How to bleach an acrylic white sweater. How to bleach white wool, easy ways

Woolen things warm well in the cold season. We wear clothes different shades and if the dark ones do not cause trouble when washing, then the white ones are quite difficult to care for. A significant disadvantage is their impracticality, so many believe that they are not suitable for everyday wear. However, if you know how to whiten things at home, then you can make white clothes part of your image.

Whitening wool at home

If you don't have an idea how you can bring an unnew light pullover into a presentable look, then use the following tips:

  • Take hydrogen peroxide and follow these steps:
    • Mix eight parts of water with one part of hydrogen peroxide. Soak the item so that it is under water.
    • Leave the wool product in the solution for eight hours or even overnight.
    • It remains only to rinse in clean water and hang to dry out of direct sunlight.
  • Use Chlorhexidine with baking soda. Soda is in every home, and Chlorhexidine is sold in a pharmacy:
    • Pour 3.5 liters of clean water into an enameled pan, put on the stove. As soon as bubbles appear, remove from heat, pour the liquid into a basin.
    • Pour baking soda (230 g) into hot water, stir and leave to cool to 35 degrees. Add 150 ml of Chlorhexidine to the water at a concentration of not more than 6%. Mix everything thoroughly and place the thing in a basin, then pack it tightly with cling film to create a greenhouse effect.
    • After a while, remove the product and squeeze out the excess water a little, transfer it to the washing machine. Pour bleaching powder and 75 g of soda into the detergent compartment. Select "Wool" mode and start washing.
    • Take out the product and hang it to dry in a horizontal position in a draft. If, as a result, the item was not bleached well enough, the procedure can be repeated, but the concentration of ingredients should be reduced by half.
  • Try using bleach. This tool is used to make the thing dazzlingly white. Today, there are various bleaches, including those with bleach. This substance can permanently damage clothing, so follow the instructions for use and do not overexpose white items in it. If a white wool sweater is stained with ink, do not rush to soak it in bleach. It is better to immerse it in an agent with oxygen exposure. Then rinse and lay out to dry.
  • Whitening with vodka and glycerin. Try doing the following:
    • In a container, mix 900 ml of vodka and 250 ml of glycerin. Mix the ingredients with 350 ml of warm water. Place a woolen dress or jacket there.
    • Soaking lasts about 30 minutes, after which the thing is washed with laundry soap and sent to the washing machine. Powder with a whitening effect and conditioner are poured into the compartment.
    • Set the mode to "Wool" and turn on the wash. At the end of the process, take it out to fresh air, lay it horizontally away from sunlight.
  • Soda. Instead of bleach or hydrogen peroxide, you can use ordinary baking soda or soda ash. Dilute it in warm water and place a white wool sweater in the solution for 3 hours. After this time, the product is lightly wrung out and rinsed thoroughly to avoid a white coating after drying. Soda must be added with each wash of things and not necessarily white. With it, the water will become softer and it will be possible to avoid an early breakdown of the heating element.
  • Ammonia with salt. Heat 2.5 liters of filtered water to 40 degrees. Pour it into a container, add 50 ml of ammonia and 30 g of finely ground salt. The salt should dissolve well, then place a woolen thing in this container. Wrap the container with cellophane, leave for 40 minutes. Wash it by hand and then put it in the washing machine. Select the "Rinse" mode, pour in the conditioner. At the end of the operation, the thing is dried in the fresh air.
  • Whitening with chalk. This method requires a large amount of it. For a pullover, you need to spend 350 g of chalk. Grind the composition into a powder, stir until it dissolves in warm water. The product is placed for 45 minutes in this solution, stir from time to time so that the chalk penetrates deeply into the wool fibers. After this time, dip the item in a solution with fabric softener, rinse and lay out to dry in a ventilated place. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • Lemon juice: Dilute 450 ml of fresh lemon juice in 500 ml of warm water. Soak the item in the solution. Cover the container with plastic wrap, wait 4 hours. Then wash with laundry soap, wait another 50 minutes for its components to work. Put the thing in the washing machine, after the procedure, hang to dry on a horizontal plane.
  • Hydroperite: dissolve four tablets of hydroperite in three liters of warm water. Add whitening powder. Wash the item in the solution, leave for 30 minutes. Wash without rinsing in the washing machine by selecting the "Wool" mode. Upon completion, the item is sent to dry away from the sun.

To keep clothes fresh longer, you must:

  • Rinse woolen clothes in boiled water with soap. Carry out manipulations in several stages, gradually reducing its degree. Before finishing the procedure, add a little 9% table vinegar.
  • Use ammonia to bleach wool. For effective washing, it is combined with baking soda.

