of your gray hair! 55 years! Such a date
And congratulate her now
The whole family, relatives are so happy
Anniversary, of course you!
Live just fine
(About two fives for a reason),
Do not forget about personal
Live happily up to a hundred!
Keep optimism in your heart
Love life, relatives, friends,
Let whims be fulfilled
May your life be more fun! May every day be bright and bright,
To live with taste, easily, slowly!
May there be happiness, friends and gifts,
So that the soul rests from the labors!
I treasure our sincere friendship
And I promise reciprocity in return!
I want to be both important and necessary
People are at least 200 years old!
Let hunting remain for a hobby,
For the fish to go, to please the bird:
So that something pleasant warms the soul,
Life should be lived with pleasure! Fifty five! Breathe on the candles
But not to set the table on fire.
Today you are like Pechkin
You are just starting to live.
How many years, decades
You pored, hammering a nest?
Home, work, grandchildren, children.
Live for yourself too.
Happy Anniversary!
Whatever you say
We will always keep you warm.
You will always be nice to us. Fifty dollars and plus five - not yet years,
You are a man anywhere
Don Juan campaigns
Always on your shoulder.
We are for you, dear daddy,
We wish you an anniversary
To fly faster than a bullet
Was an idol for children.
Catfish caught on a fishing trip
At work, the boss was not angry,
I didn’t plow like a slave in the country,
And he kept his luck by the tail! Dear hero of the day - fifty-five years old,
May you swell with health like a polar bear,
Vodka to fit 5 liters in you,
And in your soul she sang so that spring
So that your wife does not gnaw you like a beaver,
And it burned, did not go out, your fire of passion,
So that he does not spare his children grandmothers,
So that the green lemon hangs in the account,
In society, to be cool on your feet,
And gold metal shone on the neck! The years fly by, flapping their wings,
The tummy is growing, the head is gray.
And we love this, we will come,
After all, today you are 50 and 5.
You built a dacha - the porch slanted,
The apple tree in the garden was covered with moss.
You don’t have time, poor thing, to see everything,
When you retire, you will sit there. Five years for a horseman - it's time for dexterity,
Fifty-five years for a cowboy - accuracy and skill,
Fifty-five years for a poet is only a test of a pen,
Fifty-five for a chess player is castling.
Fifty-five for the president is only the first term,
Fifty-five for a deputy - few bribes were taken,
Fifty-five for the hero of the day - only a coil in life,
At Fifty-five it's not too late to start over! Happy symbolic anniversary
I want to congratulate you
Two "Fives" - everything is fine
May it always be doubly
Be healthy and successful
More joy, kindness,
From the fate of generous gifts
And family warmth! Fifty-five is not an age, but a step

Everything is as it should be for men! Congratulations on your anniversary!
And already conquered goals
Yes, and it’s time to outline new ones!
I wish you luck, perseverance,
And live with interest in contentment! 55 ... Well, is this age?

Good luck and luck with all your heart!
55…Divine timing

To walk towards the pleasures of life! 55 to you today
You are celebrating your anniversary!

My most beloved man
And let love inexplicably
Give a dream on the way! Fifty-five ... A serious anniversary.

And surrounded by joyful faces! Your anniversary is a comet from heaven,
There is no more beautiful person
Healthy body and soul!

We wish vigor for the body,
Reach the cosmic heights! We wish you happiness and good luck,

And grief was everywhere.
For you to be successful
And you would be the happiest of all! Two fives, my love
Shine at your age.
Happy this anniversary, dear
I congratulate you.
May all wishes come true
With every new beginning
Happiness and money will come. Fifty plus five years old -
Your holiday today!
Ready to say many words
In honor of your beautiful!
May health never
Doesn't fail in life
And for many years
Let the sadness go! Fives: five yes five.
And we have a desire
Congratulations out loud.
Carcass pipes are playing!
You are a friend, father and husband.
You are our dear colleague,
And mom - best son,
For everyone - irreplaceable.
Today is the anniversary!
And we want to say:
Such a precious specimen.
We all need.
After all, your team is rich!

Cool congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a man

55! Breathe on the candles
But not to set the table on fire.
Today you are like Pechkin
You are just starting to live.
How many years, decades
You pored, hammering a nest?
Home, work, grandchildren, children.
Live for yourself too.
Happy Anniversary!
Whatever you say
We will always keep you warm.
You will always be nice to us.

Life put five
This is the anniversary!
Here too, skill is needed.
All gather your friends.
you turned 55
Yes, this is not a year at all!
Old age is in no hurry
While the family is waiting at home.
A feast awaits at home.
Be so young!

Today you are "five plus five" -
You are in "excellent students" again.
And let the hair be gray
We know muscles are made of steel.
Big things to do,
Only God would give health.
A sharp eye, a strong hand,
And victory is near.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Appreciate, love, respect.
And we want to celebrate
We are a hundred years of your gray hair!

You were born in such times
When everyone lived five years,
And plans were made, and houses were built,
Everything is consistent with the timestamp.
You also lived, studied and worked,
Breathed one breath with the country,
Yes, of course, our world has changed,
And only these five-year plans of yours
Today he says: accept our congratulations:
Eleven to five - all delivered on time!

We congratulate you today
We have an unusual birthday!
We wish you health, joy
And fighting mood!
Give everyone a cheerful look -
And it will become brighter at the table.
Your age - two fives nearby -
Great sign for an anniversary!
May all sorrows and resentments
They will hide at once, like mice in minks.
For work, for strength - not for the mind -
Life gives you two fives.
Your age is in the middle
On the long road of life.
Let life be long, like in a fairy tale!
It's too early to draw conclusions.

