Do-it-yourself poster for May 9 templates. Wall newspaper for Victory Day

In the history of every country there are dates that should not be forgotten, which through the years and through the generations will remain sacred. For our country, these are the years of the Great Patriotic War. Four long years this war: 1418 days and nights. Great Victory! We are the heirs of this...

Wall newspaper for the Victory Day. Victory Day the brightest and most important holiday for us, for the inhabitants of Russia. We must remember the horrors of the Great Patriotic War and the triumph victories over the fascist invaders and must pass this memory on to the next generations. I certainly don't...

Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters for May 9 - Wall newspaper "Thank you for the Great Victory!" dedicated to the holiday of May 9, the second junior group

Publication "Wall newspaper "Thank you for the Great Victory!" dedicated to the holiday of May 9, ... "
Wall newspaper "Thank you for the Great Victory!" Every year our country celebrates another peaceful spring, but time, front-line wounds and diseases are inexorable. Of every 100 winners, only two survive today. And this sad statistic makes us, all those who were born after...

MAAM Pictures Library

To instill patriotism, respect, a sense of pride and gratitude for the great deeds of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. To develop artistic and creative abilities. May 9 - Victory Day is celebrated all over the world as a sign of gratitude to our people for a great feat. Our people...

Purpose: to bring up the desire of children to publish a newspaper for the holiday of Victory Day. Tasks: to develop the ability of children to roll balls from napkins, to develop fine motor skills hands, to complete the star and the inscription on May 9, to educate the desire of children to work in a team, to educate pride ...

Purpose: To educate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, respect for the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. To introduce the production of a wall newspaper using the collage technique. Raise respect for veterans. Material: illustrations depicting the Victory Day holiday, a large sheet of drawing paper,...

Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters for May 9 - Posters congratulating veterans on Victory Day

May 9 - our Great country will celebrate Victory Day! It's a holiday with tears in your eyes! On the eve of this wonderful and beloved holiday, I prepared 2 posters with my preschool children - congratulations for our veterans of the Great Patriotic War. First poster...

May 9 is approaching - the national holiday of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The road to victory was not easy. A lot of people died in this terrible war. Thanks to the brave, strong soldiers, our country won. To fight the enemy...

Victory Day - this holiday occupies a special place in the life of every person. Our generation was born and raised in peacetime. We have never heard the sirens announcing a military alarm, we have never seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what an unheated dwelling is and ...

May 9 is the most important holiday, celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. Traditionally, on Victory Day, the streets of settlements are decorated, holiday posters and banners are hung in parks and along roads. Every citizen who wants to pay tribute to the memory should congratulate the veterans with a colorful congratulatory wall newspaper, the template of which can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website.

Using the blank, it is easy to decorate a school class or a corridor in an educational institution. Young people are encouraged to hang home-made posters in the entrances of houses where the participants in the brutal war live, who gave their youth to the Victory over fascism. Older people will gladly accept such pleasant signs of attention.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The template of this newspaper consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large picture.

How to make a wall newspaper for Victory Day

  1. A blank wall newspaper is a template similar to children's coloring books. To get the final picture, just follow a few simple steps:
  2. Connect the fragments so that the result is the picture conceived by the artist.
  3. Colorize the outline image with appropriate colors, leaving blank spaces for captions. To do this, you can use felt-tip pens, paints or colored pencils.
  4. Write in the remaining clouds

This article will help you design an original wall newspaper or poster for Victory Day. Previously, tips have already been published that will help in this matter: you can learn ways to decorate a congratulatory poster.

The poster can be either a standard rectangular shape or any other, more creative one, for example, in the shape of a star, oval, flag. Also, instead of a single base, you can attach individual elements of a wall newspaper or poster directly to the fabric (the same flag, Soviet brocade) or directly to the wall (cut out large letters and numbers “May 9”, “Victory”, “70 years of the Great Victory”). The content of a congratulatory poster can be lyrical (poems, text of military songs), prosaic (newspaper clippings about the war, excerpts from letters of participants in the Second World War), informative (documentary historical facts relating to the Second World War).

Patriotic poems for Victory Day are widely represented on the net, your task is to choose what will touch the strings of your soul.

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
Let the years of peace pass quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.

May you now fathers and grandfathers,
Whiskey turned gray.
In the century you will not forget the spring of Victory,
The day the war ended.

Let many today not in the ranks,
We remember everything that was done then,
And we promise our Motherland
Save for business, peace and labor.

