Free activities during the New Year holidays. New Year's games for teenagers at the Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka festival

New Year is a family celebration. But what about those who have a family far away and there is no way to go to her? Or those who have no family at all? Is it to disappear? Sitting at home within four walls? No, it turns out there are a lot of ways to entertain your loved one on New Year's Eve. "KP" tells how to celebrate the New Year even for a lonely person.


The topic of how and where to celebrate the most important holiday of the year has been circulating on social networks for a month now. And, as we managed to notice, it is those who write the most traditional “herring under a fur coat” and “Olivier” for festive table well, it doesn't add up.

“Colleagues all ask, what will I do? I'll take a bottle of champagne and go to Red Square, ”is a quite typical message on New Year's Eve on numerous forums and websites.

The city center is a place of New Year's pilgrimage. Not only those who have no one to meet with will go there, but also numerous tourists, visitors (there are traditionally many of them), young people in small flocks. Indeed, why, if you don’t need to cut salads, why not go under the main clock of the country and personally listen to the famous chiming clock? A good idea but it hasn't been relevant for a few years now. On the main square of the country they are allowed on this night only with special passes.

But it will be possible to walk along the festively dressed Tverskaya, especially since the street will be blocked for cars, that is, it will become pedestrian. The subway won't close until morning!

It is also worth considering that there will most likely be problems with champagne too (unless with a child in a plastic bottle).

Glass bottles will not be allowed into places of mass festivities, the press service of the Moscow Police Department assured.


But chilled by Moscow frosts, sparkling, or heated red in the form of mulled wine, you can drink somewhere on the ice rink.

Two years ago, I was left alone on New Year's Eve, - says Svetlana Oreshnikova, who moved to Moscow from Lipetsk. - A friend advised not to be sad, but to go to the skating rink in Gorky Park. So I did. And it was a lot of fun! It turns out that many people prefer to celebrate the New Year in this way. I immediately got acquainted with walking companies, everyone treated each other and wished a happy New Year. In 2017, I, no longer alone, but with my fiancé, went to the skating rink in Sokolniki on New Year's Eve. And this year we will do the same.

Skating rinks are no longer just skating rinks, but real ice theaters. And even, it seems, there is an unspoken competition between Moscow parks, where this ice entertainment is cooler and more modern. For example, in Sokolniki they installed a huge battery for warming. DJs will play non-stop in Gorky Park all night long. And the largest skating rink in Russia at VDNKh will send everyone on an intergalactic journey.

And those who are not very good at sports and skating can simply come to the park closest to the house. Everywhere there will be programs with dancing and refreshments.

Help "KP"

Moscow parks, where holiday program for the New Year, 2018: Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Krasnaya Presnya, Krasnogvardeisky Ponds, Kuzminki, Gardeners, Fili, " Northern Tushino", Park of the 50th Anniversary of October, Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow, Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, Muzeon, Tagansky Park, Babushkinsky Park, Izmailovsky Park, Lianozovsky Park, Perovsky Park, Goncharovsky Park, Vorontsovsky Park, Bauman Garden, Lilac garden, garden "Hermitage".


Champagne, congratulations from the president - all this, of course, is good and pleasant. But there are other ways to tune in to the New Year. And since it so happened that you are alone on this holiday, it may be worth celebrating it with yourself in deep meditation, for example.

TV presenter Irena Ponaroshku recently shared with her followers on Instagram how she wants to spend New Year's Eve: “I have a strange obsession to meet this New Year all alone. More precisely, alone with yourself - so it sounds less fatal? The husband will be in Yekaterinburg, Serafim Sanych (son - Ed.) will go to his grandparents, and once again I will have to organize my own company and holiday? And I understand that what I want most of all is to stay in my cozy snowy house, take a bath, put on white yoga clothes and spend midnight in meditation, gliding through the waves of dreams on a transsurf board!

By the way, I already celebrated NY once in a yoga club! It was all very strange, but on the eve of the holidays we once again broke up with the Maestro, and I had no other options. But there was a friend who also had no options ... And we met the year 2010 in the lotus position. It's been a great year, by the way! Happy, joyful, serene and even - then I got pregnant!

It turns out that the idea of ​​​​celebrating the new year by practicing yoga visits not only Irena. Some people have already booked yoga mats for themselves in well-known studios engaged in physical and spiritual practices.