Cotton bleaching

Gray coating or yellow spots appear if the product is immediately thrown into washing machine. To avoid this, soak a white T-shirt in soapy water before washing. It will help dissolve most of the contaminants., so you will get a snow-white thing out of the typewriter. If you are using a powder with a whitening effect, dilute the crystals well before soaking so as not to add other stains.

Ways of folk wisdom

If chemicals do not solve the problem, you can use the advice of folk wisdom. For example, soak a white cotton T-shirt in a solution of water and nutritional yeast for 6 hours. You can also dip it in a solution with lemon before washing or add a few tablespoons of turpentine. It is easier to wash a cotton item if you add 2 large spoons of boric acid to the water.

Apply potassium permanganate for soaking. Pour hot water into two containers, fine-tune laundry soap in one of them, and dissolve potassium permanganate in the other to a reddish tint. Combine both solutions and lather, soak the laundry in it. After 8 hours, the T-shirt is rinsed with cold water.

Good results can be achieved, if you use the grandmother's method. This method is only suitable for dense natural fabrics. Boiling is carried out in a metal container. At the bottom, put a white cotton T-shirt that has turned gray or yellowed, pour a solution consisting of detergent and water on top. Boiling is carried out for no more than 40 minutes, the countdown is from the moment of boiling. Make sure the laundry is covered with water as it floats. After boiling, rinse the contents of the container in warm water, then in cold water, hang to dry, but not in the sun.

You can also use pharmacy aspirin. This preparation can also bleach children's ballet flats, tulle and other things. The procedure will require 7 tablets and 10 liters of cold water. Do the following:

  1. Fill a container with 10 liters of water.
  2. Rub the aspirin into a powder with a spoon and pour it into the water.
  3. Soak faded or stale laundry for 10 hours.
  4. Wash without using a machine.

It is easy to bleach a woolen or cotton item at home if you follow simple rules. One of them is the observance of the temperature regime during washing..

Attention, only TODAY!

Woolen things of light shades lose their natural color over time and begin to turn gray or yellow. It is especially disappointing that a favorite thing loses its whiteness, but at the same time retains its quality and appearance. There are many bleaching agents for cotton and synthetic fabrics. But what about wool, which only turns yellow from these bleaches?

Pharmacy products for bleaching wool

To bleach a white woolen thing, you need to purchase hydrogen peroxide at the pharmacy. In water, dilute the pharmaceutical agent in a ratio of 3 liters of water - 100 ml of peroxide. If there is no hydrogen peroxide, then ordinary edible salt can be diluted in water. Soak the item in this water and hold for several hours, then rinse well under running water. The most important thing is to follow all the recommendations written on the label. If a wardrobe item can be rinsed in warm water, then you can do so, if only in cold water, then it is better not to violate these instructions.

How to bleach a very yellowed thing

If the coat is very yellow, then it needs a stronger bleaching than with hydrogen peroxide. First you need to wash it in warm water with laundry soap. Then add soda (2 tablespoons) to the basin and pour a bucket of water. If there is ammonia, then you can pour a little of it. Place the wrung out woolen thing in water for a couple of hours. Then prepare a solution from a liter of water, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and half a teaspoon of ammonia. Mix everything and pour wool. Hold for another half an hour, then rinse under cold water with table vinegar.

In order to whiten a wool sweater or jacket, you can use ordinary chalk, the amount of which depends on the weight of the product. On average, one kilogram of crushed chalk is required for half a kilogram of wool. From three liters of water and chalk, make a thick solution in which a woolen thing should be placed. In it, she should lie down for about 10 hours, while periodically stirring the chalk. Then rinse under water and you get a perfectly white and beautiful product.

If you need to bleach the threads of wool in skeins, which over time managed to turn yellow, then this is also possible. To do this, rub the laundry soap on a grater, pour boiling water, stir the soap solution, place a skein of thread there and put it on the stove. Boil the skeins in soapy water for about an hour. Then rinse in cold water, then in warm and again in cold. The last rinse should be in water with the addition of vinegar.

A beautiful white sweater, which may turn yellow over time, must be washed immediately. After the purchase, when it's time to refresh the item, it must be placed in a solution of water and baking soda before washing. If washed like this, it will never turn yellow. And if there is already a cloudy shade, then this method will bleach your favorite woolen thing after a few washes.

If there is no desire to mess around, then you can buy industrial bleach for woolen things, but only without chlorine.

Wool products are a great option for clothing for the cold season. But the specifics of the material used for their manufacture complicates the daily care of things. Therefore, faced with the problem of how to bleach a woolen white sweater, many housewives in desperation put off such a beloved wardrobe item until better times.