Your wall newspaper can be very useful if you present little-known interesting facts about the Second World War, for example:
  • the Nazis conquered France in 38 days, and in Stalingrad this time was not enough for them even to move from one side of the street to the other;
  • 80 thousand Soviet officers during the Second World War were women;
  • Abroad, Victory Day is celebrated on May 8, since the act of surrender was signed on May 8, 1945 at 22:43 Central European time (and Moscow time on May 9 at 0:43).
The price of victory can be clearly reflected on the poster with photographs of war times. This may be enough to express my understanding and respect for the generation of heroes of the Great Patriotic War. You can pick up photos of both military scenes and modern ones from the parade, veterans in medals. An interesting idea for a class at school or a group in kindergarten is to take a picture of each child with one of the greeting letters or their own drawing. You can design a poster in retro style as a Soviet poster. You will find examples of real posters of those times by searching for “Soviet posters from the times of the Great Patriotic War” in the search engine of your browser. The most popular are “Mother for the Motherland!”, “Glory to the victorious warrior!”. A poster, as a rule, is made by one or a group of people, but what can be done so that everyone can contribute to the common cause? Instead of or together with the poster competition, the organizers can hold a competition for the best drawing on asphalt for Victory Day. Then each child will be able to portray their attitude to the Great Victory and join the holiday.

It's great that every year the celebrations for the Victory Day are becoming larger and more interesting. Patriotic flash mobs, contests of thematic works are a way to introduce the younger generation to great joy and pride in our Motherland, to thank the participants in that terrible war for freedom, for the peaceful sky above their heads!

Materials and tools:

paper sheet of A1 format;

sheets of A4 office paper;

thick black colored paper (substrate for letters);

A sheet of colored paper in gold or silver color from a standard school set (for the corrugated base of the order);

foil cardboard of gold and red color (for letters and orders);

colored corrugated paper of red, brown, orange colors (for trimming), as well as green, red, pink and orange colors (for carnations);

kraft paper;

corrugated cardboard (usual packaging);

clerical (dummy) knife;

ballpoint pen rod;

glue stick;

glue "Moment Crystal";

double sided tape;

voluminous double-sided tape;

thermal gun;

brown ink pad (or gouache);

George Ribbon.

So, how to design a wall newspaper for Victory Day, guided by the example that Olga demonstrates? In fact, this task is not so difficult, especially since there are ready-made templates for cutting out a number of elements, as well as a selection of photos of the war years (from open sources) used to create a collage.

Materials for the wall newspaper can be downloaded here:

From a creative point of view, the process promises to be very interesting, because several techniques are involved here at once, in particular, cutting, trimming, paper-plastic. And it will be necessary to think carefully about the construction of the composition (although you can copy it in general terms).

There is a lot of work in general, but if you draw up a wall newspaper with the whole class, then things will work out very quickly.

Let's start in order.

Print out letter templates for phrases on plain office paper. "We remember!" and "We are proud!".

Cut out the letters with small allowances. After attaching the template to the foil (gold) cardboard with a stapler, cut out the letter with a clerical knife.

Glue the letter onto a backing in a contrasting color. Cut out the backing with small allowances (1-2 mm) relative to the letter.

Stick pieces of bulky double-sided tape on the wrong side (if there is no bulky one, then you can use a regular one).

Prepare the rest of the letters in the same way.

This is how the letters look on the wall newspaper.

Number 9 and word "MAYA" are made using the technique of facing. From corrugated paper, cut many squares with a side of about 1 cm.

Print and cut out templates.

Note: the nine pattern without marking is used when trimming in one color, and the pattern with marking is used when trimming in the colors of the St. George ribbon. In addition, you can use templates in color - in this case, small flaws made by children will not be noticeable.

Stick transparent double-sided tape or glue on the template area. Take a paper square, press the blunt end of the ballpoint pen to the center, cover the rod with paper and roll the workpiece with your fingers.

Glue the resulting blank onto the template. Glue all these elements tightly enough to each other (more details on the techniques of trimming can be found here:

The work is simple, but painstaking. However, if you perform it in several hands - a completely different calico. :) For more details on how it was, see Olga's blog.

Now oh photos for collage.

As I already mentioned, in the archive with materials for the wall newspaper for Victory Day there is already a selection of military photographs. You just need to bring them to the desired size and print. Or you can immediately print the file “Military Photos (for printing)”, which Olga prepared for her wall newspaper.

