We develop fine motor skills of the hands. Developing fine motor skills in toddlers

fine motor skills a physical process based on a combination of actions of the musculoskeletal system of the body and psychological control. The nervous system is responsible for the implementation of this work, connecting the limbs with the brain center. The use of fine motor skills of the hands sometimes occurs inconspicuously, at the level of the use of gestures during verbal communication. The development of motor skills is directly related to the development of speech, these sectors are in contact in the cerebral cortex.

The development of fine motor skills in children

With the birth of a child, the development of the surrounding world, of one's own organism, begins. To stimulate the development of crumbs, special toys are used. Hanging, floor attributes can be touched, tested for strength. By this, the child unconsciously trains his motor skills. Tactile sensations of roughness, softness of surfaces help to improve the perception of the environment.

From the age of one year for a small motorboat, you can use:

  • Grains are poured onto the table, sorting through peas, shifting small objects from one vessel to another will improve coordination.
  • Plasticine, dough in the process of modeling, all the nerve endings of the fingertips are involved.
  • Parents perform hand and palm massages on their own, telling poems about the magpie-crow, finger games.

Working on motor skills in adulthood

In adulthood, the apparatus of motor functions must continue to develop, the stagnation of this activity leads to atrophy of brain cells. Ordinary actions bring a beneficial effect, among them: writing with a pen, pen, drawing. Work at the computer, this load does not apply. Good memory, delivered speech is also trained by hand massage.

On the palm there are points used to influence the organs of the human body, stimulation of the surface of the hands activates the impulses of the cerebral cortex. The saying of the German thinker “The hand is the brain that leaked out” accurately conveys the importance of practicing the development of motor skills of the limbs.

Activities that promote stimulation, development of motor skills:

  1. Various types of handicrafts simultaneously stimulate both limbs and brain activity, focusing on small details. In the old days, all women were engaged in weaving, knitting, which helped to maintain the clarity of movements in old age. Beadwork, weaving stimulates the development of memory.
  2. To activate the necessary zones, men can turn to the modeling of technical objects (ships, cars, aircraft).
  3. A universal subject of a massage nature is clay. The flexible structure acts on the whole arm, involving the muscles of the wrist and hand.
  4. During the working day, you can conduct a series of exercises that strengthen motor skills by drawing in a notebook, notebooks. The main rule for drawing exercises is orderliness. A series of repeating loops, oblique lines, will remind you of writing in elementary grades, will have a huge positive effect on fine motor skills of the hands.
  5. Finger gymnastics. A set of exercises for the phalanx of the fingers consists of flexion, extension. You can do this activity even in public transport. It is not necessary to select a specific sequence. To stretch your fingers, you can click your thumb on the middle one, cross one after the other, just clench your fist.
  6. Universal tool for warming up carpal expander. This device has a round shape, fits easily in the palm of your hand. To use, it is enough to periodically strain your fingers so that the ring shrinks.

Restoration of motor skills of hands after a stroke

Any injuries, not only of a local nature, but also of the brain area, harm the entire body. The same effect has an attack of stroke. The nerve connections of the human body stop working smoothly, the impulse is lost and does not always get to the appointed place. People who have suffered similar diseases suffer from difficulty in perceiving and recreating information, impaired motor skills of the body, including hands.

Rehabilitation centers help people with limited mobility recover. To perform a set of exercises, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists, among them:

  • Gymnastic exercises. Unlike a normal workout in the recovery process, the main thing is control. The limbs cease to obey, may not respond to brain signals. Therefore, the main principle of training is to closely monitor the manipulations performed, controlling them.
  • Creative activities. As in the classical versions of drawing, repetitive lines, stucco work is very productive for the development of motor skills. In addition to this, for a stroke survivor, the psychological aspect becomes important. Immersion in inner nature. Expressing oneself through art.
  • ball exercise. This technique is used in kindergartens and special institutions. Balls of different shapes help to train dexterity by fixing the object with your hands. The ball is transferred from hand to hand, rolled on the table. There is self-massage with a sword, which will allow you to use several parts of the cerebral cortex responsible for perception and performance of actions at once. Balls should be used from different materials: fabric, rubber, pimples.
  • improvised means. For gymnastic exercises, take a few nuts and touch them in the palm of your hand. Household activities stimulate motor skills well and bring the brain to working capacity. A lamp, a TV remote control, an elevator button require concentration of thoughts.
  • High concentration will be required for sorting out, collecting such small details as puzzles, mosaics. Working with them constantly improve dexterity, memory, fine motor skills of hands.