We rarely meet with you
After all, this is what happens with friends:
Family, problems hold tenaciously,
That meetings are like going to a museum.
Your anniversary is a great occasion
Fifty and 5 years later,
And at the same time a strong argument
Congratulate and say "Hello!"
At heart you are a boy, I understand
But you're a man too!
I perceive you as any:
Your face and beard.
Sometimes you are gloomy
You grumble all day like an old grandfather.
But you can be as wise
So carry childish nonsense.
I'm proud of you, I answer:
You are a nice guy, family man!
With you I celebrate the holiday -
There is no better name day in the world!

This day brought us together
Your devoted friends
And the news fly around the world,
We celebrate your anniversary.
Be healthy, beautiful, successful,
Do not suffer from idleness
Be interesting for women
Never be discouraged.
Too early to sum up
There's still a whole life ahead
Two fives is not enough
Hold on tight in the saddle!

Two fives - you are an excellent student of life,
You passed your exam perfectly,
You don't have to applaud
You yourself did not expect this.
Excellence in life, be always happy,
Always healthy, and loved by the family,
Always be understood, always forgiven
And a little drunk with happiness!

Here's fifty-five for you
Now the whiskey is gray,
I remember again
How we were young.
Drop everything! Forget about it!
You are getting younger every year!
After all, the point, in general, is not
When nature gave birth to us!
Live - burn! Sit down and remember
That you are a support, a true friend.
I wish you great strength
Change everything for the better around!

55 is a significant date and we are pleased to tell you on this day that
for success in work and creating a family, you get two fives from everyone
surroundings and life in general. Despite your age, you
retained attractiveness and youthfulness, which is a great
achievement for a man. We wish you to continue to achieve your
goals, implement plans and lead an active lifestyle. Congratulations!

SMS congratulations to a man on his 55th birthday in verse

"Happy symbolic anniversary!"
Happy symbolic anniversary
I want to congratulate you
Two "Fives" - everything is fine
May it always be doubly
Be healthy and successful
More joy, kindness,
From the fate of generous gifts
And family warmth!

“Congratulations on your anniversary!”
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Two fives - there is something to note:
And already conquered goals
Yes, and it’s time to outline new ones!
For everything to work out for you -
I wish you luck, perseverance,
Be healthy and the happiest
And live with interest in contentment! "My beloved man"
55 to you today
You are celebrating your anniversary!
It was given that everything is free,
You warm your life with happiness!
My most beloved man
Only joy lies ahead!
And let love inexplicably
Give a dream on the way! "There is no more beautiful person"
Your anniversary is a comet from heaven,
Flies and holds the tail with a pipe,
There is no more beautiful person
Healthy body and soul!
We heartily congratulate you
Bottomless happiness to you depths,
We wish vigor for the body,
Reach the cosmic heights! "Two Fives"
Two fives, my love
Shine at your age.
Happy this anniversary, dear
I congratulate you.
May all wishes come true
Let health be good.
With every new beginning
Happiness and money will come. "Fifty-five is not old"
Fifty-five is not an age, but a step
Much happiness and great success.
Let it be a new step every day
And every moment is a wonderful new milestone.
May the most beautiful words
They always sound solemn and decorous,
So that from triumphs the head is spinning,
Everything is as it should be for men! “Well, is this age?”
55 ... Well, is this age?
Yes, anniversary. But you are young!
I wish you good health
Good luck and luck with all your heart!
55…Divine timing
Reap the fruits of your efforts!
And it's easy to get off your shoulders any time,
To walk towards the pleasures of life! "Fifty five"
Fifty-five ... A serious anniversary.
Fifty-five... Not so few anymore.
I wish you many loyal friends,
To help them through life.
I wish you much happiness and kindness,
Have fun and strive for the best
So that your life goes its own way,
And surrounded by joyful faces! "We wish you happiness and success"
We wish you happiness and good luck,
So that the doctor does not visit you often.
So that the sun always shines on you
And grief was everywhere.
For you to be successful
And you would be the happiest of all! "Fifty plus five years old"
Fifty plus five years old -
Your holiday today!
Ready to say many words
In honor of your beautiful!
May health never
Doesn't fail in life
And for many years
Let the sadness go! "Two Fives"
Fives: five yes five.
And we have a desire
Congratulations out loud.
Fanfares sound in your honor,
Carcass pipes are playing!
Roles in life we ​​do not count,
You are a friend, father and husband.
You are our dear colleague,
And mom is the best son,
To all of you with a quivering soul,
For everyone - irreplaceable.
Today is the anniversary!
And we want to say:
Such a precious specimen.
We all need.
After all, your team is rich!

Congratulations on the anniversary of a man for 55 years

Fifty-five is a beautiful date.
Be like a soldier, rich in victories:
In life, in career, on different fronts.
Raise your flag over problems.

We don't have enough people like that.
Let friends not leave in trouble,
Business blooms brighter than poppies in the field,
The heart sings like a bird in the wild!

Over the years, he became calmer, wiser.
Today you are fifty-five.
And the faces nearby are closer and dearer,
We have something to tell you today.

Over the years, we value loyalty more,
And not love, which will read the highest paradise.
Let them light up everyday life
The trust of friends and the sky is the edge.

The expanse of fields and play of summer
And autumn pleasant rays,
Appreciate every moment, appreciate it all
And, like a fire, shine, burn, live!

A real man certainly does not care about years!
Our beautiful birthday boy believes in it fervently!

So everything will be available, the sun will come out again,
The snow-white band will come at fifty-five!

There will be good health, and friends will not let you down,
And everyone will certainly come to a chic feast!

They wish optimism, so that the spirit is more cheerful,
And then the road of life will become smooth by the anniversary!

Happy birthday greetings to 55 years old man

55 is the time for smiles
Not crying and not laughing with tears.
55 is the error time
For which there is no punishment.
55 is the sea and rocks,
55 are songs and thoughts,
55 is a search for meaning
55 is still not enough!