Photos can be cut with curly scissors (for example, with an imitation of a “torn edge”).

Tone the edges with a brown stamp pad - "antique". In the absence of a stamp pad, gouache and a piece of sponge are quite suitable as a substitute. Do not take a lot of paint and be sure to try it on a draft first.

From the kraft paper, cut out a backing slightly larger than the photo. Crease and straighten the backing.

Glue the photo to the backing.

Order of the Patriotic War

To make the order, you will need templates (available in downloadable materials for the wall newspaper). Print them on plain office paper, cut out the elements individually with a small allowance. Attach the templates with a stapler to colored foil cardboard and cut out the details.

The round part at number 2 (with the words "Patriotic War") is printed immediately "clean", in color.

Pierce and fold the details of the corrugated base and the star into an accordion shape. Glue strips (their templates are located to the right of the star) on the inner surfaces of the side faces of the rays of the star, they will help keep the shape.

Glue all the details of the order one by one. It is better to glue the star to the corrugated base, as well as the finished order to the wall newspaper, pointwise with hot glue.

The rifle and the saber are not exactly placed here, so when creating your own model of the order, be guided by the original.

In the center of the wall newspaper there is a printed poem by M. Vladimov “When we were not yet in the world ...” (also available in the materials), framed in a simple frame made of two-layer corrugated cardboard (the top layer is separated from the usual three-layer one).

And one more element of the composition is a bouquet of carnations made of paper, entwined with a St. George ribbon. The technique of making such flowers, I think, is familiar to many. And if not yet, then you can fill the gap in the "Country of Masters":

Here is such a wall newspaper for the Victory Day that the guys got.

We hope that the presented design ideas will be useful to you.

Happy 70th anniversary of the Great Victory! Peace and prosperity, health, love and happiness to you!

And may the thread of memory of the great feat of our relatives, of the Victory and the price that had to be paid for it, never break!


Inna Pyshkina and KARTONKINO team

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for May 9 is a good opportunity to add solemnity to the Victory Day. In this master class, we will make a "soldier's diary" wall newspaper with three-dimensional elements.

Necessary materials:

  • drawing paper - 2 pieces of A1 and A2 format;
  • colored paper or red cardboard - 2 A4 sheets;
  • gouache - 6 or more colors;
  • natural flat brushes (synthetics can also be used) - the largest that are available;
  • hard pencil;
  • grater;
  • 1-2 tea bags;
  • container for tea;
  • acrylic glue with a shimmer;
  • glue in a sticker for paper;
  • foil, preferably with a paper base on one side;
  • crepe (floristic) paper - 1 meter of green and red;
  • St. George ribbon (optional, you can do it yourself);
  • pre-war photo of a girl (you can use a black and white printout);
  • old newspaper;
  • lighter;
  • cotton clean rag;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • compasses (not necessary, you can use improvised items, for example, lids from dishes, etc.);
  • sponge;
  • blanks with poems of military subjects or memoirs of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

Step-by-step instruction

It is necessary to start work by preparing the workplace: we will need a desk if it is large enough for the A1 paper format or free space on the floor.

The first step will be the manufacture of aged paper to imitate fragments of a soldier's diary. To do this, brew strong tea, in the proportion of 300 ml per 2 tea bags. While the tea is cooling, you can start marking the main drawing paper.

Our A1 sheet will be placed on a table or floor. To outline the place for the diary from the area for creating inscriptions, we will attach A2 drawing paper to our “base” and outline the borders.

With an indent of 10-15 centimeters from the upper edge, we draw a place according to the inscription "Victory Day".

When the tea leaves have cooled down, you can start “aging” the paper. Having laid out sheet A2 on the table, we evenly distribute the tea leaves over the area in any convenient way, starting with a brush and ending with a sponge.

Please note that for a greater effect of "old age", the paper must first be wrinkled. Also, to enhance the effect of tea, you can simply dip the entire paper into the container, but you need to do this carefully so that when you remove the paper, it does not tear or soften. Therefore, in order not to overdo it, it is enough to apply a strong tea leaves over the sheet. When the sheet is softened, we transfer it to dry on the balcony or in any dry place for half an hour.

We mark the borders of the nine on colored paper using a compass or, as shown in the photo, using an ordinary saucer.

With a clerical knife, cut out the number 9 along the outlined outline.

Note: it is better to put a piece of plywood or any other solid base under the paper so as not to cut through the table.