All mothers know that children need to develop fine motor skills of their hands. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly, and indeed what is fine motor skills and what features does it have? What activities, games and exercises should be done with children to develop motor skills? Let's consider all these questions in detail.

General concept and features of fine motor skills of children

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes as a result of the coordinated actions of the most important systems: nervous, muscular and bone. With regard to the motor skills of the hands and fingers, the term dexterity is often used. The fine motor area includes a large number of a variety of movements, from simple gestures (such as grasping a toy) to very complex movements (such as writing and drawing).

The development of fine motor skills plays an important role in the overall development of the child. Fine motor skills develop from the newborn. First, the baby looks at his hands, then learns to control them. First, he takes objects with the whole palm, then only with two (thumb and forefinger) fingers. Then the child is taught to properly hold a spoon, pencil, brush.

Fine motor skills have a very important feature. It is associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech are very closely related. And this is explained very simply. In the brain, speech and motor centers are located very close to each other. Therefore, when the motor skills of the fingers are stimulated, the speech center begins to activate. That is why for the timely development of the child's speech, great attention must be paid to the development of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills directly affect manual dexterity, handwriting, which will be formed in the future, and the reaction speed of the child.

According to the peculiarities of the development of fine motor skills of the child, in the future they judge his readiness for training in a school institution. If everything is in order, then the child is prepared for learning to write, knows how to think and reason logically, has a good memory, concentration, attention and imagination, and coherent speech.

Fine motor skills develop gradually, this is an individual process and for each child it goes at its own pace. At first, the baby's movements are awkward, inept and inharmonious. To help the baby improve fine motor skills, you need to play educational games with him (the online magazine "Razvitie" has articles about educational games for children at 1 year old, as well as games for the development of children at 2 years old).

Activities, games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills

There are many activities, games and exercises to develop fine motor skills. They can be divided into the following groups: finger games, games with small objects, modeling and drawing, finger massage. Articles about the development of the child according to the Montessori system, as well as about the Montessori games, will also be interesting.

Consider the most simple and effective games:

1. Hand massage

This is the easiest and most versatile way for any age to develop fine motor skills. Run your finger along the child's palms, stroke them and massage. Accompany your actions with the saying “Magpie-Crow”.


Since childhood, everyone knows the nursery rhyme “Ladushki-okladushki”. This game will teach the little ones to straighten their fingers and clap their hands.

3. paper tearing

This exercise is suitable for children from 7 months. Give your baby a few sheets of soft colored paper. He will feel it with pleasure, begin to turn it in his hands and tear it. This occupation will give him untold pleasure.

4. Page turning

After a year, tearing the paper can be replaced by turning the pages of some picture book or magazine.

5. beads

Children like to touch small objects, which is very useful. Therefore, you can put on some beads with beads of various sizes and shapes. The child will touch them with his fingers with joy and interest.

6. bowl inserts

From them you can build towers, put them into each other. This game develops the child's concept of the size of objects.

7. cereals

Pour any cereal into a bowl and give it to the baby. He will touch the cereal with his hand or spill it through his fingers. This game develops fine motor skills and tactile sensations well.

8. Jars of cereals

Pour different cereals into jars and let the child dip his hand into each of the jars in turn. So he can feel different grains and take them with his fingers. You can complicate the task. In front of the child, bury some small object in the cereal and give him a jar. Let him try to find this item.