The problem with bleaching woolen items is that some of the methods so well known to housewives cannot be used for them: boiling and aggressive chlorine bleaches. And it’s quite difficult to wash a wool sweater from stubborn stains at the recommended temperature of 30-40 ° C. In this case, grandmother’s recipes come to the rescue, which successfully used improvised means to bleach white woolen things.

We bleach wool with improvised means

We use household chemicals to bleach woolen items

The achievements of the modern chemical industry will also help whiten a woolen white sweater. On the benches of domestic stores you can find a great variety of bleaching, stain removing, washing, etc. tools that will help to effectively cope with the task. The main thing you should pay attention to is to select a cleaning agent strictly in accordance with the type, structure, category of fabric of the product. Taking clothes to the dry cleaners or trying to bleach wool at home, before proceeding with active actions, study the manufacturer's recommendations on the product care label.

In the cold season, people most often keep warm with the help of woolen things. A significant disadvantage of the products is their impracticality for everyday use. This criterion applies more to things in light shades. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem. Consider effective ways to whiten wool products at home.

Method number 1. Hydrogen peroxide

  1. Mix water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 8:1 in a container convenient for you. Calculate the total volume of liquid so that the thing fits in the basin and can be soaked.
  2. After preparing the mixture, place the wool product in a container with liquid, leave to soak for 6-8 hours. A more convenient way is to leave the item overnight.
  3. After waking up, rinse clothes with purified water, leave to dry, avoiding direct sunlight.

Method number 2. Chlorhexidine and soda

  1. Pour in 3.5 liters. purified water in an enameled container, send to the fire. Wait until bubbles appear, then remove from the burner. Pour the boiled liquid into a basin of a suitable size.
  2. Pour into the water 230 gr. drinking soda, stir the composition, let cool to 35 degrees. Then add 150 ml to the liquid. chlorhexidine (concentration not more than 6%). Place the wool product in the basin, wrap it with cling film to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. After the time has elapsed, remove the thing and wring it out slightly, then send it to the machine. Pour into the compartment 75 gr. soda, in the second add a little bleach powder. Set the wash mode to Wool.
  4. Wait until the end of the procedure, hang the item in a well-ventilated area. If the result is unsatisfactory, repeat the procedure, reducing the ingredients by half.

Method number 3. Bleach

  1. To give the maximum whiteness of a woolen thing, bleach is used. If you use a plain white thing in everyday life, bleach is suitable for manipulation.
  2. When using the product, do not overexpose the product in it. Otherwise, the wool fibers will deteriorate irrevocably.
  3. If, for any reason, you have soiled an item in ink, refrain from bleach. Oxygen will come to the rescue. After using them, rinse the item and dry it.

Method number 4. Vodka and glycerin

  1. Mix in a container of 900 ml. alcoholic beverage and 250 ml. liquid glycerin. Pour in 350 ml. hot water, mix well. Then place the wool product in a container with liquid.
  2. Soak for about half an hour, then wash the item with laundry soap and send it to the washing machine. Pour bleach powder and conditioner into the compartment.
  3. Set the mode to "Wool", wait for the end of the operation. After the time has elapsed, hang the item away from direct ultraviolet rays. Repeat if necessary.

Method number 5. Soda

  1. An alternative to hydrogen peroxide and bleaches can be either baking soda or soda ash. Dilute the required amount of bulk composition in warm water. Place a light woolen item in the solution for 2-3 hours.
  2. After the specified time, remove the product from the container with the solution, rinse thoroughly. Otherwise, white deposits will remain on the fibers of the clothes.
  3. Get into the habit of adding baking soda to each wash so the water becomes softer.

Method number 6. Ammonium chloride and salt

  1. Heat up 2.5 liters. filtered water up to 40 degrees. Pour the warm liquid into the basin, add 50 ml. ammonia and 30 gr. fine salt. Dissolve the composition, then place the wool product in the mixture.
  2. Wrap the container in cellophane, wait 40 minutes. After the time has passed, wash the thing with your hands, then send it to the washing machine. Set the "Rinse" mode, pour in the conditioner. Wait until the end of the operation, hang the item to dry.

Method number 7. Chalk

  1. This method of bleaching involves the use a large number chalk. For a wool sweater, you will need about 350 gr. white composition.
  2. Grind the chalk into powder, achieve complete dissolution in warm water. Place the product in a basin with a solution for 45 minutes, periodically stir the liquid, allowing the substance to penetrate deep into the fibers of the product.
  3. After the time has passed, rinse the item with conditioner, then hang it in a well-ventilated place. Repeat if necessary.

Method number 8. Lemon juice

  1. Take 450 ml. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix it with 550 ml. purified warm water. Place a wool product in a container.
  2. Cover with plastic wrap, wait about 4 hours. After this time, wash the item with laundry soap, wait another 50 minutes. Next, send the product to the machine, remove and dry.