From the remaining sheet of red paper with scissors, cut out the base 7x20 cm for the word "May" along the previously outlined contour.

We put aside all the blanks for now and return to the military diary, which by this time has dried up a bit. To give it a complete look, we use fire.

While the sheet is not yet completely dry, exposure to a lighter will add yellowness around the edges. To make it look even more realistic, you can cut off the edges a little before firing. So the wall newspaper will look more voluminous. Result compared to white paper:

Now you can start creating a symbol of the world - a clear sky. And for this we will use the blur technique. Prepare blue and white gouache, a sponge, a cotton rag and clean water in a jar. Please note that it is more convenient to apply gouache with a small brush over a large area, if it is diluted beforehand to an almost liquid mushy state.

We apply the paint on the paper from top to bottom, from left to right, to create a graduated color effect.

When the paper is completely covered with gouache, we wait a few seconds for the paint to dry a little. Washing is needed to make the color uniform, as gouache can often lay down with characteristic dark stripes. So, let's use a wet rag, as shown in the video:

When the base for the sky is ready, apply white clouds with a sponge. Note: the sponge must be dry, the paint not diluted, and the paper base must be damp. So the clouds will have a more jerky and airy appearance.

We apply white color with light movements, distributing the clouds over the entire area of ​​the drawing paper.

To complete the sky, let's make some final touches. In a circular motion, using a sponge, add curls (counterclockwise) as shown below.

While the base of the wall newspaper dries up, let's add a few entries to the soldier's diary. The page on the left symbolizes the beginning of the war - here we will place a poem or any other note of those times (you can use the memoirs of soldiers).

The right side symbolizes victory and the end of the war. After the entries are ready, we will stick a photo of the girl on the diary. If a printout is used, then it can also be aged with tea. To do this, it is dipped for 2 seconds in a container with tea leaves, and then ironed for several seconds (previously, you need to put a printout between two clean sheets or use a newspaper).

We glue the photo of the girl on the diary using glue in the sticker.

In the places outlined earlier on the pages of the diary, we make two holes with a clerical knife. From a piece of foil measuring 5x5 cm, we twist the element for fastening the pages and thread it, twisting the loops from the bottom so that the foil does not slip out.

We make a stencil for the medal of glory (you can also use a printout). According to the finished stencil, we cut out a star from foil measuring 7x7 cm with a clerical knife.

Glue the star onto the pages of the diary with acrylic glue. Since the base has already dried, you can glue all the blanks.

By May 9, a wall newspaper is made with your own hands for a long time, so the manufacture of tulips can be simplified by observing only external symbols.

We will need: crepe paper of both colors, scissors, glue and newspaper.

The first stage is flower stems. We twist the newspaper from the corner, as shown in the photo

Important: the stem should be thin, because being thick it loses its flexibility. Glue the finished rolled newspaper along the edge.

We cut a thin strip of green crepe paper along the pattern 60 centimeters long. One strip is enough to wrap one stem. We apply glue to the beginning of the strip and glue it to the upper base of the stem.

We stretch the strip around the newspaper tube in a spiral, as shown in the video

By analogy, we do the rest of the stems. When this stage is passed, cut out the leaves (5-6 pieces) 12-15 cm long and 4-6 cm wide. Glue them at the base of the stem.

Now let's move on to the petals. For one tulip you will need 6 petals - these are 9 strips of crepe paper 7x60 cm. Prepare the paper - cut off 9 strips 7x60 cm, stack and cut in half - you get 18 sheets 7x30.

We form the petals as shown in the video.

We fix the finished petals with glue on the stems, 6 pieces for each, evenly distributing them around the perimeter. First, the first 3 are attached, then the rest, overlapping the joints between the previous petals.

When the tulips are ready, you can proceed to the final stage of our do-it-yourself wall newspaper.

The final part is writing the name of the holiday against the blue sky. So, let's draw the upper part, previously prepared for the inscription. With a step of 1.5 cm, we draw with a pencil letters measuring 5 cm in length and 7.5 cm in height.

Note: to design the font in a characteristic pre-war style, you can use a stencil or a regular printout. Here the letters were applied manually, in Cyrillic Real Truth font. (imitation of the font of the Pravda newspaper of wartime).

After the gouache has dried, we proceed to gluing the main elements of the wall newspaper. For more naturalness, tulip stems can be added with a kink or bend - a twisted newspaper base is quite flexible.

For the final touches, add a few drops of silver glitter acrylic glue to the tulip petals.