9. Drawing in the sand

Pour sand onto the tray. Take the child's finger in your hand and run it across the sand. You can start with simple shapes - lines, a rectangle, a circle, gradually complicating the task.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills


You will need a pea and a jar with a removable lid. Show the child that you first need to remove the lid, then take the pea with your fingers and put it in a jar, then close the lid. Ask your child to do the same. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time. Show the baby the whole chain of actions slowly several times and then he will definitely be able to repeat everything. Active children quickly get bored with this game, in this case there is no need to force them. Offer the child a different game.

11.Screw caps

Such a simple activity as screwing and unscrewing the lids of cans, bottles, bubbles develops finger dexterity. Offer your baby vessels of different sizes and shapes, this will make the game more diverse.

12.Fastening, unfastening and lacing

This exercise does not require any additional toys. Gradually include the child in the process of dressing. Let him fasten and unbutton his own buttons and zippers. This will not only develop hand movements, but also teach the child to be independent. Also, give your child some unnecessary lace-up shoes that will be a great hand trainer.

13. modeling

Modeling is suitable for children of all ages. Plasticine, clay, dough are suitable for modeling. When you are going to bake something, be sure to bring your child with you. He will love to knead and roll out the dough. In addition, he will be proud that he helps his mother.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands

14. Drawing and coloring

It is very useful to trace the outline of pictures, consisting of dotted lines, as well as color objects of various shapes. It is very useful to draw on vertical surfaces: wall, blackboard, mirror. Therefore, it is advisable to hang a special board for the baby so that he draws.

15. Collecting mosaics and puzzles

For children under 3 years old, puzzles and mosaics with large parts are chosen. Puzzles also train the imagination.

16. Cutting out

Buy baby scissors, glue stick, colored paper and cardboard. Teach him to craft. Cut out pictures, paste them, make snowflakes, etc. This will not only develop fine motor skills, but also spatial imagination and creative thinking.

However, it is worth remembering one simple thing. Games for the development of fine motor skills should be carried out under the supervision of adults. Otherwise, the child may swallow some small part or choke on it. You need to play games and perform exercises that develop fine motor skills systematically. Practice with your child every day and you will soon notice that your baby's movements become more and more smooth, clear and coordinated each time.

The normal development of the child, starting from infancy, requires classes on the development of fine motor skills. Many parents have probably heard this term, but not everyone knows what it means and why classes are so necessary. Let's talk about development of fine motor skills: what is it, why are classes needed, what should they be?

Children's physiology and features of the development of fine motor skills

Gross motor skills are body movements that are performed under the command of psychoanalytic reactions in the brain center. There are three main types of motor skills:

  1. Large. Large muscle work (jogging, push-ups)
  2. Small. Movement of the hands and fingers. This includes combining actions (eyes + hands when drawing).
  3. Articulation. Ability and ability to coordinate the functions of speech skills (coherent conversation).

Western scientists, having conducted research in the field of psychology, concluded that it is one third of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for fine motor skills. This part is "next door" to the brain speech center. This fact makes it possible to say that the development of fine motor skills in infants affects the formation process:

  • · speech skills;
  • memory
  • thinking;
  • logic;
  • imagination.

It was noticed that children who have good control over their hands are more diligent and get tired much less than children with whom no fine motor skills classes have been conducted.

A calendar of norms for the formation of fine motor skills in babies, or what and when you need to be able to?

Each age has its own norms for the development of fine motor skills, that is, the child is able to do a certain range of actions. As the nervous system matures and develops, the baby acquires more and more developmental opportunities. The formation of these skills must be monitored, since each subsequent achievement can only occur after the successful development of certain skills of one's age.