We have been holding New Year's Eve for practitioners for many years in a row, ”KP was told in the Russian Yoga Federation. And 2018 is no exception. The holiday program is as follows: from 21.30 steam room HaTha Yoga with elements of Thai massage, at 23.00 - relaxation to the sounds of the Gong "Let go of the past". From 23.50 to 00.15 - a special meditation on the fulfillment of desires next year. After active practice, we will plunge into the mystical sounds of the Gong. Ocean relaxation and merging with the vibrations of the universe.Followed by vegetarian treats, tea.A mysterious game of self-discovery is available throughout the night.And from 3.00 - dance practice and yoga nidra.

New Year is one of the most memorable holidays for children and adults. The children are waiting for another winter fairy tale, cheerful Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, restless gnomes, a bag full of gifts, etc. And parents, in turn, are trying in every possible way to please their little ones and arrange the best New Year's holiday for them. However, it is not so easy to do it yourself.

As a standard, they celebrate the New Year by sitting at home all day, in front of their TV screens in a boring and sometimes not very comfortable atmosphere. Often, in such cases, family tension builds up, and the holiday turns into a sad and dull melodrama, and not into a warm, happy day filled to the brim with magic and romance.

And then everyone has a question: “How not to spoil and adequately spend this celebration with the most beloved and close people?”. The answer is very simple. Diversify the holidays, arrangefor the New Year for yourself and your child a breathtaking excursion that you will remember for a lifetime.

Why do we need excursions for the New Year?

As a rule, a children's excursion is an active, entertaining and educational event organized by an experienced guide for the purpose of collective or individual visits to city attractions and not only (museums, exhibitions, sightseeing, etc.). Such an action is always full of interesting events and will appeal to everyone, especially on the eve of the New Year. Because this day is special.New Year's excursions for schoolchildrennew year for students

During such a journey, the child is constantly developing and learning something new. He shows interest and ability to self-knowledge of the world around him. He reveals a zealous desire to participate in interactive competitions held during excursions, where he tries in every possible way to demonstrate his courage and dexterity. And to make it even more interesting for him, it is best to organize a New Year's excursion for all his classmates. After all, the company is always more fun.New Year's excursions for schoolchildren for the new year

How to organize an interesting excursion for the New Year?

School performances with Santa Claus have long been bored by everyone, because usually they do not stand out with variety, and from year to year we see the same thing. And children are very fond of the New Year holidays and believe in the fabulousness and magic of these significant days.New Year's excursions for schoolchildren for the new year

New Year's programs in museums

And therefore, you should not rely on such unprofessional events. Just give the kids joy and a smile. To do this, contact our company "EILAT", and we will organize the most interesting excursions for schoolchildren for the New Year for your children.New Year's excursions for schoolchildren for the new year

New Year's quests

Believe me, they will enjoy all this time! We will open the world of fairy tales and magic for them, teach them how to create memorabilia, arrange dizzying competitions, let them prove themselves, conduct many educational lessons, treat them with delicious treats, arrange outdoor activities for them. And this is only a small part of our trips for the new year for schoolchildren

New Year master classes

New Year's excursions for schoolchildren

New Year holidays are a great opportunity to spend time with benefit. New Year's excursions for schoolchildren have their own focus - this is a full-fledged acquaintance with New Year's traditions and holiday attributes.

New Year's excursions for schoolchildren in December and January can be directed to visiting factories for the production of Christmas tree decorations. It so happened that the main New Year's tradition is the decoration of the Christmas tree. An equally interesting leisure option for schoolchildren will be a tour of the Museum of New Year's toys. The exhibits on display will make sure that the toys also have their own history, and the very craftsmanship of their manufacture has unique features. Accuracy, accuracy and skillful possession of working tools are important here.

Second New Year's script from Julia is positioned as a New Year's scenario for teenagers. I can’t say how true this is, Yulia knows better, let me remind you, she is 13 years old, which means that Yulia herself belongs to this age category ...

It seems to me that such a New Year's scenario for teenagers is well suited for holding a class event at school ... Where everything should be pretty decent and restrained, but at the same time fun. And it will be fun! Because the script contains funny riddles and games that can amuse not only teenagers. Therefore, friends, read and take note of ideas for holding celebratory event at home, at school or at work.

New Year's scenario requires preliminary preparation:

  • The guys need to prepare small festive performances,
  • props for games and competitions,
  • symbolic prizes and gifts for everyone, for example, calendars for the next year,
  • as well as prepare musical accompaniment

New Year's scenario for teenagers for a class event

Presenter 1:

- Good evening to everyone here.
Long-awaited New Year
we meet together.
There will be a friendly dance
and poems and songs.

Let the lights on the tree
burn brightly,
Happy Santa Claus everyone
bring gifts.

Presenter 2: Hello, may this new year bring more joy to everyone!

Presenter 1:

Don't be afraid to get lost in love...