Method number 9. Hydroperite

  1. Send 3-4 hydroperite tablets in 3 liters. warm water. Achieve complete dissolution of the composition. Then add some bleach powder. Wash the product in the solution, leave for half an hour.
  2. Then send the thing to the washing machine without rinsing it. Add bleach to the compartment, set the "Wool" mode. Upon completion of the manipulations, send the item to dry away from direct sunlight.
  1. To maintain the whiteness of woolen items, occasionally rinse them in boiled soapy water. Carry out manipulations in several stages, reducing the temperature of the water. At the end of the last rinse, add a little 9% table vinegar.
  2. Also, use ammonia for bleaching, for the best effect it is mixed with soda.
  3. When washing woolen products in the machine, use only directed household products.

It is easy to return the original appearance of a woolen thing, if you adhere to simple rules. Always observe the temperature regime when washing things. Try to try all available bleaching methods. Choose the most suitable one for you.

Video: how to remove pellets from woolen things

Whitening linen: Folk methods of whitening linen at home. Operation Clean Linen.

how to whiten a woolen item at home

Now there are a lot of different courses in the art of manicure, hairdressers, makeup artists and others. But I have not come across such courses as, for example, laundress courses, and this is a very important matter in family life. Often I come across dirty laundry that does not wash off, although I buy expensive powders, bleaches, and soak everything according to the rules, but, alas, often without success. And colored things that cannot be bleached, after washing, generally fell into disrepair. Do you think these are cheap things? What to do? Throw away things, take them to the country or walk around in all gray? I decided to do self-education in washing clothes at home - now I’m sitting, reading, asking my mother, grandmother how they washed and bleached white and colored dirty linen in their time. And that's what I learned - now white things are not a problem for me.

Secrets of bleaching dirty white and colored linen, white clothes made of Cotton and Linen at home.

If you choose to wash dirty white cotton and linen with soap or just soak your laundry, add 5 tablespoons of ammonia to the water. The ammonia softens the water and neutralizes the effects of magnesium salts, which, if ammonia is not added, rise up and leave a yellow mark on white linen. Also, for effective soaking of heavily soiled laundry, you can add two tablespoons of turpentine.

Do not wash cotton and linen items with synthetics, wool: after such a wash, spools will appear on your linen, and light-colored linen will turn gray. Colored linen or clothes made of cotton or linen are washed at 60 ° C by adding two tablespoons of salt to the water so that the linen does not shed.

Also, cotton and linen are bleached in the following way. Soak well-washed linen in a solution - 5 tablespoons of turpentine per five liters of water for ten hours. Cotton also bleaches well the very smelly, but effective “Whiteness” agent (the constant use of Whiteness leads to dilapidation of things), in which we soak the laundry for just a couple of minutes in hot water, then rinse well and again for five minutes in boiling water.

Secrets of bleaching dirty white linen, white wool and silk clothes at home.

We soak the washed linen in the following solution: for 12 liters of water, eight tablespoons of table salt, 50 grams of powder, 30 milliliters of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 20 milliliters of ammonia at a water temperature of 40 ° C for 4 hours.

Any woolen items leave a pile on other linen, whatever it is, put sweaters, hats, mittens in a bag for an hour in the freezer. Everything: now other clothes will not suffer because of too fluffy things.

Secrets of bleaching dirty white linen, white clothes from Guipure and Tulle at home.

To bleach things from tulle and guipure, we need two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon of ammonia, which we stir in a bucket of hot water, then put curtains or other things from tulle and guipure there and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Washing the old fashioned way: Folk methods for washing clothes at home.

We put a bucket or an enamel basin on the stove, bring to a boil and add 4 cups of washing powder (if you are washing white clothes, add bleach, if you are washing colored clothes, add persalt or a similar product). We throw the laundry into boiling water and stir with a stick for 15-20 minutes. Turn off the stove, close the lid and leave for ten hours. Then carefully caress and hang.

And now the ancient folk method of making bleach at home.

1 ancient folk method of making bleach at home. 0.5 kilograms of bleach, 0.5 kilograms of soda ash per 10 liters of water. We leave for two days, after two days the bleach is ready. Strain it through gauze and pour it into glass bottles, and the thick that remains on the gauze cleans toilet bowls, bathtubs, and sinks well.

2 An ancient folk method for making bleach at home. 10 liters of hot water, quite a bit of potassium permanganate so that the water is a little pink, 200 grams of washing powder (any). We put already washed linen and cover with polyethylene. Keep until the water cools down completely. Rinse, dry iron.