A step-by-step calendar of norms for the development of fine motor skills

  1. 4 months after birth. The first weeks of the newborn's hands are clenched into fists, and if we talk about the development of fine motor skills, then it is the unclenching of closed fists that can be called the first action in its development. All movements of the crumbs are still reflex, although the baby is trying to somehow coordinate them. Initially, he learns to control the movements of his eyes and head, then he reaches for objects with his hands, equally with his left and right, without highlighting the dominant one. Having caught the object in the palm at the reflex level, he clamps the brush.
  2. From 4 months to 1 year. There is an improvement in the movement of hands and fingers. Initially, the baby learns to use only one hand when holding an object. Further, this item is transferred from one hand to another. By six months, he confidently holds small objects in his palm, and by 7–8 he uses his thumb and forefinger in order to pick up small toys from the floor. Actively and consciously uses hands to help oneself sit up, stand up, hold. Closer to 12 months, he can safely touch the beads. You can read more about the development of a baby of this age in the article:.
  3. From 1 year to 2 years. Actions are getting better. At this age, the baby knows how to hold a spoon, handle it. Showing drawing skills. He can depict scribbles, dots and not quite even circles. Closer to two years, it is noticeable which of the hands is dominant. The child actively uses the index finger, showing it and touching unfamiliar objects with it.
  4. From 2 years to 3 years. The movements involve not only the hands, but also the forearms, elbows. By the age of three, the pencil takes the correct position in the hand and the first masterpieces come out from under it in the form of straight lines, circles, ovals, squares. At this time, the little one must be introduced to scissors. Normally, when he is three years old, he knows how to cut a sheet of paper in half.
  5. From 3 years to 4 years. The work uses the second hand. So, if a child draws with his right hand, then with his left he already holds the sheet on which he draws. He is able to color the figures, slightly going beyond the contour. It may well cut out a drawn large figure from paper. Closer to the age of four, he gets beautiful small details in his drawings.
  6. From 4 years to 5 years. Finger motor skills are almost perfect. The kid, playing and applying drawing skills, does not use the entire hand, but only the brush. The coloring of the drawings becomes clearer and the lines no longer go beyond the contour. With the help of scissors, he is able to cut quite complex figures.
  7. From 5 years to 6 years. Hand movements are coordinated. A pen or pencil is already confidently "lying" in the dominant hand. The kid knows how to write straight sticks in a certain field. Uses scissors well. In addition to the development of motor skills, you should think about social sociability and the education of independence. For this purpose, a pet is suitable. If your choice falls on a dog, then we advise you to read the article:.

What is the risk of this lack of development?

Insufficient level of fine motor skills slows down the process of formation of speech functions. If you do not conduct classes with a toddler, starting from infancy, then as a consequence, problems with memory and logical thinking will arise in the future. Today, there are quite a lot of devices, toys, activities that can help the baby. Parents, for their part, need to monitor the stages of development so that the child does not have problems with school performance, since the lack of development of fine motor skills leads to a lack of concentration, increased fatigue, and these indicators will inevitably lead to lagging behind peers.

How to develop fine motor skills in children ?

Starting from birth, parents should devote time to developing activities with the baby. First aid will be in putting rattles in the palms. Next, you need to let him touch different fabrics and textures. From 8 months, the following development methods can be applied.

Development of fine motor skills with massage

Carrying out a competent massage on the palms of the baby is an excellent option for developing motor skills. For massage sessions, you can attract an experienced specialist or knead the palms yourself. Manipulations begin at 3 months. For one session, 5 minutes is enough. Massage should be performed in the following sequence:

  • Gently stroke the child's palm for a minute;
  • rub your palm until warm;
  • · with light tapping movements of your fingers, walk along the hands and palms;
  • bend and unbend your fingers several times;
  • massage each finger individually.

Development of fine motor skills with finger games

Game No1. Okay.

Everyone remembers such words "Paladushki, patty, where they were at grandma's...". With the help of this game, the kid will learn to straighten the reflexively twisted fingers and clap his hands.

Game No2. beads

Entrust the child to sort out the buttons typed on a string or beads from small beads. Children love to touch such small objects with their little fingers. At an older age, you can invite the child to string beads on a thread or fishing line on their own.

Game No3. cereals

Such a game, in addition to motor skills, helps to become aware of tactile sensations. Pour any cereals into a bowl, buckwheat and rice are perfect. Give the bowl to the little one, let him touch it with his hands, sprinkle the cereal. You can hide in a bowl of cereal, a few small items, let the baby try to find them.