No need to be madly afraid - to fall in love,

You don't have to stick to morality,

For a long time, everyone has lost this morality ...

Something we are embarrassed forever, we are ashamed,

We are afraid to admit, we are afraid to get burned,

We suffer and hide our eyes from love,

And the heart is torn, bathing in blood ...

What will I say? And how will they answer me? …

And what will people in the world say? ...

And how will our whole life be built?

Question after question... you just hold on!

Years pass ... we live as best we can ...

We do not dare to succumb to sudden love ...

We are afraid to destroy everything that we have,

Without true passion, we rust over the years ...

We are looking for excuses in everything -

And age ... and appearance ... all this has to do with it!

And time flies and it is merciless!

And we keep saying - everything will settle down, okay ...

And we get married, get married ... sometimes,

Not knowing what we are doing to ourselves...

And love cries - you won't come back!

And everything could be decided by just one look ...

Presenter 2: You told some sad poems ... But today is a holiday! Let's have fun, be happy and fool around.

Host 1: Come on! I propose to warm up to play the game "Hold the snowflake"

Game "Hold the snowflake"

To play you need:

  • Cotton wool.

Preparation: lumps are made from cotton wool, resembling a snowflake. Game: at the signal of the leader, the participants begin to blow from below on the lump so that it flies like a snowflake.

The task is not to let the "snowflake" fall. The winner is the participant who kept the "snowflake" in the air the longest ....

(Note.TL, perhaps cotton is still a heavy material - for this competition you can take fluff)

The winner will be awarded some memorable souvenir.
Presenter 2: But we have not just a holiday! Today is the New Year! I propose to invite the one in whose honor this celebration is (Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden) Let's remember how we did it when we were in kindergarten and together we will call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

All: Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus: Hello guys, let's start having fun? (Yes!) I propose to sing a round dance and a song

(Potap and Nastya - do not tear a needle from a pine tree.)

Snow Maiden: We sang great! Now, let's play! For example, in a game called “I’ll go there I don’t know where!”

Game "Go there, I don't know where"

4-6 people are invited. Depending on the conceived and pre-prepared plates.
Chairs are lined up. Back to the audience.
Participants sit on chairs.

Signs are hung on the backs of chairs, such as Bedroom, Toilet, Institute, Shop, etc.
To each participant in turn, the presenter or the audience asks questions like:
Why do you go there?
What do you usually do there?
Do you love being there?
How often do you go there?
What is there? Etc.
Since the participants do not see the signs, they answer what comes to mind.
It turns out funny and interesting.

(Small souvenirs for all participants)

Presenter 1: Cool played! Did you like Santa Claus?

Santa Claus: oh, and I laughed enough!

Presenter 2: I suggest that everyone who has prepared the numbers, let them speak.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Please!!!

(guys performance)
Snow Maiden: Well done all - they performed great! Accept New Year's souvenirs for your interesting numbers (gives presents)
Presenter 2: I want to invite you to play the game "Guess the melody"

Game "Guess the melody"

(the operator turns on the backing tracks in turn, and those present guess, you can only call a few people and only they will guess, guessing - prizes)

Santa Claus: Yes, you know the songs well! Can you solve my riddles?!

funny riddles

What is cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
Why is the cat running? (On the ground).
Where does the cat go when it crosses the road? (On the other side of this road).
When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house? (When the door is open).
Under which bush does a hare hide when it rains? (Under wet).
How can you jump down a ladder ten meters high and not crash? (You have to jump from the bottom step).
Snow Maiden: Can you guess my riddles?! (Yes)
Which hand is more convenient to stir tea in a glass? (The one with the spoon).
How can you draw water with a net? (If the water turns to ice).
How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will no longer be considered on an empty stomach).
How many peas can fit into a glass? (None, peas can't walk).
If you throw a green ball into the Red Sea, what will it become? (Wet).
What dishes can not be eaten from? (From empty).

Presenter 1: What good fellows!

Presenter 2: I propose to play the game "Crocodile"

Game "Crocodile"

The class is divided into two teams.

One person from the team is shown an object or a sign with the name of the object. His task, without saying anything in words, but only by describing movements, is to show this object so that the team can guess it. So several items are guessed in a row for each team. A certain time is given to guess all the items. The team with the most items guessed within that time wins. (participants get prizes)

Presenter 1: You are good at guessing! Let's guess now you our riddles!?

We will fight with ... (Evil)
For luck to continue
We will leave forever ... (Envy.)
So that there are rainbow changes,
It's time to give up ... (Treason.)

Presenter 2: For money to pour in heavenly manna,
We urgently need to get rid of ... (Deceit.)
To forget about discord and disputes,
Give up family (quarrels.)
In order for the circumstances to develop successfully,
We will not say out loud offensive ... (Expletive.)