5 and 5 - that's the date!
Everything is great, it turns out.
Again young, as once,
I have the strength to love and live.
Your anniversary is a gift to us,
Hello from an excellent student.
He will be cheerful and hot,
And leave a bright mark.
We wish you inspiration
All kinds of victories in business.
You are worthy of admiration!
And live two hundred years! There is a category of people
Not prone to verbosity
But they are always full of ideas,
Everything is done with love.
They earn their bread with their labor,
And moving towards the goal
Through hard, oh, victories,
We managed to find ourselves.
And our dear hero of the day
So a direct example!
Stubborn, bold, groovy.
Still a pioneer! Only a passport will tell
How many years have you lived in the world?
55 to you, but even
It doesn't look like it from the outside!
Seductive and slender
And with a "needle" dressed.
The ladies around are restless
Be with you.
Still disturbing hearts
To young girls
And for this I am with you
Clink a full glass! Two fives, anniversary, well, don’t simmer, pour it!
Did you all pour? Let's get started! Anniversary congratulations!
We wish you health
Long years and bright days
More Joyful Feasts
And the best friends!
mood, success,
Let the house be cozy
Lots of money, lots of laughter
There will be a lot of happiness in it! We are opening a new century.
You have three complete matches.
So a happy person
United, three births!
The first date is an anniversary!
You are already fifty-five!
The birth of the century is also in it,
A little earlier than yours!
The third "birth", let's call
The beginning of the three millennium!
The progress of science will comprehend in it
Secrets of longevity genes!
The birth of a species - a person,
The task is very difficult.
Well, for now - the secret of the century,
He could come from afar.
Happy triple birth, hero of the day!
We drink for the ancestors and for you!
As if for these three cases,
Triple lifetime supply!
There is no end to such births
But you have to stop
Commercials for a short time just to sleep,
If you listen to the "beer"!
We drank and ate everything
And they wished they could.
They danced famously, they sang songs!
To go home - they helped us ...
And the hero of the day, of course, too,
I've been a little sick since morning.
Now he can't drink at all.
The third case said so! Wait another five years -
Say hello to pensions.
Until then, dear friend,
You are a young man.
At fifty-five sometimes
I want to go home
Relax on the sofa
And read newspapers.
But don't be lazy
And don't drop your knees
Life should always boil
For health without harm.
Drink more clean water
Eat less fast food, pizza,
Forget about alcohol
Get rid of the salt in the kitchen
Show this heroism
And please the body.
He'll still come in handy
Grandchildren to be proud
Grandfather, at least a little already gray-haired,
But, as before, young. We wish you at 55
Much love and lots of laughter
Good luck, health, a lot of strength,
So that cheerfulness makes the heart glad,
So that you do not know sadness at all
And don't forget your friends! Beautiful number - fifty-five!
It includes cool fives!
We will put you "five" in the life report card!
You are the most diligent, strong and dexterous! Happy symbolic anniversary
I want to congratulate you
Two "Fives" - everything is fine
May it always be doubly
Be healthy and successful
More joy, kindness,
From the fate of generous gifts
And family warmth! 55 is a great light holiday.
55 is a wonderful anniversary.
Let this solemn day be decorated
Kind smiles to all relatives and friends.
You are, as always, a very distinguished man.
Great husband, caring father...
May all insults pass your life,
Let the warmth warm the loving hearts.
We wish you well and prosperity,
Let fate protect from grief.
We give you a hundred best wishes,
May the anniversary bring you happiness. Here you are already 55.
What do you want ours, dear.
We wish you a happy family
May your children be healthy.
Visit more often, so that they come to you,
And, of course, they brought grandchildren.
So that the wife surrounds with care,
And I loved to respect you.
So that everyone at home is waiting for you,
We were always welcomed with joy.
Illuminated to smile face.
To live both easily and lightly.
To be respected by your colleagues
And they were always looking for advice.
So that there are many friends, do not count,
Even more than there are now.
We wish you a big salary
So that you have enough of it with a vengeance.
Well, we also wish you patience,
And, of course, luck in life.
Stay young longer
In captivity of years, do not give up dashing.
Live your long life without worries
Welcome every year. 55 - not very many
Date, in general, is small,
But not a tablecloth road
led to this date.
Let joy sparkle
Your beautiful anniversary
And it will last up to a hundred years
Your life among friends! To be happy, strong -
Age is not a hindrance
To be loved and to love
Joy and laughter
We want to wish you
Always believe in a miracle
You are already fifty five
Happy Anniversary!
We wish you to come true
All dreams soon
To make life happier
Brighter, more fun
Be healthy, don't get sick
Happiness in personal life
And always look at life
Only optimistic! For someone "five" and "five" -
It's just ten
And you are fifty-five
You are strong and funny!
Let the anniversary give
Good health,
And relatives will surround
Tender love.
Let the career bring
new victories,
past your house
Let troubles pass! You are fifty five years old
Happy birthday my husband!
There were many in fate
You have severe blizzards.
Let the warmth of my love
Drowns all the misfortunes of the ice floe!
You are in the world of all relatives,
My only man! Our birthday boy is famous!
Everything is with him - and the mind, and become.
The spirit is truly great
Intelligence is always at "five".
Like an adult, but a boy,
And, as before, young:
It has fire, and passion, and a flash!
And always in harmony with yourself.
Talking to him is a joy
Silence is so easy paradise.
You don't feel tired with it.
Be healthy! Live! Dream! What to wish? Everything is already there.
Yours is fifty-five.
And the son managed to sit on the neck
And the grandson calls to play.
The family is big, life is like a river,
Health over the edge.
Live to the fullest,
And don't forget us! Great age for a man -
55 years! There is much to be proud of...
You conquered peaks all your life,
Worked hard to achieve everything.
More good health
To avoid bad weather
wish years longer
Let happiness enter the house without knocking! Today is your anniversary
Fives: five yes five,
And we have a desire
Send you congratulations.
Fanfares sound in your honor,
Carcass pipes are playing!
Roles in life we ​​do not count,
You are a friend, father and husband.
You are our dear colleague,
And mom is the best son.
To all of you with a quivering soul,
For everyone - irreplaceable.
Today is the anniversary!
And we want to say:
Such a precious specimen.
We all need.
After all, the team is rich with you,
And I want to hope
That at sixty and at seventy
Nothing will change for you.
Your soul will stay with you
And this is your luggage and treasure.
And there are no tendencies to fade away
Your mind is powerful and rich.
We are stroking into the distance with optimism,
As long as among us
There is a man, not a master,
But there is no more beautiful than you! It seemed that this date would not come,
Days, years, decades passed...
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.
May this day not add wrinkles,
And the old will smooth and erase,
And happiness will bring to the house for a long time.
We wish to live without knowing the troubles,
Knowing no misfortune
And to last for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness! 55 is already solid,
But there is nothing to be sad about.
Although it's a shame for the mistakes,
But there is a time for everything.
We wish you never whine
Don't worry about the little things
Let success swirl you
Happiness will be big and quiet. The day is just significant -
You are fifty five!
Man you are attentive
I want to keep it up!
And congratulations flow
Fireworks are flying.
For this birthday
Your 55!
And if you translate them
In the "flammable" number,
How much is on your way
The bottles sprouted.
In a big way and at speed
Celebrate your holiday.
How much conscience is enough -
Pour so much.
Tell your wife mysteriously:
Forget the rest of the night...
And she will be enough
"Five" and one. You are 55 today!
In a big bag so that you grab a lot of money!
Let me give you one piece of advice -
You, most importantly, take them away quickly!
Let the sea of ​​happiness carry you
To a huge villa near the ocean…
If you're sad, friends will always come
They will support and wine will be poured into glasses! Fifty-five for you
Half life!
And today do not appease
Our feelings an avalanche!
You can't turn back time!
But let yourself be forced
So that in a hundred and ten years again
We could congratulate you! 55 ... Well, is this age?
Yes, anniversary. But you are young!
I wish you good health
Good luck and luck with all your heart!
55…Divine timing
Reap the fruits of your efforts!
And it's easy to get off your shoulders any time,
To walk towards the pleasures of life! Fifty five short term
And you have done so much!
Let you fortune or rock
Will open new road!
Congratulations on your anniversary
We wish you happiness, longevity,
And for the next century
We elect you for president! Fifty-five is not an age, but a step
Much happiness and great success.
Let it be a new step every day
And every moment is a wonderful new milestone.
May the most beautiful words
They always sound solemn and decorous,
So that from triumphs the head is spinning,
Everything is as it should be for men! Let the verses sound today
And people's hearts will be opened.
Rose bouquets, compliments
They will set you up in a cheerful mood.
We wish the hero of the day
Personal happiness, health,
Young still give heat,
Unmeasured forces to help,
Live in love and enjoy
To be a wonderful person
Advance in career
Be useful to society! Congratulations to the hero of the day
Let's just say we are not without reason
These years have passed
You have always been on a horse.
Eliminating all obstacles
From success to success
All obtained by his labor,
There is a car, a cottage, a house ...
Old age won't touch you
And unknown fatigue.
You are healthy and full of energy
And still handsome.
I know that you are right
Deserved recognition, fame,
Tamada, pour cognac,
For the 55th anniversary!