Game No4. Cinderella

After the age of 3, let your child help in the kitchen. Mix 3 types of cereals (peas, buckwheat, beans) let him sort the cereals into three different bowls.

Game No5. Guess

Blindfold the little one's eyes and give different objects to his hands, let him guess what is in his hands.

From the age of 7–9 months, you can offer your child colored paper. Let him crush it, feel it, tear it. At an older age, teach him to tear paper into strips or create applications from it. The smaller the pieces of torn paper will be, the more perfect the fine motor skills of the hands will become.

At the age of 1-1.5 years, show how to turn the pages in a book. The process will be much more exciting if the book is with bright pictures.

Exercise No3. Making a rattle

Give your child an empty plastic bottle and offer to throw small items into it. It can be beans, buttons or beads. Pour them on the table, let him take them himself and throw them into the bottle. At the end of the work, twist the bottle, let him play with the resulting rattle.

Development of fine motor skills through lessons

  1. Drawing. Initially, this is learning to hold a pencil in your hands. Next, drawing the first sticks, dots, outlining the contours of various objects. After drawings, letters, etc.
  2. Coloring. Teach your child to color both large and small objects. For these purposes, coloring pages, which the baby can already buy at 3 years old, are great help.
  3. Modeling. This activity is suitable for any age. For classes, you can use plasticine, clay or dough. Initially, it is enough to roll a ball or strip of plasticine. Any preparation of a dish from dough can also be turned into an exciting game. The kid will gladly help roll out and sculpt the dough. Learn how to spend time with your baby and make memorable casts from the article:.
  4. Cutting out. Children's scissors without sharp ends can be given to a child closer to 3 years. After he learns how to handle them, give him a glue stick and colored paper. Creating an application will help develop imagination.
  5. Embroidery. By the age of 5-6, it will be relevant to embroider with the child. More about this lesson in the article:.

Development of fine motor skills with educational toys

  1. Finger dexterity toys. Make a toy out of empty plastic bottles of different sizes and colors. The main idea is to twist and twist the caps on these bottles.
  2. Buttons. Teach your child how to fasten and unfasten buttons, open and close zippers. He can do it on his clothes or on yours.
  3. Lacing. For these purposes, you can use an old unnecessary boot or make a model with lacing. Have your child lace up and unlace the laces or ribbons.
  4. Mosaic. The main condition is that the details must correspond to age. So, small peanuts can be offered large details. Adults can purchase mosaics with small parts.
  5. Board with items. Such a toy is made from a piece of plywood and various devices: a switch, a latch, door hinges and other parts used in everyday life. The kid feels them with interest, opens, turns them on.
  6. Puzzles. Great for developing fine motor skills. These can be large puzzles that fold into a children's rug for the little ones. For older ones, you can use magnetic puzzles on the refrigerator. Well, for school age, standard paper puzzles with many details are suitable.
  7. Pyramid. Such a toy develops not only motor skills, but also logic. After all, the rings of the pyramid must be folded from largest to smallest.
  8. Constructor. For older children, a designer with small details is suitable. Such a toy trains the development of motor skills, logic, perseverance and many other skills.

If you understand, then any housework can turn into the development of fine motor skills for your child. You can train little fingers and grasping movements in all sorts of ways, the main thing is to show a little imagination. Engage in drawing, modeling, coloring with your child and in the future you will not have problems with the academic performance and development of your child.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev 

Olga Raevskaya

Perhaps every modern parent knows about the need development of fine motor skills. But not everyone finds the time and desire to seriously engage in this fun and rewarding process. But each group of skills needs develop at the right time. It is very important to understand that fine motor skills will help your child in the future to perform various household activities (fasten buttons, wash hands, wipe, study (write, draw, play.

Fine motor skills can be developed using various board games (mosaics, puzzles, lotto, dominoes, finger games and exercises, massage, special techniques.

There are many different ones in the shops educational games and manuals. However, having shown imagination, it is quite possible to get by with improvised materials. To interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not retreat if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child.