Presenter 1: And now the disco! (disco is held)

Final words of the holiday

Host 1: I would not want to interrupt our fun, our holiday is coming to an end and I wanted to read you a few lines of verse.

I believe this New Year
It will bring a lot of happiness.
Good luck to us
Prepared by Santa Claus.
Hidden in his bag
What we longed for
There is a lot of health, faith,
And love sits, I guess.
Well, also, joy, laughter,
And, of course, success.
There is wealth and recognition,
Beauty and charm.
Everyone in that bag will find
What is expected of life.
Brings a lot of happiness
I believe this New Year!

Presenter 2: And the truth is that the holiday has come to an end, I don’t want it to end. I also want to read you a few lines!

New Year is a favorite holiday.
Have fun the whole country!
Christmas trees are full of gifts
The glasses are drunk to the bottom.
Bursting with treats
All family tables.
Each other's forgiveness
They ask for their sins
And by twelve, wishes
Hurry to guess.
They don't care about distance.
What a miracle, that rite!
People believe in Santa Claus
That dreams come true
They believe that a miracle is possible.
So believe soon and you!

Santa Claus: How I don’t want to leave, but I have to and I want to wish you

I wish you a New Year
Many years to live without worries,
To have a lot of money
The heart without love did not ache,
So that, contrary to fate,
You had both a stake and a yard!
So that leisure is not boring, -
Heaps of grandchildren and children
Well, what is most important -
The house would be full of friends!
Your home will be
Warm up with their warmth!

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Congratulations, friends!
Peace, joy, smiles,
I sincerely wish!

Host1, host2, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden: Goodbye, happy new year!!!
New Year's scenario for teenagers (from 10 to 15 years old) was written by "Belousova Julia" (13 years old)
From the Samara region Klyavlino.

New Year and Christmas are the most desired and long-awaited holidays for all children. These are holidays during which all the most important and long-awaited childhood dreams come true. If you want to give your child a real winter holidays, then an excellent option would be New Year's tours to Moscow for schoolchildren and tours to the Kremlin Christmas Tree 2020-2021 for kids.
Our company organizes unforgettable adventures in Moscow with informative and exciting tours of the capital, as well as visits to New Year's performances. Our managers will select exactly the program that will meet your wishes and the age of the children. Wcool new year holidays Your children will remember for a lifetime and will definitely want to come back again! You can choose both a one-day tour with a visit to the Kremlin Christmas Tree, and multi-day New Year's routes with a stay in the capital from 2 to 7 days.
ATTENTION!!! Tour operator MAIS provides all the necessaryschool tour documentsto Moscow for schoolchildren : a certificate of a tour operator with financial guarantees, a license to transport children, an agreement, a rule for the behavior of children on a bus, a notification to the traffic police, etc.

Title and duration
Tour price per person
12/31/2020 - 01/4/2021, 5 days / 4 nights
4-7.01.2021, 4 days/3 nights

Tickets for the Kremlin Christmas Tree from 3500 rub
New Year's tour to Moscow for 1 day
from 1650 rub
New Year's tour to Moscow 2 days / 1 night
from 4590 rub
New Year's tour to Moscow 3 days / 2 nights
from 7690 rub
New Year's tour to Moscow 4 days / 3 nights
from 10890 rub
New Year's tour to Moscow 5 days / 4 nights
from 13 990 rubles

Excursion programs must be booked as early as possible in order to choose the best places to visit and excursions, and you will also have access to the best hotel rooms at low prices. Our company is engaged in the organization of a complete set of tours: starting from a meeting at the station or at the airport, check-in at a hotel, excursion and transport services, ending with group meals in inexpensive cafes, tickets for festive events.
Tour operator MAIS is happy to organize routes for your children, as this is our main specialization, and most importantly, we really like to do what we love! We look forward to your inquiries and applications for our programs!
+7-499-238-32-21, +7-495-665-65-57
Our address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Polyanka, 42 building 1

Parents with experience know that tickets for the right Christmas trees end in early December. The Village talks about proven activities that you should go to with your children - for New Year's mood or to have a good time on a long vacation.

For the little ones


New Year's Marathon "Christmas Factory" in the park "Skazka"

A large-scale New Year's program will start in Skazka in a couple of weeks, which will run until mid-January: park guests will enjoy an open skating rink and ice shows, a troll cave and circus performances, winter master classes and reindeer and dog sledding. During the winter holidays, the park will become one of the residences of Father Frost. Children will also learn how the New Year is celebrated in different countries, take part in the New Year's quest in the Snow Queen's castle and become clowns on the "Chudelka" in the "Clownarium".