Short SMS congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years - a woman, a man

You are 55 today.
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Let everything be good in life.
I wish you good health.
Let luck never betray.
I am sending you this poem.

What to do at 55?
Time to rest again
have fun, smile,
Don't fret, don't worry.

Congratulations and I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful and active at 55
a person, every day comprehending happiness and luck, joy and love,
success and great victory.

You are at the center of the world today
There is no more give or take.
I only wish health
In frisky 55.

You have 55 more -
Time to live and flourish!
More actively choose rest,
Enter the world of new discoveries,
Be in a good mood.
Here is our congratulations.

55 years - special
And a wonderful anniversary
Let life put only fives
In the certificate of your destiny.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you 5 more times for 55 years
May God always keep you
And happiness was enough.

Again, the anniversary is knocking on your house,
55 candles are burning with fire...
We wish you the most fantastic days
May your life prosper more and more!

You turned 55
May your soul rejoice on this day
Let joy not make you wait long
And your anniversary will not disappoint!

We have a reason, we all gathered
To sincerely congratulate the hero of the day.
At 55, let life gush like a fountain,
And you must love and praise her!

At 55 everything is in its place,
There is no chaos in the soul and disorder.
A calm smile on your lips
Give your family without a trace.
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
Let luck not close your eyes!

At 55 we wish you pleasant surprises,
Blossom, warmth, clear, sunny days.
Wonders endless and incredible.
Let life be better and doubly sweeter!

Let them sound good words,
Everything should be fine at 55.
Let the attention circle the head,
But in life everything will be very clear!

Congratulations on your anniversary
Two fives for you.
I wish for "Excellent"
Let life pass the exam.

You have a wonderful holiday, anniversary,
Accept the congratulations of friends as a gift,
You live happily, never get sick,
And somewhere find a big treasure quickly.

Accept congratulations on your anniversary,
Smile happily and never get sick
At fifty-five, life is just beginning
There is no reason to mope, be sad or sad.

I want to tell you on your anniversary
You, most importantly, do not grow old in soul,
Problems will all be in the past
And may every day be good.

Let youth abide in the past
But maturity is also a plus.
Fifty-five barriers does not know
Heart and soul does not age.
Arrange a holiday on the anniversary,
So that your life is brighter!

You keep good in your soul
Give warmth to relatives and everyone,
Your happiness will be with you
And the sun is shining overhead.