Games on development of fine motor skills in children

using available materials.

An excellent effect is given by beans, peas, cereals "baths". Pour dried peas, beans or buckwheat into a saucepan or large bowl. Then we hide small objects among legumes or cereals: toys from "kinder surprises", constructor details or something else. The task of the child is to find and pull out funny toys.

Take a bright tray. In a thin, even layer, scatter any small groats. Run your child's finger over the rump. Get a bright contrasting line. Let the kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves, letters, etc.).

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, sentencing:

"Knead, knead the dough,

There is room in the oven.

Will-will be from the oven

Buns and rolls."

Give the child a piece of cardboard and a simple pencil and ask him to draw some simple drawing. Then give him glue and beans. Let the child smear the cardboard with glue along the pencil line, and then stick the beans on it - you get a voluminous application.

Choose buttons of different colors and sizes. First, lay out the drawing yourself, then ask the child to do the same on their own. After the child learns to complete the task without your help, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a tumbler, a butterfly, a snowman, balls, beads, etc.

Give your child a round hair brush. The child rolls the brush between the palms, sentencing:

"At the pine, at the fir, the Christmas tree

Very sharp needles.

But even stronger than the spruce forest,

The juniper will prick you."

The child rolls a walnut between the palms and sentences:

"I roll my nut,

To become rounder than everyone.

The child holds two walnuts in one hand and rotates them one around the other.

Get a sink grate (usually it consists of many cells). The child walks with his index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. "Walk" you can alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, speaking:

"We wandered in the zoo,

Each cell was approached

And looked at everyone:

Bear cubs, wolf cubs, beavers.

We take a dumpling. Its surface is like a honeycomb. Child with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over honeycombs:

"Fingers, like bees, fly through the honeycomb

And they enter each with a check: what's there?

Will there be enough honey for all of us until spring,

To avoid hungry dreams?

Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, the child transfers the peas one by one to another mug. First with one hand, then with both hands at the same time, alternately with the thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. Any quatrains are chosen.

We put two corks from plastic bottles on the table with the thread up. It - "skis". Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. Moving on "skiing",taking a step for each stressed syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,

We love the fun of a cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

Child collects matches (or counting sticks) the same fingers of different hands (pads): two indexes, two middles, etc.

We are building "log" from matches or counting sticks. The higher and smoother the frame, the better.

Clothespin (check with your fingers that it is not too tight) alternately "bite" nail phalanges (from index finger to little finger and vice versa)on the stressed syllables of the verse:

“A silly kitten bites hard,

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)

But I'm playing with you baby

And you will bite tell you: "Shush!".

We pull the rope at the level of the child’s shoulders and give him a few clothespins. For each stressed syllable, the child hooks a clothespin to a rope.:

"I'll pinch the clothespins deftly

I'm on my mother's rope.

We cut out blanks of various shapes from colored cardboard and invite the child to complete the work - attach clothespins of the corresponding color along the edges. For example, turn a yellow circle into a sun with rays, a green triangle into a Christmas tree, etc.

We take the rope (as thick as a child's little finger) and tie 12 knots on it. The child, sorting through the nodes with his fingers, names the month of the year in order for each node. You can make similar devices from beads, buttons, etc.

The child crumples, starting from the corner, a handkerchief (or plastic bag) so that it all fits in the cam.

Stringing beads and buttons. In summer, you can make beads from mountain ash, nuts, pumpkin seeds and cucumbers, small fruits, etc.. e. An interesting activity for development of the imagination, fantasies and fine motor skills of hands.

Be sure to supervise your child while playing with small items!

In this article, we will consider the subject of what fine motor skills are, how they are developed, and what significance they play in the development of a child's speech.