The Nutcracker at the ZIL Cultural Center

At the ZIL Cultural Center, actors from the Stein Drama Theater and the Children's Ballet Theater will show their favorite fairy tale, which takes place just before Christmas. The performance will start in the lobby of the center: an interesting program with the participation of fairy-tale characters, master classes where you can make New Year's decorations or sweets with your own hands, and communication with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have been prepared for children.

"Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

At the Museum of Cosmonautics, children will be told about how the first space heroes Belka and Strelka set off on a journey to wind up the clock and bring the New Year closer. The show comes with free admission to the museum and a tube of real space food.

Performance "Little Santa Claus"
at Fanny Bell's House

A chamber performance for only 35 people with small miracles, when a whole performance is born from the simplest materials - paper, felt, rustling fabrics. The performance is based on the story of the same name by Anu Shtoner and is designed for the youngest viewers - from one to four years old.

"Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

Rock Yolka by Kids Rock Fest

In the first days of January, the Kids Rock Fest project arranges three big performances: rock, indie rock and rockabilly bands with their hits will perform at the Glastonberry club on Dubrovka. For children, the organizers are preparing several interactive zones: rock workshops, a dance battle, a "children's dressing room", a fear room, face painting and a New Year's market.

Performance "My dear snowman"

in the center "Wednesday"

"My Dear Snowman" is another performance for kids. In a kind magical story based on the fairy tale by Kate Westerlund, the most cherished dreams come true and miracles happen: for example, a snow cat becomes a real one. The performance will be shown on the stage on Tsvetnoy, and it lasts only 45 minutes - the children will not get tired.

"Save the New Year"

at the Rise of the Machines Museum

The Rise of the Machines Museum is hosting a cyber Christmas tree with giant three-meter transformers that will fight for the Snow Maiden with a robot-villain, bright decorations and costumes, magic tricks and a disco with Santa Claus.

The play "Christmas tree at the Moomin-trolls"

in "Teatre.doc"

The theater project "Game Readings" tells about the Moomin family, who are going to celebrate their first Christmas. How did it happen? They just slept through all the previous holidays. Now they need to learn how to decorate a Christmas tree, prepare a festive dinner, wait for the first star and make wishes.

The play "Findus and the Mechanical Santa Claus"

Sven Nurdqvist's New Year's fairy tale about how Petson assembled a mechanical Santa Claus, and he suddenly came to life - this is a story about miracles that happen very close by. It is better to buy tickets for this performance now - everything is already sold out for the December shows. All New Year's performances of the "Fanny Bell House" have been collected in a separate section - you can choose your own.

For preschoolers

"Miracles and Kurales"

Sky Tales at the Moscow Planetarium

The story of Sky Tale will take children to the Far North, to the dwelling of an old shaman. He will tell Chukchi tales about how the stars appeared and the Milky Way arose. The performance will be shown in the Big Star Hall, and the heroes of the children's musical theater "A-Ya" will be the storytellers.

Performance "Miracles and Curales"

at the Musical Theater

On New Year's Eve, the Musical Theater releases the premiere of a children's musical based on the fairy tales of Lewis Carroll: based, of course, on Alice in Wonderland, as well as colorful scenery, bright costumes, spectacular special effects and good music that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents .

"History of the Year"

Science Tree Wow! How?”

at the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the Academy of Sciences, the Wow! How?” arranges a huge New Year's laboratory, in which real scientists and even Santa Claus will conduct experiments. In interactive thematic zones, children will become physicists, chemists, geologists and architects of the future, and at master classes they will make New Year decorations, learn how various ultra-modern devices work, and assemble a large rocket. The organizers even prepared a scientific gift: it will contain sweets, a toy from a crazy professor's science show and an educational book "How the Earth Works".

Performance "History of the Year"

at the Meyerhold Center

The Antique Circus project will show a story about different seasons, based on Andersen's fairy tale of the same name. Each performance of the "Antique Circus" is a mixture of a theatrical performance and elements of circus performances: tricks, illusions, attractions, plus amazing lighting and music accompaniment, immersing children and adults in an unusual atmosphere.

Immersive New Year's performance "The Mysterious Forest" in IRRI

At the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, children will put on their own shadow performance under the supervision of the owners of the Golden Mask, directors Vyacheslav Ignatov and Masha Litvinova. Everything will begin with work on the play and the manufacture of dolls and scenery. Then, as in a real theater, there will be rehearsals and a big performance for parents. The performance will traditionally end with a Christmas tree and gifts.

For younger students and teenagers

"Findus and the Mechanical Santa Claus"