At fifty-five it's not too late and not too early,
Implement your plans.
See the world, sign up for the pool,
Or just indulge in happiness!

At fifty-five you are full of strength,
There is some experience behind him.
Live in a world without war
Saved be heaven!

As many as eighty five
Let our grandmother
We will celebrate the anniversary
Even the whole family
We want to tell grandma
To live longer
We don't need anything
There is more in this world!

Congratulations, grandma, you!
Eighty-five is the date.
Let melancholy let you go
Live always without loss!

Let health only increase
And diseases will not take you!
The sun is smiling at you
Birds only sing songs to you!

Be happy you, my grandmother!
I love you more than life!
I want you to be by my side
If I ever get married!

Nothing that your head is gray,
And many years behind
For us you are always young
There is simply no better grandmother in the world.
Congratulations on your 85th birthday,
Be healthy, grandmother, live long - long live,
As little pain as possible
Do not grow old in heart and soul.

A wonderful holiday - 85!
So I want to wish today
All the best to you in life:
Prosperity and warmth, well-being!
All days like this one will be bright,
Only joyful events are full
And luck is waiting for you
The mood remains wonderful!
Because you are wise and just,
For kindness hearts from us - thank you!
With great respect, love
You - happiness, longevity, health!

Grandmother, dear, happy birthday!
Let the mood be wonderful
There will be pies and congratulations
And you, beautiful, admiration!

Granny, you can't guess your age
You are only getting better every day.
I congratulate you on your birthday
In the world there is no more beautiful and sweeter you!

Congratulations to grandmother for 85 years in verse

Dear grandma, you're 85
We wish you a lot of health.
You are our bright ray, and a sip of warmth,
There is no better in the world, a spark of happiness.

Your house will warm us
Gives warmth.
We appreciate and cherish
Your kindness

Be always happy
In good health.
beloved man,
We will help all we can.

Congratulations, we wish you good health
On the day of the 85th anniversary,
Amazing weekdays and holidays,
Prosperity and longevity,
True friends and allies
In every business, in all endeavors!
May everything that is planned come true:
Your plans, dreams and desires!

Happy anniversary,
My dear grandmother!
open soon
Gifts from me!

Eighty five? Excellent!
Let's celebrate with the family!
It will be a romantic evening
And then let's dance!

You are our lighter
After all, you give a head start to the young!
Still that in the soul of a reveler,
You make us very happy!

We have you, and we are very happy,
The oldest woman in our family.
Everyone congratulates, wants to hug you,
With warm feelings of light love.

Today, great-grandmother as a sign of veneration
On the day of the jubilee we will bow.
Grandmother, dear, our confession,
Please accept our love and gifts.

Dear Granny! Happy Birthday dear!
I don't know any other caring hands!
And I do not know the heart I love more!
Now I wish you to live as long as possible!

Let it be hard with me at times,
But after all, grandchildren help not to grow old in soul!
May the forces be there for many years to come!
And I would like to thank you for everything!

I wish my beloved grandmother
I wish my grandmother:
So that you are kept by fate,
So that there is always peace in the soul.
Forget about all the sorrows!
From birthday to birthday
Go in a good mood.
May life be happy!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother!
How much in life you gave us all!
I want you, my dear,
Until a hundred years in this life lived!

How can I express my gratitude
For your care and affection?
I love you like the holy Madonna
Thank you for your patience!!!

You are simply irreplaceable for us,
Don't ever get sick!
You are our golden, beloved,
You are forever young at heart!

Congratulations on your 85th birthday to your grandmother in verse

Dear grandmother, our sun,
You mean a lot to us all!
We give our hearts to you,
We love you very much, we believe and wait,
That you will always be so bright
And your years are not years at all!
That you will shine brighter than the sun -
You dear - only 85!
Keep this leaflet in your heart
Our congratulations saturated with happiness!
And may in your life again and again
There will be freedom, warmth and love!

Grandma, happy birthday!
Have a good mood
I wish you on your anniversary
I congratulate you with all my heart!

Celebrate, have fun, enjoy
And smile all day today!
Don't be confused by your age
It will only give you more health!

Happy 80th birthday, grandma!
I love you very much
And I want you to have fun
It's like I've just learned how to live!

Today at 85
You have joy, grandchildren, children!
What can you wish for?
Of course, only longevity!
You want to shake hands
After all, you live a worthy life!
I want to find happiness
And you will find it in your loved ones!

Granny is eighty-five!
I will congratulate you
You, beloved, dear -
And wish you a lot of good things:

More good health
And it's easier to relate to life,
Also, dear grandmother,
Let me add that I love you!

Dear great grandmother, I love you
On a wonderful anniversary, I give poems,
I wish you joy, do not get sick at all,
All the kinder, wiser you are - everyone knows.

Every day, let it generously please with warmth,
Let your house be cozy, granny,
Let grandchildren come, great-grandchildren to you,
You are the main man in their, my fate!

I reveal all my secrets to you:
You will always tell me, give me wise advice ...
Better, closer, my dear grandma,
And there is no one in the world better than you!

For the care of the heart, tenderness and affection
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you
May every moment be beautiful
I love you, my dear, very much!

Who has always helped me?
Who regretted and who praised?
Who was spoiling all the time?
Who cherished and loved?

I have always been a support
Your soft hand
You took me to school
From call to call!

You read fairy tales at night
You knitted a beret for me
You were skating
You cooked dinner.

You raised me
And I will say, not melting,
The best in the whole world -
This is my grandmother!

Entries 1 - 10 from 10

55 years for a horseman - it's time for dexterity,
55 years for a cowboy - accuracy and skill,
55 years for a poet is only a test of a pen,
55 for a chess player is castling.

55 for the president - the first term only,
55 for a deputy - few bribes were taken,
55 for the hero of the day - in life there is only a coil,
At 55, it's not too late to start over!