What is fine motor skills, its meaning

Fine motor skills - a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes. The field of fine motor skills includes many different movements: from primitive gestures, such as grasping objects, to very small movements, on which, for example, human handwriting depends.
The value of fine motor skills is very great! It is directly related to the full development of speech. Why? Our brain is arranged in such a way that separate centers are responsible for certain operations. The centers of the brain responsible for motor skills and speech are located nearby and closely interact with each other. By developing fine motor skills of the hand, we activate these parts of the brain and neighboring ones. And the neighbors, just, are responsible for the development of speech. Thus, the development of speech and the development of fine motor skills of the hand are interdependent. The connection between finger motor skills and speech function was confirmed by researchers from the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents.
Fine motor skills of the hands are responsible not only for speech, but also interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, coordination in space, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, speech.
The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of a child's intellectual readiness for schooling. A child with a high level of development of fine motor skills (he has mobile and dexterous fingers) will learn to speak without much difficulty, speech will develop correctly. He knows how to reason logically, he has developed memory, attention, coherent speech. A preschooler with a low level of motor development gets tired quickly. His attention quickly dissipates, a feeling of anxiety appears. It is difficult for him to complete tasks related to writing, for example, circle a figure. In the future, this can lead to a lag in learning.
Therefore, the correct and methodical development of finger and hand movements stimulates the child's speech development in general and favorably affects the correction of speech defects in particular. And this work must begin at an early age. Conversely, in children with delayed speech development, poor coordination of fine motor skills of the fingers is observed.
The development of fine motor skills is also important because the entire future life of the child will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to perform a wide variety of household and educational activities: dressing, holding a spoon, pencil, drawing and writing, tying shoelaces, fasten buttons (and in this case we are talking about the readiness of the child for school).

The main stages in the development of motor skills of the hand

Fine motor skills develop naturally from infancy on the basis of gross motor skills.
As a rule, if the movements of the fingers are developed in accordance with age, then the speech development of the child is within the age norm. If fine motor skills are poorly developed, then there are lags in mastering speech.
Below are the possibilities of fine motor skills of a child at a certain age stage.

  • 2-3 months: the child explores the world with his hands, he looks at them, reaches for objects and toys, grabs himself and you by the fingers. And this is not just a game and communication, these are the first steps in the development of motor skills;
  • 3-6 months: directs hands to the mouth, follows the movement of the hands, under the control of vision directs the hand to the object and captures it;
  • 8-12 months: shifts an object from one hand to another, can put a spoon in a cup, cubes in a box, the child takes a small object with two fingers (tip of thumb and forefinger) - precise pincer grip;
  • 8-13 months: the child separates the object under the control of vision;
  • 10-12 months: the child holds a toy with one hand and plays with it with the other;
  • 10-13 months: the child repeats actions with objects after an adult (pushing a toy car);
  • 11-14 months: the child is trying to draw "doodles";
  • 12-18 months: the child turns the pages of the book all at once, holds a pencil well, knows how to hold a cup, a spoon, and unfold an object wrapped in paper;
  • 13-18 months: the child puts a cube on a cube;
  • 14-16 months: the child can connect objects, unscrew small screw caps under visual control;
  • 15-18 months: the child collects pyramids without taking into account the rings;
  • 17-20 months: the child puts 3 cubes on top of each other, turns the pages of the book one at a time, holds two objects in one hand;
  • 17-24 months: the child grasps a moving object;
  • 18-24 months: the child lowers a small object into a small hole, tears the paper;
  • 20-24 months: the child tries to stop the rolling ball, strings large beads on the cord;
  • 21-24 months: the child pours liquid from one container to another;
  • 22-24 months: the child puts 4-6 cubes on top of each other;
  • 2–3 years: opens a box and overturns its contents, plays with sand and clay, opens lids, uses scissors, paints with a finger, can twist a phone dial with a finger, draws dashes, reproduces simple shapes, draws a cross after a pattern;
  • 3-4 years: holds a pencil, copies shapes with a few strokes, outlines, assembles and builds buildings with 9 cubes;
  • 4-5 years: draws with pencils, paints simple shapes, builds buildings with more than 9 cubes, folds paper more than once, identifies objects in a bag by touch, sculpts with plasticine, laces shoes, copies capital block letters, draws a simple “house” (square and diagonals ), draws a person (depicting from 2 to 3 parts of his body), copies a square, a star, adds three parts to an unfinished picture;
  • 5-6 years: carefully cuts out pictures, writes letters and numbers, adds missing details to the picture, hits a nail with a hammer, reproduces geometric shapes according to a model (and without a sample).

Ways to develop fine motor skills

Job options may include:

Famous funny folk rhymes, finger games, such as:

  • "Forty-white-sided ...",
  • "Sweets, slicks...",
  • "A horned goat is coming..."
  • "Finger-boy, where have you been? ..",
  • “This finger is a grandfather ...” and others.

Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, teach to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the child's speech activity.
If a child, performing exercises, accompanies them with short poetic lines, then his speech becomes more clear, rhythmic, and vivid. The kid learns to concentrate his attention and distribute it correctly. Memory develops as he learns to memorize certain hand positions and sequences of movements. The baby develops imagination and fantasy.
These games allow children to navigate in terms of: "right", "left", "up", "down". These exercises are aimed at improving the mobility of the fingers, developing their strength and flexibility, developing dexterity, the ability to control their movements, and concentrate on one type of activity. Such games allow children to be liberated, feel confident, and contribute to the establishment of trusting relationships with adults.

  1. Educational toys:

The listed variants of toys develop fine motor skills of the hand (sequence and accuracy of movements), coordinate the work of the eyes and hands (develop the accuracy of the eye, a sense of symmetry), contribute to the development of spatial, figurative, logical and associative thinking, develop memory, attention, imagination and creativity of the child , fantasy, perception of color, shape and size of an object. Tactile sensations are also developing on the basis of different sizes, shapes and materials of toys. Such games train the ability to analyze information and make decisions taking into account the conditions, the ability to act according to the model and independently, train perseverance, patience, focus on activities, accuracy and the ability to receive aesthetic pleasure from the final result. All this has a formative effect on the mental and personal development of the child. Also, this type of games has a beneficial effect on preparing for school (especially in mastering writing).

  1. Drawing simple geometric shapes, letters, numbers in the air and on the table with the finger of the dominant hand, then with the other hand and both hands together.

When selecting game exercises and game material, a number of principles should be taken into account:

  • take into account the age and individual capabilities of the child (both simple and complex types of work deprive the child of interest in performance);
  • It is important to remember that only the joint activities of an adult and a child will give a positive result. Personal relations between an adult and a child should be built on the basis of trust, mutual understanding, goodwill (the child knows that he will receive the necessary help in case of difficulties);
  • occupation is a game (mastering new information should bring joy to children, be an interesting process);
  • praise the child
  • the game must be completed (even if it caused difficulties);
  • during the lesson, the child should not be distracted by foreign objects - remove them from the field of view. Do not give toys with which you will be engaged for constant games, otherwise the baby will lose interest in them;
  • work on the development of finger and hand movements should be carried out systematically;
  • take into account the duration of the work (the activity should captivate the child, and not tire him, depriving him of strength);
  • exercises are worked out gradually and are initially performed passively, with the help of adults;
  • gradual complication of game material, exercises (from simple to complex).

It is necessary to start work on the development of fine motor skills from a very early age, but even at a later age, exercises will be useful and effective.
Already an infant (6-7 months old) can stroke and rub the palms up and down, massage the fingers up and down, then in a spiral way. An adult can bend and unbend the child's fingers, holding in his hand.
At 10 months, roll balls, balls and sticks of different sizes between the palms and fingers, tear paper, pinch off pieces from a piece of clay or plasticine, transfer various small objects (beads, buttons, etc.) from one box to another (beads, buttons, etc.) with one hand or two simultaneously.
Then the baby can begin to teach movements that imitate familiar actions and objects.
With age and skill, the work becomes more complex and more varied.
In early and younger preschool age you need to perform simple exercises accompanied by a poetic text, do not forget about the development of elementary self-service skills: fasten and unfasten buttons, tie shoelaces, etc.
And, of course, at the senior preschool age, work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements should become an important part of preparing for school, in particular, for writing.