An interesting young man
We want you to have fun.
And let that be the reason
There will be joyful singing of the heart.

55 - more than half a century,
Only this is not a problem at all.
After all, it is not the years of a person that create,
Age is nonsense.

We wish this evening
Feel the warmth, love.
And let the meetings be pleasant,
To joyfully seethe blood.

55 years is not an age, and such an anniversary is
It's simple Kindergarten for a real man.
I wish you strength night and day
So that the soul burns with young fire.
So that you cause a fire in the hearts of women,
And he did not tremble in fear before any of them.
To never experience fear,
And your friend always came to the rescue.
Let the nightingale always sing for you in the forest,
And after a glorious festivity, the little head does not hurt.
So that you are not familiar with great sadness,
And for relatives and friends he was always generous with his soul.
So that you are always and everywhere on a horse,
And often he visited me.

Fifty-five is a wonderful anniversary
We congratulate you today.
Pour all the glasses to the top,
So that you live without grief and sadness.

You are a solid, young man,
Always brave, kind and cheerful.
May success always go with you
And with it, joy, happiness and health.

Let the anniversary be the beginning of days
Good luck, smiles, carefree life.
Meet him with family and friends.
May your life be filled with love.

You tell me what the hell
Fifty candles on a cake
And five more on the sidelines?
So let's drink!

Relentless nature
Sends wrinkles to the face
Only despite the years
You stay young.

We want honey without tar,
Let it come true for a dispute
What is in your fate is not easy
It hasn't come true so far.

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
We came today to say
That we will not regret warm words
Today you are fifty-five.

We want you to be like before
full of confidence and
We are given wisdom to give ours
Always on the path of life.

So be happy, healthy,
Don't frown and look into the distance.
We wish you new achievements,
And let sorrow pass you by.

In honor of the anniversary at the table
You have gathered guests, the house is full.
All toasts say in unison
They really want to congratulate.

I also want to make a speech
Once again, personally emphasize -
Even if I go around the whole planet
I won't find anyone like you.

Strangle the wide man
Let happiness be enough for the whole century.
May peace reign in your family
Good will return - but doubly so.

Today is the most important date!
To fifty dollars plus another five.
Didn't become an oligarch. rich
Spiritually you were able to walk.
To you - strong and healthy
So much to live. In a word,
I want the last name to be included
In the Guinness Book of Records
As a long-liver, lover of women,
Life tasted sweets.
New meetings, dreams, discoveries
They will be a source of joy!

Eagle eye, full of majesty,
And a proud profile, and a man's become ...
And a long degree of high availability
Mind and experience we can discuss.

But more to the point. Time is fleeting
Doesn't sleep, doesn't wait, doesn't slow down,
And the arrows move endlessly ...
Already the fifth is aiming at the sixth decade.

May there be new achievements in life!
Let the victorious anthem always sound!
Desires of all orders for execution
Your fate will sign and hand over!

There were many different
In this life you have
Don't spoil you
An unhappy fate.

You messed up a little
And drooped under the storms -
But let's put two fives
We are for the lived days.

Through the storms
You have lived a worthy life
And over the years
Made it like a man.

You are quite a youngster among the elders,
And among the youth - a solid man,
You are a friendly and strong family father,
And for women, the landmark is quite enviable.
And today you are our honorary hero of the day,
And life experience is already fifty-five,
You are young and the word "old" is not acceptable,
After all, you still have a fire in your soul.

Let your scales turn gray a little,
And the wrinkles don't hide your joy
You are still close to youth
You still have the wine of love.
And may today be fifty-five,
I know, I'm completely sure of it
That in your soul and heart do not sleep yet,
Robber and rebel incorrigible genes.

Fifty-five years behind
But they don't age you at all
Like only yesterday between us
The fires of mutual love flared up.
How family life perennial,
And here you are again, beloved, hero of the day,
You go to fate with a cheerful song,
After all, you are young in soul, and not old in body!

Anniversary 55 years.
You are not yet an ancient grandfather,
A respectable secular lion,
You have become successful!
We wish you happiness
For everything to be perfect
Never lose heart
Never believe in rumors
For comfort in the house
Any work paid off
Never to get sick
And the soul is only younger!

Of course, we guessed
They called you to godfather,
Kumanek our dear,
You are closer to us than our own!
Let's drink wine for you
A cup full to the bottom
You live a hundred years or more
Take care of the child!
You have great interest!
You are golden man!
Be rich, healthy and noble
You are very kind to all of us!

Happy 55th birthday
And with all my heart I wish
To become rich as a king,
To always shine everywhere.
I wish you a castle
It has more courtesans,
Just know what's behind you
Your guard is watching.
You act like
Train your willpower
So that you are always faithful
Rest, but do not indulge.

What is five five
Everyone has known for a long time!
Two fives stood up hardly -
It is interesting!
Our hero of the day is well done!
He is beaming with delight!
To this fabulous palace
A lot of friends came!
Congratulations and wish
Happiness, success and good spirits!
And to be faithful to you
Pull, as in childhood, ear!

Don't summarize
At fifty-five!
Shines in your eyes
Beautiful wise light!
Happiness and health,
Vivacity, warmth!
I wish you joyful
Your life was

55 today to you!
Great age for love!
Don't believe the words anymore
But believe in your goals!
Good health always
May life bring goodness and light
May trouble not touch you
Live in the world for many years!

If you want to feel young at any age, admire beautiful girls, walk with them in the park and kiss them hard, you need fresh breath.

So that nothing else happens
And from below the linen would not get wet,
Well, what are you laughing at, who doesn't happen to?
Pampers, in general, will not hurt us (they give diapers)

For "LOVE" the second pocket!
there lies a big surprise!
So that the soul does not go out the stove!
Here's a candle earring for you!
And a banknote for flowers,
To be ready for sex.

55 already to you, my friend!
And I suddenly remember
How they drank together in their youth,
When we lived next to each other!

Now we're far away
And the age is not the same
But, however, it's so easy now
Overcome any time pressure.

Let there be enough strength, dear,
And for this and for that!
And always be just like that!
Be ready for anything!

I wish the hero of the day today
Have a lot of American dollars!
To deny yourself nothing
And give attention to the ladies!

Congratulations on this day!
Let it shower you with a squall and rain
Congratulations and wishes,
And maybe even a confession!

After all, you deserve it!
And maybe even better!
All the best to you!
I will always be in your destiny!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
And with all my heart I wish
To always and in everything
Felt like a king!

At 55, only life begins!
Anniversaries only happen
You immediately begin to understand
And listen to all wishes

Be strong and skillful
As we are used to!
If necessary, be very brave!
You can handle any task!

Happy anniversary, man!
Your very flowering of all strength,
Congratulations at 55
I wish you love!

To make you even more beautiful
Eat nettles and garlic
Never so that you get sick
Don't lie on your right side.

If you listened to all the advice,
And diligently performed
Soon the women will stick around
You will live like a sultan.

My dear man, dear!
Happy Anniversary, my hero!
I wish you at 55
Like a cucumber, stand green.

You are like Strek, very strong, big,
And you don't have any donkey,
You ride a horse like a prince
And you love to wear leather and jeans.

On the hunt, like the best shooter,
And in fights, as cool as a brother,
And you are my man, no matter where,
I loved you very much.

Happy 55th birthday man
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
I want you a car
To get out of the wilderness.

Lots of beer for you
Bread and herrings
To be tasty
And life is easy.

I wish you
Sea of ​​diamonds
Never fight
To always have an eye.

Today you are "five plus five" -
You are in "excellent students" again.
And let the hair be gray
We know muscles are made of steel.

Big things to do,
Only God would give health.
A sharp eye, a strong hand,
And victory is near.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
Appreciate, love, respect.
And we want to celebrate
We are a hundred years of your gray hair!

There is a figure such that, no matter how you look,
"Five" will meet us from any side.
Half a century has passed, and another five years,
Ever since you came into the world, my friend.
So make us all happy with you,
"Fives" will bring you only success!

Per festive table gathered
Friends, family, cousins.
Everyone wishes you a happy birthday.
I hasten to note,

After all, the anniversary is such a “solid”
You are celebrating today.
Although much has happened in life,
But that's right, there are still dreams

Two fives - you are an excellent student of life,
You passed your exam perfectly,
You don't have to applaud
You yourself did not expect this.

Excellence in life, be always happy,
Always healthy, and loved by the family,
Always be understood, always forgiven
And a little drunk with happiness!

Oh, what a fine fellow you are
You increase the beating of hearts
Two fives for excellent
Passed the exam in life personally,
Ladies look with admiration
You have a feast for the eyes
You are beautiful like Apollo
You are stylish in any season,
We wish you an anniversary
Don't forget your friends
Gotta have a great break
In women's attention, swim!

Two fives from life today you received,
It means that you taught the laws of life very well.
We want to continue to breathe deeply,
So that in a hundred years they would say to you: “Well done, keep it up!”

Now your life diary
Do not be ashamed to show people -
It only has excellent marks.
It has gold: “five” and “five”!

And let only pride cause
Everyone has a wonderful diary.
Fate is a very strict teacher,
But you are a worthy student!

There is no doubt, you make a lot of plans,
After all, the age is at least somewhere - fifty-five!
Let the spirit be enough and bills in your pockets,
Persistence is not your thing!

Fate, like a book, leafs through your age:
Fifty pages! Five more in an instant.
She opens a new novel anniversary,
And in it - only one adventure:

Chasing happiness, flying dreams
And the search for a priceless treasure
Let them worry no less over the years
Plots with bed scenes!

Life today gave you two fives - 55. We applaud your anniversary and wish that all your future years, which will be the same number, will be illuminated by the stars of success, love, health and the stars of excellent cognac.

fifty fifth anniversary
Gathered your guests to the table.
We wish you sincere laughter
Health and success in everything,
Let the money, flying in a cloud,
In pockets brazenly climb a bunch!

You have two fives - you are an excellent student,
Today we will arrange a public holiday.
May your soul be filled with joy,
In those moments, life is good.

Let your fantasies be bold
And the heart dances joyfully in anticipation.
Today you can be naughty and sin,
After all, to live without sin is not to live at all!

Congratulations, here is the first five that life has given you in the second half century. We wish you to pass life exams only with excellent marks, and after passing, celebrate this event with friends.

Anniversary - two fives, excellent squared.
We send you flippers to a significant date!
Congratulations, get ready for swimming, swimming!
After all, we wish you an ocean of positive!

Two fives - a magnificent anniversary,
Congratulations and many more years to come!
I give you this laudatory verse from the heart,
After all, such words are warm, like a blanket!

I wish you strength, more inspiration,
To continue to accomplish feats!
And walk in the fresh air longer,
To surprise with heroic health!

Great age and solid anniversary! But mark it as if you were not even twenty: after all, in your soul you are a young mischievous boy, and two fives have added only experience and wisdom to you.

How many, how many wound, fifty already and five?
I won't believe it, you look younger!
Well, I hope you continue to surprise with speed,
Conquer the peaks quickly - so that the frost runs across the skin!

Great anniversary with two fives! It was life that gave you such marks, and we want to celebrate it perfectly, so that in five years and fifty, and fifty-five you, remembering him, will always smile!

55 for the president - the first term only,
55 for a deputy - few bribes were taken,
55 for the hero of the day - in life there is only a coil,
At 55, it's not too late to start over!

An interesting young man
We want you to have fun.
And let that be the reason
There will be joyful singing of the heart.

We wish this evening
Feel the warmth, love.
And let the meetings be pleasant,
To joyfully seethe blood.

Fifty-five is a wonderful anniversary
We congratulate you today.
Pour all the glasses to the top,
So that you live without grief and sadness.

You are a solid, young man,
Always brave, kind and cheerful.
May success always go with you
And with it, joy, happiness and health.

Let the anniversary be the beginning of days
Good luck, smiles, carefree life.
Meet him with family and friends.
May your life be filled with love.

Relentless nature
Sends wrinkles to the face
Only despite the years
You stay young.

We want honey without tar,
Let it come true for a dispute
What is in your fate is not easy
It hasn't come true so far.

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
We came today to say
That we will not regret warm words
Today you are fifty-five.

We want you to be like before
full of confidence and
We are given wisdom to give ours
Always on the path of life.

So be happy, healthy,
Don't frown and look into the distance.
We wish you new achievements,
And let sorrow pass you by.

In honor of the anniversary at the table
You have gathered guests, the house is full.
All toasts say in unison
They really want to congratulate.

I also want to make a speech
Once again, personally emphasize -
Even if I go around the whole planet
I won't find anyone like you.

Strangle the wide man
Let happiness be enough for the whole century.
May peace reign in your family
Good will return - but doubly so.

Eagle eye, full of majesty,
And the profile is proud, and a man's become.
And a long degree of high availability
Mind and experience we can discuss.

Let everything be fine in the family
Cozy home and warm.
Happy Anniversary, stay healthy.

Your anniversary is so beautiful
I'm sure your dream will come true soon
Soon life will be more beautiful
And eternal Paradise in your life will come

Good luck and luck to you
Our hero of the day, happy birthday.
You will live up to a hundred years
And always appreciate your life

And never lose heart
Don't forget your friends
May everything be fine with you
May your life be bright.

You are 55 today!
In a big bag so that you grab a lot of money!
Let me give you one piece of advice -
You, most importantly, take them away quickly!
Let the sea of ​​happiness carry you
To a huge villa near the ocean
If you're sad, friends will always come
They will support and wine will be poured into glasses!

We are here to congratulate you
We want to say without falsehood,
That there's nothing to wish for
You in the future further.
After all, for a career - the highest class,
Success in personal life
Life has given you now
Two times "excellent"!(55)

Short skirt, neckline to the navel,
Don't look back, you're too young.
At home, your wife is waiting for you on the doorstep,
She baked your anniversary cake.
Two fives side by side, well, fifty-five,
The young years flew back.
But do not be upset, everything is just ahead,
We wish you happiness and love from the bottom of our hearts.

55 is a great number
Fate gave you fives.
At 55 you know how to appreciate life,
And every day, and every moment is so precious!
Let's celebrate your anniversary
But so as not to overdo it.
And then our dear wives will have to
Tomorrow we will put up some deuces.

Two fives! joyful date
Imperceptibly came to visit us;
Or rather, the fate of a soldier,
Than the one at the head of the table!
Maybe the fruit of knowledge is bitter,
But the sweetness of being is pleasant;
Therefore, on your holiday of two fives
I wish you new numbers!

Entries 1 - 20 from 126

Anniversary 55 years...
You are not yet an ancient grandfather,
A respectable secular lion,
You have become successful!
We wish you happiness
For everything to be perfect
Never lose heart
Never believe in rumors
For comfort in the house
Any work paid off
Never to get sick
And the soul is only younger!

Believe me, 55 is youth
We want youth to last
So that you are happy and successful
And you have fewer enemies
To have fun in the Canaries,
Mulatto glued to the bars,
Nothing to be needed
So that all dreams come true
So that every day was like a holiday,
And all the beautiful words addressed to you!

Dear (Name) - 55 years old,
May you swell with health like a polar bear,
Vodka to fit 5 liters in you,
And in your soul she sang so that spring
So that your wife does not gnaw you like a beaver,
And it burned, did not go out, your fire of passion,
So that he does not spare his children grandmothers,
So that the green lemon hangs in the account,
In society, to be cool on your feet,
And gold metal shone on the neck!

Bright day in your destiny -
On "excellent" everything in fate:
Two fives! Congratulations!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, blessings and bright days
On your wonderful anniversary.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you to live long
Hope, faith and love,
And only happiness ahead.

55 in total you are years old -
This is wisdom and flourishing!
May you live well
Let there be decent money.
Let the anxieties in the heart melt.
Happy birthday!

Two fives lined up
We shout to you: “Vivat! ”,
Let the anniversary bring
Happiness, glory and honor.

Anniversary - 55!
We want to wish you
Flourish, Shine, Laugh
Dissolve in eternal happiness.
Let there be no prose in life -
Only delight, love and dreams!

On your anniversary - 55 -
How much do you need to say.
But I won't be verbose:
Health, fabulous money,
Love, good luck and luck,
Always be in a cheerful mood.

Two beautiful fives
You celebrate today.
I wish you happiness on your anniversary
Peace in the heart of kindness.

Two fives for good luck
Anniversary gives you
To be an excellent student in life
Again you go ahead.

I wish you optimism
Never lose heart.
Congratulations on the anniversary,
Happiness in your 55.

I wish you well
Dance and walk.
After all, today we celebrate
We are your 55.

I only want enthusiasm
bright days, big wins.
To burn in the soul with fire
Many more years to come.

Five tens, five years old,
Here is the anniversary.
Peace, happiness and love
And the Lord save you!

The years have flown by, no problem
Turn gray whiskey - nonsense,
The main thing is friends and relatives,
Always by your side,
And love, happiness, luck,
They will never leave you.

I wish you faith and love
I wish you happiness ahead
And live long, loving everyone,
Happy anniversary to you today.

You have a wonderful holiday, anniversary,
Accept the congratulations of friends as a gift,
You live happily, never get sick,
And somewhere find a big treasure quickly.